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Adelaide Youth Orchestras 2014 Annual Report

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VISION To be recognised as Australia’s leading state youth orchestral organisation, giving young South Australians the opportunity to attain the highest standard of musical performance. MISSION To provide talented young South Australian musicians with orchestral training, life skills and education in a safe, empowering and joyful environment. VALUES

1. We aspire to be excellent in all that we do. 2. Creativity, passion, teamwork, commitment and enjoyment will underpin all our activities. 3. We will demonstrate integrity and accountability at all times. 4. We will aim to be accessible to performers and audience members who in normal circumstances might be

unable to participate in our activities. 5. We will recognise the contribution everyone who supports our activities, including players, paid staff and

volunteers, members of the corporate and wider community. BRAND STATEMENT The Adelaide Youth Orchestras is a leader brand that leverages its excellence and youthful energy to create an audacious and fresh presence.

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STRATEGIC PRIORITIES PURSUIT OF EXCELLENCE We will identify, recruit and train talented young South Australian musicians and enable them to achieve the highest standard of musical performance ACCESSIBILITY AND AUDIENCE DEVELOPMENT We will ensure that our activities are accessible to the widest pool of talented young South Australian musicians and attract a broad audience base COMMUNICATION and STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT We will attract and retain a broad group of committed supporters FINANCIAL SUSTAINABILITY We will ensure the long-term financial viability of Adelaide Youth Orchestras ORGANISATIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND GOVERNANCE We will be a highly effective organisation and will demonstrate sound governance in all that we do

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Chair’s Report The Adelaide Youth Orchestras is continuing to demonstrate its contribution as a leading player in the South Australian youth arts scene. Our growing stature was acknowledged with requests for our ensembles to perform at two significant state occasions; the civic reception for the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge during their visit to South Australia in April and, in August, providing music throughout the evening at the farewell state dinner for His Excellency Rear Admiral The Hon Kevin Scarce, Governor of South Australia and Mrs Liz Scarce. These occasions showcase the remarkable talent of our young musicians, and provide exhilarating experiences not often available to young people. As Keith has noted in his report, artistically 2014 was another outstanding year. There were many highlights for our senior orchestra, the Adelaide Youth Orchestra, including the performance of Dvorak’s much loved Symphony No 9 From the New World to open the season, the world premiere of South Australian John Polglase’s Lux Nova and the performance of Rachmaninov’s Piano Concerto No 2 with internationally acclaimed Konstantin Shamray. For many, however, Mahler’s Symphony No 1 Titan, presented in collaboration with the Elder Conservatorium of Music Symphony Orchestra, was the musical triumph. Our musicians relished the opportunity to perform with their peers from the Conservatorium Now an established member of AdYO, the Adelaide Youth Wind Orchestra presented five superb performances in schools, community venues and the Adelaide Town Hall. Conductor Bryan Griffiths has excelled in leading this orchestra, which is filling a much needed role in providing unparalleled opportunities for Adelaide’s most talented wind and brass musicians. The Adelaide Youth Sinfonia (AdSI) gives many of our young musicians their first opportunity to perform as part of a symphony orchestra and, ably conducted by Peter Handsworth, this group also demonstrated the part AdSI plays in presenting fine concerts and preparing young musicians for bigger challenges. Inspired by Martin Butler, our youngest musicians in the Adelaide Youth Strings showcased their ability to perform music in a range of styles throughout the year, and proved that there is a substantial pool of talented string musicians preparing for a great musical future. Accessibility is a key strategic theme and AdYO is committed to ensuring that young people are not precluded from participation in our orchestras or from hearing live orchestral music due to distance or financial constraints. During 2014 our orchestras performed at nine schools, all of which welcomed AdYO for the first time. Work is underway to develop more opportunities for students who live further afield and we appreciate the ongoing funding we receive from the South Australian Department of Education and Child Development which supports this valuable work. Also fostering our accessibility goals, 31 scholarships were awarded to students during 2014, including 13 to students who attend public schools or reside outside the Adelaide metropolitan area. 2014 was a big year for our General Manager Christopher Wainwright, who took up his prestigious Churchill Fellowship, visiting orchestras in the United Kingdom, Germany and the United States. Christopher learned a great deal from this experience and continues to make an important contribution to AdYO. We are also fortunate to have a great team of conductors, tutors, orchestra managers and support staff, too many to name, but each of whom plays a vital contribution to this magnificent organisation. At a time when all sectors of the community are experiencing financial constraints, the support and recognition AdYO receives from the University of Adelaide and the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra is extremely valuable and is much appreciated. We are also supported by a number of philanthropic organisations, including the James and Diana Ramsay Foundation and the Klein Family Foundation who provide essential funding for our artistic and education programs. We have been delighted to continue our partnership with Adelaide Airport and Alfred James Funeral Directors, and truly value the loyal and growing group of committed individuals who contribute to our fundraising programs. As well as attending rehearsals every weekend, our 200 plus young musicians also undertake hours of private practice each week in order to ensure they are well prepared for the magnificent performances we all enjoy. These

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wonderful young people are our future musicians, music teachers, audience members and leaders. Behind each musician is a dedicated family of parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles and I would like to acknowledge their contribution at what is undoubtedly one of the busiest and most demanding times for families. Especial thanks are due to the members of our Parents and Friends Committee, chaired by Angus Netting. Rosie Burn Chair The Adelaide Youth Orchestras Inc.

