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Adventures with Insulin in the Islets of Langerhansfunctioning pancreas to lower blood glucose, but...

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Adventures with Insulin in the Islets of Langerhans Published, JBC Papers in Press, March 28, 2011, DOI 10.1074/jbc.X111.244764 Donald F. Steiner From the Departments of Medicine and Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 60637 Insulin is a small but beautifully organized protein with a unique two-chain struc- ture, the first protein to be sequenced. The mechanism of its biosynthesis invited much initial speculation but was finally clarified by the discovery of proinsulin, its single-chain precursor. The rich present-day field of protein precursor processing via post-translational proteolysis within the secretory pathway arose in the early 1970s as an offshoot of studies on insulin biosynthesis, which provided a novel paradigm for the generation of many other small neuroendocrine peptides. Before long, this mecha- nism was also found to play a role in the production of a much wider spectrum of proteins traversing the secretory pathway (receptors, growth factors, blood-clotting components, and even many viral envelope proteins) occurring in almost all eukary- otic cells. Indeed, yeast provided a key clue in the search for the proprotein converta- ses, the endoproteases that work along with carboxypeptidases and other modifying enzymes, such as the amidating enzyme complex (PAM), in converting inactive or less active precursor proteins into their fully active peptide products. In this “Reflections” article, I have tried to recount the people and events in my life that led to my involve- ment first in basic biochemical research and then on to insulin, proinsulin, and many relevant related areas that continue to fascinate and challenge my colleagues and me, as well as many other biomedical scientists today, as diabetes mellitus increasingly threatens human health throughout our contemporary world. Early Scientific Developments Leading to Proinsulin M y biomedical career resulted from a chance encounter with a marvelous book. It was entitled Fearfully and Wonderfully Made: The Human Organism in the Light of Modern Science (1). I was then just twenty years old and a second-year student in a chemical engineering cooperative work/study program at the University of Cin- cinnati (my first “U of C”) working in the quality-control laboratory of a paper mill in West Carrollton, Ohio (a training rotation). One morning, while browsing in the nearby Dayton Public Library before reporting for the second shift at the mill, I chanced upon this illuminating volume. Having never before encountered biology or physiological chemistry in my high school studies, I was immediately swept off my feet by the concepts it conjured up of living cells carrying out thousands of highly coordinated chemical reactions simultaneously, such as the complete com- bustion of glucose at body temperature, through the catalytic action of myriad enzymes and with complete control of chirality, all coupled energetically to biosynthetic reactions that maintained the cells in a stable constant state, seemingly defying entropy. This book came as a wonderful revelation that could not be ignored, even though I barely understood much of it. Indeed, I was so enthralled by its revelations that, within just a few days, I decided that I must somehow gain access to this compelling new scientific field. I telephoned home to my mother (my father had died suddenly from a heart attack in 1939 at age 50 when I was nine years old) and tried to explain my THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY VOL. 286, NO. 20, pp. 17399 –17421, May 20, 2011 © 2011 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc. Printed in the U.S.A. MAY 20, 2011 • VOLUME 286 • NUMBER 20 JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 17399 REFLECTIONS This paper is available online at www.jbc.org by guest on November 4, 2020 http://www.jbc.org/ Downloaded from
Page 1: Adventures with Insulin in the Islets of Langerhansfunctioning pancreas to lower blood glucose, but instead they appeared to stimulate the glycolytic pathway, result-ing in increased

Adventures with Insulin in theIslets of Langerhans

Published, JBC Papers in Press, March 28, 2011, DOI 10.1074/jbc.X111.244764

Donald F. Steiner

From the Departments of Medicine and Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University ofChicago, Chicago, Illinois 60637

Insulin is a small but beautifully organized protein with a unique two-chain struc-ture, the first protein to be sequenced. The mechanism of its biosynthesis invitedmuch initial speculation but was finally clarified by the discovery of proinsulin, itssingle-chain precursor. The rich present-day field of protein precursor processing viapost-translational proteolysis within the secretory pathway arose in the early 1970s asanoffshoot of studies on insulinbiosynthesis,whichprovided anovel paradigm for thegeneration of many other small neuroendocrine peptides. Before long, this mecha-nism was also found to play a role in the production of a much wider spectrum ofproteins traversing the secretory pathway (receptors, growth factors, blood-clottingcomponents, and even many viral envelope proteins) occurring in almost all eukary-otic cells. Indeed, yeast provided a key clue in the search for the proprotein converta-ses, the endoproteases that work along with carboxypeptidases and other modifyingenzymes, such as the amidating enzyme complex (PAM), in converting inactive or lessactive precursor proteins into their fully active peptide products. In this “Reflections”article, I have tried to recount the people and events in my life that led to my involve-ment first in basic biochemical research and then on to insulin, proinsulin, andmanyrelevant related areas that continue to fascinate and challenge my colleagues andme,as well as many other biomedical scientists today, as diabetes mellitus increasinglythreatens human health throughout our contemporary world.

