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ACCES 2013 annual report

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2013 Annual Report African Canadian Continuing Education Society 20 Years of Impact
Page 1: ACCES 2013 annual report

2013 Annual Report

African Canadian Continuing Education Society

20 Years of Impact

Page 2: ACCES 2013 annual report


What’s Inside

President’s Message: ACCES as Anchor Page 1ACCES Tenets

ACCES at a Glance Page 2

Build Community Page 3

Inspire Change Page 4

Establish Equality Page 5

Enable Capacity Page 6

Increase Productivity Page 6

Discover opportunity Page 7

Create the Future Page 7

Strengthen Hope Page 8

Give Back Page 8

Kenya Staff Page 9

Kenya Advisory Committee Page 9

2013 Financial Overview Page 10

2013 Financial Statements (Audited) Page 11

Board of Directors Page 12

Page 3: ACCES 2013 annual report


President’s Message


The Mission of ACCES is founded on the following principles:

Respect for another culture:ACCES will not seek to impose Canadian cultural values.

Sustainability:ACCES strives to help other people to help themselves (Kenyanization).

Gender equality:ACCES programs provide equal opportunities for female and male persons.

Efficient Administration:100% of donations to ACCES for its programs are used for designated programs. Funds for administration are raised by the ACCES Board through other means.

Collective Goals and Actions to harness the potential of the ACCES family:

Build Partnerships; Attract Funds; Enhance Social Media; Raise a Giver

Collective Goals and Actions to harness the potential of ACCES

Build Partnerships; Attract Funds; Enhance Social Media; Raise a Giver

ACCES as AnchorBy Dr. Donna VanSant, ACCES President

2013 marks twenty years since the inception of ACCES. Our celebratory theme describes and demonstrates that ACCES principles, focused on self-reliance, Kenyanization and community development, have had a deep and lasting impact on the lives of many Kenyans.

ACCES is not just about being a credible, efficient organization expanding to reach more people and more

communities—it is about deep, high -impact development. My trip to Kenya gave me a chance to hear testimony given by members of the ACCES Alumni Association (AAA). They pointed out that there are now many young Kenyans who were helped by ACCES who have adopted distinctly different ways of giving back to their community. At ACCES, we call it the multiplier effect.

Three thousand ACCES graduates are now well educated and gainfully employed. They are self-reliant and empowered to “lift” others. They network to find meaningful work, help fundraise, and together they have built and invested in an endowment fund. But most importantly, these articulate and socially responsible Kenyans understand that education is their greatest gift, and that it is through education that their communities and Kenyan society will be transformed.

Instead of asking, “What do I want?” they now collectively query, “What is life asking of us?” And this has made them aware of the need to help others as they were once helped. This new way of seeing the world has had a profound impact. Twenty years also symbolizes a special kind of graduation for ACCES. Through exceptional community development, five of seven communities now have new modern schools, and all seven have reached the important milestone of self-reliance. These schools and classrooms, built in partnership with ACCES donors and the Canadian government, no longer rely on ACCES for their day-to-day operation. As a result of these successes, ACCES is now viewed as an “anchor organization”, operated by Kenyans and embedded in the heart of their communities. After twenty credible years, ACCES is admired for its Kenyan leadership, its sustainability and its long-held tradition of believing in self-reliance and the empowerment of Kenyans helping Kenyans. Alleviation of poverty through education now seems a real possibility.

Donna with Selena and Sahir Shivji, Semiahmoo Globalizers

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ACCES at a Glance (20 years of impact)

30,000 people raised out of poverty

3,000 post-secondary scholarships awarded

750 secondary scholarships awarded

500 businesses operating

400 farmers using organic methods

64 new classrooms constructed

9 new water wells providing clean water

7 independent, self-sufficient communities

Community Change Equality Capacity Productivity Opportunity the Future Hope give Back

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“This borehole has really assisted the school and the community. Before, children were forced to go to streams for water but now they use that time to study. The new classrooms are clean and school absence rate due to waterborne diseases has reduced. The community has also been responsible and cooperative and whenever there has been a breakdown, they have chipped in, and also for maintenance. Thank you ACCES for the water well and pump, the beautiful school and the water gutter system.” Jane Lodeki, Head Teacher, Shitaho Community School

Build Community

Community member uses the Rotary well at Shitaho Community School

• 2 modern schools and latrines constructed at Shitaho and Emasera Community Schools

• 5 community learning centres (Ematsayi, Tumaini, Elufafwa, Emasera and Shitaho) turned over to the Ministry of Education on May 17, 2013, to become public community schools

• 1406 students (698 boys, 708 girls) from class one to eight, and 94 adults (17 male, 77 female) enrolled in Community Schools

• 5 trophies awarded to Shivagala Community School for being best overall in Social Studies, Kiswahili and Mathematics

• 150 Level 8 candidates registered to sit for the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education examination (KCPE)

ACCES programs promote community by building capacity through education. Strong and independent communities show that they possess the ability to unite and “hold together” - usually around a local organization, which they own. The Community Schools and Community Management Committees are designed to do just that. Whether through adult literacy, primary schools, post-secondary scholarships, health, gender or agriculture training, ACCES provides the skills and knowledge Kenyans need to build strong communities.


Community Change Equality Capacity Productivity Opportunity the Future Hope give Back

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Inspire Change

Community Change Equality Capacity Productivity Opportunity the Future Hope give Back

Gladys is a widowed mother of five and grandmother to five children who was on her deathbed suffering from HIV/AIDS before the start of the CIDA project in Emasera. Ostracized by the community and without any means to support herself, ACCES staff intervened. She was linked to a support group and started Anti-Retro Viral (ARV) therapy. As she responded to the treatment, she began to take control of her life and make significant changes. By the completion of the CIDA project, Gladys had become very vocal in community sensitization to HIV/AIDS, had been elected as a Centre Management Committee member and is currently a Community Health Worker.

Gladys and her son with her modern Langstroth bee hives

ACCES programs inspire real change by enabling people to attain valuable skills and knowledge. In this way, they take ownership of their lives, and their future - realizing that they have the power to choose for themselves.

When people like Gladys take that ownership and begin to move from a state of inertia to a place of dynamic progress where they are not only in charge of their futures, but giving their children the power to choose as well, real social transformation and change takes place. It is making a real impact on the lives of many, many Kenyans.

ACCES donors have helped make this social change happen through their support of our programs. Your trust in ACCES has given people like Gladys and her children a new life.

“I am grateful for what ACCES has done in my life. I was widowed, tested positive for HIV/AIDS and in poverty when ACCES came in. Through their efforts, I accessed ARV therapy care, psychosocial counseling, education on agribusiness and health and was able to take my children to school, something that I could not do before due to a lack of money. In fact, through ACCES, my girl is now in a polytechnic in her second year of study and I know it will help her shape her future. Through trainings on bee keeping, I wanted to start this project and through ACCES, they facilitated me to get modern hives. There is honey even as we speak and I believe the money I get from it will help me. I thank ACCES for what they have done for me, they also built a school and some of my children are in that school now, this school has helped orphaned children to get education. Thank you ACCES for the great work you have done!”

