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Addressing Health Adaptation Gaps: Synergies between ...Vector-borne diseases Estimated or reported...

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Addressing Health Adaptation Gaps: Synergies between Sustainable Development Goals Keynote, BSF 2019, Basel, Switzerland Guéladio Cissé 1, 2 Head, Ecosystem Health Sciences Unit Department of Epidemiology and Public Health 1 Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) 2 University of Basel, Switzerland
Page 1: Addressing Health Adaptation Gaps: Synergies between ...Vector-borne diseases Estimated or reported annual cases of selected vector-borne diseases (WHO, 2017c): • Malaria: 212 million.

Addressing Health Adaptation Gaps: Synergies between Sustainable Development Goals

Keynote, BSF 2019, Basel, Switzerland

Guéladio Cissé 1, 2

Head, Ecosystem Health Sciences Unit Department of Epidemiology and Public Health 1 Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) 2 University of Basel, Switzerland

Page 2: Addressing Health Adaptation Gaps: Synergies between ...Vector-borne diseases Estimated or reported annual cases of selected vector-borne diseases (WHO, 2017c): • Malaria: 212 million.

Overview •  Insights from the UNEP

Adaptation Gap Reports •  UNEP Gap Report 2018: focus on

health (Infectious diseases, Heat, Nutrition)

•  How to address health adaptation gaps

•  Highlights of synergies needed from SDGs

Page 3: Addressing Health Adaptation Gaps: Synergies between ...Vector-borne diseases Estimated or reported annual cases of selected vector-borne diseases (WHO, 2017c): • Malaria: 212 million.


Framework for Adaptation Gaps

Source: UNEP GAR 2014

Page 4: Addressing Health Adaptation Gaps: Synergies between ...Vector-borne diseases Estimated or reported annual cases of selected vector-borne diseases (WHO, 2017c): • Malaria: 212 million.

Inappropriate, Ineffective Practice

Appropriate, Effective Practice

Adaptation Gap Knowledge Gap

Implementation Gap

Residual Impacts Gap


Source: Peter Berry 2018

Page 5: Addressing Health Adaptation Gaps: Synergies between ...Vector-borne diseases Estimated or reported annual cases of selected vector-borne diseases (WHO, 2017c): • Malaria: 212 million.

Appropriate, Effective Practice

Inappropriate, Ineffective Practice

Implementation Gap

Knowledge Gap Residual Impacts Gap

Adaptation Gap Over Time

Time 2050 2030



Source: Peter Berry 2018

Page 6: Addressing Health Adaptation Gaps: Synergies between ...Vector-borne diseases Estimated or reported annual cases of selected vector-borne diseases (WHO, 2017c): • Malaria: 212 million.


Estimatingtheadaptationgap:morechallengingthancalculatingtheemissionsgap-  Nogloballyagreedgoalormetricsforadaptation-  Adaptationisaresponsetospecificclimaterisksandimpactsoftenlocalinnatureandvariableovertime-Needfindingwaysofmeasuringtheadaptationgapsothatprogresstowardsreducingitcanbemonitored

Defining Adaptation Gap: a challenge

Funding Technology Knowledge

Source: UNEP GAR 2014

Page 7: Addressing Health Adaptation Gaps: Synergies between ...Vector-borne diseases Estimated or reported annual cases of selected vector-borne diseases (WHO, 2017c): • Malaria: 212 million.


Adaptation Funding Gap

Source: UNEP GAR 2014

Page 8: Addressing Health Adaptation Gaps: Synergies between ...Vector-borne diseases Estimated or reported annual cases of selected vector-borne diseases (WHO, 2017c): • Malaria: 212 million.


Adaptation Technology Gap

Source: UNEP GAR 2014

Page 9: Addressing Health Adaptation Gaps: Synergies between ...Vector-borne diseases Estimated or reported annual cases of selected vector-borne diseases (WHO, 2017c): • Malaria: 212 million.


Adaptation Knowledge Gap

Source: UNEP GAR 2014

Page 10: Addressing Health Adaptation Gaps: Synergies between ...Vector-borne diseases Estimated or reported annual cases of selected vector-borne diseases (WHO, 2017c): • Malaria: 212 million.

Adaptation gap in health


Source: UNEP GAR 2018

Page 11: Addressing Health Adaptation Gaps: Synergies between ...Vector-borne diseases Estimated or reported annual cases of selected vector-borne diseases (WHO, 2017c): • Malaria: 212 million.

Adaptation GAR 2018: Focus on Health

Chap 6- Heat & EEs Chap 7- Inf. Disease Chap 8- Nutrition

•  Baseline situation: a significant, largely preventable, current burden of climate-related illness and mortality

•  Projections

•  Addressing gaps

Page 12: Addressing Health Adaptation Gaps: Synergies between ...Vector-borne diseases Estimated or reported annual cases of selected vector-borne diseases (WHO, 2017c): • Malaria: 212 million.

