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Adaptations And Traits Of Organisms final Assessment – Animal PowerPoint Created by: Kenya...

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Adaptations And Traits Of Organisms final Assessment – Animal PowerPoint Created by: Kenya Hernandez My Main Animal: guinea pig
Page 1: Adaptations And Traits Of Organisms final Assessment – Animal PowerPoint Created by: Kenya Hernandez My Main Animal: guinea pig.

Adaptations And Traits Of Organisms final Assessment –

Animal PowerPoint

Created by: Kenya Hernandez

My Main Animal: guinea pig

Page 2: Adaptations And Traits Of Organisms final Assessment – Animal PowerPoint Created by: Kenya Hernandez My Main Animal: guinea pig.

•Give birth to live young

•Have fur or hair covering their body

•Feed their young on milk produced from mother

Page 3: Adaptations And Traits Of Organisms final Assessment – Animal PowerPoint Created by: Kenya Hernandez My Main Animal: guinea pig.

•Breathe with lungs

•Have two legs and two wings

•Warm blooded

•Lay eggs with hard shells

•Have feathers covering their bodies

Most can fly

Page 4: Adaptations And Traits Of Organisms final Assessment – Animal PowerPoint Created by: Kenya Hernandez My Main Animal: guinea pig.

•Live In water

•Breathe with gills

•Have skin covered with scales

•Have fins

•Lay soft eggs

•Are cold blooded

Page 5: Adaptations And Traits Of Organisms final Assessment – Animal PowerPoint Created by: Kenya Hernandez My Main Animal: guinea pig.

•Have scaly skin

•Lay eggs with leathery shells

•Are cold blooded

•Breath with lungs

•Mainly live on land

•Have four limbs or no limbs (snakes)

Page 6: Adaptations And Traits Of Organisms final Assessment – Animal PowerPoint Created by: Kenya Hernandez My Main Animal: guinea pig.

•The young live in water,adults live on land

•The young breathe with gills, adults breathe with lungs

•Have moist, scale-less skin

•Have four legs

•Lay soft eggs

•Are cold blooded

Page 7: Adaptations And Traits Of Organisms final Assessment – Animal PowerPoint Created by: Kenya Hernandez My Main Animal: guinea pig.
Page 8: Adaptations And Traits Of Organisms final Assessment – Animal PowerPoint Created by: Kenya Hernandez My Main Animal: guinea pig.

Species adaptation: human beings or the human race

Individual adaptation: something that just you have individual and no one else but you

The difference is……. That species is something that most people have and individual is something that only you have

Page 9: Adaptations And Traits Of Organisms final Assessment – Animal PowerPoint Created by: Kenya Hernandez My Main Animal: guinea pig.

In nature, every advantage increases an animal's chances of survival, and therefore its chances of reproducing . This simple fact has caused animal species to evolve a number of special adaptations that help them find food and keep them from becoming food. One of the most widespread and varied adaptations is natural camouflage, an animal's ability to hide itself from predator and prey.

We'll look at a few sophisticated hiders who can change their camouflage in accordance with a change in their surroundings. In addition to these expert hiders, we'll look at some animals who don't hide at all, but throw predators off by disguising themselves as something dangerous or uninteresting.

Page 10: Adaptations And Traits Of Organisms final Assessment – Animal PowerPoint Created by: Kenya Hernandez My Main Animal: guinea pig.

Badgers are inhabitants of Europe, Asia and North America. They are torpors or temporary hibernators and in winters they store enough food in their burrows, so that they may wake up, eat and go back to sleep again. Badgers are omnivores, that is they eat both plants and animals. Honey badgers, one of the types of badgers are found mostly in Africa and Asia and are nocturnal animals.

Page 11: Adaptations And Traits Of Organisms final Assessment – Animal PowerPoint Created by: Kenya Hernandez My Main Animal: guinea pig.

Migration is the large-scale movement of an animal species from one place to another. Migrations are usually tied to seasonal changes in weather and feeding patterns, or mating and breeding patterns. Some migrations don't follow these patterns. Irruptive migrations don't seem to follow any pattern at all, and nomadic species move from place to place whenever they've exhausted the food supply in one area.

When every member of a species migrates, that is known as a complete migration. If some members of a species stay in one place all year long, but others migrate, that's a partial migration. This usually occurs when the species' range is large enough that some individuals live someplace that is always relatively warm, while others live in a temperate region that gets too cold in the winter. Barn owls are one example of an animal that partially migrates Animals that live in mountainous areas may use altitudinal migration. Instead of traveling long distances, they move to lower altitudes when winter snow hits the upper mountains. Some spotted owls do this, while others of the same species who don't live in mountains have different migration patterns

Animals that live in mountainous areas may use altitudinal migration. Instead of traveling long distances, they move to lower altitudes when winter snow hits the upper mountains. Some spotted owls do this, while others of the same species who don't live in mountains have different migration patterns

Page 12: Adaptations And Traits Of Organisms final Assessment – Animal PowerPoint Created by: Kenya Hernandez My Main Animal: guinea pig.

