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Admin Code

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admin code of dashboard
SCREEN SHOTS & CODING 1. Admin dashboard <?php $admired_themename = "Admired"; $admired_shortname = "admired"; $admired_option_group = $admired_shortname.'_theme_option_group'; $admired_option_name = $admired_shortname.'_theme_options'; // Create custom settings menu add_action('admin_menu', 'admired_create_menu'); function admired_create_menu() { global $admired_themename; //create new top-level menu $page = add_theme_page( __( $admired_themename.' Admired Options' ), __( 'Admired Options','admired' ), 'edit_theme_options', basename(__FILE__), 'admired_settings_page' ); /* Using registered $page handle to hook script load */
Page 1: Admin Code


1. Admin dashboard

<?php$admired_themename = "Admired";$admired_shortname = "admired";$admired_option_group = $admired_shortname.'_theme_option_group';$admired_option_name = $admired_shortname.'_theme_options';

// Create custom settings menuadd_action('admin_menu', 'admired_create_menu');

function admired_create_menu() {global $admired_themename;//create new top-level menu$page = add_theme_page( __( $admired_themename.' Admired Options' ), __( 'Admired Options','admired' ), 'edit_theme_options', basename(__FILE__), 'admired_settings_page' );/* Using registered $page handle to hook script load */add_action('admin_print_styles-' . $page, 'admired_add_init');}

// Load stylesheet and jscript

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function admired_add_init() {

$file_dir = get_template_directory_uri();wp_enqueue_style('thickbox');wp_enqueue_style("admired-Opt-Css", $file_dir."/admin/admired-options.css");wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery' );wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery-ui-tabs' );wp_enqueue_script("admired-jq-cookie", $file_dir."/admin/js/jquery-cookie.js");wp_enqueue_script('admired-jq-checkboxs', $file_dir.'/admin/js/jquery.Checkbox.js');wp_enqueue_script('admired-jq-select', $file_dir.'/admin/js/jquery.selectBox.js');wp_enqueue_script("admired-color-Script", $file_dir."/admin/js/jquery.colorpicker.js");wp_enqueue_script("admired-Opt-Script", $file_dir."/admin/js/admired-options.js");wp_enqueue_script('media-upload');wp_enqueue_script('thickbox');}

// Register settingsadd_action( 'admin_init', 'register_settings' );function register_settings() { global $admired_themename, $admired_shortname, $version, $admired_settings, $admired_option_group, $admired_option_name;//register our settingsregister_setting( $admired_option_group, $admired_option_name, 'admired_theme_options_validate');}

// Create theme optionsglobal $admired_settings;$admired_settings = array (// *************************** Skin & Layout ***********************************array("name" => __( "",'admired'), "id" =>"", "type" => "header","desc" => __( "",'admired'),"std" => ""),array( "id" => $admired_shortname."-tab-1","type" => "open-tab"),array("name" => __('<font size=4 color=#464646>Skin & Layout</font>','admired'),"type" => "section"),array("name" => __('<font size=2 color=#464646>Settings that change the look of your site.</font>','admired'),"type" => "section-desc"),array("type" => "open"),array("name" => __("Skin Style",'admired'),"id" => $admired_shortname."_skins", "type" => "radio1", "desc" => __("Which skin would you like to use?",'admired'),

Page 3: Admin Code

"std" => "default", "options" => array("default" => "Default", "charcoal" => "Charcoal", "light" => "Light", "metal" => "Heavy Metal", "orange" => "Kiss of Orange","blue" => "Blue Diamond", "redline" => "Redline", "white" => "Simple White"), ),

array("name" => __("Sidebar Position",'admired'),"id" => $admired_shortname."_column", "type" => "radio1", "desc" => __("Where would you like your sidebar to be?",'admired'),"std" => "content-sidebar", "options" => array("content-sidebar" => __('Right Sidebar','admired'), "sidebar-content" => __('Left Sidebar','admired'), "sidebar-content-sidebar" => __('Three Column','admired'), "content" => __('One Column','admired')),


array("type" => "close"),array( "type" => "save-opts"),array( "type" => "close-tab"),

// *************************** General Appearance Options ***********************************array( "id" => $admired_shortname."-tab-2","type" => "open-tab"),

array("name" => __('<font size=4 color=#464646>General Appearance</font>','admired'),"type" => "section"),

array("name" => __('<font size=2 color=#464646>Settings that change the look of your content.</font>','admired'),

"type" => "section-desc"),array("type" => "open"),array("name" => __( "Post Excerpt with Thumbnail",'admired'), "id" => $admired_shortname."_thumbnail_excerpt", "type" => "checkbox","desc" => __( "Show thumbnail and excerpt on post. Uses the featured image.",'admired')),array( 'name' => __('Standard Link','admired'), 'id' => $admired_shortname.'_link_color', 'type' => 'ctext',"desc" => __( 'Color for most links. (#1982d1)','admired'),'std' => '#1982d1'),

array( 'name' => __('Standard Link Visited','admired'), 'id' => $admired_shortname.'_link_visited_color', 'type' => 'ctext',"desc" => __( 'Color for links that have been visited. (#11598F)','admired'),'std' => '#11598F'),

Page 4: Admin Code

array( 'name' => __('Standard Link Hover','admired'), 'id' => $admired_shortname.'_link_hover_color', 'type' => 'ctext',"desc" => __( 'Color for links when hovered over. (#1982d1)','admired'),'std' => '#1982d1'),

array( "name" => __( 'Content Title Color','admired'), 'id' => $admired_shortname.'_content_title_link_color', 'type' => 'ctext',"desc" => __( 'Color for the content title links. (#222222)','admired'),'std' => '#222222'),

array( "name" => __( 'Content Title Color on Hover','admired'), 'id' => $admired_shortname.'_content_title_hover_color', 'type' => 'ctext',

"desc" => __( 'Color for the content title links when hovered over. (#1982d1)','admired'),

'std' => '#1982d1'), array( "name" => __( 'Content List Bullet','admired'), 'id' =>

$admired_shortname.'_content_bullet_color', 'type' => 'select',"desc" => __( 'Bullet used for Unorderd Lists in content area.','admired'),'std' => 'default','value' => array( __('default','admired'), __('circle','admired'), 'disc',

'square', 'circle-black', 'circle-blue', 'circle-white', 'star-black', 'star-blue', 'star-yellow', 'square-black', 'square-blue',

'square-white', 'check-black', 'check-blue', 'check-green', 'check-white', 'heart-red', 'paw-print', 'radiation-black')),

array( "name" => __( 'Remove Post Calendar','admired'), 'id' => $admired_shortname.'_remove_post_calendar', 'type' => 'checkbox',

"desc" => __( 'Removes the calendar next to post titles.','admired')),

array( "name" => __( 'Calendar Border Color','admired'), 'id' => $admired_shortname.'_calendar_border_color', 'type' => 'ctext',

"desc" => __( 'Color of the border around the calendar. (#A0A0A0)','admired'),

'std' => '#A0A0A0'),

array( "name" => __( 'Calendar Month BG Color','admired'), 'id' => $admired_shortname.'_calendar_month_BG_color', 'type' => 'ctext',