• 180 family farms and 4 school garden plots adopt new farming methods and crop varieties including sorghum, finger millet, sweet potatoes, soya beans and peas

• 101 community members (41 male 60 female) benefited from Honey Care Africa training on in bee keeping and financing opportunities

• 274 community members (215 female 59 male) trained in promoting indigenous crop agriculture and new organic farming methods

• 4 adult and 3 youth self-help groups embraced new projects on their own, including the raising of goats and pigs and a pottery program

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Community Change Equality Capacity Productivity Opportunity the Future Hope give Back

Establish EqualityBeatrice was formerly a mama uji (the one who cooks the maize porridge for the learners) who became a Centre Management Committee member at Shivagala Community School. She was illiterate - she had never been to school as a child. Eventually Beatrice enrolled in an adult class and can now read and write. She has also taken part in the CIDA project trainings, and has learned about agriculture, business and health. Her husband has now joined the adult class as well, and can also read and write. Beatrice has started several income - generating activities on her own.

“I was aware of some of the children who were out of school, but when the project came, it did not discriminate the orphaned and vulnerable children, the Child Headed Households and over-age learners but treated them as everyone else, and got them into school. Through Equity bank and ACCES, I went through financial literacy training and graduated even though as a woman, it was not thought possible. I also underwent agribusiness trainings, health trainings and community development strategies. Through all this, I now have a farm on which I have planted indigenous and exotic vegetables, yams, bananas, maize and beans. I also have a cow, two piglets and engage in ballast making. I can now support my children in school; two in form four, two in class eight, one in class seven, one in class five and another two in class two.”

Beatrice showing her new piglets, bought with proceeds from her garden

• 13,021 high school and primary students reached through health education and essay contests on drug abuse, HIV/AIDS, Child Rights and gender

• 16 support groups, 5 youth groups, 10 welfare groups and 4 health clubs benefited from Health & Gender education and funding through the Agri-business program

• 640 community members benefited from Munasio medical camp• 13 community health workers and 8 community health extension

workers trained in community & home based care

ACCES ensures that equality is incorporated into all of its programs - not only gender equality, but equality of opportunity, worth, and value. Every member of the communities where ACCES works is considered an equal in all ways. Equality is part of the operational structure of ACCES and influences everything we do. When the community members notice, it means we’ve done our job. Your support of ACCES programs ensures that equality is a life practice, not just a word.

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Enable Capacity

Community Change Equality Capacity Productivity Opportunity the Future Hope give Back

Redemta, a formerly illiterate single mother living with HIV/AIDS, has two children in primary school who are solely dependent on her. She is a member of Elimika Widows Welfare group, which benefited from tailoring equipment purchased with loans from Cooperative Bank. Redemta also sat for her proficiency test in adult education and passed.

“When ACCES got me, I was down but now I appreciate ACCES for all their support. I have benefited from trainings on HIV/AIDS, agriculture and business. I am currently doing tailoring, selling cereals and chapattis (flat bread). I can make between KSh.500 to 1000 per day from all these activities, which helps me pay fees for my two children, one in class seven and another in class five, as well as to be able to buy food for the family. I am sure that I will now be able to support my bright children through secondary school education. I was an adult learner and am now able to keep simple records for my business. I have an account with Cooperative bank through which I save a minimum of Kshs.300 per month.” Redemta says as she goes to serve her next customer.

Increase Productivity

Godfrey passed his Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education in 1996, but was unable to attend university. He took an opportunity to work as an untrained teacher for ACCES, which enabled him to support his family as well as pay fees for his children - two in secondary and one in primary school.

Godfrey says: “I was able to attend many workshops and also benefited from staff development which helped me obtain a diploma in Project Management. I started a pottery project and I’m now making a living out of it. I oversee the project and have employed five young people. I also participate in the local government development decisions at the community level. ACCES has made me who I am today, thank you.”

200 adults in self-help groups engaged in income generation & agri-business projects

Redemta makes a dress for a client on the Elimika Widows Group sewing machine

30,535 Shillings were earned from income generation activities by group initiatives

Godfrey sits in front of his pottery stock and shows his diploma

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Community Change Equality Capacity Productivity Opportunity the Future Hope give Back

Discover OpportunityBefore joining ACCES, Felistus was a housewife who first came to the project as a cook (mama uji). One year later, she also volunteered her services to students to help them learn about sanitation. Eventually, she became a Non-Formal Education teacher at Shitaho by continuing to pursue opportunities to learn.

Create the Future

“I highly appreciate ACCES and the donors for what they have done to me. I used to be a pauper in the community and did not know what the future held. ACCES has made a tremendous transformation in my life by giving me an opportunity to go back to school. From there I was given an opportunity to take a certificate course in Early Childhood Development and then advanced to diploma level. I am now a woman of value to the community, and am currently employed in Albertos’ Children home to teach and care for the younger children in the nursery section. I am also qualified to apply to the Teachers Service Commission for teaching positions. I want to thank ACCES their support”.

Protus, a community school graduate from Emasara, was sponsored by ACCES through secondary school, and last year won a post-secondary scholarship to attend university.

“I managed to get 369 marks in my KCPE exams in Emasera NFE which enabled me to get a secondary scholarship to Shikunga High School. ACCES paid for my fees and I got a B+ grade of 72 points. I am now at Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology taking a course in Bachelor of Science in Education (physics). I have always wanted to be an electrical engineer and I believe with hard work, I will still pursue that in future. Bravo ACCES!”

Building the foundation of community, inspiring change, and establishing equality all contribute to moving people forward on a trajectory of self-discovery. On the way, they build their own capacities, increase their productivity and begin to recognize opportunity where obstacles used to be.

ACCES acts as the facilitator for all of these accomplishments, directing people towards a future they are able to choose for themselves.

Thank you for supporting the dreams and aspirations of Kenyans by supporting ACCES programs!

• 509 post-secondary, 78 secondary and 16 vocational (TIVET)scholarships were active in 2013

• 92 ( 26 female 66 male) new students were awarded post-secondary scholarships

• 35 (25 secondary 10 TIVET) new Community Schools graduates awarded scholarships to join secondary schools and TIVET institutions

• 1,371 high school students receive career guidance and counseling sessions

Felistus at Shitaho Community School

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Strengthen Hope

Community Change Equality Capacity Productivity Opportunity the Future Hope give Back

Give Back

Edward is an alcoholic who has been infested with jiggers and separated from his wife for more than 12 years. ACCES health programs intervened, he was de-jiggered, his surroundings were cleaned, and the community health nurse conducted health education in the home.

