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Ace of Aces

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  • 8/14/2019 Ace of Aces


  • 8/14/2019 Ace of Aces


  • 8/14/2019 Ace of Aces


  • 8/14/2019 Ace of Aces


    ACE of ACES TM

    by Artech Digital ProductionsConcept of Design: Michael Bate & Rick BanksProgramming Design: Stuart EasterbrookGraphics: Scott Fiander & Grant CampbellSound: Paul Butler

    ATARI ADAPTATION BY DISTINCTIVE SOFTWARE, INC.Programming: Amory WongGraphics: Amory Wong and Tony Lee

    Ace ofAcesNSTR U C T o N S

    To Start the Game:For Commodore 64/128:1. Connect your joystick to port #2 .2. Turn on your Commodore 64/128, d isk drive and Monitor.3. Insert the Ace of Aces disk into the drive label side up andc lose the drive door.4. Type: Load " * ", 8, 1 and press RETURN.For Atari Computer:1. Connect your joystick to port #1 .2. Insert the Ace of Aces disk into dr ive label side up andclose drive door.3. Turn on your monitor, disk drive and Atari computer .Control Functions:For Commodore 64/128 You may see your current status an d pause the game bypressing space bar or Fl . Restart the game by pressing F1 or the RESTORE key. Toggle the sound on an d off with the F3 key. Use F5 key to abort the mission and set compass marker toreturn to home base.For Atari Computer: You may see your current status by pressing the space bar. You may pause the game by pressing ESC. Restart the game by pressing the START key. Use the OPTION key to abort the miss ion and set compassmarker to return to home base.

  • 8/14/2019 Ace of Aces


    Selecting a Mission:Once the load is completed your Group Captain will offeryou the choice of PRACTICE or MISSION(S) . Make yourselection by moving the joystick up or down . Push the firebutton to confirm your choice .Practice:If you select PRACTICE the program will immediately load thegame. When the load is completed you will be airborne overthe English Channel. You must engage and destroy enemyaircraft. When you're low on ammunition or fuel, or badlydamaged , return to home base.Use the practice mode to familiarize yourself with the aircraftand its controls. To successfully complete PRACTICE, return tohome base intact.Missions:As a prospective Ace of Aces, you may select any number ofmissions. Choose a mission with the pointer (joystickup/down, fire-button to select). After highlighting theadjacent box, move pointer to "Begin Game" and hitfirebutton.You will then be presented with "Accept" or "Reject': If youchoose to "Accep t" you will then be presented with theINTELLIGENCE REPORT.

    Intelligence Report:CID (Central Intelligence Division) has prepared yourIntelligence Report. Top secret information from secret agents,resistance organizations an d aerial reconnaissance willlocate the exact positions of enemy targets. Intelligence willalso provide you with information on weather conditions,recommended weapons and target sequence.2

    Following the Intelligence Report, a Mission Map will displaythe location of major cities an d targets. After you leave theMission Map you will be presented with the Bombardier's Viewof an empty bomb bay, ready for weapons loading .Loading Your Plane WithAmmunition and Fuel:Now you are ready to arm your Mosquito based on yourchoice of targets and the Intelligence Report, ie: if youchoose to engage only enemy bombers an d their fightersupport, you'll want your Mosquito to be light andmaneuverable . Therefore, concentrate on a maximum loadmade up of rockets an d cannon.

    Weapons Selection:


    FUEL ,u lU13

  • 8/14/2019 Ace of Aces


    If your target(s) are U-Boats an d Trains you'll want to beef upyour bomb load with a minimum of cannon and/or rockets.If you want to take a crack at Ace of Aces status by choosingall four missions, then you 'll want to carefully select yourchoice of weapons based on your bombing and dog fightcapabilities an d the Intelligence Report.Move the yellow box around to select areas by pressing up ordown on the joystick.If you wish to add or subract bombs, rockets or cannons ,move the yellow box to adjacent "plus or minus" signs.Once you have reached maximum load, the program stopsyou from adding further weapons.Use the + and - signs to add fuel tanks for long-rangemissions, ie. U-Boat.Once you're armed, hit "Done" and takeoff sequence begins.Now you're airborne on a real mission. First check with yournavigator to make sure you're on course . . . While in the air, change views by giving the firebutton two quick taps. Then push the joystick in oneof the directions as outlined below. You may alsotype the appropriate number key.

    Double Click an d : Right: Starboard View or press #3Up: Pilot View or press # 1 Down: Navigato r View or press #4Left: Port View or press #2 Center: Bomb Bay or press #5Aircraft Controls:

    CompassYour initial compass heading is South. Change course bypushing joystick left or right. The compass reading will reflectyour new direction. The dark line on the compass indicatesthe correct heading for the next target. After all targets havebeen eliminated , the final heading will be to your homebase.



