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Accounting for the Rise in Consumer Bankruptcies * Igor Livshits and James MacGee University of Western Ontario and Mich` ele Tertilt Stanford University August 31, 2005 Preliminary Abstract Personal bankruptcies in the United States have increased dramatically, rising from 1.4 per thousand working age population in 1970 to 8.5 in 2002. We use a heterogeneous agent life-cycle model with competitive financial interme- diaries who can observe households’ earnings, age and current asset holdings to evaluate several commonly offered explanations. We find that an increase in uncertainty (income shocks, expense uncertainty) cannot quantitatively ac- count for the rise in bankruptcies. Instead, stories related to a change in the credit market environment are more plausible. In particular, we find that a combination of a decrease in the credit market transactions cost together with a decline in “stigma” does a good job in accounting for the rise in consumer bankruptcy. We also argue that the abolition of usury laws and other legal changes have played little role. Keywords: Consumer Bankruptcy, Life Cycle. JEL Classifications: E21, E49, G18, K35 * Corresponding Author: Igor Livshits, Department of Economics, University of Western Ontario, Social Science Centre, London, Ontario, N6A 5C2, fax: (519) 661 3666, e-mail: [email protected]. We thank Martin Gervais, Jeremy Greenwood, Karen Pence and seminar participants at the SITE 2004 conference, the 2003 Western-Toronto Macro Conference, the SED Meetings in Paris and Florence, the Bank of Canada, the European Central Bank, and Pennsylvania, Rochester, Illinois, York and Queen’s Universities for helpful comments. The Economic Policy Research Institute (EPRI) provided generous financial support for this project for which we are very grateful. Livshits acknowledges financial support from the Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences Fund of the UWO. We would like to thank Jie Zhou for excellent research assistance. 1

Accounting for the Rise in Consumer Bankruptcies∗

Igor Livshits and James MacGeeUniversity of Western Ontario

andMichele TertiltStanford University

August 31, 2005



Personal bankruptcies in the United States have increased dramatically, risingfrom 1.4 per thousand working age population in 1970 to 8.5 in 2002. Weuse a heterogeneous agent life-cycle model with competitive financial interme-diaries who can observe households’ earnings, age and current asset holdingsto evaluate several commonly offered explanations. We find that an increasein uncertainty (income shocks, expense uncertainty) cannot quantitatively ac-count for the rise in bankruptcies. Instead, stories related to a change in thecredit market environment are more plausible. In particular, we find that acombination of a decrease in the credit market transactions cost together witha decline in “stigma” does a good job in accounting for the rise in consumerbankruptcy. We also argue that the abolition of usury laws and other legalchanges have played little role.

Keywords: Consumer Bankruptcy, Life Cycle.

JEL Classifications: E21, E49, G18, K35

∗Corresponding Author: Igor Livshits, Department of Economics, University of Western Ontario,Social Science Centre, London, Ontario, N6A 5C2, fax: (519) 661 3666, e-mail: [email protected]. Wethank Martin Gervais, Jeremy Greenwood, Karen Pence and seminar participants at the SITE 2004conference, the 2003 Western-Toronto Macro Conference, the SED Meetings in Paris and Florence,the Bank of Canada, the European Central Bank, and Pennsylvania, Rochester, Illinois, York andQueen’s Universities for helpful comments. The Economic Policy Research Institute (EPRI) providedgenerous financial support for this project for which we are very grateful. Livshits acknowledgesfinancial support from the Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences Fund of the UWO. We would like tothank Jie Zhou for excellent research assistance.


1 Introduction

The past thirty years have witnessed an explosive growth in the number of consumer

bankruptcy filings in the United States. Personal bankruptcies have increased from

1.4 per thousand of the working age population in 1970 to 8.5 in 2002 (see Figure

1). This dramatic rise in bankruptcies has motivated a large literature on potential

explanations. Somewhat surprisingly, little effort has been made to understand the

quantitative implications of these stories. In this paper, we address this void and

quantitatively evaluate seven commonly offered explanations of the dramatic increase

in consumer bankruptcies.

These potential explanations can be grouped into two categories: (i)“uncertainty”

has increased leading to an increased number of households in financial trouble or

(ii) changes in the credit market environment have made bankruptcy more attrac-

tive or expanded households’ access to credit. The “uncertainty” category includes

three stories. The first two stories involve an increase in idiosyncratic uncertainty at

the household level, due to increased labor earnings volatility or an increase in the

number of U.S. households without medical insurance (e.g. Barron, Elliehausen, and

Staten (2000)). The third story we consider argues that compositional changes in the

population – the passing of the baby-boomers through the prime bankruptcy ages and

changing family structure – has increased the number of risky households (Sullivan,

Warren, and Westbrook (2000)). The second category includes four possible changes

to the credit market environment. Perhaps the most common explanation of the rise

in bankruptcy filings is that the “stigma” attached to bankrupts has fallen (Gross and

Souleles (2002), Buckley and Brinig (1998), Fay, Hurst, and White (2002)). A second

possibility is that amendments to the bankruptcy code in the U.S. may have made

bankruptcy more attractive to potential filers (Shepard (1984) and Boyes and Faith

(1986)). Another explanation is that the removal of interest rate ceilings, following

the US Supreme Court’s 1978 Marquette decision, eased the expansion of credit to

higher risk individuals by allowing lenders to charge higher risk premia (e.g. Ellis

(1998)). The final channel we consider is that credit market innovations (such as

the development and spread of credit scoring) have facilitated the increase in credit

granted to households by reducing the transaction costs of lending (e.g. Barron and

Staten (2003), Ellis (1998)).

Disentangling these explanations is challenging as several of them are based upon

legislative reform and changes in the economic environment that happened at roughly

the same time. The main tool that we use to deal with this challenge is an equilibrium


model of consumer bankruptcy. Our approach is based on the premise that any

explanation of the rise in bankruptcy filings should be consistent not only with the

rise in bankruptcy filings but also with observed changes in the level of household

debt, average borrowing interest rates and the characteristics of bankrupts. By using

an equilibrium model of consumer bankruptcy we are able to derive the quantitative

implications of different explanations along each of these dimensions. We can thus

evaluate each explanation by comparing the model’s implications to four key empirical

observations: the secular increase in the level of bankruptcy filings, the increase in the

ratio of unsecured consumer debt to disposable income, little change in the average

real interest rate for unsecured lending, and little change in the average debt to

income ratio of bankrupts. In addition, we use the comparison with Canada as a

basic consistency check of several stories. This comparison is useful since Canada

also experienced a similar rise in filings during the 1980s and early 1990s, but did not

experience the same legislative changes observed in the U.S.

The equilibrium bankruptcy model we use is a heterogeneous agent life-cycle model

with incomplete markets which builds upon Livshits, MacGee, and Tertilt (2005).

Each period, households face idiosyncratic uncertainty regarding their income and

“expense shocks” (exogenous changes in asset position meant to represent uninsured

medical bills, costs of divorce and unwanted children). Upon realization of this uncer-

tainty, households decide whether or not to file for bankruptcy, given some bankruptcy

rules. If bankruptcy is not declared, households can borrow (and save) via one period

non-contingent bonds with perfectly competitive financial intermediaries. Financial

intermediaries can observe each household’s earnings process, age and current asset

holdings when making loans. An equilibrium result is that the price of debtors’ bonds

varies with their current income, age and level of borrowing. It should be noted that

in this paper we abstract from durable goods and focus solely on the market for

unsecured consumer credit.

Our main findings are as follows. We argue that the rise in bankruptcy is primarily

due to changes in the credit market environment (broadly defined). In particular, our

findings suggest that a decline in the utility cost of filing – which we term “stigma”

– together with a decline in the cost of extending credit is required in order to match

the U.S. experience. While financial market liberalization in the US may have been a

necessary condition for the increased access of risky borrowers to credit, we argue that

it is not a main driving force. We also conclude that the “uncertainty” based stories

play a small role in the rise in bankruptcies. Using our estimate of the changes in

expense uncertainty (primarily medical expenses), we find that this channel accounts


for at most 17% of the increase. Increased volatility of household earnings also does

not appear to play a significant role in the rise. We find that changes in the age

structure of the population are quantitatively unimportant (and much smaller than

Sullivan, Warren, and Westbrook (2000) suggest). Finally, our calculations imply that

the increase in the number of unmarried (and divorced) people by itself is unlikely to

be quantitatively important.

