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ADMIRALTY FLEET ORDER - Royal Australian Navy · Squadron Signal Officer Staff Officer (Administra...

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v>x! AJP.O. 5286/45 (pOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY) RESTRICTED Not to be communicated to anyone outside H.M. Service ADMIRALTY FLEET ORDER MAJOR LANDING CRAFT-SUMMARY OF COMPLEMENTS A dmiralty , S.W .l, 20th September, 1945. The following Order having been approved by My Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty is hereby promulgated for information and guidance and necessary action. By Command of Their Lordships, To Commanders - in - Chief, Flag Officers, Senior Naval Officers, Captains and Commanding Officers of H.M. Ships, Vessels and C.O. Craft (see A.F.O. 1628/45), Super- intendents or Officers in Charge of H.M. Naval Establishments, and Admiralty Overseers concerned. N ote :—The scale of distribution is shown in the Admiralty Fleet Order Volume, 1941, Instructions, paragraph 10. (72837)
Page 1: ADMIRALTY FLEET ORDER - Royal Australian Navy · Squadron Signal Officer Staff Officer (Administra tion or training). Squadron Engineer Officer Medical Officer Secretary to Squadron

v>x! AJP.O. 5286/45



Not to be communicated to anyone outside H .M . Service


A d m ir a l t y , S .W .l ,20th September, 1945.

The following Order having been approved by My Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty is hereby promulgated for information and guidance and necessary action.

By Command of Their Lordships,

To Commanders - in - Chief, Flag Officers, Senior Naval Officers,Captains and Commanding Officers of H .M . Ships, Vessels and C.O.Craft (see A.F.O . 1628/45), Super­intendents or Officers in Charge of H .M . Naval Establishments, and Admiralty Overseers concerned.

N ote :—The scale o f d is tr ib u tio n is shown in th e A d m ira lty F le e t O rder Volume, 1941, In s tru c tio n s , p a ra g ra p h 10.


Page 2: ADMIRALTY FLEET ORDER - Royal Australian Navy · Squadron Signal Officer Staff Officer (Administra tion or training). Squadron Engineer Officer Medical Officer Secretary to Squadron

5286 & 0A m J U U A . 2R f O

. 5286.—Major Landing Craft—Summary of Complements ■ A ^ / f r o S ' f ' f + t f .

(N/C.O.P. 7598/45.— 20 Sep. 1945.)

I t .stated in A .F.O. 3440/45 th a t a sum m ary of Schemes o f Complement of Commissioned Landing Craft would be prom ulgated in a separate order. The accom panying sum m ary is issued accordingly.

2. I t is to be clearly understood th a t th is order is not (and m ust no t be quoted as) thé au th o rity for a p a rticu lar scheme of complement, and does no t supersede schemes of complement which, w ith authorized am endm ents, will continue to bo issued by A dm iralty le tter in th e ordinary w ay to Commanders-in-Chief, Force Commanders, H.M.S. “ Copra ” and other principal authorities.

3. This ordçr will be re-issued periodically.

Section A .—Major Landing Craft—Squadron Staffs Squadron staff, L.C.I. (S) . ..Squadron staff, L .C.I. (L)Squadron staffs, L.C.T. (1), (2), (6), L.C.T. (3), Pet. and L.C Squadron staffs, L.C.T. (3) an d (4)Squadron staff, L.C.T. (5 ) ...Squadron staff, L.C.T. (8 ) ...Composite support squadron, consisting of L .C.F. (L), L.

L.C.G. (M), L.C.T. (R), L.C.S. (L) (2) and L.C.S. (R)

Section B.—-Major Landing Craft—Flotilla and Maintenance Staffs Flotilla and m aintenance staff o f L .C.I. (S)Flotilla and m aintenance sta ff o f L.C.I.(L)Flotilla and m aintenance staffs of L.C.T. (1-4) and (6)Flotilla and m aintenance staff o f L.C.T. (3) (Pet)F lo tilla and m aintenance sta ff o f L.C.T. (5)Flotilla ànd m aintenance staff o f L.C.T. (8)Flotilla and m aintenance sta ff o f L.C.T. (A)Flotilla and m aintenance staff o f L.C .F. (L)F lotilla and m aintenance sta ff o f L.C.G. (L)Flotilla and m aintenance staff of L.C.G. (M)Flotilla and m aintenance sta ff o f L.C.T. (R)Flotilla and m aintenance staff o f L.C.S. (L) (2)Flotilla and m aintenance staff o f L.C.S. (R)

Section C.—Major Landing Craft—Craft Crews Craft crews of L .C.I. (S) ... ..:Craft crews of L .C.I. ( L ) .................C raft crews o f L.C.H.Craft crews of L.C. Q. .................C raft crews o f L.C.T. (1), (2) and (6)Craft crews of L.C.T. (3) and (4) ...C raft crews o f L.C.T. (3) Pet. and L.C.T. (A)Craft crews of L.C.T. (5) ...C raft crews b f L.C.T. (8) . ..Craft crews of L.C.T. (E) ...C raft crews of L.C.F. (L) . . ...........................C raft crews of L.C.G. (L) ...Craft crews of L.C.G. (M ).................C raft cre\ys o f L.C.T. (R) ...C raft crews of L.C.S. (L) (2)C raft crews o f L.C.S. (R) . .. ..;


G. (L),

3 5286

S e c t i o n A — M a j o » L a n d i n g C b a tt — S q u a d r o n S t a f f s

Squadron Staff of L.C.I.(S).No.

(a)(6) 1 1



1 1



(c) 1 1

(d) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

T otal 9 officers 10 ra tin g s

Notes.— (a) A C om m ander to be appoin ted in lieu if th e Squadron consist« o f th ree or m ore F lotillas.

(6) W hen th e Squadron consists o f less th a n three Flotillas an d th e Commander- in-Chief or Force Com m ander considers th a t th e appo in tm en t o f a Com mander is w arran ted b y operational requirem ents o r o ther special circum stances, th e m atte r should be subm itted for A dm iralty consideration.

(c) A Pensioner Chief S toker o r S toker P.O . m ay be borne in lieu.

(id) One P .O . T elegraphist to be provided in lieu when vessels are requ ired to m ake long passages and when operating in S .E . Asia an d S.W . Pacific.

Rank or Rating.L ieutenant-C om m ander ...L ieutenant-C om m ander o r L ieu­

ten an t.Commissioned B oatsw ain or B o a t­

sw ain.L ieu ten an t or Sub-L ieutenant,

R .N .V .R .L ieutenant-C om m ander (E)E lectrica l L ieu ten an t, R .N .V .R .

or E lectrical Sub-L ieutenant, R .N .V .R .

Surgeon L ieu tenan t-C om m ander or Surgeon L ieu tenan t.

Sub-L ieu tenan t (S) .................

R .P .O . . .. . ..Y eom an of Signals o r P .O . Sig

(L.C.).Leading Telegraphist Leading Seam an ...E lectrical Artificer P .O . W irem an (L.C.)S toker P.O .Sh ip w rig h t.................Leading W riter S.B .P.O . or L .S.B.A.

Duty.Squadron Commander G unnery Officer

Staff Officer (Adm inistra­tion or train ing).

Squadron Engineer Officer Squadron E lectrical Officer

Medical Officer

Secretary to Officer.


A ct. Q .R .l (S.V.)

E ngineer’s W riter


Page 3: ADMIRALTY FLEET ORDER - Royal Australian Navy · Squadron Signal Officer Staff Officer (Administra tion or training). Squadron Engineer Officer Medical Officer Secretary to Squadron

5286 4

S e c t i o n A — M a j o r L a n d i n g C r a f t — S q u a d r o n S t a f f s — contd.

Squadron Staff of L.C.I.(L).

(a) (6)





No. Rank or Rating.Lieutenant-C om m ander ... L ieutenant-C om m ander o r L ieu­

ten an t.L ieu tenan t or Sub-L ieutenant ... Commissioned B oatsw ain or B o a t­

swain.L ieu tenan t or Sub-L ieutenant,

R .N .V .R . L ieutenant-C om m ander (E) Surgeon L ieu tenan t-C om m ander

or Surgeon L ieu tenan t.Sub-L ieutenant (S)

R .P .O .................................................... ............Y eom an o f Signals o r P .O . Sig.

(L.C.).Leading Telegraphist L eading Seam an ...E lectrical Artificer P .O . W irem an (L.C.)S toker P.O ,Shipwright L eading W riterS.B .P.O . o r L .S.B.A.A .B. or O rdinary Seam an A .B. o r O rdinary Seam an A .B. or O rdinary Seam an

Duly.Squadron Com mander G unnery Officer

Squadron Signal Officer

S taff Officer (A dm inistra­tio n or train ing).

Squadron Engineer Officer M edical Officer

Secretary to Squadron Officer.

A ct. Q .R .l (S.V.).

E ngineer’s W riter.