    RadarThere are two radar indicators:i) The radar "sweep screen" on the extreme right indicates

    the enemy aircraft's relative distance from you.ii) The vertical dial indicates the enemy aircraft's relativealtitude to you.IntercomYour "intercom" icon indicates trouble spots in the aircraft.When the intercom blinks, hit firebutton twice an d movejoystick toward trouble spot as described above . Practicecycling through the positions. Learn how to move smoothly tothe different positions in your aircraft. Alternate ly presscorresponding numeric key to select desired position.Center icon blinking, indicates a call from the bombardierthat enemy ground target is now in sight.AirspeedThis dial indicates your airspeed. In the above diagram it isset at 100 mph. Adjust from engineer's view with boosters andthrott le or carefu l use of flaps.


  • 8/14/2019 Ace of Aces


    AltitudeThis dial indicates your altitude. The above diagram shows itset at 2,000 feet. Adjust by pushing up or down on the joystickfrom the pilot's position.Artificial HorizonThis dia l represents your angle relative to the fixed horizon.When the plane is angled, you will turn. When the plane iconis in black, you are descending . When icon is in the greyyou are climbing .

    ENGINEER'S VIEW(Port/Starboard - sides)The engineer/navigator controls the engines an dpropellers of the Mosquito.

    Throttle (RPM).To change throt tle settings, place the joystick diamondabove the RPM dial. Hold firebutton and push joystick up ordown to select setting.


    Booster (Pitch)Place joystick diamond above the booster dial and adjustsimilar to throttle.The throttles and boosters function together. The throttles arelike the accelerator on a car. The boosters (which control theangle or pitch of the propeller blades) are like the gear of a car.Set both high for top speed. They must be in balance forefficient use of power and fuel and to avoid over-rewing.An engine is over-rewing if the RPM needle is in the red zone.Reduce throttle immediately. If it won't reduce, then the engineis on fire.To prevent fire from spreading, use the fire extinguisher.If the Booster does not match the throttle then the engine willeither run away (over rev) or ge t bogged down (too high agear).Fire ExtinguisherPlace the joystick diamond over the fire extinguisher. Holdfirebutton down an d move the joystick to the right. Useextinguishers with care. Once an engine is doused, it'spermanently out. After you have lost an engine you mustadjust trim to maintain an even course.TrimTrim controls the rudder and therefore the direction of theaircraft. Place joystick diamond over trim lever and move thejoystick up and down with firebutton pressed to adjust trimsetting and maintain desired compass heading .Landing GearLanding gear will always be in up position unless you want toreduce speed suddenly. This is a useful tactic in trying toevade enemy fighters. Once selected, with joystick down an dfirebutton depressed drop the gear and the Mosquito willslowdown .


  • 8/14/2019 Ace of Aces


    FuelThis indicates amount of petrol remaining . Check statusfrequently, especially on long range missions. When a tank isempty, move to bomb bay view. Using the joystick movediamond cursor over the fuel tank registering empty and withthe firebutton down, throw drop lever, Reducing the load bydropping empty tanks saves remaining fuel.FlapsTo move flaps up and down, place joystick diamond over flaplever, depress fire button and move joystick up and down . Usethe flaps to lose speed quickly. Caution : this may causedamage to aircraft.

    NAVIGATOR'S VIEWThe map will reflect the information provided in theIntelligence Report. This includes target locations, enemystrengths, strategies and their destinations.


    -L6 SUBS

    5 TRAINS

    13 V-1 'S./-._, -. . . J ,, \ '" ,




    STRATEGYCheck map frequently. Watch icon movement. Get familiarwith their respective speeds. Your challenge is to intercept theTrain, Bombers an d V-1 Rockets before they reach theirdestinations an d to destroy the U-Boat pen before the enemysubs set out to attack Allied convoys in the North Atlantic.Avoid Storm Clouds which may damage your aircraft.Note: The fastest route is always a st raight line from takeoff totarget. The black marker line on the Pilot's compass indicatesthe correct heading and therefore the fastest route. Keepthat marker centered on your compass an d follow yourprogress on the nc:ivigator's map.

    BOMBARDIER'S VIEWThe bombardier's view will tell you how many of eachweapon you have remaining.




  • 8/14/2019 Ace of Aces


    Fuel drop switches Drop when indicating empty to improvefuel economy.Guns/cannon switch Select weapons choice depending ontarget.Bomb Bay Door Switch open to see enemy target.TACTICSBombing U-Boats/Trains.


    en( ~ I -

    (J I BOMB

    I f SIGHT

    Check Navigator's map to determine when you are ingeneral area of enemy target.Decrease altitude to 1.000 feet or less and set air speed to100 mph . Open bomb bay doors when you are over target.you should see enemy target - if not, circle back and tryagain. Joystick up/down moves the bomb sightcorrespondingly in order to line up target. Joystick left/rightmoves the target into view under your cursor. When target isin sights, press firebutton to drop the bomb.


