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Created: May 2015 Action Plan for DSIB Recommendations Inspection March 2,3 & 4, 2015 Dubai (Al Warqa) – U.A.E.

Created: May 2015

Action Plan for DSIB Recommendations Inspection March 2,3 & 4, 2015

Dubai (Al Warqa) – U.A.E.


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DSIB Recommendations: 1) Raise students’ attainment and progress in all subjects, so that this is consistently good, and to ensure

students make at least good progress in relation to their starting points. 2) Improve the quality of teaching so it is consistently good or better by:

a) providing students with appropriately challenging activities which develop their critical thinking and independent learning skills

b) routinely giving students consistently high quality feedback about how to improve the quality of their work

c) ensuring teachers provide learning activities that are inspiring and imaginative, and meets the needs of all students.

3) Ensure students with special educational needs receive appropriate support and modifications to their learning so they make at least good progress.

4) Ensure all staff have a full understanding of the complete curriculum requirements in their subjects and across the phases so they effectively implement this to deliver learning which is inspiring and imaginative and which meets the needs of all students.

5) Ensure leaders accurately analyze students’ results in international assessments in relation to their performance in school assessments, and ensure it is used effectively by teachers in lessons to provide appropriate levels of challenge and support for students.

6) Improve the effectiveness of leaders’ self-evaluation processes and analysis so that there is a clear and unified understanding and direction of school development based on an accurate analysis of the school’s performance and standards

7) Ensure governors routinely hold school leaders fully accountable for the school performance and standards, and prioritize the raising of students’ attainment and progress.


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Action Plan for DSIB-KHDA Recommendations for ISAS

Recommendation 1 Raise students’ attainment and progress in all subjects, so that this is consistently good, and to ensure students make at least good progress in relation to their starting points.

Priority è KG Phase1

Action/Strategy Staff

Responsible Resources

Time Scale

Success Criteria

1. Align the school curriculum with the CCSS, NGSS and California state curriculum.

2. Accommodate to the changes in the curriculum by changing the KG Math and English books and align them with the CCSS. Also align science book with NGSS.

3. Ensure assessment in the Kindergarten is used consistently to plan experiences that are focused on the development of skills.

4. Use the baseline assessment data to inform and modify instruction and planning throughout the academic year.

5. Use hands on activities and play as an integral part of the KG curriculum to help raise students attainment and progress and connect Mathematics to real life to make learning more meaningful.

SC- Curriculum developer

SC- Curriculum Developer



Teacher- SC

Teacher- SC-


Curriculum documents- KG Math & English books

KG1 and KG2 books

Formative assessment checklist and rubric

Baseline assessment + Results

Lesson Plans-

Field trips-

Free flow activities

Ongoing / 2 years plan

Current year

Current year

Current year

Current year

Students’ overall attainment on Standardized Exams in grades 3 onward will provide clear evidence of the importance of the curriculum alignment with the CCSS.

Development of learning skills and improvement of students’ overall academic performance.

Ensuring that assessment data is accurate, analyzed in depth and used consistently by teachers to develop interesting learning experiences.

Development of learning skills and improvement of students’ overall academic performance.

Students’ interaction, involvement, and the development of independent learning skills and the application of learning in unfamiliar contexts.


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Priority è Phase 2

Action/Strategy Staff

Responsible Resources

Time Scale

Success Criteria

1. Align the school curriculum with the CCSS, NGSS and California state curriculum.

2. Ensure assessment data in the elementary cycle is used consistently to plan experiences that are focused on the development of skills.

3. Use the baseline assessment data to inform

and modify instruction and planning throughout the academic year.

4. Guide students on taking a standardized exam through “in class” weekly practice sessions, online practice tests and worksheets, tests taking strategies, and customized lessons that target students’ weaknesses.

