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Ad blockers here we come!

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AdBlockers here we come!
Page 1: Ad blockers here we come!

AdBlockers here we come!

Page 2: Ad blockers here we come!

1. AdBlocker here we come!2. #AdBlockIndex3. Do not Enter4. Venn on AdBlocking5. Google Search on AdBlock, AdBlocking and AdBlockers6. #AdBlockDefinition7. AdBlockers Block All8. Adblocking on Mobile9. #AdBlockStats

10. Adobe & PageFair Stats11. Adobe & PageFair Stats II12. Adobe Stats13. Reasons to block Stats14. eMarketer Stats15. GlobalWebIndex Stats16. GlobalWebIndex Stats II17. AdBlock Acceptable Ads Stats18. Adblock on Google Trends19. #AdBlockiab20. Randal Rothenberg21. iab Lean22. iab Lean II23. #AdBlockActors24. Actors25. Blockers26. Chrome Extensions27. #AdBlockProposals28. Yes We Block29. Shine Technologies30. Teads31. Eyeo - Acceptable Ads32. Whitelist/Blacklist33. ABP - Acceptable Ads34. Acxiom Recommendations35. BigData and AdBlockin on GoogleTrends36. The end of eternity37. OKCupid38. AdBlocking Game39. Alternatives to Ad-Based Online Business Models40. AdBlock Strategies41. Block the AdBlockers42. BlockAdBlockBlocker Plus43. No Ads44. AdPocalypse - The AdBlock Wars45. How Ad Design Affects Ad Blocking46. The Mobile Adblocking Apocalypse47. Online AdBlockers reduce data consumption48. AdBlockers are Fantastic!49. Lingscars.com50. Washington Post51. YouTube Red52. YouTube Red 253. Google on AdBlocking54. Google on AdBlocking II55. Yahoo56. SodaEstudio - AdBlockers nuisance?57. SodaEstudio - Are AdBlcokers unfair?58. Iconmonstr59. BlockIQ60. Tokyo No Ads61. Some videos on AdBlocking62. Beet.TV on AdBlocking63. Willy Bonka 64. Doc Searls - The AdBlock War Series65. Sources66. Credits67.

1. AdBlocker here we come!2. #AdBlockIndex3. Do not Enter4. Venn on AdBlocking5. Google Search on AdBlock, AdBlocking and AdBlockers6. #AdBlockDefinition7. AdBlockers Block All8. Adblocking on Mobile9. #AdBlockStats

10. Adobe & PageFair Stats11. Adobe & PageFair Stats II12. Adobe Stats13. Reasons to block Stats14. eMarketer Stats15. GlobalWebIndex Stats16. GlobalWebIndex Stats II17. AdBlock Acceptable Ads Stats18. Adblock on Google Trends19. #AdBlockiab20. Randal Rothenberg21. iab Lean22. iab Lean II23. #AdBlockActors24. Actors25. Blockers26. Chrome Extensions27. #AdBlockProposals28. Yes We Block29. Shine Technologies30. Teads31. Eyeo - Acceptable Ads32. Whitelist/Blacklist33. ABP - Acceptable Ads34. Acxiom Recommendations35. BigData and AdBlockin on GoogleTrends36. The end of eternity37. OKCupid38. AdBlocking Game39. Alternatives to Ad-Based Online Business Models40. AdBlock Strategies41. Block the AdBlockers42. BlockAdBlockBlocker Plus43. No Ads44. AdPocalypse - The AdBlock Wars45. How Ad Design Affects Ad Blocking46. The Mobile Adblocking Apocalypse47. Online AdBlockers reduce data consumption48. AdBlockers are Fantastic!49. Lingscars.com50. Washington Post51. YouTube Red52. YouTube Red 253. Google on AdBlocking54. Google on AdBlocking II55. Yahoo56. SodaEstudio - AdBlockers nuisance?57. SodaEstudio - Are AdBlcokers unfair?58. Iconmonstr59. BlockIQ60. Tokyo No Ads61. Some videos on AdBlocking62. Beet.TV on AdBlocking63. Willy Bonka 64. Doc Searls - The AdBlock War Series65. Sources66. Credits


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Compendium and Research about the hot topic of #AdBlocking, by @fernandocomet

You can click almost in every image to go to the source

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Ad blockers are plug-ins to browsers, which block ads before these are loaded by the browser. Ad blockers use lists of rules (ad filters),

to determine what should be blocked.

