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Adco Spec. No.ws-1 Rev 2

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'*Fl'1 AD@ Spec. No : WS-l Rev. 2 Date : f2.04.1990 Page I of 54 SPECIFICATION FORWET,DII.,.G AIiIDWEIDIIiG INSPECTION OF SITOP AI.IDFIET,D FABR,ICATfD CARBON SXEEI,PROCFJSS A}ID INTLITT PIPITiG Prepared By : Reviewed BV : Approved By : Name : M. Muthuraman Desig : Inspection Brgineer (WeIding ) sisn , y/. ffnf{,<^^.^o^ D.G. Thonas snr. Inspection A.J. Dennis Head of Qualily Assurance & e'>10n/.rE1l10/1 Ihg j.nee
  • '*Fl'1

    AD@ Spec. No : WS-l Rev. 2

    Date : f2.04.1990

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    Prepared By : Reviewed BV : Approved By :

    Name : M. Muthuraman

    Desig : Inspection Brgineer(WeIding )sisn , y/. ffnf{,

  • ADCO Spec. No : WS-l Rev. 2

    Date : 12.04.1990

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    1 . 0 Scope

    2.O Definitions

    3.0 Appl icable Codes, Standards and Specifications

    4.0 General RequiremenLs

    5.0 Approved Welding Processes

    6.0 Welding Procedure Qualification

    6.1 Welding Procedure Specifications (v{PS)6.2 welding Procedure Qualification6.3 Essential Variables6.4 oualification Tests

    7.0 Welaler and welding operator Performance QualificaLion

    7.1 General Considerations7.2 QualificationValiditY'1

    .3 ldentificaLion of welders

    8.0 Production Welding Requirenents

    8.I General8.2 Welding Fquignent8.3 Welding Processes8.4 Weather Protection8.5 Parent l4aherials8.6 welding consunables8.7 cutting and weld Joint Preparation8.8 Cleaning Reguirements8.9 Joinh Aligrnent8.10 Tack welds8.lI Joint Backing Requirer0ents8.LZ Preheat Requi.rements8.13 Inherpass Terperabure8.14 Interrutfion of Welding8.15 weld Beaal Sequence8.16 Interpass Cleaning8.17 Peening8.18 SeaI and Socket Welding8.19 AttachflFnt We1dsu. zu wero s[Eclng


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    8.21 Workranship and weld Finish8.22 Welding Technique8.23 Welding Requirements for Carbon Steels8,24 Post Weld Heat Treat$ent8.25 weld ldenLificahion

    9.0 Non-Destructive Exanination

    9.1 ceneral9.2 Visual Examination9.3 Radiographic Exarninatrion9.4 Ultrasonic Examination9.5 Magnetic Particle/Dye-Penetrant Exarnination9.6 Ultrasonic Ttrickness Measurements9.7 Brinell ltrardness TesLing9.8 Extent of Non-Destructive Examinat ion9.9 I{DE Personnel Qualifications

    10.0 Repair of Defects

    10. t ceneral10 .2 Minor Surface RepairsI0.3 Repairs Involving Welcli.ngI0.4 NDE of Repair welds

    1I.0 Docunentation

    Exhibit No.Exhibit N,o.Exhibit No.

    Exhibit No.

    Exhibit No.

    Table 1

    (shr. I & 2)(Sht. I ihru' 3)





    Welding Procedure Specification (!iPS) FormProcedure Qualification Record (PQB.) Formflpe and Nurnber of llechanical Tests forProcedure Qualif icationvickers Hardness (Hf10) survey for Procedurer \ , . ^ 1 . : c : ^ ^ ! i ^ - ^vuct-L r ! t\,aL rvr rDwelder cerbificahe Form

    Minimun ltequirenentsExamination

    for Non-Destructive


  • ADCO Spec. No : WS-l Rev. 2

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    1.0 scoPE

    1.1 This specification prescribes the minimun requirements for weldingand Non-tlestructive Examination of process and utility piping forhhe Abu Dhabi Corpany for Onshore Oil Operations (ADCO). fherequiremenLs apply to pipevrork associated with vendor suppliedequigrent package, longitudinal seam welds of bulk Errchasedpiping conponents such as pipes, tees and elbws, pipeworkfabr icated as part of a contractual fabrication ancl field erectedprprng.

    this specification shall apply to lhehis sub-contractors.


    Z.l For the turpose of Lhis Specification the following definitionsshall hold :

    2.I.I rShallr, 'Should' anal rl,layr : the \.rord 'Shall' is to beunderstood as nandatory, 'Should' as strongly recomnendedand r!,layr as a possible course of action to conply $rith theregulations of Lhis specification.

    2.I.2 Abu Dhabi Company for Onshore Oil Operations (ADCO) isreferred to herein as COMPANY.

    2.I.3 ltre Supplier, Vendor, Manufacturer, Fabrication Contractoror Erection Contractor is herein referred to as CONTRACTOR.

    2.I.4 Firms engaged by the Contractor for the performance of workare herein referred to as SUB-CONTRACIOR.

    3.0 APPLICABLE CODES, STANDARDS AI{D SPECIFICATIONSThe design, fabrication and inspection of pipework sha1l colllt)ly with therequirenents of ANSI 831.3 except as rcdified herein.

    The latest edition and addenda of the follo\^ring docurpnts at Lhe time oftender shall apply.

    In case the requi rements of this specification are in conflict with anyof these docunenbs. this specification shall prevai-1.

    3.1 American National Standards (ASME/ANSI ) :

    r . 2 main ContracLor and to all

    t sJ I .J Chenical Plant and Pehroleun Refinery Piping

  • ADO


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    3 . 2

    Section VIII Div.1Section IX

    3.3 National Association

    NACE MRO175

    3.5 American SocieLy for




    3.6 BS 5135

    Pressure VesselsWelding and Brazing Qualifications

    of @rrosion Hrgineers, NACE :

    Standard Material Requirernents : SufphideStress Cracking Resislant Metallic },laterialsfor Oilfield Equipflent

    Tbsti.ng and l,later ia1s, ASTt"l :

    Vickers Hardness of Metallic li{aterialsIndenlalion Hardness of Metallic l,laterialsby PorLable Hardness Testers

    Standaral Reconrnended Practice forRadiogaphic Testing

    Process of Arc Welding of Carbon and Carbon-Manqanese Steels

    ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code :

    Section II Part C Welding Rods, Electrodes and Filler t4ebalsSection V Non-testructive Examination

    AD@ Procedure Manual Volune 10 - Fire Precautions and SafetvRequlations.


    4.1 All welding and quality control of welding fabrication shal1 bedone by the Contractor in accordance with hhe requiremenls of thisSpecification.

    4 , 2

    4 . 3

    the Contractor shall cofirply with the Conpany Safety Regulations asslated in ADoO Procedure l,lanual Volune 10.

    AI1 v/el.ding shall be as slEcified on the contract drawings. TheContracbor I s isornetric drawings shall show all lrelds each with aunique identif ication nurnber.


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    5.1 ltre following processes are approved for use on pipework :

    a. Shielded Metal Arc Welding (St4Ali)b. C,as Tungsten Arc Welding ( GTAW, or TIG)c. Gas Metal Arc Welding (cMA!{ or MIG/MAG)d. Subnerged Arc Welding (SAW)e. Electric Resistance Welding - high frequency process (for

    longiLudinal seans only)Short circuiting arc (I,IIG, l,tAG or G]4AW) welding shall be used onlylrith prior company approval.

    Manual GTAI'I (TIG) vrelding must be done with Lhe addition of fillermetal and high frequency starting unit.

    5.4 Other processes such as cas Shielaled Flux-Cored Arc or Plasna ArcWelding nay be used only upon specific aFproval by the conpanyQA&C Departnent. Self shiel-ded flux-cored arc welding shall notbe [Ennithed.The root pass vrelding of pipework of all fiaterials for pipes ofnoninal dianeter less than or equal to 51mn (2 inches) shall bedone by GTAv'l process.

    FulI welding of pipevrork of a1l naterials for pipes of nominaldianeter less than or equal to 5lfim (2 inches) and wal1 thicknessless than 6nn should be done by GTAW process.

    A GTAv,l root pass shal1 be used for single sided butt welds on thefollovring piping systems :

    a. Gas turbine fuel systemsb. Seal and lube oil piping syslemsc. Hydraulic oi1 systems

    5 . 6


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    r. cas shielding - flow rate and composition

    c .

    cas backing - initial duration of purging, flow rate,conposition and duration

    Current, voltage and welding speed for each layer.

    6.I.5 Ttre welding procedure specifications should be clearlyidentifiabLe and the Oontractor shoutd give precise debailsof which welds are covered by the WpS, e.g. pipe size andservice/applicahion.

    6.1.6 Unless specified otherwise, a1l welding procedurespecifications shall be qualifieil by Lhe Contraicor andduly approved by the Conpany.

    6.1.7 WriLten approval by Lhe 0on6nny is required prior to L,heuse of any pre-qualified WpS.

    6.2 weldinq procedure Qualification6.2.1 When the vrelding procedure specifications of the contractor

    have been accepted by the company and prior to theconnrencefient of production welding' procealure qualificationtests shall be carried out' under lhe ..surveillance of bhecoTrpany or Cory)any appoinLed certifying authority, ifaPPl icable .

    6.2.2 welding procedure qualification tests shall be conducled inaccordance wiLh Asl'[E Seclion Ix except as rpdified by this

    s .


    6.2.3 the results of the qualification testsas shown in Exhi.bit t{o. 2 as Procealure(PQR).

    should be subrnittedoua} if icat ion Recoral

    6.2.4 \he Procedure Qualification Record (PQR) should include thefollowing :

    a. Contractorrs naneb. PQn. nuriber and datec. wPs number, revision and dated. Welding processe. Drpe (manua1, autonalic, seni-auLonat ic )f. Joint design and sequence of passes

    tt. Base rnaterial specification, grade, carbon equivaLent,thickness and pipe dianeter

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    h. Filler ntal AWs classification, size, nanufacturer,brand name, A. No. and F. No.

    i. Welding positrion and progression

    l. Preheat temperature, method ofIrFasurenent

    application and

    Interpass temperature

    Post weld heat treatrrnt, holding ten[Erature, holdingtime, heating and cooling rates

    Shielding gas, composition and flow rateBacking gas composition anal flow rateCur rent tlpe and polarilyTungsten electrode t).pe and size (for cTAhl )Orifice or gas cup size (for GTAW & GMAW)l4ethod of cleaningMethod of back gougingWeLding current, arc voltage and welding speed foreach pass.

    k .

