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Acoustical Imaging and Mechanical Properties of Soft Rock and

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Acoustical Imaging and Mechanical Properties of Soft Rock and Marine Sediments (Final Technical Report #15302) Reporting Period: 01/02/01 - 12/31/03 Thurman E. Scott, Jr., Ph.D. Younane Abousleiman, Ph.D. Report Issued: April 2004 DOE Award Number: DE-FC26-01BC15302 PoroMechanics Institute The University of Oklahoma Sarkeys Energy Center, Room P-119 100 East Boyd Street Norman, Oklahoma 73019-1014
Page 1: Acoustical Imaging and Mechanical Properties of Soft Rock and

Acoustical Imaging and Mechanical Propertiesof Soft Rock and Marine Sediments

(Final Technical Report #15302)

Reporting Period: 01/02/01 - 12/31/03

Thurman E. Scott, Jr., Ph.D.Younane Abousleiman, Ph.D.

Report Issued: April 2004

DOE Award Number: DE-FC26-01BC15302

PoroMechanics InstituteThe University of Oklahoma

Sarkeys Energy Center, Room P-119100 East Boyd Street

Norman, Oklahoma 73019-1014

Page 2: Acoustical Imaging and Mechanical Properties of Soft Rock and



“This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United StatesGovernment. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of theiremployees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability orresponsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus,product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately ownedrights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name,trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement,recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. Theviews and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of theUnited States Government or any agency thereof.”

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The research during this project has concentrated on developing a correlation between rockdeformation mechanisms and their acoustic velocity signature. This has included investigating:(1) the acoustic signature of drained and undrained unconsolidated sands, (2) the acousticemission signature of deforming high porosity rocks (in comparison to their low porosity highstrength counterparts), (3) the effects of deformation on anisotropic elastic and poroelasticmoduli, and (4) the acoustic tomographic imaging of damage development in rocks. Each ofthese four areas involve triaxial experimental testing of weak porous rocks or unconsolidatedsand and involves measuring acoustic properties. The research is directed at determining theseismic velocity signature of damaged rocks so that 3-D or 4-D seismic imaging can be utilizedto image rock damage. The four areas of study are described below:

1. Triaxial compression experiments have been conducted on unconsolidated Oil Creek sandat high confining pressures. The experiments were designed to simulate environmentalconditions of sands that undergo liquefaction – a process that may be responsible forproblems such as massive sand production or the shallow water flow phenomena. Theseare two critical problems which cost the oil and gas industry hundreds of millions of dollarsper year. The experiments were conducted while measuring the compressional and shearwave velocities. The experiments indicate that shear wave velocities sharply decrease,and Vp/Vs ratios markedly increase: (1) during liquefaction of sand at high pressure inundrained triaxial experiments, and (2) during plasticity of sand in drained triaxialexperiments. The associated mechanical parameters are also indicative of the enhancedweakening of these sands under the above described conditions.

2. Initial experiments on measuring the acoustic emission activity from deforming highporosity Danian chalk were accomplished and these indicate that the AE activity was of avery low amplitude. Even though the sample underwent yielding and significant plasticdeformation the sample did not generate signficant AE activity. This was somewhatsurprising. These initial results call into question the validity of attempting to locate AEactivity in this rock type. As a result, the testing program was slightly altered to includemeasuring the acoustic emission activity from many of the rock types listed in the researchprogram. The experimental results indicate that AE activity in the sandstones is muchhigher than in the carbonate rocks (i.e., the chalks and limestones). This observation maybe particularly important for planning microseismic imaging of reservoir rocks in the fieldenvironment. The preliminary results suggest that microseismic imaging of reservoir rockfrom acoustic emission activity generated from rock matrix deformation (during compactionand subsidence) of soft rock would be extremely difficult to accomplish. Acoustic emissionin the observed field (i.e., microseismic activity) in soft rock may in fact be due toreactivation of faults and fractures and not from deforming intact rock (i.e. matrixdeformation).

3. A series of triaxial compression experiments were conducted to investigate the effects ofinduced stress on the anisotropy developed in dynamic elastic and poroelastic parametersin rocks. A new technology was developed for measuring anisotropic elastic andporoelastic parameters. The measurements were accomplished by utilizing an array ofpiezoelectric compressional and shear wave sensors mounted around a cylindrical sampleof porous Berea sandstone. Three different types of applied states of stress wereinvestigated using hydrostatic, triaxial, and uniaxial strain experiments. During the

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hydrostatic experiment, where an isotropic stress state was applied to an initially isotropicporous rock, the vertical and horizontal acoustic velocities and dynamic elastic moduliincreased as pressure was applied and no evidence of stress induced anisotropy wasobserved. The poroelastic moduli (Biot’s effective stress parameter) decreased during thetest but also with no evidence of anisotropy. The triaxial compression test involved anaxisymmetric application of stress with an axial stress greater than the two constant equallateral stresses. During this test a marked anisotropy developed in the acoustic velocitiesand in the dynamic elastic and poroelastic moduli. As axial stress increased the magnitudeof the anisotropy increased as well. The uniaxial strain test involved axisymmetricapplication of stresses with increasing axial and lateral stresses but while maintaining azero lateral strain condition. The uniaxial strain test exhibited a quite different behaviorfrom either the triaxial or hydrostatic tests. As both the axial and lateral stresses wereincreased, an anisotropy developed early in the loading phase but then was effectively‘locked in’ with little or no change in the magnitude of the values of the acoustic velocities,or the dynamic elastic and poroelastic parameters as stresses were increased. Theseexperimental results show that the application of triaxial states of stress induced significantanisotropy in the elastic and poroelastic parameters in porous rock.

4. Tomographic acoustic imaging was utilized to image the internal damage in a deformingporous limestone sample. During this experiment compressional wave velocities from anarray of sensors mounted on the core sample were used to image deformation. Theresults indicate that as an axial stress is applied to the sample the velocity in the sampleincreases. Near the peak strength a marked diffuse low velocity zone develops in thecenter of the core which eventually localizes into an inclined zone. After the experimentwas completed an inclined shear zone was observed in the core sample.

Results indicate that the deformation damage in rocks induced during laboratoryexperimentation can be imaged tomographically in the laboratory. By extension the results alsoindicate that 4-D seismic imaging of a reservoir may become a powerful tool for imagingreservoir deformation (including imaging compaction and subsidence) and for imaging zoneswhere drilling operation may encounter hazardous shallow water flows.

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ABSTRACT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

TABLE OF CONTENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

LIST OF GRAPHICAL MATERIALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

1.0 EXPERIMENTAL EQUIPMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

2.0 ACOUSTIC VELOCITY OF SATURATED SANDS: APPLICATION TO SHALLOW WATER FLOWS AND SANDING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

3.0 ACOUSTIC EMISSION IN ROCKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

4.0 THE EFFECTS OF STRESS INDUCED ANISOTROPY ON DYNAMIC ELASTIC AND POROELASTIC MODULI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29

5.0 TOMOGRAPHIC IMAGING OF ROCK DAMAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39

6.0 PROJECT CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44

LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136

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FIGURE 1 - The 3,000,000 lb. TerraTek load frame with its 20,000 psi triaxial pressure vessel. The command and control, acoustic emission, and ultrasonic velocity systems are located to the left of the load frame. These components comprise a major part of the new Geomechanical Acoustic Imaging System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50

FIGURE 2 – A schematic of the load frame, triaxial cell, and data acquisition modules of theGeomechanical Acoustic Imaging System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

FIGURE 3 – A schematic of the acoustic velocity system for compressional and shear wave anisotropy measurements and for acquisition of the full dynamic tensor data set. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

FIGURE 4 - Axial acoustic velocity platens constructed for the project. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53

FIGURE 5 - Diagram illustrating the lateral acoustic velocity sensors constructed for the project. The top photograph shows a rock core sample with both a 3-component sensor and a single-component acoustic sensor mounted on the surface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

FIGURE 6 - A photograph of the new sample assembly for acoustic measurements on a transversely isotropic rock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55

FIGURE 7 − The stress-strain curve for an undrained triaxial compression experiment at 2000 psi confining pressure and 1000 psi starting pore pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

FIGURE 8 − The shear stress (q) versus effective mean pressure (p’) plot for an undrained triaxial compression experiment at 2000 psi confining pressure and 1000 psi pore fluid pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

FIGURE 9 − The shear stress (q) versus pore pressure plot for an undrained triaxial compression experiment at 2000 psi confining pressure and 1000 psi starting pore pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

FIGURE 10 − The stress-strain curve for an undrained triaxial compression experiment at 5500 psi confining pressure and 600 psi starting pore pressure . . . . . . . . . . . 59

FIGURE 11 − The shear stress (q) versus effective mean pressure (p’) plot for an undrained triaxial compression experiment at 5500 psi confining pressure and 600 psi starting pore fluid pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

FIGURE 12 − The shear stress (q) versus pore pressure plot for an undrained triaxial compression experiment at 5500 psi confining pressure and 600 psi starting pore fluid pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

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FIGURE 13 − Stress-strain plots on a series of undrained triaxial compression experiments on unconsolidated Oil Creek sand. The first numbers of the legend represent the confining pressure and the second number is the starting pore pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

FIGURE 14 − A comparison of the strength effects of various types of jacket types on a rubber standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

FIGURE 15 − A comparison of jacket strength effect on the deformation of unconsolidated sand (Oil Creek sand) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

FIGURE 16 − The differential stress-axial strain curve for the undrained Oil Creek sand at 4500 psi confining pressure and the drain experiment at 2000 psi confining pressure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

FIGURE 17 − The changes in pore pressure during the undrained triaxial compression experiments on Oil Creek sand. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

FIGURE 18 − The deformational stress paths of the Oil Creek sand mapped in differential stress-effective mean pressure stress space. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

FIGURE 19 − Shear wave velocities of the Oil Creek sand during the undrained triaxial experiment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

FIGURE 20 − The change in the compressional wave velocity (Vp) differential stress during the undrained triaxial compression experiment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

FIGURE 21 − The change in the Vp/Vs ratio with differential stress during the undrained triaxial compression experiment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

FIGURE 22 − The shear moduli during the undrained triaxial compression test. . . . . . . . . . . . 71

FIGURE 23 − The Young’s modului during the undrained triaxial compression test. . . . . . . . . 72

FIGURE 24 − The change in Poisson’s ratio during the undrained triaxial compression experiment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

FIGURE 25 − The shear wave velocity during the drained triaxial compression experiment at 2000 psi confining pressure and 1000 psi pore fluid pressure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

FIGURE 26 − The compressional wave velocity during the triaxial experiment. . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

FIGURE 27 − The Vp/Vs ratio during the drained triaxial experiment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76

FIGURE 28 − The change in shear moduli during the drained triaxial experiment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

FIGURE 29 − The change in Young’s moduli during the triaxial experiment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78

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FIGURE 30 − The change in Poisson’s ratio during the the drained triaxial experiment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

FIGURE 31 − Undrained triaxial pathways for three sands with different amounts of fines added . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

FIGURE 32 − Pore pressure-time curves for three different mixtures of Oil Creek sand as finer material is added to the sand. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 81

FIGURE 33 − Stress-strain diagram for Danian chalk (sample 1). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

FIGURE 34 − AE rate diagram for Danian chalk (sample 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

FIGURE 35 − Cumulative AE for Danian chalk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

FIGURE 36 − Stress-strain diagram for Berea sandstone AE reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

FIGURE 37 − AE rate diagram for Berea sandstone AE reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

FIGURE 38 − Cumulative AE for Berea sandstone AE reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

FIGURE 39 − Stress-strain diagram for Indiana limestone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

FIGURE 40 − AE rate diagram for Indiana limestone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

FIGURE 41 − Cumulative AE for Indiana limestone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

FIGURE 42 − Stress-strain diagram for Cordoba Cream limestone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91

FIGURE 43 − AE rate diagram for Cordoba Cream limestone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92

FIGURE 44 − Cumulative AE for Cordoba Cream limestone .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

FIGURE 45 − Stress-strain diagram for Oil Creek sandstone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .94

FIGURE 46 − AE rate diagram for Oil Creek sandstone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

FIGURE 47 − Cumulative AE for Oil Creek sandstone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96

FIGURE 48 − The three dimensional orientation of the acoustic raypaths on the cylindrical core samples. This is the new single core method . . . . . . . . . . . . . .97

FIGURE 49 − A schematic illustrating the various acoustic raypaths in the cylindrical samples. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98

FIGURE 50 − A schematic illustrating the types of deformation experiments conducted in the study. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .99

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FIGURE 51 − A plot of the confining stress vs. axial and circumferential strains during a hydrostatic compression experiment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100

FIGURE 52 − A plot of the compressional wave velocities during the hydrostatic compression experiment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

FIGURE 53 − A plot of the shear wave velocities obtained during the hydrostatic compression experiment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102

FIGURE 54 − A plot of the anisotropic Young’s moduli obtained during the hydrostatic compression experiment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

FIGURE 55 − A plot of the anisotropic shear moduli obtained during the hydrostatic compression experiment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104

FIGURE 56 − A plot of the anisotropic Biot’s effective stress parameters during the hydrostatic compression experiment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

FIGURE 57 − A plot of differential stress vs. axial and circumferential strains during a triaxial compression experiment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

FIGURE 58 − A plot of the compressional wave velocities during the triaxial compression experiment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107

FIGURE 59 − A plot of the shear wave velocities obtained during the triaxial compression experiment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108

FIGURE 60 − A plot of the anisotropic Young’s moduli obtained during the triaxial compression experiment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .109

FIGURE 61 − A plot of the anisotropic shear moduli obtained during the triaxial compression experiment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .110

FIGURE 62 − A plot of the anisotropic Biot’s effective stress parameters during the triaxial compression experiment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .111

FIGURE 63 − A plot of the differential stress vs. confining stress during the uniaxial strain experiment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112

FIGURE 64 − A plot of the compressional wave velocities obtained during the uniaxial strain experiment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .113

FIGURE 65 − A plot of the shear wave velocities obtained during the uniaxial strain experiment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114

FIGURE 66 − A plot of the anisotropic Young’s moduli obtained during the uniaxial strain experiment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .115

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FIGURE 67 − A plot of the anisotropic shear moduli obtained during the uniaxial strain experiment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .116

FIGURE 68 − A plot of the anisotropic Biot’s effective stress parameters during the uniaxial strain experiment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .117

FIGURE 69 − A schematic of the equipment for the ultrasonic tomography experiment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .118

FIGURE 70 − A schematic showing the dimensions of the sample and the locations of the acoustic sensors for the vertical tomography. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .119

FIGURE 71 − A cross-sectional view of the acoustic pulse transmission sensors on the rock core sample set up for vertical tomography. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120

FIGURE 72 − A 3-dimensional view of the configuration of acoustic raypaths in a sample setup for vertical tomography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .121

FIGURE 73 − A photograph of the jacket/sample assembly for vertical tomography. . . . . . . . 122

FIGURE 74 − A photograph of the sample in the Keck load frame before insertion into the pressure cell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123

FIGURE 75 − A photograph illustrating the scale of the large size of the tomographic imaging samples (6 inch diameter) compared to smaller NX, 1.5 inch, and 1 inch diameter samples. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .124

FIGURE 76 − A photograph of Keck Acoustic Imaging System during testing. . . . . . . . . . . . .125

FIGURE 77 − The stress-strain curve for Indiana Limestone at 500 psi confining pressure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126

FIGURE 78 − The tomogram for Indiana limestone at 500 psi confining pressure with no differential stress applied. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127

FIGURE 79 − The tomogram for Indiana limestone at 500 psi confining pressure and a differential stress of 937 psi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128

FIGURE 80 − The tomogram for Indiana limestone at 500 psi confining pressure and a differential stress of 2727 psi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .129

FIGURE 81 − The tomogram for Indiana limestone at 500 psi confining pressure and a differential stress of 6756 psi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130

FIGURE 82 − The tomogram for Indiana limestone at 500 psi confining pressure and a differential stress of 7287 psi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131

FIGURE 83 − The tomogram for Indiana limestone at 500 psi confining pressure and a differential stress of 7463 psi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132

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FIGURE 84 − The tomogram for Indiana limestone at 500 psi confining pressure and differential stress.of 2935. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133

FIGURE 85 − The tomogram for Indiana limestone at 500 psi confining pressure and after completely unloading the differential stress. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134

FIGURE 86 − A photograph of the fractured sample tested at 500 psi confining pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135

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Damage to weakly cemented or unconsolidated sands during the production and drilling ofreservoirs is a costly problem for the oil and gas industry. For example, the unexpectedcompaction of the Ekofisk chalk resulted in over 1 billion dollars in remedial work being appliedto production facilities overlying the reservoir. In this case the production facilities had to bereconstructed to a higher position above sea level to accommodate over 16 feet in subsidence.Reservoir compaction can also result in casing failures, loss of reservoir permeability, anddamage to surface production facilities. Such problems are increasingly becoming commonbecause the mechanically stable ‘easy to drill and produce’ reservoirs have been depletedleaving more expensive, problematic reservoirs for present and future oil and gas production. Another example of the problem generated by drilling unconsolidated sands is the problem ofshallow water flows. Such flows occur at shallow depths below the seafloor (less than 2000feet) but in deep water (2000 to 4000 feet). These flows occur when the unconsolidated sandssuddenly flow up the annulus of the borehole and flow onto the seabed. The flow can causewashouts and loss of the supporting surface casing (Furlow 1999a). The damage to the Ursadevelopment project in Mississippi Canyon Block 810 resulted in the loss of $150 million dollarsfor the partners in the project (Furlow, 1988a).

