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Addleman Terry Dianne 1977 PuertoRico

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GOOD NEWS MISSION TERRY AND DIANNB ADDLEMAnN lProv«n>9 2S:2SI "Aa cold wsMra 10 a thlraly asul so is GOOD NEWS Irom • lai coufllry" FORWARDING AGENTS: Mi. snd Mis. Bob Millet, R.D. 3 Box 338, UniontowD, PA 15401 January, 1977 Dear Christian Friends, As we look forward to the beginning of a new year and rejoice and sing Christ's praises, we want to wish you all much happiness happiness as true as the happiness His coming brought. NEW ARRIVAL This new year finds us living in a new city and in a new home with a new little armful of love. (An armful he is). Bryan Jared Addleman was bom December 4th, 1976 at 1:39 P.M. and weighed nine pounds, three and a half ounces and was twenty-one inches long. This makes three Puerto Ricans in our family now. But we can assure you he was the only blond Puerto Rican in the hospital nursery and quite the center of atten tion. Evidently Ponce doctors don't believe in anes thetics either. Dianne had made them promise to give her every anesthetic they had. But. . .??? In reflection though, it was a wonderful experience for both of us. A nurse brought Bryan to see Daddy almost immediately. We are very thankful for his safe arrival and want to thank you for your prayers for us. We are also grateful for the help of Grandma and Grandpa Addleman, at this busy time. They were with us for three weeks. We think Nathan and Jason wore them out suffi ciently. It seems we are elected to raise the preachers and not preachers' wives. MOVING After the annual business meeting (September 1) of "Good News Mission" in Tennessee, Terry traveled to New Orleans to ship our car and two fifty gallon barrels to Mayaguez. Then it was on to Mayaguez to await their arrival. Terry ended up staying with Juanita and Jesus Ramirez for nearly two and a half weeks. Jesus and Juan Mauricio (evangelists in Mayaguez) were a great help because they drove down to Ponce several days during that time, so Terty could visit a real estate agent and look at available houses. ITie Lord provided a house that didn't require a large down payment in an urbanization called Jardines Jason, Bryan, and Nathan del Caribe (Gardens of the Caribbean). Puerto Ricans call it the "Dust Bowl" because of a near by cement factory, but at least it's on a hill, in between the mountains, so we don't have to worry about floods. Our mailing address is P.O. Box 8434, Ponce, Puerto Rico 00731. The lot is 516 meters, which is larger than most in Puerto Rico and will be good for future Bible school classes. Terry had the furniture moved in on September 20th and naturally the other people weren't moved out yet. September 21st Dianne, Nathan, and Jason arrived and of course the water hadn't been turned on. Our neighbors helped us so much by giving us water and letting us use their bath-tub and loaning us tools, and they even gave Terry din ner on the 20th. Joe is Hawaiian and has lived thirty years in California, so speaks English per fectly. Terry has had to exterminate nests of cockroaches, mice, and fire ants, dig drainage ditches and lay pipe, fix leaks in the roof, paint, fix a washer and water heater, be a plumber, plant grass etc. You learn fast when you have to. We have added a fence to keep the kids in, and also an awning over the carport, to be used for worship services. Now it's "home".
Page 1: Addleman Terry Dianne 1977 PuertoRico


lProv«n>9 2S:2SI

"Aa cold wsMra 10 a thlraly asul so is GOOD NEWS Irom • lai coufllry"


Mi. snd Mis. Bob Millet, R.D. 3 Box 338, UniontowD, PA 15401

January, 1977

Dear Christian Friends,As we look forward to the beginning of a new

year and rejoice and sing Christ's praises, we wantto wish you all much happiness • happiness as trueas the happiness His coming brought.

NEW ARRIVALThis new year finds us living in a new city and

in a new home with a new little armful of love.(An armful he is). Bryan Jared Addleman wasbom December 4th, 1976 at 1:39 P.M. andweighed nine pounds, three and a half ounces andwas twenty-one inches long. This makes threePuerto Ricans in our family now. But we canassure you he was the only blond Puerto Rican inthe hospital nursery and quite the center of attention.