    1 .

    n .

    q .


    6.2.5 the Contractor shall submit all vJelding procedures andQualification Records (PQR'S) with the follovring back upcertificates/reports for Corpany approval prior to thecomenceflnt of production welding :a. Welding procedure specifications (WPS), revised if

    necessary ( Exhibib No. 1).b. Mill certificates of the parent Ilptal used.c. Batch Lest certificaLes of bhe welding consunables.d. IleaL treatfient charbs, where applicable.e. llon-destructive exaninahion reports.f. Mechanical test reports including photo nacrographs.S. Welding consumable cont rovelect rode redrying


    6.2.6 Docunentation for previously qualified welding proceduresmay be subnifted to the Company ho support weldingprocedure specifications. Where it is considered that suchdocunenL,ation adequately proves the suitability of thewelding procedures and neets the requirenents of thisspecification, requalification may be waived or Lhe nunlcerof tests reduced solely at the discretion of the Company.


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    6.2.7 Welding procedure quatification tests shallunder conditions sirnulating the worstconditions expected during producLion welding.

    6 . 2 . 8 NDE and nechanical testing shatl be conducted after postvreld heat hreatnent where applicable.

    6.2.9 NDE sha1l be conducted by ASliII Ivel II or equivalentcertified personnel.

    6.2.10 Mechanical testing shall be carried out in accordance wibhSection 6 .4 and ASIr,lE Sec. IX by a Cory)any approved testinglaboratory using calibrated instrunents.

    6.2.1I Wetding procedure qualifications will be approved by theCompany based on satisfactory NDE and nechanical testingand submission of docunentation as stahed in Section 6.2.5.

    6.2.12 O^ly Corpany approved and qualified welding procedurespecifications sha1l be used for production welding.

    6.3 Essential Variables

    Essential, supplementary and non-essential vari"ables shalt bedefined and Iisted for each welding process as per /\SltE Sec. IX.Requalification of a welding procedure shall be lequired when anyof lhe essential variables changes. Where notch toughness isrequired as part of the mechanical tesls for procedurequalification, a change in any supplementary essential variableshall call for requalification of the !,relding procedure. Thefollowing variables shall be t reated as essential variables inaddition to those listed in ASME Sec. IX.

    6.3.1 Base t4aterial

    - Qualification shall be limi.ted to P nunber as per /\SMEIX, with the exception of those cases where impactproperties are required. I'lhere inpact tests arerequired, qualification is Linited Lo the p nunber andGroup number combinations of Lhe test piece.

    Base materials not. listed in ASI'G specifications buthaving equivalent chemical and nechanical properLiesnay be classified in a listed P nunber and, whereapplicable, croup nurber subject to the alproval ofl-ha a^lrch(r

    - Each base nretal vrithin a given P nunber or Groupnurber having nominally different chemical ornechanical properties (as designated by Tab1e QW-422of ASI,,IE Sec. IX) require :

    be performedenvirorunental


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    (a) Separate welding procedure specification (WpS)(b) Separate procedure qualification whenever a

    welding operation satisfactory for one basenater ial is, in the opinion of the company,unsatisfactory for another base material withinthe same p or Group nunber.

    6.3.2 WeLdinq Process

    Any change in vrelding process, addition, deletion orcombinahion of welding processes.

    6.3.3 Joint Desisn

    a. A change fron a double sided weld to a single sidedweld but not. vice versa.

    b. An increase of more than 20o or a decrease of ncrethan I0" in the included angle.

    6.3.4 Base tlaterial Thickness

    The naxirNnn thickness quatifieal shall be limited to t-wicelhe thickness of the lest pipe.

    6.3.5 weldinq consrinEble The following wiII require procedurerequalification :

    (a) Change in r,tire chernistry for ferritic steelsfron one AWS classificalion to another or toa chemical coqnsition not covered by AWsfi11er metal specif icali"ons.

    (b) A change in filler metal fron one specificnake and type designaled under Al'lSclassification rG' to any other nanufactureror nEnufaci:urer I s designation.

    (c) A change in subnerged arc welaling flux fromone manufacturer to another or from onenBnufacturerrs grade to another grade(equivalencry on the basis of AWS A5.17 orA5.23 is not accelaable ) .

    6 318E,/0543E,/rt

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    (d) Changes in the chemical composition of thevreld deposit from one A number Lo any obherA nunber in ev{-4 42 of ASME Section IXincluding a change from A-l bo A-2 and viceversa. Vthere impact tests are required, all low hydrogentype electrode sizes having no impact Lestrequireflpnts according to the applicable AWSfiller rptal specification must be certified byone of the following nethods :

    (a) the next largest size of the samefiBnufacturer's electrode grade meets the A!,lSimpacL. requirements

    (b) The specifi.c size of the same manufacturer'selectrode grade meets the At'tS impacl:requireflFnts for t'he applicable eleclrodeclassification.

    6.3.6 weldinq Posibion

    Any change in welding position except that qualificationin the 6G position or 2G plus 5G positions will qualifyfor all positions.

    6.3.7 weldinq PararTelers

    Any change in the pa.raneters affecting heat inpuh(currenl, voltage and welding speed ) outside t I5g ofthose qualified lor root, fill

    -anal capping passes:

    6 . 3 . 8

    ( Heac hput = current in amps x volts x 60 )( (KJlcm) welding speed (ctn/nin) x 1000 )For sour service applicaLions the following shaLI betreated as essential variables in addition to those statedf rom 6 .3 .1 th ru ' 6 .3 .7 . :

    a. Preheat. Any decrease in pre-heat tenperature belowthe specified value for a given thickness.

    b. Interpass lenperature. Any change in inlerpasstenperature outside the specified range.

    c. Post Weld Heat treatlpnt. Decrease soakinga givenfor


    thickness.or decrease in soaking tine

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    d. Electro{e Bedrvinq and Storaqe before Welclinq. In thecase or row hyclrogen electrodes, any appreciablechange in the baking and storage practice lsuch asreduction in baking terq)erature and holding tinre at,baking lenperature ) that may cause an increase inhydrogen content in weldnent $riu call forrequalification of the procedure.

    6.4 Qualification Tbsts

    6 .4 . r Non-destruct ive Exanination6.4.1.1 The lesb weld shall be 100? visually examined. After satisfactory visual exarnination, butt weldsshall be subjected to 100t radiographicexanination. Fillet welds shal.I be examined bynagnetic particle inspection for nagneticmaterials and dye-penetrant exanination fornon-magnelic nnterials. The acceptance cr i ter ia for 6.4. I .1 ancl be ANSI 83I.3, Table 341-.3.2A.

    6.4.2 Mechanical Tests This section specifies requirements forrnechanical tesbing for welding procedurequali fi cation. The t)pe and nurber of q)ecinens required aresho n in Exhibit 3. The locat ion of testspecinens to be removed fron the test weld shallbe in accorclance with AS['!E Sec. Ix. Unless otherwise spcified, test specinendinensions, lesling procedure and evaluation oftests shall be in accordance rrrith ASME Sec. IX. A11 mechanical tests shall be conduci:ed afterpost weld trreatment where appl,icable. Carbon and low alloy steel test welds shall besubjected lo the following testrs :a) Trangyersg Te.4silg ..Tesls fhe ultjlnate

    lensile strengith of the test piece shall begreater than or equal to the niniinumspecified ultinate tensile strength of thetrDrent material.


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    b )c )

    Bend test.s.

    l.,lacro - Examinati on and Ltardness SurvevTVo nacro sections shall be taken from thecompleled joint near the 12 o'clock and 6orclock positions. ltre specimens shall bepolished, eLched and examined under amagnifying glass with a rnagnification upto5X to ensure freedon from defects as perANSI B31.3, Table 34I.3.2A.

    For carbon and low alIoy steels, a Vickershardness survey sha11 be rnade on the macrospecifiens using a I0 kg load (HvI0).flardness test lraverses shal1 be inaccordance with Exhibit Ib. 4.

    Vickers hardness testing shal1 be as perASTl,l W2. the acceptance criteria forhardness tests shall be as follows :

    (i) OiI Field Equisrnt(a) The rrErxinum hardness value for

    carbon steel welds in theas-+,re1ded condition, shal1 notexceed 248 ltvlo ( HRC 22) on anyIocation.

    (b) For other naterials, bhe Bximunhardness value shall be asspecif ied by I{ACE MR0175.

    The maximum allowable hardness of welds of pnumber I carbon steel naterials includingAPI 5L X-grade pipe in sweeh service and a1lother appli"cations shall not exceed 290 HVIo( tiRC 29) with the Iimitation that thenaxinurn hardness difference between parentmetal, heat affected zone and weld depositis less lhan 155 HV10.

    tuur Service


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    d )

    e )

    Heat Treated Welds

    The maximum allorable haralness of aII heattreated vrelds shall be as specified in Tabl"e33I.3.1 of ANSI 831.3 exceptr as governed byNACE MR0I75 and this specification. Thenaxinun allov,able hardness of heat treatedcarbon steeL welds shall be 248 HV10 for al1applications.

    Charpy V Notch ImpacL Tests

    Where the base nEterial has notch toughnessrequirements or where specified by theCory)any (see Exhibit No. 3 for noLchlocaLion and number of iry)act teshs).AIl weld trptal tensile test with productiontlpe PhIHT to determi.ne ult rate sErength,yield strength, elongalion and reduction ofarea shall be conducLed whenever :

    (i) The velding consunnble does not fa1lwithin any of the At'lS fi11er metalspecifications A 5.)(X series.

    (ii) Batch lest certificates or othersatisfactory supplier cerbification arenot available.


    7.1 Cneral Considerations

    7.1.1 Welders and welding operators shall be qualified inaccordance vrith ASME Section IX. and the requirementssLaLed hereunder.

    7 . I . 2 Autonatic MIG/MAG/AnAW welding operators shall bequalified by radiography and guided bend tests.

    7.1.3 A11 welders and weltling operators who will be engaged onCompany's work shall be qualified for all weldingpositions in which they will carry out production welding.

    7.1.4 lb unqualified welder shall be engaged on Companyrs work.A11 welds executed by unqualified \^relders shall berejecled.


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    7.I.5 ldc rrelder shall be qualified on production welds.7.I.6 A welder or wel.ding operator \^/ho fails the perforrnance

    qualification test of this specificaLion, may be grantedan imnediate retrest in accorclance with ASME Sec. IX ew-321solely at the Corpany,s discretion. If the welder orwelding operator fails in the retest, he nay be given onlyone further test in accordance hrith eW-321.3 but onltafter he has received adequate training to th;satisfaction of t'he Cornpany inspecLor.