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Artistic Director’s Report In 2014 we saw a further growth in concert giving and artistic standards throughout all of our orchestras. Adelaide Youth Strings (AYS) continued to perform at a high level consistent with the excellent training they are receiving. Martin and his tutors are to be congratulated on the continued development of skills which will stay with these young people into their professional life. Learning to be part of an ensemble and part of a team whilst having a great time enjoying performing at a high level develops in these young players a confidence which will remain with them whatever they do. This important training prepares students for the independence and musical maturity necessary for playing in the more advanced ensembles. Adelaide Youth Sinfonia (AdSI) has been well served by having Peter Handsworth at the helm. His enthusiasm for teaching has translated into a much improved ensemble. His well-structured and clearly musical approach provides a clear stepwise developmental path to enjoyable music making. They meet the challenges he places before them with enthusiasm and interest.. I worked with both AYS and AdSI as a tutor and conductor and found it a very enjoyable experience. The opportunity to work with three of our four orchestras allowed me to build my awareness of the orchestras’ skills and standards, and also to meet and engage with many new students. Adelaide Youth Wind Orchestra whilst being a relatively new ensemble, has fast placed itself at the core of our organisation. This is due in no small part to the vision and hard work of Bryan Griffiths who brings a commendable professionalism to his work with Adelaide Youth Orchestras. He always has the ensemble very well prepared and provides a very good selection music which educates as well as entertains his young charges. Adelaide Youth Orchestra had a particularly good and challenging year. The high point was the combined concerts with the Elder Conservatorium Orchestra in June. Their performance of the first symphony of Gustav Mahler was a watershed event for most of the performers (including the conductor). They rose to the occasion with great aplomb and showed that they have the capacity to take on new challenges and succeed. The value of working with other arts organisations cannot be overstated and the success of this endeavour encourages me to go further afield in my aim to give our students experiences rich in variety and quality. Tutors and Conductors have all contributed to the success of all of these ensembles and I would like to thank them wholeheartedly for their continued support and hard work. The AdYO String Quartet (sponsored by Alfred James Funeral Directors) had another good year of growth and development. Concerts in Government House and residential care facilities were very well received and their presence out in the community provides good outreach for the Adelaide Youth Orchestras. Similarly the AdYO Brass Quintet coached by Howard Parkinson and Bryan Griffiths have been active in presenting concerts throughout Adelaide. Both ensembles participated in master-classes with members of the Borodin Quartet and the American Brass Quintet. These unique opportunities were much valued by AdYO and our musicians. Last but not least, I would like to acknowledge the role of the parents of our students and also their instrumental teachers for their commitment to AdYO and the development of the important skills necessary to be able to operate well in our ensembles. Associate Professor Keith Crellin OAM Artistic Director The Adelaide Youth Orchestras Inc.

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Parents and Friends Committee Chair’s Report The Parent and Friends, like their children have had a very busy year. In the past year their role has been predominantly in volunteering and helping at various AdYO concerts and other activities (camps, donor events, auditions, etc.). A review of the Parents and Friends back in July 2014 looked at the longer term structure of the committee, governance and role of the committee and ways in which it can best support the Board and the administration of AdYO. The Committee’s role remains that of ambassadors for AdYO and to assist the AdYO administrative team and the board engaging with the parent body. The committee has looked also at targeted fundraising activities and supporting sponsorship initiatives of AdYO. A remaining challenge for the committee is finding suitable times to meet regularly. Establishing a regular meeting time will remain a priority in 2015-2016. I would like to thank the members of the committee; Juanita Martin, Tanya Gallery, Norraine Gobell, Kate Little, Sharon Morley Dianne Nicholls, Brigitte Olijynk and Corinne Paterson. And I would also like to thank Chris Wainwright, Susie Gold and our board Chair Rosie Burn for their support of the Parents and Friends Committee. Angus Netting Chair Parents and Friends Committee The Adelaide Youth Orchestras Inc.

