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Accelerating Dynamic Graph Analytics on GPUscan easily reuse existing static GPU graph processing...

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Accelerating Dynamic Graph Analytics on GPUs Mo Sha, Yuchen Li, Bingsheng He, Kian-Lee Tan School of Computing, National University of Singapore, Singapore {sham, liyuchen, hebs, tankl}@comp.nus.edu.sg ABSTRACT As graph analytics often involves compute-intensive oper- ations, GPUs have been extensively used to accelerate the processing. However, in many applications such as social networks, cyber security, and fraud detection, their repre- sentative graphs evolve frequently and one has to perform a rebuild of the graph structure on GPUs to incorporate the updates. Hence, rebuilding the graphs becomes the bottle- neck of processing high-speed graph streams. In this paper, we propose a GPU-based dynamic graph storage scheme to support existing graph algorithms easily. Furthermore, we propose parallel update algorithms to support ecient stream updates so that the maintained graph is immediately available for high-speed analytic processing on GPUs. Our extensive experiments with three streaming applications on large-scale real and synthetic datasets demonstrate the su- perior performance of our proposed approach. PVLDB Reference Format: M. Sha, Y. Li, B. He, and K.-L. Tan. Accelerating Dynamic Graph Analytics on GPUs. PVLDB, 11(1): xxxx-yyyy, 2017. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14778/3136610.3136619 1. INTRODUCTION Due to the rising complexity of data generated in the big data era, graph representations are used ubiquitously. Mas- sive graph processing has emerged as the de facto standard of analytics on web graphs, social networks (e.g., Facebook and Twitter), sensor networks (e.g., Internet of Things) and many other application domains which involve high-dimen- sional data (e.g., recommendation systems). These graphs are often highly dynamic: network trac data averages 10 9 packets/hour/router for large ISPs [23]; Twitter has 500 mil- lion tweets per day [41]. Since real-time analytics is fast be- coming the norm [27, 12, 36, 44], it is critical for operations on dynamic massive graphs to be processed eciently. Dynamic graph analytics has a wide range of applications. Twitter can recommend information based on the up-to- date TunkRank (similar to PageRank) computed based on Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Articles from this volume were invited to present their results at The 44th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, August 2018, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, Vol. 11, No. 1 Copyright 2017 VLDB Endowment 2150-8097/17/09... $ 10.00. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14778/3136610.3136619 a dynamic attention graph [14] and cellular network oper- ators can fix trac hotspots in their networks as they are detected [28]. To achieve real-time performance, there is a growing interest to ooad graph analytics to GPUs due to its much stronger arithmetical power and higher mem- ory bandwidth compared with CPUs [45]. Although ex- isting solutions, e.g. Medusa [58] and Gunrock [50], have explored GPU graph processing, we are aware of only one work [30] that considers a dynamic graph scenario which is a major gap for running analytics on GPUs. In fact, a de- lay in updating a dynamic graph may lead to undesirable consequences. For instance, consider an online travel insur- ance system that detects potential frauds by running ring analysis on profile graphs built from active insurance con- tracts [5]. Analytics on an outdated profile graph may fail to detect frauds which can cost millions of dollars. However, updating the graph will be too slow for issuing contracts and processing claims in real time, which will severely influ- ence legitimate customers’ user experience. This motivates us to develop an update-ecient graph structure on GPUs to support dynamic graph analytics. There are two major concerns when designing a GPU- based dynamic graph storage scheme. First, the proposed storage scheme should handle both insertion and deletion operations eciently. Though processing updates against insertion-only graph stream could be handled by reserving extra spaces to accommodate updates, this na¨ ıve approach fails to preserve the locality of the graph entries and cannot support deletions eciently. Considering a common sliding window model on a graph edge stream, each element in the stream is an edge in a graph and analytic tasks are per- formed on the graph induced by all edges in the up-to-date window [51, 15, 17]. A na¨ ıve approach needs to access the entire graph in the sliding window to process deletions. This is obviously undesirable against high-speed streams. Sec- ond, the proposed storage scheme should be general enough for supporting existing graph formats on GPUs so that we can easily reuse existing static GPU graph processing solu- tions for graph analytics. Most large graphs are inherently sparse. To maximize the eciency, existing works [6, 33, 32, 30, 53, 24] on GPU sparse graph processing rely on opti- mized data formats and arrange the graph entries in certain sorted order, e.g. CSR [33, 6] sorts the entries by their row-column ids. However, to the best of our knowledge, no schemes on GPUs can support ecient updates and main- tain a sorted graph format at the same time, other than a rebuild. This motivates us to design an update-ecient 107 107-120
Page 1: Accelerating Dynamic Graph Analytics on GPUscan easily reuse existing static GPU graph processing solu-tions for graph analytics. Most large graphs are inherently sparse.Tomaximizetheeciency,

Accelerating Dynamic Graph Analytics on GPUs

Mo Sha, Yuchen Li, Bingsheng He, Kian-Lee TanSchool of Computing, National University of Singapore, Singapore

{sham, liyuchen, hebs, tankl}@comp.nus.edu.sg

ABSTRACTAs graph analytics often involves compute-intensive oper-ations, GPUs have been extensively used to accelerate theprocessing. However, in many applications such as socialnetworks, cyber security, and fraud detection, their repre-sentative graphs evolve frequently and one has to perform arebuild of the graph structure on GPUs to incorporate theupdates. Hence, rebuilding the graphs becomes the bottle-neck of processing high-speed graph streams. In this paper,we propose a GPU-based dynamic graph storage schemeto support existing graph algorithms easily. Furthermore,we propose parallel update algorithms to support e�cientstream updates so that the maintained graph is immediatelyavailable for high-speed analytic processing on GPUs. Ourextensive experiments with three streaming applications onlarge-scale real and synthetic datasets demonstrate the su-perior performance of our proposed approach.

PVLDB Reference Format:

M. Sha, Y. Li, B. He, and K.-L. Tan. Accelerating DynamicGraph Analytics on GPUs. PVLDB, 11(1): xxxx-yyyy, 2017.DOI: https://doi.org/10.14778/3136610.3136619

1. INTRODUCTIONDue to the rising complexity of data generated in the big

data era, graph representations are used ubiquitously. Mas-sive graph processing has emerged as the de facto standardof analytics on web graphs, social networks (e.g., Facebookand Twitter), sensor networks (e.g., Internet of Things) andmany other application domains which involve high-dimen-sional data (e.g., recommendation systems). These graphsare often highly dynamic: network tra�c data averages 109

packets/hour/router for large ISPs [23]; Twitter has 500 mil-lion tweets per day [41]. Since real-time analytics is fast be-coming the norm [27, 12, 36, 44], it is critical for operationson dynamic massive graphs to be processed e�ciently.

Dynamic graph analytics has a wide range of applications.Twitter can recommend information based on the up-to-date TunkRank (similar to PageRank) computed based on

Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work forpersonal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies arenot made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copiesbear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, torepublish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specificpermission and/or a fee. Articles from this volume were invited to presenttheir results at The 44th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases,August 2018, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, Vol. 11, No. 1Copyright 2017 VLDB Endowment 2150-8097/17/09... $ 10.00.DOI: https://doi.org/10.14778/3136610.3136619

a dynamic attention graph [14] and cellular network oper-ators can fix tra�c hotspots in their networks as they aredetected [28]. To achieve real-time performance, there isa growing interest to o✏oad graph analytics to GPUs dueto its much stronger arithmetical power and higher mem-ory bandwidth compared with CPUs [45]. Although ex-isting solutions, e.g. Medusa [58] and Gunrock [50], haveexplored GPU graph processing, we are aware of only onework [30] that considers a dynamic graph scenario which isa major gap for running analytics on GPUs. In fact, a de-lay in updating a dynamic graph may lead to undesirableconsequences. For instance, consider an online travel insur-ance system that detects potential frauds by running ringanalysis on profile graphs built from active insurance con-tracts [5]. Analytics on an outdated profile graph may fail todetect frauds which can cost millions of dollars. However,updating the graph will be too slow for issuing contractsand processing claims in real time, which will severely influ-ence legitimate customers’ user experience. This motivatesus to develop an update-e�cient graph structure on GPUsto support dynamic graph analytics.There are two major concerns when designing a GPU-

based dynamic graph storage scheme. First, the proposedstorage scheme should handle both insertion and deletionoperations e�ciently. Though processing updates againstinsertion-only graph stream could be handled by reservingextra spaces to accommodate updates, this naıve approachfails to preserve the locality of the graph entries and cannotsupport deletions e�ciently. Considering a common slidingwindow model on a graph edge stream, each element in thestream is an edge in a graph and analytic tasks are per-formed on the graph induced by all edges in the up-to-datewindow [51, 15, 17]. A naıve approach needs to access theentire graph in the sliding window to process deletions. Thisis obviously undesirable against high-speed streams. Sec-ond, the proposed storage scheme should be general enoughfor supporting existing graph formats on GPUs so that wecan easily reuse existing static GPU graph processing solu-tions for graph analytics. Most large graphs are inherentlysparse. To maximize the e�ciency, existing works [6, 33, 32,30, 53, 24] on GPU sparse graph processing rely on opti-mized data formats and arrange the graph entries in certainsorted order, e.g. CSR [33, 6] sorts the entries by theirrow-column ids. However, to the best of our knowledge, noschemes on GPUs can support e�cient updates and main-tain a sorted graph format at the same time, other thana rebuild. This motivates us to design an update-e�cient



Page 2: Accelerating Dynamic Graph Analytics on GPUscan easily reuse existing static GPU graph processing solu-tions for graph analytics. Most large graphs are inherently sparse.Tomaximizetheeciency,

sparse graph storage scheme on GPUs while keeping the lo-cality of the graph entries for processing analytics instantly.

