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Ad Hoc Workshop 2004 L2

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  • 8/8/2019 Ad Hoc Workshop 2004 L2


    Universit du Luxembourg

    Facult des Sciences, de la Technologie et dela Communication

    Ad-Hoc Workshop 2004Lecture 2:

    Reactive Routing

    Christophe Ronkar



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    Ad-Hoc Workshop 2004Lecture 2: Reactive Routing 29/11/2004

    IntroductionWhat is ad hoc?

    An ad hoc wireless network consists of a set of mobile nodes (hosts)that are connected by wireless links. The network topology maykeep changing randomly. (Murthy & Manoj)

    Problem?Much more tasks for the hosts in MANET

    => routing (pass on the packets etc)

    MANET: Mobile Ad hoc NETwork

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    Ad-Hoc Workshop 2004Lecture 2: Reactive Routing 39/11/2004

    Routing protocols in ad hoc

    Table-driven routing protocol (Proactive)


    On-demand (source-initiated) routing protocol (Reactive)

    DSR dynamic source routingABR associativity-based routing

    SSA signal stability-based adaptive routing

    PLBR prefered-link based routing Hybrid routing protocol (ZRP)

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    Ad-Hoc Workshop 2004Lecture 2: Reactive Routing 49/11/2004

    On-demand routing protocol

    Only execute the path-finding process andexchange routing information when a path isrequired by a node to communicate with the

    destination Find a path between source node and

    destination node without building up routing


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    Ad-Hoc Workshop 2004Lecture 2: Reactive Routing 59/11/2004


    DSR: Dynamic Source RoutingABR: Associativity-Based Routing

    SSA: Signal Stability-Based AdaptiveRouting Protocol

    PLBR: Preferred Link-Based Routing


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    Ad-Hoc Workshop 2004Lecture 2: Reactive Routing 69/11/2004

    Dynamic Source Routing DSRGeneral 1/2

    DSR is a efficient and dynamic on-demand routingprotocol, designed specifically for use in MANETs

    Sender dertermins the whole path up to the receiver(Source Routing) and desposits the information in the

    packets Route will only be calculated if needed!

    Based on the Link-State-Algorithmus

    Each node knows his best way to a destination Changes will by sent to all the nodes by flooding

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    Ad-Hoc Workshop 2004Lecture 2: Reactive Routing 79/11/2004

    Dynamic Source Routing DSRGeneral 2/2

    Hop-by-hop routing with a Hop-limit (=>TTL)

    Small diameter of MANET (between 5 & 10 hops)

    Nodes can move around at a moderatspeed

    Beacon-less (compared to other Reactive r.p.) Uni- & bidirectional links may be present in MANETs

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    Ad-Hoc Workshop 2004Lecture 2: Reactive Routing 89/11/2004

    Dynamic Source Routing DSRImportant terms Source Route (Wegsequenz)

    Sequence of hops that the packet has to follow on itsway to the destination node.

    Route Cache

    Route Cache = number of Source Routes every node in MANETs owns a Route Cache Route Cache saves the learned Source Routes routes are deleted after a execution time

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    Ad-Hoc Workshop 2004Lecture 2: Reactive Routing 99/11/2004

    Dynamic Source Routing DSRRoute Discovery & Route Maintenance

    DSR contains 2 phases:1) Find a path (Route Discovery)

    A node only tries to find a path if relevant data is present andthere is no path known to the receiver.

    2) Maintain a path (Route Maintenance)

    A node sends data: node has to maintain this path. When onenode gets in trouble with the path, it needs to find a new path.

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    Ad-Hoc Workshop 2004Lecture 2: Reactive Routing 109/11/2004

    Dynamic Source Routing DSRRoute Discovery & Route Maintenance

    Each packet sent, carries in its header the complete ordered listof nodes through which the packet will pass

    This allows the source node to select & control the routes used

    for its packets Other nodes forwarding or overhearing any of these packets can

    also easily cache this routing information for future use.

