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Accenture Federal Services The Federal Supply Chain Campaign Plan A Roadmap to High Performance

Accenture Federal Services

The Federal Supply Chain Campaign PlanA Roadmap to High Performance


IntroductionFederal agencies are under pressure to reduce costs between constricting budgets and expanding demand for services; agencies must find ways to improve performance while trimming expenditures. Accenture understands the challenges faced by federal agencies and has developed a supply chain campaign methodology that will create a “bottoms-up” approach to identify a strategic supply chain roadmap for the future.

The Supply Chain Campaign methodology takes an all-encompassing look at an agency’s supply chain from end to end and, through stakeholder feedback, identifies the strategic journey required for the future. Through initiatives identified by the Supply Chain Campaign, Accenture will work with an agency to identify and deliver solutions that focus on improving customer service, streamlining processes and increasing visibility at a lower overall enterprise cost. Our approach combines Accenture’s deep federal knowledge with leading best practices and lessons learned from previous efforts to transform an agency’s supply chain to become best-in-class.

The Supply Chain Campaign includes:

• Rapid goal setting, alignment and prioritization exercises (based upon Lean Six Sigma principles) to identify where an agency wants to be in the short, medium and long term

• Initiative identification, measurement and sequencing/prioritization that support these goals

• Development of a blueprint for Success that includes a five-year roadmap and strategy to lead your agency’s supply chain toward becoming world-class

• Initiative management, stakeholder alignment and final-state measurement to progress initiatives

This brochure contains an actual agency’s Supply Chain Campaign that was customized and tailored to fit its needs. The Campaign has set the tone for the next five years at the agency and will introduce and measure initiatives that will take the agency toward becoming best in class by 2017.



The Supply Chain Campaign: Aligning Goals to Future Results

The Supply Chain Campaign is the supply chain division’s transformation campaign plan to improve logistics operations to meet both the current and future business environments. It is an action-focused strategy that guides key logistics transformation initiatives to provide world-class, dependable, effective and efficient operations in support of the overall mission of the agency. The goals of this strategy are designed to support the overarching goals set by the agency (see below). In addition, the Supply Chain Campaign aligns to the agency strategic objectives.

Group of Agencies



Branch B

Branch C

Branch A

Branch D


Division VisionTo be successful in the 21st century environment, logistics must operate with Improved Supply Chain Visibility, across Streamlined and Integrated business Processes, by supporting Auditability, Accountability, and Compliance, with Optimized Resources and Talent, while leveraging Integrated Technology. Combined, these five goals drive the future state of the division’s supply chain.


Improve Supply Chain Visibility Across the Division’s business Environment• by Improving Visibility across the

Division’s Supply Chain, this ensures that logistics decisions are made and actions are taken with an understanding of their impact across the entire enterprise.

• Improved Visibility requires end-to-end business processes enabled by Integrated Technology, and supported by well-trained professionals that execute according to common objectives across the division.

Streamline and Integrate business Processes• Integrated business Processes tie division

branches and functions together to deliver streamlined end-to-end processes across the division.

• It is through Integrated Processes that logistics will be able to dynamically respond to the decisions made at the enterprise level.

• Integrated Processes allow the Supply Chain Campaign to improve performance of processes wherever possible by adopting and institutionalizing best practices from industry and within the division.

• Integrated Processes are driven by the goals and metrics established at the enterprise level and respond to changing priorities.

Increase Auditability, Accountability and Compliance• Through Total Asset Management (TAM),

the division will ensure that the asset-related business functions are auditable, accountable and compliant with division and federal regulations and guidelines.

• The division will facilitate financial auditability and reporting by implementing sufficient internal controls and processes to achieve and maintain auditable Asset Management and Supply Chain Management records.

• by creating internal capabilities for asset visibility across the entire division operation, users can track and report key information required throughout the life of that asset.

Optimize Resources and Talent• The division will align its talent,

infrastructure, and financial resources to support an integrated process enterprise.

