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Advanced Osa Ogunda

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Advanced Osa Ogunda notes for santeria diviners.
Advanced Osa – Osa – Ogunda Orishas: Oya Ayao Obatala Agayu Babalouaye Ochun Oba Olofi Ogun Ochossi Yemeya Sicknesses in Iku Ano Aro – respiratory ailments – stabbings or puncture wounds. Ebo for the reading – before you close the windows and get everyone together – to Ogun – oil a piece of red meat with palm oil, lots of smoked fish and jutia, spray with rum, blow cigar smoke over it , wrap it in brown paper and clean your self as diviner first then the client then the others in order of santo age. When you clean you present it to the points and clean over them with it. This stays with Ogun overnight then it goes to the railroad tracks – try to touch the railroad tracks with the ebo and leave to the side. When everyone goes home if they have Ocha they do the same thing at home. Aleyos that don’t have warriors need to get a reading with dilogun. Family issues Pataki (9) of Changos imprisonment : ( this is a Pataki of the Olodu Osa but it pertains to this composite directly) Oya had an obsessive love for Chango but he was not interested because he was in love with Ochun – so Oya stole Chango and had her army of the dead get Chango and locked him up in a house in the middle of the cemetery. She had even Iku stand guard of Chango. Oya would come visit Chango each night and using her charms they had sex and she rocked his world with sex every night until he

Advanced Osa – Osa – OgundaOrishas:Oya Ayao Obatala Agayu Babalouaye Ochun Oba Olofi Ogun Ochossi YemeyaSicknesses in Iku Ano Aro – respiratory ailments – stabbings or puncture wounds.

Ebo for the reading – before you close the windows and get everyone together – to Ogun – oil a piece of red meat with palm oil, lots of smoked fish and jutia, spray with rum, blow cigar smoke over it , wrap it in brown paper and clean your self as diviner first then the client then the others in order of santo age. When you clean you present it to the points and clean over them with it. This stays with Ogun overnight then it goes to the railroad tracks – try to touch the railroad tracks with the ebo and leave to the side. When everyone goes home if they have Ocha they do the same thing at home. Aleyos that don’t have warriors need to get a reading with dilogun.

Family issuesPataki (9) of Changos imprisonment : ( this is a Pataki of the Olodu Osa but it pertains to this composite directly)

Oya had an obsessive love for Chango but he was not interested because he was in love with Ochun – so Oya stole Chango and had her army of the dead get Chango and locked him up in a house in the middle of the cemetery. She had even Iku stand guard of Chango. Oya would come visit Chango each night and using her charms they had sex and she rocked his world with sex every night until he began to develop Stockholm syndrome ( love for one’s captor). Ochun began to get worried – she went to Ellegua and he told her where Chango was – Ochun made a plan to seduce Iku – made a picnic with lots of rum. Ochun came Iku was suspicious and she gave Iku bottle after bottle of rum while flirting until he passed out. She stole his keys ( there is a version of this Pataki where he escaped in drag) Ochun lead him out of the land of the dead – but when he was free Ochun wanted sex and Chango refused because he was now in love with Oya and he went back to her.

Pataki (9-3)The frog went to Mofa the diviner because the maja ( snakes)

had been eating all the frogs – frog needs to make ebo and not tell

anyone. So he did and went about his business. One day the maja attacked him and ate him and swallowed him – but because the frog had done ebo the frog made him sick . the ebo allowed the frog to have venom that soaked into the snakes stomach and made him vomit him – but even after the frog was out the poison killed him – the snakes learned that all the frogs related to him also were poisonous again.

Client is the frog – being prayed on by the snakes – if you make the ebo you will develop a spiritual poison that when people come for you they will be poisoned until eventually they will leave you alone, but you cannot say that you made ebo and you have to go about your life being humble. Can’t brag or boat about what you have done. ( there is also a version of this Pataki where instead of snakes it is a magician that is trying to get the frog)

This family of Odu speaks of things that are aquatic in nature. Fresh water aquatic esp amphibians . EBO:

If you ever have a war you cannot win and you have this odu in ita or in a reading – you put Oya and Ogun side by side on the matt and you fill Oya’s tinaja with fresh water. When you fill Oya’s tinaja with water it makes her ready for war – then you take one of Oguns machetes and place it in top of Oya. After 9 days you take the water from Oya’s sopera and sprinkle it from the back of your house to the front and then out the front door and pour the rest of the water into the street. (When a child of Oya is born it is a child of Ogun that comes down dancing and give the machete to Oya’s Iwayo.) Oya goes off to war with Ogun following her.