Edward says: “my farm had already been shared amongst my brothers who thought I was destined for death due to my jigger problem, but now, I have ploughed my farm and leased part of it. I am even in the process of getting a new wife now that I am cured and can wear shoes.”

• 341 community members treated for jiggers• 640 community members benefitted from Munasio medical

camp• 712 (341 boys, 371 girls) learners received shoe donation

from Tom’s Shoes, through Kenya Red Cross Society • 1,362 learners treated for malaria, stomach aches, jiggers,

and skin infectionsEdward in his clean yard with the Community Health Nurse

Stanley is from a peasant family of 11 children. His father made bricks in order to support his children’s education. Stanley didn’t expect to have an education beyond primary school and was too shy to ask his father for more money to pursue further studies. Instead, he became a mechanic. Finally, Stanley told his father that he needed to go back to school, and he applied for, and was awarded, a scholarship from ACCES.

• AAA opened a Facebook account for ACCES graduates and continuing students.

• AAA annual general meeting with 80 graduates attending • 2 AAA chapter meetings held in Nairobi and Kakamega• AAA endowment fund reaches 1.2 million Kenyan Shillings• 24 students sponsored through the AAA

Stanley says, “Through the sponsorship that I received from ACCES, I was able to realize my dream, and now I know there are others who need to realize theirs. Although I want to attain my degree now, I must apply some brakes to myself and allow others who are yearning to learn, to reach what I have already achieved. That is why the ACCES Alumni Association is so important; we would like to see a society which is educated, self-reliant, and hard working, where people are motivated and helping one another. All that comes through education.”

Stanley behind his teacher’s desk preparing lessons

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Canada StaffDale Albertson – Executive DirectorMary Lou Cadeau – Administration


Community Change Equality Capacity Productivity Opportunity the Future Hope give Back

Kenya Staff

Lucy Tengeye Programs Director

David Jumba Financial Officer

Monica Amunga Health & Gender

Clarah Muyera Scholarship Officer

Justine Otsyula Income &


Anthony Mutevane Community Schools

Kenya Advisory Committee

ACCES program staff members believe in building a Kenya that is free from the devastating social and economic effects of poverty, HIV/AIDS, illiteracy and gender inequality. They believe that no one should be excluded from participating in the development of their country, their community, themselves and their families.

This is why they have chosen to work with ACCES, and why they believe in its programs. They have seen first-hand the impact ACCES has made, and continues to make, in the lives of the most vulnerable populations in Kenya.

The KAC in Kakamega is an important link between the work being done in the communities and the Board of Directors in Canada. KAC provides critical input, advice and information about the programs as well as local oversight. Their understanding of local issues in the various communities is one of the keys to our successful implementation of ACCES’ programs and projects in Kenya. Decisions made in Canada relative to ACCES programs depend upon the information and advice obtained from the KAC.

KAC MembersPape Sembi (Businessman) – Chair

Professor Sigot (MMUST University) – Vice ChairEileen Malova (Vocational College Owner/Operator)

Lucky Ngoye – (AAA/Teacher)Carlestous Shifwoka – (AAA/Lawyer)

Garishom Wafula – (AAA/Businessman)

From Left: Eileen, Carlestous, Lucy, Lucky, Garishom and Pape

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Youth  1%  

Adults  79%  

Service  Clubs  2%  

Founda;ons  18%  

Scholarships  35%  

Health  5%  Income  &  

agriculture  6%  

Primary  school  19%  

Construc>on  35%  

Financial Overview

Community Change Equality Capacity Productivity Opportunity the Future Hope give Back

ACCES is committed to honouring every contribution to the work in Kenya, and to ensuring that your impact is maximized in our shared mission of providing Africans with the skills and knowledge they need to alleviate poverty through education.

Donations Increased

by 10%

Grants Increasedby 110%

108 newDonors in


12% Grants

24% CIDA

64% Donations

Total Income $498,333

16% Administration

5% Fundraising

79% Project Kenya

Total Expenses $498,192

Donations Breakdown

Project Kenya Breakdown

Expenses Reducedby 19%

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Financial Statements

Hay & Watson Chartered AccountantsAudited statements available by request.

Statement of Operations and Changes in Operating SurplusYear Ended December 31, 2013

2013 2012REVENUE CIDA – Kenya 121,848 295,669 Donations & Fundraising 315,732 286,857 Grants 60,080 25,440 Interest 672 611 TOTAL: 498,333 608,577

EXPENSES 498,192 671,394

NET INCOME 141 (3,552)

Operating Surplus - Beginning of year 112,485 175,302

Operating Surplus - End of year 112,626 112,485

EXPENSES Funds to Kenya 352,785 490,731

Project Kenya Administration - - Monitoring & evaluation 14,954 35,018 Wages 26,627 26,898TOTAL 41,581 61,916

Project ACCES Administration 26,116 27,679 Amortization 1,989 2,148 Audit fees 5,531 4,169 Fundraising 25,273 41,453 Public engagement - - Wages 44,917 43,298TOTAL 103,826 128,747

Grand Total 498,192 691,394

Notes: Funds raised in Kenya are not shown on this table. Funds for overhead costs are raised by the board through other means, including designated

donations. The Canada Revenue Agency requires reporting of the percentage of overhead costs to revenue. ACCES is a registered Canadian charitable non-profit

organization: Our charitable registration number is 13983 1770 RR0001.


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African Canadian Continuing Education SocietyPO Box 44986 RPO Ocean Park, Surrey, BC V4A 9L1

2013 Board of Directors

Donna VanSant (President)Jack Grant (Past President)Don Larson (Secretary)David Connop (Treasurer)Maureen MacDonaldKaren GrayKevin GraySandra HarperCandace McLellanLeigh SauderJohn SawatzkyBeth ScottGeorge ScottChris Wilson Eileen Malova (Kenya)

2014 SlateThe Nomination Committee of Jack Grant, Beth Scott and Maureen MacDonald present the following list of nominees for the 2014 – 15 Board of Directors:

David Connop Karen Gray Kevin GrayJack Grant Don LarsonCandace McClellan Maureen McDonald Leigh SauderJohn Sawatzky Beth Scott George Scott Donna VanSant Chris WilsonEileen Malova (Kenya)

AGM NotesIf you have any questions or comments you would like to ask the board of ACCES or the Executive Director, please use this space to write them down.

Community Change Equality Capacity Productivity Opportunity the Future Hope give Back

Board of Directors

phone: (604) 688-4880 e-mail: [email protected] web: www.acceskenya.org

For your interest, the names listed on the back cover are some of the people our donors have supported over our 20 years. 3000 Kenyan scholars have been helped through post secondary scholarships.


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Did you know?Our planned giving program makes it easy for you to support the work of ACCES in a way that best suits your financial situation. In fact, making a planned gift can bring you and your family both tax, and financial benefits.

The ACCES Foundation was established in 1997 to ensure long-term support for ACCES programs, and to provide flexible options for donors like you who wish to leave a legacy.

