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Adv202 jing wen_michelle_pactcoffee

Date post: 14-Apr-2017
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Name: Michelle Su-Lynn GOH (Student ID: bg65kb) & Name: Jing-Wen WONG (Student ID: bg82tn) Advertising Practice, The Book 1 http://cargocollective.com/whenideasmeet
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Name: Michelle Su-Lynn GOH (Student ID: bg65kb) & Name: Jing-Wen WONG (Student ID: bg82tn)

Advertising Practice, The Book 1


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FROM HARVEST TO HOMEWe’re proud to be Direct Trade. To find our incredible beans, our Head of Coffee, Will, travels the world to visit growers, tasting hundreds of different coffees in the process. We’ve made a promise to always pay at least 25% more than Fairtrade prices for our coffee. By trading directly with our farmers, we’re able to cut out the middleman and pay farmers a better price for their top quality beans.

PERFECTLY ROASTEDAll of our coffees are roasted in-house at our London HQ in Bermondsey. Our Grand Master Roaster, Aissa, sees the potential in every bean and comes up with a roast profile to match - bringing out the coffee’s unique flavours. Freshness also has an impact on flavour, that’s why all our coffees are ground and packed within 7 days of roasting.

TO YOUR DOORWe know that not everyone has time to wait around for the postman. That’s why our bags of coffee and Pact Pods come in letterbox-friendly packages. Free First Class shipping ensures that when you order before 1pm, Monday to Friday, you’ll get it the very next day.

OUR VALUES are at the very heart of everthing we do, it’s our approach as individuals and as an organisation. They are distinctively Pact and they shape our culture and our identity to our community.

OUR MISSION: To create friendships through flavour, technology and craft.

OUR BRAND PROMISE: By joining the Pact community you need never run out of coffee that you love.

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BRIEFISSUECoffee culture is getting out of hand. It feels as if a new hipster cafe opens every day. This encourages a wave of youth and working adults to claim that they are coffee experts, just because they go to expensive cafes a lot. These people tend to look down on and judge others on their taste in coffee. Many of them, would say BLACK is THE best way to trully enjoy a cup of coffee (depending on the roast and origin as well) and that good quality beans should not be tainted by milk or artificial sweetness (sugar). Furthermore, these people will say anyone who drinks other forms of coffee (latte,cappucino, affogato) other than BLACK, are not coffee lovers. It has become difficult to enjoy a good cup of coffee without someone breathing down your neck about -the "RIGHT" way to enjoy it.

OBJECTIVEWe want people to accept the fact that it does not matter how people make/prepare their cup of coffee. What matters is Pacts is able to deliver fresh and delicious coffee beans to your doorstep.

TARGET AUDIENCEPeople who love coffee and have their own strong preference on how it should taste like. People who are tired of their "connoisseur" coffee friends preaching about the RIGHT way to drink coffee. People who are searching for good quality and fresh coffee. People who have the right tools to make their own coffee at home. This campaign will be carried out in the UK, not Malaysia.

TONE OF VOICEWitty, courageous. Pacts accept all coffee drinkers/ lovers and just wants people to be able to enjoy good quality and fresh beans. Down-to-earth.

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CONCEPTPact wants to put its foot down and claim that a good cup of coffee is entirely up to an individual and that there is no BEST way to enjoy coffee. This campaign is about telling overzealous coffee lovers to not force their opinions on other people because everyone has their own personal preference. This campaign will show how "patient" a coffee lover can be, and that they draw the line when someone tries to tell them how to enjoy their coffee. They will not be pestered into drinking a cup of coffee that they personally will not enjoy. Pacts wants to tell them to stand strong in their preferances and not conform to what other people are drinking. Pacts also want to say that no matter your preferences, there is a bag of Pacts that you are sure to enjoy because of its freshness. Because everyone can agree on fresh coffee.

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PRINT ADPeople get tired of being told what to do. In our series of visuals we want to stress the point that there is no need to force other people to have coffee the "Right" way because in the end of the day, taste is just too subjective.

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PRINT ADSugar shaming is a common thing in the coffee world. We are always told by baristas and online articles that "we should enjoy the natural sweetness of a cup of coffee" but some people just like it sweeter than usual and they will stand by that belief.

