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Adelaide University Union Board Pack December 2016 · Recommendation: That the AUU Board accepts...

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Adelaide University Union Board Pack December 2016 20-12-2016
Page 1: Adelaide University Union Board Pack December 2016 · Recommendation: That the AUU Board accepts the AUU President’s Report. 7. SRC President’s Report – page MP Recommendation:

Adelaide University Union Board Pack

December 2016


Page 2: Adelaide University Union Board Pack December 2016 · Recommendation: That the AUU Board accepts the AUU President’s Report. 7. SRC President’s Report – page MP Recommendation:


This is a confidential pack made for Board Directors of the Adelaide University Union

This pack is not to be shared with anyone who is

not a member of the AUU Board

Page 3: Adelaide University Union Board Pack December 2016 · Recommendation: That the AUU Board accepts the AUU President’s Report. 7. SRC President’s Report – page MP Recommendation:


Mission, Vision and Values Vision Our belief is that an educated, engaged and passionate community can change the world for the better. Mission The Union strives to enrich the student experience by ensuring:

I. that the student voice is heard and valued;

II. that the full range of student communities is fostered and engaged;

III. the health, safety and wellbeing of students which allow for development,

both individually and collectively.

Values Our values lie at the heart of what we do and our commitment to these principles will allow for our individual differences to be overcome.

Accessible Education

The Union recognises that education is one of the most powerful determinants in a person’s life and that it must be accessible for all students regardless of social or economic status.


The Union recognises that within the student community there are many communities defined by gender, ethnicity, faith and economic status, etc. Each community possesses a unique student experience and we value, embrace and promote that diversity.

Partnership & Community

The Union believes that the University experience will be richer for students if it includes interaction with a broader range of community partners, whether they be social, cultural, sporting, charitable or business.


The Union recognises that the task of representation requires the highest standards of ethical behaviour, efficacy, and service, as well as management and professional skills all aimed at delivering benefits for students.


The Union is committed to a student organisation governed by the students of the University of Adelaide and seeks to foster and strengthen democratic decision making processes.

Page 4: Adelaide University Union Board Pack December 2016 · Recommendation: That the AUU Board accepts the AUU President’s Report. 7. SRC President’s Report – page MP Recommendation:


Adelaide University Union Board Agenda

For the meeting on 20th December 2016

In the Board Room at 5:30pm

1. Welcome, Acknowledgement of Traditional Owners, & Apologies


We would like to Acknowledge that the land we meet on today is the traditional lands for the Kaurna people and that we respect their spiritual relationship with their Country. We also acknowledge the Kaurna people as the traditional custodians of the Adelaide region and that their cultural and heritage beliefs are still as important to the living Kaurna people today.

2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest BJS

That all directors and officers in attendance declare that they have read and considered all papers within this agenda that require decision making and have no known conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest with respect to those matters.

3. Minutes of the Previous Meeting BJS

Recommendation: That the AUU Board accepts the minutes of the Meeting of the 30th of November 2016.

4. Action Items from Previous Meetings BJS


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Rhys Williams to email Brodie Scott all information regarding the AUU hotline options.



Communication with Rhys Williams in regards to his hotline research was attempted, however any research or findings are yet to be provided.


Georgie Morphett to contact the General Manager and Brodie Scott regarding the design of the signage.



Communication with Georgie Morphett is underway and a sign design is soon to be provided.


Brodie Scott to explore, through the working group, the ways in which post-graduate students can be better represented by the AUU and to report back on the working group’s findings.



A working group has been assembled and is to meet before the 17th of December.


Brodie Scott to contact Nicholas Bortolotto about the intentions of his submission and to explain that the AUU has not endorsed his proposal.



Communication with Nicholas Bortolotto was undertaken in regards to his proposal and an updated version has been included in the agenda for discussion. Nicholas Bortolotto was also informed that the AUU has at no point endorsed his proposal.

5. Board Induction Pack 2017 – page BJS

6. AUU President’s Report – page BJS

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That the AUU Board accepts the AUU President’s Report.

7. SRC President’s Report – page MP


That the AUU Board accepts the SRC President’s Report.

8. Postgraduate Student Representative Body – page



Yet to be provided.

9. SLTA Student Partnership Proposal – page NB


That the AUU Board endorse the project in theory and participate in steps 2 (survey and focus group execution) and 5 (workshop execution), and any other steps as the AUU Board sees fit.