This odu speaks of things that live near water – snakes, frogs, scorpions (live near water) ( 9-9 is where Yemeya gets her crown. 9-7 is where Yemeya and Oya come together to make the hurricane – many ties with water – it is with wind and water that a storm is born.)

Four issues with 9-3Family issues – proverb 1: a drunk has one price : liquor. Proverb 2: the man is keeping a secret from his wife. Proverb 3 : Wars fought with strangers are bad but wars fought with your spouse are worse.

Four points : in family issues Maferefun Chango Maferefun Oya – (Chango stole Oya at one point from Ogun but that was a different set of stories) They are married but the relationship is dysfunctional – Oya kidnapped and imprisoned him and made him crazy – relationship was abusive. Force him to be dependent on her. Usually it is woman that were abused but in this Pataki it is Oya who conquers Chango. ( Oya does sex things that other woman can/don’t do) Witchcraft to tie someone’s love is present here too. The man can get stuck in an abusive relation with a woman. Abuse number two – Chango by nature drinks and womanizes and did cheat on Oya whenever he got the chance. Oya lied and drove away Changos legitimate wife Ochun ( some know this from 8-5 but it shows up in 9-8 again but differently) These are repeating cycles in the clients life – if married or in an established relationship these are the parameters – of single we know why – this is where they have come from romantically speaking. While there may be love – it is not a healthy love most likely. Cruelty causes more cruelty – something small can blow up into something big in 9-3. Discord can destroy even the best relationship. For a man it is his duty to never reveal the lover’s secrets – watch out for drinking – it is your downfall because you lose control and give away important info. If you keep a secret you are an accomplice – if you reveal the secret you can be held accountable too – this client has secrets that you probably don’t want to know. This is an odu of the transformation of life and the most wretched marriage can be turned into something beautiful and vise versa – this odu says that you may not be together forever but while you are together perceptions and behaviors have to change. If they say their relationship is stable it is a sign of what is to come because of your actions. In romantic relationships daring and impudence are born in this odu – tell them don’t be daring and impudent. If there is a substance abuse problem – the only thing they think about now is the substance. If there is substance abuse in the home Oya is not happy.

In 9-3 Oya gave up everything to be a good mother. She lost everything to raise kids right. Sacrifice of the mother. Oya and the ram ( Oya can have nothing to do with the ram or even be in the room with it – prior to the mess in 8-9 before they became friends the ram’s meat was her favorite thing in the world, but before she became friends with the ram she gave up ram’s meat – she would only to feed Chango with it and also she fed it to him because at one time

Chango’s sexual urges would outstrip her own and because the rams meat is so hot and fulfilling it would satisfy Chango’s urges even sex. When Chango gorged himself on Ram he also gave up drinking – and when he gave up drinking he stopped beating up Oya’s children. Clients children should never go hunting or fishing. Odu of the turtle and the son of the king. They will be lost, killed, kidnapped or taken into slavery. Ebo must be made for your children with a turtle– ask Ellegua who the turtle goes to.

Pataki (9-3)Once there was a king who went to see Mofa – mofa told him your son is in danger – Mofa said you can’t let him hunt anymore- but that was the son’s favorite thing to do. The king locked him into the castle and put guards around so he wouldn’t go because the king saw the disobedience in the son’s eyes. Eventually the son tricked the guards and got out. Once he was out he saw a dove fly by overhead – the prince shot it and it fell into the river – so the prince sees the dove getting taken by the current and jumps in to grab it but he gets caught up and taken away by the river – he did not know how to swim. Then the turtle pops up and makes a deal with the prince – I will save you but you must be my slave- At first the prince said no and when the turtle went to leave he said ok. The turtle (she) immediately imprisoned him inside of a drum. The reason why the client must do a tambor for the godparents orisha. When the turtle would play the drum the prince was so bored and didn’t know where he was so he would sing. The turtle bragged – I have a drum that when I play it it sings – The king had gone back to mofa because his son was missing and he told him if you want your sun back you must play a tambore and ask every musician in the city to play. Because everyone knew the turtle had a drum that would sing by it’s self so they told him about it. The turtle went to the party not realizing it was the kings party – when the turtle played everyone recognized the prices voice. They let the tambore finish and at the end told the muscians to leave their instruments behind. They said they were judging who was the best musician. The king and mofa set the prince free and put a baby turtle in it’s place.