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Reporting against AdYO’s 2013-2016 Strategic Plan 1. PURSUIT OF EXCELLENCE

We will identify, recruit and train talented young South Australian musicians and enable them to achieve the highest standards of musical performance

Goal 1: AdYO’s innovative programs are of the highest achievable artistic standard Strategy Measures KPI Results

Engage and retain inspirational artistic leaders, conductors, tutors and soloists

Employee, student and audience satisfaction surveys

Average satisfaction rating of 4 and above in employee, student and audience satisfaction surveys

88% of students gave a satisfaction rating of 4 and above for conductors, tutors and rehearsals

Select repertoire that is innovative, challenging and rewarding for musicians and audience members

Annual programming review

Programming supports Artistic Rationale each year Commission at least one new work each year

80% of students gave repertoire a satisfaction rating of 4 and above. World premiere of South Australian John Polglase’s Lux Nova

Attract and select the best participants for each program

Representation of new institutions, teachers and individuals

Increased auditions applications by 5% per annum 3% of applications from students learning with new teachers and/or in new institutions

3% increase in audition applications 14% from students learning with new teachers / institutions. The addition of the Schools Coordinator role is assisting this KPI

Ensure AdYO’s orchestra / ensemble and activity mix excites and challenges talented musicians

Annual review of activities and ensemble mix by Artistic Sub-Committee Touring program underway

Annual regional touring program AdYO undertakes first interstate tour by 2016

Achieved AdYO continues to work towards a regional and interstate touring program

Ensure AdYO performs in venues that inspire excellence and reflect the organisation’s artistic ambitions

At least two performances a year in the Adelaide Town Hall by 2016

Planning underway

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We will ensure that our activities are accessible to the widest pool of talented young South Australian musicians and attract a broad audience base

Goal 1: South Australia’s most talented young musicians have the opportunity to participate in AdYO programs

Strategy Measures KPI Result Attract high calibre musicians from a broad spread of schools and geographical areas

Representation of schools including public and non-metropolitan schools

60% of all musicians are from public schools by 2016 5% of all musicians are from non-metropolitan areas by 2016

31 % from public schools 13 % from non-metropolitan areas

Participation of promising musicians is not constrained by personal financial limitations

Scholarships program

A minimum of 20 scholarships each year including a minimum of 5 to non-metropolitan musicians and 5 to public school students

31 scholarships awarded in 2014

Increase participation by non-metropolitan based musicians

Touring program Schools programs

10 new country schools have participated in AdYO’s programs by end of 2016 5 unique programs delivered utilising IT All regional tours provide educational and skills development opportunities for local school students

Planning underway with support from Department for Education and Child Development to establish a program to increase accessibility for country schools.

Goal 2: AdYO performances are accessible to a broad audience base

Strategy Measures KPI Result Increase the size and breadth of AdYO’s audience base

Audience growth Audience diversity Audience surveys and BASS sales data

5% increase in the number tickets sold each calendar year Delivery of at least two concerts per annum in outer-metropolitan and non-traditional locations

15% growth in ticket sales (number of tickets sold) Concerts presented at Golden Grove, Marion and Woodville

Build relationship with community groups

Concert attendance by ‘clients’ of community groups

50 people from community groups attending each year Disability action plan developed and implemented

20 people participating in City of Charles Sturt’s English as a Second Language program attended a concert In progress

Ensure performances are accessible to non-metropolitan audiences

Concert attendance and participation by non-metropolitan audiences

Financial constraints have prevented us from presenting regional concerts

Ensure that audience members are not precluded due to affordability of tickets

Availability of concessional tickets

Restrict concessional ticket prices increases to no more than CPI

Concession ticket prices did not increase in 2014

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Goal 3: AdYO orchestras perform in outer metropolitan Adelaide and regional South Australia

Strategy Measures KPI Result Strengthen outer metropolitan concerts and schools programs

Outer metropolitan and regional concerts

Three performances per annum in outer metropolitan areas

Three performances presented at Golden Grove, Marion and Woodville

Put in place planning process for an annual regional tour by 2015

Regional tours Planning for regional tour by 2014 Annual regional tour by 2015

Financial constraints have meant that a regional tour will not occur in 2015. AdYO will continue to work to achieve this goal


We will attract and retain a broad group of committed supporters Goal 1: Strengthen AdYO’s profile and increase support from a broad range of stakeholders

Strategy Measures KPI Results Strengthen stakeholder communication and engagement

Stakeholder events

At least one stakeholder event targeted at new stakeholder group each year

AdYO hosted four open orchestral rehearsals for key stakeholders during 2014 Key stakeholders attended a Government House Reception

Continue to strengthen our relationship with all ties of government

Attendance at strategic forums and meetings All members of Adelaide City Council, State politicians, SA based federal politicians and key advisors are invited to Maestro Series and Gala Concert and receive annual report

Premier and State Arts Minister attends at least one concert each year Five attendances per annum by other local government, state and federal politicians

AdYO ensembles performed at two high profile civic functions Minister for the Arts attended an open rehearsal Adelaide City Councillors, State and Federal Parliamentarians attended concerts

Build support for AdYO through ambassadors and advocates

Implementation of ambassador plan

Ambassadors appointed and actively engaged

Not achieved in 2014

Establish an alumni program Implementation of alumni plan

Alumni recruited and actively engaged

Planning underway

Maintain and foster relationships with Australian youth arts and music organisations

Attendance at strategic forums and meetings

Hosted and chaired, Youth Orchestras Australia Annual CEO Meeting

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Goal 2: To maintain a strong and productive relationship with the Department for Education and Child Development (DECD), schools, music teachers and tertiary training institutions.