    For example is the destination node able to try another cached

    route if the one it has been using is broken

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    Ad-Hoc Workshop 2004Lecture 2: Reactive Routing 119/11/2004

    Dynamic Source Routing DSRRoute Discovery

    Route Discovery is the mechanism by which anode S wishing to send a packet to a destinationnode D obtains a Source Route to D

    The source node is the initiator and thedestination node is the target

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    Ad-Hoc Workshop 2004Lecture 2: Reactive Routing 129/11/2004

    Dynamic Source Routing DSRRoute Discovery 1/4 Example:

    Reference: The Dynamic Source Routing Protocol for

    Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (DSR), Internet-DraftJohnson Maltz Hu July 2004

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    Ad-Hoc Workshop 2004Lecture 2: Reactive Routing 139/11/2004

    Dynamic Source Routing DSRRoute Discovery 2/4

    If node A has in his Route Cache a route to node E, thisroute is used.

    If not => Route Discovery:

    Node A (initiator) transmits a RouteRequest (flooding) Each RouteRequest identifies the initiator and target and also

    contains a unique request identification (id) determined by theinitiator of the Request

    The RouteRequest also contains a Route Record, here theaddresses of each intermediate node through which the packetsof the RouteRequest has been forwarded are listed

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    Ad-Hoc Workshop 2004Lecture 2: Reactive Routing 149/11/2004

    Dynamic Source Routing DSRRoute Discovery 3/4

    If node B has recently seen another RouteRequest from the sameinitiator,

    or if node Bs own address is already listed in the Route Record,then node B discards the Request (length of Route Record is limited).

    If node B is the target of the Route Discovery, it returns aRouteReply to the initiator of the Route Discovery.

    When the initiator receives this RouteReply, it caches this route inits Route Cache for use in sending subsequent packets to this

    destination Otherwise node B isnt the target and it fowards the

    RouteRequest to his neighbors (except to the initiator)

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    Ad-Hoc Workshop 2004Lecture 2: Reactive Routing 159/11/2004

    Dynamic Source Routing DSRRoute Discovery 4/4

    Destination node (target) sends out a RouteReply with the list ofthe best paths

    Bi-directional links: the target uses a route to send theRouteReply with the reverse sequence of nodes (piggybacking)

    Unidirectional links: the destination node initiates a RouteDiscovery and then attaches the RouteReply packet

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    Ad-Hoc Workshop 2004Lecture 2: Reactive Routing 169/11/2004

    Dynamic Source Routing DSRRouteRequest

    Reference: TU Carolo-Wilhelmina Braunschweig

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    Ad-Hoc Workshop 2004Lecture 2: Reactive Routing 179/11/2004

    Dynamic Source Routing DSRRouteReply

    Reference: TU Carolo-Wilhelmina Braunschweig

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    Ad-Hoc Workshop 2004Lecture 2: Reactive Routing 189/11/2004

    Dynamic Source Routing DSRRoute Maintenance

    Each node is responsible for confirming that the next hop in aSource Route receives the packet

    The packet is retransmited many times until a confirmation isreceived from the next node on the route

    If retransmission results a failure: a RouteError message is sent tothe initator, so the initiator can remove that Source Route from itsRoute Cache

    Initator checks his Route Cache for another route

    if not => RouteRequest A node forwarding or overhearing any packets may take advantage

    of Source Routes found from those packets

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    Ad-Hoc Workshop 2004Lecture 2: Reactive Routing 199/11/2004

    Dynamic Source Routing DSRRoute Maintenance


    Reference: TU Cottbus Aline Wetjen

    Dynamic Source RoutingSeminar on Car-2-Car CommunicationC2CC

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    Ad-Hoc Workshop 2004Lecture 2: Reactive Routing 209/11/2004

    Dynamic Source Routing DSRRoute Maintenance

    Example (cont.)

    If C does not receive an acknowledgement from D aftersome number of requests, it returns a RouteError to A

    Then Node A removes this broken link from its cache

    If A has in its Route Cache another route to E (fromadditional RouteReplies or from its earlier RouteDiscovery), then it can send the packet immediately

    using the this new route Otherwise, it should perform a new Route Discovery for

    this target

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    Ad-Hoc Workshop 2004Lecture 2: Reactive Routing 219/11/2004

    Dynamic Source Routing DSRAdvantages & Disadvantages

    Reactive: no need to peridically flood the network for updating therouting tables (like table-driven r.p.)