In this paper, we introduce a GPU-based dynamic graphanalytic framework followed by proposing the dynamic graphstorage scheme on GPUs. Our preliminary study shows thata cache-oblivious data structure, i.e., Packed Memory Ar-ray (PMA [10, 11]), can potentially be employed for main-taining dynamic graphs on GPUs. PMA, originally designedfor CPUs [10, 11], maintains sorted elements in a partiallycontiguous fashion by leaving gaps to accommodate fast up-dates with a constant bounded gap ratio. The simultane-ously sorted and contiguous characteristic of PMA nicely fitsthe scenario of GPU streaming graph maintenance. How-ever, the performance of PMA degrades when updates oc-cur in locations which are close to each other, due to theunbalanced utilization of reserved spaces. Furthermore, asstreaming updates often come in batches rather than onesingle update at a time, PMA does not support parallel in-sertions and it is non-trivial to apply PMA to GPUs due toits intricate update patterns which may cause serious threaddivergence and uncoalesced memory access issues on GPUs.

We thus propose two GPU-oriented algorithms, i.e. GPMAand GPMA+, to support e�cient parallel batch updates. GPMAexplores a lock-based approach which becomes increasinglypopular due to the recent GPU architectural evolution forsupporting atomic operations [18, 29]. While GPMA works ef-ficiently for the case where few concurrent updates conflict,e.g., small-size update batches with random updating edgesin each batch, there are scenarios where massive conflicts oc-cur and hence, we propose a lock-free approach, i.e. GPMA+.Intuitively, GPMA+ is a bottom-up approach by prioritizingupdates that occur in similar positions. The update opti-mizations of our proposed GPMA+ are able to maximize coa-lesced memory access and achieve linear performance scalingw.r.t the number of computation units on GPUs, regardlessof the update patterns.

The contributions of this paper are summarized as follows:

• We introduce a framework for GPU dynamic graph ana-lytics and propose, the first of its kind, a GPU dynamicgraph storage scheme to pave the way for real-time dy-namic graph analytics on GPUs.

• We devise two GPU-oriented parallel algorithms: GPMA

and GPMA+, to support e�cient updates against high-speed graph streams.

• We conduct extensive experiments to show the perfor-mance superiority of GPMA and GPMA+. In particular,we design di↵erent update patterns on real and syntheticgraph streams to validate the update e�ciency of our pro-posed algorithms against their CPU counterparts as wellas the GPU rebuild baseline. In addition, we implementthree real world graph analytic applications on the graphstreams to demonstrate the e�ciency and broad appli-cability of our proposed solutions. In order to supportlarger graphs, we extend our proposed formats to multi-ple GPUs and demonstrate the scalability of our approachwith multi-GPU systems.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Therelated work is discussed in Section 2. Section 3 presentsa general workflow of dynamic graph processing on GPUs.Subsequently, we describe GPMA and GPMA+ in Sections 4-5 respectively. Section 6 reports results of a comprehensiveexperimental evaluation. We conclude the paper and discusssome future works in Section 7.

2. RELATED WORKIn this section, we review related works in three di↵erent

categories as follows.

2.1 Graph Stream ProcessingOver the last decade, there has been an immense inter-

est in designing e�cient algorithms for processing massivegraphs in the data stream model (see [36] for a detailed sur-vey). This includes the problems of PageRank-styled scores[39], connectivity [21], spanners [20], counting subgraphs e.g.triangles [48] and summarization [46]. However, these worksmainly focus on the theoretical study to achieve the best ap-proximation solution with linear bounded space. Our pro-posed methods can incorporate existing graph stream algo-rithms with ease as our storage scheme can support mostgraph representations used in existing algorithms. Manysystems have been proposed for streaming data processing,e.g. Storm [47], Spark Streaming [55], Flink [1]. Attractedby its massively parallel performance, several attempts havesuccessfully demonstrated the advantages of using GPUs toaccelerate data stream processing [49, 57].However, the aforementioned systems focus on general

stream processing and lack support for graph stream pro-cessing. Stinger [19] is a parallel solution to support dynamicgraph analytics on a single machine. More recently, Kineo-graph [14], CellIQ [28] and GraphTau [27] are proposed toaddress the need for general time-evolving graph processingunder the distributed settings. However, to our best knowl-edge, existing works focusing on CPU-based time-evolvinggraph processing will be ine�cient on GPUs, because CPUand GPU are two architectures with di↵erent design princi-ples and performance concerns in the parallel execution. Weare aware of only one work [30] that explores the directionof using GPUs to process real-time analytics on dynamicgraphs. However, this work only supports insertions andlacks an e�cient indexing mechanism.

2.2 Graph Analytics on GPUsGraph analytic processing is inherently data- and compute-

intensive. Massively parallel GPU accelerators are power-ful to achieve supreme performance of many applications.Compared with CPU, which is a general-purpose proces-sor featuring large cache size and high single core process-ing capability, GPU devotes most of its die area to a largenumber of simple Arithmetic Logic Units (ALUs), and exe-cutes code in a SIMT (Single Instruction Multiple Threads)fashion. With the massive amount of ALUs, GPU o↵ersorders of magnitude higher computational throughput thanCPU in applications with ample parallelism. This leads toa spectrum of works which explore the usage of GPUs toaccelerate graph analytics and demonstrate immense po-tentials. Examples include breath-first search (BFS) [33],subgraph query [32], PageRank [6] and many others. Thesuccess of deploying specific graph algorithms on GPUs mo-tivates the design of general GPU graph processing systemslike Medusa [58] and Gunrock [50]. However, the aforemen-tioned GPU-oriented graph algorithms and systems assumestatic graphs. To handle dynamic graph scenario, existingworks have to perform a rebuild on GPUs against each sin-gle update. DCSR [30] is the only solution, to the best ofour knowledge, which is designed for insertion-only scenar-ios as it is based on linked edge block and rear appendingtechnique. However, it does not support deletions or e�-


Page 3: Accelerating Dynamic Graph Analytics on GPUscan easily reuse existing static GPU graph processing solu-tions for graph analytics. Most large graphs are inherently sparse.Tomaximizetheeciency,





Active Graph Structure

Graph Update Graph Analytics

Graph Stream Streaming Applications

Graph Stream Buffer Dynamic Query Buffer


Figure 1: The dynamic graph analytic framework

cient searches. We propose GPMA to enable e�cient dynamicgraph updates (i.e. insertions and deletions) on GPUs in afine-grained manner. In addition, existing graph analyticsand systems optimized for GPUs can replace their storagelayers directly with ease since the fundamental graph storageschemes used in existing works can be directly implementedon top of our proposed storage scheme.

2.3 Storage Formats on GPUsSparse matrix representation is a popular choice for stor-

ing large graphs on GPUs [3, 2, 58, 50]. The CoordinateFormat [16] (COO) is the simplest format which only storesnon-zero matrix entries by their coordinates with values.COO sorts all the non-zero entries by the entries’ row-columnkey for fast entry accesses. CSR [33, 6] compresses COO’srow indices into an o↵set array to reduce the memory band-width when accessing the sparse matrix. To optimize matri-ces with di↵erent non-zero distribution patterns, there ex-ists many customized storage formats proposed, e.g., BlockCOO [52] (BCCOO), Blocked Row-Column [7] (BRC) andTiled COO [53] (TCOO). Existing formats require to main-tain a certain sorted order of their storage base units ac-cording to the unit’s position in the matrix, e.g. entries forCOO and blocks for BCCOO, and still ensure the localityof the units. As mentioned previously, few prior schemescan handle e�cient sparse matrix updates on GPUs. Tothe best of our knowledge, PMA [10, 11] is a common struc-ture which maintains a sorted array in a contiguous mannerand supports e�cient insertions/deletions. However, PMAis designed for CPU and no concurrent updating algorithmis ever proposed. Thus, we are motivated to propose GPMAand GPMA+ for supporting e�cient concurrent updates onall existing storage formats.