B arberTailorShoem aker

T otal 8 officers13 ra tings

Notes.— (a) A Com m ander to be appoin ted in lieu if th e Squadron consists of th ree or m ore Flotillas.

(6) W hen th e Squadron consists o f less th a n th ree F lo tillas a n d th e Commander- in-Chief or Force Com m ander considers th e appo in tm en t of a. Com m ander is w arran ted by operational requirem ents or o ther special circum stances, th e m atte r should be subm itted for A dm iralty consideration.

(c) A Pensioner Chief S toker o r Stoker P.O . m ay be borne in lieu.

(d) One P.O. Telegraphist to be provided in lieu when vessels are required to m ake long passages an d when operating in S.E. Asia and S.W . Pacific.

(e) To be provided when c ra ft are operating in S.E . Asia o r S.W . Pacific. Stokers m ay be borne in lieu.

5 5286

Se c t i o n A — M a j o r L a n d i n g C r a f t — S q u a d r o n S t a f f s — contd.

Squadron Staffs of L.C.T.(l), (2), (6), L.C.T.(3) Pet., L.C.T.(A).

No. Rank of Rating.(a) (6) 1 L ieutenant-C om m ander ...

L ieutenant-C om m ander or L ieu­ten an t.

L ieu tenan t, Sub-L ieutenant or Midshipman.

Commissioned B oatsw ain or Boatswain.

L ieu tenan t or Sub-L ieutenant, R .N .V .R .

L ieutenant-C om m ander (E) E lectrical L ieu tenan t or E lectrical

Sub-L ieutenant, R .N .V .R . Surgeon L ieutenant-C om m ander

or Surgeon L ieutenant.Sub-L ieutenant (S)

R .P .O .....................................................Yeoman of Signals or P.O . Sig.

(L.C.)Leading Telegraphist P.O . or Leading Radio Mechanic

(W.R.)P.O . or Leading Seaman ... E lectrical Artificer P.O . W irem an (L.C.) or Leading

W irem an (L.C.)Stoker P.O.Shipwright (L.C.) or Jo iner (L.C.) Leading W riterS.B.P.O. or L .S.B .A..........................



Duty.Squadron Commander G unnery Officer

Com m unication Officer

S taff Officer (adm inistration or training).

Squadron Engineer Officer Squadron E lectrical Officer

Medical Officer

Secretary to Squadron Officer

Act. Q .R .l (S.V.)

E ngineer’s W riter

T otal 9 officers11 ratings

Notes.— (a) A Commander to be appointed in lieu if th e Squadron consists of3 or m ore Flotillas.

(6) W hen th e Squadron consists o f less th a n three F lotillas and th e Commander- in-Chief or Force Com mander considers th a t th e appo in tm en t of a Commander is w arran ted by operational requirem ents or o ther special circum stances, th e m atte r should be subm itted for A dm iralty consideration.

(c) A Pensioner Chief Stoker or Stoker P .O . m ay be borne in lieu.

(d) One P.O. Telegraphist to be provided in lieu when vessels a re required to m ake long passages and when operating in S.E. Asia an d S.W . Pacific except in L.C.T.(A).

Page 4: ADMIRALTY FLEET ORDER - Royal Australian Navy · Squadron Signal Officer Staff Officer (Administra tion or training). Squadron Engineer Officer Medical Officer Secretary to Squadron

5286 6

S e c tio n A—M a jo r L a n d in g C r a f t— S q u a d ro n S ta f f s —contd.

Squadron Staff of L.C.T. (3) and (4)

(a) (6)





DutySquadron Com m ander G unnery Officer

No. Rank or RatingLieutenant-C om m ander ...L ieutenant-C om m ander or L ieu­

ten an t.L ieu tenan t, Sub-L ieutenant or Com m unication Officer

Midshipman.Commissioned B oatsw ain or B oat- ------

swam.L ieu tenan t or Sub-L ieutenant,

R .N .V .R . L ieutenant-C om m ander (E) E lectrical L ieu tenan t or E lectrical

Sub-L ieutenant, R .N .V .R . Surgeon L ieutenant-C om m ander

or Surgeon-L ieutenant. Sub-L ieutenant (S)

R .P .O ...........................Yeom an of Signals or P.O . Sig.

(L.C.).Leading Telegraphist P.O . or Leading Radio Mechanic

(W .R.).P.O. or Leading Seaman E lectrical Artificer P.O W irem an (L.C.) or Leading

W irem an (L.C.).S toker P.O. .................Shipwright (L.C.) or Jo iner (L.C Leading W riter S.B.P.O . or L.S.B.A.A.B. or O rdinary Seaman A.B. or O rdinary Seaman A.B. or O rdinary Seaman

T otal 9 officers 14 ratings

Staff Officer (A dm inistra­tion or Training).

Squadron Engineer Officer Squadron E lectrical Officer

Medical Officer

Secretary to Squadron Officer.

A cting Q .R .l (S.V.)

E ngineer’s W riter


Notes.— (a) A com m ander to be appointed in lieu if th e squadron consists of th ree or m ore flotillas.

(6) W hen th e squadron consists o f less th an th ree flotillas and th e Commander- in-Chief or Force Commander considers th a t the appointm ent of a Commander is w arran ted b y operational requirem ents or o ther special circumstances, the m atte r should be subm itted for A dm iralty consideration.

(c) A Pensioner Chief S toker or Stoker P.O. m ay be borne in lieu.

(d) One P.O. Telegraphist to be provided in lieu when vessels are required to m ake long passages and when operating in S.E. Asia and S.W. Pacific.

(e) To be provided when vessels are operating in S.E. Asia and S.W . Pacific. Stokers m ay be borne in lieu.

7 5286

S e c t i o n A — M a j o r L a n d i n g C r a f t — S q u a d r o n S t a i f s — contd.

Squadron Staff o! L.C.T. (5).

No.(a) (b)



Rank ?r Rating.L ieutenant-Com m ander ...L ieutenant-Com m ander or L ieu­

tenan t.L ieutenant, Sub - L ieu tenan t

M idshipman.Commissioned B oatsw ain or B o a t­

swain.L ieu tenan t or Sub-L ieutenant,

R .N .V .R .Lieutenant-C om m ander (E)Electrical L ieu tenan t or E lectrical

Sub-L ieutenant, R .N .V .R .Surgeon L ieutenant-Com m ander

or Surgeon L ieutenant.Sub-L ieutenant (S) .................

R .P .O ........................... .................Yeom an of Signals o r P.O . Sig.

(L.C.).Leading Telegraphist .................P .O . R adio Mechanic or Leading

R adio Mechanic (W .R.).P .O . or Leading Seam an E lectrical Artificer P .O . W irem an (L.C.)S toker P.O .Shipw right L eading W riter S .B .P .O . or L.S.B.A.

T o ta l

Duty.Squadron Com m ander G unnery Officer

or Signal Officer

9 officers 11 ra tings

S taff Officer (A dm inistra­tion o r training).

Squadron Engineer Officer Squadron E lectrical Officer

Medical Officer

Secretary to Squadron Officer.

A ct. Q .R .l (S.V.).

E ngineer’s W riter

Notes, (a) A Com m ander to be appoin ted in lieu if th e Squadron consists o f th ree or m ore F lotillas.

(b) W hen th e Squadron consists o f less th a n th ree F lotillas and th e Commander- in-Chief or Force Com m ander considers th a t th e appo in tm en t o f a Com m ander is w arran ted b y operational requirem ents or o ther special circum stances, th e m atte r should be subm itted for A dm iralty consideration.

(c) A Pensioner Chief S toker o r S toker P .O . m ay be borne in lieu.

(d) One P.O . Telegraphist to be provided in lieu when vessels are required to m ake long passages and when operating in S .E . Asia and S.W . Pacific.

(72837) A **

Page 5: ADMIRALTY FLEET ORDER - Royal Australian Navy · Squadron Signal Officer Staff Officer (Administra tion or training). Squadron Engineer Officer Medical Officer Secretary to Squadron

5286 8

S e c t i o n A — M a j o r L a n d i n g C r a f t — S q u a d r o n S t a f f s — contd.

Squadron Staff of L.C.T. (8).

(a) (b)





No. Rank or Rating.L ieutenant-C om m ander ... L ieutenant-C om m ander or Lieu

ten an t.L ie u te n a n t...Commissioned B oatsw ain or B oat

swain.L ieu tenan t, R ,N .V .R . (Sp.) L ieutenant-C om m ander (E) E lectrical L ieu tenan t or E lectrical

Sub-L ieu tenan t, R .N .V .R . Surgeon L ieutenant-C om m ander

or Surgeon L ieu tenan t.S ub-L ieutenant (S)

R .P .O ......................... . .................Yeom an of Signals or P .O . Sig

(L.C.).Leading Telegraphist P .O . R adio Mechanic or Leading

R adio Mechanic (W .R.).P .O . or Leading Seam an ... E lectrical Artificer P .O . W irem an (L.C.) or Leading

W irem an (L.C.).S toker P .O .Shipw right (L.C.) or Jo iner (L.C.)Leading W rite r ... .................S.B .P.O . or L .S .B .A ..........................A .B. or O rdinary Seam an A .B or O rdinary Seam an A.B. o r O rdinary Seaman

Duty.Squadron Com mander G unnery Officer

Signal Officer

S taff OfficerSquadron Engineer Officer Squadron E lectrical Officer

Medical Officer

Secretary to Squadron Officer.