Evidently Ponce doctors don't believe in anesthetics either. Dianne had made them promise togive her every anesthetic they had. But. . .??? Inreflection though, it was a wonderful experiencefor both of us. A nurse brought Bryan to seeDaddy almost immediately. We are very thankfulfor his safe arrival and want to thank you for yourprayers for us. We are also grateful for the help ofGrandma and Grandpa Addleman, at this busytime. They were with us for three weeks. Wethink Nathan and Jason wore them out sufficiently. It seems we are elected to raise thepreachers and not preachers' wives.

MOVINGAfter the annual business meeting (September

1) of "Good News Mission" in Tennessee, Terrytraveled to New Orleans to ship our car and twofifty gallon barrels to Mayaguez. Then it was onto Mayaguez to await their arrival. Terry endedup staying with Juanita and Jesus Ramirez fornearly two and a half weeks. Jesus and JuanMauricio (evangelists in Mayaguez) were a greathelp because they drove down to Ponce severaldays during that time, so Terty could visit a realestate agent and look at available houses. ITieLord provided a house that didn't require a largedown payment in an urbanization called Jardines

Jason, Bryan, and Nathan

del Caribe (Gardens of the Caribbean). PuertoRicans call it the "Dust Bowl" because of a nearby cement factory, but at least it's on a hill, inbetween the mountains, so we don't have to worryabout floods. Our mailing address is P.O. Box8434, Ponce, Puerto Rico 00731. The lot is 516meters, which is larger than most in Puerto Ricoand will be good for future Bible school classes.

Terry had the furniture moved in on September20th and naturally the other people weren'tmoved out yet. September 21st Dianne, Nathan,and Jason arrived and of course the water hadn'tbeen turned on. Our neighbors helped us so muchby giving us water and letting us use their bath-tuband loaning us tools, and they even gave Terry dinner on the 20th. Joe is Hawaiian and has livedthirty years in California, so speaks English perfectly. Terry has had to exterminate nests ofcockroaches, mice, and fire ants, dig drainageditches and lay pipe, fix leaks in the roof, paint,fix a washer and water heater, be a plumber, plantgrass etc. You learn fast when you have to. Wehave added a fence to keep the kids in, and also anawning over the carport, to be used for worshipservices. Now it's "home".

Page 2: Addleman Terry Dianne 1977 PuertoRico

PONCE (PEARL OF THE SOUTH)Ponce is named in honor of Juan Ponce de

Leon's family, the first Spanish governor of PuertoRico following the discovery of the island byColumbus in 1493. The city of Ponce is todaythe largest city of the island, outside the metropolitan area of San Juan. Ponce now numbersover 200,000 residents.

Ponce, like all Spanish towns, has its centralplaza or square, with a Catholic cathedral on oneside and "The Old Firehouse", painted bright,bright red and black (the colors of the city), onthe other side. In between are well-trimmed treesand shrubbery and fountains and monuments.

Ponce is about an hour drive from Mayaguez sowe see our Mayaguez friends quite often. We worshipped with them for a few weeks while we weregetting settled. The congregation there had a riceand beans dinner for us to welcome us back toPuerto Rico and say "God bless you as you laborfor the Lord in Ponce".

PROSPECTSAgain we need your prayers as we strive to be

gin another congregation. Terry wrote sometracts, which he uses in door to door calling. Oneis Salvation and one The New Testament Church.Three thousand of each have been printed. Healso takes applications for a Spanish Bible Correspondence course that Juan Mauricio handlesfrom Mayaguez. Terry now has weekly Bible lessons in the homes of five families here in Jardinesdel Caribe. Five families might not seem likemany, but they represent much walking andknocking. Please pray fervently for these fivefamilies, that they might see their need for accepting and serving Christ. Also pray that more contacts will be made and that seeds may be plantedthru the tracts, Bible correspondence course, orTerry's conversations with those in our neighborhood.

SAM'S SURPRISEWe want to keep you informed of the progress

of our Bible college students from Mayaguez. Aswe told you in the last letter, Sam Cardona wenthome to Mayaguez last summer. While he wasthere he wrote to us all in the states and told us hewas brining a surprise back to Johnson with him.Neal and Dot thought for sure it was a "wife".The "surprise" was Rosaida, his sister. She is classified as a sophomore at Johnson, because of herprevious study at the University of Puerto Rico,and is doing very well. It took a lot of convincingfor her father to agree to let her go. They haveone more sister at home, Eva, who continues to bevery active in the Mayaguez congregation. She toowould like to go the Bible college but Mr. Cardonasays not until she gradutes from the University ofPuerto Rico. Rosaida and Sam are both working

on campus as well as studying so please pray forthem as they strive to do their best for the Master.They both spent Thanksgiving vacation withDianne's folks in Pittsburgh.

