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Accord Combined Addendum

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NWoD Combined: The Accord Addendum Effective Date: 2/3/2014 Last Updated: 1/1/2014 This addendum is organized into the following sections: 1. Changing Breeds (WW55103) 2. Dampyr [NH:TWD pg. 135] 3. Fae-Touched [ER pg. 106] 4. Ghouls 5. The Possessed [Inferno] 6. Proximi 7. Psychics [Second Sight] 8. The Purified [Immortals] 9. Thaumaturges [Second Sight] 10. Wolfblooded [Blood of the Wolf] 11. Citadels 12. Magic Items Fetishes Tokens Enhanced Items Imbued Items Azothic Items Cursed Items Artifacts Blessed Items Hedgespun Items Hunter Endowments Geist-Specific Items Plot-specific Minor Magic Items Mummy Relics 13. Familiars 14. Aberrations Text in red indicates new or changed items in the last major revision. Text in blue indicates new or changed items since the last major revision. All Accord information can be found on the Accord Website: https://sites.google.com/site/mesaccord/ Some materials are © copyright 2013 and trademarked by CCP hf. All rights reserved. 1. Changing Breeds (WW55103) 1. Changing Breeds are distant cousins of werewolves, whose origins are lost to the mists of time. 2. Breeds: a. Form Bonuses and Adjustments i. Derived traits (Health, Speed, etc) listed in “Form Adjustments” sections are not used. Recalculate the derived traits based on the Attribute, Size and Species Factor changes. 1
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NWoD Combined: The Accord Addendum

Effective Date: 2/3/2014Last Updated: 1/1/2014

This addendum is organized into the following sections:

1. Changing Breeds (WW55103)2. Dampyr [NH:TWD pg. 135]3. Fae-Touched [ER pg. 106]4. Ghouls5. The Possessed [Inferno]6. Proximi7. Psychics [Second Sight]8. The Purified [Immortals]9. Thaumaturges [Second Sight]10. Wolfblooded [Blood of the Wolf]11. Citadels12. Magic Items

FetishesTokensEnhanced ItemsImbued ItemsAzothic ItemsCursed ItemsArtifactsBlessed ItemsHedgespun ItemsHunter EndowmentsGeist-Specific ItemsPlot-specific Minor Magic ItemsMummy Relics

13. Familiars14. Aberrations

Text in red indicates new or changed items in the last major revision.Text in blue indicates new or changed items since the last major revision.All Accord information can be found on the Accord Website: https://sites.google.com/site/mesaccord/

Some materials are © copyright 2013 and trademarked by CCP hf. All rights reserved.

1. Changing Breeds (WW55103)1. Changing Breeds are distant cousins of werewolves, whose origins are lost to the mists of time.2. Breeds:

a. Form Bonuses and Adjustmentsi. Derived traits (Health, Speed, etc) listed in “Form Adjustments” sections are not used.

Recalculate the derived traits based on the Attribute, Size and Species Factor changes.


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ii. Changes to Size from Form Adjustments are not limited to +5. This is an exception to the Universal Addendum rules about single source bonuses.

b. Archunem [CB pg. 144]: Add Stash [CB pg. 89] at 3 dots to Breed Favorsc. Baitu [CB pg. 142]: Add Fortune’s Favor [CB pg. 82] at 3 dots to Breed Favors.d. Brythians [CB pg. 197]: Add “These ferals have a wide range of abilities based on the

folklore surrounding them and receive two free Skill Specialties that can be placed in the following skills: Empathy, Weaponry, or Occult.”

e. Corvian [CB pg. 192]: Insert “Players choose at character creation either Dire Beast or the Flock Form Aspect. If the player chooses the Dire Beast they may purchase the Flock Form [CB pg. 89] Aspect later at normal cost.”

f. Nanekisu [CB pg. 168]: Add Swarm Form [CB pg. 89] at 4 dots to Breed Favorsg. Qualm’a ni [CB pg. 131]: Replace Attributes with Skillsh. Reynardi [CB pg. 145]: Add Catwalk [CB pg. 81] at 3 dots to Breed Favorsi. Sicarius [CB pg. 172]: Venomous [CB pg. 92] Breed Favor is the 4 dot versionj. Storm Bears [CB pg. 179]: Gain +1 modifier bonus to all strength-related draws in all

forms.k. Vargr [CB pg. 156]: Their Primal/Dire form are Size 6l. Wapathemwa [CB pg. 147]: Add Gross Eater [CB pg. 83] at 2 dots to Breed Favorsm. Custom Breeds: Not Sanctioned

3. Feral Heart [CB pg. 98]: Use the table for Primal Urge in Werewolf the Forsaken pg. 76 instead of that found in Changing Breeds. The social penalty for prey animals is always 1 less, to a minimum of 0.

4. Respect: Experience costs for Respect is now x4 per category. 5. Aspects [CB pg. 78]

a. Aspects (except Beast Magic [CB pg. 79], see below) are purchased with Simple/Graduated costs, as with Merits. For example: Spook the Herd [CB pg. 88] is a Simple 3-dot Aspect and costs 15XP; Catwalk [CB pg. 81] is a graduated 5-dot Aspect and each dot gained must be purchased (three dots would cost 30XP).

b. Hybrid Forms (save for ones listed for a breed) are Not Sanctioned.c. Nine Lives is replaced by the mechanics of Charmed Life from Rites of Spring p.88.

This power may be used once per day.d. Characters may not have more than one of the following aspects: Beast Magic [CB

pg. 79], Spirit Gift [CB pg. 88], and Spirit Secrets [CB pg. 88].e. Unless noted in this addendum or in the writeup, activating an Aspect is an Instant

Action.f. Beast Magic [CB pg. 79]:

i. It is not Supernal, despite using Rote rules. It cannot be dispelled by Awakened magic.ii. When this Aspect is purchased, the user’s Feral Heart [CB pg. 98] is lowered to 3 if higher, with

the XP difference refunded. The PC can purchase mage rotes up to level 3, using XP costs noted in the Changing Breed book [CB pg. 80].

iii. These rotes use the listed Attribute + Skill dice pool from their entry in the Mage book.iv. If there is a mana cost, the character pays it with essence. v. If vulgar, the spell still adds to action RQ and draws Paradox as if the character were at Gnosis 6. vi. The character may not take spells with two or more associated arcana or spells that allow for the

creation of magical items. vii. The character may have no more than 30 total dots of rotes from this power.viii. If a rote has an effect that is based on the Arcana rating of the user, use the number of dots in the

rote as the Arcana rating.ix. Only rotes that are available to all mages may be purchased (no order-specific rotes, etc).x. For Breeds that have this as an innate Breed Favor, they receive three free dots that can be split

among three 1 dot powers, a single 2 dot and a single 1 dot power, or a single 3 dot power.g. Earthbond [CB pg. 82]: This is a Reflexive action.h. Keen Sense [CB pg. 83]: Each sense must be bought separately unless multiple

senses are listed in the Beast’s Free Breed Favors. Listed senses in Free Breed Favors may be bought


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as a group - as a single aspect. All others must be bought separately. Senses not listed in a Breed write up are considered ‘Out of Breed.’

i. Mother’s Fury [CB pg. 85]: This Aspect can be used to protect pack or band mates as well as family or loved ones. It can be used to protect supernatural creatures.

j. Shadow Bond [CB pg. 87]: This uses the same rules for Stepping Sideways found in Werewolf the Forsaken.

k. Spirit Animal [CB pg. 88]: i. This is not a familiar or a spirit. It is channeling the power of the abstract concept of a specific

type of animal.ii. This Aspect may be purchased once, representing a personal type of Spirit Animal that the shifter

channels.iii. Replace the mechanics with:

1. This power is Graduated in cost. For every dot of this aspect, you choose one skill, appropriate to the chosen animal.

2. For the cost of 1 essence as an Instant action, you channel one of the skills from the Spirit Animal. You gain a bonus to that skill (only) equal to your dots in the Aspect. The Spirit Animal may only enhance one skill at a time. This lasts for a scene.

3. The character may choose to spend another Essence to reactivate the power for a different skill, replacing the bonus gained on the first activation.

4. Example: Joe Shifter has Spirit Animal: Snake at 4 dots. He’s taken Stealth, Medicine, Brawl, and Occult. He spends 1 essence for a +4 to Stealth while stalking a local Servant. He’s discovered, and takes a turn to spend an essence to switch his bonus to Brawl, just as the Servant’s backup arrives.

l. Spirit Gift [CB pg. 88]:i. The cost for gifts are new dots x7 XP (out of tribe costs).ii. Spirit Gifts must be taken in order (eg a level 3 gift can’t be taken unless the level 1 and level 2

have already been purchased.)iii. Any gift up to level 3 can be taken from this combined list, and only from this list, which includes

recommendations on which Breeds and Accords might take said gifts.iv. The dice pools for Spirit Gifts mirror those found in Forsaken material, substituting the appropriate

Respect for the Renown listed. 1. Cleverness equals Cunning2. Ferocity equals Glory3. Passion equals Purity4. Insight equals Wisdom5. Loyalty equals Honorm. Spirit Secrets [CB pg. 88]

i. Only the numina listed in the Purified section of Immortals p.110 can be purchased.ii. The extended list for Purified in this addendum are NOT available for Changing Breeds.iii. Changing Breeds use the listed dice pools, substituting Feral Heart for Chi.

n. Totem Guardian: Use the rules found in the Familiar and Totem Guide section below instead of the listed Aspect.

6. Favors [CB pg. 74]a. Breed Favors: Changing Breed characters gain Breed Favors with no additional

approvals required.b. Other Favors:

i. Purchasing new Favors has the same cost as Aspects.ii. Not available outside of Breed Favors: Aquatic, Bioluminescence, Echolocation, Extra Limbs,

Limbless, Many-Legged, Musk, Needleteeth, Quills, Razorskin, Water Breath, Webbing, Wings.c. Changing Breed characters can only purchase Favors that normal animals of their

species could conceivably possess. The "bizarre mutations" optional rule is not sanctioned for play.d. Favor Rules Changes


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i. Extra Limbs [CB pg. 75]: The character must choose whether he is applying his extra limbs for Defense or Attack. The PC may not gain extra actions from this Favor, instead their attack becomes an Advanced Action. This Favor is a 1 to 5 graduated cost power.

ii. Size: This is built into the breed form and cannot be purchased later.iii. Speed: This is built into the breed form and cannot be purchased later.iv. Fang & Claw: You can buy each of the options once. You could not, for example, spend three

dots on +1 attack.7. Merits

a. Animal Companion [CB pg. 95]: This merit is sanctioned at Low Approval for any character who has the ability to charm, influence, or control animals via supernatural means.

b. Den [CB pg. 96]: This merit is sanctioned at Low Approval for Forsaken PCs as well as Changing Breed PCs.

c. Pack [CB pg. 96]: This merit is sanctioned at Low Approval for any character who has the ability to charm, influence, or control animals via supernatural means.

d. Predator’s Bearing [CB pg. 97]: This merit is sanctioned at Low Approval for Forsaken PCs as well as Changing Breed PCs.

8. War Form Weaponry: Not Sanctioned 9. Delirium: Use the rules for Lunacy instead, substituting Feral Heart for Primal Urge. 10. Changing Breeds are not half spirit, so they do not produce ghost children.

2. Dampyr [NH:TWD pg. 135]1. Advantage [NH:TWD pg. 146]

a. 8 agains are unchanged, but only apply to non-supernatural draw pools.b. Second Advantage

i. Daeva: Change to “Spend 1 WP to gain +3 to mundane Social interactions.”ii. Gangrel: Change to “Spend 1 WP to downgrade 1 point of lethal damage taken in that turn to

bashing.”iii. Mekhet: Change to “Spend 1 WP to turn an Investigation roll into an Advanced Action.”iv. Nosferatu: Unchanged.v. Ventrue: Change to “Spend 1 WP to take on a mantle of authority that results in +2 to mundane

Social interactions with all characters around them.”2. The Penetrating Eye [NH:TWD pg. 145]: Replace with:

a. The character receives Unseen Sense: Vampire for free.b. The character receives a bonus to resisting mental and social powers from a vampire

or ghoul. This bonus is as if they had already spend a point of Willpower (so +3 to contested and +2 to resisted), and they may still spend a point of WP as normal.

c. The character may attempt a clash of wills against vampiric/ghoul stealth powers with a Wits+Investigation+2 draw.

3. Lure [NH:TWD pg. 146]: a. The Lure must be activated by the Dampyr, it is not automatic. This is a targeted

supernatural social draw that costs 1 Willpower and can only be used against vampires of the same clan unless the Dampyr has the Scourge merit. The Dampyr rolls Manipulation + Persuasion that is resisted by the vampire’s Resolve + Blood Potency. Success for the Dampyr means that the vampire is Hooked into Stage 1. If the Dampyr fails, they cannot attempt a Lure again against that vampire until their next interaction (one attempt an evening).

b. The Lure can be role-played using the flavor in the book for each Dampyr type, but need not be so. While the interactions following flavor and Vice are appropriate, this sort of RP can make players uncomfortable, so other interactions are allowed.

c. Vampires immediately proceed to stage 2 after gaining twice their willpower pool or more from stage 1.