"desc" => __( 'Color of the calendar month background. (#BABABA)','admired'),

'std' => '#BABABA'),

array("name" => __( "Calendar Month Text Color",'admired'), "id" => $admired_shortname."_calendar_month_text_color", "type" => "ctext",

Page 5: Admin Code

"desc" => __( "Color of the calendar text displaying the month. (#FFFFFF)",'admired'),

"std" => "#FFFFFF"),

array( "name" => __( 'Calendar Day BG Color','admired'), 'id' => $admired_shortname.'_calendar_day_BG_color', 'type' => 'ctext',

"desc" => __( 'Color of the calendar day background. (#BABABA)','admired'),

'std' => '#BABABA'),

array("name" => __( "Calendar Day Text Color",'admired'), "id" => $admired_shortname."_calendar_day_text_color", "type" => "ctext",

"desc" => __( "Color of the calendar text displaying the day. (#FFFFFF)",'admired'),

"std" => "#FFFFFF"),

array( "name" => __( 'Sicky Post Background','admired'), 'id' => $admired_shortname.'_sticky_post_BG_color', 'type' => 'ctext',

"desc" => __( 'Color of the sicky post background. (#F7F7F7)','admired'),'std' => '#F7F7F7'),

array("type" => "close"),

array( "type" => "save-opts"),

array( "type" => "close-tab"),

// *********************************** Fonts **************************************************

array( "id" => $admired_shortname."-tab-3","type" => "open-tab"),

array("name" => __('<font size=4 color=#464646>Font Options</font>','admired'),"type" => "section"),

array("name" => __('<font size=2 color=#464646>Settings that change your font styles.</font>','admired'),

"type" => "section-desc"),

array("type" => "open"),

array("name" => __("Title and Description Fonts",'admired'),"id" => $admired_shortname."_head_font_select",

Page 6: Admin Code

"type" => "radio2","desc" => __("Pick the font and type you would like to use for the

header.",'admired'),"std" => "google","options" => array("web-safe" => "Standard Font", "google" => "Google


array ( 'name' => __('Standard Fonts','admired'), 'id' => $admired_shortname.'_title_description_font', 'type' => 'select',

'desc' => __('Font used for the title and Description.','admired'),'std' => 'Garamond, serif','value' => array( __('Garamond, serif','admired'),'Bitstream Charter, serif', 'Arial, sans-serif', 'Verdana, sans-serif', 'Arial Black, sans-serif', 'Avant Garde, sans-serif','Helvetica Neue,

sans' ,'Courier New, mono','Impact, sans-serif', 'Trebuchet, sans-serif', 'Century Gothic, sans-serif',

'Tahoma, sans-serif','Lucida Grande, sans-serif', 'Univers, sans-serif','Times New Roman, serif',

'Georgia, serif', 'Palatino, serif','Bookman, serif','Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif','Andale Mono,

mono', 'Comic Sans MS, sans-serif')),

array ( 'name' => __('Google Fonts','admired'), 'id' => $admired_shortname.'_head_font', 'type' => 'select',

'desc' => __('Google Font for the title and description.','admired'),'std' => 'Raleway','value' => array( __('Raleway','admired'),'Arvo', 'Caesar Dressing', 'Calligraffitti','Copse','Covered By Your

Grace','Crafty Girls', 'Diplomata SC', 'Droid Sans','Droid Serif', 'Flavors', 'Fredericka the Great', 'Lobster',

'Macondo Swash Caps', 'Monoton', 'Nobile','Old Standard TT','Open Sans','Oswald','Pacifico','Permanent Marker','PT Sans','Quattrocento',

'Redressed','Reenie Beanie','Rock Salt', 'Shadows Into Light', 'Shojumaru', 'Slackey','Sniglet','Special Elite','Tangerine',

'Ubuntu','UnifrakturCook','Vollkorn','Yanone Kaffeesatz','Yellowtail')),

array("name" => __("Content Font Type",'admired'),"id" => $admired_shortname."_content_font_select","type" => "radio2","desc" => __("Pick the font and type you would like to use for the

content.",'admired'),"std" => "web-safe","options" => array("web-safe" => "Standard Font", "google" => "Google


Page 7: Admin Code

array ( 'name' => __('Standard Fonts','admired'), 'id' => $admired_shortname.'_content_area_font', 'type' => 'select',

'desc' => __('Font used for the content','admired'),'std' => 'Arial, sans-serif','value' => array( __('Arial, sans-serif','admired'),'Bitstream Charter, serif', 'Courier New, mono', 'Verdana, sans-serif',

'Tahoma, sans-serif','Arial Black, sans-serif', 'Avant Garde, sans-serif','Helvetica Neue, sans' ,'Impact, sans-serif', 'Trebuchet, sans-serif', 'Century Gothic, sans-serif','Lucida Grande, sans-serif', 'Univers, sans-serif','Times New Roman, serif', 'Georgia, serif', 'Palatino, serif','Bookman, serif', 'Garamond, serif','Andale Mono, mono', 'Comic Sans MS, sans-serif')),

// Google Fontarray ( 'name' => __('Google Fonts','admired'), 'id' =>

$admired_shortname.'_body_font', 'type' => 'select','desc' => __('Google Font used for the content','admired'),'std' => 'Lobster','value' => array( __('Lobster','admired'),'Arvo', 'Caesar Dressing', 'Calligraffitti','Copse','Covered By Your

Grace','Crafty Girls', 'Diplomata SC', 'Droid Sans','Droid Serif', 'Flavors', 'Fredericka the Great', 'Macondo Swash Caps',

'Monoton', 'Nobile','Old Standard TT','Open Sans','Oswald','Pacifico','Permanent Marker','PT Sans','Quattrocento','Raleway',

'Redressed','Reenie Beanie','Rock Salt', 'Shadows Into Light', 'Shojumaru', 'Slackey','Sniglet','Special Elite','Tangerine',

'Ubuntu','UnifrakturCook','Vollkorn','Yanone Kaffeesatz','Yellowtail')),

array("type" => "close"),

array( "type" => "save-opts"),

array( "type" => "close-tab"),

// ************************************ Header Options *********************************************

array( "id" => $admired_shortname."-tab-4","type" => "open-tab"),

Page 8: Admin Code

array("name" => __('<font size=4 color=#464646>Header Options</font>','admired'),"type" => "section"),

array("name" => __('<font size=2 color=#464646>Settings that change the look of your header and menus.</font>','admired'),

"type" => "section-desc"),

array("type" => "open"),

array( "name" => __( 'Custom Logo','admired'),"desc" => __( "Add a custom logo to the header. Click on Choose Image

and upload a logo or select one out of your Media Library and click insert into post. Max: 1010px X 105px",'admired'),

"id" => $admired_shortname."_header_logo","type" => "upload","std" => ""),

array("name" => __( 'Main Menu Bar','admired'), "id" => $admired_shortname."_main_menubar_color", "type" => "ctext",

"desc" => __( 'Color of the Primary menu bar. (#0281D4)','admired'),"std" => '#0281D4'),

array("name" => __( "Main Menu Bar hover BG",'admired'), "id" => $admired_shortname."_main_menubar_hoverbg_color", "type" => "ctext",