• Optimized Talent aligns to the Supply Chain Campaign goals and initiatives as well as division goals. These resources utilize a performance management plan that enables key stakeholders to track progress of those resources dedicated to the Supply Chain Campaign initiatives.

• Optimized Infrastructure allows the division to leverage existing information technology investments or pursue shared services opportunities with other partners.

• Optimized Financial Resources, in the form of reduced operating costs and capital investment, result from successful completion of the Supply Chain Campaign goals and initiatives.

Integrated Technology• Integrated Technology provides a

common toolset for the Supply Chain Campaign and its customers across the enterprise. A common platform, such as integrated supply chain systems, will promote data sharing and collaboration while enabling better decision making across the division’s supply chain.

• An integrated approach to technology also enables Optimized Resources and Talent by providing the means to increase asset visibility and reduce operations and support costs.

• Integrated Technology will provide information-sharing capabilities that were not previously available. Utilizing common data will help to enable an Enterprise View and promote collaboration among stakeholders in the division and across the enterprise.



The Supply Chain Campaign Realizes Long-Term Benefits from Division Goals

Goal PrioritizationUsing a “bottom-up” Lean Six Sigma approach to ensure that division goals were aligned across branches, representatives from each branch were asked to estimate how well each goal for the next five years aligned to the corresponding division goals. Those goals that aligned best with division, agency and government goals scored the highest.

The Supply Chain Campaign is the catalyst that will take goal prioritization and mobilize the division’s business segments to meet the organization’s goals. The initiatives undertaken through the Supply Chain Campaign will result in long-term benefits to both the division and agency.

Approach1. Division goals will be ranked according

to importance.

• 10 = High importance (Failure to achieve this goal will have major negative impact on the organization)

• 1 = Low Importance (Failure to achieve goal will have minor impacts on org.)

2. Each branch will identify its own goals.

3. Each initiative or task will be ranked for its alignment with various goals.

• High - Initiative would make a significant impact on reaching the goal

• Medium - Initiative would make some impact on reaching the goal

• Low - Initiative would make a minimal impact on reaching the goal



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Worldwide facilities and logistics support

3 M M L 5

Facilitate A2R processes 7 H M L 14

Safe and healthy work environment

9 L M H 18

Total 12 13 12





Branch Goals




Business Segments Division Goals




Inventory Management Improve Supply Chain Visibility Improved Accountability

Long-Term Benefits

Streamline and Integrate Business Processes End-to-end SC VisibilityWarehouse and Distribution

Auditability, Accountability, and Compliance Replace Legacy SystemsTransportation

Optimize Resources and Talent Reduce Manual WorkloadProperty Accountability

Integrated Technology CompliancePlans and Programs


Success Through Leadership Alignment and Initiative Prioritization

As part of the Supply Chain Campaign process, a structured approach to aligning leadership will be critical to the program’s success.

Effective leadership in the division is a collective phenomenon. It takes the effort of branch chiefs and others to produce change in this large organization. A collective leadership capability must be more than the sum of its parts to inspire innovation and energize the organization.

Diagnostic tools can be used to guide this alignment across the division. It is foundational to the governance, stakeholder management, communications, etc. that will support the Supply Chain Campaign in its execution.

Formally conducting a leadership alignment and initiative prioritization effort will allow the division to quickly diagnose the organization based on structured interviews with key executives. Leadership alignments draw upon their insights of what’s working and what’s not. The output—an analysis that examines the division leadership’s consistency and any areas of misalignment—puts the Supply Chain Campaign on a solid foundation where all leaders are aligned with the business context, objectives and change agenda.

The division’s executive alignment is a critical success factor in designing and executing the Supply Chain Campaign. It ensures a solid foundation for future decision making, stakeholder engagement, communications and other activities.

Change programs that only address the “hardware” (i.e., technology and business process) risk overlooking the “software” (i.e., culture, human capital strategy, performance management and leadership capability). Leadership is most effective when its threads are apparent from the top team all the way to front-line management. This is the key to rapid and consistent execution of strategy and any change program.