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d. PCs at stage 2 may Escape a Lure by spending a month without interacting with the Dampyr for each month they were ensnared.

e. PCs will never go to stage 3. Instead, they must make a Resolve + Composure draw to avoid feeding on the Dampyr when they get the chance.

4. Doom [NH:TWD pg. 146]: Replace with “Each time a vampire ensnared by a Lure feeds on the Dampyr who has Lured them, they must make a Humanity test as if performing a level 2 sin. A Wits + Occult draw may be made to notice the connection between the act and any Humanity loss.”

5. Dampyr provide no real nourishment to vampires. When a vampire spends that “phantom Vitae” they instead vomit up blood.

6. Scourge [NH:TWD pg. 154]: Not Sanctioned for Use on PCs. Works on NPCs as normal.7. Reel it In [NH:TWD pg. 154]: All Dampyr receive this merit for free. It’s use does not suppress their Advantages.

3. Fae-Touched [ER pg. 106]1. Fae-Touched gain the 5 dot merit Fae-Touched for free, and may take the three dot Seeming merit for free from

Equinox Road p.107.2. Fae-Touched have 5 Glamour that can only be used to open Hedge gates, power their Seeming blessing, or

power Tokens. They may spend one Glamour per turn.3. Fae-Touched may only regain Glamour by eating Goblin Fruit, or through Pledges. All Goblin Fruit affect Fae-

Touched as if they were Changelings.4. Fae-touched add +3 to resisting various natural deleterious supernatural “Masquerade” effects, such as Lunacy,

Disbelief, and Disquiet, etc.5. Fae-Touched may purchase the following changeling-only merits: Court Goodwill, Goblin Fruit, Enchanting

Performance, Hedgespun Item, Hedge Gate Sense, Perfect Stillness, Rigid Mask, and Token. Note that Court Goodwill does not give access to contracts.

6. Fae-Touched may carry Goblin Fruit as if they were Wyrd 1.

4. Ghouls1. Possessing vampire Merits: Not allowed (see Citadels below for a Haven equivalent).2. Possessing their regnant’s covenant specific powers: Only allowed for Nirriti [Ghou p. 104] and Delousi [Brood p.

118] families.3. Possessing bloodline-specific Disciplines: Capped at 3rd dot. Immediately lost and XP refunded if regnant is

changed.4. Ghoul Families: All Low Approval5. Ghouls are created as above in II.A.1.b, then add the Ghoul template from the Ghouls book [Ghou pg. 68].6. Ghouls purchase all disciplines at next level x10 XP, regardless of the clan of their regnant, and must have a

teacher for each level.7. Having an NPC regnant: Not Sanctioned8. Switching Regnants takes one month, and does not negate any bond the previous regnant had.9. Ghouls add +3 to resisting various natural deleterious supernatural effects, such as Lunacy, Disbelief, and

Disquiet, etc.

5. The Possessed [Inferno]1. The Possessed [INF pg. 108] are the result of Demons and humans merging (not spirits, ghosts, Strix, etc.). All

Possessed are a synthesis: the symbiotic pairing of demon and human, even if the initial possession was forced. The player chooses whether to focus on a balance vs slightly more host control vs slightly more demonic control, but neither side is wholly in power.


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a. This allows for RP along the three paths: Demonic Partnership , Host Resisting the Infernal, and Demonic Ascendance.

b. Without a human host, a Demon is more an alien mind obsessed with the insidiousness of its Vice. While sentient, it is like a spirit in that it cannot really be understood or have grand designs.

2. If a Possessed Believer is killed, the Demon is taken by The Truth and lost forever. Demons are aware of this and are suitably annoyed with the situation.

3. Possessed PCs, via their agreement to join the Accord, are immune to Abjurism, Exorcisms, and the removal of the demon by sacred sites. Successes on Abjurism and Exorcism are instead Lethal damage.

4. Possession by Angels (pg 158) is not sanctioned for PCs. PCs are free to think of themselves as Fallen Angels or any other variation of the legends.

5. The optional rule “Double Down” (Inferno pg 121) is sanctioned.6. Only mechanics from Chapter 3 of Inferno is Sanctioned for play. Flavor from the other chapters may be used.7. Merits

a. Animal Familiar [INF pg. 125]: This merit works exactly as noted, providing the Possessed with an attending animal. Other than the listed mechanics, this animal is not inherently supernatural.

b. Familiar, Imp: See Familiars below.c. Familiar, Twilight: See Familiars below.d. Dragon’s Tongue [INF pg. 126]: Low Approval for any PC with appropriate

justification. This merit cannot be used to summon a demon without a ritual, but the 2 dot version adds a +3 to such attempts.

8. Vice [INF pg. 128]a. Possesed do not get three free dots in Vices, instead they start with their Primary

Vice at 3 dots for free.b. Gift of Tongues [INF pg. 117]: The Possessed receive a free, non-supernatural

language per Vice dot purchased.c. Infernal Rank

i. Demons with the power to create the Possessed bond are all Infernal Rank 2. ii. All demons and Possessed can immediately determine another’s rank.iii. As the Possessed gain more dots in Vices, their Infernal Rank rises or is remembered. For every

seven dots of Vices, the Possessed’s Infernal Rank rises by 1, to a maximum of Rank 5.iv. Every level of Infernal Rank gives the Possessed a +1 to social draws with demons and

Possessed.v. When required by a power, use the Possessed’s Infernal Rank as their Power Stat.

d. Each Vice is considered its own progression, starting at one dot.e. Vices cost new Dots x10.

9. Pactsa. Possessed may offer pacts to any PC. b. Possessed may have a number of Pacts currently in effect equal to their Infernal

Rank.c. Possessed may not enter into pacts with other Possessed.d. Possessed may give Pacts they own to other Possessed, if they have an open slot.e. Each Lesser Pact must have a physical representation (a contract, token, etc). If lost

or destroyed, the pact continues to fruition but no longer provides this benefit to the Possessed.f. Nobody may be supernaturally forced or coerced into signing a pact.g. Lesser Pact:

i. The signer will gain a new vice, of the type that the Possessed is. ii. The signer MUST indulge this vice in a meaningful way that would normally grant a willpower,

at least once a game session. The indulgence must be significant enough to satisfy both the Possessed AND the VST.


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iii. When the signer indulges the vice, the Possessed gains an Infernal Willpower (up to their usual max) instead of the signer gaining a Willpower. This takes up the "gain willpower by indulging in a vice" slot for the signer for that scene.

iv. The signer gains 4 dots of merits that can be distributed in whichever way is desired, but are limited to the mundane merits in the base WoD book, the merits in Armory: Reforged, or the Luxury merit.

v. These dots are chosen during the signing and cannot be changed for the duration of the Pact, which is as long as the signer and possessed agree, up to a year.

vi. If the signer violates the Pact, they lose the dots gained from the pact, as well as losing access to 4 dots worth of merits of the Possessed’s choice. This continues for the duration of the Pact, plus one month.

h. Greater Pact:i. If a PC dies and there is a Possessed PC in the same scene, the VST may pause the scene or

have the PC and Possessed leave to have a side scene (VST discretion on how to handle the logistics).

ii. If there are multiple Possessed in the scene, the one with the highest Infernal Rank may offer a Greater Pact. If they decline to offer one, the next down in Rank may offer. If there are two that are tied, the VST randomly chooses one. If an offer is made and refused, no others may offer a pact to that PC.

iii. In a mental construct of the Possessed's creation, they then offer a pact to the dying PC. iv. This pact is permanent. If the dying PC accepts, they live and are left with all but one health level

full of Aggravated damage. They are left in a state indistinguishable from death until the end of the scene.

v. From that point forward, the Possessed may steal a willpower as a reflexive action from the signer once a scene, as long as they are both in the same game session. The signer's maximum willpower is reduced by one for the remainder of the night for each such willpower stolen.

vi. The signer's vice permanently changes to match the Possessed's Vice and they must indulge in it at least once a game session as with a Lesser Pact, though neither the signer nor the Possessed gains willpower from it. If they fail to do so, the pact ends and they die.

vii. The Possessed may reflexively end this pact at ANY time and it ends automatically if the Possessed dies.

viii.At signing, add 1/3 of the saved PC's RQ to the ARQ instead of the total amount. Add their full amount if they die normally or the pact is ended.

ix. PCs may only be in one such pact at a time. x. Geists and Arisen are not allowed to make Greater Pacts.xi. Ending a pact is not considered killing for the purposes of Morality tests, though the rare high-

morality Possessed may need to test if they break their word or commit other sins.10. Vestments [INF pg. 128]

a. Three Vestments from the Primary Vice are gained as normal during character creation from the three free initial Primary Vice dots.

b. Each dot of Vices purchased gives a free Vestment of the appropriate level in the appropriate Vice.

c. Vestments may be directly purchased at 10XP, 15XP and 20XP for Innate, Lesser and Greater Vestments respectively. Possessed may only use XP to purchase Vestments from their Primary Vice.

d. Burnout: The Fiery Damnation optional rule (pg 148) is always used. A Possessed may choose to take damage equal to their primary Vice instead of paying the willpower cost as long as they have less than half of their total willpower (normal + infernal) unspent. This damage is considered Resistant and thus cannot be healed through supernatural means, though it can be negated by spending a willpower DOT as usual.

e. Vestments with a negative effect do not affect the Possessed character upon activation.


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f. Greater and Lesser Vestments take an Instant Action to activate, unless otherwise specified.

g. Using a Vestment against a character who has that Vice adds +2 to the Possessed’s draw pool if a draw is required.

h. Using a Vestment from a Possessed’s Primary Vice against a character who has that Vice counts as the Possessed having fulfilled their Vice for the purposes of regaining a Willpower at the end of a Scene (MET p.110).

i. The “switching out” optional rule on p.129 is not in play.j. Envy [INF pg. 129]

i. Epicaricacy [INF pg. 129]: Instead of a dramatic failure, change this to a “penalty equal to the user’s dots in the Envy Vice.”

ii. Liar’s Tongue [INF pg. 129]: Change the benefit of this to 9 again on Subterfuge rolls.iii. Your Pain, My Pleasure [INF pg. 129]: Only opponents damaged by the Possessed count for this

power.iv. Anything You Can Do [INF pg. 129]: The skill is instead penalized by the Possessed’s dots in the

Envy Vice.v. Sour Grapes [INF pg. 131]: This does not work on Corruptions. Instead of suppressing active

powers, it penalizes the activation of new ones that require a draw by -5.vi. Steal Vitality [INF pg. 131]: The victim’s health total is not recalculated, but the user’s is. The user

may not steal more Stamina than the victim possesses.vii. Denunciation [INF pg. 131]: Success on the draw to resist falling down also prevents the bashing

damage.k. Gluttony [INF pg. 132]

i. Eating human flesh is a Morality sin of at least level 3.ii. Camel’s Hump [INF pg. 132]: The reference to Primary Virtue should be Primary Vice.iii. In Excess [INF pg. 132]: The willpower is lost when the time limit expires and damage is taken.iv. Discriminating Palette [INF pg. 134]

1. The Possessed can only benefit from Skill dots from one person at a time.2. The ratio is 1 lethal damage “consumed” per dot of skill or a single specialty.3. The maximum rating in a skill gained in this way is limited both by the user’s dots in

Gluttony and the skill level of their meal.4. The flesh must be consumed directly from a person’s body.

v. Swallow [INF pg. 134]: The acid in the stomach does 2 Lethal damage per turn, and does not ignore durability.

vi. Feed on Pain [INF pg. 134]: The damage must be at least Lethal.vii. Beelzebub’s Breath [INF pg. 133]: The maximum size for a swarm is 6.viii.Regurgitate [INF pg. 134]: This is defended against as a normal ranged non-firearms projectile

attack.l. Greed [INF pg. 134]

i. Bribing the Soul [INF pg. 135]: The Defense lasts for the remainder of the night. The user may not sacrifice temporary resources dots for this power.

ii. Capital Gains [INF pg. 136]: Changed to: For the duration of the power, the character can designate one particular act as an Advanced Action. On the second draw, if a one, two or three is drawn, the entire action fails.

iii. Hired Hands [INF pg. 136]: This power acts as the Requiem Dominate power of Mezmerize, with the Possessed’s dots in Greed used in the pool in place of Dominate and no requirement for eye contact. Normal and trigger-based commands end when this power does.

iv. Midas Touch [INF pg. 136]: Living flesh reverts to normal when the duration of the Vestment ends, but aggravated damage dealt by this power must be healed normally. Converting flesh during a grapple requires a successful overpowering maneuver and does Aggravated damage equal to the the action’s Successes.

v. Petty Theft [INF pg. 136]: Replace with “all non-holy-weapon based physical attacks against the Possessed are penalized by the user’s dots in Greed.”