    7.2 Oualification Validitv

    7,2.1 welder and welding operator qualifications are validindefinitely provided the Contractor can show to theCompanyrs satisfaction that the welder or lrelding operatorhas been continuously engagd on work of a similar naturevrith lhe specific welding process since successfulqualification. A break in continuity of more rhan 3months (90 days ) shall require requalification.

    7 .2.2 l,lhen a \^relder or welding operator ' s work is judgedunsatisfactory by the ComtEny, that welder or vreldingoperator shall ifi[rediately be renoved from the work.

    1.3 Identification of Welders

    7.3.I A11 welders and welding operators qualified for productionwelding shall be assigned a unique identification nunberor slmbol which shall be r$arked by crayon adjacent to eachof their production welds (narking crayons shall be freefron chloride and sulphur).

    7.3.2 ASME Seclion IX, Fonn QW-484 atong with the welder'sptrotograph should be used for each performancecertification (see Exhibit No. 6). Such records shovringthe date and the results of qualification tests conpletedby each welder or welding operator \,rith the identificationnwnlcers/synbols assi gned to them shall be avai lable forscrutiny by the Conpny at all times.

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    8 . 0

    8 . 1

    8 . 2

    8 . 4


    the Conlractor shalL carry out all production vrelding and qualityconlrol at his sole cost, in accordance with the requirements ofthis specification.

    Weldinq BruiplnenL

    8.2.1 AII welding equignent shall be of sufficient capacity forlhe vrork to be perforned and shall be capable of producingwelds of acceptabLe quality. A11 equipnent shall benaintained in good \.rorking condiLion by Lhe Contractor.Any equi[nFnL wtrich does not fieet these requirefients shatlbe replaced.

    8.2.2 At1 welding nachines should be in a good workingcondition. They will be subject to inspection at any timeby the Cofirpany inspector.

    8.2.3 AlI welding equipmenl and accessories shalL eeb thesafety regulations of the relevant internationalspeci.fications (such as NEMA) and shall be safe to operate.

    8.2.4 When using the GTAII process, a high frequency (ItF) arcinitiaLion unit, a controlled currenl delay device (loeliminate crater ) and suitable pre-and post-gas flowdevice (to eI iminate porosity and air enlrapnlenl ) shall be, rea^

    Welding Processes

    8.3.1 Only welding processes approved under section 5.0 of thisstEcification shall be used for producbion welding.

    8.3.2 the selection of welding processes shall be governed bySecEion 5.0 of this specification.

    Wealher Protection

    8.4.1 The Contractor shall provide adequate shelter to thesatisfaction ot the Corq)any to prolect the weldingenvirorunent frorn inclenent weather and drafts.

    8.4.2 All surfaces to be welded and the adjoining area of themalerial shall be warm and dry lo the touch with a minimummehal ternperature as specified by the approved weldingprocedure specification (WPS).


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    8.4.3 vghere the surfaces to be welded areand where there is no requirementappl icable WpS, bhe surfaces shouldand war Fal up by a hydrocarbon torchbefore starting to we1d.

    covered by m)istureof preheat by the

    be conpletely driedusing a soft flame

    8.4.4 No welding shall be carried out when the xetd surfaces arewet. or when the work area i"s exposed to rain or strongwinds.

    I .5 Parent !,laberiaLs

    8.5.I A1l naterials used for the Conpany work shall be stored ina proper manner and protected fron weather conditions.

    8.5.2 The material storage areas shall be separateal by raterialtlpe such as carbon steel, stainless steel and non-ferrousmaterials. Material separation shall be fiBintainedthroughout the entire time of fabrication.

    8.5.3 Prior to fabrication, the ConLractor shall submit forCofi[}any approval a proposed rnaterial storage and controlprocedure lo assure the setEration of prequalificationareas as slat ed in 8.5.2.

    8.5.4 Material identification of al1 pipes and fittings shall benaintained on all components and sha1l be verified andfully docurnented by Mill Test certificates which shall benade available to the Company.

    8.5.5 AIl spools shall be duly identified by painting or \.rr itingby crayon the Isonetric number, spool nunber, etcr.

    8.5.6 l,traterials vrhich do not have proper identificationincluding valid mill lest cerbificates shall be rejectedat Contracbor I s sole cost.

    8.6 Weldinq Consunables

    8.6.1 Electrodes, filler wires and fluxes shall conform to therequirenenls of ASME Boiler and pressure Vessel CodeSecti.on II Part C ( identical to AWS A5.XX specificationseries). the proposed brands should have been approved byLloyd's Register of Shipping, DNV, Et\I, ABS or anyinternat ionally recognised controll ing,/inspect ing body.

    4.6.2 Gases, both combustible and inerl, shall reet therequireflpnls of Arcrican Weldi.ng Society or any otherstandard acceptable to the Conpany.


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    8.6.3 Alt welding consurnables shall be subject to the Companyrsapproval and shal-L be selected such thah the depositedweld netal exhibits nechanical protrnrties (yield stiength,tensi.Ie slrength and Loughness) equal Lo or in excesJ oithe minirrun specified values of the base n|aterial.

    8.6.4 Contractor shall prepare and sukxnit to the 6mpany, a 1ist.of vrelding consumables to be used on the project shovringtyp, manufacturer, brand and the nEnufacturer'arecolffrended storage and drying procedure for each.

    8.6.5 Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Company aaletailed procedure for storage, inspecti.on, control andmonitoring of welding consumables to assure adherence tojob and manufacturer I s require pnts. The procedure whenapproved by the Cofipany sha1l be mandatory.

    8.6.6 Storage and control of welding consrmables shal1 be inaccordance with the followinq : A11 electrodes shall be stored in fullv sealedpackages and sbored in dry storage roo;ns. TheelecLrodes should be properly identifiable uptohhe tine of usage. ALI elecLrodes \^rhi.ch are dannged, wet, rusty orotherwise contaminted with oi1, grease, dirt etc.shall be scrappeal. ELectrodes hrith visiblestains as well as partLy used elecf,rodes shallnot be used. Heating ovens with autonatic heat controls andtenperature read ouh equignent shall be providedto heah and slore the low hydrogen electrodes atthe required ternperaLure. Contractor shall provide separabe ovens forbaking and storing of low hydrogen weldingconsunables. SMAW electrrodes of differenL rield retalcompositions or having different flux typecovering shall not be stored or baked toge,ther inthe sanF oven.


  • AD@ Spec. No : WS-l Rev. 2

    Date : 12.04.1990Page 20 of 54 tow hydrogen electrodes shall be baked at 300oCfor at least one hour or as per manufacturertsrecomrpndations so as to deposit v/e1d iletal witha hydrogen content of not greater than l0ml perf00gn. After this, the oven temperature shouldbe brought down to 120"C. Thereafter Lheelectrodes may be transferred to an intermediatesLorage cabinet at 120-l50oC and mainhained atthat te[perature before Ehey are issued forwelding. Welders shall rernove from the ovensonly enough rods that. will- be utilised \^rithinfour (4) hours. These electrodes shalL becarried in quivers or portable heaters naintainedat a ninimun temperature of 70oC and used wiLhinfour hours. Welders shall ensure that theirquivers are in working condition and thaL quiverlids are closed after removal of electrodes.Electrodes sha1l nol be baked more than once.Ele-ctrodes shall not be baked in layers greaherthan 3 deep. Cellulose coated Sl.,lAW elecLrodes shall be kepl ina dry and dust free enclosure afLer opening ofthe factory container. These electrodes shallnot be held at an oven lemperature above 65oC asthe coating and weldability of these electrodesmay be imSnired. Cel1u1ose coated SMAI{electrodes thal have becolrp l.\tet, rusty or danagedshall be discarded.

    8.6.7 Filler wires and bare electrodes shall be stored insealed, dirt and moisture proof conbainers withi.n a dry,dust-free enclosure. Filler wires withdrawn from thecontainer and not used sha1l be returned to theirconlainer and the conlainer resealed. Filler vrires lhathave rusted or are contaninated vtilh oil, greasq, dirtletc. shall be discarded.

    8.6.8 Fluxes shall be slored in sealed, dirt. and noisLure proofcontainers or bags within a dry, dust-free enclosure.Contarninated fluxes shall be rercved from the site anddiscarded. only fused tlT)e fluxes shall be used and theyshould be dried according to manufachurerrsrecofimendab ion. If agglonerated fluxes are used, theyshall be baked aL a tenperature of 250"c - 300oC for aniniRrm of two hours and kept in drying ovens at all times.


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    8.6.9 For carbon steel materials, theutilise an active (Mn-Si.) flux norwlres.

    8.6.I0 Only low hydrogen electrodes

    I . 6 . 1 1

    8 . 6 . 1 2

    8 . 6 . 1 3

    SAW process shall notEHY\X (high manganese)

    shall be used for thefollowing cases with SMAv'l :

    (a) Welding and/or installing hot-tap connections on pipescontaining flamable liquids, gas or combusiiblenaterials.

    (b) For the repair of welds fabricated with a low hydrogenwelding process.

    (c) Fu1l pene-tration doublejroove joints.(d) FilI and cap passes of all other applications for aII

    carbon steels for all thicknesses.

    With the excepEion of 8.6.10 (a) through (c), cellulosecoaced electrodes may be used onlv for the root passes ofcarbon steeLs with prior written [Ermission of the- Comtany.Electrode size

    (a) The nBxinun electrode dianeter for all single sidedwelding using the SMAI{ process shall be 3.2mn for theroot pass and 5run for the fill and cap passes.

    (b) The maximum electrode diameter for doubl-e sided weldsusing Sl,tAW shall be 4nm for the root pass and 5mn forthe fill and cap passes.

    Shieldinq C,ases

    Shi.elding gases shall fieet the following requirements :(a) Carbon-dioxide (AoZ) shall be welding grade and

    shall rrpet the following requirene-nts :

    @Z = 99.5E mi nimrmResi duals = 0.58 maximuml.{oisture = 97 ppln naximun by wei.ght aE minus 34oC

    de$, point


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    (b ) Argon (Ar) shall be welding grade and shall rneet thefollowing requi remenbs :Argon = 99.995* minimumMoisture = 10.5 ppn naximum at minus 60oC devr point

    8.7.1 Preparation and cutting of carbon steels nay be done bymachining, grinding, rachine guided gas torch or plasmaarc cutt.ing.

