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Activation and de-Activation of TTI Bundling Mode for Cell-edge

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8/10/2019 Activation and de-Activation of TTI Bundling Mode for Cell-edge http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/activation-and-de-activation-of-tti-bundling-mode-for-cell-edge 1/15 RRM.5120 TEST CASE DESCRIPTION  All rights reserved Activation and de-activation of TTI bundin! "ode fo# ce-ed!e $E% Pu#&o%e' The purpose of test case is to demonstrate switch to TTI bundling for Ues on cell-edge in power limit in lab environment. 1. Trigger events will be simulated in lab environment and switch from normal mode to TTI  bundling will be verified. 2. Ue leaves cell edge and is in good radio condition. Switching from TTI bundling to normal mode will be verified. Ab%t#act' UE is in good radio conditions and due to high MS the measurements to start TTI  bundling are not started !et b! e"# although the measurements are activated for the UE. The UE moves to worse radio conditions and UE is transmitting with currentMS $% eUl&a&owMcsThr. The UE moves to even worse radio conditions and "ac'ed T# transmissions is greater than tti#undling"ac'Threshthe trigger conditions to activate TTI bundling are met. Intra cell handover is initiated to activate TTI bundling. Intra cell handover is e(ecuted and TTI bundling and TTI bundling measurements are active. U& data transfer for the UE is carried out using TTI #undling. Measurements to stop TTI bundling are ongoing. Intra cell handover has been e(ecuted and TTI #undling is applied for the UE in U& data transfer. Reated (eatu#e%' LTE907: TTI bundling Reated %&ecification%' TTI bundling is characterized by [3GPP T 3!"#$3% 3!"3#$& Reated docu"ent%' LTE 'adi( Access% 'el" 'L)0% *+erating ,(cu-entati(n% Issue 0$ library: .LTE 'L/0% eature ,escri+ti(ns1 o cha+ter .TTI 2undling1 Testacases: ield eri4icati(n Pr(cedure 4(r TTI 2undling P#e#e)ui%ite%' Re)ui#ed Net*o#+ Ee"ent%, E)ui&"ent A"ount LTE e52 $ 66E $ AEG8 $ LTE E ith TTI bundling ca+able $ ''6")$#0 Activati(n and deactivati(n (4 TTI bundling -(de 4(r celledge es Page $ (4 $)
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Activation and de-activation of TTI bundin! "ode fo# ce-ed!e $E%

Pu#&o%e' The purpose of test case is to demonstrate switch to TTI bundling for Ues on cell-edge in power

limit in lab environment.1. Trigger events will be simulated in lab environment and switch from normal mode to TTI

 bundling will be verified.2. Ue leaves cell edge and is in good radio condition. Switching from TTI bundling to normalmode will be verified.

Ab%t#act' UE is in good radio conditions and due to high MS the measurements to start TTI

 bundling are not started !et b! e"# although the measurements are activated for the


The UE moves to worse radio conditions and UE is transmitting with currentMS $%

eUl&a&owMcsThr. The UE moves to even worse radio conditions and "ac'ed T#

transmissions is greater than tti#undling"ac'Threshthe trigger conditions to activateTTI bundling are met.

Intra cell handover is initiated to activate TTI bundling.

Intra cell handover is e(ecuted and TTI bundling and TTI bundling measurements are


U& data transfer for the UE is carried out using TTI #undling.

Measurements to stop TTI bundling are ongoing.

Intra cell handover has been e(ecuted and TTI #undling is applied for the UE in U&

data transfer.