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m. Lust [INF pg. 136]i. Honeyed Tongue [INF pg 137]: The user adds their dots in Lust Vice, and once during the scene

the user can elect to have a mundane social draw be an Advanced Action.ii. Succubus Kiss [INF pg. 138]: Willpower drained from a willing target cannot be recovered in any

way for the remainder of the night.iii. Flight of the Seducer [INF pg. 138]: These wings last only for the duration of the power.

n. Pride [INF pg. 139]i. Dominant Sphere [INF pg. 139]: The positive and negative effects happen at most once per

scene.ii. Armor of Contempt [INF pg. 139]: Replace with: The user gains 2/2 armor and does not suffer

from wound penalties.iii. Arrogance [INF pg. 139]: This power may not be used in a scene where the Possessed has

attacked anyone. If the attacker fails the draw, they may elect to take a different action, and try again next turn. Attackers must attempt to break the power each round they wish to attack the user.

iv. Supremacy [INF pg. 139]: This power only works on non-combat actions.v. Eyes of Above [INF pg. 140]: The bonus is equal to the user’s dots in Pride, and once during the

scene the user can elect to have a mundane Perception check be an Advanced Action.vi. Denial [INF pg. 140]: Replace with: “For the Duration of this power, the Possessed character

suffers no wound penalties/bleeding out, does not test for unconsciousness due to damage, and adds their Pride Vice dots to Health. Should the character fill his health boxes with aggravated damage, he dies as normal, but on his feet. It is also possible to die when the power ends due to the extra health levels going away.”

vii. Gloating Flesh [INF pg. 140]: the drawback to this Vestment is that Holy and Blessed items do an extra level of damage, potentially beyond damage cap. This power may only be used three times per scene.

viii.Lightbringer [INF pg. 141]: Though the red light is visible, only the Possessed can see what it reveals. This power adds the user’s Price dots to Perception (this stacks with Eyes of Above). This power allows use of the Universal Class of Wills, utilizing the character’s Pride Vice dots as the power in the dice pool. Only add the dots from lightbringer to the UCoW draw once.

o. Sloth [INF pg. 141]i. Something For Nothing: Not Sanctioned.ii. Enervation [INF pg. 142]: The derangement gained by this power lasts for the night.iii. Maladroit Victims [INF pg. 143]: Replace with “Physical Actions suffer Automatic Failures on a 1

or 2 within 5 yards of the Possessed.”iv. Idle Hands [INF pg. 143]: Only one object may be controlled at a time. Living beings are not

objects.v. Miasma [INF pg. 144]: Anyone who fails the initial vomiting roll may still take an action.vi. The Immovable Object [INF pg. 144]: While in effect, the user may not take any actions, except

for reflexive resistance. The damage immunity conferred by this power conforms to the damage immunity rules in the Accord Universal Addendum.

p. Wrath [INF pg. 144]i. Slayer of Men [INF pg. 144]: The pool for this power is Presence + Intimidation minus

Composure.ii. Surprise, You’re Dead [INF pg. 145]: Killing Blows are still damage capped, and a target can only

be surprised once per scene.iii. Tooth for Tooth [INF pg. 145]: Only one point of damage per attack may be inflicted on the

attacker.iv. Boiling Blood [INF pg. 146]: Successful close combat attackers take two Lethal damage. This

power may not be active at the same time as Tooth for Tooth.v. Burning Wrath [INF pg. 146]: This is still subject to damage cap rules. vi. Spite [INF pg. 147]: This counterattack may only be used once per turn. Instead of a normal

attack, the demon draws Wrath + the amount of damage taken. The defender does not get their


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Defense, but is still protected by Armor. This is a ranged, lethal damage, magical attack. This power may not be active at the same time as Boiling Blood or Tooth for Tooth.

6. Proximi1. Proximi PCs gain the 4 dot Sleepwalker merit [MET:A pg. 434] for free as well as the one dot Proximi merit for

free, which includes all the benefits listed in the Universal Addendum.2. Proximi are created as Lesser Templates per the Universal Addendum; do not use the Illuminated Proximi rules

from the Silver Ladder book.3. Custom Dynasties are not Sanctioned. Dynasties [SL pg. 62] in sanctioned material are Low Approval. A PC need

not be a member of a Dynasty.4. Proximi may not buy Psychic merits nor may they be Thaumaturges or any other Lesser Template.5. Proximi Purchase blessings with XP at an XP cost of dots x5. They are capped level 4 spells and may only ever

purchase 30 total dots in blessings.6. Proximi that are part of a Dynasty may buy the rotes in their Dynasty list at dots x4 instead of dots x5. Rotes on

the Dynastic lists that do not meet the restrictions in this addendum are not available for purchase.7. Rotes they buy as blessings do not cost one dot more than the actual rote.8. If a rote has an effect that is based on the Arcana rating of the user, use the number of dots in the rote as the

Arcana rating.9. Proximi can choose any single arcana rote for Blessings. They may not choose any that require two or more

arcana nor any that allow the crafting of magical items. Only rotes that are available to all mages may be purchased (no order-specific rotes, etc).

10. Blessings that are Vulgar do cause Paradox and thus add to the Action RQ. Paradox draws are done as if they are Gnosis 5.

11. Proximi may purchase the following mage-only merits: High Speech (though note the use restriction on SL. p.64], Destiny [MET: A pg. 70], Dream [MET: A pg. 70], Imbued Item [MET: A pg. 74], Enhanced Item [MET: A pg. 71].

7. Psychics [Second Sight]1. Psychics may purchase Psychic merits from Chapter 2 of Second Sight with XP. 2. Pyrokinesis [SS pg. 50]: If used as an aimed attack, Defense and Armor both apply.3. Cryokinesis & Thermokenesis [SS pg. 47]: Targets are neither immobilized nor killed by temperature extremes.

Penalties from this power cannot exceed -5.4. Clairvoyance: This power is adjusted using the Sympathy table on MET: Awakening p.143.5. Precognition: This is bound by the rules on viewing the future in the Universal Addendum.6. Precognition, Postcognition, Psychometry: The visions provided by these powers are not crystal clear like

watching TV, they are often unfocused and confusing. VSTs should treat the use of these powers as a way to disseminate clues, not auto-solve plots, no matter how cleverly the player words their questions.

7. Dowsing: Finds the strongest concentration of a basic element nearby. Cannot be used to look for specific people. When looking for objects, the psychic must know the exact object they are looking for (ie “Bob’s engraved wedding band” would work, while “gold rings” would not.)

8. The Purified [Immortals]1. It takes at least one month for a purified to find their way back to their body after they have been ejected because

of its destruction. Ritual Crypt [IMM pg. 113] does not speed this process.2. Despite the higher number of Merit creation points, a Purified can still only spend 6 merit points on Chi [IMM pg.

99], raising it at creation to a maximum of three dots. Further dots must be purchased with XP.3. The extra skills may be spent anywhere and it does not cost two dots for the purchase of a 5th dot in a skill.4. Warding [IMM pg. 109]: Temporary Wards are Not Sanctioned. The gauntlet affecting aspect of the first level ward

can be done as a lasting ward.5. It takes 24 hours for a Ward to take effect.


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6. Purified have distinct health and corpus tracks. While in their body, their Corpus may not be targeted, healed or manipulated.

7. Spirit Numina: Only the numina listed on page 110 can be purchased by Purified characters.a. The following are also sanctioned for their use: Elemental Immunity, Emotional Aura,

Ensnare, Fear Struck, Hallucinations, Howl, Innocuous, Manipulate Element, Telepathy, Animal Control.b. All Numina cost at least 1 Essence and an Instant action to enact unless otherwise

specified.c. Elemental Immunity

i. This may be bought only once, for one element.ii. Draw: Noneiii. Duration: One scene or hour

d. Emotional Aurai. Draw: Manipulation + Intimidation + Chi vs Resolve + Composure + Power Statii. Duration: One scene or hour

e. Ensnarei. Draw: Dex + Athletics + Chi - Defense (Armor does not apply)ii. As per the Numina in Universal.

f. Fear Strucki. Draw: Presence + Intimidation + Chi vs Presence + Composure + Power Statii. Duration: For the next number of draws equal to the net successes, the target’s draws are

Penalized as per the Accord Universal Addendum.g. Hallucinations

i. Draw: Wits + Expression + Chi vs Wits + Composure + Power Statii. Duration: One scene or hour

h. Howli. Draw: Presence + intimidation + Chi - Composureii. Duration: One scene or hour

i. Innocuousi. Draw: Noneii. Duration: One scene or hour

j. Manipulate Elementi. This may be purchased multiple times, but only works on natural, mundane material.ii. Draw: Wits + Crafts + Chi

k. Telepathyi. Draw: Int + Socialize +Chi - Resolve + Supernatural Advantageii. Range: Line of Sightiii. Duration: One scene or hour

l. Animal Controli. Draw: Int + Animal Ken + Chi - Resolveii. Cost: 1 Essence per animaliii. The Purified can control a max number of animals simultaneously up to their Chi stat so long as

the require Essence to control each animal has been spent.iv. Duration: One scene or hour

9. Thaumaturges [Second Sight]1. If a Tradition offers multiple Defining Merits, a player may switch to a different one once at Low Approval. Further

switching is Not Sanctioned.2. Defining Merits are free.3. Alchemy (external) [SS pg. 102] may not be used to create radioactive, magical, or exotic materials. A good rule

of thumb is for VSTs to disallow any material that was not in common use before 1930. Exceptional Successes do not grant additional properties.


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4. Alchemy (Internal) [SS pg. 103]: The “ephemeral state” is Twilight.5. It is Top Approval to target the Truth with Communion [SS pg. 104] or Invocation [SS pg. 112]. When writing the

application, it is best to also be planning for your next character.

10. Wolfblooded [Blood of the Wolf]1. All wolfblooded, Kin, and Beast kin are defined by this merit instead of their respective mechanics found in the

Forsaken core, Spirit Slayers, and Changing Breeds. Wolfblooded are the “Kin” of werewolves (Forsaken or Pure) and Beast Kin are the “kin” of Changing Breeds. A Changing Breed Kin must choose what animal type/breed he is associated with at character creation.

2. Wolfblooded and Beast Kin receive the 5 dot Wolfblooded merit for free, found in Blood of the Wolf on pg. 126.a. Wolve’s Rapport [BotW pg. 127]: Unchanged for wolfblooded, but Kin receive the

specialty most associated with their native Breed. This specialty is added to the skill whenever it is purchased, even after character creation.

b. Lunacy Mitigation [BotW pg. 127]: The +2 bonus is also added to resisting other deleterious effects caused naturally by supernaturals, including Disbelief and Disquiet, among others.

c. Unseen Sense [BotW pg. 127]: For the purpose of this effect, the Blooded/Kin PC can sense spirits and both werewolves/changing breeds.

3. All wolfblooded merits in Blood of the Wolf [BotW pg. 125] are Low Approval, save for Watched, which is Not Sanctioned. Animal Companion [CB pg. 95] is also low approval for Beast Kin, as defined in Changing Breeds.

11. CitadelsIn the Accord chronicle, multiple supernatural types work together in order to defend reality from the Truth.

In the new World of Darkness, each supernatural type has its own type of ‘house,’ often shareable, that is the crux of its safety when away from its allies (or living with them) and away from the day-to-day activities of the supernatural community in which they live. These safe places are areas devoted to security, research, and a vast array of other resources necessary for player-character survival. As many of these “house merits” are signature only to their respective supernatural type, cross-venue chronicles are naturally deficient in rules that might account for shared living space among different supernatural creatures.

In the Accord universe, cells have developed cohabitation policies that help out its members. For the purpose of our chronicle and for the rest of this document, we’ll call the Accord specific housing merit Citadel. For the purposes of our chronicle, any character type that receives a discount price on housing (such as Carthians or Crassus ghouls) receives that also for the Citadel merit. Any template that receives free dots for the purpose of housing (such as via Shadow Initiation, Compact/Conspiracy status, or others) can apply them to their shared Citadel. If said bonus dots are defined for specific categories, simply add them to the point-buy totals as generic dots.

The Citadel merit completely replaces template specific housing merits unless otherwise noted in the addenda. Supplementary merits like Armory, Shadowless Chambers, and others are also replaced by the merit options below.

Citadel is a merit unlike other standard merits. While each aspect can only go to 5 dots (example: Security 5, Size 5, Library 5, etc.), a single character may purchase as many dots as they desire for 2 xp each. These dots are not defined as anything other than “Citadel”, and are used to purchase aspects of the Citadel on a 1:1 ratio. For a shared Citadel, all of the total dots are added up and then the players purchase the aspects. This allows Citadel dots to be rather fluid to account for new characters joining in or character death/retirement.

Citadel Aspect dot point buys need to be logged with the VST overseeing the location of the Citadel. This can be done with the Citadel Point Buy Form. Characters are free to opt into as many Citadels as they wish, within and outside their VSS. They should note each individual Citadel on their sheet (Joe’s merits list Cell Citadel 4 (shared 15), Private Citadel 10, and Division Citadel 4 (shared 36).