"desc" => __( "Color of the Primary menu item background when hovering over item. (#026BB0)",'admired'),

"std" => "#026BB0"),

array("name" => __( "Main Menu Bar dropdown BG",'admired'), "id" => $admired_shortname."_main_menubar_dropbg_color", "type" => "ctext",

"desc" => __( "Color of the Primary menu drop down background. (#0281D4)",'admired'),

"std" => "#0281D4"),

array("name" => __( "Main Menu Bar dropdown Hover",'admired'), "id" => $admired_shortname."_main_menubar_dropbg_color_hover", "type" => "ctext",

"desc" => __( "Color of the Primary menu drop down background on hover. (#026BB0)",'admired'),

"std" => "#026BB0"),

array("name" => __( "Main Menu Bar text",'admired'), "id" => $admired_shortname."_main_menubar_text_color", "type" => "ctext",

"desc" => __( "Color of the Primary menu bar text item when not hovering. (#FFFFFF)",'admired'),

Page 9: Admin Code

"std" => "#FFFFFF"),

array("name" => __( "Show Secondary Menu",'admired'), "id" => $admired_shortname."_show_secondary_menu", "type" => "checkbox",

"desc" => __( "Shows a extra menu at the top of the header. Set up using <u>Appearance</u>=><u>Menus</u>.",'admired')),

array("name" => __( 'Top Menu Bar','admired'), "id" => $admired_shortname."_menubar_color", "type" => "ctext",

"desc" => __( 'Color of the secondary menu bar (#292929)','admired'),"std" => '#292929'),

array("name" => __( "Top Menu Bar Hover BG",'admired'), "id" => $admired_shortname."_menubar_hoverbg_color", "type" => "ctext",

"desc" => __( "Color of the secondary menu item background when hovering over item. (#EFEFEF)",'admired'),

"std" => "#EFEFEF"),

array("name" => __( "Top Menu Bar dropdown BG",'admired'), "id" => $admired_shortname."_menubar_dropbg_color", "type" => "ctext",

"desc" => __( "Color of the secondary menu drop down background. (#EFEFEF)",'admired'),

"std" => "#EFEFEF"),

array("name" => __( "Top Menu Bar dropdown Hover",'admired'), "id" => $admired_shortname."_menubar_dropbg_color_hover", "type" => "ctext",

"desc" => __( "Color of the secondary menu drop down background on hover. (#F9F9F9)",'admired'),

"std" => "#F9F9F9"),

array("name" => __( "Top Menu Bar text",'admired'), "id" => $admired_shortname."_menubar_text_color", "type" => "ctext",

"desc" => __( "Color of the secondary menu bar text item when not hovering. (#EEEEEE)",'admired'),

"std" => "#EEEEEE"),

array("name" => __( "Normal Menu Text",'admired'), "id" => $admired_shortname."_normal_menu_text", "type" => "checkbox",

"desc" => __( "Check to use normal font style for menu text instead of bold.",'admired')),

array( "name" => __( 'Disable Superfish Menu Effects','admired'), 'id' => $admired_shortname.'_remove_superfish', 'type' => 'checkbox',

"desc" => __( 'Removes the arrows next to your menu items.','admired')),

Page 10: Admin Code

array( "name" => __( 'Superfish Colors','admired'), 'id' => $admired_shortname.'_superfish_arrow_color', 'type' => 'select',

"desc" => __( 'Color of the Superfish arrows on the menu bar.','admired'),'std' => 'White','value' => array( 'White', 'Silver', 'Blue', 'Red', 'Black')),

array( "name" => __( 'Site Title','admired'), 'id' => $admired_shortname.'_title_color', 'type' => 'ctext',

"desc" => __( "Color of the blog's main title in header. (#F7F7F7)",'admired'),

'std' => '#F7F7F7'),

array( "name" => __( 'Site Title Hover','admired'), 'id' => $admired_shortname.'_title_hover_color', 'type' => 'ctext',

"desc" => __( "Color of the blog's main title in header on mouse hover. (#1982D1)",'admired'),

'std' => '#1982D1'),

array( "name" => __( 'Site Description','admired'), 'id' => $admired_shortname.'_description_color', 'type' => 'ctext',

"desc" => __( "Color of the blog's description in header. (#C4C4C4)",'admired'),

'std' => '#C4C4C4'),

array( "name" => __( 'Hide Title and Discription','admired'), 'id' => $admired_shortname.'_hide_title_discription', 'type' => 'checkbox',

"desc" => __( 'Hides the site title and discription from the header.','admired')),

array( "name" => __( 'Search Bar Placement','admired'), 'id' => $admired_shortname.'_search_placement', 'type' => 'select',

"desc" => __( 'Where would you like the search bar? Menu, header, or none at all.','admired'),

'std' => 'Menu','value' => array( __('Menu','admired'), __('Header','admired'),


array("type" => "close"),

array( "type" => "save-opts"),

array( "type" => "close-tab"),

Page 11: Admin Code

// ***************************** Sidebar Options **********************************

array( "id" => $admired_shortname."-tab-5","type" => "open-tab"),

array("name" => __('<font size=4 color=#464646>Sidebar Options</font>','admired'),"type" => "section"),

array("name" => __('<font size=2 color=#464646>Settings that change the look of your sidebar.</font>','admired'),

"type" => "section-desc"),

array("type" => "open"),

array( "name" => __( 'Widget Title Background Color','admired'), 'id' => $admired_shortname.'_widget_title_bgcolor', 'type' => 'ctext',

"desc" => __( 'This will change the background color of the widget title. (#66686E)','admired'),

'std' => '#66686E'),

array( "name" => __( 'Widget Title Text Color','admired'), 'id' => $admired_shortname.'_widget_title_txtcolor', 'type' => 'ctext',

"desc" => __( 'This will change the text color of the widget title. (#FFFFFF)','admired'),

'std' => '#FFFFFF'),

array( "name" => __( 'widget List Bullet','admired'), 'id' => $admired_shortname.'_widget_bullet_color', 'type' => 'select',

"desc" => __( 'Bullet used for Unorderd Lists in sidebar area.','admired'),'std' => 'default','value' => array( __('default','admired'), __('circle','admired'),

__('disc','admired'), __('square','admired'), __('circle-black','admired'), __('circle-blue','admired'), __('circle-white','admired'), __('star-black','admired'), __('star-blue','admired'), __('star-yellow','admired'), __('square-black','admired'), __('square-blue','admired'),

__('square-white','admired'), __('check-black','admired'), __('check-blue','admired'), __('check-green','admired'), __('check-white','admired'), __('heart-red','admired'), __('paw-print','admired'), __('radiation-black','admired'))),

array("type" => "close"),

array( "type" => "save-opts"),

Page 12: Admin Code

array( "type" => "close-tab"),

array( "id" => $admired_shortname."-tab-6","type" => "open-tab"),

// ************************************ Comment Options ******************************

array("name" => __('<font size=4 color=#464646>Comment Options</font>','admired'),"type" => "section"),

array("name" => __('<font size=2 color=#464646>Settings that change the look of your comments.</font>','admired'),

