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r AD-777 225 PRISONERS OF WAR AND POLITICAL HOSTAGES A SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY MONROE CORPORATION PREPARED FOR AIR FORCE OFFICE OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH OCTOBER 1973 DISTRIBUTED BY: NalM TMhiinl IdfinHrtiM U. S. DEPARTMENT OF Smrfci , '»~"«"> , »»^'«!»l«*&ä-Mufc^ ..I/-,,,.,,,;„•„:,, .,,.,; v... , .„.,,::„ „a ,,,.» .,>,--,,i,...,-.,s
Page 1: AD-777 225 PRISONERS OF WAR AND POLITICAL HOSTAGES · Adler, H. Auschwitz. Zeugnisse und Berichte. Frankfurt am Main; « Europaische Verlagsanstalt, 19o2. American Enterprise Institute

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Page 2: AD-777 225 PRISONERS OF WAR AND POLITICAL HOSTAGES · Adler, H. Auschwitz. Zeugnisse und Berichte. Frankfurt am Main; « Europaische Verlagsanstalt, 19o2. American Enterprise Institute



The Monroe Corporation,8001 Forbes Place, Springfield, Virginia, 22151





4 0«»€M»TIV« ««Scientific, Interiw._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Janes L Monroe

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F 44620-74C-0011a eiMjacT MS.


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Approved for Public Releaset Distributlnn Onlinited

Air Force Office of Scientific Research (N1 ^1400 Wilson Boulevard, —

Arlington, Virginia, 22209

In raapons* to requests frosi scholars of the AxMd Serrioes Colleges and Civilian Institutions, a partial Bibliogr^y has been drawn wUch Identifies Midi of the relevant literature relatinq to Prisoners of War and Political Hostages, Korean War to present, in the following categories:Behavioral studies Historical reportsLegal analyses Journalistic studiesWllltary docwents Belated Bibliogri«>hles

Foreign Scientific and Press reports have only been partially covered but will be addressed in a later pd»llcatlon.


Springfield VA ??151

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Page 3: AD-777 225 PRISONERS OF WAR AND POLITICAL HOSTAGES · Adler, H. Auschwitz. Zeugnisse und Berichte. Frankfurt am Main; « Europaische Verlagsanstalt, 19o2. American Enterprise Institute

Dnclassifled «•curity CU»«inc«»o


POW Political Hostages Idealogical Conflict Prison Mistreatment Military Code of Conduct Captured U S Military personnel in VietNam Geneva Conventions War Criminal Charges International Peace movements

tacurity CUaslllcatlM


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The Monroe Corporation

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Springfield, Virginia 22151

Report AlO-l

October, 1973

Approved for public releaSS'^ distribution unlimited.

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This research was supported by the Air Force Office of Scientific

Research (AFSC) under Contract #F44620-74C-O011.


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Page 6: AD-777 225 PRISONERS OF WAR AND POLITICAL HOSTAGES · Adler, H. Auschwitz. Zeugnisse und Berichte. Frankfurt am Main; « Europaische Verlagsanstalt, 19o2. American Enterprise Institute


The following is a selected bibliography of historical,

scientific, military and journalistic documents which relate to

the broad subjects of Prisoners of War and the Political Use of

Hostages. Though interim, it is circulated in this form as a

partial response to the many students of human events who have

requested source materials in their pursuit of understanding the

changes that have occurred in international affairs over the recent

years in which human beings are increasingly the coerced victims in

a conflict of systems — acknowledged or undeclared.

Associates of the Monroe Corporation have been inv^.ved in

studies of one aspect or another of the behavioral problems in POW

matters for over three decades. Under contract with the Air Force

Office of Scientific Research, we are engaged in an analysis of the

Implications of long term captivity for training in the Air Force.

This interim report will also aid in furthering the planning of

that project and eliciting further suggestions for increasing the

scope and utility of the listing. As the work continues, supplements

to the bibliography will be published. Emphasis will be placed

upon scientific and scholarly publications of both domestic and

foreign scholars, which are not covered with completeness in this

interim report.

James L Monroe

October 1, 1973 -ill-

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Abell, F. Prisoners of war In Britain. 1756-1815. London: Oxford University Press, 1914.

Adelsberger, Lucle. "Psychologische Beobachtungen In Konzentra- tion lager Auschwitz." (Psychological observations In the concentration camp Auschwitz.") Schweiz. Ztschr. Psychol. u. Ihre Anwend.. 6 (19^7), 124-131.

Adler, H. Auschwitz. Zeugnisse und Berichte. Frankfurt am Main; « Europaische Verlagsanstalt, 19o2.

American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research. The Prisoner of War Problem. Washington: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1970.