3. A DYNAMIC FRAMEWORK ON GPUSTo address the need for real-time dynamic graph analyt-

ics, we o✏oad the tasks of concurrent dynamic graph main-tenance and its corresponding analytic processing to GPUs.In this section, we introduce a general GPU dynamic graphanalytic framework. The design of the framework takes intoaccount two major concerns: the framework should not onlyhandle graph updates e�ciently but also support existingGPU-oriented graph analytic algorithms without forfeitingtheir performance.

Model. We adopt a common sliding window graph streammodel [36, 28, 46]. The sliding window model consists of









Step1 Step2 Step3 Repeat…

DatatransferonPCIe GPUcomputation






Figure 2: Asynchronous streams

an unbounded sequence of elements (u, v)t

1 which indicatesthe edge (u, v) arrives at time t, and a sliding window whichkeeps track of the most recent edges. As the sliding windowmoves with time, new edges in the stream are inserted intothe window and expiring edges are deleted. In real worldapplications, the sliding window of a graph stream can beused to monitor and analyze fresh social actions that appearon Twitter [51] or the call graph formed by the most recentCDR data [28]. In this paper, we focus on how to handleedge streams but our proposed scheme can also handle thedynamic hyper graph scenario with hyper edge streams.Apart from the sliding window model, the graph stream

model which involves explicit insertions and deletions (e.g., auser requests to add or delete a friend in the social network)is also supported by our scheme as the proposed dynamicgraph storage structure is designed to handle random up-date operations. That is, our system supports two kinds ofupdates, implicit ones generated from the sliding windowmechanism and explicit ones generated from upper level ap-plications or users.The overview of the dynamic graph analytic framework is

presented in Figure 1. Given a graph stream, there are twotypes of streaming tasks supported by our framework. Thefirst type is the ad-hoc queries such as neighborhood andreachability queries on the graph which is constantly chang-ing. The second type is the monitoring tasks like trackingPageRank scores. We present the framework by illustrat-ing how to handle the graph streams and the correspondingqueries while hiding data transfer between CPU and GPU,as follows:

Graph Streams. The graph stream bu↵er module batchesthe incoming graph streams on the CPU side (host) andperiodically sends the updating batches to the graph updatemodule located on GPU (device). The graph update moduleupdates the “active” graph stored on the device by using thebatch received. The “active” graph is stored in the format ofour proposed GPU dynamic graph storage structure. Thedetails of the graph storage structure and how to updatethe graph e�ciently on GPUs will be discussed extensivelyin later sections.

Queries. Like the graph stream bu↵er, the dynamic querybu↵er module batches ad-hoc queries submitted against thestored active graph, e.g., queries to check the dynamic reach-ability between pairs of vertices. The tracking tasks willalso be registered in the continuous monitoring module, e.g.,tracking up-to-date PageRank. All ad-hoc queries and mon-itoring tasks will be transferred to the graph analytic mod-ule for GPU accelerated processing. The analytic module

1Our proposed framework handles both directed and undi-rected edges.


Page 4: Accelerating Dynamic Graph Analytics on GPUscan easily reuse existing static GPU graph processing solu-tions for graph analytics. Most large graphs are inherently sparse.Tomaximizetheeciency,




[12,15] [24,27][8,11]










2 5 8 13 16 17 23 27 28 31 34 37 42 46 48 51 62

2 5 8 13 16 17 23 27 28 31 34 37 42 46 51 62 48

2 5 8 13 16 17 23 27 28 31 34 37 42 46 51 62Original







non-zero entrybalancedrebalancedunbalanced

Leaf Level 1 Level 2 Level 3segment size 4 8 16 32

density lower bound ⇢ 0.08 0.19 0.29 0.40density upper bound ⌧ 0.92 0.88 0.84 0.80

min # of entries 1 2 4 8max # of entries 3 6 12 24

Figure 3: PMA insertion example (Left: PMA for insertion; Right: predefined thresholds)

interacts with the active graph to process the queries andthe tracking tasks. Subsequently, the query results will betransferred back to the host. As most existing GPU graphalgorithms use optimized array formats like CSR to accel-erate the performance [18, 29, 35, 53], our proposed storagescheme provides an interface for storing the array formats.In this way, existing algorithms can be integrated into theanalytic module with ease. We describe the details of theintegration in Section 4.2.

Hiding Costly PCIe Transfer. Another critical issueon designing GPU-oriented systems is to minimize the datatransfer between the host and the device through PCIe. Ourproposed batching approach allows overlapping data trans-fer by concurrently running analytic tasks on the device.Figure 2 shows a simplified schedule with two asynchronousstreams: graph streams and query streams respectively. Thesystem is initialized at Step 1 where the batch containingincoming graph stream elements is sent to the device. AtStep 2, while PCIe handles bidirectional data transfer forprevious query results (device to host) and freshly submit-ted query batch (host to device), the graph update moduleupdates the active graph stored on the device. At Step 3, theanalytic module processes the received query batch on thedevice and a new graph stream batch is concurrently trans-ferred from the host to the device. It is clear to see that, byrepeating the aforementioned process, all data transfers areoverlapped with concurrent device computations.

4. GPMADYNAMIC GRAPH PROCESSINGTo support dynamic graph analytics on GPUs, there are

two major challenges discussed in the introduction. Thefirst challenge is to maintain the dynamic graph storage inthe device memory of GPUs for e�cient update as well ascompute. The second challenge is that the storage strat-egy should show its good compatibility with existing graphanalytic algorithms on GPUs.

In this section, we discuss how to address the challengeswith our proposed scheme. First, we introduce GPMA forGPU resident graph storage to simultaneously achieve up-date and compute e�ciency (Section 4.1). Subsequently, weillustrate GPMA’s generality in terms of deploying existingGPU based graph analytic algorithms (Section 4.2).

4.1 GPMA Graph Storage on GPUsIn this subsection, we first discuss the design principles

our proposed dynamic graph storage should follow. Thenwe introduce how to implement our proposal.

Design Principles. The proposed graph storage on GPUsshould take into account the following principles:

• The proposed dynamic graph storage should e�cientlysupport a broad range of updating operations, including

insertions, deletions and modifications. Furthermore, itshould have a good locality to accommodate the highlyparallel memory access characteristic of GPUs, in orderto achieve high memory e�ciency.

• The physical storage strategy should support common log-ical storage formats. Existing graph analytic solutions onGPUs based on such formats can be adapted easily.

Background of PMA. GPMA is primarily motivated by anovel structure, Packed Memory Array (PMA [10, 11]), whichis proposed to maintain sorted elements in a partially contin-uous fashion by leaving gaps to accommodate fast updateswith a bounded gap ratio. PMA is a self-balancing binarytree structure. Given an array of N entries, PMA separatesthe whole memory space into leaf segments with O(logN)length and defines non-leaf segments as the space occupiedby their descendant segments. For any segment located atheight i (leaf height is 0), PMA designs a way to assign thelower and upper bound density thresholds for the segmentas ⇢


and ⌧i

respectively to achieve O(log2 N) amortized up-date complexity. Once an insertion/deletion causes the den-sity of a segment to fall out of the range defined by (⇢


, ⌧i

),PMA tries to adjust the density by re-allocating all elementsstored in the segment’s parent. The adjustment process isinvoked recursively and will only be terminated if all seg-ments’ densities fall back into the range defined by PMA’sdensity thresholds. For an ordered array, modifications aretrivial. Therefore, we mainly discuss insertions because dele-tions are the dual operation of insertions in PMA.

