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ACMP2015 Presentation - Learn, Lead & Support Change at a Distance

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Learn, Lead & Support Change at a Distance JAMES CHISHOLM Principal, ExperiencePoint #ACMP2015 @experiencepoint Contribute your insights at: pollev.com/experiencepoint/
Page 1: ACMP2015 Presentation - Learn, Lead & Support Change at a Distance

Learn, Lead & Support Change

at a Distance

JAMES  CHISHOLM  Principal,  ExperiencePoint  

#ACMP2015    @experiencepoint  

Contribute your insights at: pollev.com/experiencepoint/

Page 2: ACMP2015 Presentation - Learn, Lead & Support Change at a Distance

Image  by  Citrix  Online  (CC  BY-­‐NC-­‐SA  2.0)    


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Image  by  Johann  Larsson(CC  BY-­‐NC-­‐SA  2.0)    


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Image  by  Citrix  Online(CC  BY-­‐NC-­‐SA  2.0)    


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Learning Objectives

   Learn              Lead        Support

Story  Insights  


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Page 6: ACMP2015 Presentation - Learn, Lead & Support Change at a Distance

Effective Leaders of Change …

What  to  do   How  to  be  

Right  things,  at  the  right  Rme,  

done  well    

Task  View:  MODELS  &  TOOLS  

Human-­‐centered  Learning-­‐orientaRon  

Bias  for  deliberate  acRon    

RelaRonship  View:  MINDSETS  &  REFLEXES  


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Say Hello!

Please  say  “hello”  to  the  person  beside/around  you  and  consider:  

   ”What  are  some  of  the  hardest  things  about  learning,  leading  or  suppor6ng  change  at  a  distance?”  

On the web: pollev.com/experiencepoint/ Or text EXPERIENCEPOINT to 37607 once to join, then text your thoughts


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RESPONSES (page 1 of 2):

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•  Not  being  able  to  'read'  a  leader.  Can  do  video,  etc,  but  doesn't  allow  the  genuineness  of  face  to  face  interacRons  to  bestow  trust.    

•  Engagement  on  complex  topics    •  Gecng  people  to  understand  that  work  done  'elsewhere'  has  the  same  value.    •  The  lack  of  visual  cues  makes  interacRon  less  effecRve    •  Time  zones!    •  CollaboraRon;  engaging  parRcipaRon    •  Technology  issurs    •  Bringing  high  energy  to  a  remote  meeRng.    •  MulRtasking    •  Ensuring  you  stay  up  to  date  with  "hallway"  conversaRons  that  occur  when  you  are  "offline”  •  The  unability  of  "just  droping  by"  and  have  a  chat    •  People  abusing  the  mute  bukon    •  RelaRonship  building    •  No  nonverbals  on  Conf  calls    •  Missing  opportuniRes  to  engage  with  stakeholders    •  Reaching  the  field  workers    •  Building  iniRal  rapport    •  Time  zones    •  Tone  and  body  language  can't  be  read    

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RESPONSES (page 2 of 2):

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•  Keeping  akendees  engaged    •  Timezones  for  offering  effecRve  meeRngs  and  training    •  Technology,  Time  zones,  logisRcs  in  general.  But  also  the  inability  to  connect  +  build  rapport  

with  stakeholders.    •  Levelling  the  playing  field..some  remote,  most  live    •  CompeRng  with  the  prioriRes  of  their  locaRon.  Technological  challenges  as  well.    •  Timezones  (x3)  •  Difficult  to  create  trust  and  relaRonships  required  to  understand  stakeholder  perspecRve    •  Technology  challenges    •  Lack  of  relaRonships;  no  common  language  or  context  (scakered  culture)    •  lack  of  respect  for  meeRng  eRqueke    •  Availability  and  coordinaRon  of  Rme    •  CommunicaRon/language  barriers    •  Making  people  believe  it  will  work    •  Engagement    •  distracRons  and  mulR  tasking    •  Keeping  remote  parRcipants  engaged    •  language  and  mis  communicaRon    •  Avoiding  distracRons    •  RelaRonships    

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Learn Change At a Distance

Image  by  Stars  FoundaRon(CC  BY-­‐NC-­‐SA  2.0)    #ACMP2015          @experiencepoint   10  

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Learn: A Story


US South

US North



US South East

40 people

8 teams

3 sites

2 days

75% team-based “learning by doing” 15% teaching 10% discussion

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Learn: An Insight

RetenRon  Rates      











Audio  Visual  



Learning  by  Doing  

Teach  Others/Immediate  Use  

What  to  do                How  to  be  

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Learn: Implication

We  can  do  beCer  than  5-­‐10%  retenFon  rates  • Webinars/elearning  can  help  teach  ‘What  to  do’  (Models,  Tools)  • Don’t  help  people  pracRce  ‘How  to  be’  (Mindsets,  Reflexes)  

 Most  team  exercises  can  be  adapted  for  remote/virtual    Trend  –  online  for  content  ,  in-­‐person  for  experience  

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Learn: Discussion

 “What  6ps  can  you  share  for  learning  change  at      a  distance?”  

