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Accenture Life Sciences Sales Marketing Overview

Date post: 05-Oct-2015
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he health care industry has reached a turning point that is profoundly affecting organizations and people across the world. Health care companies that once focused on developing products and delivering services—often independently—must now come together to deliver improved health solutions and patient outcomes.1 Life sciences companies are chief among the health organizations impacted by this change. Transforming their sales and marketing functions is critical to achieving high performance in this new environment.
 Transforming the Life Sciences Sales and Marketing Model The Pursuit of High Performance  
  • Transforming the Life Sciences Sales and Marketing ModelThe Pursuit of High Performance

  • The health care industry has reached a turning point that is profoundly affecting organizations and people across the world. Health care companies that once focused on developing products and delivering servicesoften independentlymust now come together to deliver improved health solutions and patient outcomes.1 Life sciences companies are chief among the health organizations impacted by this change. Transforming their sales and marketing functions is critical to achieving high performance in this new environment.

    Because customers want improved health solutions

    2 | Transforming the Life Sciences Sales and Marketing Model

    Amid health care reform, new product pipeline constrictions and emerging market expansion, life sciences compa-nies are part of an increasingly global, interconnected health care ecosystem. This ecosystem includes physicians, providers, payers, governments, regula-tors and patients. While each group has its own objectives, the focus for all is to

    1. Achieving Future High Performance in the Biopharmaceutical Industry: How Will You Dominate the Game?, Accenture, 2010.

    deliver improved health solutions and pa-tient outcomes at lower cost. This shared emphasis is driving an urgent need for a new breed of commercial capabilities.

    While life sciences companies are squeez-ing efficiencies and cost savings from traditional back-office operations to drive transformation, sales and market-ing functions have largely been ignored.

    Now more than ever, these organizations must move from costly, complicated commercial models to leaner, more ef-ficient, effective models that optimize all channelsand that can rapidly flex to meet changing customer needs around the globe. These new models can help life sciences companies significantly reduce costs, increase sales and marketing capa-bilities and drive revenue.

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    The Accenture difference: The pursuit of high performance Accenture has a large, global sales and marketing practice serving clients across virtually every industry, which includes a dedicated team of specialists focused exclusively on life sciences. Each day, this team helps life sciences clients cre-ate and operate transformational sales and marketing models. Our services are both broad and deepfrom help-ing clients harness analytics to improve decision-making to designing and deliv-ering a new sales and service organiza-tion, through the mastery of multichan-nel marketing to differentiating through pricing and contracting. Accenture is a unique, full-service, strategic provider of sales, marketing and commercial services for life sciences companies.

    We are leaders in the field because we:

    Bring deep life sciences industry experienceAccenture works with 90 percent of the worlds largest pharmaceutical compa-nies. We combine deep industry knowl-edge and functional skills with extensive management consulting, technology services and outsourcing experience. Our track record in life sciences sales and marketing is equally broad. In 2010, Accenture worked with more than 45 pharmaceutical and medical technol-ogy companies spanning nearly 600 programs to improve their sales and marketing and commercial organizations.

    Deliver end-to-end servicesWe help our life sciences clients take the long view of their sales and marketing needsbecause driving change in isola-tion makes for isolated change rather sustained transformation. Accenture offers comprehensive servicesfrom developing go-to-market strategies and new operating models to creating a cost-effective, highly efficient commer-cial back office. We work as a proven, one-stop shop for measurably improving sales and marketing outcomes.

    Bridge strategy and implementation Working as operational strategists, we bring the best of both worlds to our clients. Unlike other companies with ex-pertise in either strategy or implementa-tion, Accenture bridges the gap between them. We combine strategic insights with practical execution experience to deliver results.

    Drive new capabilities at scaleAccenture helps our clients remain agile in a changing market. We have a track record as a first mover within life sciences, having pioneered closed loop marketing, clinical data management offshoring and RFID-enabled secure supply chains among other firsts. We combine this inventive spirit with global resources and experience to fuel in-novation. We can seamlessly scale new capabilities for our clients across the commercial spectrumwhether the need is in multichannel campaign manage-ment or health care analytics.

    Focus on 24x7 global delivery excellenceThe Accenture Life Sciences Centers of Excellence in India (Bangalore, Chennai, Mumbai and Gurgaon) combine the best people, processes, tools and assets to deliver innovative solutions that are both industrialized and tailored to client needs. The centers 2,500 life sciences trained professionals and more than 250 medical professionals offer sales and marketing domain expertise, which includes extensive market access and pricing/managed markets experience. We currently serve eight of the top 10 global pharmaceutical companies out of these centers. At any given time, these specialized centers are collaborating on dozens of projects with our larger Global Delivery Network, which provides consulting, technology and outsourcing services and solutions to clients globally through a network of more than 50 centers in more than 40 cities.