A ct. Q .R .l (S.V.).

Engineer’s W riter

B arberTailorShoem aker

T otal .9 officers 14 ra tings

Notes.— (a) A Com m ander to be appointed in lieu if th e Squadron consists of th ree o r m oie F lotillas.

(6) W hen th e Squadron consists o f less th an th ree Flotillas an d th e Commander- in-Chief or Force Com mander considers th a t th e appoin tm ent o f a Com mander is w arran ted by operational requirem ents or o ther special circum stances, th e m atte r should be subm itted for A dm iralty consideration.

(c) A Pensioner Chief S toker o r Chief S toker m ay be borne in lieu.

(id) One P.O. T elegraphist to be provided in lieu when vessels a re required to m ake long passages and when operating in S.E . Asia and S.W . Pacific.

(e) To be provided when craft a re operating in S .E . Asia and S.W . Pacific. Stokers m ay be borne in lieu.

9 5286

S e c t i o n A — M a j o r L a n d i n g C r a f t — S q u a d r o n S t a f f # — co n td .

Consisting of L.C.F.(L), L.C.G.(L), L.C.G.(M), L.C.T.(R), L.C.S.(L)(2) and L.C.S.(R).No. Rank or Rating,

(a) (6) 1 L ieutenant-C om m ander ....M ajor o r C aptain , R .M .

Gunner, R .N .L ieu tenan t, Sub-L ieutenant or

M idshipm an.Commissioned Boatswuln or

Boatsw ain.L ieu tenan t, R .N .V .R . o r Sub-

L ieu tenan t, R .N .V .R . o r L ieu­ten a n t, R .N .V .R .(Sp.) or Sub- L ieu tenan t, R .N .V .R . (Sp.).

C aptain o r L ieu ten an t, R.M .

L ieutenant-C om m ander (E)E lectrical L ieu tenan t, R .N .V .R __Surgeon L ieu t Com m ander or

Surgeon L ieu tenan t. Sub-L ieu tenan t (S)


(<*) — («)(«)(«)

P .O . ...........................................R .P .O ......................................................Y eom an of Signals or P .O . Sig.

(L.C.)Leading Telegraphist P.O . or L eading Seam an ... E lectrical Artificer P .O . W irem an (L.C.) or Leading

W irem an (L.C.).S toker P.O .Shipw right (L.C.) or Jo in e r (L.C.) Leading W riter S .B.P.O . or L .S.B.Ä.Com pany Sergeant M ajor, R.M . Corporal, R.M .MarineM.O.As......................................A.B. or O rdinary Seaman A.B. or O rdinary Seam an A.B. o r O rd inary Seam an

T otal 9 officers, naval2 officers, R.M.

14 ra tings3 m arines

Duty.Squadron Commander. G unnery Officer and


C om munications Officer

Staff Officer

A dm inistra tive Officer an d A ssistan t to S.R.M .O.

Squadron Engineer Officer Squadron E lectrical Officer Medical Officer

Secretary to Squadron Officer

Instru c tio n a l duties.

A ct.Q .R .l(S .V .) or A .V.G .I.

E ngineer’s W riter


B arberTailorShoem aker

Notes.— (a) A Com m ander to be appoin ted in lieu if th e Squadron consists of th ree or m ore F lotillas.

(6) W hen th e Squadron consists o f less th a n th ree Flotillas and th e Commander- in-Chief or Force Com m ander considers th a t th e appo in tm en t o f a Com m ander is w arran ted by operational requirem ents or o ther special circum stances, th e m atte r should be subm itted for A dm iralty consideration.

(c) A Pensioner Chief S toker or S toker P .O . m ay be borne in lieu.(d) M.O.As. are to be allowed in accordance w ith th e scales laid down in A .F.O .


(c) To be provided when c ra ft a re operating in S.E. Asia and S.W . Pacific. Stokers m ay b9 borne in lieu.

(72637) A** 2

Page 6: ADMIRALTY FLEET ORDER - Royal Australian Navy · Squadron Signal Officer Staff Officer (Administra tion or training). Squadron Engineer Officer Medical Officer Secretary to Squadron

5286 10

S e c t i o n B — M a j o r L a n d i n g C r a f t — F l o t i l l a a n d M a i n t e n a n c e S t a f f s

Flotilla and Maintenance Staff of L.C.I. (S)No. Rank or Rating. Duty.

1 L ieutenant-C om m ander . .. . . . F lo tilla Officer1 L ieu tenan t, Sub-L ieutenant or Signal Officer

M idshipm an.1 L ieu tenan t (E) ... . . . . . . E ngineer Officer

1 P .O .'... . . . . . . . . . . .. A dm in istra tive dutias.1 Leading Signalman- or Leading -----------

Seam an Signalm an (L.C.).(a) — Leading Telegraphist ... . . . -----------

1 Leading S e a m a n .............................. Act. Q .R .l. (S.V.)2 O.A. ................................................................ ...............4 A .B. or O rdinary Seam an ... Q.O. (L.C.)1 E lectrical Artificer ... . .. -----------1 P.O. W irem an (L.C.) . .. . . . -----------

2 Leading W irem an (L.C.) or W ire- — —m an (L.C.).

1 Chief M otor Mechanic (B)3 M otor M echanic (B) . .. . . . -----------3 S toker P .O ., Leading S toker o r -----------

Stoker.1 Shipw right o r Jo iner (L.C.) . .. -----------2 Ship Mechanic (L.C.) ... . .. ----------1 W riter ... . . . . .. . . . ----------1 Stores A ssistan t . .. . . . . . . —----------1 S .B .A ...................................................... ....................................

T otal 3 officers26 ratings

Notes.— (a) One Leading Telegraphist to be provided when vessels are required to m ake long passages, and when operating in S.E. Asia and S.W . Pacific.

Flotilla and Maintenance Staff of L.C.I. (L).No.

(a) —

Rank or Rating. L ieutenant-Com m ander, R .N .R .,

or R .N .V .R .L ieu tenan t or Sub-L ieutenant o r

M idshipman.L ieu tenan t (E)Electrical L ieutenant, R .N .V .R .,

or E lectrical Sub-L ieutenant, R .N .V .R .

P.O . ...........................................Leading Signalm an or Leading

Seam an Sig. (L.C.).Leading T elegraphist P .O . R adio Mechanic or Leading

R adio Mechanic (W .R.).Leading Seam an ...O .A.............................................A.B. or O rdinary Seam an Electrical Artificer P.O . W irem an (L.C.)Leading W irem an (L.C.) or W ire­

m an (L.C.).

Duty. Flo tilla Officer

Signal Officer

E ngineer Officer E lectrical Officer

A dm inistra tive D uties

A ct. Q .R .l. (S.V.)

Q.O. (L.C:)

11 5286

S e c t i o n B — M a j o r L a n d i n g C r a f t — F l o t i l l a a n d M a i n t e n a n c e S t a f f s —contd.

Flotilla and Maintenance Staff of L.C.I. (L).—contd.

No. Rank or Rating. Duty.1 C .E .R .A .................................... ------5 E .R .A ........................................ 4 F . an d T ., 1 C.S.2 Stoker P .O . or Leading Stoker 1 E.Os. W riter, 1 Messenger1 Shipw right or Jo iner (L.C.) — >—2 Ship-Mechanic (L.C.) ------1 W riter ------1 Stores A ssistan t ... ------1 S.B .A ......................................... ------

T o ta l 4 officers29 ra tings

Note.—(a) One L eading Telegraphist to be provided when vessels are required to m ake long passages a n d w hen operating in S .E . A sia an d S.W . Pacific.

Flotilla and Maintenance Staff of L.C.T. (1-4) and (0)No. Rank or Rating. Duty.

1 L ieu ten an t Com m ander (N) F lo tilla Officer1 L ieu ten an t (E) E ngineer Officer1 P.O . .............................. A dm inistra tive D uties1 A.B . or O rdinary Seam an Sig.

(L.C.).F o r D ivisional Leaders

1 Signalm an or Leading Seam an Sig. (L.C.) .................

1 — Leading Telegraphist . .. . ..Act. Q .R .l. (S.V.) or

A .V.G.I.1 Leading Seam an ...