These findings suggest a more nuanced view of the factors associated with the

rise in bankruptcies than the existing literature. Our results suggest that papers

emphasizing “uncertainty” based stories (such as Warren and Warren Tyagi (2003)

and the SMR study summarized in Luckett (2002)) overstate the importance of these

factors. Closest in spirit to our work is Moss and Johnson (1999) and Athreya (2004),

who each analyze a subset of the alternative explanations (neither considers changes in

income or expense uncertainty) analyzed in this paper. All three papers argue that

changes in the credit market environment appear to be the primary driving force

behind the rise in filings. However, they differ in what exactly these changes mean.

Moss and Johnson (1999) base their conclusions on an informal analysis of credit

and borrowing data as well as some historical literature. Based on this historical

perspective and data, they argue that the main source of the increase in bankruptcies

is an increase in the share of unsecured credit held by lower income households.1

While their arguments seem plausible, they do not attempt to assess these channels

quantitatively. Athreya (2004) is closest to this paper in the sense that he also uses

an equilibrium model of bankruptcy to examine several stories and evaluates them

by comparing observable implications from the model to the data. He argues that a

decline in stigma alone would lead to a counterfactual decline in the ratio of revolving

debt to disposable income. Athreya also finds that a reduction in the transaction cost

of lending can generate the rise in filings. In the experiments he undertakes, however,

the fall in the transactions cost leads to a significantly higher debt to income ratio

than that observed in the data. In contrast, we find that a “combination” of credit

market changes is consistent with both the changes in filings and the change in the

ratio of unsecured debt to income.

The equilibrium model of bankruptcy that we use is part of a recent literature

(motivated in part by the dramatic rise in bankruptcies and the related policy de-

bates) on equilibrium models of consumer bankruptcy.2 Both Livshits, MacGee,

1The three main reasons they cite are interest-rate deregulation and falling inflation, the rise inhome equity lending, and the bankruptcy amendments of 1984 that encouraged creditors to lendmore to low income consumers.

2See Athreya (2005) for a more detailed survey of recent papers on this topic.


and Tertilt (2003) and Chatterjee, Corbae, Nakajima, and Rios-Rull (2003) outline

dynamic equilibrium models where interest rates vary with borrowers’ characteris-

tics, and show that for reasonable parameter values, these models can match the

level of U.S. bankruptcy filings and debt-income ratios. Athreya (2002) analyzes the

welfare implications of different bankruptcy laws while Li and Sarte (2002) analyze

the consumers choice of Chapter 7 versus 13 using dynamic equilibrium models of

bankruptcy. Despite this recent interest in using numerical models to analyze con-

sumer bankruptcy, little work has been undertaken to use these models to evaluate

alternative explanations of the rise in bankruptcies.

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. We summarize background

information on consumer bankruptcy in Section 2. The basic environment for evalu-

ating the stories is presented in Section 3. Section 4 presents our results, and Section

5 concludes.

2 Consumer Bankruptcy in the U.S.

This section provides some background information on consumer bankruptcy in the

United States. We also review the available evidence on changes in the characteristics

of consumer bankrupts over the past thirty years.

2.1 Overview of Consumer Bankruptcy the United States

The American consumer bankruptcy code is a “fresh start” system.3 Consumers can

file for bankruptcy and receive a discharge of debt in exchange for assets (except for

some exempt assets). Legal actions by creditors and most garnishments are halted

upon the date of filing for bankruptcy, including phone calls and letters from creditors

seeking repayment.

American households can choose between two bankruptcy procedures: Chapter 7

and Chapter 13. Under Chapter 7, all unsecured debt is discharged in exchange for

non-collateralized assets above an exemption level. However, debtors are not obliged

to use any of their future income to repay debts. Debtors who file under Chapter 7 are

not permitted to refile under Chapter 7 for six years, although they may file under

Chapter 13. Approximately 70 percent of consumer bankruptcies are filed under

Chapter 7. Filers must pay the bankruptcy court filing fee of $200 and fees for legal

advice that typically range from $750 to $1,500 (Sullivan, Warren, and Westbrook

3See Mecham (2004) for a detailed description of consumer bankruptcy law in the United States.


(2000)). In addition, a debtor filing for bankruptcy has to submit a detailed list of

all creditors, amounts owed, all assets, monthly living expenses as well as the source

and amount of income. A typical chapter 7 bankruptcy takes about 4 months from

start to completion.

Chapter 13 permits debtors to keep their assets in exchange for a promise to repay

part of their debt over the next 3 to 5 years. The debtors plan must repay unsecured

creditors at least as much as they would have received under a Chapter 7 filing. The

plan must be confirmed by the bankruptcy judge, but creditors cannot block the plan.

In order to qualify for Chapter 13, individuals must have a regular income and their

debts must be within prescribed limits (secured debts must be less than $807,000 and

unsecured debt must be less than $270,000).

2.2 Bankrupts over Time: Have They Changed?

Changes in the characteristics of bankrupts can shed important insights into the

plausibility of several potential explanations of the rise on consumer bankruptcies. In

this section, we briefly review the relevant evidence on changes in the characteristics

of bankrupts over the past twenty-five years.

What the available literature suggests is surprising. Despite the dramatic increase

in bankruptcy filings, the typical bankrupt today is remarkably similar to the typi-

cal bankrupt of twenty years ago (Sullivan, Warren, and Westbrook (2000), Warren

(2002)). A typical bankrupt is lower middle-class (30-50% poorer than the average

household), in their thirties with an extremely high debt-to-income ratio (Sullivan,

Warren, and Westbrook (2000)). Indeed, if anything, the available evidence sug-

gests that bankrupts today have slightly higher debt-income ratios and hold more

unsecured debt, especially credit card debt.4

Data on bankrupts’ debt and income from several U.S. studies is reported in Table

1. Where possible, we have reported both the average and median values and as well

as the implied debt-income ratios. It is worth pointing out that there is a relative

paucity of systematic studies of bankrupts over time, and that care should be exercised

in interpreting the findings of the available studies as they are based upon samples

from different states (see the Appendix for a brief description of the samples used in

the studies cited below).

The first four rows summarize the data from two surveys conducted and reported

4As we will discuss in section 3.8.1, this is consistent with changes in aggregate debt holdings, asunsecured (especially credit card) debt held by households has increased.


by Sullivan, Warren, and Westbrook (2000). These figures are for all bankrupts,

and include both chapter 7 and chapter 13 filers. Their data indicates that the

average and median amount borrowed by bankrupts (in constant dollars) remained

roughly constant during the 1980s. Their findings suggest that debt-income ratios

have increased slightly.5

The remaining rows in the table summarize data for chapter 7 bankrupts only. The

rows labelled 1978/79 and 1980 are from Domowitz and Eovaldi (1993). Since they do

not report the average amounts of debt or income by category, only the debt-income

figures appear in the table. The row labelled 1997a is from a sample of bankrupts in

Ohio reported in Sullivan, Warren, and Westbrook (2000), the 1997/98 data is from

a national sample reported in Bermant and Flynn (1999) while the Utah data is from

Lown and Rowe (2002).

Table 1: Liabilities and Assets of Chapter 7 Filers in the U.S. (1997$)

Sample Avg Debt Med Debt Avg Uns∗ Med Uns Avg Inc Med Inc1981 $68, 154 $37, 002 $27, 365 $12, 452 $27, 861 $26, 439

Relat.∗∗ 2.44 1.40 0.98 0.47 1.00 1.001991 $65, 158 $34, 795 $26, 618 $15, 128 $23, 927 $21, 115

Relat. 2.72 1.65 1.11 0.72 1.00 1.00

78/79 Relat. 1.86 0.34 1.14 0.15 1.00 1.001980 Relat. 1.56 0.78 0.87 0.46 1.00 1.00Ohio 1997 $61, 320 $24, 303 $29, 529 $19, 515 $19, 641 $18, 756

Relat. 3.12 1.30 1.50 1.04 1.00 1.001997/98 $81, 696 $42, 810 $43, 032 $23, 190 $26, 568 $22, 800

Relat. 3.07 1.87 1.62 1.02 1.00 1.00Utah 1997 $73, 327 $31, 981 n/a n/a $18, 864 $16, 440

Relat. 3.89 1.95 n/a n/a 1.00 1.00

∗ Unsecured ∗∗ Relative to Income

Source: The rows labelled 1981 and 1991 are from Sullivan, Warren, and Westbrook (2000), Table 2.4. The 78/79 and

1980 values are reported by Domowitz and Eovaldi (1993). The Ohio 1997 data are from a survey of Ohio bankrupts

reported in Sullivan, Warren, and Westbrook (2000), Table 2.4. The 1997/98 data is reported by Bermant and Flynn

(1999). The Utah 1997 data are from Lown and Rowe (2002).