• LTE907: TTI bundling


TTI bundling is characterized by [3GPP T 3!"#$3% 3!"3#$&

Reateddocu"ent%' LTE 'adi( Access% 'el" 'L)0% *+erating ,(cu-entati(n% Issue 0$


• .LTE 'L/0% eature ,escri+ti(ns1

o cha+ter .TTI 2undling1

Testacases:ield eri4icati(n Pr(cedure 4(r TTI 2undling

P#e#e)ui%ite%' Re)ui#ed Net*o#+ Ee"ent%, E)ui&"ent A"ount

• LTE e52 $

• 66E $

• AEG8 $

• LTE E ith TTI bundling ca+able $

''6")$#0 Activati(n and deactivati(n (4 TTI bundling -(de 4(r celledge esPage $ (4 $)

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• rel;% GI3 and 7< rel9 GI#;

• The relevant bit +(siti(ns in

4eatureGr(u+Indicat(rs di44er beteen

rel;c(-+liant Es and Es su++(rtingrel9 and higher"

•  A++licati(n P= >E side% c(re side? #

• Tracer (n $@$$@!ainter4aces

• 2T l(g and e tracer 

$  $


Docu"ent can!e i%to#'

/e#%ion Date Auto# Can!e%

<1.0> <08.04.2013>


<Initial version, ready for review>

<2.0> <6.11.2013> <demx17f1>

<review comments incororated>

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1. Te%t Confi!u#ation

Net*o#+ ee"ent% in%t#u"entation and te#"ina% confi!u#ation

(i!u#e 1' ene#a %ce"e of te%t confi!u#ation

''6")$#0 Activati(n and deactivati(n (4 TTI bundling -(de 4(r celledge esPage 3 (4 $)

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2. Setu& , Te%t P#e&a#ation 3ac+!#ound Info#"ation

2.1 3ac+!#ound Info#"ation

TTI 2undling (+erates in u+lin directi(n" Es are sitched int( TTI bundling i4 theradi( c(nditi(ns have deteri(rated such that 2LE' has increased bey(nd athresh(ld and available +(er is insu44icient 4(r trans-issi(n (n -(re than Bust a 4e

P'2s" The e52 c(n4igurati(n related t( the ECs bearer setu+ is d(ne ith(utres+ect t( TTI bundling" The e52 bearer -anage-ent 4uncti(ns are n(t aare (4 thecurrent radi( c(nditi(ns% and there4(re ad-issi(n c(ntr(l (+erates irres+ective (4 hether (r n(t the E is in g((d (r bad radi( c(nditi(ns" In +articular% this als(-eans that ad-issi(n c(ntr(l (+erates ith(ut c(nsiderati(n (4 hether (r n(t Esare in TTI bundling -(de" The -ain +ur+(se (4 TTI bundling is t( i-+r(ve linDuality 4(r (IP users at the cell edge"

*+erat(rs can de4ine hich =I classes shall be all(ed 4(r usage ithin TTIbundling -(de" The range (4 =Is c(ntains +rede4ined classes and als( (+erat(rde4ined classes% as +er the LTE)$; .*+erat(r s+eci4ic =I1 4eature" The selecti(n is

d(ne by setting en4(rceTti2undling t( FtrueC in the DciTab and the DciTab*+erat(r +ara-eter 4ields" It is assu-ed that (+erat(rs set the en4(rceTti2undling +ara-eter t( FtrueC (nly 4(r =I$ bearers (r (+erat(rde4ined bearers ith si-ilar thr(ugh+utand Duality de-ands as reDuired by v(ice trans-issi(n" Assu-ing adverse radi(c(nditi(ns ith T2 $// bit >and assu-ing 4(r the sae (4 this c(arse esti-ate thatthis includes $00 bits (4 user data?% and 4urther assu-ing that the E trans-its inevery scheduling (ccasi(n >) L grants +er # radi( 4ra-es% ,,?% #) bit@s is the-aHi-u- thr(ugh+ut eH+ectable in TTI bundling -(de" I4 the E is scheduled (nce+er # radi( 4ra-es >that is% (nce +er #0 -s?% this b(ils d(n t( ) bit@s" igures 4(r T,, are even l(er"I4% 4(r eHa-+le% a E is c(n4igured ith a =I$ bearer (4 a high bit rate enc(unters

bad radi( c(nditi(ns and runs int( +(er li-itati(n% the L thr(ugh+ut is li-ited bythe E hich then re+resents the b(ttlenec" In this case% the e52 d(es n(t deleteany bearer h(se thr(ugh+ut d(es n(t -eet c(n4igured -aHi-u-@average rates%n(r d(es the e52 +ri(ritize any bearer (ver (thers" It is the E here L+ri(ritizati(n taes +lace% and it is le4t t( the E s(4tare >(r the end user? t( deletebearers >(r t( cl(se a++licati(ns? that su44er 4r(- bad radi( c(nditi(ns t( anunacce+table degree"