“Ad blocker” is a catchall term for any kind of software or hardware that removes ads from a webpage. For most people, it

takes the form of browser extensions such as AdBlock or Adblock Plus, which are nearly effortless to install on Google’s

Chrome and Mozilla’s Firefox browsers. Some ad blocker makers have also made dedicated mobile ad blocking browsers.

Ad blocking or ad filtering is removing or altering advertising content in a webpage. Advertising can exist in a variety of forms including

pictures, animations, embedded audio and video, text, or pop-up windows and can employ autoplay of audio and video. All browsers offer

some solution to the problem, either by targeting technologies (Adobe Flash/Shockwave, Windows Media Audio files, etc.) that are used to

deliver ads, targeting URLs that are the source of ads, or targeting behavioural characteristic of ads (such as the use of HTML5 autoplay of

both audio and video).

Adblocking is a technology, which allows for blocking ads before they are loaded by the webbrowser. That means that you are saving bandwidth and

the page is rendered faster within your browser. For a detailed description please visit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adblock

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There The talk of ad blocking has reached a fever pitch lately. So how bad is it? Mr. Rothenberg: Without minimizing the fact that there’s a problem, this is following the pattern we’ve seen for every crisis du Jour in our industry over the past 10 years. You have well-funded vendors come in with lots of money, marketing their solutions to a problem that has actually been there for years, and the marketing money finds its way into PR and the media. The sky hasn’t fallen.

Are you worried? Mr. Rothenberg: There is a real issue. I’m not worried because the marketing and media value chain has shown remarkable resilience. There is a natural human need to have businesses proposition you with goods and services and vice versa. You need to have that communication. I’m really not worried about whether advertising will be able to find its way through digital channels. I am concerned -- very, very concerned -- that costs of ads will go up and up and up from this unethical obstruction.

So, is it the industry’s fault? Have publishers loaded too many ads on Web pages, for example? There is a fair amount of shared responsibility here. We have definitely, definitely over time gummed up the advertising experience and Web pages with all kinds of analytics and pixels and tags and all kinds of things. The more we are able to do with advertising on the Web, the more it contributes to the problem. So this is absolutely something the industry can address and should address.

You hinted that the ad blockers are not ethical. There’s been talk that you may sue some companies. We’ve examined this, and there are some pretty good legal principles here. So that might be a course of action. Maybe. Certainly nothing aimed at consumers. That would be a bad idea. In terms of the software companies, nothing is imminent. One thing that frustrates the hell out of me is that these companies are ad-blocking profiteers. They are trying to divert a portion of brands’ spending to line their own pockets.

Are you frustrated with Google and Apple on this, since in some cases their software may be facilitating ad-blocking? I’m not happy about browser makers offering up ready-made accessibility to unethical software providers. I think that’s foolhardy and harmful to consumers. Advertising supports an enormous amount of content on the Web, and browser makers are basically telling consumers that their costs are going up, they may have to pay for more content, because a bunch of browser makers are more concerned with competing with each other than helping consumers.

What should the industry do about ad blocking? I don’t think we know yet. But we may have to change the way we do advertising. We have to be craftier or clever.

There is a sentiment out there that the IAB has so many dues-paying members who are either perpetrators of ad blocking and fraud or stand to benefit from these trends that you guys can’t actually do much to change things--or that you’re conflicted: That’s BS. We’ve called out everybody on everything. None of the companies in this industry are profiting from fraud. Maybe their technology was part of the problem before it was recognized. But nobody actually really does well by driving the value of ads in this industry down.

