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Admissions to schools Guide for parents 2012 - 2013 If you live in Nottinghamshire, you can apply online at: www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/schooladmissions

Admissions to schools Guide for parents

2012 - 2013

If you live in Nottinghamshire, you can apply online at: www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/schooladmissions



This booklet contains important information about how school places are allocated and the extra help available to you and your children. A summary of the leaflet and form is available in other languages. If you need help to understand what you need to do, contact your school’s head teacher or the School Admissions Team.





Broszura ta, zawiera istotne informacje, dotycz�ce procedur przyznawania miejsc w szko�ach oraz dodatkowej pomocy, jak� mog� uzyska� rodzice i ich dzieci. Konspekt i formularz dost�pne s� tak�e w innych j�zykach. Je�li potrzebujecie Pa�stwo pomocy w zrozumieniu co nale�y zrobi�, prosz� skontaktowa� si� z dyrektorem w�a�ciwej szko�y, b�d� dzia�em administracyjnym ds. przyj�� do szko�y. Broszura ta dost�pna jest równie� w j�zyku Braille’a, napisana du�� trzcionk�, a tak�e w formacie d�wi�kowym -na kasecie audio.

Kontakt telefoniczny pod numerem: 01623 433499

This booklet is also available in braille, large print and audio tape. Please telephone 01623 433499.


Online admissions .............................................................................................................. 2

Important dates - reception and infant to junior .................................................................. 3

Important dates - primary to secondary transfer .................................................................. 4

School holidays .................................................................................................................. 5

Step by step guide .............................................................................................................. 6

Admissions process ............................................................................................................ 7

Children with special educational needs .............................................................................. 8

Deferred applications ........................................................................................................ 8

Accelerated and delayed transfers ...................................................................................... 8

Looked after children............................................................................................................8

Deciding on a school ........................................................................................................ 9

Starting school .................................................................................................................. 9

Getting to school/home to school transport ...................................................................... 10

Special transport needs .................................................................................................... 11

Applying for a school place .............................................................................................. 13

Home address/moving house ............................................................................................ 13

Supplementary forms ...................................................................................................... 14

Late applications .............................................................................................................. 14

HM forces families .......................................................................................................... 14

Offer of a school place .................................................................................................... 15

Appeals .......................................................................................................................... 15

Admissions to schools at other times ................................................................................ 15

Fair access protocol .......................................................................................................... 16

Financial assistance for low income families ...................................................................... 18

General information ........................................................................................................ 20

Choice advice .................................................................................................................. 23

Contacts .......................................................................................................................... 24

Dioceses .......................................................................................................................... 24

Definitions ........................................................................................................................ 25

Standard admissions criteria (community and voluntary controlled schools) ...................... 27

Standard Catholic admissions criteria - primary schools .................................................... 30

Standard Catholic admissions criteria - secondary schools ................................................ 34

Directory of Schools 2012-2013 ...................................................................................... 40

Index ............................................................................................................................ 169

Apply online at: www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/schooladmissions


Online admissions


We recommend that you apply online. It’s safe and secure and our website has links to individual schools, OFSTED and DfE websites which can give you information to help you decide which schools you want to apply for.

You can apply online for a primary or infant reception class school place, a junior school place (year 3 from September 2012) and a secondary school place (year 7 from September 2012), using the personal unique identification number (UID) for your child, which is detailed on the information leaflet. If you apply online there is no need for you to return the paper application form.

You can also print a copy of your application for your own records. You will receive an email acknowledging receipt of your preferences and you may change your application anytime up to the closing date. If you do change your preferences you must remember to resubmit your application otherwise it may not be processed correctly. On the day when offers of places are made you can view your application to find the outcome of your preferences (offer day). You will also be able to accept or decline the place offered online.

You may find it useful to note your login details here for future reference:

Email address

User name

Password reminder

Unique identification number (UID)

Apply online at: www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/schooladmissions


Important dates to remember


From Monday 1 November 2011

• Information available/distributed to parents/carers online application service available

Sunday 15 January 2012 • Closing date for receipt of all application forms and any

supplementary information or supporting information

Friday 3 February 2012 • Last date for exceptional late applications to be received,

proof of residency to be received

Friday 13 April 2012

• Online applicants receive an email showing the outcome of their application

• Letters sent to parents by second class post showing the outcome of their application

• Waiting lists operate from this date for any school that is full and will include any late applications received after the closing date

Friday 27 April 2012

• Accepted and declined responses processed

• County Council starts processing late applications and unsuccessful late applications added to waiting lists

• Any available places begin to be offered from the waiting lists in line with the relevant admission criteria (including late applications)

Monday 30 April 2012 • Accepted and declined responses will be processed weekly

thereafter and any available places will then be offered from the waiting list (including lates)

June/July 2012 • Appeal hearings for reception class entry to infant and

primary school and year 3 entry to junior school

31 December 2012 • Waiting lists close*

* Some voluntary aided schools may continue to hold waiting lists after this date.

Apply online at: www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/schooladmissions



From Monday 8 August 2011

• Information available/distributed to parents/carers online application service available

Monday 31 October 2011 • Closing date for receipt of all application forms and any

supplementary information or supporting information

Friday 9 December 2011 • Last date for exceptional late applications to be received, Proof of residency to be received

Thursday 1 March 2012

• Online applicants receive an email showing the outcome of their application

• Letters sent to parents by second class post showing the outcome of their application

• Waiting lists operate from this date for any school that is full and will include any late applications received after the closing date

Friday 16 March 2012

• Accepted and declined responses processed

• County Council starts processing late applications and unsuccessful late applications added to waiting lists

• Any available places begin to be offered from the waiting lists in line with the relevant admission criteria (including late applications)

Monday 19 March 2012 • Accepted and declined responses will be processed weekly

thereafter and any available places will then be offered from the waiting list (including lates)

May/June 2012 • Appeal hearings for entry to secondary school (year 7)

31 December 2012 • Waiting lists close for entry to secondary schools (year 7)*

* Some voluntary aided, foundation, trust and academy schools may continue to hold waiting lists after this date.

Apply online at: www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/schooladmissions









August 2012 September 2012 October 2012

November 2012 December 2012 January 2013

February 2013 March 2013 April 2013

May 2013 June 2013 July 2013





























































































School holidays 2012-2013

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School holidays Public holidays Administration day

Apply online at: www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/schooladmissions


Step by step guide to applying for a school place

Step 4 Receiving the outcome of your application including your rights of appeal (page 15).

Step 1 Understanding the admissions process read pages 7 to 8 or visit our website www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk

Step 2 Deciding which schools to apply for (pages 9 to 12) - visit our website which gives you links to individual schools, Ofsted and DFE websites.

Step 3 Applying for school places online (pages 13 to 14). If you do not have access to the internet you can still complete the paper application.

Remember you can make up to 4 preferences. Check if you need to fill in a supplementary form or provide additional information.

Apply online at: www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/schooladmissions


STEP 1 - Living in Nottinghamshire the admissions process

If you live in Nottinghamshire and your child is 5 between 01.09.12 and 31.08.13, is transferring from infant school to junior education (year 3 in September 2012), or is transferring to secondary school (year 7 in September 2012) you must either apply on line or complete an application form to apply for any school even if your preferred school(s) are outside of Nottinghamshire.

If you are unsure of the local authority for your home address, neighbouring local authorities’ addresses and contact details can be found on page 23.

The County Council is responsible for admissions to community and voluntary controlled schools. In academies, trust, voluntary aided and foundation schools, the school’s governing body is the admission authority. All admission authorities must comply with the mandatory requirements of the School Admissions Code and admissions legislation.

You must submit an application for a school place, naming your 4 preferred schools, before the closing date. We recommend you apply online but you can complete the paper form if you do not have access to the internet.

Your preferences are considered against the individual school’s admission criteria and schools are not told the order of your preferences. All Nottinghamshire’s schools have a Published Admission Number (PAN). This is the number of children who can be admitted into the “intake year”. Preferences are agreed until the PAN has been reached. If any of your preferences are for an academy, trust, voluntary aided, foundation school or school in another local authority, we will send the details of your request to the correct admissions authority for consideration against their published

admission criteria. This determines how places are allocated, when there are more applications than places available.

If your child meets the criteria for one or more of your preferred schools, whether they are community, voluntary aided, trust, foundation or academy schools, we will offer you a place at the highest preferred school that we can. Where one of your preferences is agreed, any lower preferences will be withdrawn. It is important therefore that you name the schools in the order you prefer them. Almost all children get a place at one of their preferred schools. Remember to use all 4 preferences. We recommend you use all your 4 preferences. If you cannot be offered any of your preferences, the Local Authority may allocate a place at the next nearest community or voluntary controlled school with places available. You will not automatically be offered a place at your catchment area school.

If you cannot be offered any school of your preference, you may be allocated a place at your catchment area community school or next nearest school, if there are places available. This is called a mandatory offer. In the event of schools becoming over subscribed through this process, places are allocated with reference to the school’s admission criteria. Alternatively, you will be asked to resubmit an application after the offer day, expressing up to 4 new preferences. Any new application will be considered in the same way as other (late) applications received after the offer day.

If you apply online you will receive an email on offer day confirming the decision about your preferences. Decisions about all other applications will be sent by second class post to parents on the offer date.

Apply online at: www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/schooladmissions


The admissions team are unable to give details of any of your preferences over the telephone.

Children with special educational needs (SEN) Some children have a statement of special educational needs. The Statutory Assessment and Placement Team is responsible for placing children with a statement in a school.

If your child has a statement and is due to move from primary to secondary education, the annual review meeting should be held in the autumn term prior to transfer to ensure planning and preparation are in place for a smooth transition. The statement will need to be amended to name the secondary school that your child will attend and you should receive a final copy of the statement by 15 February 2012 naming the secondary school. If you do not agree with the statement, you have the right to appeal to the First-tier Tribunal (Special Education Needs and Disability). Details of how to appeal will be sent to you with your child’s final statement.

Pupils who have a statement of special educational need that names the school will be allocated a place at that school.

Deferred applications Some parents wish to defer the start of full-time education until compulsory school age. If you would like to take up this option, you may arrange the details with the head teacher of the school. However, if your child’s birthday falls between 1 April 2008 and 31 August 2008, deferring admission until compulsory school age would result in your child being admitted into a different

admission year. In this case, we will not be able to allocate a Reception place at the school during 2012-2013 and you would have to apply for a place in year 1 during the summer term 2013. If, by that time, all the places in year 1 have been allocated, it may not be possible to allocate a place at your preferred school (due to infant class size restrictions). If you are thinking of this option, it would be advisable to speak to a member of the School Admissions Team.

Accelerated and delayed transfers It may be possible, exceptionally, for children to transfer to secondary school a year earlier, or later than their peers. The County Council may agree to a parent’s request for accelerated or delayed transfer if it is supported by the child’s school and other relevant professionals. If parents wish to consider accelerated transfer or delayed transfer, they should discuss this with the child’s current school in the first instance. It is important to remember that children who have a delayed transfer approved would have to apply for a place in the relevant intake year when transferring to the next phase of their education and there is no guarantee that a place will be available.

Looked after children Admission authorities are required by the School Admissions Code to give highest priority to children in care (looked after) in their oversubscription criteria. For a full definition please refer to page 24.

Some own admission authority arrangements definitions may differ from those of Nottinghamshire County Council. It is important therefore that you read their over­subscription criteria carefully.

Apply online at: www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/schooladmissions


STEP 2 - Deciding on a school

Starting school in Nottinghamshire For admission to the 2012-2013 school year, and subsequent years, admission authorities for primary schools must provide for the admission of all children in the September following their fourth birthday. Nottinghamshire schools admit pupils at one single point of entry each September:

• Nottinghamshire co-ordinated admissions scheme does not apply to those being admitted for nursery provision (including nursery provision delivered in a co-located children’s centre)

• Parents wishing to apply for admission to nursery or children’s centre should contact the appropriate school, centre or provider directly.

• Parents of children who are admitted for nursery provision must still apply for a place at the school if they want their child to transfer to the reception class

• Attendance at the nursery or co-located children’s centre does not guarantee admission to the school

• Parents can request that the date their child is admitted to the school is deferred until later in the school year, or until the child reaches compulsory school age in that school year

• Parents may request that their child attends part-time until the child reaches compulsory school age

If your child is currently attending a school nursery or early years group you MUST still complete an application as your child will not automatically transfer into the reception class of that school.

Remember Living in the catchment area, attending a linked school or having a brother or sister attending a school does not guarantee that your application will be successful. It may, however, give your application higher priority within the oversubscription criteria.

Please be sure to consider the following before making your preferences:

• Have you checked the catchment area school for your home address? Visit our website: www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk

• Have you contacted your catchment area school as you may be able to visit and read the school’s brochure? Don’t rely on someone else’s opinion or experience.

• Have you contacted other schools and read their school brochure?

• Have you checked the school’s oversubscription criteria?

• Have you considered how your child will get to and from school and if you are eligible to apply for travel assistance?

• Does your child have a statement of special needs, please read page 8.

• Check whether you need to complete a supplementary application form or provide additional supporting information, particularly when applying for an academy, trust, voluntary aided, voluntary controlled or foundation school.

• Have you considered which junior/primary/secondary school is linked to your preferred school?

Apply online at: www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/schooladmissions


There are a number of things that may help you decide which school to apply for and how likely it is that you will get a place. The information in the schools directory at the back of this booklet gives details of how places were allocated last year.

All enquiries about a school should be addressed to the headteacher of the school in the first instance.

If you have access to the internet we recommend that you visit our website www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk which provides quick and easy links to a wide range of information about Nottinghamshire schools and includes links to the Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED) and DfE (Department for Education) websites. The site also provides a direct link to our online application service which is quick, easy to use and secure.

We recommend that you:

• Read recent Ofsted reports ­www.ofsted.gov.uk

• Look at the school’s performance ­www.education.gov.uk

• Read the school’s brochure carefully (these are available from all schools)

• Consider transport arrangements and how your child will get to and from school

• Contact the school for information about school visits

• Check the catchment area school for your home address by visiting our website www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk

Getting to School The County Council is committed to reducing the number of car journeys that

pupils take travelling to and from school and has developed a sustainable school travel strategy. This strategy encourages schools to develop a travel plan which helps to reduce congestion around schools, increase the safety of children on the school journey and promote the use of sustainable travel modes. Sustainable travel means walking, cycling, car-sharing and the use of public transport.

Many schools have initiatives in place to help keep congestion to a minimum. Check with the school whether there is a car-sharing scheme, ‘walking bus’, ‘park and stride’ or other initiative to help with the school journey.

Home to school transport Many parents want their child to go to a local school which is within reasonable walking distance. It is the parent’s responsibility to accompany their child on the school journey if they deem it necessary. However, in cases where the catchment school is beyond the statutory walking distance the council may provide travel assistance. The law states that the statutory walking distances are:

• Up to 2 miles* (3.2km), for children aged under 8 years of age

• Up to 3 miles* (4.8km), for children aged 8 years old and over

If your child is of statutory school age, attends the catchment or nearest available school and you live over the statutory walking distance, your child may be eligible for free school transport or travel assistance.

Before applying for a place at a school, it is your responsibility to establish which school is your catchment school and whether any travel assistance is available. If you decide to

* This measurement is calculated by using the shortest available walking route

Remember to read the oversubscription criteria for your preferred schools

Apply online at: www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/schooladmissions


apply for a place at a school which is not your catchment school (commonly known as a preferred school) this will affect your child’s eligibility for travel assistance. You can check your catchment area school at www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/schoolcatchments

For full details about eligibility for travel assistance, see the Home to School Transport Policy Statement published on the Nottinghamshire County Council’s website and click on ‘getting to school’ www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/home/ learningandwork/schools

To apply for free school transport you must complete an under 16 travel scheme application form which is available on the Council’s website, from your school or by contacting the Council on 0844 980 8080. If your child is eligible for travel assistance they will be provided with a free travel pass for either a school bus service or public transport. If neither of these are available we may provide a grant for you to make your own travel arrangements.

If your child is not eligible for travel assistance but you would like your child to travel to school by bus, you may be able to buy a travel pass from us. For more information please call 0844 980 8080.

Additional help for children from low income families There are some additional travel benefits for children from low income families. To qualify, the child must be eligible for free school meals or the family receiving their maximum level of working tax credit.

• Primary aged children aged between 8 and 11 are entitled to free travel if they live over 2 miles from their catchment school.

• Secondary aged children aged between 11 and 16 are entitled to free travel to any one of their 3 nearest available secondary schools if the school is between 2 and 6 miles from the home address.

• Secondary aged children aged between 11 and 16 are entitled to free travel to the nearest appropriate school on the grounds of religion or belief if the school is between 2 and 25* miles from the home address.

Travelling to a preferred school Parents have the right to express a preference for a school other than the catchment school and this is commonly known as a ‘preferred school’. Generally speaking, children attending a preferred school will not be eligible for free transport unless the school is nearer to their home than the catchment school.

However, from September 2011, the Council began operating a discretionary travel scheme for year 7 pupils attending preferred schools in Nottinghamshire. The scheme will be available for pupils resident in Nottinghamshire, attending a Nottinghamshire School and living over 3 miles* from the preferred school. For further information about the scheme, including how to apply, visit the County Council’s School Travel Website at: www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/schooltravel­under16.htm

Special transport needs Special transport needs are not necessarily the same as special educational needs. Most children with special education needs will not have a special transport need and will be expected to travel to and from school with their peers. In general, a special transport need is identified if the child:

* This measurement is calculated by using the shortest available driving route by road

Apply online at: www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/schooladmissions


• lives within the walking distance but is unable to walk/travel safely to school, even when accompanied by a parent/carer

• is unable to use public transport when accompanied by a parent/carer

If your child has a special transport need, the County Council will provide free transport or a paid mileage allowance to get your child to the catchment area school, or to the school designated by the County Council as the nearest suitable school for your child.

Special transport arrangements are usually by bus, minibus, taxi or ambulance and, where appropriate, an escort will be provided. If your child is travelling alone in a taxi, you may be asked to accompany them. If you think your child has a special transport need please contact us.

What if my child has special educational needs? Nottinghamshire’s SEN and Inclusion Strategy (available on our website) describes ways in which support is provided for children with SEN in mainstream schools. However, a small number of pupils who have a statement, will attend a special school and a list of these can be obtained from the Statutory Assessment and Placement Team at County Hall.

What if my child has a physical disability that affects their mobility? Some schools require adaptations in order to enable pupils with a physical disability to access teaching environments. The County Council is adapting as many mainstream schools as possible. However, not all schools currently have suitable access and there are some schools where it may not be possible to provide full access for pupils who use a wheelchair.

By looking at the list of schools in this booklet and at the school prospectuses, you will be able to find the schools which have the most suitable access for your child’s needs. The schools which appear in the list with a wheelchair-user symbol have told us that they are at least 75% accessible to children in wheelchairs. You should, however, always visit a school to check that arrangements are suitable for your child.

School premises are constantly being adapted so it may be wise to speak to the head teacher or the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) of the school you are considering before you make any final decisions.

If necessary we will provide free home-to­school transport to what we think is the nearest suitably adapted school, if your child’s mobility difficulties mean that the catchment school is not suitable and your child has special transport needs.

For more information on services and accessible schools for children with physical disabilities, please contact the Fountaindale Physical Disability Support Service 01623 792857.

Apply online at: www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/schooladmissions


STEP 3 - Applying for school places

Please apply for your school place online. Make sure you remember to:

• Tell us if your child has any brothers or sisters who will be attending your preferred school or the linked infant or junior school in September 2012.

• Email or send us supporting written information about any educational/ medical/ social circumstances which may be relevant to your application before the closing date.

• Check whether you also need to complete a supplementary information form - these are available on our website or by contacting the school.

Your home address The address you give on your application must be the one at which your child is permanently living on the closing date for applications. We will not accept a business address, the home of a relative or a child minder’s address. If your child spends time at two different addresses, you should use the main place of residence - this will need to be verified and we may ask you for proof.

Each year a small number of parents try to use false information on their application to increase their chance of a place at their preferred school. We will investigate any applications where there are doubts about the information provided and we undertake random checks to verify that addresses provided by parents are genuine. If we receive an application where the address is proven to be fraudulent, any offer based on that address will automatically be withdrawn. Such an application could also constitute an offence which may result in the authority commencing legal proceedings against the person providing a false statement.

Moving home If you are moving house you must let us know. If you move house after you have submitted your application you must let us know immediately by e-mail or in writing as this may affect how your application is considered against the school’s admission criteria. You may be required to provide evidence of your new address to confirm that you are resident at your new property. It is important that we receive this information as soon as possible so your application can be processed correctly with your new contact details. If you move house after the dates detailed on pages 3 and 4 for exceptional lates, it will not be possible for your new address to be considered when allocating places.

Applications Applications submitted online will receive an automated email acknowledgement. It is advisable to retain a copy of your acknowledgement as proof of your application. If you go back in to your online application or make any changes, you must RESUBMIT your application. You must ensure that you submit your application and any supporting information by the closing date (see pages 3 and 4 for important dates).

If you do not apply online, you must still complete an application. You can make up to 4 preferences. The law says that admission authorities must give priority to parents who express a preference. If you do not express a preference by the closing date and the school you want is oversubscribed, your child is more likely to have to travel some distance to the nearest school with a place and you may be responsible for transport costs.

Apply online at: www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/schooladmissions


Remember if you are applying for an infant or junior school place and you have another child who will be attending the linked infant or junior school in September 2012, you must include them as a sibling (brother or sister) on your application as this may give your application a higher priority within the oversubscription criteria.

Supplementary forms If you are applying for a place at a voluntary aided, foundation, trust or academy school you may be required to complete a supplementary form which you can obtain by contacting the school. Please read the school’s prospectus carefully to check whether you need to complete a supplementary form and if so, where it should be returned.

Supplementary information is used by the respective admission authority in considering applications against its own admission criteria. Whilst the supplementary form is not in itself a legal application for admission to a school, it is extremely important that where they form part of an oversubscription criteria they are completed in order for own admission authorities to consider applications fully. This information should be provided at the point of completing your application and before the closing date.

Please check the admission criteria carefully, before applying, as some church schools also require written evidence from a minister to demonstrate your commitment to religion. This information must be submitted with your application before the closing date.

Once you have completed your application you should ensure that it is submitted to the County Council before the closing date. You

will receive an acknowledgement of your application within 14 days of receipt by the school admissions team.

Late applications If your application is late or you move into Nottinghamshire before the dates shown on pages 3 and 4 and you can confirm that there are exceptional reasons for missing the closing date then we may consider your application alongside those received on time. Proof of any exceptional reasons must be received by the dates shown on pages 3 and 4. Any late applications received after this date, whatever the circumstances, will only be considered after those received by the closing date, this includes any changes to preferences.

If you know that you will be moving house into or within Nottinghamshire, please contact the School Admissions Team for further advice.

HM Forces families or any other UK Crown servant family returning to this country from a posting overseas, or a family being posted from another part of the UK, can apply in advance of their return. Proof of their posting in the UK must be provided. The online application enables these families to indicate whether they are applying with a view to returning to the UK.

Remember, some own admission authority arrangements definitions may differ from those of Nottinghamshire County Council. It is important therefore that you read their oversubscription criteria carefully.

Apply online at: www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/schooladmissions


STEP 4 - Offer of a school place

If you apply online you will be sent an email on offer day informing you of the outcome of your preferences. If you choose to apply using the paper application form you will be sent the outcome of your preferences by second class post.

Please note that the Admissions Team are unable to give details of the outcome of any preferences over the telephone.

You will be required to confirm that you accept the place offered to your child. If you do not confirm your acceptance of the place within the timeline indicated, your place may be withdrawn and offered to the next child on the waiting list. If we have been unable to offer any of your preferences, you may be offered a place at your community catchment area school or the next nearest school where places are available. You will not automatically be offered a place at your catchment area school.

Waiting lists There are waiting lists for all schools in Nottinghamshire where the number of applications received has exceeded the number of available places in the intake year group. When you are offered a place at a school, any lower preferences are refused. Your child’s place on the waiting list will be determined by the admission criteria for the school. No reference will be made to the date of receipt of your application or whether you have chosen to appeal.

Your place on the waiting list can go up or down depending on whether places become available or if late applications are received. An independent appeal panel may allocate a place even if the child is not at the top of the waiting list. If a school falls below the published admission number, the County Council will write to offer a place to the applicant at the top of the waiting list.

In Nottinghamshire community and voluntary controlled schools, children’s names will only be added to a school’s waiting list if they are refused a place. In Nottinghamshire’s academy, trust, voluntary aided and foundation schools, waiting lists will operate from the offer day and will be maintained in partnership with Nottinghamshire County Council. Important dates on pages 3 and 4 gives details of how long waiting lists run for.

Inclusion on a school’s waiting list does not mean a place will eventually become available.

How do I appeal? You have the right to appeal to an independent appeals panel if you are not happy with the outcome of your application. If you wish to appeal, telephone 0844 980 8080 or 01623 436657 for Minicom users.

Repeat applications If your application for a Nottinghamshire community school has been refused, we will not consider another application for the same school year unless there have been significant and material changes in your circumstances, or those of the school.

Admissions to schools at other times Parents who live in Nottinghamshire must apply to Nottinghamshire County Council. Applications may be made by completing a paper application form stating up to four preferences in rank order giving reasons for the preference. The order of your preferences will not be revealed to other admission authorities.

Some schools - voluntary controlled, voluntary aided, trust, foundation or academy schools may require additional information in support of your application. This information is used by the respective admission authority in considering

Apply online at: www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/schooladmissions


applications against its oversubscription criteria. Whilst the supplementary form is not in itself a legal application, it is extremely important that where they form part of an oversubscription criteria they are completed, in order for admission authorities to consider your application fully. For further information, please refer to individual school prospectuses.

If you have recently moved into Nottinghamshire, you may be requested to provide proof of residence in order that the local authority can verify your address.

If you wish to transfer your child from one school to another without moving house, it is advisable to discuss this with your child’s current head teacher. Children benefit from continuity of teaching and learning and your child’s current head teacher may wish to discuss any possible transfer before you complete an application.

Applications to Nottinghamshire schools will be considered with regard to the published admission number, the current number on roll and in respect of infant and primary schools ­key stage 1 class size limits. We will process applications without delay and it is anticipated that for voluntary controlled and community schools within Nottinghamshire you should receive a decision about your preference within 10 school days. For own admission authority schools and schools outside of Nottinghamshire, you should receive a response within 15 school days. In all cases you will be required to confirm your acceptance within two weeks of a place being offered.

Where it is not possible to offer a Nottinghamshire resident any of their preferences and the student is without a school place, we may allocate a place at either a voluntary controlled or community school serving that catchment area, or the next nearest voluntary controlled or community school, if a place is available. Places will be allocated according to the admission criteria.

You may not be automatically offered a place at your catchment school.

For in-year applications, Nottinghamshire County Council does not operate waiting lists for voluntary controlled and community schools, though some own admission authority schools may do so. Where a child is on roll at a Nottinghamshire school, it is expected that they will continue to attend their current school until an alternative school has been found and an admission date has been agreed.

Nottinghamshire County Council will write to all Nottinghamshire residents who have made an application for any school detailing the outcome of their request - letters are posted second class. Any parent/carer whose child is refused a place has the right of appeal to an independent panel.

Where any offer of a place is found to be based on fraudulent or intentionally misleading information on the application, which effectively denied a place to a child with a stronger claim to the place at the school, the offer may be withdrawn.

In cases involving school transfers that do not arise as a result of a house move or there is no need for an immediate transfer, arrangements may be made for the student to start school at the beginning of term to minimise disruption to their own and other children’s education.

Fair Access Protocol Nottinghamshire County Council will continue to work in partnership with schools, parents and carers to ensure 'fair access' arrangements for children and young people in vulnerable circumstances, including those at risk of exclusion and excluded from school (Appendix 3 of the School Admissions Code gives details of the categories). All maintained schools will operate within a framework known as a Fair Access Protocol. In Nottinghamshire, the protocol will be managed through School Behaviour and Attendance Partnerships. The School Admission Code states that under this

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protocol, schools cannot cite oversubscription as a reason for not admitting a pupil and that hard to place pupils should be given priority for admission over others on a waiting list for or awaiting appeal. These arrangements will be complementary to and managed in parallel with Nottinghamshire County Council's published admission arrangements.

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? How can we help? School expenses for low income families

Do you receive one of the following support payments? • Income support • Income based jobseeker’s allowance • Income related employment support allowance • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 • Child Tax Credit, but you are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and your yearly

income (as assessed by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs) is not more than £16,190 (to be reviewed 06 April 2012). Where a parent is entitled to Working Tax Credit during the four-week period immediately after their employment ceases, or after they start to work less than16 hours per week, their children are entitled to free school meals

• Guarantee element of state pension credit

Does your child attend a Nottinghamshire County Council maintained school full time? (For pre-school children this is subject to them receiving their free entitlement sessions both before and after lunch and the sessions including the period between 11am and 2pm.) If so, you will be entitled to free school meals. Children upto the age of 7 will also be entitled to free school milk.

In addition to the above support payments, if you receive the maximum level of working tax credit and your child attends a school more than 2 miles from your home, you may be eligible for financial assistance with home to school transport. For information on financial assistance with home to school transport, see page 18.

For further information or to request an application form please phone us on 0844 980 8080 (Minicom 01623 436657)

Young people aged 16 to 18 staying on in the sixth form at school may be entitled to financial help. Please visit the Department for Eduction website for further information at www.education.gov.uk and enter ‘Financial Support for Learning’ in their search window.

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?We may be able to assist with transport to your allocated school Children aged 8-11 from low income families are entitled to free transport where they live 2* miles or more from their nearest qualifying (catchment area) school. Free transport to a preferred school is only available if that school is 2 miles or more from home and closer than the catchment school.

Pupils aged 11-16 from low income families are entitled to free home to school transport to a choice of one of their three nearest qualifying (catchment or preferred) schools between 2 and 6 miles** from their home address. This could include cross-border schools and any other NCC school, within that distance range.

Pupils aged 11-16 from low income families are entitled to free home to school travel free to the nearest suitable school preferred on grounds of religion or belief, where the school is between 2* and 25** miles from their home address.

Low income is defined as being eligible for free school meals (see qualifying criteria page 17) or being in receipt of the maximum level of working tax credit.

* Distance is measured by using the nearest available walking route

** Distance is measured using the shortest route, which can accommodate a motorised vehicle

Please call 0844 980 8080 for more information

www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/home/learningandwork/schools click on 'Getting to school'

For help and advice on any of these services please telephone our advice line 0844 980 8080 or visit our website: www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk

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General Information

Early Years Places All 3 and 4 year old children are entitled to 15 hours of early learning and care. This is known as their ‘free entitlement’ and is available in local authority schools, pre­school playgroups, private day nurseries and independent schools.

All providers work within the Early Years Foundation Stage and are inspected by OFSTED and supported by Nottinghamshire County Council. This ensures that wherever children access their early years provision they follow the same curriculum and receive a comparable quality of education. Information on early years providers can be found by contacting Nottinghamshire County Council’s Families Information Service (FIS) on: 0800 781 2168 (freephone) or 01623 520694 (standard rates apply).

Children are entitled to an early years place as follows:

• Children who are three in January, February and March may start in the summer term (after Easter)

• Children who are three in April, May, June, July and August may start in the autumn term (in September)

• Children who are three in September, October, November and December may start in the spring term (in January).

A local authority school’s nursery admissions policy will give priority to children using criteria that are consistent with its main school admissions criteria.

Nottinghamshire Families Information Service (FIS) Nottinghamshire FIS offers free guidance and information for families with children/young people aged 0-20 years.

FIS can give you up to date information on registered childcare, including day nurseries, out of school clubs, pre-schools and childminders. FIS can also provide information on services and activities for children, young people and families in Nottinghamshire.

Telephone: 0800 781 2168 Landline: 01623 520694 (standard rates apply)

Email: [email protected] Web: www.nottinghamshiregov.uk/fis

Ethnic minority pupils, bilingual learners and Gypsy, Roma Travellers The Achievement and Equality Team (A & E Team), provides specialist support, advice and guidance to schools in respect of meeting the needs of minority ethnic pupils and their families. The service is also responsible for the monitoring of racist incidents across all county schools, and provides specialist advice and training around race equality and cultural diversity issues. In addition, the service is responsible for the management of the central EMAG grant and as such devolves EMAG funding direct to schools where there are large numbers of ethnic minority pupils on roll.

Entry to a school’s nursery class or foundation unit does not guarantee entry to the main school at reception age; neither may a school make admission to its nursery class conditional upon agreement to attend the main school at reception age.

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The service has a range of personnel including Consultants, Specialist Teaching Assistants, Community Link Workers and an Education Welfare Officer. Staff work with schools and agencies across Children’s Services to ensure that children and young people from BME backgrounds are able to access their entitlement to the full range of educational opportunities on offer and make the most of their potential. This includes support for refugee/asylum-seekers; pupils new to English and systems of the UK; advanced bilingual learners; specific individuals/groups of BME pupils at greater risk of underachieving or at greater risk of exclusion than other groups; and both housed and highly mobile Travellers.

For help and advice on any of the support services provided by the A & E Team please contact 0115 854 6440 or email [email protected]

School uniform

Each school decides whether to have a school uniform and what items or colours children should wear. You will find details in the school’s prospectus. The school will also tell you what games kit your child will need.

The County Council does not have a scheme to assist parents in purchasing uniforms or clothing, other than in exceptional circumstances.

Elective Home Education is considered by some parents as an alternative to sending their child to a school. Any parent wishing to undertake this must ensure their child receives an effective full-time education suitable to the child’s age, ability and aptitude. Elective Home Education Consultants work in partnership with parents to ensure that children are being suitably educated under the provision of section 7 of the 1996 Education Act.

The County Council has outlined the responsibilities associated with this aspect of educational provision in the booklet ‘Elective Home Education in Nottinghamshire ­Guidance Notes for Parents’.

The Advisory Centre for Education (ACE) ACE is an independent national advice centre which offers advice to parents on a range of issues, including admissions to school. ACE also produces booklets, handbooks and guides, which can be purchased directly from them or downloaded from the internet www.ace-ed.org.uk 0808 800 5793.

The Parent Partnership Service The service offers impartial advice and information to parents/carers of children who have special needs including Choice Advice for Admissions and Appeals (see page 22). Telephone 0115 948 2888/ 0115 840 0081 or visit www.ppsnotts.org.uk.

Assessments and examinations Results for assessments and examinations are included in reports to parents together with school and national information.

Raising the participation age to 18 From 2013 all young people reaching age 17 in England will be required to continue in education or training; this increases to age 18 from 2015. For children starting year 7 they will continue in education or training until they are aged 18.

Young people will be able to choose:

• Full-time education, such as school or college

• Work-based learning, such as an apprenticeship

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• Part-time education or training, if they are employed or volunteering for more than 20 hours a week

We will make sure that all young people have the support they need to access these opportunties, including good locality information, advice and guidance and financial support.

Insurance In Nottinghamshire schools, there is no insurance cover for theft of, or for damage to, personal property from any cause other than fire. It is recommended that you extend you household contents policy to cover loss or damage to your child’s personal property while they are at school. Most schools discourage pupils taking valuables into school.

If your child’s personal property is damaged in a fire in a Nottinghamshire school, you may be able to claim against the County’s policy, but you will need to claim first against your own household insurance policy.

Personal accident insurance is not provided for pupils in school. If your child has an accident, which you feel may legally be the responsibility of the County Council, you can claim by writing to your child’s headteacher. You may, however, think it wise to arrange your own personal accident insurance for your child. Your child’s school may know about suitable policies.

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Nottinghamshire Choice Advice Nottinghamshire Choice Advice can provide impartial help and support around school admissions for parents and carers living within Nottinghamshire.

Nottinghamshire Choice Advice is here to help parents make an informed and realistic preference for their child. They cannot decide for them or guarantee that a place will be available at a particular school, but they can support them with a range of issues including explaining the admissions process and helping them to complete their application.

If your preference is refused, a Choice Adviser can also provide advice and support about the school admission appeal process.

If you would like to speak to a Choice Adviser to discuss any issues relating to the admission process for your child, you can contact us at:

Nottinghamshire Choice Advice Part of the Parent Partnership Service Suite 7, Clarendon Chambers, 32 Clarendon Street Nottingham NG1 5LN

Email: [email protected]

Tel: 0115 853 3283

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Contacts • For specific enquiries about any application you can email us

[email protected] or contact the School Admissions Team, Meadow House, Littleworth, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire NG18 2TA. Tel: 01623 433499; Fax: 01623 433411; Minicom: 01623 433352

• Customer Service Points offer confidential advice together with information on all Council Services. For details of our offices and opening times please refer to our website ‘Contact us’.

• For enquiries about other county council services, please telephone 0844 980 8080 (Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm and Saturday 8am to 12pm).

• For information about the Catholic and Church of England Dioceses in Nottinghamshire:

Hallam (Catholic schools in Retford, Worksop, Harworth) Schools Advisor, Diocesan School Department, Diocese of Hallam Pastoral Centre, St Charles Street, Attercliffe, Sheffield S9 3WU. Telephone: 0114 256 2246

Nottingham (other Catholic schools in Nottinghamshire) Director of Education, Diocese of Nottingham, Diocesan Education Service, The Diocesan Centre, Mornington Crescent, Mackworth, Derby DE22 4BD. Telephone: 01332 293833

Southwell (Church of England schools in Nottinghamshire) Diocesan Director of Education, Dunham House, Southwell, Nottingham NG25 0JL. Telephone: 01636 817238.

Neighbouring Local Authorities

City of Nottingham Admissions & Exclusions Team, LH Box 14, Loxley House, Station St, Nottm NG2 3NG www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk Tel: 0115 915 0763

Doncaster PO Box 266, The Council House College Road, Doncaster, DN1 3AD www.doncaster.gov.uk Tel: 01302 737203 Lincolnshire County Offices, Newland Lincoln, LN1 1YQ www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/schooladmissions Tel: 01522 782030 Rotherham *Norfolk House, Walker Place Rotherham, S65 1AS www.rotherham.gov.uk Tel: 01709 822508 or 822647

Derbyshire St Helena Centre, Sheffield Road Chesterfield, Derbyshire, S41 7LU www.derbyshire.gov.uk Tel: 01629 537479 Leicestershire Room 144, Education Department County Hall, Glenfield, Leics, LE3 8RF www.leics.gov.uk Tel: 0116 305 6684 North Lincolnshire Children and Young People’s Service PO Box 35, Hewson House, Station Road Brigg, DN20 8XJ www.northlincs.gov.uk Tel: 01724 279133

* Moving to Riverside House, Main Street, Rotherham in February 2012

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Definitions Nottinghamshire County Council, as an admissions authority, uses the following definitions:

Home address ‘The child’s place of residence is taken to be the parental home, other than in the case of children fostered by a local authority, where either the parental address or the foster parent(s) address may be used. Where a child spends part of the week in different homes, their place of residence will be taken to be their parent or parents’ address. If a child’s parents live at separate addresses, where the child permanently spends at least three ‘school’ nights (i.e. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday) will be taken to be the place of residence. Addresses of other relatives or friends will not be considered as the place of residence, even if the child stays there for all or part of the week. Evidence that a child’s place of residence is permanent may also be sought.

Such evidence should demonstrate that a child lived at the address at the time of the application and will continue to live there after the time of admission.

Informal arrangements between parents will not be taken into consideration. The designated officer may also seek proof of residence from the courts regarding parental responsibilities in this matter.

In all cases all those with parental responsibility must be in agreement with the preferences made.

Looked after child For school admissions the County Council will use the following definition:

Under the Children Act 1989, a child is looked after by a local authority if he or she is in the care of, or provided with accommodation for more than 24 hours by the authority. Looked After Children may fall into one of the following groups:

• Children who are accommodated under a voluntary agreement with their parents (section 20)

• Children who are the subjects of a care order (section 31) or interim care order (section 38)

• Children who are the subjects of emergency orders for their protection (sections 44 and 46)

• Children who are compulsorily accommodated - this includes children remanded to the local authority or subject to criminal justice supervision order with a residence requirement (section 21)

The term ‘in care’ refers only to children who are subject to a care order by the courts under section 31 of the Children Act 1989; they may live with foster carers, in a Children’s home, in a residential school, with relatives or with parents under supervision.

Children who are cared for on a voluntary basis are ‘accommodated’ by the local authority under section 20 of the Children Act; they may live in foster care, in a Children’s home or in a residential school. All these groups are said to be ‘Looked After Children’ (LAC). They may be looked after by our Local Authority (LA), or may be in the care of another LA, but living in or attending a school in our LA.

Admission authorities must give highest priority to children in care in their oversubscription criteria

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Parents For school admissions, Nottinghamshire County Council will consider the following as parents:

• The mother of the child

• An adoptive parent

• The father of the child where he was married to the mother either when the child was born or at a later date

• The father of the child if (since 1 December 2003) he was registered as the father on the birth certificate

• Any other person who has acquired ‘parental responsibility’ through the courts. We may require evidence of this.

Siblings (brothers or sisters) For school admissions the LA will consider the following as sibling:

• A brother or sister who share the same parents

• A half-brother or half-sister or legally adopted child living at the same address as the child

• A child looked after by a local authority placed in a foster family with other school age children

• Stepchildren or children who are not related but live as a family unit, where parents both live at the same address as the child.

Remember if you are applying for an infant or junior school place and you have another child attending the linked infant or junior school in September 2012, you must include them as a sibling on your application. ‘Attending the school’ for admissions purposes means on roll at the school at the time of admission.

Twins and multiple births Where one child of a multiple birth can be admitted, the other child/children will also be admitted unless this would create an infant class of more than 30 pupils.

Nomadic Travellers include Highly Mobile Gypsy, Roma and Traveller children and young people who are temporarily resident in Nottinghamshire, for example, staying on a temporary roadside encampment, or in the county as part of a travelling fairground or circus.

Remember, some own admission authority arrangements definitions may differ from those of Nottinghamshire County Council, it is important therefore that you read their oversubscription criteria carefully.

Infant class sizes The law limits the size of an infant class (i.e. a class in which the majority of children will reach the age of 5, 6 and 7 during the school year) to 30 pupils per school teacher. The class size legislation makes sensible allowance for the entry of an additional child in certain limited circumstances where not to admit the child would be prejudicial to his or her interests (“excepted pupils”). The School Admissions Code sets out these exceptions (www.education.gov.uk/schools/adminandfin ance/schooladmissions) in paragraph 2.63

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Admission Criteria

Most Nottinghamshire community and voluntary controlled schools use the standard admission criteria detailed below. You should, however, refer to individual schools’ admission criteria in this directory before applying for a school place.

