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ADF Mythbusters UKOUG'14

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ADF Mythbusters Andrejus Baranovskis Florin Marcus

ADF Mythbusters

Andrejus Baranovskis

Florin Marcus

ADF, ADF Mobile, BPM, SOA, WebCenter

Small Team of Experts, Focused on Technical Quality Results

Customers – Global Corporations, Medium and Small Business

Oracle Technical Blog – 8 Years (~700 posts)

Oracle Fusion Middleware Innovation Award 2010, SOA Partner Community Award for Outstanding Contribution Across the Globe 2010

Company Profile


Batches Of

AM Pools and DB Connections Pools

Activation-Safe Application Modules

Maximum Number of Regions Per Page

JSP vs Facelets

“Batches Of”

Performance and Memory Impact

Oracle Service Request: 3-9978776141

“Batches Of”: How It Works

“Batches Of”: How It Works

Batches of 1 - a network round trip for each record

“Batches Of”: How It Works

Batches of 5 - a network round trip for every 5 records

“Batches Of”: What Docs Say Consider Whether Fetching One Row at a Time is Appropriate

[...] By default, the framework will fetch rows in batches of one row at a time. If

you are fetching any more than one row, you will gain efficiency by setting

this in Batches of value.

However the higher the number, the larger the client-side buffer required, so

avoid setting this number arbitrarily high. If you are displaying results n rows at

a time in the user interface, it's good to set the fetch size to at least n+1 so

that each page of results can be retrieved in a single round trip to the


Developing Fusion Web Applications with Oracle Application Development Framework



ToolsJMeter, Oracle Application Testing Suite,

JRockit, Java Mission Control, Weblogic

Console, Spy Servlet,

Redsamurai Performance Audit.

4 ADF applications in production for more than 6


“Batches Of”: Methodology

Typical use cases: multiple queries per page,

returning less than 100 records each. Fetching

millions of records over JDBC is out of scope.

Batches Of: Test Results

No relevant impact when:

Less than 15 active user sessions


“Connection Delay Time” is

lower than 150 ms.

Batches Of: Response Time

Response time with 100 user sessions

Batches Of: Memory Consumption

ADF 11g

One user browsing the application

Batches Of: Memory Consumption

ADF 11g

ADF 12c

One user browsing the application

Batches Of: Conclusions

ADF 11g:

ADF 12c:

ADF 12c scales better!

Huge impact over memory size due to OJDBC

Driver 11g design, intentionally trading memory

for performance.

Memory impact is significantly lower because

new version of OJDBC Driver is less memory


Batches Of: Conclusions

Performance improvement are significant when values are

between 10 - 40.

Oracle JDBC Dev Team suggests the “Batches Of” (Fetch

Size) to be less than 100.

Retrieving all records in a single round trip doesn’t

necessarily improve performance.

AM Pools

DB Pools

The Great Schism

Oracle Service Request: 3-9979146351

AM or DB Pools: The Tickbox

AM or DB Pools: The Options

Begin Request Process Request Send Response

jbo.doconnectionpooling=false (Default)

AM or DB Pools: The Options

Begin Request Process Request Send Response


“AM or DB Pools”: What Docs Say

51.2.6 What You May Need to Know About How Database

and Application Module Pools Cooperate

Performance Tip:

Leave the “jbo.doconnectionpooling” configuration

parameter set to “false” for best performance without

sacrificing scalability and reliability.Developing Fusion Web Applications with Oracle Application Development Framework

AM or DB Pools: Memory

char[] and byte[] (%) in ADF 11g

AM or DB Pools: Memory

char[] and byte[] (%) in ADF 12c

AM or DB Pools: What we say

jbo.doconnectionpooling=false used to be best practice with

Oracle JDBC Drivers versions 8i or 9i, designed for minimal

memory use.

Driver’s performance improved by an average of 30% on 10i

version, by storing queried data into buffer (char[] and byte[]) arrays.

These buffers consume large amounts of memory that gets freed

only when statements are closed.

Holding statements open in ADF BC is no longer necessary since

“Statement Caching” was introduced at Datasource level.

AM vs DB Pools: What we say

jbo.doconnectionpooling=false brings scalability

problems with ADF 11g, but improves on ADF 12c

jbo.doconnectionpooling=true is the way OJDBC was

designed to be used on latest versions.

jbo.doconnectionpooling=false should be either dropped

or re-architected (javax.sql.rowset.CachedRowSet )

Activation-Safe AMs

The trouble with high loads

Oracle Service Request: SR 3-9979203251

“Activation-Safe”: What Docs Say

50.10 Testing to Ensure Your Application Module is


“If you have not explicitly tested that your application module

functions when its pending state gets activated from a

passivation snapshot, then you may encounter an unpleasant

surprise in your production environment when heavy system

load tests this aspect of your system for the first time.”Developing Fusion Web Applications with Oracle Application Development Framework

“Activation-Safe”: What we say

Few ADF teams are doing activation-safe testing from

project start.

Fixing already built ADF applications is expensive and

sometimes impossible to fix without significant refactoring.

“Activation-Safe”: What we say

If max number of users is previously known, the application

module pool can be configured to suppress recycling.

Recycling application modules with the purpose of saving

memory is wrong idea of scalability.

Activation-safety is mandatory for ADF systems running in

Failover Cluster environments, otherwise it may be ignored.

Maximum Number

of Regions

Code vs performance

Oracle Service Request: 3-9979119591

Max No of Regions: What Docs Say

8.3.6 ADFc: Region Usage

“Adding regions to a page can be a powerful addition to the

application. However, regions can be a resource-intensive

component on the page. For better performance, consider using

regions only when the specific functionality is required.”

Fusion Middleware Performance and

Tuning Guide 11 g

“10 is the maximum amount of regions that you should have on a

single page just for good performance.”

ADF Architecture TV -Performance and Tuning - Controller and View Layer

Max No of Regions: Methodology

Goal Refactoring a complex page with a hierarchy of 25

regions to a page with a single region, preserving

the UI Component layout.

We made sure the data was previously queried

and cached before page load, so database hit

would not affect the measurements.

Max No of Regions: Response Time

Max No of Regions: Conclusions

Subsequent testing while refactoring from 25 regions to 1 region didn’t

show any significant improvement below 10 regions use. The

improvement was minimal and increased constantly while number of

regions decreased.

Response time overhead when using 25 regions was 100 ms.

This is less than 2% of the response time, when querying is included.

Production ADF applications handle thousands of users with 40 regions

on the landing page.

JSP vs Facelets

Is conversion to Facelets necessary?

JSP vs Facelets: What Docs say

“Unlike JSP documents, which are compiled into an

intermediate Servlet at runtime, Facelets don’t impose this

unnecessary overhead and build the JSF component tree


This leads to far better performance in the component tree

creation and page rendering processes.”

JavaServer Faces 2.0 Overview and Adoption Roadmap in Oracle ADF Faces

JSP vs Facelets: Methodology



Migrating a 12c application from jsp to facelets.

Oracle Application Testing Suite, DMS Spy


JSP vs Facelets: Response Time

Faster initialization of facelets