10. Professional Development Day – page BJS

11. Board Executive Update – page BJS

12. Student Media Committee Update – page BJS

13. Clubs Committee Update – page BJS

14. University Council Changes – page BJS

15. Board Communication – page BJS

16. In Camera Items BJS

17. Any Other Business BJS

18. Close:

Next Meeting: 20/01/2017 (presumptive)

Close of Submissions:

13/01/2017 (presumptive)

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Persons Responsible for Agenda Items:

Brodie Scott (BJS)

Mark Pace (MP)

Joe Lu (JL)

Nicholas Bortolotto (NB)

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Adelaide University Union Board Minutes

For the meeting on 20th December 2016

In the Board Room at 5:30pm

Present: Apologies:

Brodie Scott (AUU President, Chair) Iran Sanadzadeh

Ansar Rana (Student Media Committee Chair, Executive)

Jack Crawford

Yunhan (Jennifer) Li (Clubs Committee Chair, Executive)

Jack Newton (Vice-President)

Sarah Tynan (Executive)

Olivia Savvas Absent:

Iacovos Digenis

Siqi (Jeffrey) Yang Visitors:

Gary Sutherland (Ex Officio)

Michael Physick (Ex Officio) Minutes Secretary: Ansar Rana

Meeting opened at 5:38

1. Welcome, Acknowledgement of Traditional Owners, & Apologies


We would like to Acknowledge that the land we meet on today is the traditional lands for the Kaurna people and that we respect their spiritual relationship with their Country. We also acknowledge the Kaurna people as the traditional custodians of the Adelaide region and that their cultural and heritage beliefs are still as important to the living Kaurna people today.

Apologies were received from:

Iran Sanadzadeh

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Jack Crawford

Jack Newton

2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest BJS

That all directors and officers in attendance declare that they have read

and considered all papers within this agenda that require decision making and have no known conflict of interest or potential conflict of

interest with respect to those matters.

3. Minutes of the Previous Meeting BJS

Recommendation: That the AUU Board accepts the minutes of the Meeting of the 30th of November 2016.

Moved: Brodie Scott

Seconded: Ansar Rana Carried

4. Action Items from Previous Meetings

and New Actions



Rhys Williams to email Brodie Scott all information regarding the AUU hotline options.



New Action:

Original Action Tabled

Brodie Scott to continue to attempt to communicate with Rhys Williams in regards to any undertaken research and disclose relevant findings to the AUU Board.


Georgie Morphett to contact the General Manager and Brodie Scott regarding the design of the signage.



New Action:

Original Action Tabled

Olivia Savvas to contact Georgie Morphett to receive any completed drafts and generally pursue the matter further.

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Brodie Scott to explore, through the working group, the ways in which post-graduate students can be better represented by the AUU and to report back on the working group’s findings.



New Action

Original Action Tabled


Brodie Scott to contact Nicholas Bortolotto about the intentions of his submission and to explain that the AUU has not endorsed his proposal.



5. Board Induction Pack 2017 BJS

6. AUU President’s Report BJS

During discussion of the AUU President’s Report concerns were raised about the lack of SRC presence on the Academic Board as had been seen in previous years along with the gender and political diversity of the appointed students. These concerns were addressed by the President, who questioned the SRC’s presence on Academic Board in previous years as well as raised the belief that the appointees would represent students well through their own individual merits. The President raised that the Student Representative Council appoints to many University committees and that this allows the Student Representative Council to fulfil its mandate of representing students to the University. Certain directors expressed an interest in reviewing the key performance indicators agreed between the University and the Adelaide University Union in regards to appointments to the Academic Board as well as whether there should be more consultation with board directors.


That the AUU Board accepts the AUU President’s Report.

Moved: Siqi (Jeffrey) Yang

Seconded: Ansar Rana Carried

7. SRC President’s Report MP

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That the AUU Board accepts the SRC President’s Report.

Moved: Brodie Scott

Seconded: Iacovos Digenis Carried

8. Postgraduate Student Representative Body JL

As previously actioned, the President established a working group to address questions regarding the formation of a Postgraduate Student Representative affiliate body. The President addressed concerns surrounding the process of the working group, a proposed model for the body, the commitment to democratic processes in any future establishment of the body and funding requirements of any such future body. It was agreed that sufficient information was yet to be provided to the AUU Board and that tabling the proposal for the next meeting was the best step forward.


