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Academic Service-Learning at the University of Nebraska at Omaha.

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Academic Service- Learning at the University of Nebraska at Omaha

Academic Service-Learning at the

University of Nebraska at Omaha

History of Service-Learning at UNO

Service Learning Academy created 1999 within UNO Center for Faculty Development.

Center for Faculty Development

History of Service-Learning at UNO

Since 1998, over 100 faculty members have taught at least one service-learning class.

7 courses offered in 98-99; almost 90 in 04-05.











1998-1999 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005

Number ofService-LearningCourses Taught

History of Service-Learning at UNO 133 students participating in 98-99; over 1000 in each of the

past four years.

Approximately, 5000 students have taken at least one service-learning course, since 1998.










# of StudentsCompleted a S-LClass

History of Service-Learning at UNO

Partnerships with over 200 community partners. For example:

All Our Kids Boys and Girls Clubs, Inc. El Museo Latino Fontenelle Nature Association Nebraska AIDS Project Raptor Recovery of Nebraska Rebuilding Together Sarpy County Chamber of Commerce Social Settlement Association

History of Service-Learning at UNO

Service-learning courses offered in all six academic colleges and the graduate college.

Value-added to the community since 98-99, over $2,000,000.

Taken from Independent Sector: 1 Volunteer Hour = $18.04

Stand Alone Courses

Interpersonal Conflict, Spring 2006

Interdisciplinary Service-Learning

Alice Buffett Magnet Middle SchoolWhere excellence is the standard and communication is an art!

Magnet Themes – communication skills and electronic media

Broadcasting Classes – developing, producing, performing, editing, and airing television and radio

Digital Media Classes – desktop publishing, web design, and animation

Journalism Program – write, revise, edit, and publish

Goals: There are four overarching goals of this project:

1) The creation of a public relations strategic plan and selected marketing materials will increase public awareness of the LJAC and result in an increase in membership.

2) Through the application of skills learned in the classroom, students involved from OPS Buffett Magnet Middle School and UNO will integrate course content in an improved manner.

3) Through the collaboration with LJAC, students involved from Buffett and UNO will gain an appreciation of the value of service to the community and consider other means in which they might serve their community.

4) By collaborating with students from UNO, students from Buffett will identify with the collegiate experience and with UNO as a preferred choice for higher education.

Seven Days of Service: Interdisciplinary Service-Learning

The Seven Days of Service Project

Since 2003, over 900 students participated in 7 Days of Service Project.

14 homes in North and South Omaha renovated.

Over $150,000 raised for Family Housing Advisory Services—donated by Wells Fargo.

Seven Days of Service: Interdisciplinary Service-Learning

The Seven Days of Service Project, Spring 2006

More than 80 students from four departments participated

Four homes renovated to become available for purchase through the Family Housing Advisory Services aimed at low income buyers

Over $70,000 dollars donated to Family Housing Advisory Services by Wells Fargo Bank.

Interdisciplinary Service-Learning

The Seven Days of Service Project (cont.)

Construction Systems students assessed the properties, developed the renovation plans and supervised volunteers at each home.

Social Work students recruited over 400 volunteers who completed the renovations and solicited donations from more than 40 donors for supplies, daily lunches for the volunteers, and door prizes for volunteers who attended the volunteer recognition dinner.

Interdisciplinary Service-Learning

The Seven Days of Service Project (cont.)

Journalism students created an engaging media kit about the project and followed through with local news organizations resulting in coverage of the project by every major media outlet in Omaha.

Also partnered with students and faculty from North High School Engineering program and OPS Construction Academy.

“Let Us Build The World By Building One Another” --Teilhard de Chardin

Benefits of Service-Learning: Students

Deep Learning

Application and enhanced mastery of course content;

Exposure to diverse populations and perspectives;

Commitment to active citizenship; and

Increased sense of self-efficacy.

Benefits of Service-Learning: Faculty

Revitalized sense of purpose for both teaching and community-based research;

Professional development opportunities;

Connectivity To institutional mission and goals; To students To community Faculty and staff (interdisciplinary projects)

Benefits of Service-Learning: Community

Direct economic benefits;

Increased capacity;

Connectivity UNO Faculty and students Businesses K-12
