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Adolesence R Us

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  • 7/30/2019 Adolesence R Us



    Warning Adolescents









  • 7/30/2019 Adolesence R Us


    CONTENTSWhat is Puberty - Page 2

    The Effects of Hormones - Page 3

    The Fertilization Process - Page 5

    Change Bubbles - Page 6

    Menstruation - Page 7

    Why You Should Know the Other Gender - Page 8

    How Adolescents Cope With Puberty - Page 9

    Responsibility Grows - Page 10

    Bibliography - Page 11/12

  • 7/30/2019 Adolesence R Us


    What is Puberty?Is this you? Why do I smell so bad? Why do I sweat so much? Hair on myface, seriously! If it is you then you have officially hit puberty. Puberty is morethan just a funny word, it is the period in which Tweens go through bothphysical and mental changes because of something called hormones. In thisaddition of Adolescence R Us we will focus on making you understand pubertyand making your adolescent years easier. Puberty is the stage in which thehuman body becomes capable of sexual reproduction. Puberty is activated by

    a tiny gland at the base of the called the pituitary gland.

    Puberty is started when your brain releases GnRH. When GnRH reaches thepituitary gland, it then releases two more hormones these hormones go towork on different parts of the body and start Puberty

    Fun Fact:

    In the past sweatodour was a sign of

    maturity but nowadaysit is not acceptable andsome cultures find it asa sign of disrespect.

    What is Puberty?

  • 7/30/2019 Adolesence R Us


    The Effects of Hormones

    Fun Fact:

    Chocolate is associatedwith the realize ofserotonin, the hormonethat makes you feelrelaxed, calm andhappy.

    You may think hormones are just stuff related to puberty or you heard it come across in one of you

    science classes but to tell the truth they are actually a substance found in your body make you do

    different things. Hormones have all different effects and names such as making you moody increasing

    the rate of your metabolism. During Puberty there are 2 very main hormones which are Testosterone

    and Estrogen. Testosterone is the male sex hormone which is needed to make sperm (more about

    sperm in fertilization) it is also important to make; face hair, deeper voice which build up sexual

    characteristics. Men are not the only ones with testosterone women have it too but way less than men.

    For the growth and development of female sexual characteristics and reproduction. Overall estrogen

    controls growth of the uterine lining during the first part of the menstrual cycle, causes changes in the

    breasts during adolescence and pregnancy and regulates other metabolic related things like, bone

    growth and cholesterol levels.

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    us staff

  • 7/30/2019 Adolesence R Us


  • 7/30/2019 Adolesence R Us


    Sperm Form in testicles Egg forms in ovaries

    Moves to mature in theepididymis

    Moves to the fallo ian tube

    Moves to seminal vessel

    Glands add fluid to form semen

    Pass through penis

    Enter the vagina into thefallopian tube and meet egg

    Fertilized egg moves into the fallopian tube and into the cervix

    Enters the uterus and implants

    itself in the uterus lining And finally grows into a baby

    The Fertilization


  • 7/30/2019 Adolesence R Us



    During puberty hair growth occurs

    on other areas of the body besides

    the head, arms and legs. For both

    boys and girls, hair begins to grow inthe groin area as well as the armpits

    and legs. Boys may also start to

    notice more facial hair growth,

    although this is not necessarily

    limited to boys alone. Girls may also

    see facial hair growth, although

    usually less coarse and a lighter


    For boys, puberty is also marked by

    a change in voice pitch. Through

    this process the voice may crack as

    the body adjusts to a deeper tone of

    voice. This cracking is typically

    temporary until the final lower pitch

    is reached.