While both of the above scenarios are distinctly different (i.e., compaction and shallow waterflows) both involve damage of poorly consolidated or weakly cemented rocks.In the case of shallow water flows the current industry thinking is to utilize predrill seismicimaging of these sands to sidestep potential hazards (Furlow, 1999b). However, there is littleor no data on the acoustic properties of such sands. In addition the areal extent andrtheamount of damage induced during compaction possibly could also be seismically image if weknew the properties of the damaged rock.

This research project was designed to determine the acoustic signature of deforming rocks andsands so that 3-D or 4-D seismic imaging could be used to image zones of damage (e.g., forcompaction) or image zones where damage may occur (e.g., the case of shallow water flows).As such the research in this study is intended to extend the use of seismic imaging from that ofits present day applications. These include imaging lithology, firefloods, waterfloods, monitoringoil/water contacts. We suggest that seismic imaging could be used to monitor rock damage androck deformation that occurs while oil and gas production is on going.

During this study we examine the acoustic signatures of weak rocks and unconsolidatedsands during laboratory high pressure experiments. In the first part of this report we have abrief description of the unique laboratory facilites used in the study. The second part of thereport addresses the compressional and shear wave acoustic signature of deformingunconsolidated sands. The third section addresses acoustic emission activity in high porosityrocks. The fourth section shows the newly developed methods for measuring anisotropic elasticand poroelastic properties (both inherent and stress induced) in rocks. Finally, the fifth sectionshows the newly development acoustic tomographic time lapse imaging of a developingdamage zone (a shear fracture) in a porous limestone.

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Executive Summary

The petroleum industry is increasingly directing exploration and development efforts to produceoil and gas from mechanically problematic reservoir rocks. An example of this is the problem ofshallow water flows (SWF) encountered during deepwater drilling operations. This occurs whenunconsolidated sands begin to violently flow up the annulus of a wellbore and occurs in deepwater environments but occurs in sands located at shallow depths below the mudline. Thisviolent process can result in loss of the wellbore and in some cases the loss of multiple wellsdrilled from a single template on the seafloor. SWF generated a loss of 150 million dollars forthe companies involved in the Ursa deep water drilling project (Furlow 1998a,b;1999a,b).Another example is the problem of reservoir compaction. Production from soft or weak rockssuch as high porosity limestones and chalks can create damaging reservoir subsidence andcompaction – processes that can lead to severe casing damage, loss of wellbores, loss ofpermeability, and damage to surface production facilities. The Ekofisk chalk in the North Sea isa classic example of severe production induced compaction in a reservoir where over 16 feet ofsubsidence occurred at the surface. Remedial work to repair damage to surface productionfacilities at the Ekofisk site resulted in the loss of 1 billion dollars to oil and gas companiesinvolved in the project (Sulak 1991). Both of these scenarios involve severe deformation ofweakly cemented, high porosity rocks and unconsolidated sediments. New technologies, suchas 3-D and 4-D seismic surveys, may play an important future role in predrill detection ofpotential hazards (such as shallow water flows) or the tracking of damage induced duringproduction (in the case of the Ekofisk reservoir). The goal of this research study was toexamine the acoustic behavior (i.e., the compressional and shear wave velocities) of deforminghigh porosity rock and unconsolidated sands and correlate those velocities to differentdeformational mechanisms. This report is divided into four research areas: (1) acousticvelocity signature during the drained and undrained deformation of unconsolidated sands, (2)acoustic emission signature of deforming high porosity rocks, (3) changes in elastic andporoelastic moduli during deformation, and (4) acoustic tomographic imaging of a high porosityrock during a deformation experiment. A short description follows:

(1) The problem of shallow water flows required an examination of the deformation ofunconsolidated sands during triaxial tests. In these experiments Oil Creek sand wastested in both drained and undrained conditions. In many cases SWF are thought tooccur in sands at high pore pressure which are sealed from the surrounding rock units. Ifdeformed, such sands would be ‘undrained’ meaning pore pressure would increase if theywere subjected to high stresses. These deformation experiments were carried out whilemeasuring both the compressional and shear wave velocities. During drained triaxial teststhe shear wave velocities increased during the initial stages of loading but decreased asthe sand sample went into plasticity. The sharp reduction in shear wave velocity resultedin increases in the Vp/Vs ratios during plasticity. Undrained triaxial compressionexperiments at high pressures showed a similar pattern. In this case the sands underwenta ‘liquefaction’ type of instability that may be associated with the runaway instability ofsands during SWF. The shear wave velocities decreased during this period of instabilityand the Vp/Vs ratios increased. In both cases where the sands failed the shear wavevelocity decreased and the Vp/Vs ratios increased. These laboratory results confirm whatengineering field studies of shallow water flows have already suspected – that couplingbetween sand grains (as evidenced by the low shear velocities) is very low, making themeasily mobilized during deformation. The experiments suggest that areas prone to SWFwill have low shear wave velocities and high Vp/Vs ratios and that these are the regions toside step during drilling operations.

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(2) A series of triaxial compression tests were conducted on various rock types in the study tomeasure acoustic emission activity. The results conducted on high porosity chalks wereboth surprising and disappointing. They were surprising in that acoustic emission activityduring both shear failure and extensive plastic deformation was extremely low and theevents that were recorded were of low amplitude. This result was disappointing in that itmeant that 3-D location (imaging) of the damage within the chalk samples could not beaccomplished. The few field studies available indicate that microseismic activity duringdeformation of chalk reservoirs occurs along preexisting fractures and faults and that littleor no microseismic activity occurs within the rock unit between these features even thoughthe rock is undergoing severe compaction. The experiments in this study seem to verifythe observation that matrix deformation does not generate detectable levels of AE activityin the frequency range tested. The acoustic emission activity of the chalks was comparedto activities obtained during deformation experiments carried out on sandstones. Thesandstones generated much higher levels of acoustic emission events especially duringthe failure process. The results suggest that it would be highly improbable to image matrixdamage in high porosity chalks (e.g., bulk rock) with either acoustic emission (in laboratorytests) or microseismic (in the field) studies.

(3) Most stress states in the subsurface are anisotropic (i.e., the stresses are not equal in alldirections or hydrostatic). However few studies have examined the effects of non-isotropicstates of stresses in rocks on rock elastic and poroelastic properties. Identifying theeffects of induced stress on rock and poroelastic properties was a primary task of thisinvestigation. Previous research has demonstrated inherent anisotropy (i.e., anisotropyassociated with sedimentary bedding, layers, and planar features such as fractures) canaffect seismic velocities and elastic moduli. If uncorrected the rock anisotropy may lead tolarge errors in interpreting seismic surveys. The goal of this research was to answer twoquestions: (1) Is the effect of induced stress on anisotropy significant? and (2) Is the arrayof acoustic information sufficient to determine the anisotropic elastic and poroelasticmoduli? The answer to the second of these two questions is a resounding ‘yes’. Duringthis study a new method was developed to measure an array of compressional and shearwave velocities on a cylindrical core sample while subjected to triaxial state of stress. Therock selected for study was very homogeneous and during hydrostatic deformation, whereequal pressures were applied around the sample, the rock remained isotropic as the axialand lateral compressional and shear wave velocities increased. The velocity data wasused to calculate the elastic moduli, such as Young’s modulus, shear modulus, Poisson’sratio, and bulk modulus. In addition, the poroelastic Biots effective stress parameter wasalso calculated for the first time from compression and shear wave velocity data. Duringthe hydrostatic experiment the dynamic Biot’s effective stress parameter decreased aspressure was increased; an observation previously observed during earlier staticexperiments. Experiments were conducted on two additional types of deformational stresspaths – a triaxial deformation path and a uniaxial strain path. The triaxial test involvedapplying an increasing axial stress while the horizontal stresses remain constant. Duringthis experiment the anisotropy increased monotonically as deformation increased. Theelastic moduli (E,G,K) in the vertical direction (aligned with the maximum stress) increasedwhile the lateral elastic moduli decreased. The poroelastic moduli exhibited the oppositepattern with the Biot’s effective stress parameter in the axial direction decreasing withincreasing stress. The results of this experiment answer the first question posed in thissection -- Is the effect of stress induced isotropy significant? The answer is ‘yes.’ Theanisotropy generated in the triaxial test on porous sandstone was as large as thatobserved in inherent anisotropy in layered rocks. This means in some seismic surveys it

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may be important to account for errors created by induced stresses. A uniaxial strain testwas also conducted. This experiment is designed to simulate the type of deformation thatwould occur during continual burial of the rock or during drawdown of a petroleumreservoir. In this type of experiment the sample is loaded in the axial direction and thelateral stresses are changed to maintain a zero lateral deformation. During this type ofexperiment the velocities changed very quickly and then ‘locked’ into an unchangingcondition even though both the axial and lateral stresses were increasing. The reason forthis type of behavior was unclear. In summary, these experiments allow the researchteam, for the first time, to track and evaluate the changes in elastic and poroelastic modulias triaxial stresses are applied. The results indicate the subsurface elastic stress statesdo affect acoustic velocities and suggest that this factor may need to be accounted for infuture improvements in seismic surveys.

(4) The final section of the research involved acoustic tomographic imaging of a rock sample(with dimensions of 6 inches in diameter and 10.5 inches length) during triaxialdeformation. For the first time, a vertical cross section of a shear failure in a volume ofrock was acoustically imaged. The method involved placing an extensive array ofcompressional wave sensors on either side of a large core sample of porous limestone.The sample was placed in the triaxial cell and deformed with a series of ‘step-hold’ testswhere confining pressure was first applied to the sample and then a small increase in axialstress was applied, and then several hundred compressional wave raypaths were shot.These were utilized to generate images at various states of stress until the sample failed.The results indicated that early in the loading phase the acoustic velocities slightlyincreased. As the deformation neared the peak stress (i.e., ultimate strength) on thestress-strain curve, a centralized diffused low velocity zone developed. As the rock failedthe low velocity zone increased in intensity and in the post peak failed region the sampleexhibited an inclined low zone. After the experiment was completed an inclined shearfracture was observed that aligned with the inclined low velocity zone. These resultssuggest that for the first time we were able to image the damage associated with processof dilatancy prior to shear failure and image the damage halo associated with the shearfracture itself.

In summary this research provided results on a broad range of experiments on a variety of weakrocks and unconsolidated sands. The conclusions indicate that the acoustic velocity changesduring rock deformational failure processes is significant in both sands and weak rocks. Inaddition, we developed a new method for imaging these processes in the laboratory andsuggest that these results can be extended to 3-D and 4-D field seismic surveys.

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1.0 Experimental Setup and Equipment

1.1 Laboratory testing equipment

Laboratory techniques and testing technologies include: (1) compressional and shear acousticvelocities (determined by the time of flight method), (2) acoustic emission (single channelmethods), (3) shear wave bender element measurements, (4) ultrasonic tomography, and (5)dynamic elastic tensor measurements. The testing program utilized a variety of systems in theGeomechanical Acoustic Imaging System (GAIS). Figure 1 is a photograph of the completedGAIS as it now stands in the O.U. Geomechanical Acoustic Laboratory. Figures 2 and 3 areschematics of the equipment modules for some parts of the GAIS that will be used in the study.Figure 2 shows the data acquisition system and the command and control system for the loadframe and triaxial pressure cell of the GAIS. Figure 3 is a schematic of the ultrasonic velocitysystem.

The equipment includes:

1. A TerraTek 3,000,000 lb. load frame and 138 MPa triaxial cell used for the dynamic tensor,ultrasonic velocity, acoustic tomography tests.

2. An MTS 600,000 lb. load frame and 138 MPa triaxial cell to be used unconsolidated sandtests and the acoustic emission tests.

3. The 15 channel Vallen Systeme for acoustic emission full waveform acquisition.4. The 24 channel Physical Acoustics Corporation (PAC) Mistras System for both AE event

parametrics and full waveform acquisition.5. The 8 channel Spartan Acoustic Emission system from PAC.6. Two Tektronix TDS420 digital storage oscilloscopes (for acoustic velocity measurements).7. A switchbox for high voltage pulses and acquired acoustic velocity waveforms.8. An HP3852 data acquisition system (used for both command and control, and data

acquisition of the Geomechanical Acoustic Imaging System).9. An MTS TestStar II controller for control of the load frames and triaxial pressure cells.10. An MTS extensometer (Model 632.92B-05) for axial strain measurements.11. An MTS extensometer (Model 632.90B-04) for circumferential strain measurements.12. 1.5-, 2.125-, 3-, and 4-inch diameter acoustic compressional and shear wave velocity

platens.13. 3-inch acoustic velocity platens with shear wave piezoelectic bender elements installed.14. Internal load cells rated to 20,000, 200,000, and 300,000 lbs. for both the MTS 319 and the

TerraTek load frame.

These are also used in the deformational pathways including: triaxial deformation, uniaxialstrain, hydrostatic compression, and K-ratio tests.

