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May 30,2011 Advanced C++

May 30,2011

Advanced C++

“The contents here are for Aricent Group internal training purposes only and do not carry any commercial value” 2Restricted ©Aricent Group 2011

• Introduction to STL

•Type traits


•C++11 features


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STL (Standard Template Library) contains three foundational items

• Containers

– Objects that hold objects

– Sequence containers (list, deque, vector ..): basically a linear list

– Associative containers (map): efficient retrieval of value base on key

• Algorithms

– Act on containers

– Provide means to manipulate the content of containers (initialization, sorting, searching and transforming)

– Many algorithms operates on a range of elements within a container

• Iterators

– More or less a pointer which used to access elements of containers

– Give the capability to cycle through the content of containers

Introduction to STL

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The STL also relies upon several standard components for support

• Allocators

– Manage memory allocation for a container

– Users can define their own allocator but for most uses, the default ones is sufficient

• Predicates

– Several of algorithms and containers use a special type of function call predicates which returns True or False based on precise conditions defined by users

– A unary predicate takes one argument while a binary predicate has two

– In binary predicates, the arguments are always in the order of first, second

– Some algorithms and classes use a special types of binary predicates which return if 1st argument is less than 2nd one. They are known as comparison functions.

• Function objects

– Objects that define the operator( )

Introduction to STL

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Container Classes

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Vectors are sequence containers representing arrays that can change in size.

• Sequential

– Elements are ordered in a strict linear sequence

– Individual elements are accessed by their position in the sequence

• Dynamic Array

– Allow direct access to any element in the sequence

– Support pointer arithmetic (array-like style through operator [ ])

• Allocator aware

– Use an allocator object to dynamically handle its need of storage

Container Classes - Vector

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Simple examples of using vector

• Demonstrate a vector (accessing by using array-like style and iterator)

– Refer to example vector1.cpp

• Insert and delete elements of a vector

– Refer to example vector2.cpp

• Store class object in a vector

– Refer to example vector3.cpp

Container Classes - Vector

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Lists are sequence containers that allow constant time insert and erase operations anywhere within the sequence, and iteration in both directions

• Sequential

– Elements are ordered in a strict linear sequence

– Individual elements are accessed by their position in the sequence

• Double-linked list

– Each element keeps information on how to locate the next and previous element

– No direct random access

• Allocator aware

– Use an allocator object to dynamically handle its need of storage

Container Classes - List

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Simple examples of using list

• Demonstrate a list

– Prefer to example list1.cpp

• Sort and merge lists

– Prefer to example list2.cpp

• Store class object in a list

– Prefer to example list3.cpp

Container Classes - List

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Which one is the most appropriate ?

• If search is the most frequent operation

• If insertion at the end is the most frequent operation

• If insertion at the middle is the most frequent operation

Container Classes – Vector versus List

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Map are associative containers that store elements formed by a combination of key value and mapped value, following a specific order

• Associative

– Element are referenced by their key, not by their absolute position in the container

• Ordered

– Elements follow a strict order at all time

• Map

– Each element associate a key to a mapped value: keys are meant to identify the element whose main content is the mapped value

• Unique key

– No two elements in the container can have equivalent key

• Allocator-aware

– Use allocator objects to dynamically handle its storage needs

Container Classes - Map

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Simple examples of using map

• Simple map demonstration

– Refer to example map1.cpp

• Store object class in a map

– Refer to example map2.cpp

Container Classes - Map

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Container adaptor refers to an adaption of normal containers my modifying and restricting its interface for some special purposes

• Stack

– Adapts the deque container to provide strict LIFO behavior

• Queue

– Adapts the deque container to provide strict FIFO behavior

• Priority_queue

– Adapt the vector container to maintain item in a sorted order

Container Adaptor

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• Rich set of templates functions

• Can work with any kind of container

• Provide extended operation besides basic operation supported by the containers

• Detailed information can be found at http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/algorithm/