CHARLIE AND INEZThe Betetas are back at JBC also and working

hard. Inez has her job in the nursery at KnoxvilleBaptist Hospital and Charlie is working ten hourson campus each week and has fifteen hours ofclass work plus six more hours to get his highschool diploma. Charlie will begin his third year atJBC this January. Keep them both and their ^rlsin your prayers. It's not easy to raise a family andwork and go to school at the same time.

"Our home"

INTERNSHIPBoth Charlie and Sam would like to do a sum

mer ministerial internship here in Puerto Rico, thiscoming summer. Juan Mauricio has opened hishome to Charlie and of course Sam could stay athome. So all they need is money for transportation and Charlie would need food money also. Ifany of you can help, they would sure appreciate it.


We arrived in Ponce just in time for an outbreakof some kind of infectious influenza. Some sayit's in the milk and others say it's in the water.One report said sixteen babies died in one week atPonce District Hospital - the week Bryan was bom.(We were in the new Damas Hospital.) We doknow for a fact that the water in Ponce is terrible.Not only does it taste bad but it's ruining our

Page 3: Addleman Terry Dianne 1977 PuertoRico

cookware and our white clothes are now a lovelycolor of brown. Our May^uez friends tease us byoffering to sell us Mayaguez water cheap.

OTHER PRAYER REQUESTSJohn and Mary Gidley were our co-workers in

Mayaguez. They will be driving all the way toCosta Rica after Christmas to begin languageschool.

Juanita Ramirez and Renee Fernandez (ourAmericana friend in Mayaguez) were in an autoaccident. Juanita hit a very narrow bridge andcompletely totaled the car. Renee's head wentthru the windshield and she still has chest painsfrom hitting the dashboard.

Pray for Terry and Dianne as they attempt toraise three boys. They11 need plenty of help.

URGENT NEEDWe are thankful that in the past four years as we

served the Lord in Mayaguez, we have neverneeded to worry much about finances. Everyonewas so faithful in supplying our needed supporteach month. However, since our furlough andreturn to Puerto Rico support has dropped considerably. Marty just hasn't been able to send usthe money we need to live on in Ponce. There's$700 we took from a personal emergency savingsaccount to pay moving expenses, hoping it couldbe replaced. Please be in much prayer about theseneeds. We'd hate to have to leave Puerto Riconow.

P.S. A NOTE FROM NATHANWe're in Puerto Rico again and I have more new

friends. The neighbor boy practices the English helearns at school, on me. But he gets mad because Ican't understand it. He needs more practice. Ihave a new baby brother and he's pretty neat, onlyhe sleeps too much, despite the attempts of Jasonand I to wake him. Mommy says I'm a goodhelper most of the time. I help Daddy too. Sometimes I go calling with him or go to lessons. I havea pet sapo (frog) here in my yard and I did havethree pet mice that I fed cheese to. But Daddywent and got them in a trap. The ladies group atMayaguez gave us an "asalto" during Christmas,only it was in the afternoon and not in the middleof the night. They sang Spanish Christmas carolsand brought us the traditional food of Christmas -pasteles and empanadillas. On Christmas we hadrice and gondules just like the Puerto Ricans.Jason, Mommy and I picked the gondules beansoff our tree.

P.S. JASON JOTS A NOTE TOOI'm still getting dumped out of the wagon and

have even had some black eyes but it's great fun.Nathan just isn't such a good driver. We have anew baby brother here at our house, but he can'teven play toys. I like him anyway and I'm noteven jealous. We got a swing set for Christmasand my baby swing is a great place to fall asleep.(At 12 noon I go to sleep no matter where I am -in the high chair or grocery store, etc.) I had aterrible time before we got screens. I had greatbig, huge mosquito bites all over me, even when Iwore OFF to bed. They sure do like me. I like toeat and my most favorite, nourishing food is M&Mcandies. Mommy says Grandma and Grandpa fedme too good while they were here so she and I areon a diet.


A p. S. FROM THE MILLERSSince we have become the new forwarding

agents for the Addlemans we have had someanxious moments to say the least. But then wehave seen the love and concern of God's people forthe lost in their coming through when the chipsare down. There have been times when we did notthink we would have enough money to send toTerry and Dianne. Needless to say we have spentmuch time in prayer about this matter.