"type" => "section-desc"),

array("type" => "open"),

array( "name" => __( 'Guest Comment BG','admired'), 'id' => $admired_shortname.'_guest_comment_color', 'type' => 'ctext',

"desc" => __( 'Changes the background color of the guest comments. (#F6F6F6)','admired'),

'std' => '#F6F6F6'),

array( "name" => __( 'Author Comment BG','admired'), 'id' => $admired_shortname.'_author_comment_color', 'type' => 'ctext',

"desc" => __( 'Changes the background color of the author comments. (#DDDDDD)','admired'),

'std' => '#DDDDDD'),

array( "name" => __( 'Leave A Reply Form BG','admired'), 'id' => $admired_shortname.'_leave_reply_color', 'type' => 'ctext',

"desc" => __( 'Changes the background color of the leave a reply form. (#DDDDDD)','admired'),

'std' => '#DDDDDD'),

array("type" => "close"),

array( "type" => "save-opts"),

array( "type" => "close-tab"),

array( "id" => $admired_shortname."-tab-7","type" => "open-tab"),

// ********************************** Footer Options **************************************

Page 13: Admin Code

array("name" => __('<font size=4 color=#464646>Footer Options</font>','admired'),"type" => "section"),

array("name" => __('<font size=2 color=#464646>Settings that change the look of your footer.</font>','admired'),

"type" => "section-desc"),

array("type" => "open"), array( "name" => __( 'Remove Scroll to Top','admired'), 'id' =>

$admired_shortname.'_remove_scroll_top', 'type' => 'checkbox',"desc" => __( 'Removes the scroll to top button in the footer.','admired')),

array( "name" => __( 'Remove admired Link','admired'), 'id' => $admired_shortname.'_hide_wp_link', 'type' => 'checkbox',

"desc" => __( 'It is completely optional, but if you like the Theme I would appreciate it if you keep the credit link at the bottom, or else consider making a contribution to help future development of this Theme.','admired')),

array( "name" => __( 'Site Copyright','admired'), 'id' => $admired_shortname.'_add_custom_copyright', 'type' => 'text',

"desc" => __( 'If you enter anything here, the default copyright notice in the footer will be replaced with the text here. It will not automatically update from year to year. Use <code>&amp;copy;</code> to display &copy;. You can use other HTML as well.','admired'),

'std' => ''),

array( "name" => __( 'Footer HTML','admired'),"desc" => '<a href="http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_links.asp"

TARGET="_blank"><div class="admired-help-img" title="'. __('Help with HTML links','admired') .'"></div></a>' .__( 'This code will be inserted into the footer area, right

after the Footer widgets, but right before the before the Site Copyright. This could include extra information, Links, visit counters, etc.','admired'),

'id' => $admired_shortname.'_footer_opts','type' => 'textarea'),

array("type" => "close"),

array( "type" => "save-opts"),

array( "type" => "close-tab"),

array( "id" => $admired_shortname."-tab-8",

Page 14: Admin Code

"type" => "open-tab"),

// ***************************** Pagination Options *****************************

array("name" => __('<font size=4 color=#464646>Pagination</font>','admired'),"type" => "section"),

array("name" => __('<font size=2 color=#464646>Numbered post pages.</font>','admired'),

"type" => "section-desc"),

array("type" => "open"),

array( "name" => __( 'Text Color','admired'), 'id' => $admired_shortname.'_pagination_text_color', 'type' => 'ctext',

"desc" => __( 'Changes the text color of the text and page numbers. (#FFFFFF)','admired'),

'std' => '#FFFFFF'),

array( "name" => __( 'Background Color','admired'), 'id' => $admired_shortname.'_pagination_bg_color', 'type' => 'ctext',

"desc" => __( 'Changes the Pagination background color. (#878A92)','admired'),

'std' => '#878A92'),

array( "name" => __( 'Text Color on Hover','admired'), 'id' => $admired_shortname.'_pagination_hover_text_color', 'type' => 'ctext',

"desc" => __( 'Changes the text color of the text and page numbers when hovered over. (#FFFFFF)','admired'),

'std' => '#FFFFFF'),

array( "name" => __( 'BackGround Color on Hover','admired'), 'id' => $admired_shortname.'_pagination_hover_bg_color', 'type' => 'ctext',

"desc" => __( 'Changes the background color when hovered over. (#686A71)','admired'),

'std' => '#686A71'),

array( "name" => __( 'Text Color on Current Page','admired'), 'id' => $admired_shortname.'_pagination_current_text_color', 'type' => 'ctext',

"desc" => __( 'Changes the text color of the text and page numbers on current page. (#333333)','admired'),

'std' => '#333333'),

Page 15: Admin Code

array( "name" => __( 'BackGround Color on Current Page','admired'), 'id' => $admired_shortname.'_pagination_current_bg_color', 'type' => 'ctext',

"desc" => __( 'Changes the background color on current page. (#686A71)','admired'),

'std' => '#686A71'),

array("type" => "close"),

array( "type" => "save-opts"),

array( "type" => "close-tab"),

// ***************************** Social Icons *****************************************

array( "id" => $admired_shortname."-tab-9","type" => "open-tab"),

array("name" => __('<font size=4 color=#464646>Social Icons</font>','admired'),"type" => "section"),

array("name" => __('<font size=2 color=#464646>Display social icons in the header</font>','admired'),

"type" => "section-desc"),

array("type" => "open"),

array( "name" => __( 'Show Social Icons','admired'), 'id' => $admired_shortname.'_show_social_icons', 'type' => 'checkbox',

"desc" => __( 'Shows social follow me icons in the header.','admired')),

array( "name" => __( 'RSS','admired'), 'id' => $admired_shortname.'_rss_feed', 'type' => 'checkbox',

"desc" => __( 'RSS Feed.','admired')),

array( "name" => __( 'Facebook','admired'), 'id' => $admired_shortname.'_facebook_id', 'type' => 'text',

"desc" => __( 'Place your Facebook page ID in the textbox.','admired'),'std' => ''),

array( "name" => __( 'Twitter','admired'), 'id' => $admired_shortname.'_twitter_id', 'type' => 'text',

"desc" => __( 'Place your Twitter ID in the textbox.','admired'),'std' => ''),

Page 16: Admin Code

array( "name" => __( 'Google Plus','admired'), 'id' => $admired_shortname.'_google_plus_id', 'type' => 'text',

"desc" => __( 'Place your Google Plus ID in the textbox.','admired'),'std' => ''),

array( "name" => __( 'Vimeo','admired'), 'id' => $admired_shortname.'_vimeo_id', 'type' => 'text',

"desc" => __( 'Place your Vimeo ID in the textbox.','admired'),'std' => ''),

array( "name" => __( 'Youtube','admired'), 'id' => $admired_shortname.'_youtube_id', 'type' => 'text',

"desc" => __( 'Place your Youtube ID in the textbox.','admired'),'std' => ''),

array( "name" => __( 'Pinterest','admired'), 'id' => $admired_shortname.'_pinterest_id', 'type' => 'text',

"desc" => __( 'Place your Pinterest ID in the textbox.','admired'),'std' => ''),

array("type" => "close"),

array( "type" => "save-opts"),

array( "type" => "close-tab"),

array( "id" => $admired_shortname."-tab-10","type" => "open-tab"),

// ***************************** Advanced Options ***********************************

array("name" => __('<font size=4 color=#464646>Advanced Options</font>','admired'),"type" => "section"),

array("name" => __('<font size=2 color=#464646>Custom CSS and SEO Plugin Support</font>','admired'),

"type" => "section-desc"),

array("type" => "open"),

array( "name" => __( '! Use SEO Plugin Instead','admired'), 'id' => $admired_shortname.'_hide_metainfo', 'type' => 'checkbox',

"desc" => __( 'Check this box if using an SEO plugin to stop from getting duplicate META tags. Recommended:', 'admired') .