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Whatever your tastes, we believe that there is something for you on our menu. Freshness matters, and our coffee beans are carefully roasted 7 days prior to delivery. We grind them to suit each customer’s brewing method and post them with next-day delivery.

Please visit www.pactcoffee.com

Even if our friendship w�

ON THE LINE,my co�ee with

2 sugars.

I'd still take

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PRINT ADWhen it comes to relationships, most of us will do a lot for our other half. However, in this scenario, the boyfriend draws the line at changing the way he drinks his coffee. Showing that his love for coffee is stronger than anything else.

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Whatever your tastes, we believe that there is something for you on our menu. Freshness matters, and our coffee beans are carefully roasted 7 days prior to delivery. We grind them to suit each customer’s brewing method and post them with next-day delivery.

Please visit www.pactcoffee.com

butDon’t Tell MeHow To DrinkMY COFFEE.

I would change my hair, try �otic food & even get a tattoo for you.

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PRINT ADNon-black coffee drinkers like to go "Eww, its so bitter" and later make comments on how bitter drinks are gross and that they don't like coffee bitter. BUT SOME PEOPLE DO! So there's no reason to get your panties in a twist when you see someone drinking a nice long black.

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Whatever your tastes, we believe that there is something for you on our menu. Freshness matters, and our coffee beans are carefully roasted 7 days prior to delivery. We grind them to suit each customer’s brewing method and post them with next-day delivery.

Please visit www.pactcoffee.com

I just like my co�ee


don't have to be so

BITTER about it.

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Viral Video We have that one friend. That one friend that takes coffee way too seriously and makes us suffer for it. This video will be posted on Pacts Facebook Page with the #celebrateindividualtaste and the caption: Tag someone who is a radical coffee lover. The purpose of this ad is to show that there is no point forcing your opinions on others, especially when they are firm in their own decisions. Let's just all enjoy coffee together.

Boy B: Here try it, its really good!

*hands a cup of coffee*

Boy A: *take a sip and spits back into cup*

WHAT IS THIS!? 100c!?

Are you kidding me!?

Boy B tries to put coffee to put sugar in coffee.

Boy A: *slaps sugar cube away*

I am doing you a favour!

(In a cafe)

Boy A: We will have 2 Americano's, please.

Boy B: Can I get a milk on the side?

Waitress: Sure, is that all?

Boy A: No! No milk, just the coffees thanks.

Boy B: Seriously tho, bring the milk

Waitress: Sure thing *walks away*


(Waitress returns)

Boy A: *Smacks it away and says...*

"I am doing you a favour."

1 2 3

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Boy B: Hey, I found this coffee I got online is

amazing! I made it just the way you like it.

Boy A: *covers one nostril and takes a long and loud

whiff of the coffee*

Boy B and Boy A sitting on a couch with coffee cups

in their hands.

Boy B: Do you like it?

Boy A: It's nice. It's fresh. But, please don't tell me

you put sugar in yours.

Boy B: I did.

Boy A: Ugh...

Ends with logo.

SUPER: Celebrate Individual Taste

4 5 6

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Coffee comes in all colors, sizes, and tastes. We believe that the best way to

enjoy coffee is by getting it fresh. Our coffee beans have been carefully

roasted 7 days prior to delivery. We grind them to suit each customer’s brew

method and post them with next-day delivery. Have friends with strong opin-

ions about coffee? Tag them in the comments below. Whatever your tastes,

we believe that there is something for you on our menu.

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Pacts has over 6,000 followers on Instagram but there is not much activity on their page. To stir up some hype for Pact, we decided to have a little contest to get people talking about pacts again in conjuction with our campaign #celebrateindividualtaste.

Social Media - Instagram

Post: We believe that a great cup of co�ee begins with fresh beans. We want to know how you like your co�ee. Upload an image of your creation with the #celebrateindividualtaste and how you prepared it. We will pick a lucky winner to take home our limited edition mug every end of the month.

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Since Pact delivers straight to your door, a direct mail was an obvious choice as a medium. We want to increase our reach as much as we can to create brand awareness. The brochure consists of a �ow chart for people who want to explore their options. There is a QR Code that people can scan to be redirected to their website to obtain more information. The purpose of this mail is to show that, no matter what your preferences, Pacts want you to enjoy fresh co�ee, however the way you want it. The �ow chart is carefully cut down, to prevent it from looking too messy (refer to research book).

Direct Mail

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