1.2 New acoustic platens

Four different sets of axial acoustic platens were machined and assembled for the researchproject. These correlate to the different sample sizes to be tested during the experimentalprogram. Sample diameters are 1.5, 2.125, 3, and 4 inches. The sample length-to-diameterratios will be 2 to 1 as outlined in the ASTM rock testing procedures. The platens contain porepressure ports and three piezoelectric elements (one compressional and two orthogonallyoriented shears) with a nominal center frequency of 600 KHz. The 2.125-inch diameter platens

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had been previously developed and described by Scott et al. (1993) and the other platens weremade specifically for this research project. The above mentioned acoustic platens are wellsuited for testing weakly cemented rock samples or competent, lithified rock samples (see Scottet al. 1993, 1998a,b for examples). However, one goal of the research program is to examinethe acoustic properties of unconsolidated sands, since these are the problematic formations thatlead to catastrophic shallow water flows. These SWF are not only problematic for drilling andproduction engineers but represent challenges for laboratory researchers as well. A new type ofplaten is being designed for this study, and is based on a modification of the type used to studythe acoustic properties of soils undergoing mechanical deformation testing. These platens(Figure 4) contain the same 600 KHz compressional and shear wave piezoelectric elements inthe standard loading platen (outlined in the above paragraph) but also have a piezoeletricbender element embedded in them. Bender elements extend up into the unconsolidated sandand provide a high energy, low frequency, shear wave pulse through the poorly consolidatedsample (Gohl and Finn 1991; de Alba and Baldwin 1991; Arulnathan et al. 1998). Standard 600KHz plate type piezoelectric elements do not yield very discernable shear waves at low effectiveconfining pressures due to the loss of coupling between the grains. (Shear waves propagateonly through the solid grain-to-grain framework.) The high amplitude pulse generated by benderelements can even propagate a shear wave through loose, unpressured sand packs.

The platens developed in this study are designed for use in triaxial pressure cells with muchhigher confining pressures (up to 20,000 psi) than what is traditionally used in soil mechanicsexperiments (generally less than 600 psi). These new platens have been successfully used inobtaining shear wave velocities in unconsolidated, unstressed sand samples during benchtoptests as low as 40 m/sec.

1.3 Lateral acoustic emission and acoustic velocity sensors

A series of lateral acoustic sensors were made for the project. The design has beensuccessfully used by Scott et al. (1993) in previous research. Two different types of lateralsensors have been made for this research project. They include: (1) single element acousticemission sensors, and (2) three component sensors with one compressional and twoorthogonally mounted shear wave elements (see Figure 5). The single element sensors aredesigned for acoustic emission experiments. All acoustic piezoelectric elements are .25 inch indiameter and have a nominal center frequency of 600 KHz. In the single component modelthese are mounted (cast) in an epoxy shell with a diameter of .35 inch. In the three componentmodel the elements are mounted in an in-line housing 1 inch in length and .35 inch in width(Figure 5). The mounting of these sensors on a rock core sample is shown in figure 6.

1.4 Rock Samples

Researchers in the PoroMechanics Institute selected and acquired (1) Danian outcrop chalk, (2)Cordoba Cream (Austin) Chalk, (3) Indiana Limestone, and (4) unconsolidated Oil Creek sandfor experiments.

These include:

Danian Chalk. This is a clean, white outcrop chalk obtained from Denmark. It has a porosity of35% and is equilivalent in strength and character to the Ekofisk Chalk of the North Sea and willtherefore represent a superb analog for the Ekofisk Reservoir. The Ekofisk Reservoir

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represents a reservoir which has undergone severe subsidence and compaction (over 30 feet)in the last 30 years.

Cordoba Cream Limestone. This is the generic name given to the soft, buff colored Austin chalkquarried in Texas. It has a lower porosity (25%) than either the Danian or Ekofisk Chalk rocks.This limestone is primarily calcite (85%) but has a large percentage of clays (10-13%) whichsignificantly weakens the strength of rock. It is medium-to-coarse grained, has calcite cement,and contains small fossils.

Indiana Limestone. A block of high porosity Indiana Limestone was also obtained for theresearch program. This block of rock was more uniform than others in the study. It is strongerthan the other rocks to be tested in the experimental program and therefore represents the highstrength end of samples that will be analyzed in the study. As a reservoir analog this rock typewould be expected to generate damaging compaction and subsidence only in the most severecases (i.e., at high effective confining pressures near depletion of the reservoir).

Oil Creek Sandstone. This sandstone is a very clean quartz arenite (99.9% quartz) from MillCreek, Oklahoma in the Oil Creek Formation (Middle Ordovician Simpson Group). Porositiesaverage around 33-35%. This sandstone is very friable and is composed of well roundedgrains. The blocks of Oil Creek were hand cut from a glass sand quarry operated by U.S. Silica.Th Oil Creek weakly cemented sandstone is friable enough so that the cores can be cut with aspecial hand coring device developed in the PoroMechanics Institute for preparing soft rocksamples. Disaggregated Oil Creek Sandstone is sold for use as a proppant in hydraulic fracturetreatments and is locally known as Oklahoma #2. It has been washed, cleaned, and sieved. Assuch, this sand makes excellent material for the unconsolidated sand packs for the researchprogram.

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2.0 Acoustic Velocity of Saturated Sands: Application toShallow Water Flows and Sanding

An understanding of the deformation of unconsolidated sands at high confining pressures hasimportant implications for the petroleum industry. Two particularly troublesome problems are 1)sand production, which occurs during the production of oil and gas from weakly cemented oruncemented sand formations, and 2) the problem of shallow water flows, during whichuncontrolled sand flow occurs during drilling of wells in deep water sediments. Sand production,which involves massive sand flow into well bores during extraction of oil and gas, has been aproblem since the early 1930’s. The phenomena continues to plague the industry and has beenwell documented (Suman et al, 1983). Shallow water flows generally occur from sandformations at shallow depths below the seafloor (less than 2000 feet) but in deep water (2000-4000 feet). They were first identified in 1985 in the Gulf of Mexico. The flow of these sands canbe so severe that it often leads to loss of the surface casing, loss of drilling templates andabandonment of the well (Furlow 1998a,b). Shallow water flows are a major financial problemfor the petroleum industry. An analysis of the severity of the problem indicated that the industryhad lost 175 million dollars on 106 drilled wells (Alberty 2000). Recently, Huffman andCastagna (2001) suggested that shallow water flows were possibly due to liquefaction of thesegeopressured sands. Liquefaction has been long studied in civil engineering and occurs whensaturated soils exhibit excessive deformational strain response (Vaid and Sivathayalan 1999).During static triaxial compression undrained experiments on saturated sands, liquefaction isevidenced by strain-softening on the stress-strain curve (Vaid and Eliadorani, 1998). The goal ofthis research is to determine if there are specific quasistatic conditions and acoustic signaturesfor liquefaction of saturated sand at great depth that could be used as criteria to identify theonset of sanding or shallow water flows.

With these observations in mind we developed an experimental program to determine: (1)the best experimental procedures for conducting triaxial tests on weak sands but at highpressures (outside the traditional domain of soil mechanics); (2) the deformational behavior ofunconsolidated sands at pressure/stress conditions, that best approximates the conditionsobserved in the deep water marine environment, where liquefaction in unconsolidated sandswould occur; and (3) the compressional and shear wave acoustic velocity signatures of thedrained/undrained deformation of these sands.

2.1 Experiments on Unconsolidated Sands

A series of undrained triaxial have been conducted to outline, for the Oil Creek sand, theconditions where these instabilities occur. This sand is very clean (99.9% quartz) and the grainsare well rounded with grain sizes which averages around .2mm. These tests were on NX sizesamples during which the axial and lateral strains and pore pressure changes were monitoredas deformation proceeded. Figures 7,8,9,10,11 and 12 show the results of a comparison of twotriaxial undrained tests on the Oil Creek sand. Three plots are used to define each experiment.The first diagram plots the axial stress-strain curve. The second plots the effective meanpressure versus shear stress. The third diagram plots the pore pressure evolution versus shearstress. These experiments were conducted at a constant axial deformation rate of .005 in./min.After the initial hydrostatic loading was completed the “B” value was checked (i.e., Skempton’sparameter) to insure that the sample was 100% water saturated. The B value is ratio of thepore pressure to confining pressure as change confining pressure is increased. A value of 1 inan unconsolidated sample generally indicates the sample is fully saturated.

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These two sets of data represent just two runs out of several dozen that were conducted tolocate the conditions where the Oil Creek sand undergoes liquefaction. The undrainedexperiment at 2000 psi confining pressure and 1000 psi pore fluid pressure is shown in figures7, 8, and 9. The stress-strain curve for this sand exhibits an initial linear elastic section until adifferential stress of 750 psi is attained (Figure 7). After that point the sample exhibits a workhardening stress-strain curve until about 16% percent axial strain after which it exhibits asteady-state nature. Figure 9 shows the evolution of the pore fluid pressure during theexperiment. Initially, the pore pressure increases (during the elastic loading phase) and thenbegins to decrease.The stress-strain curve work hardens as deformation continues until the critical state isachieved. The critical state in soil mechanics is defined as the point were the sample continuesto deform with no change in volume (Schofield and Wroth, 1968). It is important to note that noinstability, or strain softening, was observed in this sand sample. Evidence that the critical statehas been achieved is that the effective stress condition (point a in Figure 8) and the porepressure (point b in Figure 9) are ‘locked in’ while the sample continue to deform (strain pathfrom c to d in Figure 7). The undrained experiment at 5500 psi confining pressure and 600 psi pore pressureexhibits a very different behavior. The stress-strain curve shows an initial elastic portion (up to1% axial strain) and then evidences a slight strain softening (Figure 10). At about 6% axialstrain the sample begins to work hardening. Both of the the two triaxial experiments describedin this section were conducted under stroke control. If the sample had been conducted underload control the strain softening portion of the stress-strain curve would be a ‘runaway’ instabilitywhich would be equivalent to liquefaction. The weakening of the sample can easily be observedin figure 11. The pore pressure increases during this experiment all the way to the critical statepoint (Figure 12). The critical state condition was achieved at point d in figure 10, at point e infigure 11, and at point f in figure 12. Figure 13 shows a series of stress-strain curves for the deformation of sand at variousconfining pressures. A total of eleven experiments were conducted. All the samples witheffective confining pressures above 3400 psi show liquefaction behavior (as evidenced by thesoftening in the stress-strain curves).

The appearance and behavior of the stress-strain and the pore pressure curves are similar inmorphology to those exhibited by high porosity sands tested in soil mechanics research. Theonly difference is that the deformational behaviors are occuring at much higher stress conditionsthan those observed in soil mechanics.

2.2 Selecting the Jacketing Material for Triaxial Experiments

Studying the deformational behaviors of weak, unconsolidated sands at high pressurespresents the experimentalist with a series of interesting challenges. First, and foremost amongthese is the problem of selecting suitable jacketing materials to encase the samples duringtriaxial tests. Several important considerations for selecting the jacket type include:

1) The material should be strong enough to keep out the confining fluid and be able towithstand extremely high distortional strains without rupturing.

2) The jacket should not significantly affect the strength of a weak unconsolidated sandsample. If care is not taken to insure that the jacket strength does not affect the overalldeformational strength of the sample then the experimental results may not be valid. Thejacket strength may not only alter the sample strength, but it could also significantly change

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the elastic properties and the type of deformational behavior (e.g., brittle versus ductile) ofthe sample.

3) The jacket should have a surface to which sensors can be attached (e.g., acoustic sensorsand shear wave bender elements) and is smooth enough for the free movement of featuressuch as extensometer chains (which are part of the devices to measure circumferentialstrain).

4) The jacket material should be chemically non-reactive to both the pore fluid and theconfining fluid.

In rock mechanics triaxial experiments jacketing materials, such as viton rubber, buna-N rubber,or heat shrinkable plastic materials such as polyolefin or teflon are used under confiningpressure conditions of from 200 to 20,000 psi. The jackets are strong enough to maintain sealintegrity to prevent the confining fluid (generally oil) from leaking and contaminating the porefluid (if saturated) and/or the rock. Soil mechanics triaxial tests are conducted at confiningpressures of only 0 to 100 psi with water as a confining medium and thin latex membranes usedas jackets. So the first step in determining the strength of the sands at high confining confiningpressures was to determine which jacketing material to utilize. A series of unconfined testswere conducted on latex rubber, buna-N rubber, polyolefin, and teflon jackets. Figure 14 suchthe results of such experiments on a cast NX size sample (2.125 inch diameter by 4.25 inchlength) of 3010 rubber. This rubber sample was loaded in unconfined compression both withand without the each of the jackets to see if the jacket resisted lateral expansion of the sample.Evidence that this was occurring would be from a higher loading stress at given strain level.The results clearly indicate that the best jacketing material would be the thin latex membrane(used in soil mechanics) with the buna-N exhibiting a slightly higher effect than the latex andwith the polyolefin, and teflon each successively exhibiting a much higher strength effect. Thepolyolefin and teflon were both deemed unacceptable for testing unconsolidated sand samplesas they altered both the strength and the Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio of the rubberstandard. The buna-N rubber and latex shifted the initial strength of the sample by only about10 psi and did not affectthe Young’s moduli and only slightly affected the Poisson’s ratio of the rubber standard.

The latex rubber and buna-N rubber jackets would seem to be the most promising jackets foruse on the unconsolidated sands. The latex was initially thought to be too unstable to use athigh confining pressures. A ruptured membrane would result in sand being distributedthroughout the pressure cell – a factor which can permanently damage the steel threadsrendering the cell useless. (Note: pressure lines and pressure intensifiers can be protected byfilters- it is protection of the triaxial cell which in paramount in this case). Therefore the initialtriaxial tests on dry sand (Figure 14) were conducted with buna-N rubber sleeves which had awall thickness of 3mm.

However, a comparison of dry sands using latex and buna-N indicated that the buna-Nsignificantly affected the strength of the dry sand (Figure 15). Given this observation theexperimental staff decided to spend time in testing, with extreme care, the suitability of the useof latex membranes at high confining pressures. These membranes have a wall thickness ofonly 0.4 mm thick and extremely flexible but have the disadvantage of decomposing due toreactions with the confining fluid (mineral oil). During testing it was determined the latexmembranes could maintain their integrity to confining pressures of 10000 psi for at least 3 hoursif the grain size was around .2 mm (which deemed sufficient for our planned testing program). Some of the sand samples were deformed to very high axial strains (~20%). The extremebarreling of the sample and the high axial shortening causes the flexible jackets to ‘wrinkle’ and

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fold to accommodate the strains. Again the flexible latex seemed to minimize the effects of thisprocess than either of the thicker jackets.

2.3 Acoustic properties of unconsolidated sands

A series of triaxial compression experiments have been conducted on unconsolidated Oil Creeksand at high confining pressures. The experiments were designed to simulate environmentalconditions of sands that undergo liquefaction – a process that may be responsible for problemssuch as massive sand production or the shallow water flow phenomena. These are two criticalproblems which cost the oil and gas industry hundreds of millions of dollars per year. Theexperiments were conducted while measuring the compressional and shear wave velocities.The experiments indicate that shear wave velocities sharply decrease, and Vp/Vs ratiosmarkedly increase: 1) during liquefaction of sand at high pressure in undrained triaxialexperiments, and 2) during plasticity of sand in drained triaxial experiments. The associatedmechanical parameter are also indicative of the enhanced weakening of these sands under theabove described conditions.