What is a planned gift?A planned gift generally meets the following criteria:

• A gift that is made after careful consideration and with professional advice, through a lawyer, financial or estate planner.

• A gift that requires legal documentation, such as a Will, life insurance policy, annuity or trust.

• A gift that has tax advantages under current laws• A gift that is arranged now, but will provide funds

to ACCES at a future time.• A gift that comes from your assets, not from your

current income.

Join the Rafiki CirclePlease give serious thought to ensuring the growth and success of our work with African youth. By doing so, you will be part of the ACCES Foundation’s circle of friends - the Rafiki Circle.

For more information about establishing a lasting and meaningful legacy, complete and mail the form below, call the ACCES office, or consult your financial and tax advisor or lawyer.

African Canadian Continuing Education Society Foundation2441 Christopherson RoadSurrey, BC V4A 3L2

Charitable Registration # 88659 4670 Rr 0001604-538-7267 [email protected] @acceskenya

Gifts in my Will - a way to reduce taxes and increase inheritances to loved ones Gifts of Publically Traded Securities & Mutual Funds - a way to eliminate capital gains tax today Gifts of Registered Assets - an opportunity for tax savings Gifts of Life Insurance - leveraging small premium payments into a large gift Gifts of Annuities - a way to reduce taxes and increase income Charitable Remainder Trusts - a way to reduce taxes now Major Gifts - a gift of $1,000 or more today Cheque enclosed Credit Card VISA Mastercard Card#______________________________ Exp.________________Name on card: __________________________________________________________________Address:_______________________________________________________________________Phone:________________________ Email:______________________________________For future planning: Yes, I intend to remember ACCES in my Will Yes, I have already included ACCES in my Will I do not wish to be recognized Yes, I am considering a gift, please contact me

Yes! I’m interested in finding out how to make a planned gift. Please send me the following information:

To donate securely online, go to www.acceskenya.org. To donate by phone, call the ACCES office at 604-688-4880

ACCES Foundation

Page 16: ACCES 2013 annual report

Aaron Masiga Mulongo Abdallah Ling'u Abel Ambalwa Miheso Abigael Ayuya Abigael Endeya Abigael Lukhwaro Abigael Wakhisi Abraham Luvonga Abraham Ochungo Otieno Abraham Otiende Abu Tabibu Adelaide Apollo Adelaide Ingosi Adelaide Mushubwe Agapitus Imbali Aggrey Kanyangi Masiva Aggrey Maina Katiechi Aggrey Makhama Aggrey makhama Aggrey Nganyi katiechi Agnes Atuwo Butiko Agnes Ogondo Agripina Orata Akapitus Amayi Mamati

Akisa Kerubo Everlyne Akwabi Stephen Albert O. Swaka Albert Ogaye Omukatia Albina Atamba Albina Matalini Alex Chambasi Vunyali Alex Nanjakululu Alexander Ajanga Alfayo Owiti Alfred Ambundo Ongaya Alfred Eshitera Alfred Imbayi Alfred Khalumi Alfred Makokha Alfred Mbalani Alfred M'mayi Alfred Mulinya Alice Andabwa Alice Ayuya Alice Khayanje Alwanyi Alice Malesi Andabwa Alice waithaka Alphaeus Wakubwa Alphonce Muthusi Kioko Alphonse

Khatenjeya Alphonse Kioko Alusiola M. Balbina Amina Wechuli Amos Juma Wakhungu Amos Makokha Amos Munubi Alega Amos Musungu Amos Mwale Amos Ochieng Anyango Amos wawire Wanjala Amutala Isaiah Anangwe Joel Bramwel Andrew Abisai Andrew Chepkwony Andrew Ingutia Andrew Warren Andayi Andrew Wisindi Angela Akosa Angeline A. Okeyo Angella Kadenyi Anne Apudo Aluoch Anne Eshuchi Murambi Anne Kinadoso Kahombi Anne makumba Anne Musundi Anne Namarome Simiyu Annet Ongoya Mmboga Anthony Amukoche Anthony Hoseah Anthony Oyembah Andeka Anthony Vuluku Antony Ambudo Shikuku Antony M. Injendi Antony Manguya Napali

Antony Mutevane Kikubu Antony Omani Antony Oyembah Andeka Antony W. Antony Antony wasena Aristaricus Andalo Arthur Okello Aska Toya Audrey Kangereha Audrey Kangereha Augustine Abwalaba Ayub Shikuku Sam Barasa Douglas Otonga Barasa Wafula Kufuu Barnabas Keya Odera Barnabas Wenstar Sifuna Barnabus Keya Barry Nabwera Waswa Bartex Juma Bazrry Nabwera Beardon Ongata Beatrice Shivanda Beatrice Abwavo Beatrice Aluchio Beatrice

Ambwavo Beatrice Amwayi Beatrice Kageha Beatrice Muhatia Asanya Beatrice Murenga Moss Beatrice Nakhauka Ekessa Beatrice Naliaka Liru Beatrice Sarah Okonji Beatrice Shivanda Beauter Obura N Beldina Alonya Tunya Belvin Wangara Eshitubi Benard Abuko Benard Abula Sosi Benard Andati Nyongesa Benard Maende Benard Mukunga Musungu Benard Nyongesa Andati Benard Washika Osore Bendict Likoshe Benjamin Afubwa Benjamin Mukhuyu Benjamin

O. Wafula Benjamin Oluchina Buluku Benjamin Wabwire Benson Anunda Julius Benson Mbushele Bernard Abula Bernard Abula Beti Felix Shikanga Beverline Andati Beverly Kaveza Musalia Bibiana A. Mululu Bonface Amboso Bonface Lidahuli Nabwoba Bonface M. Muhanji Bonface Muhanji Bonface Muikamwa Bonface Nyumbile Ndalu Bonface Ongilo Munyendo Bonface Wilunda Lukaho Bonventure Ameyo Masakhwe Brenda Lubisia Brenda Ogolla Brian Shiundu

Brighton Nengo Dissi Burudi Mukangai Bushuru Martha Naliaka Calistus Wesonga Calistus Wilunda Capitus Chironga Caren Moraa Ombati Carlestous Muchera Carlos Masika Okwako Carolyn Mukhavali Carolyne Asanda Carolyne Aura Carolyne Ilinzi Carolyne Khisa Carolyne Kigasia Carolyne L. Musila Carolyne Mapesa Carolyne Mbaitha Carolyne Mukhavali Carolyne N. Khisa Carolyne Nasimiyu Wanyonyi Carolyne Nawire Carolyne Okwako Carolyne Shikanda Carolyne