Example 1. Figures 3 presents an example for PMA in-sertion. Each segment is uniquely identified by an interval(starting and ending position of the array) displayed in thecorresponding tree node, e.g., the root segment is segment-

[0,31] as it covers all 32 spaces. All values stored in PMA aredisplayed in the array. The table in the figure shows prede-fined parameters including the segment size, the assignmentof density thresholds (⇢


, ⌧i

) and the corresponding mini-mum and maximum entry sizes at di↵erent heights of thetree. We use these setups as a running example throughoutthe paper. To insert an entry. i.e. 48, into PMA, the corre-sponding leaf segment is firstly identified by a binary search,and the new entry is placed at the rear of leaf segment. Theinsertion causes the density (=4) of the leaf segment to ex-ceed the threshold (⌧=3). Thus, we need to identify the near-est ancestor segment which can accommodate the insertionwithout violating the thresholds, i.e., the segment-[16,31].Finally, the insertion is completed by re-dispatching all en-tries evenly in segment-[16,31].

Lemma 1 ([10, 11]). The amortized update complexityof PMA is proved to be O(log2 N) in the worst case andO(logN) in the average case.


Page 5: Accelerating Dynamic Graph Analytics on GPUscan easily reuse existing static GPU graph processing solu-tions for graph analytics. Most large graphs are inherently sparse.Tomaximizetheeciency,




[12,15] [24,27][8,11]










2 5 8 13 16 17 23 27 28 31 34 37 42 46 51 62

1 2 5 8 9 13 16 17 23 27 28 31 34 37 42 46 48 51 62

1 4 9 35 48…… ……









non-zero entrybalancedrebalanced


trylock failedrebalanced

Figure 4: GPMA concurrent insertions

It is evident that PMA could be employed for dynamicgraph maintenance as it maintains sorted elements e�cientlywith high locality on CPU. However, the update proceduredescribed in [11] is inherently sequential and no concurrentalgorithms have been proposed. To support batch updatesof edge insertions and deletions for e�cient graph streamanalytic processing, we devise GPMA to support concurrentPMA updates on GPUs. Note that we focus on the inser-tion process for a concise presentation because the deletionprocess is a dual process w.r.t. the insertion process in PMA.

Concurrent Insertions in GPMA. Motivated by PMA

on CPUs, we propose GPMA to handle a batch of insertionsconcurrently on GPUs. Intuitively, GPMA assigns an inser-tion to a thread and concurrently executes PMA algorithmfor each thread with a lock-based approach to ensure consis-tency. More specifically, all leaf segments of insertions areidentified in advance, and then each thread checks whetherthe inserted segments still satisfy their thresholds from bot-tom to top. For each particular segment, it is accessed in amutually exclusive fashion. Moreover, all threads are syn-chronized after updating all segments located at the sametree height to avoid possible conflicts as segments at a lowerheight are fully contained in the segments at a higher level.

Algorithm 1 presents the pseudocode for GPMA concurrentinsertions. We highlight the lines added to the original PMAupdate algorithm in order to achieve concurrent update ofGPMA. As shown in line 2, all entries in the insertion setare iteratively tried until all of them take e↵ect. For eachiteration shown in line 9, all threads start at the leaf seg-ments and attempt the insertions in a bottom-up fashion. Ifa particular thread fails the mutex competition in line 11, itaborts immediately and waits for the next attempt. Other-wise, it inspects the density of the current segment. If thecurrent segment does not satisfy the density requirement, itwill try the parent segment in the next loop iteration (lines13-14). Once an ancestor segment is able to accommodatethe insertion, it merges the new entry in line 16 and theentry is removed from the insertion set. Subsequently, theupdated segment will re-dispatch all its entries evenly andthe process is terminated.

Example 2. Figure 4 illustrates an example with five in-sertions, i.e. {1, 4, 9, 35, 48}, for concurrent GPMA insertion.The initial structure is the same as in Example 1. Afteridentifying the leaf segment for insertion, threads responsi-ble for Insertion-1 and Insertion-4 compete for the sameleaf segment. Assuming Insertion-1 succeeds in getting themutex, Insertion-4 is aborted. Due to enough free spaceof the segment, Insertion-1 is successfully inserted. Eventhough there is no leaf segment competition for Insertions-

9,35,48, they should continue to inspect the corresponding

Algorithm 1 GPMA Concurrent Insertion

1: procedure GPMAInsert(Insertions I)2: while I is not empty do3: parallel for i in I

4: Seg s BinarySearchLeafSegment(i)5: TryInsert(s, i, I)

6: synchronize

7: release locks on all segments

8: procedure TryInsert(Seg s, Insertion i, Insertions I)9: while s 6= root do10: synchronize

11: if fails to lock s then12: return . insertion aborts

13: if (|s|+ 1)/capacity(s) � ⌧ then14: s parent segment of s15: else16: Merge(s, i)17: re-dispatch entries in s evenly18: remove i from I19: return . insertion succeeds20: double the space of the root segment

parent segments because none of the left segments satisfy thedensity requirement after the insertions. Insertions-35,48

still compete for the same level-1 segment and Insertion-

48 wins. For this example, three of the insertions are suc-cessful and the results are shown in the bottom of Figure 4.Insertions-4,35 are aborted in this iteration and will waitfor the next attempt.

4.2 Adapting Graph Algorithms to GPMAExisting graph algorithms often use sparse matrix format

to store the graph entries since most large graphs are natu-rally sparse[5]. Although many di↵erent sparse storage for-mats have been proposed, most of the formats assume a spe-cific order to organize the non-zero entries. These formatsenforce the order of the graph entries to optimize their spe-cific access patterns, e.g., row-oriented (COO2), diagonal-oriented (JAD), and block-/tile-based (BCCOO, BRC andTCOO). It is natural that the ordered graph entries can beprojected into an array and these similar formats can besupported by GPMA easily. Among all formats, we chooseCSR as an example to illustrate how to adapt it to GPMA.

CSR as a case study. CSR is most widely used by ex-isting algorithms on sparse matrices or graphs. CSR com-presses COO’s row indices into an o↵set array, which con-tributes to reducing the memory bandwidth when accessingthe sparse matrix, and achieves a better workload estimationfor skewed graph distribution (e.g., power-law distribution).The following example demonstrates how to implement CSRon GPMA.

Example 3. In Figure 5, we have a graph of three ver-tices and six edges. The number on each edge denotes theweight of the corresponding edge. The graph is representedas a sparse matrix and is further transformed to the CSRformat shown in the upper right. CSR sorts all non-zero en-tries in the row-oriented order, and compresses row indices2Generally, COO means ordered COO and it can also becolumn-oriented.


Page 6: Accelerating Dynamic Graph Analytics on GPUscan easily reuse existing static GPU graph processing solu-tions for graph analytics. Most large graphs are inherently sparse.Tomaximizetheeciency,

Algorithm 2 Breadth-First Search

1: procedure BFS(Graph G, Vertex s)2: for each vertex u 2 G.V � {s} do3: u.visited = false4: Q �5: s.visited true6: ENQUEUE(Q, s)7: while Q 6= � do8: u DEQUEUE(Q)9: for each v 2 G.Adj[u] do10: if IsEntryExist(v) then11: if v.visited = false then12: v.visited true13: ENQUEUE(v)

Algorithm 3 GPU-based BFS Neighbour Gathering

1: procedure Gather(Vertex frontier, Int csrO↵set)2: {r, rEnd} csrO↵set [frontier, frontier + 1]3: for (i r+threadId; i<rEnd ; i+=threadNum) do4: if IsEntryExist(i) then ParallelGather(i)

into intervals as a row o↵set array. The lower part denotesthe GPMA representation of this graph. In order to maintainthe row o↵set array without synchronization among threads,we add a guard entry whose column index is 1 during con-current insertions. That is to say, when the guard is moved,the corresponding element in row o↵set array will change.

Given a graph stored on GPMA, the next step is to adaptexisting graph algorithms to GPMA. In particular, how exist-ing algorithms access the graph entries stored on GPMA is ofvital importance. As for the CSR example, most algorithmsaccess the entries by navigating through CSR’s ordered ar-ray[18, 29, 35, 53]. We note that a CSR stored on GPMA isalso an array which has bounded gaps interleaved with thegraph entries. Thus, we are able to e�ciently replace theoperations of arrays with the operations of GPMA. We willdemonstrate how we can do this replacement as follows.

Algorithm 2 illustrates the pseudocode of the classic BFSalgorithm. We should pay attention to line 10, which ishighlighted. Compared with the raw adjacency list, the ap-plications based on GPMA need to guarantee the current ver-tex being traversed is a valid neighbour instead of an invalidspace in GPMA’s gap.