The client can never tell his secrets or the secrets of his lover. The client must not tell his secrets to his lover as well. When you are dating you cannot drink alcohol because you will give your secrets

away. ( any kind of drumming – in 7-8 must be an anya but 9-3 any kind of drumming) . This odu speaks of 3 cards on the table – there can be divorce – assault – traps – threesomes - this odu says someone is watching you – have to be careful of stalkers. ( ram head to Chango or Yemeya in 8-8 or unle in osogbo ?)

Issue number 2 – the quest for knowledge – this odu speaks of the quest for knowledge but not necessarily wisdom, however this knowledge can lead to wisdom. Proverb 1- the war of the papers. He who coolects the most knowledge wins the war. The storehouse of knowledge. (9-4) Maferun Obatala because he is the head and guides you on your quest for knowledge – maferefun Oya because she brings new knowledge your way. In your quest for knowledge you must avoid questions of all kinds– something you say will implicate you – people will ask what you know – what you have been exposed to – the notes you have and the papers you keep – don’t say any of these things. You cannot talk to people how you have gained your religious knowledge – Oya will create dramas and situations so you can increase you priestly knowledge. As your knowledge increases and your storehouse increases, be humble about it and play it down – don’t use your knowledge to threaten anyone or to give you an advantage. Birth to the library – create a library in your home dedicated to what you love to study most – speaks a lot about history and studying history. You need to study ocha and the history of ocha – the odu and the patakis. Your knowledge of Odu, patakis and history will always give you an advantage over your peers. The odu is where the santeros stole the papers from the bablous but never studied them so they did them no good. 1930-1940’s to angarita – he stole the lukmi book of the ifa diagnosis and started using it in his practice as an oriate. Over time people will know of your storehouse and will try to steal it but they can’t if you never let them know about it. It is your secret and they will wonder how you know so much. Issue #3 – orishas to receive – Ogue fully packed. Ogue was born here. Oya if you don’t have her – Ayao – Ayao put an end to human sacrifice to the religion in 9-3. There was a time when the world was so filled with Osogbo – Oya was fighting against them – they had almost taken her over – she cried to heaven – Olofi sent Ayao – the cyclone and using the 9 doors of Arun that she holds sent them back to Arun Buruku and locked them up. Osain tended to Oya and Ayao tended to the humans who were afflicted by the osogbos – the

osogbos were so strong in the world because there was a new custom of human sacrifice – prisoners and prisoners of war from other ethnic groups – they would sacrifice to the stones of the orishas and it made osogbo so strong it could almost kill orisha. This was a period of darkness in the kingdoms of Yoruba – changed the way they treated people. They may have been put to death but not to an orisha. Never proper to take a human life unless it is to save your own life. Ayao is a midget – ran away with Osain and they are married. When Ayao touches the floor it brings her wer down to earth. Ayao is the cyclone that does not touch the earth – If the cyclone touché the earth it’s Oya.

Point 3 – Black mail lives within you – if someone doesn’t blackmail you then you have the potential to blackmail someone. Someone is watching you so be careful – they are watching you to steal something. You cannot cosign for anything – not only a loan but cosigning gossip or a character reference. The concept of cosigning goes deep – don’t cosign on testimonies – keep to yourself – stay out of other people’s business. Moor the boat so it doesn’t get swept away – moor the boat so it doesn’t get punctured. Speaks of slavery and being a slave. Speaks of prison and going to prison – one day you will be in the woods – don’ dig anything up – it will be a cursed object – head is too hot. This person’s head is so hot that they have to make ocha to save it – their ori inu ( inner head) is cracked. Don’t be surprised if after ocha they are not a priest – they may likely be closed – they are not making ocha to be an active priest. Serious problems between you and your siblings in the future- they will fall on very hard times and the solution is to come back to the diviner and make ebo. This person wants to be handsome or beautiful – they will stop at nothing to be beautiful – health is your beauty – don’t starve yourself or excessively exercise or do surgeries. You can lose your health.