1 O.A. or O.M. ------i 2 A.B. or O rdinary Seaman Q.O. (C.X.)

1 E lectrical Artificer ------1 P.O . W irem an (L.C.) or Leading

W irem an (L.C.).2 W irem an (L.C.) . .. ................. ------1 C .E .R .A .................................................. ------3 E .R .A . •— —3 Stoker P .O ., Leading Stoker or

Stoker.1 Shipw right or Jo in e r (L.C.) ■------2 Ship-M echanic (L.C.) ................. ‘1 W rite r ................. -------1 L.S.A. o r S.A........................................ ------1

2 officers 24 ra tings

L .S .B .A . o r S.B.A. .................

Notes.— (a) One Leading T elegraphist to be provided w hen vessels a re required to m ake long passages arid when operating in S.E. Asia and S.W . Pacific.

(6) W rens Q.O. m ay be borne in lieu.

Page 7: ADMIRALTY FLEET ORDER - Royal Australian Navy · Squadron Signal Officer Staff Officer (Administra tion or training). Squadron Engineer Officer Medical Officer Secretary to Squadron

5286 12

S e c t i o n B — M a j o r L a n d i n g C r a f t — F l o t i l l a a n d M a i n t e n a n c e s t a f f s —contd.

Flotilla and Maintenance Staff of L.C.T. 3 (PET.)No. Rank or Rating. Duty.

1 L ieu tenan t Com m ander (N) Flo tilla Officer1 L ieu tenan t (E) ................. Engineer Officer1 P.O . ........................................... A dm inistrative Duties.1 A.B. or O rdinary Seaman Sig.

(L.C.).F o r Divisional Leaders

1 Signalm an or Leading Seam an Sig. (L.C.).


(a) Leading T elegraphist ................. ____1 L eading Seam an ... A ct. Q .R .I. (S.V.) or

A .V .G .I.1 O.A. o r O.M. _____

(6) 2 A.B. or O rdinary Seaman Q.O. (C.X.)1 E lectrical Artificer1 P.O . W irem an (L.C.) o r Leading

W irem an (L.C.).------

2 W irem an (L.C.) ____1 Chief M otor Mechanic (A)3 M otor Mechanic (A) ____3 Stoker P .O ., Leading Stoker or


1 Shipw right or Jo iner (L.C.) ____2 Ship Mechanic (L.C.) ___1 W riter ____1 L.S.A. o r S.A.1 L .S.B.A. or S .B .A ............................... ------

T o ta l 2 officers 24 ra tings

Notes.— (a) One L eading Telegraphist to be ] rovided when vessels a re required to m ake long passages an d w hen operating m F Asia and S.W . Pacific.

(6) W rens Q.O. m ay be borne in lieu.

Flotilla and Maintenance Staff of L.C.T. (5)No. Rank or Rating.

1 L ieutenant-C om m ander (N) ...1 L ieu tenan t (E)1 P.O . .............................................1 Signalm an or Leading Seam an

Sig. (L.C.).(a) -— A.B. o r O rdinary Seam an(b )— Leading T elegraphist

1 Leading Seam an ...

1 O.A__2 A .B . or O rdinary Seam an 1 E lectrical Artificer1 P.O . W irem an (L.C.)2 Leading W irem an (L.C.) or W ire­

m an (L.C.).1 C .E .R .A ............................ ; ...............


Duty. Flotilla Officer E ngineer Officer A dm inistrative duties

A ct. Q .R .I. (S.V.) orA .V .G .I.

Q.O. (C.X.)


S e c t i o n B — M a j o r L a n d i n g 'C r a f t — F l o t i l l a a n d M a i n t e n a n c e S t a f f s —contd.

Flotilla and Maintenance Staff of L.C.T. (5)—contd.No. Rank or Rating. Duty

3 E .R .A ..................................................... ------3 Stoker P .O ., Leading Stoker, or

S toker.------

1 Shipw right o r Jo in e r (L.C.) ------2 Ship-Mechanic (L.C.) ------1 W riter . . . .1. ------1 L.S.A . or S.A ........................................ ------ -1 S.B .A ....................................................... ------

T o ta l 2 officers23 ra tings

Notes.— (a) One additional A.B. o r O rdinary Seam an allowed for D ivisional Leaders.

(6) One Leading Telegraphist to be provided when vessels a re required to m ake long passages, an d when operating in S.E . Asia and S.W . Pacific.

(c) W rens Q.O. m ay be borne in lieu.

Flotilla and Maintenance Staff of L.C.T. (8)No. Rank or Rating. Duty.

1 L ieutenant-C om m ander (N) F lotilla Officer1 L ieu ten an t (E) Engineer Officer1 P.O . ........................................... A dm inistra tive duties1 L eading Seam an Sig. (L.C.) ------

(a) — Leading T elegraphist ------1 Leading Signalm an or Signalm an —-—-I P.O . or Leading Seam an ... A ct. Q .R .I. (S.V.) or

A.V.G.I.1 O.A. or O.M. ------2 A.B. or O rdinary Seam an ... Q.O. (C.X.)1 E lectrical Artificer ------1 P.O . W irem an (L,C.) or Leading

W irem an (L.C.).------

2 Leading W irem an (L.C.) or W ire­m an (L.C.).

1 C .E .R .A ................................................. ------3 E .R .A ..................................................... ------3 M otor Mechanic (D .H .P.) ------1 Stoker P .O . . .. . . . ... ------2 L eading S toker ----- -3 Stoker ------1 Shipw right (L.C.) o r Jo iner (L.C.) ------2 Ship-M echanic (L.C.) ------1 W riter ------1 L.S.A. or S.A ....................................... ------1 L.S.B.A. or S .B .A .............................. ------

T o ta l 2 officers30 ra tings

Note.— (a) One Leading Telegraphist to be p rovided w hen vessels are required to m ake long passages an d when operating in S .E . Asia and S .W . Pacific.

Page 8: ADMIRALTY FLEET ORDER - Royal Australian Navy · Squadron Signal Officer Staff Officer (Administra tion or training). Squadron Engineer Officer Medical Officer Secretary to Squadron

5286 14

S e c t i o n B — M a j o r L a n d i n g C r a f t — F l o t i l l a a n d M a i n t e n a n c e S t a f f s — contd.

Flotilla and Maintenance Staff of L.C.T. (A)No. Rank or Rating. Duty.

1 L ieu tenan t Com m ander (N) F lo tilla Officer1 L ieu ten an t (E) E ngineer Officer1 P .O .......................................................... A dm inistrative D uties1 A.B. or O rdinary Seam an Sig.

(L.C.).F o r D ivisional Leaders

1 Signalm an or Leading Seam an Sig. (L.C.).


1 Leading Seam an ... A ct.Q .R .I.(S .V . )or A .V .G .I.1 O.A. or O.M. ------

(a) 2 A.B. or O rdinary Seam an Q.O. (C.X.)1 E lectrical Artificer ——-1 P.O . W irem an (L.C.) or Leading

W irem an (L.C.).------

2 W irem an (L.C.) ................. ------I C .E .R .A .................................................. ------3 E .R .A ..................................................... -------3 Stoker P .O ., Leading S toker or


1 Shipw right or Jo iner (L.C.) ------2 Ship-M echanic (L.C.) ------1 W riter ------1 L.S.A. o r S.A. ------1 L.S.B .A . or S.B.A............................... ------

T otal 2 officers 24 ra tings

Note.— (a) W rens Q.O. m ay be borne in lieu.

Flotilla and Maintenance Staff of L.C.F. (L)No. Rank or Rating.

L ieu tenan t Com m ander (N) L ieu tenan t, Sub-L ieutenant or

M idshipm an.C aptain, R.M . . .. . .. . .. L ieu tenan t (E)Surgeon L ieu tenan t Com mander

o r Surgeon L ieu tenan t.Colour Sergeant, R.M .P.O. .............................. ...A .B. o r O rdinary Seam an Sig.

(L.C.).Leading Signalm an or Signalm an Leading Seam an ...

O.A..........................................................A.B. or O rdinary Seaman E lectrical Artificer P.O. W irem an (L.C.)

Duty. Flotilla Officer Com munications Officer

A dm inistrative duties Engineer Officer Medical Officer

A dm inistrative duties A dm inistrative duties

A ct. Q .R .l. (S.V.) orA.V.G.I.

Q.O. (C.X.)

15 5286S e c t i o n B — M a j o r L a n d i n g C r a f t — F l o t i l l a a n d M a i n t e n a n c e S t a f f s —contd.Flotilla and Maintenance Staff of L.C.F. (L)—contd.

o. Rank or Rating. Dui,2 L eading W irem an (L.C.) o r W ire- ------

m an (L.C.)1 C .E .R .A .................................................... ........3 E .R .A ..................................................... F an d T

3 Stoker P .O ., L eading S toker or ------Stoker.

1 Shipw right (L.C.) or Jo iner (L.C.) ------2 Ship-M echanic (L.C.) . . . . . . ------1 W riter . . . . . . . .. ------1 M arine . .. . . . . . . . . . C lerk/Storem an

\ L.S.A. o r S.A. ................................ .........1 L.S.B .A . or S.B .A ................................ ........