If a PC revokes their dots from the Citadel, be it willingly or through PC death, and there is no longer a PC that fulfills the requirement for a specific aspect, the dots in that aspect are removed and must be distributed among other aspects.


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Merits and effects that can be added to a normal venue “house merit” can be added to the Citadel as extras, such as Ritual Crypt, the vampire Tomb, mage Demesne, or Roving Hut Cruac (which only adds to Size, Security, Library, and Location).

Note that Citadels count as one source for the Single Source Modifier limit of +5. Equipment provided by Cache is an exception to this.

1. Citadel (●+; Special)a. The Accord long ago realized that their agents might need to share resources and

housing. To that end they began a common culture of cell-based housing, to be shared by their agents. This merit has multiple aspects that can be shared by anyone with at least Accord Status 1. These merits are accessible only by characters who have “bought in” on the merit. If all of the dots have been satisfied, a character can spend 2 xp in order to share in the resources. Citadels may not be Mobile. The aspects of the Citadel merit are:

2. Basic Aspectsa. Size: A Citadel’s size is important for storage and living space. Some other aspects

of the merit cannot be larger than the Citadel’s size. This aspect can be added by any character.i. ● A small apartment or underground chamber, 2-4 roomsii. ●● A large apartment or small family home, 5-10 roomsiii. ●●● A warehouse, church, or large home, 12-20 rooms, or large enclosureiv. ●●●● An abandoned mansion or network of subway tunnels, equivalent of 25-40

rooms or chambersv. ●●●●● A sprawling estate or vast network of tunnels, 50-75 rooms or chambers

b. Brig/Vault: A Citadel can be outfitted with a prison, vault, or holding cell. Dots in this aspect represent a secure location inside of the Citadel that can be used to hold prisoners or store dangerous items. The difficulty of the extended challenge to open/escape is equal to five times the rating of this aspect.

3. Defense Aspectsa. Occultation: A Citadel can be mystically hidden, typically by the sheer force of will

provided by Accord agents, but also by clever tricks that come with particular powers and abilities. For every dot of this aspect, people trying to find the Citadel suffer a -1 to their draws. Eyes just pass over the building, not aware of its existence. This does not affect those who have dots in the Citadel, but even visitors will not be able to find their way back easily. This aspect can be purchased as long as there is at least one of the following templates or character types providing dots to the Citadel: Mage, Purified, Changelings, Nosferatu, or Mekhet.

b. Security: A Citadel’s security measures are a combination of advanced warning and good locks. While extra security measures are possible, a Citadel’s security dots have a number of beneficial effects. For every dot of security, those inside the Citadel enjoy a +1 to initiative, one round of warning before an open attack, and those outside get -1 per dot to attempts to break into the Citadel. This is done through tech such as alarms, cameras, sophisticated locks and security systems.

c. Wards: The Citadel is mystically defended against intrusion. Any attempt at scrying into the Citadel receives a -1 per dot of this aspect. Attempts by ephemeral or twilight entities or projections are similarly penalized. This aspect can be purchased as long as there is at least one player character providing dots to the Citadel that has knowledge of warding powers or has at least Occult 4+ with an appropriate specialty (magical defenses or wards, etc.).

4. Equipment Aspectsa. Armory: A Citadel's armory is a stash of weapons found in the Citadel for

emergencies. Every dot of armory provides 5 points of armor and weapons that can easily be obtained with mundane resources. The number of dots placed into this aspect is limited by the Size rating of the Citadel. No particular item obtained from the Armory may have a dot rating higher than the dot rating of the Armory.

b. Cache: A Citadel's cache is a collection of mundane equipment and armor found in the Citadel for emergencies. Every dot of cache provides 5 points of equipment that can be easily obtained with mundane resources. The number of dots placed into this aspect is limited by the Size


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rating of the Citadel. No particular item obtained from the Cache may have a dot rating higher than the dot rating of the Cache, and is limited to a maximum of +3. Highly-specialized or exceptional quality equipment are not available from this pool of common items.

5. Fuel Aspectsa. Hallow: The Citadel can also serve as a gate to the supernal via hallow dots that

provide +1 to starting mana or starting mana draws per dot. The resonance of the Hallow must be defined upon purchase. While not limited to the Size rating of the Citadel, dots purchased in excess of the Size rating lie outside the Citadel, which means it is not easily defendable. Dots in Hallow can only be added if a mage or proximi is providing dots to the Citadel.

b. Haunt: The Citadel has a weak spot to the Underworld, perhaps an Avernian Gateway that can be utilized by some in the members of the cell. For every dot, appropriate Accord agents get a +1 to starting plasm or starting plasm draws per dot. It can also be used to provide ghostly essence. While not limited to the Size rating of the Citadel, dots purchased in excess of the Size rating lie outside the Citadel, which mean means it is not easily defendable. Dots in Haunt can only be added if a Sin-Eater, Purified, Death mage or ghost themed/Ordo Dracul vampire is providing dots to the Citadel.

c. Location: A Citadel’s location determines how close it is to human businesses and gathering places. Purchasable only by vampires and changelings, this aspect adds a +1 per dot to starting fuel or starting fuel draws for vitae and glamour. When hunting/harvesting, the location and type of humans ‘fed’ on determines the resonance of the fuel, determined by VST discretion (clubs can be lust or passion, bars can be gluttony or depression, sports events can be anger or excitement, etc.). For vampires, this can include sources of animal blood.

d. Locus: The Citadel has its own source of essence as the Gauntlet is thin in this location. For every dot of locus, appropriate Accord agents receive +1 to their starting essence pool or starting essence draws. The resonance of the Locus must be defined upon purchase. While not limited to the Size rating of the Citadel, dots purchased in excess of the Size rating lie outside the Citadel, which means it is not easily defendable. Dots in Locus can only be added if a Purified, mage, Werewolf, or Changing Breed is providing dots to the Citadel.

6. Skill Action Aspectsa. Archive: A Citadel’s Archive is a repository of rare occult knowledge. Each dot

represents a single specialty stored within. Topics can include anything from demonology to spirits to alchemy, but is considered outsider information, good only for basic research. The topics must be chosen when the dot is purchased. The time required to research that topic inside the Citadel is halved. The Truth and other Accord-specific topics may not be chosen for the Archive. See the Appropriate Knowledge and Specializations section of the Universal Addendum for guidance.

b. Library: A Citadel’s library determines its available resources with regards to academic and esoteric knowledge. Studying or researching in this library is a great boon, and this aspect adds a +1 per dot to any Academics, Occult, or Science based research draws.

c. Medical Bay: A Citadel’s medbay is a clean, sterile environment stocked with standard mundane medicines and equipment. The quality of equipment is dependent on the size dots of the Citadel (scanning machines, operating rooms, and recuperation wards take up space) and the Resource dots available to members of the Citadel. The medbay counts as an advanced facility for the purpose of natural healing times per MET, as well as adding a +1 modifier per dot to appropriate Medicine rolls performed within (first aid, surgery, diagnosis, etc.).

d. Torture Suite: Sometimes, you need to get information the hard way. Some Accord agents set aside a room or area (large industrial fridge, back room, basement, wood shed, or warehouse, etc.) in order to interrogate Servants and other potential enemies. Each dot in this aspect provides a +1 to Intimidation or Social-skill related acts of interrogation, brainwashing, deprogramming, or torture. Dots in this aspect can be added to the Citadel by any appropriate character, but options include vampires, hunters, Possessed, and Seers of the Throne especially.

e. Workshop: For each dot of a Citadel’s workshop, you designate a single Craft role or other appropriate action (subject to VST approval, like Computers) as the focus of that Workshop area. While working in the workshop, users receive a +1 modifier to that action and halve the time required to take the actions. This only applies to the crafting of magical/special property items if the crafting of the


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item uses a mundane crafting method. The number of dots placed into this aspect is limited by the Size rating of the Citadel.

7. Mystic Aspectsa. Geomantic Nexus: Certain Accord agents can align geomantic principles within

a Citadel in order to improve the skills of the Accord agents living within, as long as they are within the Citadel. Appropriate occult knowledge or skill (such as the Geomancer merit) are required for this, but generally it can be done by Ordo Dracul, some Purified, some mages, and Mummies. For every dot in this merit, the characters within receive a +1 to a specific attribute’s (chosen when the merit is purchased, though it can be changed if the merit is lost until the first of the next month and downtimes are spent equal to the dots in the Nexus) draw pools (as a modifier).

b. Rooms, Hedge: This Aspect represents rooms in the Hedge that are attached to the Citadel via a specific Hollow door. This aspect replaces the Hollow merit available to Lost and Fae-touched. Non-fae Accord agents may usually spend time there safely, but no more than an hour total during a 24-hour period. Each dot of this Aspect provides about 400 square feet of space (the size of the average up-scale hotel room). Workshops for Lost-specific crafting may be placed in these rooms (Hedgecrafting, Token-making, Goblin-fruit farming, etc.). Changelings or fae-touched must be providing dots in the Citadel for this Aspect to be added. Ratings in Wards, Occultation and other Citadel aspects protect these rooms, but as it is an alien realm it is never completely secure.

c. Rooms, Shadow: This Aspect represents rooms in the Shadow that are attached to the Citadel via a Locus. The Locus aspect is required for this Aspect, and it is assumed that characters who can cross the Gauntlet may make use of them. Said characters can take others across in the usual ways. This aspect replaces the Shadow Sanctum merit available to Purified. Accord agents may usually spend time there safely, but as it is an alien realm it is never completely secure. Each dot of this Aspect provides about 400 square feet of space (the size of the average up-scale hotel room). A character who can naturally enter the Shadow must be providing dots in the Citadel for this Aspect to be added. Ratings in Wards, Occultation and other Citadel aspects protect these rooms.

d. Rooms, Underworld: This Aspect represents rooms in the Underworld that are attached to the Citadel via an Avernian Gateway. The Haunt aspect is required for this Aspect, and it is assumed that characters who can enter the Underworld may make use of them. Said characters can take others across in the usual ways. Accord agents may usually spend time there safely, as it is part of the Autochthonous Depths (it is not located in a Dominion and is not subject to Old Laws). Each dot of this Aspect provides about 400 square feet of space (the size of the average up-scale hotel room). A character who can enter the Underworld must be provided dots in the Citadel for this Aspect to be added. Ratings in Wards, Occultation and other Citadel aspects protect these rooms, but such an alien realm is never completely secure.

8. Mummy Only Aspects (Tomb)a. All Arisen require a Tomb. Thus, to accommodate the Arisen PCs via this housing

guide, the following Tomb aspects are available to Arisen characters only. A Citadel purchased by an Arisen character with a Tomb aspect is private to that character and cannot be shared, but may make use of any of the appropriate aspects listed above save for Hedge Rooms, Shadow Rooms, Loci, Location and Hallows. Besides those aspects listed below, no other aspect from Mummy the Curse is sanctioned for PC use. Peril is replaced by Wards and Security, and Obscure is replaced by Occultation.

b. Size: Use the aspect above, but replace the size descriptions per dot with the Geometry description from Mummy the Curse pg. 82.

c. Geometry: This aspect works exactly as described on Mummy the Curse pg. 81-82, save it does not determine Tomb size. Size is purchased as normal above. The dots contributed to Geometry are capped by the dots in Size. If the Mummy has at least Geometry 3+, they can purchase the Radiant Tomb merit, which is detailed on pg. 83 of Mummy the Curse.

12. Magic Items1. A few basic ground rules


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a. If your PC cannot meet the requirements to use an item (such as being able to spend Essence to activate it), your PC may not purchase that magic item merit unless otherwise noted.

b. Any Item created by a Venue specific power not covered here may only be used by templates associated with that Venue (E.g. Blood Alchemy potions being used by Vampires, Ghouls or Dhampir).

c. Magic Items are limited to 5 dots, with the exception of already-published items.d. Magic items that allow for cosmetic “re-skinning” do not allow items the PC could not

usually access to be acquired, even if they look different. For example, a lodge-specific fetish could not be re-skinned to allow someone outside the lodge to use it.

e. A single Magic Item may not have effects from more than one Venue (i.e. a Fetish cannot also be a Token; an Imbued Item cannot also be a Death Mask, etc.).

i. Magic Item types from the same venue which can normally be combined, such as Imbued and Enhanced Items, can be combined as per normal.

f. Magic items which come into the possession of PCs which would normally be unable to use their magic nature may still be used as a mundane item of the same base type as the item in question (e.g. a Fetish dagger which allows its wielder to communicate across the Veil still functions as a dagger with no other enhancements in the hands of a Mortal).

g. Every magic item type that is represented by a Merit must be purchased with XP in under 30 days from the time it comes into play, or it becomes inert and non-magical until such a time as a PC does purchase it with XP.

h. In order to retain a Magic Item which was created or owned by another PC, the receiving PC must purchase the appropriate Merit within 30 days or by the next scheduled game.

i. Magic Items received from another PC that have not yet been paid for with XP may be used only on the VSS on which the PC received the item, and only during the game or convention in which the item was received.

ii. Magic Items received in this manner may not be used outside of the PC’s home domain until such XP expenditure is made.

i. Note that supernaturally improved equipment use their mundane equivalent modifier when calculating the base pool of an action. Any bonus above what the mundane version has is considered a modifier.