    TRAINThe Po.W train is enroute to Berlin . You must stop it and freethe PO.w's on board. Aim at cars labelled with iron cross.Avoid Red Cross PO.W cars. Points are deducted if Po.W carsare bombed.Note: You ge t only one crack at Po.W train so be preciseabout altitude and air speed.U-BOATThe U-Boats are preparing an attack on North Atlanticshipping. Stop them before they launch. Once you haveopened your bomb bay door, the U-boats will be alerted toyour presence an d begin diving. Consequently each of theU-boats will be successively smaller an d more difficult to hit.Note: Once underwater, they will not re-surface for theduration of your mission so be certain of your correct airspeedan d altitude.

    DOG FIGHT/BOMBERS TACTICSCross hair turns red when in range of enemy target.Push joystick up/down/left/right to center target in sight, (ie:fly your plane till nose points at enemy).To switch from cannon to rocket go to bomb bay screen andpush switch right or left. you ge t double points for destroyingenemy air targets with rockets.Enemy fighters attack randomly without warning . Once anenemy fighter turns up on radar, your plane icon will freezeon the map. You MUST down the enemy fighter before hegets you. And make it quick, you're burning up fuel.Enemy fighters will attack in greater numbers after you havestruck at their Train and U-boat targets.


  • 8/14/2019 Ace of Aces


    V-1 Buzz BombsStop the V-1s before their launch on London. V-1s are slowerthan fighters bu t if they're too close to your aircraft whenexploded, the shrapnel ma y damage your Mosquito.BombersStop the bombers before they reach London.TIPSDon't double click when firing , you may accidentally changescreens.With a full load of bombs you may need extra speed in orderto climb.Your airplane will speed up as you drop bombs and fueltanks. The extra weight and drag is removed. Keep this inmind when bombing U-boats and Trains.STATUS SCREENSYou ma y see your current status and pause the game bypressing the space bar.


    Bomber = 100 Rocket Kills = DoubleV-1 = 150 CannonU-Boat = 250 Safe Return = 2000Train Cars = +200 Extra bombs = 50Po.w. Cars = -200 rockets = 30Engine = 500 fuel = 10cannon = 10



    CopyrightCopyright 1986 by Accolade, Inc. All r ights reserved. No part of this publicationmay be reproduced, transcribed, copied, translated or reduced to any electronic medium or machine readable form without prior written permission of Ac colade, Inc., 550 S. Winchester Blvd ., Suite 200 , San Jose, California 95128 .DisclaimerAccolade, Inc. makes no representations or warranties with respect to thispublication or its contents and specifically disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. In addition, Accolade, Inc . reserves the right to revise this publication and to makechanges from time to time in its contents without obligation of Accolade,Inc. to notify any person of such revisions or changes .TrademarksAce of Aces T" is a trademark of Artech Digital Entertainments, Inc.Commodore is a trademark of Commodore Electronics Ltd .BackupsWe understand your concerns about disk damage or failure . Because ofthis, each registered owner of the Ace of Aces T " may purchase one backupcopy for $10 . In Canada, one backup copy may be purchased for $15 U.S.currency . California residents add 7% sales tax. Checks should be madeout to Accolade Software. This copy is for backup purposes only and is notfor resale. Your backup disk is covered by our limited warranty on diskmedia described below.Limited Warranty for Disk MediaAccolade, Inc. warrants to the original purchaser of this computer softwareproduct that the recording medium on which the software programs arerecorded will be free from defects in materials and workmanship fo r ninetydays from the date of purchase. Defective media that has not been subjected to misuse, excessive wear, or damage due to carelessness and thatis returned during that ninety day period will be replaced without charge.Following the initial ninety day warranty period , defective media will bereplaced for a fee of $10.00. In Canada, you may obtain a replacement for$15 U.S. currency. California residents add 7% sales tax.Note: To speed up processing , please return disk only.The defective media should be returned to :

    Accolade, Inc.550 S. Winchester Blvd., Suite 200, San Jose, CA 95128(408) 2968400Software CopyrightThe enclosed software program and manual are copyrighted . It is againstthe law to copy any portion of the software on disk, cassette tape oranother medium for any purpose. It is against the law to give away or resellcopies of any part of this software. Any unauthorized distribution of thisproduct deprives Artech Digital Entertainments and their authors of theirdeserved profits and royalties. Artech Digital Entertainments will seek fulllegal recourse against violators .