Strategy Measures KPI Results Work with Department for Education and Child Development to deliver collaborative education activities with curriculum outcomes

New education activities Representation of schools including public and non-metropolitan schools

Finalisation and implementation of Department for Education and Child Development partnership 17 new public schools and 8 new non-metro schools by 2016

AdYO Schools Coordinator employed and developed an annual program of collaborative educational activities. 8 new public schools and 1 private school visited as part of our annual schools tour programs.

Identify strategies to broaden the base of schools and teachers with whom we have a strong relationship

New music teachers involved with AdYO

5 new teachers associated with AdYO each year


Continue to strengthen our partnership with The University of Adelaide

Memorandum of Understanding with Elder Conservatorium of Music

Memorandum of Understanding in place by end of 2013

The University of Adelaide continues to provide strong support

Goal 3: Develop and nurture a large network of active and engaged volunteers Strategy Measures KPI Results

Develop strategies to attract and retain parent and friends and other volunteer participation

Volunteer participation

Minimum of 20 active volunteers 100 active volunteers

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We will ensure the long-term financial viability of The Adelaide Youth Orchestras Goal 1: Grow income from diverse and sustainable sources

Strategy Measures KPI Results Increase revenue from ticket sales and other activities

Revenue from all sources

7% increase in ticket revenue per annum

10% decrease

Membership fees balance affordability with income generation


Increase support from current and new sponsors and foundations

Total sponsorship revenue increases by 7% per annum

Sponsorship decreased by $27,000 due to non-renewing sponsorships

Grow and retain donor base and average donation

Number of donors increases by 7% per annum Average donation increases by 7% per annum

15% decrease in number of donors 45% increase in average donation

Increase funding from all tiers of government

State government funding increased to at least $60,000 per annum by 2016 Federal government funding increased to at least $30,000 per annum by 2016 City of Adelaide funding to increase to $12,000 per annum by 2016

State Government funding maintained at 2013 level in 2014 Federal Government funding maintained at 2013 level in 2014 City of Adelaide funding maintained at 2013 level in 2014

Continue to build and promote AdYO’s Future Fund

Future Fund has grown to $60,000 by 2016

Future funding currently $16,106, with an additional $28,651 in reserves.

Goal 2: Secure AdYO’s future through sound financial management Strategy Measures KPI Results

Prudent management of income and expenditure according to approved budgets

Establish board finance sub-committee Review financial policies and procedures including reserves strategy and fraud prevention Develop four year budget modelling

Achieved In progress In progress

Continue to improve budgeting accuracy

End of year profit/loss within 5% of budget

Strategies in place to ensure improvement in 2015

Maximise investment income Develop investment policy Planning underway

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We will be a highly effective organisation and will demonstrate sound governance in all we do Goal 1: Staff are highly skilled and effective in delivering AdYO programs

Strategy Measures KPI Results Adequate staffing of programs with well briefed operations, artistic, and pastoral personnel

All programs are staffed with appropriate ratios and are provided with operational plans


Ensure AdYO’s employees are best utilised, skilled and appropriately remunerated to deliver well managed programs

AdYO employees remunerated according to Clerks – Private Sector Award 2010

Goal 2: AdYO provides a safe environment for all participants Strategy Measures KPI Results

Provide and maintain a child safe environment for all AdYO activities

Staff maintenance and completion of mandatory notification training

All staff have up to date child safe training


Provide safe and appropriate venues with quality facilities

OHSW Incident Reporting

No OHSW incidents Achieved

Goal 3: Strong policies and procedures underpin AdYO’s activities

Strategy Measures KPI Results Ensure AdYO develops and complies with best practice policies and procedures

Policies and Procedures

Annual review of Policies and Procedures

Policies and Procedures reviewed

Ensure AdYO’s risk management plan is up to date and effectively mitigates risk

Risk Management Plan

Annual review of Risk Management Plan

Risk Management Plan reviewed

Goal 4: A high performing board leads AdYO’s activities

Strategy Measures KPI Results Ensure that the board provides effective leadership and transparent and sound governance

Board induction plan Board sub-committee structure

All new board members receive induction package Sub-committee structure in place

Achieved Achieved

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2014 Student Statistics Enrolments by Educational Type