2. Fetishesa. Fetishes are Low Approval up to a rating of 5, Fetishes with a Merit rating higher than

5 are Not Sanctioned.i. Fetishes listed as specific to a subgroup are not restricted to said subgroup, unless that subgroup

is a Lodge. Lodge fetishes that are restricted to members of that Lodge are available ONLY to members of that Lodge. Otherwise, VSTs have the final authority on whether a fetish from published material is appropriate for the PC purchasing it.

b. Creation of Fetishes for all groups (Mages, Werewolves, and Vampires) uses the rules from Lore of the Forsaken (p. 138-145).

c. Although Custom Fetishes are not available at this time, replicating the exact mechanical effect of an existing already published Fetish on a different item is allowed at Low Approval, except in the case of restricted Lodge fetishes.

i. Example: a Drowned Man’s Pearl is a 3-dot Fetish which allows the user to breathe underwater for a limited time. Replicating this effect on a set of snorkel mouthpiece with no mechanical difference is allowed.

ii. Changes in any stats, such as reducing Size, are not allowed.d. A complete list of published Fetishes can be found here: http://

wodindex.wikispaces.com/Fetishese. To Create a Fetish:

i. Mages must possess the Create Fetish Rote (MET Awakening p. 367) or Spirit 4.ii. Vampires must possess the Gris-Gris Ritual (Ancient Bloodlines p. 78).


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iii. Werewolves must possess the Create Fetish Rite (WtF p.162 )f. For those templates allowed to purchase the Fetish merit:

i. If a character has Harmony as morality trait, they may draw their Harmony minus the dot level of the fetish to activate it.

ii. If a character has an Essence pool and Harmony as a morality trait, they may spend an Essence to activate a fetish as if they got one success on the activation draw. Alternatively they may use the next option.

iii. If a character has a natural Essence pool but not Harmony, they may activate a fetish by spending an Essence and drawing Manipulation + Occult - dot level of the fetish.

g. Special use cases:i. In regards to Fetishes made by a Werewolf for a Wolfblooded, only a wolfblooded may activate

such a fetish by enacting the Ban. (Blood of the Wolf)ii. A Vampire may use the single Fetish he creates by use of the Gris-Gris ritual from Kindred

Voodoo without spending essence, by making the usual Manipulation + Occult draw.iii. A mage may use a fetish if he has at least Spirit 2 by feeding essence to the spirit and making a

Manipulation+Occult draw.iv. A Purified may activate a fetish by using any of the three options in the previous section,

substituting Spirit Rank for Harmony.v. If a fetish activation calls for werewolf Renown or Primal Urge traits to define effects, use the

most appropriate traits for the character involved. It is VST discretion on what is used.1. For Renown: Respect, Chi, Spirit Arcana, Rapport2. For Primal Urge: Feral Heart, Chi, Gnosis, Blood Potencyh. Individual Fetishes

i. Death Wolf’s Howl1. The draw is a contested draw, not resisted.2. The target loses one of any of the three choices, including fuel.3. A target may only be affected by any number of these fetishes once per day.

ii. Charm Bracelet1. This is a Talen. It has a number of uses as per the talen rules below, instead of the usual

5.i. Talens

i. Buy Talens as a Fetish merit, each dot costing 2XP, so 5 dots would be the usual 10XP.ii. Each Talen provides its dot rating worth of that Talen each month. iii. Unused Talens expire at the end of the month.iv. This merit is just to track quantity and availability. Each talen is still a zero-dot fetish that costs no


3. Tokensa. Tokens can be created by Characters with the Token Maker Merit (Rites of Spring

p.150) or Tokenmaster Merit (Equinox Road p. 14-15). Custom Tokens are not available at this time.i. Although Custom Tokens are not available at this time, replicating the exact mechanical effect of

an existing already published Token on a different item is allowed at Low Approval.1. Example: a Hedgespun Wardrobe is a 3-dot Token which allows the user to generate

a new Hedgespun outfit. Replicating this effect on a phone booth with no mechanical difference is allowed.

ii. A complete list of published Tokens can be found here: http://wodindex.wikispaces.com/Tokensb. Tokens are limited to Changelings, Fae-Touched and those who can meet the catch

(i.e. your non-Changeling PC may not purchase a Token for which she cannot fulfill the catch).c. Tokens are Low Approval, except as follows:

i. Promise Tokens are Not Sanctioned.ii. Legendary Tokens are Top Approval, as is knowledge of these items.

1. Dawn Court members may have knowledge of the Kingmaker.


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iii. The Hungry Arrowhead is Not Sanctioned.d. Non Changelings may only use tokens of up to level 3 and must spend a Willpower to

activate it, as well as fulfilling the catch.e. Token Limbs:

i. Low Approval for Changelings and Fae-Touched. Not Sanctioned for any other characters.ii. The contract taken must be a Universal contract from the core Lost book only.

f. Triflesi. Buy Trifles as a Token merit, each dot costing 2XP, so 5 dots would be the usual 10XP.ii. Each Trifle provides its dot rating worth of that Trifle each month. iii. Unused Trifles expire at the end of the month.iv. This merit is just to track quantity and availability. Each Trifle is still a zero-dot Token that costs

no RQ.

4. Enhanced Itemsa. Enhanced Items can be created in game by applying spells of indefinite Duration to

objects, per the Awakening Addendum. Enhanced Items created in play must be bought as a Merit by their owner.

b. ● to ●●●●●: Low Approval for all characters if acquired from a PC. Not Sanctioned otherwise.

c. Enhanced Items have an RQ cost of 1 RQ per dot of the item rating (e.g. a 3-dot Enhanced Item has an RQ cost of 3). Mages and Proximi only need to pay the RQ cost for 4 and 5 dot items.

i. Thaumium items have an additional 5 RQ cost for all characters.d. If the Equipment rating of the base item is more than doubled by the Enhancement, it

causes Disbelief per the rules, even if being used by a non-Mage/Proximi.e. Spells of any arcana can make "Special Property" alterations, eg Fate 2 (Platonic

Mechanism) or Matter 3 (Jury Rig).i. Specific listed alterations require:

1. Alter Integrity (for Increased Durability or Increased Structure)2. Alter Efficiency (for Increased Equipment Bonus)3. Alter Size (for Decreased Size from Guardians of the Veil or Increased Size)4. Armor, Bulletproof, and Durability alterations from Adamantine Arrow are low approval for

all orders.5. Multiple Enhanced Items cannot be combined (e.g. a self repairing engine cannot be

placed inside a car with bulletproof windows).ii. When creating an Enhanced Item in play, calculate its total Merit dots based on the sum of

all effects applied to the object, using the guidelines under the Enhanced Item Merit and any expansions of that Merit. This allows you to determine the effects of the Enhancement via merit dots.

iii. Thaumium items:1. A character entering play with a Thaumium item must assign 8 successes to create it as

per the Forge Thaumium Rote. Thaumium is a 5 dot special property.iv. The mana capacity of an Enhanced Item cannot exceed the Merit value of that item.v. Any effect used to improve an item makes that item an Enhanced Item equal to the level of the

effect used. E.g. Self Repairing Machines are 5 dot effects and items with such an improvement are 5 dot Enhanced Items. This is only used where another method doesn’t already apply.

f. See Imbued Items for rules on items that are both Enhanced and Imbued.g. All benefits from an Enhanced Item count as modifiers to the appropriate pools.

Increased Armor counts as a modifier to Defense once past the 5/5 base.h. Enchanted Item effects currently Not Sanctioned include:

i. Ochosi’s Arrow [Magical Traditions]


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5. Imbued Itemsa. Imbued Items are Low Approval for Mages and Proximi, and are Not Sanctioned for

other creature types, even Purified.b. An Imbued Item can cause paradox.c. Only Rotes that the caster has may be imbued into an item. Currently created

Imbued items that do not use a rote effect are not grandfathered.d. All custom Imbued Items require a Low Approval entry in the Approvals Database.e. The name, MES number, and character name of any assistants for an Imbued Item

casting must be noted in the application for the item.f. Approval Levels

i. ● to ●●●●●: Low Approval,ii. ●●●●● ●+ Imbued Items in printed material are Low Approvaliii. ●●●●● ●+ Imbued Items not from printed material are Not Sanctioned

g. If an item is both Enhanced and Imbued, calculate the merit rating and RQ as though it were two separate items, one Enhanced and one Imbued.

i. Example, if a character has an Enhanced Item rated at 4 dots that he then imbues to 5 dots, it is considered both a 4 dot and 5 dot item (costing 18 xp), and adds to RQ as both items. If it is further Enhanced to 5 dots, then it’s RQ and XP cost rises.

ii. If an Enhanced/Imbued item is given to a non-Proximi or no-Mage, they can only use the Enhanced aspect. The Imbued aspect has the same restrictions as an item that is Imbued only.

h. The parts of Tome of the Mysteries (ToM p. 128 etc), which suggests that Imbued Items can be made collaboratively, with different mages casting different spells into the item, are Not Sanctioned.

i. Persistent effects apply automatically and directly to and as if cast by the user of the Imbued Item, though particulars of how a spell applies and what exactly it does are determined when the item is imbued or bought at character creation. The “user” can be something contained within the object; Storytellers should determine this on a case by case basis. If the effect requires mana, the mana is spent when it activates on its user. For effects that apply to the item itself, see Enhanced Item.

j. Persistent effects on Imbued Items bypass the 1 month Duration limit on spells affecting a living or magical pattern, but end when the item is removed from the user’s possession. If the effect requires mana, one point is spent for every month the effect is active.

k. Only spells that could be cast using Advanced Prolonged factors by a Master can be made Persistent.

l. Contingent spells’ targets and specifics are determined by the user of the item when the spell is triggered.

m. Spell factors for an Imbued Item’s powers cannot be modified and are always the basics as described in the spell’s write-up.

n. If a spell’s primary factor is something other than Potency, it is invoked with a Potency of 1 and successes allocated to its primary factor equal to the Imbued Item’s Merit dots minus one.

o. Imbued Items of Indefinite Duration must be purchased as a Merit by their final owner. Temporary Imbued Items (duration of a month or less) must still abide by the approval restrictions above.

p. The Imbue Item spell is replaced with the following:Imbue Item (Prime ••• + Other Arcana)The mage can imbue any item with magical powers.Practice: WeavingAction: Extended (Downtime)Duration: Advanced Prolonged (one scene)Aspect: Vulgar if any imbued spells are vulgar, otherwise CovertCost: 1 Mana per spell, plus one for an item with a Mana storeRote Pool: Composure + Crafts + Prime


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Imbued items are given one or more magical powers. Effectively, any mage who uses the imbued item gains the benefits of its spells even if he did not cast them. See the Imbued Item Merit, pp. 74-75.As Imbued Items must be manufactured in downtime, they are not rolled for as normal extended actions. Instead, presume you have your full success limit (Damage and Success Limits, MET: the Awakening pg 148) in successes to work with.You may employ a Demense and teamwork to increase this, as usual.Imbued Items are commonly enchanted permanently, using Indefinite Duration. This requires five successes or four if the item is inscribed with Atlantean Runes. (pg 153) An item may be constructed with a shorter duration if desired, though the item’s enchantment dissipates at the end of this duration.Each point of Potency gives one dot to use when building the Imbued Item, which is done exactly as described under the Merit. Note that one point of Potency must be used for the base cost before any points are used on effects or other benefits. Any spell the mage can cast can be incorporated as a contingent effect. If the mage wants a spell to be persistent, they must be able to cast it using Advanced Prolongation (pg 152). Other benefits may be purchased as usual. The final spell is a conjunctional spell involving the ratings of all incorporated spells’ Arcana. As such, any assistants must meet the prerequisites to participate in the ritual. (Group Rituals, MET: the Awakening pg 168)

q. Creating an Imbued Item requires one downtime action, plus one additional downtime action for every additional spell incorporated after the first. These downtimes may be spread out over as long a period as the player wishes. During the final downtime action, the caster must:

i. Pay the full mana cost of the spellii. Test for Paradox, if any spells imbued are Vulgariii. Pay a dot of Willpower to relinquish the spell (pg 151) or use one of the optional methods

described in Tome of the Mysteries (pg 128). The caster may pay a point of Willpower instead, but this must be noted; unlike other methods, the resulting Imbued Item may still be disenchanted with Dispel Magic.

r. Specific Imbued item clarifications:i. Alien Cuffs [Banishers]: Banisher onlyii. Raiment of Return [Adamantine Arrow]: Not Sanctionediii. Translator Chamber [Banishers] Not Sanctionediv. The Truck [Banishers] Not Sanctionedv. Cursed items from Chapter 5 of the Adamantine Arrow book are reserved for use for the NST.

s. Alchemical Creationsi. As per Tome of the Mysteries p.147-148.ii. These may only be activated by their creator.