    8.1 .2 A11 cut surfaces shall be finally prepared by grinding ormachi.ning to clean, bright netal. After the edqes havebeen prepa.red for welding, they shall be visually

    -examinedto confirn that the preparations are smooth and unifornanal free fron tears, cracks, gouges and ohherdiscontinuities which might affect the weld quality.

    8.7.3 Arc-air gouging shall only be used on carbon steels forback-gouging doubte sided welds and defect excavation.

    8.8 Cleaninq Requirements

    8.8.1 A11 surfaces to be welded and the surrounding areas shallbe clean and free of paint, oil, dirt, rust, oxides or anyother foreign matter which could interfere vrith welding,prlor to the application of preheah or welding.

    8.9 Joint Aliqrlrent

    8.9.1 Butt weld aligrunent shall satisfy the requirement of ANSI831.3 and the condiEions stated below.

    8.9.2 Internal misaligrunent of pipework shall not exceed l.6nmin order to facilitate welding of the root pass. !,lhen acTAV'l root pass is to be used the naxinum misalignmentshall not exceed 0.8rm.

    8.9.3 Misaligrurent may be reduced by the use of hydraulic orscrew tl4)e clamps. HamrEring or heating the pi.pe shal1not be permitted, Excessive misaligrurent may be overcorneby buttering of the weld preparation, but only wi.th theprior approval of the Conpany.


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    8.9.4 If rnisalignment upto 3.2mn exists, internal grinding ormachining may be conducted to inprove root aligrunent,provided !h_e taper does not exceed I in 4 (14") fraximurnand the minimun required wall thickness is naintained.

    8.9.5 Correction of nisalignnent shall not be carrledcold working unless a subsequent heat treatflenh isprlor to vrelding. A11 correction of misaliqnrnentworking shalL be approved by Cofipany in writingthe start of re-aligrunent.

    ouL byappl iedby cold

    prior Lo

    8.9.6 Where internal pipe aligners are used, they shau not berencved until the root pass has been conpleted.

    8.9.7 The longitudinal welds of adjacent pipes shall bestaggered by at least lo0nrn.

    8.10 Tack Welds

    8.10.1 Al"1 tack welds shall be nade by qualified welders usingal4)rovd electrodes a-nd pre-heat, as specified by theapproved welding procedures.

    8.10.2 Tack welds to assist aI ignment shall have a minimurn lengthof 25nun and shall be of sufficient size to naintain jointaligrunent until production welding begins.

    8.10.3 Wherever possible, "bridge tacks' should be used.

    8.10.4 All tack welds \^rhich will be part of the main welds shalLbe cleaned, ground to a fealher edge at both ends andvisually inspected prior to welding of the root pass. Anydefective lack shall be conpletely renoved by grindingprior to welding of the root pass. v,lhen tack welds arerefioved, the Contractor shall ensure that the rootpreparation is correctly naintained for the subsequentpass.

    8.10.5 Tack welds not incorporated in the finaL weld shall beremoved by grinding or other nechanical rneans.

    8.11 Joint Backi nq RequirenFnts

    8.Il.l PernBnent backi.ng rings or backing plates shall not beused.

    8.U.2 The use of cofipatible consunable inserts for root pass ofsingle sided butt joints is permitted hrith prior approvaLof the Conpany.


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    8.12 Preheat Requi renents


    Carbon steeLs upto l9nrn thickCarbon steels above l9nrn thick

    8 . r2 . t . 2

    8.12.1 Preheat Tenperatures

    8.12.I.1 Ttre minimwn pre-heat tenperature for weldi.ng,flame cuu ing and arc iuhting shall be ;;specified below. Where vlelding procedurespecification (WpS) indicates thar j niqherpr*-heat te{perature is necessary, this shalf beused for production welding.

    Minimum Preheat


    the determination of nininum pre-heattenperatures for carbon steel productionweLds should be based upon BS 5135 (excegaas ncdified by this section) afterconsideralion of specific heat input, jointthickness and consumable combinations.Unless notified otherwise by the Cofipany,the following criteria should be usecl todetermine preheat levels :(1) The relevant carbon equivalent (CE)

    should be calculated from the nnximumCE allowed by the materialspecificalion.

    (2) The appropr iate hydrogen scale shouLdbe Scale B.

    (3) Consideration should be given tojoint restraint as in the case ofbranch connections (weldolets,sockolets and nippolets) .( Nole : Steels for sour serviceapplications and micro alloyed steelswill require higher preheat levelsthan those recomnended by BS 5135 toensure freedon from hvdroqencracking ) .


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    8 . r2 .1 .3

    8 . 1 2 . 1 . 4

    8.12.2 Application of preheat

    8 . I 2 . 2 . I

    8 .L2 .2 .2

    8 . I 2 . 2 . 3

    8 .12 .2 .4

    Q l t , ) (

    When the base metal temperature is below21oC for carbon seeels, the rnateri al shalLbe preheated to 50oC prjor to welding.Whenever malerial is wet or contains surfacenl3isture or o)ndensate, it shal1 be dried byheating.

    Preheat shall be applied by electricalresistance methods. preheating methods hrithhydrocarbon gases shall only be used withprior written approval of the Conpany.fhe use of oxy-acetylene torch forpreheating is prohibited.

    Preheat shall be applied in a gradual anduniforn n ulner and sha11 be naintainedbhroughout the welding operalion.

    the minimrm preheat tenperature shall beestablished on both sides of the jointpreparation for a minimun distance of 75rmnor 3 tirnes the rnalerial thickness whicheveris greater. ff possible, the preheattremperature shall be [reasured on theopposite face to that being heated. Whereaccess Lo only one face is possible, theheat source shall be turned off to allow forternperature alualizaEion (one minute foreach 25run of wall thickness) beforemeasuring hhe preheat tenperature.

    The preheat tenperature shall be held for atIeast 5 minutes before welding is comnencedand shaLl be checked before and duringwel-ding by thermo-couples, contact pyrometeror by te$Erature indicating crayons.


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    8.13 Interpass Temperature

    8 . 1 3 . 1

    8 . 1 3 . 2

    Interpass tenperature is the tenperature at which theweld area rmst be before the next liss is started.the maxinwl interpass temperature shall not exceeal thefollowing limits unless stated i.n the Cory)any approvedwelding procedure speci fi cations (vtps) :(a) Carbon steels

    8.13.3 ltre minirmrm interpa.ss temperaturepreheat temperature specified inweltling procedure specif ication.

    8.13.4 The interpass tenperature sha[ be measured at a distanceof about l2.5nrn from the bevel ends and shall be rneasuredby contact. pyrometer, thermo-couples or t"*p.riiui"indicating crayons.

    8. t4 Interruption of Weldi.nq8.I4.I welding of each joint shall be a continuous operation.

    If, for any reason, vrelding is discontinued, thefollowing criteria shall apply :

    . ? q n o a

    shall be the mininumthe Cory)any approved

    (a) lihere less than 252 of the groove has beendeposited, then the weld shoulcl be cut out andshou]d be recomrpnced fron a new preparation.

    (b) !,llnere more than 252 of the groove has beendeposited, the-n the welding operation may recomnenceprovided the following conditions (c) and (d) aremet.

    (c) The weld on interrutrtion shall be allowed to coolslowly fron welding temperatures co roomterperature. (This nny be done by wrapping the \"reldvrith insulation and allowing the joint to cool inst i l l air) .

    (d) Before welding is resuned, the weld shall beprehealed to the specified tenperature, after aclose visual or MpI as required by the CompanyInspector .


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    8.15 Weld Bead Sequence

    8 .15 . r

    to during production welding.

    8.15.2 Mjacent. \.reld beads shall be staggered and not startedfrom the same location.

    8.15.3 Welding shall be carried out in a sequence which willmininize distortion.

    8.15.4 A1I welds shall be full penetration welds aparh from thefollowing :

    (a) sockel welds which nEy be usecl on pipe of norninalsize less than 5lnm as defined in the contractdrawings and conpany rnaterial specif ications.

    (b) Pipe support attacturFnt rdelds.(c) Fillet weJ.ds,

    cont inuous.as specified, \thich shall be

    8.15.5 Where access perrnits, pipework with noninal size over6]0nm (24 inches ) sha1l be \'relded from both sides.Double sided welds shall be back-gouged to sound metaland ground $noolh prior to welding from the second side.

    8.15.6 Al"l pressure containing \.relds shall have rnininum twopasses with overlaps of starts and stops. Ttris includesseal welds of Ehreaded connections and socket vrelals.

    8.15.7 longitudinal butt welded pipe fittings are not allowedwithout written approval of bhe Company.

    8.16 Inlerpass Cleaninq

    8.16.1 After each welding pass, the weld shall be cleaned of allf1ux, slag and spatter by power vrire brush, grinding orhand chippi.ng tools.

    passes (hot passes) shall be madeother than for changing electrodes

    Lo allow welalers to reposition

    8.14.2 Root runs and secondwithout interruptionor filler \.rires orthe_mselves.

    WeId bead deposition shall be established aluring weLalingprocedure qualification and shall be indicated on thejoint design of the procedure eualification Record(PQn). Ihe specified welding sequence shall be adhered


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    8. t6 .2

    8 . 1 6 . 3

    8 . I 8 . 1

    8 . 1 8 . 2

    8 . 1 8 . 3

    8 .18 .4

    8.19 Attachrent Welds

    8 .19 . r

    8 .L9 .2

    Every welding pass shall be visually examined by theltelder to ensure that the weld is free fron slag,porosity and uneven conlour before the start of the nextpass. Any defecls found shall be renpved or reoairedprior to the start of the next pass. Any cracks foundshall be brought to Ehe Company Inspector's notice beforerenpval and restart of work.Upon cory)letion of the weld, the adjacent surfaces shaLlbe cleaned of all spatter, sIag, flux, soot and otherforeign nnterials.

    8.u Sggilg8.17.1 No weld peening of any sort shalt be perrnitted.

    8.I8 Seal and Socket Weldinq

    Sealing compound or Teflon tatF shall not be used onjoints which are to be seal welded.Seal vrelding of threaaled connections shall cover allexposed threads. SeaL welds shall contain a minimum oflwo passes and shall extend fron the outer iliameter ofthe fitting snDothty to the nipple surface without anyunde rcut .

    Seal welding shall be carried out using a low heat-inputwelali.ng process such as qIM or SMM. vlhen SMAI'I processis used, the electrode size shall not exceed 3.2run indianreler .