Heat and Extreme Events


Page 13: Addressing Health Adaptation Gaps: Synergies between ...Vector-borne diseases Estimated or reported annual cases of selected vector-borne diseases (WHO, 2017c): • Malaria: 212 million.





Page 14: Addressing Health Adaptation Gaps: Synergies between ...Vector-borne diseases Estimated or reported annual cases of selected vector-borne diseases (WHO, 2017c): • Malaria: 212 million.

Heat and Extreme Events Vulnerable Groups

•  Theelderlyfromdysfunctionalthermoregulatorymechanisms,chronicdehydration,medicationandpre-existingdiseases

•  Pregnantwomenandfoetuses;extremeheatisariskfactorforadversebirthoutcomessuchaslowbirthweightandprematurebirth

•  Patientswithchronicdiseases;forexample,peoplewithdiabetes,whoareobeseandthosewithcognitiveimpairments

•  Outdoorseasonalworkers

•  TravellersSociallydisadvantagedorisolatedgroups

•  Migrants,refugeesandinternallydisplacedpeople

Page 15: Addressing Health Adaptation Gaps: Synergies between ...Vector-borne diseases Estimated or reported annual cases of selected vector-borne diseases (WHO, 2017c): • Malaria: 212 million.

Infectious diseases

Cissé et al. 2018; UNEP AGR, 2018

Infectious diseases : #20 percent of the global burden of disease (Murray et al., 2012). Three important categories of infectious diseases sensitive to climate change: (i)   water-borne diseases (WBDs); (ii)   food-borne diseases (FBDs); and (iii)  vector-borne diseases (VBDs) Adaptation gap associated with infectious diseases, focus on WFDs and VBDs.

Page 16: Addressing Health Adaptation Gaps: Synergies between ...Vector-borne diseases Estimated or reported annual cases of selected vector-borne diseases (WHO, 2017c): • Malaria: 212 million.

Infectious diseases CurrentbudenandprojectionsforWFBDsandVBDs

Exposure/outcome Currentimpacts ProjectedimpactsW a t e r -a n df o o d -b o r n edisease

•  In2016,diarrheacausedaround1.7milliondeaths,includingalmost450,000inchildrenyoungerthanfiveyears(Troegeretal.,2017).

•  600millionfood-borneillnessesand420,000associateddeathsin2010(WHO,2015b).

•  InEurope,themostprevalentwater-andfood-bornediseaseiscampylobacteriosis,whichishighlysensitivetoclimate(ECDC,2012).

•  Global projections (WHO, 2014); 48,000additional deaths per year in childrenagedunder15yearsareprojectedduetodiarrheal disease for the year 2030 and33,000deathsfor2050.

•  InEuropeinthe2080s,climatechangecouldinduceanadditional40,000casesofsalmonellaannually(Watkissetal.,2009).



•  Malaria:212million.•  Schistosomiasis:207million.

•  Dengue:96million.

•  Lymphaticfilariasis:38.5million.

•  Onchocerciasis:15.5million.

•  Globalprojections (WHO,2014):60,000additionaldeaths peryearfrommalariafortheyear2030and33,000deaths for2050.

•  Climatechangewillcontinuetoincreasetheriskoftick-bornediseases(Stoneetal.,2017).

Page 17: Addressing Health Adaptation Gaps: Synergies between ...Vector-borne diseases Estimated or reported annual cases of selected vector-borne diseases (WHO, 2017c): • Malaria: 212 million.

Infectious diseases Projectionsforfoodandwater-bornediseases(2)

WHO, 2014

Page 18: Addressing Health Adaptation Gaps: Synergies between ...Vector-borne diseases Estimated or reported annual cases of selected vector-borne diseases (WHO, 2017c): • Malaria: 212 million.

Infectious diseases Current burden of vector-borne diseases (2)

WHO, 2014

Page 19: Addressing Health Adaptation Gaps: Synergies between ...Vector-borne diseases Estimated or reported annual cases of selected vector-borne diseases (WHO, 2017c): • Malaria: 212 million.


WHO, 2014

Page 20: Addressing Health Adaptation Gaps: Synergies between ...Vector-borne diseases Estimated or reported annual cases of selected vector-borne diseases (WHO, 2017c): • Malaria: 212 million.

Infectious diseases

Addressbothimplementationgapsandknowledgegaps-  IncreaseaccesstoWASH-  InvestmoreinhealthresearchinareasthataremostaffectedbyWBDandFBD

-  Moreeffortsforreducingthepopulationofparasites,microbesandvectors

-  Improveintegratedvectormanagement-  Reducehumanexposure-  Reducetheburdenofdiseases

-  MakeprogresstowardsSDGs.

Page 21: Addressing Health Adaptation Gaps: Synergies between ...Vector-borne diseases Estimated or reported annual cases of selected vector-borne diseases (WHO, 2017c): • Malaria: 212 million.