Tabitha Shikanda Carolyne Wawire Carren Moraa Ombati Catherine Apondi Matete Catherine Aswani Catherine Kalerwa Catherine Maikuva Catherine Nasiche Chuma Catherine Nyawira Kinywa Catherine Wamboi Cecilia Akinyi Heidwick Cecilia Akinyi Okoth Cecilia Ambundo Celestine Shikutwa Cetric Atolwa Charles Chitechi Mombo Charles I. Nechio Charles I�re Charles Keya Charles Lutenyi Muyale Charles Mombo Charles N. Oliya Chripinus Nyongesa

Chrisantus Cosmas Chrispinus Nyongesa Chrispinus Rapando Christabel Ashiono Christabel Ashiono Christine Anuna Christine Chula Christine Faith Khavetsa Christine Khayumbi Adhiambo Christine Manoha Atieno Christine Mushira Christine Mwimali Christine Namayi Chimuti Christine Nyapera Christine Omendo Christine Owano Christine Sunguti Christopher Khainga Claire Khisa Claire Masake Claire N. Masake Clarence Luvai Clement O Wechuli Cleophas Sore

Cleophas Wafula Cli� Chimwani Clyde Kumaya Clyton Ambani Colins Shikali Colleta Manyasa Collins Shikali Collins Waswa Njuguna Connie Ochieng Consolata Ariko Bukachi Consolata Ateka Consolata Bilinga Consolata Bukachi Cornelius Sifuna Cosmas Wafula Cynthia Malietso Cyprian Liluma Cyrus Carol Cyrus Makumba Luvovwa Damaris Mudanya Mudambwa Damary Amadi Ongondo Daniel Achiya Daniel M. Muchesia Daniel Mate Daniel Nyambaka Otolo Daniel Sambili Daniel Washiali Musungu Danson Mukhwana David Anyanzwa Away David Bukhoya David Ikura David Ingoka David Ingosi David Luchera Lusaa David Lumiti M David Lutomia Okomba David Munyendo David Muralis

David O. Wamatsi David Ochango David Okoti David Omari Musita David Raphael Lumumba David Wafula David Wamalwa David Wamatsi o. Davies Omamo Davine Minayo Davis Amboga Deborah Mideva Dennis Ashiono Dennis Duncan Muhanda Dennis Justin Kubai Dennis Likule Dennis Mukemi Simiyu Dennis Munyendo Dennis Omido Ochange Dennis Ouma Diana Ondisa Ambohani Diana Sagali Dianah Naliaka Siakama Dickson Chahenza Ateya Dickson

Indoshi Dickson Ukang'a Dinah Khakui Dinnah Ashioya Dolith Wambutsi Dorah Lumasia Dorcas Akhwale Dorcas Atola Dorcas Khakasa Dorcas O. Olesi Dorcas Shisoka Dorcus A. Shisoka Dorcus Khakali Olumbe Dorcus M.Atola Doreen Amwoga Doreen Kavai Makungu Mwanzi Doreen Masai Doreen Mulusa Dorica Mapesa Dorice Ashiono Dorice Ateka Dorice Midega Dorice Nyongesa Dorris Imoli Mukova Dorris Kavai Kisia Douglas Barasa Douglas Ekessa Douglas Eronde Akala Douglas Lukwili Douglas Mkwe Mang'oli Douglas Shimaka Duncan Wanga Ambuche Dunston Ulwodi Earnest Namayi Ebby Madidi Eddah Alwanyi Alusa Eddah Ayellah Kubarah Eddah Luseka Muyegu Edgar Lungaho

Edgar Oluhano Edith Ambani Edith Lihanda Chanyisa Edith Mmboga Imbenzi Edward Akhunza Indumuli Edward Kubai Edward Manguya Edward Omuga Kivanze Edwin Amakobe Edwin Ambetsa Amira Edwin Imbosa Wanga Edwin Indoshi Edwin Onyango Edwin Wambu Shihemi Edwin Wetaba Edwin Wirula Bukhevi Elam Osabwa Omuhinda Elazia Lily Eldah Molenje Elfridah Isimoni Eliphas A. Onyango Elisha Ongoya Elisha Zebede Ongoya Eliud Teyie Musotsi Elizabeth Akwabi Elizabeth Asiachi Elizabeth Jaicah Elizabeth Nyagoha Elizabeth Okongo Elizabeth Osebe Okero Ellysammer Nambwenya Elphas Obongita Elphas Washika Emily A. Perit Emily Injete Amondo Emily Maywaka Emily

Om'mala Emily S. Wiraka Emily Shisia Oyungu Emmah A. Mukaisi Emmah Chitechi Osale Emmanuel Ebinga Osore Emmanuel Mate Kayala Emmanuel Mukoya Emmy Shisia Shibweche Enock Wambani Enos Wasike Ephel Osome Eren Oyungu Omurunga Eric A. Anyonje Eric C. S. Kasyamani Eric Jumba Keverenge Eric Mukatia Erick litembekho Lijodi Eric O. Andati Eric Shingotore Muzami Erick Musungu Obiyo Ernest Okiya Ernest Pasaka M Ester Makokha Esther A.

Makona Esther Akinyi Bwonya Esther Amurono Esther Carolyne Elung'at Esther Makana Esther Matendechere Imbundi Esther Nabwile Munika Eunice Atero Eunice Atsali Eunice Atsulu Eunice Khanaitsa Eunice Muhonja Eunice Osome Eunice songa Evans Ahingula Evans Mugalo Evans ogolla Evans Shisinya Mukunda Evans Wangwe Evelyne Achieng Evelyne Mbayisi M. Everline Andika Nyausi Everlyne Agola Everlyne Alego Mwange Everlyne Ambede Everlyne

Amunga Everlyne Anyango Everlyne Ashiono Everlyne Bushuru Akhonya Everlyne Khaemba Everlyne Okwemba Everlyne Oneya Everyne Otunga Faith Anyanga Makuba Faith Mutuiri Fanuel Apwoka Etale Fanuel Wesonga Fareen Injete Farida Ali Muka Faridah Makokha Fatuma Hassan Febrone Michelle Atieno Felex Angome Felistas O. Makokha Felix Angome Anzunzu Felix Kisambo Bagada Felix Mulama Festo Shikali Festo Shikoli Festus Burudi Festus Omuhaka Florah

Abiero Musundi Florence Achelo Florence Iminza Florence K. Bandi Florence lubuya Florence Mukabane Florence Nyakoa Florence Shieunda Florence Shitiko Florence Shiunda Florence Wasike Florida Amakobe Sikolia Floridah Esta Sikolia Francis Ashitiba Francis Butichi Francis Lutta Francis Mukolwe Francis Otieno Francis Sikolia Changu Francis Wereh Franklin M Mabia Fred N. Andayi Fredrick Amwoga Fredrick Chite Fredrick Mavisi Fredrick Omondi Fredrick

