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Academic Clinical Fellow Handbook 2017 - University...

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Academic Clinical Fellow Handbook 2017 This handbook contains general information about The University of Manchester’s ACF programme as well as the schedule for assisting and monitoring academic progress.
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Academic Clinical Fellow Handbook 2017

This handbook contains general information about The

University of Manchester’s ACF programme as well as the

schedule for assisting and monitoring academic progress.

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Welcome to the Academic Clinical Fellows Programme


Welcome to The University of Manchester and the Health Education North West Integrated Academic

Training (ICAT) Programme. We are delighted that you have chosen our programme for the next phase of

your clinical and academic training. The two organisations work very closely together to deliver an

individualised high quality education.

We host the second largest ACF programme in the UK, with over 100 ACFs recruited since 1997. The

University of Manchester has an international reputation for high quality medical research, and the overall

scale and diversity of our research at this University is unrivalled in the UK.

The ICAT team is here to make sure you make the most of this opportunity, and we are here to help and to

advise. Further information can also be found on our webpages:


A key Manchester achievement was to set up a new system with an academic advisor appointed to support

each of you in your academic training.

This has proven very successful, and the Deanery will now use this to form the basis of assessing your

progression at ARCP. Therefore full engagement with this process is mandatory in order to continue in the

ACF programme.

We are keen that you succeed and realise your potential: in particular we want to help you towards

successful Fellowship applications in order to undertake a cutting edge PhD in your chosen field of study.

To that end, you will also interact closely with the Faculty Fellowship Academy (Prof Neil Hanley) from the



NB: Clinical placements, rotations and progress are managed by Health Education North

West, not the University.

Please do not hesitate to contact your local academic team (supervisor, advisor), our Administrator Laura

Jammeh or the ACF programme lead if you have any queries.

We hope that you enjoy your time in Manchester… as an ACF and beyond!

Dr Tracy Briggs, ACF Programme Lead

[email protected]

Prof Rachel Lennon, ICAT Lead

[email protected]

Ms Laura Jammeh, ICAT Programme Administrator

[email protected]

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NIHR ACFs are part of the Integrated Clinical Academic Training (ICAT) Pathway in England, established in

order to promote academic medicine and dentistry, and to provide a clear route for doctors and dentists

interested in an academic career. An NIHR ACF post is intended to support medical and dental trainees

who are at the early stages of specialty training and who wish to develop an academic career alongside

their clinical training. Posts have 25% protected academic time for trainees to develop their academic

research skills and prepare an application for a Fellowship award to undertake a higher research degree

ACF posts are only available to medically qualified candidates and are aimed at those who, at the early

stages of their specialty training, show outstanding potential for a career in academic medicine or dentistry.

The duration of an ACF is for a maximum of 3 years (4 years for GPs). During this time, alongside clinical

training, ACFs will be able to develop their academic skills and be supported in preparing an application for

a Research Training Fellowship (to undertake a higher research degree) or an application for a place on an

educational programme (leading to a higher degree). Success in these applications is a measured outcome

of the ACF programme.

Organising your Academic/Clinical time split

Academic training time must fit in with clinical rotas (See ‘Entry, Eligibility and Exit Points’

http://www.nihr.ac.uk/funding/acf-information-for-applicants.htm) as well as the academic department

where you are based. ACFs can organise their 25% academic time in various ways, including:

• One day per week (+extra days to achieve 25%)

• One week in four

• One month blocks

• Three month block per year

• Six month block in second year

• One nine month block

However, most ACFs have found that blocks of time are far more productive than day release, especially if

in busy clinical posts. For lab-based work, blocks are almost certainly necessary.

NIHR £1,000 Bursary

The NIHR bursary provides NIHR ACF trainees with a source of funding to attend and/or present their

research findings at external research meetings and conferences that are relevant to their academic

training. The University of Manchester’s ICAT team manage the bursary fund of £1,000 per financial year

(August to July) per trainee and is responsible for approving expenditure against the bursaries. Each

financial year any unclaimed bursary funds remain with the ICAT team for use on activities that benefit the

academic development or training of the NIHR ACF trainees unless you submit a written request to the ICAT

Administrator for any remaining funds to be rolled over to the following year in order for you to attend a

research conference.