    During sockei welding, the inserLed enal of the pipenipple sha1l not cone in contact with the bottom of lhesocket. A nininun clearance of l.6firn shall be givenprior to wetding. Use of contraction rings to achieverninirum clearance are not allowed vJithout wr ittenapproval of the Cornpany.

    Fillet welals used for attacfrnents shall be carried out byqualified welders using approved elecbrodes and pre-heatas specifi.ecl by the company approved welding procedure.

    Fillet welds shall have protEr fusion and penetration atthe root of the joint. Filleh welds shall fuse graduallyinto the pipe and be free from narked irregularities,convexity/concaviby and undercut.


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    8.19.3 A11 temporary attachmenfs such as cleats, bridge piecesand tacking strips welded to pilEwork to facilitatefabrication shall be the sanF naterial or a Companvapproved equivalent as hhe pj pework to whi ch it wili beattached.

    8.19.4 During renNlval of tenporary attachrents, care shall betaken to avoid any parent metal ripping or dannge.Wherever possible, temlDrary attachnents shall be rejnovedby grinding the aEtachment welds. !,lhere renpval is bvfIafiF cutting, the cut shall be nade clear of th;pipework such lhat at least 3nm of the tenporaryattachfip-nt is left for final reroval by grinding. Anysurface imperfecbions re-naining after their renoval shallbe repaired by welcling in accordance with Conpanyapproved welding procedure. This shall be followed bygrinding to a smooth finish, flush with the surface ofthe parent metal. The repaired area shall be subjectedto rnagnetic particle or dye-penetrant examination.

    8.19.5 Removal of teflporary attachFnts by hamrlering or bendingis not permitted.

    8.19.6 All temporary attachfients shall be conpletely andcarefully removed prior to any post weld heat treatnent.

    8.20 qs$-@.!!s8.20.1 Distances between welds shall be neasured between lhe

    adjacent edges of the cap Passes.8.2O.2 circwnferential butt welds (qirth welds) shall be

    separated by the maximun possible distance. flowever tbetween fittings, short pipe lengths nay be required. InLhis case, butt welds shall not be within 7 5rrn ofadjacent girth welds for nominal pipe sizes of 75rrn andabove. For pipe sizes less than 75mn nominal, girthwelds sha}l not be within the greater of 4 times the wallthickness or one pipe diameter of adiacenl girth we1ds.cirth welds closer than the above linits shall, requireCoru)any ap'proval and rnay require post weld heat treatmentsolely at the discretion of the coq)any.


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    Branch/nozzle and other pressure attachoent vrelds shallnol be closer lhan 7 5nun to adjacent pressure rrrelds.Cases which fail to neet this criteria shall be referredto lhe Coq)any for approval prior to the comnencement offabrication.

    Non-pressure containing attachfiL-nt welds, such as pipesupport vrelds shaLl be a ninimum of 50nmn from anvpressure conlaining welds.

    V'lhere pup sections are to be inserted, the length of suchinserE pup sections for boti new and existing fabricationshall not be less than three pipe diameters, or l5ftrunwhichever is greater.

    longitudinal butt vrelals of adjacent pipes shall beseparated by at least loorun.

    8.21 WorknBnship and Weld Finish

    8 . 2 1 . I Ttre welding arc shall be struck inside lhe joint grooveor where the weld is to be nade. Arc strikes, gouges andother indications of careless workrranship outside theweld arc shall be carefully refiDved by grinding and theground area shall be exanined by t'lPI or Dlze-penetranttest.

    If grinding of the base netal reduces the thickness toless than the minimum design thicknessr the ground areashall, vribh prior approval of the Coryany Inspector ' berewelaled, ground flush with the parent metal surface andexanined by MPI or rye-penetrant test.

    Coated surfaces shall be protecEed fron the weldi.ng arcand the associated weld spalter.

    a t n ?


    8 . 2 0 . 5

    8 . 2 0 . 6


    a ? t ?

    8 . 2 1 . 5

    8.2L.4 v,leld reinforcenent and inlernal vreld protrusion shall beas required by ANsr 831.3 but in no case shall the heightexceed 3run at the weld crown.

    In npigged' lines, the maximun internal weld protrusionshall be L.6rrn.

    Excessive internal weJ.d protrusions on accessible jointsshalt be renrcved by grinding. welds having excessiveprotrusions on inaccessible joints shall be cut andre'welded.


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    8 .2 r . 6


    8 . 2 1 . 8

    8.22 Weldinq Technique

    8 . 2 2 . 1

    8 . 2 2 . 2

    8 . 2 2 . 3

    8 . 2 2 . 4

    Welds which are to be examined by non-destructive testingshall be appropriately surface finished to facilitateeasy interpretation of results.External weld undercutting shall not be permitted.

    The accelAabiLity of fille-t welds shall be established bysuitable gauges or tenplates. Ttre minimun required sizeof each fillet vreld shall be as specified in theapplicable alrawing. vthere leg Iength is specified, thethroat lhickness for a 1x I fillet weld sha1l be from0.7 to I times lhe required Leg length. The throatthickness for a 1x 2 fillet weld shall be 0.7 to 1.2tines the size of the shorter leq.

    Vlhere-ver possible, welding should be carried out wi.thmininun weaving. The width of vave during productionvrelding shall be hrithin acceptable limits of the conpanyapprovd and qualifiecl welding procedure (See Section6.3.7). In no case shall the width of weaving exceeclthree tines the core wire dianeter or l2fim whichever isIess for SMAW.

    For SAW process, welding shaLl be alone without anyweaving (oscillaEion).A1I pressure containing welds shall have at least tvJopasses vrith overlapping starts anal stops.

    only single electrode processes shall be used. Use offlultiple eleclrodes shall require prior Company approval.

    8.22.5 Welding of all pressure containing welals shall be donewith direct currenl unless otherwise previously approvedby the Cory)any.

    o . z z . 0 All vertical welding shall be done uphill. Downhill(rstove-pi.pe') welding of pressure containing welds shallnol be permilEed.

    8.23 Weldinq Requirerrnls f-or Carbon Steels

    8 . 2 3 . 1 the weld melal conposition shall be cory)atible wibh theparent nBterial.

    8.23.2 When welding pipoatork by the submerged arc \^reldingprocess, the electrode,/wire shall have a cou)atiblechenical conposilion as the parent naterial.


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    8.23.3 Wtten SI,IAW is used, only basic 1ow hydrogen electrodesshall be used, except that single sided root pass weldsof butt joints of pipes nay be made with cellulose coatedelectrodes with prior written approval of the CompanysubjecE to the limitations of Section 9.6.10.

    8.23.4 Ttre second pass (hot pass) of carbon steel pipe weldsshall be deposited imnediately after the root pass inorder to prevent 'cold crackingi in the root area due toshrinkage stresses and joint restraint.

    8.23.5 The following requirernents are applicable for sourservice ( aqueous It2S) applications :(a) Filler wires conforming to Al[S A5.18 m 70S-6, ER

    705-7 and ER 70S-G shall not be useal for GTAWprocess. m. 705-2 filler wire may be used.

    (b) Produclion welds shalI have a maxirnum content of I.6per cent Manganese and I.0 per cent Silicon as perA-I analysis of Table qt-442 of ASME Section IX.

    8.24 Posl Weld Heat Treatment

    8.24.I Post WeId Heat Treatnent shall be required under thefollovring conditions :(a) A11 carbon steel pipework when the b.hicker naterial

    thickness through a butt vreld joint exceeds 19.05nun.(b) Carbon steeL pipework subject to vibration, such as

    conpressor piping, \^/hen the material thicknessthrough the butt weld joint exceeds 12.7nm.

    (c) Carbon sleel branch connections when the thicknessin any plane through the branch weld exceeds 38.1nun,or 25.4fim for compressor piping (Refer ANSI 831.3para 331.1 .3) .

    (d) Wherever specified on the Coru)any approved contractclrawings.

    8.24.2 Post weld heat creatflpnt shall be carried out as soon aspossible after conpletion of welding and shall beconducted in accordance with AI.ISI 831.3 excepl asnodified by this specification. The tenlErature co-ntrolsduring heating and cooling shall nFet the requirenents ofA.SME Sec. VIII Division 1.


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    8.24 .3 A post weld heat treatnent ( phfitT ) procedure shall besubrnitted for Cory)any approval prior to any phHT beingconducted. only Company approved procedures sha1l beused for PI/{HT. The procedure shall include but notli.mited to the temperature at which the part is loadedinlo the furnace (for furnace heating), rate of heatingupto the holding temperature, holding temperature,holding tine at maximum temperature, rate of cooling fromthe maxinun temperature, the nufiber, Iocation and methodof attachfient of thernocouples to the part heat treabed.

    8.24.4 Wherever possible fi,ntT shall be conducted in an enclosedfurnace. For site or field welals, local pklHT byelecbrical resistance ehhod shall be conducted.

    8.24.5 The use of nanually operated gas torches or gas rings orproprietory exothernic kits shall not be permitted.

    8 .24 .6 Wilere local PviHT is done, the weld being post-ireld heattreated shall be in the centre of the heateal band. Theheated band shall be sufficiently wide such that a bandat least 25mn on each side of the weld edges reaches thespecified temperature range. there shall be sufficientinsulation to avoid any undesirable temperature gradient.

    8.24.1 During furnace or local postrvreld heat Ereatment, thereshall be a minimum of 4 thernocouples (or as otherwisealproved by the CorTrpany) used to ensure that lhernalgradients outside the requirerrnts of this specificationalo not occur during the heat treatment cycle.Thernocouples shall be positioned at a mininun of twolocations (top and bohtom) at a distance of 2 tnm from lheweld edges on each side of the weld. The ninimu:n numberof thernccouples requireal nay be decreased only withprior Colpany approval.

    A ti.roe tenperature chart recording the thennal history ofthe part treated shall be provicled by the Contractor.The chart shall be clearly identified with thedrawing,/Iso nunber, pa.rt and weld number and signed bythe Cont.ractor and certifying author ity \^rhereapplicable. The chart shall be includeal in the'As{uilt' docrxnentation.


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    8.24 .8

    8.24.9 For local ptilHT, only one buttrecorded on any one chart. Moreused on any joint.

    Thenrocouples shall, if possibJ.e, be placed on the insidefor objects being heated from the outside, and vrce-versaif internally heated. The method and placement ofthermocouple attachnFnt to pipework is subject to Cornpanyapproval.

    weld joint shaU bethan one chart rnav be

    8.24.10 Thernncouples and temperature recording equigrnt shallbe calibrated prior to use and shall have a validcertification by a reputed cartifying authority.