Original Proposal Tabled

9. SLTA Student Partnership Proposal NB

As previously actioned, the President met with Nicholas Bortolotto on several occasions to assist in the production of a proposal for the AUU Board. Despite concerns that the proposal lacked detail in its present form, the proposal’s recommendation was amended and gained the support of the AUU Board.


That the AUU Board endorse the project in theory and participate in steps 2 (survey and focus group execution) and 5 (workshop execution), and any other steps as the AUU Board sees fit.

Amended Recommendation:

That the AUU Board endorse the project in theory.

Moved: Brodie Scott

Seconded: Sarah Tynan Carried

10. Professional Development Day BJS

As two board directors have missed the Professional Development Day, the AUU Board discussed possible paths forward. It was raised that the two

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board directors in question now pose a legal and governance risk to the Adelaide University Union. The General Manager proposed that attendance at a professional development day be a mandatory requirement for all board candidates in future elections.


Brodie Scott to meet with all board directors who missed the 2016 professional development day to present them with all powerpoint slides and relevant information.


General Manager’s Discussion Proposal Tabled

11. Board Executive Update BJS

The President raised that the December meeting of the Executive of Board was cancelled due to office difficulties. The President also expressed his commitment to holding all future executive meetings and apologised for the cancellation.

12. Student Media Committee Update BJS

The President delivered an update on the Student Media Committee, covering all members for 2017 and the commitment of the group to developing their respective areas of student media. The President further expressed his commitment to developing greater communication between the AUU Board and the Student Media Committee.

13. Clubs Committee Update BJS

The President delivered an update on the Clubs Committee, covering all members for 2017 and the commitment of the group to supporting clubs. The President further expressed his commitment to developing greater communication between the AUU Board and the Clubs Committee.

14. University Council Changes BJS

After deliberation, it was agreed that the issue falls within the purview of the Student Representative Council and that the AUU Board should not take a strong political position on the matter.

15. Board Communication BJS

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Communication standards within the AUU Board were discussed and the President committed to setting up a read-receipt system for all official email communication between the President and the AUU Board.

16. In Camera Items BJS

The AUU Board moved into In-Camera at 7:32pm The AUU Board moved out of In-Camera at 7:37pm

17. Any Other Business BJS

A question was raised to the AUU Board by a guest as to the need for paid membership to the Adelaide University Union, pointing to the fact that the financial impact of the product only made up 2% of the overall budget. It was argued that the cost assigned to membership was a philosophical issue, pointing to the fee’s place as an acknowledgement of the member to make a contribution to the union. It was also argued that such a fee raised funds that can go towards programs on campus that help non-members, pointing to the fact that such programs run on low budgets. It was finally argued that other universities that have implemented free membership to their student representative bodies struggle with low engagement.

18. Close: 7:54pm

Next Meeting: TBA

Close of Submissions:


Persons Responsible for Agenda Items:

Brodie Scott (BJS)

Mark Pace (MP)

Joe Lu (JL)

Nicholas Bortolotto (NB)

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To: AUU Board Regarding: Board Induction Pack 2017 Date: 14/12/2017 Memorandum Dear Board Directors. Every year all board directors are provided with an induction pack to assist in their understanding of all areas of the AUU and by extension, their governance of the company. I have updated the board induction pack of last year and will provide that to each of you at our meeting on the 20th December, or at a later date if you are unable to attend that meeting. The Board Induction Pack 2017 includes a written summary of the AUU, all rules and policies of the AUU, organisational charts of the company as well as its affiliates, and the slides from the Professional Development Day scheduled for all board directors earlier in the month. There are bound to be one or two typographical errors, however if anyone has any questions/suggestions, please contact me and we can organise to discuss your concerns. I hope this induction pack makes the structure of the AUU clearer to you all. Regarding: Meeting Protocol Date: 14/12/2017 Memorandum Dear Board Directors, I have noticed over the course of 2016 that during meetings the board has been troubled by communication issues amongst itself as well as with guests. As I have communicated to all board directors, the General Manager and the SRC President I intend to chair meetings as effectively and efficiently as possible. The following is grounded in current AUU policy as included in all board induction packs and on the AUU website. Firstly, as I have further communicated to the above parties, whilst respecting the right of all those in attendance to speak, I have made the decision to prioritise the speaking rights of board directors over guests. This is so as to make the operations of board more effective and efficient. Secondly, I have made the decision to not tolerate calling out, offensive comments, jeering, unsolicited arguing between directors and guests and interruption of the Chair. Board Directors will receive a warning upon such behaviour and may be expelled upon further bad behaviour. Guests will, depending on the behaviour, either receive a warning followed by expulsion upon further bad behaviour, or be expelled immediately.