Educational Type Number of students

Government 70 Independent 80 Catholic 15 Home School 3 Tertiary 45

Enrolments by Age

Age Number of students

8 2 9 4 10 10 11 17 12 24 13 23 14 21 15 25 16 16 17 19 18 25 19 11 20 11 21 4 22 4 23 2 24 1

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AdYO Board Member Profiles Rosie Burn, Chair

� Assistant Director, Department of Human Services � Director, Campus Retail Services � Past board member, Musica Viva and past president Musica Viva SA Committee � Former Marketing Manager, Adelaide Symphony Orchestra

Dr Jula Szuster, Deputy Chair

� Retired public servant (Arts SA and SA Education Department Music Branch) � Visiting Research Fellow in Musicology at the Elder Conservatorium of Music, The University

of Adelaide Lowen Partridge, Secretary

� Principal, Peartree Marketing � Member of SA Executive Committee, Family Business Australia � Former member of the Carrick Hill Trust � Former board member, Urban Myth Theatre of Youth

Michael Denholm, Treasurer

� Chartered Accountant � Manager, Dewings Accounting and Consulting � Treasurer, Soul Factor Gospel Choir � Member, State Opera of South Australia Chorus

David Leon

� Certified Portfolio Manager, Senior Vice President, Morgan Stanley � Director, Adelaide Symphony Orchestra � Mentor, Adelaide Crows

Paul Lagozzino

� Partner, Banking and Commercial, Fisher Jeffries Mark Lloyd OAM

� General Manager, Coriole Vineyards, McLaren Vale, South Australia � Producer Coriole Music Festival � Past Chairman, McLaren Vale Winemakers

Craddock Morton AM

� Retired Director of the National Museum Australia � Former Director of Old Parliament House, Canberra � Former Adviser to Prime Minister Paul Keating on cultural policy. � Former Private Secretary for Cabinet Matters to Prime Minister Bob Hawke

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Christine McCabe � Contributing Editor – Travel, The Australian � Freelance journalist and author � Board Member, Advertiser Sunday Mail Foundation � Chair, AdYO Parents and Friends Committee

Akira Nakayama

� Retired Managing Director of The Ishibashi Foundation, Tokyo, included The Bridgestone Museum of Art, Tokyo and The Ishibashi Museum of Art, Fukuoka Japan.

� Former Managing Director, BRISA Bridgestone Sabanci Co Ltd, Turkey � Former General Manager, Corporate Communications and Advertisement, Bridgestone

Corporation, Japan � Former Executive Director and Vice President, Bridgestone Australia Limited

Angus Netting

� Deputy Director, Adelaide Microscopy, Division of the Deputy Vice Chancellor Research, University of Adelaide

� AdYO Parents and Friends Committee Member � Past President Australian Microbeam Analysis Society � Past President Adelaide Masters Swimming Club Inc. � Past Treasurer Glenelg Commemoration Day Sports Association

AdYO 2014 Board Meeting Attendance

Board Member Name Number of Meetings

Number Attended

Rosie Burn 8 8 Dr Jula Szuster 8 8 Michael Denholm 8 5 Lowen Partridge 8 7 Paul Lagozzino 8 6 David Leon 5 3 Mark Lloyd OAM 8 5 Christine McCabe 8 4 Craddock Morton AM 8 6 Akira Nakayama 8 7 Angus Netting 8 8

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AdYO 2014 Board Sub-Committees Membership Artistic Sub-Committee

Dr Jula Szuster (Chair) Keith Crellin OAM Mark Lloyd OAM Akira Nakayama Christopher Wainwright (Secretariat) ……………………………………………. Finance, Audit and Risk Sub-Committee

Michael Denholm (Chair) Rosie Burn Paul Lagozzino David Leon Akira Nakayama Christopher Wainwright (Secretariat) ……………………………………………. Marketing Sub-Committee

Lowen Partridge (Chair) Rosie Burn Sanda Ecimovic Mark Lloyd OAM Christine McCabe Shauna Williams Christopher Wainwright (Secretariat) …………………………………………….