Attending school is taken to be ‘on roll’ at a school for the purposes of admissions.

Special consideration for all year groups For applications for all Nottinghamshire community and voluntary controlled schools the following groups of children will be given special consideration in their application for a particular school:

Children whose particular medical needs, mobility support needs, special educational needs or other social circumstances are supported by written evidence from a doctor, social worker or other relevant professional stating that the school is the only school which could cater for the child’s particular needs. The evidence must be presented at the time of application.

The appropriate designated officer will consider each case on its merits and determine the allocation of any such place on the basis of written evidence. Admission under ‘special circumstances’ will take precedence over all but the first numbered criteria.

Children of nomadic travellers will be allocated a place at their catchment area school.

Infant and Primary Schools ­Standard Reception Year Criteria 2012/2013 In the event of oversubscription, the following criteria will be applied, in priority order, to determine which applications will be granted once places have first been allocated to pupils who have a statement of special educational needs which names the school:

1. Children looked after by a local authority 2. Children who live in the catchment area

and who, at the time of admission, will have a brother or sister attending the school or linked junior/primary school.

3. Other children who live in the catchment area.

4. Children who live outside the catchment area and who, at the time of admission, will have a brother or sister attending the school or linked junior/primary school.

5. Other children who live outside the catchment area.

In the event of oversubscription, within any criterion, preference will be given to children who live nearest to the school as the crow flies. Distances are measured from the entrance to the child’s home to the principal entrance to the main administrative building of the school using arcview.

Junior/Primary Schools admitting Year 3 children from a linked infant school - 2012/2013 In the event of oversubscription, the following criteria will be applied, in priority order, to determine which applications will be granted once places have first been allocated to pupils who have a statement of special educational needs which names the school:

1. Children looked after by a local authority. 2. Children who attend the linked infant

school and who, at the time of admission, will have a brother or sister at the school or the linked infant school.

3. Other children who attend the linked infant school.

4. Children who live inside the catchment area who do not attend the linked infant school but who, at the time of admission, will have a brother or sister attending the school or the linked infant school.

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5. Other children who live in the catchment area and do not attend the linked infant school.

6. Children who live outside the catchment area and who do not attend the linked infant school but who, at the time of admission, will have a brother or sister attending the school or the linked infant school.

7. Other children who live outside the catchment area and who do not attend the linked infant school.

In the event of oversubscription, within any criterion, preference will be given to children who live nearest to the school as the crow flies. Distances are measured from the entrance to the child’s home to the principal entrance to the main administrative building of the school, using arcview.

Secondary School Year 7 admission criteria - 2012/2013 In the event of oversubscription, the following criteria will be applied, in priority order, to determine which applications will be granted once places have been allocated to pupils who have a statement of special educational needs which names the school:

1. Children looked after by a local authority. 2. Children who live in the catchment area

and who, at the time of admission, will have a brother or sister attending the school.

3. Other children who live in the catchment area.

4. Children who live outside the catchment area but who are attending a linked primary phase school on the closing date for applications preceding admission to secondary school and who will have a brother or sister at the preferred secondary school at the time of admission.

5. Children who live outside the catchment area and who, at the time of admission, will have a brother or sister attending the preferred secondary school.

6. Children who live outside the catchment area but who are attending a linked primary phase school on the closing date for applications preceding admission to secondary school.

7. Other children who live outside the catchment area.

In the event of oversubscription, within any criterion preference will be given to children who live nearest to the school as the crow flies. Distances are measured from the entrance to the child’s home to the principal entrance to the main administrative building of the school, using arcview.

Community Secondary Schools - Year 12 admission criteria 2012/2013 In the event of oversubscription, the following criteria will be applied, in priority order, to determine which applications will be granted once places have first been allocated to pupils who have a statement of special educational needs which names the school.

1. Children looked after by a local authority 2. Children who live in the catchment area

and who, at the time of admission, will have a brother or sister attending the school.

3. Other children who live in the catchment area.

4. Children who live outside the catchment area and who, at the time of admission, will have a brother or sister attending the preferred secondary school.

5. Other children who live outside the catchment area.

In the event of oversubscription within any criterion, preference will be given to children who live nearest to the school as the crow flies. Distances are measured from the entrance to the child’s home to the principal entrance to the main administrative building of the school using arcview.

Exact course requirements will be published in the school’s brochure and/or post-16 booklet.

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Possible admissions review The Government has recently circulated a revised version of the School Admissions Code for consultation and it is proposed that this will come into force for admissions in September 2013.

As a result of this consultation, parents are advised that the County Council will be reviewing its admissions arrangements. Any consequential changes to the County Council’s co-ordinated scheme and admissions arrangements will be subject to full consultation and would be implemented for the September 2013 admission round. It is possible that the review will identify some change which could be introduced earlier. If this is the case those likely to be affected will be consulted during the autumn term and informed of any changes before the deadline for receipt of the application.

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Admission Policy for Catholic Voluntary Aided Primary Schools in Nottinghamshire (Nottingham Diocese)

School PAN Nursery Parish(es) served

Holy Cross Catholic Primary School, Hucknall 30 Yes Holy Cross Hucknall

Holy Trinity Catholic Primary School, Newark 32 Yes Holy Trinity Newark and Our Lady of Victories Southwell

Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School, Carlton 30 Yes Sacred Heart and St Bernadette Carlton

St Edmund Campion Catholic Primary School, West Bridgford

60 No Priority 1 : Holy Spirit West Bridgford and Our Lady of Grace Cotgrave. Priority 2 : Other parishes in the Borough of Rushcliffe

St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, Boughton 30 Yes St Joseph’s New Ollerton

St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School, Mansfield 30 Yes St Patrick’s and St George’s Mansfield

St Philip Neri with St Bede Catholic Primary School, Mansfield

60 Yes St Philip Neri with St Bede’s and Our Lady Help of Christians Kirkby-in-Ashfield

The Good Shepherd Catholic Primary School, Woodthorpe

50 No Good Shepherd Parish within the Gedling boundary

The Priory Catholic Primary School, Eastwood 30 No Our Lady of Good Counsel Eastwood

This admission policy has been adopted by the Governing Bodies of all the above Catholic Primary Schools. It will operate from September 2011. It applies to all applications for the school year 2011-2012 and for applications in subsequent years until further notice.

The Catholic schools listed above are under the Trusteeship of the Diocese of Nottingham and belong to the Nottingham Diocesan family of schools. They are founded by and are part of the Catholic Church and seek at all times to be a witness to Jesus Christ. Religious education and worship are in accordance with the teachings and doctrines of the Catholic Church. This does not affect the right of parents or carers who are not of the faith of these schools to apply for and to be considered for places. We ask all parents or

carers applying for a place to respect this ethos and its importance to the school community.

Our schools are principally provided to serve the Catholic communities of Nottinghamshire. The Governors also welcome applications from all parents and carers, regardless of faith or background, who would like their children to be educated in a Christian environment.

In each school, the Governing Body is the admissions authority. Each Governing Body is responsible for determining the admissions policy and for all decisions relating to admissions. The admissions process is administered by Nottinghamshire Local Authority on behalf of the school governors.

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Parents should consult the Local Authority booklet “Admissions to Schools” which gives full details of the admissions process, including information on the admissions cycle

The Common Application Form Applications must be made on the Common Application Form. The form must be completed by all applicants and returned by the closing date set by the Local Authority. Applications can also be made online.

The Supplementary Form and Supporting Evidence In addition all applicants should complete the Supplementary Form which should be returned to the school by the same date as the application form.

Parents/carers of Catholic children and those preparing for Baptism or Reception should supply one of the following documents with the Supplementary Form: • If the child is a baptised Catholic: a copy

of the child’s baptism certificate • If the child has been received into the

Catholic church: written verification, signed by a Catholic priest and stamped with the parish stamp.

• If the child, with his or her family, is participating in a recognised course of preparation leading to baptism or reception into the Catholic church at the time of application: written verification signed by a Catholic priest and stamped with the parish stamp.

If the required documents are not provided, the child might be ranked in a lower admissions category.

Nursery and Foundation 1 Classes Schools with Nursery/Foundation 1 classes are shown above. Parents/Carers of children in a nursery/F1 class must apply for a full-time school place, (it is not an automatic transfer). A place in a Nursery/F1 class does not guarantee a full-time school place.

Late Applications Any applications received after the closing date will be accepted but considered only after those received by the closing date. You are therefore encouraged to ensure that your application is received on time.

Deferred Admission If your child is offered a full time place before s/he reaches compulsory school age, you have the option of deferring the child’s entry until later in the school year. A place will be held and will not be offered to another child. Parents can request that their child attends part-time until the child reaches compulsory school age.

Infant Class Size Regulations Infant classes of 5, 6 and 7 year olds may not, by law, contain more than 30 pupils with a single qualified teacher. Parents/carers should be aware that when the Governing Body is considering applications for places, they must keep to the 30 limit. Parents/ Carers do have a right of appeal in accordance with the Infant Class Size Regulations if the school is oversubscribed and their child is refused a place.

Applications for twins/multiple birth children Governors will normally offer places to twins, triplets etc even if this means exceeding the planned admission number. In the event of there being one space available within the infant class size limit and children of multiple births having next priority, governors will consult with the Parents/Carers, the local authority and any relevant agencies to ensure that parental preference is met. However as regulations do not allow exceptions to the class size limit in these circumstances,

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ultimately, if there is no alternative, the Parents/Carers will be asked to decide which of their children should take up the place.

Appeals If a child is not allocated a place, Parents/Carers have a statutory right to appeal. This should be done by writing to the Clerk to Governors of your preferred school no later than three weeks (fifteen working days) after the offer letter has been received from the Local Authority. The appeal will be arranged on behalf of the governors by the Catholic Schools Appeals Service and will be heard by an independent panel. The decision of the panel will be binding both on you and on the school.

Applications during the School Year Applications for places in any year group, made during the school year, must be made to the Local Authority. All applications must be made on the Local Authority form available either from the authority or the school. A Supplementary Form should also be completed and submitted to the school. Once an application has been made, it will be passed to the Admissions Committee of the Governing Body for consideration. If the respective year group total is below the published admission number for that year group, the child will be offered a place. If the respective year group total is full, the child will be only offered a place if there are very exceptional circumstances and if the Committee decides that the education of pupils in that year group will not be detrimentally affected by the admission of an extra pupil.

Local Authorities are required to have Fair Access Protocols in order to make sure that unplaced children who live in the home local authority, especially the most vulnerable, are offered a place at a suitable school as quickly

as possible. This includes admitting children above the published admissions number to schools that are already full.

Popular schools may maintain waiting lists for in year applications. Details will be provided on request from the school. Inclusion in a school’s waiting list does not mean that a place will eventually become available.

Places will be offered in writing. Offers not taken up within 10 working days may be withdrawn. In cases involving school transfers that do not require a house move or where there is no need for an immediate move, arrangements may be made for the child to start school at the beginning of term to minimise disruption to their own and other children’s education.

If your child is not allocated a place, you have a statutory right to appeal (see ‘Appeals’ above). Your appeal should be lodged within three weeks (15 working days) after the date of your refusal letter.

Waiting Lists - Annual Round Parents whose children have not been offered their preferred school will be informed of their right of appeal and will be added to their preferred school’s waiting list. Waiting lists for admission will remain open until the end of the Autumn Term in the admission year. Popular schools may maintain waiting lists after this date, please contact the school for details.

Waiting lists are ranked in the same order as the oversubscription criteria listed below. Waiting lists may change. This means that a child’s waiting list position during the year could go up or down. Any late applications will be added to the list in accordance with the order of priority for allocating places.

Inclusion on a school’s waiting list does not mean that a place will eventually become available.

Apply online at: www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/schooladmissions


Fraudulent Information If the allocation of a place has been made on the basis of fraudulent or intentionally misleading information, the governors reserve the right to withdraw the place.

Oversubscription Criteria Children who have a Statement of Special Educational Needs will be admitted. This will reduce the number of places available for other children. See ‘Nottinghamshires Admissions to Schools booklet’ for further details about special needs provision.

Where schools have more applications than places available, Governors will draw up a ranked list based on the criteria listed below and will allocate places accordingly.

Tie breaker: Within each criterion, priority will be given to children who live nearest to the school. Distance measurements will be taken in a straight line from the entrance to the child’s home to the principal entrance to the main administrative building of the school. This will be calculated by using computer software, which is currently arcview. In the event of needing to discriminate between pupils living in the same block of flats, where arcview produces the same distance measurement, the lowest numbered flat(s) will be treated as closest to the school.

In a very few cases, it may not be possible to decide between the applications of those pupils who are the final qualifiers for a place (eg children who live at the same address or have the same distance measurement). In this exceptional situation, if there is no other way of separating the applications then the governors will admit the additional child above the planned admissions number. If however, admission would result in the legal limit of 30 children being exceeded, then the place will be allocated by drawing lots.

1. Catholic children who are in the care of a local authority. (see notes 1and 2).

2. Catholic (see note 2) children living in the parish(es) served by the school who will have a sibling (see note 3) at the school at the proposed time of admission.

NB - St Edmund Campion School only: Priority in Category 2 as follows: Firstly: children living in the parishes of Holy Spirit and Our Lady of Grace, secondly children living in other parishes in the Borough of Rushcliffe

3. Catholic (see note 2) children living in the parish(es) served by the school.

NB - St Edmund Campion School only: Priority in Category 3 as follows: Firstly: children living in the parishes of Holy Spirit and Our Lady of Grace, secondly children living in other parishes in the Borough of Rushcliffe

4. Catholic (see note 2) children living outside the parish(es) served by the school who will have a sibling (see note 3) attending the school at the proposed time of admission.

5. Catholic (see note 2) children living outside the parish(es) served by the school.

6. Children who, with a family member, are participating in a recognised course of preparation (for example Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) leading to baptism or reception into the Catholic church at the time of application.

7. Other children who are in the care of a local authority (see note 1).

8. Other children who will have a sibling (see note 3) attending the school at the proposed time of admission.

9. Children who are attending the Nursery or Foundation 1 class (where relevant).

10. Other children.

Apply online at: www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/schooladmissions


Note 1 - Definition of Child in Public Care (Looked after). A child who is looked after by a local authority in accordance with Section 22 of the Children’s Act 1989 (b) at the time application for his/her admission is made and who the Local Authority can confirm, will still be looked after at the time when he/ she is admitted to school.

Note 2 - Definition of Catholic 1. A child baptised in the Catholic Church

(Roman rite or Eastern rites) whose members are in full communion with the Bishop of Rome. (Pope Benedict XV1) Advice available from Diocesan Education Service.

2. A child baptised in another Christian denomination who has been received into full communion with the Catholic church

Note 3 - Definition of Sibling (brothers and sisters) The governors of each school use the same definition as used by the Local Authority. See ‘Admissions to School”

Note 4 - Place of Residence The governors of each school use the same definition as used by the Local Authority. ‘Admissions to School”

Note 5 - Parents/Carers The governors of each school use the same definition as used by the Local Authority. See ‘Admissions to School”

Admission Policy for Catholic Voluntary Aided Secondary Schools in Nottinghamshire (Nottingham Diocese)



Admissions Policy This policy will operate from September 2011. It will apply to all admissions for the year 2011-2012 and for subsequent years until further notice.

These schools are in the trusteeship of the Diocese of Nottingham and serve the Catholic families of Nottingham City Local Authority and Nottinghamshire County Council. Our first responsibility therefore is to the children of Catholic families in these areas and these children must have priority in gaining a place at the school. Additionally, we also welcome applications from all parents and carers, regardless of faith or background who would like their children to be educated in a Christian environment. As Catholic schools we are

mindful of the mission of the Church to welcome those who are disadvantaged or marginalised. In particular, we continue to welcome children of families from other countries who have made their homes in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.

Our schools belong to the Nottingham Diocesan family of schools. They are founded by and are part of the Catholic Church and seek at all times to be a witness to Jesus Christ. Religious education and worship are in accordance with the teachings and doctrines of the Catholic Church. This does not affect the right of parents or carers who are not of the faith of these schools to apply for and to be considered for places. We ask all parents or carers applying for a place to respect this ethos and its importance to the school community.

Apply online at: www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/schooladmissions


The Governing Bodies are the Admissions Authority for these schools and places can only be offered by each Governing Body. The Local Authority co-ordinates the admissions process. We are committed to providing a place for every Catholic child attending our linked primary schools. To help us achieve this, we have agreed with the Diocese that the following traditional linked arrangements will continue:

All Saints (186 places) St Philip Neri with St Bede’s Mansfield, St Patrick’s Forest Town, Holy Trinity Newark, St Joseph’s Boughton, St Joseph’s Langwith Junction, Holy Family Worksop (Hallam Diocese).

Christ the King (147 places) St Margaret Clitherow Nottingham, The Good Shepherd Woodthorpe, Sacred Heart Carlton, Holy Cross Hucknall.

The Becket (166 places) Blessed Robert Widmerpool Clifton, St Edmund Campion West Bridgford, St Patrick’s Wilford, Our Lady and St Edward’s Nottingham, English Martyrs Long Eaton.

The Trinity (165 places) St Teresa’s Aspley, Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Bulwell, St Mary’s Hyson Green, St Augustine’s Mapperley.

In order to provide a system for the allocation of places, which takes into account the wishes of each Governing Body, a set of oversubscription criteria have been drawn up, consulted upon, and agreed with the Diocesan Education Service and with each local authority. The responsibility clearly stated in the opening paragraph will mean that the criteria for admission to the school will give priority to baptised Catholic children and other applications will only be considered if there are places available.

In drawing the criteria the Governing Body has used the following principles: • the responsibility to serve the appropriate

Catholic population as part of the Diocesan provision;

• a desire to keep families together; • a desire to ensure continuity of

education; • a responsibility to the wider community; • a desire to serve the general population.

Arrangements for Admission

Nottingham City - The Trinity School See The Local Authority Booklet ‘Going to School in Nottingham - Secondary Education’ for full details of the admissions process.

Also visit: www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/sitemap/school for full details of the admissions process and on line application.

Nottinghamshire - All Saints, Christ the King, The Becket See The Local Authority Booklet ‘Admissions to Schools booklet’ for full details of the admissions process.

Visit: www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/home/learning andwork/schools/gettingaschoolplace.htm for full details of the admissions process and on line application.

For general advice on choosing a Catholic school, you can also speak to any of above schools, the headteacher at your child’s current primary school or Nottingham Diocesan Education Service - 01332 293833.

Fraudulent Information If the allocation of a place has been made on the basis of fraudulent or intentionally misleading information, the governors reserve the right to withdraw the place.

Apply online at: www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/schooladmissions


Late Applications - Nottingham City - The Trinity School The Local Authority and the Governing Body may be willing to accept applications which are received late but before the date set by the Local Authority for good reason for example: • a family returning from abroad • a lone parent who has been ill for some

time • a family moving into Nottingham from

another area • other exceptional circumstances

Each case will be treated on its merits.

Any preferences received by the Nottingham Local Authority up to the date set by the Local Authority, with good reason for being late, and where appropriate, with the agreement of the Governing Body will be included in the first cycle of allocations and will be notified on the national offer day.

All other late applications received by Nottingham Local Authority after the specified date will be dealt with after the offer day.

Late Applications - Nottinghamshire Certain late applications submitted in the normal admissions round that are received by Nottinghamshire Local Authority up to the date set by the Local Authority will be treated as on time by the LA. Such applications will be from parents or carers who:

• have moved into Nottinghamshire; or

• can establish at the time of completing the form that there were exceptional reasons for missing the closing date and were, therefore, unable to meet the published closing date.

Governing Bodies will treat such applications as on time where it is practical to include them in their first ranking.

All other late applications for secondary school places received by Nottinghamshire Local Authority after the specified date will be dealt with after the offer day.

Waiting Lists Parents whose children have not been offered their preferred school will be informed of their right of appeal and will be added to their preferred school’s waiting list. Waiting lists for admission will remain open until the end of the Autumn Term in the admission year.

If there is oversubscription, schools will continue to maintain waiting lists. Parents must make a request for their child’s name to be put on the waiting list and lists will be revised annually.

Waiting lists are ranked in the same order as the oversubscription criteria listed below.

Waiting lists may change. This means that a child’s waiting list position during the year could go up or down. Any late applications will be added to the list in accordance with the order of priority for allocating places. Inclusion on a school’s waiting list does not mean that a place will eventually become available.

In Year Applications Applications for places in any year group, made during the school year, must be made to the Local Authority using the home local authority application form. A Supplementary Form should also be completed. Once an application has been made, it will be passed to the Admissions Committee of the Governing Body for consideration. If the respective year group total is below the published admission number for that year group, the child will be offered a place unless circumstances have changed since the year group in question was a normal year of admission.

Apply online at: www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/schooladmissions


If the respective year group total is full, the child will be only offered a place if there are very exceptional circumstances and if the Committee decides that the education of pupils in that year group will not be detrimentally affected by the admission of an extra pupil.

If there is oversubscription, schools will maintain waiting lists for in year applications. Details will be provided on request. Inclusion in a school’s waiting list does not mean that a place will eventually become available.

If a child is not allocated a place, parents have a statutory right to appeal (see ‘Appeals’ below). Appeal should be lodged within three weeks (15 working days) after the date of your decision letter.

Local Authorities are required to have Fair Access Protocols in order to make sure that unplaced children who live in the home local authority, especially the most vulnerable, are offered a place at a suitable school as quickly as possible. This includes admitting children above the published admissions number to schools that are already full.

All Applications - Documents Required Common Application Form: All applications for transfer from primary school to secondary school and for in year transfers must be made on the home Local Authority’s Common Application Form. This form should also be used for applications to schools in neighbouring authorities.

Supplementary Form and Supporting Evidence: In addition, all applicants should complete the Supplementary Form. The information on this form will enable Governors to place applicants in the correct category. If a Supplementary Form has not been supplied with the application pack, parents should contact their primary headteacher or the relevant secondary school.

The Trinity School: The Supplementary Form should be returned to the Local Authority with the Application form.

Other Schools: The Supplementary from should be returned to the school by the same closing date as the Application Form.

Parents/carers of Catholic children should also supply one of the following documents with the Supplementary Form:

• A copy of the child’s baptism certificate OR­

• If the child has been received into the Catholic church, written verification, signed by a Catholic priest and stamped with the parish stamp.

Applicants whose children are members of other Christian denominations should supply a baptism certificate or certificate of dedication.

If the Supplementary Form and the required documents listed above are not returned on the closing date, applicants will automatically be placed in Category E of the oversubscription criteria (see below).

All Applications - How Places are Allocated Once applications are received by the Local Authority, details of all applicants are passed to the Governing Body. Using the information on both the Common Application Form and the Supplementary Form, each Governing Body draws up a ranked list using the oversubscription criteria listed below. The Authority then allocates places on behalf of each Governing Body up to the admissions number. Where places cannot be allocated at the first preference school, the Local Authority will allocate places at the next preferred school which has places.

Apply online at: www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/schooladmissions


Applications for twins and multiple birth pupils In cases where there is one remaining place available and the next child on the waiting list is one of a twin or of other multiple birth groups, then both twins (or all the siblings in case of multiple births) will be admitted even if this means that the admission number will be exceeded.

These are the Oversubscription Criteria

Pupils with statements of special needs whose statement names the school will be admitted. This will reduce the number of places available.

Category A - Catholic pupils in the care of a local authority (Looked After Children)

Category B - Baptised Catholic Pupils

1. Pupils who attend one of the linked primary schools

2. Pupils with brothers or sisters at the school who will be in Years 7-11 at the time of admission

3. Other Catholic pupils.

Category C - Pupils in the care of a local authority who are not Catholic (Looked After Children)

Category D - Pupils belonging to other Christian churches which belong to Churches Together in England (including Eastern Orthodox Churches)

1. Pupils who attend one of the linked primary schools

2. Pupils with brothers or sisters at the school who will be in Years 7-11 at the time of admission

3. Other Christian pupils.

Christian churches are those churches and denominations which belong to Churches Together in England and Wales. (See list below).

Category E - Other pupils

1. Pupils who attend one of the linked primary schools

2. Pupils with brothers or sisters at the school who will be in Years 7-11 at the time of admission

3. Other pupils.

If a tie breaker is needed any of the above categories, allocation of places will be decided on a distance basis. Distance measurements will be supplied by the Local Authority. (See below)

Distance Tie Breaker - Nottingham City (Trinity) Distance will be measured in a straight line (by a computerised geographical information system) from the centre of the school campus to a point at the pupils home address identified by the Local Land and Property Gazetteer.

Distance Tie Breaker - Nottinghamshire (All Saints, Christ the King, The Becket) Distance measurements will be taken in a straight line from the entrance to the child’s home (as defined by the Local Authority) to the principal entrance to the main administrative building of the school. This will be calculated by using computer software, which is currently arcview. In the event of needing to discriminate between pupils living in the same block of flats, where arcview produces the same distance measurement, the lowest numbered flat(s) will be treated as closest to the school.

All Schools: In a very few cases, it may not be possible to decide between the applications of those pupils who are the final qualifiers for a place (eg children who live at the same address or have the same distance measurement). In this exceptional situation, if there is no other way of separating the applications then the governors will admit the additional child above the planned admissions number.

Apply online at: www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/schooladmissions


Definitions Note 1 - Definition of Brothers, Sisters (sometimes referred to as siblings) Brothers or Sisters (siblings) are considered to be those children who live at the same address and either:

a. have one or both natural parents in common

or b. are related by a parent’s marriage or c. are adopted or fostered.

Note 2 - Definition of Catholic 1. A child baptised in the Catholic Church

(Roman rite or Eastern rites) whose members are in full communion with the Bishop of Rome. (Pope Benedict XV1) Advice available from Diocesan Education Service.

2. A child baptised in another Christian denomination who has been received into full communion with the Catholic church.

Note 3 - Definition of Looked After Children A child who is looked after by a local authority in accordance with Section 22 of the Children’s Act 1989 (b) at the time application for his/her admission is made and who the Local Authority can confirm, will still be looked after at the time when he/ she is admitted to school.

Note 4 - Churches Together in England (See www.churches-together.org.uk for further details on membership)

The Baptist Union British Antiochian Orthodox Church Cherubim and Seraphim Council of Churches The Church of England Church of God Prophecy Church of Scotland (in England) Congregational Federation Coptic Orthodox Council of African and Caribbean Churches Council of Oriental Orthodox Churches Ichthus Christian Fellowship Independent Methodist Churches Joint Council for Anglo-Caribbean Churches Lutheran Council of Great Britain

The Methodist Church United Reform Church Wesleyan Holiness Church

Arrangements for Appeals Following allocations, parents/carers may appeal if they are not allocated a place for their child at their preferred school. Requests for appeals must be made in writing and addressed to the Clerk to Governors at the relevant school. Appeals must be received by the Clerk to Governors no later than fifteen working days (three weeks) after allocation day or, in the case of ‘In Year’ applications, fifteen working days after the date of the refusal letter. The Catholic Schools Appeals Service arranges all appeals on behalf of the governing bodies of the four schools. Appeals will be heard by an independent panel and the final decision of the panel is binding on all parties.

Linked Catholic Secondary schools outside of Nottinghamshire There are two Catholic secondary schools outside of Nottinghamshire which are linked to Nottinghamshire primary schools.

For information on their oversubscription criteria, please contact the school or the relevant Local Authority for details, page 23 gives contacts for neighbouring local authorities.

Doncaster Local Authority St Joseph’s Catholic (Aided) Primary School, Retford and St Patrick’s Catholic (Aided) Primary, Harworth are linked to the McAuley Catholic High School, Specialist College for the Performing Arts, Cantley Lane, Doncaster, South Yorkshire - 01302 537396 www.mcauley.doncaster.sch.uk

Derbyshire Local Authority Priory Catholic (Aided) Primary, Eastwood is linked to Saint John Houghton Catholic School, A Specialist Science College, Abbot Road, Kirk Hallam, Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 4HX 0115 9322896 www.st-johnhoughton.derbyshire.sch.uk

Apply online at: www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/schooladmissions


Directory of Schools 2012-2013




A52 A52












Retford Worksop










Sutton in Ashfield

Kirkby in Ashfield
















North Lincolnshire


Ashfield For Voluntary Aided Schools which were oversubscribed for 2011/2012 it is not possible to list the criterion under which each application was granted or refused as the criteria for each of these schools are different. Please contact the schools for further information.

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions

Abbey Hill Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) �Abbey Road, Kirkby-in-Ashfield Telephone: 01623 484512 Notts NG17 7NZ [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Kirkby College

Planned Admission Number 30 Planned Admission Number 30 Expected number on roll 200 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions

All Saints CE (Aided) Infant School (5-7 voluntary aided school) Common Road, Huthwaite, Sutton-in-Ashfield, Notts NG17 2JR Telephone: 01623 459199 www.huthwaiteallsaints.co.uk [email protected]

Linked junior phase school: John Davies Primary School, Barker Street, Huthwaite, Sutton-in-Ashfield NG17 2LH Linked secondary school: Ashfield School

Planned Admission Number 30 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 85 All applications were successful

Admission criteria 2012/2013 The following oversubscription criteria will be used to determine how places are allocated when there are more applications than places available. In the event of oversubscription, within any criterion, preference will be given to children who live nearest to the school as the crow flies. Distances are measured using the Local Authority’s computerised measuring system, currently arcview, from the entrance to the child’s home to the principal entrance to the main administrative building of the school. Children who have a statement of special educational need that names All Saints CE Infant School will be admitted. This will reduce the number of places available for other children. 1. Children who are ’Looked After’ 2. Children, who at the time of admission, have a sibling (brother or sister) who attend the school, or the linked primary

school and whose parents have a commitment to All Saints Church, Huthwaite* 3. Children who, at the time of admission, have a sibling (brother or sister) who attend the school, or the linked primary

school and whose parents have a commitment to other churches who are members of Churches Together in England or the Evangelical Alliance*

4 . Children who, at the time of admission, have a sibling (brother or sister) who attend the school, or the linked primary school

5. Children whose parents have a commitment to All Saints Church, Huthwaite* 6 . Children whose parents have a commitment to any other churches who are members of Churches Together in

England or the Evangelical Alliance* 7. Any other children, including those whose parents have a commitment to any other faith group * Within criteria 2,3,5 and 6 Governors will differentiate priority according to whether the family are

• ‘at the heart of the church’ – worshipping usually at least twice per month • ‘attached to the church’ – worshipping usually monthly or involved in regular weekday church activities • ‘known to the church’ – worshipping occasionally, known through a family connection or involved in a regular

weekday church activity which does not include an element of worship



Special Circumstances: Children whose particular medical needs, mobility support needs, special educational needs or other circumstances are supported by written evidence from a doctor, social worker or other relevant professional stating that the school is the only school which could cater for your child’s particular needs will be given special consideration. The evidence must be presented at the time of application. Admission under ‘special circumstances’ will take precedence over all but the first numbered criteria.

All applications must be made on the common application form issued by the home Local Authority. The form must be completed and returned by the closing date. In addition, applicants applying under criterion 2,3,5 or 6 should also complete the supplementary application form which requires verification from a minister. If this document is not completed your child may be ranked in a lower criterion.

All applications received after the closing date will be accepted but considered after those received on time.

If applications exceed the number of places available, the school will operate a waiting list in accordance with the above oversubscription criteria. Places on the waiting list may go up or down depending on whether places become available, or if late applications are received. The Governors of the school, in partnership with the Local Authority, will administer the waiting list for the duration of the co-ordinated scheme.

If a child is not allocated a place, parents/carers have a statutory right of appeal. Appeals can be lodged by writing to the Governors and appeals are heard by an independent appeals panel. The decision of the panel will be binding on parents and on the school.

The Governing Body operates a single entry admission policy prior to a child’s fifth birthday, admitting children full-time at the beginning of the Autumn Term. The children are offered a part-time place in school for the preceding Summer Term. Some parents wish to defer the start of full-time education until compulsory school age. If you would like to take up this option, you may arrange the details with the Head Teacher. However, if your child’s birthday falls between 1 April and 31 August, deferring admission until compulsory school age would result in your child being admitted into a different admission year and it is advisable to speak to the Local Authority if you are considering this option.

Annesley Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) Forest Road, Telephone: 01623 468806 Annesley Woodhouse, Notts NG17 9BW www.annesleyprimaryschool.com

[email protected]

Linked secondary school: Kirkby College

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Planned Admission Number 30 Expected number on roll 180 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Annie Holgate Infant and Nursery School (5-7 community school) �High Leys Road, Hucknall, Nottingham NG15 6EZ Telephone: 0115 955 5327 www.annieholgateinfants.ik.org [email protected]

Linked junior phase school: Annie Holgate Junior School High Leys Road, Hucknall, Nottingham NG15 6EZ Linked secondary school: The Holgate School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 60 Planned Admission Number 60 Expected number on roll 152 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary


Annie Holgate Junior School (7-11 community school) �High Leys Road, Hucknall, Nottingham NG15 6EZ Telephone: 0115 956 8281 www.annieholgate-jun.ik.org [email protected]

Linked infant school: Annie Holgate Infant School High Leys Road, Hucknall, Nottingham NG15 6EZ Linked secondary school: The Holgate School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 60 Planned Admission Number 60 Expected number on roll 187 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community junior and primary

Bagthorpe Primary School (5-11 community school) �School Road, Bagthorpe, Underwood, Nottingham NG16 5HB Telephone: 01773 782843 www.bagthorpeprimary.com [email protected]

Linked infant phase school: Selston CE Infant and Nursery School Nottingham Road, Selston, Nottm NG16 6DH Linked secondary school: Selston Arts and Community College on the Matthew Holland site

2012/2013 infant admissions 2011/2012 infant admissions Planned Admission Number 15 Planned Admission Number 15 Criteria - standard community infant and primary All applications were successful

2012/2013 junior admissions 2011/2012 junior admissions Planned Admission Number 15 Planned Admission Number 15 Expected number on roll 194 Total number of preferences received 26 Variation to standard criteria Total number withdrawn – higher preference 5

offered/Refused by Parent Number of preferences approved 20 (4 catchment/link/sibling, 10 catchment/link, 1 catchment/sibling, 1 link/sibling, 4 link) Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 1

Admission criteria 2012/2013 In the event of over-subscription the following criteria will be applied, in priority order, to determine which applications will be granted once places have first been allocated to pupils who have a statement of special educational needs which names the school: • Children looked after by a local authority • Children who live in the catchment area and attend the linked infant school and who, at the time of admission, will

have a brother or sister at the school or the linked infant school • Other children who live in the catchment area and attend the linked infant school • Children who live inside the catchment area who do not attend the linked infant school but who, at the time of

admission, will have a brother or sister attending the school or the linked infant school • Other children who live in the catchment area and do not attend the linked infant school • Children who live outside the catchment area but attend the linked infant school and who, at the time of admission,

will have a brother or sister attending the school or the linked infant school • Children who live outside the catchment area but attend the linked infant school • Children who live outside the catchment area who do not attend the linked infant school but who, at the time of

admission, will have a brother or sister attending the school (or the linked infant school) • Other children who live outside the catchment area

In the event of oversubscription within any criterion, preference will be given to children who live nearest to the school as the crow flies. Distances are measured from the entrance to the child’s home to the principal entrance to the main administrative building of the school.


Special Circumstances: The following groups of children will be given special consideration in their application for a particular school:

• Children whose particular medical needs, mobility support needs, special educational needs or social circumstances are supported by written evidence from a doctor, social worker or other relevant professional stating that the school is the only school which could cater for the child’s particular needs. The evidence must be presented at the time of application.

The appropriate designated Officer will consider each case on its merits and determine the allocation of any such place on the basis of the written evidence. Admission under ‘special circumstances’ will take precedence over all but the first of the numbered criteria. Children of nomadic Travellers will be allocated a place at their catchment area school.

Beardall Street Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) Beardall Street, Hucknall, Nottingham NG15 7JU www.beardallstreet.createprimary.net

Telephone: 0115 956 8285 [email protected]

Linked secondary school: The Holgate School

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll Criteria - standard community infant and primary

30 215

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number All applications were successful


Broomhill Junior School (7-11 community school) �Broomhill Road, Hucknall, Nottingham NG15 6AJ Telephone: 0115 952 5694 www.broomhill-jun.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked infant phase school: Butler’s Hill Infant School, Broomhill Road, Hucknall, Nottingham NG15 6AJ Linked secondary school: The Holgate School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 60 Planned Admission Number 60 Expected number on roll 161 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community junior and primary

Butler’s Hill Infant and Nursery School (5-7 community school) �Broomhill Road, Hucknall, Nottingham NG15 6AJ Telephone: 0115 952 5904

[email protected]

Linked junior phase school: Broomhill Junior School, Broomhill Road,Hucknall, Nottingham NG15 6AJ Linked secondary school: The Holgate School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 60 Planned Admission Number 60 Expected number on roll 150 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Carsic Primary School (5-11 community school) Westbourne View, Sutton-in-Ashfield, Notts NG17 2HT Telephone: 01623 553189 www.carsic.org.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: either Quarrydale Foundation School or Sutton Centre Community College (depending upon the catchment area of the child’s home address)

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 60 Planned Admission Number 60 Expected number on roll 325 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary


Croft Primary School (5-11 community school) Station Road, Sutton-in-Ashfield, Notts NG17 5FJ Telephone: 01623 455255 www.croft.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Sutton Centre Community College

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 50 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 350 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Dalestorth Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) �Hill Crescent, Sutton-in-Ashfield, Notts NG17 4JA Telephone: 01623 459339 www.dalestorth.org [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Quarrydale Foundation School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 210 Total number of preferences received Criteria - standard community infant and primary Total number withdrawn - higher preference

offered/Refused by Parent Number of preferences approved (7 catchment/sibling, 22 catchment, 1 sibling) Preferences refused and placed on waiting list

Daneswood Junior School (7-11 community school) Ash Grove, Skegby, Telephone: 01623 460329 Sutton-in-Ashfield, Notts NG17 3FH [email protected]


Linked infant school: Healdswood Infant School, Barker Avenue, Skegby, Sutton-in-Ashfield, NG17 3FQ Linked secondary school: Quarrydale Foundation School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 48 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 133 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community junior and primary

Edgewood Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) Edgewood Drive, Hucknall, Nottingham NG15 6HX Telephone: 0115 956 1337 www.edgewoodprimaryschool.co.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: The Holgate School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 40 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 265 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary


30 93







Forest Glade Primary School (5-11 community school) Mansfield Road, Sutton-in-Ashfield, Notts NG17 4FL Telephone: 01623 452770 www.forestgladeprimary.co.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Quarrydale Foundation School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Planned Admission Number 30 Expected number on roll 250 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Greenwood Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) �Sutton Middle Lane, Kirkby-in-Ashfield, Notts NG17 8FX Telephone: 01623 460664 www.greenwood-pri.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Ashfield School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 60 Planned Admission Number 60 Expected number on roll 355 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Healdswood Infant and Nursery School (5-7 community school) �Barker Avenue, Skegby, Telephone: 01623 462449 Sutton-in-Ashfield, Notts NG17 3FQ [email protected]

Linked junior phase school: Daneswood Junior School, Ash Grove, Skegby, Sutton-in-Ashfield Notts NG17 3FH Linked secondary school: Quarrydale Foundation School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 60 Planned Admission Number 60 Expected number on roll 121 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant primary

Hillocks Primary School and Foundation Stage Unit (5-11 community school) �Unwin Road, Sutton-in-Ashfield, Notts NG17 4ND Telephone: 01623 455717 www.hillocks.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Sutton Centre Community College

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Planned Admission Number 30 Expected number on roll 289 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary


Hillside Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) �Roberts Lane, Hucknall, Nottingham NG15 6LW Telephone: 0115 840 1477 www.hillsideprimary.com [email protected]

Linked secondary school: The Holgate School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 60 Planned Admission Number 60 Expected number on roll 350 Total number of preferences received 129 Criteria - standard community infant and primary Total number withdrawn – higher preference

offered/Refused by Parent 60 Number of preferences approved 60 (15 catchment/sibling, 27 catchment, 8 sibling, 10 out of catchment) Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 9

Holly Hill Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) �School Road, Off Portland Road, Selston, Nottingham NG16 6AW Telephone: 01773 783909 www.hollyhill.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Selston Arts and Community College

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 50 Planned Admission Number 50 Expected number on roll 275 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Holy Cross Catholic Primary School (5-11 voluntary aided school) Leen Mills Lane, Hucknall, Nottingham NG15 8BZ Telephone: 0115 953 4577 www.holycrosshucknall.com [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Christ the King School and Sixth Form Centre

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Planned Admission Number 30 Expected number on roll 214 All applications were successful Criteria - Standard Admission Policy for Catholic Voluntary Aided Primary Schools (Nottingham Diocese)

Hucknall National CE (VA) Primary School (4-11 voluntary aided school) �Montague Road, Hucknall, Nottingham NG15 7DU Telephone: 0115 963 2678 www.hucknallnational.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: The National School, A Church of England Technology College

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 60 Planned Admission Number 60 Expected number on roll 420 Criteria

Admission criteria 2012/2013

1. Children in public care

2. Children whose parent(s) are communicant members of the Church of England or a church that is a member of “Churches Together in England” or the Evangelical Alliance and have attended worship at least twice per calendar month for the past 2 years, or where the child has been admitted to communion, in the Church of England, before confirmation. (please see school prospectus for full details on definitions, etc)


3. Children who have a brother or sister in Reception, Year 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 at Hucknall National Primary School at the time of application.

4. Children whose parent(s) have attended worship at

a) a Church of England or a church that is a member of Churches Together in England or the Evangelical Alliance

b) a place of worship which follows the teachings of one of the major world faiths (Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Sikhism)

Places in this category will be allocated according to the degree of involvement which will be determined by consideration of the evidence given on the blue reference form and will be categorised according to the following divisions:

i) at least twice per calendar month for the past two years ii) at least twice per calendar month for the past one year iii) any other church or other faith involvement (please see school prospectus for full details on definitions, etc)

5. Children living nearest to the school at the time of application. Distances will be measured ‘as the crow flies’ from the child’s home address to the main entrance of the school using LA software.

Special Circumstances:

The following groups of children will be given special consideration in their application to the school.

Children whose particular medical needs, mobility support needs, special educational needs or social circumstances are supported by written evidence from a doctor, social worker or other relevant professional stating that the school is the only school which could cater for the child’s particular needs. The evidence must be presented at the time of application.