Governance and Decision Making


Performance Management

Succession Management

Stakeholder Management


Supply Chain Campaign Strategy

Initiatives, value proposition,

projects and priorities

Division CultureInformal aspects of how work gets done,

division values, norms, assumptions

Division LeadershipEffectiveness of key leaders, leadership teams

and governance processes

Technology and Business ProcessOptimization of

systems and business processes

Organization ArchitectureTalent strategy and

performance management



The Supply Chain Campaign and the Blueprint for Success: The Way Forward

With integrated supply chain systems, Acquire to Retire, and Total Asset Management as foundations to align the division’s strategic undertakings in the future, the focus for the next five years will be on successfully defining and executing the Supply Chain Campaign goals and initiatives. In order to do so, the division will create a blueprint for Success to create, document and prioritize the Supply Chain Campaign initiatives. The blueprint will also measure the current state, and undertake “quick win” initiatives that have limited complexity but create significant value for the division.

The Supply Chain Campaign blueprint for Success not only provides the definition of the future state, it also serves as the roadmap by which the transformation is fully defined. by establishing a plan to achieve value for the division and its customers, the blueprint allows the division to manage the Supply Chain Campaign transformation and measures progress along the way.

benefitsThe Blueprint for Success will drive pace through the sequencing and prioritization of initiatives. It ensures a common understanding of the future state, and measures progress throughout the transformation.

Benefits and Initiative PrioritizationThe blueprint for Success will enable the division to prioritize initiatives based upon their complexity and value to the organization.

The blueprint will incorporate division and branch initiatives in addition to taking customer feedback into account (see next page). It also creates a common understanding of the future state that the Supply Chain Campaign will deliver.

In addition, the blueprint fosters strategic agility by recognizing that in the Supply Chain Campaign’s multi year journey, adjustments must by made to reprioritize and refocus investments to meet new division mandates or support new missions.

Using Lean Six Sigma tools and approaches, the division will realize the goals of the Supply Chain Campaign by maintaining a clear focus on the end state and ensuring that the organization remains focused on outcomes and benefit realization.

Supply Chain Campaign Blueprint for Success: Defines division’s target state and connects the transformation program’s activities and stakeholders

Supply Chain Campaign Program Management: Includes the activities used to manage successful delivery of initiatives’ design, delivery, scope, quality, cost, business value and schedule

Supply Chain Campaign Project Management and Execution: Focuses on managing the program’s prioritized initiatives through supporting project execution

Supply Chain Campaign Blueprint

for Success

Supply Chain Campaign Program


Supply Chain Campaign Project

Management and Execution

Business Readiness/ Transformation


Stakeholder Engagement

Program Governance Program Map

Transition Governance Transition


Leadership Engagement

Blueprint for Success Definition


As a key component of defining the blueprint, initiative prioritization and project sequencing exercises will help shape the multi year Supply Chain Campaign journey, moving from Foundational initiatives to best in Class.

The completion of the blueprint for Success will also generate a five-year Supply Chain Campaign roadmap that identifies how and when prioritized initiatives will be rolled out, the metrics against which the Supply Chain Campaign will be measured, as well as a small subset of initiatives that will drive quick wins for the division.

Foundation for Strategic Initiatives

• Acquire to Retire • Total Asset Management• Supply Chain Campaign Goal Alignment • Integrated Supply Chain Systems

Foundational Best in Class

Strategic Vision

• Supply Chain Campaign Blueprint for Success Definition

Blueprint for Success

• Create and document the Supply Chain Campaign initiatives• Manage the Supply Chain Campaign Blueprint for Success transformation• Prioritize short- medium- and long-term Supply Chain Campaign initiatives

Baseline and Measure

• Use the Supply Chain Campaign initiatives identified through the Blueprint for Success to recognize metrics that will measure the Supply Chain Campaign progress

Quick Wins

• Utilizing the Blueprint for Success as a roadmap, undertake short-term initiatives that will drive quick, significant value for the division

Initiative Wave One Initiative Wave Two Initiative Wave Three

• Prioritized initiatives selected during the Blueprint for Success phase

FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17Supply Chain Campaign Initiative Complexity