    Bring leading practices from other industries Accenture understands the uniqueness of sales and marketing in life sciences. But we also bring pioneering practices from other industries across the globe. As life sciences companies recalibrate their businesses to deliver improved health outcomes, Accenture draws on our relationships across the global health care communityincluding payers, pro-viders and government organizationsto help clients connect and collaborate across this vital ecosystem.

  • 4 | Transforming the Life Sciences Sales and Marketing Model

    Develop new commercial strategiesThe state of the industry is driving life sciences commercial organizations to reinvent how they workfrom complex transformation to daily process improve-ments. Accentures commercial strategy services help life sciences clients develop new customer- and outcome-centric commercial models. We work with cli-ents to clearly define objectives and the operational and organizational models that deliver them.

    Our services include:


    Go-to-marketandoperating model design



    We tackle todays pressing questionsfrom how to quickly mobilize multidis-ciplinary capabilities to deliver improved health solutions at a reduced cost to how to use multichannel marketing to drive revenue and better meet the needs of a diverse set customers around the globe.

    At a time when cost reduction is paramount, we help our clients identify and act on opportunities for sustained cost reduction. In fact, we are help-ing life sciences companies take 25 to 75 percent of the cost structure out of their go-to-market models. We help our clients maximize growth, improve pro-ductivity and profitability, optimize re-sources, and enhance customer service.

    Our strategic approach is uniquely effec-tive because it is rooted in implementa-tion know-how. Not only does Accenture help our clients develop new commercial strategies, we also implement those created by our team and others. We un-derstand what works, because we have collaborated with clients on more than 50 programs in the past five years to put these strategies into practice.

    We have also developed proprietary tools and methodologies that accelerate the development of our clients commercial strategies in life sciences. These include end-to-end operating model organi-zational benchmarks, functional area business case templates to accelerate stakeholder buy-in and launch toolkits to support rapid development.

    We work with our life sciences clients to deliver high performance across the full spectrum of the sales and marketing functionsAccenture works with leading life sciences companies around the globe to develop and execute programs to measurably improve the value of their sales and marketing function. We help our clients:

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    Create a commercial back officeWith the shift from direct selling to a multichannel promotional model comes an exponential increase in content types and complexity. Change is outpacing the industrys ability to keep up with it, especially in fast-evolving areas such as digital and analytics. Many life sciences companies have grappled with this by bringing in a multitude of different ven-dors across a wide range of areas from website development and online adver-tising to content production and sales support. Managing in this multivendor environment is not only challenging but also cost-prohibitive in many cases.

    Accentures commercial services help clients tackle this issue head on by con-solidating commercial functions into a cost-effective, efficient and agile commer-cial back office. Our commercial services include end-to-end process support in analytics, content and digital and produc-tion and management, data management, and sales support and enablement.

    Through our commercial services deliv-ery model, Accenture helps clients ac-celerate and improve business outcomes while enabling high quality, differentia-tion and growth.

    Our commercial services help clients:

    Realizesignificantcostreductionsfrom driving savings from vendor and platform consolidation and reductions in promotional spend

    Streamlineprocessesbyimprovingand integrating content production and management across channels and markets to promote global consistency, local relevance and collaboration among brand and sales teams

    Deliverdiseaseandproductcontenttophysicians and patients at speed, in a cost-effective way

    Accelerateinnovationandcapabilityinemerging technologies without invest-ing in internal resources, which are instead focused on building out core capabilities and other areas that align with the companys strategic priorities

    Accenture is uniquely capable in deliv-ering commercial services to our clients because we not only bring extensive life sciences sales, marketing and commercial skills but we are recognized as a global outsourcing leader. For example, Accenture was ranked number one on the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals Global Outsourcing 100 ranking of the worlds top outsourcing service providers for the fourth year in a row in 2011.

    Our commercial services are backed by a world-class delivery network for execu-tion excellence and multilanguage and localized services. Accentures commer-cial services go beyond simply repeating our clients current commercial processes. We rationalize and streamline them to deliver higher quality at lower cost.