The data on chapter 7 filers also suggest that the debt-income ratios of bankrupts

have increased while the average real income of the typical bankrupt has not changed

by much. While Domowitz and Eovaldi (1993) do not report average income by cat-

egory of filer, they do report that the average incomes were between $24,300 and

5Warren and Warren Tyagi (2003) reports that the debt-income rations in a follow-up surveyconducted in 2001 have continued to climb.


$26,600 (in 1991 $). These figures are close to those reported by Bermant and Flynn

(1999), although the average incomes found in the Ohio and Utah studies were sub-

stantially lower.

Finally, the available survey evidence also suggests that there has been a substantial

increase in the fraction of female bankrupts. Sullivan and Warren (1999a) report that

female initiated bankruptcies increased from 17 percent of all bankruptcies in 1981

to 39 percent in 1999. This shift was accompanied by a decrease in joint filings

by couples from 57 to 33 percent, while the share of male filings remained roughly

constant. Pollak (1997) finds a similar pattern in filing in Nebraska (These figures

are for all bankruptcies, although the Chapter 7 figures are similar.).

Table 2: Filings by Gender (U.S.)

1967 1977 1987 1991 1999Joint 18.6% 55.0% 50.0% 44.0% 33.0%Male 66% 33.9% 26.8% 26.0% 28.0%Female 14.6% 11.1% 22.2% 30.0% 39.0%

Sources: Pollak (1997), Sullivan and Warren (1999b)

3 Basic Environment for Evaluating the Stories

We utilize the model of consumer bankruptcy of Livshits, MacGee, and Tertilt (2005).

The framework is an overlapping generations model of households who live for J

periods. Each generation is comprised of a continuum of households of measure 1.

All households are ex-ante identical. They maximize discounted lifetime utility from

consumption. Households face idiosyncratic uncertainty, but there is no aggregate

uncertainty. Markets are incomplete: the only assets in this economy are person-

specific one-period non-contingent bonds. A crucial element of the model is the

household’s option to declare bankruptcy.

3.1 Households

Household consume a single good in each period. The preferences are represented by:







where β is the discount factor, cj is the total consumption and nj is the size of a

household of age j in equivalence scale units.6 We assume that u(·) is increasing and


The labor income of household i at age j depends upon its productivity and labor


yij = ai

jej = zijη

ijej, (3.2)

where aij is the household’s stochastic productivity and ej is the deterministic en-

dowment of efficiency units of labor. The household’s productivity is the product

of a persistent shock zij and a transitory shock ηi

j. The persistent component z is

modelled as a finite Markov chain with an age-independent transition matrix Π(z′|z).

The productivity of an age 1 household is drawn from the stationary distribution.

The transitory component η also has finite support and is iid over time.

Households face a second type of uncertainty: They may be hit with an idiosyn-

cratic expense shock κ ≥ 0, κ ∈ K, where K is the finite set of all possible expense

shocks. The probability of shock κi is denoted πi. An expense shock directly changes

the net asset position of a household. Expense shocks are independently and identi-

cally distributed, and are independent of income shocks.

3.2 Financial Markets

The borrowing and lending market is perfectly competitive. Financial intermediaries

accept deposits from savers and make loans to borrowers. Loans take the form of one

period bond contracts. The face value of these loans is denoted by d. Note that d is the

amount that is to be repaid, not the amount received today. We use the convention

that d > 0 denotes borrowing, and d < 0 denotes savings. Loans are non-contingent

as the face value of the loan is not contingent on the realization of any variable.

However, the bankruptcy/default option introduces a partial contingency because

households have the option of lowering the face value of their debt via bankruptcy.

When making loans, intermediaries observe the total level of borrowing, the current

productivity shock, and the borrower’s age. Thus, the interest rate for borrowers can

depend upon age, debt level, and current productivity. Let qb(d, z, j) be the price of

a loan issued to a household of age j, with current productivity shock z, and debt

d. If a usury law is in place, there is an added restriction qb > 11+r

, where r is the

6The importance of changing family size profile in explaining the hump-shaped life cycle con-sumption profile is widely recognized in the literature (see for example Attanasio and Rios-Rull(1999)).


interest rate ceiling.

Intermediaries maximize expected profits every period. They incur a transaction

cost τ of making loans, which is proportional to the size of the loan. In equilib-

rium, perfect competition assures that intermediaries earn zero expected profits on

all loans, which implies that the expected value of repayments must equal the cost

of the loan to the intermediary. Perfect competition also implies that in equilibrium,

cross subsidization of interest rates across different types of borrowers will not occur.

Further, the interest rate paid to savers does not depend upon the level of savings

and is equal to the exogenous risk-free bond price qs.

3.3 Bankruptcy

A household can declare bankruptcy. In that case, all their debts are discharged, and

the household starts the following period with zero balance, unless hit by an expense

shock that period. An exogenous garnishment rule specifies the fraction of earnings

that can be seized by creditors. We consider (costless) linear garnishment of earnings

during the default period. The total amount garnisheed and transferred to creditors

is Γ = γy, where y is earnings and γ ∈ [0, 1] is the marginal rate of garnishment.7

In addition to losing the seized income, bankrupt debtors face three further “pun-

ishments”. First, bankrupts cannot save or borrow during the default period.8 Sec-

ond, we allow for utility costs (“stigma”), χ, during the bankruptcy period. Finally,

we also assume that bankruptcy cannot be declared two periods in a row.

3.4 Timing within the Period

The timing within the period is as follows. At the beginning of the period, each

household realizes its productivity and expense shocks. If the household receives an

expense shock κ, then the debt of the household is increased (or savings decreased)

by κ. The household then decides whether to file for bankruptcy or not. If the agent

has filed for bankruptcy, the amount that is garnisheed is deducted from the earnings,

and the consumer is allowed to spend the remainder.

7The garnishment/repayment rule captures the fact that households typically have to wait sometime before defaulting. Bankruptcy codes contain general provisions that borrowers must act in“good faith,” so that borrowing and immediately filing for bankruptcy runs some risk of beingdenied. The parameter γ is intended to capture this fact by requiring that agents must repay atleast some fraction of their debt.

8Prohibiting saving is meant to capture the seizure of assets in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. However,we find that this restriction is of little consequence, as most bankrupts have no desire to save.


Households who declare bankruptcy are unable to save in the period they declared

bankruptcy, so they consume all earnings net of garnishment. Households who did

not declare bankruptcy decide on their net asset holdings for the following period and

their current consumption.

3.5 Consumer Problem

At each date, the household chooses whether to default or not, current consumption

and next period’s debt (savings), taking the bond price schedule as given. We define

the consumer’s problem recursively. We define four distinct value functions. V is the

value of a period that neither follows a bankruptcy nor involves a current bankruptcy

while V is the value of declaring bankruptcy. Since we assume that bankruptcy cannot

be declared two periods in a row9, we need two more value functions for the period

after a bankruptcy: W is the value of the period following a bankruptcy, where a

household is not permitted to file again. However, a household may choose to default

on the realized value of an expense shock. In this case, the household’s current income

is garnisheed and its debt is rolled over at the fixed interest rate rr: the value of this

state of the world is W .

The value of repaying debts of an age j consumer with debt d and shock realization

(z, η, κ) in a period not following bankruptcy is:

Vj(d, z, η, κ) = maxc,d′




)+ βE max


′, z′, η′, κ′), Vj+1(z′, η′)

}]s.t. c + d + κ 6 ejzη + qb(d′, z, j)d′


where V is the value of bankruptcy:

Vj(z, η) = u



)− χ + βE max


′, η′, κ′), Wj+1(z′, η′, κ′)

}where c = ejzη − Γ, Γ = γejzη


where W is the value of repaying debts in the period following bankruptcy:

Wj(z, η, κ) = maxc,d′




)+ βE max


′, z′, η′, κ′), Vj+1(z′, η′)

}]s.t. c 6 ejzη + qb(d′, z, j)d′ − κ


9In our parameterization, we assume that each period lasts 3 years. To capture the U.S. code,we thus have to prohibit bankruptcy in the period immediately following default.


and W is the value of not repaying debts in the period following bankruptcy:

Wj(z, η, κ) = u



)+ βE max


′, z′, η′, κ′), Vj+1(z′, η′)

}where c = ejzη(1− γ), d′ = (κ− γejzη)(1 + rr)


When the constraint sets in problems (3.3) and (3.5) are empty, we set the corre-

sponding value function to −∞.

Let I(d, z, η, j) denote the decision to declare bankruptcy of a consumer age j

with debt holdings d and current productivity shocks (z, η). In equilibrium, borrowers

default only if the value of bankruptcy is strictly greater than the value of repayment.