Low Risk, High Reward

Low Hanging Fruit

Limited Value

Best in Class Quick Wins






Quick Wins• SCA – Supply Chain


• FM – Fleet Management (Vehicle Allocation Model)

Low Risk, High Reward• PM – Performance


• LSS – Lean Six Sigma

• IT – IT Auto-Discovery

• XT – Cross Training

Low Hanging Fruit• INV – Inventory


• TO – Transportation Optimization

Best in Class• VIZ – Supply Chain


• VM – Vendor Management

• DP – Demand Planning

Limited Value• RO – Route Optimization

• SS – Strategic Sourcing


Centralized, globally accessed data repository that

supports analytics

Governance structure for suppliers and compliance


Ability to create standardized and ad hoc reporting

Standardized metrics, performance

reports and benchmarking

Ability to track and capture total landed costs for financials

Integrated data with E2E visibility across all providers and


Manage supplier segmentation and development

Global standardization of Key Performance Indicators and


Centralized booking and track/trace


Proactive event and exception management

Monitor service quality compliance


End-to-end shipment

planning and execution to


SOP ownership and oversight


• Integrate and automate information with suppliers

• Create real-time data access

• Develop a centralized portal for ad hoc information and reporting queries

• Utilize analytics and a dashboard to measure value, execution metrics and supplier reporting

• Increase supplier performance and relationship management

Supply Chain Control Towers Increase Visibility and Customer ServiceThe division’s supply chain is complex, with a customer base spread out across the globe. Visibility to where the product is, when it will arrive at a destination, and customer demand and requirements are needed to provide better customer service and support the overall division mission.

Supply Chain Control Towers have been at the forefront of the push to achieve full visibility of the supply chain. One centralized organization with full visibility across the division supply chain can cut through historical resource silos and sense changes to external and internal factors. This creates rapid supply chain intelligence and insight, allowing the organization to react swiftly and appropriately.

benefitsImproved Accountability• Provides more comprehensive planning

and analytics capabilities

• Changes supply chain planning from a reactive to a predictive exercise

• Provides real-time monitoring and visibility

E2E SC Visibility• Provides the only true means for

full real-time visibility of the supply chain (not just enhanced visibility of certain aspects)

Replaced Legacy Systems• Supply Chain Control Towers require full

integration of the supply chain, from the beginning to the end of the lifecycle of inventory

Reduced Manual Workload• Creates a Global Center of Execution, not

just Excellence

• Enables resources to make informed decisions and ensure that they are well-executed

Compliance• Compliance to all financial and other

requirements will no longer remain within the silos

• Creates a centralized function with visibility into compliance across the supply chain

Supply Chain Control Tower Services

Data Management and Analytics

Supplier Management

Transportation Execution


Inventory Optimization and Demand Planning Balance Inventory Costs with Customer Service Levels


Inventory optimization and demand planning involve the ideal balancing of costs and benefits for the division. by partnering with customers to optimize inventory, the division can help to reduce the fixed costs of ordering, improve capacity, and reduce fluctuations in supply, demand and prices for the division.

An inventory optimization exercise and better synchronized planning process would allow the division to:

• Identify and eliminate root cause problems contributing to excess inventory requirements such as high supply/demand variability or long replenishment cycles

• Safely lower inventory to manage against current variability

• Improve customer service

benefitsImproved Accountability• Utilize a baseline to measure

progress and formalize a performance measurement process to translate improvement areas into actions

• Order Fill Rates: 10 percent to 20 percent increase

• Inventory Turns: 10 percent to 30 percent increase

• Excess and Obsolescence: 40 percent to 60 percent decrease

• Inventory: 10 percent to 30 percent decrease

• Inventory Write Offs: 40 percent to 60 percent decrease

• Expedited Transportation Spend: 40 percent to 60 percent decrease

E2E SC Visibility• Internal collaboration process becomes

both strategic and visionary as well as timely and iterative

Replaced Legacy Systems• There are critical dependencies on both data

and systems that will provide timely and accurate demand and supply side information