''6")$#0 Activati(n and deactivati(n (4 TTI bundling -(de 4(r celledge esPage / (4 $)

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2.2 Setu& , Te%t P#e&a#ation

Lab envir(n-ent: e under test is attached t( cellJ$" Path l(ss and L inter4erenceill be increased till e sitches t( TTI bundling" At least 2T l(g and e tracer ill be used t( -(nit(r sitch 4r(- n(r-al -(de t(TTI bundling and vice versa"

igure #:An eHa-+le sche-e (4 test c(n4igurati(n in lab

2.4 Settin! OM Pa#a"ete#%

Prec(nditi(n: EHtended +lin Lin Ada+tati(n -ust be activated% i"e" the L5=EL +ara-eteractlLnAd+ -ust be set t( FelLaC"

Pa#a"ete# Na"e Abb#eviation De%c#i&tion Ran!eMana!edobect

 Activate TTI bundling actTti2undlingPara-eter t( activate (rdeactivate the TTI2undling 4eature in a cell

True@alse L5=EL

6aH nu-ber (4 LKA' trans-issi(nsduring TTI bundling


Indicates the -aHi-u-nu-ber (4 trans-issi(nsthat is c(n4igured 4(r a Ein TTI bundling (+erati(n"

/"""#;% ste+ / L5=EL

TTI bundling 2LE'thresh(ld


=(ntr(ls the 2LE'thresh(ld 4(r sitching

Es 4r(- n(nbundling-(de int( TTI2undling-(de

;""")0 % ste+

$ &ab)11*


''6")$#0 Activati(n and deactivati(n (4 TTI bundling -(de 4(r celledge esPage ) (4 $)

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TTI bundling I5'thresh(ld


I5' thresh(ld 4(rsitching Es 4r(- TTI2undling -(de int( n(nTTIbundling -(de

$0"""$0 d2%ste+ 0"$ d2&ab)+*


TTI bundling duringhand(ver-easure-ents


This +ara-eterdeter-ines hether TTIbundling -ay be startedvia intracell hand(verhile inter4reDuency (rinter'AT -easure-entsare (ng(ing"

True@alse L52T

Table $: *M6 +ara-eters related t( LTE907

Enabling@disabling (4 TTI bundling 4(r =I$9 and@(r (+erat(r c(n4igured =Is is

(+ti(nally -(di4ied i4 the +r(vided de4ault values (4 the !ci"a#$1%&' and!ci"a#(erator +ara-eters enforceTtiBundling  are n(t a++r(+riate

igure 3: Activate TTI bundling (n L5=EL level

''6")$#0 Activati(n and deactivati(n (4 TTI bundling -(de 4(r celledge esPage ! (4 $)

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igure /: TTI bundling thresh(lds

igure ): TTI bundling during hand(ver -easure-ents (n L52T level

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igure !: en4(rce TTI bundling 4(r =I $

4. Te%t e6ecution , I"&e"entation

<Step 1-Activation of TTI bundling>

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 Acti(n @ In+ut

e under test establishes (LTE call >=I$? Path l(ss and inter4erence ill be

increased till e sitches t( TTI bundling"

6(nit(r nu-ber (4 es in TTI bundling -(de by 2T l(g:E.g. -, number of Ues in TTI bundling is increased from to 1)get"umfUeInTti#undlingMode/0) mueInTti#undlingMode) cellId) 33414+5ThreadI6)1+37 inc"umfUeInTti#undlingMode/0) new mueInTti#undlingMode) 1 ueonte(tId) 18 cellId)33414+

E TH +(er can be -(nit(red by e tracer"EH+ected 'esult @ *ut+ut

e under test sitches t( TTI bundling" Intracell hand(ver +er4(r-ed"