    8.24.II Welding should be avoided on any post-weld heat, treatedmaberial. If required, ANSI 831.3 para 331.1.3 (b) irensI and 3 along with the requirercnts of para 8.20 of thisspecification shal1 be used for guidance.

    8.24.L2 If any welding is to be carried out on any post weld heattreateal naterial, this shall be referred to the Cory)any.No welding on post weld heat treated material shall 6econducted withouh Company. s prior written approval.Failure to do so will calt for repeating heat treatfiFnt.

    8.24.13 All machined surfaces such as pipe ends, flange faces andthreads shaLL be suitably protected during the p!'lHT cycte.

    8.24.14 NffI of welds, where applicable, shall be conducted afterPWIiT for final acceptance.

    8.25 Weld Identification

    pach weld shall be uniquely identified vJith a weld nurber andISO/drawing nwrber anal the sane must be represented on the \.re1didentif ication/MT drawings. Mter the cornpletion of each vreldand prior b,o ihs visual examination, the weld and welderidentifications sha1l be nrarked ailjacent to the wel-al at a distanceof aboul 50run from the weld using paint or indelible crayons.Ttris identification shall remain on the pipe trill the conpletrionof all NDT for any verification by the Conrpahy Inspector.


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    9.1 General

    9 . I . I

    9 . L . 2

    9 . 1 . 3

    9 . r . 4

    o l R

    9.L . ' t

    Ihe Contractor shall submit detailed non-destructiveexamination (NDE) procedures for Cornpany approval. AllNDE shall be carried out in accordance with theprocedures approved by Company.the Contractor shall provide easy access to the jobs forinspection and NDE and shall provi.de full co-operationand all assistance that the Cofipany nny request.Prior lo the @mnencenent of work, hhe Contrachor shallestablish an identification system such that eachassenbly, each component and each weld can be uniquelyand fuuy identified with welder/welding operator,welding procedure specification (VIPS), NDE procedure/technique, extent of NDE and NDE results.

    Procedures for radiography, ultrasonic, nngnetic particleanal dye-penetrant exanination shall al1 be conducted inaccordance with ASm Section V.

    Weltling inspection shaLl be perforlrpd by personne]certifid to Al{S or CSWIP.All personnel perfonning NDE shall have A.SNI Ivel II orequivalent certification (CSWIP' ERS ) and shall beapproved by the conpany prior to the comnencement of work.

    Reduced Percentage Examination

    For any exarnination frequency less than 100t, say 'X'percent exanination (X nay be 5' 10 or 252\, thefollowing rules shall apply :(a) At least 'xr percent of the total nwnber of welds

    within the specified line class shalL be examinedfor l00t of hheir length (circunference) .

    (b) At least 'x' percent of the total number of welds oneach isonetric shalL be exanined and shall not beless then one weld per isornetr ic.

    (c) At least 'X' percent of hhe tolal nunber of weldsrade by each welder shall be exanined for 100t oftheir length. At least one cornplele weld shall beexamined for each welder.

    (d) Exaninations shall be representative of the entirerange of pipe sizes and joints that have been welded.


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    (e) Where reduceal percentage exanination is required andthe resulting test shows defects, then additionalexanination as required by ANSI 831.3 para 341.3.4shall apply regardless of the examination processused.

    (f) Defect acce[aance criteria for all reducedpercentage examinations shall be the same as for1008 exanination.

    (S) rXr percent shall be determined by the cory)any.The Contractor nust subnit an liDE drawing system forCor[>any review and written Cory)any ap6rroval is requiredprior to lhe comnencefiFnt of fabr icat ion.

    Prior to visual examinalion, welds and the adjoiningareas shall be thoroughly cleaneal free of all slag, millscale,. dir-t, weld spatter, paint, oil, flux, stub endsand oener toretgn nBtcer.

    The Contractor sha1l provi.de e-asy access to the pipeworkfor inspect ion. this vrill include the provisions ofIadders and scaffolding when required.the workmanship anil weld finish shaU be as per 8.21 ofthis specification.

    Weld acceptance criteria for visual exanination shall beas per NiISI 831.3 , Tab1e 341.3 .2A except as rcdif ied bySechion 8.2L.4, 8.21.5, 8.2L. '7 and 8.21.8 of thisspecifi-cation.

    Where specified on the contract drawings, the root passeson certain welds in process gas service shall be eitherinternally ground or depositecl using GTAW.

    9.3 Radioqraphic Exanination

    o ? 1 Radiographic procedures shall be in accordance with themethods describetl in ASME Seclion V Article 2 except asnodified by this section. Radiographs should beevaluated in accordance with ANSI 831.3, Table 341.3.2A.

    only fine grain, high contrast filrn or ultra fine grainhigh contrast film shall be used. T1rpe I film (AGFA,structurix D4 or equivalent ) of ASTM E94 sha1l be usedfor gamm ray radiography of pipes with wall thicknessesbelow l0mn.

    o 2 ,

    q , Visual Examinalion

    9 .2 . r

    9 . 2 . 2

    9 . 2 . 3

    9 . 2 . 4


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    9 . 3 . 3

    9 . 3 . 4

    Y . 5 . 1

    o ? o

    Wtrerever possible, DIN penetrameters (wire t)pe ImageQuality Indicators) shall be used. padiographicsensitivity shall be 2t or better.

    Where film side IeI's are used, correlation ofsensitivity with source side lelrs sha11 be establisheclbefore proceeding with inspection.

    OnIy le,ad intensifying screens shal1 be used.The raaliographic density in the diagnostic area shall bebetween 2.0 and 3.5.

    Unrepaired 'burn-throughn areas that are detected shallbe evaluated as lack of pnehration or internal concavityah the cliscretion of Che Coq)any Inspector and evaluatedin accordance with ANSI 831.3 Tab1e 34I.3.2A.

    Radiography shall be conducted after any required p{iHTfor final acceptance.


    ltre radiography report shall i.ncluale the followinginforrnation :- contract nw ler- Project title- Nane of the component- Source lype (x-rayllr-192)- Source strength (mA/curi es )- Foca1 spoc size- Technique (S:I^ISI,/DhIDI,/DV{SIIPANAROMIC)- FiIm type and size- Penetraneter tlr[)e and nunber- Exposure tine- Developi ng line and tenperature- Density- Sensitivity- Iad screens (front and back)- Specification (ANSI 831.3 )- Weld identifications- Pipe diameter and $ra1l thickness- Welder Identification- Interpretation- Rernarks (Acceph/Reject)- Raaliographerrs name and signature- Date of exposure


  • Attco Spec. No : WS-l Rev. 2Date : 12.04.1990

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    9.4 Ultrasonic ExaninaLion

    9 . 4 . 1 the ContracEor shall submit an ultrasonic examinationprocedure for a1l fu1l penetration butt and branch weldsfor Coru)any approval prior to ehe comnencement ofexamination of production vJelds.

    9.4.2 Ultrasonic examination shaU be carried out in accordancewith Asl',tE Sect,ion v Article 5, except as rnodified by thissection and the results shaU be evaluated in accoidancei.rith ANSI B31.3 Table 341.3.2A and suprplemented bysec t ion 336.4 .6(b) .

    9 . 4 . 3 The ultrasonic equignent shall be checked for linearity,db atlenuation etc. and a valicl calibration certificateduly approved by TPI shall be submitted for Cornpanyreview.

    As a minimun requirefpnt, ullrasonic examination shall beconducted using a minirnun of three transducers, oneslraight bean and tvJo angle beam transducers with afrequency of I to 5 MHZ. I'lhere access permits,ultrasonic examination shall be conducted from both sidesof the joint.Prior to conducting ultrasonic exanination, theContractor shall ensure that the vrelal and the surroundingarea are sufficiently snooth to avoid false or misleadingindicalions. Transfer correction should be applied toaccomncdate surface curvature and roughness.Branch connections that include a reinforcing pad plateshall be examined after welding the branch to the headerand again afler \rrelding on the reinforcing plate.

    Ttre test report should oultine the technique enployed,tlpe and size and frequency of probes used, and defectsdiscovered and shall contain the foLlowinq infornntion asa minimum :

    9 . 4 . 4

    9 . 4 . 5

    9 . 4 . 6

    9 . 4 . 7

    ( b )

    ( d )

    Weld identj.ficaLion and welder nunberWeld procedure usedsize of reportable defectDepth of reportable defectlocation and orientation of reportable defect (witha sketch)weld acce,ptable/not accetaable.


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    9.4.8 Ultrasonic exmination of welals shall be conducted afterP1^[1T that may be required for final acceptance.

    It{agnetic particle exanination shall be carried out onmagnetic materials. Dye-penetrant examinaLion shall becarried out on non-magne-tic naterials (stainless steelsanal non-ferrous rnalerials) .

    9 . 5 . 2 Weld areas to be examined by rnagnetic particle/dye-penetrant examination shall be sufficientlyavoid spurious indications that may result from

    srooth loirregular

    9 . 5 . 3

    9 . s . 4

    9 . 5 . 5

    9 . 6 . 2

    9 . 6 . 3

    weld surfaces.

    AII magne,tic particle exaninaLion shaLlalternating current yoke method with aand black magnetic ink.

    be carried out bywhite backqround

    t{agnetic particle examination shall be carried out inaccordance vrith ASME Section V ArticLe 7. Dve-peneLrantexanination shall be carried out in accordancie iirn asmSection V Article 6. The acceptance criteria shall be asper ANSI 831.3 Table 341.3.2A.

    Vlhere PI,{HT is required, magnetic particle,,/dye-penetranLexarnination shall be conducted afber plfttT for finalacceptance. Exanination should be conducted before PWHTfor any repair/rectification chat may be required beforeP1^lttT.

    9.6 Ultrasonic Ttrickness Measurenents

    Ultrasonic thickness measurenents, where required by theConpany, sha1l be done wilh Ultrasonic Fla\.r Deteceors.The use of D-Meters is not permitted for thicknessmeasurenents.

    Where specified by the Company, ultrasonic thicknessneasurenEnls shall be nade on both sides of welds at adistance of 25mn fron the vreld edges.the thi.ckness readings shall be recorded on NDE spooldrawings.