Any application under ‘special circumstances’ will be considered on its merits and the allocation of any such will be determined by comparing the written evidence presented along with the capacity for the school to cater for the identified needs. In order to make an assessment of the case, reference will be made to local head teachers and other relevant professionals. Cases agreed under ‘special circumstances’ will take precedence over criteria 2 to 5 above.

NB. Children split a) and b) are in order priority within that category. In the event of over-subscription at any point where all applications are deemed equal, priority will be given to those living nearest to the school (i.e. in accordance with criteria 5.)


Applications made in accordance with criteria 2 and 4 are required to include written confirmation from their vicar/minister/ or faith leader that the criteria are satisfied. This evidence must be received in school before the admission closing date.

Jacksdale Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) Main Road, Jacksdale, Telephone: 01773 783930 Nottingham NG16 5JU www.jacksdaleprimary.co.uk

Linked secondary school: Selston Arts and Community College

2012/2013 infant admissions 2011/2012 infant admissions Planned Admission Number 25 Planned Admission Number 25 Criteria - standard community infant and primary Total number of preferences received 59

Total number withdrawn – higher preference offered/Refused by Parent 15 Number of preferences approved 30 (24 catchment/sibling, 6 catchment) Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 14

2012/2013 junior admissions 2011/2012 junior admissions Planned Admission Number 20 Planned Admission Number 20 Expected number on roll 244 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community junior and primary



Jeffries Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) Vernon Road, Telephone: 01623 460274 Kirkby-in-Ashfield, Notts NG17 8EE [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Ashfield School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 40 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 190 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

John Davies Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) Barker Street, Huthwaite, Sutton-in-Ashfield, Notts NG17 2LH Telephone: 01623 487087 www.johndavies.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked infant phase school: All Saints CE (Aided) Infant School, Common Road, Huthwaite, Sutton-in-Ashfield NG17 2JR Linked secondary school: Ashfield School

2012/2013 infant admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Criteria - standard community infant and primary

2012/2013 junior admissions Planned Admission Number 35 Expected number on roll 320 Criteria - standard community junior and primary

2011/2012 infant admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Total number of preferences received 59 Total number withdrawn - higher preference 15 offered/Refused by Parent 30 Number of preferences approved (24 catchment/sibling, 6 catchment) 14 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 2011/2012 junior admissions Planned Admission Number 35 All applications were successful

Kingsway Primary School (5-11 community school) Kingsway, Kirkby-in-Ashfield, Notts NG17 7FH www.kingswayprimary.com

Linked secondary school: Kirkby College

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll Criteria - standard community infant and primary

30 228

Telephone: 01623 408259 [email protected]

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Total number of preferences received 76 Total number withdrawn – higher preference offered/Refused by Parent 45 Number of preferences approved (4 catchment/sibling, 11 catchment, 4 sibling, 11 out of catchment) 30 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 1


Kirkby Woodhouse Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) Main Road, Kirkby-in-Ashfield, Notts NG17 9EU www.kirkbywoodhouse.ik.org

Linked secondary school: Ashfield School

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll Criteria - standard community infant and primary

50 340

Telephone: 01623 486158 [email protected]

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 50 Total number of preferences received 70 Total number withdrawn – higher preference offered/Refused by Parent 17 Number of preferences approved (1 special circs, 11 catchment/sibling, 23 catchment, 4 sibling, 11 out of catchment) 50 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 3

Leamington Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) Clare Road, Sutton-in-Ashfield, Notts NG17 5BB Telephone: 01623 455951 www.leamington.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Sutton Centre Community College

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number 60 Expected number on roll 360 Criteria - standard community infant and primary

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number All applications were successful

Leen Mills Primary School (5-11 community school) �Leen Mills Lane, Hucknall, Nottingham NG15 8BZ

Linked secondary school: The Holgate School

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll Criteria - standard community infant and primary

50 333

Telephone: 0115 953 6688 [email protected]

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number All applications were successful

Mapplewells Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) �Henning Lane, off Alfreton Road, Sutton-in-Ashfield, Notts NG17 1HU

Linked secondary school: Ashfield School

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll Criteria - standard community infant and primary

30 215

Telephone: 01623 455949 [email protected] www.mapplewells.ik.org

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Total number of preferences received 74 Total number withdrawn - higher preference offered 25 Number of preferences approved 30 11 catchment/sibling, 16 catchment, 3 sibling, 19





Morven Park Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) School Street, Kirkby-in-Ashfield, Notts NG17 7BT Telephone: 01623 459395 www.morvenpark.ik.org [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Kirkby College

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 60 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 376 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Orchard Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) Chapel Street, Kirkby-in-Ashfield, Notts NG17 8JY

Linked secondary school: Ashfield School

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll Criteria - standard community infant and primary

40 345

Telephone: 01623 455939 [email protected] www.orchard-pri.notts.sch.uk

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 40 Total number of preferences received 106 Total number withdrawn – higher preference offered/Refused by Parent 45 Number of preferences approved (3 special circs, 1 public care, 8 catchment/sibling, 17 catchment, 7 sibling, 5 out of catchment) 41 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 20

Priestsic Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) �Park Street, Sutton-in-Ashfield, Notts NG17 4BB

Linked secondary school: Sutton Centre Community College

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number 60 Expected number on roll 498 Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Telephone: 01623 465705 [email protected]

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 60 Total number of preferences received 131 Total number withdrawn – higher preference offered/Refused by Parent 65 Number of preferences approved (13 catchment/sibling, 20 catchment, 11 sibling, 16 out of catchment) 60 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 6


St Andrew’s CE Primary and Nursery School (5-11 voluntary controlled school) Mansfield Road, Skegby, Sutton-in-Ashfield, Notts NG17 3DW Telephone: 01623 484522 www.standrews.createprimary.net [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Quarrydale Foundation School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 45 Planned Admission Number 45 Expected number on roll 314 Total number of preferences received 87

Total number withdrawn – higher preference offered 29 Number of preferences approved (1 public care, 3 catchment/sibling, 45 8 catchment, 10 sibling, 4 religious, 19 out of catchment) 13 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list

Admission criteria 2012/2013

Standard community infant and primary criteria with the addition of the following which comes between standard criteria 4 and 5. ‘Consideration will be given to applicants who live outside the designated catchment area where the parents can demonstrate an active commitment to orthodox Christian tradition. Supporting information from the appropriate minister will be required at the time of application’.

St Mary Magdalene CE (VA) Primary School (5-11 voluntary aided school) �Springwood View Close, Sutton-in-Ashfield, Notts NG17 2HR Telephone: 01623 464246 www.stmarymagdaleneschool.ik.org [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Sutton Centre Community College

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Planned Admission Number 30 Expected number on roll 210 Total number of preferences received 75

Total number withdrawn - higher preference offered 28 Number of preferences approved 30 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 17 Please contact school for the number of appeals held and the outcomes

Admission criteria 2012/2013

1. Places at the school will first be given to children who are ‘looked after’

2. Places at the school will then be given to children who, at the time of admission, have a sibling attending the school, and whose parent(s)/guardian(s) have a supporting reference from the vicar of the parish church of St Mary Magdalene, Sutton-in-Ashfield. *

3. Places at the school will then be allocated to children who, at the time of admission have a sibling attending the school, and whose parent(s)/guardian(s) have a supporting reference from the vicar/priest etc of one of the churches in the named cluster. *

4. Places at the school will then be allocated to children who, at the time of admission, have a sibling attending the school, and whose parent(s)/guardian(s) have a supporting reference from the vicar/priest etc of a Church of England church. *

5. Places at the school will then be allocated to children who, at the time of admission, have a sibling attending the school, and whose parent(s)/guardian(s) have a supporting reference from the vicar/priest etc of a Christian church. *

6. Places at the school will then be allocated to children whose parent(s)/guardian(s) have a supporting reference from the vicar of the parish church of St Mary Magdalene, Sutton-in-Ashfield. *

7. Places at the school will then be allocated to children whose parent(s)/guardian(s) have a supporting reference from the vicar/priest etc of one of the churches in the named cluster. *

8. Places at the school will then be allocated to children whose parent(s)/guardian(s) have a supporting

reference from the vicar/priest etc of a Church of England church. *


9. Places at the school will then be allocated to children whose parent(s)/guardian(s) have a supporting reference from the vicar/priest etc of a Christian church.

10. Places at the school will then be allocated to children who, at the time of admission, have a sibling attending the school. *

11. Places at the school will then be allocated to children who live nearest to the school as the crow flies.

12. Consideration will be given to applicants who can establish particular medical, special educational needs or social grounds relating to their child with supporting written evidence from a doctor, social worker or other relevant professional. Each case will be determined according to the merits of the case. It may be decided to accord a higher priority to an individual case.

* In the event of oversubscription within criterias 2 to 10 preference will be given to applicants who live nearest to the school as the crow flies

The Cluster of Churches is:

All Saints’, Stanton Hill All Saints’, Huthwaite St Andrew’s, Skegby St Katherine’s, Teversal St Mary Magdalene’s, Sutton-in-Ashfield St Michael’s, Sutton-in-Ashfield

Details of definitions etc are available in the school’s prospectus.

Selston CE Infant and Nursery School (5-7 voluntary controlled school) Nottingham Road, Telephone: 01773 780131 Selston, Nottingham NG16 6DH [email protected]

Linked junior phase school: Bagthorpe Primary School, School Road, Bagthorpe, Underwood, Notts NG16 5HB Linked secondary school: Selston Arts and Community College on the Matthew Holland site

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 25 Planned Admission Number 25 Expected number on roll 73 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Underwood Church of England Primary School (5-11 voluntary controlled school) Main Road, Underwood, Nottingham NG16 5GN Telephone: 01773 782868 www.underwoodschool.co.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Selston Arts and Community College

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 25 Planned Admission Number 20 Expected number on roll 182 Total number of preferences received 50 Criteria - standard community infant and primary Total number withdrawn – higher preference

offered 26 Number of preferences approved (4 catchment/sibling, 5 catchment, 5 sibling, 6 out of catchment) 20 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 4

Westwood Infant and Nursery School (5-7 community school) Palmerston Street, Westwood, Jacksdale, Nottingham NG16 5JA Telephone: 01773 783899 www.westwood.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked junior phase school: Jacksdale Primary and Nursery School, Main Road, Jacksdale, Notts NG16 5JU Linked secondary school: Selston Arts and Community College on the Matthew Holland site

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 20 Planned Admission Number 20 Expected number on roll 70 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary


Bassetlaw For Voluntary Aided Schools which were oversubscribed for 2011/2012 it is not possible to list the criterion under which each application was granted or refused as the criteria for each of these schools are different. Please contact the schools for further information.

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions

All Saints Harworth CE (Aided) Primary School (5-11 voluntary aided school) Scrooby Road, Harworth, Telephone: 01302 742477 Nr Doncaster DN11 8JT [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Serlby Park Academy (3-18 Business & Enterprise Learning Community)

Planned Admission Number 30 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 200 All applications were successful

Admission criteria 2012/2013

1. The child is ‘looked after’ or in care

2. The child has a sibling already attending the school (sibling must be on roll at the times of admission to school)

3. Parents/carers are practising members of the Church of England (attendance once a month)

4. Parents/carers are practising members of any other Christian denomination

5. The proximity to the school as the crow flies

Children with statements of SEN which names the school will be admitted without the application of the above criteria. The school holds a waiting list which is kept until the term before entry and is used where previous acceptances are declined.

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions

Beckingham Primary School (5-11 community school) The Limes, Beckingham, Telephone: 01427 848230 Doncaster DN10 4QN [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Retford Oaks Academy

Planned Admission Number 15 Planned Admission Number 15 Expected number on roll 81 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary.

Bracken Lane Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) �Bracken Lane, Retford, Telephone: 01777 705017 Notts DN22 7EU [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Retford Oaks High School

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number 30

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 30

Expected number on roll Criteria - standard community infant and primary

230 Total number of preferences received Total number withdrawn – higher preference offered


41 Number of preferences approved (8 catchment/sibling, 12 catchment, 9 sibling, 1 out of catchment) Preferences refused and placed on waiting list





Carr Hill Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) �Tiln Lane, Retford, Notts DN22 6SW Telephone: 01777 702948 www.carrhill.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked infant phase school: Hallcroft Infant School, Whitaker Close, Retford DN22 7QH Linked secondary school: Elizabethan High School

2012/2013 infant admissions 2011/2012 infant admissions Planned Admission Number 40 Planned Admission Number Criteria - standard community infant and primary All applications were successful

2012/2013 junior admissions 2011/2012 junior admissions Planned Admission Number 50 Planned Admission Number Criteria - standard community junior and primary 350 All applications were successful Expected number on roll

Clarborough Primary School (5-11 community school) �Hill View Crescent, Clarborough, Retford, Notts DN22 9JZ Telephone: 01777 702948 www.clarborough.sch.notts.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Retford Oaks Academy

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 20 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 120 All on-time applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Cuckney CE Primary School (5-11 voluntary controlled school) School Lane, Cuckney, Telephone: 01623 842223 Mansfield, Notts NG20 9NB [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Meden School & Technology College

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 20 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 127 All Applications were successful

Standard community infant and primary criteria with the addition of the following which comes between standard criteria 4 and 5

Applicants who live outside the catchment and whose parents attend the relevant Church/Churches. Supporting evidence from the appropriate minister will be required in order to confirm attendance/involvement.

See school brochure for further details.

Dunham CE Primary School (5-11 voluntary controlled school) �Laneham Road, Telephone: 01777 228383 Dunham on Trent, Newark, Notts NG22 0UL [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Tuxford School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 15 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 90 Total number of preferences received Criteria - standard community infant and primary Total number withdrawn – higher preference

offered/Refused by Parent Number of preferences approved (3 catchment/sibling, 7 catchment, 4 sibling, 1 out of catchment) Preferences refused and placed on waiting list





15 30


15 7


East Markham Primary School (5-11 community school) Askham Road, East Markham, Newark, Notts NG22 0RG www.eastmarkhamschool.com

Linked secondary school: Tuxford School

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll Criteria - standard community infant and primary

15 108

Telephone: 01777 870439 [email protected]

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 15 Total number of preferences received 28 Total number withdrawn – higher preference offered/Refused by Parent 11 Number of preferences approved 15 (1 public care, 3 catchment/sibling, 4 catchment, 7 out of catchment) Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 2

Elkesley Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) �Headland Avenue, Elkesley, Telephone: 01777 838615 Retford, Notts DN22 8AQ [email protected]


Linked secondary school: Tuxford School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 15 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 100 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Everton Primary School (5-11 community school) �Chapel Lane, Everton, Doncaster DN10 5BJ www.evertonprimaryschool.ik.org

Linked secondary school: Elizabethan High School

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number 15 Expected number on roll 100 Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Telephone: 01777 817350 [email protected]

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number All applications were successful

Gamston CE (Aided) Primary School (5-11 voluntary aided school) Stanboard Lane, Gamston, Retford, Notts DN22 0PE Telephone: 01777 838631 www.gamstonschool.com [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Tuxford School (except pupils who live in Eaton, Gamston and Retford); Retford Oaks Academy (only pupils who live in Retford, Gamston and Eaton)

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number 14 Expected number on roll 97

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 12 Total number of preferences received 38 Total number withdrawn, higher preference offered 20 Number of preferences approved 12 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 6 Please contact the school for the number of appeals held and outcomes




Admission criteria 2012/2013

There is one over-riding criterion for admission, not based on over-subscription, which needs to be noted (and over which the school has no discretion):

• Children who have a Statement of Special Educational Needs, in which Gamston School is named, must be admitted to the school.

In the event of requests for places exceeding availability, places at the school will be allocated, by the governing body according to the following criteria:

• Looked After children (A ‘Looked After’ child is a child who is in the care of a local authority or provided with accommodation by that authority)*

• Parental commitment* to a mainstream Christian Church (as defined by the diocese) (commitment* by parents/carers is defined as attendance at a Church of England Church or another Christian denomination for at least a month over the last 6 months. This must be supported by a letter of evidence from the child’s parents’/carers’ Parish Priest. The supporting statement must be to the satisfaction of the Parish Priest with responsibility for Gamston)

• Relationship as brother or sister (‘sibling’) to a pupil already attending the school (by “sibling” we mean: sister, brother, twin, step-sister or step-brother)

• Proximity of the child’s place of residence* to school (measured ‘as the crow flies’, from the pupil’s entrance door of their main home to the main entrance door of the school).

* Consideration will be given to applicants who can establish medical, special educational or social needs, with supporting evidence from a relevant professional. Each case will be judged on its merits and the admission authority (The Governing Body) may accord a higher priority to the applicant.

*see school prospectus for full details of definitions

Gateford Park Primary School (5-11 community school) �Amherst Rise, Gateford, Worksop, Notts S81 7RG Telephone: 01909 478681 www.gateford.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Outwood Academy Portland

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Planned Admission Number 30 Expected number on roll 210 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Haggonfields Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) Marjorie Street, Rhodesia, Worksop, Notts S80 3HP Telephone: 01909 473992 website:www.haggonfields.com [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Outwood Academy Portland

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 18 Planned Admission Number 18 Expected number on roll 78 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Hallcroft Infant and Nursery School (5-7 community school) �Whitaker Close, Retford, Notts DN22 7QH Telephone: 01777 702728 www.hallcroftschool.ik.org [email protected]

Linked junior phase school: Carr Hill Primary School, Tiln Lane, Retford DN22 6SW Linked secondary school: Elizabethan High School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 40 Planned Admission Number 50 Expected number on roll 130 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary



Holy Family Catholic Primary and Nursery School (5-11 voluntary aided school) Netherton Road, Worksop, Notts S80 2SF Telephone: 01909 473917 www.holyfamily.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: All Saints RC Aided School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 238 All applications were successful

Admission criteria 2012/2013

Children who have a Statement of Special Educational Needs that names the school are required by law to be admitted.

Where there are more applications for admission than the planned admission number stated, the Governing Body will apply the following criteria in strict order of priority.

Should the planned admission limit be reached mid-category The Governing Body, as the admissions authority will make a decision based on distance. With the exception of children in the first priority, where, in the succeeding categories, there are more applications than there are places available, precedence will be given in order of nearness, based on the shortest distance between the applicants home and the main entrance of the school by the most direct route as measured by the LA.

Category 1 - Catholic children who

a) are in public care (looked after children)

b) are siblings of Catholic children attending the Holy Family Catholic School at the time of their admission

c) live and worship within the parishes of St Mary and St Joseph the Worker, Worksop and St Helen’s, Oldcotes

Category 2 - Children in public care (looked after children) who are not baptised Catholics

Category 3 - Children who have siblings attending the Holy Family Catholic Primary school at the time of their admission

Category 4 - Catholic children who live and worship in other catholic parishes but who do not have a sibling in the school

Category 5 - Children who are worshipping members of other Christian Churches, who are full members of Churches Together in England at the time of application, whose parents have sought the written support of their minister and live within the parish of The Holy Family Catholic Primary Schooll

Category 6 - Children who are worshipping members of other World Faiths, whose parents wish their children to be educated in a Christ centred environment and whose parents have the written support of their Religious Leader

Category 7 - Children who have special educational need relevant to the school provided that appropriate written evidence from a suitably qualified professional eg Doctor, Social Worker is submitted with the application indicating why Holy Family Catholic School is the most appropriate setting.

Category 8 - Children whose parents are seeking a Christian environment for their children’s education

Category 9 - Other children.

Category 10 - Applicants who have not completed the school’s supplementary information form.

*see school prospectus for full details and definitions

Kingston Park Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) �Long Lane, Carlton-in-Lindrick, Worksop, Notts S81 9AW Telephone: 01909 730294 www.kingstonparkprimary.com [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Outwood Academy Portland

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 40 Planned Admission Number 40 Expected number on roll 191 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary


Langold Dyscarr Community School (5-11 community school) School Road, Langold, Worksop, Notts S81 9PX Telephone: 01909 730396 www.langold-dyscarr.org [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Outwood Academy Portland

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 202 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Mattersey Primary School (5-11 community school) Thorpe Road, Mattersey, Doncaster DN10 5ED Telephone: 01777 817265 www.mattersey.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Elizabethan High School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 10 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 44 Total number of preferences received Criteria - standard community infant and primary Total number withdrawn – higher preference

offered/Refused by Parent Number of preferences approved (2 catchment/sibling, 7 catchment, 1 sibling) Preferences refused and placed on waiting list

Misson Primary School (5-11 community school) �Dame Lane, Misson, Telephone: 01302 710580 Doncaster DN10 6EB [email protected] Linked secondary school: Serlby Park Academy

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 16 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 108 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Misterton Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) Grovewood Road, Misterton, Telephone: 01427 890284 Doncaster DN10 4EH [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Retford Oaks High School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 198 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary


10 18


10 3




Norbridge Academy (5-11 academy) �Stanley Street, Worksop, Notts S81 7HX www.norbridge.org

Linked secondary school: Outwood Academy Valley

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll Criteria - standard community infant and primary

30 266

Telephone: 01909 472322 [email protected]

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Total number of preferences received 103 Total number withdrawn – higher preference offered/Refused by Parent 61 Number of preferences approved (7 catchment/sibling, 11 catchment, 10 sibling, 2 out of catchment) 30 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 12

North Leverton CE Primary School (5-11 voluntary controlled school) Main Street, North Leverton, Retford, Notts DN22 0AD

Linked secondary school: Retford Oaks Academy

Telephone: 01427 880470 [email protected]

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll

15 93

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number All applications were successful


Standard community infant and primary criteria with the addition of the following which comes between standard criteria 4 and 5

• Applicants who live outside the catchment area and whose parents are involved in/attend the parish church. Supporting evidence from the appropriate minister will be required in order to confirm attendance/involvement.

North Wheatley CE Primary School (5-11 voluntary controlled school) �Sturton Road, South Wheatley, Retford, Notts DN22 9DH Telephone: 01427 880409 www.northwheatley.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Elizabethan High School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 8 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 60 All applications were successful

Standard community infant and primary criteria with the addition of the following which comes between standard criteria 4 and 5

• Applicants who live outside the catchment area and whose parents are involved in/attend the parish church. Supporting evidence from the appropriate minister will be required in order to confirm attendance/involvement.

Ordsall Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) �Ordsall Road, Retford, Notts DN22 7SL Telephone: 01777 702852 www.ordsallpri.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Retford Oaks Academy

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 50 Planned Admission Number 50 Expected number on roll 380 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary



Priory CE Primary and Nursery School (5-11 voluntary aided school) �Holles Street, Worksop, Notts S80 2LJ Telephone: 01909 478886 www.prioryce.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Outwood Academy Portland

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 210 Total number of preferences received 30

Total number withdrawn - higher preference 52 offered/Refused by Parent Number of preferences approved 18 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 30 Please contact school for the number of 4 appeals held and the outcomes

Admission criteria 2012/2013 1. Looked after children 2. Children whose parents are regular worshipping members of the Church of England in any of the Worksop Priory

congregations, (Priory Church, Carburton and Clumber) 3. Children whose parents are active members of a Church within ‘Churches Together in England’

(Parents claiming admission under criteria 2 or 3 must complete the supplementary admission form, with Minister verification)

4. Children whose older brothers or sisters will be in attendance at the school at the time of admission, giving priority to those living nearest to school as the crow flies

5. Children of other parents giving priority to those living nearest to the school as the crow flies * The Governors reserve the right to vary the priority in respect of children with special educational needs. Distances will be measured ‘as the crow flies’ from the child’s home address to the main entrance of the school (using L.A. software, currently ‘Arcview’) Within each category priority will be given to pupils who live closest to the school ‘as the crow flies’ Special Circumstances: The following groups of children will be given special consideration in their application to the school. Children whose particular medical needs, mobility support needs, special educational needs or social circumstances are supported by written evidence from a doctor, social worker or other relevant professional stating that the school is the only school which could cater for the child’s particular needs. The evidence must be presented at the time of application.

Prospect Hill Infant and Nursery School (5-7 community school) �Maple Drive, Worksop, Notts S81 0LR Telephone: 01909 486374 www.prospecthill.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked junior phase school: Prospect Hill Junior School, Maple Drive, Worksop S81 0LR Linked secondary school: Outwood Academy Valley

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 60 Planned Admission Number 60 Expected number on roll 226 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary


Prospect Hill Junior School (7-11 community school) �Maple Drive, Worksop, Notts S81 0LR Telephone: 01909 472465 www.prospecthill-jun.notts.sch.uk [email protected]


Linked infant phase school: Prospect Hill Infant School, Maple Drive, Worksop S81 0LR Linked secondary school: Outwood Academy Valley

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll Criteria - standard community junior and primary

60 180

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number All applications were successful

Rampton Primary School (5-11 community school) Retford Road, Rampton, Telephone: 01777 248251 Retford, Notts DN22 0JB [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Retford Oaks Academy

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 10 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 60 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Ramsden Primary School (5-11 community school) High Road, Carlton in Lindrick, Worksop, Notts S81 9DY Telephone: 01909 730408 www.ramsden.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Outwood Academy Portland

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 25 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 175 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Ranby Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary School (5-11) Blyth Road, Ranby, Retford, Notts DN22 8HZ Telephone: 01777 703736 www.ranby.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Elizabethan High School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 10 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 80 Total number of preferences received

Total number withdrawn – higher preference offered/Refused by Parent Number of preferences approved (1 sibling, 9 out of catchment) Preferences refused and placed on waiting list

Standard community infant and primary criteria with the addition of the following which comes between standard criteria 4 and 5

Applicants who live outside the catchment area and whose parents are involved in/attend the parish church. Supporting evidence from the appropriate minister will be required in order to confirm attendance/involvement.




10 20


10 4



Ranskill Primary School (5-11 community school) Cherry Tree Walk, Ranskill, Retford, Notts DN22 8LH Telephone: 01777 818468 www.ranskillprimary.co.uk [email protected] Linked secondary school: Elizabethan High School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 15 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 115 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Redlands Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) �Crown Street, Worksop, Notts S80 1TH www.redlands.notts.sch.uk

Linked secondary school: Outwood Academy Valley

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number 50 Expected number on roll 360 Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Telephone: 01909 473655 [email protected]

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 50 Total number of preferences received 106 Total number withdrawn – higher preference offered/Refused by Parent 51 Number of preferences approved (7 catchment/sibling, 17 catchment, 14 sibling, 12 out of catchment) 50 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 5

Ryton Park Primary School (5-11 community school) �Sparken Hill, Worksop, Notts, S80 1AW Telephone: 01909 534060 www.rytonparkschool.co.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Outwood Academy Portland & Outwood Academy Valley

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 75 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 575 All applications were successful Criteria - Standard community infant and primary

St Anne’s C of E (Aided) Primary School (5-11 voluntary aided school) �Harrington Street, Worksop, Notts S80 1NQ www.st-annes.notts.sch.uk

Linked secondary school: Outwood Academy Portland

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Expected number on roll 210

Telephone: 01909 473223 www.st-annes.notts.sch.uk

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Total number of preferences received 65 Total number withdrawn – higher preference offered 31 Number of preferences approved 30 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 4 Please contact school for the number of appeals and the outcomes



Admission criteria 2012/2013

Children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs that names St Anne’s Church of England (Aided) Primary School will be admitted.

All applications will be considered and placed in a particular category - Category 1 will represent the Category of children most likely to gain admission whereas Category 5 is least likely to gain admission if applicants exceed the Published Admission Number (PAN) of 30.

The Governors will use the additional application form ‘Worksop St Anne’s Church of England (Aided) Primary School: Application for Admission” when considering applications. This additional form asks for information that will enable the Governors to determine whether the child is a Christian child and whether the parents worship regularly at St Anne’s Parish Church or at another Christian Church. If the additional application form is not available, it may not be possible to determine whether or not the child has been baptised or whether or not the parents worship regularly.

Category 1

Children who

a) are in Public Care (Looked After Children)

Category 2

Christian children* who a) worship or whose parents worship regularly* at St Anne’s Parish Church b) worship or whose parents worship regularly* at another Christian Church c) have siblings* attending St Anne’s School at the time of admission

Category 3

Children who:

a) worship or whose parents worship regularly* at St Anne’s Parish Church b) worship or whose parents worship regularly* at another Christian Church c) have siblings* attending St Anne’s School at the time of admission

Category 4

Children who are worshipping members or whose parents are worshipping members of other World Faiths.

Category 5

Children that do not fall into any of the categories 1 – 4.

*see school prospectus for full definitions.

Parents should note that, if there are more applications than there are places available, the following Oversubscription mechanism will be used. Beginning with the category in which applications first exceed the Admissions Number, preference will be given to those who live closest to the school according to the distances provided by Nottinghamshire LA. (The Governing Body has noted concerns raised by HM Government and believes that this system allows for the widest socio-economic mix at St Anne’s School.)

St Augustine’s Infant and Nursery School (5-7 community school) �Longfellow Drive, Worksop, Notts S81 0DW Telephone: 01909 473473 Longfellow Drive, Worksop, Notts S81 0DW [email protected]


Linked junior phase school: St Augustine’s Junior School, Longfellow Drive, Worksop S81 0DW Linked secondary school: Outwood Academy Portland

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 60 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 208 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary



St Augustine’s Junior School (7-11 community school) �Longfellow Drive, Worksop, Notts S81 0DW Telephone: 01909 473955 www.st-augustines-jun.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked infant phase school: St Augustine’s Infant School, Longfellow Drive, Worksop S81 0DW Linked secondary school: Outwood Academy Portland

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll Criteria - standard community junior and primary

60 175

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number All applications were successful


St John’s CE Primary School (5-11 voluntary controlled school) Raymoth Lane, Worksop, Notts S81 7LU www.stjohnsprimary.net

Telephone: 01909 481540 [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Outwood Academy Valley

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll Criteria - standard community infant and primary

60 361

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number Total number of preferences received Total number withdrawn – higher preference offer/refused by parent Number of preferences approved (10 catchment/sibling, 27 catchment, 15 sibling, 8 out of catchment) Preferences refused and placed on waiting list

60 134


60 15

St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School (5-11 voluntary aided school) Head Teacher: Mr Philip Patterson Telephone: 01777 702850 Babworth Road, Retford, Notts DN22 7BP [email protected]

Linked secondary school: The McCauley Catholic High School (responsibility of Doncaster Local Authority)

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Planned Admission Number 30 Expected number on roll 231 Total number of preferences received 50

Total number withdrawn – higher preference offered 12 Number of preferences approved 30 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 8 Please contact school for the number of appeals and the outcomes

Admission criteria 2012/2013 Children who have a Statement Of Special Educational Needs that names the school are required to be admitted. Where there are more applications for admission than the planned admission number stated, the Governing Body will apply the following criteria in strict order of priority: Should the planned admission limit be reached mid category, the Governing Body, as the admissions authority will make a decision based on the shortest distance between the applicant’s home and the main entrance of the school by the most direct route as measured by the LA. Category One Catholic children who:

a) are in Public Care (Looked After Children) b) are siblings (*) of Catholic children attending St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School at the time of their

admission c) who live and worship within the parish of St Joseph’s, Retford


Category Two Children in Public Care (Looked After Children) who are not baptised Catholics. Category Three Children who have siblings attending St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School at the time of their admission Category Four Catholic children who live and worship in other Catholic parishes but who do not have a sibling in the school Category Five Children who are worshipping members of other Christian Churches as recognised by Churches Together in England at the time of application, whose parents have sought the written support of their minister and live within the parish of St Joseph’s, Retford. Category Six Children who are worshipping members of other World Faiths whose parents wish their children to be educated in a Christ centred environment and whose parents have the written support of their Religious Leader Category Seven Children with a specific educational, medical or emotional need relevant to the school provided that appropriate written evidence from a suitably qualified professional e.g. Doctor, Social Worker is submitted with the application indicating why St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School is the most appropriate setting. Category Eight Children whose parents are seeking a Christian environment for their children’s education Category Nine Other children

Applications outside of the normal admissions round

Applications outside of the normal admissions round will be dealt with in accordance with the LA scheme.

* please see prospectus for full details

St Luke’s Cof E Aided Primary School (5-11 voluntary aided school) Brancliffe Lane, Shireoaks, Worksop, Notts S81 8PW Telephone: 01909 475821 www.st-lukes.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Outwood Academy Portland

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 20 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 107 All applications were successful

Admission criteria 2012/2013

Children with a Statement Of Special Educational Needs that names St Luke’s C of E Primary School will be admitted.

1. Looked after children

2. Children who live in the Ecclesiastical Parish of Shireoaks and Rhodesia (catchment area) and have a sibling attending the school at the time of admission

3. Children who live in the catchment area of the school

4. Children who live outside the parish of St Luke’s and who have attended worship at a Church of England church or a Church which is a member of the Churches Together in England at least once per calendar month for the past year. Applications on denominational grounds must be supported by a supplementary form available from the school, completed by the parent(s) with verification from a minister of religion that the child and parent(s) have practised their faith by worship at least once per calendar month at the minister’s place of worship for at least the past year

5. Children who live outside the catchment area and who have a sibling attending the school at the time of admission

6. Other children living nearest to the school at the time of application. Distances will be measured as the ‘crow flies’ from the child’s home address to the main entrance of the school (using local authority software, currently Arcview).

Within each category priority will be given to pupils who live closest to the school as the ‘crow flies’.



Special Circumstances

The following groups of children will be given special consideration in their application.

Children whose particular medical needs, mobility support needs, special educational needs or social circumstances are supported by written evidence from a doctor, social worker or other relevant professional stating that the school is the only school which could cater for the child’s particular needs. The evidence must be presented at the time of the application.

Cases agreed under ‘special circumstances’ will take precedence over all the above numbered criteria.

St Matthew’s CE Primary (5-11 voluntary controlled school) Mill Lane, Normanton on Trent, Notts NG23 6RW

Telephone: 01636 821217 [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Tuxford School

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll

10 53

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number All applications were successful


Standard community infant and primary criteria with the addition of the following which comes between standard criteria 4 and 5

Applicants who live outside the catchment area and whose parents are involved in/attend the parish church. Supporting evidence from the appropriate minister will be required in order to confirm attendance/involvement.

St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School (5-11 voluntary aided school) Whitehouse Road, Harworth, Bircotes, Doncaster DN11 8EF Telephone: 01302 743145 www.stpatrickscatholicprimary.org.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: The McCauley Catholic High School (responsibility of Doncaster Local Authority)

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 15 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 90 All applications were successful

Admission criteria 2012/2013

Please note that children who have a statement of Special Education Needs that names the school are required to be admitted.

Where there are more applications for admission than the planned admission number stated (*), the Governing Body will apply the following criteria in strict order of priority:

(Should the planned admission limit be reached mid category, the Governing Body, as the admissions authority will make a decision based on the shortest distance between the applicant’s home and the main entrance of the school by the most direct route as measured by the LA).

Category One - Catholic children (*) who:

a) are in Public Care (Looked After Children)

b) are siblings (*) of Catholic children attending St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School at the time of their admission

c) live and worship within the parish of St Patrick’s

Category Two - Children in Public Care (Looked After Children) who are not baptised Catholics

Category Three - Children who have siblings (*) attending St Patrick’s Catholic School at the time of their admission

Category Four - Catholic Children who live or worship in other Catholic parishes but who do not have a sibling in the school

Category Five - Children who are worshipping members of other Christian Churches who are full members of Churches Together in England (*) at the time of application, whose parents have sought the written support of their minister and live within the parish of St Patrick’s.



Category Six - Children who are worshipping members of other World Faiths whose parents wish their children to be educated in a Christ centred environment and whose parents have the written support of their Religious Leader.

Category Seven - Children whose parents are seeking a Christian environment for their children’s education.

Category Eight - Other children.

*see prospectus for full definitions.

St Peter’s Cof E Primary School (5-11 voluntary aided school) Mill Road, Gringley on the Hill, Telephone: 01777 817330 Doncaster DN10 4QT [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Retford Oaks High School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 12 Planned Admission Number 12 Expected number on roll 69 All applications were successful

Admission criteria 2012/2013

Children who have a statement of special educational needs which names the school will be admitted which will reduce the number of places available to other applicants

1. Looked after children

2. Children who live in the catchment of the school (the Ecclesiastical parish of St Peter’s and St Paul’s Gringley on the Hill) and have a sibling attending the school at the time of admission

3. Children who live in the catchment area of the school

4. Children who live outside the catchment area of the school and have a sibling attending the school at the time of admission

5. Other children living nearest to the school at the time of application. Distances will be measured as the ‘crow flies’ from the child’s home address to the main entrance to the school (using Local Authority software, currently Arcview)

Within each category priority will be given to pupils that live closest to the school “as the crow flies”.

Special Circumstances: The following groups of children will be given special consideration in their application to the school.

Children whose particular medical needs, mobility support needs, special educational needs or social circumstances are supported by written evidence from a doctor, social worker, or other relevant professional stating that the school is the only school which could cater for the child’s particular needs. The evidence must be presented at the time of application.

St Swithun’s Church of England (Aided) Primary and Nursery School (5-11 voluntary aided school) Grove Street, Retford, Notts DN22 6LD Telephone: 01777 702043 www.st-swithuns.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Retford Oaks High School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Planned Admission Number 30 Expected number on roll 150 All applications were successful

Admission criteria 2012/2013

1. Looked after children 2 Children who have a sibling attending the school at the time of admission. 3 Families attending a Christian Church 4 Children wanting a Christian Education 5 Children living nearest to the school at the time of admission. Distance is measured as the crow flies from the

entrance of the child’s home to the entrance of the main admin building using the Local Authority software


Where children are equally ranked according to these priorities, the final determination will be made according to the distance from the school as provided by the LA. Special Circumstances: Children whose particular medical needs, mobility support needs, special educational needs or social circumstances are supported by written evidence from a doctor, social worker or other relevant professionals stating that the school is the only school which could cater for the child’s particular needs. The evidence must be presented at the time of application.

Cases agreed under ‘special circumstances’ will take precedence over all the above numbered criteria. We are an inclusive school so therefore, children with a statement of Special Educational Needs will be admitted to the school.

Serlby Park Academy (3-18 academy) �Whitehouse Road, Bircotes, Doncaster DN11 8EF (Secondary Phase) Snipe Park Road, Bircotes, Doncaster DN11 8DH www.serlbypark.notts.sch.uk

Telephone: 01302 742535 www.serlbypark.notts.sch.uk

Linked secondary school: Valley School

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll in primary phase

60 340

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number All applications were successful


Criteria - standard community infant and primary (across 3-18)

Sir Edmund Hillary Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) �Kingsway, Kilton, Worksop, Notts S81 0AN Telephone: 01909 473982 www.schoolswire.org/public/edmund416.html.nocache [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Outwood Academy Valley

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 45 Planned Admission Number 45 Expected number on roll 430 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Sturton le Steeple CE Primary School (5-11 voluntary aided school) Church Street, Sturton le Steeple, Retford, Notts DN22 9HQ Telephone: 01427 880342 www.sturton.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Elizabethan High School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 10 Planned Admission Number 10 Expected number on roll 79 Total number of preferences received 15

Total number withdrawn – higher preference offered 3 Number of preferences approved 10 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 2 Please contact school for the number of appeals and the outcomes


Admission criteria 2012/2013

Children who have a statement of special educational needs which names the school will be admitted which will reduce the number of places available to other applicants.

1. Looked after children

2. Children who live in the school’s catchment area who will have a brother or sister at the school at the time of admission

3. Other children who live in the catchment area

4. Children who live outside of the catchment area who will have a brother or sister at the school at the time of admission

5. Children who have regularly attended worship with their parent(s) or another carer at a Church of England church or a church that is a member of ‘Churches Together in England’.

6. Children living nearest to the school at the time of application. Distances will be measured ‘as the crow flies’ from the child’s home address to the main entrance to the school (using LA software, currently Arcview).

Within each category priority will be given to pupils who live closest to the school ‘as the crow flies’.

Children whose particular medical needs, mobility support needs, special educational needs or social circumstances are supported by written evidence from a doctor, social worker or other relevant professional stating that the school is the only school which could cater for the child’s particular needs. The evidence must be presented at the time of application.

Special Circumstances: The following groups of children will be given special consideration in their application to the school.

Cases agreed ‘under special circumstances’ will take precedence over all the above numbered criteria.

Sutton cum Lound Cof E Aided Primary School (5-11 voluntary aided school) �Portland Place, Sutton cum Lound, Telephone: 01777 705990 Retford, Notts DN22 8PP [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Elizabethan High School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 14 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 47 All applications were successful

Admission criteria 2012/2013

Children who have a statement of special educational needs which names the School will be admitted which will reduce the number of places available to other applicants

1. Looked after children 2. Children who will have a brother or sister attending the School whose parents/carers live within the

Parish of Sutton cum Lound. 3. Other children who live within the parish of Sutton cum Lound 4. Children who have a brother or sister at the school at the time of admission, whose parents/carers are practising

members of the Church of England. 5. Other children whose parents/carers are practising members of the Church of England. 6. Children who have a brother or sister at the school at the time of admission. 7. Children who live nearest to the school.



The Primary School of St Mary and St Martin, Blyth (5-11 voluntary aided school) Retford Road, Blyth, Telephone: 01909 591218 Worksop, Notts S81 8ER [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Serlby Park Academy

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 17 Planned Admission Number 17 Expected number on roll 108 Total number of preferences received 24

Total number withdrawn – higher preference offered 6 Number of preferences approved 17 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 1 Please contact school for the number of appeals and outcomes

Admission criteria 2012/2013

Children who have a statement of special educational needs which names the school will be admitted which will reduce the number of places available to other applicants.

1. Looked after children

2. Children who live in the catchment of the school (the Ecclesiastical parish of Blyth and Hodsock) and have a sibling attending the school at the time of admission

3. Children who live in the catchment area of the school

4. Children who live outside the catchment area of the school and have a sibling attending the school at the time of admission

5. Children who have attended worship with their parent(s) or another carer at: i) The Local Church of England Church ii) Another Church of England Church iii) A Church which is a member of ‘Churches Together in England’ at least twice per calendar month for the

past year

6. Other children living nearest to the school.

Distances will be measured ‘as the crow flies’ from the child’s home address to the main entrance to the school (using LA software, currently Arcview)

Within each category priority will be given to pupils who live closest to the school ‘as the crow flies’.

Children whose particular medical needs, mobility support needs, special educational needs or social circumstances, as supported by written evidence from a doctor, social worker, or other relevant professional, stating that the school is the only school which could cater for the child’s particular needs. The evidence must be presented at the time of application.

Cases agreed ‘under special circumstances’ will take precedence over all the above numbered criteria.

