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Ad espresso -facebook ads

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The DOs & DON’Ts of Facebook Ads 2015 by @MassimoCw
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The DOs & DON’Ts of Facebook Ads


by @MassimoCw

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- > 5 0 % O F F B A D E X P E R T S N E V E R C R E AT E D A C A M PA I G N ! - N E V E R A S S U M E A N Y T H I N G , A LWAY S T E S T E V E R Y T H I N G

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Facebook vs. Google Why is Facebook the bigger opportunity?

Imagine you’ve just invented a new, revolutionary razor and want to market it.

Most men use and buy razors frequently. It’s a huge market but…

How many of them actually search Google for ”shaving” or ”razor” before buying?

Not many, I’d guess! The addressable market on Google would be incredibly small!

Alternately, with Facebook you can target any man in the world older than 14… THAT’S A HUGE OPPORTUNITY!

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The Ad’s Design

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Designing Facebook Ads

Create Buyer Personas. For each persona, highlight specific Value Propositions

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Designing Facebook Ads

Add Social proof & clear, not spammy call-to-action

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Designing Facebook Ads

Landing page should be consistent with the Ad’s wording and design

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Designing Facebook Ads

Address the elephant …


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Direct the driver, Motivate the elephant

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It’s not about the features… Our rational self is like a tiny man riding an elephant

The man is sure he’s in control but when he and the elephant disagree on which way to go… guess in which direction they’ll go?

The elephant is our emotional side, our subconscious. If he can avoid it, he doesn’t like changing his habits (e.g.: learning how to use new products, shopping on a new website, etc.).

Your design should address both the man and the elephant. Don’t limit yourself to product features. Motivate the elephant with images and copy that engage them emotionally and highlight product benefits.



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The Ad’s Placement

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Facebook Ad Placement Where should you display your ads?

Highest CTR & Engagement Great to drive Sales & LeadsCan generate additional organic results


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Facebook Ad Placement Where should you display your ads?

Low performances & priceGood for retargeting

Right-Hand Column

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Facebook Ad Placement Where should you display your ads?

Great for Mobile App Installs & EngagementTough to get website conversions

Mobile Newsfeed

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The Ad’s Targeting

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Targeting Facebook Ads Custom AudiencesBest targeting right now! Require a big email list. Great for b2b startups.

InterestsUsed to be the best option. Less effective due to spam & like buying. Still relevant.

Behaviors & Advanced Demographics Huge amount of targeting options: Purchase behaviors, Travel intent, Household income. Very useful for B2B Companies

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How do we find which interests to target?

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Graph Search is awesome!

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Bidding for Ads

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Bidding Guidelines Always track conversions!

Optimized CPM nowadays is usually the best choice

Use CPC or CPM when you’ve already nailed down your perfect audience

Don’t bid too low. You may not reach enough people and, generally, you get what you pay for

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oCPM Best Practices Daily budget should be at least 5x your bid

To train oCPM, conversion goal should generate at least 25 conversions per day with >0.5% conversion rate

If the conversion rate is not high enough, move to a higher funnel conversion pixel

Targeted audience size must be bigger than when using CPC. Around 1 million is optimal!

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Custom Audiences

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[email protected]@gmail.com

[email protected]

Custom Audiences

Upload a list of eMails, phone numbers, user IDs and create an audience of people you’ll be able to target with ads

On average 50-70% of the contacts are matched.

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[email protected]@gmail.com

[email protected]

Custom Audiences

Facebook create a BIG audience of users very similar to yours.

Lookalike Audiences

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Custom Audiences from Website

Add a Facebook’s pixel and create an audience with anyone who visits your website (or specific pages)

Extremely effective. Analyze up to 180 days of data.

Add the pixel immediately!

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Custom Audiences from Website

Lookalike AudiencesThe more users you have in your audience, the better the lookalike will be!

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Some ideas to try Convert Newsletter subscribers into customers

Retarget people who put a product in their cart but never checked out

Exclude from your targeting, users who are already your customers

Create a Lookalike audience of users very similar to your customers

Promote your mobile app to your website’s users and vice versa

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Key MetricsWhat you should keep an eye on…

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1960 - Just Advertise it!

What’s a metric?

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1990 - If they watch, they’ll buy


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2000 - If they click, they’ll buy


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2010 - If they buy it’s working!


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2012 - If they Like… then what???


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2013 - It’s time to track revenue

Revenues & ROI

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More Metrics to monitorCTR & Conversion Rate: Quickly understand if the problem is the Ad or the Landing Page. Optimize for greatest impact

Frequency: Number of times, on average, a unique user has seen your ads. After a while either they’ve clicked or they don’t care. A high frequency can increase your costs by 163%. Try to keep the frequency below 5.

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How to use Facebook Ads for your Startup?

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B2C Startup

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B2C Startup

Close Sales Quickly: Target the emotional side of your users. Send traffic to a landing page. Close the sale quickly.

Optimize for engagement: If your product flies off the shelves and might go viral (i.e. TeeSpring) try oCPM for Page Post Engagement. Likes, Shares, Comments generate organic traffic on top of paid.

Engage: Your ads will likely receive comments. Monitor them and respond quickly.

Target broad audiences (Up to 1M) Interest targeting, age range, gender

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B2B Startup

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B2B Startup

Generate Leads: Sometimes closing sales for B2B from Facebook is tough. Aim for leads. Give away free content in return for eMails. Then do lead nurturing.

Retarget: Sometimes Facebook Ads are not a good fit to acquire new traffic. They can still be very effective to convert into customers visitor coming from search or other sources. Retarget them! Special deals are a nice plus!

Target niche audiences (Up to 500k) Behaviors, Custom Audience, Lookalikes are your best friends.

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The Holy Grail Building a Growth Engine

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1 - Drive Visitors What: Promote blog posts and popular contents of your website. Constantly push out new stuff. Don’t be boring!

To Who: A broad audience. Precise Interests targeting. Exclude Leads & Customers via Custom Audiences.

Goal: Create awareness, be top of mind for your potential customers. Position yourself as an authority in your market.

Tips: You want to make your brand recognizable for the next steps. Create a consistent identity.Exercise with storytelling and test audiences to lower costs.

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2 - Generate Leads What: Promote lead generation pages. Provide value in return for users’ data. eBooks, Free Tools & Contests works great.

To Who: People that visited your content, tracked with Custom Audiences from website. Exclude customers.

Goal: Get emails and data to qualify users.

Tips: Find a good balance between data asked and conversion rate. Keep building brand awareness. Refresh lead generation content often. Do progressive profiling.

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3 - Convert into Customers What: Now that you’ve generated interest and built trust… Sell! If you have well qualified leads, use buyer personas to create different ads

To Who: Custom Audience generated with leads’ emails. Exclude countries where you’re not active and existing customers.

Goal: $$$ (aka Piles & Piles of Money)

Tips: Track Conversions & Revenues. Use oCPM optimizing for conversions. Test multiple ad designs & landing pages


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4 - Get’em to LOVE (&promote) you What: Promote exclusive content for customers only. Offer Deals and promote your Referral Program.

To Who: Custom Audience with existing customers.

Goal: Repurchase, Upgrade, Retain, Get Referral

Tips: Track multiple pixels for different actions. Facebook Ads analytics likely not enough. Don’t advertise constantly, make it look like a temporary promo or you’ll risk over exposure. Check the comments often.

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5 - Improve & Repeat

Once you have enough people in the funnel create a Lookalike audience from your Customers

Move targeting in step 1 from interests to the new Lookalike audience (or keep both)

Optimize every step of the funnel based on your learnings. Test Everything!

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by @MassimoCw

Thank you!