"Americans from Japanese prisons." Lancet. 251 (19^6), 18.

Arendt, Hannah. The origins of totalitarianism. New York: Harcourt Brace, 1951.

Back, Kurt W. "The Einstellung Test and Performance in Factual Interviewing." The Journal of Abnormal and Social Psycholoay. Vol. 52, No. 1 (January, 1956), 2b-32.

Barnett, A. D. Imprisonment of the mind. New York: Amer. Univer. Field Staff, 1955.

. The United States and the Far East. New York; Columbia University Press, 1956.

Barton, Clara. Report of an expedition to Anderaonville. New York: Tribune Ass., löoo.

Bauer, T. J. The systematic destruction of the Catholic Church in China. New York: World Horizons, 195*.

Beck, P., & Godln, W. (both pseuds.). Russian purge and the extraction of confessions. New York: Viking, 1951.

Bekessy, J. A thousand shall fall. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 19^1.


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Bergmen, R. A. M. "Who is old? Death rate in Japanese concentration camp as criterion of age." J. Gerontol.. 3 (19^8), 14-17.

Bettelheim, B. The informed heart; autonomy in a mass age. Glen- coe, Illinois: Free Press, I960.

Blair, C, Jr. Beyond courage. New York: David McKay, 1955.

Bloom, L. "Prlsonizatlon and the WRA camps." Res. Stud. State Coll. Wash.. 1 (19ü:0, 29-34.

., and Riemer, Ruth. Removal and return. Berkeley: Univ. Calif Press, 19^9.

Bluhm, Hilde 0. "How did they survive? Mechanisms of defense in Nazi concentration camps." Amer. J. Psycnother.. 2 (1948), 3-32.

Böhme, K. W. Die deutschen Kriegsgefangenen in Jugoslawien 1941-1949. Bielefeld! Verlag Ernst und Werner Gieseking, 1962-1964.

Bondy, C. "Problems of internment camps." J. abnorm, soc. psychol.. 38 (1943), 453-478.

"Rehabilitating the internee." Publ. Qpin. Quart.. 7 (19^5), 629-632.

Bonnard, Augusta. "The metapsychology of the Russian trials confessions." Int. J. Psychoanal.. 35 (1954), 208-213.

Eoswor-th, Allan R. America's Concentration Camps. New York; Norton, 1957.

"'Brainwashing1 and reliability." Editorial. Human Organ.. Vol.13, No. 4 (1955), 4.

Brandt, C; Schwartz, B.; and Fairbank, J. K. A documentary history of Chinese Communism. Cambridge; Harvard Univer. Press, 1952.

Brown, D. A. The galvanized yankees. Urbana: Unjv. of Illinois Press, 1963.

Brown, Wencell, Hong Kong aftermath. New York: Smith & Durrell, 19^3.

Chen, T. H.; and Chiu, S. M. "Thoughtreform in Communist China." (Measures taken by the Communist Party to combat devlatlonlst tendencies). Far East. Surv.. 24 (1955). 117-1Ö4.

Chunn, Calvin E. Of rice and men; the story of Americans under the Rising Sun"! Los Angeles: Veterans' Pub. Co., 1946.

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-3- Claay, Michel. Prlsonnlers en URSS. Olvors, Rhone; Martel, 1955«

Claudius, W. A Soviet political Isolator. St. Antony's papers on Soviet affairs. Oxford: St. Antony's Coll., 1956.

Crawford, J. N. "Barbed wire humor." Can. Med. Ass. J.. 57 (19^7), 593-596.

Curie, A. "Transitional communities and social reconnectlon; A follow-up study of the civil resettlement of British prisoners of war." Hum. Relat.. 1, Part I (19^7), 42-68; 1, Part II, 240-288.

Dabney, W. M. After Saratoga; the story of the Convention Army. A1 buquerque: Univ. of New Mexico Press, 1954.

Dallln, D. J. The economics of slave labor. Chicago; Regnery, 19^9.

, and Nlcolaevsky, B. I. Forced labor in Soviet Russia. New Haven; Yale Unlvers. Pr., 1947.

Dandrldge, Danske B. American Prisoners of the Revolution. Balti- more ; Genealogical Pub. Co., 1967«

Dearlove, A. R. "Enforced leisure; a study of activities of officer prisoners of war." Brit. Med. J.. 1 (1945), 406-409.

Denny, H. N. Behind both lines. New York: Viking, 1942.

Derry, S. The Rome escape line; the story of the British organ- ization in Rome for assisting escaped prisoners of war. 194^-44 New York; Norton, I960.

Draper, Gerald I. The Red Cross conventions. New York; Praeger, 1958.