Thrumpton Primary School (5-11 community school) �Off Whinney Moor Lane, Retford, Notts DN22 7AF Telephone: 01777 702092 www.thrumpton.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Retford Oaks Academy

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Planned Admission Number 30 Expected number on roll 230 Total number of preferences received 64 Criteria - standard community infant and primary Total number withdrawn – higher preference

offered 25 Number of preferences approved 30 (8 catchment/sibling, 17 catchment, 5 sibling) Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 9


Tuxford Primary School and Early Years Centre (5-11 community school) �

Newark Road, Tuxford, Newark, Notts NG22 0NA www.tuxford-pri.notts.sch.uk

Telephone: 01777 870482 [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Tuxford School

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll Criteria - standard community infant and primary

30 135

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number All applications were successful


Walkeringham Primary School (5-11 community school) �Millbaulk Lane, Telephone: 01427 890355 Walkeringham, Doncaster DN10 4LL [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Retford Oaks Academy

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 8 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 55 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary



Broxtowe For Voluntary Aided Schools which were oversubscribed for 2011/2012 it is not possible to list the criterion under which each application was granted or refused as the criteria for each of these schools are different. Please contact the schools for further information.

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions

Albany Infant and Nursery School (5-7 community school) �Grenville Drive, Stapleford, Nottingham NG9 8PD Telephone: 0115 9179212 www.albanyinfants.co.uk [email protected]

Linked junior phase school: Albany Junior School, Pasture Road, Stapleford, Nottingham NG9 8HR Linked secondary school: Alderman White School & Language College and Bramcote Park Business and Enterprise School (Part of White Hills Park Federation)

Planned Admission Number 60 Planned Admission Number 60 Expected number on roll 120 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions

Albany Junior School (7-11 community school) �Pasture Road, Stapleford, Nottingham NG9 8HR Telephone: 0115 9176550 www.albanyjunior.ik.org [email protected]

Linked infant phase school: Albany Infant and Nursery School, Grenville Drive, Stapleford, Nottingham NG9 8PD Linked secondary school: Alderman White School & Language College and Bramcote Park Business and Enterprise School (Part of White Hills Park Federation)

Planned Admission Number 60 Planned Admission Number 60 Expected number on roll 153 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community junior and primary

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions

Alderman Pounder Infant and Nursery School (5-7 community school) Eskdale Drive, Chilwell, Beeston, Nottingham NG9 5FN Telephone: 0115 9252928 www.aldermanpounder.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked junior phase school: Eskdale Junior School, Eskdale Drive, Chilwell, Nottingham NG9 5FN Linked secondary school: Alderman White School & Language College and Bramcote Park Business and Enterprise School (Part of White Hills Park Federation)

Planned Admission Number 70 Planned Admission Number 70 Expected number on roll 233 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions

Awsworth Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) �The Lane, Awsworth, Nottingham NG16 2QS Telephone: 0115 9321926. www.awsworth.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: The Kimberley School

Planned Admission Number 40 Planned Admission Number 40 Expected number on roll 210 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary


Banks Road Infant and Nursery School (5-7 community school) Banks Road, Toton, Beeston, Nottingham NG9 6HE Telephone: 0115 9179881 www.banksroad.ik.org [email protected]

Linked junior phase school: Bispham Drive Junior School, Bispham Drive, Toton, Nottingham NG9 6GJ Linked secondary school: George Spencer Academy

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 60 Planned Admission Number 60 Expected number on roll 230 Total number of preferences received 107 Criteria - standard community infant and primary Total number withdrawn – higher preference

offered/Refused by Parent 35 Number of preferences approved 60 (23 catchment/sibling, 32 catchment, 5 sibling) 12 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list

Beeston Fields Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) Boundary Road, Beeston, Telephone: 0115 8440100 Nottingham NG9 2RG [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Either Alderman White School and Language College and Bramcote Park Business and Enterprise School (Part of White Hills Park Federation)

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 40 Planned Admission Number 40 Expected number on roll 302 Total number of preferences received 66 Criteria - standard community infant and primary Total number withdrawn – higher preference

offered/Refused by Parent 25 Number of preferences approved 40 (12 catchment/sibling, 17 catchment, 8 sibling, 3 out of catchment) 1 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list

Bispham Drive Junior School (7-11 community school) Bispham Drive, Toton, Beeston, Nottingham NG9 6GJ Telephone: 0115 9137447 www.bisphamdrive.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked infant phase school: Banks Road Infant and Nursery School, Banks Road, Toton, Nottingham NG9 6HE Linked secondary school: George Spencer Academy

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 60 Planned Admission Number 60 Expected number on roll 235 All applications were successful Variation to standard criteria

Admission criteria 2012/2013

In the event of oversubscription the following criteria will be applied, in priority order, to determine which applications will be granted once places have first been allocated to pupils who have a statement of special educational needs which names the school:

1. Children looked after by a local authority 2. Children who live in the catchment area and attend the linked infant school and who, at the time of admission,

will have a brother or sister at the school or the linked infant school 3. Other children who live in the catchment area and attend the linked infant school


4. Children who live inside the catchment area who do not attend the linked infant school but who, at the time of admission, will have a brother or sister attending the school or the linked infant school

5. Other children who live in the catchment area and do not attend the linked infant school 6. Children who live outside the catchment area but attend the linked infant school and who, at the time of

admission, will have a brother or sister attending the school or the linked infant school 7. Children who live outside the catchment area but attend the linked infant school 8. Children who live outside the catchment area who do not attend the linked infant school but who, at the time of

admission, will have a brother or sister attending the school (or the linked infant school) 9. Other children who live outside the catchment area

In the event of oversubscription within any criterion, preference will be given to children who live nearest to the school as the crow flies. Distances are measured from the entrance to the child’s home to the principal entrance to the main administrative building of the school.

Special Circumstances

The following groups of children will be given special consideration in their application for a particular school:

Children whose particular medical needs, mobility support needs, special educational needs or social circumstances are supported by written evidence from a doctor, social worker or other relevant professional stating that the school is the only school which could cater for the child’s particular needs. The evidence must be presented at the time of application.

The appropriate designated Officer will consider each case on its merits and determine the allocation of any such place on the basis of the written evidence. Admission under ‘special circumstances’ will take precedence over all but the first of the numbered criteria. Children of nomadic Travellers will be allocated a place at their catchment area school.

Bramcote CE Primary School (5-11 voluntary aided school) Hanley Avenue, Bramcote, Telephone: 0115 9258548 Nottingham NG9 3HE [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Alderman White School and Language College and Bramcote Park Business & Enterprise Schoool (Part of White Hills Park Federation)

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 170 Total number of preferences received

Total number withdrawn – higher preference offered Number of preferences approved Preferences refused and placed on waiting list Please contact school for the number of appeals and outcomes

Admission criteria 2012/2013

Admissions to the school are based on a weighting procedure using the criteria listed below. Places are allocated to children with the most points, which are cumulative if several criteria are satisfied. The only exception to this are:

Children who have a statement of Special Educational Needs or looked after children (children in care) where the school is named as the most appropriate educational setting for the child shall be placed first.

• Children with brothers and/or sisters in the school (who live in the same family home, including fostered and adopted children) - 5 points

• Children of parents or carers whose name(s) are on the current Electoral Roll of St Michael and All Angels Church Bramcote and have attended church at least monthly over the past year, in order to be considered for a foundation place. A reference will be sought from the family’s church minister to confirm their frequency of attendance. - 4 points

• Children of parents or carers who are active members of another church that belongs to Churches together in England or the Evangelical alliance, and who have been attending on a regular monthly basis for at least one year (verified by written reference from the minister) - 3 points

• Children of parents/carers who are residents of the Ecclesiastical Parish of Bramcote in the Diocese of Southwell and Nottingham - 2 points

20 72

35 30 7


• Children of parents/carers who are active members of another Faith and who have been attending on a regular monthly basis for at least one year (major world faiths such as Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism or Sikhism, verified by written reference from the faith leader) - 1 point

• Other children awarded on the basis of children living nearest to the school as measured by the Local Authority Arc View Program.


1. The above criteria will be overridden and priority given to children who are in Public Care (Looked After Children: section 22 Children Act 1989)

2. The Governing Body assume that all parents are willing for their children to join in all activities within the Christian ethos of the School(whilst acknowledging parents’ legal rights to withdraw their child from certain activities)

3. Where applicants have the same number of points, places shall be awarded to those children living nearest to the school based on the Local Authority Arc View Program.

4. Governors reserve the right to follow up references with the appropriate minister given on the application form to ascertain the parents’ level of involvement in and commitment to, the church or faith group. Questions to be asked include ‘Have the parents/carers attended their place of worship monthly in the last year?’ and ‘Are the parents/carers involved in the life of the church or faith group?’

Bramcote Hills Primary School (5-11 community school) �Moor Lane, Bramcote Hills, Nottingham NG9 3GE Telephone: 0115 9179226 www.bramhillspri.ik.org [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Alderman White School and Language College and Bramcote Park Business and Enterprise School (Part of White Hills Park Federation)

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 50 Planned Admission Number 50 Expected number on roll 350 Total number of preferences received 133 Criteria - standard community infant and primary Total number withdrawn – higher preference

offered/Refused by Parent 65 Number of preferences approved 50 (11 catchment/sibling, 9 catchment, 14 sibling, 16 out of catchment) 18 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list

Brinsley Primary School (5-11 community school) �Moor Road, Brinsley, Nottingham NG16 5AZ Telephone: 01773 783898 www.brinsleyprimarysch.ik.org [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Selston Arts & Community College

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Planned Admission Number 30 Expected number on roll 124 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Brookhill Leys Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) Chewton Street, Eastwood, Nottingham NG16 3HB Telephone: 01773 713452 www.brookhill-leys.com [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Eastwood Comprehensive School

2012/2013admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 50 Planned Admission Number 50 Expected number on roll 270 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary


Chetwynd Road Primary School (5-11 community school) �Chetwynd Road, Toton, Beeston, Nottingham NG9 6FW Telephone: 0115 9177353 www.chetwyndroad.co.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: George Spencer Academy

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 40 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 298 Total number of preferences received 40 Criteria - standard community infant and primary Total number withdrawn – higher preference 91

offered/Refused by Parent Number of preferences approved 48 (10 catchment/sibling, 22 catchment, 40 1 sibling, 7 out of catchment Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 3

College House Junior School (7-11 community school) Cator Lane, Chilwell, Beeston, Nottingham NG9 4BB Telephone: 0115 9138558 www.collegehouse.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked infant phase school: Meadow Lane Infant School, Meadow Lane, Chilwell, Nottingham NG9 5AA Linked secondary school: Chilwell School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 80 Planned Admission Number 80 Expected number on roll 270 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community junior and primary

Eskdale Junior School (7-11 community school) Eskdale Drive, Chilwell, Beeston, Nottingham NG9 5FN Telephone: 0115 9179272 www.eskdale.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked infant phase school: Alderman Pounder Infant and Nursery School, Eskdale Drive, Beeston, Nottingham NG9 5FJ Linked secondary school: Alderman White School and Language College and Bramcote Park Business and Enterprise School (Part of White Hills Park Federation)

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 70 Planned Admission Number 70 Expected number on roll 224 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community junior and primary


Fairfield Primary School (5-11 community school) Toton Lane, Stapleford, Nottingham NG9 7HB Telephone: 0115 9179266 www.fairfield.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked infant phase school: William Lilley Infant and Nursery School, Halls Road, Stapleford, Nottingham NG9 7FS Linked secondary school: George Spencer Academy

2012/2013 infant admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Criteria - standard community infant and primary

2012/2013 junior admissions Planned Admission Number 70 Expected number on roll 405 Criteria - standard community junior and primary

2011/2012 infant admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Total number of preferences received 86 Total number withdrawn – higher preference offered/Refused by Parent 55 Number of preferences approved (10 catchment/sibling, 7 catchment, 30 9 sibling, 4 out of catchment) 1 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list

2011/2012 junior admissions Planned Admission Number 70 All applications were successful

Gilthill Primary School (5-11 community school) �Gilthill, Kimberley, Nottingham NG16 2GZ www.gilthill.notts.sch.uk

Linked secondary school: The Kimberley School

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll Criteria - standard community infant and primary

30 210

Telephone: 0115 9190611 [email protected]

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Total number of preferences received 95 Total number withdrawn – higher preference offered/Refused by parent 53 Number of preferences approved 30 (10 catchment/sibling, 14 catchment, 5 sibling, 1 out of catchment) Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 12

Greasley Beauvale Primary School (5-11 community school) Greasley Avenue, Main Street, Newthorpe, Nottingham NG16 2ET Telephone: 01773 768437 www.greasleybeauvale.co.uk

Linked secondary school: Eastwood Comprehensive School

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number 50 Expected number on roll 310 Criteria - standard community infant and primary

[email protected]

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number All applications were successful



Hollywell Primary School (5-11 community school) Hardy Street, Kimberley, Nottingham NG16 2JL www.hollywell.notts.sch.uk

Telephone: 0115 9195898 [email protected]

Linked secondary school: The Kimberley School

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll Criteria - standard community infant and primary

30 161

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number All applications were successful

Horsendale Primary School (5-11 community school) �Assarts Road, Nuthall, Nottingham NG16 1AP Telephone: 0115 9132331 www.horsendale.co.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: The Kimberley School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 208 Total number of preferences received Criteria - standard community infant and primary Total number withdrawn – higher preference

offered/refused by parent Number of preferences approved (7 catchment/sibling, 7 catchment, 4 sibling, 12 out of catchment) Preferences refused and placed on waiting list

John Clifford School (5-11 community school) �Nether Street, Beeston, Nottingham NG9 2AT Telephone: 0115 9258057 www.johncliffordschool.com [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Chilwell School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 60 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 420 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Kimberley Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) �Swingate, Kimberley, Telephone: 0115 9385050 Nottingham NG16 2PG [email protected]

Linked secondary school: The Kimberley School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 20 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 120 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary


30 71

33 30





Larkfields Infant School (5-7 community school) �Coronation Road, Nuthall, Nottingham NG16 1EP Telephone: 0115 9137730 www.larkfieldsinfant.co.uk [email protected]

Linked phase junior school: Larkfields Junior School, Coronation Road, Nuthall, Nottingham, NG6 1EP Linked secondary school: The Kimberley School

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll Criteria - standard community infant and primary

60 157

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 60 Total number of preferences received 111 Total number withdrawn – higher preference offered/Refused by Parent 38 Number of preferences approved (25 catchment/sibling, 29 catchment, 6 sibling) 60 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 13

Larkfields Junior School (7-11 community school) �Coronation Road, Nuthall, Nottingham NG16 1EP Telephone: 0115 9194343 www.larkfields-jun.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked phase infant school: Larkfields Infant School, Coronation Road, Nuthall, Nottingham NG16 1EP Linked secondary school: The Kimberley School

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll Criteria - standard community junior and primary

60 191

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number All applications were successful


Lynncroft Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) Garden Road, Lynncroft, Telephone: 01773 719463 Eastwood, Nottingham NG16 3FZ [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Eastwood Comprehensive School

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll Criteria - standard community infant and primary

30 173

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number All applications were successful


Meadow Lane Infant School (5-7 community school) Meadow Lane, Chilwell, Beeston, Nottingham NG9 5AA Telephone: 0115 9190644 www.meadowlane.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked junior school: College House Junior School, Cator Lane, Chilwell, Beeston, Nottingham NG9 4BB Linked secondary school: Chilwell School

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll Criteria - standard community infant and primary

70 210

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 70 Total number of preferences received 155 Total number withdrawn – higher preference offered/Refused by parent 80 Number of preferences approved 70 (20 catchment/sibling, 32 catchment, 10 sibling, 8 out of catchment) 5 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list


Mornington Primary School (5-11 community school) �Mornington Crescent, Nuthall, Nottingham NG16 1RF www.mornington.notts.sch.uk

Telephone: 0115 9757745 [email protected]

Linked secondary school: The Kimberley School

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll Criteria - standard community infant and primary

270 40

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number All applications were successful


Priory Catholic Primary School (5-11 voluntary aided school) Raglan Street, Hill Top, Eastwood, Nottingham NG16 3GT Telephone: 01773 713731 www.priorycatholicschool.co.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: St John Houghton Catholic (Aided) Comprehensive School, Ilkeston (responsibility of Derbyshire Local Authority)

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Planned Admission Number 30 Expected number on roll 186 All applications were successful Criteria - Standard Admission Policy for Catholic Voluntary Aided Primary Schools (Nottingham Diocese)

Round Hill Primary School (5-11 community school) Foster Avenue, Beeston, Nottingham NG9 1AE Telephone: 0115 9179262 www.roundhill.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Alderman White School and Language College and Bramcote Park Business and Enterprise School (Part of White Hills Park Federation)

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 60 Planned Admission Number 60 Expected number on roll 360 Total number of preferences received 145 Criteria - standard community infant and primary Total number withdrawn – higher preference

offered/Refused by Parent 77 Number of preferences approved 60 (18 catchment/sibling, 23 catchment, 7 sibling, 12 out of catchment) Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 8

Rylands Junior School (7-11 community school) �Trent Road, Beeston, Nottingham NG9 1LJ Telephone: 0115 9178355 www.rylands.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked infant phase school: Trent Vale Infant and Nursery School, Trent Road, Beeston Rylands, Nottingham NG9 1LP Linked secondary school: Chilwell School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 50 Planned Admission Number 50 Expected number on roll 157 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community junior and primary


Springbank Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) Devonshire Drive, Eastwood, Nottingham NG16 3BE Telephone: 01773 762277 www.springbankprimary.co.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Eastwood Comprehensive School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Planned Admission Number 30 Expected number on roll 200 All applications were successful Criteria – standard community infant and primary

St John’s CE Primary School (5-11 voluntary controlled school) 80 Nottingham Road, Stapleford, Nottingham, NG9 8AQ Telephone: 0115 9177111 www.st-johns.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Alderman White School and Language College and Bramcote Park Business and Enterprise School (Part of White Hills Park Federation)

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 15 Planned Admission Number 15 Expected number on roll 88 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Admission criteria 2012/2013 Standard community infant and primary criteria with the addition of the following which comes between standard criteria 4 and 5 “Applicants who live outside the catchment area and who/whose parents attend the relevant church/churches. Supporting evidence from the appropriate minister will be required in order to confirm attendance/involvement

Sunnyside Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) �Great Hoggett Drive, Chilwell, Telephone: 0115 9174310 Beeston, Nottingham NG9 4HQ [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Alderman White School and Language College and Bramcote Park Business and Enterprise School (Part of White Hills Park Federation)

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Planned Admission Number 15 Expected number on roll 96 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Trent Vale Infant and Nursery School (5-7 community school) Trent Road, Beeston Rylands, Nottingham NG9 1LP Telephone: 0115 9179224 www.trentvale.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked phase junior school: Rylands Junior School, Trent Road, Beeston, Nottingham NG9 1LJ Linked secondary school: Chilwell School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 50 Planned Admission Number 50 Expected number on roll 150 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary


Trowell CE Primary School (5-11 voluntary controlled school) �Derbyshire Avenue, Trowell, Nottingham NG9 3QD Telephone: 0115 9320962 www.trowellschool.org.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Alderman White School and Language College and Bramcote Park Business and Enterprise School (Part of White Hills Park Federation)

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 25 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 162 Total number of preferences received Criteria - standard community infant and primary Total number withdrawn – higher preference

offered/Refused by Parent Number of preferences approved (6 catchment/sibling, 7 catchment, 9 sibling, 3 out of catchment) Preferences refused and placed on waiting list

Admission criteria 2012/2013

Standard community infant and primary criteria with the addition of the following which comes between standard criteria 4 and 5

‘Consideration will be given to applicants who live outside the designated catchment area where the parents are involved with the Church of England or other Christian denominations. Preference will be given to those who, at the time of admission, will have a brother or sister attending the school. Supporting information from the appropriate minister will be required at the time of application.’

Wadsworth Fields Primary School (5-11 community school) Wadsworth Road, Stapleford, Nottingham NG9 8BD Telephone: 0115 9496720 www.wadsworthfieldsprimaryschool.co.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Alderman White School and Language College and Bramcote Park Business and Enterprise School (Part of White Hills Park Federation)

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 60 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 280 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

William Lilley Infant and Nursery School (5-7 community school) Halls Road, Stapleford, Nottingham NG9 7FS Telephone: 0115 9179277 www.williamlilley.co.uk [email protected]

Linked junior phase school: Fairfield Primary School, Toton Lane, Stapleford, Nottingham NG9 7HB Linked secondary school: George Spencer Academy

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 60 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 180 All applications successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

25 39


25 6




Gedling For Voluntary Aided Schools which were oversubscribed for 2011/2012 it is not possible to list the criterion under which each application was granted or refused as the criteria for each of these schools are different. Please contact the schools for further information.

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions

Abbey Gates Primary School (5-11 community school) �Vernon Crescent, Ravenshead, Nottingham NG15 9BN Telephone: 01623 461010 www.abbeygates.schoolsonthenet.com [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Joseph Whitaker School

Planned Admission Number 30 Planned Admission Number 30 Expected number on roll 220 Total number of preferences received 88 Criteria - standard community infant and primary Total number withdrawn – higher preference

offered/Refused by parent 47 Number of preferences approved 30 (15 catchment/sibling, 15 catchment) Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 11

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions

All Hallows CE (Voluntary Controlled) Primary School (5-11) Priory Road, Gedling, Nottingham NG4 3JZ Telephone: 0115 9568277 www.allhallowsschool.ik.org [email protected]

Linked secondary schools: Carlton-le-Willows Academy, The Gedling School Specialist Science College and The Carlton Academy

Planned Admission Number 30 Planned Admission Number 30 Expected number on roll 212 Total number of preferences received

Total number withdrawn – higher preference offered/Refused by parent Number of preferences approved (19 catchment/sibling, 11 catchment) Preferences refused and placed on waiting list


66 30


Admission criteria 2012/2013

Standard community infant and primary criteria with the addition of the following which comes between standard criteria 3 and 4

“Children who live outside the designated catchment area where the parents are involved with the Church. Preference will be given to those who, at the time of admission, will have a brother or sister attending the school”.

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions

Arnbrook Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) Bestwood Lodge Drive, Telephone: 0115 9190199 Arnold, Nottingham NG5 8NE [email protected]

Linked secondary schools: Arnold Hill Academy and Redhill Academy

Planned Admission Number 40 Planned Admission Number 40 Expected number on roll 298 All applications were successful Criteria – standard community junior and primary


Arno Vale Junior School (7-11 community school) Saville Road, Woodthorpe, Nottingham NG5 4JF Telephone: 0115 9536400 www.arnovalejuniors.ik.org [email protected]

Linked infant phase school: Arnold Hill Academy

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 60 Planned Admission Number 60 Expected number on roll 214 Total number of preferences received 74 Criteria - standard community junior and primary Total number withdrawn – higher preference

offered/Refused by Parent 12 Number of preferences approved (8 linked school/sibling, 23 linked school, 9 catchment/sibling, 20 catchment) 60 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 2

Arnold Mill Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) Cross Street, Arnold, Nottingham NG5 7AX Telephone: 0115 9667930 www.arnoldmill.ik.org [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Arnold Hill Academy and Redhill School Academy

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 40 Planned Admission Number 40 Expected number on roll 280 Total number of preferences received 106 Criteria - standard community infant and primary Total number withdrawn – higher preference

offered/Refused by parent 54 Number of preferences approved 40 (6 catchment/sibling, 18 catchment, 7 sibling, 9 out of catchment) Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 12

Arnold Seely Church Primary School (5-11 voluntary aided school) Burnstump Hill, Arnold, Nottingham NG5 8PQ Telephone: 0115 9632833 www.seelychurch.ik.org [email protected]

Linked secondary schools: Arnold Hill Academy and Redhill Academy

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 19 Planned Admission Number 19 Expected number on roll 86 All applications were successful

Admission criteria 2011/2012

In the event of over-subscription, the Governors will apply the following criteria , in priority order, to determine which applicants will be granted admission once places have first been allocated to pupils who have a Statement of Special Educational Needs which names the school:

1. Children who are looked after by a Local Authority (as defined by the Local Authority)

2. Children living in the Catchment Area of the School. (Children living in the rural area surrounding the school defined at the Governors’ meeting dated 5.2.68 as: ‘the area bounded on the east by the road from Leapool to Haywood Oaks: on the north by Longdale Lane to Kighill; on the west by Mansfield Road from Kighill to Leapool’. This includes both sides of the road.

3. Where the child has a full brother or sister already in the school, or a half brother or sister, or a step-brother or sister already in the school, providing that they live in the same house as the child.


4. Where the parent or carers are worshipping members of the Church of England

5. Where the parents or carers are worshipping members of any other Christian church, in communion with the Anglican Church.

6. Other children who live outside of the Catchment Area.

Special Circumstances: The following groups of children will be given special consideration in their application for the School:

Children whose particular medical needs, mobility support needs, special educational needs, or social circumstances, including Traveller children (who may be of Gypsy or Romany origin) are supported by written evidence from a doctor, social worker, or other relevant professional at the time of application.

Governors will in consultation with the Head Teacher, consider each case on its merits and determine the allocation of any such places. Cases agreed under special circumstances will take precedence over all the numbered criteria.

Arnold View Primary School (5-11 community school) Gedling Road, Arnold, Nottingham NG5 6NW Telephone: 0115 956 0967 www.arnoldview.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Arnold Hill Academy

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 40 Planned Admission Number 40 Expected number on roll 280 Total number of preferences received 109 Criteria - standard community infant and primary Total number withdrawn – higher preference

offered/Refused by parent 65 Number of preferences approved (1 public care, 7 catchment/sibling, 8 catchment, 8 sibling, 16 out of catchment) 40 Preferences refused and on waiting list 4

Bestwood Village Hawthorne Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) School Walk, Bestwood Village, Nottingham NG6 8TL Telephone: 0115 9271544 www.hawthorne.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: The Holgate School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 25 Planned Admission Number 25 Expected number on roll 170 Total number of preferences received 40 Criteria - standard community infant and primary Total number withdrawn – higher preference

offered/Refused by parent 5 Number of preferences approved (10 catchment/sibling, 20 catchment) 30 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 5


Burton Joyce Primary School (5-11 community school) Padley’s Lane, Burton Joyce, Nottingham NG14 5EB Telephone: 0115 9312373 www.burtonjoyce.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Carlton-le-Willows Academy

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 45 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 315 Total number of preferences received Criteria - standard community infant and primary Total number withdrawn – higher preference

offered/Refused by Parent Number of preferences approved (21 catchment/sibling, 16 catchment, 5 sibling, 3 out of catchment) Preferences refused and placed on waiting list

Central Infant and Nursery School (5-7 community school) Garden Avenue, Foxhill Road, Carlton, Nottingham NG4 1QS Telephone: 0115 9100887 www.central-inf.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked junior phase school: Central Junior School, Garden Avenue, Foxhill Road, Carlton, Nottingham NG4 1QT Linked secondary schools: Carlton-le-Willows Academy, The Gedling School Specialist Science College and The Carlton Academy

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 45 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 141 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Central Junior School (7-11 community school) Foxhill Road, Carlton, Nottingham NG4 1QT Telephone: 0115 9110402

www.centraljuniorschool.ik.org [email protected] Linked infant phase school: Central Infant and Nursery School, Garden Avenue, Foxhill Road, Carlton, Nottingham NG4 1QS Linked secondary schools: Carlton-le-Willows Academy, The Gedling School Specialist Science College and The Carlton Academy

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 50 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 163 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community junior and primary

Coppice Farm Primary School (5-11 community school) Laver Close, Arnold, Nottingham NG5 7LS Telephone: 0115 9560990 www.coppicefarm.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Arnold Hill Academy

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 165 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

45 66


45 7





Ernehale Infant School (5-7 community school) �Derwent Crescent, Arnold, Nottingham NG5 6TA Telephone: 0115 9567622 www.ernehaleinfant.com [email protected]

Linked junior phase school: Ernehale Junior School, Derwent Crescent, Gedling Road, Arnold, Nottingham NG5 6TA Linked secondary school: Arnold Hill School and Technology College

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 60 Planned Admission Number 60 Expected number on roll 180 Total number of preferences received 152 Criteria - standard community infant and primary Total number withdrawn – higher preference

offered/Refused by parent 85 Number of preferences approved (6 catchment/sibling, 9 catchment, 14 sibling, 31 out of catchment) 60 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 7

Ernehale Junior School (7-11 community school) �Derwent Crescent, Arnold, Nottingham NG5 6TA Telephone: 0115 9568008 www.ernehale-jun.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked infant phase school: Ernehale Infant School, Derwent Crescent, Gedling Road, Arnold, Nottingham NG5 6TA Linked secondary school: Arnold Hill Academy

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 60 Planned Admission Number 60 Expected number on roll 229 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community junior and primary

The Good Shepherd RC Primary School (5-11 voluntary aided school) Somersby Road, Arnold, Nottingham NG5 4LT Telephone: 0115 9139212 www.goodshepherd.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Christ the King School and Sixth Form Centre

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 50 Planned Admission Number 50 Expected number on roll 363 Total number of preferences received 109 Criteria - Standard Admission Policy for Catholic Total number withdrawn - higher preference Voluntary Aided Primary Schools (Nottingham Diocese) offered/Refused by parent 35

Number of preferences approved 50 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 24 For details of appeals, please contact school

Haddon Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) Haddon Close, Westdale Lane, Carlton, Nottingham NG4 4GT Telephone: 0115 9523959 www.haddon.ik.org [email protected]

Linked secondary schools: The Gedling School Specialist Science College and The Carlton Academy

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Planned Admission Number 30 Expected number on roll 250 Total number of preferences received 69 Criteria - standard community infant and primary Total number withdrawn – higher preference 31

offered/Refused by parent 30 Number of preferences approved (6 catchment/sibling, 8 catchment, 8 6 sibling, 10 out of catchment) Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 88

Killisick Junior School (7-11 community school) �Killisick Road, Arnold, Telephone: 0115 9535585 Nottingham NG5 8BY [email protected]

Linked infant phase school: Pinewood Infant School, Pinewood Avenue, Arnold, Nottingham NG5 8BY Linked secondary school: Redhill Academy

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll Criteria - standard community junior and primary

50 150

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number All applications were successful


Lambley Primary School (5-11 community school) Catfoot Lane, Lambley, Nottingham NG4 4QF www.lambley.notts.sch.uk

Telephone: 0115 9313515 [email protected]

Linked secondary schools: Colonel Frank Seely School and The Gedling School Specialist Science College

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll Criteria - standard community infant and primary

18 118

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number All applications successful


Linby-cum-Papplewick CE Primary School (5-11 voluntary aided school) Quarry Lane, Linby, Nottingham NG15 8GA Telephone: 0115 9634282 www.linby.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: The National C of E Technology College

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 17 Planned Admission Number 17 Expected number on roll 119 Total number of preferences received 56

Total number withdrawn – higher preference offered/Refused by parent 35 Number of preferences approved 17 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 4 Please contact school for the number of appeals and the outcomes

Admissions criteria 2012/2013

If there are more applicants than places available, the Governors will admit in the order of priority listed below. If the Admission Number is exceeded in any of the categories (1-7), then the Governors will look at each application and establish an order of admission with reference to the categories that follow.

Children, who have a Statement of Special Educational Needs which names the School, will be admitted which will reduce the number of places available to other applicants.

1) ‘Looked After Children’ (*);

2) Children who reside (*) within the Ecclesiastical Parish of Linby cum Papplewick and whose parents/guardians are regular worshippers and involved in the life and work of St Michael’s Linby cum St James’ Papplewick

3) Children who reside (*) outside the Ecclesiastical Parish of Linby cum Papplewick and whose parents/guardians are regular worshippers and involved in the life and work of St Michael’s Linby cum St James’ Papplewick

4) Children who reside (*)at the same address, at the closing date of application, as a child who will be attending the School at the time of admission;

5) Children who reside (*) within the Ecclesiastical Parish of Linby cum Papplewick and whose parents/guardians are regular worshippers and involved in the life and work of any Church which is a member Church of Churches Together in England/Council of Churches for Britain and Ireland and/or The Evangelical Alliance (*)


6) Children who reside (see Definition 2 below) within the civil parishes of Linby and Papplewick (Borough of Gedling)

7) Children whose parents/guardians have attended worship at St Michael’s Linby and/or St James’ Papplewick at least six times throughout the previous year.

8) Children who reside closest to the School ‘as the crow flies’. (This distance will be measured from the child’s home address to the School pedestrian gate using the Local Authority’s Arcview computer software).

Special Circumstances

The following children will be given special consideration in their application to the School and the Governors may accord a higher priority to the applicant.

Children whose particular medical needs, mobility support needs, special educational needs or social circumstances are supported by written evidence from a doctor, social worker or other relevant professional, stating that the School is the only school which could cater for the child’s particular needs. The evidence must be presented at the time of application.

If the Governors receive an application which contains fraudulent or deliberately misleading information, any offer place based on that information will be automatically withdrawn.

(* see school prospectus for full details and definitions)

Manor Park Infant and Nursery School (5-7 community school) �Flatts Lane, Calverton, Nottingham NG14 6JZ Telephone: 0115 9652472 www.manorparkcalverton.co.uk [email protected]

Linked junior phase school: Sir John Sherbrooke Junior School, Flatts Lane, Calverton, Nottingham NG14 6JZ Linked secondary school: Colonel Frank Seely School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 40 Planned Admission Number 40 Expected number on roll 190 Total number of preferences received 66 Criteria - standard community infant and primary Total number withdrawn – higher preference

offered/Refused by Parent 17 Number of preferences approved 41 (14 catchment/sibling, 27 catchment) Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 8

Mapperley Plains Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) Central Avenue, Mapperley, Nottingham NG3 5LD Telephone: 0115 9649360 www.mpps.ik.org [email protected]

Linked secondary schools: Arnold Hill School and Technology College and The Gedling School Specialist Science College

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 45 Planned Admission Number 45 Expected number on roll 386 Total number of preferences received 155 Criteria - standard community infant and primary Total number withdrawn – higher preference

offered/Refused by parent 87 Number of preferences approved (11 catchment/sibling, 19 catchment, 45 6 sibling, 9 out of catchment) Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 23



Netherfield Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) Chandos Street, Netherfield, Nottingham NG4 2LR Telephone: 0115 9610580 www.netherfieldprimary.co.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Carlton-le-Willows Academy

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 60 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 371 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Newstead Primary School (5-11 community school) Hucknall Road, Newstead Village, Nottingham NG15 0BB Telephone: 01623 753681 www.newstead.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Kirkby College

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 20 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 107 Total number of preferences received Criteria - standard community infant and primary Total number withdrawn – higher preference

offered/Refused by Parent Number of preferences approved (8 catchment/sibling, 10 catchment, 1 sibling, 1 out of catchment) Preferences refused and placed on waiting list

Parkdale Primary School (5-11 community school) �Parkdale Road, Carlton, Nottingham NG4 1BX Telephone: 0115 9110066 www.parkdale.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary schools: Carlton-le-Willows Academy and The Carlton Academy

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 60 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 346 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Phoenix Infant and Nursery School (5-7 community school) Phoenix Avenue, Gedling, Nottingham NG4 4EL Telephone: 0115 9539927 www.phoenixschool.ik.org [email protected]

Linked junior phase school: Priory Junior School, Priory Road, Gedling, Nottingham NG4 3LE Linked secondary schools: The Gedling School Specialist Science College and Carlton-le-Willows Academy

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 60 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 157 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

20 24


20 1




Pinewood Infant School and Foundation Unit (5-7 community school) �Pinewood Avenue, Arnold, Nottingham NG5 8BU Telephone: 0115 9521717 www.pinewood.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked phase junior school: Killisick Junior School, Killisick Road, Arnold, Nottingham NG5 8BY Linked secondary school: Redhill Academy

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll Criteria - standard community infant and primary

45 135

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number All applications were successful

Porchester Junior School (7-11 community school) �Standhill Road, Carlton, Nottingham NG4 1LF Telephone: 0115 9520920 www.porchester.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked infant phase school: Standhill Infant School, Standhill Road, Carlton, Nottingham NG4 1JL Linked secondary school: The Carlton Academy

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 45 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 151 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community junior and primary

Priory Junior School (7-11 community school) Priory Road, Gedling, Nottingham NG4 3LE Telephone: 0115 9526100 www.prioryjuniorschool.ik.org [email protected]

Linked infant phase school: Phoenix Infant School, Phoenix Avenue, Gedling, Nottingham NG4 4EL Linked secondary school: The Gedling School Specialist Science College

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 50 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 160 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community junior and primary

Richard Bonington Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) �Calverton Road, Arnold, Nottingham NG5 8FQ Telephone: 0115 9560995 www.richardboningtonprimaryschool.co.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Redhill Academy

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 60 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 377 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary







Robert Mellors Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) �Bonington Drive, Arnold, Nottingham NG5 7EX Telephone: 0115 8408068 www.robertmellors.co.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Redhill Academy

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 206 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School (5-11 voluntary aided school) Southcliffe Road, Carlton, Telephone: 0115 9112117 Nottingham NG4 1EQ [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Christ the King School and Sixth Form Centre

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Expected number on roll 210 Criteria - Standard Admission Policy for Catholic Voluntary Aided Primary Schools (Nottingham Diocese)

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Total number of preferences received 67 Total number withdrawn - higher preference offered/Refused by parent 29 Number of preferences approved 30 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 8 For details of appeals, please contact the school.

Sir John Sherbrooke Junior School (7-11 community school) �Flatts Lane, Calverton, Nottingham NG14 6JZ Telephone: 0115 9652291 www.sirjohnsherbrooke.co.uk [email protected]

Linked infant phase school: Manor Park Infant School, Flatts Lane, Calverton, Nottingham NG14 6JZ Linked Secondary school: Colonel Frank Seely School

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number 50 Expected number on roll 129 Criteria - standard community junior and primary

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number All applications were successful

St John the Baptist CE Primary School, Colwick (5-11 voluntary aided school) Vale Road, Colwick, Nottingham NG4 2ED www.st-johns-pri.notts.sch.uk

Linked secondary school: Carlton-le-Willows Academy

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Expected number on roll 185

Telephone: 0115 9115599 [email protected]

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Total number of preferences received 50 Total number withdrawn – higher preference offered 14 Number of preferences approved 30 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 6 Please contact school for the number of appeals held and the outcomes



Admission criteria 2012/2013 The school’s area of benefit is the ancient parish of Colwick.

In the event of over-subscription, the following criteria will be applied, in priority order, to determine which applications will be granted:

1. Looked After Children

2. Children whose particular medical needs, mobility support needs, special educational needs or social circumstances are supported by written evidence from a doctor, social worker or other relevant professional that names our school at the time of application. (where a child has a statement of educational needs that names our school in the statement, we are required to admit that child.)

3. Children who have a sibling* attending the school at the time of admission (*sibling is defined as having one or both parents/guardians in common)

4. Children whose parents regularly and frequently (monthly) worship at a Church of England Church. This is to be supported by written evidence from a priest or vicar. (attached to the school form)

5. Children whose parents regularly and frequently (monthly) worship at any other Christian Church which is a member of Churches Together in England. This is to be supported by written evidence from a priest or vicar. (attached to school form)

6. Children who regularly (monthly) attend Sunday School at a Christian Church which is a member of Churches Together in England. This is to be supported by written evidence from a priest or vicar. (attached to school form)

7. Any other children living in the school’s area of benefit

8. Any other children

If in any of the above categories the number of eligible children exceeds the remaining available places, names will be drawn by lot (see paragraph 4.3 of Admissions Policy).

St Wilfrid’s CE Primary School (5-11 voluntary controlled school) Main Street, Calverton, Nottingham NG14 6FG Telephone: 0115 9652775 www.st-wilfrids-school-calverton.co.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Colonel Frank Seely School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Planned Admission Number 30 Expected number on roll 214 Total number of preferences received 58

Total number withdrawn – higher preference offered 19 Number of preferences approved 30 (16 catchment/sibling, 5 religious, 9 out of catchment) 9 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list

Admission Criteria 2012/2013

1. Children looked after by a local authority

Within Calverton - the civil parish of Calverton

2. Children who live in the catchment area and who, at the time of admission, have a brother or sister attending the school

3. Children who live in the catchment area and have a parent or carer (either male or female) who have attended a Church service on average twice a month during the previous year at either:

- The Church of England

- A Church which is a member of the Churches Together in England. (Information from the appropriate Minister confirming attendance will be required)

4. Other children who live in the catchment area.

Outside Calverton

5. Children who live outside the catchment area and who, at the time of admission, have a brother or sister attending the school.

6. Children who live outside the catchment area and have a parent or carer (either male or female) who have attended a church service on average twice a month during the previous year at either:


- The Church of England

- A Church which is a member of the Churches Together in England. (Information from the appropriate Minister confirming attendance will be required)

7. Other children who live outside the catchment area.

Standhill Infant School (5-7 community school) Standhill Road, Carlton, Nottingham NG4 1JL Telephone: 0115 8476787 www.standhillinfantschool.ik.org [email protected]

Linked junior phase school: Porchester Junior School, Standhill Road, Carlton, Nottingham NG4 1LF Linked secondary school: The Carlton Academy

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 45 Planned Admission Number 45 Expected number on roll 127 Total number of preferences received 73 Criteria - standard community infant and primary Total number withdrawn – higher preference

offered/Refused by Parent 27 Number of preferences approved (12 catchment/sibling, 9 catchment, 7 sibling, 17 out of catchment) 45 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 1

Stanhope Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) Keyworth Road, Gedling, Nottingham NG4 4JD Telephone: 0115 9553440 www.stanhopeprimary.ik.org [email protected]

Linked secondary school: The Gedling School Specialist Science College

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 40 Planned Admission Number 40 Expected number on roll 240 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Westdale Infant School (5-7 community school) �Head Teacher: Mr Anthony Johnson Telephone: 0115 9531606 Digby Avenue, Westdale Lane, Mapperley, Nottingham NG3 6ET www.westdaleinfants.com

[email protected]

Linked phase junior school: Westdale Junior School, Westdale Lane, Mapperley, Nottingham NG3 6ET Linked secondary schools: The Gedling School Specialist Science College and The Carlton Academy

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 60 Planned Admission Number 60 Expected number on roll 180 Total number of preferences received 159 Criteria - standard community infant and primary Total number withdrawn – higher preference

offered/Refused by parent 86 Number of preferences approved (13 catchment/sibling, 30 catchment, 5 sibling, 12 out of catchment) 60 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 13


Westdale Junior School (7-11 community school) �Westdale Lane, Mapperley, Nottingham NG3 6ET Telephone: 0115 9534707 www.westdalejuniors.co.uk [email protected]

Linked phase infant school: Westdale Infant School, Westdale Lane, Mapperley, Nottingham NG3 6ET Linked secondary schools: The Gedling School Specialist Science College and The Carlton Academy

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 60 Planned Admission Number 60 Expected number on roll 234 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community junior and primary

Willow Farm Primary School (5-11 community school) �Willow Lane, Gedling, Nottingham NG4 4BN Telephone: 0115 9878501 www.willowfarm.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary schools: Carlton-le-Willows Academy and The Gedling School Specialist Science College

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Planned Admission Number 30 Expected number on roll 212 Total number of preferences received 132 Criteria - standard community infant and primary Total number withdrawn – higher preference

offered/Refused by parent 64 Number of preferences approved (8 catchment/sibling, 15 catchment, 6 sibling, 1 out of catchment) 30 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 38

Woodborough Woods Foundation Primary School (5-11 voluntary aided school) �Lingwood Lane, Woodborough, Nottingham NG14 6DX Telephone: 0115 9652136 Lingwood Lane, Woodborough, Nottingham NG14 6DX [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Colonel Frank Seely School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Planned Admission Number 30 Expected number on roll 212 Total number of preferences received 64

Total number withdrawn - higher preference offered/Refused by parent 33 Number of preferences approved 30 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 1 For details of appeals, please contact school

Admission criteria 2012/2013

The Governors are required to admit any child who has a statement of special educational needs which names this school. This may reduce the number of places available to other applicants.