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• Example of using count_if

- count_if returns the number of elements in the sequence that satisfy some predicated

- Refer to example count_if.cpp

• Example of using transforming a sequence

– Transform modifies each element in a range according a function you provide

– Refer to example transform1.cpp (using predicate)

– Refer to example transform2.cpp (using function object)


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Function objects are an object with an overloaded operator ( ) (function call operator)

• Function objects is use widely in STL

– In Container

template < class Key,

class Traits=less<Key>,

class Allocator=allocator<Key> > class set

– In Alogrithm

template<class Iterator, class Function>

Function for_each(Iterator first, Iterator last, Function f) {

while (first != end) { f(*first); ++first; }

return f;


Function Objects

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• Function object can keep the state of the context they are called

• Example: you need to write a program which help the user sort the inbox on different field – to, form, date, etc …

– What will happen if you use function pointer ?

• You probably need to write a new routine that knows about your field type because the STL sort routine does not know about your field type

– Is there an elegant way to write the program using function object and STL sort routine ?

Function Object

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class Message {

public:std::string getHeader (const std::string& header_name) const;

// other methods…


class MessageSorter {

public: MessageSorter (const std::string& field) : _field( field ) {}

bool operator (const Message& lhs, const Message& rhs){

// get the field to sort by and make the comparison

return lhs.getHeader( _field ) < rhs.getHeader( _field );



std::string _field;


Function Object

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std::vector<Messages> messages;

// read in messages

MessageSorter comparator(“to”);

sort( messages.begin(), messages.end(), comparator );

Function Object

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– Random Access

• Can access elements at an arbitrary offset position relative to element they point to

• Support operation ( a += n; a -= n; a + n; a – n; …)

– Bidirectional

• Can access elements in both directions (toward to end() and toward to beginning())

• Does not support ( a += n; a -= n; a + n; a – n; …)

– Forward

• Can access elements in on direction (toward end())

– Input

• Can be used in sequential input operations where each pointed value is read only once and the iterator is increased

– Output

• Can be used in sequential output operations where each pointed value is read only once and the iterator is increased


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– Reverse iterator

• Either a random access iterator or a bidirectional iterator

• Increasing the iterator will result to a “pointer” to the previous element

– Const iterator

• Point to a type of “const T”


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Allocators handle all the request for allocation and deallocation of memory for a given container

• Example

– template <class T, class Allocator = allocator<T>> class vector

• You can think of allocator as a “black box”.

– You may select a containers’ memory allocation strategy by instantiating the container with a particular allocator but should not make any assumptions about how the container actually uses the allocator

– Default allocator is quite sufficient for most of the cases while custom allocator is used to improve performance on particular systems


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Available type of allocators

• Alloc

– Default allocator

– Thread safe, usually has the best performance characteristic

• Pthread_alloc

– Thread safe, use different memory pool for each thread

– Usually faster than alloc, especially on multiprocessor systems

– Cause resouce fragmentation

• Single_client_alloc

– Fast but thread-unsafe allocator, can be faster then alloc if the program has only one thread

• Malloc_alloc

– Use standard function malloc

– Slow


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Memory pool allocator

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Shared memory allocator

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Garbage collector allocator

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What is traits ?

- Think of a trait as a small object whose main purpose is to carry information used by another object or algorithm to determine "policy" or "implementation details". - Bjarne Stroustrup

Why we need traits ?

- Traits are important because they allow you to make compile-time decisions based on types

- Adding the proverbial "extra level of indirection" that solves many software engineering problems

Type traits

Type traits

//return the largest value of an array

template< class T >

T findMax(const T const * data,

const size_t const numItems) {

// Obtain the minimum value for type T

T largest = std::numeric_limits< T >::min();

for(unsigned int i=0; i<numItems; ++i)

if (data[i] > largest)

largest = data[i];

return largest;


With float.h and limit.h

-Programmers need to know the exactly type of T to derive the correct value of min()

With numeric_limits.h

-Programmers doesn’t need to know the type of T, only the compiler need to know

-The code will be resolved at compiling time so there is no overhead

Example of trait technique

Same algorithm will not work optimally with every data structure

-Using traits can help you to choose “implementation details” of an algorithm for a specific object

- Suppose we have 2 kind of objects A, B that B has an optimized algorithm while A doesn’t

- How can we write an algorithm selector which chose the optimized algorithm for object B ?