    Intermediate nodes utilize the route cache information efficiently toreduce the control overhead

    Initator only tries to find a route if actually no route is known

    Route Maintanence does not locally repair the a broken link Only efficient in small (

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    Ad-Hoc Workshop 2004Lecture 2: Reactive Routing 229/11/2004


    DSR: Dynamic Source RoutingABR: Associativity-Based Routing

    SSA: Signal Stability-Based AdaptiveRouting Protocol

    PLBR: Preferred Link-Based Routing


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    Ad-Hoc Workshop 2004Lecture 2: Reactive Routing 239/11/2004

    Associativity-Based Routing ABRGeneral

    Invented & developed by C.-K. Toh at Cambridge University (1996) Source-initiated: no need for periodic route updates ABR selects routes based on the temporal stability of the links

    The temporal stability => counting the number of beacons

    Every node generates periodic beacons to signify its existence tothe neighbors (beacon-based) This beacons are used to update the associativity table of each node

    Each node classifies each neighbor link as stable or unstable

    The fundamentel objective of ABR: find longer-lived routes

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    Ad-Hoc Workshop 2004Lecture 2: Reactive Routing 249/11/2004

    Associativity-Based Routing ABRMetrics

    ABR takes up a few metrics such as: Link delay

    Signal strength

    Power life (battery) Route relaying load

    Period of presence

    Spatial and temporal characteristics

    Metric = value for helping the routing protocol to compare the different routes with each other

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    Ad-Hoc Workshop 2004Lecture 2: Reactive Routing 259/11/2004

    Associativity-Based Routing ABR3 Phases

    3 Phases:

    Route Discovery

    Route Repair/Reconstruction RRCRoute Delete RD

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    Ad-Hoc Workshop 2004Lecture 2: Reactive Routing 279/11/2004

    Associativity-Based Routing ABRRoute Discovery 2/3

    After a time period, the target can select the best routeby examining the associativity ticks along each path

    If more paths have the same overall degree of

    association stability, then the shortest route with lesshops is selected

    Once the route as been chosen, the target sends aReply packet back to the source along the same path

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    Ad-Hoc Workshop 2004Lecture 2: Reactive Routing 289/11/2004

    Associativity-Based Routing ABRRoute Discovery 3/3

    3 routes possible from 1 to 15:1. 1-5-10-14-15

    2. 1-5-4-12-15

    3. 1-2-4-8-13-15

    ABR selects route 3:

    highest percentage of stable links

    Reference: Ad Hoc Wireless NetworksArchitectures & Protocols, Murthy Manoj

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    Ad-Hoc Workshop 2004Lecture 2: Reactive Routing 299/11/2004

    Associativity-Based Routing ABRRoute Repair/Reconstruction 1/3

    Case: Broken link

    Node closer to the source initiates a local route repairprocess

    Repair process:

    The node broadcasts a RouteRepair packet namedlocal query LQ with a limited TTL

    Broken link is by passed locally without flodding a newbroadcast query

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    Ad-Hoc Workshop 2004Lecture 2: Reactive Routing 309/11/2004

    Associativity-Based Routing ABRRoute Repair/Reconstruction 2/3

    -Broken path: 8-13-15

    -Node 8 initiates the LQbroadcast

    -New path: 8-12-15

    Reference: Ad Hoc Wireless NetworksArchitectures & Protocols, Murthy Manoj

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    Ad-Hoc Workshop 2004Lecture 2: Reactive Routing 319/11/2004

    Associativity-Based Routing ABRRoute Repair/Reconstruction 3/3

    Case: Node is moving

    First the last node before the destination erases its route

    Then a LQ process is initiated to check if the node is still reachable If the target is reachable, it selects the best partial route and replies Otherwise the LQ process is forwarded to the next upstream node A Route Notification message is sent to the next upstream node to

    erase the invalid route and inform this node that it should take over theLQ process

