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Adab Al Mardiya

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  • 8/12/2019 Adab Al Mardiya


    Sheikh Faisal Abdul-Razak may Allah preserve him)

    Adab Al-Mardiyya notes

    Taken at the Spiritual Retreat 2007 London

    This book has been accepted by the Umma

    Sheikh Abdul-Rahim said that this book has unique content

    It is also said the Imam Buzaydi (may Allah be pleased with him) wasrelating his own states

    He was trained by Sheikh Darqawi (may Allah be pleased with him)

    He had many students including Ibn Ajibah (may Allah be pleased with


    The root of Tasawwaf is Adab with Allah and if we dont have this, wedont have any Adab with anything

    True Tasawwaf can only grow out

    The second station of Adab is with the Messenger of Allah (may Allahbestow peace and blessings upon him)

    He was born in the tribe of Bani Salam from the clan of Ghumari. In themiddle of the 12th century

    We need to reclaim our recitation of the Quran

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    That is the greatest wird everyday not occasionally living by it andteaching it

    Imam Buzaydi (may Allah be pleased with him) travelled for many yearsand spent many years in seclusion

    He wished to visit the complete man

    He found Sheikh Darqawi (may Allah be pleased with him) expectedthat Imam Buzaydi (may Allah be pleased with him) would visit him as

    he saw him in a dream

    Sheikh Darqawi (may Allah be pleased with him)wasnt content withthe progress of his students

    Imam Buzaydi (may Allah be pleased with him) spent sixteen years oftraining with the sheikh

    Sheikh Darqawi (may Allah be pleased with him) said that ImamBuzaydi reached even higher levels than him and that him he wasunique

    He died on the 10th of Muharram

    The journey to Allah (the Exalted) begins with Adab

    They werent distinguished except by their Adab

    Adab has infinite levels and stations, we dont stop there, we keepbuilding

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    The relationship of the Sheikh and the Murid is like the relationship of afather and child

    Its like the sheikh is like washer of the dead body. (If you dont give yourself to the Sheikh, then how can they be washed.)

    There must be total trust, acceptance and positive influence

    Someone who wants to travel through a jungle and he doesnt know thetracks, they will try and find out a way by trail and error. They may

    never reach the other side. If there is a guide, unless you take the handof a person who knows the way then youll find your way easily. Therule of thumb is to take the hand of the sheikh.

    Imam Tirmidi said that all the companions thought that they where thespecial one

    The companions have levels, it was because of their Adab with him

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    Second session.

    Sheikh Dabar was blind but he was able to recognise the Quran, hadithand Qudsi hadith because he used to see light in the words.

    Imam Buzaydi never had any formal education

    1. The Murid should not visit the sheikh unless he has a gift for him.

    It applies:* If you havent seen him for a long period of time * What you can afford

    This may not apply if you are seeing him everyday.

    The first hadith that a student should hear from his sheikh is the hadith

    of mercy.

    One of the blessings of these times, is to have Sheikh Muhammad (mayAllah preserve him)

    If people cant see him, then its because they have been veiled form him

    Its from the signs that Allah Subhanu wa taala loves you that you arethe company of the Sheikh

    Most of the kinds of the companionship will lead you to hell

    It was of the manners of the companions to give charity before asking aquestion

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    When we raise our voice it is because we want to impose our opinion

    It is a type of tyranny

    If we think about that person, its to honour him sometimes we takethat for granted

    Be mindful of other people

    A little kindness can go a long way

    He will give you out of kindness

    Our manners should be internalised

    People will respond to you, if you treat them well

    5. Do not sit on the right or the left of the Sheikh, even if he wishesfor you to do so.

    If he insists then it is okay

    Refuse at first then accept on insistence

    When you enter into the gathering of the Sheikh, you should observe theAdab of the Masjid.

    You sit down facing the sheikh, face to face, eye to eye, heart to heartand the last is the highest level

    So be there physically and spiritually

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    The Shammil Al-Tirmidi doesnt not contain a description by Abu Bakr(may Allah be pleased with him) because he was in awe of him, so muchthat he couldnt look at him but he was with him in the heart

    It was an act of worship to look at your sheikh

    Looking is an act of worship

    Like looking at the Quran, looking at the Kaaba

    It is like looking at his door, waiting for it to be open. When it is youcome up and stay at the door until you are let in and they are givenwater then food.

    Allah Subhanu wa taala doesnt get bored of giving until you get boredof taking

    Itsan amazing mercy that Allah has given us different types of creation.So we dont get bored with him what a mercy!

    There are angels performing certain tasks

    Salat, recitation, fast.

    The Sheikh is the Qibla of the Murid

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    Foundational principles

    Consider them as a whole

    Be mindful of Allah Subhanu wa taala privately and publicly

    Be mindful of details


    The beginner might be good but to continue the intention is harder

    Following the Sunna in speech and action

    The Murid goes beyond the Fiqh definition of the Sunna

    Whatever he does it is for the good for the Sheikh

    The companions dont need to know why; the fact he (peace andblessings be upon him) used to do it is enough for him

    There was a companion who came to the Prophet (peace and blessingsbe upon him) with his top button of his shirt open. For the rest of his lifethat companion used to wear his shirt like this.