Your enemy is a fat person – you hate them so much because you will just go crazy – they want to hurt you but you have no one to defend you. They are stronger than you- a pregnant woman MUST make the ebo marked in the entori .

Another Pataki:Osa-Ogunda tells of of the Chief of Hunters and his marriage to Oya.

(Sometimes, he is identified as Ogun or, in Brazil, Ochossi.) In Yorubaland, a hunt represented a many day proposition. The good graces of the orisha were essential to ensure both bounty and safety for the Hunter. Being a wise hunter, the hero consults Ifa before venturing into the forest. He makes the necessary offering of yams, guinea-corn wine, four hens, four pigeons and four bags of cowries before he leaves on the hunt. During this journey, he encounters the much feared bush-cow. He gets out of her way, then follows the magnificent beast to a termite mound. Here he witnesses a strange transformation. The bush cow breaks out of her own skin to emerge as a beautiful woman: Oya. She proceeds to stash her buffalo skin inside the mound, and then proceeds to the marketplace carrying a bundle of locust beans. Once she is out of sight, the hunter sneaks over to the termite mound and steals her skin. Then he goes to the market and barters with the mysterious woman. He tells her that he has no money on him, but will happily pay her if she will stop by his home on her way back from the market. She agrees. When she stops by to collect, he feeds her some of Ifa's offering, yams and guinea-corn wine. She partakes then leaves for the termite mound. She is shocked to discover that her skin is missing. She realizes that the man to whom she sold locust beans must have taken it, so she proceeds back to his house to demand its return. The hunter admits to his crime, but pleas with Oya to marry him. She agrees to, but only if he promises never to reveal her true identity to his other wives.

Time passes, and the hunter and Oya are blessed with children. However, the other wives are suspicious of Oya. After all, she's foreign and does not seem to have any family. Plus the hunter is paying her an awful lot of attention. One day they decide to get to the bottom of her mystery and loosen the hunter's tongue with guinea corn wine. He gives up Oya.

When he next leaves on a hunt, the other wives begin to taunt Oya, revealing that they know her secret. Well, Oya is not one to be ridiculed. She digs up her buffalo skin and gores to death each of her co-wives. She angrily storms back to the forest, and on the way encounters her children. They try to run in fear, but Oya identifies herself. She breaks off part of one horn and give it to them. She tells them should they ever need for anything they can summon her using the horn. She then encounter her taboo-breaking husband. Angry,

she is about to gore him, but he reminds her that he made necessary sacrifice to Ifa. She calms down and agrees to let him summon her with the same horn.

(9-3) In Ire:Ogun comes angry – but he has come to punish those who have done the client wrong and we are not talking about just the enemies that the client knows but also the secret enemies. Take a look around at the people who start to suffer – these are the people who did not have anything but malice in their hearts for you. Ogun knows who these people are – he hates your enemies for free.

If you catch a big fish you must give something in thanksgiving to the ocean, the river – the lake – you must determine from where the big fish came from and give thanks and something in return – to error on the side of caution you can make an offering to all three.. Olokun Yemeya and Ochun.

He who plants the wind will gather the storm as a harvest. ( Troublemaker?) The troubles that come to this person is because they “planted the wind” and in return he receives the storm – a direct result of what you have sown -s0 stop instigating.

The air is our salvation ( that which we breath )but the wind that blows is our death (turbulents – conflicts-problems). What that orisha is telling you is what we don’t know about the people around us we are better off not knowing. Ogun knows and that's enough. Better off not getting involved with people’s issues because we have issues of our own enough to deal with. Don’t go searching to find who your enemies are. Don’t go looking for issues. Don’t look for who is your friends or your enemies – let Ogun sort that all out.

Those who do not respect the air they breath or the wind do not respect Oya and in return we can neither respect or trust them. Interpret this literally – if you have priensts or aleyos etc that speak badly about Oya or the priests or priestesses of Oya stay away from them they cannot be trusted while you are under the influence of this sign. In ire this is a flag that these people will cause you trouble.

Even though you have ire a sure way to lose your ire and not get it back is to live with someone who doesn’t share you goals. Whoever lives with you under your roof has to be in agreement with your goals, spiritual path , plans, with your lifestyle , with your religious and spiritual beliefs. Cannot be living with an alaeyo – if you are aborisha you can live with an aborisha – if you are olorisha you can live with another olorisha but you cannot live with an alaeyo. It is really better to live alone – ideally.