Total 4 N aval officers1 R.M . officer

24 ra tings2 R.M . ranks

Flotilla and Maintenance Staff of L.C.G. (L)No.



(a)11 1 1 1 1

12 4 112


Rank or Rating L ieutenant-C om m ander (N) L ieu tenan t, Sub-L ieu tenan t or

M idshipm an.C aptain , R.M .L ieu ten an t (E)Surgeon L ieutenant-C om m ander or

Surgeon L ieu tenan t.C aptain , R.M .Colour-Sergeant, R.M .P .O ...........................................................A .B . Sig. (L.C.) ...............................L eading Signalm an or Signalm anL eading Telegraphist .................P .O . or Ldg. Radio-M echanic

(W .R.).Sergeant, R.M.O.A..........................................................A .B ..........................................................E lectrical Artificer P .O . W irem an (L.C.) >. . .. . . .^ Leading W irem an (L.C.) or W ire­

m an (L.C.).C .E .R .A ..................................................E .R .A ......................................................Stoker P .O ., Leading Stoker or

Stoker.Shipw right (L.C.) or Jo iner (L.C.)

Duty Flotilla Officer Com munications Officer

A dm inistrative duties E ngineer Officer Medical Officer

Flotilla G unnery Officer A dm inistrative duties

G unnery Instruc to r

Q.O. (C.X.)

F . and T.

Page 9: ADMIRALTY FLEET ORDER - Royal Australian Navy · Squadron Signal Officer Staff Officer (Administra tion or training). Squadron Engineer Officer Medical Officer Secretary to Squadron

5286 16S e c t i o n B — M a j o r L a n d i n g C r a f t — F l o t i l l a a n d M a i n t e n a n c e S t a f f s — c o n td .

Flotilla and Maintenance Staff oi L.C.G. (L)—contd.No. Rank or Rating. Duty.

2 Ship-M echanic (L.C.) ... . .. ------1 W riter ... . .. . .. . .. ------1 M arine ... . .. . .. . .. C lerk/Storem an1 L.S.A. or S.A........................................ ........1 L .S.B.A. or S.B .A ............................... .........

T o ta l 4 N aval officers1 R.M . officer

28 N aval ra ting’s3 R.M . ranks

Note.— (a) F o r F lotillas serving in th e F a r E as t add 1 C aptain , R.M . (Flotilla G unnery Officer).Flotilla and Maintenance Staff of L.C.G. (M)

No. Rank or Rating. Duty.1 L ieutenant-C om m ander (N) F lotilla Officer1 L ieu tenan t, Sub-L ieutenant or C om m unications Officer

M idshipm an.1 C aptain, R.M , A dm inistra tive duties1 L ieu ten an t (E) E ngineer Officer

(a) — Electrical L ieu tenan t, R .N .V .R . or E lectrical OfficerE lectrical Sub-L ieutenant,

R .N .V .R .(a) — C aptain , R.M . F lo tilla G unnery Officer

1 Colour Sergeant A dm inistra tive duties1 P.O . ........................................... A dm inistra tive duties1 Leading Signalm an or Signalm an ------1 Sergeant, R .M ........................ Signal In s tru c to r1 L eading Telegraphist —-—1 P.O. or- Ldg. R adio Mechanic -------

(W .R.)1 Sergeant, R.M. G unnery In s tru c to r1 O.A.......................................................... ------2 A .B .......................................................... Q.O. (C.X.)1 E lectrical Artificer ------1 P.O . W irem an (L.C.) ------2 Leading W irem an (L.C.) or W ire­ ------

m an (L.C.).1 C .E .R .A ................................................. ------3 E .R .A ...................................... . F . an d T.3 Stoker P .O ., Leading Stoker or ------

Stoker.1 Shipw right (L.C.) o r Jo iner (L.C.) ------2 Ship-Mechanic (L.C.) — -—1 W riter ------1 M arine Clerk/Storem an1 L.S.A. or S.A ....................................... ------

L.S.B .A . or S.B .A ............................... ------2 S.B .A ...................................................... _______

(6) 1 A .B ./O .S...................... ................. B arber(b) 1 A .B ./O .S............................................... Tailor(6) 1 A .B ./O .S................................................. Shoem aker

al 3 N aval officers1 R.M . Officer

29 N aval ra tings4 R.M . ranks

Notes.—(a) F o r F lo tillas serving in th e F a r E as t add 1 E lectrical L ieu tenan t, R .N .V .R . or E lectrical Sub-L ieutenant, R .N .V .R . and 1 C aptain , R.M . (Flotilla G unnery Officer).

(6) To be provided when craft are operating in S.E . Asia an d S.W . Pacific. Stokers m ay be borne in lieu.

17 5286S e c t i o n B — M a j o r L a n d i n g C r a f t — F l o t i l l a a n d M a i n t e n a n c e S t a f f s — c o n td .

Flotilla and Maintenance Staff of L.C.T. (R)No. Rank or Rating. Duty.

1 L ieu tenan t Com m ander . .. . . . F lo tilla Officer1 L ieu tenan t or Sub-L ieutenant . . . A ssistant to F lo tilla Officer

(a) 1 L ieu tenan t (G) . .. . . . . . . G unnery Officer1 L ieu tenan t (R adar) or Sub- R ad ar Officer

L ieu tenan t (R adar).1 L ieu tenan t (E) . .. . .. . .. Engineer Officer

(6) (c) — E lectrical L ieu tenan t, or E lectrical E lectrical Officer Sub-L ieutenant, R .N .V .R .

1 P.O . . .. . .. . .. . . . A dm inistrative duties1 Leading Signalm an ................... .................— —

(d) 1 Leading T elegraphist ... . .. ----------3 Leading Seam an or A .B. ... R .P .2 or R .P .3

(e) — P.O . R adio M echanic (R) . .. -----------( / ) — P.O . R adio Mechanic (W /T) . .. ——

1 P.O. or Leading S e a m a n ................... Act.Q .R .I.(S.V .) or A .V.G .I.(g) 2 A .B. or O rd inary Seam an ... Q.O. (C.X.)

1 E lectrical Artificer . .. . .. ----------1 P.O . W irem an (L.C.). ... . .. --------- -

2 Leading W irem an (L.C.) or W ire- —:—m an (L.C.).

1 C .E .R .A ......................................................................................2 E .R .A ...................................................... ..................... ..............2 -Stoker . . . . . . . . . . .. ----------1 Shipw right or Jo in e r (L.C.) . .. ----------2 Ship-Mechanic (L.C.) . .. ••• ----------1 W riter . . . . . . . . . . .. ----------X L .S .A .............................................................................................1 L .S .B .A .................................................... ....................................

T o ta l 5 officers24 ratings

Notes.— (a) An A.V.G.O. m ay be borne in lieu.(b) One E lectrical L ieu tenan t or E lectrical Sub-L ieutenant to be allowed for

every 36 craft.

(c) One E lectrical L ieu tenan t, R .N .V .R ., or E lectrical Sub-L ieutenant, R .N .V .R ;, per 6 craft to be allowed when required to m ake long passages and when operating in S.E. Asia and S.W . Pacific.

(d) One Leading Telegraphist to be provided in addition when vessels are required to m ake long passages and when operating- in S.E. Asia and S.W. Pacific.

(e) Ofie P.O . Radio Mechanic (R) to be allowed betw een 2 craft.( /) One P.O. Radio M echanic (W /T) to be allowed per 6 craft.(g) W rens Q.O. m ay be borne in lieu.

Flotilla and Maintenance Staff of L.C.S. (L) (3)No. Rank or Rating. Duly.

1 L ieutenant -Commander ... Flotilla Officer1 L ieutenant, Sub-L ieutenant or Communications Officer

Midshipman.Engineer Officer1 L ieu tenan t (E), or Sub-L ieutenant

(E).A dm inistrative duties1 P.O. ................. .................

1 Leading TelegraphistAct. Q .R.I(S.V .) or A .V.G.I.1 L eading Seam an ...

2 O.A............................................. ------4 A .B ............................................. Q.O. (C.X.)1 E lectrical A rtificer ... ------

Page 10: ADMIRALTY FLEET ORDER - Royal Australian Navy · Squadron Signal Officer Staff Officer (Administra tion or training). Squadron Engineer Officer Medical Officer Secretary to Squadron

5286 18S e c t i o n B — M a j o r L a n d i n g C r a f t — F l o t i l l a a n d M a i n t e n a n c e S t a f f s — c o n td .

Flotilla and Maintenance Staff L.C.S. (L) (2)— contd.No. Rank or Rating. Duty.

