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  • 7/25/2019 ADITYA MANCHANDA.pptx





  • 7/25/2019 ADITYA MANCHANDA.pptx


    The 7 states of the East India are :-


    NagalandTripuraArunachal PradeshAssamManipur

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    The North East is a true frontier region. It has over 2000 m of !order "ith #hutan$ %hina$ Myanmarand #angladesh and is connected to the rest of India !y a narro" 20 m "ide corridor of land. &ne of

    the most ethically and linguistically diverse regions in Asia$ each state has its distinct cultures andtraditions.

    'rom times immemorial$ India(s North East has !een the meeting point of many communities$ faithsand cultures. A place reno"ned for its magical !eauty and !e"ildering diversity$ North East India isthe home for more than )** separate tri!es speaing a "ide range of languages. +ome groups havemigrated over the centuries from places as far as +outh East Asia, they retain their cultural traditionsand values !ut are !eginning to adapt to contemporary lifestyles. Its -ungles are dense$ its rivers

    po"erful and rain$ and thunderstorms s"eep across the hills$ valleys $and plains during the annualmonsoon.

    The lushness of its landscape$ the range of communities and geographical and ecological diversitymaes the North East uite di/erent from other parts of the su!continent. The festivals andcele!rations in the North eastern states of India are a colorful re1ection of the people and theirlives.

    North East India comprises of seven states commonly no"n as the Seven Sisters3.They are Arunachal Pradesh$ Assam$ Manipur$ Meghalaya$ Mizoram$ Nagaland and Tripura.

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    CAPITAL-+hillong LANGUAGES- 5hasi$ 6aro$ English CLOTHING - +ummer78 April &cto!er9 :ight tropical

    ;inter7 8Novem!er March9 ;oolen SEASON TO VISIT-&cto!er to April Meghalaya$ a +ansrit "ord meaning 0. It is !ound on north and east

    !y the state of Assam$ and on south and "est !y #angladesh. The threephysical division in the state are 6aro 8;estern9$ 5hasi 8%entral9 and

    ?aintia 8Eastern9 hill divisions. In the 6aro hills$ the Tura range occupies dominantly a middle portion

    running "est to east "here the Nore pea is located. 5hasi ?aintiaranges are intert"ined "ith a curvedalignment. +purs of ranges in ?aintiahills are shorter in height than the +hillong Plateau, hill !ases lie side !yside "ith 1at lands$ valley and meado"s.

    Animals and !irds that are found in the state are elephants$ tigers$ !ear$-acal$ leopard$ golden langurs etc .

    The interesting !irds found in the state include @orn!ills$ 5ing ulture$

    %rested +erpent$ Eagle$ Partridges$ Teals$ +nipes$ Buails etc.

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    People :-

    Meghalaya occupies a total area of22$C2= s ms "ith a total populationof 2$D0*$0*= persons as reported inthe census of 200). The seratio inMeghalaya "as =>C females per )000males, as against =2D females for thecountry as a "hole. The fairly high se

    ratio in Meghalaya may !e attri!utedto the eisting tradition of matrilinealsociety. The 5hasi and ?aintia tri!es arematrilineal in character in "hich$ theimmova!le property of the deceased$is inherited !y females$ especially theyoungest daughter. As a matter of fact$the female !a!ies and daughters getadeuate attention of the parents "ithrespect to education and health care.

    Meghalaya is mainly a %hristianitydominated state. #efore the arrival of%hristian missionaries in the late )=th

    century and later$ most nativesfollo"ed tri!al religions.

    Social and culturalheritae:-

    The 5hasi$ 6aro and ?aintia are people"ith a rich cultural heritage. Theimportant crafts of the 5hasi and the?aintia districts are artistic "eaving$"oodcarving and cane and !am!oo

    "or. %arpet and sil "eaving and themaing of musical instruments$-e"ellery and pineapple F!re articlesare among its minor craft.

    The popular handicrafts of the 6arohills district are artistic "eaving$ caneand !am!oo "or including poer"or8 in "hich designs are !urnt intothe !am!oo "ith a redhot pointedrod9$"ood carving$ -e"ellery andmaing of clay toys and dolls and

    musical instruments.