You have to tie - anchor- moor your boat so the storm that is coming does not break it into pieces, and in ire the storm is coming. The only way you will survive is to anchor your-self so the storm doesn't take what you treasure and smash it on the rocks.

1. A person is coming from the country to visit you. If a woman is coming to visit from the country she is coming bringing problems having to do with her son and the justice system. You cannot get causght up in these problems – do not let her bring these problems or the son to your house.

2. Ogun is asking for something because 9-3 has come in ire – after the reading etc you must assume Ogun wants something – mark the ebo as you would starting with Lariche si? And through the list until you find out what it is that he wants. This is to make sure he brings you blessings.

3. You have to give thanks to the aleyo that has given you much. This person must know how much you appreciate them.

4. You must live giving thanks to Chango and Obatala. Even though you may feel you are walking in the world alone but they share the burden and that burden is you. 9-3 people come with burdens. Obatala carries you until you are weary and then chango carries you until he is weary etc .. one of these two is always carrying you through hard times.

5. One of your Ocha or blood brothers or sisters is coming to you with a bad situation that they want you to solve. There have been issues of disrespect with this person in the past and the only advise you can give them is to go to the same diviner and follow the advises they give you. If you let this person in your home and you carry them it is going to beco9me a bad situation. Take them to your godparent or diviner and don’t offer to do anything else. It will end badly for you.

6. Be careful of a robbery – in ire the blessing is that you are pre-warned about the possibility of a robbery and can avert danger. Take extra care and don't flash money etc .. walk in dangerous areas etc .. careful about who sees what you have , comes in your house etc.. Your own life is worth more than anything you have. If you see a robbery in your house don’t stop and try to fix things just run. Take off screaming - possessions can be replaced but your life can’t be.

(9-3) in Osogbo

o Even in osogbo we say maferefun Ogun – is is hot and fighting for justice in the client’s life – but in osogbo your clients life can be in danger. Many times have already been assaulted or abused – this is someone who can have Ogun’s machete against him. Ask the client why Ogun is so hot for him – this could be an outlaw or a bandit – or it may be that Ogun wants this person in jail. If this person makes a living from victimizing people he himself will become a victim, but in 9-3 he can calm Ogun by changing his behavior and making ebo etc and changing his ways even though Ogun may hold him accountable for his mistakes in the past. This is his one last change to improve yourself. If you have warrants etc there is no getting out of the punishment – chances are this person is not going to change.

o In this odu is born blackmail and someone is coming to blackmail the client – you need to tell them that the war is coming and while a war fought against the living is bad, a war fought against the living is worse and you might be fighting a spiritual war against the dead. The client may have even killed someone and the spirit of that person is after them or they committed some crime that a person died as a result of it. Often the crimes are done with weapons. You can try to mark ebo to that spirit …

o When the ram attacks it puts it’s head down first. Be careful of people who put their head down to you. This includes people who come to salute you etc.. In osogbo the people who put their head down to you are dreaming of spilling your blood.

Speaks of a woman who cries for a man and cries over a man. Speaks of someone who has a bad temper. Speaks of someone who has a very great need in his life. Client has an enemy that is chubby or fat and this enemy hates

your client so much that when this person looks at a picture or a painting of your client he gets so mad that it causes his blood to boil. This fat person – one day you will encounter them in the street and you will have nothing to protect your self with.

If you have a woman at the matt they might be pregnant and not know it and the pregnancy may be problematic and they think it is a health problem because of something else. Recommend a pregnancy test. If she is pregnant she needs to make ebo to Ochun.

There is someone in the world that is saying … something happened to you because you did something to them. They are taking credit for the bad that is happeneing in your life.

Your client is actually defending somebody who doesn’t deserve to be defended and it will make your client look bad.

You need to be careful of a prick, a stick or small cut in your hand because it could fester, get infected etc and cost you your life.

If you are an olorisha your salvation lies in giving a tambor. If this is an aborisha or an aleyo their salvation lies in going to a tambor. Ask what orisha wants a tambor if you are giving one and if aborisha or aleyo take them to any tambor.