Children will be admitted to Woods Foundation School in three sections, in the following order of priority:

A. Looked after child applications, i.e. A child who is looked after by a local authority in accordance with section 22 of the Children’s Act 1989 at the time of application and admittance.

B. Foundation Place applications, i.e., children living in the Ecclesiastical Parish of Woodborough

C. Open Place applications, i.e. any other applications

These will be used in any of the above sections where there are more applications than places available. In the event of two or more applications having equal weight for the same vacancy, under any of the following criteria, the Governors shall offer admission to the child living nearest the school, ‘as the crow flies’.

1. Children who, at the time of admission, have a sibling attending the school.


2. Children where either parent is a regular worshipper at a Church of England church AND is also involved in the life and work of the Church.

3. Children where either parent is a regular worshipper at a Church of England church but is not otherwise involved in the life and work of the Church.

4. Children where either parent is involved in the life and work of a Church of England church but is not a regular worshipper.

5. Children where a parent is either a regular worshipper at a church of any other Christian denomination, or is involved in the life and work of that church.

6. Children who do not meet any of the above criteria.

NOTE: - Any application under criteria 2,3,4 or 5 must be accompanied by a reference on the school form, from an appropriate minister which supports the information you have given. No application will be considered under these criteria without a current reference, but will be considered under criteria 6.

Special Circumstances

Children will be given special consideration if their particular medical needs, mobility support needs, special educational needs or social circumstances are supported by written evidence from a doctor, social worker or other relevant professional. Each case will be considered on its own merits and may be accorded a high priority. The evidence must be presented at the time of application.

Woodthorpe Infant School (5-7 community school) �Arno Vale Road, Woodthorpe, Nottingham NG5 4JG Telephone: 0115 9263820 www.woodthorpeinfants.ik.org [email protected]

Linked junior phase school: Arno Vale Junior School, Saville Road, Woodthorpe, Nottingham NG5 4JF Linked secondary school: Arnold Hill Academy

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 60 Planned Admission Number 60 Expected number on roll 180 Total number of preferences received 151 Criteria - standard community infant and primary Total number withdrawn – higher preference

offered/Refused by parent 69 Number of preferences approved 60 (10 catchment/sibling, 25 catchment, 10 sibling,15 out of catchment) 22 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list


Mansfield For Voluntary Aided Schools which were oversubscribed for 2011/2012 it is not possible to list the criterion under which each application was granted or refused as the criteria for each of these schools are different. Please contact the schools for further information.

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions

Abbey Primary School (5-11 community school) Abbey Road, Mansfield, Notts NG18 3AF Telephone: 01623 481117 www.abbeyprimary.ik.org [email protected]

Linked secondary school: The Samworth Church Academy

Planned Admission Number 30 Planned Admission Number 30 Expected number on roll 210 Total number of preferences received 100 Criteria - standard community infant and primary Total number withdrawn – higher preference

offered/refused by parent 60 Number of preferences approved 30 (3 catchment/sibling, 14 catchment, 5 sibling, 8 out of catchment) Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 10

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions

Asquith Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) �Asquith Street, Mansfield, Notts NG18 3DG Telephone: 01623 454969 www.asquith.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: The Samworth Church Academy

Planned Admission Number 45 Planned Admission Number 50 Expected number on roll 360 Total number of preferences received 87 Criteria - standard community infant and primary Total number withdrawn – higher preference

offered/Refused by Parent 33 Number of preferences approved (12 catchment/sibling, 16 catchment, 11 sibling, 11 out of catchment) 50 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 4

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions

Berry Hill Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) Blackscotch Lane, Mansfield, Notts NG18 4JW Telephone: 01623 478477 www.berryhill.ik.org [email protected]

Linked secondary school: The Samworth Church Academy

Planned Admission Number 45 Planned Admission Number 45 Expected number on roll 300 Total number of preferences received 124 Criteria - standard community infant and primary Total number withdrawn – higher preference 68

offered/refused by Parent 45 Number of preferences approved (10 catchment/sibling, 16 catchment, 9 sibling, 10 out of catchment) 11 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list


Birklands Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) Appleton Street, Warsop, Mansfield, Notts NG20 0QF Telephone: 01623 842163 www.birklandsprimary.ik.org [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Meden School and Technology College

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 40 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 190 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Church Vale School and Foundation Unit (5-11 community school) Laurel Avenue, Church Warsop, Mansfield, Notts NG20 0TE Telephone: 01623 842250 www.churchvale.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Meden School and Technology College

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 200 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Crescent Primary School and Nursery (5-11 community school) Booth Crescent, Mansfield, Notts NG19 7LF Telephone: 01623 468558 www.crescentprimaryschool.com [email protected]

Linked secondary school: The Queen Elizabeth’s (1561) Endowed CE School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 50 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 310 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Eastlands Junior School (7-11 community school) Netherfield Lane, Meden Vale, Telephone: 01623 842257 Mansfield, Notts NG20 9PA [email protected]

Linked infant phase school: Netherfield Infant School, Netherfield Lane, Meden Vale, Mansfield NG20 9PA Linked secondary school: Meden School and Technology College

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 40 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 120 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community junior and primary

Ethel Wainwright Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) Harrop White Road, Mansfield, Notts NG19 6TF Telephone: 01623 662110 www.ethelwainwright.org.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: The Queen Elizabeth’s (1561) Endowed CE School





2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 60 Planned Admission Number 60 Expected number on roll 335 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary


Farmilo Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) Woburn Road, Mansfield, Notts NG19 7RS Telephone: 01623 480107 www.farmilo.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: The Queen Elizabeth’s (1561) Endowed CE School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Planned Admission Number 30 Expected number on roll 200 Total number of preferences received 37 Criteria - standard community infant and primary Total number withdrawn – higher preference

offered/Refused by Parent 5 Number of preferences approved (5 catchment/sibling, 12 catchment 3 sibling, 10 out of catchment) 30 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 2

Forest Town Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) �Clipstone Road West, Mansfield, Notts NG19 0ED Telephone: 01623 477211 www.foresttownprimary.co.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Garibaldi Maths and Computing College

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 45 Planned Admission Number 45 Expected number on roll 251 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Heatherley Primary School (5-11 community school) �Heatherley Drive, Forest Town, Mansfield, Notts NG19 0PY Telephone: 01623 420244 www.heatherley.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Garibaldi Maths and Computing College

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Planned Admission Number 30 Expected number on roll 200 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Heathlands Primary School and Foundation Stage (5-11 community school) �Ransom Road, Rainworth, Mansfield, Notts NG21 0DJ Telephone: 01623 401402 www.heathlandsprimary.co.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school:

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 25 Planned Admission Number 25 Expected number on roll 174 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary



Hetts Lane Infant and Nursery School (5-7 community school) �Hetts Lane, Warsop, Mansfield, Notts NG20 0AS Telephone: 01623 842224 www.hettslane.com [email protected]

Linked junior school: Sherwood Junior School, Sherwood Street, Warsop, Mansfield NG20 0JT Linked secondary school: Meden School and Technology College

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 60 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 222 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

High Oakham Primary School (5-11 community school) �Nottingham Road, Mansfield, Notts NG18 4SH www.highoakham.co.uk

Linked secondary school: The Brunts School

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll Criteria - standard community infant and primary

60 411

Telephone: 01623 461313 [email protected]

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 60 Total number of preferences received 174 Total number withdrawn – higher preference offered/refused by Parent 98 Number of preferences approved 60 (13 catchment/sibling, 18 catchment, 13 sibling, 16 out of catchment) Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 16

Holly Primary School (5-11 community school) �Holly Drive, Forest Town, Mansfield, Notts NG19 0NT Telephone: 01623 477280 www.holly.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Garibaldi Maths and Computing College

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 40 Planned Admission Number 40 Expected number on roll 339 Total number of preferences received 91 Criteria - standard community infant and primary Total number withdrawn – higher preference

offered/refused by Parent 42 Number of preferences approved 40 (7 catchment/sibling, 22 catchment, 7 sibling, 4 out of catchment) Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 9


Intake Farm Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) Armstrong Road, Mansfield, Notts NG19 6JA www.nottinghamshire.schooljotter.com/intake

Telephone: 01623 625552 [email protected]

Linked secondary school: The Queen Elizabeth’s (1561) Endowed CE School

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll Criteria - standard community infant and primary

30 210

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number Total number of preferences received Total number withdrawn – higher preference offered/Refused by Parent Number of preferences approved (10 catchment/sibling, 4 catchment, 7 sibling, 9 out of catchment) Preferences refused and placed on waiting list

30 61


30 3

John T Rice Infant and Nursery School (5-7 community school) �Braemar Road, Forest Town, Telephone: 01623 465588 Mansfield, Notts NG19 0LL [email protected]

Linked junior phase school: Newlands Junior School, Braemar Road, Forest Town, Mansfield NG19 0LL Linked secondary school: Garibaldi Maths and Computing College

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll Criteria - standard community infant and primary

45 120

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number All applications were successful


King Edward Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) �St Andrew’s Street, Littleworth, Mansfield, Notts NG18 2RG www.kingedwardprimary.co.uk

Linked secondary school: The Brunts School

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll Criteria - standard community infant and primary

50 326

Telephone: 01623 472215 [email protected]

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number All applications were successful

Leas Park Junior School (7-11 community school) �Ley Lane, Mansfield Woodhouse, Mansfield, Notts NG19 8LD Telephone: 01623 477629 www.leaspark.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked infant school: Nettleworth Infant School, Ley Lane, Mansfield Woodhouse, Mansfield NG19 8LD Linked secondary school: The Manor Academy

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll Criteria - standard community junior and primary

70 278

2011/2012 admissions 70 Planned Admission Number 73 Total number of preferences received Total number withdrawn – higher preference offered/Refused by Parent 1 Number of preferences approved (15 linked school/sibling, 30 linked school, 5 catchment/sibling, 20 catchment) 70 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 2




Netherfield Infant and Nursery School (5-7 community school) Netherfield Lane, Meden Vale, Mansfield, Notts NG20 9PA Telephone: 01623 842683 www.netherfield-inf.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked junior phase school: Eastlands Junior School, Netherfield Lane, Meden Vale, Mansfield NG20 9PA Linked secondary school: Meden School and Technology College

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 40 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 133 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Nettleworth Infant and Nursery School (5-7 community school) �Ley Lane, Mansfield Woodhouse, Mansfield, Notts NG19 8LD Telephone: 01623 455940 www.nettleworth.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked junior phase school: Leas Park Junior School, Ley Lane, Mansfield Woodhouse, Mansfield NG19 8LD Linked secondary school: The Manor Academy

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll Criteria - standard community infant and primary

70 210

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 70 Total number of preferences received 122 Total number withdrawn – higher preference offered/refused by parent 40 Number of preferences approved 70 (2 public care, 5 catchment/sibling, 17 catchment, 21 sibling, 25 out of catchment ) Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 12

Newgate Lane Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) �Newgate Lane, Mansfield, Notts NG18 2LB www.newgatelane.ik.org

Linked secondary school: The Brunts School

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll Criteria - standard community infant and primary

30 210

Telephone: 01623 624709 [email protected]

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 25 Total number of preferences received 50 Total number withdrawn – higher preference offered/refused by parent 16 Number of preferences approved 30 (1 public care, 10 catchment/sibling, 7 catchment, 7 sibling, 5 out of catchment ) 4 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list

Newlands Junior School (7-11 community school) Braemar Road, Forest Town, Telephone: 01623 480440 Mansfield, Notts NG19 0LN [email protected]

Linked infant phase school: John T Rice Infant School, Braemar Road, Forest Town, Mansfield NG19 0LN Linked secondary school: Garibaldi Maths and Computing College

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 45 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 146 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community junior and primary



Northfield Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) Cox’s Lane, Mansfield Woodhouse, Mansfield, Notts NG19 8PG Telephone: 01623 625589 www.northfieldprimaryand nurseryschool.ik.org [email protected]

Linked secondary school: The Manor Academy

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll Criteria - standard community infant and primary

30 230

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number Total number of preferences received Total number withdrawn – higher preference offered/Refused by Parent Number of preferences approved (13 catchment/sibling, 7 catchment, 2 sibling, 8 out of catchment) Preferences refused and placed on waiting list

Oak Tree Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) �Jubilee Way North, Mansfield, Notts NG18 3PJ Telephone: 01623 458261 www.oaktreelane.ik.org [email protected]

Linked secondary school: The Samworth Church Academy

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 40 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 259 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Peafield Lane Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) Litton Road, Mansfield Woodhouse, Mansfield, Notts NG19 9PB Telephone: 01623 460366 www.peafieldlane.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: The Manor Academy

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 45 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 315 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Robin Hood Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) �Oxclose Lane, Mansfield Woodhouse, Mansfield, Notts NG19 8D Telephone: 01623 635928 www.robinhood.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: The Manor Academy

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 166 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

30 49


30 5





Rosebrook Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) Townroe Drive, Mansfield, Telephone: 01623 461118 Notts NG19 6JN [email protected]

Linked secondary school: The Queen Elizabeth’s (1561) Endowed CE School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 40 Planned Admission Number 40 Expected number on roll 306 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

St Edmund’s CE Primary and Nursery School (5-11 voluntary controlled school) Church Hill Avenue, Mansfield Woodhouse, Mansfield, Notts NG19 9JU Telephone: 01623 646624 www.st-edmunds-primary.ik.org [email protected]

Linked secondary school: The Manor Academy

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Planned Admission Number 30 Expected number on roll 205 Total number of preferences received 55 Criteria - standard community infant and primary Total number withdrawn – higher preference

offered/Refused by Parent 23 Number of preferences approved (3 catchment/sibling, 7 catchment, 7 sibling, 13 out of catchment) 30 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 2

St Patrick’s Catholic Primary and Nursery School (5-11 voluntary aided school) �Ling Forest Road, Mansfield, Notts NG18 3NJ Telephone: 01623 478090 www.stpatricksrcprimary.ik.org [email protected]

Linked secondary school: All Saints RC Aided School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Planned Admission Number 30 Expected number on roll 210 Total number of preferences received 72 Criteria - Standard Admission Policy for Catholic Total number withdrawn – higher preference Voluntary Aided Primary Schools (Nottingham Diocese) offered 32

Number of preferences approved 30 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 10 Please contact school for the number of appeals held and the outcomes


St Peter’s CE Primary and Nursery School (5-11 voluntary aided school) �Bellamy Road, Mansfield, Notts NG18 4LN Telephone: 01623 489980 www.stpetersprimary.co.cc [email protected]

Linked secondary school: The Brunts School, also linked by religious criteria to The Queen Elizabeth’s (1561) Endowed CE School

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll

30 205

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number All applications were successful


Admission criteria 2012/2013 Children who have a statement of special educational needs which names the School will be admitted which will reduce the number of places available to other applicants.

1. Looked after children

2. Children who will have a brother or sister attending the School whose parents/carers worship regularly* at the Parish Church of St Peter and St Paul, Mansfield.

3. Children who will have a brother or sister at the School at the time of admission, whose parents/carers worship regularly at another Church of England Church in the Mansfield District Council area.

4. Children who will have a brother or sister at the School at the time of admission, whose parents/carers worship regularly at another Church which is a member of ‘Churches Together in England and Ireland’ in the Mansfield District Council area.

5. Children whose parents/carers worship regularly at the Parish Church of St Peter and St Paul, Mansfield.

6. Children whose parents/carers worship regularly at another Church of England Church in the Mansfield District Council area.

7. Children whose parents/carers worship regularly at another Church which is a member of ‘Churches Together in England’ in the Mansfield District Council area.

8. Children who will have a brother or sister at the School.

9. Children who live nearest to the School.

For these purposes, regular worship means worship on average at least once a month for the previous 12 months.

Within each category priority will be given to pupils who live closest to the School “as the crow flies”. Distances will be measured in a straight line from the front door of the child’s home address (including flats) to the main entrance of the School (using the LA’s computerised measuring software, currently “Arcview” with those living closer to the School receiving the higher priority).

*see school prospectus for full details and definitions.

St Philip Neri with St Bede’s Catholic Primary and Nursery School (5-11 voluntary aided school) �Rosemary Street, Mansfield, Notts NG19 6AA Telephone: 01623 489010 www.st-philipneri.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: All Saints RC Aided School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 60 Planned Admission Number 60 Expected number on roll 498 Total number of preferences received 108 Criteria - Standard Admission Policy for Catholic Total number withdrawn – higher preference Voluntary Aided Primary Schools (Nottingham Diocese) offered 29

Number of preferences approved 60 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 19 Please contact school for the number of appeals held and the outcomes



Sherwood Junior School (7-11 community school) Sherwood Street, Warsop, Mansfield, Notts NG20 0JT Telephone: 01623 842545 www.sherwoodjuniors.ik.org [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Meden School and Technology College

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number 60 Expected number on roll 209 Criteria - standard community junior and primary

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number All applications were successful

Sutton Road Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) �Moor Lane, Mansfield, Telephone: 01623 455920 Notts NG18 5SF [email protected]

Linked secondary school: The Brunts School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 50 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 350 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Wynndale Primary School (5-11 community school) �Wynndale Drive, Mansfield, Notts NG18 3NY www.wynndale.notts.sch.uk

Linked secondary school: The Samworth Church Academy

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Expected number on roll 210 Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Telephone: 01623 479001 [email protected]

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Total number of preferences received 93 Total number withdrawn – higher preference offered/refused by parent 49 Number of preferences approved 30 (11 catchment/sibling, 8 catchment, 3 sibling, 8 out of catchment) Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 14



Newark For Voluntary Aided Schools which were oversubscribed for 2011/2012 it is not possible to list the criterion under which each application was granted or refused as the criteria for each of these schools are different. Please contact the schools for further information.

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions

All Saints Anglican/Methodist Primary School (5-11 voluntary aided school) Top Street, Elston, Newark, Notts NG23 5NP Telephone: 01636 525324 www.elstonallsaints.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary schools: The Grove School - A Specialist Science College/Toot Hill School

Planned Admission Number 15 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 62 All applications were successful

Admission criteria 2012/2013 Children who have a statement of Special Educational Needs which names the school will be admitted which will reduce the number of places available to other applicants.

1. Looked after children.

2. Children living in the catchment area which consists of the parishes of Elston, East Stoke, Thorpe and Sibthorpe.

3. Those out of catchment children who have a brother, sister, step or half sibling living in the same household on the school roll at the time of admission to the school.

4. Children who have attended worship at a Church of England Church, Methodist Chapel or a Church that is a member of Churches Together in England at least once a month over the previous year. (Applicants under this criterion are advised that the school will request information from their Minister of Religion).

5. A child that has been Baptised/Dedicated in a Church as listed in point 4 above.

6. Children living nearest to the school at the time of application. Distances will be measured “as the crow flies” from the child’s home address to the main entrance to the school (using LA software, currently Arcview).

7. Other children who live outside the catchment area.

Within each category priority will be given to pupils who live closest to the school “as the crow flies”.

Special circumstances Children whose particular medical needs, mobility support needs, special educational needs or social circumstances are supported by written evidence from a doctor, social worker or other relevant professional stating that the school is the only school that could cater for the child’s particular needs. The evidence must be presented at the time of application.

Cases agreed under ‘special circumstances’ will take precedence over all the above numbered criteria, provided that Governors are satisfied that the child has appropriate provision. Governors will therefore agree that the date for admission of any child with ‘Special Circumstances’ when they have satisfied themselves that the Local Authority has made sufficient staffing and resources provision for that child to be fully integrated into mainstream education.

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions

Barnby Road Academy Primary and Nursery School (5-11 academy) John Gold Avenue, Newark, Notts NG24 1RU Telephone: 01636 683900 www.barnbyroadprimary.com [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Magnus C of E School

Planned Admission Number 50 Planned Admission Number 50 Expected number on roll 357 Total number of preferences received 133 Criteria - standard community infant and primary. Total number withdrawn – higher preference

offered 59 Number of preferences approved 50 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list Please contact school for the number of appeals held and the outcomes 24



Admission criteria 2012/2013 In the event of oversubscription, within any criterion, preference will be given to children who live nearest to the school as the crow flies. Distances are measured using the Local Authority’s computerised measuring system, currently arcview, from the entrance to the child’s home to the principal entrance to the main administrative building of the school. Children who have a statement of special educational need that names Barnby Road Academy will be admitted. This will reduce the number of places available for other children.

Criteria 1. Children who are ‘looked after’ 2. Children who live in the catchment area and who, at the time of admission, have a sibling (brother or sister) who

attend the school 3. Children who live in the catchment area 4. Children who live outside the catchment area and who, at the time of admission, have a sibling (brother or sister)

who attend the school 5. Children who live outside the catchment area but who attend the Barnby Road Academy 6. Other children who live outside the catchment area

Special Circumstances Children whose particular needs, mobility support needs, special educational needs or other social circumstances who are supported by written evidence from a doctor, social worker or other relevant professional stating that the school is the only school which could cater for the child’s particular needs will be given special consideration. The evidence must be presented at the time of application. Admission under ‘special circumstances’ will take precedence over all but the first numbered criteria.

Bishop Alexander Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) �Wolsey Road, Newark, Notts NG24 2BQ www.bishopalexander.notts.sch.uk

Telephone: 01636 680040 [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Magnus C of E School

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number - Reception Expected number on roll Criteria - standard community infant and primary

45 290

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number All applications were successful


Bleasby CE Primary School (5-11 voluntary controlled school) �Station Road, Bleasby, Telephone: 01636 830203 Nottingham NG14 7GD [email protected]

Linked secondary schools: The Minster School/Colonel Frank Seely School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 20 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 150 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Blidworth Oaks Primary School (5-11 community school) �Haywood Avenue,, Blidworth, Mansfield, Notts NG21 0RE Telephone: 01623 792348 www.blidworthoaks.co.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Joseph Whitaker School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 45 Planned Admission Number 45 Expected number on roll 300 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary



Bowbridge Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) �Bailey Road, Newark, Notts NG24 4EP Telephone: 01636 680142 www.bowbridgeprimary.com [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Magnus C of E School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 60 Planned Admission Number 60 Expected number on roll 450 Total number of preferences received 84 Criteria - standard community infant and primary Total number withdrawn – higher preference

offered/Refused by Parent 18 Number of preferences approved (17 catchment/sibling, 7 catchment, 25 sibling, 11 out of catchment) 60 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 6

Christ Church C of E Infant School (5-7 voluntary aided school) Victoria Street, Newark, Telephone: 01636 680051 Notts NG24 4UT [email protected]

Linked junior phase school: Hawtonville Junior School, Holden Crescent, Boundary Road, Newark NG24 4HU Linked secondary schools: Magnus C of E School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 116 All applications were successful

Admission criteria 2012/2013

Children who have a statement of special educational needs which names the school will be admitted which will reduce the number of places available to other applicants.

1. Looked after children and children in public care

2. Children of parents who live within the catchment area and who at the time of admission will have a brother or sister at the school

3. Other children who live in the catchment area

4. Children who live outside the catchment area and who at the time of admission will have a brother or sister attending the school

5. Children whose parents are regular worshippers and are involved in the life and work of the Church of England (Regular means at least twice a month.)

6. Children whose parents are regular worshippers and are involved in the life and work of any church which is a member of the Council for Churches Together in Britain and Ireland. (Regular means at least twice a month.)

7. All other children whose parents request a place at the school.

Distances will be measured ‘as the crow flies’ from the child’s home address to the main entrance of the school (using L.A. software, currently ‘Arcview’)

Within each category priority will be given to pupils who live closest to the school ‘as the crow flies’.

Special Circumstances: The following groups of children will be given special consideration in their application to the School.

Children whose particular medical needs, mobility support needs, special educational needs or social circumstances are supported by written evidence from a doctor, social worker or other relevant professional stating that the school is the only school which could cater for the child’s particular needs. The evidence must be presented at the time of application.

Cases agreed under ‘special circumstances’ will take precedence over all but the first of the numbered criteria.



Chuter Ede Primary School (5-11 community school) Wolfit Avenue, Balderton, Newark, Notts NG24 3PQ Telephone: 01636 683550 www.chuterede.com [email protected]

Linked secondary school: The Grove School - A Specialist Science College

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 90 Planned Admission Number 60 Expected number on roll 480 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Coddington CE Primary and Nursery School (5-11 voluntary controlled school) Brownlows Hill, Coddington, Newark, Notts NG24 2QA Telephone: 01636 702974 www.coddingtoncofeprimary.com [email protected]

Linked secondary schools: The Grove School - A Specialist Science College/Magnus C of E School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 60 Planned Admission Number 50 Expected number on roll 460 Total number of preferences received 124 Criteria - standard community infant and primary Total number withdrawn – higher preference

offered/refused by parent 49 Number of preferences approved (31 catchment/sibling, 29 catchment) 60 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 15

Crompton View Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) �Crompton Road, Bilsthorpe, Newark, Notts NG22 8PS Telephone: 01623 870772 www.cromptonview.co.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Dukeries College

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 40 Planned Admission Number 40 Expected number on roll 220 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Dean Hole CE Primary School (5-11 voluntary controlled school) Manor Road, Caunton, Newark, Notts NG23 6AD Telephone: 01636 636219 www.cauntondeanhole.notts.sch.uk/ourschool.asp [email protected]

Linked secondary school: The Minster School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 8 Planned Admission Number 8 Expected number on roll 52 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Standard community infant criteria with the addition of the following which comes between criteria 3 and 4; Applicants who live outside the catchment area and who attend the relevant church/churches. Supporting evidence from the appropriate minister will be required in order to confirm attendance/involvement.


Farndon St Peter’s C of E Primary School, (5-11 voluntary controlled school) �Sandhill Road, Farndon, Newark, Notts NG24 4TE Telephone: 01636 680360 www.stpetersfarndon.com [email protected]

Linked secondary school: The Grove School - A Specialist Science College

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Planned Admission Number 30 Expected number on roll 130 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Farnsfield St Michael’s CE Primary School (5-11 voluntary aided school) �Branston Avenue, Farnsfield, Newark, Notts NG22 8J Telephone: 01623 882494 www.st-michaels.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: The Minster School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 40 Planned Admission Number 40 Expected number on roll 219 All applications were successful

Admissions criteria 2012/2013 1. Children classified as being Looked After by the Local Authority (For these purposes a looked after child is a

child who is in the care of a local authority or provided with accommodation with the authority as described in Section 22 of the Children Act 1989)

2. Children resident within the village of Farnsfield and the surrounding ‘catchment area’ as indicated on the enclosed map*

3. Those who will have siblings* in the school at the time of admission

4. Attendance* at St Michael’s Parish Church as supported by a statement of confirmation from the Parish Priest (or during a vacancy by a Church Warden)

5. Attendance* at Farnsfield Methodist Church as supported by a statement of confirmation from the Minister (or during a vacancy by a Church Secretary)

6. Attendance* at any other C of E Church as supported by a statement of confirmation from the Parish Priest (or during a vacancy by a Church Warden)

7. Attendance* at any other Christian Church as supported by a statement of confirmation from the Priest/Minister/Leader.

8. Children who have been baptised according to the rites of the Church of England or recognised being valid by the Church of England

9. Other children not meeting any of the previous criteria

Children with a statement of special education need that names Farnsfield St Michael’s CE Primary School (VA) will be admitted.

Consideration will be given to applicants who can establish medical, special educational needs or social grounds with supporting evidence from a relevant professional. Each case will be determined on its merits and the admission authority may accord a higher priority to the applicant.

*see prospectus for full details


Forest View Junior School (7-11 community school) Walesby Lane, New Ollerton, Newark, Notts NG22 9RJ Telephone: 01623 860365 www.forestview.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked infant phase school: Maun Infant School, Walesby Lane, New Ollerton NG22 9RJ Linked secondary school: Dukeries College

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 60 Planned Admission Number 60 Expected number on roll 160 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community junior and primary

Gunthorpe CE Primary School (5-11 voluntary aided school) Davids Lane, Gunthorpe, Nottingham NG14 7EW Telephone: 0115 966 3481 www.gunthorpeschool.co.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Toot Hill School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 15 Planned Admission Number 15 Expected number on roll 70 All applications were successful

Admission criteria 2012/2013

Children can join the Early Years Group the term after the child’s third birthday. Please contact the school for further details. For entry into the reception class the admission limit has been set, at 15 places per year, by the Governing body. At present, children can be admitted into the Reception Class at the beginning of the academic year in which their fifth birthday occurs. Parents may defer their child’s entry into school, in which case the place will be kept open for them during the Reception Year. An introductory part-time placement will be offered to allow a happy and orderly start to the child’s educational career. The academic year is from 1 September to 31 August. Please contact the Head Teacher if you wish to discuss your child’s specific admission arrangements. Priority will be given to all children from the civil parishes of Gunthorpe or Caythorpe who apply for a place for their child at Gunthorpe C of E School will be granted one subject to the statutory legal limit (30 per class at KS1).

If there are more applications than the 15 places available, the admission criteria as laid down by the Governing Body will apply.

Priority will be given in the following order to:

1. Looked after children.**

2. Those with a brother, sister, step or half-sibling, living in the same household, on the school roll at the time of entry to the school.

3. Those parents/children who are frequent* worshippers at a Church of England within the parishes of Gunthorpe or Caythorpe.

4. Those parents/children who are frequent worshippers at any other Church of England.

5. Those parents/children who are currently members of any other Christian Church.

6. Those living nearest the school as the crow flies. Distances are measured from the entrance of the child’s home to the recognised main entrance to the school building

*Minimum monthly attendance

Children who have a statement of special educational needs naming the school, or exceptional medical or social circumstances will be admitted. Confirmation will be required from other relevant professionals.

For criteria 3, 4 and 5 a supplementary admission form is available from the school.

For Criterion 6 LA recommended computer software (Arcview) will be used to determine distances.

** A looked after child is one who is in the care of the local authority or provided with accommodation with that authority.

The school Governors, under regulations, must review the admission criteria annually. For up to date information please contact the Head Teacher. A parent has the right to appeal in the event that their application was unsuccessful. The Governing Body will arrange for the appeal to be heard by a local appeal committee, whose members were not involved in the original decision. If this committee decides that a child should be offered a place at the school, then he or she must be admitted.


Halam CE Primary School (5-11 voluntary controlled school) The Turnpike, Halam, Newark, Notts NG22 8AE http://halamschool.org

Telephone: 01636 813062 [email protected]

Linked secondary school: The Minster School

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll Criteria - standard community infant and primary

17 112

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number All applications were successful


Hawtonville Junior School (part of the Cleveland Green Federation) (7-11 community school) �Holden Crescent, Boundary Road, Newark, Notts NG24 4HU Telephone: 01636 680284 www.hawtonville.notts.sch.uk [email protected] Proposed amalgamation with Oliver Quibell Infant School wef 01.09.12

Linked infant phase schools: Christ Church CE (Aided) Infant School, Victoria Street, Newark NG24 4UT Oliver Quibell Infant School, Bowbridge Road, Newark NG24 4EG Linked secondary schools: Magnus C of E School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 60 Planned Admission Number 60 Expected number on roll 143 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community junior and primary

Holy Trinity Catholic Primary and Nursery School (5-11 voluntary aided school) �Boundary Road, Newark, Notts NG24 4AU Telephone: 01636 689177 www.holytrinitynewark.org.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: All Saints RC Aided School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Planned Admission Number 30 Expected number on roll 242 Total number of preferences received 53 Criteria - Standard Admission Policy for Catholic Total number withdrawn - higher preference Voluntary Aided Primary Schools (Nottingham Diocese) offered/refused by Parent 14

Number of preferences approved 30 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 9 Please contact school for the number of appeals held and the outcomes


Holy Trinity C of E Infant School (5-7 voluntary controlled school) Westgate, Southwell, Notts NG25 0LD Telephone: 01636 812067 www.southwellholytrinity.ik.org [email protected]

Linked junior phase school: Lowe’s Wong Anglican/Methodist Junior School (Controlled), Queen Street, Southwell, NG25 0AA Linked secondary school: The Minster School

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll Criteria - standard community infant and primary

25 62

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number All applications were successful

Admission criteria 2012/2013

Standard community infant and primary with the addition of the following which comes between 4 and 5.

Applicants who live outside the designated catchment area and whose parents are involved with the life of a church in membership with “Churches Together in England”. The school is in the parish of Holy Trinity, Southwell and children also come from the surrounding parishes. Supporting evidence from the appropriate minister will be required in order to confirm involvement.

John Blow Primary School (5-11 community school) �Snowdon Road, Collingham, Newark, Notts NG23 7PT Telephone: 01636 892485 www.collingham.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Tuxford Academy

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 165 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

John Hunt Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) London Road, New Balderton, Newark, Notts NG24 3BN Telephone: 01636 682007 www.johnhuntprimary.co.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: The Grove School - A Specialist Science College

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 60 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 367 Total number of preferences received Criteria - standard community infant and primary Total number withdrawn – higher preference

offered/Refused by Parent Number of preferences approved (1 public care, 15 catchment/sibling, 28 catchment, 8 sibling, 8 out of catchment) Preferences refused and placed on waiting list



60 87


60 2



King Edwin Primary School (5-11 community school) Fourth Avenue, Edwinstowe, Mansfield, Notts NG21 9NS Telephone: 01623 822111 www.kingedwin.notts.sch.uk [email protected] Linked secondary school: Dukeries College

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 50 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 286 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Kirklington Primary School (5-11 community school) �School Lane, Kirklington, Newark, Notts NG22 8NG Telephone: 01636 812360 www.kirklingtonprimary.net [email protected]

Linked secondary school: The Minster School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 8 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 59 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Kneesall C of E Primary School (5-11 voluntary controlled school) School Lane, Kneesall, Newark, Notts NG22 0AB Telephone: 01623 861069 www.kneesallcofeprimary.com [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Dukeries College

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 13 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 112 Total number of preferences received

Total number withdrawn – higher preference offered/Refused by Parent Number of preferences approved (2 catchment/sibling, 3 catchment, 2 sibling, 1 religious, 5 out of catchment) Preferences refused and placed on waiting list

Standard community infant and primary with the addition of the following which comes between standard criteria 4 and 5

Applicants who live outside the catchment area and who attend the relevant church/churches. Supporting evidence from the appropriate minister will be required in order to confirm attendance/involvement.

Lake View Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) �Water Road, Rainworth, Mansfield, Notts NG21 0DU Telephone: 01623 401404 www.lakeviewprimary.org [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Joseph Whitaker School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 185 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary


13 25


13 3



Lovers Lane Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) �Head Teacher: To be confirmed Telephone: 01636 683353 Warburton Street, Newark, Notts NG24 1LT [email protected]


Linked secondary school: Magnus C of E Comprehensive School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Planned Admission Number 30 Expected number on roll 210 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Lowdham Church of England Aided Primary School (5-11 voluntary aided school) Main Street, Lowdham, Nottingham NG14 7BE Telephone: 0115 966 3358 www.lowdhamprimaryschool.co.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Colonel Frank Seely School

2012/2013 admissions 011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Planned Admission Number 30 Expected number on roll 1962 All applications were successful

Admission criteria 2012/2013

AAll children from the Parish of Lowdham with Caythorpe and from the Parishes of Oxton, Epperstone and Gonalston (the catchment area) will have the right of admission to the school subject to an admission limit of 30 pupils per year group.

N.B. a) the Governors will not admit over this admission limit

b) where the pupil has a Statement of Special Educational Needs which names the school then the child will be admitted.

Application for admission to the Reception Class for September should be received by the Headteacher by the date given on the LA application form.

Should there be more than 30 applications then applicants will be considered by the Governors having regard to the following criteria, in priority order, as listed below:

1. Where the pupil is a “Looked After Child” in the care of the Local Authority then high priority will be given to any such child

2. Whether the child is resident within the catchment area

3. Whether the child, at the time of admission, will have a brother or sister* attending the school

4. Whether the child attends organised religious worship linked to the Church of England i.e. being regular worshippers (at least once per month) and/or are actively involved in the work of the Church and have been so for a period of at least 12 months prior to the date of application.

5. Whether one or both parents* are practising members of the Church of England, i.e. being regular worshippers (at least once per month) and/or are actively involved in the work of that Church and have been so for a period of at least 12 months prior to the date of application

6. As for 3 but in a C.T.E (Churches Together in England)*

7. Other applications from children who are outside the catchment area

* see prospectus for full details

In each of the above situations, all things being equal, nearness to the school will be a deciding factor. (Distances will be measured ‘as the crow flies’ from the front door of the child’s home address to the main entrance door of the school using Local Authority software.)

N.B. Regardless of the above criteria the Governors will, if there are any specific social, medical needs or compassionate grounds why the child should attend this school in preference to another school, give consideration to admitting such a child.


Lowe’s Wong Infant School (5-7 community school) �Queen Street, Southwell, Notts NG25 0AA Telephone: 01636 812207 www.loweswong-inf.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked junior phase school: Lowe’s Wong Anglican/Methodist Junior School (Controlled), Queen Street, Southwell NG25 0AA Linked secondary school: The Minster School

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll Criteria - standard community infant and primary

70 250

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number All applications were successful


Lowe’s Wong Anglican/Methodist Junior School (7-11 voluntary controlled school) �Queen Street, Southwell, Notts NG25 0AA Telephone: 01636 813432 www.loweswong-jun.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked infant phase school: Holy Trinity CE Infant School, Westgate, Southwell, NG25 0LD, Lowe’s Wong Infant School, Queen Street, Southwell NG25 0AA Linked secondary school: The Minster School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 100 Planned Admission Number 100 Expected number on roll 355 All applications were successful

Admission criteria 2012/2013

Standard community junior and primary criteria with the addition of the following which comes between standard criteria 4 and 5.

Children whose parents are involved with the Methodist Church, Baptist Church, Holy Trinity C of E Church, The Minster or Our Lady of Victories RC Church (supporting information from the appropriate minister will be required)

Manners Sutton Primary School (5-11 community school) �Newark Road, Averham, Newark, Notts NG23 5QZ Telephone: 01636 704408 www.mannerssutton.com [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Magnus C of E School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 8 Planned Admission Number 8 Expected number on roll 50 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Maun Infant and Nursery School (5-7 community school) Walesby Lane, New Ollerton, Notts NG22 9RJ Telephone: 01623 860773 www.mauninfantandnurseryschool.co.uk [email protected]

Linked junior phase school: Forest View Junior School, Walesby Lane, New Ollerton NG22 9RJ Linked secondary school: Dukeries College

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 60 Planned Admission Number 60 Expected number on roll 115 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary



The Minster CE School Junior Department Nottingham Road, Southwell, Notts NG25 0LG Telephone: 01636 814000 www.minster.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

The Junior Department of the school educates the choristers of Southwell Minster and other able musicians who enter the school following auditions. The full National Curriculum is taught and the students gain the additional advantage of having access to the main school facilities and activities such as all the musical groups and clubs.

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 40 Please contact school for the number of

appeals held and the outcomes

For entry to the Minster Junior Department please contact the school for further information.

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions

Mount C of E Primary and Nursery School (5-11 voluntary controlled school) �King’s Road, Newark, Notts NG24 1EW Telephone: 01636 688166 www.mountcofe.com [email protected]


Linked secondary schools: Magnus C of E School/The Grove School - A Specialist Science College

Planned Admission Number 30 All applications were successful 30 Expected number on roll 220 Criteria - standard community infant and primary

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions

Muskham Primary School (5-11 community school) �Main Street, North Muskham, Newark, Notts NG23 6HD Telephone: 01636 702254 www.muskham.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Tuxford School

Planned Admission Number 30 Planned Admission Number 30 Expected number on roll 205 Total number of preferences received 63 Criteria - standard community infant and primary Total number withdrawn – higher preference

offered/Refused by Parent 28 Number of preferences approved (8 catchment/sibling, 8 catchment, 7 sibling, 7 out of catchment) 30 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 5

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions

North Clifton Primary School (5-11 community school) �Church Lane, North Clifton, Newark, Notts NG23 7AP Telephone: 01522 778609 www.northcliftonschool.com [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Tuxford School

Planned Admission Number 8 Planned Admission Number 10 Expected number on roll 57 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary


Norwell Church of England Primary School (5-11 voluntary controlled school) �School Lane, Norwell, Newark, Notts NG23 6JP www.norwellschool.com

Telephone: 01636 636244 [email protected] www.norwellschool.com

Linked secondary school: Tuxford School

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll Criteria - standard community infant and primary

10 51

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number All applications were successful

Oliver Quibell Infant School (part of the Cleveland Green Federation) (5-7 community school) Holden Crescent, Boundary Road, Newark, Notts NG24 4HU Telephone: 01636 680959 www.oliverquibell.co.uk [email protected] Proposed amalgamation with Hawtonville Junior School wef 1.9.12

Linked junior phase school: Hawtonville Junior School, Holden Crescent, Boundary Road, Newark NG24 4HU Linked secondary schools: Magnus C of E School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 40 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 100 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Ollerton Community Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) �Whinney Lane, New Ollerton, Newark, Notts NG22 9TH Telephone: 01623 860584 www.ollertonprimary.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Dukeries College

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 50 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 255 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Python Hill Primary School (5-11 community school) �Kirklington Road, Rainworth, Mansfield, Notts NG21 0JZ Telephone: 01623 464164 www.pythonhillschool.co.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Joseph Whitaker School and Specialist Sports College

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 50 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 290 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary






Queen Eleanor Primary School (5-11 community school) Station Road, Harby, Newark, Notts NG23 7EQ

Telephone: 01522 703428 [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Tuxford School

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll Criteria - standard community infant and primary

10 56

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number All applications were successful


Ravenshead CE Primary School (5-11 voluntary controlled school) �Swinton Rise, Ravenshead, Nottingham NG15 9FS www.ravensheadcofe.co.uk

Telephone: 01623 456516 [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Joseph Whitaker School

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll Criteria - standard community infant and primary

60 367

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number All applications were successful


St Joseph’s Catholic Primary and Nursery School (5-11 voluntary aided school) �Main Road, Boughton, Newark, Notts NG22 9JE Telephone: 01623 860392 www.stjosephsschool.net [email protected]

Linked secondary school: All Saints RC Aided School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Planned Admission Number 30 Expected number on roll 180 All applications were successful Criteria - Standard Admission Policy for Catholic Voluntary Aided Primary Schools (Nottingham Diocese)

St Mary’s CE Primary School (5-11 voluntary aided school) �Paddock Close, Edwinstowe, Telephone: 01623 822518 Mansfield, Notts NG21 9LP [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Dukeries College

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 18 Planned Admission Number 18 Expected number on roll 108 All applications were successful

Admission criteria 2012/2013

The Governing Body has adopted a fair, open and objective system for considering all requests for admission. Applications for children with disabilities are treated no differently from any other. The school has a disabled toilet facility. A child who has a statement of educational needs which names the school or is ‘looked after’ (child in care of a Local Authority) will be admitted. When there is an over-subscription for the places available the following criteria will be applied in the priority order given. A looked after child has the highest priority in the event of over subscription.