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    @istory 7

    There are di/erent legends$ !eliefs and

    Fndings a!out the 5hasis$ ?aintias and6aros. It is said that 5hasis "ere theearliest immigrants "ho made their"ay across northern Myanmar to 5hasiin the plain of East Assam "here theyesta!lished ne" centre. 5hasislinguistically represents the Mon5hmer

    speeches spoen in +outhEast Asia. The ancient ingdoms of 5hasis "ere

    conFned to the plain mostly in the5amrup and Nagaon Gistricts$ Assamand east"ards. The early history of

    6aros is shrouded in mystery. Mosttraditions locate that Ti!et "as theirhome from "here their forefathersspread to di/erent places. The ?aintiastri!e !elongs to the H)nnie*tre+ofthe Austric race. It is !elieved !y thescholars that they had migrated from

    Ti!et%hina from Mohhmer groups insearch of food and shelter.

    In )=H0 6aro hills$ nited 5hasi and?aintia hills "ere !rought under thepurvie" of sith schedule of Indianconstitution. Gistrict council hadadministrative control. The creation of

    Meghalaya in )=>2 resulted information of three autonomous districtcouncils for the development of thehills. The three council "ere J

    The ,h!si !(t#n##(s$istri&t (n&i'.

    The /!inti! !(t#n##(s$istri&t (n&i'.

    The G!r# !(t#n##(s

    $istri&t (n&i'.

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    Meghalaya is !asically an agricultural state in "hich a!out K0 percent of itstotal population are dependent primarily on agriculture for livelihood. The

    state has a vast potential for developing horticulture due to agroclimaticvariations$ "hich o/er much scope for the cultivation of temperate$ su!tropical and tropical fruits and vegeta!les.

    #esides the ma-or food crops of rice and maize$ Meghalaya is no"n for itsoranges 85hasi Mandarin9$ pineapple$ !anana$ -acfruits$ temperate fruits lieplums$ peaches and pears etc. The popular cash crops$ "hich are traditionally

    cultivated$ include turmeric$ ginger$ !lac pepper$ areca nut$ #etelvina$tapioca$ short staple cotton$ -ute and Mesta$ mustard and rapeseed. +pecialemphasis is presently laid on nontraditional crops lie oil seeds$ cashe" nut$tea and co/ee$ orchids and commercial 1o"ers.

    The rich mineral deposits including mica gypsum and coal are uneploited.

    #a!ous places:- Si0( C!ves Ii1h!n2 D!re

    R#n2ren2iri Cherr!+(n0i

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    MI$%&AM :-CAPITAL J Aiz"al CLOTHING - +ummer7 %ottons;inter7 ;oolens

    SEASON TO VISIT -&cto!er April

    ;ith the implementation of the North Eastern Leorganization Act in )=>2$Mizoram !ecame a nion Territory and as a seuel to the signing of thehistoric memorandum of settlement !et"een the 6overnment of India and

    the Mizo National 'ront in )=K*$ it !ecame the 2Drd state of the Indian unionon 20 'e!ruary )=K>.Mizoram literally translated means

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    @istorians !elieve that the Mizos are apart of the great "ave of theMongolian race spilling over theeastern and southern India centuriesago.

    Mizo is not -ust one tri!e as normallypresumed !ut the term representsseveral tri!es taen together. Theterm Mizo means

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    Agriculture is the mainstay for a!out*0O of the population of Mizoram.&nly HO of the total area is undercultivation. A!out >O of the totalcultivated area is under irrigation.'orest account for nearly 2)O of thearea.

    Mizoram has no ma-or industry. It hasremained !ac"ard industrially "hichcan !e attri!uted to physicalalienation$ lac of mineral resources inthe state$ distance from the heart ofthe country coupled "ith

    communication$ etc. The cottage industries comprise of

    handloom and handicrafts. In the smallscale sector are the rice milling$ oiland 1our milling$ mechanized !am!oo"orshops$ sa" milling$ !ric maing

    and furniture "orshops.

    #esti(als :-

    The cottage industries comprise ofhandloom and handicrafts. In the small scale

    sector are the rice milling$ oil and 1ourmilling$ mechanized !am!oo "orshops$sa" milling$ !ric maing and furniture"orshops.

    Mi ,(t7 Mim 5ut or Maize festival iscele!rated during the months of August and+eptem!er$ after the harvest of maize. Mim

    5ut is cele!rated "ith great fanfare !ydrining rice !eer$ singing$ dancing andfeasting.