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    9.7 Brinell Hardness Testinq

    o ' 1 . >

    Where required by the Cornpany, Brinell hardness testingof production wel&nents shaLl be carried out inaccordance vrith ASTM 8110.A hardness test other than Brinell hardness test may beused if the values obtained can be correlated withBrinell or Vickers hardness nunbers. Al1 results shal1be reported in equivalent Brinetl or Vickers hardnessnwnlcers. Any equipnent and hardness test procedure otherthan BrineII hardness testing as in 9.7.I shall requireprior Coq)any approval.Hardness tests on a produchion weld shall incLude areading on the centre of the weld and the heat-affectedzones on both sides of the weld. The hardness test ofthe heat-affecteal zone shaU be rade at a poi.nc as nearto the edge of the weld as practi cabJ-e.To facililate hardness testing, the weld reinforcernentnay be ground smooth, if necessary, but not less Lhanflush with Lhe parent metal surface.

    Due care shall be taken clur ing hardness tests onproduction welds of especially thin walled pipes lo avoiddamage due to excessive indentation.

    Iocation of lest Points

    (a) For butl welds on pipes of noninal size upto andincluiling 254mn (10"), one set of readings shall betaken on the 12 orclock position.

    (b) For butt welds on pipes of noninal size above 25rhmn,three se-ts of reaalings 120o apart, with one set onthe 12 orclock position, shall be taken.

    (c) For branch connections and fillet welds on pipes ofall dianeters, lwo sets of readings 1800 aparl shallbe taken.

    The acceptance criteria for hardness tests shall beSection of this specification.

    4 7 1

    9 . 7 . 4

    9 . ' t .6

    o 1 1

    9.8 Extent of Non-Destructive Examination

    The mininun requirenents of nondestructive exaninationof v,'elds shall be as per Table 1. More stringent NDE naybe specified based upon materials of construction,service severity and/or testing linitations.

    9 . 7 . L


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    t . o . z AIl welds lrhere the pipe wau thickness exceecls 32nrnsha1l be 100t ultrasonically examined in addition toradiography. For pipe waII thicknesses less than 32run,ultrasonic exanination shall be as specified by thecompany.

    Brinnel Hardness Teseinq(a) 100* hardness testing of weL&nents shal1 be required

    when all of the following conditions are present atthe same time :

    (i) Sour service(ii) the v,relds are locally stress relieved(iii) Welds of air harde-nable steels or sheelswith nininum specified yielal strengths above358 Mpa (52,000 psi) or minimurn specifiedtensile slrengths above 485 Mpa (70,000 psi).

    (b) Furnace heat treated welds of steels of type 9.8.3a(iii) above in sour service shall- be 10? hardnesstesled in each batch.(c) welds other rhan 9.9.3 (a) and (b) shaLI be

    subjected to random hardness test ing at thediscreEion of the Cofipany Inspector to assureconformance with the sgncif ication.

    9.9 NDE Personnel Oualificationso o 1

    9 . 9 . 2

    q o ?

    Welding inspectors shall hre certified to AWS or CSrWIp.Al,I personnel carrying out non-deshructive examination(radiography, ultrasonic. nagnetic pareicle anddye-penelrant examination) shal1 be ASNI Ivel IIcertified or equivalent such as qsWIP or m.S.lihere the NDE technician is cerhified by the Contractorhinself, the qualification shall be in accordance withContractorrs writlen procedures which shall use As}{trsrecomrenaled practice No. SNI-TIC-IA, as a guide. Thiswritten procedure shall be made available to the Coq)anywhenever required and sha1l be subject to Conpanyapproval.

    New qualification tests nay be required if a technicianrsperfonEnce indicates deficiencies. The Contractor shallbear all costs for gralifying technicians. the Coru)anyInspector will have the option to witness anyqualification tests.


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    9 . 9 . 4


    9 . 9 . s


    10.1 General1 n 1 r

    1 0 . 1 . 2

    1 0 . 1 . 3

    10.2 Minor Surface Remirs

    1 0 . 2 . 1


    1 0 . 2 . 3

    The Contractor shall have records of qualifications andcertificates for each technician available for review bvthe Conpany prior to the conrrxsncenent of !,rork by thetechnician.

    Any -technician. may be disqualified by the Conpany uponproof of unehhicaL practices, negligence, non-cbmpliairce

    \4tith procedures or poor perfornance.

    Pri.or lo carrying out any repa.irs involving $relding, theConlraclor shalI suhrdt a written repair welalinqprocedure to the Cornpany for approval. - This shaliinclude details of lhe tlT)e and extent of defects, methoalof renDval, preparation of area to be welded, method ofapplication of preheat, reference welding procedurespecification and NDE procedures.

    The Contraclor shal1 report all repair \,/ork to theCompany and repair work shall only proceed with Conpanyauthor isat ion .

    Acceptance of al1 repair vrork shall be subject to Conpanyapprova.r..

    Minor surface inperfections may be renpved by grindingprovided lhat the wal1 thickness is not reduced locallyby nnre than 12.5t of the noninal- value specified or themininun design thickness whichever is greater and theninimun wall thickness is naintained.

    The ground area shall be dressed to a uni"form and slrrf,othprofile with no sharp corners or notches.The ground area shall be exanined by MpI or dye-penetrantexarnination to ensure that the alefects have beenconpletely removed.


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    t 0 . 3 . 5 A11 repair welding shall be carried out by qualifiedwelders.

    I0.3.6 If any repairs are carried out after post weld heatlre-alfpnt or hydrostatic test, lhe PI.{HT and/orhydrostatic tesl shal1 be repeated.

    10.3.7 If planar defects such as cracks etc. are to be repaired,every effort shall be nnde lo prevent propagation of thedefect dur ing its removal. MPI shall be carried out hoensure conq)lete renoval of bhe alefect.

    I0.3 Repairs Involving Weldinq

    10.3.1 /vry defect that cannot be removed by surface grinding asper section I0.2 shaLl be repaired be welding.10.3.2 Any defect exceeding acceptance criteria of this

    specification shalt be carefully rem)ved by grinding,chipping or arc-air gouging. The excavation shail extendat least 25rm beyond both extremities of the defectwithout substantial removal of the base mehal and shalLbe done in such a manner that the rernaining weld or basefletal is not nickeal or undercut. fhe grooves shall befree from scale, have a snr)oth contoui to facilitatewelding. Arc-air gouged or thermal cut netal surfaceshould be grouncl to a s[Doth, br ight netal surface.

    10.3.3 ltre ground area shall be carefuLly exarnined visually andlhen by MpI or dye-penetrant examination prioi tocorunencefr*-nt of re-vlelding to ensure that the defect hasbeen cofipletely rejrcved.

    10.3.4 The area to be repaired sha1l be pre-heated to at least50"C above the terperature specified in the correspondinginitial welding procdure but shall not exceed thernaximum interpass terq)erature. Repair welding shall becarried oub using the initial $relding procedurespecification in accordance with section 10.1. theContractor shall take ap'propriate care such as properveld sequencing, control of interpass temperature etc. tominimize residual slresses.


  • ADCO


    Spec. Nc : WS-L Rev. 2

    : 12 .04 .1990Page 44 of 54

    I0.4 NDE of Repair Welds

    10.4.1 AII areas_ repaired by vlelding shall be thoroughly cleanedfree of slag, spatter etc. and ground to a smootf, contourwith the parent naterial and existing wefd taking ciiethat over-grindi.ng does not occur.


    1 0 . 4 . 3

    The repaired welcl shall be subject to IOO* visualexanination and then NDE by the same techniques used forthe original exanination. The acceptance ciiheria shallbe the same as for the original we1ds.A weld with defects may be only repaired tvrice. If therepair is not acceptable after the second repair, theconplete weld shall be renoved, rebevelled, re-w:elded andre-examined.


    Il.1 The as-built eC dossier shall incluile the follovrinq :t d ,

    ( b )

    ( d )

    tr{aterial identification/t.raceability reports for eachilen in the contract drawings.

    MiIl certificates of all materials giving the chemicalconposition and mechanical properties.

    Company approved welding proceilure specifications (WpS )(See Exhibit No. I for sarnple forms).Company approved Procedure eualification Records (pB')(See Exhibit t{o. 5) along with back-up NDE and nechanicaltesl reports.

    List of Qualified Welders and Welder perforranceCertificates (See Exhibit lb. 6).NDT reports.

    As-built drawings.

    Weld identificati on drawings.

    NDT sulffnary control sheets which show weld nunbers, typeand exlent of NDT for each weld, report nunbers for eachweld identif ication drawinq.

    (e )

    ( f )

    (s )( h )

    ( i )


  • ADO Spec. No : WS-l Rev. 2

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    ( j )( k )

    Heat treatnent reports and charts.

    Dinensional inspecEion reports.(1) Hydrotest reports.(m) Blasting and painting reports.

    11.2 The Contractor shall have the various inspection stages witnessedand reporls revielred by the Co$)any inspector. n Acceptance' bythe Colru)any inspector does not relieve the Contractor of hi!responsibility to fulfill his conrractual obtigations.


  • H(HIBIT NO. 1


    Page 46 of 54

    ConpanyW.P. S No .Revision No. DaLe

    Date --


    Welding Process(es ) lYpe(s)(AuLomatic, Manual, Machine or Serni-Aubo)



    JOn{ISJoint DesignBacking (Yes)


    NOBacking l,taterial (lYpe)



    P-No. _

    Group No.OR

    Specification type and grade

    to P-No. Group No.

    to specification tsype and grade

    Chem. Analysis and Mech.bo Chem. Analysis & l,lech.Thickness Range : GrooveDianeter Range : Groove


    ! r I lecF i I 1 a l -


    F-NO. OhherOLherA-NO.

    spec No. ( SFA)AviS No. (Class)Size of filler meLalsElectrode-Flux (CIass)F'IUX TT dE NATIBConsumable Inse

    63r8F,/0543E/46Sht. I of 2

  • EISIBIT NO. IPage 47 of 54

    Position(s) of Groovewelding Progression:Position(s) of FilLet:

    Up _

    DxswnTemperaLureTine Range


    Preheat TenP. Min.GASShielding cas(es)

    _p" i ".ni conrpo; it i o;Tnimt-Interpass Teirp.Preheat Maintenance( Continuous or sPecial heating Gas Backingwhere applicable shoulal berecorded)

    Trailing Shielding GasComposition

    TECHNIQUEStr lng or Weaveorifice or Gas

    ^ ^ - : 1 1 ^ ! : ^ -\JDU! I taL tv t r

    Contact $rbe to Work Di.sbance !