)*annel "ye + -))/, essae -ent* + 36  Interreted val5e -%))/%essae + 

  messae c1 rrc=(nnecti(n'ec(n4igurati(n 

   rrc%"ransactionIdentifier 1,  criticalxtensions c1 rrc)onnectioneconfi5ration%r8


   taret*ys)ellId 424,  t304 ms1000,  new%Identity 901100011 011011019:,




  n5m#er(f;%ream#les n40,  ream#lesro5;)onfi

   si=e(f;%ream#lesro5; n32,  messaei=ero5; #144,  messaeower(ffsetro5: d:10   ?  ?,  oweraminarameters


  oweraminte d:2,  ream#leInitialeceived"aretower d:m%&6   ?,  ra%5ervisionInfo

   ream#le"ransax n10,  ra%esonse@indowi=e sf10,  mac%)ontentionesol5tion"imer sf64  ?,  max/;A%s3"x B   ?,  rac*%)onfi

   roote!5enceIndex 30,  rac*%)onfiInfo


  rac*%)onfiIndex 3,  *i*eedCla C;-,  =ero)orrelationDone)onfi 12,  rac*%Cre!(ffset B 

''6")$#0 Activati(n and deactivati(n (4 TTI bundling -(de 4(r celledge esPage 9 (4 $)

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  ?  ?,  5sc*%)onfi)ommon


   n%: 1,  *oinode inter5#Crame,  5sc*%/oin(ffset 6,  ena#le64A; C;-   ?,  5l%eferenceinals)/

   ro5/oinna#led C;-,  ro5;ssinment)/ 0,  se!5ence/oinna#led C;-,  cyclic*ift 0   ?  ?,  %ax 33,  5l%)yclicrefix-ent* len1

  ?,  rac*%)onfiedicated

   ra%ream#leIndex B2,  ra%;)/%asEIndex 0   ?  ?,  radioeso5rce)onfiedicated

   mac%ain)onfi exlicitFal5e


   max/;A%"x n8,  eriodic:%"imer sf10,  retx:%"imer sf320,

  tti2undling T'E  ?,  time;linment"imeredicated sf10240   ?,  *ysical)onfiedicated


   acEGacEeetition release G--  ?,  c!i%eort)onfi

   c!i%eortode;eriodic rm30,  nom)/%%%(ffset 0,  c!i%eorteriodic set5


  c!i%))/%eso5rceIndex 12,  c!i%mi%)onfiIndex 62,  c!i%CormatIndicatoreriodic wide#and)AI G--,  ri%)onfiIndex 1,  sim5ltaneo5s;cEGacE;nd)AI "   ?  ?,  sc*ed5line!5est)onfi set5

   sr%))/%eso5rceIndex 18,  sr%)onfiIndex 18,  dsr%"ransax n64  ?  ?  ?,  sec5rity)onfi/(

   *andover"ye intra-"


''6")$#0 Activati(n and deactivati(n (4 TTI bundling -(de 4(r celledge esPage $0 (4 $)

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     ci*erin;lorit*m eea2,  interityrot;lorit*m eia2   ?,  Eey)*aneIndicator C;-,

  next/o)*ainin)o5nt 0   ?  ?  ?  ?


<Step 2 – Deactivation of TTI bundling>

 Acti(n @ In+ut Ue is in good radio condition.Ue9s SI": at least as good as before switching to TTI#.

EH+ected 'esult @ *ut+ut

witc* from ""I: mode to normal mode is triered. Intra%cell *andover erformed.