HOD- Curriculum developer


Teacher- SC

Curriculum documents- books- Teacher Training

Formative/Summative assessment data-

Internal Term Exam Assessments

Baseline assessment + Results

IBT worksheets and Online practice tests

1 year

Current year

Current year

Students’ overall attainment on Standardized Exams in grades 3 onward will provide clear evidence of the importance of the curriculum alignment with the CCSS.

Ensuring that assessment data is accurate, analyzed in depth and used consistently by teachers to develop interesting learning experiences.

Development of learning skills and improvement of students’ overall academic performance.

Most (70%) of our students score at and above the IBT international percentile in November 2015.


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Priority è Phase 3

Action/Strategy Staff

Responsible Resources

Time Scale

Success Criteria

1. Challenge students more in class by

exposing them to questions that require higher order thinking skills (all phases) and appropriate tasks.

2. Focus on writing assignments in all subjects such as Arts, Social Studies, English and math.

3. Introduce baseline exams

4. Ensure that internal assessments (tests + exams) meet or exceed expectations in international exams.

5. Provision for SEN support by hiring more teachers to allow teacher time to cater to students’ needs.

6. Challenge different groups according to their abilities.





SCs, HOS, Teachers

Workshops tor teachers

Rigorous Exams

Resources from CCSS, PISA, TIMS, IBT, etc.. Access to standardized exams resources Modified Curriculum Teacher training, Instructional resources


Sept. then Feb Done 2015-2016 As of Sep. 2015

Baseline exam results tallied for comparison. Data analysis to compare progress is available and useful across:

- Different subjects - Boys/ girls - Emirati - SEN - Internal/ Benchmark

Internal exams produced (suitable rigor, included items reflect suitability)

SEN students’ needs addressed with IEP authored and teachers assigned.

Classroom observations show appropriately challenging activities assigned.

Students engaged and interacting actively


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7. Focus on developing students’ skills by revising the curriculum to target skill rather than content focus.

8. Teacher evaluation is continuously

moderated by HoS & SC

9. Students work is checked on a regular basis

10. All assessments are checked by HoS & Sc before they are returned to students, so are teachers’ comments.

11. Expose students to unfamiliar learning real life problems where they make links between subject areas to come up with solutions

Curriculum developer, SCs

Teachers, SCs, HOSs

SCs, HOS, Teachers

P, SCs, HOS,

Teachers, SCs

Access to international curricula and resources Observation form Observation rubrics Students’ work Feedback forms Lesson plans

Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing During and at the end of each term Regularly

(lesson plans – period plans – assessment – exit slips…)

Differentiated period plans (TAGS)

School international assessment data compared to international benchmark assessment. Teachers and section heads held accountable

Extra sessions for kids to improve skills

Data Analysis used to improve performance.

Teachers discuss student progress through regular weekly meetings and using finding to improve learning.

Data by objective/ standard on quizzes & exams in relation to their starting point from baseline exams is available and compatible with expectations


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Priority è Phase 4

Action/Strategy Staff Responsible

Resources Time Scale Success Criteria

1. Continue to Benchmark students’ work against appropriate international expectations

2. High School students are required to sit for IBT, PSAT, TOEFL and AP exams

3. IBT has been integrated in the curriculum framework

4. A TOEFL mock Exam & PSAT have been conducted in the first Term

5. Term Exams for Math, Science and English have been structured to include 70% IBT material for Grades 3 to 10

6. Provide extensive and efficient analysis and reading into students’ results that would ensure and provide a complete understanding of students’ academic development across curriculum areas.