6. Azothic Itemsa. Azothic Items can be purchased and used by Promethean Characters only. (See

Strange Alchemies p. 55)i. The 9-again aspect costs 2 dots of the merit, not 5 dots.

b. Azothic Items are Low Approval for Prometheans, Not Sanctioned for all others.

7. Cursed Itemsa. Top Approval for canon cursed items. Custom cursed items are not sanctioned at this


8. Artifactsa. Top Approval for artifacts. Custom artifacts are not sanctioned at this time.

9. Blessed Itemsa. Blessed/Holy Item [Mind’s Eye Theater/Book of Spirits]: This is now defined as a

Low Approval simple cost Merit (● to ●●●●●). Blessed items have an RQ cost of 1 RQ per dot of the


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item rating (e.g. a 3-dot Blessed Item has an RQ cost of 3). The rating of the item can be used as an equipment bonus to mundane Abjurations and Exorcisms (though not to powers which mirror those effects, unless the power is an empowered version of the standard mechanic, such as the Vade Retro Satana Benediction).

b. Anyone save Possessed characters may purchase and make use of a Blessed Item.c. Blessed items only work against ephemeral entities (ghosts, spirits, strix, demons,

or similar entities at VST discretion) and those creatures possessed by these entities (strix possessed, Possessed, or Claimed).

d. The dots of a Blessed item are considered the equipment bonus (natural base pool) when using the item against the entities listed above. Against normal enemies, use the most appropriate weapon stats available. If it is a mundane item, then use improvised weapon rules.

i. Example: A blessed longsword at 5 dots would add +5 vs entities harmed by by a blessed item, and deal aggravated damage. Against a normal enemy, it would be a +3 weapon and deal lethal damage.

e. Ranged Blessed Items are sanctioned.i. These can be accomplished either as a “blessed firearm/ranged weapon” or “blessed

ammunition.” Regardless of the method, each purchase of this merit only allows 2 shots per dot, per game session.

ii. Blessed ammunition may never have any other special properties (armor piercing, silver, etc.) or be fired from an enhanced, hedgespun, or fetish weapon.

iii. Each purchase of this merit determines a specific type of ammo for a single type of weapon.1. Joe Demon Hunter has this merit at 5 dots, for blessed heavy handgun bullets. He

decides he wants to get blessed arrows, so he must buy the merit again starting at 1 dot for Blessed Item: Arrows. Later on, he’ll have to do the same for blessed shotgun shells.

iv. Once the blessed “shots/charges” are used up, the weapon may be used as a normal ranged weapon for the remainder of the game session, as if it were being used against a normal opponent (as outlined above).

10. Hedgespun Itemsa. Hedgespun items are Low Approval for Changeling and Fae Touched, and are Not

Sanctioned for other creature types.b. Hedgespun Tokens can be crafted by any Changeling with enough skill. Refer to

Rites of Spring pages 138 to 140 for the mechanics of finding and/or developing a recipe, and crafting the item. The type of item determines the creation system used. Any Hedgespun Token, regardless of the type, benefits from the Wondrous Allure rule on page 144 of Rites of Spring. Refer below the appropriate calculation of benefits.

c. When determining the total modifier to a pool from Hedgespun items, only the highest modifier from each type is added. The benefits of multiple items of the same type (i.e. raiment) do not stack or modify each other in any way.

d. Hedgespun Artworki. Hedgespun Artwork is a standard Size 2, Durability 2 item. This is available as a one dot token.

Additional effects can be applied based on the table below:1. • +1 Size*2. • +2 Durability*3. • +/- 1 to inspiring a single mundane skill pull depicted in the artwork (purchased multiple

times, non-cumulative). This bonus applies to all subjects within a 50 yard radius of the item that can see the item, and is not cumulative with other pieces of Hedgespun Artwork.

4. • + 50 yards to the radius of effect5. Those additional effects marked with an * may be taken multiple times and are

cumulative if purchased multiple times for that item.e. Hedgespun Automaton


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i. Unlike other tokens, a Hedgespun Automaton may be more than 5 dots. It is still purchased as a simple-cost merit, though may be improved over time by purchasing additional dots, up to twenty dots. Also unlike other tokens, this item may be purchased as a Shared Merit in which several Changelings pitch in to cover the cost.

ii. For tracking purposes, all Hedgespun Automata require High Notification in order to track the stats of the Automaton. The sheet for the Automaton on the Approvals DB is considered the correct sheet in the case of any conflict.

iii. The most basic Hedgespun Automaton has the following characteristics:1. Intelligence 1, Wits 1, Strength 1, Dexterity 1, Stamina 1, Size 1 to 3, and no Skills.

a. Points spent into the merit increase this further. Regardless of the Skills/Attributes, the automaton may not have a mental or social pool greater than 4. It can only use mundane, non supernatural, equipment, armor, and weapons.

2. Note that while the above template is “free” the merit must cost at least 1 dot so at least one of the following enhancements must be taken:

a. • +1 Size* (maximum of Size 7)b. • One Skill dot* (maximum 5)c. • One Attribute dot* (maximum 5)d. Those additional effects marked with an * may be taken multiple times and are

cumulative.f. Hedgespun Machines

i. A 1-dot Hedgespun machine acts exactly like the mundane version but has a fae quirk, for example an alarm clock that runs away from the user when they try to hit the snooze button. These quirks can have no beneficial or detrimental effect whatsoever on a game. Additional effects can be applied from the table below:

1. • +1 to the equipment bonus of the item, applicable to non combat/non supernatural pulls*

2. • +1 Durability*3. Those additional effects marked with an * may be taken multiple times and are

cumulative if purchased multiple times for that item.g. Hedgespun Raiment

i. Hedgespun Raiment is an article of clothing, be it a full suit or a simple scarf.ii. Hedgespun Raiment uses one of four templates as a “base” in which additional benefits are

added upon it. Below lists the base template and the additional benefits are listed in the table below it.

1. • as standard clothing2. •• as a Kevlar Vest3. ••• as a Flak Jacket4. •••• as Riot Gear5. • +2 to Initiative*6. • +2 to Speed*7. • +1 to a non-supernatural, non-combat skill’s pools*8. • Immunity to the Armor Piercing ability9. • Chimaeric Armor10. Those additional effects marked with an * may be taken multiple times and are

cumulative if purchased multiple times for that item.h. Hedgespun Weapons

i. A Hedgespun weapon represents a melee weapon, firearm, bow, or shield, but can always be used in the hedge. The item retains the alternative attack pool (such as a Katar’s Strength + Brawl + Weapon pool), base durability, size, strength requirement and damage type of the item it is being modeled after, regardless of materials or method of crafting. The weapon does not keep any special attacks, modifiers, abilities, penalties or traits except those listed above.

ii. A Hedgespun weapon's effective equipment bonus is equal to the base item's equipment bonus or the weapon bonus, whichever is lower, when determining base pools with equipment bonuses.


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1. Example: A dagger has an equipment bonus of 2. This means that if a character had a Weaponry skill of 1 and a Strength of 1, their base pool would be 4. A Hedgespun dagger with a +5 modifier would have an equipment bonus of 2 and a modifier of +3, for a final modified pool of 7.

iii. A Hedgespun weapon begins with a base equipment bonus of +1 to attack or +1 defense. Each dot, including the first can apply an additional effect from the table below:

1. • +1 to the equipment bonus of the item*2. • +1 to the User’s Defense*3. • +1 Durability*4. • ignores one point of an item’s Durability (not Armor) when attacking it*5. • +1 Toxicity, not cumulative with other Hedgespun weapons or poison effects*6. • Armor Piercing 1*7. • Collapses (e.g.: Telescopic baton)8. • -1 to target’s next action on a successful hit (e.g.: Sjambok, Stun Gun)*9. • -1 to the Strength Requirement to Wield*

iv. Some other effects can be applied but at the cost of two dots of the item:1. • Disarming (as Whip) (●●)2. • 9-Again to attack (●●)3. Those additional effects marked with an * may be taken multiple times and are

cumulative if purchased multiple times for that item.i. Goblin Fruit are handled as per C:tL addendum (V.B.15 and XI.B).

i. Goblin Fruit are Changeling and Fae-Touched only, save where noted Otherwise (XI.B) or by using them through the Goblin Healer Merit, which may affect any character.

11. Hunter Endowmentsa. All Hunter Endowments are Low Approval for the Conspiracy with which they are

associated (e.g. Advanced Armory materials are Low Approval for Task Force Valkyrie) and are Not Sanctioned otherwise.

b. Relics from Hunter books are only useable by Members of Ageis Kai Doru.c. Advanced Armory can only be used by Task Force Valkyrie Characters.d. Elixirs can only be used by members of the Ascending Ones.

12. Geist-Specific Itemsa. Deathmasks (G:tS, p. 205-208) are Low Approval for Geist PCs, Not Sanctioned for

all others.i. The deathmask's associated Skill bonus is not added to the natural level of the skill.ii. The associated "ghost power" of the deathmask is thematic and should not confer any

mechanical advantages.b. Charm (G:tS p. 195) are Low Approval for Geist PCs, Not Sanctioned for all others.

i. Must be created via the Dedicate Charm Ceremony after character creation.c. Fetters (G:tS p. 202) Low Approval for Geist PCs, Not Sanctioned for all others.

i. Fetters made after Character Creation require the character sheet of the ghost to be approved by the presiding ST.

ii. Fetters made after Character Creation require the "Fetter's Binding" ceremony, Geist: the Sin-Eaters pg. 167.

iii. Geists and spirits cannot be bound into a Fetter.d. Vanitas (G:tS p. 199) are Low Approval for Geist PCs, Not Sanctioned for all others.


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e. Keystones (G:tS p. 193) are Low Approval for Geist PCs, Not Sanctioned for all others.

f. Mechanical Mementos (Book of the Dead) can be used by anyone but must be located in the Underworld or retrieved from the Junkyard Dominion (i.e., proxy to the aNST Accord). (BotD p. 157)

g. Memorabilia (G:tS p.209-212) are Top Approval for Geist PCs, Not Sanctioned for all others.

13. Plot-specific Minor Magic Itemsa. Minor magical items that are part of local storylines do not require special approval.

These must be temporary, can only have effects related to the plot they are created for, and lose all special powers when leaving the local VSS.

b. Regional or higher storytellers may extend the area such an item can exist in to the area they control, in the interests of facilitating expansion of the plot.

14. Mummy Relicsa. General Rules

i. A character with Guild Status in the matching guild for a relic may ignore the Curse for a relic unless the Curse states otherwise.

ii. A character without matching Guild Status may still buy and use a relic, but is subject to the Curse.

iii. If a relic's description refers to an "assigned" choice, that choice must be made when the relic is purchased and may not be changed. If a relic is destroyed, the replacement relic may have a different choice.

iv. Relics may have any appearance that matches the description.v. Relics cannot be created by PCs. They must be found in background or in game. A player may

suggest the appearance and functionality of a relic to be discovered, but the ST decides what relics are available.

vi. Pyropus is not sanctioned.vii. Because of their rarity, lost relics that are replaced by the Sanctity of Merits take twice as long to

be replaced.viii. Arisen are the only PCs that may use the powers of relics from this document. Any character who

attempts to use a relic is still subject to its curse.ix. By default, Relics cost 1 pillar and an Instant Action to activate for a scene.x. By Default, curses are always active while the Relic is active.

b. Amuletsi. Amulets grant knowledge or ability. They may be a piece of jewelry or similar accessory.

Alternately, they may be a carved stele of size 3-5. In the case of a stele, they may be activated remotely as long as the relic remains in the Mummy's tomb.

ii. Associated Guild: Maa-Kepiii. Each Amulet has an assigned skill.iv. Powers:

1. ●: The character gets +1 to all pulls for the assigned skill.2. ●●: The above bonus increases to +2.3. ●●●: The above bonus increases to +3.4. ●●●●: As above and mundane draws for the assigned skill gain 9-again.5. ●●●●●: As above and the user may spend a willpower to make a draw for a mundane

action using the assigned skill into an Advanced Action.v. Curse:


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1. ●: The character is at -2 for two different assigned skills.2. ●●: The character loses a willpower when activating the Relic.3. ●●●: The character must succeed on a roll of Resolve + Composure or gain a

derangement from this list for the remainder of the night: Suspicion, Vocalization, or Avoidance.

4. ●●●●: The character may not recover willpower by indulging their Vice in any scene where the relic was active.

5. ●●●●●: As ●●● above, but select the derangement from the following list: Obsessive Compulsion or Paranoia.

c. Effigiesi. Effigies allow control over things which resemble or are related to the effigy.ii. Associated Guild: Tef-Aabhiiii. Powers:

1. ●: Resembles a mummy or an animal sacred to Irem. One visible character with fewer dots in an assigned Mental skill than the mummy's may use the mummy's skill dots for that skill instead. Only one character may benefit from this relic per scene.