    Excellent character

    This is the whole reason for the creation of the Prophet (peace andblessings be upon him)

    He said that he only sent to perfect character

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    Third session

    This is the beginning of the month of Muharram, a sacred month, mayAllah accept our worship

    Ahmed ibn Ajibah (may Allah be pleased with him) said that this bookwas the most specific book at this time

    Good manners allows us to travel quicker than others

    All worship is a means to make us better

    Our knowledge should make us better if it doesnt then its the fault ofthe learner

    Let him take us by the hand, to Allah Subhanu wa taala

    Maintain a level of love for the Sheikh

    We can only lose if we show bad manners

    6. Do not stare too much at him if he is in front of you.

    This may decrease your shyness of the Sheikh in his presence exceptwith a yearning and desire for him

    7. Do not hasten or interject the words of the Sheikh when he isspeaking

    If he hesitates then we could lead the conversation into a different


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    8. Do not sit in the company of the sheikh, in the manner of ordinary

    people, sitting in an ordinary gathering.

    This is the gathering of the king and his subjects. Consider your conduct Respect the subjects

    Abu Hanifa (may Allah be pleased with him) would not extent his feet inthe direction of his Sheikh, even when he was at home

    Face the Qibla when standing

    Be mindful of Adab, it can do amazing things for us. Something that mayseem pointless to us, may be great in the sight of Allah

    9. Do not walk on the right, the left or alongside the Sheikh. You

    should walk slightly behind him. He is like the leader of the Prayerand you are the follower, if you go ahead the prayer is broken.

    Imam Shafis mother looked after him and she would send him to study,with different scholars. She would ensure he would wear the bestclothes to the circles of knowledge, this instilled into him a great respectfor knowledge.

    How was angel Gibril (upon him peace) when he came to be taught? Hepresented himself well to illustrate this point

    Imam Shafi would walk with his mother, slightly behind her, later on inhis mothers life

    Strive to subject your Naafs to this kind of training

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    10.The Murid should not walk in front of the Sheikh in prayer, with

    the exception of an order.

    You wait for the Sheikh to move forward

    If he orders you to perform the prayer, perform them (Imam)

    Foundational principles cont)

    As a Murid you are journeying to Allah Subhanu wa taala

    As the Murid of the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) used todo

    What is offensive comes out of the Imam

    Indifference to the acceptance and a rejection of others

    Allah Subhanu wa taala loves you to come close to him and satan hatesthat

    Where will he be when we turn to Allah Subhanu wa taala?

    It is very difficult to overcome a close rejection

    Be mindful of the nature of people

    Some people might want to pull you down to the level by discouraging you, even though he knows its good for you

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    If we practice Islam according to others, we wouldnt be able to doanything

    If you please people then you are displaced from Allah Subhanu wataala

    If you strive to please Allah Subhanu wa taala, people will becomepleased

    Fourth sessionprinciples cont)

    It is good to remind yourself of these principles

    Fourth Principle

    Satisfaction with the divine decree, in hardship and in ease

    If we are bothered what people say then we may move off

    He must have satisfaction in all situations

    Dont try to pierce the wallof destiny, go with the qadr of AllahSubhanu wa taala

    There are aspects of dissatisfaction w ith Allah Subhanu wa taala

    Consistent submitting the affair to Allah Subhanu wa taala

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    There are forces against the Muslims and they have a faith unmoved

    Theres areason for every Adhkar

    Turning to Allah in prosperity and as well as adversity

    Theres wisdom in every adversity

    You are given traits to deal with the difficulty

    Allah Subhanu wa taala doesnt place a burden more then we can bear

    Its good to remember this in a time of difficulty

    Seek the protection of Allah Subhanu wa taala in times of affliction

    Truly wonderful if the affair of the believer, whatever good comes tothem they are thankful and what every evil comes they are patient

    Our sickness is forgiveness in this world

    This is better for us, we are forgiven

    Use the blessings that Allah Subhanu wa taala has blessed us with anduse it in a way that he would be pleased with us

    There are more principles

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    1. Possessing high aspirations

    2. Have great aims we should aim to be the best Murid

    We live our lives as though we see Allah Subhanu wa taala (HadithGibril)

    You can see the power of Allah Subhanu wa taala in creation

    To be ever conscience of Allah Subhanu wa taala

    Allah Subhanu wa taala has prescribed excellence in everything

    Preserve the sanctity of Allah Subhanu wa taala

    Stay away from doubtful matters

    The doubtful could lead to the haram

    Stay away from what is prohibited

    When we do this our sanctity is preserved

    If we dontdo this then we put obstacles in our path, we do not time to


    When we leave the world, this stops

    The world is the place of actionsThe heaven is the place of account

    There are those who want another chance even they had their chance

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    What state will we be in? (On the last day)

    We will be there with nothing to show

    Should we risk not doing what we should, why are we wasting our time

    The grave will be a pit or a garden, based on what we do here

    If we allow ourselves to commit sins, we will be slowed down or set back

    This has nothing to do with time

    Some spent a short time and progress and others take years to progress

    They cannot travel on this path except with the sheikh

    3. Excel in service to others

    Serving people is one of the most effective ways of progress

    Imam Shadhali (may Allah show him mercy) said, There are twocategories of worship. 1. One benefits ourselves. 2. Sending the rewardto others."

