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Adding a Node to a Cluster

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  • 8/14/2019 Adding a Node to a Cluster



    Adding a Node to a Cluster

    Product: Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition Product Version: 10gR2

    This document was authored by an Oracle customer and has not been subject to an independent technical



    This document depicts the steps for adding the new node to the existing two nodecluster. We have two node RAC build system linux1 & linux2. We need to add the newnode to this cluster setup to make it as 3Node-RAC. The new node which is going to beadded will be linux3. Assumption that the new node has got all the OS pre-requisitessatisfied like IP-Bonding (Private, public & virtual), kernel parameter's, OS rpm's,

    making the shared ocr,voting,asm disks visible on the new node.

    Document History

    Author : SRAVAN DALAVAITitle : Mr.Date Created: 10-Apr-2009Company : Sierra Atlantic s/w services Ltd. Hyderabad.

    Title:- Adding a RAC node to a 10gR2 Cluster


    This presentation will provide detail steps & screenshots for an Oracle DBA toadd new rac node to existing 10gR2 RAC database.

    The most critical steps that need to be followed are:-I. Pre-installation checks.II.Adding an Oracle clusterware home to new nodes using OUI in interactive mode.III. Adding an Oracle home to new nodes using OUI in interactive mode.IV. Reconfigure listener on new node using NETCA.

    V.Adding ASM instance to new nodes manually.

    Part I: Pre-installation checks

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    Verify cluster healthy on existing nodes (ocrcheck, cluvfy) Check OS version, Kernel parameters, /etc/hosts file and ensure they are

    identical on all nodes

    Cross check ssh login on all nodes Cross ping hostname on all nodes Set the same environment on the new node as that of the existing nodes (Copy

    ENV/bash_profile file from existing nodes to new one).

    Ensure ocr, css files and shared ASM disk are visible from new node and haveright permissions.

    Backup crs, ocr and oraInventory on existing nodes If the CRS Home is owned by root and you are on a version <, change

    the ownership of the CRS Home directories on all nodes to the Oracle user sothat OUI can read and write to these directories.

    Comment out two lines below in $ORA_CRS_HOME/bin/srvctl on existing nodeso #LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.19o #export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL

    Add "unset LD_ASSUME_KERNEL" in $ORA_CRS_HOME/bin/vipca line 126

    Step9 and 10 are specific. The issue is fixed on reference Oracle metalink Doc ID: Note:414163.1 -- 10gR2 RACInstall issues on Oracle EL5 or RHEL5 or SLES10 (VIPCA Failures)

    Ensure $ORACLE_BASE directory exist on new node with correct permission.Part II: Adding an Oracle Clusterware Home to a New Node Using OUI in

    Interactive Mode

    Set the DISPLAY, other environment variables and run the addNode.sh scriptfrom $ORA_CRS_HOME/oui/bin on one of the existing nodes as the oracle userin VNC session.

    Example:. ./.bash_profile

    DISPLAY=ipaddress:0.0; export DISPLAYcd $ORA_CRS_HOME/oui/bin./addNode.sh

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    The Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) displays the Node Selection Page

    Enter the node that you want to add and verify the entries that OUI displays onthe Summary Page click Next.

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    Monitor the progress of the copy crs home to new node and verify the total sizeof the CRS directory

    Execute configuration scripts by root users

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    a. Run the orainstRoot.sh script on the new node if OUI prompts you to do so.

    linux3:/u01/app/oracle/oraInventory # ./orainstRoot.shChanging permissions of /u01/app/oracle/oraInventory to 770.Changing groupname of /u01/app/oracle/oraInventory to oinstall.The execution of the script is complete

    b. Run the rootaddNode.sh script from the $ORA_CRS_HOME/install/ directory

    on the node from which you are running OUI.

    linux1:/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/crs_1/install # ./rootaddnode.shclscfg: EXISTING configuration version 3 detected.clscfg: version 3 is 10G Release 2.

    Attempting to add 1 new nodes to the configurationUsing ports: CSS=49895 CRS=49896 EVMC=49898 and EVMR=49897.node : node 3: linux3 linux3-priv linux3Creating OCR keys for user 'root', privgrp 'root'..Operation successful.

    /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/crs_1/bin/srvctl add nodeapps -n linux3 -Alinux3-vip.us.dell.com/ -o


    c. Run the root.sh script on the new node from $ORA_CRS_HOME to start OracleClusterware on the new node.