3.6 Intermediaries

Competitive financial markets imply zero expected profits on each loan. Since the law

of large numbers holds in our model ex-post realized profits also equal zero. Therefore

the individual bond price is determined by the default probability of the issuer and

the risk-free bond price. Let θ(d′, z, j) denote the probability that a household of age j

with current persistent productivity z and total borrowing d′ will declare bankruptcy

tomorrow. Without garnishment, without usury law and with full discharge of debt,

the zero profit condition is qb(d′, z, j) = (1 − θ(d′, z, j))qb, where qb(= 1


)is the

price of a bond with zero default probability.

For positive levels of garnishment, this formula needs to be adjusted. The unre-

stricted bond price for loans under wage garnishment is

qub(d′, z, j) = (1− θ(d′, z, j))qb + θ(d′, z, j)E(Γ

d′ + κ′ |I = 1)qb (3.7)

where E( Γd′+κ′

|I = 1) is the expected rate of recovery through garnishment. We follow

the convention that when a household defaults, the amount garnisheed is allocated

proportionately to the repayment of expense debt and personal bonds.

Lastly, taking into account the interest rate ceiling r, the bond price for loans is

qb(d′, z, j) =

{qub(d′, z, j) if qub(d′, z, j) > 1


0 otherwise(3.8)

3.7 Equilibrium

Definition 3.1. Given a bankruptcy rule and risk-free bond prices (qs, qb), a re-

cursive competitive equilibrium is value functions V, V , W, W , policy functions c, d′,

I(d, z, η, j), a default probability θ(d′, z, j), and a pricing function qb such that:


1. The value functions satisfy the functional equations (3.3) - (3.6), and c, d′ and

I are the associated optimal policy functions.

2. The bond prices q are determined by the zero profit conditions.

3. The default probabilities are correct: θ(d′, z, j) = E (I(d′ + κ′, z′, η′, j + 1))

The proof of the existence of equilibrium is provided in Livshits, MacGee, and

Tertilt (2003). We find the equilibrium numerically by backward induction. We solve

the households’ problems given the equilibrium prices which incorporate the default

decisions in the following period (starting with the last period of life). We compute

the optimal decisions using a grid for the possible asset holdings.

3.8 Benchmark Parametrization

In this section, we outline our choice of functional forms and parameters.

Households live for 16 periods. Life begins at age 20 and the length of each of

the first fifteen periods is 3 years. The last period corresponds to “retirement” and

lasts 6 years. Households face no uncertainty during the terminal period of their life.

The period utility function is u(c) = c1−σ−11−σ

, where 1/σ is the intertemporal elasticity

of substitution. We set the annual discount factor equal to 0.94 (β = 0.943) and

σ = 2. We use 1990 U.S. Census data to compute household sizes over the life cycle.

We combine the household sizes with equivalence scales (ES) estimates reported in

Fernandez-Villaverde and Krueger (2000) to construct an ES life cycle profile, nj.10

To calibrate the expense shock, we look at data on expenses that are both unex-

pected and frequently cited by bankrupts as the proximate cause of their bankruptcy.

We consider three different sources of shocks: medical bills, divorces and unplanned

pregnancies. In our experiments, the expense shocks can take on three values:

κ ∈ {0, κ1, κ2}. We assume that one shock is 26.4% of (one model period) average

income in the economy while the other shock is equal to 82.18% of average income

in the economy. The probabilities of being hit by such a shock are 6% and 0.46%


A large literature has estimated the volatility of log earnings using the following


log yi = log zi + log ηi + log g(X i) (3.9)

10We use the average of several ES estimates reported in Fernandez-Villaverde and Krueger (2000).11A more detailed discussion of our benchmark expense calibration is contained in Livshits,

MacGee, and Tertilt (2003).


where g(X) captures the deterministic component of earnings, and z and η ∼ N(0, σ2η)

are respectively persistent and transitory random components.12 The log of the per-

sistent idiosyncratic shock follows an AR(1) process:

log zij = ρ log zi

j−1 + εij (3.10)

where εij ∼ N(0, σ2

ε ). We set the benchmark annual value of ρ = 0.96, σ2ε = 0.014

and σ2η = 0.05. These values are within the range of values reported by Storesletten,

Telmer, and Yaron (2004), Hubbard, Skinner, and Zeldes (1994), and Carroll and

Samwick (1997).

We map the annual values into triennial. We discretize the idiosyncratic income

shocks using the Tauchen method outlined in Adda and Cooper (2003). The persistent

shock is discretized as a five state Markov process, with support {z1, z2, z3, z4, z5} and

age independent transition matrix Π(z′|z). The productivity of an age 0 consumer

is drawn from the stationary distribution. When discretizing the transitory shock,

we assume that 10% of the population receives a positive (negative) transitory shock

each period, and choose the value of the support to match the variance.

The savings interest rate is set equal to 3.44%, which is the average real return on

municipal bonds for the U.S reported by Gourinchas and Parker (2002). This implies

that the risk free return on savings for a three year period is 10.68%.

3.8.1 Benchmark Targets and Calibrated Bankruptcy Parameters

In parameterizing our experiments, our basic strategy is to choose the bankruptcy and

transaction cost parameters to match three key observations of the “high bankruptcy

filing” period of 1995-1999. We then evaluate the proposed stories by checking how

well they are able to replicate the “low bankruptcy filing” period of 1980-1984. The

three key empirical observations are: the bankruptcy filings, the debt-income ratio

and and the average borrowing interest rates. This section describes how we compute

these facts for both periods and the parameters chosen to match the facts for the

second time period.

Since our model abstracts from durable goods, the relevant number from the data

is non-business Chapter 7 bankruptcy filings.13 The average number of non-business

12We are abusing notation here, as the variables defined earlier are discrete, whereas here theyare continuous.

13The filings data is an upper bound on consumer bankruptcies, since some households are countedtwice when partners choose to file separately and because some filings caused by the failure ofunincorporated small businesses are counted as chapter 7 non-business filings.


chapter 7 filings between 1995 and 1999 was roughly 850,000, which is roughly 0.84%

of all households. Filings over 1980-1984 were much lower, averaging 210, 000 per

annum, which corresponds to an annual filing rate per household of 0.25%

Given our focus on Chapter 7 filings, the relevant target for our model is unsecured

debt. Unfortunately, the reported data does not break out secured versus unsecured

measures of consumer credit. Consumer credit – which includes secured loans for

vehicles, student loans as well as unsecured loans such as credit cards, installment

loans and lines of credit – has remained roughly constant relative to disposable in-

come in the U.S. between 1970 and the mid 1990s. The closest reported measure

of unsecured consumer debt is revolving credit, which consists mainly of credit card

debt and outstanding balances on unsecured revolving lines of credit. While revolving

credit has increased dramatically, part of this is due to the substitution of credit card

for installment credit. To correct for this, we constructed an estimate of unsecured

credit over 1983-1999 as follows:14 We define unsecured credit as the sum of revolving

and the unsecured portion of non-automobile non revolving debt. We used the frac-

tion of personal loans of nonrevolving debt reported by Dynan, Johnson, and Pence

(2003) from the SCF for 1983, 1989, 1992, 1995 and 1998 (a more detailed discussion

is in Appendix A). The estimates are plotted in Figure 3 as a percentage of personal

disposable income, along with revolving credit. While our calculations suggest that

the rise in revolving debt significantly overstates the increase in unsecured debt, they

indicate that there has been a substantial increase in the unsecured debt to income

ratio – an increase of roughly 40% between 1983 and 1999.15 This gives a debt-income

ratio of 9% for the high filing period and 5% for the low filing period.

The Federal Reserve reports two interest rates on unsecured loans for the time

periods we are examining – the average (nominal) interest rate for two year personal

loans and the average interest rate on credit cards. We compute the real rate of

interest by subtracting the average CPI inflation rate in the U.S. for 1981-1986 and

1996-2000 from the average nominal borrowing rates for 1980-1985 and 1995-1999,

respectively. This calculation implies an average real cost of unsecured consumer

borrowing of between 11.7% and 13.1%. Table 3 summarizes the facts.

The bankruptcy parameters that need to be specified are the transactions cost of

making loans τ , the lending rate ceiling r, the bankruptcy garnishment rate γ, the

14This series ends in 1999 since after that data consumer credit (in G.19) was reported as eitherrevolving or nonrevolving, whereas prior to 1999 nonrevolving credit was reported as automobile(non-revolving) and other nonrevolving.

15It is worth noting that this increase does not include the substantial increase in student loans.Student loan debt are not dischargeable except when sufficiently old or if cause undue hardship.