Algorithm 2 provides a high-level view for GPMA adaption.Furthermore, we present how it adapts GPMA in the parallelGPU environment with some low-level details. Algorithm 3is the pseudocode of the Neighbour Gathering parallel pro-cedure, which is a general primitive for most GPU-basedvertex-centric graph processing models [37, 18, 22]. Thisprimitive plays a role similar to line 10 of Algorithm 2 butin a parallel fashion in accessing the neighbors of a particularvertex. When traversing all neighbours of frontiers, Neigh-bour Gathering follows the SIMT manner, which means thatthere are threadNum threads as a group assigned to one ofthe vertex frontier and the procedure in Algorithm 3 is exe-cuted in parallel. For the index range (in the CSR on GPMA)of the current frontier given by csrO↵set (shown in line 2),each thread will handle the corresponding tasks accordingto its threadId. For GPU-based BFS, the visited labels ofneighbours for all frontiers will not be judged immediatelyafter the neighbours are accessed. Instead, they will be com-

0 2 1






Example Graph

Row O↵set [0 2 3 6]Column Index [0 2 2 0 1 2]

Value [1 2 3 4 5 6]CSR Format

(0,0) (0,2) (0,∞) (1,2) (1,∞) (2,0) (2,1) (2,2) (2,∞) 1 2 3 4 5 6








4 8 14RowOffset

Figure 5: GPMA based on CSR

pacted to contiguous memory in advance for higher memorye�ciency. Similarly, we can also check for the existence ofentries for other graph applications to adapt them to GPMA.To summarize, GPMA can be adapted to common graph an-alytic applications which are implemented in di↵erent rep-resentation and execution models, including matrix-based(e.g., PageRank), vertex-centric (e.g., BFS) and edge-centric(e.g., Connected Component).

5. GPMA+: GPMA OPTIMIZATIONAlthough GPMA can support concurrent graph updates on

GPUs, the update algorithm is basically a lock-based ap-proach and can su↵er from serious performance issue whendi↵erent threads compete for the same lock. In this section,we propose a lock-free approach, i.e. GPMA+, which makesfull utilization of GPU’s massive multiprocessors. We care-fully examine the performance bottleneck of GPMA in Sec-tion 5.1. Based on the issues identified, we propose GPMA+for optimizing concurrent GPU updates with a lock-free ap-proach in Section 5.2.

5.1 Bottleneck AnalysisThe following four critical performance issues are identi-

fied for GPMA:

• Uncoalesced Memory Accesses: Each thread has totraverse the tree from the root segment to identify thecorresponding leaf segment to be updated. For a groupof GPU threads which share the same memory controller(including access pipelines and caches), memory accessesare uncoalesced and thus, cause additional IO overheads.

• Atomic Operations for Acquiring Lock: Each threadneeds to acquire the lock before it can perform the update.Frequently invoking atomic operations for acquiring lockswill bring huge overheads, especially for GPUs.

• Possible Thread Conflicts: When two threads conflicton a segment, one of them has to abort and wait for thenext attempt. In the case where the updates occur onsegments which are located proximately, GPMA will endup with low parallelism. As most real world large graphshave the power law property, the e↵ect of thread conflictscan be exacerbated.

• Unpredictable Thread Workload: Workload balanc-ing is another major concern for optimizing concurrentalgorithms [45]. The workload for each thread in GPMA isunpredictable because: (1) It is impossible to obtain thelast non-leaf segment traversed by each thread in advance;


Page 7: Accelerating Dynamic Graph Analytics on GPUscan easily reuse existing static GPU graph processing solu-tions for graph analytics. Most large graphs are inherently sparse.Tomaximizetheeciency,

(2) The result of lock competition is random. The unpre-dictable nature triggers the imbalanced workload issue forGPMA. In addition, threads are grouped as warps on GPUs.If a thread has a heavy workload, the remaining threadsof the same warp are idle and cannot be re-scheduled.

5.2 Lock-Free Segment-Oriented UpdatesBased on the discussion above, we propose GPMA+ to lift

all bottlenecks identified. The proposed GPMA+ does notrely on lock mechanism and achieves high thread utilizationsimultaneously. Existing graph algorithms can be adaptedto GPMA+ in the same manner as GPMA.

Compared with GPMA, which handles each update sepa-rately, GPMA+ concurrently processes updates based on thesegments involved. It breaks the complex update patterninto existing concurrent GPU primitives to achieve maxi-mum parallelism. There are three major components in theGPMA+ update algorithm:(1) The updates are first sorted by their keys and then dis-

patched to GPU threads for locating their correspondingleaf segments according to the sorted order.

(2) The updates belonging to the same leaf segment aregrouped for processing and GPMA+ processes the updateslevel by level in a bottom-up manner.

(3) At any particular level, we leverage GPU primitives toinvoke all computing resources for segment updates.

We note that, the issue of uncoalesced memory access inGPMA is resolved by component (1) as the updating threadsare sorted in advance to achieve similar traversal paths.Component (2) completely avoids the use of locks, whichsolves the problem of atomic operations and thread con-flicts. Finally, component (3) makes use of GPU primitivesto achieve workload balancing among all GPU threads.

We present the pseudocode for GPMA+’s segment-orientedinsertion in the procedure GpmaPlusInsertion of Algo-rithm 4. Note that, similar to Section 4 (GPMA), we focus onpresenting the insertions for GPMA+ and the deletions couldbe naturally inferred. The inserting entries are first sortedby their keys in line 2 and the corresponding segments arethen identified in line 3. Given the update set U , GPMA+processes updating segments level by level in lines 4-15 un-til all updates are executed successfully (line 11). In eachiteration, UniqueInsertion in line 7 groups update entriesbelonging to the same segments into unique segments, i.e.,S⇤, and produces the corresponding index set I for quickaccesses of update entries located in a segment from S⇤. Asshown in lines 19-20, UniqueSegments only utilizes stan-dard GPU primitives, i.e. RunLenghtEncoding and Ex-

clusiveScan. RunLenghtEncoding compresses an inputarray by merging runs of an element into a single element.It also outputs a count array denoting the length of eachrun. ExclusiveScan calculates, for each entry e in an ar-ray, the sum of all entries before e. Both primitives havevery e�cient parallelized GPU-based implementation whichmakes full utilization of the massive GPU cores. In ourimplementation, we use the NVIDIA CUB library [4] forthese primitives. Given a set of unique updating segments,TryInsert+ first checks if a segment s has enough spacefor accommodating the updates by summing the valid en-tries in s (CountSegment) and the number of updates ins (CountUpdatesInSegment). If the density threshold issatisfied, the updates will be materialized by merging the in-serting entries with existing entries in the segment (as shown

in line 26). Subsequently, all entries in the segment will bere-dispatched to balance the densities. After TryInsert+,the algorithm will terminate if there are no entries to beupdated. Otherwise, GPMA+ will advance to higher levelsby setting all remaining segments to their parent segments(lines 12-15). The following example illustrates GPMA+’ssegment-oriented updates.

Example 4. Figure 6 illustrates an example for GPMA+insertions with the same setup as in example 2. The leftpart is GPMA+’s snapshots in di↵erent rounds during thisbatch of insertions. The right part denotes the correspondingarray information after the execution of each round. Fiveinsertions are grouped into four corresponding leaf segments(denoted in di↵erent colors and their starting positions).For the first iteration at the leaf level, Insertions-1,4 of

the first segment (denoted as red) are merged into the cor-responding leaf segment, then its success flag is marked andwill not be considered in the next round. The remaining in-tervals fail in this iteration and their corresponding segmentswill upgrade to their parent segments. It should be noted thatthe purple and the orange grids belong to the same parentsegment and therefore, will be merged and then dispatched totheir shared parent segment (as shown in Round 1). In thisround, both segments (denoted as yellow and purple) can-not satisfy the density threshold, and their successful flagsare not checked. In Round 2, both update segments can bemerged by the corresponding insertions and no update seg-ments will be considered in the next round since all of themare flagged.In Algorithm 4, TryInsert+ is the most important func-

tion as it handles all the corresponding insertions with noconflicts. Moreover, it achieves a balanced workload for eachconcurrent task. This is because GPMA+ handles the updateslevel by level and each segment to be updated in a particu-lar level has exactly the same capacity. However, segmentsat di↵erent levels have di↵erent capacities. Intuitively, theprobability of updating a segment with a larger size (a seg-ment closer to the root) is much lower than that of a seg-ment with a smaller size (a segment closer to the leaf). Tooptimize towards the GPU architecture, we propose the fol-lowing optimization strategies for TryInsert+ for segmentswith di↵erent sizes.• Warp-Based: For a segment with entries not larger than

the warp size, the segment will be handled by a warp.Since all threads in the same warp are tied together andwarp-based data is held by registers, updating a segmentby a warp does not require explicit synchronization andwill obtain superior e�ciency.