We do wish that all who read this newsletterwill search their hearts (AND WALLETS) to see ifthey might find some loose change lying around.As our needs go up, so do theirs! The cost of living knows no barriers. It crosses waters, lands,mountains till it takes it's deadly grip on everyoneof God's servants.

The fields are white "NOW" for the harvest.We dare not miss the opportunity to reach somany "NOW" just for the lack of funds! Wewould like to give a challenge to everyone wholoves the Lord to dig in and help our missionariesnow. The hour is late.


In His Service,Bob and Marty Miller

Page 4: Addleman Terry Dianne 1977 PuertoRico


(August, 1976 to December, 1976)

Income Expenses

August 1,289.98 1,063.00September 1,590.35 1,076.70October 1,839.43 2,011.07November 757.33 1,089.58December 1,285.33 1,150.86

TOTAL 6,762.42 .6,391.21

Balance December 31,1976 $371.21



Address Correction Requested

Income for the months of August, September,and October included the money transfered fromthe checking account and the emergency fund inTennessee. Due to inflation the Addlemans emergency fund is zero. We ask your prayers that wemay be able to build it up again in case of an emergency like the flood at Mayaguez.

There were two checks on the income that weredesignated for the church in Mayaguez, but we hadto run it through the mission fund as it was madeout to Good News Missions.

Page 5: Addleman Terry Dianne 1977 PuertoRico

'>V) " im


This information will help with the preparation and! publicity of the Missionary Picture Book,1975.


NameL. ff})DL £ (Place) Si^DQOC K P^.

Date ^OaJ£ J9VV

' s I /iMaiden Name D/ /? iC ^^^^ Bom (Place) P) I)SJ3 U(L n^ HBate MfitV .?/ . 7^^/

Address P'̂ -Mox ^VJ'/ City/state SPf^C£i ^Sc/C/^} O SiGoNation U-s 4. ZIP Code QO >3 /


Name ^7? M/tL£/?

Address i9 7k3 SoX 338-

City/state OP^^A) TO^i ^ ZIP Code /SCHOOLING -

High School iM^Lk fn/SBi>£L fif City/State P^'PTSSi^iLn tf/OMul^S}Ty OF pirrs0vficH pS ^

College BiSl£ CocL&^f: City/State k^xoxU^ TS/^P .

Seminary/Graduate City/state

When & Where Baptized



/9SC ToX'riX C/ec^k' /^.y Single




Place of Birth

j <f'̂ £^TP i^icoMonth/Day/lear

AeS U , /973

J-PSOA) 2. A/CO JVi/ o7J.y/75'

PO/uCS , fuSPTO PiCo Pec:. V /xy^J






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9970 -997/

MPrVPSyCZ ^ M £>iJ BtZ / 9'i93-9?7'C>


Starting Date ~7-PI Furlough ]fe4e Mission Location ^ P,/?-Second Term - T ^ Furlough DateThird Term Furlough DateFourth Term Furlough DateFifth Term Furlough Date

Mission Location P/jjuX/C ^ A/?.Mission Location

Mission Location

Mission Location

Short suTFimaTy of present missionary service and accomplishments:(Use back^f this s^et o^second sheet, ^i^ needed.)

Page 6: Addleman Terry Dianne 1977 PuertoRico



[Ellis information will help with the preparation and! publicity of the Missionary Picture Book,1975.

Husband.' s - ^ a a /)Name L. H Bom (Place) /A

Bate ZJCf/^e ^


Maiden Name /V/?y F'I'}t Bom (Place) // TTS 1//: CJj ^ •Bate /?l/9y ^ 3/ L

Address f.o.BcxNation //5/?

City/state ^^0£/Crc '^iCoZIP Code D d'7 ^ J


Name Z^/, M ^hlLFJ^

Address /OD^ 3 3$?'