What’s a bigger challenge--viewability, fraud or ad blocking? With viewability, the debate side of that is over now. It’s the currency now. It’s done. The argument is on the fine points of implementing the standards. With fraud, I’ve always believed that once we established a real compliance program with teeth across the industry, it can be contained relatively quickly. It’s in its early stages now. Ad-blocking is more complicated. It has a real component of user experience [at play]. That’s very subjective.

IAB CEO Randall Rothenberg on Ad Blocking, Viewability, Fraud

Source: WSJ

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The IAB Tech Lab launched the L.E.A.N. Ads Program. L.E.A.N. stands for Light, Encrypted, Ad choice supported, Non-invasive ads. These are

principles that will help guide the next phases of advertising technical standards for the global digital advertising supply chain.

● L: Light. Limited file size with strict data call guidelines.

● E: Encrypted. Assure user security with https/SSL compliant ads.

● A: Ad Choices Support. All ads should support DAA’s consumer privacy programs.

● N: Non-invasive/Non-disruptive. Ads that supplement the user experience and don’t disrupt it. This includes covering content and sound

enabled by default.

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We love the Internet, but we think it can improve. Help us make it a better place!

We've been running an open source adblocker since 2006, and we know that lots of websites depend on ads; however, we also know that

users won't accept flashy banners. We see a solution: In our years of adblocking we've learned that most users actually don't mind seeing

better, more informative ads.

The Acceptable Ads initiative is simple: if your ads are non-intrusive and abide by our criteria, they will be seen by a much larger audience,

thus increasing your traffic and revenue. Many advertisers and publishers already benefit from using Acceptable Ads. If you want to be one of

them, read our guidelines and fill out the form.

Before applying, please ensure that your ads comply with all of our criteria, including these general guidelines:

1. No animation, it has to be static2. Preferably text-only3. Labeled as ads4. Clearly separated from the content

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Which ads are "acceptable"?We currently have the following requirements:

● Static advertisements only (no animations, sounds or similar)● Preferably text only, no attention-grabbing images● Ad placement:

○ Ads should never obscure page content (e.g. require users to click a button to close the ad before viewing the page).○ For pages featuring a reading text ads should not be placed in the middle, where they interrupt the reading flow. However, they can be

placed above the text content, below it or on the sides. The same applies to search results pages: paid search results cannot be mixed with organic results.

○ When ads are placed above the content of a main page, they should not require the user to scroll down. The available vertical space is likely to be at least 700 pixels. Advertising should not occupy more than one-third of that height. Paid search results on search pages are allowed to occupy more space, but they should never outnumber organic results.

○ When placed on the side ads should leave enough space for the main content. The available horizontal space can be expected to be at least 1000 pixels, and advertising should not occupy more than a third of that width.

● Advertising should be clearly marked as such with the word "advertising" or its equivalent, and it should be distinguishable from page content, for instance via a border and/or different a background color.

● Marking and placement requirements do not apply for hyperlinks with affiliate referrer IDs embedded in the content of the page. Additional criteria for hyperlinks with affiliate referrer IDs:

○ Redirects originating from the hyperlink should not present any other webpage than the destination page.○ In texts, not more than 2 percent of the words can be hyperlinked for monetization purposes.○ Hyperlinks should not be formatted or behave differently than other links.○ Hyperlinks should not be misleading, in either content or placement.

These criteria are not necessarily final; we are always working at improving them. In particular, we want to require that every user's privacy is respected (e.g. mandatory Do Not Tracksupport). However, we are not yet in a position to enforce that requirement.

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Acxiom’s Recommendations to Publishers:

1. Engage in conversations with your viewers around various strategies. Find out what bothers them most and which solutions they are most likely to tolerate.

2. Follow the IAB’s L.E.A.N principals. They are still new and evolving, but provide a good framework for adapting to the new reality of ad blockers.

3. Shift your mix of media to more native advertising and sponsored content. Ad blockers find it difficult to distinguish native and sponsored content because they lack the telltale

code snippets that ad blockers identify to block other formats.

4. Implement the IAB’s ad blocker sensing code along with intelligent ad serving. We do not recommend using this technology by itself. Instead, the ad blocker should be

considered another signal used by ad serving algorithms that determines how ads are served to the viewer, which ads are served, in which format, and how often.