    If there is someone spending their nights in Nafl worship, then the onespending their time in worship is greater than worship

    Try to find some way we can participate in our local Masjid

    Once a week, Hoover, clean the yard

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    If you serve the scholars then your children will be scholars

    The people of the raised platform are still producing scholars, they

    served the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him)

    Service of others doesnt bring you down

    Sheikh Ibrahim Al-Yaqoubi (may Allah be pleased with him) used towash the Masjid and after a while, he saw the Prophet (peace andblessings be upon him) in a dream washing the Masjid like him

    What would Allah Subhanu wa taala do to that person who would lookafter his house?

    4. Dont leave something half way complete the task see it through tothe end

    Dont leave a project halfway through

    If you cant do it dont start it

    There should be no difference between life as a Murid and their live inthe world(Not being two types of people, one as a Murid and one a person of the


    All our conduct should reflect that

    A scholar who was young and before his Islam, met a friend who hadchanged, no swearing, dignified and then the said to him, We wantwhat you got. The friend said he had accepted Islam in jail. The young

    scholar was Dr Abdul-hakim Jackson

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    You never know what you conduct will achieve

    You can arrive to the same speech but in a different tone

    Fulfil your resolutions

    5. To exalt our blessings in what we receive from Allah Subhanu wat l

    We recognise the source of the blessings

    Treat your provision well and dont abuse it

    We should be the best Muslims we can be

    We have to fulfil the sacred law

    Do not broadcast your bayat

    Let your good behaviour speak for itself

    You cannot lose anything by being good to another person

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    Fifth and final session

    6. The Murid should not sit in the physical position of the sheikh

    The protocol of the king dictates that people shouldnt sit in the place ofthe sheikh

    7. The Murid should not eat with the Sheikh as a matter of normal


    Imam Zain Al Abideen (may Allah show him mercy) would refrain fromeating with his mother. When he was asked why, he said, I might reachfor some food that my mother may have wanted.

    If this is the Adab of someone who brought you into the world, what

    about the one who brought you to Allah Subhanu wa taala

    8. Do not sleep in the same room of the Sheikh you may disturb him

    9. Do not call out to the Sheikh if you are near his home

    Some bedions called out, Ya Muhammad, and the ayah was revealed, ifthey were patient, he wouldve come out

    Like not having the nickname Abu Qasim during his lifetime (peace andblessings be upon him)

    10.Do not sit facing the house of the Sheikh except with his


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    11.Its important to follow the sheikh even if you might disagree with


    After a while you will get used to the Sheikh and what he likes and bemindful

    12.Avoid what he forbids you from doing even if doing so seem


    You must trust your sheikh

    Once you take someone as a Sheikh you have to obey and there areconsequences of disobediences

    You disagree with him and start to backbite some may have had a badending

    The Murid should honour the sheikh when present as well as absent

    Wird al-Amm is the king of the wirds, which opens the door tospirituality

    Which allows you to enter the room, the realm of Tasawwaf

    When you enter you keep the key, you dont throw it away. Like a carkey once you arrive somewhere you dont throw the key away, you needit to go back.

    Its a general wird for everything

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    At the end of the wird it is upon you to make Dua for yourself, parents, your sheikh etc.

    This maintains the link with the Sheikh

    Nearness to the Sheikh is not governed by physical distance

    Its spiritual nearness

    As you precede on the path

    There can be two Murids, one in Damascus and one in the UK but theone in the UK is closer to him

    13.Fulfilling the rights of the Sheikh to the best of your ability

    If you carry out his instructions with sincerity, it becomes enjoyable

    Ibn Atallah (may Allah show him mercy) said, Actions are lifeless formsbut it is the presence of intention that brings it to life.

    14.Abandon ones understanding knowledge and leadership to that of

    the Sheikh

    It is not changing it but putting it to one side and taking anew

    Empting the vessel of our body, so we can fill up what the Sheikh gives

    There should be acceptance not questioning

    Have companionship with pious people, especially from the Murids

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    (Sheikh Faisal recommends fishing as it teaches you patience)

    Spending four hours and not catching anything

    The Murid should be like a fisherman

    The worst oppression is upon your family

    Its not easy to change your family

    Sins have consequences

    Imam Shafi (may Allah show him mercy) said, There is not a breath wetake, except by the divine decree.

    To know your individual obligation should be in place a Muslim not justfor a Murid

    The Murid should make up the wird, (if missed)

    The level of obedience should be raised

    It is necessary to have a spiritual guide

    Do not expect to proceed too much, if you dont take the path

    All the Murids should make up missed prayers

    Should you tell your parents about Bayat? Not if it will cause harm.

    You took Bayat? Are you an extremist? What next? (Joking about the

    possible parents reaction) (End of notes)