HOS, SCs, Teachers

HOS, SCs, Teachers


SCs, teachers

Allocate instruction time and make

necessary framework

modifications to accommodate for

the changes

Curriculum Revision planning, Committee

Exam writing time

September through






Students are expected to perform at their best in the mentioned exams. Overall performance will be indicative of the success of the set plans and ensure future improvements

Term 1 Exam analysis and intervention plans will ensure progress is tracked and cross referenced with IBT and PSAT results to ensure efficiency

Level of difficulty and students’ performance will be reflective of the students’ higher level of understanding


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7. Assessment data must be well communicated to teachers and effectively used in their planning and teaching to meet the needs of all students

8. Provide students with challenges, support and proper feedback on their achievements and next steps in learning

9. Create a culture of learners motivated and guided by logic, common sense and scientific reasoning

10. Graded writings are now differentiated across all levels with struggling writers (intensive and SEN) being assigned their own” blocked" papers to better facilitate and structure their writing

11. Continue to perform the Baseline Assessments twice per annum as a reference for measurement of progress


HOS, SCs, Teachers

Whole school

English department

SCs, teachers, students


Allocate time and resources in September &


New skill based curriculum

More assignments (time)

Well designed exams segregated by skill

May 2015 onward


all of 2016

May 2015

Sep 2015

Data with teachers and teachers trained to compare to standardized assessment data

Students aware and take responsibility for their own learning

School culture and observations yield

Student writings

Student portfolio

Baseline exams, exam data


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Action Plan for DSIB-KHDA Recommendations for ISAS

Recommendation 2 Improve the quality of teaching so it is consistently good or better by: Providing students with appropriately challenging activities which develop their critical thinking and independent learning skills

Priority K-12 all phases

Implementation Evaluation

Action/Strategy Staff

Responsible Resources Time Scale Success Criteria

2.1. All teachers will be able to apply their knowledge through: a) Knowing the individual needs of

students b) Planning lessons effectively c) Setting challenging tasks and activities

that involve development of critical thinking skills

d) Raising student performance expectations

2.1.a • Ensure that teachers know the individual

level of every student through Baseline Exams, Formative assessment and other sources.

• Provide teachers with the help of SEN Coordinator with lists of students who have learning difficulties and the needed accommodations for learning.

• Planning group work activities reflects clear teacher’s knowledge of students’ individual needs and abilities where skills




Principal, VP


Baseline exams

SEN provision

Planned formative assessment

Sep. 2015

By Oct.



Data interrogated by teachers leads to challenging activities planned based on various students’ abilities.

• Formative Assessment is evident in every lesson observed

• Venn diagrams generated and student progress tracked

Baseline data sheets filled and available for sharing with SCs

Teachers aware of SEN students and their needs, SENCo actively engages teachers in learning the individual needs


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such as collaboration and independence are developed

SC meeting time with teachers

2.1.b • Continue to improve teacher skills in

designing engaging lessons through proper planning

• Provide opportunity for community involvement such as guest speakers and field experiences

• Effectuate the use of levelled readers • Provision for online resources such as

Think central, interactive books & websites

• Ensure that teachers fill out the period planning form accurately


• Increase questioning and discussion techniques including divergent and convergent questions to encourage students to make connections and understand complex material

• Challenge the students with the use of open ended questions during lessons

• Build teacher feedback on student responses to give opportunity for in depth analysis to deepen understanding

• Train students to invite comments from their classmates during a discussion and challenge one another’s thinking





Revised planning form, CPD


Proper planning format

CPD, Coaching & mentoring time


Initiate in Jan 2016

Teaching is not only limited to textbook and printed material, it also includes ICT integration, usual aids, manipulatives, group

The lesson plan indicates the concept taught in the last few lessons; the teacher plans for his students to link the current lesson outcomes to those they previously learned.

Students are asking higher order questions and getting involved with meaningful class discussions

Students are getting more involved with their own learning


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Action/Strategy Staff

Responsible Resources

Time Scale

Success Criteria


• Set expectations for teachers to ensure student readiness for IBT exams

• Improve inquiry based learning by raising expectations for students to learn independently

• Relate lessons to real life situations and challenge students to create solutions to these situations

• Provide a learning environment that encourages students to reflect on their own work through classroom discussions, exit slips, expect students to initiate discussions during lessons and justify their thinking

• Assign group activities suitable for each ability level when students work in homogeneous groups.

SCs, Teachers

Whole school culture, shared responsibility

SCs, Teachers,


Standardized exams, curriculum revision and yearly plan production focusing on real life application and enquiry based learning




70% or more of students score at or above the international mean

Expectations from SC are higher and progress is visible.