    Music is a passion of the Mizos. The mostcolorful and distinctive dance of the Mizo iscalled 'hera).

    Places of interest:-

    o Ai!*'o Ch!+h!io T!$i':aeo

    V!nt!*n2 5!ter%!''so Ren2$i'

    Econo!" :-

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    CAPITAL ,#hi! CLOTHING +ummer7 %otton , ;inter7;oolen

    SEASON TO VISIT -&cto!er to April

    Nagaland is almost entirely inha!ited !y the Naga tri!es ecept some 5uis$5acharis$ 6aros$ Miris$ 3en2'!'ees$ and Assamese etc. in the plains sector.

    There are several vie"s epressed !y scholars regarding the origin of the"ord N!2!.

    The "ord Naga originated from N!2!meaning Sn!1eor 1in2 #% sn!1es. Nagaland is a hilly state. The hills are a continuation of the #urma Arc !eing

    -oined "ith the +u!@imalayan ranges in the north and stretching into thehills of Manipur. 'orests cover the main part of the land and -ungles it isnatural that there "ill !e lots of animal life.

    The place !eing hilly and the epanse of the hills not !eing very large there

    are a fe" rivers$ "hich are uite small in !oth "idth and length until theyleave the state. No rivers of this state are naviga!le in any season.

    *AGALA*+ :-

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    Social and Cultural

    Heritage :- The Nagas are not a composite

    people. They spea many languages.

    They di/er "idely in dress and othercultural traits$ as "ell as in physicalfeatures. They !elong to Mongoloidstoc !ut yet there are greatdi/erences in the details !et"een onetri!e and other$ as "ell as !et"eendi/erent people of the same tri!e.

    +ome are tall$ some are short. There is no caste system among the

    Nagas or anyone of the nonNagatri!es.

    The cultural traditions of the Nagasinclude features "hich are common to

    all the tri!es lie head hunting$common sleeping house for unmarriedmen "hich are ta!oo to "omen$ a sortof trial marriage$ or great freedom ofintercourse !et"een the sees !eforemarriage$ disposal of dead on raisedplatforms$ the simple loom for "eavingcloth etc.

    Festivals :- :ife in Nagaland is replete "ith festivals

    throughout the year as all the tri!es have

    their o"n festivals$ "hich they greatlycherish. They regard their festivalssacrosanct and participation in them iscompulsory. They cele!rate their distinctseasonal festivals "ith pageantry$ color$music and fanfare. Most of these festivalsrevolve round agriculture$ "hich is still the

    mainstay of the Naga society. They start "ith the Ch!1hes!n2

    S(1r(n)efestival in ?anuary$ follo"ed!y ,(1i Mi1(t, An2!i Se1ren)iiscele!rated in 'e!ruary. The month of April!egins "ith the ,#n)!1 A#'in2and Ph#M#n)( festivals in the Frst"ee. A#M#!ts(and ,hi!ni(n2!n Mi(festivalsare cele!rated in May. S(iT('(niand Ch!n2 N1!n)('(festivalsare cele!rated in the month of ?uly. In themonths of August and +eptem!er$theYi&h(n2er Metene#and S!n2t!M#n2#n2festivals are cele!rated. Themonth of Novem!er "itnesses the

    cele!ration of the L#th! T#1h(E#n2and the Ren2! N2!$!festivals

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    CAPITAL Agartala

    CLOTHING - +ummer %ottons;inter7 Tropical "ith heavy "oolens for chilly days

    SEASON TO VISIT -7+eptem!er March Tripura$ the ancient home of the #odos$ is the northeastern state of India located

    !y the side of #angladesh. Politically$ no" it is a part of the area comprising seven

    states aptly called +even +isters$ !ecause of many similarities in the socialmilieu$ cultural mosaic and economic landscape. These states !esides Tripura areAssam$ Manipur$ Nagaland $Meghalaya$ Mizoram and Arunachal Pradesh.

    Tripura is strategically situated !et"een the river valleys of Myanmar and#angladesh. Encircled almost on the three sides !y #angladesh$ it is lined "ithAssam and Mizoram in the northeast.

    Places of Interest :-

    U00!)!nt! P!'!&e 8 Se+!hi0!'! 5i'$ 'i%e S!n&t(!r) 8

    Neer M!h!' 8 De!t!(r! 8 /!+(i Hi''s , Un!1#ti , M!t!"!ri .