Early Scientific Developments Leading to Proinsulin

My biomedical career resulted from a chance encounter with a marvelous book. Itwas entitled Fearfully andWonderfullyMade: TheHumanOrganism in the Light ofModern Science (1). I was then just twenty years old and a second-year student ina chemical engineering cooperative work/study program at the University of Cin-

cinnati (my first “U of C”) working in the quality-control laboratory of a paper mill in WestCarrollton, Ohio (a training rotation). One morning, while browsing in the nearby Dayton PublicLibrary before reporting for the second shift at the mill, I chanced upon this illuminating volume.Having never before encountered biology or physiological chemistry in my high school studies, Iwas immediately swept off my feet by the concepts it conjured up of living cells carrying outthousands of highly coordinated chemical reactions simultaneously, such as the complete com-bustion of glucose at body temperature, through the catalytic action of myriad enzymes and withcomplete control of chirality, all coupled energetically to biosynthetic reactions that maintainedthe cells in a stable constant state, seemingly defying entropy. This book came as a wonderfulrevelation that could not be ignored, even though I barely understood much of it. Indeed, I was soenthralled by its revelations that, within just a few days, I decided that I must somehow gain accessto this compelling new scientific field. I telephoned home to my mother (my father had diedsuddenly from a heart attack in 1939 at age 50 when I was nine years old) and tried to explain my

THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY VOL. 286, NO. 20, pp. 17399 –17421, May 20, 2011© 2011 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc. Printed in the U.S.A.


REFLECTIONS This paper is available online at www.jbc.org

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Page 2: Adventures with Insulin in the Islets of Langerhansfunctioning pancreas to lower blood glucose, but instead they appeared to stimulate the glycolytic pathway, result-ing in increased

sudden decision to transfer to a different program at theuniversity, one that would allowme to apply for admissionto a medical school, where I hoped to be able to realize thedream of doing research on living systems. My motherlistened patiently to my plea, asked a few practical ques-tions, and then graciously replied that, if I was sure thatwas what I wanted to do, she would support me as fully aspossible. I might add that my mother had not completedhigh school herself because, as the eldest of five daughters,she was expected by her father to train as a secretary/stenographer and help support the family. This back-ground proved a great advantage for her after the untimelydeath of my father because my mother had more businessand legal experience than most of her peers. My parentshad the highest regard for the pursuit of knowledge, whichwas very fortunate for me and my brother, Phares, whostudied music, also in Cincinnati, and then went on tobecome an expert pipe organ builder and to earn a mas-ter’s degree in organ performance at the University ofMichigan. I owe my love of Bach to Phares!In the autumn of 1950, when my new classes in the

University of Cincinnati School of Arts and Sciencesbegan, I quickly realized that at last I had found a goal thattotally absorbedmy interest, andmy fascination with biol-ogy continued through the next two years until graduationin 1952. During that time, I happily studied general zool-ogy, comparative anatomy, ecology, evolution, introduc-

tory genetics, and organic chemistry in addition tohumanities courses, such as history, literature, psychol-ogy, and linguistics. I then applied for admission to theUniversity of ChicagoMedical School, as well as two othermedical schools in Ohio. I wanted most to go to Chicagobecause of its well deserved reputation for excellence inresearch, andmy very helpful professors of biology at Cin-cinnati also supported this ambitious plan. The day thatmy admission confirmation to Chicago (my second “U ofC”) arrived in the mail from Dean of Students JosephJ. Ceithaml, himself a biochemist, was one of the happiestin my life!The University of Chicago School of Medicine proved

to be the academic haven I needed. I also had the goodfortune to have twomedical school classmates who sharedmy strong interest in research. They were Donald D.Brown and Phillip G. Nelson. Don was instrumental inhelping me find my way into the biochemistry depart-ment, where both of our research interests flourished,although in different directions. He was greatly interestedin genetics and aligned with the Chicago phage group cre-ated by Chairman Earl A. Evans, Jr., working with LloydKozloff on themechanism of bacteriophage infection (Fig.1). Don became the pioneering molecular developmentalbiologist who transformed the excellent Carnegie Labora-tory of Embryology in Baltimore and led it for many years.He also created the Life Sciences Research Foundation to

FIGURE 1. Shown is a photograph of Professor Earl A. Evans, Jr. (center) surrounded by several distinguished colleagues formerly associated with theUniversity of Chicago Department of Biochemistry, including (from left) Eugene P. Kennedy, Konrad Bloch, Lloyd Kozloff, and Donald D. Brown, in1975 at the time of a celebration honoring Evans, who was then nearing his 65th birthday and retirement, for his thirty years of service (1942–1972)as chairman. The setting was in front of a large outdoor sculpture by Arnaldo Pomodoro, just behind the Cummings Life Sciences Center (1973),which then housed biochemistry.