LO identify higher expectation

Notebooks of students are rich and informative.

Class observations yield that students are working independently

Exit slips reflect student evaluation and level of understanding of the set learning objectives


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Action/Strategy Staff

Responsible Resources Time Scale Success Criteria

2.2 Ensure that students receive meaningful feedback to improve the quality of their work through:

2.2.a Exams

- Ensure that the quiz and exam cover pages have details of learning objectives tied to the curriculum. This allows:

1. By objective feedback to student 2. By skill level analysis 3. By standardized exam performance

2.2.b Student work

- Develop rubrics for Notebooks Presentations Projects Portfolio

2.2.c Student-Teacher Conference middle school

Provides the students with an opportunity to claim responsibility for their learning and progress

SCs, Teachers

HOS, Student,


Planning, Time

Meeting set up , communication with parents




Exams summary sheet returned to students is filled out with useful feedback that promotes student improvement

- Rubrics are applied

consistently and meaningful feedback is shared continuously with students

- Students have a realistic view

of their performance and corresponding grade.

- Students are aware of their

particular weaknesses and strengths thus they plan accordingly.

- Students meet teachers and get feedback on their performance and discuss plans for improvement.


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Action/Strategy Staff

Responsible Resources Time Scale Success Criteria

2.3 Ensure teachers provide learning activities that are inspiring and imaginative and meet the needs of all students

2.3.a Include a learning activity for each lesson in the period plan designed to meet the needs of students

2.3.b Plan professional development to train teachers on planning effective activities that engage students’ imagination and thinking

2.3.c Diversify the activities to include hands on and challenging questions that complement the learning, allowing students to solidify their understanding of the learning objective.

Teachers, SC, Academic coordinator

Manipulatives, Classroom

resources, iPads,

Field trips


Students are active participants and ask meaningful questions to complete the set tasks.

Discussions are initiated as a result of the activity

CPD planned, conducted and effective evident application in classes. Classroom Observations

Teachers use an array of different activities to engage students


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Recommendation 3 Ensure students with SEN receive appropriate support and modification to their learning so they make at least good progress

Priority K - 12

Implementation Evaluation

Action/Strategy Staff

Responsible Resources Time Scale Success Criteria

3. Appropriate provision for SEN students 3.1 Provision of Support Resources 3.1.a Hire new staff to provision for SEN


3.1.b Allocate teaching time and manage schedules to ensure that SEN students receive modified instruction and assessment in parallel to the regularly scheduled courses.

3.1.c Train teachers to cater to the needs of students with SEN.



SENCO, External specialists, HOS


Schedule amended to accommodate for SEN students where students are pulled out of core subjects where difficulties encountered

Time for training, budget, locate qualified trainers




Twelve teachers hired to support the SEN students

Classroom observations yield smooth transition of SEN students to special classes

Teachers dealing with SEN students are qualified and able to develop meaningful integrated activities to enhance student learning and attainment according to their level


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Next Steps:

1. Encourage TAGS to teach other students to have their skills through peer teaching and reading to lower grades and other initiatives. 2. Involve TAGs in activities that allow them to deploy their gifts e.g. teaching other students, reading to them, organizing events, creating

their own initiatives for ISAS

3.2 Modifying Curriculum

3.2.a Differentiate the curriculum based on the common core standards to provision for SEN students.

3.2.b Create necessary IEP’s with appropriate learning goals that cater to individual needs of respective students.

3.2.c Include parents in meetings to plan next steps for every student.

3.3 Tracking Progress 3.3.a The newly modified IEP sets short term

and long term goals where each student’s knowledge and capability are assessed and goals are set based on the findings.