Dyess, William £. The Dvess Story; an eyewitness account of the death march from BataanJNew York; Putnam, 1944.

Emmens, Robert G. Quests of the Kremlin. New York; Macmlllan, 1949,

Palk, Stanley L. Bataan; the march of death. New York: Norton, 1962.

Farrar-Hockley, A. The edge of the sword. New York; Viking, 1954.

Federn, E. "The terror as a system: the concentration camp." Psvchiat. Quart. SUPPI.. 22 (1948), Part I.

Fisher, G. "Japanese evacuation from the Pacific coast." Par East. Surv., 2 (1942), 145-150.

Soviet opposition to Stalin; a case study of World War IJ. Cambridge, Mass.; Harvard Univer. Pr., 1952.

ew^««««.««-~-- - -■••-«■■»«««toÄ.,

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Flscher, K. J. Der Gefangene von Stalingrad. Schererverlag; Wlllsbach, Wurtt., 194Ö.

Fooks, H.C. Prisoners of War. Federalsburg, Md.: J, W. Stowell, 1924.

Forsythe, John W. Guerrilla warfare, and life In Llbby Prison. Annandale, VaTT Turnpike Press, 1967.

Fried, J. H. E. Les methodes et les procedea du fasqlsme. Paris; United Nat. Educ, Soc. & Cultural Organization, 1949.

Friedrich, C. J. ed. Totalitarianism. Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Pr., 1954.

Gage, T. The letters of the two commanders In chief; Generals Gage and Washington, and Ma.lor Generals Burgoyne and Lee; with the manifests of General Washington to the Inhabitants of Canada. New York; James Rlvlngton, 1775.

GaJllmard. ed. La Chine de la douceur. Paris; L'alr du temps, I960.

Gascar, Pierre. Hlstolre de la captlvlte des Francais en Allemagne 19^9-194^. Paris: Galllmard, 1967.

Germany. Auswärtiges Amt. Bolschewistische Verbrechen gegen Kriegsrecht und Menschlichkeit; Dokumente zusammengestellt vom Auswärtigen Amt. Berlin: Gedruckt Im Deutschen Verlag,

Gollwltzer, H. Unwilling .journey. Philadelphia; Muhlenberg, 1953.

Gottschick, Johann. Psychiatrie der Kriegsgefangenschaft; dergestellt auf Grund von Beobachtungen In den U.S.A. an deutschen Kriegs- gefangenen aus dem letzten Weltkrieg. Stuttgart; Gustav Fischer Verlag, 1963.

Gfourlay, w. E. The Chinese Communist cadre; key to political control. Cambridge; Harvard Unlver. Rus. Res. Center, 1952.

Hacker, A. "Dostoevsky's disciples: man and sheep In political theory." J. Politics. 18 (1955), 590-613.

Haffner, G. 0. "The treatment of prisoners of war by the Americans during the War of Independence." Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Unlver. Ind., 1952.

Hanayama, S. The way of deliverance; three years with the condemned Japanese war criminals. New York; Scrlbner, 1950.

Hawes, T. H. "Returned prisoners of war." Lancet. 1 (19^5), 643.

Hawkins, Jack. Never say die. Philadelphia: Dorrance, 1961.

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Hemmerlein, R. R. Prisons and prisoners of the Civil War. Christopher, 193^.


Hill, Max. Exchange Ship. New York: Parrar and Rlnehart, 19^2.

Hlnkle, L. E., Jr. and Wolff, H. Q. "The methods of Interrogation and Indoctrination used by Communist state police." Bull. N.Y. Acad. Med.. 33 (1957), 600-615.

Hoess, Rudolph. Commandant of Auschwitz. Cleveland: World Pub. Co., i960.

Inkeles, A. "The totalitarian mystique." In C. J. Friedrich, Totalitarianism. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Unlver. Pr., 15*^.

Instltorls (H. Kraemer) and J. Sprenger. Malleus maleflcarum. Translated by M. Summers. London: J. Rodker, 1920.

Institute of World Polity. Prisoners of war. Washington, D.C.: Inst. of World Polity, School of Foreign Serv., Georgetown Unlver., 19^8.

International Public Opinion Research, Inc. A summary of Interviews with former Inmates of Soviet labor camps. New York: Author, 1952.

Jacob, P. E. "Atrocity propaganda." Propaganda by short wave. Ed. by H, L. Chllds and J. B. Whltton. Princeton: Princeton University Pr., 19^2.

Johnson, C. R. Conflict and accommodation between selected groups of military prisoners of war and the dominant group In the World War with special reference to certain origins of these processes; a study In the social psychology of prisoner of war life.Los Angeles:Unlver. Sth Calif., Press, 1938.