The Oil Creek sand used in the study (Mill Creek, OK) has an average grain size of .2 mm. Thesand is very well rounded and clean (99.9% quartz). The prepared samples were NX sized, 5.4cm. (2.125 in.) in diameter and 10.2 cm. (4 in.) in length. The initial starting porosity in thesetests was 37 percent. During the experiment an MTS 632.92B extensometer was utilized tomeasure circumferential strain. The axial deformation was measured from stroke displacementof the axial piston and corrected for (a small) elastic piston distortion. The axial compressionaland shear wave piezoelectric elements were housed in the steel loading platens and had anominal frequency of 600 KHz. Thin lead foil sheets, .15mm thick, were used to facilitatecoupling between the sand pack and the steel end platens. The platens contain a 6.4 mm. (.25in.) porous frit centrally located to allow introduction of pore fluid to the sand sample duringtesting. A Tektronix TDS420 oscilloscope was used to acquire the waveforms for storage andanalysis (Scott et al., 1998). The experiments were conducted in an MTS Model 315 load framewith a 2,669 kN (600,000 lb.) actuator. The system has an integral triaxial pressure vessel(model 138) with a capability of 137.9 MPa. (20 Ksi) pore and confining pressures. An Iscomodel 500D servo-electro-mechanical fluid syringe pump was used for sample in-vesselsaturation and the application pore fluid pressure during testing. An in-house designed internalload cell was utilized for the accurate measurement of axial loads on the weak sand samples.

2.3.1 Experimental results

The results of an undrained triaxial compression experiment at 31 MPa. (4,500 psi) confiningpressure and 6.9 MPa. (1,000 psi) starting pore pressure are shown in Figures 16 through 21.The undrained triaxial differential stress ( 31 σσ − ) versus axial strain is shown in Figure 16. Thedata curve for the undrained experiment in Figure 16 is delineated by five letters, a,b,c,d, and e(note these letters will be utilized to demark the same conditions on each of the successiveplots). Point ‘a’ represents the start of the triaxial compression experiment. Point ‘b’ representsthe onset of yielding. Point ‘c’ is the start of instability and strain softening. With continueddeformation the sample begins to work harden again (at point ‘d’) and this continues until theexperiment was arbitrarily terminated (at point ‘e’). During the undrained experiment the porepressure rapidily increased during the initial stages of loading and then achieved a nearlysteady state nature (Figure 17). During the experiment the pore pressure increased from 6.9MPa. (1,000 psi) to nearly 17.2 MPa. (2,500 psi.) A plot of the undrained data in the effectivemean stress, ( ) p−+ 3/2 31 σσ , versus the differential stress (undrained part of Figure 18)indicates the development of the instability at point ‘c’ and strain softening until point ‘d’. This

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instability is typically associated with the development of liquefaction (Vaid and Eliadorani,1998). Figures 19 through 20 show the acoustic velocity data. During the undrainedexperiment the shear wave velocity starts at 1,025 m/s and shows a slight increase as thedifferential stress is applied (Figure 19). At about 26 MPa differential stress yielding begins tooccur (at point ‘b’) and the velocity begins to decrease. At the point of instability (point ‘c’), thisrate of decrease develops more sharply and this continued until the experiment was terminated.The compressional wave velocity data are illustrated in Figure 20 and these show a continuousvelocity increase from about 2,210 m/s up to 2,360 m/s. Figure 21 shows a plot of the Vp/Vsratio from that undrained experiment. The data evidences that the Vp/Vs ratio increases duringthe experiment. The sharpest increase occurs just after the onset of the instability at point ‘c’.The shear wave data affects more sharply the Vp/Vs data than does the compressional wavedata. The dynamic shear modulus, the dynamic Young’s modulus, and the dynamic Poisson’sratio are shown, respectively, in Figures 22, 23, and 24. The shear moduli directly reflect themorphology of the shear wave velocity data shown in Figure 22. The dynamic Young’smodulus, shown in Figure 23, also shows the strong influence of the shear wave velocity data.Both the Young’s moduli and the shear moduli decrease after yielding (at point ‘b’) in Figures 22and 23. After the instability, at point ‘c’, the loss of strength in these mechanical parametersrapidily increases and this continues until the end of the test. The data from the Poisson’s ratioobtained from the undrained experiment are quite different (Figure 24). There is very littlechange evident in the initial stages but during the instability, the Poisson’s ratio increasessharply. The results from a drained triaxial compression experiment conducted at 13.8 MPa. (2,000psi) confining pressure and 6.9 MPa. (1,000 psi) pore fluid pressure are shown for comparisonto the undrained experiment. The drained stress/pressure/strain data are super-imposed on theplots in Figures 16 through 18. The acoustic velocity data are shown in Figures 25-27 and thedynamic elastic moduli derived from that acoustic data are shown in Figures 28-30. Thedrained experimental stress-strain data does not show evidence of an instability or strainsoftening (Figure 16). The stress-strain curve show yielding to start at around 12 MPa followedby increased plastic deformation. In the initial stages (the first 2 MPa of loading), the shear wavevelocity increases after which a nearly steady state nature is observed. At about 15 MPa ofdifferential stress (Figure 25), the shear wave velocity begins to decrease. The compressionalwave velocity data increases throughout the experiment (Figure 25). The Vp/Vs ratio versus thedifferential stress plot is shown in Figure 27. During the initial stages of deformation, the Vp/Vsratio decreases (in the first 2 MPa), then achieves a steady state nature. Above 15 MPa theratio shows an increase. The dynamic shear moduli and Young’s moduli (Figures 28 and 29)reflect the strong influence of, and the same nature as the, shear wave velocity data in Figure26. The dynamic Poisson’s ratio versus the differential stress for the experiment is shown inFigure 30. The initial Poisson’s ratio values start at .41, slightly decrease, achieve a steadystate nature, and finally increase at the end of the experiment.

2.3.2 Discussion

Undrained experiments conducted at high confining pressures can exhibit the strain softeninginstability associated with liquefaction. This is commonly observed in low pressure soilmechanics research studies (Vaid and Eliadorani, 1998). The data suggest that liquefaction ofsand may indeed be a mechanism for shallow water flows in the marine environment and maybe a mechanism for massive sand production. The drained experiments do not show evidenceof a strain softening instability. Instead they show a slight work hardening during plasticdeformation. The drained data do not seem indicate a favorable condition where shallow waterflows or sand production would likely develop.

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Since shear waves only propagate through the mineral grains and through grain-to-graincontacts and not the fluid component, their response reflects the deformational behavior of thesands more strongly than do the compressional wave data. The loss of cohesion between thegrains during liquefaction, (in the undrained experiment) and plasticity during the drainedexperiment are both reflected in the decreases in shear wave velocity and subsequent increasein the Vp/Vs ratio. The same loss of cohesion (and strength) during these failures are reflectedin the lower values of the dynamic shear moduli and Young’s moduli. The dynamic Poisson’sratio during the liquefaction phase of the undrained experiment and during the plasticdeformation of the drain test increases as deformation proceeds. Generally, unconsolidatedsands show higher Poisson’s ratios than consolidated sands. A higher Poisson’s ratio would beexpected if the grains were becoming ‘decoupled’ as evidenced by the shear wave data.It should be noted that precursory decreases in shear wave velocity (and increases in Vp/Vsratios) occur before plastic yielding (in the drained case) and before the liquefaction instability(in the undrained case). The data suggest that the seismic imaging of sands with high Vp/Vsratios and lower shear wave velocities than surrounding sands may be cause for concern.

2.4 The Effects of Added Fines and Porosity on Strength of Unconsolidated Sands

In addition to examining the velocity behavior of drained and undrained behavior of Oil Creeksand a brief series of experiments was conducted to investigate the effects of added fines onthe deformation strength of this type of sand. The Oil Creek is a clean quartz arenite andtherefore may not be representative of the types of marine sands where shallow water flows areoccuring. Figure 31 shows the effects of added fines. The addition of 10% silt and 10% silicaflour greatly reduce the strength of the sand but also lead to greater increases in pore pressure(Figure 32).

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AE activity has been extensively studied in granites and gneisses (Carlson and Young 1993;Lockner et al. 1977; Lockner and Byerlee 1978; Sondergeld and Estey 1981; Dowding et al.1985; Yanigadani et al. 1985; Spetzler and Mizutani 1986; Nishizawa et al. 1990; Lockner et al.1991), in coal (Chugh and Heidinger 1980; Khair and Hardy 1984), andesite (Nishizawa et al.1985), pyrophyllite (Spetzler et al. 1981), sandstone (Lockner and Byerlee 1977; Zang et al.1996), and quartizite (Hallbauer et al. 1973). Very few studies have been conducted on porous,weak rock types. During this study the research team also obtained the acoustic emissionsignatures of high porosity sandstones, limestones, and chalks undergoing deformation at highpressures. Acoustic emission activity is generated as elastic waves from the microscopicdeformation of grains, grain cements, creation of microcracks, and collapse of pore spaces.These elastic waves can be detected by commercial acoustic emission recorders. The goal ofthe AE research in this project is to identify the signature and intensity of acoustic emissionsgenerated during deformation of a rock and correlate it to a specific deformational mechanism(e.g., compaction or shear fracturing). Acoustic emission activity studies of rock have beenconducted since Scholz (1968). The importance of detecting this activity in the natural settinghas been recognized by the oil and gas industry as they are beginning to monitor themicroseismic activity of reservoirs during the production of hydrocarbons and during waterflooding operations. Some of the companies operating in the North Sea, such as PhillipsPetroleum, have done some limited acoustic/microseismic monitoring of reservoirs to determineif the subsidence has an acoustic emission signature and where it is located within the reservoir(Rutledge et al. 1994). Those initial results indicate that microseismic activity is being generatedduring localized shearing and reactivation of faults as opposed to being evenly distributed withinthe reservoir due to uniform compaction and subsidence. In such cases 3-componentgeophones were cemented in the casing of the wellbores for a limited amount of time (Rutledgeet al. 1994). In the future it may be possible to have permanent seismic networks for both activeimaging (i.e., tomography, or reflection or refraction surveys) and for passively imaging acousticemission (microseismic) information to detect and map out reservoir rock damage within thereservoir.

3.2.1 Experimental Equipment

Acoustic emission (AE) systems generally work in two distinctly different modes. In one mode,the AE events are captured and characterized according to AE parameters such as theiramplitude, duration, number of counts, energy in the event, and rise time. This is generallyaccomplished by a high speed DSP processor in the system. The data throughput is very fastas the resulting data, e.g., duration or amplitude, are directly stored on the PC and the acousticwaveform data is discarded. In the second type of AE mode the complete event waveforms arecaptured and stored on the PC for later retrieval. This mode of operation is very slow becauseof the large data files. This slows data throughput so that only a fraction of the waveformsgenerated by deforming rock can be stored. In the Keck Geomechanical Acoustic ImagingSystem both systems are utilized. During these tests AE data was obtained by monitoring therock sample primarily with the 24-channel Mistras System and an 8-channel Spartan AT AESystem (from Physical Acoustics Corporation). After meeting an amplitude threshold criterion(in these tests it is set at 40 db) the signals are characterized according to AE parameters suchas amplitude, duration, number of counts, energy, etc. Each AE event is also time stamped to

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within 50 nsec of its occurrence. The plug in filters are designed to bandpass the wavelengths ofinterest in the testing program and screen out sources of acoustic noise. This waveform data isparticularly important in determining the settings of the Physical Acoustics Corporation AEsystems. So a series of reconnaissance tests were conducted to record some waveforms todetermine what the amplitude, duration, and hit lockout time settings should be on the Mistrasand Spartan AE Systems before conducting the more controlled tests. A preamplifier gain of 40db was utilized for all AE systems. The acoustic sensors used in these tests were designed in-house at OU.

3.2.2 Experimental Results

A series of triaxial compression experiments were conducted on each rock type to evaluate theAE activity of porous rocks at 1000 psi confining pressure. Each rock type was deformed until itachieved failure or its ultimate strength. The first rock type tested was the Danian chalk, whichis an analog to the Ekofisk chalk and many carbonate reservoirs. The rock had low strengthduring ductile compaction. Surprisingly, the acoustic emission activity was very low in bothamplitude and in the number of events generated during this plastic deformation. The low levelof activity would make acoustic emission imaging an extremely difficult, if not impossible, task.Several repeat tests were conducted on this chalk to verify that the results were inherent to therock type and not due to unforeseen equipment problems. After obtaining these initial results itwas decided to amend the testing program to include other rock types including Oil Creeksandstone, Indiana limestone, and Cordoba Cream limestone. Berea sandstone samples werecored, cut, and tested during this phase because its acoustic emission behavior is welldocumented. A comparison of the AE data from the Berea sandstone versus the Danian chalkis most informative. Using the exact same experimental setup the Berea sandstone exhibitedover 130,000 events whereas the Danian chalk generated only 2300 events under the samedeformational conditions. Subsequent experiments on other sandstones and limestonesindicated that all the high porosity carbonate rocks (e.g., the chalks and limestones) exhibitedmuch lower acoustic emission activities during deformation than did the sandstones.Respectively, the Danian chalk, Cordoba Cream limestone, and Indiana limestone exhibited2300, 80, and 1700 events. The sandstones were much higher with 130,000 and 280,000events detected for the Berea and the Oil Creek sandstones, respectively. Besides theobservation that the carbonates exhibited much lower AE activities than did the sandstones,some other preliminary observations could be made from this initial limited data set. A higherultimate strength of the rock type would not seem to be a unique indicator of higher AE activity.Both the Indiana limestone and the Berea sandstone had similar ultimate strengths at yieldingbut the acoustic emission activity was much lower in the Indiana limestone. Also, the grainsizes of the Indiana and Cordoba Cream limestones were similar to the Berea and Oil Creeksandstones. However, these generated vastly different AE activities.

These preliminary results are important as they suggest the acoustic emission monitoring ofmatrix deformation of soft carbonate rocks during reservoir deformation may be very difficult. Inthe case of Rutledge et al. (1994) they concluded that the microseismic activity they weremonitoring was from shear fault activation during production of the Ekofisk and not from thematrix compaction. The experimental results from this study suggest that the low level ofacoustic emission activity may be common to high porosity carbonate rocks. The acousticvelocity (seismic survey) imaging appears to be a much more promising approach.

A series of acoustic emission experiments were conducted on the other high porositysandstones, limestones, and chalks. The rock core samples were subjected to triaxial stress

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deformations and the acoustic emission activity was recorded as the samples were deformed tothe point where either brittle shear failure occurred or a significant plastic deformation wasevidenced. The first rock type tested was the Danian chalk. This rock type is thought to be bestrepresentative of the deformation of chalk formations like the Ekofisk chalk in the North Sea.The core sample was tested under triaxial stress conditions at a confining pressure of 1000 psi.The results were somewhat surprising. The acoustic emission activity was very quiet ascompared to that generally observed in sandstones and granites (see references previouslylisted). Both the acoustic amplitudes and the rate of acoustic emission rate were low (Figures33, 34, and 35). The low level nature of the AE activity in the chalk, which was clearlyundergoing ductile deformation with significant plastic strain (Figures 33, 34, and 35), had nolocatable AE events under the current testing configuration. As previously noted one of thegoals of the research program was to conduct hypocentral location of AE activity duringdeformation of the chalk. The recorded low level activity, both in the AE rate and amplitudes,calls into question whether this task can be accomplished on such a ductile rock. To clarifythese questions the investigators in the research program decided to conduct some limited testson Berea sandstone and utilize this as an AE reference standard in the research program.Under 1000 psi confining pressure the Berea sandstone initially exhibited: (1) quiet AE activityduring initial loading of the sample, (2) increased AE activity at a point on the stress-strain curvehalfway to the ultimate strength of the sample, and (3) a higher level of AE activity near failure.Figures 36, 37, and 38 show data from one of the Berea triaxial reference tests for this study(Note: several of these were conducted to ensure reproducibility of the data.) These samplesexhibited normal AE activity for a Berea sandstone sample deformed under these conditions. Acomparison of the cumulative AE data for Berea and Danian chalk illustrates the vast differencebetween the behavior of the two rock types. During the Danian chalk test (Figure 35) thedeformed sample exhibited only 8000 AE events, even after significant ductile deformation. TheBerea sandstone sample showed 130,000 events prior to brittle shear failure (Figure 38). It wasdecided that, at this stage of the study, it would be more exciting to compare the differences inAE activity for the other rock types obtained for the study including the Indiana limestone, the OilCreek sandstone, and the Cordoba Cream limestone. A series of experiments comparing theAE activity for each rock type under controlled conditions where all other experimental variableswere held constant (e.g., confining pressure) was deemed important to our research program.With this in mind the research team assembled samples of Indiana limestone, Oil Creeksandstone, Cordoba Cream limestone, and additional samples of chalk (the primary rock type ofinterest) and the Berea sandstone reference sample. The stress-strain curves and the AE ratediagrams for the Indiana limestone are shown in Figures 39 and 40. Interestingly, this rockexhibited a brittle failure at about 10,000 psi differential stress but also had a low level ofacoustic emission activity. The cumulative value at termination of the experiment was only 1700events (Figure 41). This was significantly lower than the Berea sample but in line with theobservations of low activity in the Danian chalk sample. The results for the Cordoba Creamlimestone are shown in Figures 42, 43, and 44. This rock type deformed ductilely and exhibitedonly 80 events under conditions comparable to the Berea, Indiana, and Danian chalk samples.The Oil Creek sandstone (Figures 45, 46, and 47) generated the most AE activity of any rocktype observed in the test program. At termination of the experiment this high porositysandstone exhibited 280,000 AE events (nearly double that of the Berea sandstone).