• Supply and demand decision trade offs are becoming more complex and require analytics and scenario modeling with advanced technologies

Reduced Manual Workload• Overtime Charges: 40 percent to

60 percent decrease

Compliance• Improved predictive analytics to identify

assets prior to arrival for the division

Program Management


Key Outputs/Deliverables


Develop/Implement the Following: Communication Plan, Status Report, Issue & Risk Management, Recommendation and Findings, Effort Schedule With Timeline

Prepare Gather Data Analyze Recommend

• Conduct kickoff meeting and set steering commitee dates• Confirm/define product and supply chain network• Review data requirements and identify sources• Hold workshop to understand SC strategy and impacts on inventory

Key Activities

• Stakeholder buy-in• Communication plan• Scope document• Data collection documents

1 Week 4 Weeks 2 Weeks 1 Week

• Gather, validate, cleanse all data• Perform high-level interviews to incentify opportunity areas• Confirm approach for sensitivity analysis

• Completed data collection templates (validated and cleansed)• Sensitivity analysis approach• Interview notes• Key findings and issues• Quick wins and opportunities

• Perform inventory profile analysis in Excel• Load data into IA model• Run IA to determine baseline inventory targets and replenishment parameters• Run IA sensitivity scenarios

• As-is inventory profile analysis• Comparison of IA baseline run to as-is• Business process improvements indicated from sensitivity analysis

• Analyze and present financial implications of baseline run• Assess and present recommended business process improvement areas• Assess operational, change readiness and any implementation risk

• Final recommendations on inventory policy and business case• Short list of BPI projects for in-depth impact assessment• Implementation plans for pilot and high-level deployment• Summary of potential quick win opportunities


Ensuring Goal and Initiative Success Through Performance ManagementIncorporating performance management into the Supply Chain Campaign can help the division improve the execution of the campaign goals/initiatives, facilitate better and faster decision making and alert key stakeholders to potential issues.

Undertaking a performance metrics and measurement initiative requires two work streams within the division:

1. Mapping goals and initiatives to key performance indicators

2. Utilizing enterprise data warehouses to develop dashboards and reports to provide timely information

benefitsImproved Accountability• Improved executive and stakeholder

visibility into individual performance

• Supports individual performance goals and an annual review process

E2E SC Visibility• Aligns key performance indicators

(KPIs) to goals and areas within the supply chain

• Dynamically updates performance results for all stakeholders through the Enterprise Data Warehouse


• Develop key performance indicators (KPIs) to support aligned goals and initiatives

• Set targets for KPIs and cascade them throughout the organization

• Develop plans to achieve the targets and review these plans internally

• Create a dashboard and monitor performance/KPIs

• Undertake review cycles and make necessary changes to the goals/initiatives

Replaced Legacy Systems• With integrated supply chain systems,

resources are no longer required to create performance metrics across multiple systems

Reduced Manual Workload• Reduction in time for analysis

by up to 90 percent

Compliance• Incorporates accountability/

auditability goals

• Ensures that individual performance goals are tracked and measured throughout the year

Performance Dialogue

Define Metrics and Set Goals

Tied to Priority Projects

Variation Identified

Data System -Performance and


Right Data

Presentation and


Incorporate Improvements

Process Ownership Model

Prioritize, Launch &

Monitor Projects

Identify Gaps & Opportunities

Monitor Performance

Implement Right Metrics

Diagnose ProcessRequirements

Review & Segment

Capture Voice of Customer,


Understand customer needs (internal and external) and requirements for Process Performance

Track performance of key input metrics

Identify opportunities and ensure delivery of improvements

Understand Up & Down

Stream Interactions

High-Impact Problem Solving

Foundational Transformation Toward End State


HighLow Med


















Standard of Work

Performance Metrics and Measurement Framework



Lean Six Sigma Can Build the Case for Change and Provide the Map Forwardby implementing Lean Six Sigma, the division can build awareness for why change is needed, the journey to be undertaken and what change will be created. This will allow division branches and leaders to be aligned and move efficiently toward standardized objectives.