• Block-Based: For a segment of which the data can beloaded in GPU’s shared memory, block-based approachis chosen. Block-based approach executes all updates inthe shared memory. As shared memory has much largersize than warp registers, block-based approach can handlelarge segments e�ciently.

• Device-Based: For a segment with a size larger thanthe size of the shared memory, we handle them via globalmemory and rely on kernel synchronization. Device-basedapproach is slower than the two approaches above, but ithas much less restriction on memory size (less than devicememory amount) and is not invoked frequently.

We refer interested readers to the appendix of the ex-tended technical report [42] for the detailed algorithm ofthe optimizations above.


Page 8: Accelerating Dynamic Graph Analytics on GPUscan easily reuse existing static GPU graph processing solu-tions for graph analytics. Most large graphs are inherently sparse.Tomaximizetheeciency,

2 5 8 13 16 17 23 27 28 31 34 37 42 46 51 62

1 4 9 35 48




0 2 3 4 5

0 4 24 28

SuccessfulFlag: Y N N N

1 2 4 5 8 13 16 17 23 27 28 31 34 37 42 46 51 62

1 2 4 5 8 9 13 16 17 23 27 28 31 34 35 37 42 46 48 51 62





9 35 48




0 1 3

0 24

SuccessfulFlag: N N


9 35 48




0 1 3

0 16

SuccessfulFlag: Y Y





[12,15] [24,27][8,11]













Level3 non-zero entry



Figure 6: GPMA+ concurrent insertions (best viewed in color)

Algorithm 4 GPMA+ Segment-Oriented Insertion

1: procedure GpmaPlusInsertion(Updates U)2: Sort(U)3: Segs S BinarySearchLeafSegments(U)4: while root segment is not reached do5: Indices I ;6: Segs S⇤ ;7: (S⇤, I) UniqueSegments(S)8: parallel for s 2 S⇤

9: TryInsert+(s, I, U)

10: if U = ; then11: return12: parallel for s 2 S

13: if s does not contain any update then14: remove s from S15: s parent segment of s

16: r double the space of the old root segment17: TryInsert+(r, ;, U)

18: function UniqueSegments(Segs S)19: (S⇤, Counts) RunLengthEncoding(S)20: Indices I ExclusiveScan(Counts)21: return (S⇤, I)

22: procedure TryInsert+(Seg s, Indices I, Updates U)23: n


CountSegment(s)24: U


CountUpdatesInSegment(s,I,U)25: if (n


+ |Us

|)/capacity(s) < ⌧ then26: Merge(s, U


)27: re-dispatch entries in s evenly28: remove U


from U

Theorem 1. Given there are K computation units in theGPU, the amortized update performance of GPMA+ is O(1+log



), where N is the maximum number of edges in thedynamic graph.

Proof. Let X denote the set of updating entries con-tained in a batch. We consider the case where |X| � K asit is rare to see |X| < K in real world scenarios. In fact,our analysis works for cases where |X| = O(K). The totalupdate complexity consists of three parts: (1) sorting theupdating entries; (2) searching the position of the entries inGPMA; (3) inserting the entries. We study these three partsseparately below.

For part (1), the sorting complexity of |X| entries on the

GPU is O( |X|K

) since parallel radix sort is used (keys in GPMAare integers for storing edges). Then, the amortized sorting

complexity is O( |X|K

)/|X| = O(1).

For part (2), the complexity of concurrently searching |X|entries on GPMA is O( |X|·logN


) since each entry is assignedto one thread and the depth of traversal is the same forone thread (GPMA is a balanced tree). Thus, the amortized

searching complexity is O( |X|·logNK

)/|X| = O( logNK

).For part (3), we need to conduct a slightly complicated

analysis. We denote the total insertion complexity ofX withGPMA+ as cX


. As GPMA+ is updated level by level, cXGPMA+

can be decomposed into: cXGPMA+

= c0 + c1 + ...+ ch

where his the height of the PMA tree.Given any level i, let z


denote the number of segmentsto be updated by GPMA+. Since all segments at level i havethe same size, we denote p


as the sequential complexityto update any segment s


at level i (TryInsert+ in Al-gorithm 4). GPMA+ evenly distributes the computing re-sources to each segment. As processing each segment onlyrequires a constant number of scans on the segment by GPUprimitives, the complexity for GPMA+ to process level i isci

= pi·ziK

. Thus we have:





· zi

K 1





where cxPMA

is the sequential complexity for PMA to processthe update of a particular entry x 2 X. The inequal-ity holds because for each segment updated by GPMA+, itmust be updated at least once by a sequential PMA pro-cess. With Lemma 1, we have cx


= O(log2N) and thus


= O( |X|·log2NK

). Then the amortized complexity toupdate one single entry under the GPMA scheme naturally

follows as O(1 + log



).Finally, we conclude the proof by combining the complex-

ities from all three parts.

Theorem 1 proves that the speedups of GPMA+ over se-quential PMA is linear to the number of processing unitsavailable on GPUs, which showcases the theoretical scala-bility of GPMA+.

6. EXPERIMENTAL EVALUATIONIn this section, we present the experimental evaluation of

our proposed methods. First, we present the setup of the ex-periments. Second, we examine the update costs of di↵erentschemes for maintaining dynamic graphs. Finally, we imple-ment three di↵erent applications to show the performanceand the scalability of the proposed solutions.

6.1 Experimental SetupDatasets. We collect two real world graphs (Reddit andPokec) and synthesize two random graphs (Random andGraph500) to test the proposed methods. The datasets are


Page 9: Accelerating Dynamic Graph Analytics on GPUscan easily reuse existing static GPU graph processing solu-tions for graph analytics. Most large graphs are inherently sparse.Tomaximizetheeciency,

Table 1: Experimented Graph Algorithms and the Compared ApproachesCompared Approaches Graph Container BFS ConnectedComponent PageRank

CPU ApproachesAdjLists

Standard Single Thread AlgorithmsPMA [10, 11]Stinger [19] Stinger built-in Parallel Algorithms

GPU ApproachescuSparseCSR [3]

D. Merrill et al.[37] J. Soman et al.[43] CUSP SpMV [2]GPMA/GPMA+

101 103 105

SlLGLng SLze







e (P



101 103 105

SlLGLng SLze







e (P


101 103 105

SlLGLng SLze







e (P



101 103 105

SlLGLng SLze







e (P



AGMLLsts 30A StLngeU cuSSaUseCS5 G30A G30A+

Figure 7: Performance comparison for updates with di↵erent batch sizes. The dashed lines represent CPU-based solutions whereas the solid lines represent GPU-based solutions.

Table 2: Statistics of DatasetsDatasets |V | |E| |E|/|V | |E


| |Es

|/|V |Reddit 2.61M 34.4M 13.2 17.2M 6.6Pokec 1.60M 30.6M 19.1 15.3M 9.6

Graph500 1.00M 200M 200 100M 100Random 1.00M 200M 200 100M 100

described as follows and their statistics are summarized inTable 2.

• Reddit is an online forum where user actions include postand comment. We collect all comment actions from apublic resource3. Each comment of a user b to a postfrom another user a is associated with an edge from a tob, and the edge indicates an action of a has triggered anaction of b. As each comment is labeled with a timestamp,it naturally forms a dynamic influence graph.

• Pokec is the most popular online social network in Slo-vakia. We retrieve the dataset from SNAP [31]. Unlikeother online datasets, Pokec contains the whole networkover a span of more than 10 years. Each edge correspondsto a friendship between two users.

• Graph500 is a synthetic dataset obtained by using theGraph500 RMAT generator [38] to synthesize a large powerlaw graph.

• Random is a random graph generated by the Erdos-Renyimodel. Specifically, given a graph with n vertices, the ran-dom graph is generated by including each edge with prob-ability p. In our experiments, we generate a Erdos-Renyirandom graph with 0.02% of non-zero entries against afull clique.

Stream Setup. In our datasets, Reddit has a timestampon every edge whereas the other datasets do not possesstimestamps. As commonly used in existing graph streamalgorithms [56, 54, 39], we randomly set the timestamps ofall edges in the Pokec, Graph500 and Random datasets.Then, the graph stream of each dataset receives the edgeswith increasing timestamps.For each dataset, a dynamic graph stream is initialized

with a subgraph consisting of the dataset’s first half of itstotal edges according to the timestamps, i.e., E


in Table 23https://www.kaggle.com/reddit/reddit-comments-may-2015

denotes the initial edge set of a dynamic graph before thestream starts. To demonstrate the update performance ofboth insertions and deletions, we adopt a sliding windowsetup where the window contains a fixed number of edges.Whenever the window slides, we need to update the graphby deleting expired edges and inserting arrived edges untilthere are no new edges left in the stream.