Page 17: Admin Code

'<a href="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wordpress-seo/" TARGET="_blank"><div class="wp-seo-img" title="' . __('WordPress SEO by Yoast', 'admired') . '"></div></a>'),

array( "name" => __( 'Custom CSS ','admired'),"desc" => '<a href="http://www.w3schools.com/css/default.asp"

TARGET="_blank"><div class="admired-help-img" title="'. __('Help with CSS','admired') .'"></div></a>' .__( 'This input area is one of the most important options in

admired for customizing your site. Code entered into this box is included right before the &lt;/HEAD&gt; tag on each page of your site. The most important use for this area is to enter custom CSS rules to control the look of your site. <strong>!Do Not Use</strong> &lt;style&gt; tags. If you need to style something for Internet Explorer, simply add <code>#ie6</code>, <code>#ie7</code>, or <code>#ie8</code> before the selector your styling. ( eg. <code>#ie7 #site-title { margin-top: 0px;}</code> )','admired'),

'id' => $admired_shortname.'_header_css','type' => 'textarea'),

array("type" => "close"),

array( "type" => "save-opts"),

array( "type" => "close-tab"),

array( "id" => $admired_shortname."-tab-11","type" => "open-tab"),

// ************************************ Analytics ************************************

array("name" => __('<font size=4 color=#464646>Google Analytics</font>','admired'),"type" => "section"),

array("name" => __('<font size=2 color=#464646>Google Analytics Tracking Code</font>','admired'),

"type" => "section-desc"),

array("type" => "open"),

array( "name" => __( 'Google Analytics- Web Property ID','admired'),"desc" => '<a href="http://www.google.com/analytics/"

TARGET="_blank"><div class="google-analytics-img" title="'. __('Google Analytics','admired') .'"></div></a>' .__( '<font color=#444>Note:</font> the Google Analytics

script now goes in the &lt;head&gt; element to better support the new Google Analytics script.

Page 18: Admin Code

Only put the Web Property ID (eg. "<b>UA-XXXXXXXX-X</b>") in the textbox.','admired'),

'id' => $admired_shortname.'_google_analytics','type' => 'text','std' => ''),

array( "name" => __( 'Clicky Analytics- Site ID','admired'), 'id' => $admired_shortname.'_clicky_site_id', 'type' => 'text',

"desc" => '<a href="http://getclicky.com/" TARGET="_blank"><div class="clicky-analytics-img" title="'

. __('Clicky Analytics','admired') .'"></div></a>' .__( 'What is your site ID? Go to your Clicky dashboard and

look at the URL. You should see a "?site_id=123" (example) on the end. In this case, 123 would be your site ID.','admired'),

'std' => ''),

array("type" => "close"),

array( "type" => "save-opts"),


function admired_settings_page() {

global $admired_themename, $admired_shortname, $version, $admired_settings, $admired_option_group, $admired_option_name;?>

<div class="wrap"> <div class="options_wrap"> <?php screen_icon(); ?> <h2><?php echo $admired_themename; ?> <?php _e('Theme Options','admired'); ?> </h2> <p class="top-notice"> <?php _e('Customize the look of your theme with these settings. ','admired'); ?> </p> <?php if ( isset ( $_POST['reset'] ) ): ?> <?php // Delete Settings

global $wpdb, $admired_themename, $admired_shortname, $version, $admired_settings, $admired_option_group, $admired_option_name;


Page 19: Admin Code

wp_cache_flush(); ?> <div class="updated fade"> <p><strong> <?php _e( 'Admired options reset.','admired' ); ?> </strong></p> </div> <?php elseif ( isset ( $_REQUEST['updated'] ) ): ?> <div class="updated fade"> <p><strong> <?php _e( 'Admired options saved.','admired' ); ?> </strong></p> </div> <?php endif; ?> <div id="ultra-header"> <div id="ultra-logo"></div> </div> <div id="tabs" style="clear:both;"> <ul class="tabNavigation"> <li><a href="#admired-tab-1"><span> <?php _e('Layout','admired'); ?> </span></a></li> <li><a href="#admired-tab-2"><span> <?php _e('General','admired'); ?> </span></a></li> <li><a href="#admired-tab-3"><span> <?php _e('Fonts','admired'); ?> </span></a></li> <li><a href="#admired-tab-4"><span> <?php _e('Header','admired'); ?> </span></a></li> <li><a href="#admired-tab-5"><span> <?php _e('Sidebar','admired'); ?> </span></a></li> <li><a href="#admired-tab-6"><span> <?php _e('Comments','admired'); ?> </span></a></li> <li><a href="#admired-tab-7"><span> <?php _e('Footer','admired'); ?> </span></a></li> <li><a href="#admired-tab-8"><span> <?php _e('Pagination','admired'); ?> </span></a></li> <li><a href="#admired-tab-9"><span>

Page 20: Admin Code

<?php _e('Social','admired'); ?> </span></a></li> <li><a href="#admired-tab-10"><span> <?php _e('Advanced','admired'); ?> </span></a></li> <li><a href="#admired-tab-11"><span> <?php _e('Analytics','admired'); ?> </span></a></li> </ul> <div class="tabContainer"> <script type="text/javascript">

jQuery(document).ready(function($){// Enable selectBox control and bind


$("#create").click( function() {$("SELECT").selectBox();


$("#serialize").click( function() {$("#console").append('<br

/>-- Serialized data --<br />' + $("FORM").serialize().replace(/&/g, '<br />') + '<br /><br />');$("#console")[0].scrollTop =


$("SELECT").selectBox().focus( function() {

$("#console").append('Focus on ' + $(this).attr('name') + '<br />');

$("#console")[0].scrollTop = $("#console")[0].scrollHeight;

}).blur( function() {

$("#console").append('Blur on ' + $(this).attr('name') + '<br />');

$("#console")[0].scrollTop = $("#console")[0].scrollHeight;

}).change( function() {

$("#console").append('Change on ' + $(this).attr('name') + ': ' + $(this).val() + '<br />');

Page 21: Admin Code

$("#console")[0].scrollTop = $("#console")[0].scrollHeight;


});// CheckBox - Show standard CheckBox to

IE8 and under.jQuery(document).ready(function($){

if ($.browser.msie && $.browser.version.substr(0,1)<9) {

} else {$


});// Media UploaderjQuery(document).ready(function() {window.formfield = '';

jQuery('.upload_image_button').live('click', function() {

window.formfield = jQuery('.upload_field',jQuery(this).parent());

tb_show('', 'media-upload.php?type=image&TB_iframe=true');

return false;});

window.original_send_to_editor = window.send_to_editor;

window.send_to_editor = function(html) {if (window.formfield) {

imgurl = jQuery('img',html).attr('src');