Lean Six Sigma is ideal when there is a:

• Need for Process Execution: There are gaps in efficiency and effectiveness, especially related to Customer-Centric processes. A strong certainty of outcome is absent for some current processes.

• Need for Cultural Effectiveness: An organizational culture needs to be refocused on disciplined process improvements.

benefitsImproved Accountability• Methodologies and tools create value,

but most value is driven through adoption of the process by resources

E2E SC Visibility• Standardizes the process locally and

allows for it to be quickly expanded globally

• Improvement projects are tied to improving business results with an end-to-end process perspective and pass through functional silos

Replaced Legacy Systems• Identifies gaps and bottlenecks within

systems and processes

Reduced Manual Workload• Capabilities being developed align with

the roles and responsibilities of those involved, driving adoption

Compliance• bottlenecks or holdups created from

meeting regulations/requirements can be identified and quickly improved

• Establishes an infrastructure that manages the project portfolio and tracks program metrics and benefit realization

• Phase 1, Weeks 1-3– Execution Workshops– Deployment Planning– Candidate Selection

• Phase 2, Weeks 4-7– Operations Assessment– Quick Win Kaizen with

Continuous Improvement– Project Portfolio Development

• Phase 3, Weeks 8-10– Process Owner Training– Charter Development– In-Class Training

• Phase 4, Weeks 11-28– Just-in-Time Training– Project Coaching– Results Realization


• Goal — Reduce nonvalue work and waiting time to increase process speed

• Focus — Simplification of work

• Method — Action oriented, process speed diagnostics, quick win events, training on the job

Six Sigma

• Goal — Improve performance on Critical Customer Requirements

• Focus — Work Flow and Discipline

• Method — Standard improvement methodology (DMAIC) and heavy use of statistics and reporting

Lean Speed Enables Six Sigma Quality (Faster Cycles of


Mutually Supportive Six Sigma Quality Enables Lean Speed




Transportation Optimization Can Reduce Complexity and Expenses


The division manages the movement of goods being delivered both domestically and internationally. A structured approach to spend management (an example would include spend that the division controls, such as global freight) enables reduced costs and improved customer service.

Strategic Transportation Procurement is an approach and methodology for sourcing and implementing complex transportation service networks to deliver sustainable value.

benefitsImproved Accountability• Reducing lead times and guaranteed


E2E SC Visibility• Improving visibility with consistent and

known routing

Replaced Legacy Systems• Creating new processes and world-class

capabilities to handle transportation

Reduced Manual Workload• Putting the right freight with the right


• Maximizing controlled freight spend, where appropriate

• Leveraging volume for controlled freight

• Exploiting consolidation opportunities

• Expanding back-haul

Compliance• Managing and monitoring carrier


Diagnose and Explore Blueprint Execute

Phase 1: 2 to 3 months Phase 2: 2 to 3 months Phase 3: 1 to 2 months

Target and Deliver Value

Pre-Project Data

Collection and Kickoff


and Business Case

Award and Execute Contracts

Commerce Implementation

Key Decision



0 4

Prepare and Analyze


Review Current Options

Prepare and Analyze




Design Tool and Collect



Complete Sourcing Package

Populate BidResponse




Develop RFP, Standard

Contract and Rules


12 13




Conduct Follow-Up






Evaluate RFP Response

and ConductScenario Visioning




Comprehensive Fleet Management can allow the division to realize its fleet reduction goals while maintaining or improving customer service levels. It can also provide the information and visibility necessary to enable the division to make complex fleet decisions.