//specialization of support optimized algorithm for object B



supports_optimised <ObjectB >{

static const bool value = true;


class ObjectB {


void optimised_implementation() {




Example of trait technique


template< bool b >

struct selector{

template< typename T >

static void implement( T& object ){

//implement the alorithm operating on "object" here




struct algorithm_selector< true >{

template< typename T >

static void implementation( T& object ){




template< typename T >

void algorithm( T& object ) {



int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

ObjectA a;

algorithm( a );

// calls default implementation

ObjectB b;

algorithm( b );

// calls ObjectB::optimised_implementation();

return 0;


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Example of trait technique

Suppose you need to write a database application and you find out that you need to write some wrapper functions around the primitive API

Typically, such APIs provide some fundamental of transferring raw data from a cursor to memory.

Our goal is write a high level function that extracts a value from a column without exposing all low-level details

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Example of trait technique

// Example 1: Wrapping a raw cursor int fetch

// operation.

// Fetch an integer from the

// cursor "cr"

// at column "col"

// in the value "val"

void FetchIntField(db_cursor& cr,

unsigned int col,

int& val)


// Verify type match

if (cr.column_type[col] != DB_INTEGER)

throw std::runtime_error(

"Column type mismatch");

// Do the fetch

db_integer temp;

if (!db_access_column(&cr, col))

throw std::runtime_error(

"Cannot transfer data");

memcpy(&temp, cr.column_data[col],


// Required by the DB API for cleanup

db_release_column(&cr, col);

// Convert from the database native type to int

val = static_cast<int>(temp);


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Example of trait technique

// Wrapping a raw cursor int fetch operation.

// Fetch an integer from the cursor "cr”at column "col” in the value "val"

void FetchIntField(db_cursor& cr, unsigned int col, int& val){

// Verify type match

if (cr.column_type[col] != DB_INTEGER)

throw std::runtime_error("Column type mismatch");

// Do the fetch

db_integer temp;

if (!db_access_column(&cr, col))

throw std::runtime_error("Cannot transfer data");

memcpy(&temp, cr.column_data[col],sizeof(temp));

// Required by the DB API for cleanup

db_release_column(&cr, col);

// Convert from the database native type to int

val = static_cast<int>(temp);


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Example of trait technique

//this is what define in the API header

#define DB_INTEGER 1

#define DB_STRING 2

#define DB_CURRENCY 3


typedef long int db_integer;

typedef char db_string[255];

typedef struct {

int integral_part;

unsigned char fractionary_part;

} db_currency;

What if we want to reuse the FetchIntField function for other types of data ?

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Example of trait technique

// Defining DbTraits

// Most general case not implemented

template <typename T> struct DbTraits;

// Specialization for int

template <>

struct DbTraits<int>{

enum { TypeId = DB_INTEGER };

typedef db_integer DbNativeType;

static void Convert(DbNativeType from, int& to){

to = static_cast<int>(from);



// Defining DbTraits

// Specialization for double

template <>

struct DbTraits<double>{

enum { TypeId = DB_CURRENCY };

typedef db_currency DbNativeType;

static void

Convert(const DbNativeType& from, double& to){

to = from.integral_part + from.fractionary_part / 100.;



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Example of trait technique

// A generic, extensible FetchField using DbTraits


template <class T>

void FetchField(db_cursor& cr, unsigned int col, T& val)


// Define the traits type

typedef DbTraits<T> Traits;

if (cr.column_type[col] != Traits::TypeId)

throw std::runtime_error("Column type mismatch");

if (!db_access_column(&cr, col))

throw std::runtime_error("Cannot transfer data");

typename Traits::DbNativeType temp;

memcpy(&temp, cr.column_data[col], sizeof(temp));

Traits::Convert(temp, val);

db_release_column(&cr, col);


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What is SFINAE ?