}else {

window.original_send_to_editor(html);}window.formfield = '';window.imagefield = false;

Page 22: Admin Code


</script> <form method="post" action="options.php"> <?php settings_fields( $admired_option_group ); ?> <?php $options = get_option( $admired_option_name ); ?> <?php foreach ($admired_settings as $value) {

if ( isset($value['id']) ) { $valueid = $value['id'];}

switch ( $value['type'] ) {case "section": ?>

<div class="section_wrap"> <h3 class="section_title"><?php echo $value['name']; ?> <?php break;

case "section-desc": ?> <span><?php echo $value['name']; ?></span> </h3> <div class="section_body"> <?php


case "open-tab": ?> <div id="<?php echo $value['id']; ?>"> <?php break;

case "close-tab": ?>

</div> <?php break;

case 'text': // Text Box

?> <div class="options_input options_text"> <div class="options_desc"><?php echo $value['desc']; ?></div> <span class="labels"> <label for="<?php echo $admired_option_name.'['.$valueid.']'; ?>"><?php echo $value['name']; ?></label> </span> <input name="<?php echo $admired_option_name.'['.$valueid.']'; ?>" id="<?php echo $admired_option_name.'['.$valueid.']'; ?>" type="<?php echo $value['type']; ?>" value="<?php if ( isset( $options[$valueid]) ){ esc_attr_e( stripslashes($options[$valueid])); } else { esc_attr_e( stripslashes($value['std'])); } ?>" />

Page 23: Admin Code

</div> <?php


case 'ctext': // Color Picker

?> <div class="options_input options_text"> <div class="options_desc"><?php echo $value['desc']; ?></div> <span class="labels"> <label for="<?php echo $admired_option_name.'['.$valueid.']'; ?>"><?php echo $value['name']; ?></label> </span> <input class="ctext-color" style="background-color:<?php if ( isset( $options[$valueid]) ){ esc_attr_e (stripslashes($options[$valueid])); } else { esc_attr_e($value['std']); } ?>;" name="<?php echo $admired_option_name.'['.$valueid.']'; ?>" id="<?php echo $admired_option_name.'['.$valueid.']'; ?>" type="<?php echo $value['type']; ?>" maxlength="7" value="<?php if ( isset( $options[$valueid]) ){ esc_attr_e (stripslashes($options[$valueid])); } else { esc_attr_e($value['std']); } ?>" /> </div> <?php


case 'textarea':// Textarea

?> <div class="options_input options_textarea"> <div class="textarea_desc"><?php echo $value['desc']; ?></div> <span class="labels"> <label for="<?php echo $admired_option_name.'['.$valueid.']'; ?>"><?php echo $value['name']; ?></label> </span> <textarea name="<?php echo $admired_option_name.'['.$valueid.']'; ?>" type="<?php echo $admired_option_name.'['.$valueid.']'; ?>" cols="" rows=""><?php if ( isset( $options[$valueid]) ){ esc_attr_e( stripslashes($options[$valueid])); }?></textarea> </div> <?php


case 'select':// Select Drop downs

?> <div class="options_input options_select">

Page 24: Admin Code

<div class="options_desc"><?php echo $value['desc']; ?></div> <span class="labels"> <label for="<?php echo $admired_option_name.'['.$valueid.']'; ?>"><?php echo $value['name']; ?></label> </span> <select name="<?php echo $admired_option_name.'['.$valueid.']'; ?>" id="<?php echo $admired_option_name.'['.$valueid.']'; ?>"> <?php foreach ($value['value'] as $option) { ?> <option<?php selected($options[$valueid] == $option ) ?>><?php echo $option; ?></option> <?php } ?> </select> </div> <?php


case "radio1":// Radio Buttons

?> <div class="options_input options_select"> <div class="options_desc"><?php echo $value['desc']; ?></div> <span class="radio-labels"> <label for="<?php echo $admired_option_name.'['.$valueid.']'; ?>"><?php echo $value['name']; ?></label> </span> <div style="width:700px; clear:both;"></div> <?php foreach ($value['options'] as $key=>$option) {

$radio_setting = $options[$valueid]; ?> <div style="width:150px; float:left; margin-top: 15px;"> <img src="<?php echo esc_url( get_template_directory_uri() . '/admin/images/'.$key ); ?>.png" width="136" height="122" style="border: 1px solid #888;" alt="" /> <input type="radio" id="<?php echo $admired_option_name.'['.$valueid.']'; ?>" name="<?php echo $admired_option_name.'['.$valueid.']'; ?>" value="<?php echo $key; ?>" <?php

if($radio_setting != '') { checked($key, $options[$valueid]); } else { checked($key, $value['std']); } ?> /> <?php echo $option; ?><br /> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <?php


Page 25: Admin Code

case "radio2":// Radio Buttons

?> <div class="font_options_input options_select"> <div class="options_desc"><?php echo $value['desc']; ?></div> <span class="radio-labels"> <label for="<?php echo $admired_option_name.'['.$valueid.']'; ?>"><?php echo $value['name']; ?></label> </span> <div style="width:700px; clear:both;"></div> <?php foreach ($value['options'] as $key=>$option) {

$radio_setting = $options[$valueid]; ?> <div style="width:230px; float:left; margin-top: 15px;"> <input type="radio" id="<?php echo $admired_option_name.'['.$valueid.']'; ?>" name="<?php echo $admired_option_name.'['.$valueid.']'; ?>" value="<?php echo $key; ?>" <?php

if($radio_setting != '') { checked($key, $options[$valueid]); } else { checked($key, $value['std']); } ?> /> <?php echo $option; ?><br /> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <?php


case "upload":

?> <div class="options_input options_text"> <div class="options_desc"> <?php if ( isset( $options[$valueid])&& $options[$valueid] !="" ){ ?> <img src="<?php echo $options[$valueid]; ?>" alt="logo" height="80" width="120" style="float:left; margin: 0 7px 7px 0;" /> <?php } ?> <?php echo $value['desc']; ?></div> <span class="labels"> <label for="<?php echo $admired_option_name.'['.$valueid.']'; ?>"><?php echo $value['name']; ?></label> </span> <input name="<?php echo $admired_option_name.'['.$valueid.']'; ?>" class="upload_field" type="<?php echo $value['type']; ?>" value="<?php if

Page 26: Admin Code

( isset( $options[$valueid]) ){ esc_attr_e( stripslashes($options[$valueid])); } else { esc_attr_e( stripslashes($value['std'])); } ?>" /> <input class="upload_image_button button-secondary" type="button" value="Choose Image" /> </div> <?php break;

case "checkbox":// Check Boxes

?> <div class="options_input options_checkbox"> <div class="options_desc"><?php echo $value['desc']; ?></div> <label for="<?php echo $admired_option_name.'['.$valueid.']'; ?>"><?php echo $value['name']; ?></label> <br /> <input type="checkbox" name="<?php echo $admired_option_name.'['.$valueid.']'; ?>" id="<?php echo $admired_option_name.'['.$valueid.']'; ?>" value="1" <?php if( isset( $options[$valueid] ) ){checked($options[$valueid]);} ?> data-on="ON" data-off="<font color=#555>OFF</font>" /> </div> <?php


case "save-opts": ?> <div style=" height:40px; padding:5px;"> <span class="submit"> <input class="button button-primary" type="submit" name="save" value="<?php _e('Save All Changes', 'admired') ?>" /> </span> </div> <?php break;

case "close":