Item 5

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If anyone has any questions/suggestions, please contact me and we can organise to discuss your concerns. Thanks for your time, Brodie

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AUU President’s Report: 14/12/2016

1. Student-Led Teaching Awards Presentation

Following on from Ian Tan’s (Former President) report, the Student-Led Teaching Awards Presentation took place on the 9th December. Ian Tan and Georgie Morphett delivered a speech and guided the process of presenting each academic with a certificate on behalf of students. The initiative has proven to be successful and the University, AUU and I’m sure students, are all interested in the future possibilities of the Student-Led Teaching Awards.

2. Minutes & Board Packs

Ian Tan has uploaded many of the missing minutes from earlier meetings the AUU Board and as of writing this report we are only missing two sets of minutes, one from the 11th May and the other from the 12th October. I am in communication with Kearin Hausler (Marketing, Communications & Clubs Manager) in regards to those two sets of minutes. I intend to upload the minutes from the 30th November as soon as possible after board approval on the 20th.

3. Office Relocation

The President’s office has moved from the room next to the AUU Reception to the space formerly allocated to On Dit. On Dit still occupy one of the offices of the space. I am still in communication with University IT to set up the printer I will use with On Dit. Aside from the printer, the relocation has been carried out without any notable problems.

4. SRC

The SRC held their first meeting of the 2017 student representatives on the 6th December. Quorum was achieved and Mark Pace (SRC President) lead the council through a series of new administrative initiatives that speak for the SRC renewed intentions to fulfil KPIs and appropriately represent students of the University. I will continue to maintain steady and consistent communication with Mark Pace so as to ensure students are appropriately represented and the AUU’s interests are heard by the council.

5. Campus Services Holdings & Campus Retail Services

Aside from the general operations of Campus Services Holdings and Campus Retail Services as outlined in the board induction pack, both boards will elect a new Chair in the near future. Both companies are functioning well and consistently on the advice, and in the best interests of, the AUU.

6. President’s Activity

October 13th Met with Alyssa Mason (Events and Activities Assistant) for a discussion on future club-related events

Item 6

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October 24th Attended Campus Services Holdings board meeting as President Elect

October 25th Attended Consultation Workshop: Student Partnership in University Reviews as President Elect

October 31st Attended Campus Services Holdings board meeting as President Elect

November 8th Met with Gary Sutherland (GM) and discussed key areas of the AUU

November 11th

Met with Gary Sutherland (GM) for a discussion on AUU business

November 17th

Met with Mark Pace (SRC President) for a discussion about cooperation in 2017

November 23rd

Participated as a selection panel member for the Student Led Teaching Awards

Met with Iran Sanadzadeh (Board Director) for a discussion about board operations in 2017

Met with Jack Newton (Board Director), Ansar Rana (Board Director) for a discussion about board operations in 2017

November 24th

Met with Jack Crawford (Board Director) for a discussion about board operations in 2017

November 25th

Met with Olivia Savvas (Board Director) for a discussion about board operations in 2017

November 28th

Met with an SRC Office Bearer for a discussion about SRC operations in 2017

Met with Jack Newton (Board Director) for a discussion about board operations in 2017

Met with an SRC member for a discussion about SRC operations in 2017

November 29th

Attended the Strategic Planning Workshop with AUU staff and board directors

Met with Iacovos Digenis (Board Director) for a discussion about board operations in 2017

November 30th

Attended Fitness Hub Board Meeting as President Elect Attended AUU Board Meeting as President Elect Met with Joe Lu (Former Board Director) for a preliminary discussion about Postgraduate Student Association Affiliate working group (Actioned)

December 1st Met with Nicholas Bortolotto for a discussion about SLTA Student Partnerships (Actioned)

December 2nd Met with Patrick Imaysay (Clubs Committee Clubs Representative) for a discussion about committee operations in 2017

Met with Adi Rai (Former Board Director) for a discussion about board operations in 2015-2016

Met with Sarah Tynan (Board Director) for a discussion about board operations in 2017

December 5th Met with Olivia Savvas (Board Director) for a discussion about board operations in 2017

Had a conference call with Richard Matthews (SRC Postgraduate Officer) for a preliminary discussion about Postgraduate Student Association Affiliate working group (Actioned) Met with Gary Sutherland (GM) for a discussion on AUU business