    Tripura :-

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    P l

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    People :-

    o According to the 200) census$ the totalhuman population of the state of

    Tripura is D$)=)$)*K. The highlands areareas of sparse population and thelo"lands are densely populated.

    o In Tripura $ there are not only peoplehailing from di/erent regions !ut alsopeople constituting di/erent ethnicgroups. Each ethnic tri!e has its o"nlanguage and distinctive forms ofcultural epressions$ such as music$dance and festivals. Tripura$ forinstance$ have the G!ri! $!n&e$Leangs have the H#*!2iriand the%hamas have the 3i0h( $!n&e.


    There are people of all religiousgroups. @indus are predominantpro!a!ly !ecause the ancient rulers"ere @indus and their faiths may havea/ected their su!-ects.

    Social and cultural

    heritae :-

    Tripura has a long historic past$ itsuniue tri!al culture and a fascinatingfollore. +ome scholars are of theopinion that in the distant past it "asno"n as 5irat Gesh. There arereferences of Tripura in the

    Maha!harata and the Puranas. The early history of Tripura is shrouded

    in mystery. Many myths and legendsare associated "ith it. . &ne versiontraces its lin "ith the Puranictradition$ to the times of a-ati and

    Pratit "hen the >)st La-a Tripura "as!onded !y a #odo alliance "ith 5achar.Another version in the La-mala8La-mala is one of the importantsources of Tripura history generallydata!le to the )Hth century9 statesthat the ruler of Tripura !elongs to

    lunar race and trace their descent fromthe La-put 5shatriyas.

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    Econo!" :-

    Tripura lacs an industrial !ase savesome cottage industries8handicraftsand handloom9 and small scalemanufacturing units. In the last )0years the Indian government hasencouraged small scale industriesespecially dealing "ith "eaving$carpentry$ pottery and !aset maing.

    Lice is the main crop. It is "ellsuitedto the marshy conditions of thenorthern !asin. ?ute$ cotton$ tea$ andfruit are important cash crops. +ugarcane$ mustard and potatoes are also

    gro"n. The state imports largeuantities of rice$ "heat$ maize$pulses$ sugar$ etc.

    Eports from the state includeply"ood pulp$ articles manufacturedout of !am!oo$ tim!er and canned


    #esti(als :-

    G!ri! P(0!%ele!rated on the >th dayof the month of aisha8April9!y thetri!al people "ho !elieve that thecele!ration "ill !ring prosperity and

    en-oyment for the "hole year. ,h!r&hi P(0!8?uly9&riginally another

    tri!al festival. ,er P(0!A traditional tri!al festival

    held "ithin a speciFed !oundaryspecially mared "ith prior

    notiFcation in the state governmentgazetteer.

    D(r2! P(0! 8&ctNov9This festival ofthe mother 6oddess Gurga in her!enign and protective form haspossi!ly come in from #engal.

    Tirth!(1hA popular pilgrim centrefor the tri!al people of Tripura.

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    Arunachal Pradesh :- CAPITAL - It!n!2!r

    CLOTHING +ummer cotton, ;inter "oolen. SEASON TO VISIT -&cto!er to April. Arunachal Pradesh the 2Cth state of the Indian nion$ is !ounded !y #hutan to

    the "est$ Myanmar to the east$ %hina to the north and northeast and the plainsof Assam to the south. Arunachal Pradesh is acno"ledged to !e one of the mostsplendid$ variegated and multilingual tri!al areas of the "orld. Arunachal is thelargest state 8area"ise9 in the northeast region.

    This land$ encompassing "ide alpine geographical diversity and correspondingclimatic conditions varying from tropical to temperate and Alpine$ and a "idevariety of "ild life 1ora and fauna "ith concomitant life form$ has no" startedgaining acclaim as a "orld !iodiversity heritage spot. Arunachal Pradesh isendo"ed "ith thic evergreen forests "ith numerous streams$ rivers and gorgesand hundreds and thousands of species of 1ora and fauna covering more than

    *0O of the total area. Its rivers are ideal for angling$ !oating and rafting and itsterrain is suita!le for treing$ hiing and holidaying in a serene atmosphere.