?> </div> <!--#section_body--> </div> <!--#section_wrap--> <?php


}?> </form> </div> <!--.tabContainer-->

Page 27: Admin Code

</div> <!--#tabs--> </div> <!--#options-wrap--> </div><!--#wrap--><div class="info-box-bottom"> <?php // admired support Forum ?> <div class="support-box"> <form action="http://wp-ultra.com/forum/" TARGET="_blank" method="post"> <input class="button" style="background: #483FFC; border-color:#241E94; color:#FFF; font-weight: bold;text-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3) 0 -1px 0;

"type="submit" name="forum" value="Support Forum" /> </form> <p style="color: #777; margin-top: 5px;"> <?php _e('Need Help? Got a Suggestion? Let me help you.','admired'); ?> <p> <p style="color: #555; margin-top: -8px;"> <?php _e('Forum password is:','admired'); ?> <p> <p style="color: #483FFC; margin-top: -10px; font-size:14px;"><b> WordPress </b></p> </div> <?php // admired Donate Button ?> <div class="donate-box"> <form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick"> <input type="hidden" name="hosted_button_id" value="FJA4KZTFMXQG8"> <input type="image" src="https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donate_SM.gif" border="0" name="submit" alt="PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!"> <img alt="" border="0" src="https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/scr/pixel.gif" width="1" height="1"> </form> <p style="color: #777; margin-top: -5px;"> <?php _e('Like the Theme? Help it stay up to date.','admired'); ?> <p> </div> <?php // Reset admired Options ?> <div class="reset-box"> <form method="post" action="" onSubmit="return confirm('Are you sure you want to reset all admired settings?');"> <span class="button-right" class="submit"> <input class="button" style="background:#FF6E21; border-color:#D45515; color:#FFF; font-weight: bold;text-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3) 0 -1px 0;

Page 28: Admin Code

"type="submit" name="reset" value="<?php _e('Reset / Delete Settings', 'admired') ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="reset" /> <span> <?php _e('<font color#222><b>Caution:</b></font> All entries will be deleted from database.','admired') ?> </span> </span> </form> </div></div><?php} // --admired_settings_page

/* Validates the theme's options upon submission. ------------------------------------------------*/function admired_theme_options_validate( $input ) {

global $admired_settings;foreach ( $admired_settings as $value ) {

switch ( $value['type'] ) {case 'select':

$input[$value['id']] = wp_filter_nohtml_kses( $input[$value['id']] );

break;case 'ctext':

$input[$value['id']] = wp_filter_nohtml_kses( $input[$value['id']] );

break;case 'text':

$input[$value['id']] = wp_filter_post_kses( $input[$value['id']] );break;

case 'textarea':$input[$value['id']] = wp_filter_post_kses( $input[$value['id']] );break;

case 'checkbox':if (!isset($input[$value['id']])) {

$input[$value['id']] = null; } // Our checkbox value is either 0 or 1 $input[$value['id']] = ( $input[$value['id']] == 1 ? 1 : 0 );

break;case 'upload':

$input[$value['id']] = wp_filter_post_kses( $input[$value['id']] );break;


Page 29: Admin Code

}return $input;


/* Enqueue color skins. ------------------------------------------------*/function admired_enqueue_skin_scheme() {

$options = get_option('admired_theme_options');$skin_scheme = $options['admired_skins'];

if ( 'charcoal' == $skin_scheme )wp_enqueue_style( 'charcoal', get_template_directory_uri() .

'/skins/charcoal.css', array(), null );

if ( 'light' == $skin_scheme )wp_enqueue_style( 'light', get_template_directory_uri() . '/skins/light.css',

array(), null );

if ( 'metal' == $skin_scheme )wp_enqueue_style( 'metal', get_template_directory_uri() . '/skins/metal.css',

array(), null );

if ( 'orange' == $skin_scheme )wp_enqueue_style( 'orange', get_template_directory_uri() . '/skins/orange.css',

array(), null );

if ( 'blue' == $skin_scheme )wp_enqueue_style( 'blue', get_template_directory_uri() . '/skins/blue.css',

array(), null );

if ( 'redline' == $skin_scheme )wp_enqueue_style( 'redline', get_template_directory_uri() . '/skins/redline.css',

array(), null );

if ( 'white' == $skin_scheme )wp_enqueue_style( 'white', get_template_directory_uri() . '/skins/white.css',

array(), null );

do_action( 'admired_enqueue_color_scheme', $skin_scheme );}add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'admired_enqueue_skin_scheme' );

/* Add layout classes. ------------------------------------------------*/

Page 30: Admin Code

function admired_layout_classes( $existing_classes ) {$options = get_option('admired_theme_options');$current_layout = $options['admired_column'];

if ( in_array( $current_layout, array( 'content-sidebar', 'sidebar-content' ) ) )$classes = array( 'two-column' );

elseif ( in_array( $current_layout, array( 'sidebar-content-sidebar' ) ) )$classes = array( 'three-column' );

elseif ( in_array( $current_layout, array( 'content' ) ) && !is_page_template ( 'tmp-threecolumn.php' ) )

$classes = array( 'one-column' );else

$classes = array( 'two-column' );

if ( 'content-sidebar' == $current_layout )$classes[] = 'right-sidebar';

elseif ( 'sidebar-content' == $current_layout && !is_page_template ( 'tmp-onecolumn.php' ))

$classes[] = 'left-sidebar';elseif ( 'sidebar-content-sidebar' == $current_layout )

$classes[] = 'two-sidebars';else

$classes[] = $current_layout;

$classes = apply_filters( 'admired_layout_classes', $classes, $current_layout );

return array_merge( $existing_classes, $classes );}add_filter( 'body_class', 'admired_layout_classes' );?>

Page 31: Admin Code

2. Home page


Page 32: Admin Code

* The Header for our theme. * * @since admired 1.0 */?><!DOCTYPE html><!--[if IE 6]> <html id="ie6" class="no-js" <?php language_attributes(); ?>> <![endif]--><!--[if IE 7]> <html id="ie7" class="no-js" <?php language_attributes(); ?>> <![endif]--><!--[if IE 8]> <html id="ie8" class="no-js" <?php language_attributes(); ?>> <![endif]--><!--[if !(IE 6) | !(IE 7) | !(IE 8) ]><!--><html class="no-js" <?php language_attributes(); ?>><!--<![endif]--><?php global $options;$options = get_option('admired_theme_options'); ?><head><meta charset="<?php bloginfo( 'charset' ); ?>" /><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"><title><?php

if ( !empty ($options['admired_hide_metainfo'])) {wp_title(''); /* this is compatible with SEO plugins */