On the web: pollev.com/experiencepoint/ Or text EXPERIENCEPOINT to 37607 once to join, then text your thoughts


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RESPONSES (page 1 of 2):

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•  Use  effecRve  communicaRon  techniques  and  be  interacRve.    

•  Regional  engagement  groups.  Come  together  at  the  coffee-­‐machine  to  talk  about  what  you  just  learned    

•  Make  parRcipants  lead    •  Coaching    •  Real  life  examples    •  Virtual  community  of  pracRce,  using  lync  

meeRngs  and  a  sphere  to  connect    •  Involve  everyone  in  the  delivery    •  Know  what  you  can't  accomplish...    •  best  delivered  in  what  way  -­‐  what  is  more  

effecRve  and  how  to  engage  different  learning  style  preferences    

•  Sharing  common  ground/understanding    •  Simulate  job  as  much  as  possibe    •  Regular  and  plannes    •  CollaboraRon    •  Virtual  teaming.  Very  different  than  

reliance  on  virtual  sessions,  webex.    

•  Conduct  one  on  one  sessions  with  individuals  to  build  rapport/relaRonships.    

•  Webex  with  interacRve  polling    •  Road  shows    •  CommuniRes  of  pracRce    •  Short  sessions    •  Be  paRent!  :o)    •  Well-­‐wriken  documentaRon    •  prework  prior  to  training    •  We  got  nothing    •  Follow  virtual  sessions  with  on-­‐locaRon  

small  groups    •  Video  conference    

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RESPONSES (page 2 of 2):

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•  Find  out  what  learners  want  ahead  of  Rme    •  Open  house  events    •  Using  Yammer  communiRes  to  engage.    •  Listen    •  repeRRon    •  Good  audio    •  Regular  and  planned  conf  calls    •  Small  group  size    •  Well-­‐defined  learning  objecRves    •  "Office  hours"  either  in  person  or  virtual  

post  training    •  PaRence  is  a  virtue    •  Staff  meeRngs    •  Have  an  acRon  for  the  audience  every  

three  minutes    •  GotoMeeRng  with  HD  Faces    •  use  interacRve  technology...where  

pracRce,  exercises  are  included  in  the  training,  with  results    

•  video  portals    •  Don't  wear  a  bathrobe    •  Beer  helps    •  Use  Web  sessions  for  QA  azer  at  your  

own  pace  based  learning    •  Plan  in  advance  how  you'll  measure/

monitor  learning    •  Set  up  communiRes  of  pracRce  locally  or  

regionally  to  share  challenges  and  successes    

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Lead Change At a Distance

17  Image  by  the  image  group  (CC  BY-­‐NC-­‐SA  2.0)    #ACMP2015          @experiencepoint  

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Lead: A Story

#ACMP2015   ©  2015  AssociaRon  For  Change  Management  Professionals.   18  

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Lead: Insights

• Trust  is  key  to  leading  change.    At  a  distance,  it’s  harder  to  build  and  maintain.    Shizing  from  hours  to  output.  

• Much  greater  temptaFon  to  be  direcFve  instead  of  collaboraRve  and  inclusive.    

• Face-­‐to-­‐face  Rme  is  precious.    Be  deliberate  about  reconnecRng  to  recharge  relaRonships.  

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Text   Voice   Video  Conf  


More  connected  =  less  ambiguity,  less  confusion  and  less  conflict  

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Lead: Implications

• Schedule  Serendipity  with  regular  meeRng  blocks  with  nothing  specific  on  the  agenda.      Meet  face-­‐to-­‐face  as  ozen  as  possible.  

• No  phone  calls  when  face-­‐to-­‐face  is  possible.    So  many  great  opRons:  GoToMeeRng,  GoToWebinar,  Connect,  WebEx  …  

• CollaboraFve  technologies  like  Google  Docs  allow  us  to  quickly  create  a  tool  /  framework  and  then  discuss  and  work  at  the  same  Rme  from  many  locaRons.    More  efficient  than  face-­‐to-­‐face.  We’ve  found  Trello  and  Basecamp    to  be  fantasRc  for  collaboraRve    project  planning.  