Met with Mark Pace (SRC President), Andrew Watson (SRC Administrator) for a discussion about university committee appointments

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December 6th Attended Campus Services Holdings board meeting

Attended Campus Retail Services board meeting

Attended SRC meeting

December 7th Met with Kearin Hausler (Marketing, Communications and Clubs Manager) for a discussion about his role and operations in 2017

December 8th Attended Professional Development Day

Gary Sutherland (GM) for a discussion on AUU business

December 9th Met with Richard Matthews, Joe Lu for a preliminary discussion about the Postgraduate Student Associaton affiliate working group

Met with Professor Pascale Quester, DVC(A), for our first discussion about student issues

Attended the Student-Led Teaching Awards

December 13th

Completed production of the Board Induction Pack 2017

December 14th

Met with Kearin Hausler (Marketing, Communications and Clubs Manager) for a discussion about 2017 operations in regards to clubs

Met with Gary Sutherland (General Manager) for a discussion on AUU business

Brodie Scott AUU President

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SRC President’s Report To be included.

Item 7

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To: AUU Board Regarding: Postgraduate Student Representative Body Date: 14/12/2017 Memorandum Dear Board Directors. As according to the email I sent you all on the 6th December, the Postgraduate Student Representative Body working group has been established with four participating members and the possibility of a sixth member depending on scheduling. The working group is scheduled to meet on the 16th of December and will discuss the various issues involved in the establishment and/or disestablishment of a new body for postgraduate students. As the meeting date is close to the date of the next board meeting, the findings of the group are not able to be presented in this memorandum. They will however be sent to all board directors as soon as possible after the meeting of the working group and as early as possible before the board meeting. As according to the prior email, if anyone has any questions/suggestions, please contact me and we can organise to discuss your concerns. Thanks for your time, Brodie

Item 8

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To: AUU Board Regarding: SLTA Student Partnerships Date: 14/12/2017 Memorandum Dear Board Directors. So as to accompany the following agenda item containing information about Nicholas Bortolotto’s SLTA Student Partnerships proposal, the University as represented by Bernadette Foley is expressing concerns about the involvement of the AUU and SRC, as represented by the respective student representatives, in the initiative. The University would prefer to pursue the proposal with the confidence that the AUU Board and SRC are willing to cooperate in the programs involved and have raised concerns about the future of the initiative if such cooperation wasn’t to be attained from the AUU Board and SRC. If anyone has any questions, please contact me and we can organise to discuss your concerns. Thanks for your time, Brodie

Item 9

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To: AUU Board Regarding: SLTA Student Partnerships Date: 10/12/2016 Background

Under the Strategy for Learning, Teaching and Assessment (SLTA) The University is committed to fostering an enhanced role for students in the following areas:

Learning and Teaching governance



Curriculum development

Review and enhancement

Peer support

There are currently five bodies for student representation and this University - AUU Board, SRC, School and Faculty, Student Media (On Dit and Student Radio). These bodies have little connection, making a combined effort towards facilitating student involvement in the above areas difficult. In order to assist student representatives in taking a leading role in the facilitation of student involvement in the above areas I have designed and committed to running a program over the summer holidays. This program will involve several stages:

1. Survey and focus group creation

2. Survey and focus group execution

3. Survey report

4. Workshop creation

5. Workshop execution

6. Workshop report

7. Presentation to University


Item 10

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I would like to propose that the AUU Board endorse my project in theory and participate in steps 2 and 5, and any other steps as the AUU Board sees fit. Thank you for your consideration, Nicholas Bortolotto

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To: AUU Board Regarding: Professional Development Day Date: 14/12/2017 Dear Board Directors. As you are all aware, the board’s Professional Development Day was held on the 8th December. According to the General Manager, attendance at the Professional Development Day at least at the beginning of the first year of their two-year term is mandatory for all board directors. Without the understanding of the intricate details of board directorship that is gained from the activity board directors pose a legal and governance risk to the AUU. To my knowledge the following directors haven’t attended a professional development day:

- Yunhan (Jennifer) Li (extenuating circumstances)

- Jack Crawford (interstate)

I would like to recommend that the AUU Board discuss this issue and seek the recommendation of the General Manager in regards to actions going forward. If anyone has any questions/suggestions, please contact me and we can organise to discuss your concerns. Thanks for your time, Brodie