=hannel Ty+e ,LJ,==K% 6essage Length 39 Inter+reted P,:value ,L,==K6essage ::N

  -essage c$ : rrc=(nnecti(n'ec(n4igurati(n :

N  rrcTransacti(nIdenti4ier $%  criticalEHtensi(ns c$ : rrc=(nnecti(n'ec(n4igurati(nr; :

N  -(bility=(ntr(lIn4(

N  targetPhys=ellId /#/%

  t30/ -s$000%  neEIdentity O00$0$0$0 $00$$0$0O2%  radi('es(urce=(n4ig=(--(n

N  rach=(n4ig

N  +rea-bleIn4(

N  nu-ber*4'APrea-bles n/0%  +rea-blesGr(u+A=(n4ig

N  size*4'APrea-blesGr(u+A n3#%  -essageizeGr(u+A b$//%  -essageP(er*44setGr(u+2 d2$0    %  +(er'a-+ingPara-eters

N  +(er'a-+ingte+ d2#%  +rea-bleInitial'eceivedTargetP(er d2-9!  %  rau+ervisi(nIn4(

N  +rea-bleTrans6aH n$0%  ra'es+(nse8ind(ize s4$0%  -ac=(ntenti(n'es(luti(nTi-er s4!/  %  -aHKA'6sg3TH )  %  +rach=(n4ig

N  r((teDuenceIndeH 30%  +rach=(n4igIn4(

N  +rach=(n4igIndeH 3%  high+eedlag ALE%  zer(=(rrelati(nQ(ne=(n4ig $#%

''6")$#0 Activati(n and deactivati(n (4 TTI bundling -(de 4(r celledge esPage $$ (4 $)

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  +rachreD*44set )    %  +usch=(n4ig=(--(n



  n2 $%  h(++ing6(de interubra-e%  +uschK(++ing*44set !%  enable!/A6 ALE  %  ul'e4erenceignalsP=K

N  gr(u+K(++ingEnabled ALE%  gr(u+Assign-entP=K 0%  seDuenceK(++ingEnabled ALE%  cyclichi4t 0    %  +6aH 33%

  ul=yclicPre4iHLength len$  %  rach=(n4ig,edicated

N  raPrea-bleIndeH !3%  raP'A=K6asIndeH 0    %  radi('es(urce=(n4ig,edicated

N  -ac6ain=(n4ig eH+licitalue :

N  ul=K=(n4ig

N  -aHKA'TH n)%  +eri(dic2'Ti-er s4$0%

  retH2'Ti-er s43#0%  tti2undling ALE  %  drH=(n4ig setu+ :

N  (n,urati(nTi-er +s4!%  drHInactivityTi-er +s4/%  drH'etrans-issi(nTi-er +s4/%  l(ng,'R=ycletart*44set s4/0 : 3!  %  ti-eAlign-entTi-er,edicated s4$0#/0  %  +hysical=(n4ig,edicated

N  +ucch=(n4ig,edicated


  ac5ac'e+etiti(n release : 5LL  %  cDi'e+(rt=(n4ig

N  cDi'e+(rt6(deA+eri(dic r-30%  n(-P,=K'EP'E*44set 0%  cDi'e+(rtPeri(dic setu+ :

N  cDiP==K'es(urceIndeH $#%  cDi+-i=(n4igIndeH 7/%  cDi(r-atIndicat(rPeri(dic ideband=I : 5LL%  ri=(n4igIndeH $%  si-ultane(usAc5acAnd=I T'E    %  scheduling'eDuest=(n4ig setu+ :

N  srP==K'es(urceIndeH $;%  sr=(n4igIndeH 30%  dsrTrans6aH n!/

''6")$#0 Activati(n and deactivati(n (4 TTI bundling -(de 4(r celledge esPage $# (4 $)

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      %  security=(n4igK*


  hand(verTy+e intraLTE :N


  ci+heringAlg(rith- eea#%  integrityPr(tAlg(rith- eia#  %  ey=hangeIndicat(r ALE%  neHtK(+=haining=(unt 0       

7. I"&acted 8PI,Counte#%

  Measurement t!pe &TE ell :esource

  ounter group TTI bundling

  TTI#U"6&I";M6EUE<=; >2

  TTI#U"6&I";;:<"TS 2?1@

  TTI#U"6&:ETE"TI"SA:T 1



6;0$$=!#@ Average nu-ber (4 Es c(n4igured 4(r TTI 2undling -(deThe -easure-ent +r(vides the average nu-ber (4 Es in TTI 2undling -(de +ersa-+le" Each instance (4 a E entering TTI 2undling 6(de during the -easure-entinterval is included in the average" Thus i4% 4(r eHa-+le% a single E is +laced in TTI2undling -(de three ti-es during the -easure-ent interval% all (4 the three

instances ill be included in the average"The re+(rted value is $00 ti-es higher than the actual value >4(r eHa-+le $"00 isst(red as $00?"