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Lead: Discussion

“What  6ps  can  you  share  for  strengthening  connec6ons  and  building  trust  with  your  remote  colleagues?”  

On the web: pollev.com/experiencepoint/ Or text EXPERIENCEPOINT to 37607 once to join, then text your thoughts


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RESPONSES (page 1 of 2):

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•  Set  expectaRons,  define  R+Rs  clearly  from  the  beginning.  Allow  for  pre-­‐determined  Rmes  of  "check  +  adjust"    

•  Set  aside  Rme  to  learn  about  each  other..family,  hobbies,  sports,  movies    

•  Make  Rme  for  connecRng  as  people.  VacaRons,  new  cars,  kids,  etc.    

•  respect  Rme  differences  and  sleep  Rme..some  of  us  aren't  awake  at  4  am  pacific  Rme    

•  Bring  something  personal  to  the  video  meeRng  "room"    

•  Shoot  the  breeze    •  Demonstrate  follow  through  consistently    •  Establish  relaRonship  as  you  would  in  

person...  Connect  personally.    •  Use  cameras  on  webex  meeRngs    •  ShooRng  the  breeze    •  Video  one  on  ones    

•  Be  mindful  of  their  alternate  schedules  of  different  from  corporate  office    

•  Kick  off  meeRng,  virtual  introducRons,  tell  stories  to  each  other,  uRlize  mulRple  points  of  technology  to  support.  IE-­‐  Azer  kick  off  meeRng  have  a  portal  where  members  have  pre-­‐loaded  their  pictures,  brief  descripRons  about  themselves  for  the  broader  team.    

•  Ask  beker  quesRons    •  Spend  your  first  5  minutes  of  a  business  

call  on  interpersonal  conversaRon    •  Just  do  it.  Start  by  trusRng.    •  chat  first  before  gecng  into  the  meeRng  

or  discussion  at  hand    •  Face  to  face  is  important,  but  in  person  is  

priceless,  even  if  it  can't  be  frequent.    •  Making  plans  for  face  to  face  Rme    •  Consistency  with  communicaRon.    •  Hold  their  hand    

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RESPONSES (page 2 of 2):

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•  Consistently  pretend  that  your  call  is  being  dropped.    

•  share  slipper  pictures?    •  Happens  all  the  Rme  in  cloud  apps  like  

whatsapp.  How  do  we  leverage  power  of  invisible  tribe?    

•  Be  conscienRous  of  Rme  zone  differences    •  Semi-­‐virtual  happy  hour.  Someone  said  

"beer  helps"    •  Be  consistent  and  predictable,  set  

expectaRons  and  sRck  to  them!  Set  the  expectaRon  that  being  'in  a  session'  is  IN  a  session.  Don't  allow  'parRal  akendance'.    

•  Don't  say,  we'll  parking-­‐lot  it!    •  Have  a  "worst  case  scenario"  discussion...  

who  does  what  if  the  s&*t  hits  the  fan.    •  Respect  big  projects  that  plant  might  be  

having  at  that  Rme  that  is  taking  up  their  Rme    

•  Humor....    

•  Rotate  the  odd-­‐man-­‐out  when  choosing  Rme  zones    

•  Virtual  Happy  Hours.    •  Do  ice  breakers    •  Make  first    •  Use  open  ended  quesRons,  not  yes/no    •  At  guidelines  for  distance  conversaRons  

and  adhere  to  them.  ERqueke!    

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Support Change At a Distance

24  Image  by  the  ebarney  (CC  BY-­‐NC-­‐SA  2.0)    #ACMP2015          @experiencepoint  

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Support: A Story

Global  Champion  Network    

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Support: An Insight

Different  personality  types  and  cultural  backgrounds  further  complicate  our  ability  to  build  relaRonships  at  a  distance.    One  of  the  eight  dimensions  Erin  Meyer  highlights  is  different  approaches  to  CommunicaRon.    

Low-­‐Context   High-­‐Context  

US            Netherlands              Finland                  Spain    Italy            Singapore        Iran              China    Japan          Australia        Germany      Denmark            Poland      Brazil      Mexico          France          India      Kenya        Korea          Canada                  UK              ArgenRna      Peru      Russia          Saudi                    Indonesia  


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Support: Implications

• Build  a  community  of  pracFce.    Seek  out  and  support  others  in  your  organizaRon  who  are  like  minded  and  get  the  importance  of  relaRonships.    Who  are  your  next  generaRon  change  champions?  