Policies and Procedures Sub-Committee

Paul Lagozzino (Chair) Rosie Burn Michael Denholm Dr Jula Szuster Christopher Wainwright (Secretariat) ……………………………………………. Sponsorship and Fundraising Sub-Committee

David Leon (Chair) Rosie Burn Christine McCabe Angus Netting Lowen Partridge Christopher Wainwright (Secretariat) ……………………………………………. Strategic Planning Sub-Committee

Rosie Burn (Chair) Michael Denholm Craddock Morton AM Akira Nakayama Dr Jula Szuster Christopher Wainwright (Secretariat)

AdYO 2014 Parents and Friends Committee Membership Christine McCabe (Chair) Tanya Gallery Norraine Gobell Kate Little Juanita Martin Sharon Morley

Dianne Nicholls Angus Netting Brigitte Olijynk Corinne Paterson Ex-officio: Susie Gold, Christopher Wainwright

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2014 Orchestral Lists ADELAIDE YOUTH ORCHESTRA Violin I Kate Worley Hayley Gobell Li-Sheng Yeoh Amanda Biggs Scarlett Gallery John Ahn Lilla Davies-Ardill Stella Um Janet Han Grace Avery Tiensa Tran Samuel Blanchard-Jackson Samantha Raftery Katie Morrison Violin 2 Jade Patterson Paris Williams Juliana Bollella Rachael Richardson Arielle Blanchard-Jackson Julia Koefer Kelsey Wagner Anna Freer Louisa Turner Cecilia Tran Kirsti Marchand Alice Netting Joseph Steer Viola Aiden Sullivan Michelle Foong John Salamon Catie Haynes Alyssa Bird Cello Louisa Giacomini Nadia Barrow Monica Myung Emma Violet Parker Hamish Netting Catherine Yeoh

Kate Hwang Annabel Denbigh Ben Allan Annika Grenfell Double Bass Louis Cann Thien Nguyen Georgia Gamble Angela Sciberras-Xiong Flute and Piccolo Andrew Baird Anna Hartley Kelsey Robinson Naomi Robinson Oboe Joshua Oates David Tonkin Memorial Principal Oboe Chair An Nguyen Austin Zilm Clarinet Samantha Webber Daniel Webber Andrew Heuzenroeder Bassoon Tim Rosen Daniel Handsworth French Horn Thalia Huston Syarita Amalasari Natalie Williams Daniel Webb Trumpet Orson Paine Carly Cameron Vincent Hemmings-Kavanagh

Trombone Edward Koltun Thomas Greer Matthias Fresacher Tuba Chloe Higgins Percussion Amber Watkins Henry Millar Harp Philippa McAuliffe

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ADELAIDE YOUTH WIND ORCHESTRA Piccolo Madeleine Stewart Flute I Jessica Archbold Joshua Haselgrove Flute II Caitlin Gilsenan-Reed Recorder Patrick Squire Oboe I Keelie McKenzie Oboe II /Cor Anglais Kathleen Fong* Eb Clarinet Samantha Webber* Clarinet I Christopher Buckley Ada Snell

Clarinet II Hamish Hutson-Hill Ethenia Gilsenan-Reed Clarinet III Nicole Han Emma Deen Bass Clarinet Katie Marshall Bassoon Georgina Goddard Alto Saxophone I Corey Skapin Alto Saxophone II Madeline Clegg Tenor Saxophone Kira Wysoke Baritone Saxophone Conor Roche

French Horn Thomas Levings Rebecca Adams Trumpet Carly Cameron Sean Helps Josh Chenoweth Jason Geddie Jack Flintoft Trombone Charlie Thomas Samuel Bleby-Williams Tuba Sigourney Fagan-Jeffries Dominic Meehan Percussion Matthew James

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ADELAIDE YOUTH SINFONIA Violin I Tahlia Williams Cindy Gobell Jack Wu Ella Beard Rishun Sakai Alice Warren Jessica Major Rachel De Haas Abigail Lehman Violin II Thea Martin Sosuke Mukai Kai Gerbi Felicia Mi Longcheng Li Celine Chia Tiani Zollo-Semmler Joshua Nicholls Jema Gaskin Ryan Skapin Sophie Szabo Antony George

Viola Ariane Pearce Tatyana Hubczenko Laura Koefer Zoe Vine Hall Jenny Hu Cello Danny Guo Clara Gillam Grant Chloe Karamoshos Mei Mukai Gabrielle Pearce Nicholas Skordas Celine George Double Bass Vladimir Dale Stacey Laverty

Flute Maria Zhdanovich Oboe Shannon Taylor Emma Sandery Megan Paterson Clarinet Lewis Blanchard-Jackson Isobel Abell Victoria Bath Bassoon Tara Mutze French Horn Lucy Rattigan Alanna Bleckly Trombone Sam Woods Meg Pope

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ADELAIDE YOUTH STRINGS Violin I Daisy Elliot Jasmine Milton Aaron Seymour Dinih Huang Jeanne Lombard Yasmin Slater Sunggil Kang Elizabeth Chng Cheri Wong Charlotte Moseley Shannon Whitehead Brendan Chong Eric Chen Kaelah Owens-Fleetwood Hok Nam Fong Kirsten Tsui Lucy Mauviel Alex Fowler Zach Nicholls Violin 2 Alexander Chen Aidan Hutson-Hill