Applications. We conduct experiments on three most widelyused graph applications to showcase the applicability andthe e�ciency of GPMA+.• BFS is a key graph operation which is extensively studied

in previous works on GPU graph processing [25, 34, 13].It begins with a given vertex (or root) of an unweightedgraph and iteratively explores all connected vertices. Thealgorithm will assign a minimum distance away from theroot vertex to every visited vertex after it terminates. Inthe streaming scenario, after each graph update, we selecta random root vertex and perform BFS from the root toexplore the entire graph.

• Connected Component is another fundamental algo-rithm which has been extensively studied under both CPU[26] and GPU [43] environment. It partitions the graphin the way that all vertices in a partition can reach theothers in the same partition and cannot reach verticesfrom other partitions. In the streaming context, aftereach graph update, we run the ConnectedComponent

algorithm to maintain the up-to-date partitions.• PageRank is another popular benchmarking application

for large scale graph processing. Power iteration methodis a standard method to evaluate the PageRank wherethe Sparse Matrix Vector Multiplication (SpMV) kernel isrecursively executed between the graph’s adjacency ma-trix and the PageRank vector. In the streaming scenario,whenever the graph is updated, the power iteration is in-voked and it obtains the up-to-date PageRank vector byoperating on the updated graph adjacency matrix and thePageRank vector obtained in the previous iteration. Inour experiments, we follow the standard setup by settingthe damping factor to 0.85 and we terminate the poweriteration once the 1-norm error is less than 10�3.

These three applications have di↵erent memory and com-putation requirements. BFS requires little computation but


Page 10: Accelerating Dynamic Graph Analytics on GPUscan easily reuse existing static GPU graph processing solu-tions for graph analytics. Most large graphs are inherently sparse.Tomaximizetheeciency,

performs frequent random memory accesses, and PageRankusing SpMV accesses the memory sequentially and it is themost compute-intensive task among all three applications.

Maintaining Dynamic Graph. We adopt the CSR [33,6] format to represent the dynamic graph maintained. Notethat all approaches proposed in the paper are not restrictedto CSR but general enough to incorporate any popular rep-resentation formats like COO [16], JAD [40], HYB [9, 35]and many others. To evaluate the update performance of ourproposed methods, we compare di↵erent graph data struc-tures and respective approaches on both CPUs and GPUs.

• AdjLists (CPU). AdjLists is a basic approach for CSRgraph representation. As the CSR format sorts all en-tries according to their row-column indices, we implementAdjLists with a vector of |V | entries for |V | verticesand each entry is a RB-Tree to denote all (out)neighborsof each vertex. The insertions/deletions are operated byTreeSet insertions/deletions.

• PMA (CPU). We implement the original CPU-based PMA

and adopt it for the CSR format. The insertions/deletionsare operated by PMA insertions/deletions.

• Stinger (CPU). We compare the graph container struc-ture used in the state-of-the-art CPU-based parallel dy-namic graph analytic system, Stinger [19]. The updatesare handled by the internal logic of Stinger.

• cuSparseCSR (GPU). We also compare with the GPU-based CSR format used in the NVIDIA cuSparse library [3].The updates are executed by calling the rebuild functionin the cuSparse library.

• GPMA/GPMA+. These are our proposed approaches. Al-though insertions and deletions could be handled simi-larly, in the sliding window models where the numbersof insertions and deletions are often equal, the lazy dele-tions can be performed via marking the location as deletedwithout triggering the density maintenance and recyclingfor new insertions.

Note that we do not compare with DCSR [30] because,as discussed in Section 2.2, the scheme can neither handledeletions nor support e�cient searches, which makes it in-comparable to all schemes proposed in this paper.To validate if using the dynamic graph format proposed

in this paper a↵ects the performance of graph algorithms,we implement the state-of-the-art GPU-based algorithmson the CSR format maintained by GPMA/GPMA+ as well ascuSparseCSR. Meanwhile, we invoke Stinger’s built-inAPIs to handle the same workloads of the graph algorithms,which are considered as the counterpart of GPU-based ap-proaches in highly parallel CPU environment. Finally, weimplement the standard single-threaded algorithms for eachapplication in AdjLists and PMA as baselines for thoroughevaluation. The details of all compared solutions for eachapplication is summarized in Table 1.

Experimental Environment. All algorithms mentionedin the remaining part of this section are implemented withCUDA 7.5 and GCC 4.8.4 with -O3 optimization. All ex-periments except Stinger run on a CentOS server whichhas Intel(R) Core i7-5820k (6-cores, 3.30GHz) with 64GBmain memory and three GeForce TITAN X GPUs (each has12GB device memory), connected with PCIe v3.0. Stingerbaselines run on a multi-core server which is deployed 4-wayIntel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7-4820 v3 (40-cores, 1.90GHz) with128GB main memory.

6.2 The Performance of Handling UpdatesIn this subsection, we compare the update costs for di↵er-

ent update approaches. As previously mentioned, we startwith the initial subgraph consisting of each dataset’s firsthalf of total edges. We measure the average update timewhere the sliding window iteratively shifts for a batch ofedges. To evaluate the impact of update batch sizes, thebatch size is set to range from one edge and exponentiallygrow to one million edges with base two. Figure 7 showsthe average latency for all approaches with di↵erent slid-ing batch sizes. Note that the x-axis and y-axis are plottedin log scales. We have also tested sorted graph streams toevaluate extreme cases. We omit the detailed results due tolimited space and interested readers are referred to [42].We observe that, PMA-based approaches are very e�cient

in handling updates when the batch size is small. As batchsize becomes larger, the performance of PMA and GPMA quicklydegrades to the performance of simple rebuild. AlthoughGPMA achieves better performance than GPMA+ for smallbatches since the concurrent updating entries are unlikely toconflict, thread conflicts become serious for larger batches.Due to its lock-free characteristic, GPMA+ shows superiorperformance over PMA and GPMA. In particular, GPMA+ hasspeedups of up to 20.42x and 18.30x against PMA and GPMA

respectively. Stinger shows impressive update performancein most cases as Stinger e�ciently updates its dynamicgraph structure in a parallel fashion and the code runs ona powerful multi-core CPU system. For now, a multi-coreCPU system is considered more powerful than GPUs forpure random data structure maintenance but costs more (inour experimental setup, our CPU server costs more than5 times that of the GPU server). Moreover, we also notethat, Stinger shows extremely poor performance in theGraph500 dataset. According to the previous study [8], thephenomenon is due to the fact that Stinger holds a fixedsize of each edge block. Since Graph500 is a heavily skewedgraph as the graph follows the power law model, the skew-ness causes severe performance deficiency in the utilizationof memory for Stinger.We observe the sharp increase for GPMA+ performance

curves occur when the batch size is 512. This is because themulti-level strategy is used in GPMA+ (which is mentioned inSection 5.2) and shared-memory constraint cannot supportbatch size which is more than 512 on our hardware. Finally,the experiments show that, GPMA is faster than GPMA+ whenthe update batch is smaller and leads to few thread conflicts,because the GPMA+ logic is more complicated and includesoverheads by a number of kernel calls. However, using GPMAonly benefits when the update batch is extremely small andthe performance gain in such extreme case is also negligiblecompared with GPMA+. Hence, we can conclude that GPMA+shows its stability and e�ciency across di↵erent update pat-terns compared with GPMA, and we will only show the resultsof GPMA+ in the remaining experiments.

6.3 Application PerformanceAs previously mentioned, all compared application-specific

approaches are summarized in Table 1. We find that inte-grating GPMA+ into an existing GPU-based implementationrequires little modification. The main one is in transformingthe array operations in the original implementation to theoperations on GPMA+, as presented in Section 4.2. The inten-tions of this subsection are two-fold. First, we test if using


Page 11: Accelerating Dynamic Graph Analytics on GPUscan easily reuse existing static GPU graph processing solu-tions for graph analytics. Most large graphs are inherently sparse.Tomaximizetheeciency,

0.0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.37LPe (seFRnG)





e 6L










8nLfRUP 5anGRP

0.0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.37LPe (seFRnG)














0.0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.057LPe (seFRnG)














0.0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.057LPe (seFRnG)














AGMLLsts 30A 6tLngeU Fu6SaUseC65 G30A+ %)6 (SatteUneG) 8SGate (unSatteUneG)

Figure 8: Streaming BFS

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.57LPe (secRnG)





e 6L











8nLfRUP 5anGRP

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.57LPe (secRnG)














0.0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.17LPe (secRnG)














0.0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.17LPe (secRnG)














AGMLLsts 30A 6tLngeU cu6SaUseC65 G30A+ CRnnecteGCRPSRnent (SatteUneG) 8SGate (unSatteUneG)

Figure 9: Streaming Connected Component

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.07LPe (secRnG)





e 6L









8nLfRUP 5anGRP

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.07LPe (secRnG)













0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.07LPe (secRnG)












0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.07LPe (secRnG)











AGMLLsts 30A 6tLngeU cu6SaUseC65 G30A+ 3age5ank (SatteUneG) 8SGate (unSatteUneG)

Figure 10: Streaming PageRank

the PMA-like data structure to represent the graph bringssignificant overheads for the graph algorithms. Second, wedemonstrate how the update performance a↵ects the overalle�ciency of dynamic graph processing.