Table 3: 3 Key Observations

Fact 1980-84 1995-99

Chapter 7 filings 0.25% 0.83%

Average borrowing interest rate 11.5-12.7% 11.7-13.1%

Debt/Income ratio 5% 9%

utility cost χ and the roll-over interest rate, rr. We initially set the interest rate

ceiling to a (high) value of 100% annually, the utility cost of filing equal to zero, and

the annual rollover interest rate to 20%.

The two remaining bankruptcy parameters γ, τ are chosen to match the 3 facts

from Table 3 for 1995-1999. This leads to a γ of 0.283. The transactions cost of

making loans is 3.56% annually.16 Together with the risk free savings interest rate

of 3.44%, this implies an annual risk free lending rate of 7% and a three year rate of


4 Results

We use the quantitative model to evaluate the different stories for the increase in

bankruptcies proposed in the literature. Since we calibrated the model to the late

1990s, we have to go backwards in our experiments and ask what changes can replicate

the data from the low filings period 1980-84 in the model.

We first run experiments to analyze each proposed story individually. For each

story we ask whether the implied amount of borrowing, the interest rates and the

characteristics of bankrupts are consistent with the data for the “low filing period”

(Table 3). The first subsection focuses on uncertainty based stories, while the second

subsection examines credit market based stories. At the end, we ask whether a

combination of these stories can account for the rise in filings as well as the observed

increase in unsecured consumer debt relative to disposable income, the lack of change

in average borrowing interest rates and the economic characteristics of bankrupts.

16This is also close to the average operating cost per outstanding credit card loan less inter-change revenue reported by Evans and Schmalnsee (1999). Operating costs in 1997 were of 5.3% ofoutstanding credit card balances, while interchange revenue averaged 1.9% of outstanding debt.


4.1 Did Increased Uncertainty Generate the Rise?

Survey evidence of bankrupts find that most bankruptcies are triggered by negative

shocks to earnings or unexpected “expenses”. An increase in the probability or size

of these adverse shocks could potentially play an important role in accounting for the

rise in filings. Similarly, it has been argued that increased income uncertainty plays

a role in the rise of consumer bankruptcies. In this section, we document the extent

to which uncertainty has changed over the last two decades and use our model to

assess the quantitative importance of increased earnings uncertainty and increased

“expense” risks. We also briefly argue that demographic changes are unlikely to have

played a large role in the rise.

4.1.1 “Expense Shocks”

Before assessing the extent to which expense uncertainty has changed in the data,

we use our model to ask how large a decrease in uncertainty is required to bring

bankruptcy rates down to the 1980 level. Since our model has 4 parameters describing

the expense shocks (two shock sizes and two probabilities) there is not a unique way to

decrease expense uncertainty. One way of bringing bankruptcies down to their 1980

level is to eliminate the small expense shock entirely, which is reported as experiment

2 in Table 4. Note, however, that this hardly affects the debt/gdp ratio, which is

counterfactual. Eliminating the large expense shock instead decreases bankruptcies

only to 0.74%, as reported in experiment 3.

The above experiments shows that an increase in expense shocks alone cannot

explain the U.S. experience from 1980 to 2000, as it counterfactually implies that

debt relative to GDP should have stayed roughly constant. This leaves open the

question of how large a contribution increased expense uncertainty had in the rise.

To do this, we now estimate the extent to which expense uncertainty has indeed

changed over the last two decades.

Medical Shocks

Health care spending has been increasing rapidly in most developed countries. In

the U.S. total health expenditures have increased from $247 billion in 1980 to $1,149

billion in 1998. Relevant for this paper are medical costs born directly by households,

net of insurance premia.17 Real out-of-pocket (oop) payments per households have

increased from $1,477 in 1980 to $1,946 in 1998, a 32% increase.18 Note that median

17Insurance premia are regular payments and are hardly unexpected.18These numbers are from the U.S. Statistical Abstracts (2000), Table 151. The increase in oop

expenditures reported by Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (2005) is even lower, so we


Table 4: Changes in Expense Uncertainty

Experiment Ch. 7 Avg. rb d/y Debt

Filers Earnings

1 Benchmark 0.840% 11.69 % 2.38 9.04%

U.S. 1995-99 0.83% 11.7 - 13.1% - 9%

U.S. 1980-84 0.25% 11.5 - 12.7% - 5%

2 no small shock 0.25% 8.55% 2.65 8.91%

3 no large shock 0.74% 11.47% 2.23 8.98%

4 15% decrease 0.73% 10.94% 2.33 9.03%

household income has also gone up. To assess the ability to pay unexpected bills,

we are interested in oop payments as a fraction of income. This has increased only

slightly, from 3.55% in 1980 to 4.16% in 1998. That is, in 1980, the fraction of median

income that was spent on oop was 15% lower than in 1998. The percentage of Ameri-

cans without health insurance has also increased. In 1987 12.9% of Americans had no

health insurance, compared to 16.3% in 1998, an increase of 26 percent. This leads

us to believe that rather than individuals paying higher amounts in 1998 compared

to 1980, there are more people with large out-of-pocket expenditures. Furthermore,

from experiments not reported here, we know that the bankruptcy filing rate is more

sensitive to the shock probability than the shock size. Thus, decreasing the expense

shock probabilities by 15% gives an upper bound on how much of the change in filings

rate could come through this channel.19 We report these results as experiment 4 in

Table 4. We conclude that a realistic increase in medical shocks contributes at best

a modest amount to the increase in consumer bankruptcies, while, as pointed out

above, leaving open the question why the debt over GDP ratio has almost doubled.

Moreover, the comparison with Canada casts further doubt on changes in medical

uncertainty being the main driving force. Canada is a country with universal health

care coverage. Hence, catastrophic medical events can hardly be the main cause of

bankruptcies in Canada, which is consistent with the level of bankruptcies being lower

in Canada than the United States. However, Canada has experienced a very similar

increase in bankruptcies as the U.S. (see Figure 1). One might thus suspect that

interpret our numbers as an upper bound for the change.19Note also, that this is a generous estimate, as part of the expense shock is due to family shocks,

see discussion below, which has not become more uncertain.


a factor common to both countries would be the main cause of the increase. This

suggests that catastrophic medical events are not the primary driver of the rise in


Family Shocks

Sullivan, Warren, and Westbrook (2000) emphasize the importance of unexpected

family-related events for bankruptcy. In their 1991 bankruptcy survey, 22% of re-

spondents mentioned family as a reason for bankruptcy. The obvious two causes

for sudden expenses related to family are divorces and unplanned pregnancies. The

number of divorces in the U.S. in 2000 was 4.1 per 1,000 population. The number of

births per 1,000 women of child-bearing age was 64.3, of which roughly a third was

unintended and roughly ten percent were truly unwanted.

Has uncertainty regarding these family events gone up and is this responsible for

the increase in bankruptcies? We find that the answer to the first question is no. For

example, the number of births has decreased slightly from 15.9 per 1,000 population

to 14.3 (see Table 5). The fraction of births that were intended has gone up from

61.9% in 1982 to 69% in 1995. On the other hand, births to unmarried women have

gone up by almost 50%. However, since unintended births have declined, it seems

hard to interpret the births by unmarried women as an increase in unplanned events.

Moreover, births to other demographic groups typically associated with unplanned

pregnancies (like the teenage birth rate) have actually declined slightly since 1980.20

Similarly, divorce rates have declined as well from 5.3 divorces per 1,000 population

in 1980 to 4.1 in 2000. The fact that divorce rates have stopped rising in the last

two decades of the 20th century is well-documented in the literature (e.g. Goldstein

(1999)).21 It is true that the number of divorced (and not remarried) people have

gone up, but new divorces is the relevant measure of uncertainty, not the stock of

divorced people. Together, all this seems to imply that, if there was any change at all,

“demographic uncertainty” has declined not increased during the last two decades.

We therefore conclude that family uncertainty did not play an important role in the

rising bankruptcy rate.

20Going back to 1970, the teenage birth rate has declined quite substantially, from 68.3 births per1,000 women aged 15-19 in 1970 down to 43 in 2002.

21Goldstein (1999) also shows that the decrease in the divorce rate is not simply driven by therise of cohabitation and the higher break-up rates for cohabiting couples.


Table 5: Demographic Changes

U.S. 1980 1998

Births per 1,000 population 15.9 14.3

Births per 1,000 women aged 15-44 68.4 64.3

Intended Births∗ 61.9% 69%

Births per 1,000 unmarried women 29.4 43.3

Births per 1,000 teenagers (15-19 yrs old) 53.0 50.3

Divorces per 1,000 population 5.3 4.1#

∗ Intended birth numbers are for 1982 and 1995 respectively.# This is from 2000.