2. ●●: Resembles an assigned machine (chariot, abacus, etc.). Provides a +2 on any rolls with a non-weapon device related to that machine (all vehicles for a chariot, all computers for an abacus, etc.). The mummy may spend a point in any pillar to cause a related non-weapon device within line of sight to perform some normal function. If someone is already using that device, they may resist this. In such a case perform a contested draw as if both were trying to operate the machine, with the winner choosing if this power is successful.

3. ●●●: Resembles a person. Provides 9-again on all mundane Intimidation, Persuasion, and Socialize rolls. The mummy may spend a point in any Pillar to get a bonus equal to her value in that pillar to all mundane Social rolls in a scene related to an assigned situation (communicating with authority, seduction, bypassing bureaucracy, etc.).

4. ●●●●: Resembles a god, Judge, or holy symbol. The mummy gains a +4 on Social rolls dealing with ephemeral beings.

5. ●●●●●: A mirror, camera, or other recording device. The mummy may spend an instant action to look up to 5 hours into the past in their current location as if they were standing there at the time. Other powers may not be used in conjunction with this power.

iv. Curses:1. ●: For 24 hours after an ally benefits from this relic, they must spend a willpower point to

use the assigned skill if the mummy is not within line of sight; if not, they pull as if they are untrained in the skill.

2. ●●: If a mummy loses a contested pull to control a device, the mummy may never again affect that exact device with this relic.

3. ●●●: If a mummy fails a roll affected by this relic, she loses its effects and are at a -2 to all rolls related to that person for the duration of the scene.

4. ●●●●: If a mummy fails a roll affected by this relic, she loses its effects and the ephemeral entity in question gets a +4 to all pulls with the mummy as a target for the rest of the scene (and is likely to take advantage of this to further its own goals).

5. ●●●●●: The mummy must anoint the mirror with a scrap of her sahu, taking a point of Lethal damage.

d. Regiai. Regia are substances which modify people and things. Unlike other Relics, Regia are each a

substance represented by a simple-cost merit with value ● to ●●●●●.ii. Associated Guild: Mesen-Nebuiii. Acherusian Wine:

1. A vessel of Acherusian wine is associated with an assigned Pillar and an assigned skill. It contains a number of points equal to the dots in the merit.


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2. Any willing character, even a non-mummy, may drink a certain number of points from the vessel, choosing to either regain points in the wine's Pillar equal to the points drunk or gain a bonus to the wine's skill equal to the points drunk for the rest of the night.

3. Either way, at the end of the night the wine forces itself out of the drinker's body and returns to the vessel, dealing one aggravated damage per point drunk. Mummies with Mesen-Nebu status only take lethal damage.

iv. Wepauwet Stone:1. This mystical alchemical jewel converts the value of the expended Pillar into the value of

an ally, but only briefly.2. When activated, a nearby mundane mortal chosen by Fate becomes a Simple Retainer

with a rating equal to the Relic's rating. The owner has no control over what bystander will be chosen, and trying to do so through cleverness will result in Fate making an unfortunate choice for the owner. If there are no mortals in the immediate vicinity, one of the closest eligible individuals feels a mystical call and arrives as quickly as they can.

3. For a scene, the Simple Retainer is completely loyal, even when doing so would go against their normal nature. However, they suffer from the Irrationality derangement for the duration of the scene, except that they are perfectly able to resort to violence, as described on Mummy p228.

4. When the Stone used by Arisen with Mesen-Nebu status, the Simple Retainer will never attack the owner or the owner's allies.

5. Placing the Simple Retainer in a situation where they are hurt or killed should result in Memory tests, since the Arisen is responsible for their minion.

e. Textsi. Texts are books, scrolls, or songs that provide mystical information to those with the skill to use

them.ii. Associated Guild: Sesha-Hebsuiii. Powers:

1. ●: The character may substitute their dots in Academics or Occult for an assigned skill. This affects a single mundane pull.

2. ●●: The character may recite from the text for three rounds, and pull Presence + Expression. They gain a bonus to mundane Social pulls for a scene equal to their successes and any listeners get a -1 to perception and Empathy pulls for a scene.

3. ●●●: The character may take an Instant Action to view any part of their tomb as if they were standing in it.

4. ●●●●:The character may understand any mundane language. Additionally, he may spend a willpower point and pull Wits + Empathy vs. a target's Composure + Power Stat to hear the target's surface thoughts as if spoken aloud for one turn.

5. ●●●●●: The character may pull Wits + Occult to gain an assigned benefit from the following list: see into Twilight for a scene, see into the Shadow for a scene, or perform a Clash of Wills for a scene (use the character's Defining Pillar as the third part of the pull).

iv. Curses:1. ●: For the rest of the chapter after using the text, the assigned skill is at a -2 unless the

text is used on the pull.2. ●●: For the rest of the night after using the text, the mummy suffers from the

Megalomania derangement. If he already has it, he loses two willpower instead of one when it triggers.

3. ●●●: For the rest of the night after using the text, the mummy suffers from the Paranoia derangement. If she already has it, she loses a willpower whenever it triggers.

4. ●●●●: For the rest of the scene after using the text, the constant din of half-understood thoughts gives the user a -4 to perception and social pulls.

5. ●●●●●: When the text is used, any character within 100 yards may make a Wits + Investigation pull to immediately notice the user's presence and know her location.

f. Uter


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i. Uter are preserved bits of bodies that resonate with the mummy's sahu, mitigating disadvantages of the Arisen form. They must be carried on the mummy's person to be active.

ii. Associated Guild: Su-Menentiii. Powers:

1. ●: The character does not reveal her corpse-form when she spends Pillars and appears to be a living mortal to all medical examination.

2. ●●: When resurrecting, the Mummy may negate up to 15 of the ARQ generated. Only one Uter may be used in this way at a time.

3. ●●●: The character gets a +3 on meditation rolls to restore his Pillars.4. ●●●●: The character may choose to suppress the Sybaris she generates. If she does so,

rolls to resist Terror Sybaris are made at +5 and her Sekhem is treated as 1 for purposes of Unease Sybaris.

5. ●●●●●: The character may spend one willpower point to take lethal damage from fire instead of aggravated for one attack.

iv. Curses:1. ●: The mummy suffers lethal damage from firearms.2. ●●: When using this relic for a resurrection, an Arisen can return at a maximum of

Sekhem 83. ●●●: For the rest of the chapter after receiving a bonus to meditation, the character may

not recover Willpower by fulfilling her vice.4. ●●●●: The character suffers a -2 to Presence pulls.5. ●●●●●: While the relic is active, the mummy gains an assigned bane. Choose one: either

the mummy takes aggravated damage from wooden weapons or when the mummy is wet she heals at a mortal rate and cannot Seal the Flesh until she dries off.

v. A character with Guild Status in the matching guild for a relic may ignore the Curse for a relic unless the Curse states otherwise.

vi. A character without matching Guild Status may still buy and use a relic, but is subject to the Curse.

vii. If a relic's description refers to an "assigned" choice, that choice must be made when the relic is purchased and may not be changed. If a relic is destroyed, the replacement relic may have a different choice.

viii. Relics may have any appearance that matches the description.ix. Relics cannot be created by PCs. They must be found in background or in game. A player may

suggest the appearance and functionality of a relic to be discovered, but the ST decides what relics are available.

x. Pyropus is not sanctioned.xi. Because of their rarity, lost relics that are replaced by the Sanctity of Merits take twice as long to

be replaced.xii. Arisen are the only PCs that may use the powers of relics from this document. Any character who

attempts to use a relic is still subject to its curse.xiii. By default, Relics cost 1 pillar and an Instant Action to activate for a scene.xiv. By Default, curses are always active while the Relic is active.

13. FamiliarsIn the World of Darkness, there are many types of supernatural creatures that deal with the esoteric world. Many of these

beings have close ties with spirits, ghosts, and demons. Some few have begun to form closer partnerships with these entities, drawing to them “familiar spirits,” who act as aides, guides, and scouts. Mechanically, these beings are typically represented by a familiar merit, whatever their origin. While many of these merits have similar mechanics, they are by no means consistent. The first section of this document details the familiar merit and associated mechanics. The second section of this document details Totems. As they are NPCs, none of these entities add to the Base RQ of the PC or VSS. They are, however, considered Believers.

In the world of Accord, the familiar system has been streamlined and simplified. While the origins of the three types of familiars are distinct (demonic, spiritual, and ghostly), the mechanics have been broken down and universalized.


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In general, consider all familiar or companion style merits (including unconventional ones such as Ghost Ally from Second Sight) to have been replaced by the following mechanics. Ultimately, refer to this document when the Accord Addenda states it.

All normal familiars are “Twilight Familiars” and are 3-dot merits, costing 6 XP. Improved familiars are detailed below.

1. Step 1: Choose Origina. The first step in Familiar creation is to choose the origin of the

familiar. This is partially based on your character type and associated mechanics. Ultimately, there is one golden rule to determine whether a PC has access to a familiar: The character must have a method of detection and interaction with the entity type, based on template or magical type. This is only superseded by source material in specific instances, such as listed prerequisites in material (example: Prometheans MUST have Ephemeral Flesh or Thaumaturges MUST have certain magic merits, etc.). Whether a PC has appropriate justification for a Familiar is determined by the VST utilizing the examples below, the one exception being Familiars of Demonic origins, which have restricted access. It is not enough that the character be a mortal with medium merits. Mages with spells to grant familiars may only do so to other Awakened and Proximi who can interact with the familiar. An important note: a PC may only have one Familiar per type they have access to unless otherwise noted (a Purified may have both a spirit and ghost familiar, etc). A character may ONLY ever have at most two familiars. As a guideline, the following types are examples of who may have access to a familiar:

b. Infernal:i. Lucifugeii. Possessediii. Apostles of the Dark One with Dragon’s Tongue at 2 dots (supersedes spirit familiar option)

c. Spiritual:i. Arisen: Noneii. Awakening: Mages (any, though more common among those with Spirit Arcana or Spirit-based

Legacies, such as Scions of God, Eyes of Ain Soph, Thrice-Great, Neocologists, etc.), Proximi with Spirit Blessings (even if gifted by a mage).

iii. Forsaken: Appropriate Auspice Aspects among the Ithaeur or Elodoth (with a spirit focus), some Spirit-focused Lodges (Reaping, Lycurgus, Hungry Ghosts, Spirit Chains, etc.)

iv. Geist: Nonev. Lost: Lord Sages of the Unknown Reaches onlyvi. Prometheans: Any with Ephemeral Flesh, but typically Ulgan, Argentum Refinement, or Dragon

Athanor.vii. Requiem: Khaibit, Dead Wolves, practitioners of Kindred Voodoo, Blood Tenebrous, or Spirit

Cruacviii. Vigil: Thaumaturges with appropriate powers/prerequisites (see Second Sight, but typically

Apostles of the Dark One (supersedes demonic option), Hedge Witches, and Shamans)ix. Others: all Purified, Changing Breeds with spiritual natures (especially Shadow Bond or other

spirit-based Aspects among Common Aspects)d. Ghostly:

i. Arisen: Only those with the ability to interact with ghosts.ii. Awakening: Death Arcana Mages or Death-themed Legacies (Bokor, Thread-cutters, etc.),

Proximi with Death-based Blessings (even if gifted by a Death mage)iii. Forsaken: Death/Ghost-focused Bone Shadows or Lodges (such as Death, Boundary, etc)iv. Geist: All Sin-Eatersv. Lost: Gravewights, Darklings with Shade and Spirit, Lord Sages of the Unknown Reachesvi. Promethean: Any with Ephemeral Flesh, but typically Ulgans, Argentum, or Raven athanor.vii. Requiem: Apollinaire, Dragolescu, Khaibit, Osites, Mystikoi, or any other ghost-themed bloodline,

Nosferatu with Unliving Anchor, Kindred Voodoo practitioners (Ghede patron only)viii. Vigil: some Lucifuge (especially those with the Medium merit), Thaumaturges with a deathly

focus (see Second Sight, but such as Voodoo), Psychics with Ghost Calling


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ix. Others: all Purified, Changing Breeds with deathly natures (such as Spirit Sight as Common Aspect, Brythians, and Owl-changers, etc)

2. Step 2: Basic Familiar Creation Templatea. Attributes: Familiars use Power, Finesse, and Resistance as attributes. All familiars

begin with 4/4/3 in each category as appropriate (however you distribute them).b. Willpower: A familiar’s Willpower rating is equal to its Power + Resistance.c. Essence and Rank: All familiars have a max of 10 Essence. It can go no higher.