    Accentures Sales and Marketing ServicesCommercial Strategy Growth Strategy Go-to-Market Strategy and Operating Model Design Customer and Brand Strategy Solution and Strategy Launch

    Managed Services Multichannel Campaign Management Digital and Content Management Analytics and Information Management Sales Enablement

    Marketing and Digital Digital Assets and Marketing Resource Management Multichannel Campaign Management Marketing Strategy Services Marketing Planning Services Marketing Production Services Marketing Promotional Review Services Digital and Mobile Services

    Analytics and Information Management Customer Lifetime Value and Profitability Analytics Multichannel Analytics Master Data and Information Management

    Sales Force and Service Effectiveness Sales Strategy and Process Design Sales Force Optimization Service Effectiveness Sales Enablement and Innovation (Software as a Service) Closed Loop Marketing and Analytics

    Pricing and Market Access Contracting and Pricing Account Excellence Pull-Through and Promotion

  • 6 | Transforming the Life Sciences Sales and Marketing Model

    Capitalize on next-generation multichannel environmentsIn todays world, life sciences organiza-tions must have multichannel capabili-ties that integrate traditional channels with digital ones including mobile and social media. Yet most organizations have significant work to do to take full advantage of an interconnected multi-channel approach that will ultimately bring major health care stakeholders to-gether to develop and deliver improved health solutions.

    Accentures marketing and digital services help clients build and operate innovative, integrated multichannel en-vironments to improve customer service and create more intimate, personalized service experiences while lowering costs. We provide overall digital, channel, con-tent, asset and capability management services and technologies. In addition, to help clients make the most of these services, Accenture brings expertise in analytics, training and digital operations.

    These services help clients to lower costs, streamline marketing functions, improve resource use and asset man-agementand become first movers in defining the future of multichannel capabilities.

    Our end-to-end marketing and digital services include:

    Developingcustomerexperienceandbrand strategies

    Developingexecutablemultichannelmarketing strategies

    Planning,managingandmeasuringcampaigns across channels

    Executingmarketingplanningservicesand marketing production services

    Providingmultichannelcontentdistri-bution, publication and syndication

    Creatingaworkflow-enabledpromo-tional content review process sup-ported by a digital asset store

    Connectingkeyaspectsofmarket-ing resource management, including digital assets

    Drivinginsightsonmarketingreturnon investment and channel effec-tiveness via marketing analytics and reporting

    Usingdigitalandmobilechannelstopromote customer-centric commercial operating models

    Accentures ability to provide end-to-end marketing and digital services at scale stands apart in the industrydeliv-ering better results more quickly and at a lower risk.

    Harness the power of analyticsAnalytics is critical for success in todays outcomes-focused health care landscape. There is more data than ever before and evidence-based medicine is on its way to becoming an expectation. Payers are increasingly intent on cover-ing solutions that definitively deliver improved patient outcomesand not covering those that dont. Measurement and analysis are essential in this environ-ment. But knowing how to move from data to insightsand having the right skilled resources to do sois challeng-ing for the vast majority of life sciences companies.

    Accentures analytics and informa-tion management services harness the power of analytics to make fact-based decisions based on a broad set of customer insights. Decisions that lead to improved outcomes and better results.

    Our services in this area include:

    Conductingcustomerlifetimevalueand profitability analytics

    Developingacompleteviewof customers

    Rationalizingchannelstooptimizespending and maximize revenue

    Streamliningmasterdatamanagementto meet reporting needs across channels



    These services help clients improve decision-making and reduce costs across the business. By understanding custom-ers, channels and capabilities in entirely new and predictive ways, clients can improve product development, product and solution positioning, advertising, and sales support. These new insights fuel new value propositions and innovations to better meet target customer and individual stakeholder needs.

    As a recognized industry leader, we bring a spirit of continuous innovation that keeps clients ahead of the next wave and offer the benefit of alliances with strategic vendors including SAS. The Accenture team also has deep experience with the latest data visualization tools and tactics. Our focus is on helping clients use advanced analytics as a transformation engineconnecting the dots across sales and marketing and the extended organization to strengthen customer relationships and deliver improved business and patient outcomes.

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    One major pharmaceutical com-pany turned to Accenture to help it migrate from a product-centric sales and marketing strategy fo-cused on its brands to an insight-driven customer-centric strategy focused on the needs of its cus-tomers. Working with Accenture, the company embarked on an ambitious program to change its business processes, capabilities and overall operating model to com-pete more effectively.

    Client Success Story

    How a top-10 global pharmaceutical company is harnessing the power of the multichannel customer experience

    The program had two key objectives:

    1. Expand the clients current marketing, sales and service capabilities into an integrated multichannel management program

    2. Develop and implement a closed loop marketing (CLM) program for its brands and launch a CLM capability to its sales force

    Leveraging analytics across the customers multichannel experi-ence, the clients sales and market-ing teams have gained the ability to plan for and deliver a tailored customer experience by collecting feedback and extracting and ap-plying insights to improve future customer interactions.