City/State /JfU.AAJTCU^AJ pjr/u'rJa ZIP Code /S'¥0 /SCHOOLING

High School lA/'fsT City/State /:a/^..OjPi

College /j'/T/ C/jLL/: ^JT jLdULcdi^^ City/State T/M/t/y' ^L'u-£St 1//9

Seminary/Graduate City/state~ 3C'̂ j 7

When & Where Baptizedre Baptized ^ . /-, • \City/State rTuaJ^ - Dlf ^ /A/^ L-t)

Married ^ SingleFAMILY FACTS


Names Place of Birth

Py)/9 //? 1/^7 TO c 0


/3 /^73

*)5rjA} PvA A-7/7. 3^77^/e7c T^iCo cr/y/y 2^ ^^75"

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Furlough BateFurlough Bate

Mission Location

Mission Location

Short summary of present missionary service and accomplishments:(Use back of this sheet or second sheet, if needed.)

^ •

Page 7: Addleman Terry Dianne 1977 PuertoRico


IProwrts 2$t2S)

"As cold watofv 10 a ihlrsty sogi »c Is GOOD NEWS from a far eouolry'

Terry and Dianne Addleman with Jason, Nathan and Bryan.

Dear Christian Friends,Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus! We

apologize for the fact that you have not receivedyour newsletter for some time now. But becauseof printing costs and the lack of news we'vewaited awhile. We have written letters to oursupporting churches and personal supportersso we hope you've been informed about theprogress here in Ponce. We still have many

weekly Bible lessons but hearts in Ponce seemextra hard, and slow to melt. We've lost lessons--some just can't give up the pleasures of thisworld and some just don't have time for Christ.But seeds have been planted. At this presentwriting Terry has nine weekly Bible lessons inthe homes of families in Ponce - only one is inEnglish so Terry is learning more Spanish bythe "do or die" methods.

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Melania Echevavarria Dejeus was unitedwith Christ in baptism, in Apnl. She's nineteenand the mother of two children and is living ather parents home at present. Two other sistersalso live at home and together they have tenchildren running around the house whichmakes teaching a lesson in their home a realchallenge. But it sure did make an instant Bibleschool class. Dianne is again teaching inSpanish and has students from six months toten years. "The rest of Melania's family havebecome real fiiends and seem receptive to theWord of God, so we pray that soon they willfollow Melania's example.


Charley and Inez and girls have arrived inMayaguez, from Johnson Bible College, to do asummer internship. Sam Cardona and hissister Rosaida have also £^ved. They havebeen gaining much experience at Mayaguezand have alsobeenhelpingTerry here in Ponce.One of the older sisters in Mayaguez (DonaMargo) moved out of her house, sathatCharleyand Inez would have a place to stay until

family. That house has been a real blessing tothem. BrotherNelson Hernandez h^ given thechurch his second car so Charley will be able touse it when on July 1st they pay the yearlylicense fee of $60. It's been so good to see themagain and be encouraged by their tremendousfaith in our Lord. The spiritual maturity ofSamalways amazes us also.


The brothers and sisters in Mayaguez, wherewe served the Lord previously, nave voted topurchase the house we had rented and havepaid half the down-payment. Six thousandmore dollars has to be paid by October. Pleasepray about this need. They just had a week-long evangelistic meeting and we went up forfour nights. (They needed a piano player).Dianne wasn't sure she would remember how toplay hut the fingers never forget-just slowdown. "Theywere having a church picnic at thebeach after services today and also a baptism ofa family. We praise the Lord for these newbabes in Christ. Jesus and.Juanita Ramirez

Juan and Romelia Mauricio will carry on inMayaguez at least as long as they can. Last

month they only received $390 in support. Ifanyone can help them write to Box 2684,Mayaguez, P.R. 00708.


April and May were "forwarding agent"months. In ApriLBoh^^l^^can^foj a week's

jidsit. He got a little fejeToi^ai it's like to live inanother culture (lost) and we were encouragedby his visit. We really needed it at the time.Sometimes it's hard to be patient. Heseemed toenjoy himself except for our neighbor's PuertoRican roosters that crow all night long. (Nowthey have 25 turkeys too!) He didn't likePrinaireither. Prinair is our puddle jumper islandshuttle air service. Bob thinks it's a pilottraining airlines.

In May, Nej^jPlapp. visited ,us before heattended a convention in San Juan. We alsoenjoyed his visit but aren't sure he's speaking tous now. We sent him back to San Juan onP^air. He couldn't come to Puerto Rico andmiss that experience.

We really praise the Lord for the work theseChristian brothers are doing for the Lord andwe sure do appreciate their help to us. Terryloved every "late" minute they sharedliscussing-scriptures.