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To make a claim for use of the Bursary fund you will first need to request study leave from* Health

Education North West before completing the approval Form in the link below to claim the funds:


Prior to the meeting or conference date. Once this has been approved you will be sent an expense form to

complete which you will need to send along with all original receipts to:

Laura Jammeh, ICAT Administrator University of Mancheste, Room 3.383, Stopford Building Oxford Road Manchester M13 9PT For more information please visit the ICAT ACF intranet:


*NB: Study leave claim forms can be obtained from your Clinical Study leave Administrator at Health

Education North West.

Research Training Programme

All NIHR ACFs must attend the Research Training Programme (RTP) provided by the University of

Manchester. The aim of the RTP is to provide ACFs with generic research training. The NIHR stipulates that

the RTP covers at least the following areas, although not all will be equally relevant to all ACFs:

• Statistics, bioinformatics, clinical trial design

• Epidemiology

• Ethical aspects of clinical research

• Project design, planning, costing and management

• Research governance and the regulatory framework for research


• Patient and public involvement in research

• Refereeing of papers and grant applications

• Diversity and equal opportunities in research, and cultural competence

• Time management and personal effectiveness

• Leadership: Practitioner, Partner and Leader roles

The most complete package for research training is our MRes in Medical Sciences, which is fully funded

within the ACF and undertaken part time over 2-3 years. For more information please visit the programme

website at:


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Honorary Contracts

ACF’s who have signed up for any of the masters courses/modules will be registered as students and

therefore gain access to The University of Manchester’s facilities such computer and library access. For

those who choose not to do a course we will set up with an honorary contract in order that you can also

benefit from the University’s facilities. Please contact the ICAT Administrator should you need to be set up

with a contract.

Other modules and opportunities

For those not undertaking the full MRes, ACFs can use up to £4,500 over the 3 years of their posts towards

course fees for an NIHR approved qualification, or against appropriate modules and units available within

the University. Please contact the ICAT Administrator to enquire whether any proposed courses can be

funded via the Research Training Programme fund prior to applying or registering for any internal or

external courses. Information on research masters programmes can be found here:

http://www.manchester.ac.uk/study/postgraduate-research/ There is also a wealth of modules and units on other programmes to which registration can be arranged to fit individual training needs. These include modules from the Masters in Public Health: https://www.bmh.manchester.ac.uk/medicine/study/masters/public-health-primary-care/ Some are also accessible via the MSc Medical Imaging, and worth considering if your research will be imaging-based http://www.manchester.ac.uk/study/masters/courses/list/10263/msc-pgdip-medical-imaging-science/

ACFs with an interest in pharmacology or therapeutics may wish to engage with modules in the Pharmaceutical Industrial Advanced Training (PIAT) programme: http://www.manchester.ac.uk/study/masters/courses/list/09123/msc-pharmaceutical-industrial-advanced-training-piat/ There are also a number of short course opportunities available at The Cathie Marsh Centre https://www.cmist.manchester.ac.uk/. These must be booked directly in advance, but we can only fund these if you are not taking the MRes. These lists are not exhaustive, and if you identify other courses of interest within the University that are consistent with the remit of the Research Training Programme, please contact the ICAT adminstrator.

NIHR Trainees Coordinating Centre (TCC)

The NIHR TCC is responsible for:

• Working with Local Education and Training Boards, Medical and Dental Schools and NHS partnerships

to deliver the NIHR ACF programme across England

• Producing national guidance for recruitment, monitoring and development of the programme

• Supporting trainees through its conference and other events

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For more information about the NIHR TCC please visit their website at:


Monitoring of Clinical Progress

Clinical progress is monitored by the North West Deanery through an Annual Review of Competency

Progression (ARCP). This is the formal review of progress that all trainees are required to have for every

year they are in training, whether working full or less than full time. The Associate Dean responsible for

Academic Trainees is Dr Andy Watson, [email protected].

Monitoring of Academic Progress

The planning and monitoring of ACF academic progress is carried out by the following people:

Tracy Briggs, ACF Programme Lead and Dr Andy Watson

Your ACF Advisor and Academic Supervisor, via the schedule of meetings outlined below.

This will involve completion of two progress forms (see page 9 for link to progress forms), which should

both be submitted to Bernie Jones at [email protected], with a copy sent to Laura Jammeh

at [email protected] by the deadline of 11 May 2018.

At the ARCP, a Deanery panel led by the clinical Training Programme Director (TPD) will consider academic

progress alongside the clinical assessment.