Omondi Fridah Kadima Gabriel Andanje Gabriel Sifuna Kitui Gaudencia Kabaka Geo�rey Babu Ochande Geo�rey kakai Geo�rey Makaya Geo�rey Mmela Mukanzi Geo�rey Mutebi Atsali Geo�rey Odari Agesa Geofrey Babu Ochande Geofrey Kisingula Geofrey Lumbasi Geofrey Opete George A. Okaro George Kuya Ouna George Makokha George Malale Mutebi George Mumias George Omukatia Odhiambo Georgiadis Bahati Alusiola Gerishom Manase Getray Andati Getray Iminza Getray Mukhwana Matendechere Getray Oronga Getrude Alinda Getrude Munoko Getrude Nanjala Mung'asia Gibson Musera mutiva Gibson Wanaswa Makhaso Gideon A. Ochango Gideon Kivaya Gilbert Amuko Gilbert

Ebole Ochenga Gladys Adhiambo Gloria Erima Godfrey Akhonya Godfrey Inyanzu Godfrey Madafu Godfrey Makokha Muliakha Godfrey Masaviru Godfrey Musila Godfrey Mwibanda Simiyu Godfrey Wesa Osako Godwin Muhambi Gordwin Mwikali Gorrety Oduor Grace Afandi Grace Andati Grace Keya Grace Kutondo Grace Lumala Grace Njenga Gregory Mukaisi Guranya Winnie Habil Anyanzwa Haggai Weche Opingo Hannah Alego Haron Ogendo Harriet

Kadenyi Amasa Harriete Litembekho Harrison Cherimuli Liwa Harrison Ongusi Harrison Simwaka Harun Sunguti Hebert Barasa Wanyonyi Hebert Nandwa Hedrick Ligami Alaka Helen Muyale Hellen Masaba Hellen Nyangasi Hellen Otuva Henrey Maluti Henry Andenga Henry W Mwangi Henry Wandabwa Henry Were Ndakalu Hesbon Otinga Hesborn Amukabwa A. Hesborn Malova Hezron S. Mukono Hillary kipkoech Howard Muhanda Hudson Barusi Injera

Hudson Nyongesa Hudson Were Hudson Were Hudson Humphrey maloba Humphrey Muthamia Humphrey Okado Humphrey Osundwa Humphrey Otuko Hussein Mango Hussein Wechuli Hutton Wanyama Ibrahim Amakobe Imali Petronillah Imelder Sisa Makokha Ingati Silas Inviolata nabwire Inviolata Ndubi Inviolata Ochayo Nabwre Inviolota Makatia Irene Atichi Irene Kusa Irene Okumu Irene Onamu Irene Shilwatso Irene Shimuli iris Amunari Muhandale Iris Iminza Isaac Alali Isaac Luvonga Isaac Opala Isabbella Mombo Isabella Engede Isaiah Amutala Isaiah Anzinah Isaiah Manyasa Isaiah Tunayi Lipoywa Israel Ouma Odhiambo Jackline Anyanga Jackline Atieno Jackline Bitute Jackline

Khasiala Jackline Lidoro Jackline Mmochi Jackline Nyaranga Jackson Achando Jackson Alukwe Muliakha Jacktone Munavi Jacob Zenega Jacqueline Amira Jacqueline Tambasi vitute Jacqueline Vugutsa Jael Omunyangoli Jafred Apwochi James Bahati Indoshi James Kombo James Maina James Murunga Sawe James O. Nyongesa James Obura James Otieno Jamilla Mallo Makokha Jamillah Wechuli Jane Lituya Jane Lwoyero Jane Mumbo Jane Ngome Amalemba Jane Wesonga Janerose Wanjala Janet Cherop Naibei Janet Lunayo Japheth Musungu Japheth ongaya Japheth Shilaho Deteya Jared Namai Jared Nyikuli Jared Salano Jastus okwika Javern Namasaka Jayne Kweyu Chivinu Je� Murunga

Jemimmah Ingahu Jenipher Asingwa Jenita Siago Jeremiah Mchaka Jeremiah Mmasi Jerida wando Jimmy Wekesa Joab Jaribu Joan Ikaal Osang'ir Joel Ekesa John Akaliche Omutere John Andati John Emmanuel Wanyama John Eyagi Shivisi John I. Okwemba John Indoshi John Kamau Macharia John Lumukwanwa John Njogu Mucioka John Omondi John Omukuba John Omutere John Rapura Johnstone Miheso Johnstone Musungu Jonathan Kisiang'ani Jonathan

Mbakaya Jones Maswi Joram Sunguti Joseck lubanga Omukweyi Joseph Chimalen Joseph Inyangala Joseph Lyayuka Amboye Joseph Malubi Joseph Otieno Joseph Owino Okoth Joseph Tekah Opime Joseph Wamboye Joseph Wasena Josephat Mukhanji Josephine Ambogo Josephine Nzumzume Joshua Ombayo Joslaty Musuo Jotham Akala Joyce Adai Joyce Bulinda Joyce Imende Joyce Muchiti Joyce Mukabane Joylaura Busolo Judith Achungo Judith Ambundo

Judith Amisi Judith Atamba Judith Awinja judith lutta Judith Mbalakah Judith Muteitsi Judith Nechecsa Luttah Judith Ondiebo Shilwatso Julian Ngorere Okoma Julianne Ayoti Julius Shibuyanga Julius Shikuku Julius Shitemi Mulama Juma Wakhungu June Achieng Were Justine Ilolo Justine Mutobera Justus Abuko Justus Alusiola justus muleshe Justus Samuel Emeje Justus Sifuna Kays Muruka Kelvin Ananda Kelvin Moses Mutulis Kelvin Odhiambo Ken Donald

Shianda Kennedy Nandizi Kennedy Ashioya Ojango Kennedy Kavunja Kennedy Nandokha Kennedy Ongadi Kennedy Onyango Kenneth Adamba Atonya Kenneth Aluda Kenneth Atulo Kenneth Shikuku Kevin Minyade Keziah Ashivaga Khamoi Felix Mariko Kilui Watako Knight Kunyu Kweyu Muhando Omaso Laban Likoye Lalyvine Naliaka Laurah Buyanzi Bahati Lawrence Omusore Lawrence Sakwa Leah Andeso Leah Auma Omolo Leah Bwome Leah mwelema Leah Omolo Ouma Lenah ing'ahu Leonard Muyonga Leonida Saleh Leonnard Maluti Leornard Muyongo Lilian Abuko Lilian Achungo Shikwe Lilian Akinyi Lilian Angaya Lilian Atitwa Wesonga Lilian Idambila Lilian Kabene Lilian kanguha Lilian Mboni Lilian Mushiyi Lilian Okwaro Kabene Lilian Vuhunji Lily Elazia Lily Ngeresa Linah Mandela Linet Akhonya Linet Musina Mbakalah Linet Shikhule Livingstone Ambani Kisia Livingstone Ndeta Lodo�ko W.L. Omboko Lorna