A. Whether a child has a sibling attending the school on the date of admission of the child (a sibling is a brother or sister who share the same parent, a half brother or sister who share one common parent, a step brother or step sister where two children are related by a parents marriage, and adopted or fostered children living in the same household under a residence order).


B. Whether the child or parent/carer is a regular twice monthly worshipper at a Church of England church for at least the previous twelve months.

C. Whether the child or parent/carer is a regular twice monthly worshipper at any members of Churches Together in England for at least the previous twelve months.

D. Whether a child whose particular medical needs, mobility support needs, special educational needs or social circumstances has written evidence from a doctor, social worker or other relevant professional stating that the school is the only school which could cater for the child’s particular needs. The evidence must be presented with the application.

In each category, a child living nearest the school will be given priority. Distances will be measured in a straight line from the child’s home address to the main entrance of the school (using the Local Authority software).

A parent, carer or adult responsible for a looked after child is the person having the legal responsibility for the bringing up of the child.

Supporting references for applications in category D will be required from the appropriate professional person.

Guidelines for a Minister’s Verification

Applications on denominational grounds (Criteria B and C) must be supported by the supplementary form completed by the parent(s) with verification from a minister of religion that the child and parent(s) have practised their faith by worship at least twice per calendar month at the Ministers place of worship for at least the past year.

The school governing body is consulting on their proposal to provide 11 Early Years places at the school from January 2012 at the time of going to print. This would change the school range to 3-11 years.

Samuel Barlow Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) Church Road, Clipstone, Telephone: 01623 479033 Mansfield, Notts NG21 9DF [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Garibaldi Maths and Computing College

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 40 Planned Admission Number 40 Expected number on roll 269 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Sutton on Trent Primary School (5-11 community school) Church Street, Sutton on Trent, Newark, Notts NG23 6PD Telephone: 01636 821286 www.suttonontrentschool.com [email protected]


Linked secondary school: Tuxford School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 20 Planned Admission Number 20 Expected number on roll 125 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Walesby CE Primary School (5-11 voluntary controlled school) �New Hill, Walesby, Newark, Notts NG22 9PB Telephone: 01623 860575 www.walesbyschool.org.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Dukeries College

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 20 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 145 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary



Winthorpe Primary School (5-11 community school) �Thoroughfare Lane, Winthorpe, Newark, Notts NG24 2NN www.winthorpe.notts.sch.uk

Telephone: 01636 680060 [email protected]

Linked secondary school: The Grove School - A Specialist Science College

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll Criteria - standard community infant and primary

15 100

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number Total number of preferences received Total number withdrawn – higher preference offered/Refused by Parent Number of preferences approved (4 catchment/sibling, 4 catchment, 2 sibling, 5 out of catchment) Preferences refused and placed on waiting list

15 50


15 2


Rushcliffe For Voluntary Aided Schools which were oversubscribed for 2011/2012 it is not possible to list the criterion under which each application was granted or refused as the criteria for each of these schools are different. Please contact the schools for further information.

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions

Abbey Road Primary School (5-11 community school) Tewkesbury Close, West Bridgford, Nottingham NG2 5ND Telephone: 0115 9748055 Tewkesbury Close, West Bridgford, Nottingham NG2 5ND www.abbeyroad.notts.sch.uk

[email protected]

Linked secondary school: Rushcliffe School

Planned Admission Number 60 Planned Admission Number 60 Expected number on roll 430 Total number of preferences received 239 Criteria - standard community infant and primary Total number withdrawn – higher preference

offered/refused by parent 132 Number of preferences approved (18 catchment/sibling, 46 catchment, 4 sibling, 2 out of catchment) 70 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 37

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions

Archbishop Cranmer CE Aided Primary School (5-11 voluntary aided school) �Abbey Lane, Aslockton, Notts NG13 9AW Telephone: 01949 850627 www.archbishopcranmer.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Toot Hill School

Planned Admission Number 30 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 170 All applications were successful

Admission criteria 2012/2013


In the event of over subscription, the following criteria will be applied, in priority order, to determine which applications will be granted:

1. Looked after children as defined in the ‘looked after child’ from The Education (Admissions of Looked After Children England) Regulations 2006.

2. Children whose parents are regular worshippers or involved in the life and work of the Church of England, as attested by the Minister, within the parishes of Aslockton, Whatton, Scarrington, Hawksworth, Thoroton, Orston and Shelton.

3. Children who at the time of admission have a brother or sister already in school.

4. Children whose parents are regular worshippers or involved in the life and work of a Church within Churches Together in England.

5. Children whose parents live within the parishes listed in ‘2’ above as measured from the direct distance, as the crow flies, from the entrance to the child’s home to the main administrative building using the local authority software.

Outside catchment

If places remain after applicants from the catchment area have been accommodated, places will be allocated as follows:

1. Looked after children as defined in the ‘looked after child’ from The Education (Admissions of Looked After Children England) Regulations 2006.

2. Children whose parents are regular worshippers or involved in the life and work of the Church of England, as attested by the Minister, within the parishes of Aslockton, Whatton, Scarrington, Hawksworth, Thoroton, Orston and Shelton.

3. Children who at the time of admission have a brother or sister already in school



4. Children whose parents are regular worshippers or involved in the life and work of a Church within Churches Together in England

5. Children whose parents live nearest to the school as measured from the direct distance, as the crow flies, from the entrance to the child’s home to the main administrative building using the local authority software.

Definition of ‘regular worshippers’ means parents/guardians who have attended worship at least one Sunday a month over the previous year.

Definition of ‘involved in the life and work of’ means parents/guardians means demonstrable specific involvement in the Church apart from regular worship throughout at least the previous year.

Special Circumstances

The following children will be given special consideration in their application:

1. Pupils who have a statement of special education needs where this school is named in the child’s statement will be admitted.

2. As this is a voluntary aided school the Governors are able to consider applications from outside the parishes as well.

Brookside Primary School (5-11 community school) �School Green, East Leake, Loughborough, Leicestershire LE12 6LG Telephone: 01509 820001 www.brooksideprimary.co.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Harry Carlton School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Planned Admission Number 30 Expected number on roll 216 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Bunny C of E Primary School (5-11 voluntary controlled school) �Church Street, Bunny, Nottingham NG11 6QW Telephone: 0115 9212727 [email protected] www.bunnyprimaryschool.com

Linked secondary school: South Wolds Community School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 14 Planned Admission Number 14 Expected number on roll 90 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Carnarvon Primary School (5-11 community school) �Nursery Road, Bingham, Nottingham NG13 8EH Telephone: 01949 838246 www.carnarvon.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Toot Hill School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 60 Planned Admission Number 60 Expected number on roll 400 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary


Costock CE Primary School (5-11 voluntary controlled school) �Main Street, Costock, Loughborough, Leicestershire LE12 6XD Telephone: 01509 852084 www.costock.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Harry Carlton School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 10 Planned Admission Number 10 Expected number on roll 58 Total number of preferences received 29 Criteria - standard community infant and primary Total number withdrawn – higher preference

offered/Refused by Parent 16 Number of preferences approved (4 catchment/sibling, 6 catchment) 10 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 3

Cotgrave Church of England Primary School (5-11 voluntary aided school) The Cross, Cotgrave, Nottingham NG12 3HS Telephone: 0115 9892204 www.cotgrave-pri.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: South Nottinghamshire Academy

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 15 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 68 All applications were successful

Admission criteria 2012/2013

1. Children looked after by the local authority.

2. Children whose parents have a commitment to All Saints Church, Cotgrave or any other church which is a member of Churches Together in England/Council for Churches for Britain and Ireland and/or The Evangelical Alliance (for this criterion governors will seek written confirmation of that statement from the appropriate Minister of Religion)

3. Children whose parents are seeking a Christian environment for their child’s education.

4. Any other children.

Special Circumstances - The following groups of children will be given special consideration in their application to the school:

• Children whose particular medical needs, mobility support needs, special educational needs or social circumstances are supported by written evidence from a doctor, social worker or other relevant professional stating that the school is the only school which could cater for the child’s particular needs. The evidence must be presented at the time of application.

• Children with a statement of Special Education Needs which names Cotgrave Church of England Primary School will be allocated a place.

Additional Information

• Within Criterion 2, governors will differentiate priority according to whether the family are: ‘at the heart of the church’ (worshipping usually at least twice per month); ‘attached to the church’ (worshipping usually monthly or involved in regular weekday church activities which include an element of worship); or ‘known to the church’ (worshipping occasionally, known through a family connection or involved in regular weekday church activity which does not include an element of worship)

• Within Criteria 2, 3 and 4, governors will give priority to children who have a sibling (as defined by the Local Authority) attending the school at the time of admission.

• Within Criterion 3 we warmly welcome children from families of other faiths or of no faith at all who wish their child(ren) to be educated within a school with a religious character.

In the event of oversubscription within any criterion, and after priority has been given to siblings, preference will be given to children who live nearest to the school as the crow flies. The distance will be measured in a straight line from the front door of the child’s home address to the main entrance of the school using the Local Authority’s computerised measuring system with those living closer to the school receiving the higher priority.



Cotgrave Candleby Lane Primary School (+ Nursery Unit) (5-11 community school) �Candleby Lane, Cotgrave, Nottingham NG12 3JG Telephone: 0115 9892284 www.ccls.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: South Nottinghamshire Academy

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 90 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 421 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Cropwell Bishop Primary School (5-11 community school) �Stockwell Lane, Cropwell Bishop, Nottingham NG12 3BX Telephone: 0115 9892250 www.cropwellbishop.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Toot Hill School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 200 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Crossdale Drive Primary School (5-11 community school) �Crossdale Drive, Keyworth, Nottingham NG12 5HP Telephone: 0115 9748088 www.crossdaleschool.com [email protected]

Linked secondary school: South Wolds Community School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 182 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Edwalton Primary School (5-11 community school) Wellin Lane, Edwalton, Nottingham NG12 4AS Telephone: 0115 9144221 www.edwalton.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Rushcliffe Comprehensive School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 50 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 341 Total number of preferences received Criteria - standard community infant and primary Total number withdrawn – higher preference

offered/Refused by Parent Number of preferences approved exceptionally (47 catchment/sibling, 8 sibling) 12 out of catchment




40 156




Flintham Primary School (5-11 community school) Inholms Road, Flintham, Newark, Nottingham NG23 5LF www.flintham.notts.sch.uk

Linked secondary school: Toot Hill School

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll Criteria - standard community infant and primary

15 108

Telephone: 01636 525371 [email protected]

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 15 Total number of preferences received 29 Total number withdrawn – higher preference offered/Refused by parent 13 Number of preferences approved (3 catchment/sibling, 8 catchment, 4 out of catchment) 15 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 1

Gotham Primary School (5-11 community school) Kegworth Road, Gotham, Nottingham NG11 0JS Telephone: 0115 9149751 www.gothamprimary.co.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Harry Carlton School - Specialist in Mathematics and Computing

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number 25 Expected number on roll 150 Criteria - standard community infant and primary

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number All applications were successful

Greythorn Primary School (5-11 community school) �Greythorn Drive, West Bridgford, Nottingham NG2 7GH Telephone: 0115 9149779 www.greythorn.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: West Bridgford Comprehensive School

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number 45 Expected number on roll 308 Criteria - standard community infant and primary

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 45 Total number of preferences received 132 Total number withdrawn – higher preference offered/Refused by parent 79 Number of preferences approved (12 catchment/sibling, 24 catchment, 3 sibling, 6 out of catchment) 45 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 8

Heymann Primary School (5-11 community school) �Waddington Drive, West Bridgford, Nottingham NG2 7GX www.heymann.notts.sch.uk

Linked secondary school: West Bridgford School

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll Criteria - standard community infant and primary

50 500

Telephone: 0115 9145035 [email protected]

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number All applications were successful




James Peacock Infant and Nursery School (5-7 community school) �Manor Park, Victoria Avenue, Ruddington, Nottingham NG11 6DS Telephone: 0115 9144225 www.jamespeacock.org.uk [email protected]

Linked junior phase school: St. Peter’s (Ruddington) C of E Junior School (voluntary controlled), Ashworth Avenue, Ruddington, Nottingham, NG11 6GB Linked secondary school: Rushcliffe School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 70 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 222 Total number of preferences received 60 Criteria - standard community infant and primary Total number withdrawn – higher preference 93

offered/Refused by parent Number of preferences approved 14 (21 catchment/sibling, 48 catchment. 70 1 sibling Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 9

Jesse Gray Primary School (5-11 community school) �Musters Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham NG2 7DD Telephone: 0115 9748002 Musterswww.jessegray.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: West Bridgford School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 60 Planned Admission Number 60 Expected number on roll 450 Total number of preferences received 290 Criteria - standard community infant and primary Total number withdrawn - higher preference

offered/Refused by parent 169 Number of preferences approved 60 (60 catchment) Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 61

Keyworth Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) Nottingham Road, Keyworth, Nottingham NG12 5FBt Telephone: 0115 9748005 www.keyworth.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: South Wolds Community School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Planned Admission Number 30 Expected number on roll 140 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Kinoulton Primary School (5-11 community school) �Main Street, Kinoulton, Nottingham NG12 3EL Telephone: 01949 81203 www.kinoulton.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: South Wolds Community School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 20 Planned Admission Number 20 Expected number on roll 130 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary


Lady Bay Primary School (5-11 community school) Trent Boulevard, West Bridgford, Nottingham NG2 5BD www.ladybay.notts.sch.uk

Linked secondary school: Rushcliffe School

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll Criteria - standard community infant and primary

60 395

Telephone: 0115 9747001 [email protected]

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 50 Total number of preferences received 89 Total number withdrawn - higher preference offered/Refused by parent 24 Number of preferences approved 60 (54 catchment, 5 sibling, 1 out of catchment) Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 5

Langar CE Primary School (5-11 voluntary controlled school) Barnstone Road, Langar, Nottinghamshire NG13 9HH Telephone: 01949 860056 www.langar.notts.sch.uk

Linked secondary school: Toot Hill School

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll

[email protected]

2011/2012 admissions 15 Planned Admission Number 15 94 Total number of preferences received 27

Total number withdrawn - higher preference offered/Refused by parent 8 Number of preferences approved 15 (15 catchment) Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 4

Lantern Lane Primary and Nursery School (5-11 community school) �Head Teacher: Mrs Celia Botham and Mrs Jane Butler Telephone: 01509 820112 Lantern Lane, East Leake, Loughborough, Leicestershire LE12 6QN www.lanternlane.notts.sch.uk

Linked secondary school: Harry Carlton School

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll Criteria - standard community infant and primary

44 387

[email protected]

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 44 Total number of preferences received 72 Total number withdrawn - higher preference offered/Refused by parent 26 Number of preferences approved 44 (40 catchment, 1 sibling, 3 out of catchment) Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 2


Normanton-on-Soar Primary School (5-11 community school) �Main Street, Normanton-on-Soar, Loughborough, Telephone: 01509 842326 Leicestershire LE12 5HB www.normanton-on-soar.ik.org

[email protected]

Linked secondary school: Harry Carlton School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 12 Planned Admission Number 12 Expected number on roll 70 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Orston Primary School (+ Early Years Group) (5-11 community school) Church Street, Orston, Nottingham NG13 9NS Telephone: 01949 850618 www.orston.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Toot Hill School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 20 Planned Admission Number 20 Expected number on roll 138 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Pierrepont Gamston Primary School (5-11 voluntary aided school) �Head Teacher: Mr Steve Stafford Telephone: 0115 9819292 Coledale, West Bridgford, Nottingham NG2 6TH www.pierrepont-gamston.org.uk

[email protected]

Linked secondary schools: Rushcliffe School and South Nottinghamshire Academy (depending upon the catchment area of the child’s home address)

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Planned Admission Number 30 Expected number on roll 210 Total number of preferences received 73

Total number withdrawn – higher preference offered 28 Number of preferences approved 30 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 15 Please contact school for the number of appeals held and the outcomes

Admission criteria 2012/2013. 1. Children in public care

1.1 Places will be allocated to any Relevant Looked After Child (as described in Section 22 of the Children Act 1989) which will reduce the number of places available to other applicants.

2. Community places (at least 80% of the total places available in any admission year)

2.1 Places will be allocated to applicants who at the time of admission will have a brother or sister* attending the school

2.2 Places will then be given to other applicants

3. Foundation places (no more than 20% of the total places available in any admission year)

For each of the following criteria preference will be given to those applicants who have expressed a wish for Church School education and who can demonstrate a commitment to this. Parents will explain their commitment by completing extra questions on a supplementary application form. Parent(s) and child(ren) must have attended a place of worship, within Churches Together in England or the Evangelical Alliance, at least monthly on average over the past two years, in order to be considered for a Foundation Place. Additional preference will be given to those who also attended other activities outside of Sunday services during the last two years. A reference will be sought from the family’s church minister to confirm their frequency of attendance.


3.1 Places will be allocated to applicants who at the time of admission will have a brother or sister* attending the school

3.2 Places will then be given to other applicants

* The term ‘brother or sister’ includes all children normally resident in the same household who are regarded as members of the same family

Special Circumstances

The following groups of children will be given special consideration in their application for a place at the school;

• Children who have a statement of special educational needs in which this school is named will be admitted. This will reduce the number of places available to other applicants.

• Children who have other particular medical needs, mobility support needs, special educational needs or social circumstances which are supported by written evidence from a doctor, social worker, or other relevant professionals at the time of application. The definition of special educational need will relate to a learning difficulty which calls for special educational provision to be made for the child. Each case will be determined on its own merits. Taking account of the special circumstances the Governors may accord a higher priority to the applicant with regard to any or all of the above criteria.

Radcliffe-on-Trent Infant and Nursery School (5-7 community school) Bingham Road, Radcliffe-on-Trent, Nottingham NG12 2FU Telephone: 0115 9112991 www.radcliffe-on-trent-inf.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked junior phase school: Radcliffe-on-Trent Junior School, Cropwell Road, Radcliffe-on-Trent, Nottingham NG12 2FS Linked secondary school: South Nottinghamshire Academy

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 70 Planned Admission Number 70 Expected number on roll 210 Total number of preferences received 89 Criteria - standard community infant and primary Total number withdrawn – higher preference

offered/Refused by Parent 14 Number of preferences approved (30 catchment/sibling, 37 catchment, 2 sibling, 1 out of catchment) 70 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 5

Radcliffe-on-Trent Junior School (7-11 community school) Cropwell Road, Radcliffe-on-Trent, Nottingham NG12 2FS Telephone: 0115 9110193 www.rotjs.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked infant phase school: Radcliffe-on-Trent Infant and Nursery School, Bingham Road, Radcliffe-on-Trent, Nottingham NG12 2FU Linked secondary school: South Nottinghamshire Academy

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 70 Planned Admission Number 70 Expected number on roll 244 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community junior and primary

Robert Miles Infant School (5-7 community school) School Lane, Bingham, Nottingham NG13 8FE Telephone: 01949 837422 www.robertmiles-inf.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked junior phase school: Robert Miles Junior School, Market Place, Bingham, Nottingham NG13 8AR Linked secondary school: Toot Hill School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 60 Planned Admission Number 60 Expected number on roll 180 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary


Robert Miles Junior School (7-11 community school) Market Place, Bingham, Nottingham NG13 8AR Telephone: 01949 875011 www.robertmiles.co.uk [email protected]

Linked infant phase school: Robert Miles Infant School, School Lane, Bingham, Nottingham NG13 8FE Linked secondary school: Toot Hill School

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll Criteria - standard community junior and primary

60 173

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number All applications were successful


St Edmund Campion Catholic Primary School (4-11 voluntary aided academy) �Tewkesbury Close, West Bridgford, Telephone: 0115 9147889 TNottingham NG2 5ND [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Becket RC School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 60 Planned Admission Number 50 Expected number on roll 398 Total number of preferences received 97 Criteria - standard Admission Policy for Catholic Total number withdrawn - higher preference Voluntary Aided Primary Schools (Nottingham Diocese) offered/Refused by parent 33

Number of preferences approved 50 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list For details of appeals, please contact the school 14

St Peter’s (East Bridgford) CE Primary School (5-11 voluntary controlled school) Kneeton Road, East Bridgford, Nottingham NG13 8PG Telephone: 01949 20226 www.eastbridgfordstpeters.co.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Toot Hill School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Planned Admission Number 30 Expected number on roll 208 All applications were successful

Admission criteria 2012/2013

Standard community infant and primary criteria with the addition of the following which comes between standard criteria 4 and 5.

Applicants who live outside the catchment and whose parents attend the relevant* church/churches. Supporting evidence from the appropriate minister will be required in order to confirm attendance/involvement.

* see school prospectus for full details


St Peter’s (Ruddington) CE Junior School (7-11 voluntary controlled school) �Ashworth Avenue, Ruddington, Nottingham NG11 6GB Telephone: 0115 9743303 www.stpetersjunior.org.uk [email protected]

Linked infant phase school: James Peacock Infant and Nursery School, Manor Park, Ruddington, Nottingham NG11 6DS Linked secondary school: Rushcliffe School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 60 Planned Admission Number 60 Expected number on roll 223 Total number of preferences received 66

Total number withdrawn – higher preference offered/Refused by Parent 1 Number of preferences approved (11 catchment/link/sibling, 49 catchment/link) 60 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 5

Admission criteria 2012/2013

In the event of oversubscription. The following criteria will be applied, in priority order, to determine which applications will be granted once places have first been allocated to pupils who have a statement of special educational needs which names the school:

• Children looked after by a local authority

• Children who live in the catchment area and attend the linked infant school and who, at the time of admission, will have a brother or sister attending the school

• Children who live in the catchment area and attend the linked infant school and who, at the time of admission, will have a brother or sister attending the linked infant school

• Other children who live in the catchment area and attend the linked infant school

• Children who live inside the catchment area who do not attend the linked infant school but who, at the time of admission, will have a brother or sister attending the school

• Children who live inside the catchment area who do not attend the linked infant school but who, at the time of admission, will have a brother or sister attending the linked infant school

• Other children who live in the catchment area and do not attend the linked infant school

• Children who live outside the catchment area but attend the linked infant school and who, at the time of admission, will have a brother or sister attending the school

• Children who live outside the catchment area but attend the linked infant school and who, at the time of admission, will have a brother or sister attending the linked infant school

• Children who live outside the catchment area who do not attend the linked infant school but who, at the time of admission, will have a brother or sister attending the school

• Children who live outside the catchment area but attend the linked infant school

• Children who live outside the catchment area who do not attend the linked infant school but who, at the time of admission, will have a brother or sister attending the linked infant school

• Other children who live outside the catchment area

In the event of oversubscription within any criterion, preference will be given to children who live nearest to the school as the crow flies. Distances are measured from the entrance to the child’s home to the principal entrance to the main administrative building of the school.

Children whose particular medical needs, mobility support needs, special educational needs or social circumstances are supported by written evidence from a Doctor, social worker or other relevant professional stating that the school is the only school which could cater for the child’s particular needs. The evidence must be presented at the time of application.



Sutton Bonington Primary School (5-11 community school) �Park Lane, Sutton Bonington, Loughborough, Leicestershire LE12 5NH Telephone: 01509 672661 www.suttonbonington.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: Harry Carlton School

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 190 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Tollerton Primary School (5-11 community school) �Burnside Grove, Tollerton, Nottingham NG12 4ET

Linked secondary school: South Wolds Community School

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Expected number on roll 172 Criteria - standard community infant and primary

Telephone: 0115 9372944 [email protected]

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 30 Total number of preferences received 63 Total number withdrawn – higher preference offered/Refused by Parent 21 Number of preferences approved (11 catchment/sibling, 13 catchment, 6 sibling) 30 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 12

West Bridgford Infant School (5-7 community school) �Avon Gardens, George Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham NG2 7PX Telephone: 0115 9747885 www.wbinfantschool.ik.org [email protected]

Linked junior phase school: West Bridgford Junior School, Exchange Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham NG2 6DB Linked secondary school: West Bridgford School

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll Criteria - standard community infant and primary

81 248

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number 80 Total number of preferences received 283 Total number withdrawn – higher preference offered/Refused by parent 135 Number of preferences approved (39 catchment/sibling, 41 catchment) 80 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 68


West Bridgford Junior School (7-11 community school) �Exchange Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham NG2 6DB Telephone: 0115 9140201 www.wbjs.com [email protected]

Linked infant phase school: West Bridgford Infant School, Avon Gardens, George Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham NG2 7PX Linked secondary school: West Bridgford School

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll Criteria - standard community junior and primary

80 325

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number All applications were successful


Willoughby Primary School (5-11 community school) Church Lane, Willoughby on the Wolds, Loughborough, Telephone: 01509 880620 Leicestershire LE12 6SS [email protected]

Linked secondary school: South Wolds Community School

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll Criteria - standard community infant and primary

7 47

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number All Applications were successful


Willow Brook Primary School (5-11 community school) Willow Brook, Keyworth, Nottingham NG12 5BB Telephone: 0115 9149889 www.willowbrook.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked secondary school: South Wolds Community School

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll Criteria - standard community infant and primary

30 118

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number All Applications were successful




For Academy, Foundation and Voluntary Aided Schools which were oversubscribed in Year 7 for 2011/2012 it is not possible to list the criterion under which each application was granted or refused as the criteria for each of these schools are different. Please contact the schools for further information.

Alderman White School & Language College (11-18 community school) �Part of White Hills Park Federation

Chilwell Lane, Bramcote, Beeston, Nottingham NG9 3DU Telephone: 0115 917 0424 www.aldermanwhite.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Sixth Form: Bramcote Hills College, Sixth Form, Moor Lane, Bramcote, Telephone: 0115 9168900 Nottingham, NG9 3GA email:[email protected] Website:[email protected] Linked primary schools: Albany Junior, Beeston Fields Primary, Bramcote CE (Aided) Primary, Bramcote Hills Primary, Eskdale Junior, Round Hill Primary, St Johns CE (Controlled) Primary (Stapleford), Sunnyside Primary, Trowell CE (Controlled) Primary, Wadsworth Fields Primary

Open days and evenings: To be advised check website for details

2012/2013 admissions Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll Criteria - standard community secondary

240 845

2011/2012 admissions Planned Admission Number All applications were successful


Sixth form admission criteria 5 A*-C for AS Levels or Level 3 qualification Below 5 A*-C follow a level 2 route for one year

All Saints RC Aided School (11-18 voluntary aided school) �Broomhill Lane, Mansfield, Telephone: 01623 474700 Notts NG19 6BW [email protected]

Linked primary schools: Holy Family Catholic (Aided) Primary, Holy Trinity Catholic (Aided) Primary, St Joseph’s Catholic (Aided) Primary, St Patrick’s Catholic (Aided) Primary, St Philip Neri’s Catholic (Aided) Primary

Open days and evenings: Please contact the school for information

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned admission number 186 Planned Admission Number Expected number on roll 1080 All applications were successful Criteria - standard catholic secondary policy

Sixth Form admission criteria All Saints School operates the only Catholic Sixth Form for the North Nottinghamshire Area. As such it has a responsibility to offer the benefits of a Sixth Form Education within a Christian environment to any student who is between the age of 16 and 19.

The school operates an open admissions policy for entry into Sixth Form. All external applicants will be invited to visit the school to discuss the options available to them and suitability of subject choices.

Final offers will be made following the publication of GCSE results and will be subject to applicants satisfying the particular course and/or subject requirements which are detailed in the Sixth Form Prospectus and subject information leaflets. All students are expected to sign the Post 16 Quality Pledge.



2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions

Arnold Hill Academy (11-18 academy) Gedling Road, Arnold, Nottingham NG5 6NZ Telephone: 0115 955 4804 www.arnoldhillschool.co.uk [email protected]

Linked primary schools: Arnbrook Primary (also linked to Redhill Academy), Arno Vale Junior, Arnold Mill Primary (also linked to Redhill Academy), Arnold View Primary, Coppice Farm Primary, Ernehale Junior, Mapperley Plains Primary (also linked to Gedling School) Seely Church CE (Aided) Primary (also linked to Redhill Academy)

Open days and evenings: Please contact the school for information

Planned admission number 260 Planned admission number 290 Expected number on roll 1825 Total number of preferences received 596 Criteria - standard community secondary Total number withdrawn - higher preference

offered 255 Number of preferences approved 290 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 51 Please contact school for the number of appeals held and the outcomes

Admission Criteria 2012/2013

Children for whom Arnold Hill is the named school in a statement of special educational needs will automatically be allocated a place, providing the school can meet the specific needs. The Governing Body cannot guarantee a place at the school for any other category of application.

Arnold Hill is a very popular school and we cannot always accommodate all the children who apply. If the school is oversubscribed, the following criteria will be used to determine the allocation of places:

1. Children in public care who are ‘looked after’ at the time an application for admission is made and who the local authority can confirm will still be looked after at the time of admission to the school

2. Children with a statement of special education need that names Arnold Hill School

Subsequently, where the number of applications for admission exceeds the number of places available, the following criteria will be applied in the order set out below, to decide which children to admit:

1. Children who live in the catchment area on the closing date for applications as part of the co-ordinated admissions scheme in the year preceding admission to secondary school

2. Children who attend the Arnold Hill Family of Schools: Arno Vale Junior; Arnold View; Arnbrook; Coppice Farm; Ernehale; Mapperley Plains; who were on the roll of, and in regular attendance at, one of those schools on the last day of the Summer Term of Year 5 preceding their intended admission to Arnold Hill and intend to remain on the roll of that school until the end of Year 6

3. Children who live outside the catchment area and who have been on the pupil roll of a linked primary phase school for 12 months preceding the closing date for applications as part of the co-ordinated admissions scheme in the year preceding admission to secondary school

4. Other children who live outside the catchment area

Proximity to school

In the event of an over-subscription of any of the above criteria proximity to the school will be used with those living nearer being given priority. Distance measurements to be made ‘as the crow flies’ from the front gate of the pupil’s registered home address to the reception office of the main school.

Special Circumstances

Special consideration will be given to:

1. Children with an exceptional level of need with regard to a physical disability provided written evidence form a registered health professional such as a doctor is received at the time of application. The school has poor access for students with a physical disability however we form part of the local authority’s strategic plan to improve access for a child with physical disability

2. Children of nomadic travellers that live within the catchment area will be given special consideration

3. Requests from the local area pupil placement panel for ‘hard to place children’ will be given special consideration

The governors of the school will consider each application on its merits in consultation with the local authority. Cases agreed under ‘special circumstances’ will take precedence over all of the numbered criteria.


Sixth form admission criteria

The admission number for the Post-16 centre will be 200, of which we anticipate the minimum number of applications to Year 12 from outside the school will be 30.

Arnold Hill School Post-16 presently offers A levels and a range of vocational courses. Subsequently, we propose the following admissions criteria:

• 5 GCSEs at Grades A* - C.

• A minimum of Grade C in a related GCSE for academic level 3 courses.

• A minimum of Grade C (or equivalent) in a relevant subject for Applied courses.

These requirements do not include English oral grades or GCSE half course grades.

There will be no upper limit for applications to year 12 from outside the school. A meeting will be held to advise and clarify entrance requirements for particular courses.

Over-subscription for the Post 16 centre

Where the number of applications for admission exceeds the number of places available, the following criteria will be applied in the order set out below, to decide which children to admit:

1 Children in public care who are ‘looked after’ at the time an application for admission is made and who the local authority can confirm will still be looked after at the time of admission to the school

2 Children who already attend the school and meet the entry criteria

3 In the event of an over-subscription of the above criteria and for all other applications, proximity to the school will be used with those living nearer being given priority. Distance measurements to be made ‘as crow flies’ from the home address to the main reception of the school

Where applications are received in respect of twins, triplets or children of other multiple births, Arnold Hill School will endeavour to offer/places at the school admitting above the planned admission number where necessary. If this is not possible, the parent/carer will be asked which child(ren) should take up the place(s). The parent/carer will still have a right of appeal against a refusal of a place.

Ashfield School (11-18 foundation school) �Sutton Road, Kirkby in Ashfield, Notts NG17 8HP Telephone: 01623 455000 www.ashfield.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked primary schools: John Davies Primary, Greenwood Primary, Jeffries Primary, Kirkby Woodhouse Primary, Mapplewells Primary, Orchard Primary

Open days and evenings: Please contact the school for further information

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned admission number 405 Planned admission number 405 Expected number on roll 2700 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community secondary

Sixth form admission criteria Requirements dependent on courses. Please contact the school for further details


The Becket RC School (11-18 voluntary aided academy) The Becket Way, Wilford Lane, West Bridgford, Nottingham NG2 7QY Telephone: 0115 9824280 www.becketonline.co.uk [email protected] Linked primary schools: St Edmund Campion Catholic (Aided) Primary

Open days and evenings: Year 7-28 September 2011 - Sixth Form - 4 October 2011

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned admission number 166 Planned admission number 166 Expected number on roll 1080 Total number of preferences received 503 Criteria - standard Catholic secondary policy Total number withdrawn - higher preference

offered/Refused by Parent 244 Number of preferences approved 166 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 93 For the number of appeals heard, please contact the school

Sixth form admission criteria The minimum academic requirements for entry into The Becket Sixth (Yr 12) are: Three Grade Bs at GCSE level and three Grade Cs at GCSE level, three Grade Bs being in the subject to be studied or in a relevant subject, as listed below unless stated otherwise:

1. Music - someone with Grade 5 Theory and Grade 5 Practical will be considered to have attained the equivalent of Grade B GCSE.

2. Art - a portfolio of work will be assessed and a written statement from one of the Art teachers of the school that this is the equivalent of Grade B will be required

3. Drama – relevant subject: English literature 4. Sciences (Biology, Chemistry and Physics) – Grade B in Double science and Grade C in Maths are minimum

requirements 5. Further Maths – Grade A in GCSE Maths is a minimum requirement 6. Mathematics – Grade B at GCSE Maths (Higher Level) 7. Economics/Business Studies – relevant subject: History, Geography or English and Grade C in Maths is a

minimum requirement 8. History/Geography – where not studied at GCSE, a Grade B in the other subject or English is a minimum

requirement 9. Sociology/Psychology – Grade B in English or History or Geography is a minimum requirement (as well as

Maths for Psychology) Where only one GCSE grade fell below the requirement in a particular subject, a written statement from the relevant Curriculum Leader confirming that assessed coursework, previously assessed work and overall progress indicate that this low grade is exceptional and abnormal and where, on this basis, the Curriculum Leader recommends that the student be admitted to Year 12, the predicted grade will be accepted for this one subject only.

At the end of Year 12 students will normally be allowed to proceed to A2 only in those subjects in which they have attained at least a grade D at AS level.

Information & Guidance Meeting - Prospective students will be invited to attend an information and guidance meeting with their parents to discuss the suitability of particular subjects and combinations of subjects. Offers of places will not be made on the basis of the meeting, but in accordance with the stated criteria.

External Students – A minimum of 20 and a maximum of 40 external students, who meet the above criteria, will be admitted to Year 12 in any one year, subject to places being available on chosen courses. Applications will be considered initially after 9th January 2012 following an initial closing date of 6th January 2012. Applications received after this date will be placed on a waiting list in accordance with the oversubscription criteria.

Oversubscription Criteria – in the event of oversubscription places will be offered to applicants on the following order of preference:

1. Catholics in the care of a Local Authority (Looked After) 2. Baptised Catholics * ; 3. Applicants in the care of a Local Authority who are not Catholic 4. Christians/Denominations other than Catholic, who can provide a certificate either of baptism or dedication; 5. All other applicants.


*A copy of Baptismal certificates must be submitted with applications to ensure correct categorisation Where a distinction has to be made within one of the above categories, preference will be given to siblings, then, as a tie break, distance from the Student’s home address (as defined by the Local Authority) to the Main Entrance of The Becket School “as the crow flies” will be used, preference being given to the shortest distance.

Right of Appeal – A formal appeal procedure is available in accordance with the provision of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998. If you wish to appeal against the decision (parents and students are able to appeal jointly or separately) you should inform the school in writing, within 10 days of receiving your refusal of a place.

Late Applications (Applications received after the initial closing date) – Applicants will be placed on a waiting list as per the over-subscription criteria. After the final offer date of 9th March 2012 further offers may be made from the waiting list; based on the number of offers accepted and availability. Final numbers cannot be determined before September 2012.

The waiting list will be held open until 9th September 2012

Bramcote Park Sport, Business & Enterprise School (11-16 community school) �Part of White Hills Park Federation

Derby Road, Bramcote, Nottingham NG9 3GD Telephone: 0115 913 0013 www.bramcotepark.notts.sch.uk [email protected] Linked primary schools: Albany Junior, Beeston Fields Primary, Bramcote CE (Aided) Primary, Bramcote Hills Primary, Eskdale Junior, Round Hill Primary, St Johns CE (Controlled) Primary (Stapleford), Sunnyside Primary, Trowell CE (Controlled) Primary, Wadsworth Fields Primary

Open days and evenings: Please contact the school for information

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned admission number 153 Planned admission number 153 Expected number on roll 705 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community secondary

The Brunts School - A Specialist Performing Arts College (11-18 community school) �The Park, Park Avenue, Mansfield, Notts NG18 2AT Telephone: 01623 623149 www.brunts.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked primary schools: High Oakham Primary, King Edward Primary, Newgate Primary, St. Peter’s CE (Aided) Primary (also linked to Queen Elizabeths CE Endowed Comprehensive School), Sutton Road Primary

Open days and evenings: Please contact the school for information

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned admission number 240 Planned admission number 260 Expected number on roll 1550 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community secondary

Sixth form admission criteria The Brunts Sixth Form has an open policy on admissions and the courses offered cater for the full range of ability. We do however try to ensure that appropriate choices are made, so as to avoid problems later on in the year. In general, students will take 3 or 4 AS level/BTEC Level 3 courses, dependent upon their success at GCSE. Applications from students from other schools are particularly welcomed. The Sixth form Administrator is to be contacted for external applications.


The Carlton Academy (11-18 academy) �Coningswath Road, Carlton, Nottingham NG4 3SH Telephone: 0115 955 0010

Linked primary schools: All Hallows (Controlled) Primary (also linked to Carlton-le-Willows Academy and Gedling School), Central Junior (also linked to Carlton-le-Willows Academy and Gedling School), Haddon Primary (also linked to Gedling School), Hogarth Primary (Nottingham City LA), Parkdale Primary (also linked to Carlton-le-Willows Academy), Porchester Junior, Westdale Junior (also linked to Gedling School)

Open days and evenings: Please contact the school for further information

2012/2013 admissions Planned admission number Expected number on roll Criteria - standard community secondary

180 2011/2012 admissions Planned admission number All applications were successful


Sixth form admission criteria

A Level – Mininum of 5 x GCSE Grade C or above, including Maths and English

BTEC Level 3: Minimum of 5 GCSE Grade C or above or Merit at BTEC in chosen subject. Grade C in Maths and English is preferable.

BTEC Level 2: Level 1 and/or E/D grades at GCSE

Carlton le Willows Academy (11-18 academy) Wood Lane, Gedling, Nottingham NG4 4AA Telephone: 0115 956 5008 www.clwacademy.co.uk [email protected]

Linked Primary Schools: All Hallows CE (Controlled) Primary (also linked to The Carlton Academy and Gedling School), Burton Joyce Primary, Central Junior School (Carlton) (also linked to Gedling School and The Carlton Academy) Netherfield Primary, Parkdale Primary (also linked to The Carlton Academy), St John the Baptist CE (Aided) Primary (Colwick), Willow Farm Primary (also linked to Gedling School)

Open evening: 28 September 2011 Open day: 6 October 2011

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned admission number 221 Planned admission number 221 Expected number on roll 1372 Total number of preferences received 475

Total number withdrawn - higher preference offered 173 Number of preferences approved 221 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 81 For the number of appeals heard, please contact the school.

Admission Criteria 2012/2013

Children for whom Carlton le Willows Academy is the named school in a statement of special education need will be automatically offered a place at the school. The Governing Body of the school cannot guarantee a place at the school for any other category of application.


Where the number of applicants for admission exceeds the number of places available, the following criteria will be applied in the order set out below, to decide which children to admit:

1 Children in public care as defined by section 22 of the Children’s Act, 1989.


2 Applicants who can establish exceptional medical, social or humanitarian grounds (e.g. a learning, behavioural or mobility difficulty which calls for special educational provision) relating to the child or to the circumstances of the family. Supporting written evidence from a doctor and/or other relevant professional agencies must be provided at the time of application, together with details of the particular reasons why it is considered that Carlton le Willows is the most suitable school and the difficulties that would be caused if the child had to attend another school. Each case will be considered on its merits and the Governing Body may seek any independent specialist advice deemed necessary.

3 Children who live in the catchment area and who, at the time of admission, will have a brother or sister attending the school.

4 Other children who live in the catchment area.

5 Children who live outside the catchment area, but who are attending a linked primary phase school on 31 October preceding admission to secondary school and who will have a brother or sister at the preferred secondary school at the time of admission.