Unequalexposuresandimpacts•  Majorityoftheworld’shungrypeopleliveindevelopingcountries,


•  Poornutritioncausesnearlyhalf(45percent)ofdeathsinchildrenunderfive–3.1millionchildreneachyear.

•  AsiaandAfricarepresentnearlyallofthecurrentstuntingburden.

•  SouthAsiarepresentsmorethanhalfofthosewasted.•  Missedtarget:reducethenumberofstuntedchildrenby40%as



Page 22: Addressing Health Adaptation Gaps: Synergies between ...Vector-borne diseases Estimated or reported annual cases of selected vector-borne diseases (WHO, 2017c): • Malaria: 212 million.

Climatechangewillmakesitworse…•  Mortality

•  95’176additionalundernourishmentrelateddeathsinchildrenunderfiveby2030and84’697by2050.

•  Undernourished•  [email protected]°C•  540-590millionundernourishedby2050@2°C

•  Stunting•  570’000(underprosperity/lowclimatechangescenario)•  >1million(underthepoverty/highclimatechangescenario)•  7.5millionmoderatelyandseverelystunted(2030)and10.1



Page 23: Addressing Health Adaptation Gaps: Synergies between ...Vector-borne diseases Estimated or reported annual cases of selected vector-borne diseases (WHO, 2017c): • Malaria: 212 million.

Multi-level governance: resources, sectors, and actors


Page 24: Addressing Health Adaptation Gaps: Synergies between ...Vector-borne diseases Estimated or reported annual cases of selected vector-borne diseases (WHO, 2017c): • Malaria: 212 million.

Need Climate Resilient Health Systems

•  The overall presence of health-sector activities in international climate adaptation finance stands at less than one percent.

•  Additional resources are needed to build the capacities of health professionals to deal with climate-related impacts

Page 25: Addressing Health Adaptation Gaps: Synergies between ...Vector-borne diseases Estimated or reported annual cases of selected vector-borne diseases (WHO, 2017c): • Malaria: 212 million.

•  Accelerated action on basic climate-sensitive determinants of health within SDGs (WASH, evidence-based interventions to avoid malnutrition, etc.)

•  Early warning, monitoring and DRR (including building evidence base and improving data coverage)


Page 26: Addressing Health Adaptation Gaps: Synergies between ...Vector-borne diseases Estimated or reported annual cases of selected vector-borne diseases (WHO, 2017c): • Malaria: 212 million.



Page 27: Addressing Health Adaptation Gaps: Synergies between ...Vector-borne diseases Estimated or reported annual cases of selected vector-borne diseases (WHO, 2017c): • Malaria: 212 million.

Increase Synergies from SDGs

•  Twopolicy-relatedclustersarehighlighted:WaterSupplyandSanitationandHealthandHealthcareofIndigenousPeoples.

•  Water Supply and Sanitation: a central concern linking Environment and Health


Nakamura et al. 2019 Web of Sc. Group

Page 28: Addressing Health Adaptation Gaps: Synergies between ...Vector-borne diseases Estimated or reported annual cases of selected vector-borne diseases (WHO, 2017c): • Malaria: 212 million.

Increase Synergies from SDGs

•  Africa,theArabStates,andLatinAmericaare,bycontrast,smallparticipantsdespitethefactthatSDGsarekeyconcernsintheseregions.

•  EuropeannationsdominateSDGsresearch,withNorthAmericaandtheAsia&Pacificregioncontributingless,butroughlysimilar

Nakamura et al. 2019 Web of Sc. Group

Page 29: Addressing Health Adaptation Gaps: Synergies between ...Vector-borne diseases Estimated or reported annual cases of selected vector-borne diseases (WHO, 2017c): • Malaria: 212 million.

EEA Report No 1/2018 National climate change vulnerability and risk assessments in Europe, 2018

Source: EEA Report 2018

Page 30: Addressing Health Adaptation Gaps: Synergies between ...Vector-borne diseases Estimated or reported annual cases of selected vector-borne diseases (WHO, 2017c): • Malaria: 212 million.

Timelines of CCIV information and adaptation policy developments for Switzerland

Source: EEA Report 2018

Page 31: Addressing Health Adaptation Gaps: Synergies between ...Vector-borne diseases Estimated or reported annual cases of selected vector-borne diseases (WHO, 2017c): • Malaria: 212 million.

Countries to do more for NAPs & SDGs

The Lancet 2018 391, 581-630DOI: (10.1016/S0140-6736(17)32464-9) Weneed:•  Moreofthem•  Betterones,insomecases•  Fortheexistingonestobeimplemented

Page 32: Addressing Health Adaptation Gaps: Synergies between ...Vector-borne diseases Estimated or reported annual cases of selected vector-borne diseases (WHO, 2017c): • Malaria: 212 million.

Thank you very much for your attention

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