5. Request viewers who use ad blockers to whitelist your site in return for implementing good practices. Good practices include those that viewers say they want, those that will

emerge from the IAB’s L.E.A.N initiative, as well as many of our recommendations.

6. Consciously and judiciously use frequency caps on retargeting. We realize this technique yields the best return on ad spend (ROAS), but there are ways to implement that

minimize the impact on viewers but have minimal impact on your results.

7. Improve audience targeting with better recognition and data. Just undertaking smarter retargeting is insufficient. Serving more relevant content to viewers will increase their

satisfaction with ads on your sites, reduce their likelihood of implementing ad blockers, and also reduce the impressions needed to maintain (or even increase) your ROAS.

8. Paywalls. Set up an intelligent paywall. Numerous potential approaches exist. Which one is best for a specific publisher depends on its business model.

9. Set up an intelligent ad recommendation engine. Provide “an intelligent ad recommender” on your site that allows viewers to tell you which types of ads are most acceptable, and

then only serve those ad types, formats and content they tell you are of interest to them. If they truly do not want any ads, then you can decide how best to monetize those

viewers without reducing your reach.

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Is there any study or research correlating BigData with AdBlocking?

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Cooper, coming from an era in which advertisement was not as wildly proliferative as it was in the later Centuries of Primitive times, found all this difficult to appreciate. He said, “Isn’t it rather disgusting the way these people blow their own horn? Who would be fool enough to believe a person’s boastings about his own products? Would he admit defects? Is he likely to stop at any exaggeration?” …. Advertisement! A device for forcing the unwilling into line. Did it matter to a ground-vehicle manufacturer whether a given individual felt an original or spontaneous desire for his product? If the prospect (that was the word) could be artificially persuaded or cajoled into feeling that desire and acting upon it, would that not be just as well?” — Isaac Asimov, The End of Eternity (1955)

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AdBlocking Game

The different types of Publishers include:● Media, which are mostly ad-supported● Non-Media, which are largely ad-supported● Platforms (Facebook, Buzzfeed, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, etc.), which are ad-

supported● App Developers, which are supported through app sales and advertising revenues

So the two big questions become:● If trends in adblocking continue, how will Publishers support provision of their

content?● If trends in adblocking continue, how will Advertisers adapt?

IAB Tech Labs Solutions promote acceptable ad use by Advertisers:● Guidelines and Standards● Detection and Post Detection● Better User Experience Solutions● IAB Research


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David Carroll@profcarroll

Introducing BlockAdBlockBlocker Plus: a new Adblocking Blocker to Block Blockers Blocking your AdBlocking Blockers.

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Work on smaller file sizes, which mean speedier load times for mobile sites.

Design less complex animations to reduce file sizes.

Place greater emphasis on the message to programmatically target more specific users. Think of Facebook Ads as where we're headed: more video, less static, speaking to people over simply catching their attention.

If you're using large formats, avoid gating content (for example, requiring registration to download a form).

Ensure ads are tailored to different site designs. They should be clearly marked as advertising but blend well with other content on the site.

Ad design now requires a sniper rifle, not a shotgun

User experience is at the heart of ad blocking

How Ad Design Affects Ad Blocking

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The best response to the rise of ad blockers is to create better ads.

Larry Page

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The Adblock War Series

Here is a list of pieces I’ve written on what has come to be known as the “adblock wars.” That term applies most to #18 (written August of this year) and beyond. But the whole series works as a coherent whole that might become a book if a publisher is interested.