- Plan monthly re-visitation of these goals to assess progress and modify if necessary

- Involve students in maintaining their work portfolio indicating their own progress in learning






Teachers, HOS,


SEN IEPs are available and clear

SEN students are being pulled out of class and are working as per the modified curricula

Meetings with parents are taking place and next steps defined

Modified IEP form

Self assessment SEN Data Form

Training teachers and SCs to appropriately select objectives




Revise attained objectives to create guideline on progress, and set the pace to update IEP with appropriate goals periodically. Production of modified curricula.

A combined effort between the inclusion manager, teachers and subject coordinators resulted in the production of IEPs

Objectives are indicative of progress for SEN students

IEPs are indicative of appropriate teacher expectations of students and show progress

Students make good progress based on students records

Self assessment forms are used effectively and provide the necessary guidance


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Recommendation 4 Ensure all staff have a full understanding of the complete curriculum requirements in their subjects and across the phases so they effectively implement this to deliver learning which is inspiring and imaginative and which meets the needs of all students.

Priority All staff

Implementation Evaluation

Action/Strategy Staff Responsible

Resources Time Scale Success Criteria

4.1. Adopt fully the common core curriculum where sequential progression is ensured through the set outline

4.2. Focus on developing skills rather than teaching content during the production of the syllabus

4.3. Assign regular meetings (by department) to explain common core progression across the years

4.4. Train teachers on relating previous and future knowledge in their lesson plans.

4.5. Make available all curriculum documentation and framework on teachers’ folder in own portal and in hand copies with SC + SLT

4.6. Ensure that the practice of curriculum translation includes integration of Emirati culture and UAE society values

4.7. Subject coordinators meet regularly to discuss and implement cross-curricular activities

SC, Teachers, P, DP, CAO

Curriculum developer, Academics Coordinator

Curriculum Coordinator

SC s Curriculum Coordinator

Curriculum, training of teachers, lesson plans

Develop a scope and sequence

Planning Time, Authoring provision (meeting, road map)

Fall 2015- Spring 2017

Done, pending portal upload

Teachers are familiar with the curriculum.

Learning outcomes are aligned with standards.

Lesson and period plans reflect teachers’ awareness of curriculum.

Workshops conducted on curriculum progression and standards

Curriculum documentation is posted and available to teachers.

Curriculum enrichment activities are based on the local culture. Supplemental courses such as UAE history continue to be offered to students. Cross-curricular activities


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4.8. Modified curricula produced with SEN provision for set categories to develop students personally and academically

4.9. Incorporate innovation into the curriculum and plan activities and practices to ensure that students, teachers, subject coordinators and school leaders have an opportunity to be creative and imaginative

SENCo and Curriculum Coordinator

AMSI, Curriculum Coordinator, SCs, Teachers & school leaders

AMSI initiative

Time, hiring, budgeting, time allocation. Travel and exploration /research for best practices

May 2016

Immediately till March 2017

are taking place inside and outside the classroom

Modified curricula produced

Enhanced curriculum produced and teachers are able to understand its rationale and use it with ease

Since the adoption of California state standards, coordinators and teachers have access to a rich resource to ensure imaginative and inspiring learning. Viz. recommendation 2 “Improve the quality of teaching so it is consistently good or better by: Providing students with appropriately challenging activities which develop their critical thinking and independent learning skills”


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Action Plan for DSIB-KHDA Recommendations for ISAS

Recommendation 5 Ensure leaders compare and analyze international tests data with internal school tests and use this to improve the quality of teaching by providing more challenge for the most able students and more support for the least able students.

Priority Students K-12

Implementation Evaluation

Action/Strategy Staff

Responsible Resources

Time Scale

Success Criteria

In grades 3 to 10, IBT tests results are used to compare with internal assessments and with other schools in Dubai as well

Include material from standardized exams such as IBT, TIMSSs, PISA, PIRLS in internal assessments.

Dedicate class time to train students to tackle exams skills and teach them strategies. This challenges students according to their ability.

SC’s of English, Math & Science adopt the following strategies:

- Compare skills progress between baseline and standardized exams to obtain comparative data to guide future planning.