The two sandstones exhibit the highest acoustic emission activities in the study as compared tothe limestones and chalks. It is important to note that though the Indiana limestone is stifferthan the Oil Creek sandstone the AE activity of the limestone is significantly lower. This means,significantly, that stiffness and strength are not necessarily indicators as to the activity, intensity,or amplitude of acoustic emission events that will be observed during a deformation experiment.These results suggest that the deformation of calcite and carbonate grains and cements (which

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dominate the composition of the limestones and chalks) generates a very low level of AE activityas compared to the deformation of the quartz-rich sandstones. It is also important to note thatthe level of AE activity does not appear to be dependent upon grain size. The Indiana limestoneand the Cordoba Cream limestone both exhibit low AE activities as compared to the twosandstones which have equivalent grain sizes.

These preliminary results indicate the acoustic emission activity from the matrix of deforminghigh porosity limestones and chalks is very difficult to detect. The AE events are infrequent andhave a low amplitude as compared to sandstones tested in the experimental program.Analyzing these results within the context of the main premise of the study to image thedeformational signatures in reservoir rocks suggests that AE/microseismic imaging of matrixpore collapse and compaction will be difficult to accomplish in the field setting even if ultrasonicdetectors are set in place in the reservoir. This may not be true of the sandstones which exhibitmore energetic AE activities during the deformation experiments.

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4.0 The Effects of Stress Induced Anisotropy on Dynamic Elastic and Poroelastic Moduli

The principal stresses in rock formations located in the subsurface are rarely equal. Nelson(1981) noted that in the U.S. the horizontal stresses can be as low as 20% of the vertical stress.Such an anisotropic state of stress plays an important role in many petroleum engineering andgeological engineering problems, including analyzing borehole stability, fault stability, oil andgas reservoir deformation, slope stability, etc. The superposition of an anisotropic state ofstress on porous rocks results in changes in the rock elastic and poroelastic moduli. This isdesignated as ‘stress-induced’ anisotropy and is differentiated from ‘inherent anisotropy’ whichresults from layering, bedding, fractures, and other geological features as a natural part of therock. Inherent anisotropy has been extensively studied by geologists, geophysicists, andengineers. However, the effects of stress induced anisotropy have not been researched. Thisexperimental study is designed to provide information on the nature and magnitudes of stressinduced anisotropy on the elastic and poroelastic parameters in porous rock.

Theoretical aspects of wave propagation in a transversely isotropic rock have been investigatedby Levin (1979), Byun (1984), Crampin (1984a), (Crampin 1984b), Crampin (et al. 1984), Helbig(1984), Byun and Cheng. (1986), Thomsen (1986), Nikitin and Chesnokov (1981), Chesnokovand Zatsepin (1991), Vshivtsev et al. (1995), and Zeng (1999). Also, the fact that non-isotropically stress-induced variations in the elastic and poroelastic moduli exists could beindirectly-derived from deformation experiments that show that an extensive stress-inducedvariations in acoustic (seismic) velocity anisotropy occurs during triaxial deformationexperiments (in axi-symmetric cylinders) (Nur 1971), Wu et al., 1990; Zamora and Poirier, 1990;Sayers, 1998a and b; Scott et al., 1993; King et al., 1995.

Inherent anisotropy, that anisotropy due to geological features such as bedding, sedimentarylayering, and fractures, has been studied extensively. For example, the dynamic elastic moduli(e.g., Young’s moduli and shear moduli) for transversely isotropic (e.g., hexagonal symmetry)rocks have been obtained by Podio (1968), King (1969), Jones and Wang (1981), Lo et al.(1986), White et al. (1993) and King et al. (1994). These studies utilized compressional andshear wave velocity data to calculate the components of the stiffness matrix. Their resultsindicate that inherent transverse isotropy can be quite large, i.e., up to 20%.

The calculation of elastic parameters from dynamic data has been well documented within thephysics, geophysics, and engineering literature. The method involves acquisition of acousticcompressional and shear wave velocities within a transversely isotropic rock. This data is thenused to calculate the components of the stiffness matrix):






































These stiffness components are then used to calculate the anisotropic Young’s moduli andshear moduli (see Podio et al., 1968; King 1969; and Lo et al., 1986 for details of thecalculations). The method requires a minimum of five acoustic raypaths to calculate the full set

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of dynamic elastic moduli. The acoustic raypaths include a set of compressional wavespropagating parallel and normal to the axis of symmetry, a set of shear waves with planes ofpolarization oriented normal and parallel to the plane of symmetry, and an ‘off-axis’compressional wave velocity typically oriented at 45o to the axis of symmetry.Experimentally there are two methods to determine the components of the compliance matrix sothat the anisotropic elastic and poroelastic parameters can be determined. One methodinvolves static testing where a cylindrical rock sample is subjected to changing boundarystresses and the moduli are calculated from the stresses and strains. The second methodinvolves using mult-raypath multi-azimuthal acoustic wave propagation (both compressional andpolarized shear waves) to calculate the elastic parameters. We assert the completion of the fullelastic and poroelastic tensor for a stress-induced transverse isotropy can only be accomplishedon a single core sample utilizing dynamic (e.g., ultrasonic) methods. Attempts have been madeto complete the tensor using static methods but these do not yield enough parameters forcompletion of the compliance matrix. If a right circular cylinder is placed under axisymmeticconditions with axial and lateral strain gages then only Ev , νv h ,Gv can be measured. Neither Eh,νhh, νhv or Gh can be obtained. This was pointed out in earlier work by Kohata et al. (1997). Fora triaxial test on a cylindrical sample with an axisymmetic state of stress (σ3>σ2=σ1) where theaxial stress (σ3) is cycled and the horizontal stresses (σ2 and σ1) are maintained constant (fromLings et al. 2000):













In this case the vertical Young’s modulus (Ev ) and one of the three Poisson’s ratios (νv h) can bedetermined. If on the same sample the lateral stresses are cycled and the vertical stress ismaintained constant then:

( )0



− '








( )0




− 'vh






(from Lings et al. 2000). In this case the values for the horizontal Young’s modulus and the tworemaining Poissons ratios cannot be isolated. Without these parameters the compliance matrixcannot be completed. There have been two attempts to get around this problem. Kohata et al.(1997) attempted to estimate horizontal Young’s modulus (in soil samples) by forcing the largeassumption that one of the two Poisson’s ratios in the vertical plane (the measured νv h) wasequal to the undetermined Poisson’s ratio in the horizontal plane (νhh). This allowed them toestimate the Young’s modulus in the horizontal plane. They suggest that the error induced bythis assumption is `insignificant’ in the case of the soil samples they studied. We do not concurand especially so in the case of rocks. Their own numbers suggest that a hypotheticaldifference of 0.15 versus 0.25 in the value of Poisson’s ratio would result in a variation of ‘only’

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0.88 in the horizontal Young’s modulus. A 12 percent error in the estimation of the anisotropicYoung’s modulus is significant since the maximum stress induced anisotropy in Young’s moduliobserved in rocks to date is around 20 percent (Scott and Abousleiman, 2002).Lings et al. (2000) also could not complete the elastic tensor in an experimental examination ofclay samples deformed as right circular cylinders under axisymmetric deformation. They note,as Kohata et al. (1997), that in this test configuration Eh, νhh, νhv , and Gh cannot be obtained.They leave their examination to observing the effects of deformation on the parameters Ev andνv h, and the combined parameters Eh/1-νhh and νhv /(1-νhh) since the individual elastic modulicould not be separated.

Lockner and Beeler (2003) attempted to complete the compliance matrix using staticmethods. They acknowledge that Gh cannot be obtained. However they state that ‘Eh, Ev , νv h,and νhh can be determined from a strain gage response to independent application of axial loadand confining pressure.’ They conducted their experiments on cylindrical samples underaxisymmetric samples as did Kohata et al. (1997) and Lings et al. (2000). They plot up twodistinct Poisson’s ratios in research and do not define how they arrived at these data. Given thelimitations of this experimental configuration clearly pointed out by Kohata et al. (1997) andLings et al. (2003) it is unclear how they arrived at their data. They are clearly not utilizing theassumption of Kohata et al. (1997) that νv h=νhh since they are plotting two unequal Poisson’sratios. We concur with Kohata et al. (1997) and Lings et al. (2000) that the specimen geometryutilized by Lockner and Stanchits, 1997) and Lockner and Beeler (2003) under axisymmetricstress conditions, where two horizontal stresses are, do not allow Eh or νhh (or νhv ) to bedetermined.

Given the above reasoning it is not possible to complete the components of the compliancematrix derived from static data on a single core sample. If this is the case then elastic andporoelastic moduli cannot be calculated as was done by Lockner and Beeler (2003). Dynamicexperiments, which use ultrasonic wave propagation (Scott and Abousleiman 2002a; and Scottand Abousleiman, 2002b) present the only method for obtaining the complete set of elastic andporoelastic moduli in stress induced rock.Another parameter which is important to engineers is the poroelastic Biot’s effect stressparameter. This parameter governs the amount of pore fluid stress transmitted to rock porousframework and is defined as:

pijijij ασσ +='

as σ’ij is the effective stress, σij is the stress, p is pore pressure, and α is the Biot’s effectivestress parameter (Biot and Willis, 1957). Biot’s parameter for an isotropic rock is experimentallydetermined by either of two methods. The first method is the direct method where a jacketedrock sample is placed under a hydrostatic state of stress (e.g., all principal stresses are equal)and the Biot’s effective stress parameter is determined from a ratio of the change in pore fluidvolume to the total volume change of the rock. The second method, the indirect methodinvolves measuring the bulk modulus of the solid grain (Ks) in an unjacketed drained hydrostaticexperiment and measuring the bulk modulus of the rock (K) in a separate hydrostaticexperiment. The Biot’s effective stress parameter is calculated as α=1-(K/Ks). Typical values ofthe Biot’s effective stress parameter experimentally range from .3 to 1 (Fatt 1969; Yew andYogi, 1979; Laurent et al., 1993; Abousleiman et al., 1994; Fabre and Gustkiewiez, 1998; andFranquet and Abass 1999). However, both of these methods are used to provide data on the

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isotropic Biot’s parameter and cannot be used in the case of a transverse isotropy. This is dueto the fact that both the indirect and direct methods involve measurement of volumetricproperties of the rock and no directional components can be separated out.The theoretical basis for an anisotropic Biot’s parameter was established by Biot and Willis(1957), Carroll (1971), Thompson and Willis (1991), Abousleiman and Ghassemi (1992),Abousleiman and Cheng (1996), and Cheng (1997). Abousleiman and Cheng (1993), Cheng(1997), and Abousleiman and Cui (2001) determined that the directional effective stresscomponents (αij) could be determined from the components of the stiffness matrix:


ijkkijij K



For a transversely isotropic rock the axial Biot’s effective stress parameter (α33 – paralleing theaxis of symmetry) could be determined by:



1 331333


and the lateral Biot’s effective stress parameter (α11) by:


31 131211



The role of induced, anisotropic state of stress on the elastic and poroelastic parameters hasnot been investigated to date. There is, however, ample indirect evidence that anisotropicstresses do induce anisotropy within rocks. The changes in anisotropy in rocks have beenextensively examined utilizing measurement of compressional and shear wave velocities duringtriaxial compression experiments on rocks. During such an experiment a jacketed rock coresample is placed in a pressure cell and a lateral confining pressure is applied. Then an axialloading piston is used to apply an increasing vertical stress. The resulting stress state(σ1>σ2=σ3) creates marked changes in acoustic compressional and shear wave velocitiespropagated in the axial and lateral directions of the core. Typically the axial velocity increasesand the lateral velocity slightly decreases (see examples in Nur and Simmons, 1969; Fjaer etal., 1989; Sayers and van Munster, 1991; and Scott et al., 1993). The amount of velocity changecan be quite large, i.e., up to 30%. The velocity data from these studies, while indicating thatstress induced anisotropy exists, cannot be used to calculate the dynamic elastic moduli. Anadditional measurement, an ‘off-axis’ compressional wave measurement at 45o to the axis ofsymmetry, is required to calculate the C55 component of the stiffness matrix. Attempts havebeen made to estimate this component (Bachman 1983) but, to date, it has not been measuredin sufficient detail to allow a complete set of stiffness components to be made for a soil,sediment, or rock. Similar work has been accomplished on anisotropy in soils (Graham andHoulsby, 1983; Pennington et al., 1997; Lings et al., 2000) where acoustic data has been usedto estimate the anisotropic shear moduli but the Young’s moduli in these studies is stillcalculated via an indirect method. So, to date, no studies in either rocks or soils, is sufficiently

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complete where a total set of elastic and poroelastic parameters have been measured. Theprimary difficulty is due to the experimental difficulty in obtaining the full array of acousticraypath data from a single rock sample.

The experimental method utilized to determine the dynamic elasticity parameters in aninherently (i.e., sedimentary) transversely isotropic rock cannot be used in the case of stressinduced isotropy. For inherent anisotropy (see Podio et al., 1968; King 1969; and Lo et al.,1986) the ‘three oriented core’ method was used where cores are cut at 0o, 90o, and 45o to theaxis of inherent symmetry and the acoustic compressional and shear wave velocities weremeasured down the axis of each of the three cores. However, in the case of applying a triaxialstate of stress to an initially isotropic rock, the axis of symmetry of the stress-induced anisotropywill always be aligned with the loading piston and directionally cut rock cores are useless. Theresearch team at the OU PoroMechanics Institute developed a method to measure an entirearray of compressional and shear wave velocities during a stress induced anisotropy on onecore sample by mounting a special set of directionally oriented acoustic sensors

4.1 Experimental Equipment

The experiments were conducted on right circular cylinders of Berea sandstone 7.62 cm indiameter and 15 cm in length. The Berea sandstone block selected for this study wasexceptionally uniform and contained little or no visible bedding planes or fractures.Compressional wave velocity measurements were used to confirm that this sample had verylittle anisotropy or heterogeneity. The cylindrical samples were surface ground to within .00001cm plane parallel. The samples were oven dried at 60oC for at least 24 hours prior to testing.The experiments were conducted in an MTS servo controlled load frame (model 315) with amaximum capacity of 2669 kN (600,000 lbs). The triaxial pressure cell has 60 electricalfeedthroughs for acoustic leads and wires for extensometry. The cell has a maximum pressureconfining pressure capacity of 140 MPa and 140 MPa pore fluid pressure. Axial strains weremeasured from stroke of the axial piston and corrected for elastic distortion of the loading frame.An MTS model 632.92B-05 extensometer was used to measure the circumferential strainsaround the sample. This extensometer was mounted on the outside of the jacketed rocksample.

