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Additional .NET Concepts

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Additional .NET Concepts. Daragh Byrne – EPCC. Purpose. Web Services using ASP.NET Basis of MS.NETGrid software Assemblies Metadata and reflection Application configuration. ASP.NET and Web Services. ASP.NET Features. Unified Web Development Platform - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
http://www.epcc.ed.ac.uk/~ogsanet [email protected] February 24 th -25 th 2004 Daragh Byrne – EPCC Additional .NET Concepts
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[email protected]

February 24th-25th 2004

Daragh Byrne – EPCC

Additional .NET Concepts

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Web Services using ASP.NET– Basis of MS.NETGrid software

Assemblies Metadata and reflection Application configuration

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ASP.NET and Web Services

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ASP.NET Features

Unified Web Development Platform Runs under Microsoft Internet Information Services

(IIS):– Available on all Windows Platforms better than Win2K – Requires .NET runtime (CLR)

Combines traditional forms-based Web Application development and Web Services

Runs compiled applications so performs better than traditional ASP

Excellent support in Visual Studio .NET WYSIWYG-based design like designing Windows


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Material from this lecture covered in great detail in your “Building Web Services” book:

– Chapter 6 in particular

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Web Applications in ASP.NET

The files present in a virtual directory under IIS comprise a Web Application:– Isolated application domain for each Web application

Can contain both Web pages and Web Services Lives in own AppDomain:

– Memory protected region within a process, a .NET feature– Protects applications from one another

Requests for a page/service are mapped by IIS to the ASP.NET handler:– aspnet_isapi.dll, aspnet_wp.exe

• Listen for file extensions .aspx, .asmx etc

– Work carried out by a recycled process for efficiency and stability

Configuration is handled by Web.config in the root directory:– Web.config is standard ASP.NET application configuration file

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Request Handling

IIS (aspnet_isapi.dll)


asmx handler aspx handler

Response Response

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Web Pages in ASP.NET

HTML lives in .aspx files:– Code can be placed here, or– Code in separate file

Presentation layer separated from logic:– A step away from the ugly embedded ASP model

Supports Web controls:– Reusable UI elements, e.g. menus, date-pickers– Can write custom controls

More details available in .NET framework documentation:– We concentrate on the Web Services aspect

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ASP.NET Request Handling

HTTP request to foo.aspx



Compile and execute Output (html)

HTTP Response to client

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Web Services in ASP.NET

Write a class that provides the service functionality:– Tag operations with WebMethod attribute– Tag class with WebService attribute to specify default namespace of

the service

Write a .asmx file:– References the implementing class

Can separate .asmx file and source code

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Web Service Request Handling

SOAP request to foo.asmx



Execute Output (SOAP)

SOAP Response to client

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Example Web Service

// HelloService.asmx<% WebService Class=“HelloService” %>.. .. ..

// HelloService.cs[WebService( NameSpace=“http://myURL.com/HelloService” )]public class HelloService{

[WebMethod]public string SayHello(string name){

return “Hello there, “ + name);}


Compile and deploy under ASP.NET: – Easiest with Visual Studio .NET

Build a client

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Useful Attributes

WebServiceAttribute– BufferResponse– Description– MessageName

Can use WebServiceAttribute to set properties of the service:

– [WebService( Namespace=“someURI”, Description=“Some text describing the service”)]

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Automatic WSDL Generation

ASP.NET will automatically generate WSDL service descriptions

Send WSDL on the query string to see this:– e.g. service at http://localhost/myservice.asmx?WSDL

Reflection on service type to generate this document:– Uses e.g. WebMethod attributes to generate operation elements

Can control contents of WSDL document with attributes:– e.g. SoapDocumentMethodAttribute

Can suppress WSDL generation and do custom generation

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Building Web Service Clients

Idea is that accessing a Web Service is as simple as making method call

Use the WSDL description to auto-generate client ‘proxy’ classes

.NET Framework provides wsdl.exe tool:– wsdl http://myhost.com/SomeService.asmx?wsdl /o:ServiceProxy.dll

– Examines a WSDL document– Outputs a DLL with a class that represents the service:

• Derived from SoapHttpClientProtocol class, which handles serialization, invocation, etc