    Places of Interest :- Annini$ ,his!anaar8archaeological sites9,,o!dila8at a height of 2HD0 mts provides a panoramic vie"s of the @imalayanlandscapes and sno" clad ranges , 'hanlon$ +opari.o/ Itanaar 8capital$"ith ecavated ruins of historical Ita 'ort and attractive 6anga lae.

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    P l

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    People :-

    There are 2* ma-or tri!es and a num!erof su! tri!es living in the state. Most of

    these communities are ethically similarhaving derived from an originalcommon stoc !ut their geographicalisolation from each other has !roughtamongst them certain distinctivecharacteristics in language$ dress andcustoms.

    The Frst group of people are theMonpas and the +herdupens of

    Ta"ang and ;est 5ameng district. Theyfollo" the :amaistic traditions ofMahayana #uddhism.

    The second group of people Adis$ Aas$

    Apatanis$ #angnis$ Nishings$ Mishmis$Mi-is$ Tangsas$ etc.$ "ho "orship thesun and the moon namely D#n)iP#'#and A"#t!ni$ the originalancestor for most of these tri!es.

    The third group comprises of Noctesand ;anchos$ ad-oining Nagaland in

    the Tirap district.

    Social and culturalHeritae :-

    The "hole population of Arunachal can!e divided into three cultural groups onthe !asis of their socio politico religiousaQnities.

    There are three inds of religionspracticed here. The Monpas and+herdupens in 5ameng and Ta"ang

    district$ "ho met the Ti!etans in thenorth$ adopted :amaism of the #uddhistfaith$ "hile the 5hamptis in :ohit districtpractice Mahayana #uddhism. Thesecond group$ Noctes and ;anchos in

    Tirap district$ "hose long association "iththe Assamese in the south$ converted

    them to @indus. They are associated "ith the practice of

    head hunting. The third group comprisesof Adi$ Aas$ Apatanis$ Nishings$ etc. alarge ma-ority of the total population$"ho maintain their ancient !elief andindigenous concepts of nature and

    "orship the D#n)i-P#'#8The +un RMoon9.

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    Econo!" :-

    'or a!out DHO of the population ofArunachal Pradesh$ agriculture is themain occupation. )>O of totalcultivated area is under irrigation. Themain crop is rice$ gro"n on valley!ottoms and on some terraced slopes.

    Maize$ millets$ pulses$ potatoes$ "heatand mustard are the other importantcrops.

    A!out *2O of the total area of thestate is under forests. There is no largescale manufacturing industry$ thoughsome coal and lignite are mined. The

    principal industries are forest !ased. 'orest products$ especially !am!oo$

    are vital resources. +a" mills$ ply"oodand veneering mills$ rice mills$ fruitpreservation units$ soap and candlemanufacturing$ steel fa!rication$ oil

    epellers are in the medium and smallindustrial sectors.

    #esti(als :-

    'estivals are an essential part of thesocio cultural life of the people.The festivals are usually connected"ith agriculture and are associated"ith ritualistic gaiety either to than6od or to pray for !umper harvest.

    +ome of the important festivalsare Mopinand SolunofAdis, Lossarof Monpas R +herdupensand ,oori-,ootof the @ill Miris$ Greeof the Apatanis$ Si-+on"i ofTagins$*"ou!of Nishing$ &ehof IduMishmis$ Ta!laduof Mishmi$ Louof

    Nocte$ Molof Tangsa$Sanenof the5hampti and +ingpho$ 5han of theMi-i$ *echi +auof the Aase of theTagins$%.ialeof the ;ancho$ 1sh"at-So)aiof the 5ho"a$ Lonte Yulloofthe Nishing$etc.


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    Assa! :-

    CAPITAL ispur


    +ummer78April to &cto!er97 %otton ;inter78 Novem!er to March97 ;oolen SEASON TO VISIT-&cto!er to April Assam is the gate"ay to the northeast$ a state no"n for its !reath taing scenic

    !eauty$ rarest 1ora and fauna$ lofty green hills$ vast rolling plain$ mighty "ater"aysand a land of fairs and festivals.

    It is also no"n that Assam3 is derived from the "ord As!!3 meaning uneven.

    Assam is almost separated from central India !y #angladesh. Nagaland$ Manipurand Myanmar !ound it in the east$ "est !y ;est #engal$ north !y #hutan andArunachal Pradesh and south !y Meghalaya$ #angladesh$ Tripura and Mizoram.

