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Caso de éxito: Starbucks Coffee Los factores clave de éxito que he identificado en el caso son los siguientes:Servicio vs. ProductoStarbucks entiende el café como un servicio al cliente más que como la venta de un producto de consumo. En ese punto está la clave que ha marcado la diferenciación de la compañía. La experiencia Starbucks es servicio, tiempo. Relax, ambiente agradable, etc.; pero también es un café diferente y de excelente calidad. Esta mezcla de producto y servicios ha conseguido generar mucho valor. Que el cliente aprecia.Orientación total al clienteLos baristas de los puntos de venta Starbucks reciben una formación totalmente encarada a la orientación al cliente. La máxima de que el cliente siempre tiene la razón (king Costumer) es prioritaria en la compañía. Los baristas no solo deben ofrecer el servicio sino que deben conseguir que cada cliente se sienta único y especial. No es extraño que los clientes habituales sean tratados por su nombre y que se conozcan sus gustos y preferencias para poder aconsejarles.Uso de la satisfacción del empleado como generador de satisfacción del clienteEn Starbucks se ha comprendido que es muy complicado aportar satisfacción a los clientes si primero no la tienen los propios empleados de la compañía. Empezando por llamarles Socios hasta llevar políticas de recursos Humanos muy enfocadas a la satisfacción de los empleados, no solo han conseguido maximizar la satisfacción de los clientes sino que también se han minimizado los índices de rotación de empleados (muy por debajo de los ratios del sector). Las políticas de formación son un punto muy importante para Starbucks.Identificación del cliente objetivoLa compañía ha sabido identificar el público/cliente objetivo y de esta forma ha podido llevar a cabo planes de marketing muy enfocados a su target. Este hecho ha aportado mayor rentabilidad a la estrategia de diferenciación escogida. El cliente trabajador, con ingresos medio-altos, urbano, etc…se siente identificado con la experiencia Starbucks y ahí reside parte del éxito.Uso del marketing relacionalEn Starbucks no existe un departamento de marketing al uso sino que toda la compañía está enfocada al marketing. El uso que hacen del marketing relacional buscando la fidelización de los clientes es excelente y permite que su inversión en publicidad y otros elementos de comunicación sea muy baja. El marketing relacional permite dirigirse al cliente creando un vínculo entre éste y la compañía que aporta rentabilidad a largo plazo.Mantenimiento de un buen producto que sustente los serviciosA pesar del uso de los servicios que envuelven al producto como justificación para poder aplicar una alta política de precios, la compañía no ha olvidado que sin el producto no existirían tales servicios. Con esta filosofía, la materia prima siempre es de excelente calidad (consiguiendo economías de escala en las compras e incluso integrándose verticalmente hacia atrás) y el producto final tiene mucha variedad y se puede personalizar para cada cliente.Ubicación de los puntos de ventaEl acceso a los locales es sencillo porque están donde deben estar. Cada lugar comercialmente importante de cada ciudad importante tiene un Starbucks en el que poder disfrutar de la experiencia del café. Una estrategia de implantación de locales acertada es clave de éxito en cualquier negocio que haga de su punto de venta parte del servicio/producto que comercializa. En difinitiva, Starbucks cambió sustancialmente el concepto tradicional de cafetería y ha conseguido que algo tan sencillo como una taza de café se convierta en algo diferente y especial para los consumidores.
Albert Camus (1913-1960)

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Albert Camus (1913-1960)

Albert Camus was born in Mondovi, Algeria in 1913. His father died one year later, and Camus' mother raised him alone. His mother was impoverished and nearly deaf, so the two of them moved to Camus' grandmother's apartment in the Belcourt section of Algiers, near the Arab Quarter of the city. Camus occupied himself with school and sports, proving to be an excellent student and an admirable competitor. He was tutored by an instructor named Louis Germain at the local school, and in 1923 he passed the lyce entrance exams. He was accepted to the school of philosophy at the University of Algiers, but had to take leave due to a bout with tuberculosis. He recommenced his education in 1930, and financed his time at the university through various odd jobs like working for the Meteorological Institute, selling spare car parts, and private tutoring. He received his diplme d'tudes suprieures in 1936, and took his first trip to Europe in the same year under the auspices of improving his health. In 1937 he published his first book, a collection of essays entitled L'Envers et L'endroit.Albert Camus

From 1934 to their divorce in 1936, Camus maintained a short marriage to Simone Hi, the daughter of a wealthy opthalmologist. Camus joined the Communist Party in 1934, but his relationship with the party was not an easy one, and would remain ambivalent throughout his life. Also during his time at university, from 1935-39 Camus, with a group of young left-wing intellectuals, founded the Thtre de l'Equipe, or the Workers' Theatre. This group wrote a collective play called Rvolte dans les Asturies, which would constitute Camus' first experience of writing for theatre.In 1938 Camus became a journalist for an anti-colonialist newspaper called the Alger-Republicain.Camus left Algiers in 1940 for Paris, hoping to work as a reporter for the leftist press. This same year the German army invaded France, so he returned to North Africa. He found a teaching position in Oran, and was married for his second time to Francine Faure, a mathematics instructor. Camus was a self-proclaimed pacifist, writing openly against war in Europe, and this put him in danger at this time due to the political right's rise in power in both France and Algeria. His stay in Oran was short-lived, as he was "advised" to leave Algeria in March 1940, having been declared a "threat to national security". Camus' exile began when he traveled back to Paris.

During the war, Camus published a number of works which have become associated with his doctrine of the absurd: his idea it is impossible to make rational sense of one's experience, and human life is made meaningless by mortality. He writes: "This heart within me I can feel, and I judge that it exists. This world I can touch, and I likewise judge that it exists. There ends all my knowledge, and the rest is construction." The novel, The Stranger (1942; Eng. trans., 1946), has become the quintessential work of fiction of the 20th century on the theme of the alienated outsider. He published with a number of political essays.

In 1944 Camus' wife gave birth to twins, Catherine and Jean. By this time Camus had become a leading voice for the French working class and social change, even attempting to form his own socialist party (a project that was never actualized).

In 1949 Camus had a relapse of his tuberculosis, and he locked himself in seclusion to write. When he recovered in 1951 he published L'Homme Rvolt (The Rebel), a text on artistic, historical, and metaphysical rebellion, in which he lays out the difference between revolution and revolt.

Camus prefers Mediterranean humanism, a philosophy grounded in nature and moderation, to the violence and historicism he sees as part and parcel to what he calls the "Absolutist" philosophies. Camus remained an active advocate for human right, increasing his political activities throughout the 1950s. He came back into favor with intellectual circles in 1956 with the publication of his novel The Fall. In 1957 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature for his essay Rflexions Sur la Guillotine as an influential work on behalf of human rights.

Throughout his life, Camus continued to work for the theatre, taking on the various roles of actor, director, playwright and translator.

On January 4, 1960, Camus died in a car accident near Sens, France, while on his return to Paris with his friend and publisher Michel Gallimard. Found in his papers was the novel The First Man, a fictionalized account of his family history, which was published in 1995.

"Si el hombre fracasa en conciliar la justicia y la libertad, fracasa en todo."

"No ser amados es una simple desventura; la verdadera desgracia es no amar."

"If man fails to reconcile justice and freedom, fails in everything."

"Not being loved is a simple misfortune, the real disgrace is not love."