4.1.2 Demographic Changes

We now briefly discuss two potential stories that cannot be analyzed using our model:

changes in the age composition of the U.S. population and changes in the marital

status of the U.S. population. These changes cannot be evaluated using our model

as we do not distinguish different types of households (single vs. married) nor do we

allow changes in the size of cohort. However, some back-of-the envelope calculations

suggest that these are not important factors in the increase in consumer bankruptcies.

Table 6: Filings per 1,000 adults by age in the U.S.

Age < 25 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65 + avg.

1991 3.4 6.8 6.5 5.2 2.7 0.6 4.62001 3.8 8.9 9.8 8.1 4.1 2.0 6.6

Source: Sullivan, Thorne, and Warren (2001), Table 1 (primary petitioners only).22

Table 6 shows that bankruptcy filing rates are a hump-shaped function of age.

Sullivan, Warren, and Westbrook (2000) argue that the aging of the baby-boomers

through the high risk age groups accounts for 18% of the increase in bankruptcies be-

tween 1981 and 1991. We redid their analysis and constructed the implied bankruptcy

rates between 1980 and 2001, holding age specific filings rates constant at their 1991

and 2001 levels respectively. Figure 4 contrasts the constructed filings rates per 1,000

22The filings rates they use are slightly different from those we report in the paper for two reasons.First, they added Chapter 13 filings (roughly 5,000 in 2001) to the total nonbusiness filings we used.Second, their 2001 data is for July 1, 2000 - June 30, 2001, whereas we use calender year figures.


households with the actual numbers. The graph shows that changes in the age struc-

ture alone had no impact on the aggregate filings rates. The discrepancy between our

results and Sullivan, Warren, and Westbrook (2000) is due to the distinction between

an increase in total filings and filings per 1,000 population. The total number of

bankruptcies increases because the U.S. population grew by 17% between 1981 and

1991, but this is unrelated to changes in the age composition.

The second change is the dramatic rise in the share of bankruptcies filed by women.

The percentage of bankruptcies filed by women has increased from less than 15% in

1967 to almost 40% in 1999. However, filing rates by sex are hard to interpret.

Married couples can choose to file jointly, separately, or only one spouse could file.

Therefore, the link between increases in the filing rate of women and the increased

number of single women is not obvious. Filing rates by marital status are more mean-

ingful in this context. Unfortunately information of marital status is not routinely

collected by bankruptcy courts. Some evidence comes from Sullivan, Warren, and

Westbrook (2000), who asked about marital status in their 1991 survey of bankrupts.

Table 7 shows that a higher fraction of singles and especially of divorced people file for

bankruptcy compared to married persons. Since the fraction of singles and divorcees

has increased substantially during the last two decades, it seems plausible that these

demographic changes are in part responsible for the trend in bankruptcies.

Table 7: Filings by Marital Status in the U.S. (1991)

marital status filings per 1,000 personscurrently married 4.2never married 7.07widowed 1.92divorced 11.97

Source: Sullivan, Warren, and Westbrook (2000)

In 1980, 7.4% of American adults age 25 and older were divorced and 4.7% were

never married. In 1998, these numbers increased to 11% and 14.1% respectively. Since

the filing rate for divorced people is roughly triple the filing rate for married people,

small changes in the number of divorced people can potentially lead to large increases

in bankruptcy rates. To evaluate the potential of this story, we construct an aggregate

bankruptcy rate for all years between 1980 and 2000 based solely on changes in the

fraction of people of each marital status, holding marital status specific filing rates

constant. The results can be seen in Figure 5. Changes in the marital composition


of the U.S. can explain a modest increase from 4.7 bankruptcies per 1,000 in 1980 to

5.3 per 1,000 in 2001. This is only a small fraction of the actual increase from 2.2 in

1980 to 7.9 in 2001.23

4.1.3 Income Uncertainty

Heathcoate, Storesletten, and Violante (2004) have argued that the variance of the

transitory as well as the permanent shocks has increased in the United States over

the last two decades. Using their numbers, we find that the increase in the variance

of the transitory shock ranges from 17% to 25% and the increase in the variance of

the persistent shock ranges from 13% to 42%.24 To give this story the best shot at

explaining the increase in filing rates, we take the upper bound of both ranges. The

corresponding experiments are reported in Table 8, experiments 1 and 3.

Table 8: Changes in Income Uncertainty (1995-99 Benchmark)

Experiment σ2η σ2

ε Ch. 7 Avg. rb d/y Debt

Filers Earnings

Benchmark 0.05 0.014 0.840% 11.69 % 2.38 9.04%

U.S. 1995-99 0.83% 11.7 - 13.1% - 9%

U.S. 1980-84 0.25% 11.5 - 12.7% - 5%

1 Transitory 1 0.04 0.014 0.837% 11.24% 2.36 9.50%

2 Transitory 2 0 0.014 0.818% 9.38% 2.32 11.67%

3 Persistent 1 0.05 0.009 0.814% 9.75% 2.10 11.37%

4 Persistent 2 0.05 0.0003 0.755% 8.07% 1.73 19.42%

5 Persistent 3 0.05 0 0.633% 8.01% 1.83 20.58%

6 ρ = 0.98 0.05 0.014 0.917% 12.92% 2.54 5.97%

7 ρ = 0.98 0.05 0.007 0.848% 9.41% 2.06 9.98%

8 σ2η ↓, σ2

ε ↓ 0.04 0.009 0.822% 9.77% 2.14 12.14%

9 No inc. risk 0 0 1.219% 8.15% 1.78 43.10%

Experiment 1 shows that lowering the variance of the transitory income shocks by

23One caveat is in order here. What we cannot rule out here is a combination of more singlestogether with increased uncertainty aimed particularly at the singles.

24We take an average for the late 70s and the mid 90s. The increase changes with the exact yearsincluded in the average, which explains the wide range.


20% (which corresponds to the 25% increase over the two decades) has almost no

effect – lowering the filings from 0.840% to 0.837%. Experiment 2 illustrates that

even shutting down transitory income shocks completely only brings the number of

filings down to 0.818%. This strongly suggests that a change in transitory income

uncertainty cannot be a driving force behind the increase in bankruptcy filings.

In experiment 3, we lower the variance of the persistent shocks by 33% (correspond-

ing to a 50% increase over the two decades). A decline in the variance decreases the

filings to 0.814%, while driving the unsecured debt up to 11.37% of earnings. Ex-

periment 4 shows that even lowering the variance of the persistent shocks to almost

zero brings the filings only down to 0.755%, while driving the debt up to almost

20% of earnings. Thus, changes in the variance of persistent income shocks are not

quantitatively important and generate counterfactual changes in unsecured debt.

The recent literature on turbulence suggests that, perhaps, the persistence of in-

come has gone down over the last few decades. Experiments 6 and 7 in Table 8 show

little promise in explaining the rise in bankruptcies through this channel. Increas-

ing the persistence without adjusting the variance of the shocks actually increases

the number of filings due to more compressed income distribution under the lower

persistence (see experiment 6). Adjusting the variance, to produce the same income

dispersion as in the benchmark, brings the number of filings right back to the bench-

mark level.

To sum up, changes in transitory income shocks have almost no effect, changes in

persistence generate small changes in the wrong direction, and changes in the variance

of persistent shocks have a quantitatively small effect on the filings and large effect

on debt, which goes the wrong way.

One might suspect that the unresponsiveness of bankruptcies to changes in income

uncertainty is artificial since most bankruptcies in the benchmark economy are driven

by expense shocks. To check the robustness of these results, we calibrated the model to

1980 and then asked whether an increase in income uncertainty can lead to an increase

in bankruptcies. We find that our results are robust to this “reverse experiment.”

Details on these experiments are reported in Appendix C.

4.2 Changes in the Consumer Credit Markets Environment

In this section, we consider four channels related to the credit market environment:

a fall in “stigma”, changes to the bankruptcy code, the abolishment of usury laws,

and a fall in the transaction cost of making loans.


4.2.1 A Decline in Stigma

A decline in the “stigma” of bankruptcy is perhaps the most common explanation

of the rise in bankruptcy filings (Buckley and Brinig (1998), Gross and Souleles

(2002)).25 The idea is that a decline in the cost of being a bankrupt leads to more

people choosing to file, given any level of debt and income. However, while a decline

in the cost of filing is consistent with households being more likely to file, it should

also generate a change in lenders’ willingness to lend. As a result, changes in stigma

also have implications for the debt-income ratio and average borrowing interest rates.

While there are several interpretations of what “stigma” is, we model it as a utility

cost associated with an individual filing for bankruptcy, χ. In experiment 2 in Table

9, we choose stigma so as to reduce filings to the level observed in the early 80s –

holding all other parameters fixed. The value of stigma required to match the 1980-

1984 filing level corresponds to a reduction in the consumption stream of roughly 28%

in the benchmark economy.