    If this process results in backtracking more than halfway to the source,the LQ process is discontinued and the source initiates a new

    broadcast query process

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    Ad-Hoc Workshop 2004Lecture 2: Reactive Routing 329/11/2004

    Associativity-Based Routing ABRRoute Delete

    If a discovered route is no longer needed, the source node initiates a

    RouteDelete RD broadcast Every node on this route will then delete the route entry from their

    routing cache

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    Ad-Hoc Workshop 2004Lecture 2: Reactive Routing 339/11/2004

    Associativity-Based Routing ABRAdvantages & Disadvantages

    Stable routes have a higher preference compared to

    shorter routes=> fewer pathes will break which reduces flooding

    A broken link is repaired locally

    Stability informations are only used during the routeselection process

    Chosen path may be longer than the shortest path,

    because of the preference given to stable paths LQ broadcasts may result in high delays during the route


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    Ad-Hoc Workshop 2004Lecture 2: Reactive Routing 349/11/2004


    DSR: Dynamic Source RoutingABR: Associativity-Based Routing

    SSA: Signal Stability-Based AdaptiveRouting Protocol

    PLBR: Preferred Link-Based Routing


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    Ad-Hoc Workshop 2004Lecture 2: Reactive Routing 359/11/2004

    Signal Stability-Based Adaptive Routing

    Protocol SSA

    On-demand routing protocol that uses signal strength

    and location stability for finding stable routes Beacon-based: signal strength of the beacons is

    measured for determining link stability between the

    nodes The location stability defines paths which has existed for

    a longer period of time

    Every node maintains a signal stability table (SST)which is based on the signal strengths of its neighborsbeacons

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    Ad-Hoc Workshop 2004Lecture 2: Reactive Routing 369/11/2004

    Signal Stability-Based Adaptive Routing

    Protocol SSA

    If a node has received strong beacons for the past few

    beacons, the node classifies the link as a stable link

    Otherwise its a unstable link

    Main objective of SSA: choosing routes that have stronger connectivity

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    Ad-Hoc Workshop 2004Lecture 2: Reactive Routing 379/11/2004

    Signal Stability-Based Adaptive SSARoute Establishment 1/2

    A source node which does not have a route to the target floods the

    network with RouteRequests Nodes that employ the SSA protocol, process a RouteRequest only

    if it is received over a stable link

    The destination selects the first RouteRequest packet received over

    stable links Then the destination initiates a RouteReply packet to notify the

    selected route to the source

    Major difference to ABR:

    The node which received the RouteRequest first has to check if thepacket was received over a stable or unstable link

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    Ad-Hoc Workshop 2004Lecture 2: Reactive Routing 389/11/2004

    Signal Stability-Based Adaptive SSARoute Establishment 2/2

    RouteRequest from node 1 is

    only forwarded over stablelinks to the target:


    Reference: Ad Hoc Wireless NetworksArchitectures & Protocols, Murthy Manoj

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    Ad-Hoc Workshop 2004Lecture 2: Reactive Routing 399/11/2004

    Signal Stability-Based Adaptive SSARoute Maintenance 1/2

    Broken links:

    The last node before the broken link notify the sourcenode of the broken link (node 2 -> node 1)

    And the node after the broken links notifies thedestination node (node 4 -> node 15)

    The source node, after receiving aRouteBreakNotification packet, refloods theRouteRequest to find another stable route to D

    Older entries in cache are only deleted if the datapackets fail to reach the next node Only if no stable route is available ,then also unstable

    link are beeing used

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    Ad-Hoc Workshop 2004Lecture 2: Reactive Routing 409/11/2004

    Signal Stability-Based Adaptive SSARoute Maintenance 2/2

    -The broken link 2-4 is

    detected and bypassed:1-5-4-8-13-15

    Reference: Ad Hoc Wireless Networks

    Architectures & Protocols, Murthy Manoj

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    Ad-Hoc Workshop 2004Lecture 2: Reactive Routing 419/11/2004

    Signal Stability-Based Adaptive SSAAdvantages & Disadvantages

    SSA finds more stable routes compared to DSR(shortest path routing)