6;0$$=!3@ 5u-ber (4 L grants 4(r TTI 2undlingT(tal nu-ber (4 grants 4(r TTI 2undling"

6;0$$=!/@ h(rt E retenti(n ti-e in TTI 2undling -(de

''6")$#0 Activati(n and deactivati(n (4 TTI bundling -(de 4(r celledge esPage $3 (4 $)

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The -easure-ent re+resents the nu-ber (4 Es that are in TTI 2undling -(de 4(r(nly a sh(rt +eri(d (4 ti-e% hich is de4ined as less than t$ sec(nds% that is retenti(nti-e in TTI 2undling -(de S t$ sec"

6;0$$=!)@ 6ediu- E retenti(n ti-e in TTI 2undling -(deThe -easure-ent re+resents the nu-ber (4 Es that are in TTI 2undling -(de 4(r a-ediu- +eri(d (4 ti-e" This ti-e +eri(d is de4ined by a l(er b(und (4 t$ sec(ndsand an u++er b(und (4 t# sec(nds% that is retenti(n ti-e in TTI 2undling -(de: t$ SH S t# sec"

6;0$$=!!@ L(ng E retenti(n ti-e in TTI 2undling -(deThe -easure-ent re+resents the nu-ber (4 Es that are in TTI 2undling -(de 4(r al(ng +eri(d (4 ti-e% hich is de4ined as l(nger than t# sec(nds% that is retenti(n ti-ein TTI 2undling -(de t# sec"

5. Reated Me%%a!e (o*

9. E&io!ue

 A4ter 4inishing the tests und( all changes d(ne t( test envir(n-ent and@(r set the+ara-eters bac t( the initial@de4ault values"


op!right B "o'ia Solutions and "etwor's ;mbA C o D; 28. <ll rights reserved.

The information in this document is subect to change without notice and describes onl! the product defined inthe introduction of this documentation. This document is intended for the use of "o'ia Solutions and "etwor'scustomers onl! for the purposes of the agreement under which the document is submitted and no part of it ma!

''6")$#0 Activati(n and deactivati(n (4 TTI bundling -(de 4(r celledge esPage $/ (4 $)

Page 15: Activation and de-Activation of TTI Bundling Mode for Cell-edge

8/10/2019 Activation and de-Activation of TTI Bundling Mode for Cell-edge

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 be reproduced or transmitted in an! form or means without the prior written permission of "o'ia Solutions and "etwor's. The document has been prepared to be used b! professional and properl! trained personnel and thecustomer assumes full responsibilit! when using it. "o'ia Solutions and "etwor's welcomes customer

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 "o'ia Solutions and "etwor's liabilit! for an! errors in the document is limited to the documentar! correctionof errors. "DI< S&UTI"S <"6 "ETF:DS FI&& "T #E :ESG"SI#&E I" <"H E=E"T :E:::S I" TAIS 6UME"T : : <"H 6<M<;ES I"I6E"T<& : "SEJUE"TI<&/I"&U6I"; M"ET<:H &SSES0 that might arise from the use of this document or the information in it.

This document and the product it describes are considered protected b! cop!right according to the applicablelaws.Technical specifications performance values and features are binding onl! insofar as the! are specificall! ande(pressl! agreed upon in a written contract.

 "DI< Solutions and "etwor's logo is a registered trademar' of "o'ia Solutions and "etwor's ;mbA C o

D;.ther product names mentioned in this document ma! be trademar's of their respective companies and the! arementioned for identification purposes onl!.

''6")$#0 Activati(n and deactivati(n (4 TTI bundling -(de 4(r celledge esPage $) (4 $)