6 Children who live outside the catchment area and who, at the time of admission, will have a brother or sister attending the preferred secondary school.

7 Children who live outside the catchment area but who are attending a linked primary phase school on 31 October preceding admission to secondary school.

8 Other children who live outside the catchment area.

Note: If applications exceed the number of places available, the school will operate a waiting list in which priority for places will be given on the basis of the above criteria. The child’s place on the waiting list may go up or down depending on whether places become available or if late or mid-term applications are received. The Governors of the school, in partnership with the Local Authority, will administer the waiting list for the duration of the co-ordinated admissions scheme. Once the co-ordinated scheme is closed, the waiting list will remain open but will be administered by the Governors of the school for one year. All applications for places in the normal year of entry are made on the common application form together with a supplementary form which is available from the school and is contained within the prospectus.

Measuring distance ‘as the crow flies’

In the event of over-subscription within any criterion, preference will be given to children who live nearest to the school as the crow flies. Distances are measured from the entrance to the child’s home to the principal entrance to the main administrative building of the school by the Local Authority which currently uses the ‘Arcview’ system.

Admission to the Sixth Form including admission number for those admitted for the first time.

To be accepted on to Level 3 courses, pupils will need five or more GCSE passes at Grade C or above (or equivalent) and be able to provide evidence that they are able to complete any necessary coursework and meet deadlines. For certain subjects, a GCSE Grade B is required. (See Sixth Form Prospectus.) The school does not currently actively recruit into its Sixth Form. Applications are handled in the same way as other applications outside the normal year of entry. Any applicant refused entry can appeal against the decision. Should oversubscription criteria be required, they will be as for Year 7, with the exception of Criteria 5 & 7.

Chilwell School - A Specialist in Arts, Maths & Computing (11-18 Foundation school) �Queens Road West, Chilwell, Beeston, Nottingham NG9 5AL Telephone: 0115 925 2698 www.chilwell.notts.sch.uk [email protected] Linked Primary Schools: College House Junior, John Clifford Primary, Rylands Junior

Open days and evenings: Year 6 - 29 September 2011 Prospective parents evening Year 6 - 11 July 2012 Induction day/evening 6th form - 6 October 2011 open evening Please contact school for details

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned admission number 197 Planned admission number 197 Expected number on roll 1060 All applications were successful

Admissions Criteria 2012/2013

In accordance with the Code of Admissions, children with a statement of special education needs that names Chilwell School will be admitted.

If the school is oversubscribed, the following criteria will be used to determine the allocation of places. In the event


of over subscription within any particular category, proximity to the school measured ‘as the crow flies’ from the entrance of the child’s home to the principal entrance of the main administrative building of the school will be used as the determining factor.

1. Children in public care who are ‘looked after’ at the time an application for admission is made and who the local authority can confirm will still be looked after at the time of admission to the school.

2. Children who attend the Chilwell Family of Schools (College House Junior School, John Clifford Primary School and Rylands Junior School) who were on the roll at the time of application and who were still on roll on the closing date for applications. Within this category first priority will be given to those who will have a brother or sister attending Chilwell School at the time of admission. Where applications are received in respect of twins, triplets or children of other multiple births from the Chilwell family we will endeavour to offer the relevant number of places admitting above the planned admission number where appropriate.

3. Children not attending the Chilwell Family of Schools who will have a brother or sister attending Chilwell School at the time of admission. Where applications are received in respect of twins, triplets or children of other multiple births we will endeavour to offer the relevant number of places admitting above the planned admission number where appropriate.

4. Remaining places will be allocated on proximity to the school measured ‘as the crow flies’ from the entrance to the child’s home to the principal entrance of the main administrative building of the school.

Special circumstances Special consideration will be given to children with an exceptional level of need with regard to a physical or medical disability provided written evidence from a registered health professional such as a doctor, is received at the time of application. We are a pathways school and have good access for students with physical disabilities. Requests from the local area pupil placement panel for ‘hard to place children’ will be given special consideration. The governors of the school will consider each application on its merits in consultation with the local authority. Cases agreed under ‘special circumstances’ will take precedence over all of the numbered criteria.

Sixth Form Admissions

The admission number for year 12 entry into the sixth form is 150. Admissions into the Sixth Form will be allocated to those who have applied by the closing date taking regard to the following factors set out in order of priority:

1. Students in public care who are ‘looked after’ at the time an application for admission is made and who the local authority confirm will still be ‘looked after’ at the time of admission to school.

2. Pupils transferring from within Chilwell School who meet the school’s minimum entry requirements; such students are guaranteed a place irrespective of numbers.

3. Pupils transferring from other schools who meet the school’s minimum entry requirements (At least 20 places will be available for pupils transferring from other schools.).

In the event of there being more applicants than places available in 3 above, the deciding factors will be, in order of priority:

(i) Whether there is a brother or sister on Chilwell School roll at the time of entry to the Sixth Form. Where applications are received in respect of twins, triplets or children of other multiple births we will endeavour to offer the relevant number of places admitting above the planned admission number where appropriate.

(ii) Pupils who live nearest to the school ‘as the crow flies’ with distances measured from the entrance to the pupil’s home to the principal entrance of the main administrative building of the school. In the event of the two distances being exactly equal resulting in the PAN being exceeded then random allocation by lot will be conducted by a body of Chilwell School


Christ the King Catholic School and Sixth Form Centre (11-18 voluntary aided school) �Darlton Drive, Arnold, Nottingham NG5 7JZ Telephone: 0115 955 6262 www.christtheking.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked Primary Schools: Holy Cross Catholic (Aided) Primary, Sacred Heart Catholic (Aided) Primary, St Margaret Clitherow Primary, The Good Shepherd Catholic (Aided) Primary

Open days and evenings: 15 September 2011 Please contact the school for further information

2012/2013 admissions Planned admission number Expected number on roll Criteria - standard Catholic secondary policy

147 750

2011/2012 admissions Planned admission number All applications were successful


Sixth form admissions

The minimum requirements for entry into sixth form are: 5 GCSEs at grades A*-C to include English and Mathematics

Colonel Frank Seely School (11-18 community school) �Flatts Lane, Calverton, Nottingham NG14 6JZ Telephone: 0115 965 2495 www.cfs.notts.sch.uk [email protected] Linked primary schools: Bleasby CE Primary (also linked to Minster CE (Aided) School), Lambley Primary School (also linked to Gedling School), Lowdham CE Primary (Aided), Sir John Sherbrooke Junior, St Wilfred’s CE (Controlled) Primary, Woodborough Woods Foundation CE (Aided) Primary

Open days and evenings: 29 September 2011 (year 6) 3 November 2011 (sixth form)

Please contact school for further information

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned admission number 180 Planned admission number 180 Expected number on roll 1075 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community secondary

Sixth form admission criteria 5 A* - C grades with specific grades required in the subject being studied (e.g. Sciences – B in Additional Science)

The Dukeries College (11-18 community school) �Whinney Lane, New Ollerton, Newark, Notts NG22 9TD Telephone: 01623 860545 www.dukeries.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked primary schools: Crompton View Primary, Forest View Junior, King Edwin Primary, Kneesall CE (Controlled) Primary, Ollerton Primary, St Mary’s CE (Aided) Primary (Edwinstowe), Walesby CE (Controlled) Primary

Open days and evenings: Please contact the school for information

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned admission number 225 Planned admission number 225 Expected number on roll 1119 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community secondary

Sixth form admission criteria 5 A*-C for AS levels including English and Maths; plus some subjects have individual requirements.


Eastwood Comprehensive School - A Specialist Arts College (11-18 community school) �Mansfield Road, Eastwood, Nottingham NG16 3EA Telephone: 01773 786212 www.eastwood-comp.notts.sch.uk [email protected] Linked primary schools: Brookhill Leys Primary, Greasley Beauvale Primary, Lynncroft Primary, Springbank Primary.

Open days and evenings: To be confirmed. Please see website

2012/2013 admissions Planned admission number Expected number on roll Criteria - standard community secondary

210 841

2011/2012 admissions Planned admission number All applications were successful


Sixth form admission criteria

Option 1 – Level 3 Courses – AS into A” and BTEC

These are offered in a wide variety of subjects. They consist of a first year and second year. There are two types of qualification: ‘AS’ into ‘A2’ and BTEC courses. Entry to this option is by achieving a minimum of 4 subjects at the equivalent of A*-C. Students will be encouraged to take 4 subjects in Year 12 and 3 subjects in Year 13 in addition to a two year AS course in Critical Thinking. All of these qualifications allow students to progress into Higher Education, Further Education, work-based training and employment.

Option 2 – Level 1 and 2 Courses – One Year Foundation Course Our unique and very popular one year, full time course is based on developing skills, understanding interests and student strengths in order to gain qualifications that allow students to progress to the next level such as: work based training, vocational courses, employment or AS study. This is a full time course Entry to this option is by achieving a minimum of 4 subjects at the equivalent of A* -G.

Option 3 – Levels 1, 2 and 3 Courses – Blended Learning This will allow students to study across both the Foundation Course as well as at Level 3. Entry to this option is by achieving a minimum of A*-C in the subject to be studied at Level 3. This route allows students to move on into work based training, vocational courses.

Elizabethan High School (11-18 community school) �Hallcroft Road, Retford, Notts DN22 7PY Telephone: 01777 713700 www.elizabethan.notts.sch.uk [email protected] Linked primary schools: Carr Hill Primary, Everton Primary, Mattersey Primary, North Wheatley CE (Controlled) Primary, Ranby CE (Controlled) Primary, Ranskill Primary, Sutton cum Lound CE (Aided) Primary, Sturton le Steeple CE (Aided) Primary

Open days and evenings: Please contat the school for furthr details

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned admission number 240 Planned admission number Expected number on roll 1180 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community secondary

Sixth form admission criteria Years12 and 13 students remain on school roll but attend Post 16 College in Retford – 5 passes at A*-C level plus some subjects have individual requirements. Please contact the school for further details



Garibaldi Maths and Computing College (11-18 community school) �Garibaldi Road, Forest Town, Mansfield, Notts NG19 0JX Telephone: 01623 464220 www.garibaldi.org.uk [email protected]

Linked primary schools: Forest Town Primary, Heatherley Primary, Holly Primary, Newlands Junior, Samuel Barlow Primary

Open days and evenings: Thursday 15 September 2011 (Year 6 open evening)

2012/2013 admissions Planned admission number Expected number on roll Criteria - standard community secondary

185 989

2011/2012 admissions Planned admission number All applications were successful


Sixth form admission criteria 4 GCSE passes at A*-C level plus individual requirements for some courses. Discussed with students on an individual basis.

The Gedling School Specialist Science College (11-16 community school) Wollaton Avenue, Gedling, Telephone: 0115 952 1171 Nottingham NG4 4HX [email protected] Linked primary schools: All Hallows CE (Controlled) Primary (also linked to Carlton le Willows Academy and The Carlton Academy), Central Junior (also linked to Carlton le Willows Academy and The Carlton Academy), Haddon Primary (also linked to The Carlton Academy), Lambley Primary (also linked to Colonel Frank Seely School), Mapperley Plains Primary (also linked to Arnold Hill School & Technology College), Priory Junior, Stanhope Primary, Westdale Junior (also linked to The Carlton Academy), Willow Farm Primary (also linked to Carlton le Willows Academy)

Open days and evenings: 21 September 2011 (evening) 6.30pm

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned admission number 180 Planned admission number 180 Expected number on roll 480 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community secondary

George Spencer Academy (11-18 academy) �Arthur Mee Road, Stapleford, Nottingham NG9 7EW Telephone: 0115 917 0100 www.george-spencer.notts.sch.uk [email protected] Linked primary schools: Bispham Drive Junior, Chetwynd Road Primary, Fairfield Primary

Open days and evenings: Thursday 29 September 2011

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned admission number 224 Planned admission number 224 Expected number on roll 1365 Total number of preferences received 405

Total number withdrawn - higher preference offered 137 Number of preferences approved 224 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 44 Please contact the school for the number of appeals held and the outcomes

Admission Criteria 2012/2013

Children for whom George Spencer is the named school in a statement of special educational needs will automatically be allocated a place. The Governing Body cannot guarantee a place at the school for any other category of application.


George Spencer is a very popular school and we cannot always accommodate all the children who apply. The following criteria will be used to determine the allocation of places for applications made as part of the national co­ordinated scheme for admissions:

1. Children in public care who are “looked after” at the time of application and will continue to be so at the time admission, as confirmed by the local authority.

2. Applicants who can establish exceptional medical or special educational needs (i.e. a learning or behavioural difficulty, which calls for special educational provision) relating to their child. Supporting written evidence from a doctor and/or from other relevant professional agencies must be provided at the time of application. Each case will be determined on its merits.

3. Children who attend the George Spencer Family of Schools: Fairfield School Stapleford, Chetwynd Road or Bispham Drive Schools in Toton, who were on the roll of one of those schools at the time of the initial application.

4. Children not attending the George Spencer Family of Schools who have a sibling attending George Spencer School at the time of admission.

5. Remaining places will be allocated according to proximity to the school with those living nearer being given priority. Distance is measured “as the crow flies” from the centre of the school footbridge to the child’s permanent home address.

In the event of oversubscription in any of the above criteria, proximity to the school will be used as a tie-breaker. Proof of residence may be required.


The maximum admission number for the George Spencer Academy will be 150. We anticipate a minimum of 15 places will be available for external students entering Year 12.

George Spencer Academy offers mainly “A” level and some vocational courses. Our policy is to ensure that students accepted into George Spencer Academy whether internally from Year 11 or from other establishments can be placed on appropriate courses where they are likely to succeed. To facilitate this all applicants will have a meeting with a college member of staff to discuss the most suitable courses of study.

Those seeking admission to George Spencer Academy will be expected to have:

• a minimum of 5 A*-C including English and Mathematics GCSE at grade C or above;

• an average capped point score in their GCSE studies of at least 42;

• a high GCSE grade, preferably a B grade or above, in each of the preferred choice subjects.

Acceptance onto certain courses will depend on a combination of appropriate Level 2 qualifications.

Meeting the requirements of any course does not automatically guarantee that applicants will be offered places on the preferred choices.


Where the number of applications for admission exceeds the number of places, the following criteria will be applied in the order set out below, to decide which students to admit.

• Students in care who meet the academic entry criteria

• Students who already attend the school and meet the academic entry criteria

• Proximity to the school with those living nearest the school being given priority. Distance is measured “as the crow flies” from the centre of the school footbridge to the child’s permanent home address.


The Grove School - A Specialist Science College (11-18 community school) London Road, New Balderton, Newark, Notts NG24 3AL Telephone: 01636 615000 www.grove.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked primary schools: All Saints Anglican/Methodist (Aided) Primary (Elston) (also linked to Toot Hill School), Chuter Ede Primary, Coddington CE (Controlled) Primary, (also linked to Magnus CE School), John Hunt Primary, (also linked to Magnus CE School), St Peter’s CE (Controlled) Primary (Farndon), Winthorpe Primary

Open days and evenings: Year 6, 22 September 2011

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned admission number 210 Planned admission number 210 Expected number on roll 981 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community secondary

Sixth form admission criteria 5 GCSE passes at A*-C level (including English and Maths) plus individual requirements for some courses

Harry Carlton School Specialist in Mathematics and Computing (11-18 community school) �Lantern Lane, East Leake, Loughborough, Leics LE12 6QN Telephone: 01509 852424 www.harrycarlton.co.uk [email protected] Linked primary schools: Brookside Primary, Costock CE (Controlled) Primary, Gotham Primary, Lantern Lane Primary, Normanton on Soar Primary, Sutton Bonington Primary

Open days and evenings: Please contact the school for information

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned admission number 200 Planned admission number 200 Expected number on roll 1030 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community secondary

Sixth form admission criteria 5 GCSE passes at A*-C level including Maths and English

The Holgate School (11-18 community school) Hillcrest Drive, Hucknall, Nottingham NG15 6PX Telephone: 0115 963 2104

www.holgate.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked primary schools: Annie Holgate Junior, Beardall Street Primary, Broomhill Junior, Edgewood Primary, Hawthorne Primary, Leen Mills Primary, Hillside Primary

Open days and evenings: October 2012 Intake evening; July 2012 Intake day and evening. Please contact the school for information

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned admission number Planned admission number 240240 Expected number on roll All applications were successful 1060 Criteria - standard community secondary

Sixth form admission criteria For AS/A level courses – students need at least 5 A*-C separate subjects. If they want to study A Levels, they need a B or higher in that or a related subject


The Joseph Whitaker School (11-18 foundation school) Warsop Lane, Rainworth, Mansfield, Notts NG21 0AG Telephone: 01623 792327 www.josephwhitaker.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked primary schools: Abbey Gates Primary, Lake View Primary, Python Hill Primary, Ravenshead CE (Controlled) Primary, Blidworth Oaks Primary

Open days and evenings: 28 September 2011 (School in Action Evening) Please contact the school for further information

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned admission number 208 Planned admission number 208 Expected number on roll 1250 All applications were successful

Following a re-evaluation of the school’s net capacity by the local authority as a result of accommodation changes, the admission number for Year 7 in September, 2011 is 208. In view of this change in circumstances, the Governors will consider any application above this number in any year group to satisfy themselves that further admission does not prejudice the provision of efficient education or the efficient use of resources. Children for whom The Joseph Whitaker School is the named school in a statement of special educational need will be automatically offered a place at the school. The Governing Body of the school cannot guarantee a place at the school for any other category of application. If the school is oversubscribed, the following criteria will be used to determine the allocation of places. In the event of over subscription in any of the categories, other than category 2, proximity to the school measured “as the crow flies” from the entrance of the child’s home to the principal entrance of the main administrative building of the school will be used as the determining factor. 1. Children in public care who are “looked after” at the time an application for admission is made and who the

local authority confirm will still be “looked after” at the time of admission to school. The Governors require submission of the legal documentation which provides evidence that the child is “looked after” as defined by the Act at the time of application

2. Up to 21 places will be allocated to pupils who, at the closing date for applications, can show an aptitude for sport, including dance, and whose parents have requested a place at the school. Places will be allocated to those achieving the highest scores following the completion of an appropriate trial or audition process as published in the school’s prospectus.

3. Applicants who can establish exceptional medical or social grounds (e.g. a learning, behavioural or mobility difficulty which calls for special educational provision) or humanitarian grounds within the requirements of the Human Rights Act, 1998 relating to the child or to the circumstances of the family. Supporting written evidence from a doctor and/or other relevant professional agencies must be provided to the school at the time of application, together with details of the particular reasons why it is considered The Joseph Whitaker School is the most suitable school and the difficulties that would be caused if the child had to attend another school. Each case will be considered on its merits and the Governing Body may seek any independent specialist advice deemed necessary.

4. Children who attend the Joseph Whitaker Family of Schools (Abbey Gates Primary School, Lake View Primary, Blidworth Oaks Primary School, Python Hill Primary School and Ravenshead C of E Primary School) who were on the roll of and regular attenders at one of these schools on the last day of the summer term of Year 5 preceding the intended admission to The Joseph Whitaker School and intend to remain on the roll of that school until the end of Year 6. Within this category first priority will be given to those who already have a brother or sister attending The Joseph Whitaker School.

5. Children not attending the Joseph Whitaker Family of Schools who have a brother or sister attending The Joseph Whitaker School.

6. Remaining places will be allocated on proximity to the school measured „as the crow flies from the entrance to the child’s home to the principle entrance of the main administrative building of the school. Note; where the final remaining place requires decision between children of a multiple birth, both or all of the children will be admitted.

Sixth Form Admissions Please contact the school for information


The Kimberley School (11-18 Foundation school) �Newdigate Street, Kimberley, Nottingham NG16 2NJ Telephone: 0115 938 7000 www.kimberleyschool.co.uk [email protected] Linked primary schools: Awsworth Primary, Gilthill Primary, Hollywell Primary, Horsendale Primary, Kimberley Primary, Larkfields Junior, Mornington Primary

Open days and evenings: Year 5/6 Open Evening - 20 September 2011 @ 16.30 Sixth Form Open Evening – 5 October 2011 @ 17.00 Year 7 Tutor Evening – 11 October 2011 @ 16.00 Year 11 Parents Evening – 19 October 2011 @ 16.00 Year 9 Parents Consultation – 1 December 2011 @ 16.00 Year 10 Parents Consultation – 12 January 2012 @ 16.00 Year 8 Parents Consultation – TBC 2012 @ 16.00

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned admission number 240 Planned admission number Expected number on roll 1352 All applications were successful

Admission Criteria 2012/2013

As required by the regulations of 2005, children for whom The Kimberley School is the named school in a statement of special educational need will be automatically offered a place at the school. The Governing Body of the school cannot guarantee a place at the school for any other category of application.

If the school is oversubscribed, the following criteria will be used to determine allocation of places. In the event of oversubscription in any of the categories, proximity to the school measured ‘as the crow flies’ from the entrance of the child’s home to the principal entrance of the main administrative building of the school will be used as the determining factor.

1. Children in public care who are ‘looked after’ at the time an application for admission is made and who the Local Authority confirm will still be ‘looked after’ at the time of admission to school as also required by the regulations of 2005.

2. Children who attend The Kimberley Family of Schools who were on the role at the time of application and who were still on roll on the closing date for applications. Within this category first priority will be given to those who will have a brother or sister attending The Kimberley School at the time of admission.

3. Children not attending The Kimberley Family of Schools who will have a brother or sister attending The Kimberley School at the time of admission.

4. Remaining places will be allocated on proximity to the school measured ‘as the crow flies’ from the entrance to the child’s home to the principal entrance of the main administrative building of the school.

NB. Applicants who establish exceptional medical or special educational needs (i.e. a learning or behavioural difficulty which calls for special educational provision) relating to the child. Supporting written evidence from a doctor and/or other relevant professional agencies must be provided at the time of application. This should be accompanied by full supporting evidence setting out the particular reasons why it is considered that The Kimberley School is the most suitable school and outlining the difficulties that would be caused if the child had to attend another school. The Governing Body will seek to assess the evidence presented objectively and may seek any independent specialist advice deemed necessary.

Each case will be considered on its merits and the Governors will seek to ensure that where there is a prior need for potential support or for reasonable adjustment to be made in admitting a child with special educational needs or disabilities, these will be addressed as quickly as is practical so that the child can be placed quickly.

Sixth Form Admissions

Admissions into the Sixth Form will be allocated to those who have applied, taking regard to the following factors set out in order of priority:

1. Children in care will be given the highest priority in our over-subscription criteria for entry to the sixth form

2. Pupils transferring from within The Kimberley School who meet the school’s minimum entry requirements; such students are guaranteed a place irrespective of numbers.

3. Pupils transferring from other schools who meet the school’s minimum entry requirements (up to a total maximum number of students in Year 12 and Year 13 of 300) (At least 20 places will be available for pupils transferring from other schools)

4. Courses are offered subject to viability at the time of curriculum planning



In the event of there being more applicants than places available in 2 above, the deciding factors will be, in order of priority:

(i) Whether there is a brother or sister on The Kimberley School roll at the time of entry to the Sixth Form

(ii) Pupils who live nearest to the school ‘as the crow flies’ with distances measured from the entrance to the pupil’s home to the principal entrance of the main administrative building of the school.

Kirkby College A Foundation School with Specialist Status (11-18) Tennyson Street, Kirkby-in-Ashfield, Notts NG17 7DH Telephone: 01623 455925 www.kirkbycollege.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked primary schools: Abbey Hill Primary, Annesley Primary, Kingsway Primary, Morven Park Primary, Newstead Primary

Open days and evenings: Please contact the school for information

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned admission number 150 Planned admission number 150 Expected number on roll 552 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community secondary

Sixth form admission criteria Open entry policy decided on individual merit and suitability to courses offered. Please contact the school for more details

Magnus C of E School (11-18 Federated Trust school) �Earp Avenue, Newark, Notts NG24 4AB Telephone: 01636 680066 www.magnuscofe.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked primary schools: Barnby Road Academy Primary, Bishop Alexander Primary, Coddington CE Primary (also linked to Grove School), Hawtonville Junior, Lovers Lane Primary, Manners Sutton Primary, Mount CE Primary, Bowbridge Primary

Open days and evenings: Dates not yet confirmed but visits always welcome by appointment. Please contact the school for information.

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions 210Planned admission number 210 Planned admission number Expected number on roll 980 All applications were successful

Admission Criteria 2012/2013

Children with a statement of Special Educational Needs that names Magnus Church of England School will be admitted which will reduce the number of places available to other applicants.

In the event of oversubscription the following criteria will be applied:

1. Children in public care.

2. Up to 21 places will be allocated to children who show an aptitude for the Performing Arts and whose parents have requested a place at the school. Places will be allocated to those achieving the highest scores in open auditions as published in the school prospectus.

3. Children who attend a primary school in the Magnus family (currently Barnby Road Primary, Bishop Alexander Primary, Lovers Lane Primary, Manners Sutton Primary, Muskham Primary, Mount CE Primary) who were on roll on the closing date for applications and intend to remain on roll until the end of year 6.

4. Children attending a linked Primary School (currently Coddington CE Primary, Hawtonville Junior) who were on roll on the last day of the closing date for applications and intend to remain on roll until the end of year 6.

5. Children who, at the time of admission, are expected to have a brother or sister at the school.

6. Children who, at the time of application, have been regular and frequent worshippers (i.e. at least twice a month) at a Church of England Church for the previous twelve months.

7. Children who, at the time of application, have been regular and frequent worshippers (i.e. at least twice a month) at any Christian Church which is a member of Churches Together in England for the previous twelve months.

8. Children not meeting any of the above criteria whose parents have requested a place at Magnus Church of England School.


In the event of oversubscription within any criteria (with the exception of number 2) places will be allocated on the basis of those living closest to the school measured as the crow flies from home to the main gate on Earp Avenue as measured by the local authority’s Arcview software.

The terms of the Nottinghamshire County Co-ordinated scheme for admissions will apply, including the dates specified in that scheme. Late applications will be considered in accordance with the scheme. A waiting list for the new intake will be maintained in partnership with Nottinghamshire County Council until the end of the first week of the Autumn term. Sixth form admission criteria Students who were on roll at Magnus Church of England School during Year 11: • The minimum entry requirement for a two year Level 3 course (e.g. AS/A2) is five grade Cs at GCSE(or

equivalent) in relevant subjects. • Other students will be offered places on courses leading to qualifications at level 2. Successful completion of

such courses will allow admission to a level 3 course for the following academic year. Students who are not at Magnus Church of England School: • The criteria for admission to the Sixth form are the same as for pupils who are currently Year 11 at Magnus

Church of England School. Oversubscription Criteria: 1. Children who have worshipped at a Church of England Church at least twice a month for the previous 12 months 2. Children who have worshipped at any Christian Church which is a member of Churches Together in England at

least once a month for the previous 12 months 3. Distance from the applicant’s home to the school measured as the crow flies from home to the main gate on

Earp Avenue as measured by the local authority’s ‘Arcview’ software Prospective post-16 students are invited to discuss their course requirements with the Deputy Head Teacher (Curriculum) and/or the Head of Sixth Form. Offers of places to the Magnus Sixth Form are made by the governing body.

The Manor School (11-18 academy) �Park Hall Road, Mansfield Woodhouse, Mansfield, Notts NG19 8QA Telephone: 01623 425100 www.themanor.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked primary schools: Leas Park Junior, Northfield Primary, Peafield Lane Primary, Robin Hood Primary, St Edmund’s CE (Controlled) Primary

Open evening: Please contact the school for information or check the website for dates

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned admission number 240 Planned admission number 240 Expected number on roll 1250 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community secondary

Sixth form admission criteria 5 or more A*-C GCSE grades

Meden School & Technology College (11-18 community school) �Burns Lane, Warsop, Mansfield, Notts NG20 0QN Telephone: 01623 843517 www.medenschool.co.uk [email protected]

Linked primary schools: Birklands Primary, Church Vale Primary, Cuckney CE (Controlled ) Primary, Eastlands Junior, Sherwood Junior

Open days and evenings: Please contact the school

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned admission number 240 Planned admission number 240 Expected number on roll 1050 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community secondary

Sixth form admission criteria Meden has an Open 6th form. Admission criteria is based on the level of course and has to be backed up with a reference. Please contact the school for further details


The Minster School (11-18 voluntary aided school) �Nottingham Road, Southwell, Notts NG25 0LG Telephone: 01636 814000 www.minster.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked primary schools: Bleasby CE (Controlled) Primary (also linked to Colonel Frank Seely), Dean Hole CE (Controlled) Primary, Halam CE (Controlled) Primary, Kirklington Primary, Lowe’s Wong Anglican/Methodist (Controlled) Junior, Minster Junior Department, Farnsfield St Michael’s CE (Aided) Primary

Open days and evenings: Open Evening 5 October 2011, Daytime Visit 11 October and 13 October 2011

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions 240 Planned admission number 240Planned admission number

1640 Total number of preferences received 415Expected number on roll Total number withdrawn - higher preference offered 147 Number of preferences approved 222 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 46 For the number of appeals heard, please contact the school.

Admissions criteria 2012/2013

Special Circumstances

The following groups of children will be given special consideration:

• Students who have a Statement of Special Educational Needs where The Minster School is named in the child’s Statement will be admitted

• Children in public care (as defined by Section 22 of the Children’s Act 1989) at the time of entry to the school will be admitted

• Children whose particular medical needs, mobility support needs, special educational needs or social circumstances are supported by written evidence from a doctor, social worker or other relevant professional at the time of application, and where it can be demonstrated that the Minster School can meet these needs more effectively than other schools. The Governing Body will, in consultation with the Head, consider each case on its merits and determine the allocation of any such places.

Cases agreed under ‘special circumstances’ will take precedence over Criteria “a”, “b” and “c”. Aptitude is not considered to be a Special Circumstance.


Up to 70 FOUNDATION PLACES: to be allocated in order of priority to those who have applied by the closing date, the Governors having regard to the following factors set out in order of priority:

(i) Students transferring from the Minster School Junior Department (who will automatically transfer into Y7), (excluding students who withdraw from the Choir, and will no longer be guaranteed a place in Year 7, in such cases parents must apply through the normal process for entry into Year 7)

*(ii) Whether either parent and/or child currently worships at least monthly at a Church of England Church as a communicant and for how long.

*(iii) Whether either parent and/or child currently worships at least monthly at a Church of England Church and for how long, but who are not communicants.

In the event of there being more applicants than places available for Foundation applicants, the deciding factors will be whether there is a brother or sister on the school roll at the time of entry to the school and then, if a further distinction is needed, the straight line distance from home to the school reception as measured by the Local Authority using computer software.

In the event of fewer than 70 Foundation places being awarded, the balance of the 70 places will become available to applicants in the remaining criteria, using the existing priorities for awarding places.

* Applicants for Foundation Places under these criteria are advised that the school will request information, via the parents, from their Minister of Religion. Please contact the school if you require further guidance on this or any other issue.

(b) CATCHMENT PLACES: for children who live in the following civil parishes:

Bleasby Halam Kirklington Normanton Goverton Hockerton Morton Southwell Maplebeck Rolleston Farnsfield Edingley


Thurgarton Caunton Fiskerton Halloughton Winkburn Upton

NB It is residence in the listed civil parishes which is relevant, not the Primary School attended.

In the event of there being more applicants than places available for Catchment applicants, the deciding factors will be whether there is a brother or sister on the school roll at the time of entry to the school and the, if a further distinction is needed, the straight line distance from home to the school reception.


If, having awarded places to all valid applicants for Foundation and Catchment places, the number of places awarded is below 240, Governors will consider applications from parents where the application does not come under category (a) or (b).

In the event of there being more Parental Preference applicants Governors will have regard to the following factors set out in order of priority:

(i) Whether there is a brother or sister on the school roll at the time of entry to the school.

* (ii) Whether either parent and / or child worships at least monthly at a Christian Church, and for how long.

* (iii) Whether either parent and / or child worships at least monthly within another faith community and for how long

In the event of a distinction needing to be drawn between applicants the deciding factor will be the straight line distance from home to the school reception.

* Applicants under this criterion are advised that the school will request information, via the parents, from their Minister of Religion or faith community leader. Please contact the school if you require further guidance on this or any other issue.

Sixth Form Admissions 2012

Governors are accepting applications for admission into Year 12 in September 2012. If more applications are received, by the published closing date, than there are places available, then the Governors will apply the following scheme:

Places to be allocated to those who have applied by the closing date, Friday 2 December 2011, the Governors having regard to the following factors set out in order of priority:

I. Pupils transferring from within the Minster School who meet the school’s minimum entry requirements (such students being guaranteed a place irrespective of numbers)

II. Pupils transferring from other schools who meet the school’s minimum entry requirements (up to a maximum of students in Y12 and Y13 to match the learner numbers funded by the YPLA or its successor organisation). This number will be published as soon as it is known.

In the event of there being more applicants than places available in (II) above, the deciding factors will be, in order of priority:

10. Whether there is a brother or sister on the Minster School roll at the time of entry to the Sixth Form

11. Whether either parent and/or child currently worships regularly and frequently at a Church of England Church as a communicant, and for how long

12. Whether either parent and/or child currently worships regularly and frequently at a Church of England Church and for how long, but who are not communicants

13. Whether either parent and/or child worships regularly and frequently within another faith community and for how long

If a further distinction is needed, the straight line distance from home to the school reception will be used.

14. Applicants are advised that the school will request information, via the Parents, from a Minister of Religion or faith community leader. Please contact the school if you require further guidance on this or any other issue

The National Church of England Academy (11-18) �Annesley Road, Hucknall, Nottingham NG15 7DB Telephone 0115 963 5667

www.nationalce.ac.org.uk [email protected]

Linked primary schools: Linby-cum-Papplewick CE (Aided) Primary, National CE (VA) Primary

Open days and evenings: 13 October 2011 (Presentations at 6.00pm or 6.45pm)

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions 210 Planned admission number 210 Planned admission number Expected number on roll 1144 All applications were successful


Admissions Criteria 2012/2013

In the event of over-subscription, the following criteria will be applied by the Governing Body in priority order, to determine which applications will be granted after places have been first allocated to children with statements in which the school is named. Unusual or casual admissions to the school (including traveller children of gypsy or Romany families) outside of the normal round are dealt with by the headteacher where places exist.

1. Looked After Children

2. Children who are attending the Hucknall National C of E Primary School and Linby-cum-Papplewick C of E Primary School on the closing date for secondary transfer applications.

3. Children will then be prioritized using the following criteria:

a) Children who have worshipped at a Church of England Church at least once a month for the previous 12 months.

b) Children who have worshipped at any Christian Church which is a member of Churches Together in England at least once a month for the previous 12 months.

c) Children who have worshipped at a place of worship of another recognised world faith at least once a month for the previous 12 months.

4. Children who have a brother or sister who is expected to be at the school at the time of admission

5. Remaining places will be allocated to children who live nearest to the school, measured as the crow flies

In the event of over-subscription within any criterion, preference will be given to children who live nearest to the school as the crow flies. Distances are measured, using the County Council’s software, from the entrance to the child’s home to the main school ‘IN’ gate.

Special Circumstances

Pupils who have a statement of special educational need, where this school is named in the child’s statement will be admitted. In this event, the number of places that remain available for allocation will be reduced.

Consideration will be given to applicants who can establish particular medical, special educational need, disability needs or social grounds relating to their child. Supporting written evidence from a doctor, social worker or other relevant professionals must be provided at the time of application.

Special circumstances may take precedence over the numbered criteria set out above.

The school will also admit children in accordance with decisions through the locally agreed Protocol for Hard to Place Pupils.

Admission to the Sixth Form

Admission to the Sixth Form is open to all applicants meeting the admission criteria and is not restricted to students from the National School. Subject criteria will be outlined each year in the subject prospectus.

Students can apply to be admitted either to the two year course or the one year course.

Students who apply for the two year course will be expected to follow, as a minimum, a four AS level / three A-level combination of subjects. The minimum entry requirement for this course is 3 B grades and 2 C grades at GCSE in relevant subjects. It is expected that students will have achieved a B grade in the subjects that they wish to complete over the course of two years.

Students who apply for the one year course leading to AS levels will require a minimum of 1 B grade and 4 C grades at GCSE in relevant subjects. Transfer to Year 13 and A2 level courses will be dependent upon satisfactory completion of the one year course as indicated by AS results and at the discretion of the subject leader and 14-19 Curriculum Manager.

For vocational courses the minimum entry requirement will be 5 C grades at GCSE.

Students who fail to meet the minimum entry requirements for either the two year course or the one year course will have their application considered on an individual basis.

It is anticipated that the sixth form capacity will be 150 students per year group with provision for a maximum of 30 external students

Oversubscription criteria for students who meet the minimum entrance requirements are as follows:

a) Looked after children

b) Children who have worshiped at a Church of England Church at least once a month for the previous 12 months.

c) Children who have worshipped at any Christian Church which is a member of Churches Together in England at least once a month for the previous 12 months.

d) Children who have worshipped at a place of worship of another recognised world faith at least once a month for the previous 12 months.

Students who apply for admission to the National Sixth Form are invited to discuss their application with a senior member of staff. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss proposed subject combinations and possible career implications. Offers of places to the National Sixth Form are made by the governing body


Outwood Academy Portland (11-18 academy) �Netherton Road, Worksop, Notts S80 2SF Telephone: 01909 471010

www.portlandschool.co.uk [email protected]

Linked primary schools: Dyscarr Community, Gateford Park Primary, Haggonfields Primary, Kingston Park Primary, Ryton Park Primary (also linked to Outwood Academy Valley), Priory CE (Aided) Primary, Ramsden Primary, St Anne’s CE (Aided) Primary, St Augustine’s Junior, St Luke’s CE (Aided) Primary

Open days and evenings: Please contact the school

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned admission number 300 Planned admission number 300 Expected number on roll 1500 All applications were successful

Admission Criteria 2012/2013

Criteria - standard community secondary with variation

The second and third criteria vary from the standard criteria: • Children who live in the catchment area or attend one of the schools marked * below, and who at the time of

admission, will have a brother or sister attending the school • Children who live in the catchment area or attend one of the named schools marked * below

* St Anne’s CE Primary, St Augustine’s Junior, Priory CE Primary

Sixth form admission criteria Year 12 and 13 students remain on school roll but attend Post 16 college in Worksop. 5 passes at A*-C level.

Outwood Academy Valley (11-18 academy) �Valley Road, Worksop, Telephone: 01909 475121

Notts S81 7EN

Linked primary schools: Norbridge Academy, Prospect Hill Junior, Redlands Primary, Ryton Park Primary (also linked to Outwood Academy Portland), St John’s CE (Controlled) Primary, Sir Edmund Hillary Primary

Open days and evenings: Please contact the school

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned admission number 300 Planned admission number 300 Expected number on roll 1606 All applications were successful

Admission Criteria 2012/2013

Criteria – standard community secondary - Including an additional penultimate criterion:

• ‘Children who live in the catchment area of St Augustine’s and Gateford Park Schools’

Sixth form admission criteria

Years 12 and 13 students remain on school roll but attend Post 16 college in Worksop. 5 GCSE passes at A*-C for AS/Level 3 courses.

Quarrydale Foundation School (11-18 foundation school) �Stoneyford Road, Sutton-in-Ashfield, Notts NG17 2DU Telephone: 01623 554178

www.quarrydale.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked primary schools: Carsic Primary (also linked to Sutton Centre), Dalestorth Primary, Forest Glade Primary, Daneswood Junior, St Andrew’s CE (Controlled) Primary

Open days and evenings: 27 September 2011 (Evening)


2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned admission number 180 Planned admission number 180 Expected number on roll 1000 Total number of preferences received 283 Criteria - standard community secondary Total number withdrawn - higher preference

Sixth form admission criteria Open post 16 arrangements. For further information please contact the school

offered Number of preferences approved Preferences refused and placed on waiting list Please contact school for number of appeals

100 180


held and the outcomes


Children for whom Quarrydale Foundation School is the named school in a statement of special education need will be automatically offered a place at the school. The Governing Body of the school cannot guarantee a place at the school for any other category of application.


Where the number of applicants for admission exceeds the number of places available, the following criteria will be applied in the order set out below, to decide which children to admit:

1 Children in public care as defined by section 22 of the Children’s Act, 1989.

2 Applicants who can establish exceptional medical, social or humanitarian grounds (e.g. a learning, behavioural or mobility difficulty which calls for special educational provision) relating to the child or to the circumstances of the family. Supporting written evidence from a doctor and/or other relevant professional agencies must be provided at the time of application, together with details of the particular reasons why it is considered that Quarrydale is the most suitable school and the difficulties that would be caused if the child had to attend another school. Each case will be considered on its merits and the Governing Body may seek any independent specialist advice deemed necessary.

3 Children who live in the catchment area and who, at the time of admission, will have a brother or sister attending the school.

4 Other children who live in the catchment area.

5 Children who live outside the catchment area, but who are attending a linked primary phase school (see list at the end) on the closing date for secondary applications (31 October) and who will have a brother or sister at the preferred secondary school at the time of admission.

6 Children who live outside the catchment area and who, at the time of admission, will have a brother or sister attending the preferred secondary school.

7 Children who live outside the catchment area but who are attending a linked primary phase school on the closing date for secondary applications (31 October).

8 Other children who live outside the catchment area.

Note: If applications exceed the number of places available, the school will operate a waiting list in which priority for places will be given on the basis of the above criteria. The child’s place on the waiting list may go up or down depending on whether places become available or if late or mid-term applications are received. The Governors of the school, in partnership with the Local Authority, will administer the waiting list for the duration of the co­ordinated admissions scheme. Once the co-ordinated scheme is closed, the waiting list will remain open but will be administered by the Governors of the school for one year. All applications for places in the normal year of entry are made on the common application form.

Measuring distance “as the crow flies”

In the event of over-subscription with any criterion, preference will be given to children who live nearest to the school as the crow flies. Distances are measured from the entrance to the child’s home to the principal entrance to the main administrative building of the school by the Local Authority which currently uses the ‘Arcview’ system.

Admission to the Sixth Form including admission number for those admitted for the first time

To be accepted on to Level 3 courses, pupils will need five or more GCSE passes at Grade C or above (or equivalent) and be able to provide evidence that they are able to complete any necessary coursework and meet deadlines. For certain subjects, a GCSE Grade B is required. (See Sixth Form Prospectus.) The school does not currently actively recruit into its Sixth Form. Applications are handled in the same way as other applications outside the normal year of entry. Any applicant refused entry can appeal against the decision. Should oversubscription criteria be required, they will be as for Year 7, with the exception of Criteria 5 and 7.