Evidence of satisfactory academic progress is required at the ARCP, and progression depends on

demonstrating this just as much as your clinical development. Please note that this process is now


Role of the ACF Advisor

All ACFs will be assigned an ACF Advisor by their academic supervisor the first 3 months of their appointment. An ACF would normally retain the same Advisor throughout their training but it should be recognised that some flexibility might be beneficial or indeed necessary. ACFs are able to request a change of Advisor at any time. However, in order to establish a meaningful relationship between advisor and advisee, it would seem appropriate that ACF Advisors would be assigned for a minimum of one academic year. The ACF advisor will be expected to meet with their advisees according to the meeting times outlined on the meeting schedule below. The purpose of these meetings is to ensure that:

An appropriate project and supervisor have been identified early

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To advise and encourage a process from the outset leading to the ACF being ready to submit a PhD Fellowship application

To help the ACF overcome any difficulties that arise

To identify the most appropriate aspects of the ACF training programme to enable each ACF to achieve their necessary competencies; - This may be by undertaking a Masters degree (e.g. MRes) or standalone CPD modules that

deliver the ACFs personal training needs mapped onto the NIHR curriculum (see pages 10-12) - Or by setting annualised learning and training objectives

To facilitate the ACFs active engagement in wider training opportunities

Records and outputs of these meetings will be a formal component of the academic training programme including ARCP and should be submitted to Bernie Jones by mid May.

1. ACF Programme Lead, Dr Tracy Briggs, will act as a point of reference to advisors and to clinical

specialty leads, disseminate good practice, liaise with the Integrated Academic Steering Group and the Postgraduate Deanery, and oversee any relevant quality assurance issues.

2. ICAT administration will support the role of the ACF Advisor by providing relevant information in a

timely fashion (e.g. monitoring attendance/performance).

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ACF Monitoring and Progression

The following table outlines the formal meetings that are required for monitoring the Academic Progress of


Date Meeting With †



September Induction - Introduction to ACF Programme, RTP and mentoring - Monitoring procedures and ACF Advisors

Tracy Briggs


Project Planning Meeting - Identify supervisor - Discussion about project and how it will lead to a PhD

Fellowship - Ensure engagement with Faculty Fellowship Academy - Discussion about Training (MRes/CPD)

Supervisor or Academic Programme Lead (APL) if specific project not yet chosen.

October Advisor meeting - General planning for the first year including mapping of

baseline competencies against the curriculum and setting agreed PDP targets for ARCP

- Plans for obtaining intended competencies - Discussion about Training (MRes/Portfolio of CPD) - Ensure engagement with Faculty Fellowship Academy

ACF Advisor

March /April

Interim Review Meeting - Review of PDP targets - Review of project planning and/or progress


April/May Progress Meeting

- Progress – outputs (abstracts, presentations, papers)

- Generic academic competencies (for academic ARCP)

ACF Advisor and supervisor



August/ September

Project and Fellowship Planning Meeting - Discussion about project and how it will lead to a PhD

Fellowship - Ensure engagement with Faculty Fellowship Academy - Discussion about Training (MRes/Portfolio of CPD)



Fellowship Planning and Training Progress Meeting - Planning for the second year: what are annual objectives

for ARCP? - Planning for fellowship applications: ensure engagement

with Faculty Fellowship Academy - Discussion about project - Discussion about Training (MRes/Portfolio of CPD)

ACF Advisor and supervisor

March /April

Interim Review Meeting - Review of PDP targets - Review of project/fellowship planning and progress


April/May Progress Meeting - Progress – outputs (abstracts, presentations, papers) - Generic academic competencies (for academic ARCP)

ACF Advisor and supervisor

Ye ar


August/ September

Project Planning Meeting - Discussion about project and how it will lead to a PhD


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Date Meeting With †

Fellowship - Discussion about Training (MRes/Portfolio of CPD)


Application Review Meeting - Planning for the third year: what are annual objectives for

ARCP? - Review fellowship application progress: ensure

engagement with Faculty Fellowship Academy - Discussion about Training (MRes/Portfolio of CPD)

ACF Advisor and supervisor

March /April

Interim Review Meeting - Review of PDP targets - Review of project/fellowship progress


April/May Project and Fellowship Progress Meeting - Progress – outputs (abstracts, presentations, papers) - Generic academic competencies (for academic ARCP)

ACF Advisor and supervisor

APL and Training Programme Directors (TPDs) can be invited to any of the Progress meetings, but not

routinely expected: however we particularly recommend this if difficulties hampering progression are

encountered. A summary of each meeting during the monitoring of ACFs will be sent to the appropriate


Progress Forms

Each formal meeting has a progress form to be completed in order to document the meeting. These are

available to download from the ICAT website:


PLEASE NOTE: It is your responsibility to organise these meetings with the appropriate people in plenty

of time and ensure you send your completed forms to the ICAT Administrator.