The acoustic system is composed of six components: (1) a Tektronix TDS420a oscilloscope, (2)a Hewlett-Packard 3488a VHF switchbox, (3) a 300 volt pulse generator to excite thepiezoelectric acoustic sensors, (4) an IBM PC for command and control of the oscilloscope andthe switchbox and for acquisition and storage of the acoustic waveform data, (5) a set of axialloading platens containing acoustic sensors, and (6) a set of lateral acoustic sensors. Theacoustic sensors, both axial and lateral, and the pulse generator were constructed in house atthe University of Oklahoma. All acoustic sensors were constructed from 600 KHz PZT-5apiezoeletric crystals. All the lateral sensors, except the ones mounted for acquisition of the 45o

compressional wave, were mounted in three component housings containing a compressionalwave and two orthogonally mounted shear wave elements. These housings wereapproximately 2.5 cm in length and .8 cm in width. The lateral compressional wave sensors forthe off-axis 45o measurement contained one element and were approximately .8 cm in diameter.The steel axial platens were 7.62 cm in diameter and internally contained one compressionalwave and two orthogonally mounted shear wave sensors.

The following notation system was used for samples. The 3-direction is the vertical stress andis coincident with the axis of the cylindrical sample, and the 1- and 2-directions are thehorizontal directions (see Figure 48 for orientations). A total of 11 acoustic raypaths were

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acquired on the cylindrical samples including VP33, VP22, VP11, VS31, VS32, VS12, VS13, VS32, VS23,VP45(1-3a), and VP45(1-3b). Only five of these raypaths are required to calculate the elastic andporoelastic parameters in a transversely isotropic material. These include VP33 (the verticalcompressional wave), VP11, (the horizontal compressional wave), VP45(1-3a) (one of thecompressional waves in the 1-3 plane oriented at 45o to the core axis), Vs 31 (the verticallypropagating shear wave polarized in the 1-3 plane), and the horizontally propagating shearwave (VS12) polarized in the horizontal (1-2) plane (see Figure 49). The other seven raypaths arerequired to document that the rock is transversely isotropic and to identify the point in theexperiment at which the transversely isotropic condition degenerates. The elastic andporoelastic moduli are designated with subscripts v and h to designate the vertical andhorizontal directions, respectively.

4.2 Experimental Method

In order to study the effects of superposition of an anisotropic state of stress on a porous rockthree different types of deformation experiments were conducted. These include: (1) ahydrostatic compression experiment, (2) a triaxial compression experiment, and (3) a uniaxialstrain experiment (see Figure 50). During the hydrostatic compression experiment both the axialstress and the lateral confining pressure are raised together while monitoring both the acousticvelocities and the axial and lateral strains. During a triaxial compression experiment the axialstress is increased but the lateral confining pressure is maintained at a constant value. Both ofthese experiments are commonly used in engineering testing programs to determine elasticmoduli and failure strengths but neither is thought to best represent the deformation of rocks inthe subsurface. Of the three experiments listed above petroleum engineers and geologists tendto view the uniaxial strain experiment as the one that best approximates the stresses whichevolve in a rock sample in the subsurface. For example during burial of a rock or sediment,one- dimensional compaction is viewed as the dominant deformational pattern. The lateralstrains are restricted while most deformation occurs in the vertical direction. During extractionof oil and gas from a petroleum reservoir most of the deformation occurs in the vertical directionsince large variations in the lateral strains cannot be accommodated (except in the case wherelarge tectonic forces are present). The uniaxial strain test is conducted by increasing both theaxial and confining stresses while maintaining a zero lateral strain condition. In practice such anexperiment is conducted by tying the feedback loop of the circumferential extensometer to theconfining pressure and setting it to maintain a zero lateral strain condition as the axial load isincreased.

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4.3.1 Hydrostatic Compaction

The hydrostatic compression experiment was conducted by raising the confining pressure (σ1)and the axial stress (σ3) equally up to a final value of 65 MPa. Figure 51 plots the axial andlateral strains measured during this experiment. There is an initial rapid increase in strains aspressure is applied. After 20 MPa confining pressure the rate of change decreases. The axialand lateral strain data track each other fairly closely evidencing that, for the most part, the rockdeformed fairly homogeneously. Figure 52 shows the compressional wave velocities VP33, VP11,and VP45(1-2). The three initial compressional wave velocities all start around 2700 m/s andincrease rapidly up to 3600 m/s at 20 MPa. At higher pressures the rate of increase is lowerwith a final velocity of around 3800 m/s at 65 MPa. Figure 53 shows the shear wave velocitiesand these show increases from 1850 m/s up to 2300 m/s at the completion of the test. Thecalculated dynamic Young’s moduli are shown in figure 54 and the dynamic shear moduli areshown in figure 55. The Young’s moduli start at 16 GPa and increase up to 27 GPa at 65 MPahydrostatic pressure. The shear moduli start at 8 GPa and increase up to 13 GPa. The dynamicporoelastic anisotropic Biot’s parameters are plotted in figure 56 and the data starts at .8 anddecreases down to .55. The initial rapid increases in deformational strains and acousticvelocities, and concurrent increases in the derived Young’s moduli and shear moduli, areconsistent with observations from most rocks subjected to hydrostatic deformation. The initialincreases are attributable to the initial rapid closure of some of the open pore spaces,microcracks, and grain-to-grain contacts as pressure is applied. As stresses are furtherincreased the population of pore space and microcracks available for closure decreases and therate at which the rock framework subsequently stiffens also decreases. The observeddecreases in the Biot’s effective stress parameters as pressure is applied are also consistentwith results from static measurements of isotropic Biot’s parameter (Abousleiman et al., 1994).As the rock framework stiffens the Biot’s effective stress parameter decreases.

4.3.2 Triaxial CompressionA triaxial compression experiment was conducted at an initial hydrostatic pressure of 20 MPa.During this test the axial stress was increased while the lateral (horizontal) confining pressureswere maintained at a constant value. Figure 57 shows the stress-strain data for this experiment.Plotted are the axial strain, the circumferential strain, and the calculated volumetric strain. Thetest was terminated at an axial stress of 100 MPa. Previous research by Scott et al. (1993)indicated that above this axial stress Berea sandstone begins to develop significant permanentdamage. The current experiments are intended to attempt to keep stress conditions within theelastic range and to avoid very high stress conditions where damage occurs and shear fractureswithin the rock begin to localize (creating severe heterogeneity). Figure 58 is a plot of thecompressional wave velocities and figure 59 is a plot of the shear wave velocities.













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During triaxial deformation the vertical (axial) compressional wave velocity increases and thehorizontal (lateral) velocity decreases. The compressional wave velocity propagating at 45o tothe axis of the sample remains nearly unchanged as deformation proceeds. The shear wavepolarized in the vertical plane illustrates only a slight increase in velocity but the horizontal shearwave shows a much higher decrease. The axial and lateral velocity data are consistant withthose obtained by previous researchers on velocity anisotropy during triaxial deformation (Scottet al., 1993). The interpretation generally applied to these observations is that microcracks (andsome pore spaces) are elastically opened in the horizontal direction and closed in the verticaldirection (Hadley 1975a,b). The addition of the ‘off-axis’ compressional wave from this study,combined with the axial and lateral data, allow a calculation for the first time of the dynamicYoung’s moduli (Figure 60) and shear moduli (Figure 61). As axial stress is applied, the verticalYoung’s moduli increases and the horizontal Young’s moduli decreases. The magnitude of thechanges are nearly the same (i.e., the vertical Young’s moduli show approximately the sameamount of increase at a given axial stress level as the horizontal Young’s moduli show in adecrease). The shear wave data exhibits a slightly different pattern. The horizontal shear waveillustrates a significant decrease whereas the vertically oriented shear wave shows only a veryslight increase. The stiffness matrices for 0 and 98.6 MPa differential stress during the triaxialcompression test at 20 MPa confining pressure are:













. MPaM


Figure 62 shows the changes in the anisotropic Biot’s effective stress parameters during triaxialloading. In this case the axial (vertical) Biot’s parameter decreases and the horizontal Biot’sparameter increases. Two additional observations are evident in the elastic and poroelasticdata. First, the results indicate that as axial stress is applied there is a linear decrease (orincrease) in the respective moduli (i.e., the rate of change as stress is increased is notsignificantly different at low stress versus high stress levels). Second, as stress is continuallyapplied the velocities and moduli in the horizontal and vertical directions continue to diverge.

4.3.3. Uniaxial StrainThe uniaxial strain experiment illustrates a pattern significantly different than either thehydrostatic or the triaxial test. Figure 63 plots the differential stress and confining pressure datafor the uniaxial strain test. In this experiment both the vertical stress (σ3) and horizontal stress(σ1) are increasing but in a controlled manner that allows the circumferential (e.g., horizontalstrains) to be maintained at zero. As such, the sample is undergoing increasing compression inall three directions but with strain only occurring in the vertical direction. Figure 64 and figure 65show the compressional and shear wave data from this experiment. Both data sets show thesame pattern; after an initial rapid change in velocities and higher increases in the verticaldirection, the anisotropy becomes effectively ‘locked in’ and does not change even though thevertical stress and horizontal stresses are both increasing. The same pattern is evident in boththe anisotropic Young’s moduli (66) and the anisotropic shear moduli (Figure 67). The Biot’seffective stress parameters are shown in figure 68. As the sample is loaded the Biot’sparameter decreases and a marked anisotropy develops and at about 20 MPa confining

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pressure the anisotropy becomes ‘locked in’ and from 20 to 60 MPa the anisotropy remainsconstant.The magnitudes of the vertical and horizontal anisotropy also do not change staying at values of.65 and .55. The stiffness matrices for confining pressures of 6.9 and 58.6 MPa during theuniaxial strain experiment were:













. MPaM












. MPaM


4.4 DiscussionThe test results show that the magnitudes and degree of anisotropy of elastic and poroelasticmoduli are strongly affected by evolution of deformational stresses (e.g., deformational path).The hydrostatic experiment serves as a baseline for the later triaxial and uniaxial strain testssince it was the closest to the ideal case where an attempt was made to examine thesuperposition of an isotropic stress field onto a nearly isotropic porous rock. During thathydrostatic experiment the rock showed little or no development of anisotropy as stresses wereincreased. As such, the data supports an initial important observation: that the application of anincreasing isotropic state of stress on an inherently isotropic rock results in isotropic deformation(e.g., the hydrostatic experiment). However the application of an anisotropic state of stress onan isotropic porous rock will result in the development of anisotropic elastic and poroelasticparameters. Furthermore the degree of anisotropy is quite large. In the case of the triaxialexperiment the vertical (axial) Young’s moduli increases to 30 MPa and the horizontal (lateral)decreases to 20 MPa. In the uniaxial strain experiment the vertical Young’s moduli increased to26 MPa and the horizontal to 21 MPa. Another important observation is that the evolution ofanisotropic stress application (i.e., the deformational path) strongly affects both the magnitudeand degree of the anisotropy. In the case of the triaxial test, where vertical stress wascontinually increased but the horizontal stresses were held constant, the anisotropy continuallyincreased until the test was terminated at 100 MPa. In the uniaxial strain experiment theanisotropy developed early in the loading phase and then was ‘locked in’ and did not change asboth the axial and lateral stresses were increased. The nature of the evolving anisotropy is alsodifferent in each test. In the triaxial experiment the vertical (axial) values of the Young’s moduliand shear moduli both increase whereas the horizontal (lateral) moduli decrease. In theuniaxial strain experiment both increase. The magnitude of the values and the degree of

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anisotropy in the Biot’s effective stress parameters is also significant. Changes of 10 to 20percent were observed during the triaxial and uniaxial strain experiments, respectively.Most engineers, geologists, and geophysicists acknowledge that rocks in the subsurface areanisotropic. Anisotropy due to inherent geological features such as bedding, layering, ororiented fractures has been well studied and documented. The results from this study show thata significant portion of that in-situ anisotropy may be stress induced as well.

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The research team developed a method and the experimental procedures for acquiring the dataneeded for ultrasonic tomography of rock core samples under triaxial stress conditions.Traditional triaxial compression experiments, where axial (sometimes lateral) compressionaland shear wave velocities are measured, provide little or no information about the internalspatial distribution of mechanical damage within the sample. Seismic tomography, utilized forexample, in crosswell tomography, allows an imaging of the velocities within a discrete zonewithin the rock. Ultrasonic or acoustic tomography is essentially the extension of that fieldtechnology applied to rock samples deforming in the laboratory at high pressures.Porous limestones are responsible for the severe subsidence and compaction in the North Sea.As such we selected high porosity limestone for the first efforts at tomographic imaging of softrocks. Field evidence from the North Sea suggests that compaction, which has resulted in over30 feet of subsidence to date, is heterogeneously distributed within the reservoir. The initialtomographic studies (Scott et al., 1994a,b; 1998) were accomplished on well cemented,competent rocks such as Berea sandstone. The extension of the technology to weaker samplesis more difficult but potentially much more rewarding. Three different types of sensors wereconsidered (and tested) for the tomographic imaging project: 600 KHz PZT, 1 MHz PZT, andPVDF film sensors. 600 KHz crystals were selected because they generated a sufficiently highamplitude pulse to propagate across the damaged limestone. A number of differentconfigurations were considered for placement of the acoustic arrays. During the experimentshown in this report we concentrated on vertical tomographic imaging of the rocks.


Acoustic tomography on laboratory scale rock samples represents a technique for determiningthe variations in velocity heterogeneities in samples undergoing deformation. The method isbased on measuring the acoustic (or seismic) velocities along a large number of raypaths andthen these velocities are used to reconstruct a 2-dimensional internal image of a rock section.Stacking a series of 2-D images can provide a three-dimensional internal image of a volume ofrock. The technique was first used in the mid 1970’s principally in cross-well tomography andhas been used to map rock lithologies, track CO2 floods, fire floods, and waterfloods duringpetroleum enhanced recovery operations (Bregman et al. 1989; Justice et al., 1989; Johnston1997).

Acoustic (ultrasonic) tomography has also been used in the laboratory to image:

1) dilatancy created during triaxial compressive failure (Yanigadani et al. (1987). Thedamage in circular cross section of core was imaged.

2) hydraulic fracturing in granite samples (Falls et al., 1992). In this study a mode I fracturewas detected from the lower wave velocities in the vicinity of the crack.

3) elastic stress distributions (Scott et al., 1994a,b), during compressive indentation testing.In these tests the elastic closure of microcracks in highly stressed regions of a rockexhibited higher velocities.

4) compactive failure during indentation experiments (Scott et al., 1998). In that study thecompressional wave velocities decreased due to the breakage of cements between thegrains during compaction.