Kantor, M, Andersonvllle 1955.

Cleveland, Ohio: World Publishing Co.,

Kennedy, J. "Correspondence." Brit, med. J.. 2 (19^5)» 513.

Klnne, D. Q. The wooden boxes. London: Müller, 1955.

Klrkpatrlck, Jeane J., and Ullassl, P. D. Ad.iustment of Chinese soldiers to the Communist demand for Ideological participation. Washington, D.C.: HumRRO, Qeo. Wash. Unlver., Feb. 1959.

La Violette, P. E. The Canadian Japanese and World War II. Toronto: Unlver. Toronto Pr., 19^8.

Lerner, D. Svkewar. New York: George W. Stewart, 19^9.

Lestschlnsky, J. Crisis, catastrophe, and survival, a Jewish balance sheet. 1914-1Q4B.New York:19^0.

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-6- Lewls, Michael A. Napoleon and his British captives. London:

Allen and Unwln, 1962.

Lindsay, M, Notes on education problems In Communist China. New York: Internal. Secretariat, Inst. of Pacific Relations, 1950.

Lowenfeld, A. F. "The Free Germany Committee—an historical study." Rev. Politics. 14 (1952), 3^-352.

Lcwenthal, L. "Terror's atomizatlon of man." Commentary. 1 (1946) 1-8.

McElroy, John, This was Andersonvllle; the true story of Anderson- ville military prison as told In the personal recollections of John McElroy. sometime private. Co. L. i6th Illinois Cavalry. New York: McDowell, Obolensky, 1957.

Maclean, Fltzroy. Eastern approaches. 8th imp. London: 1950.

Maschke, Erich. Zur Geschichte der deutschen Kriegsgefangenen des Zelten Weltkrieges. Blelefelt und Gleseking, 1962.

"Mentality of the war prisoner." Sei. Amer.. 8? (1919), 105.

"The mentality of the war prisoner." Lancet. 2 (1918), 675-676.

Neave, Alrey. The escape room. First published in London under title: Saturday at M.I.9. Garden City, N.Y.: Doublday, 1970.

New Zealand. Dept. of Internal Affairs, War History Branch. Hall, David 0. W. Prisoners of Germany. 19^9.

.. Dept. of Internal Affairs, War History Branch. Hall, David 0. W. Prisoners of Italy. 1949-

. Dept. of Internal Affairs, War History Branch. Hall, David 0. W. Prisoners of Japan. 1949.

. Dept. of Internal Affairs, War History Branch. Hall, David 0. W. Escapes. 195^.

. Dept. of Internal Affairs, War History Branch. Hall, David 0. W. Prisoners of Germany. 1954.

,. Dept. of Internal Affairs, War History Branch. Mason, A. W. Prisoners of War. 1954.

Pabel, R. Enemies are human. Philadelphia; Winston, 1955.

Pajnez, Y. Les Viet Mins et la guerre psychologluue. Paris: Edition de la Colombe, 1955«

Pye, L. Guerilla Communism in Malaya. Princeton: Princeton University Pr., 1956.


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-7- Radford, R. A. "The economic organization of a POW camp."

Economica. 11 {19^5). 189-201.

Read, J. M. Atrocity propaganda. New Haven: Yale Univer. Pr., 19^1.

Red Cross. Report of the International Committee of the Red Cross on Its activities during the Second World War. Sept. 1. 1939- June 30. 194?:

Reiners, W. 0. "Soviet indoctrination of German war prisoners 1941-1956." Unpublished report, Cambridge, Center for Int. Stud., Mass. Inst. Tech.

1 Rieth, Adolf. Monuments to the victims of tyranny. New York:

P. A. Praeger, 1969.

Romilly, G, The privileged nightmare. London: Weidenfeld Nlcolson, 195*.

Roosenburg, H. The walls came tumbling down. New York: Viking, 1957.

Schwartz, B. I. Chinese Communism and the rise of Mao. Cambridge, Mass.: HarvarJ Univer. Pr., 1951.

Schwartz, W. "Die Kriegsgefangenschaft als pädagogische Provinz." Westdeutsche Schulzeitung. 13-14 (195^), 168-170.

Sexton, W, K. We fought for freedom. Kansas City: Burton Pub., 19^8.

Sharp, John C. In Japanese hands. A list of books dealing with prisoner of war and internme 194*5. Birmingham, Eng., 195 prisoner of war and Internment camps in the Far East. 1941-

Slnevirskli, N. Smersh. Edited by K. Hill and M. Hill; translated by C. W. Boldyress. New York: Holt, 1950.