    Armed and trained with new tablet computers, more than 6,500 sales representatives have spearheaded a 20 percent increase in sales ef-fectiveness using customer-centric segmented content. The client has successfully made the transforma-tion to a data-driven, decision-making culture with more real-time, insightful customer data to inform each and every interaction.

  • 8 | Transforming the Life Sciences Sales and Marketing Model

    Maximize sales force and service effectivenessResponding to todays customer environ-ment has brought new expectations from a myriad of customers across the health care ecosystem. What once was a routine world of one-to-one physician sales interactions has become a world of one-to-many sales interactions with physicians, clinics, hospitals, govern-ments and patients.

    Accentures sales force and service effectiveness services help life sciences sales organizations develop and use cutting-edge, cost-effective capabili-ties to move beyond yesterdays sales paradigm. We help clients optimize sales force resources, develop multichannel sales approaches, improve customer service and streamline processes.

    Our services include:

    Developingsalesstrategiesthatad-dress core sales functions

    Supportingthefullrangeofsalesforce activities

    Drivingserviceeffectivenesswithcomplete contact center capabilities

    PlanningforandimplementingSaaS(Software as a Service) platforms

    Providingclosedloopmarketingandanalytics expertise

    A closed loop marketing pioneer, Accenture has developed a number of unique assets that reflect our alliances with leading software providers and improve the value we can deliver to our clients. These assets help empower sales forces with the right tools and data for the right insight at the point of need.

    Our SaaS assets jump start sales force automation and multichannel approaches to fuel top-line growth. As an extension of these assets, our mobility assets com-bine the latest in mobility and analytics to help sales representatives work more efficiently, make point-in-time decisions and plan effective schedules. In addition, our closed loop marketing connector includes business processes, operating models and technical tools to seamlessly link digital content with sales force au-tomation tools. Our focus is on improv-ing quality and lowering costs in the new normal of life sciences sales and service.

    Optimize pricing and market accessProgressive organizations have a tremendous opportunity to move from tactical execution to strategic excellence in managed markets.

    Companies must transition from focus-ing on simply negotiating discounts to aligning services with customer needs to deliver business value. Organizations must create more meaningful relation-ships within the health care ecosystemones that emphasize efficacy, affordabil-ity, collaboration and mutual value. In addition, managed markets must further develop promotional capabilities to drive the impact of pricing and access through to physicians and patients.

    Accentures pricing and market access services help clients design and adapt approaches to address the needs of the rapidly changing payer and provider landscape. Benefits to clients include improving customer performance, in-creasing profitability, minimizing manual processes, maximizing resource impact and reducing compliance risk.

    Our services include:

    Enablingenhancedbusinessvaluethrough improved commercial and regulatory pricing capabilities

    Shapingengagementwithaccounts,which drives patient access and im-proved business outcomes

    Connectingmarketaccesspull-through with commercial promotions to optimize messaging to payers, physicians and patients

    Reflecting more than a decade of experi-ence, Accentures services are backed by full strategic, technical and operational capabilities that include customer and contract strategy, analytics, process engineering, systems integration, and outsourced delivery. Clients also benefit from our leading practices in price model-ing, process architecture, and managed markets metrics and data design. These skills complement know-how in program management, technical integration and change management, helping accelerate clients progress to measurable outcomes.

    With an eye to the opportunities of to-days evolving health care environment, Accenture works with clients as they journey from contracting for discounts to partnering for customer value.

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    A leading global pharmaceutical company wanted to strategically position itself to launch multiple brands each year while reducing its cost base. The company recognized that traditional sales channels would be cumbersome and costly, particularly in an environment where physician visits were no longer the sole focus of the sales process. Rather than expanding its existing approach to the market, the company wanted to accommo-date new channels.

    The company selected Accenture to help launch a comprehensive program in the United States to create an adaptable, customer-centric approach to the market.

    Client Success Story

    How a top pharma company is driving improved business performance with a customer-centric approach

    This program expanded customer contact beyond the traditional in-person sales force with the introduction of new interaction channels. This included an inside sales channel where contact center agents would supplement the field sales force. As part of the solution, the team created a common plat-form to support the diverse needs of both channels, and integrated them so that information could be easily shared.

    Whats more, the company chose to give the new inside sales chan-nel complete responsibility for one of its largest brands that was ap-proaching patent expiry. This freed up time so the field sales force

    of thousands could support other newer product lines. This complete transition from supporting a major product with a traditional sales force of thousands to the exclusive use of an inside sales channel of just over 100 people was a first for the companyand the industry.