Terry preached at the Levittown Church ofChrist when they had their Faith PromiseRally, in the spring. The elders also asked himto be their evangelist there in Levittown, P.R.For the time being we'll be remaining in Ponce,though.^In^owmber the^nbipReece-family will be

mo^dhgto Ponce. Their little "Andy" was bomthe same day as Bryan.

John and Mary Gidley, who were our co-workers in Mayaguez, are still in languageschool (realizing how much they don't know,Mary says). They have adopted a little CostaRican baby that was near starvation. He isnow eleven months old and weighs onlyeighteen pounds.

June 20 - 24 is the date of the island campprogram. It's to be held up in the mountainsnear us at a Civil Air Patrol camp for ages 13 to23. We're praying for a spirit-filled retreat.

There was a meeting in San Juan of islandmissionaries, with-Ziden Nutt. who representedGood News ProducfionsT International ofJoplin, Missouri. He told about the i>ossibilitiesof airing Bible television programs, in Spanish,here in Puerto Rico, via a satellite.

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It finally rained for two whole days - the firstsince before December, and Ponce came to life.Everything turned firom brown to ^een, justlike spring. It was like watching a miracle takeplace. But two days of rain wasn't enough soour water is still being rationed. For over amonth now our water goes offat 7:00 P.M. until7:00 A.M. and there are lots ofrules about usagein the day. If it doesn't rain again soon theywill bring water around and just give everyoneso much. Three hour blackouts are becomingregular also. Sounds like the "last days',doesn't it?


Thank you again for all you have done in thepast and may we continue to serve our Lordf together. Pray for these nine families who areso close to making decisions for ourLord. Satanis hard at work here in Puerto Rico too. PuertoRicans have a backp^ound of superstition,black magic, and spiritism, etc. But we've

. planted and/or watered and God will give the/ increase, if we are patient. But sometimes it's/ lonely, frustrating, and down-right' discouraging. Please pray for us-we're praying

for you.

Love in Christ,Terry and Dianne Addleman


I like being big brother and baby sitter, whenI'm not too tired or busy. My bug, lizard, andfrog collection isn't going so good. Somehowthey always die. My fnend Lorna Betetaalmost caught me a hampster for my collection.She even put her hand down his hole, but hescratched her so she gave up. (You know girls!)But her mother said it wasn't a hampsteranyway - just an old rat.

P.S. FROM JA^ONI like being big brother too. I feed baby Bryancereal, and grass, and rocks firom my very owncollection. But he likes Nathan'^ bug collectionbest. I guess it's more of a challenge when theyrun. I'll be two whole years old in July.


I get lost of gooey hugs and kisses from mybig brothers (YUK). But I'll survive -maybe????? Clumsy Jason dumped me out of

the stroller on the cement. I don't like thateither. Mommy got so excited she dropped thegarden hose and it squirted right in the frontdoor and we had another flood in the livingroom. Mr. Clapp was here then and said henever heard of watering terraza floors. See younext time.


Greetings in the name of our Lord andSaviour Jesus Christ. We are still having ouranxious moments as forwarding agents, butGod seems to see that all things are worked outaccording to His will in the end. We are sothankful to each and everyone of you for yourcontinued support for Terry and Diane. Therehave been a few new supporters but then somehave cut back on their support due to inflationno doubt and some seem to have let the spiritualneeds slip their minds. It seems as though thisworld is closing in on all of us and taking up somuch more ofour time. When Bob was down to'visit with Terry and Dianne he said he felt itwould do each Christian Brother and Sister aworld of good if they could visit the missionfield and our whole outlook on mission work ,would be much different. We never reallyappreciate what we have till we see what othershave. to. Jive with, away from .family andfriends, a language barrier, lack of Christianfellowship etc.



You see even though we cannot all go on theforei^ field we can all take part by sendingmissionaries like Terry and Dianne. Once jagain we thank you for our love, prayers, and/support. May (jod richly bless each of yourlives.

In His Service,Bob and Marty Miller

Page 10: Addleman Terry Dianne 1977 PuertoRico


{January 1, 1977 to June 30, 1977)


January 909.81.February 913.33.March 1,887.33.April 963.33.May 910.33.June 1,005.83.

TOTAL 6,589.96.

BALANCE December 30,1976 ...BALANCE June 30, 1977

Address Correction Requested