Substitution Failure Is Not An Error

Please take a loot at the following code piece

int negate(int i){ return -i; }template <typename T>typename T::result_type negate(T const &t){    return -t();}

What will happen if we call negate(10) ?


The first instantiation will be a perfect match and give us a result of -10

int negate(int i){ return -i; }

However, the compiler will also take the 2nd template into consideration and generating the following code

int::result_type negate(int const &t)


return -t();


This will cause an compiler error since int does not have a “result_type” but fortunately, this error will be silently ignore

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SFINAE examples

Using SFINAE to determine if an object is a container

Refer to sfinae1.cpp

Using SFINAE to implement a supper print function

Super print function can print the content of the container

Refer to sfinae2.cpp

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What wrong in the following piece of code ?

void foo()


File f;




How can we fix it ?

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RAII – Resource Acquisition Is Initialization

• Resource is acquired in the constructor and released in destructor

• Life of a resource is tied to a life of a local variable which is end when it goes out of scope

RAII consists of 3 parts

• The resource is acquired in the constructor (e.g. opening a file). This part is optional, but common.

• The resource is relinquished in the destructor (e.g. closing a file)

• Instances of the class are stack allocated (important – why ?)

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Implementing RAII

class OpenFile {


OpenFile(const char* filename){

//throws an exception on failure






std::string readLine() {

return _file.readLine();



File _file;


void foo(){

// then we can use it like this

OpenFile f("boo.txt");

//exception safe, and no closing necessary



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Why RAII need stack allocated ?

C++ guarantees that the destructors of objects on the stack will be called, even if an exception is thrown


std::string firstLineOf(const char* filename){ OpenFile f("boo.txt"); //stack allocated return f.readLine(); //File closed here. `f` goes out of scope and destructor is run.}

std::string firstLineOf(const char* filename){ OpenFile* f = new OpenFile("boo.txt"); //heap allocated return f->readLine(); //Destructor is never run, because `f` is never //deleted}

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C++11 features

auto and decltype

lamda expression

unique_ptr and shared_ptr

rvalue reference

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auto variable initializer

auto function -> return type


The type of the variable can be deduced from its initialization

Can be accompanied by modifiers (const or & …)


Instead of int x = 4;now you can write auto x = 4;

Auto is really shines when working with templates and iterator

The joy of auto

The joy of auto


template <typename BuiltType, typename Builder>


makeAndProcessObject (const Builder& builder)


vector<int> v;

vector<int>::iterator itr = v.begin();

BuiltType val = builder.makeObject();

// do stuff with val


MyObjBuilder builder;

makeAndProcessObject<MyObj>( builder );


template <typename Builder>


makeAndProcessObject (const Builder& builder)


vector<int> v;

auto itr = v.begin();

auto val = builder.makeObject();

// do stuff with val


MyObjBuilder builder;

makeAndProcessObject( builder );

decltype and new return value syntax


class Person



enum PersonType { ADULT, CHILD, SENIOR };

void setPersonType (PersonType person_type);

PersonType getPersonType ();


PersonType _person_type;


Person::PersonType Person::getPersonType ()


return _person_type;



class Person



enum PersonType { ADULT, CHILD, SENIOR };

void setPersonType (PersonType person_type);

PersonType getPersonType ();


PersonType _person_type;


auto Person::getPersonType () -> PersonType


return _person_type;


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decltype and new return value syntax

template <typename Builder>


makeAndProcessObject (const Builder& builder) -> decltype( builder.makeObject() )


auto val = builder.makeObject();

// do stuff with val

return val;


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lambda expression

lambda expression enable the ability to write lambda function

lamda function is inline function (similar to functor or function pointer)

creating quick function is easier


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[captures] (params) -> ret { statements; }

Optional, required only if lamda takes arguments

Optional, compiler automatically deduces the return type

Variable captured with lambda

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[] Capture nothing

[&] Capture any referenced variable by reference

[=] Capture any referenced variable by making a copy

[=, &foo] Capture any referenced variable by making a copy, but capture variable foo by reference

[bar] Capture bar by making a copy; don't copy anything else

[this] Capture the this pointer of the enclosing class

Lambda return type and exceptions

What is the return type of a lambda ?