    This transformational program was completed in just 14 months. Overall, this effort has resulted in zero reduction in revenue, reduced costs and in many cases, improved customer experiences. The compa-ny is expected to bring additional brands into a similar model, and the model is being considered for other markets.

  • One of the ways that Accenture assists clients in meeting their transformation goals is through a multitude of proprietary life sciences sales and marketing as-sets that accelerate delivery and improve business outcomes.

    These assets include new tools, proven methodologies, frame-works and technology platforms that reflect years of industry and functional experience. They provide a proven, ready way for clients to take full advantage of the best of what has worked in the past and apply that success to their spe-cific situation.

    Accelerate delivery, improve results: Accentures sales and marketing assets for life sciences companies

    Here are a few examples of our proprietary assets:

    Accenture Commercial Value Targeting DiagnosticAccentures Commercial Value Targeting Diagnostic helps clients accelerate cost take-out initia-tives. The diagnostic involves an assessment of end-to-end depart-ment spend in which our team classifies and identifies opportu-nities to generate better output and save money. From there, we create a business case that shows how costs can be reduced without sacrificing quality and consistency. Then, in an arrangement where Accenture shares in the risk of results, we make a contractual commitment to deliver baseline savingswhich can run upwards of 30 percent in cost reductions from the commercial model.

    Accenture Digital Maturity ModelAccenture also helps clients un-derstand their digital marketing maturity, which is a function of people, process and technology. This understanding is the first step on the journey to activating digital within a sales and marketing organization. It is critical to helping align digital needs with audience and marketing needs.

    Accentures Digital Maturity Model provides a framework for aligning digital marketing tactics along a continuum of maturity levels and can be used to achieve a common language across geo-graphic markets.

    Accenture Multichannel Campaign Management SolutionOne way Accenture helps clients engage and manage their mul-tichannel marketing tactics is through Accentures Multichannel Campaign Management Solution. Accentures end-to-end solution provides clients with an operating model, core set of technology ap-plications and business processes to enable them to quickly engage customers, including health care providers, patients and pharma-cists, through multiple channels outside the sales force. The solu-tion gives life sciences companies the ability to quickly integrate their customer data across mul-tiple channels and create a holistic picture of customer activity. This information is used to develop critical insights on customer response and behavior to inform future marketing and drive in-creased customer value.

    10 | Transforming the Life Sciences Sales and Marketing Model

  • Transformation is inevitable in the health care industry today. Leading life sciences sales and marketing organizations un-derstand this imperative for change and will lead the charge.

    These companies look to Accenture to help them navigate the obstacles and opportunities of commercial transfor-mation. We are resolutely focused on each clients unique goals; those goals sit at the forefront of every decision and recommendation we make. We offer our clients broad services across the

    sales and marketing function backed by extensive experience both within life sciences and other leading indus-tries. We bring a pragmatic approach to strategy development with the knowl-edge of what it takes to turn a strategy into a reality. We also bring our clients multiple proprietary tools and assets to accelerate the transformation and significantly lower the risks. By pursuing high performance in life sciences sales and marketing, our clients are driving the future of the industry.

    Working together to deliver better health care solutionslet the transformation begin


  • Copyright 2011 Accenture All rights reserved.

    Accenture, its logo, and High Performance Delivered are trademarks of Accenture.

    About AccentureAccenture is a global management consulting, technology services and outsourcing company, with approximately 236,000 people serving clients in more than 120 countries. Combining unparalleled experience, comprehensive capabilities across all industries and business functions, and extensive research on the worlds most successful companies, Accenture collaborates with clients to help them become high-performance businesses and governments. The company generated net revenues of US$25.5 billion for the fiscal year ended Aug. 31, 2011. Its home page is www.accenture.com.

    About Accentures Life Sciences PracticeOur Life Sciences industry group works with pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, medical products, medical technology, regulators, distributors, wholesalers and other companies to help bring life-enhancing health solutions to people around the globe. We provide consulting, technology and outsourcing services across the entire life sciences value chain, from large-scale business and technology transformation to post-merger integration. Our key offerings include: Research and Development, including pharmacovigilance and regulatory outsourcing; Supply Chain and Manufacturing Optimization;and Marketing and Sales, including commercial services, analytics and digital marketing.

    For more informationCraig RobertsonAccenture Life Sciences Sales and Marketing LeadGlobal and North [email protected]+1 917-452-5564 Andrea BruecknerAccenture Life Sciences Sales and Marketing [email protected]+49 6173-94-67328

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    Marcelo DuertoAccenture Life Sciences Sales and Marketing LeadLatin [email protected]+54 11-4318-8552

    Wei Chu Accenture Life Sciences Sales and Marketing LeadAsia [email protected]+1 917-452-3733

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