1 P.O . W irem an (L.C.) ____2 Leading W irem an (L.C.) or W ire­

m an (L.C.).------

I Chief M otor Mechanic (B) ------3 M otor Mechanic (B) ------3 Stoker P.O ., Leading Stoker or


1 Shipw right (L.C.) o r Jo iner (L.C.) ------2 Ship-Mechanic (L.C.) ------1 W riter ------1 L.S.A. or S.A. ------1 L.S.B.A. or S.B .A ............................... ------

T otal 3 officers 26 ratm gs

Flotilla and Maintenance Staff of L.C.S. (R)No.



1(a) —



(6) — <c) —




Rank or Rating. L ieutenant-C om m ander ... L ieu tenan t or Sub-L ieutenant or

M idshipman.L ieu tenan t, R .N .V .R . (Sp.) or

Sub-L ieutenant, R .N .V .R . (Sp.). L ieu tenan t (E) ' . ..E lectrical L ieu tenan t, R .N .V .R . or

E lectrical Sub-L ieutenant,R .N .V .R .

Surgeon L ieutenant-C om m ander or Surgeon-L ieutenant.

P .O . . .. ..............................Leading Signalm an or Signalm an Leading Telegraphist Leading Seam an ...A.B. o r O rdinary Seam an P .O . R adio Mechanic (R)P.O. R adio Mechanic (W /T)P.O . o r Leading Seam an ...

O.A. o r O.M.A.B. or O rdinary SeamanE lectrical A rtificer .................P .O . W irem an (L.C.) or Leading

W irem an (L.C.)W irem an (L.C.) ... ...C .E .R .A ..................... :E .R .A ...........................S toker P .O . or Leading Stoker Shipwright (L.C.) or Jo iner (L.C.) Ship-Mechanic (L.C.)W riterL.S.A. or S.A..........................L.S.B.A. or S.B.A.

T otal 5 officers 32 ra tings

Duly. F lo tilla Officer Com m unications Officer

R ad ar Officer

E ngineer Officer E lectrical Officer

Medical Officer

A dm inistra tive duties

R .P .2R .P .3

A ct. Q .R .L (S.V.) orA.V.G .I.

Q.O. (C.X.)

Notes.— (a) One E lectrical L ieu tenan t, R .N .V .R ., or E lectrical Sub-L ieutenant, R .N .V .R ., to be allowed when required to m ake long passages, and w hen operating in S .E . Asia an d S.W . Pacific.

(6) 1 P.O . R adio Mechanic (R) to be allowed per 2 craft.(c) 1 P .O . R adio Mechanic (W /T) to be allowed per 6 craft.

19 5286S e c t i o n C .— M a j o p . L a n d i n g C r a f t — Cr a f t C r e w s

Craft Crews of L.C.I. (S)No. Rank or Rating. Duty,

1 L ieu tenan t o r Sub-L ieutenant, Com m anding Officer R .N .V .R .

1 L ieu tenan t or Sub-L ieutenant, F irs t L ieu tenan t R .N .V .R .

1 P.O . or Leading Seam an ... . . . Coxswain9 A.B. or O rdinary Seam an ... Includes (a) 2 A.A.3’s (L.C.)

1 Sig. (L.C.)1 Telegraphist . . . . . . . . . ----------1 Leading W irem an (L.C.) or W ire- ----------

m an (L.C.)1 M otor Mechanic (B) ... . . . ----------1 S toker P.O . or Leading S toker . .. ----------1 S toker ... . . . . . . . . . ----------

T otal 2 officers 15 ra tm gs

Note.— (a) Two additional A .A.3’s (L.C.) to be allowed, w ithout substan tive increase if four Oerlikons a re fitted.

Craft Crews of L.C.I. (L)No. Rank or Rating. Duty.1 L ieu tenan t or Sub-L ieutenant, Com manding Officer

R .N .V .R .1 L ieu tenan t or Sub-L ieutenant, F irs t L ieutenant

R .N .V .R .(a) 1 Sub-L ieutenant or M idshipm an ... W atchkeeping Officer

1 P.O . or Leading Seaman ... . . . Coxswain(b) (c) (d) 9 A.B. or O rdinary Seam an ... Includes (d) 4 A.A.3s (C.X.)

1 Sig. (L.C.).1 Telegraphist ... . .. . .. --------1 Leading W irem an (L.C.) or W ire- --------

m an (L.C.)2 M otor Mechanic (D .H .P.) . .. --------I Stoker P.O . or Leading Stoker . .. --------

(e) 2 Stoker . . . . . . . . . . . . --------

T otal 3 officers 17 ra tings

Notes.— (a) To be provided in craft em ployed E ast o f Suez. Also allowed in craft employed anyw here when du ties involve frequent passages o f m ore th an 48 hours duration .

(6) In c raft Nos. 1-350 add 1 A .B. or O rdinary Seam an—A.A.3 (C.X.) when fitted w ith 1— 2-pdr, M ark V III in lieu of No. 2 Oerlikon.

(c) Two Seam an Cooks (1 additional and 1 as part complement) to be allowed when required to m ake long passages and when operating in S.E . Asia and S.W . Pacific.

(d ) In c raft Nos. 350 and over add 2 A .B. or O rdinary Seam an (to include1 A.A.3 (C.X.)).

(e) One additional S toker to be provided when vessels are required to m ake long passages and when operating in S.E. Asia and S.W . Pacific.

Page 11: ADMIRALTY FLEET ORDER - Royal Australian Navy · Squadron Signal Officer Staff Officer (Administra tion or training). Squadron Engineer Officer Medical Officer Secretary to Squadron

5286 20S e c t i o n C — M a j o r L a n d i n g C r a f t — C r a i t C r e w s — contd.

Cralt Crews of L.C.H.No.



(6) 2


Rank or Rating. L ieu tenan tL ieu tenan t or Sub-L ieutenant,

R .N .V .R .L ieu tenan t or Sub-L ieutenant,

R .N .V .R .P.O . ................. .................A.B. or O rdinary Seaman Signalm an or O rdinary Signalm anLeading Telegraphist .................TelegraphistLeading Seam an or A .B. (R .P .2

or R .P.3.)Leading R adio Mechanic (W .R.) Leading W irem an (L.C.) ... Leading Cook (O) ...Leading Cook (S)Leading Stew ard ...M otor Mechanic (D .H .P .)S.P.O . or Leading S to k er... Stokers

Duty. Com manding Officer F irs t L ieu tenan t

W atchkeeping Officer

Coxswain.Includes 4 A.A.3s. (C.X.)

}•For Officers’ Mess

3 officers 23 ra tings

Notes.— (a) A dditional com m unications ra tings as laid down in A dm iralty L ette r N . 28757/44 of 14th M arch, 1945, a re provided when th e D epu ty Senior Officer, A ssault Group is em barked.

(6) An additional S toker is to be allowed when craft are required to m ake long passages and when operating in S .E . A sia-and S.W . Pacific.

Craft Crews of L.C.Q.No. Rank of Rating. Duty.

(a) 1

(b) 1 (6) 1 (6) 1 (6) 1

2 1

(c) 2

T otal 2 officers 23 ratings

Notes.— (a) 1 Seam an Cook to be allowed (without substantive increase) when required to m ake long passages and when operating in S.E . Asia and S.W . Pacific.

(6) This staff to be provided when vessels a re required to m ake long passages and when operating in S.E. Asia and S.W. Pacific.

(c) 1 additional S toker to be provided when vessels a re required to m ake long passages and when operating in S.E . Asia an d S.W . Pacific.

L ieu tenan t or Sub-L ieutenant L ieu tenan t or Sub-L ieutenant ..P .O . . .. .................A .B. or O rdinary Seaman

TelegraphistLeading W irem an (L.C.) or W ire

m an (L.C.).Leading Cook (S)Cook (O) ..............................Leading S tew ard ...Stew ard ..:M otor Mechanic (D .H .P.)Stoker P.O . o r Leading Stoker Stoker

Com manding Officer F irs t L ieutenant CoxswainIncludes 5 A .A.3s. (C.X.),

1 Sig. (L.C.).

21 5286S e c t i o n C — M a j o r L a n d i n g C r a f t — C r a f t C r e w s — c o n td .

Craft Crews of L.C.T. (1), (2) and (6)No.

(a) 1

(a) I

(6) (c) (d) 5 1


Rank qnd Rating.L ieu ten an t or Sub-L ieutenant

R .N .V .R .L ieu tenan t or Sub-L ieu tenan t, F irs t LieuteiVant

R .N .V .R . o r Commissioned B o a t­sw ain, o r B oatsw ain, or Skipper,R .N .R ., or M idshipm an.

P .O . o r L eading Seam an ...A.B. or O rdinary Seam anLeading W irem an (L.C.) or W ire­

m an (L.C.).M otor Mechanic (Diesel) ...S toker P .O or Leading Stoker ...S toker

Duty. Com m anding Officer

CoxswainTo include 1 Sig. (L.C.)