} else {/* Else Print the <title> tag. ----------------------------*/global $page, $paged;

wp_title( '|', true, 'right' );bloginfo( 'name' ); // Name.$site_description = get_bloginfo( 'description', 'display' ); // Descriptionif ( $site_description && ( is_home() || is_front_page() ) )

echo " | $site_description";// Add page number:if ( $paged >= 2 || $page >= 2 )

echo ' | ' . sprintf( __( 'Page %s', 'admired' ), max( $paged, $page ) );} ?>

</title><link rel="profile" href="http://gmpg.org/xfn/11" /><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="<?php bloginfo( 'stylesheet_url' ); ?>" /><link rel="pingback" href="<?php bloginfo( 'pingback_url' ); ?>" /><?php

/* JavaScript for threaded comments. ----------------------------------*/if ( is_singular() && get_option( 'thread_comments' ) )

wp_enqueue_script( 'comment-reply' );

Page 33: Admin Code

/* wp_head() before closing </head> tag.---------------------------------------*/wp_head();


<body <?php body_class(); ?>><div id="head-wrapper"> <?php /* ======== TOP MENU ======== */

if ( isset ($options['admired_show_secondary_menu'])&& ($options['admired_show_secondary_menu'] != "") ) {

get_template_part('top','menu'); } else { echo "";}?> <header id="branding" role="banner"> <div id="header-group" class="clearfix"> <div id="header-logo"> <?php

if ( ! empty( $options['admired_hide_title_discription'] ) && $options['admired_header_logo'] ) { ?> <a href="<?php echo esc_url( home_url( '/' ) ); ?>"><span id="header-link"> </span></a> <?php } ?> <hgroup> <h1 id="site-title"><span><a href="<?php echo esc_url( home_url( '/' ) ); ?>" title="<?php echo esc_attr( get_bloginfo( 'name', 'display' ) ); ?>" rel="home"> <?php bloginfo( 'name' ); ?> </a></span></h1> <h2 id="site-description"> <?php bloginfo( 'description' ); ?> </h2> </hgroup> <?php

if ( isset ($options['admired_search_placement'])&& ($options['admired_search_placement'] == "Header") ) {

get_search_form(); } if ( isset ($options['admired_show_social_icons'])&&

($options['admired_show_social_icons'] != "") ) {get_template_part('header','social');} else { echo "";}?>

</div> </div> </header> <!-- #branding --> </div><!-- #head-wrapper --><div id="page" class="hfeed"><?php /* ======== BOTTOM MENU ======== */

get_template_part('bottom','menu'); ?>

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<div id="main">


// Social

global $options;$options = get_option('admired_theme_options');?>

<div class="admired-social"> <ul class="admired-social"> <?php // Pinterest

if ( isset ($options['admired_pinterest_id']) && ($options['admired_pinterest_id']!="") ) {

$output = '<li><a target="_blank" href="http://pinterest.com/'."";$output .= $options['admired_pinterest_id'] ."";$output .= '" id="admired-pinterest"

title="Pinterest"></a></li>'."";echo stripslashes($output);

} // Youtubeif ( isset ($options['admired_youtube_id']) &&

($options['admired_youtube_id']!="") ) {$output = '<li><a target="_blank"

href="http://youtube.com/user/'."";$output .= $options['admired_youtube_id'] ."";$output .= '" id="admired-youtube" title="Youtube"></a></li>'."";echo stripslashes($output);

} // Vimeoif ( isset ($options['admired_vimeo_id']) &&

($options['admired_vimeo_id']!="") ) {$output = '<li><a target="_blank" href="http://vimeo.com/'."";$output .= $options['admired_vimeo_id'] ."";$output .= '" id="admired-buzz" title="Vimeo"></a></li>'."";echo stripslashes($output);

} // Google Plusif ( isset ($options['admired_google_plus_id']) &&

($options['admired_google_plus_id']!="") ) {$output = '<li><a target="_blank"

href="http://plus.google.com/'."";$output .= $options['admired_google_plus_id'] ."";$output .= '" id="admired-plus" title="Google Plus"></a></li>'."";echo stripslashes($output);

} // Twitter

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if ( isset ($options['admired_twitter_id']) && ($options['admired_twitter_id']!="") ) {

$output = '<li><a target="_blank" href="http://twitter.com/'."";$output .= $options['admired_twitter_id'] ."";$output .= '" id="admired-twitter" title="Twitter"></a></li>'."";echo stripslashes($output);

} // Facebookif ( isset ($options['admired_facebook_id']) &&

($options['admired_facebook_id']!="") ) {$output = '<li><a target="_blank" href="http://facebook.com/'."";$output .= $options['admired_facebook_id'] ."";$output .= '" id="admired-facebook"

title="Facebook"></a></li>'."";echo stripslashes($output);

} // Rssif ( isset ($options['admired_rss_feed']) &&

($options['admired_rss_feed']!="") ) {echo ('<li><a target="_blank" href="');echo ( bloginfo( 'rss_url'));echo ('" id="admired-rss" title="RSS"></a></li>');


</ul></div><!-- .admired-social -->

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3. Payment

<?php/** * Template Name: Payment */

?><?php get_header(); ?><script type="text/javascript">


var a = jQuery('#amnt').val();alert(a);var b = jQuery('#amount').val(a); alert(b);


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var data1 = jQuery("#frm").serialize();jQuery.ajax({

url:'<?php bloginfo('template_directory')?>/insert.php',method:'post',data:data1,




</script> <style>td {

padding: 10px 10px 10px 20px;}</style> <?php $rand = rand(); ?><form method="post" action="" name="frm" id="frm"> <table width="500"> <tr> <td colspan="2" align="center"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Name</td> <td><input type="text" name="name1" id="name1" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Email</td> <td><input type="email" name="email" id="email" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Contact no</td> <td><input type="text" name="phone" id="phone" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Address</td> <td><input type="text" name="address" id="address" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Payment Amount</td> <td><select name="amnt" id="amnt"> <option value="0">0</option> <option value="50">50</option>

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<option value="100">100</option> <option value="150"></option> 150 </select></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Age</td> <td><input type="text" name="age" id="age" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td><input type="hidden" name="rand" id="rand" value ="<?php echo $rand; ?>"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td><input type="button" name="sub" id="sub" value="Save"/></td> </tr> </table></form><form action="https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post" name="pay_form" id="pay_form"> <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_xclick"> <input type="hidden" name="amount" id="amount" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="business" value="[email protected]"> <input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="USD"> <input type="hidden" name="return" value="http://paperrockpictures.com/paymentsuccess/?message=success&randid=<?php echo $rand;?>"> <input type="hidden" name="cancel_return" value="http://paperrockpictures.com/bride-payment/"></form><?php get_footer(); ?>

<?php get_header();

$message = $_REQUEST['message'];$randid = $_REQUEST['randid'];

mysql_connect('localhost', 'ethtown_rocks', 'z68hqsZRboGM');mysql_select_db('ethtown_rocks');

$update = "UPDATE bride_payment SET status = '$message' where rand_id = '$randid'";$result = mysql_query($update);if($result){

echo "payment Success";} else {

echo "Payment Not Success";

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