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Advanced SEO - Digital Content Creators

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Advanced SEOO
SEO Advanced for Digital Content Creators SEO/SEM & Search Web Presence Optimization Andrea Berberich 1 http://seosemadvice.com
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SEO Advanced


Digital Content Creators

SEO/SEM & Search – Web Presence Optimization

Andrea Berberich


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Google Knowledge Graph

Google Knowledge Vault

Advanced SEO Concepts


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Google Knowledge Graph

What is the Google Knowledge Graph?

Knowledge base use by Google to enhance its search

engine’s search results with semantic search


It provides structured and detailed information about the

topic in addition to a list of links to other sites

It was added to Google search engine in 2012

Why should I know about the Google Knowledge


Explore your search – Google added a carousel at

the top

Explore collection – words just don’t refer to words

rather than things

Connects relationships of people, things, events and


Search for the answer no matter on which device


Source: Google.com

Source: Google.com


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Knowledge Vault

What is the Google Knowledge Vault?

It was added to Google’s search arsenal Aug. 2014

Uses Knowledge Graph content and uses increasing

amounts of structure content in PC and mobile search


It is assembled from content across the internet without

human editorial involvement

It autonomously gathers and merges information from

across the web into a single base of facts about the

world, and the people and objects

Google assembled 1.6 billion “facts” and scored them

according to confidence in their accuracy. Roughly 16 %

of it qualifies as “confident facts.”

It is the basis of future Artificial Intelligence applications,

machine-to-machine communication, augmented reality,

predictive model and virtual assistant


Source: searchengineland.com

Source: linkedin.com/article


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Future Searches -- Knowledge Vault

Replacing search results systems we are familiar with and replace

them with 1:1 question to answer ratio

Provide commonly used question

Provide industry-based answer

Evidence are viral questions campaign. Do these phrases sound

familiar to you?

Who is John Galt?

Who Watches the Watchmen?

How many licks does it take to get to the center of tootsie pop roll?

What can brown do for you?

One of the more famous answers, 42

Each of these, in their own right, are perfect bit(e)-sized advertising

campaigns that lead to their own specific destination.


Source: http://ignitevisibility.com/google-knowledge-vault/


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Summary of the Knowledge Vault

Summary of why we need to pay attention to Knowledge Vault

Based on machine learning

Capable of extracting data from multiple sources

(tabular data, page structure, text human annotations)

Infers facts and relationship based on all data available – it relies on

existing knowledge bases

(e.g. Freebase, Wikipedia, YAGO, MS Satori)

Validating facts is done by a researcher described process called “link

prediction in a graph”

Path ranking algorithm (PRA)

Neural Network Model (MLP; multilayer perceptron)


Source: http://dejanseo.com.au/knowledge-vault/


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Advanced SEO Concepts

The knowledge vault introduction forces us to continue re-think they

way we research and create digital content.

Keyword Usage

TF-IDF = term frequency-inverse document frequency

Synonyms and Close Variants

Page Segmentation

Semantic Distance and Term Relationships

Co- occurence and Phrase-Based Indexing

Entity Salience


Source: http://moz.com/blog/7-advanced-seo-concepts


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Keyword Usage

Keyword Usage: Placing the

keywords/keyword phrases

strategically within certain

elements may provide clues as

to the context of the page.

Additional optimization

Page title = H1

Meta Description

Embedded Video


Source: http://moz.com/blog/7-advanced-seo-concepts


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TF-IDF = term frequency-inverse document frequency measures the

importance of a keyword phrase by comparing it to the frequency of

the term in a large set of documents.

Many advanced textual analysis techniques use a version of TF-IDF

as a base.


Source: http://moz.com/blog/7-advanced-seo-concepts


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Synonyms and Close Variants

Synonyms and Close Variants:

Search engines posses vast corpuses of synonyms and close

variants for billions of phrases, which allows you to enrich your

content with natural text to provide greater meaning.


Source: http://moz.com/blog/7-advanced-seo-concepts


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Page Segmentation

Page Segmentation:

Content located in the main body text likely holds more importance

than text placed in sidebars or alternative positions. Repeating text

placed in boilerplate, locations, or chrome, runs the risk of being

discounted even more.


Source: http://moz.com/blog/7-advanced-seo-concepts


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Semantic Distance and Term Relationships

Semantic Distance and Term Relationships

Search engines can determine the connections between words and

phrases by their relationships within the content. The closer the

semantic relationships, the greater the chances the words and

phrase are related to each other.


Source: http://moz.com/blog/7-advanced-seo-concepts


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Co-occurrence and Phrase-Based Indexing

Phrase-Based Indexing and Co-occurrence

Using the concept of co-occurrence, search engines know that

certain phrases tend to predict other phrases. Presence of these co-

occurring phrases can strengthen topic focus. Links from pages with

co-occurring phrases can also help.


Source: http://moz.com/blog/7-advanced-seo-concepts


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Entity Salience

Entity salience goes beyond traditional keyword techniques, like TF-

IDF, for finding relevant terms in a document by leveraging known

relationships between entities. An entity is anything in the document

that is distinct and well refined.


Source: http://moz.com/blog/7-advanced-seo-concepts


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Keyword research form your base

Research round topics and themes

When drafting your content, try to answer as many

questions as you can

Use natural language and variations

Place your important content to strategically most

important section of the page

Structure your content appropriately


Source: http://moz.com/blog/7-advanced-seo-concepts


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Thank you!

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Andrea Berberich