    It is dominated !y the mighty #rahmaputra$ one of the great rivers of the "orld8length7 2=00 ms9$ "hich not only has a fertile alluvial plain for gro"ing rice$ !utalso is famous for tea. Earthuaes are common. There are nine national pars in

    Assam and some of them are listed !elo"7Places of Interest:-

    ,!ir!n2! N!ti#n!' P!r1 , M!n!s N!ti#n!' P!r1 8 N!eri N!ti#n!' P!r1 ,

    Or!n2 9R!0iv G!n$hi: N!ti#n!' P!r1 8 Ch!1r!si'! 5i'$'i%e S!n&t(!r) 83#rn!$i 5i'$'i%e S!n&t(!r) 8 G(*!h!ti 8 Di+h( ;et&.

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    P l

    S i l d lt l

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    People :- The ethnic origin of the Assamese

    varies from Mongoloid tri!es to thoseof directly Indian stoc. The earliestinha!itants of Assam "ere pro!a!ly of

    Austric stoc. They are termed as proto Austroloid3$ !ecause they aresaid to have migrated from theAustralian and some other islands ofthe PaciFc &cean to the Asiaticmainland.

    The 5hasis and ?aintias appear to !edescendents of the protoAustroloid ofancient Assam. . &f course$ amongdi/erent races$ the Aryans couldesta!lish their cultural supremacy overthis country.

    #roadly$ the inha!itants of Assam can

    !e divided into three categories$namely the tri!al population$ the nontri!al population and the scheduledcastes. The Tri!als consist of di/erentethnocultural groups such as the5acharis 8#odos9$ the Miris$ the Georis$

    the La!has$ the Nagas$ the 6aros$ the5hasis$etc.

    Social and culturalHeritae :-

    There is a gradual development ofli!eralism in religious system in Assam.

    The indigenous groups are Aninmism$

    Tantricism$ #rahmanism andaishnavism. The Assamese "erepracticing Tantric forms of rituals untilthe advent of the ne" aishnavitereligion formed !y +hrimanta+anardeva 8)CC=)H*K9. The pristineform of @induism !egan only "hen the

    Aryans arrived in Assam. The present @indu caste system had

    emerged "ith the immigration ofoutsiders. Neo aishnavism entered theland in the )Hth century and is thedominant faith if the Assamese people

    at present. The Assamese society is anopen society !ased on the principles ofli!eralism.

    Assam is a land of fairs and festivals.Most of the festivals cele!rated inAssam have their roots in the diversefaith and !elief of her inha!itants. They

    re1ect the true spirit$ tradition and lifestyle of the people of Assam.

    Econo!" :

    #esti(als :

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    Econo!" :-

    A!out *DO of the state(s "oring force isengaged in agriculture and alliedactivities. More than >=O of the totalcropped area is utilized for food cropsproduction. Lice is the principal food crop.?ute$ tea$ cotton$ oilseeds$ sugarcane$potato and fruits are the main cash crops.'orest account for 22.C)O of the total

    area of the state.

    Assam(s tea gardens produce -ust overhalf of the country(s tea and contri!utesa!out one sith of the "orld(s entire teaproduction. Assam holds a uniue positionin respect to mineral oil production. %oal$

    limestone$ refractory clay$ dolomite andnatural gas are the other minerals foundin the state. Etensive oil reserves "erefound in the )=th century and Gig!oi!ecame the site of Asia(s Frst oil reFnery.

    Assam is the largest producer in the "orldof the golden colored M(2! Si'13.

    #esti(als :-

    The ma-or festivals cele!rated in Assamare 3ih(- 3h#2!'ior M!2h3ih(8?anuary9$ R#n2!'ior 3#h!2 3ih(8April9$and ,#n2!'ior ,!ti 3ih(8May9 cele!rated !ypeople irrespective of caste$ creed and religionthroughout Assam. &ther festivalsare 3!ish!2(8cele!rated !y #odo 5acharisduring mid April9$ A'i-Ai-Li2!n28festival of theMishing tri!e$ 'e!ruaryMarch9.

    3!i1h#8La!ha tri!e$ springseason9$ R#n21er8important festival of the

    5ar!is$ April9$ R!0ini G!"r!and H!rniG!"r!8Gimasa tri!e9$ 3#h!22i)#3ish(8spring festival of theGeoris9$A"("!shi Me'!8most importantfestival of the 5amahya Temple is cele!ratedduring mid ?une every year. It is a ritual ofausterities cele!rated "ith tantric3 rites9and/#n"i'' Me'! 8spectacular fair held everyyear during "inter at ?on!eel of ?agiroad$ near6u"ahati9 and so on.