All completed forms should be sent to Laura Jammeh at [email protected] by 11 May 2018 or

by hard copy to:-

Laura Jammeh, ICAT Administrator

University of Manchester

Room 3.383, Stopford Building

Oxford Road


M13 9PT

These forms must also be submitted to your e-portfolio for ARCP

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Academic Clinical Fellows: Training and Competency Curriculum mapping




Ethical aspects of clinical research

CORE SKILL Y/N MRes Research Skills Module* MRes Clinical Masterclass* Ethical application for research project

GCP: including research governance & the regulatory framework for research

CORE SKILL Y/N Epigeum on line CPD course* Non MRes ACFs can attend NHS GCP courses and add certificate to portfolio


Basic? Advanced?


MRes tutorial/seminar* MPH on line module (15 credits) MPH on line module (15 credits)

Study design

CORE SKILL Y/N MRes Research Skills Module* MRes tutorial/seminar* Within team experience

Statistics CORE SKILL Y/N MRes Research Skills Module* Additional statistical training as appropriate for project: arrange via supervisor or seek advice Multiple short courses via http://www.ccsr.ac.uk/courses/list/

Project design, planning, costing and management

CORE SKILL Y/N MRes Research Skills Module* Project/workplace learning: Fellowship application, Fellowship Academy Within team experience Suggest engage with The NIHR Research Design Service for the North West if research involves NHS patients

Patient and public

CORE SKILL Y/N Faculty Training Team session

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involvement in research

Research Support Workshops: Communicating your Research to the Public


OPTIONAL Y/N MPH on line biostatistics module (15 credits) MRes tutorial/seminar* NoWGEN

Time management and personal effectiveness


Y/N MRes Clinical Masterclass* Faculty Training Team session MPH on line module (15 credits) Management: Leadership and Teams Utilise developmental resources of Vitae: http://www.vitae.ac.uk/researchers/428241/Researcher-Development-Framework.html

Diversity/equal opportunities in research/ cultural competence

CORE SKILL Y/N MRes Clinical Masterclass* GCP TEDI modules for University of Manchester staff Faculty Training Team session TEDI modules available on line via Deanery

Leadership: Practitioner, Partner and Leader roles

CORE SKILL Y/N Faculty Training Team session

Refereeing of papers and grant applications

CORE SKILL Y/N Seek opportunities with supervisor, evidence required. This is about understanding the process and needs, not becoming a reviewer!

Qualitative research Skills


Y/N MPH on line module (15 credits)

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THIS UP Med Ed ACFs should

have some evidence of development on their portfolio before exiting year 3

Y/N Contact MMS team via Don Bradley to access modules

Bespoke training needs


Plan to be entered on project form Research Skills online

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Personal Development Plan (PDP) to use at first meetings with supervisor

and advisor

1. Core information

Table A

Name of trainee:

Name of Academic Educational Supervisor:

Address of Host Department:

Clinical Training Specialty:

Base specialty

Sub specialty

Address of Host Deanery:

Status of trainee: ☒ Academic Clinical Fellowship (ACF) ST 1/2/3

☐ Clinical Lectureship (ACL)

2. Baseline Assessment of generic academic skills (Table B, columns 1 and 2)

Date of commencement of training year:

Year of programme (1-3 or 1-4 for GPs)

Date of Baseline assessment:

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Table B

Academic skill to be achieved during first year

Means by which academic skill will be achieved (e.g. by taught course or module, through satisfactory completion of specific task etc.). Include specific agencies, venues and dates where applicable

Nature of material appended indicating satisfactory acquisition of skill upon completion (FOR ARCP), with signature of the Academic Educational Supervisor or Advisor

Reason as to why research skill was not achieved. Proposed action to ensure skill acquisition

Skill 1

Skill 2

Skill 3

Skill 4

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3. Annual assessment of generic academic achievements (Table B, columns 3 and 4)

Date of commencement of training year:

Year of programme (1-3 or 1-4 for GPs)

Date of assessment:

4. Annual assessment: summary of generic academic achievements. For submission to ARCP

Academic Advisor (signature/date) Academic Educational Supervisor (signature/date)

Academic Trainee (signature)