In the remaining part of this section, we present the per-formance of di↵erent approaches by showing their averageelapsed time to process a shift of the sliding window withthree di↵erent batch sizes, i.e., the batches contain 0.01%,0.1% and 1% edges of the respective dataset. We have alsotested the graph stream with explicit random insertions anddeletions for all applications as an extended experiment. Weomit the detailed results here since they are similar to theresults of the sliding window model and we refer interestedreaders to [42]. We distinguish the time spent on updatesand analytics with di↵erent patterns among all figures.

BFS Results: Figure 8 presents the results for BFS. Al-though processing BFS only accesses each edge in the graphonce, it is still an expensive operation because BFS can po-tentially scan the entire graph. This has led to the observa-tion that CPU-based approach takes significant amount oftime for BFS computation whereas the update time is com-paratively negligible. Thanks to the massive parallelism andhigh memory bandwidth of GPUs, GPU-based approachesare much more e�cient than CPU-based approaches for BFScomputation as well as the overall performance. For thecuSparseCSR approach, the rebuild process is the bottle-neck as the update needs to scan the entire group multipletimes. In contrast, GPMA+ takes much shorter time for the

update and has nearly identical BFS performance comparedwith cuSparseCSR. Thus, GPMA+ dominates the compar-isons in terms of the overall processing e�ciency.We have also tested our framework in terms of hiding data

transfer over PCIe by using asynchronous streams to con-currently perform GPU computation and PCIe transfer. InFigure 11, we show the results when running concurrent ex-ecution by using the GPMA+ approach. The data transferconsists of two parts: sending graph updates and fetchingupdated distance vector (from the query vertex to all othervertices). It is clear from the figure that, under any cir-cumstances, sending graph updates is overlapped by GPMA+update processing and fetching the distance vector is over-lapped by BFS computation. Thus, the data transfer is com-pletely hidden in the concurrent streaming scenario. As theobservations remain similar in other applications, we omittheir results and explanations, and the details can be foundin the appendix of our extended technical report [42].

Connected Component Results: Figure 9 presents theresults for running ConnectedComponent on the dynamicgraphs. The results show di↵erent performance patternscompared with BFS as ConnectedComponent takes moretime in processing which is caused by a number of graphtraversal passes to extract the partitions. Meanwhile, theupdate cost remains the same. Thus, GPU-based solutionsenhance their performance superiority over CPU-based solu-tions. Nevertheless, the update process of cuSparseCSR isstill expensive compared with the time spent on Connected-


Page 12: Accelerating Dynamic Graph Analytics on GPUscan easily reuse existing static GPU graph processing solu-tions for graph analytics. Most large graphs are inherently sparse.Tomaximizetheeciency,

0 20 40 60 80 100TiPe (PV)





e 6i


8nifRUP 5DnGRP

0 20 40 60 80 100TiPe (PV)





0 5 10 15 20 25TiPe (PV)





0 5 10 15 20 25TiPe (PV)





GP0A+ 8SGDte %)6 )etFh %)6 DiVtDnFe VeFtRU 6enG 8SGDteV

Figure 11: Concurrent data transfer and BFS computation with asynchronous stream

0 20 40 60 80ThURughSut (PilliRn eGges / seFRnG)





f (Gg


30A 8SGate

0 2 4 6 8ThURughSut (EilliRn eGges / seFRnG)





0 1 2 3 4 5ThURughSut (EilliRn eGges / seFRnG)





0 1 2 3ThURughSut (EilliRn eGges / seFRnG)




CRnneFteG CRPSRnent

1 G38 2 G38s 3 G38s

Figure 12: Multi-GPU performance on di↵erent sizes of Graph500 datasets

Component. GPMA+ is very e�cient in processing the up-dates. Although we have observed that, in the Reddit andthe Pokec datasets, GPMA+ shows some discrepancies forrunning the graph algorithm against cuSparseCSR due tothe “holes” introduced in the graph structure, the discrep-ancies are insignificant considering the huge performanceboosts for updates. Thus, GPMA+ still dominates the rebuildapproach for overall performance.

PageRank Results: Figure 10 presents the results for Page-Rank. PageRank is a compute-intensive task where theSpMV kernel is iteratively invoked on the entire graph untilthe PageRank vector converges. The pattern follows fromprevious results: CPU-based solutions are dominated byGPU-based approaches because iterative SpMV is a more ex-pensive process than BFS and ConnectedComponent, andGPU is designed to handle massively parallel computationlike SpMV. Although cuSparseCSR shows inferior perfor-mance compared with GPMA+, the improvement brought byGPMA+’s e�cient update is not as significant as that in pre-vious applications since the update costs are small comparedwith the cost of iterative SpMV kernel calls. Nevertheless, thedynamic structure of GPMA+ does not a↵ect the e�ciency ofthe SpMV kernel and GPMA+ outperforms other approachesin all experiments.

6.4 ScalabilityGPMA and GPMA+ can also be extended to multiple GPUs

to support graphs with a size larger than the device memoryof one GPU. To showcase the scalability of our proposedframework, we implement the multi-GPU version of GPMA+and then carry out experiments of the aforementioned graphanalytic applications.We generate three large datasets using Graph500 with

increasing numbers of edges (600 Million, 1.2 Billion and1.8 Billion) and conduct the same performance experimentsin section 6.3 with 1% slide size, on 1, 2 and 3 GPUs respec-tively. We evenly partition graphs according to the vertexindex and synchronize all devices after each iteration. Fora fair comparison among di↵erent datasets, we use through-put as our performance metric. The experimental results ofGPMA+ updates and application performance are illustratedin Figure 12. We do not compare with Stinger because

in this subsection, we focus on the evaluation on the scal-ability of GPMA+. The memory consumption of Stingerexceeds our machine’s 128GB main memory based on itsdefault configuration in the standalone mode.Multiple GPUs can extend the memory capacity so that

analytics on larger graphs can be executed. According toFigure 12, the improvement in terms of throughput for mul-tiple GPUs behaves di↵erently in various applications. ForGPMA+ update and PageRank, we achieve a significant im-provement with more GPUs, because their workloads be-tween communications are relatively compute-intensive. ForBFS and ConnectedComponent, the experimental resultsdemonstrate a tradeo↵ between overall computing powerand communication cost with increasing number of GPUs,as these two applications incur larger communication cost.Nevertheless, multi-GPU graph processing is an emergingresearch area and more e↵ectiveness optimizations are leftas future work. Overall, this set of preliminary experimentsshows that our proposed scheme is capable of supportinglarge scale dynamic graph analytics.

7. CONCLUSION & FUTURE WORKIn this paper, we address how to dynamically update the

graph structure on GPUs in an e�cient manner. First, weintroduce a GPU dynamic graph analytic framework, whichenables existing static GPU-oriented graph algorithms tosupport high-performance evolving graph analytics. Sec-ond, to avoid the rebuild of the graph structure which isa bottleneck for processing dynamic graphs on GPUs, wepropose GPMA and GPMA+ to support incremental dynamicgraph maintenance in parallel. We prove the scalabilityand complexity of GPMA+ theoretically and evaluate the ef-ficiency through extensive experiments. As future work, wewould like to explore a hybrid CPU-GPU approach for dy-namic graph processing and more e↵ective optimizations forinvolved applications.

8. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTThe project is partially supported by a MoE Tier 2 grant

(MOE2017-T2-1-141) in Singapore. Bingsheng’s work is inpart supported by a MoE AcRF Tier 1 grant (T1 251RES1610)in Singapore.


Page 13: Accelerating Dynamic Graph Analytics on GPUscan easily reuse existing static GPU graph processing solu-tions for graph analytics. Most large graphs are inherently sparse.Tomaximizetheeciency,

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