[] () { return 1; } // compiler knows this returns an integer

// now we're telling the compiler what we want

// new return value syntax is the only way

[] () -> int { return 1; }

How can lambda function throw an exception ?

[]()throw(){ /* code that you don't expect to throw an exception*/ }

Example: refer to lambda1.cpp

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Unique pointer

What is unique pointer ?

• Pointer that owns the object exclusively

• Responsible for deleting the object when

– Itself is destroyed

– Its value is changed (assignment operation or unique_ptr::reset)

• Support only move assignment

• Example: refer to uniqueptr.cpp

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Shared pointer

What is shared pointer ?

• Take the ownership of a pointer and share that ownership

• The last pointer which release the ownership is responsible to delete the object

• shared_ptr release the ownership they co-own when

– Itself is destroyed

– Its value is changed by assignment operation or shared_ptr::reset()

• Shared_ptr can only share the ownership by copying their value (not initializing)

• Shared_ptr contains two pointer

– stored pointer, object they are pointing to and can be deference(*)

– owned pointer(possibly shared) points to the object which it’s holding the ownership

– Generally, stored pointer and owned pointer point to the same object

• Example: refer to sharedptr.cpp

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What is rvalue ?

In C, rvalue is an expression that can only appear on the right hand side of an assignment

Example:int a = 42;

int b = 43;

// a and b are both l-values:

a = b; // ok

b = a; // ok

a = a * b; // ok

// a * b is an rvalue:

int c = a * b; // ok, rvalue on right hand side of assignment

a * b = 42; // error, rvalue on left hand side of assignment

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In C++, the rvalue definition becomes

A lvalue is an expression that refers to a memory location and allow us to take the address of that memory allocation via operator &

A rvalue is an expression that is not a lvalue

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int x;

int& getRef ()


return x;


getRef() = 4;


int x;

int getVal ()


return x;



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rvalue reference


const string&& name = getName(); // ok

string&& name = getName(); // also ok


string getName () { return "Nam";}

string me("Nam");

printMe (const String& str){cout << str;}//take lvalue as argument

printMe (String&& str){ cout << str;}//take ravalue reference as agurment



rvalue reference is a reference to an object which is about to evaporate into air

rvalue solves 2 problems

• Direct forwarding

• Move constructorProprietary & Confidential. ©Aricent Group 2011 57

The pain of copy

vector<int> doubleValues (const vector<int>& v){

vector<int> new_values;

for (auto itr = v.begin(), end_itr = v.end(); itr != end_itr; ++itr ){

new_values.push_back( 2 *(*itr ));


return new_values;


int main()


vector<int> v;

for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ){

v.push_back( i );


v = doubleValues( v );


How many operation we have to do if vector size is 10000 ?

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Move constructor and move assignment

Myclass(Myclass&& other): size(0), buf(nullptr)


// pilfer other’s resource



// reset other




Myclass& Myclass::operator=(Myclass&& other)


if (this!=&other)


// release the current object’s resources

delete[] buf;


// pilfer other’s resource



// reset other




return *this;


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Notes on using rvalue reference

Q: How to make an expression become a rvalue ?

A: Use std::move()

Q: Is rvalue reference always rvalue

A: If the referenced object has a name then its rvalue reference is a lvalue

Example :

Q: Should I write a function which return a rvalue ?

A: Probably not, because most of the cases you will end up in dangling reference (a case where the reference exists but the object that it refers to has been destroyed)

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