T otal 2 officers 10 ra tings

Notes.— (a) In one vessel o f each F lo tilla o f L.C.T. (including those em ployed as L.C.F.(L) and L.C.G.(L)) reduce one L ieu ten an t or Sub-L ieutenant, e tc ., and add one officer “ an d for F lo tilla (N) du ties ” .

(6) I f Oerlikons a re fitted 2 A .B. o r O rd inary Seam an are to be replaced bv 2 A.A.3 (C.X.).

(c) I f 2-pounders are fitted 2 A.B. o r O rd inary seam an are to be replaced bv 4 A.A.3 (C.X.).

(d) One Seam an Cook to be allowed additional when required to m ake long passages, an d when operating in S .E . Asia an d S.W . Pacific.

Craft Crews of L.C.T. (3) and (4)No.

(a) 1

(a) 1

(6) — 1

(c) (d) (e) 5 1


(/) 1

Rank or Rating.L ieu tenan t *br Sub-L ieutenant

R .N .V .R .L ieu tenan t or Sub-L ieu tenan t, F irs t L ieu tenan t

R .N .V .R ., or Commissioned B oatsw ain or B oatsw ain or Skipper, R .N .R ., o r M idshipm an.

Sub-L ieutenant or M idshipm an ...P .O . or L eading Seam an ...A.B. or O rdinary Seam anLeading W irem an (L.C.) or W ire­

m an (L.C.).M otor Mechanic (Diesel)S toker P .O . or Leading S toker ...S toker

Duty. C om m anding Officer

W atchkeeping Officer CoxswainTo include 1 Sig. (L.C.)

T otal 2 officers 10 ra tings

Notes.— (a) In one vessel of each F lo tilla o f L.C.T. (including those employed as L.C.F.(L) and L.C.G.(L)) reduce one L ieu ten an t or Sub-L ieutenant, etc ., an d add One Officer “ and for F lo tilla (N) D uties ” .

(6) One Sub-L ieutenant or M idshipm an to be provided when employed E a s t of Suez. Also allowed in c raft em ployed anyw here when duties involve frequent passages o f m ore th an 48 hours dura tion .

(c) I f Oerlikons are fitted , two A.B. or O rdinary Seam an are to be replaced by tw o A.A.3s (C.X.).

(d) I f 2-pounders a re fitted tw o A.B. or O rdinary Seam an are to be replaced by four A.A.3s (C.X.).

(e) One Seam an Cook to be allowed additional when required to m ake long passages and when operating in S .E . Asia an d S.W . Pacific.

( /) One additional S toker to be allowed when required to m ake long passages and when operating in S .E . Asia an d S.W . Pacific.

Page 12: ADMIRALTY FLEET ORDER - Royal Australian Navy · Squadron Signal Officer Staff Officer (Administra tion or training). Squadron Engineer Officer Medical Officer Secretary to Squadron

5286 22S e c t i o n C — M a j o b L a n d i n g C r a f t — C r a f t C r e w s — c o n td .

Craft Crews oí L.C.T. (3) Pet. and L.C.T. (A)No.

(a) 1

(a) 1

(6 )(c )(d) 5 1

T otal

1 1

2 officers 10 ra tings

Rank or Rating.L ieu tenan t or Sub-L ieutenant,

R .N .V .R .L ieu tenan t or Sub-L ieutenant, F irs t L ieu tenan t

R .N .V .R ., or Commissioned B oatsw ain or B oatsw ain, or Skipper, R .N .R ., or M idshipman.

P.O. or Leading Seam an ...A.B. or O rdinary SeamanLeading W irem an (L.C.) or W ire­

m an (L.C.).M otor Mechanic (A) or E .R.M .

(I.C .E.).Stoker P .O . or Leading Stoker ...Stoker

Duty. Com manding Officer

CoxswainTo include 1 Sig. (L.C.)

Notes.— (a) In one vessel o f each flotilla o f L.C.T. (including those employed as L.C .F. (L) and L.C.G. (L)) reduce 1 L ieu tenan t or Sub-L ieutenant, e tc ., and add1 officiter “ an d for F lo tilla (N) D uties

(b) I f Oerlikons are fitted , 2 A .B. or O rdinary Seam an are to be replaced by2 A.A.3 (C.X.).

(c) I f 2-pounders are fitted , 2 A .B. or O rdinary Seam an are to be replaced by 4 A.A.3s. (C.X.).

(d) I Seam an Cook to be allowed additional when required to m ake long passages and when operating in S .E . Asia an d S.W . Pacific.

Craft Crews of L.C.T. (5)No. Rank or Rating. Duty.

(a) 1 L ieu tenan t o r Sub-L ieutenant, R .N .V .R .

Com m anding Officer

(a) 1 L ieu tenan t or Sub-L ieutenant, R .N .V .R ., or C o m m i s s i o n e d Boatsw ain, or B oatsw ain or Skipper, R .N .R ., or M idshipm an.

F irs t L ieutenant

1 P.O . or Leading Seam an ... Coxswain(b) (c) 5 A.B. or O rdinary Seaman Includes 1 Sig. (L.C.)

1 Leading W irem an or W irem an (L.C.).

1 M otor Mechanic (Diesel) ... ------1 Stoker P.O . or Leading S toker ... --

T otal


2 officers 10 ra tings


Notes.— (a) In one vessel o f each F lo tilla o f L.C.T. (including those employed as L.C .F. (L) and L.C.G. (L)) reduce 1 L ieu tenan t or Sub-L ieutenant, etc ., an d add1 officer “ and for F lo tilla (N) D uties ” .

(6) I f Oerlikons are fitted , 2 A .B. or O rdinary Seam an are to be replaced by2 A.A.3 (C.X.).

(c) 1 Seam an Cook to be allowed additional when required to m ake long passages an d when operating in S .E . Asia and S.W . Pacific.

23 5286S e c t i o n C — M a j o r L a n d i n g C r a f t — C r a f t C r e w s — co n td .

Craft Crews of L.C.T. (8)No.



(a) 8


Rank or Rating.L ieu tenan t, R .N . or R .N .R . or

R .N .V .R ., or Skipper L ieutenant, R .N .R .

L ieu tenan t, R .N .V .R . or Sub- L ieu tenan t, R .N .V .R ., or Com­missioned B oatsw ain or B o a t­swain or Skipper, R .N .R ., or M idshipm an,R .N .R . or R .N .V .R .

P.O. ...........................................Leading Seam an ...A .B. or O rdinary Seaman

Leading W irem an (L.C.) ... W irem an (L.C.)C .E.R .A ....................................M otor Mechanics (D .H .P.) Stoker P.O . or Leading Stoker Stoker

Duty. Commanding Officer

One F irs t L ieutenant, one W atchkeeping Officer


Includes 1 Sig. (L.C.), 3 A.A.3 (C.X.), 1 Q.O. (C.X.).

Total 3 officers 20 ratings

Notes.— (a) One Seam an Cook to be allowed additional when required to m ake long passages and when operating in S.E. Asia and S.W . Pacific.

(6) One additional W irem an (L.C.) allowed when c raft are fitted w ith Hedgerow equipm ent.

Craft Crews of L.C.T.(E)No.

(a) 1


(c) 1 (c) —

1 1 1 2

Rank or Rating. L ieu tenan t R .N .V .R . or Sub-

L ieu tenan t, R .N .V .R ., or Com­missioned Boatsw ain or B o a t­sw ain or Skipper, R .N .R ., or M idshipm an.

L ieu tenan t, R .N .V .R ., or Sub- L ieu tenan t or Commissioned Boatsw ain or B oatsw ain or Skipper, R .N .R ., or M idshipm an.

L ieu tenan t or Sub-L ieutenant or M idshipman, R .N .V .R .

P.O . or Leading Seam an ...A .B. or O rdinary Seaman Leading W irem an (L.C.) or W ire­

m an (L.C.).Cook (S) or A ssistant Cook (S) A.B. or O rdinary SeamanS.B.A.........................................M otor Mechanic (D .H.P.)Stoker P.O . or Leading Stoker Stoker ...

Duty. Commanding Officer

F irst L ieutenant

W atchkeeping Officer

Coxswain7 A.A.3 (C.X.), I Sig. (L.C.)

Total 3 officers 16 ratings

Notes.— (a) To be allowed only when m aking long passages and when operating In S.E. Asia and S.W . Pacific.

(6) One of these ra tings to be cookery trained.(c) One Leading Cook (S) and one A.B. or O rdinary Seam an (Seaman Cook as

p a rt complement) to be allowed when craft are required to m ake long passages and when operating in S.E. Asia and S.W. Pacific.

Page 13: ADMIRALTY FLEET ORDER - Royal Australian Navy · Squadron Signal Officer Staff Officer (Administra tion or training). Squadron Engineer Officer Medical Officer Secretary to Squadron

5286 24

S e c t i o n C — M a j o r L a n d i n g C r a f t — C r a f t C r e w s — contd.