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The advances in ultrasonic tomographic imaging will be in its use under triaxial (e.g., highconfining pressure) conditions as this is the stress condition which best approximates thosewhich occur in the subsurface. Only the study of Scott et al., (1998) was conducted under suchconditions. To date no other experiments utilizing tomographic imaging have been conductedunder triaxial stress conditions. It should be noted that there is a major difference between thefield uses of seismic tomography and the laboratory uses of ultrasonic tomography. Seismictomography in the field is primarily utilized to image 1) rock lithologies, or 2) changes in porefluid properties (e.g., oil/water displacement during CO2 flooding). While acoustic (ultrasonic)tomography in the laboratory is generally undertaken to image changes in rock properties (e.g.,elastic deformation) or rock damage (e.g., fracturing). In the current research program, theresearch team will image compactive soft rocks to determine the heterogeneity of damage.


Several methods were considered for the geometrical arrangement of acoustic sensors andtomographic imaging planes within the triaxial core samples. Initially, the research teamproposed to tomographically image the rock along three horizontal planes and one verticalplane to locate and discern the degree of uniformity of the deformational mechanisms within therock (particularly in regard to damage developing in the rock). However, this proved difficultdue to the problems associated with sealing the large number of electrical leads from the highpressure confining oil. Since imaging on horizontal planes had been accomplished in previousresearch (Scott et, 1994a,b) it was decided to concentrate on the more technically challengingvertical plane tomographic imaging. The preliminary experimental results indicated that largevelocity changes were occuring in the Indiana limestone at 500 psi confining pressures. Underthese conditions the sample exhibited shear failure and dilatancy. It was decided to attempt totomographically image the damage occuring in this rock type under the same confining pressureconditions.

The equipment utilized in making acoustic tomography measurements is shown in Figure 69. Itconsists of a 1) Tektronix TDS 420 digital storage oscilloscope, 2) a switchbox, and 3) an arrayof acoustic sensors mounted on the rock sample (see Figure 70). Any acoustic sensor can beused as a source or receiver in the current configuration. The acoustic sensors are made in-house. Two methods were considered for acquisition of the tomographic images. This methodinvolves firing one pulse and receiving one wave. Scott et al. (1994a,b; 1998). The method hasthe technical disadvantages in that 1) it is inefficient since it requires numerous pulses (one fromeach sensor-receiver pair), and 2) it requires several minutes to complete the waveformacquisition process. It should be noted that the technical acquisition of tomogram is every bitanalogous to obtaining a photograph from a camera where the shutter lens is held open for along period of time. The longer the lens remains opens (or in the case of tomography the longerit takes to obtain all the raypaths) the more potential that the subject to be imaged may undergochanges. In the case of a rock sample undergoing damage at high pressures, the process iscontinually evolving so it would be advantageous to complete the acquisition in the shortest timepossible. Ideally, the best way to shoot the tomogram would be to use a minimum of 10 pulsesand record the waves on all the receivers in a given array. This is how field seismicmeasurements are accomplished. The big problem with using this same method on a coresample is that a geometrical array of piezoelectric receiver crystals have characteristics that arestrongly influenced by their size and their geometrical position relative to the acoustic source.Given this problem it is advantageous to use a DSO to acquire the acoustic waves since scalingof the received wave can be easily changed to accommodate changes in the amplitude of the

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waveforms. Stated succinctly, we are sacrificing speed of acquisition of the waveforms for theincrease in a clarity and accuracy.

Figure 70 shows a schematic of the sample utilized in the tomography testing. The core samplewas 15.2 cm in diameter and 26.7 cm in length. Figure 71 provides a 2-dimensional view of thelocation of the acoustic sensors. There are twenty sensors (ten on each side of the sample). Inthis array each of the ten sensors on one side represents the pulsers and the ten on theopposite side represent the receivers. Two aspects of the raypath patterns in this vertical planeshould be noted. First, the raypath fan beams are not symmetrical but vary from pulser topulser. Second, the coverage at the ends of the rectangular cross section is extremely limited(Figure 71). This is due to the fact that the steel end platens preclude the placement ofacoustic sensors in this region of the sample. The poor coverage is typical of and directlyanalogous to the problems encountered in crosswell tomography when sensor coverage is poor.Figure 72 is a 3-dimensional view of the vertical array of the acoustic raypaths in the rocksample. In the vertical configuration there are one hundred raypaths that can be potentiallyused in the tomogram.

Preliminary tests indicated that it would be best to pulse each raypath two times to insureadequate acquisition of the waves. The arrival time of each wave was identified manually toinsure accuracy. The tomograms could be can generated in two forms. Absolute velocityimages record the exact velocities and difference imaging which involves subtracting successivevelocity images from the initial image to track changes as deformation occurs. These havebeen successfully used by Scott 1994a and Scott 1994b. In this study the research teamdecided to present the data as absolute velocity images so that the evolutionary damage duringsuccessive loading phases of the experiments could be observed.

Figure 73 shows the jacketed sample limestone sample ready for ultrasonic tomography. It iscapped by steel loading pistons which are used to apply the axial stress to the sample. Theacoustic sensors glued to the rock can also be seen in this figure. Figure 74 shows a thesample mounted on the Keck Triaxial stage prior to lifting it into the cell for the experiment.Figure 75 dramatically indicates the scale effect of this type of experiment. Most rockdeformation experiments test 2 inch, 1.5, and 1.0 diameter samples (which are pictured nextKeck sample). The Keck Geomechanical Acoustic Imaging system can handle largeinstrumented samples when compared to most existing rock presses. A photograph of the KeckGeomechanical Acoustic Imaging System is shown in figure 76. The load frame is to the rightside of the photograph and the data reduction system is shown to the left side.

The experiment on the core sample was conducted as a ‘step and hold’ type. First, 500 psiconfining pressure was applied to the sample and an initial tomogram was taken. Then a smallaxial stress applied to the sample and ‘held’ while another tomogram was shot. This successiveprocess of raising the stress and holding at a given level while a tomogram was acquired wascontinued until the sample failed. The stress-strain curve for the experiment is shown in figure77. The sample had an ultimate strength of 7463 psi and then exhibited strain softening afterfailure. Tomgrams were acquired at stress levels of 0, 937, 2727,6756, 7287, 7463 psi in theloading phase. In addition one tomogram was shot after the sample failed and unloaded to2963 psi. After this the axial stress was removed allowing only the confining pressure to remainaround the sample and a final tomogram was shot.

The initial tomogram shot at 500 psi is shown in figure (78). Note the velocity scales in allthe tomographic images is the same (from 3900 m/s to 4065 m/s). Low velocities arerepresented by green/blue colors and high velocities are shown by orange/red colors. The initial

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velocity tomogram indicated little or no heterogeneity at this velocity scale. The averagevelocity is around 4008 m/s. Next an axial stress was applied (937 psi - figure 79) and thistomogram shows a slight increase in velocity in the center of the diagram. This central velocityhigh continues to increase at 2727 psi (Figure 80). At 6756 (Figure 81) the increase in velocityseems to indicate little change from the previous diagram. At 7287 (Figure 82) a generalizeddiffuse low velocity zone begins to develop in the center of the core sample. At a stress level of7463 psi (Figure 83) a sharp central zone of low velocity is developing. The low velocities atsuch high stress levels is generally indicative of the dilatancy damage within the core. Thetomograms interestingly indicate the this microcrack damage is confined to a central region ofthe core and no damage is present at the ends of the core. This tomogram represent the peakstress attained by the sample and after this the sample fractured. Figure 84 shows the post-peak tomogram after the sample had failed to a residual strength of 2935 psi. The low velocityzone shows a distinct asymmetry. The final tomogram was shot in the unloaded condition(Figure 85) and this illustrates a distinctive inclined damage zone which may be associated withthe shear fracture observed in the sample (Figure 86) after completion of the experiment.


Ultrasonic tomography has been utilized to image the damage observed within cross sectionalvertical slice of the porous limestone sample. The results indicated that during the failureprocess a centralized diffuse zone of damage developed within the core. The end of test thisdiffuse low velocity zone had taken on a distinct inclined nature very similar to the post testshear fracture visibly observed in the core. The results suggest that damage, both in thelaboratory and field environments, could concievably be imaged with techniques such asultrasonic velocity. The magnitude of the velocity variations is sufficiently high enough that fieldseismic tomography or 3-D seismic acquisition could detect the changes in the damaged rock.

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6.0 Project Conclusions

The five most important observations made during the course of the research include:

(1) The acoustic measurements on sands undergoing liquefaction indicates that shear wavevelocities markedly decrease and the concurrent Vp/Vs ratio increases as deformation occurs.The same observations were made for sand undergoing shear failure. Sands that were not infailure (i.e., under elastic states of stress or were deforming in response to an application ofhydrostatic stresses) did not exhibit these traits. The results suggest that the observation of azone of low shear wave velocities, in either laboratory experiment or on a seismic survey,indicates an area where failure of the unconsolidated sand may be occurring (or is about tooccur). In the case of drilling a well in deepwater it may been an area with a high potential forcreating a shallow water flow.

(2) Both the dynamic elastic and poroelastic moduli respond to anisotropic states of stress. Ithas been well documented that inherent anisotropy (due to bedding, sedimentary layering, andfractures) affects the processing of seismic data. The research in this study, documents for thefirst time, that anisotropic states of stress (i.e., non-equal stresses) can result in a majorchanges in the anisotropy elastic and poroelastic moduli and that the observed changes are of amagnitude similar to that observed due to inherent anisotropy. Future improvements in seismicprocessing may require that stress induced anisotropy be considered. A major outcome of thestudy is that a new single core laboratory method for completing components of the anisotropicelastic and poroelastic tensors was developed. This configuration could be used to study bothinherent and stress-induced anisotropies.

(3) A new method for measuring anisotropic Biot’s effective stress parameter was developedduring the course of this study. Biot’s effective stress parameter is important in defining the in-situ state of stress in the subsurface and is important to earthquake research, the developmentof oil and gas reservoirs, and geothermal research. Previous work on the Biot’s effective stressparameter has been documented for the isotropic case. Theory had been developed for thisparameter in anisotropic situations but, until this research, no known method was available foractually measuring them either in the field or in the laboratory. In this study we show, for thefirst time, how to derive the anisotropoic poroelastic parameters from acoustic wave propagationand we conducted several experiments to observe their change during deformation.

(4) Acoustic emission testing on weak rock samples yielded some surprising results. AE activitywas observed to be very dependent on mineral grain types. Rocks with quartz and sand grainsexhibited much higher acoustic emission activities than rocks with calcite or carbonate grains(even at comparable porosities). The low level of acoustic emission activity in chalk samplesprecluded any attempt to use AE hypocentral imaging to locate compaction zones in these weakrocks.

(5) Acoustic tomography was successfully utilized to time lapse image the development of adamage zone in porous limestone. A series of images, progressing from elastic deformationthrough the development of a shear fracture, were made to image the velocity changes in avertical cross section of a rock core sample. This aspect of the research suggests thetantalizing option of expanding the seismic tomography to include imaging rock damage in thesubsurface. For example, time lapse imaging could be used to image rock deformation in: (1)dam sites, (2) slope stability problems, (3) petroleum reservoirs undergoing compaction andsubsidence, (4) petroleum reservoirs were fault reactivation due to induced seismicity iscreated, and (5) earthquake zones.

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Fig.1. The 3,000,000 lb. TerraTek frame with its 20,000 psi triaxial pressure vessel. Thecommand and control, acoustic emission, and ultrasonic velocity systems are located tothe left of the load frame. These components comprise a major part of the newGeomechanical Acoustic Imaging System.

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Fig. 2. A schematic of the load frame, triaxial cell, and data acquisition modules of theGeomechanical Acoustic Imaging System.

Page 52: Acoustical Imaging and Mechanical Properties of Soft Rock and


Fig. 3. A schematic of the acoustic velocity system for compressional and shear waveanisotropy measurements and for acquisition of the full dynamic tensor data set.
















Triaxial Pressure Cell

Page 53: Acoustical Imaging and Mechanical Properties of Soft Rock and


Axial acoustic platen for soft rocks. The piezoelectric elements are mounted in thecenter recess. The platen mounts on top of the rock in this orientation. The pore fluidport is hidden from view in this picture. This is a view of the axial acoustic platen forunconsolidated sand samples. This a base platen and the jacketed sand samplewould sit on top of the platen. The bender element for shear wave generationextends above the platen.

Fig. 4. Axial acoustic velocity platens constructed for the project.

Page 54: Acoustical Imaging and Mechanical Properties of Soft Rock and


P-waveS-wave parallel



3-component lateralhousing for compressionaland shear wave velocities

Acoustic emissionlateral sensor (600 KHz)

Top views

Side views

Fig. 5. Diagram illustrating the lateral acoustic velocity sensors constructed for theproject. The top photograph shows a rock core sample with both a 3-component sensorand a single component acoustic sensor mounted on the surface.

Page 55: Acoustical Imaging and Mechanical Properties of Soft Rock and


Fig. 6. A photograph of the new sample assembly for acoustic measurements on atransversely isotropic rock.

Page 56: Acoustical Imaging and Mechanical Properties of Soft Rock and


Fig. 7. The stress-strain curve for an undrained triaxial compression experiment at 2000psi confining pressure and 1000 psi starting pore pressure.









0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2







Page 57: Acoustical Imaging and Mechanical Properties of Soft Rock and











0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500p' (psi)

q (p



Fig. 8. The shear stress (q) versus effective mean pressure (p′) plot for an undrainedtriaxial compression experiment at 2000 psi confining pressure and 1000 psi startingpore pressure.

Page 58: Acoustical Imaging and Mechanical Properties of Soft Rock and


Fig. 9. The shear stress (q) versus pore pressure plot for an undrained triaxialcompression experiment at 2000 psi confining pressure and 1000 psi starting porepressure.


2 0 0

4 0 0

6 0 0

8 0 0

1 0 0 0

1 2 0 0

1 4 0 0

1 6 0 0

0 2 0 0 4 0 0 6 0 0 8 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 4 0 0 1 6 0 0

P o r e P r e s s u r e


ar S




Page 59: Acoustical Imaging and Mechanical Properties of Soft Rock and


Fig. 10. The stress-strain curve for an undrained triaxial compression experiment at 5500psi confining pressure and 600 psi starting pore pressure.









0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2







Page 60: Acoustical Imaging and Mechanical Properties of Soft Rock and


Fig. 11. The shear stress (q) versus effective mean pressure (p′) plot for an undrainedtriaxial compression experiment at 5500 psi confining pressure and 600 psi starting porepressure.











0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000

p' (psi)

q (p



Page 61: Acoustical Imaging and Mechanical Properties of Soft Rock and


Fig. 12. The shear stress (q) versus pore pressure plot for an undrained triaxialcompression experiment at 5500 psi confining pressure and 600 psi starting porepressure.


2 0 0

4 0 0

6 0 0

8 0 0

1 0 0 0

1 2 0 0

1 4 0 0

1 6 0 0

1 8 0 0

0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 5 0 0 0

P o r e P r e s s u r e


ar S



Page 62: Acoustical Imaging and Mechanical Properties of Soft Rock and


Fig. 13. Stress-strain plots on a series of undrained triaxial compression experiments onunconsolidated Oil Creek sand. The first numbers of the legend represent the confiningpressure and the second number is the starting pore








0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25Strain





1500-560 1st test 1500-500 2nd test 2000-1000 3000-500 3500-1000 3500-100 repeated4500-500 5500-600 6500-500 7000-1000 4400-1000

leaking jacket (bad test)

Page 63: Acoustical Imaging and Mechanical Properties of Soft Rock and


Fig. 14. A comparison of the strength effect of various types of jacket types on a rubberstandard.








-0.04 -0.03 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06

Strain (in/in)





Lateral Strain Axial Strain


rubber standard




axial curves

lateral curves

Page 64: Acoustical Imaging and Mechanical Properties of Soft Rock and


Fig. 15. A comparison of jacket strength effects on the deformation of unconsolidatedsand (Oil Creek sand).