SCs Teachers HOS, SC SCs

IBT test result grade 3 to grade 10

Internal exams writing

Update the reporting software

Time for analyzing data, training on data comparison

Yearly in March




Action plans to challenge TAGS and LOTS produced based on the comparative analysis

Well written exams with appropriately challenging content

Class time allocated to challenge students

Data shared with teachers

Student results improved


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- Share results with teachers to better evaluate student achievement and improve their attainment.

- Share results with students and guide them to develop their self-evaluation/ assessment skills in order to detect their weaknesses and work on them, thus improve their learning.

- Share results with parents to motivate support and set scaled expectations for their children.

- In Grades 11 & 12, Pre SAT, SAT and AP results are used as a benchmark for internal assessments as of next year since the curriculum has recently aligned with California State standards

- Upgrade PP/LP to include more DTI to target challenging most able and supporting least able students.

- Conduct CPD on the productive ways to make use of data comparison to improve learning.

Introduce standardized assessment to complement the current IBT for grades 3-11. Heading towards adopting the Pre-SAT for grades 7-11 with SAT 2 subject tests for science in grades 9, 10 & 11


SCs of key subjects


Shared folders setup

Distribution of printed reports

Production of posted info

Scanning of awards Online platform Student seriousness and engagement training


CPD planning, timetabling

Budgeting Research Meetings with all stakeholders Training of students, parents and teachers

As soon as ready March –April

As soon as ready March –April

As soon as ready March –April

September 2017


September 2017

Students are aware of results and have drawn their own plans for improvement

Results of student exams were shared with parents Parents interfering with student readiness for assessments

Teachers are using data to improve teaching

LP/ PP include DTI and teachers are applying in class

New benchmark assessments adopted and implemented.


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Action Plan for DSIB-KHDA Recommendations for ISAS

Recommendation 6 Improve the effectiveness of leaders’ self-evaluation process and analysis so that there is a clear and unified understanding and direction of school development based on an accurate analysis of the school’s performance and standards.

Priority All staff

Implementation Evaluation

Action/Strategy Staff

Responsible Resources Time Scale Success Criteria

• Organize the SEF leading team to involve all school staff

• Self-evaluation process to include all the school academic and support staff

• AMSI conducts Information sessions on new framework

• Principal to delegate work on the new framework to SLT

• SLT to form committees for work • SLT conducts multiple meeting with

their team to explain and work on SEF

• Each SLT to provide his/her own rating of every SEF standard

• Each head of committee to delegates work to teachers and responsible



Deputy Principal

Academic Coordinator




Support staff

• Time allocated for workshop

• Meeting time allocated to different work teams

• Resources for document reproduction

September 2015

Sept 2015 – Oct 2015

‒ SC are more aware and practical about using analysis to improve T/L

‒ Related assessment for the new framework will be launched and explained to all academic staff

‒ Information sessions conducted

‒ Work delegated and work teams evaluating


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staff member to provide input into the SEF

• Engage teachers in the production of the SEF document where they interrogate both internal and external data ‒ Explaining validity of data ‒ Indicating how data will be

adopted ‒ Realizing the international

standing of the school ‒ meeting with teachers by

department to propose improvements so that leaders include them in their future plans

‒ Ensure that improvement planning include staff from all departments so that they focus on the strengths and weaknesses of the school

• Ensure that teachers are fully capable of writing effective lesson plans that accurately reflect the curriculum and school’s vision. ‒ SCs and teachers are well

informed and actively involved in the: o Curriculum o SEF o School’s vision and goals o Action plan

• Ensure that leaders set the broader framework for the school’s operation, through assigning exams based on the set standards and compare those to benchmark exams




Support staff

Curriculum coordinator

• Meeting time allocated to different work teams

• Resources for document reproduction

• IT resources needed in the process

September 2015 –March 2016


Sep 2015

‒ SEF completed accurately with appropriate judgments from each section

‒ SC’s and selected teachers are working

on the new framework

‒ SLT is able to articulate an understanding of SEF process and results analysis

‒ SLT is able to articulate an understanding of school improvement and direction

‒ New lesson plans indicate an understanding of the schools new direction

‒ Classroom observation indicates that

teachers are implementing the new improvements

‒ Related assessment for the new framework will be launched and explained to all teachers.