You can find the Common Side-Blotched Lizard along the Pacific coast of North America – all the way from Washington into Mexico.  This particular lizard has developed a rather unusual mating strategy.  In fact, this strategy is often referred to as the “Rock-Paper-Scissor” mating strategy there are actually 3 different types of males(Orange, Blue and Yellow Throated) and each have their own unique mating patterns. They are the strongest of the bunch and don’t form pair bonds.  Instead they just fight the Blue Throated males for their mating partners.  Basically, they are the bullies of the school yard.  The Blue Throated males form strong bonds with their mate and although they can’t fight off the Orange lizards they can successfully fight off the Yellow Throated Lizards. 

Page 13: Adaptations And Traits Of Organisms final Assessment – Animal PowerPoint Created by: Kenya Hernandez My Main Animal: guinea pig.

Heredity: characteristics from parents

Science/study of heredity

Page 14: Adaptations And Traits Of Organisms final Assessment – Animal PowerPoint Created by: Kenya Hernandez My Main Animal: guinea pig.

Inherited traits

Inherited traits are for example you have 2 eyes ,1 nose,2 ears and a mouth you were born with it

Page 15: Adaptations And Traits Of Organisms final Assessment – Animal PowerPoint Created by: Kenya Hernandez My Main Animal: guinea pig.


Non-inherited is you when you wear cloths but u weren't born with it

Page 16: Adaptations And Traits Of Organisms final Assessment – Animal PowerPoint Created by: Kenya Hernandez My Main Animal: guinea pig.

Fossils are what's left of plants and animals that were alive a long time ago. When the plant or animal died, part of it was left on the earth. That part became trapped in the sediments, and the sediments became rock. Once the rock formed, the fossil was trapped inside. Some fossils are destroyed because sediments undergo a lot of heat and pressure when they become rocks, and the heat and pressure might destroy the fossils. Most fossils are found in sedimentary rocks. There are two types of fossils:  vertebrate and invertebrate. Vertebrate fossils come from animals that had bones. Invertebrate fossils come from plants or animals that didn't have bones.

Sometimes fossils are parts of bodies like bones and teeth. Sometimes they are parts of leaves. Other times they might be animal tracks.

Page 17: Adaptations And Traits Of Organisms final Assessment – Animal PowerPoint Created by: Kenya Hernandez My Main Animal: guinea pig.


Cavies are mostly quiet and docile, which means that they are very easy to handle - they generally don't try to jump off your lap like other pets do! They have poor eyesight but excellent senses of smell and hearing, and will respond excitedly, jumping and leaping around if they hear you walk into the room, or if they smell a treat being prepared for them.

Guinea pigs are much larger than other rodents, and can grow up to 30 cm (12 inches) in size , and as much as 1,200 grams (2.5 lb) in weight.Because of their size, they are generally easier to hold and handle than smaller pets, although young children may find them a bit heavy to lift on their own.

Life Span

As well as being much bigger than other rodents, they also tend to have a much longer life span- generally between 4 and 6 years, but sometimes as much as 8. Although this makes guinea pigs a long-term commitment, it also means that you will form a very strong bond with your animals.


In the wild, guinea pigs live on plains, sheltering in grass and bushes, and sometimes using other animals' burrows for protection. They are very sociable animals and live in small herds, typically consisting of one male, several females, and their offspringDiet

Guinea pigs are herbivores and live off hay, grass, vegetables, and fruit, supplemented with a good quality dry food These provide them with a healthy balance of nutrients and vitamins to keep their bodies in good working order and to fend off illness. Unlike other rodents, they cannot produce vitamin C in their bodies, so they need to get plenty in their diet.

Page 18: Adaptations And Traits Of Organisms final Assessment – Animal PowerPoint Created by: Kenya Hernandez My Main Animal: guinea pig.

Pictures of my guinea pigs

Page 19: Adaptations And Traits Of Organisms final Assessment – Animal PowerPoint Created by: Kenya Hernandez My Main Animal: guinea pig.

There are different kinds of pets like cats, dogs, lizards, hamsters, frogs and fish. The requirements of each pet will be different and the same applies to guinea pigs too. One of the most important requirements of this animal is a perfect habitat. They like to live in groups and the habitat provided by you must have enough space for them. Most of the ready-made cages are found to be small for guinea pigs. So, search for a large one or build one on your own. According to experts, an area 7.5 square feet per individual is required for their healthy growth. But, it is always better to provide at least a 7.5 square feet cage (30" x 36") for a single guinea pig. For two, a 10.5 square feet cage

Guinea pig habitat

Page 20: Adaptations And Traits Of Organisms final Assessment – Animal PowerPoint Created by: Kenya Hernandez My Main Animal: guinea pig.

Inherited traits of a

guinea pigs family

A guinea pig can get the same fur as parents and the same eye sight, also when a guinea pig is born at first it can look the mom and when it grows up it can change like the dad or the other way around .

Page 21: Adaptations And Traits Of Organisms final Assessment – Animal PowerPoint Created by: Kenya Hernandez My Main Animal: guinea pig.

Pigs survive in their environment by adaptation. Adaptation is the alteration in the structure or function of an organism or any of its

parts that results from natural selection and by which the organism becomes better fitted to survive and multiply in its


Structure and function