    Bead _

    Cup Size

    Multiple or single ElecErodesTravel speed rnge

    ELESIPJCAL CHARACTERISTICSCurrent AC or Dc PolarityTungsten Electroale Size and T1rpeMode of Metal" Transfer for GI{AWElectrode Wire Speed Range

    er Mebal Current TraveII I I speed

    weld I I ipill T'ype-T- Anp lvolt I Range I otherIaver(s) lProcessl Class l(mm) lPolarl Range lRanqe L(crnlmin) |



    Sht. 2 of 2

  • D(HIBIT llo. 2

    PQX. No. : llPS No.

    Page 49 of 54


    lsp."i*niwia*,ittictcnessi nr-eaitolar, road I unit^stress I ti:::f?": i

    e Test (QW-I50)

    (Qvr-r70 )

    Result - Satisfactory : Yes ... No """'penetration into Parenb MeEal : Yes ... No " " " 'fyp" *a Character of Results Macro-Results

    other TestsTvpe of Test ...ol-posiu AnalYsisoEher .

    Welder rs Name . . . . . . . . C lock No Stamp No. . . . . . .tests conaucted by : Iaboratory TesL N'o " " "

    We cerLify bhat the statements in Lhis record are correct and that thetest rrrelds were prepared, welded and tesLed in accordance wiLh therequ i renents o f . . . . . . . . . .

    ManufacturerD a t e . . . B Y " . ' " " "


  • r'

    H(HIBIT NO. 2 Page 48 of 54


    Groove Design UsedII

    JOrMS (0W-402)

    BASE MRTATS (OW-403)Material Spec. .Bpe or crade . . . . . . .P. No . t o P No . . . .

    POST{i IELD HEAT TREATMEI'II 1qW-407 )TemperaLureT i m e . . . .Other ..

    GAs (0v{-408)1!pe of Gas or c.asesCoru)osit ion of Gas Mixture .. . . . . . . . .O t h e r . . . . . . .

    ELECTFJCAT CHARACTERISTT CS (QW-409 )currentPoLaribyAmps . . vo l tss . . . . . . . .OLher .

    Travel SpeedStr ing or Weave BeadoscillahionMultipass or Single Pass (Per side)single or MultipLe Elecbrodes

    O t h e r . . . . . . .

    FII,LER METAIS (QW-404)Weld Metal Analysis A }lo'

    Size of ElectrodeFi l ler Metal F No. . . .SFA Spec i f i ca t i on . . . . . . . . . . .A I ^ IS C lass i f i ca l i on . . . . . . . . . .O the r . . .

    POSrrroN (Qv{-405)Position of Groovev'Ield Progression (UPhiII,Dovrnhill )O h h e r . . . . . . .

    PREHEAT (q'{-406)Preheat Semp. . . . . .I n t e r p a s s T e m p . . . . . . . . . . . . . .O b h e r . . . . . . .

    TECHNTQUE (QW-410)

  • aU)4 . L )O r f u od EH t n .H H X7 g

    rrl lzlBlHI 2 a

    6 E lta| ' ')B

    z , ^m c aoa O{i t E5 E E E f i H





  • Ir)


    3 l d H.

    9 l * I

    E # f f i 8:{ ..r + d)H A ' B fe H H = e. - { v r : - -?1 E .E X.-.{o H r o - nd " ' 8 , tEE S ' B 'E . d E 6 Ef ; * ; g ;( ' I

    - A A


    ' f i H - a

    H . - i aI s E E Eu E . . - o3 ' * X 5 r. ? g

    " f i E. 5 , ^ ' - : E g

    3 - A . E t '6 s ' d b E E,!r .l C,, !- (6 tsI 6 ' E H E . E,g o .E E' \ O u F r " ,E g E s s iE ; ; fiHfi* E r-r e 16E E g tsA ' c S . ! e ' Xs ; + * & ;$ ,' u.E : s'H' ' . ? .69 ' " :8 ., e f i e q e s f lE E B i H E Ii - : # E f i - i, f ? i i o 9? " i *g

    , . - t - * F

    3 : U H e s s i; ! Ex 9f i t ii : f i , t s d ; = 8 . H3 H o E n F sE f r E; "eA6i, g I o c a , i i f ;- A H r r o ! r O(n o oJ Ja o o o r'l* I g E : f i 8

    f . 1 lEilF-r IO l F i ( \ c . .z l





    . O l-l Fi !ro oc ! Fr a\

    -r-l\ r d

    L n L n -(!o\ o\

    lno l 1 o! oOr > ct\

    .5 L5

    ca at)

  • -EKH IBIT No. 4

    Vickers ltar&ress Testing as per ASII{ Et2wi th l0kq load

    Indntations shall be aco:rately located as shcprn on tie aPpropriate figuresand as detailed Lrelcn :

    ( I ) krent t{aterial : Indents shall be on 2m cntres with 3 eachside of weld for each har&tess traverse.The first indent. shall b ar[n from apparent HAz.(HAz) : The first indent adjacent to the vteld

    shall be 0.5mn naxitnum from ehe fusionline, but not dl the fusion line.Subsequent indentations shall be on0.5rl[n centres, with a minimum of 3 eachside of weld per hardness traverse,until tie unaffected parent raterial- isreached .

    Fiq)re BSingle v welds

    (2) . Heat Af,fec|ed zone

    (3) vJeld : ltrree egually spaced indentations across t}te weld for eachhardness traverse.

    Fiqn:re A

    Double v and Double bevel uelds

    Fiqure c

    T-Joints and Fi l let welds

    Figure D

    (This appl ies Eo Fig. A'B and C)


    .9-- (r,y7)l r t Hi t ,

    H A Z .


  • --

    H(HIBIT NO. 5 Page 53 of 54



    Filler I.leLaI Diafileter and Trade Narne " 'Subnerqed Arc FIux Trade Narnecas tteEal Arc welding Shietd Gas Tra'le Na le

    GJIDED BEND TEgr REsuLTS gw-462.2(a), {Fl-462.3(a)r Ql^l-462'3(b)





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    Rev. Date Orig inator Reviewed Approved Description1 13tl t 199 LE(M&W) SCrE ESM full update of the spec.2 6trU0l LE(M&W) SCrE ESM Shieid/purge gas & PRE reqts

  • 1.0











    Welding Processes

    Welding Procedure And Welder Qualifications

    Electrodes And Filler Metals

    Gases For Shielding And Backing

    Preparation Of Base Material

    Initial And Interpass Cleaning

    Inert Gas Purging And Backing

    Preheat And lnterpass Temperatures

    10.0 Heat Input

    I 1.0 Atmospheric Protection

    12.0 Post Weld Cleaning

    13.0 Non-Dest ruct ive Test in g

  • 1 . 0 SCOPE

    This specification prescribes the minimum technical requirements for welding, inspection anclnon-destructive exanrination of ferritrc-austenitic (

  • d) Addition, deletion or a change in the nominal composition ofconsumable insert.

    e) Al increase in the maximum interpass temperature beyond that qualified.

    1) A change in the heat inpr.rt by more than 10% of the nomrnal value qualifiedfor each layer subject to the limitattons in Section 10.0 below.

    g) Ary change in the composition of the shielding gas or the backing gas.h) Deletion or any change in the method of post cleaning of weld root

    lollowing weld completion.

    3.1.5 The test weld shall be qualified in the most dilficult test position (such as 6G)envisaged in production welding.

    3.1.6 The completed test weld shall be subjected to 100% radiography for butt weldsand 100% dye-penetrant test for fillet welds.

    3.1.7 The test butt welds shall be subjected to the following tests :

    i) Chemical analysis of the weld metal taken from the weld root layer. Fordouble sided welds, analysis shall be from the weld metal layer on thcprocess side.

    ir) Ferite content measurement of the weld and heat-aflfected zones usingmetallographic determination, and by plotting the chernical analysis frontWRC-92 Dragranr (for weld metal only)

    Micro examination of weld cross sections aI 12 and 3 0' clocJ< pipeposrtions.

    Transverse tensile tests as per ASME Section lX.

    Transverse bend tests with a plunger diameter equal to 4 times thespecimen thickness as per ASTM A370 and ASME Section IX.

    Charpy Vee notch impact tests with notches centered in the weld metaland heat-atTected zone at the minimum design temperature.


    vii) Vickers (HV10) hardness survey of weld cross sections from macrosamples taken at 12 o'clock and 3 o'clock pipe positions at 2mm lromthe outer surface & inner surface and at mid wall. The spacing andlocation of rndentations shall be as per WS- I Specification.

    viii) Conosion tests as per ASTM G48 Method C to detemine CriticalPitting Temperature (CPT) of the weldment in the "as-welded" conditioni.e. without any post cleaning of the weld root. A detailed laboratoryprocedure for the corosion test shall be submitted to the Company forreview and approval prior to the test.

    ix) Other corrosion tests such as ASTM G- 150 may be requested by theCompany when appropnate.

    3.1.8 Acceotance Criteria for Tests chemical analysis of the weld metal for carbon, sulphur, silicon,manganese, chromium, nickel, molybdenum, nitrogen and copper shall be




  • c .

    b .

    determined. Where tungsten is intentionally added in the filler wire, thentungsten shall also be anaiysed and reporled.

    The chemtcai composition shall comply with the filler wire specificationas per DIN 8556 classification.

    The Pitting Resistance Equivalent (PRE) as defined bythe fonnula : pRE- o/oCr + 3.3.% Mo + 0.5 %W + 16%N shall be at least 40 for both duplexand super duplex stainless steel welds.

    The Nickel Equivalent (: %Ni + 35 %C + 20 %N+ 0.25 %Cu) andChromium Equivalent (: %Cr + oAMo + 0.7 %Nb) shall be calculatetjfrom the chemical composition of the weld metal and plotted on theWRC-92 diagram. The Ferrite number shall be betueen 40 and g5.Failre to comply with this requirement shall be cause for rejection of lheprocedure.

    4.0 Ferrite content measurement on weld metal and heat-affected zones bymetallographic determination on the macro sample shall be carried out.Ferrite content shall be between 30 and 60%. The macro examination shall show complete fusion and penetration, andfreedom from any cracks.

    3.1 .8.4 During transverse tensile test, the ultimate strength , yietd strength (0.2%offsel) and elongation shall be detemined. The tensile and leldstrength shall meet the requirements of the base metal and weldingconsumable specifrcation. Minimum elongation shall be 25%. During bend tests, there shall be no visible crack on bending. The acceptance criteria for Charpy impact tests shall comply with the

    requircments of the base metal specificatron. In the absence of thrsrequirement, the weld metal and he