Item 11

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To: AUU Board Regarding: Board Executive Update Date: 14/12/2017 Memorandum Dear Board Directors. Due to scheduling difficulties, the inherent difficulties involved in the transition of presidency and my preoccupation with the relocation of the President’s office I decided to cancel the meeting of the AUU Board Executive that would have ordinarily occurred between the board meeting on the 30th November and 20th December. I am however committed to consistently holding all AUU Board Executive meetings throughout the year. If anyone has any questions/suggestions, please contact me and we can organise to discuss your concerns. Thanks for your time, Brodie

Item 12

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To: AUU Board Regarding: Student Media Committee Update Date: 14/12/2017 Memorandum Dear Board Directors. The members of the Student Media Committee of 2017 have begun their term. The committee currently consists of:

- Jenny Nguyen, Tom Haskell & Jesse Davidson (On Dit Editors)

- Tim Whiffen & Demi Formato (Student Radio Directors)

- Brodie Scott (AUU President)

- Ansar Rana (AUU Board Director & Student Media Committee Chair)

- Gary Sutherland (General Manager)

All members are excited to begin their work next year and are committed to further developing their respective media areas. I am committed to seeing greater communication between the Student Media Committee and AUU Board in 2017. If anyone has any questions/suggestions, please contact me and we can organise to discuss your concerns. Thanks for your time, Brodie

Item 13

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To: AUU Board Regarding: Clubs Committee Update Date: 14/12/2017 Memorandum Dear Board Directors. After a successful election, the members of the Clubs Committee of 2017 have begun their term. The committee consists of:

- Jennifer Li (AUU Board Director & Clubs Committee Chair)

- Brodie Scott (AUU President)

- Oscar Ong (Clubs Committee Clubs Representative)

- Patrick Imaysay (Clubs Committee Clubs Representative)

- Andrew Watson (Clubs Administrator)

- Gary Sutherland (General Manager)

All members are excited to begin their work next year and are committed to bringing about positive changes for clubs. I am committed to seeing greater communication between the Clubs Committee and AUU Board in 2017. If anyone has any questions/suggestions, please contact me and we can organise to discuss your concerns. Thanks for your time, Brodie

Item 14

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To: AUU Board Regarding: University Council Changes Date: 14/12/2017 Memorandum Dear Board Directors. An issue that has been raised to the attention of student representatives involved in the SRC and AUU Board is the changes to University Council that are being pursued by the University. For the changes to take place a bill must be put to state parliament and passed. Such a bill has already been put to parliament and is awaiting further discussion in 2017. So as to save paper, the bill (Statutes Amendment (Universities) Bill 2016) is publicly available here: https://www.legislation.sa.gov.au/LZ/B/CURRENT/STATUTES%20AMENDMENT%20(UNIVERSITIES)%20BILL%202016/B_AS%20INTRODUCED%20IN%20HA/STATUTES%20AMENDMENT%20UNIVERSITIES%20BILL%202016.UN.PDF So as to save paper, the original University of Adelaide Act 1971 is publicly available here: https://www.legislation.sa.gov.au/LZ/C/A/UNIVERSITY%20OF%20ADELAIDE%20ACT%201971/CURRENT/1971.41.UN.PDF One of the most important parts of this bill is that it proposed drastic changes to the constitution (members) of the University Council, specifically the reduction of the number of students, general staff, academic staff and graduates that are to sit on the council. I would like to recommend that the AUU Board discuss this issue and seek the recommendation of the General Manager in regards to actions going forward. If anyone has any questions/suggestions, please contact me and we can organise to discuss your concerns. Thanks for your time, Brodie

Item 15

Page 29: Adelaide University Union Board Pack December 2016 · Recommendation: That the AUU Board accepts the AUU President’s Report. 7. SRC President’s Report – page MP Recommendation:


To: AUU Board Regarding: Board Communication Date: 14/12/2017 Memorandum Dear Board Directors. Throughout my short term so far I have sent several emails to board directors seeking answers to a specific question or issue. I have however encountered trouble receiving replies from directors even just to say that they have received and processed the email. The Chair’s effective communication with the board is a core part of their responsibilities and is necessary for the efficient running of the operations of the board. I would therefore like to propose that directors reply stating that they have read and understand my message upon receipt of an email that doesn’t include a question/request for information. I would also like to propose that directors reply with an answer/information when asked for it by myself. I would also appreciate timely replies; however, I understand that the personal circumstances of directors may inhibit that. If anyone has any questions/suggestions, please contact me and we can organise to discuss your concerns. Thanks for your time, Brodie

Item 16