0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18

Strain (in/in)





500 psi latex

2000 psi latex

500 psi buna-n

2000 psi buna-n

2000 psi polyolefin

Page 65: Acoustical Imaging and Mechanical Properties of Soft Rock and


Fig. 16. The differential stress-axial strain curve for the undrained Oil Creek sand at4500 psi confining pressure and the drain experiment at 2000 psi confining pressure.






0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1

axial strain (cm/cm)




al s


s (M








Page 66: Acoustical Imaging and Mechanical Properties of Soft Rock and


Fig. 17. The changes in pore pressure during the undrained triaxial compressionexperiments on Oil Creek sand.






0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1

axial strain (cm/cm)


re p






bc d undrained



Page 67: Acoustical Imaging and Mechanical Properties of Soft Rock and


Fig. 18. The deformational stress paths of the Oil Creek sand mapped in differentialstress-effective mean pressure stress space.






0 10 20 30 40

eff. mean pressure (MPa)


f. s


s (M









Page 68: Acoustical Imaging and Mechanical Properties of Soft Rock and


Fig. 19. Shear wave velocities of the Oil Creek sand during the undrained triaxialexperiment.



0 10 20 30 40

differential stress (MPa)


r w










Page 69: Acoustical Imaging and Mechanical Properties of Soft Rock and


Fig. 20. The change in the compressional wave velocity (Vp) differential stress duringthe undrained triaxial compression experiment.


0 10 20 30 40

differential stress (MPa)

p w






a bc


Page 70: Acoustical Imaging and Mechanical Properties of Soft Rock and


Fig. 21. The change in the Vp/Vs ratio with differential stress during the undrainedtriaxial compression experiment.






0 10 20 30 40

differential stress (MPa)










Page 71: Acoustical Imaging and Mechanical Properties of Soft Rock and


Fig. 22. The shear moduli during the undrained triaxial compression test.






0 10 20 30 40

differential stress (MPa)


r m









Page 72: Acoustical Imaging and Mechanical Properties of Soft Rock and


Fig. 23. The Young’s modului during the undrained triaxial compression test.






0 10 20 30 40

differential stress (MPa)












Page 73: Acoustical Imaging and Mechanical Properties of Soft Rock and


Fig. 24. The change in Poisson’s ratio during the undrained triaxial compressionexperiment.



0 10 20 30 40

differential stress (MPa)











Page 74: Acoustical Imaging and Mechanical Properties of Soft Rock and


Fig. 25. The shear wave velocity during the drained triaxial compression experiment at2000 psi confining pressure and 1000 psi pore fluid pressure


0 5 10 15 20 25

differential stress (MPa)


r w






Page 75: Acoustical Imaging and Mechanical Properties of Soft Rock and


Fig. 26. The compressional wave velocity during the drained triaxial experiment.







0 5 10 15 20 25

differential stress (MPa)


p. w






Page 76: Acoustical Imaging and Mechanical Properties of Soft Rock and


Fig. 27. The Vp/Vs ratio during the drained triaxial experiment.




0 5 10 15 20 25

differential stress (MPa)




Page 77: Acoustical Imaging and Mechanical Properties of Soft Rock and


Fig. 28. The change in shear moduli during the drained triaxial experiment.





0 5 10 15 20 25

differential stress (MPa)


ar m


us (M


Page 78: Acoustical Imaging and Mechanical Properties of Soft Rock and


Fig. 29. The change in Young’s moduli during the triaxial experiment.


0 5 10 15 20 25

differential stress (MPa)







Page 79: Acoustical Imaging and Mechanical Properties of Soft Rock and


Fig. 30. The change in Poisson’s ratio during the the drained triaxial experiment.





0 5 10 15 20 25

differential stress (MPa)



's r


Page 80: Acoustical Imaging and Mechanical Properties of Soft Rock and


Fig. 31. Undrained triaxial pathways for three sands with different amounts of fines added.

Pore Pressure Variation










0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000TIme (sec)




al P




re (



3000-1000 Uniform Sand + 10% Flour

3000-1000 Uniform Sand + 10% Silt3000-1000 Uniform Sand

p’ = 2000 psi












0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500p' (psi)

q (p


3000-1000 Uniform Sand - 43.4% Porosity

3000-1000 Uniform Sand + 10% Silt - 43.4% Porosity

3000-1000 Uniform Sand + 10% Flour - 43.21% Porosity

Page 81: Acoustical Imaging and Mechanical Properties of Soft Rock and


Fig. 32. Pore pressure-times curves for three different mixtures of Oil Creek sand as finer materials are added to the sand.

Pore Pressure Variation










0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000TIme (sec)




al P




re (



3000-1000 Uniform Sand + 10% Flour

3000-1000 Uniform Sand + 10% Silt3000-1000 Uniform Sand

p’ = 2000 psi

Page 82: Acoustical Imaging and Mechanical Properties of Soft Rock and




0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01

axial strain (in/in)


ss (p

si) Danian Chalk

Fig. 33. Stress-strain diagram for Danian chalk.

Page 83: Acoustical Imaging and Mechanical Properties of Soft Rock and







0.0000 0.0019 0.0038 0.0057 0.0075




10 sec binsDanian chalk

Fig. 34. AE rate diagram for Danian chalk.

Page 84: Acoustical Imaging and Mechanical Properties of Soft Rock and




0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01

axial strain (in/in)




AE Danian chalk

Fig. 35. Cumulative AE for Danian chalk.

Page 85: Acoustical Imaging and Mechanical Properties of Soft Rock and






0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01

axial strain (in/in)


ss (p


Berea sandstone

Fig. 36. Stress-strain diagram for Berea sandstone AE reference.

Page 86: Acoustical Imaging and Mechanical Properties of Soft Rock and




0.0000 0.0020 0.0041 0.0061

strain (in/in)




10 sec bins

Berea sandstone

Fig. 37. AE rate diagram for Berea sandstone AE reference.

Page 87: Acoustical Imaging and Mechanical Properties of Soft Rock and






0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01

axial strain (in/in)




AE Berea sandstone

Fig. 38. Cumulative AE for Berea sandstone AE reference.

Page 88: Acoustical Imaging and Mechanical Properties of Soft Rock and




0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008

axial strain (in/in)


ss (p


Indiana limestone

Fig. 39. Stress-strain diagram for Indiana limestone.

Page 89: Acoustical Imaging and Mechanical Properties of Soft Rock and








0.0000 0.0018 0.0038 0.0056




10 sec bins

Indiana limestone

Fig. 40. AE rate diagram for Indiana limestone.

Page 90: Acoustical Imaging and Mechanical Properties of Soft Rock and







0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008

axial strain (in/in)




AE Indiana limestone

Fig. 41. Cumulative AE for Indiana limestone.

Page 91: Acoustical Imaging and Mechanical Properties of Soft Rock and







0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01

axial strain (in/in)


ss (


)Cordoba Cream limestone

Fig. 42. Stress-strain diagram for Cordoba Cream limestone.

Page 92: Acoustical Imaging and Mechanical Properties of Soft Rock and








0.0000 0.0018 0.0035 0.0054 0.0071




10 sec bins

Cordoba Cream limestone

Fig. 43. AE rate diagram for Cordoba Cream limestone.

Page 93: Acoustical Imaging and Mechanical Properties of Soft Rock and




0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01

axial strain (in/in)




AE Cordoba Cream limestone

Fig. 44. Cumulative AE for Cordoba Cream limestone.

Page 94: Acoustical Imaging and Mechanical Properties of Soft Rock and







0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01

axial strain (in/in)


ss (


) Oil Creek sandstone

Fig. 45. Stress-strain diagram for Oil Creek sandstone.

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0.0000 0.0021 0.0041 0.0061




10 sec bins

Oil Creek sandstone

Fig. 46. AE rate diagram for Oil Creek sandstone.

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0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01

axial strain (in/in)




AE Oil Creek sandstone

Fig. 47. Cumulative AE for Oil Creek sandstone.

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Fig. 48. The three-dimensional orientation of the acoustic raypaths on the cylindricalcore samples. This is the new single core method.






Vs31 Vs32





Vp45 (3-1b)

Vp45 (3-1a)

σσ33 σσ22 σσ11> =

Page 98: Acoustical Imaging and Mechanical Properties of Soft Rock and




Vp11Vs21Vs23 Vs13







The ‘3-2’ plane The ‘3-1’ plane



1 Vp11

3 Vp33

2 Vp22

10 Vp45a1-3

11 Vp45b1-3

4 Vs12

5 Vs13

6 Vs21

7 Vs23

9 Vs31

8 Vs32

Fig. 49. A schematic illustrating the various acoustic raypaths in the cylindrical samples.

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σσ3 σσ3

σσ3 σσ3σσ3

σσ1 σσ1 σσ1σσ1


Hydrostatic compression test

Triaxialcompression test

Uniaxialstrain test

σσ3 σσ2 σσ1 0 σσ3 σσ2 σσ1 0 σσ3 σσ2 σσ1 0εε 01

Fig. 50. A schematic illustrating the types of deformation experiments conducted in thestudy.

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0.000 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010 0.012 0.014 0.016

Strain (cm/cm)




g P





Axial Strain

Circumferential Strain

Calculated Volumetric Strain




Fig. 51. A plot of the confining stress vs. axial and circumferential strains during ahydrostatic compression experiment.

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0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Confining pressure (MPa)











Fig. 52. A plot of the compressional wave velocities during the hydrostatic compressionexperiment.

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0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Confining Pressure (MPa)




e V







Fig. 53. A plot of the shear wave velocities obtained during the hydrostatic compressionexperiment.

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0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Confining Pressure (MPa)










Fig. 54. A plot of the anisotropic Young’s moduli obtained during the hydrostaticcompression experiment.

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0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Confining Pressure (MPa)









Fig. 55. A plot of the anisotropic shear moduli obtained during the hydrostaticcompression experiment.

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0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Confining Pressure (MPa)


t's P



Vertical Biot's Parameters

Horizontal Biot's Parameters

αα v

αα h

Fig. 56. A plot of the anisotropic Biot’s effective stress parameters during the hydrostaticcompression experiment.

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1 0

2 0

3 0

4 0

5 0

6 0

7 0

8 0

9 0

1 0 0

- 0 . 0 0 2 0 . 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 2 0 . 0 0 4 0 . 0 0 6

s t r a i n ( c m / c m )




al s


s (M


A x i a l S t r a i n

C i r c u m f e r e n t i a l S t r a i n

C a l c u l a t e d V o l u m e t r i c S t r a i n

εε a xεε v o lεε c i r

Fig. 57. A plot of differential stress vs. axial and circumferential strains during a triaxialcompression experiment.

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0 20 40 60 80 100

Differential stress (MPa)













Fig. 58. A plot of the compressional wave velocities during the triaxial compressionexperiment.

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0 20 40 60 80 100

Differential Stress (MPa)


ar W








Fig. 59. A plot of the shear wave velocities obtained during the triaxial compressionexperiment.

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0 20 40 60 80 100

Differential stress (MPa)








Fig. 60. A plot of the anisotropic Young’s moduli obtained during the triaxialcompression experiment.

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0 20 40 60 80 100

Differential Stress (MPa)


ar M


us (G



Fig. 61. A plot of the anisotropic shear moduli obtained during the triaxial compressionexperiment.

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0 . 6 4

0 . 6 6

0 . 6 8


0 . 7 2

0 . 7 4

0 . 7 6

0 . 7 8

0 2 0 4 0 6 0 8 0 1 0 0

D i f f e r e n t i a l S t r e s s ( M P a )


t's P



V e r t i c a l B i o t ' s P a r a m e t e r s

H o r i z o n t a l B i o t ' s P a r a m e t e r s

αα h


αα v

Fig. 62. A plot of the anisotropic Biot’s effective stress parameters during the triaxialcompression experiment.

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0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

confining pressure (MPa)



tial s


s (M


Fig. 63. A plot of the differential stress vs. confining stress during the uniaxial strainexperiment.

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0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Confining Pressure (MPa)













Fig. 64. A plot of the compressional wave velocities obtained during the uniaxial strainexperiment.

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0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Confining Pressure (MPa)










Fig. 65. A plot of the shear wave velocities obtained during the uniaxial strainexperiment.

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0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Confining pressure (MPa)









Fig. 66. A plot of the anisotropic Young’s moduli obtained during the uniaxial strainexperiment.

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0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Confining Pressure (GPa)










Fig. 67. A plot of the anisotropic shear moduli obtained during the uniaxial strainexperiment.

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0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Confining Pressure (MPa)


t's P



Axial Biot's Parameters

Lateral Biot's Parameters



Fig. 68. A plot of the anisotropic Biot’s effective stress parameters during the uniaxialstrain experiment.

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FIG. 69. A schematic of the equipment for the ultrasonic tomography experiment.








RockSample Rubber






Triaxial Pressure Cell

Page 119: Acoustical Imaging and Mechanical Properties of Soft Rock and


Fig. 70. A schematic showing the dimensions of the sample and the locations ofthe acoustic sensors for the vertical tomography.

Verticaltomographiccoverage inone plane

15.2 cm

26.7 cm20 sensor array

A total of 20600 KHz sensorswill be mountedon the sample.

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FIG. 71. A cross-sectional view of the acoustic pulse transmission sensors on therock core sample set up for vertical tomography.

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Fig. 72. A 3-dimensional view of the configuration of acoustic raypaths in a samplesetup for vertical tomography

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FIG. 73. A photograph of the jacket/sample assembly for vertical tomography.

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FIG. 74. A photograph of the sample in the Keck load frame before insertion intothe pressure cell

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FIG. 75. A photograph illustrating the scale of the large size of the tomographicimaging samples (6 inch diameter) compared to smaller NX, 1.5 inch,and 1 inch diameter samples.

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FIG. 76. A photograph of Keck Acoustic Imaging System during testing.

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FIG. 77. The stress-strain curve for Indiana Limestone at 500 psi confining pressure.






0 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006

strain (in/in)


ss (



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FIG. 78. The tomogram for Indiana limestone at 500 psi confining pressure with nodifferential stress applied.

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FIG. 79. The tomogram for Indiana limestone at 500 psi confining pressure and adifferential stress of 937 psi.

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FIG. 80. The tomogram for Indiana limestone at 500 psi confining pressure and adifferential stress of 2727 psi.

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FIG. 81. The tomogram for Indiana limestone at 500 psi confining pressure and adifferential stress of 6756 psi.

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FIG. 82. The tomogram for Indiana limestone at 500 psi confining pressure and adifferential stress of 7287 psi.

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FIG.83. The tomogram for Indiana limestone at 500 psi confining pressure and adifferential stress of 7463 psi.

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FIG. 84. The tomogram for Indiana limestone at 500 psi confining pressure anddifferential stress.of 2935.

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FIG. 85. The tomogram for Indiana limestone at 500 psi confining pressure and aftercompletely unloading the differential stress.

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Fig. 86. A photograph of the fractured sample test at 500 psi confining pressure.

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AE = Acoustic EmissionGAIS = Geomechanical Acoustic Imaging SystemOU = The University of OklahomaPAC = Physical Acoustics CorporationRMI = Rock Mechanics Institute at the University of OklahomaSIRT = Simultaneous Iterative Reconstruction TechniqueSWF = Shallow Water FlowsVHF = Very High FrequencyVp = Compressional Wave VelocityVs = Shear wave velocityVp/Vs = Ratio of compressional wave velocity to the shear wave velocity