Comprehensive Fleet Management is achieved following a three-step process:

• Implement a robust Fleet Management Information System to regularly and accurately collect vehicle cost and utilization data

• Utilize Fleet Management information to develop a Vehicle Allocation Model (VAM) that considers quantitative FMIS data (using Total Cost of Ownership metrics) and qualitative division needs

• Execute VAM decisions with a Fleet Management Plan

benefitsImproved Accountability• Total Cost of Ownership can be

calculated individually for each vehicle, allowing for the identification of high-cost vehicles

E2E SC Visibility• Vehicle costs are captured throughout

the vehicle lifecycle

• Data can be inputted at varying intervals depending on division needs

Replaced Legacy Systems• FMIS accounts for all historical vehicle


• Tracking of data editing maintains the integrity of data reported for FAST reporting

Reduced Manual Workload• Total cost of ownership metrics allow

Fleet Managers to compare costs within their fleet, identify trends, and make replacement decisions

• Provides repeatable, quantitative justification for fleet management decisions

Compliance• Achieves compliance with GSA bulletins

FMR b-15 and b-30

• Improves the efficiency of the division’s fleet by optimizing the Total Cost

Fleet Management and Vehicle Allocation Reduce Expenses and Improve Customer Service

Fleet Management Information System

Gather Fleet Data

Capture Diagnostics Calculate Total Cost of Ownership

Take Action

Vehicle Allocation Methodology

Fleet Management Plan

Assess Fleet Optimize Fleet

Repeat Annually


About Our PeopleRon Ash heads Accenture‘s Global Health and Public Service Supply Chain and Operations practice. Ron has more than 16 years of experience working with our clients around the world to deliver supply chain programs across a number of sectors including Public Service, Communications and High Tech, Media and Entertainment, and Retail. Over the past nine years, Ron has focused on helping large US federal agencies solve complex supply chain issues.

based in Washington, D.C., he can be reached at [email protected].

Nick blonkowski is a consultant in Accenture‘s Global Health and Public Service Supply Chain and Operations practice. He has significant experience throughout the supply chain, from demand planning through transportation, in a variety of industries including Public Service, Media and Entertainment, Consumer Packaged Goods and Food & beverage. Nick has worked with several federal agencies to design strategies and means to create best-practice leading-edge supply chains.

based in Washington, D.C., he can be reached at [email protected].

Russ Kushner is a senior manager in Accenture’s Global Health and Public Service Supply Chain and Operations Practice. Russ has more than 10 years’ experience in delivering supply chain programs across a number of sectors including Public Service, Small Parcel, Food & beverage, Consumer Packaged Goods, and Retail. Most recently he has focused on assisting federal agencies in designing and implementing strategies to streamline their complex global supply chains.

based in Washington, D.C., he can be reached at [email protected].


Karl Dedolph is a senior manager for Accenture’s Global Health and Public Service Supply Chain and Operations practice. With more than 10 years of supply chain experience, Karl has spent the past six years leading transformative fleet and asset utilization initiatives at large US federal agencies. Karl’s leadership has driven more efficient, compliant, and high-performing systems and processes for clients, enabling them to meet challenging demands and elevating them to the forefront of federal fleet and asset management best practices and standards.

based in Washington, D.C., he can be reached at [email protected].


Copyright © 2012 Accenture All rights reserved.

Accenture, its logo, and High Performance Delivered are trademarks of Accenture.

About AccentureAccenture is a global management consulting, technology services and outsourcing company, with more than 246,000 people serving clients in more than 120 countries. Combining unparalleled experience, comprehensive capabilities across all industries and business functions, and extensive research on the world’s most successful companies, Accenture collaborates with clients to help them become high-performance businesses and governments. The company generated net revenues of US$25.5 billion for the fiscal year ended Aug. 31, 2011. Its home page is www.accenture.com.

About Accenture Management Consulting, OperationsAccenture is a leading provider of management consulting services worldwide. Drawing on the extensive experience of its 16,000 management consultants globally, Accenture Management Consulting works with companies and governments to achieve high performance by combining broad and deep industry knowledge with functional capabilities to provide services in Operations, Fleet Management, Supply Chain Optimization, Asset Lifecycle Management, Procurement, Strategy, Analytics, Risk Management, and Sustainability. Accenture Operations’ Fleet Management consulting services help clients develop dynamic, efficient, and high-performance fleet and service operations capabilities, enabling rapid response to changing customer demands and market opportunities.