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• Give direction for school development. ‒ The validity of the data is

corroborated by the alignment of internal exams with the chosen standardized assessment (CCSS) framework and international standardized exams

‒ Target the 21st century skills in the improvement planning

• The SEF committee uses all information gathered in meeting and to write their respective part of the SEF

• The SLT uses all the gathered data from the SEF and the data analysis along with the previous improvement plan to author a new School improvement plan

‒ Principal ‒ DP ‒ HoS ‒ SCs ‒ Teachers ‒ Support staff

• Meeting time allocated to different work teams

• Resources for document reproduction

• IT resources

September 2015 –March 2016

All year

Jan 2016

‒ SC are more aware and practical about

using analysis to improve T/L

‒ SEF submitted

‒ All required documentation is readily available

‒ A new School improvement plan is authored


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Action Plan for DSIB-KHDA Recommendations for ISAS

Recommendation 7 Ensure governance routinely hold the school’s leaders fully accountable for the school performance and standards, and prioritize the reason of students attainment and progress.

Priority All Stakeholders

Implementation Evaluation

Action/Strategy Staff

Responsible Resources Time Scale Success Criteria

• Ensure that a wide representation of stakeholders’ feedback is collected especially teachers, parents and members of the community o AMSI

‒ Meetings ‒ Class observations ‒ Spot check audit

o Teachers ‒ meetings ‒ open door policy

o Parents ‒ open door policy ‒ school portal ‒ meetings, ‒ open house ‒ school activities

o Community ‒ Meetings with authorities

AMSI Principal Deputy Principal Academic Coordinator HoS SCs Teachers

Resources for document reproduction

Meeting time allocated to different stakeholders

Budgeted resources for activities


‒ Feedback collected from different resources and included in the school SEF and improvement plan

‒ AMSI satisfied after meeting with SLT to review KPI’s

‒ QA audits conducted and feedback sent to respective parties


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‒ Participation in activities

• Ensuring accountability of SLT for the school’s actions and outcomes ‒ AMSI have set expectations and

key performance indicators (KPI) to assess school performance o Students’ internal attainment

results in comparison to IBT results must be compatible.

o Provision for SEN students and TAGS

o Individual student progress is visible and evidenced.

o Teacher performance is showing progress

‒ AMSI QA audit o AMSI Class observations o AMSI spot-check audits

‒ SLT informs the governing board of all issues related to student performance

• Ensuring school success in provisioning to manage the board’s vision for open admissions

• AMSI have approved a substantial expenditure and hold the school leaders responsible for success ‒ Recruitment procedures ensure

adequate staffing ‒ Performance related pay: Bonus

scheme and increment tied to appraisal

‒ Progress encouraged by allowing equal opportunities for






‒ Principal ‒ DP ‒ HoS ‒ SEN

coordinator ‒ Teachers

‒ AMSI ‒ Principal ‒ DP

• Meeting time allocated to different work teams

• Resources for document reproduction

• Provisions for SEN students

• Meeting time allocated

• Budgeted resources approved by AMSI

• Meeting time allocated to different work teams

September 2015 –March 2016


‒ AMSI report shows progress was recognized

‒ HoS and teachers aware of SEN

students and their needs ‒ New students are happy and

progressing ‒ Parents are satisfied ‒ Provision for SEN students and TAGS

are in place and are effective.

‒ More qualified teachers hired ‒ DSIB rating improved ‒ Almost all parents are satisfied

‒ Set targets achieved ‒ Almost all parents are satisfied ‒ Parents participate in their children’s



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development and giving incentives for additional qualifications

‒ HoS ‒ AMSI reports parent satisfaction on practice and follow up