Our numerical results support the view that a fall in the stigma of bankruptcy can

generate the rise. However, a decline in stigma has counterfactual implications along

other dimensions. For our parameter values, we find that the fall in stigma implies

that the level of borrowing should have also declined,26 and that the average borrowing

interest rate should have increased. Both of these implications are counterfactual.

The second problem is that the experiment implies that the average debt to income

ratio of bankrupts should have declined over the past twenty years. The available

data (see 2.2) suggests that there has been little change in the debt-income ratio of

bankrupts, which leads us to conclude that a fall in stigma by itself is inconsistent

with the rise in bankruptcies.

It is important to point out one caveat. The relationship between stigma and the

level of borrowing is not monotonic, since for very high levels of stigma a decline may

lead to higher borrowing. As a result, it is possible to construct examples where a

decline in stigma leads to an increase in the debt-income ratio. However, this does

not occur at our calibrated parameters, and the numerical results reported are robust

to various sensitivity exercises we have conducted.

25This explanation is also common among non academics. For example, Alan Greenspan arguedthat “Personal bankruptcies are soaring because Americans have lost their sense of shame.”

26Athreya (2004) makes a similar argument.


Table 9: Changes in Credit Market Environment

Experiment Ch. 7 Avg. rb d/y Debt

Bankrupts Earnings

1 Benchmark 0.84% 11.69 % 2.38 9.04%

U.S. 1995-1999 0.83% 11.71 - 13.11% - 9.0%

U.S. 1980-1984 0.25% 11.55 - 12.71% - 5 %

2 Stigma (χ) 0.26% 7.9% 3.28 12.89%

3 r = 10% 0.68% 8.25% 2.05 8.90%

4 r = 9% 0.67% 8.24% 2.06 8.87%

5 r = 8% 0.59% 7.79% 1.70 2.04%

6 τ = 5.56% 0.82% 15.84% 2.34 6.01%

7 τ = 6.56% 0.82% 17.83% 2.30 4.94%

8 τ = 7.56% 0.81% 20.16% 2.29 4.06%

4.2.2 The 1978 Amendments to Bankruptcy Law

Several authors have argued that the 1978 amendments (which came into effect in

October, 1979) to the U.S. bankruptcy code played a key role in the rise of consumer

bankruptcies by making bankruptcy more attractive (McKinley (1997), Boyes and

Faith (1986), Shepard (1984)). We do not find this a very convincing explanation for

three reasons. First, as Moss and Johnson (1999) point out, the U.S. reforms were

relatively minor. Second, Domowitz and Eovaldi (1993) analyze data of bankrupts

before and after the 1978 amendments and conclude that the amendments did not

play a significant role for the rise in consumer bankruptcies. Finally, there were no

changes to the bankruptcy law in Canada in the 1980s and early 1990s, during which

filings rates increased dramatically in a similar fashion to the United States.27 We

therefore do not pursue this explanation any further in this paper.

4.2.3 Usury Laws

Until the late 1970’s, most states imposed ceilings on interest rates for consumer

loans. These laws were removed by the early 1980s as a result of the Supreme court

decision involving Marquette National Bank of Minneapolis v. First Omaha Service

27Although the flattening of Canadian bankruptcy filings after the tightening of the code in 1997suggest that legislative changes can have a significant impact upon filings (Ziegel 1997).


Corporation, 439 US 299 (1978) which permitted banks in Nebraska to offer loans

to residents of Minnesota at rates in excess of the maximum allowed under Min-

nesota legislation. This ruling effectively removed the ability of individual states to

limit interest rates. Subsequently, large credit card issuers relocated to states (no-

tably Delaware and North Dakota) with the highest interest rate ceiling (Evans and

Schmalnsee (1999)). This period was followed by a rapid growth in high interest

rate credit card debt which coincides with the rise in consumer bankruptcies. The

removal of interest rate ceilings could contribute to a rise in bankruptcy by leading

to the expansion of credit to riskier borrowers.

We conduct numerical experiments to analyze the impact of deregulation on bankrupt-

cies and consumer borrowing. We report the results in Table 9 for three alternative

ceilings, all of which lie below the average borrowing interest rate in the benchmark

economy and above the risk-free lending rate of 7% (experiments 3-5). Even a very

tight interest rate ceiling of 8% can account for only 40% of the rise in filings. While

a relaxation of the ceiling is consistent with a rise in the debt-income ratio, it also

implies a substantial increase in the average borrowing interest rates. In the data,

however, there appears to be little change in the average borrowing interest rate.

There are two additional observations which cast some doubt on the importance

of usury laws. First, as pointed out by Ellis (1998), Canada has also experienced a

rapid rise in consumer bankruptcies but did not experience a deregulation of credit

markets around the same time.28 Second, it is unclear whether interest rate ceilings

were effectively binding in the United States. Peterson (1983) argues that one way

around interest rate ceilings is for the seller of a good to sell at a higher price on credit.

He examines data from 1979 for four states with different interest rate ceilings, and

finds that the state with the lowest ceiling (Arkansas) had a higher share of installment

credit offered directly by retailers than borrowers in the other states. Interestingly,

this argument is consistent with the observed shift of credit away from store based to

general purpose lending after the removal of interest rate ceilings.

Our conclusion is that while the Marquette decision may have contributed indi-

rectly to the rise in bankruptcy by permitting continued lending to high risk con-

sumers, it was not in itself a significant cause of the rise in filings.

28Interest rate ceilings on bank loans were formally removed in Canada through the Bank Act of1967, although these ceilings were largely ineffective, as borrowers were free to “voluntarily” agree topay higher interest rates in the form of an upfront charge at the time of the loan (Scholnick (2000)).


4.2.4 Decline in Lending Costs

The past thirty years have witnessed substantial credit market innovations which are

frequently cited as playing a key role in the rapid spread of credit cards (Evans and

Schmalnsee (1999)) as well as a rapid increase in the “sub-prime” credit market, which

provides credit to high risk consumers. Many of these changes have been driven by

the rapid improvements in information technology, which has led to large increases

in information sharing and reduced the cost of processing information (Barron and

Staten (2003)). In this section, we explore one avenue through which these financial

innovations could impact consumer borrowing: a reduction in the transaction cost of

borrowing ( Berger (2003)).

We report the results for three experiments in rows 6-8 in Table 9. Experiment 6

involves an increase in the transaction cost of lending of two percent relative to the

benchmark, while experiment 7 involves an increase of three percent and experiment

8 an increase of four percent. Surprisingly, none of these changes have a significant

effect on filings. However, variations in the transaction cost of lending have a large

effect upon both the average borrowing interest rate and on borrowing. For all three

experiments, the increase in average borrowing interest rates exceeds the increase in

the risk-free borrowing interest rate. This is due to the fact that lower risk households

reduce their borrowing, which leads to an increase in the average risk premium on

lending. It is also worth noting that a decrease of roughly three percentage points in

the transactions cost is consistent with the observed increase in borrowing.

Our results lead us to conclude that a reduction in the transactions cost of lending

alone cannot account for the rise in filings. However, it may play an important role

in accounting for the rise in borrowing.

4.3 Can a Combination of Stories Match the Data?

Our conclusion from sections 4.1 and 4.2 is that none of the stories individually can

generate a substantial rise in bankruptcy while matching the observed changes in

borrowing and average borrowing interest rates. While this is a somewhat surprising

negative result, we now turn to the question of whether a combination of these stories

can match the observed changes in consumer credit markets.

The combination we choose is guided by our earlier results, and is a combination of

both uncertainty and credit market stories. We incorporate two uncertainty stories:

an increase in expense uncertainty and an increase in transitory income uncertainty. A

reasonable upper bound on the change in expense uncertainty is that the probabilities


in the early 1980s were roughly 85% of the late 1990s. In our experiment, we thus scale

down the benchmark probabilities of expense shocks by 0.85. To capture changes in

income volatility, we scale down the variance of the transitory shock by 25% (which is

at the upper limit of the values suggested by Heathcoate, Storesletten, and Violante

(2004)). Given these changes, we then choose the values of stigma and the transaction

cost of borrowing so as to match filings, average borrowing interest rates and debt-

earning ratio in the early 1980s.

The results of this experiment are reported in the third row of Table 10. In this

experiment, the transaction cost is increased by 3.8% (to 7.36% from 3.56%), while the

stigma parameter is set equal to five-sixths of its value in the stigma only experiment.