    SSA is able to classify the links using the beacon

    counts (stable or unstable links)

    Multiple flooding of RouteRequest packets (bandwidth)

    RouteRequest received through a weak link is droppedwithout being processed

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    Ad-Hoc Workshop 2004Lecture 2: Reactive Routing 429/11/2004


    DSR: Dynamic Source RoutingABR: Associativity-Based Routing

    SSA: Signal Stability-Based AdaptiveRouting Protocol

    PLBR: Preferred Link-Based Routing


    P f d Li k B d R ti

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    Ad-Hoc Workshop 2004Lecture 2: Reactive Routing 439/11/2004

    Preferred Link-Based Routing

    Protocol PLBR

    PLBR is a routing protocol with an efficientflooding mechanismus

    Flooding impaired:

    Wastage of bandwidth

    Increase the number of collisions

    Broadcast stroms (topological instability)

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    Ad-Hoc Workshop 2004Lecture 2: Reactive Routing 449/11/2004

    Preferred Link-Based Routing Protocol PLBR

    General 1/2

    A node selects a subset of nodes from its

    neighbors list (NL) This subset is referred to as the preferred list


    Every RouteRequest packets carries the list of aselected subset of neighbors

    All neighbors receive RouteRequest packets(broadcast), but only neighbors present in thePL forward them further (JoinQuery)

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    Ad-Hoc Workshop 2004Lecture 2: Reactive Routing 459/11/2004

    Preferred Link-Based Routing Protocol PLBR

    General 2/2

    Changes in the tables are updated with the

    beacons Also a quick link break detection mechanism that

    locally repairs broken links is available

    3 Phases:

    Route Establishment

    Route SelectionRoute Maintenance

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    Ad-Hoc Workshop 2004Lecture 2: Reactive Routing 469/11/2004

    Preferred Link-Based Routing Protocol PLBR

    Used rates

    NL Neihbors List

    PL Preferred List PLT Preferred Link Table

    K maximum number of neighbors allowed in PL

    NNT Neighbors Neighbor Table TP Traversed Path

    TTL TimeToLive

    INL Include List (reachable nodes)

    EXL Exclude List (unreachable nodes)

    P f d Li k B d R ti P t l PLBR

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    Ad-Hoc Workshop 2004Lecture 2: Reactive Routing 479/11/2004

    Preferred Link-Based Routing Protocol PLBR

    2 Algorithms

    Neighbor Degree-Based Preferred Link (NDPL)

    Weight-Based Preferred Link (WBPL)

    P f d Li k B d R i P l PLBR

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    Ad-Hoc Workshop 2004Lecture 2: Reactive Routing 489/11/2004

    Preferred Link-Based Routing Protocol PLBR




    1 4

    5 7





    stableReference: Ad Hoc Wireless NetworksArchitectures & Protocols, Murthy Manoj


    P f d Li k B d R ti P t l PLBR

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    Ad-Hoc Workshop 2004Lecture 2: Reactive Routing 499/11/2004

    Preferred Link-Based Routing Protocol PLBR


    Destination is not present in NNT from the Source (=>RouteRequest)

    Preferred Link Table PLT has to be calculated K=2, size of Preferred List PL

    NDPL: node furthest away

    PLT(node 5,node 1)

    After node 1 is deleted, node 8 isnt in the neighbor list

    Source sends RouteRequest only to node 5


    neighbors of Source all in PLT Neighbors 1,4 & 2 deleted

    Send RoutRequest (unicast)

    P f d Li k B d R ti P t l PLBR

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    Ad-Hoc Workshop 2004Lecture 2: Reactive Routing 509/11/2004

    Preferred Link-Based Routing Protocol PLBR

    Advantages & Disadvantages


    only 3 packets are transmitted for finding the path

    Path lenght is 3

    Higher scalability compared to other on-demand r.p.

    Reduction of control overhead (collisions)

    NDPL & WBPL are both computationally more complexthan other RouteRequest forwarding schemes

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    Ad-Hoc Workshop 2004Lecture 2: Reactive Routing 519/11/2004