    The people of Assam alsocele!rate/!n!sti8August9$ D(r2!P(0!8&cto!er9$ Di*!'i; I$$; M(h!rr!; Me-D!-Me-Phi$ the !irth and deathanniversaries of the V!ishn!vite s!ints

    Shri!nt! S!n1!r$ev !n$ ShriM!$h!"$ev.

    Manipur :

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    Manipur :-

    CAPITAL Imphal CLOTHING -+ummer78 April &cto!er9 %otton , ;inter7 8Novem!er March9 ;oollen SEASON TO VISIT- &cto!er to April

    Manipur is the land of rich valleys surrounded !y !eautiful hills and laes$ a land of gentlepeople full of laughter and -oy. Many legends tell us the origin of Manipur.

    Manipur means the

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    People : Social and cultural

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    People :-

    Manipur is a place "here di/erent "avesof races and culture met through the

    ages$ "hich ultimately mingled together.The territory is divided into t"o distinctzones the valley and the surroundinghill areas. The main population of thepeople is of Manipuris no"nas Meities.

    They claim their descent fromParhang!a "ho ruled Manipur and hadthe po"er of changing his shape into aserpent "ith a straight tail. The 2= tri!esinha!iting Manipur hills may !roadly !edivided into N!2!sand ,(1i. It is not

    possi!le to mae a clear JcutclassiFcation of the Naga group from the5uis the important Naga groupsare T!n21h('; ,("(isand M!#.

    The =eeis$ the Li!n2ei$the M!r!$ the Th!n2!'$ the M!rin2$the An!'$ the M#)#n are also included

    under the Naga group.

    Social and culturalheritae :-

    The society is patrilineal though the"omen !ear the ma-or yoe of la!or.

    ;omen share the responsi!ilities ofearning and are not conFned only tohousehold duties. The household is atrue social unit ant the head of thefamily has to perform certain religiousduties. Their families consist of man$ his"ife and unmarried children. They

    practice !oth types of marriage !yengagement and elopement. #y nature$ they are lovers of 1o"ers "ith

    "hich they !edec themselves!eautifully. Their dresses are simple !uttasteful. The "oman "ears colored longstripped sirt$ !louse and "hite chaddar

    gracefully and the man uses "hite dhotiand chaddar and in ceremonialoccasions a pagri.

    The people of Manipur have inherentlove of performing art "ith lyrical !eautyand rhythm. Their rich culture andtradition are also re1ected in their

    handloom$ tasteful clothes and in Fner"ormanship of handicrafts.

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    Econo!" :-

    Agriculture is the main stay of the

    people. A!out KKO of the total "oringpopulation in the hills and a!out *0Oof the "oring population in the valleydepend entirely on the agriculture andallied pursuits lie animal hus!andry$Fsheries and forestry.

    This is possi!le !ecause the deposit ofalluvial clay from rivers enriches thesoil of the valley$ and the large num!erof hill streams ensures irrigation. Thestaple food is rice and the minoragricultural produces are to!acco$sugarcane$ mustard$ etc.

    The "eaving industry is "elldeveloped and each household o"ns aloom "ith the "omen !usy in thecreation of typically uniue nativedesigns. The handloom industry is thelargest cottage industry in Manipur$

    "ith the Fnished items often !eeneported.


    The Manipuris rarely perform anyfestival "hich is not accompanied !y

    dance$ music and song. Their L!iH!r!#"! festival is very interestingdance drama led !y priests 8Mai!as9and priestesses 8Mai!is9$ depicting thecreation of life. It is cele!rated duringMarchApril for a!out )0)H days!efore the village temples of gods and

    goddesses and the entire villageparticipates in it. This festival of merrymaing of gods and goddesses is aneample of the pre vaishnavite cultureamong them.

    H#'iis one of the most importantfestivals of the Manipuris and isperformed on the asant Purnima dayassociated "ith the !irth of :ord%haitanya of #engal. Guring the holi$festival young and all come outaccompanied !y the groups ofmusicians and go in procession to the

    temples$ "ith sprinling of colored"ater to each other.

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