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    linux3:/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/crs_1 # ./root.shWARNING: directory '/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0' is not owned by rootWARNING: directory '/u01/app/oracle/product' is not owned by rootWARNING: directory '/u01/app/oracle' is not owned by rootChecking to see if Oracle CRS stack is already configured

    /etc/oracle does not exist. Creating it now.OCR LOCATIONS =/u02/oradata/ocr1,/u02/oradata/ocr2OCR backup directory'/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/crs_1/cdata/dfsddeamercrs' does not exist.Creating nowSetting the permissions on OCR backup directorySetting up NS directoriesOracle Cluster Registry configuration upgraded successfullyWARNING: directory '/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0' is not owned by rootWARNING: directory '/u01/app/oracle/product' is not owned by rootWARNING: directory '/u01/app/oracle' is not owned by rootclscfg: EXISTING configuration version 3 detected.clscfg: version 3 is 10G Release 2.Successfully accumulated necessary OCR keys.Using ports: CSS=49895 CRS=49896 EVMC=49898 and EVMR=49897.node : node 1: linux1 linux1-priv linux1node 2: linux2 linux2-priv linux2clscfg: Arguments check out successfully.

    NO KEYS WERE WRITTEN. Supply -force parameter to override.

    -force is destructive and will destroy any previous cluster configuration.OracleCluster Registry for cluster has already been initialized Startup will be queued toinit within 30 seconds.

    Adding daemons to inittab Expecting the CRS daemons to be up within 600seconds.CSS is active on these nodes.


    linux3CSS is active on all nodes.Waiting for the Oracle CRSD and EVMD to start

    Oracle CRS stack installed and running under init(1M)Running vipca(silent) for configuring nodeapps

    Creating VIP application resource on (0) nodes.Creating GSD application resource on (0) nodes.Creating ONS application resource on (0) nodes.Starting VIP application resource on (2) nodes.........

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    Starting GSD application resource on (2) nodes.........Starting ONS application resource on (2) nodes.........Done.

    Verify crs is started on new node and nodeapps are started except for listener,and then exit OUI.

    Obtain the remote port identifier, which you need to know for the next step, byrunning the following command on the existing node from the$ORA_CRS_HOME/opmn/conf directory:

    $ cat $ORA_CRS_HOME/opmn/conf/ons.configlocalport=6113remoteport=6201loglevel=3useocr=on

    From the $ORA_CRS_HOME/bin directory on an existing node, run the OracleNotification Service (RACGONS) utility as in the following example whereremote_port is the port number from the previous step and node2 is the name ofthe node that you are adding:

    ./racgons add_config New_Node:Remote_PortEx:$ ./racgons add_config linux3:6201

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    Part III: Adding an Oracle Home to a New Node Using OUI in Interactive


    Ensure that you have successfully installed Oracle with the Oracle RAC software on atleast one node in your cluster environment. To use these procedures as shown, your

    $ORACLE_HOME environment variable must identify your successfully installed Oraclehome.

    Go to $ORACLE_HOME/oui/bin and run the addNode.sh script on node1.. ./ .profileDISPLAY=ipaddress:0.0; export DISPLAYcd $ORACLE_HOME/oui/bin./addNode.sh

    When OUI displays the Node Selection Page, select the node to be added andclick Next.

    Verify the entries that OUI displays on the Summary Page and click Next.

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    Run the root.sh script on the new node from Oracle_home when OUI promptsyou to do so.

    linux3:/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1 # ./root.sh

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    Running Oracle10 root.sh script...

    The following environment variables are set as:ORACLE_OWNER= oracleORACLE_HOME= /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1

    Enter the full pathname of the local bin directory: [/usr/local/bin]:Copying dbhome to /usr/local/bin ...Copying oraenv to /usr/local/bin ...Copying coraenv to /usr/local/bin ...

    Creating /etc/oratab file...Entries will be added to the /etc/oratab file as needed byDatabase Configuration Assistant when a database is createdFinished running generic part of root.sh script.Now product-specific root actions will be performed.

    Part IV: Reconfigure listener on new node

    On the new node, run the Oracle Net Configuration Assistant (NETCA) to add aListener.export DISPLAY=ipaddress:0.0./netca &

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    Waiting for listener configuration to complete. Verify the listener status usingsrvctl utility.

    Part V: Add ASM instance on new node manually

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    a)Add ASM entry in /etc/oratab on new node+ASM3:/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1:N

    b) Create init+ASM3.ora and password file for new ASM3cd /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/dbs

    mv init+ASM1.ora init+ASM3.oramv orapw+ASM1 orapw+ASM3

    c) Create admin directories for ASM instancemkdir /u01/app/oracle/admin/+ASM/udump


    d) Copy init.ora to new nodecd /u01/app/oracle/admin/+ASM/pfilescp linux1:/u01/app/oracle/admin/+ASM/pfile/init.ora .

    e)Add new ASM instance in/u01/app/oracle/admin/+ASM/pfile/init+ASM*.oraon all RAC nodes

    +ASM3.instance_number=3f) Add ASM to cluster

    srvctl add asm -n linux3 -i +ASM3 o/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1

    g) Start ASM instancesrvctl start asm -n linux3

    After bringing up the asm instance you can bring up the database instance on thenewly added node.

    References:Note ID: 270512.1 Adding a Node to a 10g RAC Cluster

    By Sravan Dalavai,Oracle Apps DBA,

    Sierra Atlantic s/w [email protected]

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