1. Why online advertising sucks, and is a bubble (31 October 2008)2. After the advertising bubble bursts (23 March 2009)3. The Data Bubble (31 July 2010)4. The Data Bubble II (30 October 2010)5. A sense of bewronging (2 April 2011)6. For personal data, use value beats sale value (13 February 2012)7. Stop making cows. Quit being calves. (21 February 2012)8. An olive branch to advertising (12 September 2012, on the ProjectVRM blog)9. What could/should advertising look like in 2020, and what do we need to do now for this future? (Wharton’s Future of Advertising project, 13 November 2012)

10. Earth to Mozilla: Come back home (12 April 2014)11. Why to avoid advertising as a business model (25 June 2014, re-running Open Letter to Meg Whitman, which ran on 15 October 2000 in my old blog)12. Time for digital emancipation (27 July 2014)13. Privacy is personal (2 July 2014 in Linux Journal)14. On marketing’s terminal addiction to data fracking and bad guesswork (10 January 2015)15. Thoughts on tracking based advertising (18 February 2015)16. Because freedom matters (26 March 2015)17. On taking personalized ads personally (27 March 2015)18. Captivity rules (29 March 2015)19. Separating advertising’s wheat and chaff (12 August 2015)20. Apple’s content blocking is chemo for the cancer of adtech (26 August 2015)21. Will content blocking push Apple into advertising’s wheat business? (29 August 2015)22. If marketing listened to markets, they’d hear what ad blocking is telling them(8 September 2015)23. Debugging adtext assumptions (18 September 2015)24. How adtech, not ad blocking, breaks the social contract (23 September 2015)25. A way to peace in the adblock war (21 September 2015, on the ProjectVRM blog)26. Beyond ad blocking — the biggest boycott in human history (28 Septemper 2015)27. Dealing with Boundary Issues (1 October 2015 in Linux Journal)28. Helping publishers and advertisers move past the ad blockade (11 October on the ProjectVRM blog)29. How #adblocking matures from #NoAds to #SafeAds (22 October 2015)30. How Will the Big Data Craze Play Out (1 November 2015 in Linux Journal)31. Ad Blockers and the Next Chapter of the Internet (5 November in Harvard Business Review)32. At last, Cluetrain’s time has come (5 December 2015)

There are others, but those will do for now.

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Some Sources on Adblock, Adblocking and Adblockers

● What is anutrustworthy supply chain costing the US digital advertising industry? - iab US benchmarking study● 12+ alarming ad blocking stats that reveal the size of the problem● Firefox Add-ons Statistics for Adblock Plus● Fortune - Who are the biggest ad blockers?● Business Insider - Ad-block software is approaching 200 million users — here's how publishers are reacting● PageFair - The 2015 Ad Blocking Report● B2B ad blocker study of the OVK● SecretMedia - Adblock and the Global Video Market● comScore and Sourcepoint: the State of Ad Blocking● AD-BLOCKING - GlobalWebIndex, Q3 2015● GlobalWebIndex on Google+● eMarketer Webinar: Social Marketing Trends for 2016● Adblocking goes mainstream - PageFair and Adobe 2014 report ● The cost of ad blocking - PageFair and Adobe 2015 Ad Blocking Report● Teads - Manifesto for Sustainable Advertising● SecretMedia - A web without Advertising● Playing the Online Adblocking Game, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4● Measuring the Impact and Perception of Acceptable Advertisements● SecreMedia - AD BLOCKERS - a guidebook for publishers, advertisers and Internet users● BBC - Adblock Plus to appoint whitelist watchdog● Adblock prevent deck● The IAB's UK Action on Ad Blocking and iab UK AdBlocking FAQ● THE AD BLOCKER LANDSCAPE: WHAT ADVERTISERS NEED TO KNOW● David Carroll - "Adblock is a Boycott" Talk at #UXAwards● Acxion - Ad Blocking Point of View● Cyberclick - La guía definitiva sobre Adblock ● The Media Kitchen - The Current State of AdBlocking

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This presentation was made at nights after hard work, any feedback is welcome. I´ll try to keep it live. Doing something for a hot topic is awesome, anytime you search for something you find more and more information and views, and you have more and more ideas, so it´s fantastic! I really like doing this kind or research. None of my thoughts are here (if I have any), I´m just a scout, the way I present it, yeah, it´s entirely mine.

@fernandocomet Digital man | Trendhunter | Websurfer | Display Ads Specialist | AppTester |

RichMedia Evangelist | Runner | Photographer | Troll