The Queen Elizabeth’s (1561) Endowed CE School (11-18 voluntary aided school) �150 Chesterfield Road South, Mansfield, Notts NG19 7AP Telephone: 01623 623559

www.qe1561.org [email protected]

Linked primary schools: Crescent Primary, Ethel Wainwright Primary, Farmilo Primary, Intake Farm Primary, Rosebrook Primary, St Peter’s CE (Aided) Primary (also linked to Brunts School)

Open days and evenings: Please contact the school for information

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned admission number 224 Planned admission number Expected number on roll 890 All applications were successful

Admission Criteria 2012/2013

In the event of over-subscription, the following criteria will be applied by the Governing Body in priority order, to determine which applications will be granted:

1. Children who are Looked After (for admission purposes the definition of 'looked after child' is from The Education (Admission of Looked After Children) (England) Regulations 2006.

2. Children who live in the catchment area and who, at the time of admission, will have a brother or sister attending the school.

3. Other children who live in the catchment area.

4. Children who attend and are currently registered at Church of England Primary Schools;

5. Children whose parents regularly worship at a Church of England Church, confirmed in writing by a minister of

that Church

6. Children whose parents regularly worship at any Christian Church in membership of Churches Together in Nottinghamshire, confirmed in writing by a minister of religion;

7. Children whose parents have a similar commitment to one of the world’s major faiths such as Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Shintoism or Sikhism, confirmed in writing by a Minister of Religion. Where there is concern or a lack of clarity about a particular faith, advice will be sought through the Nottinghamshire Council of Faiths.

8. Children who live outside the catchment area but who are attending a linked primary phase school on the closing date for the expression of preferences preceding admission to secondary school and who will have a brother or sister at Queen Elizabeth’s at the time of admission.

9. Children who live outside the catchment area and who, at the time of admission, will have a brother or sister attending Queen Elizabeth’s.

10. Children who live outside the catchment area but who are attending a linked primary phase school on the closing date for the expression of preferences preceding admission to secondary school.

11. Other children who live outside the catchment area.

In the event of over-subscription within any criterion, preference will normally be given to children who live nearest to the school as the crow flies. Distances are measured from the entrance to the child’s home to the nearest recognised main entrance of the school building.

Children who have a statement of special education needs that names the school will be admitted. This will reduce the number of places available to other applicants.

Regular worship in 5 and 6 above is considered to be attendance at church at least monthly on average over the past year, as confirmed by a reference from the family’s church minister.

Any applications received after the closing date will be considered after all those which were received on time. Where places subsequently become available the waiting list will be used, ranked according to the above criteria.


Consideration will be given to applicants who can establish particular medical, Special Educational Need, disability needs or social grounds relating to their child. Supporting written evidence from a doctor, social worker or other relevant professionals must be provided at the time of application. Special circumstances may take precedence over any of the numbered criteria set out above.


The school has an open admission policy to the Sixth Form. Post 16 years students who wish to join the Sixth Form should discuss their course requirements with the Deputy Head Teacher (Curriculum, Teaching and Learning) and the Head of Sixth Form.


Redhill Academy (11-18 academy) Redhill Road, Arnold, Nottingham NG5 8GX Telephone: 0115 926 1481 www.redhill.notts.sch.uk [email protected] Linked primary schools: Arnbrook Primary (also linked to Arnold Hill School), Arnold Mill Primary (also linked to Arnold Hill School), Killisick Junior, Richard Bonington Primary, Robert Mellors Primary, Seely Church CE (Aided) Primary (also linked to Arnold Hill School)

Open days and evenings: Open Day – Thursday 22 September 2011

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned admission number 225 Planned admission number 225 Expected number on roll 1300 Total number of preferences received 552

Total number withdrawn - higher preference offered 248 Number of preferences approved 225 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 79 please contact the school for the number of appeals held and the outcomes .

Admission Criteria 2012/2013

Where the number of applications for admission exceeds the number of places available, the following criteria will be applied in the order set out below, to decide which children to admit:

1. Children in public care.

2. Children who live in the catchment area and who at the time of admission, will have a brother or sister attending the school.

3. Other children who live in the catchment area.

4. Up to 22 places will be allocated to pupils who, at the closing date for applications can show an aptitude for the Performing Arts, and whose parents have requested a place at the school. Places will be allocated on the basis of those achieving the highest scores following the completion of the audition process, as published in the school’s prospectus.

5. Children who live outside the catchment area but who are attending a school in the ‘Redhill Family’ on 31 October preceding admission to secondary school and who will have a brother or sister at the preferred secondary school at the time of admission.

6. Children who live outside the catchment area and who,at the time of admission, will have a brother or sister attending the preferred secondary school.

7. Children who live outside the catchment area but who are attending a school in the ‘Redhill Family’ on 31 October preceding admission to secondary school.

8. Other children who live outside the catchment area.

9. If applications exceed the number of places available the school will operate a waiting list in which priority for places will be given on the basis of the above criteria.

Measuring distance ‘as the crow flies’

In the event of over-subscription within any criterion (except 4 above), preference will be given to children who live nearest to the school as the crow flies. Distances are measured from the entrance to the child’s home to the principal entrance to the main administrative building of the school by the Local Authority which currently uses the ‘Arcview’ system.

Performing Arts Aptitude Assessment

Audition workshops will take place in November. All candidates will be involved in group work across the three areas of music, drama and dance aimed at judging any individual aptitudes they may have in the performing arts. Further details of this process can be found in the current school prospectus.

Special Circumstances

Students who have a statement of special educational needs where this school is named in the child’s statement will be admitted.


Admission to the sixth form including admission number for those admitted for the first time

To be accepted on to Level 3 courses pupils will need five or more GCSE passes at Grade C or above (or equivalent) and be able to provide evidence that they are able to complete any necessary coursework and meet deadlines. The school does not currently actively recruit into its Sixth Form. Applications are handled in the same way as other applications outside the normal year of entry. Any applicant refused entry can appeal against the decision. Should oversubscription criteria be required, they will be as for Year 7, with the exception of Criteria 4, 5 and 7.

Retford Oaks Academy (11-18 academy) �Babworth Road, Retford, Notts DN22 7NJ Telephone: 01777 861618

www.retfordoaks.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked primary schools: Bracken Lane Primary, Beckingham Primary, Clarborough Primary, Gamston CE (Aided) Primary (pupils who live in Retford, Gamston and Eaton only), Misterton Primary, North Leverton CE (Controlled) Primary, Ordsall Primary, St Peter’s CE (Aided) Primary (Gringley-on-the-Hill), Rampton Primary, St Swithun’s CE (Aided) Primary, Thrumpton Primary, Walkeringham Primary

Open days and evenings: Please contact the school for information

2012/2013 admissions Planned admission number Expected number on roll Criteria - standard community secondary

240 636

2011/2012 admissions Planned admission number All applications were successful


Sixth form admission criteria Years 12 and 13 students remain on school roll but attend Post 16 college in Retford – 5 passes at A*-C level plus some subjects have individual requirements

Rushcliffe School A Foundation School - Specialising in Science (11-18 foundation) Boundary Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham NG2 7BW Telephone: 0115 974 4050 www.rushcliffe-school.co.uk [email protected] Linked primary schools: Abbey Road Primary, Edwalton Primary, St Peter’s CE (Controlled) Junior (Ruddington), Lady Bay Primary, Pierrepont Gamston CE (Aided) Primary (also linked to South Nottinghamshire Academy)

Open days and evenings: 21 September 2011 (Year 6 Open evening) 2 November 2011 (Post 16 Information Evening)

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned admission number 232 Planned admission number 232 Expected number on roll 1420 Total number of preferences received 507 Criteria - standard community secondary Total number withdrawn - higher preference

offered 239Sixth form admission criteria Number of preferences approved 232At least 5 A*-C grades including English and (2 special circumstances, 31 catchment/ Maths with at least a B grade in selected subjects sibling, 186 catchment, 6 linked primary/ (or comparable subjects). Also in partnership with sibling, 3 linked primary.) South Notts College Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 36


Selston Arts and Community College (11-16 community school) �Chapel Road, Selston, Nottingham NG16 6BW Telephone: 01773 810321 www.sacc.notts.sch.uk [email protected]

Linked primary schools: Bagthorpe Primary, Brinsley Primary, Holly Hill Primary, Jacksdale Primary, Underwood CE (Controlled) Primary

Open days and evenings: Thursday 29th September 2011

2012/2013 admissions Planned admission number Expected number on roll Criteria - standard community secondary

180 755

2011/2012 admissions Planned admission number All applications were successful


Serlby Park Academy (3-18) Whitehouse Road, Bircotes, Doncaster DN11 8EF www.serlbypark.notts.sch.uk

Telephone: 01302 742535 [email protected]

Linked primary schools: All Saints Harworth CE (Aided) Primary, Misson Primary, Primary School of St Mary and St Martin Blyth CE (Aided)

Open days and evenings: 14th September 2011 (evening) Open days from 15th September 2011 for two weeks by appointment

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned admission number 120 Planned admission number 120 Expected number on roll 590 All applications were successful Criteria - standard community secondary

* Children already attending Serlby Park Primary Phase automatically transfer into the secondary phase of education at year 7 unless their parents request otherwise.

Sixth form admission criteria English, Maths, Science A*-C GCSE passes. In chosen subject must also have a B - GCSE

The Samworth Church Academy (11-18 academy) Sherwood Hall Road, Mansfield, Notts NG18 2DY Telephone: 01623 663450 www.samworthchurchacademy.org [email protected]

Linked primary schools: Abbey Primary, Asquith Primary, Berry Hill Primary, Oak Tree Primary, Wynndale Primary

Open days and evenings: 21st September 2011 (evening); 22nd and 23rd September 2011 (day) Please contact the school for further information

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned admission number 180 Planned admission number 180 Expected number on roll 941 Total number of preferences received 335

Total number withdrawn - higher preference 128Sixth form admission criteria offered Please contact the school Number of preferences approved 180 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 27 Please contact school for the number of appeals held and the outcomes

Admission Criteria 2012/2013

After the admission of pupils with statements of Special Educational Needs where The Samworth Church Academy is

named on the statement, the criteria will be applied in the order in which they are set out below:

a) Children in public care

b) Children with a sibling who currently attends the school and who will continue to do so on the date of admission; the term sibling includes a child living in the same household under the care of the same parent(s) or guardian(s) and children not normally resident in the same household but sharing a genetic or adoptive parent.


c) Children who are normally resident within the area designated by The Samworth Church Academy as its catchment area

d) Other children

In the event of over-subscription within any of the criteria, preference will be given to children who live nearest to the school using straight line measurement from the main external entrance door of the Academy to the main external entrance door to the child’s home.

Sixth form admission criteria

Admissions into sixth form will be allocated to those who have applied by the closing date taking regard to the following factors set out in order of priority

Pupils transferring from within The Samworth Church Academy who meet the school’s minimum entry requirements; such students are guaranteed a place irrespective of numbers.

Pupils who transfer from other schools who meet the school’s minimum entry requirement (up to a maximum number of 250 in Years 12 and 13)

In the event of there being more students than places in 2. above the deciding factors will be in order or priority:­

ii. Whether there is a brother or sister on the roll of The Samworth Church Academy at the time of entry to the Sixth Form

iii. Pupils who live nearest to the Academy using a straight line distance from the main entrance of the Academy to the main entrance of the pupil’s residence

South Nottinghamshire Academy (11-18) � Specialisms Mathematics and Sport

Cropwell Road, Radcliffe on Trent, Nottingham NG12 2FQ Telephone: 0115 911 0091 www.southnottinghamshireacademy.org [email protected] Linked primary schools: Cotgrave CE (Aided) Primary, Cotgrave Candleby Lane Primary, Pierrepont Gamston Primary (Aided) (also linked to Rushcliffe Comprehensive School), Radcliffe on Trent Junior, South Nottingham College

Open days and evenings: Please contact the Academy for information

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned admission number 176 Planned admission number Expected number on roll 550 All applications were successful

Admissions Criteria 2012/2013


Where the number of applications for admission exceeds the number of places available, the following criteria will be applied in the order set out below.

• Children in public care who are ‘looked after’ at the time of application for admission is made and who the local authority can confirm will still be looked after at the time of admission to the school.

• Children with a statement of special educational needs that names South Nottinghamshire Academy will be admitted.

• Children who live in the catchment area on the closing date for applications as part of the co-ordinated admissions scheme in the year preceding admission to secondary school.

• Places will be allocated in the first instance to children, who at the time of admission, will have a brother or sister attending the school in years 7-11

• Children who live outside the catchment area and who are attending one of the feeder schools – Radcliffe on Trent Junior School, Cotgrave Candleby Lane School or Cotgrave C of E School.

• Other children who live outside the catchment area

In the event of over-subscription the school will operate a waiting list in which priority for places will be given on the basis of the above criteria.

Proximity to the school will be measured ‘as the crow flies’ from the home address to the school main reception office. Those living nearer to the school will be given priority.

Special Circumstances

Special consideration will be given to children with an exceptional level of need with regard to a physical disability. Written evidence from a registered health professional, such as a doctor is required at the time of application. The school has excellent access for students with a physical disability.



Children of nomadic travellers who live within the catchment area will be given special consideration.

Requests from the local area pupil placement panel for ‘hard to place children’ will be given special consideration.

Each application will be considered on its merits in consultation with Governors and the local authority.

Admission to the Sixth Form

Sixth Form admissions are dealt with through the Rushcliffe Sixth Form Centre (6FC) partnership between South Nottinghamshire Academy, Rushcliffe School and South Nottingham College.

South Wolds Community School (11-18 Foundation school with Trust Partners) �Church Drive, Keyworth, Nottingham NG12 5FF Telephone: 0115 937 3506 www.southwolds.co.uk [email protected] Linked primary schools: Bunny CE (Controlled) Primary, Crossdale Drive Primary, Keyworth Primary, Kinoulton Primary, Tollerton Primary, Willoughby on the Wolds Primary, Willow Brook Primary

Open days and evenings: Please contact the school for details

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned admission number 180 Planned admission number Expected number on roll 1000 All applications were successful

Admission Criteria 2012/2013

Not all those pupils who apply for places will be able to be accommodated. Where the number of applications for admission exceeds the number of places available, the following criteria will be applied in the order set out below to decide which children to admit once places have first been allocated to pupils who have a statement of special educational needs which names the school.

1. Children looked after by a local authority.

2. Children who live in the catchment area and who, at the time of admission, will have a sibling attending the school in years 7-13

3. Other children who live in the catchment area

4. Children who live outside the catchment area and who are attending one of the linked primary schools on the closing date for applications; and have a sibling attending the school in years 7- 13 at the time of admission

5. Children who live outside the catchment area and who, at the time of admission, will have a sibling attending the school in years 7-13

6. Children who live outside the catchment area and who are attending one of the linked primary schools listed above on the closing date for applications

7. Other children who live outside the catchment area

If applications exceed the number of places available the school will operate a waiting list in which priority for places will be given on the basis of the above criteria. Proximity to the school will be measured ‘as the crow flies’ from the home address to the main reception office. Those living nearer to the school will be given priority.

Special Circumstances

Special consideration will be given to children with an exceptional level of need with regard to a physical disability. Written evidence from a registered health professional such as a doctor is required at the time of the application. The school has excellent access for students with a physical disability.

Requests from the local area pupil placement panel for ‘hard to place children’ under the Rushcliffe Fair Access Protocol will be given special consideration. The governors of the school will consider each application on its merits in consultation with the local authority.

Admission to the Sixth Form (including admission number for those admitted for the first time)

The admission number for the Post-16 centre will be 200, of which we anticipate that the minimum number of applications to Year 12 from outside the school will be 30.

Students will be accepted on to Post 16 courses if they meet the entry requirements listed below:

To study AS or A Level Pathway Students should have a minimum of 2 grade ‘B’ and 3 grade ‘C’ passes at GCSE level. GCSE grade ‘B’ passes in subjects the students wish to take at A level would be an advantage.

Over-subscription for the Post-16 centre

Where the number of applications for admission exceeds the number of places available, the following criteria will be applied in the order set out below, to decide which children to admit:



• Children who are looked after by a local authority and who meet the entry criteria

• Children who already attend the school and meet the entry criteria

• In the event of an over-subscription of the above criteria proximity to the school will be used with those living nearer being given priority. Distance measurements to be made ‘as the crow flies’ from the home address to the main reception office of the school.

Sutton Centre Community College (11-18 community school) �High Pavement, Sutton-in-Ashfield, Notts NG17 1EE Telephone: 08458 405500

www.suttoncentre.co.uk [email protected]

Linked primary schools: Carsic Primary (also linked to Quarrydale Foundation School), Croft Primary, Hillocks Primary, Leamington Primary, Priestsic Primary, St Mary’s CE (Aided) Primary

Open days and evenings: Please see website

2012/2013 admissions Planned admission number Expected number on roll Criteria - standard community secondary

Sixth form admission criteria

2011/2012 admissions 167 Planned admission number 167 830 All applications were successful

‘A’ Level – 5 A*-C grades (including Maths and English) and a minimum Grade B in A level subjects Level 1 courses – 4 ‘E’ grades Level 2 courses – 4 ‘D’ grades Level 3 courses – 4 A*-C grades Child Care – 5 A*-C grades (including English)

Toot Hill School (11-18 academy) The Banks, Bingham, Nottingham NG13 8BL Telephone: 01949 875550 www.toothill.notts.sch.uk [email protected] Linked primary schools: All Saints Anglican/Methodist (Aided) Primary (Elston) (also linked to Grove School), Archbishop Cranmer CE (Aided) Primary, Carnarvon Primary, Cropwell Bishop Primary, Flintham Primary, Gunthorpe CE (Aided) Primary, Langar CE (Controlled) Primary, Orston Primary, Robert Miles Junior, St Peter’s CE (Controlled) Primary (East Bridgford)

Open days and evenings: 21 and 22 September 2011

2012/2013 admissions Planned admission number 270 Expected number on roll 1500 Criteria - standard community secondary

Sixth form admission criteria Please contact the school

2011/2012 admissions Planned admission number 270 Total number of preferences received 399 Total number withdrawn - higher preference 130 offered Number of preferences approved 256 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 13 Please contact school for the number of appeals held and the outcome


Tuxford Academy (11-18 academy) �Marnham Road, Tuxford, Newark, Notts NG22 0JH Telephone: 01777 870001


Linked primary schools: Besthorpe Primary, Dunham-on-Trent CE (Controlled) Primary, East Markham Primary, Elkesley Primary, Gamston CE (Aided) Primary (except pupils who live in Eaton, Gamston and Retford), John Blow Primary School, Harby Queen Eleanor Primary, Muskham Primary School, North Clifton Primary, Norwell CE (Controlled) Primary, St Matthew’s CE (Controlled) Primary, Sutton on Trent Primary, Tuxford Primary

Open days and evenings: 14th March 2012 (provisional)

2012/2013 admissions Planned admission number 240

2011/2012 admissions Planned admission number 240

Expected number on roll Criteria - standard community secondary

1500 Total number of preferences received Total number withdrawn - higher preference offered


147 Number of preferences approved (1 special circumstances, 2 public care, 35 catchment/sibling,116 catchment, 10 linked primary/sibling, 25 sibling, 22 linked primary, 29 out of catchment) Preferences refused and placed on waiting list



Sixth form admission criteria

Level 3 Entry Requirements

Students wishing to study ‘AS’ qualifications will need to have achieved at least a grade ‘B’ in their chosen subject. Students with grade ‘Cs’ will be considered on a one by one basis. Students following a full package of ‘AS’ qualifications will normally also have at least 5 x GCSEs at grade ‘C’ or above. Where students have fewer grades at this level, a personalised package of both Level 3 and 2 qualifications can be put together to suit the learner’s profile.

BTEC Level 3 courses will require students to attain a range of about 4 grade ‘C’ GCSE passes

Level 2 Entry Requirements

Level 2 courses are available to students who have demonstrated a good attitude to learning and a willingness to succeed having achieved a range of GCSE passes mainly at grade ‘D’ and below. Alternatively, they offer the chance to retake one or more subjects such as English that needs to be achieved at grade ‘C’ or higher to enter University

The West Bridgford School (11-18 academy) �Loughborough Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham NG2 7FA Telephone: 0115 974 4488 www.wbs.eu.com [email protected] Linked primary schools: Greythorn Primary, Heymann Primary, Jesse Gray Primary, West Bridgford Junior

Open days and evenings: Wednesday 5 October 2011

2012/2013 admissions 2011/2012 admissions Planned admission number 226 Planned admission number 226 Expected number on roll 1326 Total number of preferences received 580

Total number withdrawn - higher preference offered 241 Number of preferences approved 241 Preferences refused and placed on waiting list 56 For the number of appeals heard, please contact the school


Admission Criteria 2012/2013

Children in public care who are ‘looked after’ at the time an application for admission is made and who the local authority can confirm will still be looked after at the time of admission to the school.

Children with a statement of special education needs that names the West Bridgford School will be admitted.

Subsequently, where the number of applications for admission exceeds the number of places available, the following criteria will be applied in the order set out below, to decide which children to admit:

1.0 Children who live in the catchment area on the closing date for applications as part of the co-ordinated admissions scheme in the year preceding admission to secondary school.

Places will be allocated in the first instance to children, who at the time of admission, will have a brother or sister attending the school in years 7-11.

2.0 For children outside the catchment area up to 22 (10%) of places will be offered to those who can demonstrate an aptitude for Technology and could therefore benefit from the distinctive education offered by the West Bridgford School as a specialist technology school.

The parents of those students whose entry is to be based on technological aptitude will be required to present their child for the Assessment (one hour) at The West Bridgford School in the year preceding entry, details of which will be published within the school’s prospectus.

3.0 Children who live outside the catchment area and who are attending a linked primary phase school on (date to be confirmed) preceding admission to secondary school. The linked primary schools are Greythorn, Heymann, Jesse Gray and West Bridgford Junior.

4.0 Other children who live outside the catchment area.

Proximity to school

In the event of an over-subscription of any of the above criteria proximity to the school will be used with those living nearer being given priority. Distance measurements to be made ‘as the crow flies’ from the home address to the main reception office of the school.

Special circumstances

Special consideration will be given to children with an exceptional level of need with regard to a physical disability provided written evidence from a registered health professional such as a doctor, is received at the time of application. The school has good access for students with a physical disability and we form part of the local authority’s strategic plan to improve access for child with physical disability.

Children of nomadic travellers that live within the catchment area will be given special consideration.

Requests from the local area pupil placement panel for ‘hard to place children’ will be given special consideration.

The governors of the school will consider each application on its merits in consultation with the local authority. Cases agreed under ‘special circumstances’ will take precedence over all of the numbered criteria.

Technological Aptitude Assessment

Parents who wish to seek a place for the child at the school based upon technological aptitude are asked to present their child for the assessment on the following dates:

• Saturday, 8 October 2011 (provisional)

• Monday, 10 October 2011 (provisional)

• Saturday, 15 October 2011 (provisional)

Arrival time for each day will be 8.45 am. The assessment will start at 9.00 am

Parents who wish their child to take the assessment should request, complete and return an assessment application form, which is available from the school, 7 days before the assessment. Further information regarding the assessment will then be provided. Please note, sitting the assessment is not considered an application in itself. Results of the assessment will be provided before parents have to complete the CAF (Common Application Form).

The admission number for the Post-16 centre will be 170.

The West Bridgford School Post-16 centre presently only offers ‘A’ level courses. Subsequently we propose the following admissions criteria:

3 AS level subjects plus General Studies - 3 GCSEs at grade B or above in subjects to be studied plus a further 2 or more GCSEs at grade C or above.

4 AS level subjects plus Genera Studies - 2 GCSEs at grade A/A* and 2 at grade B (or higher) in the subjects to be studied plus 1 or more GCSEs at grade C or above.

These requirements do not include English oral grades or GCSE half course grades.

Students will only be considered if they have achieved a minimum of grade C at GCSE level in both English and Mathematics.


The maximum number of places from external candidates for Post-16 entry in year 12 will be 25.

Over-subscription for the Post-16 centre

Where the number of applications for admission exceeds the number of places available, the following criteria will be applied in the order set out below, to decide which children to admit:

1.0 Children in public care who are ‘looked after’ at the time an application for admission is made and who the local authority can confirm will still be looked after at the time of admission to the school.

2.0 Children who already attend the school and meet the entry criteria.

3.0 In the event of an over-subscription of the above criteria proximity to the school will be used with those living nearer being given priority. Distance measurements to be made ‘as the crow flies’ from the home address to the main reception office of the school.


Primary School Index

Abbey Gates Primary ................................................ 84

Abbey Primary .......................................................... 98

Abbey Hill Primary .................................................... 41

Abbey Road Primary .............................................. 124

Albany Infant ............................................................ 73

Albany Junior ............................................................ 73

Alderman Pounder Infant .......................................... 73

All Hallows CE Primary (VC) ...................................... 84

All Saints CE Infant (VA) .......................................... 41

All Saints Harworth CE (VA) ...................................... 54

All Saints Primary - Elston (VA) ................................ 108

Annesley Primary ...................................................... 42

Annie Holgate Infant ................................................ 42

Annie Holgate Junior ................................................ 43

Archbishop Cranmer CE Primary (VA) .................... 124

Arnbrook Primary .................................................... 84

Arno Vale Junior ...................................................... 85

Arnold Mill Primary .................................................. 85

Arnold Seely CE Primary (VA) .................................... 85

Arnold View Primary ................................................ 86

Asquith Primary ........................................................ 98

Awsworth Primary .................................................... 73

Bagthorpe Primary .................................................... 43

Banks Road Infant .................................................... 74

Barnby Road Academy .......................................... 108

Beardall Street Primary ............................................ 44

Beckingham Primary ................................................ 54

Beeston Fields Primary .............................................. 74

Berry Hill Primary .................................................... 98

Birklands Primary ...................................................... 99

Bishop Alexander Primary ...................................... 109

Bispham Drive Junior ................................................ 74

Bleasby CE Primary (VC) ........................................ 109

Blidworth Oaks Primary .......................................... 109

Bowbridge Primary .................................................. 110

Bracken Lane Primary .............................................. 54

Bramcote CE Primary (VA) ........................................ 75

Bramcote Hills Primary ............................................ 76

Brinsley Primary ........................................................ 76

Brookhill Leys Primary .............................................. 76

Brookside Primary .................................................. 125

Broomhill Junior ........................................................ 44

Bunny CE Primary (VC) .......................................... 125

Burton Joyce Primary ................................................ 87

Butlers Hill Infant ...................................................... 44

Carnarvon Primary .................................................. 125

Carr Hill Primary ...................................................... 55

Carsic Primary .......................................................... 44

Central Infant .......................................................... 87

Central Junior .......................................................... 87

Chetwynd Road Primary ............................................ 77

Christ Church CE Infant (VA) .................................. 110

Church Vale School .................................................. 99

Chuter Ede Primary ................................................ 111

Clarborough Primary ................................................ 55

Coddington CE Primary (VC) .................................. 111

College House Junior ................................................ 77

Coppice Farm Primary .............................................. 87

Costock CE Primary (VC) ........................................ 126

Cotgrave CE Primary (VA) ...................................... 126

Cotgrave Candleby Lane ........................................ 127

Crescent Primary ...................................................... 99

Croft Primary ............................................................ 45

Crompton View Primary .......................................... 111

Cropwell Bishop Primary ........................................ 127

Crossdale Drive Primary .......................................... 127

Cuckney CE Primary (VC) .......................................... 55

Dalestorth Primary .................................................... 45

Daneswood Junior .................................................... 45

Dean Hole CE Primary (VC) .................................... 111

Dunham CE Primary (VC) ........................................ 55

Eastlands Junior ........................................................ 99

East Markham Primary .............................................. 56

Edgewood Primary .................................................... 45

Edwalton Primary .................................................... 127

Elkesley Primary ........................................................ 56

Ernehale Infant ........................................................ 88

Ernehale Junior ........................................................ 88

Eskdale Junior .......................................................... 77

Ethel Wainwright Primary .......................................... 99

Everton Primary ........................................................ 56

Fairfield Primary ...................................................... 78

Farmilo Primary ...................................................... 100

Farnsfield St Michael's CE Primary (VA) .................. 112

Flintham Primary .................................................... 128

Forest Glade Primary ................................................ 46

Forest Town Primary ................................................ 100

Forest View Junior .................................................. 113

Gamston CE Primary (VA) ........................................ 56

Gateford Park Primary .............................................. 57

Gilthill Primary .......................................................... 78

Good Shepherd RC Primary (VA) .............................. 88

Gotham Primary .................................................... 128

Greasley Beauvale Primary ........................................ 78


Greenwood Primary .................................................. 46

Greythorn Primary .................................................. 128

Gunthorpe CE Primary (VA) .................................... 113

Haddon Primary ...................................................... 88

Haggonfields Primary .............................................. 57

Halam CE Primary (VC) .......................................... 114

Hallcroft Infant ........................................................ 57

Hawthorne Primary .................................................. 86

Hawtonville Junior .................................................. 114

Healdswood Infant .................................................... 46

Heatherley Primary ................................................ 100

Heathlands Primary ................................................ 100

Hetts Lane Infant .................................................... 101

Heymann Primary .................................................. 128

High Oakham Primary ............................................ 101

Hillocks Primary ........................................................ 46

Hillside Primary ........................................................ 47

Holly Primary .......................................................... 101

Holly Hill Primary ...................................................... 47

Hollywell Primary ...................................................... 79

Holy Cross RC Primary (VA) ...................................... 47

Holy Family RC Primary (VA) .................................... 58

Holy Trinity CE Infant (VC) ...................................... 115

Holy Trinity RC Primary (VA) .................................... 114

Horsendale Primary .................................................. 79

Hucknall National CE Primary (VA) .......................... 47

Intake Farm Primary .............................................. 102

Jacksdale Primary .................................................... 48

James Peacock Infant ............................................ 129

Jeffries Primary ........................................................ 49

Jesse Gray Primary .................................................. 129

John Blow Primary .................................................. 115

John Clifford Primary ................................................ 79

John Davies Primary ................................................ 49

John Hunt Primary .................................................. 115

John T Rice Infant .................................................. 102

Keyworth Primary .................................................... 129

Killisick Junior .......................................................... 89

Kimberley Primary .................................................... 79

King Edward Primary .............................................. 102

King Edwin Primary ................................................ 116

Kingston Park Primary .............................................. 58

Kingsway Primary .................................................... 49

Kinoulton Primary .................................................. 129

Kirkby Woodhouse Primary ........................................ 50

Kirklington Primary ................................................ 116

Kneesall CE Primary (VC) ........................................ 116

Lady Bay Primary .................................................... 130

Lake View Primary .................................................. 116

Lambley Primary ...................................................... 89

Langar CE Primary (VC) .......................................... 130

Langold Dyscarr Community .................................... 59

Lantern Lane Primary ............................................ 130

Larkfields Infant ........................................................ 80

Larkfields Junior ........................................................ 80

Leamington Primary ................................................ 50

Leas Park Junior .................................................... 102

Leen Mills Primary .................................................... 50

Linby-cum-Papplewick CE Primary (VA) .................... 89

Lovers Lane Primary .............................................. 117

Lowdham CE Primary (VA) ...................................... 117

Lowes Wong Infant ................................................ 118

Lowes Wong Junior (VC) ........................................ 118

Lynncroft Primary ...................................................... 80

Manners Sutton Primary .......................................... 118

Manor Park Infant .................................................... 90

Mapperley Plains Primary .......................................... 90

Mapplewells Primary ................................................ 50

Mattersey Primary .................................................... 59

Maun Infant .......................................................... 118

Minster CE Junior Department (VA) ........................ 119

Meadow Lane Infant ................................................ 80

Misson Primary ........................................................ 59

Misterton Primary .................................................... 59

Mornington Primary .................................................. 81

Morven Park Primary ................................................ 51

Mount CE Primary (VC) .......................................... 119

Muskham Primary .................................................. 119

Netherfield Primary .................................................. 91

Netherfield Infant .................................................. 103

Nettleworth Infant .................................................. 103

Newgate Lane Primary .......................................... 103

Newlands Junior .................................................... 103

Newstead Primary .................................................... 91

Norbridge Primary .................................................... 60

Normanton-on-Soar Primary .................................. 131

North Clifton Primary .............................................. 119

Northfield Primary .................................................. 104

North Leverton CE Primary (VC) ................................ 60

North Wheatley CE Primary (VC) .............................. 60

Norwell CE Primary (VC) ........................................ 120

Oak Tree Primary .................................................... 104

Oliver Quibell Infant ................................................ 120

Ollerton Primary .................................................... 120

Orchard Primary ...................................................... 51

Ordsall Primary ........................................................ 60

Orston Primary ...................................................... 131

Parkdale Primary ...................................................... 91

Peafield Lane Primary ............................................ 104

Phoenix Infant .......................................................... 91


Pierrepont Gamston CE (VA) .................................. 131 Pinewood Infant ........................................................ 92 Porchester Junior ...................................................... 92 Priestsic Primary ........................................................ 51 Priory Junior ............................................................ 92 Priory CE Primary (VA) .............................................. 61 Priory Catholic Primary (VA) ...................................... 81 Prospect Hill Infant .................................................. 61 Prospect Hill Junior .................................................. 62 Python Hill Primary ................................................ 120 Queen Eleanor Primary .......................................... 121 Radcliffe on Trent Infant .......................................... 132 Radcliffe on Trent Junior ........................................ 132 Rampton Primary ...................................................... 62 Ramsden Primary .................................................... 62 Ranby CE Primary (VC) ............................................ 62 Ranskill Primary ........................................................ 63 Ravenshead CE Primary (VC) .................................. 121 Redlands Primary ...................................................... 63 Richard Bonington Primary ...................................... 92 Robert Mellors Primary .............................................. 93 Robert Miles Infant ................................................ 132 Robert Miles Junior ................................................ 133 Robin Hood Primary .............................................. 104 Rosebrook Primary .................................................. 105 Round Hill Primary .................................................. 81 Rylands Junior .......................................................... 81 Ryton Park Primary .................................................. 63 Sacred Heart RC Primary (VA) .................................. 93 St Andrew's CE Primary (VC) .................................... 52 St Anne's CE Primary (VA) ........................................ 63 St Augustine's Infant ................................................ 64 St Augustine's Junior ................................................ 65 St Edmund Campion RC Primary(VA) ...................... 133 St Edmund's CE Primary (VC) .................................. 105 St John's CE Primary - Stapleford (VC) ...................... 82 St John's CE Primary - Worksop (VC) ........................ 65 St John the Baptist CE Primary (VA) .......................... 93 St Joseph's RC Primary - Bough (VA) ...................... 121 St Joseph's RC Primary - Retford (VA) ........................ 65 St Luke's CE Primary (VA) ........................................ 66 St Mary & St Martin CE (Blyth) (VA) .......................... 71 St Mary's CE Primary - Edwinstowe (VA) .................. 121 St Mary Magdalene CE Primary (VA) ........................ 52 St Matthew's CE Primary (VC) .................................. 67 St Patrick's RC Primary - Harworth (VA) .................... 67 St Patrick's RC Primary - Mansfield (VA) .................. 105 St Peter's CE Primary - Mansfield (VA) .................... 106 St Peter's CE Primary - E. Bridgford (VC) .................. 133 St Peter's CE Junior - Ruddington (VC) .................... 134 St Peter's CE Primary - Farndon (VC) ...................... 112 St Peter's CE Primary - Gringley (VA) ........................ 68

St Philip Neri with St Bede RC Primary (VA) ............ 106

St Swithun's CE Primary (VA) .................................... 68

St Wilfrid's CE Primary (VC) ...................................... 94

Samuel Barlow Primary .......................................... 122

Selston CE Infant (VC) .............................................. 53

Serlby Park .............................................................. 69

Sherwood Junior .................................................... 107

Sir Edmund Hillary Primary ...................................... 69

Sir John Sherbrooke Junior ........................................ 93

Springbank Primary .................................................. 82

Standhill Infant ........................................................ 95

Stanhope Primary .................................................... 95

Sturton le Steeple CE Primary (VA) ............................ 69

Sunnyside Primary .................................................... 82

Sutton Bonington Primary ...................................... 135

Sutton cum Lound CE Primary (VA) .......................... 70

Sutton Road Primary .............................................. 107

Sutton on Trent Primary .......................................... 122

Thrumpton Primary .................................................. 71

Tollerton Primary .................................................... 135

Trent Vale Infant ...................................................... 82

Trowell CE Primary (VC) ............................................ 83

Tuxford Primary ........................................................ 72

Underwood CE Primary (VC) .................................... 53

Wadsworth Fields Primary ........................................ 83

Walesby CE Primary (VC) ........................................ 122

Walkeringham Primary .............................................. 72

West Bridgford Infant .............................................. 135

West Bridgford Junior .............................................. 136

Westdale Infant ........................................................ 95

Westdale Junior ........................................................ 96

Westwood Infant ...................................................... 53

William Lilley Infant .................................................. 83

Willoughby Primary ................................................ 136

Willow Brook Primary .............................................. 136

Willow Farm Primary ................................................ 96

Winthorpe Primary .................................................. 123

Woodborough Woods Primary (VA) .......................... 96

Woodthorpe Infants .................................................. 97

Wynndale Primary .................................................. 107


Secondary School Index

Alderman White School & Language College ...................................... 137

All Saints RC School (VA) .................................................................... 137

Arnold Hill Academy .......................................................................... 138

Ashfield School (Foundation) .............................................................. 139

Becket RC School (VA) ........................................................................ 140

Bramcote Park Sport, Business & Enterprise School .............................. 141

Brunts School ...................................................................................... 141

Carlton Academy ................................................................................ 142

Carlton le Willows Academy ................................................................ 142

Chilwell School (Foundation) .............................................................. 143

Christ the King School (VA) ................................................................ 145

Colonel Frank Seely ............................................................................ 145

Dukeries College ................................................................................ 145

Eastwood Comprehensive School ........................................................ 146

Elizabethan High School ...................................................................... 146

Garibaldi Maths & Computing College ................................................ 147

Gedling School .................................................................................... 147

George Spencer Academy .................................................................. 147

Grove School ...................................................................................... 149

Harry Carlton ...................................................................................... 149

Holgate School .................................................................................. 149

Joseph Whitaker School (Foundation) .................................................. 150

Kimberley School (Foundation) ............................................................ 151

Kirkby College .................................................................................... 152

Magnus CofE School (Foundation) ...................................................... 152

Manor School (Academy) .................................................................... 153

Meden School & Technology College .................................................. 153

Minster School (VA) ............................................................................ 154

National School (VA) (Academy) ........................................................ 155

Outwood Academy Portland .............................................................. 157

Outwood Academy Valley .................................................................. 157

Quarrydale School (Foundation) .......................................................... 157

Queen Elizabeth's (1561) Endowed CE School (VA) ............................ 159

Redhill Academy ................................................................................ 160

Retford Oaks (Academy) .................................................................... 161

Rushcliffe Comprehensive School (Foundation) .................................... 161

Selston Arts & Community College ...................................................... 162

Serlby Park Academy .......................................................................... 162

Samworth Church Academy ................................................................ 162

South Nottinghamshire Academy ...................................................... 163

South Wolds Community School (Foundation) ...................................... 164

Sutton Centre Community College ...................................................... 165

Toot Hill School (Academy) ................................................................ 165

Tuxford Academy ................................................................................ 166

West Bridgford School (Academy) ........................................................ 166


Apply online at: www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/schooladmissions


Accepting a school place .......................................... 15

Admission criteria - infant to junior ............................ 27

Admission criteria - primary to secondary .................. 28

Admission criteria - reception .................................... 27

Admission criteria - year 12 ...................................... 28

Appeals .................................................................... 15

Applying for a place .................................................. 13

Brothers and sisters .................................................. 26

Catchment areas ........................................................ 9

Catholic primary school criteria ..................................30

Catholic secondary school criteria ............................ 34

Choice advice .......................................................... 23

Contacts - useful numbers ........................................ 24

Definitions ................................................................ 25

Delaying your child’s admission .................................. 8

Disability support ...................................................... 12

Distance measuring .................................................. 27

Early years ................................................................ 20

Fair Access Protocol .................................................. 16

Family information service ........................................ 20

Financial assistance .................................................. 18

Fraudulent applications ............................................ 13

Getting to school ...................................................... 10

HM Forces families .................................................. 14

Home address .......................................................... 13

Home education ...................................................... 21

How to decide on a school .......................................... 9

Infant class size ........................................................ 26

Late applications ...................................................... 14

Leaving school .......................................................... 21

Local authority contacts ............................................ 24

Looked after children ................................................ 25

Moving house .......................................................... 13

Multiple births .......................................................... 26

Offer of a school place ............................................ 15

Online applications .................................................... 2

Parent ...................................................................... 26

Parental responsibility .............................................. 26

Repeat applications .................................................. 15

School holidays .......................................................... 5

Siblings .................................................................... 26

Special needs .......................................................... 12

Starting school ............................................................ 9

Supplementary forms ................................................ 14

Timelines .................................................................... 3

Transport to school .................................................. 10

Twins ........................................................................ 26

Waiting lists .............................................................. 15

School information .................................................. 40

Apply online at: www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/schooladmissions



We hope you are happy with the education your child receives. Please talk to us if you have any problems or comments. You can get information about how to complain from our website www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk.

If, however, you are not happy with the way you are treated or the way that your comments are dealt with, you have the right to complain and to know that your complaint is being handled correctly.


Each school is generally responsible for considering its own complaints. If you have a complaint about a school, you should first discuss it with the head teacher. If you are not satisfied with the head teacher’s response, or if your complaint is about the head teacher, then you should ask the school governing body to consider your complaint.


If your complaint is about Nottinghamshire Local Authority or the actions of our staff, there is a separate complaints procedure. This procedure is set out in our leaflet ‘Listening to you’. You can get copies from libraries or any County Council office.

You are entitled to complain to the Local Government Ombudsman if you think we have managed anything inefficiently or badly. However, the Ombudsman would normally expect you to have followed our complaints procedure before considering your complaint.


Nottinghamshire County Council is committed to the highest standards of quality of information and makes every effort to ensure that information is accurate. All information contained in this publication was correct at the time of printing but may be subject to amendment at a later date.

Contacting us email [email protected] phone 01623 433499 fax 01623 433411 post School Admissions Team:

Meadow House, Littleworth, Mansfield, NG18 2TA internet www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk published July 2011



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