As can be seen, this combination of stories is able to closely replicate the level

of filings, average borrowing interest rates and debt-earning ratio observed in the

early 1980s. The one dimension in which this experiment misses is that it predicts a

decline in the average debt-income ratio of bankrupts. However, the predicted decline

is much smaller than that generated by the stigma only story (see Table 9).

Table 10: Combination of Stories

Experiment Ch. 7 Avg. rb d/y Debt

Bankrupts Earnings

1 Benchmark 0.84% 11.69 % 2.38 9.04%

2 U.S. 1980 -1984 0.25% 11.55 % - 12.71 % - 5.0%

3 all, see text 0.26% 11.77% 2.65 5.24%

4 No ∆ Exp. 0.31% 11.94% 2.65 5.21%

5 No ∆ Stigma 0.71% 18.18% 2.26 4.35%

6 No ∆ τ 0.31 % 7.93 % 2.96 12.74 %

7 No ∆ Trans. Inc 0.27 % 11.82 % 2.66 5.25 %

This experiment reinforces our interpretation of the earlier results that none of the

stories can individually account for the rise in bankruptcies. To better understand the

relative contribution of each of these factors, in Table 10 we also report experiments

where we dropped each of the four changes we consider. As can be seen from Table 10,

the increase in expense and transitory income uncertainty play a small role along all

dimensions. The main factor in the rise in filings is a decline in stigma, which accounts

for roughly 75% of the rise in filings. In contrast, the decline in the transaction cost

has a very small effect on filings, but counteracts the increase in interest rates and


the decline in borrowing predicted by a decline in stigma.

5 Conclusion

In this paper, we quantitatively evaluate the extent to which the seven most commonly

offered explanations of the rise in bankruptcies can account for the rise in filings, the

observed increase in unsecured consumer debt relative to disposable income, the lack

of change in average borrowing interest rates, and the economic characteristics of

bankrupts. Our first finding is a negative one. Our results suggest that none of the

stories we consider can individually account for the rise in consumer bankruptcies

and changes in credit markets. Our second finding is a positive one. A combination

of four of these stories does a very good job of accounting for the key facts. Our

experiments suggest that the most important factors are related to changes in the

credit market environment. These changes involve both a reduction in the cost (the

“stigma”) of bankruptcy and the cost of credit.

These results are different from various papers which have argued for a monocausal

explanation of the rise. The spirit of our results are close to those of Athreya (2004)

and Moss and Johnson (1999), in that we view credit market changes as playing the

key role in the rise. However, our results suggest that a decline in the stigma of

bankruptcy plays a much more important role in the rise than these papers would

suggest. Of course, this finding raises the question of how to incorporate serious

theories of stigma in credit markets. We view the formalization of stories of how

credit market innovations have reduced the cost of accessing credit after bankruptcy

(a story documented by Staten (1993)) as holding particular promise. Our results

also indicate the need for further work along the lines of Chatterjee, Corbae, and

Rios-Rull (2005) that can can improve our understanding of the working of consumer

credit markets.



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A Figures

Figure 1: Bankrupts per 1000 18-64.

U.S. Consumer bankruptcies are the sum of non-business Chapter 7 and Chapter

13 filings. The denominator is the estimate of the U.S. population between the ages

of 18 and 64 as of July 1.

Canada: Consumer Bankruptcies plus consumer proposals. The numerator is the

total number of bankruptcy petitions filed. Joint filing is permitted when two people

have interrelated finances, so this may understate the total number of bankrupts.

Figures 2 and 3: Debt as % of Disposable Income

Total debt is the summation of mortgage debt and consumer debt. Mortgage

debt is from the Flow of Funds of Account, Table D.3. The mortgage data gives the

end of period balance outstanding quarterly, and has been converted to annual by

averaging. Consumer credit is the summation of revolving and nonrevolving consumer

credit balances outstanding reported in G.19. The original data was monthly, and was

converted to annual by averaging. The data we report is based on the 2004 revision

and includes student loans outstanding in nonrevolving credit. Personal disposable

income is from the Bureau of Economic Analysis, Table 2.1. Personal Income and Its

Disposition [Billions of dollars].

The unsecured credit measure in Figure 3 over 1983-1999 was constructed as fol-

lows. Before 1999, G.19 reported consumer credit in the following three categories:

revolving, automobile (non-revolving) and other nonrevolving. To estimate unsecured

consumer credit, we: (1) Constructed a non-automobile non-revolving debt measure

by subtracting the automobile debt series from the updated non-revolving series (this

series contains student loans issued by the federal government); (2) Used linear ex-

trapolation to construct a measure of the fraction of non-auto non-revolving debt that

is personal using the values reported by Dynan, Johnson, and Pence (2003) from the

SCF for 1983, 1989, 1992, 1995 and 1998; and (3) Finally, we construct our measure

of unsecured consumer credit by summing: revolving + non-auto non-revolving *

fraction personal.

B Surveys of Bankrupts

While there are several empirical studies of U.S. bankrupts, one must be careful in

comparing them due to differences in their approach to sample selection. The most

well known are those associated with the work of Sullivan, Warren, and Westbrook


(1999) and Sullivan, Warren, and Westbrook (2000).

1. Sullivan, Warren, and Westbrook (1999): The 1981 study involved a sample of

1,550 debtors from ten judicial districts in three states: Illinois, Pennsylvania

and Texas. This study was based upon what was reported in the bankruptcy

file. They converted their raw data to 1997 $ using the CPI.

2. Sullivan, Warren, and Westbrook (2000): This is a 1991 study of bankrupts in

16 federal districts in Illinois, Pennsylvania, Texas, California and Tennessee. In

this study, written surveys were used to collect information on each bankrupt.

In addition, financial data on bankrupts in five of the districts were collected

from court records. They converted their raw data to 1997 $ using the CPI.

3. Based on court records, Domowitz and Sartain (1999) examine a sample of

households who filed for bankruptcy before and after the 1978 Bankruptcy Law

Amendments came into effect. Their data includes 580 Chapter 7 households

who filed for bankruptcy between October 1978 and March 1979 and 670 Chap-

ter 7 bankrupts who filed between April and September 1980 from Southern and

Eastern New York, Southern Ohio, Eastern Kentucky and Central California.

They report that mean income was between $24,300 and $26,600 (in 1991 $).

4. Bermant and Flynn (1999) looked at a sample of approximately 2000 chapter 7

cases closed during the first half of 1998. They restricted attention to no-asset

chapter 7 cases, and report that of the 975,370 consumer chapter 7 cases filed

in 1997 all but 10,000 were closed as no-asset cases.

5. Lown and Rowe (2002) examine a sample of bankrupts in Utah from 1997.

Their data is based on a sample of 1486 Chapter 7 and 1081 Chapter 13 filed

in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Utah in 1997. Their data indicates that the av-

erage and median debts of chapter 13 filers were larger than those of chapter

7 filers. However, the median and average debt-income ratios were lower since

the average incomes of chapter 13 filers were higher than those of chapter 7.

C More on Income Uncertainty

We start with a new benchmark parametrization that matches the 1980 bankruptcy

rate, interest rate, and debt/gdp ratio and increase income uncertainty. The exper-

iments reported in Table 11 confirm our findings. Plausible changes in uncertainty


only generate an increase in filings from 0.249% to 0.325% while lowering the debt

from 5% to below 4% of earnings. Lastly, we conduct the following thought exper-

iment: If one wanted to replicate the observed increase in filings solely through a

change in income uncertainty, how far does one have to go? Experiment 3 shows that

even increasing the variance of the transitory shocks by a factor of 20 does not deliver

the desired increase in bankruptcy rates. The variance of the persistent shock has

to be increased 10-fold to get the bankruptcy rate to increase to the late 90’s level.

This “success” has the debt level collapsing to 0.4% and the average interest rate

exceeding 40%.

Table 11: Changes in Income Uncertainty (1980 Benchmark)

Experiment σ2η σ2

ε Ch. 7 Avg. rb d/y Debt

Filers Bankrupts Earnings

1 Benchmark 0.05 0.014 0.249% 12.07 % 2.87 5.10%

U.S. 1980-84 0.25% 11.5 - 12.7% - 5%

U.S. 1995-99 0.83% 11.7 - 13.1% - 9%

2 Transitory 1 0.06 0.014 0.257% 12.12% 2.87 5.09%

3 Transitory 2 1.13 0.014 0.775% 51.85% 7.18 1.86%

4 Persistent 1 0.05 0.021 0.325% 12.39% 2.89 3.97%

5 Persistent 2 0.05 0.14 0.858% 40.52% 7.47 0.39%

6 σ2η ↑, σ2

ε ↑ 0.06 0.021 0.325% 12.44% 2.90 3.92%



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