• Everyone  is  a  leader  and  a  supporter.    Easier  to  ignore  warning  signs  as  signals  are  fewer  and  weaker.    

• Respect  for  remote  colleagues  –  Seek  to  minimize  the  haves  and  have  nots  (try  to  put  everyone  on  equal  fooRng)      e.g.  spread  the  Rme  zone  pain  

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Support: Discussion


“What  6ps  can  you  share  for  suppor6ng  change  at  a  distance?”      

On the web: pollev.com/experiencepoint/ Or text EXPERIENCEPOINT to 37607 once to join, then text your thoughts


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RESPONSES (page 1 of 2):

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•  Come  up  with  a  schedule  when  leading  virtual  meeRngs.  Like  a  window  of  common  Rmes    

•  Allocate  roles:  note  taker,  facilitator,  agenda  and  secretariat...  And  rotate  according  to  skills,  preferences  and  development  plans...  But  make  sure  everyone  gets  to  do  everything.  Everyone  get  'limelight',  development  and  stretch  tasks  and  the  opportunity  to  parRcipate  *without*  boring  administraRve  tasks  also.    

•  Explore  areas  that  are  outside  of  the  normal  areas    

•  CommuniRes  of  pracRce  to  discuss  what  worked  with  change  implementaRon  what  didn't  and  how  do  we  move  on    

•  Send  swag    •  Use  mulRple  Rmes  types  of  

communicaRons  e.g.,  audio,  visual  and  wriken    

•  Have  your  remote  employees  do  the  presentaRons  to  mgmt    

•  Subliminal  messaging    •  Know  the  legal  ramificaRons  of  the  change  

in  each  country  you  are  impacRng    •  Don't  forget  about  them  azer  go-­‐live    •  Food  helps    •  Bridge  the  gap;  put  people  together  

intenRonally.  It  shows  commitment  to  the  change,  that  the  organizaRon  cares  enough  about  the  iniRaRve  to  bother  sending  reps  out  to  the  field.    

•  Robust  communicaRon  cascades    •  Too  much  structure  can  kill  it    •  Have  a  buddy  to  remind  people  of  the  

commikments  they  made  during  the  session    

•  Follow  up  with  people  one  on  one  azer  the  virtual  meeRng.    

•  Be  aware  of  the  geographic  culture,  but  also  the  corporate  culture  of  your  remote  partners.    

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RESPONSES (page 2 of 2):

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•  Create  a  roadmap  for  change  that  people  can  follow  to  put  in  acRon    

•  Truly  understanding  the  WIIFM  for  each  person    

•  Make  encounters  fun    •  If  you  have  1-­‐2  remote  folks  and  a  larger  

group  in  one  place,  run  fully  virtual  meeRngs  periodically  (instead  of  having  the  remote  folks  be  the  minority).    

•  Use  visuals  less  words    •  Small  talk  is  important  in  relaRonship  dev    •  Encourage  two  way  dialogue    •  RecruiRng  employees  who  are  invested  in  

the  change  to  support  it  at  their  locaRon  and  willing  to  promote  "talk  it  up"    

•  Give  your  partners  their  chance  to  shine.  Consider  a  global  newsleker  highlighRng  accomplishments.    

•  Regular  touch  points  with  audience  parRcipaRon  to  present  change  topics    

•  Have  consistent  messages-­‐-­‐video  recording    

•  clarity  of  communicaRon  about  the  support...don't  train,  leave  and  expect  miracles.    

•  Region  neutral  resources  to  learn,  share,  and  communicate  virtually    

•  Find  commonaliRes  and  things  people  are  compassionate  about  and  build  on  it    

•  Listen  to  what  your  employees  need    •  Get  as  many  people  from  different  

locaRons  involved  as  possible    •  Don't  leave  them  out  and  make  sure  that  

they  are  supported  and  have  access  to  the  same  resources    

•  Be  consistent.  When  you  schedule  something,  even  if  no  one  accepts,  be  there  virtually  or  in  person.  Don't  cancel  things.    

•  Talk  about  concerns  openly    •  Leader  support    •  Be  sure  there  is  a  way  to  get  feedback  in    •  Access  to  resources  and  people      

Page 31: ACMP2015 Presentation - Learn, Lead & Support Change at a Distance

One Word Summary

Learn  -­‐  Involve  Lead  –  Trust  Support  –  Respect  

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Page 32: ACMP2015 Presentation - Learn, Lead & Support Change at a Distance

Questions and answers

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