Smith, L. B. "English treason trials and confessions In the six- teenth century." J. hist, ideas. 15 (195^), 471-498.

Stevens, P. H. Santo Tomas. New York: Stratford House, 1946.

Szmaglewska, S. Smoke over Birkenau. New York: Holt, 1947.

Tagiuri, R. Differential adjustment to internment camp life." J. soc. psvchol.. 48 (1958), 103-109.

Tantrl, Kitut. Revolt In paradise. New York: Harper, i960.

Torrie, A. "Return of Odysseus: problem of marital infidelity for repatriates." Brit, med. .1.. 2 (1945), 192.

WMg^«*»««—^ ■ - — ■ - - . . . —J.-a„..^.JT,.Mr.l,..ll„1,

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Tureen, L. L., and Palmer, J. 0. "Some group differences in per- sonal values between American soldiers and German prisoners of war." J. soc. osvchol.. 42 (1955), 305-313.

U. S. Army. War Crimes Division, Judge Advocate Section, Korean Communications Zone. Extract of Interim Historical Report. Dept. of the Army, June, 1953.

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U. S. Arsenal, Rock Island, 111. Rock Island Prison Barracks. 1863-1865. Rock Island, 111., 196Y.

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Senate. Committee on Foreign Affairs. Bombing Oper- ations and the prisoner of war, rescue mission in North Vietnam" Hearings. 91st Cong, i 2nd sess.. 24 November 1970.

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Vaughan, Elizabeth H. Community under stress; an internment camp culture. Princstonl Princeton Univer. Pr., 1949. '" ""

Walker, R. L. China under Communism; the first five years. New Haven: Yale Univer. Pr., 1955.

Williams, E. E. The book of famous escapes, a chronicle of escape in many wars, with eighteen first-hand accounts. New York; Norton, 1954.

Willis, Edward F. Herbert Hoover and the Russian prisoners of World War I; a study in diplomacy and relief. 1918-1919. Stanford: Stanford Univ. Press, 1951.

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Baxter, R. R. "Asylum to prisoners of war." Reprint from British yearbook of International law. London, I953. - - -

Berle, A. A. "Legal background of Communist methods of Interronatlon and Indoctrination." Bull. N.Y. AcaJ. Med.. 33 (1957), 645-653.

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Emmons^^Harr^^ The Central Agency for prisoners of wa|». Alexandria,

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Pooks.pHerbert C.i^^jgoperg of w^f. Pederalsburg, Md.: Stowell


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Poreman, P. B. "Buchenwald and modern POW policy." Soc. forces. 37 (1959), 289-297.

France. Ministere de la guerre. Le drolt des gena et les con- ventions Internationales. Paris: Charles-Lavauzelle, 1955.

Gardner, Edith R. "Coerced confessions of prisoners of war. (How Is the nation to cope with false confessions which have been coerced?)" Geo. Wash, law rev.. 24 (1956), 528-563.

Gelleland, W. "Rlsoners of war in North Korea." Fed. Bar News. Vol. Ill, No. 5 (1956), 134-155.

Georgetown University. Institute of World Polity. Prisoners of war. Washington, D.C., 1948.

Germany. Wehrmacht. Oberkommando. Vorschrift fAr das Krlegs- gefangenenwesen. Berlin; Reichsdruckerei, 1939.

Goodwin, James E. "Repatriation of prisoners of war; forcible and non-forcible." U.S. Army War College, student thesis. Carlisle Barracks, Pa., i960.

Great Britain War Office. Regulations for the application of the 1949 Geneva Conventions and for the treatment of prisoners of war. London, 1951.

Grodzins, M. Loyal and disloyal; social boundaries of patriotism and treason. Chicago; Unlver. Chicago Pr.. 1Q46.

Grygier, T. Oppression; a study In social and criminal psychology. London:Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1954.

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"instructive episode; confusion over the threatened trial of the American flyers held by the N. Vietnamese." Nation. August 8, 1966, p. 108.

"is Hanoi preparing for war crimes trials?" U.S. News. July 18, 1966, p. 8.

Keller, Günther. Kriegsgefangenschaft und Heimkehr. Kriminalität und Strafrechtliche Behandlung der Heimkehrer. Freiburg: Albert- Ludwigs-Universität, 1953.

Leighton, A. H. The governing of men: general principles and recommendations based on experiences at a Japanese relocation camp. Princeton: Princeton Unlver. Pr., 19^5.

Leites, H.C., and Bernaut, Elsa. Ritual of liquidation. Glencoe, 111.: Free Press, 195^.

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Levle, H. S. The employment of prisoners of war. Washington: Amer1can Society of International Law, 1963.

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