Jessenia Bursill Sofie Taylor Nicholas Bowes Anna Duan Imogen Wearing Charlotte Zhang Daniel Milton Annabelle Inaba-Hill Ada Loveys Shiva Mukherjee Haneulle Lovell Faye Ma Sterling Rieck Viola Ethan Nicholls Elizabeth Zeuner Tim Tran Samvel Berberyan Eisuke Mukai Aditi Tamhankar Victoria Thorp Eve Headley

Cello Will Varga James Monro Anya Ecimovic Kevin Yau Emily Auchterlonie Lara Berberyan Marina Olijnyk Will Morley Audrey Tran Thomas Alexander Brendan Lu Double Bass Lucilla Olijnyk Laura Danciu Holly Little Tom Schilling Henri Moore Jordan Cirocco Alexandra Thompson

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2014 Sponsors

AdYO receives Commonwealth Government funding through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body. The Government of South Australia through Department of Premier and Cabinet, Arts SA and Department for Education and Child Development supports AdYO’s programs. Adelaide City Council continues to support AdYO during the 2014-2015 financial year.

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2014 Orchestral Chair Sponsors Adelaide Youth Orchestra Cooper Family Conductor’s Podium Crawford Family Associate Concertmaster Chair Lowen Partridge Principal Viola Chair Pei-Sian Ng Principal Cello Chair Elizabeth Burton Cello Chair Dr Jula Szuster Cello Chair Elizabeth Koch OAM Principal Flute Chair Cara Seppelt Piccolo Chair David Tonkin Memorial Principal Oboe Chair Ian Carrig OAM Principal Bassoon Chair Pamela Yule Associate Principal Bassoon Chair Adam Wynn Principal French Horn Chair Friends of the ASO Principal Trumpet Chair Prof Jennifer McKay 2nd Trumpet Chair Nicholas Linke Principal Trombone Chair Elite Training Supporters: Bob Croser Nicholas Linke – trombone Caroline Treloar – double bass …………………………………………………

Adelaide Youth Sinfonia Nicholas Linke Conductor’s Podium Anonymous Concertmaster Chair Anonymous Principal 2nd Violin Chair AUSTA SA Principal Cello Chair Anonymous Principal Horn Chair Elite Training Supporter: Corinne Mutz Travelmanagers – percussion …………………………………………………… Adelaide Youth Strings Suzuki Music SA Maxine Komlos Memorial Concertmaster’s Chair Rosie Burn and Dr Cam Grant Principal Cello Chair Elite Training Supporters: Naracoorte Cottages Friends of the ASO

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2014 Donors

$5,000+ Keith Crellin OAM and Ruth Saffir Adam and Tomono Wynn ………………………………………..…..

$1,000+ Aldridge Family Endowment Rosie Burn and Cam Grant David Bottrall Ian Carrig OAM and Helen Carrig Margaret Lehmann Nicholas Linke Mark Lloyd OAM and Libby Raupach OAM Christine McCabe and Melvin Mansell Craddock Morton and Stephanie Anderson Akira and Tomoko Nakayama Andrew and Michelle Size - Size Music Robert and Beverley Squire Dr Jula Szuster Thompson Family Merry Wickes Pamela Yule Plus 1 anonymous donor ………………………………………..…..

$500-$999 Ars Musica Australis Dr G and Mrs J Barrow Bill and Jo Cooper Solveig and John Grenfell Alex and Natalia Hubczenko Merle Janzow Helga Linnert and Douglas Ransom Dr Christine Rothauser Sullivan Family Senator Penny Wright Jonathan and Sue Wysoke Adam and Tomono Wynn Plus 3 anonymous donor ………………………………………..…..

$150-$499 Dr C and Mrs J Abell Mr C J Ahn Christopher and Catherine Baldwin William Blessing Les and Elizabeth Berry Peter and Elizabeth Burton Alexandrea Cannon Adrian Ching Margaret Clare Ross and Jen Gallery Ann Gunson Felicity Gunner Simon and Sue Hatcher Carrie Liang Alyson Morrison John Pearce James and Mandy Porter Mark and Michele Proctor St Aloysius College Rachel Sanderson MP Liz Scarce Mr and Mrs R Taylor Tony and Judy Wainwright Xiao Jian Wang Max and Beth Wearing Janet Worth Isabel Zapiain Plus 5 anonymous donors ………………………………………..….. AdYO also thanks the 80 donors who donated other amounts during 2014.