    Acne is also a common effect of

    puberty. The hormones that are

    released by the body during the

    process not only help the body

    mature, but can also cause the

    sebaceous glands to produce more

    sebum oil. This excess oil can

    combine with dead skin cells form

    soft plugs, more commonly known

    as blackheads or whiteheads. Thesebecome what we know as acne

    Change Bubbles

  • 7/30/2019 Adolesence R Us



    Have you ever seen your mum or older sister really annoyed and saynothing is happening to me why? Well then their is a good chance theyare menstruating. Menstruation is a woman's monthly bleeding.Menstruation happens a females body sheds the lining of the uterus(womb). Menstrual blood flows from the uterus through the small openingin the cervix and passes out of the body through the vagina. A Femalemenstrates 1 every month and this is called the menstrual cycle. Havingregular menstrual cycles is a sign that important parts of your body areworking normally. The menstrual cycle provides important hormones, to

    keep you healthy. It also prepares your body for pregnancy each month. Acycle is counted from the first day of 1 period to the first day of thenext period. The average menstrual cycle is 28 days long. Cycles canrange anywhere from 21 to 35 days in adults and from 21 to 45 days inyoung teens. There are products such as tampons which can help you idyou have a spill it blocks the blood from going all over your clothes

    Fun Facts:

    1)A woman can

    spend up to 3,500 days


    2)Almost 70% of

    adolescents use


  • 7/30/2019 Adolesence R Us


    Boys and girls. Girls and boys. What is different between the two of them?

    Lots of things, from appearance to hormones to stages in puberty

    Females start getting puberty changes from the ages 8 to 13 years old

    averagely. Each girl is different and may progress through these changes

    differently. The following are average ages when puberty changes may


    First pubertal change: breast development Pubic hair development: shortly after breast development

    Hair under the arms: 12 years old

    Menstrual periods: 10 to 16.5 years old

    The same for boys;


    Beginning of puberty: 9.5 to 14 years old

    First pubertal change: testicles get bigger

    Penis expanding about a year after the testicles begin expanding

    Public hair growth body hair on your leg or arm: 13.5 years old

    Hair under the arms and on the face, voice change, and acne: 15

    years old

    Wet dreams: a semen spill: 14 years old







  • 7/30/2019 Adolesence R Us


    Physical Changes:

    When kids/teens start going through adolescence they will

    have many physical changes that will change their body.There are many different types of products that help

    adolescents with the negative changes that happen.

    deodorant - it is a substance supplied to your body

    (Normally under the armpits) to positively affect the odour

    caused by bacterial breakdowns of perspiration, Razor

    and shaving cream - Shaving cream is a cream that you

    put onto your face where facial hair is growing and then

    you use a razor to omit the cream and the facial hair. If

    adolescents are upset or scared about the physical

    changes that are happening to them they can direct to

    parental support, peer support, books or websites.

    Adolescents have to cope with changes happening in their

    body there are physical and emotional changes

    How Adolescents Cope with Puberty

    Emotional Changes:

    As you grow older you will start to have morearguments and conflicts with friends. It might bevery difficult for adolescents to deal with theseproblems but we have two ways to cope withthis negative problem; 1) by parental support or2) reading books or websites to try and find outways to solve your problems or just ways tocope with them. Here is a website that couldhelp you deal with conflicts:http://www.ncpc.org/topics/conflict-resolution

  • 7/30/2019 Adolesence R Us


    Responsibility responsibility it happens all the time especially during your

    adolescent years. An example of a new responsibility would be being involved inmaking decisions and choices. Decisions that you start to make or be involved in iswhat time you go to bed (sleep) and health, just in general and you need to makesure that they are good ones. You have to be responsible about what time you goto sleep is because it can affect schoolwork and your mood in a bad way becauseyou are tired. You have to make the right choices and be responsible about yourdiet because if your not there can be very bad symptoms including becomingwhich if you didnt know really bad. To be healthy you also have to have goodexercising habits so that your body does not go weak or overweight. Another area

    that you need to be responsible about when your a teen or adolescent isorganizing your own routine. You need to start organizing your schoolwork, when itgets done, if you need help, etc etc. You also have to start being responsible aboutmeals in case your parents work and you need to make sure that you make theright choices about what you eat.


    RESPONSIBILITY GROWS!During your adolescent years you have more and more responsibilities coming.

  • 7/30/2019 Adolesence R Us



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