– Highly integrated with Visual Studio.NET:• Does wsdl.exe behind the scenes, adds proxy stub to project automatically

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Web Services Enhancements

SDK to support emerging W3C Web Services protocols that address:– Security (WS-Security)– Policy– Routing– Custom SOAP Attachments– Reliable messaging

Now at version 2.0:– http://msdn.microsoft.com/webservices/building/wse/

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Assemblies are the unit of code distribution in .NET May be independently versioned May be digitally signed Scope the types within them Are the basis of Code Access Security:

– Code from an assembly can do certain things based on level of trust of assembly provider

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Working with Assemblies

Logical assembly consists of a number of modules (files):– Primary module references the other modules

– Primary module identifies assembly

– Most cases only one module

Assemblies contain code, data and/or resources:– e.g icon byte streams.

Assemblies scope the types and data within them:– public, private, internal (package level in Java) modifiers apply to types

at assembly level

– Same type defined in different assemblies == different types

Assembly names are resolved by the runtime before loading:– Must reside in APPBASE or subdirectory:

• APPBASE is standard location off application directory, usually /bin• APPBASE can be changed using configuration files

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Assembly Identification

Assemblies may be strongly-named or weakly-named:– Weakly-named just identified by the name of the primary module, minus

the .dll or .exe– Strongly-named have version, culture, public key as well

Concurrent versions of an assembly stored in the Global Assembly Cache:– Can only store strongly-named

Can specify dependence of application on particular assembly in configuration file

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Dynamic Assembly Loading

Can work with Assemblies programmatically:– Members on the System.Reflection.Assembly class– Assembly.Load– Assembly.LoadFrom– Assembly.CreateInstance(string typeName)– Assembly.GetCustomAttributes()

Important to know about assemblies for our OGSI implementation

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Using Metadata

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Attributes allow you to add metadata to your types:– Enables a declarative style of programming

Can use framework-supplied or custom attributes Information from attributes are stored in metadata for

that type Example:

public class MyClass{ [System.Obsolete(“Will be removed next release”)] public void SomeObsoleteMethod() { }}

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Common Attribute Uses

Conditional compilation/calling:[Conditional(“DEBUG”)]public void myDebugMethod(string s) {}

XML serialisation:[XmlElement(“name”, someNameSpace)public string name_;

Web Service operations:[WebMethod]public string MyWebMethod(){ }

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Custom Attributes

Can define own attribute:– Inherit from System.Attribute– Define usage using – you guessed it – an attribute!

Example:[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Method)]public class SomeUsefulAttribute: System.Attribute{ public SomeUsefulAttribute(string s) { }}

// Use like[SomeUseful(“Hello”)]public class SomeClass{}

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The Reflection API

Can get access to your attributes using this API:public void SomeCode(){

object [] customAttributes = someObject.GetType().GetCustomAttributes( typeof(SomeUsefulAttribute)); foreach(SomeUsefulAttribute attr in customAttributes) { //process }


Can get attributes on methods, fields, etc in a similar manner:– See the .NET documentation for System.Reflection namespace

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Application Configuration

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Application Configuration

Previously ad-hoc, comma-separated value files, language-specific etc:– Lots of different standards

.NET aims to provide consistent configuration for every application:– XML file-based– XML file in same directory as application usually

System.Configuration namespace provides API for doing this:– Extensible to use your own configuration schema

Web applications use the Web.config file as default

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Example Configuration File

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><configuration> <configSections> <sectionGroup name="gridContainer.config"> <section name="containerProperties“ type=“HandlerType"/> <section name="gridServiceDeployment“ type=“HandlerType"/> </sectionGroup> </configSections> <system.web>

<!- - Web Application Configuration - - > </system.web> <system.runtime.remoting /> <gridContainer.config>

<containerProperties> ... </containerProperties> <gridServiceDeployment> ... </gridServiceDeployment>


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Other .NET Topics of Interest

Win32/COM interoperation:– Legacy integration

WinForms:– Smart clients, href-exes (executables over HTTP)

Asynchronous execution:– Threads, delegates

Support for event-driven programming in C# ADO.NET XML Libraries