Muluka Lucky Ngoya lucy Muthone Lucy Namukuru Lucy Okot Lucy Vigehi Lucy Vuhya Lukalia Erick Luke angoya Luke Barasa Luke Mukhuyu Luke Munyendo Lutta maurice Lwanga Bitonye Lydia Adhiambo Osundwa Lydia K. Khatachi Lydia Odera Lydia Wandeyi Lydiah adhiambo Osundwa Lydiah Maloba Lydiah Odera Lynn Avire Lynnet Adhiambo Macktilder Makhoba Macrea Mbalanya Malack Namai Malavi Benjamin Marcella Wamoyi Margaret Khakali Likabo

Margaret Kotolo Margaret Meta Shiundu Margaret M'mbone Margaret Sakwa Mariam M'bembe Marion Luganu Mark Angatia Mark Nickson Esaranda mark sakwa Martha Awuor Ogillo Martha C. Likuyi Martha Chamadala Martha K. Rioki martha Likuyu Martha Musimbi Martha Odhiambo Martha Rioki Martin Akunda Martin Amakalu Martin Amakobe Martin Ambitsi Nanjendo Martin M Sagi` Martin Mongoi Isiaho Martin Nabwera Martin Okumali J. Mureithi Martin

Robert Amakobe Martin Shiundu Mary awinja Mary Chendeka Titiha Mary Concepta Khacheha Mary Muhonja Mary Nasambu Mary Nyamwata Maryam Ambundo Imbumi Maryanne Mwimali Marygorret waningu Maryser masitsa Matekwa Felix Maureen A. Mumbo Maureen achieng Maureen Atundo Okaalo Maureen Faith Onyango maureen Ilamwenya Maureen Kang'ahi Maureen Makunga Maureen Muchesia Muteitsi Maureen Mulago Maureen Obuyi Maureen

Omondi Maureen Shabuya Maurice m. Lutta Maurice Manyonyi Maurice Nyongesa Maurice Sifuna Musa Maurine Angode Maurine Minayo Maurine Obbuyi Maximillah Mukabwa Mbalanya Macrae Mediatrix Isenye Medrine Mmayi Odinga Melchizedek Harrison O. Onyango Melizah Makokha Nechesa Mercelyne N. Wasike Mercy Muyekho Nanzala Mercyline Shitakwa Mulele Mervine Anami Metrine Mayende Micah Masheti Temba Michael Davey Michael

Munyendo Chuma Michael Okinda Michael Omwada Byatta Mike Munubi Singa Milcah Vudembu Mildred Bweyenda Kevolwe Mildred Imbiakha Mildred litali Mildred M. Osuka Mildred Musera Mmbone Mildred Okumali Mildred Osore Milicent Owano Milka A. Matiku Milka amwayi Milka Matiku Millicent Aoko milver Mutonyi Mincylet Mate miriam wangui Miriam Wangui Misiko Florence Monica Mitchelle Mercy Khagoista Mjuguma Matuku Timona Mkaya Bristone

Moses Mmachi A Peter M'mela Mukanzi Modesta Lilumbi Mo�at Anangwe Monica Misiko Monica Mumbi Monica Omina Omukhulu Monicah Okutoyi Morgan C Mutoko Moses akala Moses Akungwi Moses kelvin mutulis Moses khaemba Moses Mung'oni Moses N. Akali moses Pius Katila Mourice Nyongesa Mukabwa Anne Kasiti Mukhutsi Angela Malesi Muleshe Justus Dedan Munamga Bonface Kashitsa Musa Shibona Musli Wetende Mwelesa Bonface Naftali Otipa Nahashon Ruhu Maua Namusia M. Saupa Nancy Avire Nancy Khayimba Nancy Khayongo Ochiba Nancy Likoshe Nancy Matendechere Nancy Mukari Lusuli Nancy Naomi Naomi Cheruto Naibel Nashon keah Nebert Ataga Nelly

Jegemei Nelly Phoebe Wekesa Nelson Kigwegwe Kinavuli Nelson Moyi Nelson Ngaira Nelson Omondi Nicholas Akatu Murasi Nicholas Kidwaro Esadia Nicholas Muyale Nicholas Ndakalu Nicholas Ndakalu Nicholas Obure Nicholas Okwemba Kharebi Nilian Mukungu Nixon Marani Sifuna Nixon Matasio Kulavi Noah Iteke Odati Noel Musita Nora Kazungu Nuru Ashan Nuru Walumbe Bushuru Nyaperah Wycli�e Nyongesa O. James Nypha Iingayitsa Mmayi Obed

Kulecho Kwoba Odiliah Imbali Olang Mboya Moses Obwogo Partrik Onyango Olympus Any'aha Opala Isaac Akala Oscar Ashihundu Musine Oscar Herbert Nandwa Oscar Kombi Oscar Mahagayu Limoke Oscar Majio Owino Oscar muliro Oscar Mwanzi Oswin Lukwiri Otini Alube Wilberforce Ouma Odhiambo Israel Pallomeh Angaya Pamela Ogutu Pamela Machengo Pamela Ogutu Pareck Mmbwanga Kijana Partric Wafula Partson Asoha Paskalia Maloba Patricia Livondo

Patrick Andayi Mboyi Patrick Ashiono Patrick Atwa Patrick chanzu Embwaga Patrick Chinyingi Patrick Ikocheli Patrick Ledu Patrick Ligondo patrick Mung'ala Patrick Omutiti Patrick Osaiako Patrick Otinga Ochume Paul Andalo Paul Chanzu Paul Kawegah Paul lukoko Paul Malalu Onoka paul Mangoli Paul M'mbwaro Paul Okusi Boaz Paul Omukubi Paul Onzere Malaho Paul Pope J. Kawegah Paul Shisia Opanda Paul Sifuna Pauline Akwera Pauline N. Mutola Peninah

Nyongesa Percy Shilako Peter Angatia Peter Collins Peter Fatana Mafunga Peter Imbiakha Peter Khalumi Peter Ludeshi Peter Macharia Peter Mukunzi Peter Murunga Peter Nyasiri Peter Saula Peter Simon Mayoye Peter Wanyama Petronilla Shumila Phaiza Iminza Phanice Khayesi Phanice Mung'ole Ilavuna Phanice Nyende Phanice Oluteyo Phanice Were Phaustine Khangwa Phelesia Sechere Phemina Chimoli Philgona Makutu Philip Etende Philip Kilonzo Philip Liyela Philip Mang'are Philip N. Wambua Philip Omuhaka Philip Omuyonga Philip Waliaro Philip Wambua Philip Wechuli phoebe Awinja Phoebe Kashindi Phoebe Nziwa Phoebe Omollo Pius Okumu Pius Wechuli Wesonga Pounphas Mwelesa Praxedes Andeka Shipaka princiscah Amakobe Priscah Ayuma Priscah Masakhwe Priscilla Khasoa Protus Mitungu Protus Mwanza Purity Mwelema Purity Vuchete Quinto Omusungu Rachel Maikuma Ramadahan Chiriswa