Craft Crews of L.C.F. (L)

No. Rank or Rating. Duly.1 L ie u te n a n t... . . . . . . . . . Commanding Officer

1 L ieu tenan t o f Sub-L ieutenant . .. F irs t L ieutenant2 L ieutenant, R.M. ... . . . . .. Gunnery Officer1 P.O . o r Leading S eam an ... . . . Coxswain2 A.B. o r O rdinary Seaman ... -----------1 A.B. Sig. (L.C.) .............................. ..................... ..............2 A.B., A.A.3 (C.X.) . .. . .. ----------I Signalm an or O rdinary Signalm an, ----------1 Telegraphist ... ........ ....................................1 O.A. (H.O.) ................................. ...................................2 Leading W irem an or W irem an ----------

(L.C.).2 Marine Cook . . . . .. . . . ----------1 S.B.A ...................... ............1 M otor Mechanic (B) ....... ....................... ............1 Stoker P .O . o r Leading S toker . . . ---------1 S toker . . . . .. ........................................ ............2 Sergeant . . . . . . .¿. . .. ---------6 Corporal ..................................

20 M arine . .. . .. .... ....................................(а) 4 M arine Q .R .2 . .. .............................. ...........(б) 14 M arine Q .R .3 . .. .... ......................... ...........

2 N aval officers 2 R.M. officers

15 N aval ratings 48 R.M. ranks

Notes.—(a) F or A.A. duties.(6) Inoludes 12 for A.A. duties.

25 5286

S e c t i o n C — M a j o r L a n d i n g C r a f t — C r a f t C r e w s —contd.

Craft Crews of L.C.G. (L)

Duty. Commanding Officor F irs t L ieutenant Gunnery Officer CoxswainIncludes 2 A.A.3 (C.X.),

1 Sig. (L.C.).(a)—A.B. as Cook

No. Rank or Rating.1 L ie u ten a n t...1 L ieutenant or Sub-L ieutenant ...1 L ieutenant, R.M . ...1 P.O. or Leading Seaman ...5 A.B. or O rdinary Seaman

1 Signalman .................2 Telegraphist2 Leading W irem an (L.C.) or W ire

m an (L.C.).1 S.B.A. . .. .............................1 M otor Mechanic (D .H.P.)1 Stoker P.O . or Leading Stoker ..

(b) 1 Stoker1 Sergeant3 Corporal . .. ...

(c) 23 Marines . .. ... Includes 2 Q.R.2, 4 L .R.3, 1 Q.O., 1 Marine as Cook,

(d)— Q.R.3.

Total 2 N aval Officers

I R.M. officer

15 N aval ratingB27 R.M. ranks

Notes.— (a) 1 A.B. as Cook is allowed (w ithout substan tive increase) when required to m ake long passages and when operating in S.E. Asia and S.W. Pacific.

(6) I f employed in F a r E as t add 1 Stoker.(c) In craft fitted w ith 4 -7-in. B .L. guns add 2 Marines.(d) In L.C.G. (L) Nos. 12 and 19 add 1 Q.R.3 (R.M.) w ithout substantive


Page 14: ADMIRALTY FLEET ORDER - Royal Australian Navy · Squadron Signal Officer Staff Officer (Administra tion or training). Squadron Engineer Officer Medical Officer Secretary to Squadron

5286 26S e c t i o n C — M a j o r L a n d i n g C r a f t — C r a f t C r e w s — c o n td .

Craft Crews of L.C.G. (M)No. Rank or Rating. Duty.

l L ieu ten an t . .. . .. Com m anding Officer1 L ieu ten an t or Sub-L ieutenant ... F irs t L ieu tenan t1 L ieu tenan t, R.M . ... G unnery Officer1 P.O . or Leading Seam an ... Coxswain

(a) 4 A .B. or O rdinary Seamen Includes (a) 2 A.A.3 (C.X.),1 Sig. (L.C.).

2 Telegraphists2 Leading W irem an (L.C.) o r W ire­

m an (L.C.).--

1 Chief M otor Mechanic (D .H .P.) --1 M otor M echanic (D .H .P.) --1 L eading Stoker --2 Stoker ... ................. --1 Sergeant --2 Corporal --

11 M arine Includes 2 Q .R.2, 4 L .R .3 ,1 Q.O., (5) 2 R.M . Sig., 2nd Class, 1 M arine as Cook, (b) R .M . Sig., 1st Class.

T o ta l 2 N aval officers1 R.M. officer

14 N aval ra tings 14 M arine ranks

Notes.— (a) In L.C.G.(M) (2) add four A.B. or O rd inary Seam an (including twoA.A.3 (C.X.)).

(6) In every six th c raft reduce one R.M . Signaller, 2nd Class, an d add 1 R .M . Signaller, 1st Class.

Craft Crews of L.C.T.(R)No. Rank or Rating. Duty.

1 L ieu tenan t, R .N .V .R . ... . . . Com m anding Officer1 L ieu tenan t o r Sub-L ieutenant • ... F irs t L ieu tenan t1 Sub-L ieutenant, M idshipm an, W atchkeeping Officer

Skipper, R .N .R ., Commissioned B oatsw ain o r B oatsw ain.

1 Leading Seam an ... . . . . . . Coxswain(a) (b) 4 A.B. or O rdinary Seam an ... Includes 2 A.A.3. (C.X.).

1 Signalm an ... ... . .. . . . --------2 T elegraphist ... . . . . . . —-—1 L eading Seam an or A .B. (R .P .2 o r --------

R .P .3).2 Leading W irem an (L.C.) or W ire- --------

m an (L.C.).1 M otor Mechanic (D .H .P .) . . . --------1 Stoker P.O . o r Leading S toker . .. --------

(a) 1 Stoker ... . .. . .. ... --------

T otal 3 officers 14 ra tings

Notes.— (a) An additional S toker an d A.B. for c raft are to be provided when required to m ake long passages an d when operating in S.E. Asia an d S.W. Pacific.

(6) One Seam an Cook to be allowed additional when required to m ake long passages and when operating in S.E. Asia and S.W . Pacific.

27 5286S e c t i o n C — M a j o r L a n d i n g C r a f t — C r a f t C r e w s — co n td .

Craft Crews of L.C.S. (L) (2)No. Rank or Rating. Duty.

1 L ieu tenan t or Sub-L ieutenant ... Com manding Officer1 L ieu tenan t or Sub-L ieutenant F irs t L ieutenant1 P.O . or Leading S e a m a n ... . . . Coxswain

Jo) 8 A.B. or O rdinary Seam an . . . Includes 2 A.A.3 (C.X.),1 Sig. (L.C.).

(a)—A.B. as Cook1 Telegraphist . . . . . . . .. ----------1 Leading W irem qn (L.C.) or W ire- ----------

m an (L.C.) ... . . . . . . ----------1 M otor Mechanic (B) ... . . . ----------1 Stoker P .O . or Leading Stoker . . . ----------1 Stoker . .. . .. . .. . . . ----------1 Corporal . . . . .. . . . . . . ----------8 Marine ............................................ Includes 3 A.A.3

T otal 2 Naval officers— R.M. officers

14 N aval ratings.9 R.M. ranks

Note.— (a) W hen required to m ake long passages and when operating in S.E. Asia and S.W. Pacific add 1 A.B. as Cook.

1 F irst L ieutenant 1 W atchkeeping Officer

Craft Crews or L.C.S. (R)No, Rank or Rating. Duty.

1 L ieu tenan t, R .N ., R .N .R ., Commanding OfficerR .N .V .R . or Skipper L ieuten­a n t, R .N .R .

2 L ieutenant, R .N .V .R . or S ub-'L ieutenant, R .N .V .R ., or Com­missioned B oatsw ain or B oat­swain or Skipper, R .N .R ., or Midshipm an, R .N .R .orR .N .V .R . _

1 P.O. or Leading S e a m a n ... . .. Coxswain(“ ) 6 A .B. or O rdinary Seaman ... Includes 2 A.A.3 (C.X.),

1 Sig. (L.C.), 1 R .P .3.1 Telegraphist . . . . . . . . . ------3 Leading W irem an (L.C.) or W ire- ------

m an (L.C.).1 Chidf M otor Mechanic (D .H .P.) . .. ------1 M otor Mechanic (D .H .P.) . . . ------1 Leading Stoker . . . . . . ------2 Stoker ................. . .. . . . ------

T otal 3 officers16 ratings

Note.— (a) 1 Seaman Cook to be allowed additional when required to m ake long passages and when operating in S.E. Asia and S.W. Pacific.

(A.F.Os. 253/45 and 3440/45.)

(72837) Wt. 8021/2275 17,500 »/45 Hw. G.3S8/10

Page 15: ADMIRALTY FLEET ORDER - Royal Australian Navy · Squadron Signal Officer Staff Officer (Administra tion or training). Squadron Engineer Officer Medical Officer Secretary to Squadron
