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Ad parlor connecting creativity and data

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Creative Best Practices for Facebook Advertising
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Connecting Creativity & Data Creative Best Practices For Facebook Advertising
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Connecting Creativity & DataCreative Best Practices ForFacebook Advertising

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P. 03 P. 04IntroductionCreativity’s Changing Role

Tip 1. Express ContextCase Study: Martini App

P. 05 P. 06

Tip 2. The Space BetweenTip 3. Color Me SocialTip 4. Branding 101

P. 07 P. 08

Tip 5. Can Bigger be Better?Tip 6. The Framing RatioTip 7. Unconscious Cue

P. 09 P. 10

Tip 8. A Fresh Angle Tip 9. Creativity is Key

P. 11 P. 12Tip 10. Multivariate TestingCase Study: JackThreads



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In July 2013, Facebook announced that it had more than 1.15 billion total members, 819 thousand mobile monthly users and 1 million active advertisers. That leads to a scalable opportunity for brands and marketers to engage their audiences in a socially charged environment. This also means creativity plays a much more vital role than ever before.

This report will provide insight into how creativity must align with data, ensure your brand’s creative is unique to you as a marketer, offer tips on keeping it simple, and provide a few best practices for optimal creative effectiveness.

Why is knowing your audience and making an impact on that first interaction so vital to success?

True creativity often starts where language ends

Arthur Koestler

Function vs. design is a classic discussion that most companies and teams must work through; designers strive to paint a canvas, while marketers must adhere to what converts, and ultimately drives revenue.

Is “Simple” the New Black?

Creative best practices should always focus on the importance of producing ads and copy that not only pique the interest of a target audience but also encourage interaction and action.

As Facebook recently announced, the company is making efforts to simplify its ad products and provide a more objective-focused advertising model. By trimming the complexities of onboarding and optimization, Facebook is positioning itself to appeal to large and small businesses alike. It’s providing a truly interactive environment for these brands to build creative that promotes engagement with their personal communities.

Creativity’s Changing Role

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Express Context1Expressing context is incredibly important with mobile app install ads, which allows marketers to direct users to interstitial app installation pages on their smartphones.

While these ad formats support “install now” buttons, it may not be clear to some users that these ads are actually directing them to install applications on their device. By showing the smartphone in the advertisement, the clarity of the intended action becomes instantly recognizable and leads to a more qualified app installation and user.

+12%Cost Per Install SavingsIn comparison with other

advertising channels

+36%Higher Click Through RateUtilizing optimized creative on

mobile application installs

+34%Cost Per Click SavingsAttributed to expanding targeting to new cities

Case Study: AdParlor andUltra Interactive Get Creative

§ 8% Lower Cost Per Acquisition utilizing custom creative for Ultra Interactive’s Martini Mobile App

§ Expressed context by displaying user devices

§ Used strong calls-to-action § Targeting was focused around

relevant interest categories such as mobile users, consumer electronics, fashion, dining and entertainment.


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The Space Between 2When it comes to right-hand side (RHS) ads, utilizing the available space is crucial.

These ad images are only 110×80 pixels, and the last thing you want to do is waste the image space with text that’s too small or images that are too tiny to see in detail. Using the space to display a visually appealing and relevant image attracts a user’s attention and keeps the experience positive.

In the examples above, the image on the left uses type that’s too small and incorporates an image that doesn’t speak to the service. Without carefully reading the ad, the user could think that laptops are being sold, or old ones purchased—there’s nothing to indicate that the ad is for laptop repair. In the ad on the right, the image makes effective use of the space, incorporates tools to indicate repair work and grabs attention with the bright orange exclamation mark.

All in all, it’s a much more effective image that garnered a 2.75% higher engagement rate, 2x the number of clicks, and 4x the number of conversions in comparison to the example on the left.

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Facebook offers an array of activities, so getting your ad to “pop” is paramount within the social environment.

Thankfully, Facebook’s branding is consistently white and blue. The cool color scheme suggests that images favoring a warm color scheme will pack more punch. Red, orange, yellow and lime green will draw attention when contrasted against Facebook’s background. But keep in mind that bold warm colors can sometimes be harsh or have negative connotations when used in certain contexts.

Color Me Social3

Note how the photographs on the left pop off the background, drawing the eye far more than the photographs on the right.

Branding 1014

A common belief among brands is that your logo is instantly recognizable to almost everyone; however, using your logo as your only advertising image could lead to a much smaller impact than expected.

Sure, you might attract the attention of users who are already engaged with your brand, but more likely, you’ll get lost in the sea of other more engaging images.

In the example ads above, utilizing an acutal product image associated with the brand boosted click through rates (CTR) of up to 4%.

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Can Bigger be Better?5Facebook’s standard right-hand side (RHS) ads are still effective; however, the size constraints are far from ideal in a creative workspace.

Fortunately, Facebook offers a couple of different large ad formats available for desktop and mobile News Feed delivery. For example, photo page posts are displayed at a resolution of 400×300 pixels on a desktop, which is considerably larger than the ads on the RHS.