Raphael Omumia Rasmo Omurunga Rayhana Raymond Mombo Readon Luchivya Readon Nandwa Readon Ongata Rebbeca Keya Rebecca Neondo Rebecca Owano Redcli�e Zablon Mbogo Redempta Murunga Regina Wanjiku Renington Omutsani Restude ocholi Reuben Agesa Reuben Ambuli Reuben K. Indoshi Reuben Onzere Reuben otipo Reuben Tingu Musundi Rhoda Ayuma Rhoda Owano Eshikati Rhoda Toili Nambuswa Richard Obure Richard Oduor

Richard Oduor Rinah Nyangasi Risper Ayuma Akali Risper Omurunga Robert Aligaka Robert Aligula Robert Enock Odongo Robert Mbakaya Robert Shiholo Aliella Robert Washika Osore Rodah Songa Roland Malika Romulus Okoth Ronald Amagunyi Okune Ronald Livanze Ronald Mwani Livanze Ronald Vunjinda Javala Ronald W. Wekulo Rose Angachi Rose Katupa Rose Kidambi Rose Nasimiyu Rose Nkatha Muturu Rose Okweya Rose Opuya Rosebellah Ang'iyo

Mukana Roselida Namatsi Roseline Esurui Roselyne Buyeka Roselyne Ekina Roselyne Eshikumo Roselyne Luchiva Roselyne Ondeche Buyeka Rosemary Achando Roslyne Dembeko Royson Lumiti Rudolf Omollo Ruth Achayo Ruth Andati Ruth Andika Wafula Ruth I. Ashiono Ruth Makokha Ruth Mulupi Ruth Nelima Wamalwa Ruth Opiyo Mukwambo Sabina Amwayi Sadrack wasike Wafuta Sainah Mulongo Nafula Salim Mutambo Salome Angulu Salome Kanaiza Salome Okwemba Sammy Ambongo Akungwi Sammy Jacob Manyasa Sammy Kegode Sammy Luvuka Mugodo Sammy M. Nyongesa Samson Biketi Samson Odari Samuel Kulali Samuel Mugeya Namuye Samuel Obunji Samuel Okoti Samuel

Okoyo Samuel Osore Samuel Owichi Samuel Shitote Samuel walala Juma Samwel Aloyo Amwayi Samwel Okoko Nyikuli Sarah Ambasa Sarah Mmochi Sarah Okuro Sarah Sikuri Sarah Simiyu Sarah wanjala Satia L. Polyne Scholastic Ashika Sebastian Masika Sebwa Saidi Makokha Seith Akatu Atsulu Selina Wakoli Selipher Akumu Sellah Kingoro Sellah Muga Severin Opiyo Shadrack Inyangala Shadrack Maina Shadrack Maina Shadrack Ogolla Ombucha Shadrack

Shabanji Omondi Shamila Njero Mombo sharolyne Luseso Sharolyne Wanja Sharrif Masinde Sheila Adisa Shelmith Mituko Shiraku Were Hudson silas Ingati silas livuku Silas Napali Imboba Silvano Esibwe Simiyu W. Zablon Simoh Miheso Simon M. Shiamwama Solomon Walingo Solomon Weche Sophia Mbembe Sophia Sakwa Specioza Mutsotso Stanceslaus Wabuke Stanley Amusibwa Okute Stanley Shibutse Stella Ilaini Mushira Stella Wamocie Macharia Stephen

Alekwa Stephen Amunga Akwabi Stephen Aromba Stephen Imanya Ambata Stephen Katibi Stephen Muravi Stephen O Matseshe Stephen Opanda Stephen Simbari Sunguti Earnest Koksi Susan Mahiva Susan Mbeya Atieno Susan Muyela Sydney Were Sylvester Burula Sylvester Lunayo Sylvia Kahenzeka Sylvia Sirengo Sylvia Wishanya Symphrose Ingoyi Tabitha Tsuma Talbert Ngeri Kivango Telson Amalemba Teresia Ochool Thomas Amakobe Thomas Andale Thomas Imboywa Thomas Maikuma Kirui Thomas Shilaho Thomas Shilausa Thomas Shileka Timothy Angatia Timothy Bushuru Timothy Musiomi Titus Mwirotsi Shilaho Titus Okiya Okonji Tobias Oduor Okingo Tom Nalyanya Tom

Shapaya Truphena Muyia selipher Upande A Wawire Valereen Nyangai Veronica Ayuma Veronicah Ayuma Veronicah Khatiala Victor Mmbarack Victor Okello Atwa Victor W Wanyama Vincent Manyuru Okitwi Vincent Munoko Vincent Musoka Litsalia Vincent Omucheni Lubanga Violet Adela Juma Violet Akala Olubwayo Violet Amunga Violet Khamali Ngesa Violet Mashetio Violet Mmbone Violet Mukiratsi Violet Mukiratsi Violet Munyasi Violet Mwirotsi Sitsimi Violet

Nekesa Violet Ocharo Violet Omutekete Virginia Kusinjiru Vitalis Masakhwe Wabuko Christine Makokha Wakhu M. Anne Walter Ivelia Bulimu Walter Wambani Wangwe Crispus Barasa Wanjala G. Luyingo Wanyonyi Khaemba Wasike Lorna Nekesa Wellington Andati Wetende A. Judith wilberforce otini Wilfred Imbayi Anzenze Wilfridah Mukanzi Wilfridah Musenya Wiliam Wafula Esaranda William Nanyendo Willingtone Misango Mwenge Wilson Isiah Waneku Wilson M. Mulei

Wilson Mukhuwa Wilson Mulei Wilson Naniava Wincera Walumbe Winfred Asiko Okoma Winnie Jendeka Winny Wishenga Winrose Nafula Wamalwa Winston Makokha Wycli�e Alwali Matika Wycli�e Amakobe Wycli�e Chisutia Wycli�e Kibisu Wycli�e Kitwangi Iluku wycli�e Kwalanda Wycli�e Lilande Wycli�e Milavi Wycli�e Muny Andako Wycli�e Nathane Nyongesa Wycli�e Olwali Matika Yvonne Shirako Zaccaeus Ngurewe Munyendo Zacharia Magomere Zacharia

Olang Zachariah Shitote Zachary Shiundu Zaida Nakaliwo Okumu Zainab Murunga Zainabu Chibayi Makungu Zakayo Zino Alaly Zedrick Kaisha Zephania M. Picho Zephania Mukaka Zippora Amakalu Patrick Lunalo Nandi David Emung'as Amusari Otengi Imboko Dennis Violet Milcah Naliaka Zubedah Elnetah Chestit David Achero Mufuayia Geo�rey Wesonga Okella Frederick Shichere Muhando Fredrick Shitakwa Manyuru Maureen Muchesia Onyango John