Demonic, Ghostly, and Spiritual familiars are Rank 1 entities. Familiars may not spend more than 2 essence a turn.

d. Initiative: A familiar’s initiative rating is equal to its Finesse + Resistance.e. Defense: A familiar’s Defense trait is equal to the highest of its Power or Finesse.f. Acting Speed: A familiar’s Acting Speed is equal to its “species factor” (same as its

earthly counterpart)g. Running Speed: A familiar’s Running Speed rating is equal to its Power + Finesse +

“species factor” (same as its earthly counterpart). If the entity has no easy counterpart, the species factor is “4”.

h. Size: All familiars are Size 5 or lower (equivalent to its earthly counterpart).i. Corpus: A Twilight familiar’s ‘health’ is represented by its Corpus, which is equal to

Resistance + Size.j. Influence: A familiar receives two dots of Influence. For a demon, one of these must

be assigned to its primary Vice. Ghosts receive no dots of Influence.k. Virtue and Vice: Familiars have no morality, but demonic and ghostly familiars have a

Virtue and Vice that dictates their behavior. One of the demon’s Influence dots must be assigned to their Vice, as noted above. The effects of Virtue and Vice are switched for Demons. A spiritual familiar does not have a Virtue or a Vice.

l. Numina: A spiritual or demonic familiar receives two numina, chosen from the spiritual numina list. A ghost familiar receives four ghostly numina.

i. Familiars may not take the Claim numina.ii. No familiar may take the Spirit Minions numina.

m. Ban: Spirits and demons have bans, or weaknesses of behavior they must do or avoid. Sometimes a ban manifests as a weakness to an object or place, but it cannot be a weakness that the demon or spirit already has naturally. Often the ban is directly tied to the familiar’s type or influences. Ghosts do not have bans but often also have anchors. For more on bans, see Book of Spirits pg. 91-93. For more on anchors, see Mind’s Eye Theater pg. 334.

3. Step 3: Universal Aspectsa. Manifestation: All familiars can manifest like ghosts (MET pg. 335-336). They can

choose to be ephemeral and use their influences or numina per the rules for manifesting, or choose to become tangible. When a demonic or spiritual familiar manifests to be fully tangible in this way, they gain the Innocuous numina (MET: Awakening pg. 424) if they take on an animalistic form most appropriate to their nature. They can forgo the animal form, but then they will not gain the numina. This is not the same as the Materialize numina (Book of Spirits pg. 143), which allows a spirit to instantly cross the Gauntlet per the numina’s writeup.

b. Flow of Power: The bond between master and familiar allows the master to convert the entity’s essence into supernatural fuel. The familiar’s master must be able to utilize essence for this to occur, or be able to convert essence into their fuel type (such as a mage). If a character has two familiars, then the second does not allow access to their fuel. The character can only take up to half of the familiar’s fuel and it counts under the fuel storage limitations.

c. Flow of Information: A master may, at any time, see through the eyes of their familiar. This is an Instant Action, during which they are unaware of their own surroundings. They may glean sensory information in the familiar’s presence, using them as a spy.

d. Distance: The familiar may roam as far away from its master as it wishes, but must always return as its master is its anchor in the world. Ghost familiars still have other anchors, but even if those are destroyed the master has become a new one. This does not allow a familiar to travel outside


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the VSS the PC is present in.e. Communication: A master and familiar inherently understand each other, and speak

through verbal cues and inherent sympathetic empathy/telepathy. This does not allow the master to understand supernatural languages (spirit tongue, first tongue, underworld languages, or other human languages) unless they have that capability normally.

f. Potent Familiars: The merit of this name from Tome of the Watchtowers is not sanctioned. XP may not be spent to improve familiars.

g. Additional Familiars: The merit of this name from Tome of the Watchtowers is not sanctioned. Characters are limited to one familiar of each type they qualify for. Some templates have special, Improved Familiar types, which are detailed below.

4. Improved Familiarsa. Some templates have a deeper connection to ephemeral creatures than others.

Whether through ties to the Supernal or the Underworld, they have the option to take on an “Improved Familiar,” a 5-dot simple merit. These entities are Rank 2.

b. Supernal Companion (Awakened)i. Sometimes, when a mage’s soul returns from the Supernal, it has forged a connection with a

being from those realms. It takes time for this bond to manifest itself, only after the mage has achieved significant power and a connection to their native supernal realm. This is either both Path Ruling Arcana at 4 dots or one at 4, one at 2, and Gnosis 4. This entity is built as a spirit familiar, but is a creature reflecting the Supernal realm from which the mage Awakened (angels for Aether, Fae-like for Arcadia, etc.). They receive one extra numina and one extra attribute dot (so 5/4/3 or 4/4/4 spread). Additionally, the Mage receives a +3 to scrutinizing with their Path arcana sights. This familiar replaces one of the mage’s other familiar slots (example: a mage with Death can have a Supernal Companion and a ghost familiar, but cannot take a spirit familiar if he gained Spirit. The reverse is true of a Spirit mage who gets Death.).

c. Psychopomp Companion (Sin-Eater)i. Within the Underworld, there are creatures that defy expectation. Their origins unknown; they are

like ghosts but different. Ghostly animals, psychopomps are found throughout the Underworld, but are not easily tamed. Perhaps they are a reflection of the world above, or simply the ghosts of dead animals. Regardless, Sin-Eaters sometimes draw the attention of these beings, gaining favor or even aid. With a particularly high Psyche (4), Death-touched (4), and Occult (effective 5) with a specialty in Underworld, a Sin-Eater might forge a familiar bond with a psychopomp. When manifested they are like strange animals, typically black or pale in color with reddish eyes. They are built as ghost familiars, they receive one extra numina and one extra attribute dot (so 5/4/3 or 4/4/4 spreads). Psychopomp Companions also add a +3 to rolls to navigate and travel through the Underworld. This does not remove the Sin-Eater’s ability to have a normal ghostly familiar.

d. Imp Companion (Possessed)i. Demons of sufficient Infernal Rank to possess a human for a stable length of time often draw

the attention of lesser demons wishing to serve them. Sometimes, however, they garner the attention of a more powerful Imp. A Possessed of Infernal Rank 3 and a demonic familiar, can forge this bond, expanding the powers of their demonic minion. When manifested, the imp looks like any variation of a small demon. Built as demonic familiars, they receive one extra numina and one extra attribute dot (so 5/4/3 or 4/4/4 spreads). The imp also allows the Possessed to make a Wits+Empathy+Primary Vice versus the target’s Composure + Subterfuge to attempt to determine the target’s Vice. The imp companion replaces the demon familiar slot for the Possessed.

e. Sadikh (Mummy)i. The eternal companion to all Arisen. See M:tc p.188 for more details. They are built as ghost

familiars, but they receive one extra numina and one extra attribute dot (so 5/4/3 or 4/4/4 spreads). Sadikh have a special free Claim numina which is restricted to mundane mortal members of the mummy’s cult. The arisen’s tomb is also an anchor for the Sadikh.

f. Totemic Companion (Purified)


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i. As half-spirit creatures, the Purified forge relationships with denizens of the shadow that go beyond a simple familiar bond. Investing some of their own power into the spirits they meet, the Purified creates almost a true friend. While still low ranking, as long as a Purified has Chi 4 and a familiar they can infuse that familiar with power, upgrading it to a Totemic Companion. Built as a spiritual familiar, they receive one extra numina and one extra attribute dot (so 5/4/3 or 4/4/4 spreads). The Totemic companion also adds +1 to the Purified’s effective spirit rank, to a maximum of Rank 5. The Totemic companion replaces the spirit familiar slot for Purified.

5. Totemsa. Many supernatural types in the World of Darkness can also forge bonds as a group

to empower a single spirit. First introduced in Werewolf the Forsaken, other supernatural entities have since been able to add to pooled spirit guardians. For the purpose of the Accord, these supernatural types have learned how to blend their talents to work together. Often, to prevent the spread of Belief, a werewolf or changing breed must work alone, apart from their fellows that can add to a Totem to provide spiritual support. Suddenly realizing there were other creature types within the Accord that could help, multi-type packs began to form. The following creature types can participate in a Totem bond: Forsaken werewolves, Pure werewolves, Changing Breeds with appropriate Aspects, Purified, and members of the Dead Wolves bloodline. Such a pack requires at least 3 player characters. It is not possible for any character to have a personal totem, even Purified.

b. The Totem merit, for the purpose of our chronicle, is always a 1-5 dot merit that costs 3 xp per individual dot. Pure werewolves, due to their natural bonds with totems, always add +1 dot (to a max of 6 dots). Dead Wolves add their level of the Sublunario discipline to the pack totem pool instead of purchasing the merit dots. The cap on dots spent on a totem is 30 total points.

c. Building a Totemi. A totem is built mechanically identical to a spiritual familiar, with the following upgrades. The

totem/pack does not benefit from the “Flow of Power” or “Flow of Information” Universal aspects.d. Attributes, Rank, and Essence.

i. The spread of attributes for a totem are automatically 6/5/4. The entity counts as a Rank 3 spirit. The cap on attributes for a totem is 7 dots (if purchased with totem points at level x2 in cost). The spirit has 15 essence.

e. Influencei. The totem receives three points of influence. A totem may only have two different categories of

Influence (so starting with Influence x3 or Influence x2 + Influence x1). To increase the influence ratings, the players must use numina slots or purchase more with totem points via the “Greater Influence” numina from Book of Spirits pg. 142. The spirit’s numina must be related (snakes and poison, wind and speed, strength and stone, etc.). The spirit is capped at 3 levels of each Influence.

f. Numinai. The spirit receives four numina. More may be purchased with totem points (3 totem points per

numina). A totem may not take Claim or Spirit Minions.g. Totem Bonuses

i. Totem points may be spent on totem bonuses as per Werewolf the Forsaken, pg. 190-191. While Purified and Dead Wolves can contribute to “Gifts” as a totem bonus, only Werewolves and Changing Breeds may utilize these gifts. Changing Breeds may utilize any gift granted by a Totem as long as it falls within their approved Gift List and is 3 dots or less in power. They may do this even if they do not have the “Spirit Gifts” aspect and it does not increase their RQ. The Gifts granted may not be Auspice or Pure only gifts.

6. Drawbacksa. The Familiar Bond is a powerful one, not entered into lightly. By providing you with

their services, they, in turn, expect to be treated well and protected. Therefore, no matter what Morality your PC has, the following Sins are added to the chart. In addition, if a Morality test triggered by violating one of these is failed, the subsequent Degeneration check is automatically lost. Note that if a VST determines that a PC is responsible for their own Familiar’s death, it counts as a Sacrifice and the merit is not replaced by Sanctity of Merits, the dots are permanently lost.


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9: Being rude or ungrateful to your familiar7: Being verbally or physically abusive to your familiar6: Intentionally sending your Familiar into harm’s way without being there to protect it4: Allowing your Familiar to be killed2: Killing your Familiar1: Torturing your Familiar

14. Aberrations1. Introduction

a. In the Accord venue, we want to empower the VSTs to run the type of game that their players want. While we must keep a large amount of similarity between all VSSs, to allow PCs to travel and so the setting is unified, we also recognize that there are occasions where there need to be small customizations to accommodate the local playstyle. To ensure that all visitors know of these changes before traveling, and so that local players can be familiar with how things are run, we have created this document to define house rules, which we refer to as Aberrations.

2. The Basicsa. Aberrations must be included in the VSS when it is submitted for High Approval. As

time goes on, new ones may be added or removed, but each VSS change requires a new High Approval. Each VSS is limited to 5 Aberrations at a time, to keep things reasonably close to the normal rules set. Aberrations by default apply to the entire VSS boundaries. Some Aberrations have a noticeable effect, such as an increased Reality Quotient value for a specific template, so for all Aberrations, they must list if they are noticeable In Character or not. For those noticeable by PCs, VSTs are encouraged to provide an In Character explanation for them. There are two types of Aberrations, Standard and Custom, which are outlined below.

3. Standard Aberrationsa. These Aberrations are mostly optional rules which we allow VSTs to enact or not.

Standard Aberrations are High Approval as usual.i. Dramatic Failures and Exceptional Successes: This Aberration allows DF/ES to happen in the

VSS. For Mage, refer to the tabletop book when looking for DF/ES for a power in the MET book.ii. Template Restriction: A certain template is not allowed for local PCs.iii. Template Ban: A certain template is not allowed to enter the VSS boundaries.iv. RQ Increase: All PCs with a certain template have a higher RQ, by a flat amount or a %.v. Transit: Alterations to the difficulty to enter other planes, such as raising the Gauntlet.vi. Armory Books: Characters in the VSS may use items from the books Armory and Armory:

Reloaded, subject to the changes in the Armory Addendum.vii. Fuel: Custom starting fuel level mechanics.

4. Custom Aberrationsa. Any Aberrations not on the above list are considered custom and require the VSS to

receive Top Approval each time it is altered, instead of just the usual High Approval. Certain things are not allowed, even for Custom Aberrations.

b. Not Allowedi. Completely rewriting a powerii. New Templatesiii. Making a new Templateiv. Creating custom powersv. Altering character creation rulesvi. Making available any item that is not sanctioned in the Addendum

c. Allowablei. Changing one power in a small way (cost, common modifiers or duration only), and only in ways

that make it worseii. Defining how two particular powers interact when there is no clear rule on itiii. Defining how effective Allies and Contacts are


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iv. Banning a particular power