Additionally, the News Feed is considered the primary focus for most users on Facebook and by placing your ads there; you are more likely to get the attention of your targeted audience.

This is evident in a number of ways, and the data clearly speaks for itself. AdParlor recently analyzed approximately more than one billion impressions; globally, News Feed posted an average CTR that was 8x higher than RHS placements.

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We all think we’re the only ones impervious to subtle unconscious cues in advertising, but we’d be wrong.

Those subtle and often overlooked cues are something worth thinking about when choosing images. The two images below are almost identical, give or take a mirror. But there’s a major difference when selecting which one to use for your ad campaign.

Unconscious Cue7

The way you crop a photo defines the viewer’s focus and how well that image works.

Cropping an image closely to create a focal point helps to engage the viewer by displaying emotion or focus. Cropping it too wide can show so little detail that it often fails to attract any attention.

The Framing Ratio6

Note how the first image doesn’t have as great as an impact as the second image. Closer crops provide more detail and clearer, cleaner images which a user is much more likely to connect and engage with.

So, when choosing images featuring people, pay special attention to the eye line, or any gestures that might direct the user’s eye. You’ll always want them to follow in the direction of your ad copy. It’s great if the viewer notices and likes your image, but you need them to read your copy not just see it. Why not help them along a bit?

Following a recent A/B test utilizing both of the above pictures in different ad units for a campaign, the image following the natural eye line to the right posted a 3% higher CTR.

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A Fresh Angle8

At the end of the day, make every effort to understand your target audience and test creative variations. AdParlor’s design team is constantly monitoring graphic trends and introducing new concepts to our clients to obtain higher conversion rates and ROI.

So take advantage and make the most of your Facebook advertising budget by choosing the most effective images to make a great first impression—pun intended.

Let’s take into account what might draw your users’ interest. What differentiates your brand and images from the rest?

As an example, a video game client recently began a campaign using imagery of in-game play very similar to a competitor’s ads. The images looked fine but didn’t seem to attract the user enough to encourage conversion.

After assessing the situation and brainstorming solutions, our creative team realized that one of the game’s key selling points was allowing live, multi-player gameplay.

Our client’s competitor, on the other hand, did not have this feature. We created a new set of images that included multiple profile pictures and instructive call out text. By allowing the images to introduce the multi-player feature, we were able to grab users’ attention and drive higher click and conversion rates.

Based on the example ads below, we created a new set of images that included multiple profile pictures and instructive call out text. By allowing the images to introduce the multi-player feature, we were able to grab users’ attention and drive a 2% higher CTR and a 1% increase in conversion rates (CVR).

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Creativity is Key9Can we say it again? Want someone to notice you? Be unique and continuously test ways to represent your brand within the confines of an 110×80 pixel image.

It’s important to keep experimenting with new elements—set and define a trend, don’t copy one.

The image to the left is an example of out-of-the-box thinking. This ad used the white background to create the illusion that the warrior’s helmet is popping out of the frame—definitely a touch of creative flair—and an image that resulted in an .08% increase in the CTR.

Below are a few examples that excelled at grabbing attention due to the graphic elements. These successful ad images all incorporate bright colors, great call-outs, close-crops, starbursts, borders and fun imagery.

The images above generated an average of a 1.2% higher CTR when using a specific call to action and relevant imagery as related to the games

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Multivariate Testing10A methodology we have had success with focuses on testing varying creative approaches within individual campaigns.

Those A/B tests have varying levels of success, and sometimes offer a surprise reaction from the target audience. While all of the best practices included in this paper are designed to provide insight into creating a successful ad, there’s no way to absolutely guarantee that certain techniques work all the time.

But if we determine that one approach works over another, we redirect design resources to producing more content based on those successful tests.

Case Study: JackThreads

§ Images and text were designed to make the brand name and association with the latest street wear.

§ Used multivariate testing on all creatives § 3x return on ad spend using Facebook Offers § 5x return on ad spend using Custom Audiences § 15x return on ad spend using Facebook Exchange

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ConclusionCreativity clearly matters, whether a brand is targeting its audience on desktop or mobile.

Make it easy for users to understand exactly what you’re promoting in the ad through visual calls-to-action that explicitly convey your message. Free offers or bonuses are simple ways of grabbing user attention and increasing click-through rates.

Granted, not all “best practices” will work every time. Marketers who understand the best times to engage their targeted audiences will experience the greatest performance. The key component of any successful campaign is to test, optimize and then test again. That’s how we at AdParlor always strive to exceed our partners’ goals and objectives. Our customers, including Groupon, MGM Resorts International, Jack Threads and many more work with our teams to increase awareness, drive sales, and optimize fan engagement.

Be Bold. Try New Things.

AdParlor’s approach is focused on results, providing flexible pricing and product solutions based on client goals. We utilize our proprietary technology, experienced teams and advanced tools to deliver solutions designed to grow your brand’s footprint locally and globally.

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