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Life Members Ian Carrig OAM Nicholas Linke Diana Ramsay AO DSJ Adam Wynn

Staff and Contractors Associate Professor Keith Crellin OAM Artistic Director and Adelaide Youth Orchestra Conductor Bryan Griffiths Adelaide Youth Wind Orchestra Conductor Peter Handsworth Adelaide Youth Sinfonia Conductor Martin Butler Adelaide Youth Strings Conductor Rachel Johnston AdYO String Quartet Tutor Bryan Griffiths and Howard Parkinson AdYO Brass Quintet Tutor …………………………………… Christopher Wainwright General Manager Samantha Taylor Executive Assistant Jeridene Foreman Schools Coordinator

Susie Gold Concert Manager Surekha Curkpatrick, Andrew Baird and Emily Ravenscroft Adelaide Youth Orchestra Orchestral Manager Andrew Baird Adelaide Youth Wind Orchestra Orchestral Manager Susie Gold and Sarah Byron Adelaide Youth Sinfonia Orchestral Manager Shauna Williams and Gabrielle Bond Adelaide Youth Strings Orchestral Manager ………………………………….. Skye Murtagh, SDM Communications Publicist Andrew Smart, Black Jacket Design Graphic Designer Ray Thomas Sound Recordist and Engineer ……………………………………

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Adelaide Youth OrchestraPeter Duggan – woodwind Peter Handsworth - woodwind Jackie Hansen – woodwind Sarah Barrett – French Horn Howard Parkinson – low brass Lachlan Bramble – violin

Keith Crellin – viola Jason Thomas - viola Sarah Denbigh – cello Jacky Chang – double bass Belinda Kendall-Smith – double bass David Schilling – double bass

Emily Tulloch – violin AdYO String Quartet Rachel Johnston AdYO Brass Quintet Bryan Griffiths Howard Parkinson Adelaide Youth Wind Orchestra Karen Fletcher – flute Julia Grenfell – flute Rebecca Johnson - flute Nicole Bates- clarinet Mitch Berick – clarinet Peter Handsworth - clarinet Peter Duggan – oboe Charles Klein - oboe Joshua Oates – oboe Peter Webb - oboe Jackie Hansen – bassoon Timothy Rosen – bassoon Damien Hurn – saxophone

Andrew Ryjoch - saxophone Anna Axelsson – French Horn Sarah Barrett – French Horn Kerry Hewett – French Horn Nicholas Bauer - trumpet Robin Finlay – trumpet Ian Denbigh – low brass David Gardiner – low brass Bob Hower – low brass Dave Winnall – low brass Jamie Adam – percussion Andrew Penrose - percussion

Adelaide Youth Sinfonia Miriam Butler – woodwind Brad Turner – woodwind and brass Nicole John – French Horn Minas Berberyan - violin Isabella Sampson – viola Jeridene Foreman - viola Sarah Denbigh – cello

Jacqui Finlay – cello Jacky Chang – double bass David Schilling – double bass Keith Crellin - strings Jamie Adam – percussion Sami Butler - percussion

Adelaide Youth StringsFrances Davies - violin Michael Milton – violin Gabrielle Bond – viola Rosemary McGowran - viola

Therese O’Brien - cello Louis Cann – double bass Keith Crellin - strings

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Caroline Adams Lee Avery Mary Avery Catherine Baldwin Liz Bird Rosa Bollella Sarah Buckley Rosie Burn Kathy Cameron David Cann Mayuko Chen Karen Cirocco Deb Clegg Michael Denholm John Dixon Sanda Ecimovic Laura Evans Jan Foreman Margaret Foong Pamela Foulkes Kari Gamble Russell Gamble Carrie Gaskin Cam Grant Shanta Gerbi Amanda Graham Norraine Gobell Georgina Gold Phil Gold Susie Gold Mandi Graham Karin Harris Geraldine Headley Kirsty Henning Glenn Hill Susie Hutson Stasia Jeffries Peter Jones Vaiju Joshi Kris Karamoshos Ai Poh Khoo Susan Koefer Harris Kong Karin Kong Paul Lagozzino Karen Laverty PohTin Lee

David Leon Megan Lehmann Yanning Li Carrie Liang Kate Little Mark Lloyd OAM Andrew Lyle Chris Martin Thea Martin Juanita Martin Christine McCabe Alyson Morrison Yukie Mukai Sharon Morley Chad Morrison Jae Morrison Craddock Morton AM Michelle Muller Akira Nakayama Angus Netting Dianne Nicholls Brigitte Olijnyk Lowen Partridge Corinne Paterson Heather Paterson Dorothy Pawlowski Anna Rieck Lynda Roberts-Wood Barry Rusanoff Haruyo Sakai David Schilling Elizabeth Simpson-Smith Paul Simpson-Smith Caroline Sullivan Anthony Szabo Mary Szabo Jula Szuster Jayne Taylor Julie Thompson Tri Tran Maxine Vine Hall Jillian Visser Tony Wainwright Tony Warren Jenni Watkins Jasmin Watkins Hilary Webber

Merry Wickes Nigel Williams Paris Williams Shauna Williams Tahlia Williams Karen Worley Kate Worley Han Fei Xiong Isabel Zapiain Wei Zhang Renata Zilm