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Page 3: Adventures with Insulin in the Islets of Langerhansfunctioning pancreas to lower blood glucose, but instead they appeared to stimulate the glycolytic pathway, result-ing in increased

provide better resources for postgraduate training foryoung scientists with funding from the pharmaceuticalindustry. Phil also was headed for a distinguished career inneural science; he signed on with the famous neurophysi-ologist Julian Tobias while at Chicago and went on tobecome head of the Section of Neurobiology in theNational Institute of Child Health and Human Develop-ment at theNational Institutes of Health. For several yearsas students, we shared an apartment and encouraged ourmutual visions of research while enjoying a few diversionsfrom the demands of the medical school curriculum. Myold ’36 Ford got us around and provided occasional bits ofcomic relief, including an ill fated canoeing/camping tripup to theQuetico country ofMinnesota, which turned outto coincide with the monsoon season. Don affectionatelycalled the old Ford the “gray beetle.” Despite its manyshortcomings, it taught me a lot about cars. At age 6, I hadaccompaniedmydad on the day he purchased it new in themidst of the Great Depression, but that is a story foranother day.My first serious research efforts, during the final two

years of medical school, were made under the guidance ofProfessor Herbert S. Anker (Fig. 2), in the biochemistry

department, on the biosynthesis of antibodies in vitro.Anker, I later learned, had constructed by hand the massspectrometer at Chicago (the second in a United Statesdepartment of biochemistry, with the first being atColumbia) that had been used by Konrad Bloch in hisNobel Prize-winning work on cholesterol biosynthesis(see Fig. 1). Herbert also invented a simple windowlesscounter for gassing and counting radioactive planchets,which he gave to a chap named Lyle Packard, who workedin the nearby research institute machine shop, where itwas built. Packard asked him if he might make copies forothers and thereby began to build up a small manufactur-ing company, which grew into the Packard InstrumentCompany and, within a few years, developed the first com-mercial liquid scintillation counter.My research project was to develop a method for cul-

turing spleen cells after an antigenic challenge to enable usto show that antibodies were made de novo rather than viatransformation of pre-existing immunoglobulins, aspostulated in Linus Pauling’s “template hypothesis” (2).The success of this project won me a student researchaward and raised my interest in studying the biosynthesisof other proteins, such as insulin, the sequence and two-chain structure of which had just been reported that year(1955) by Fred Sanger. However, I was not able to find aninsulin-producing tumor at that time, as they occur quiterarely.The discovery of insulin in 1921 by Frederick Banting

and Charles Best in Toronto was one of the great medicaldiscoveries of the 20th century,1 but even after insulin wascrystallized in 1926 by John JacobAbel (3), the activity wasconsidered to be possibly due to a smaller active molecule,analogous to thyroxine or adrenaline, that was adsorbedon protein impurities in the crystals. However, the work ofHans Jensen and Earl A. Evans, Jr., working in Abel’s lab-oratories in the 1930s, established that the materialextracted by acidic ethanol from the pancreaswas indeed asmall protein, and they demonstrated the presence of anN-terminal phenylalanine, the first “end group” to be iden-tified in a protein (4). In the 1930s and 1940s, insulin’slife-saving actions in the treatment of diabetes occupiedcenter stage throughout the biomedical world, as manystudies explored its role in normal physiology and diabetestherapy.

1 Two excellent sources for further historical details are the authoritativebook by Michael Bliss entitled The Discovery of Insulin, published bythe University of Chicago Press in 1982, and a more recent book byThea Cooper and Arthur Ainsberg entitled Breakthrough: ElizabethHughes, the Discovery of Insulin, and the Making of a Medical Miracle,published by St. Martin’s Press in 2010.

FIGURE 2. Professor Herbert S. Anker in the 1950s.

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Page 4: Adventures with Insulin in the Islets of Langerhansfunctioning pancreas to lower blood glucose, but instead they appeared to stimulate the glycolytic pathway, result-ing in increased

My interest in insulin developed much further as aresult of my desire to extend my training in Seattle aftercompletingmy general medical internship at King CountyHospital in 1957. Having grown up in Ohio and attendedmedical school at the University of Chicago, life on theWest Coast strongly attracted me, despite the famouslyrainy weather of the Pacific Northwest. In fact, I hadalready begun to learn to sail with friends from Harbor-view Hospital on nice evenings on Lake Washington andto ski in the mountains on winter weekends. I also wantedto extend that training, too! However, by the time Idecided to apply for residency, it was too late to be consid-ered for the coming year. Instead, Robert H.Williams (Fig.3), who was head of medicine at the very young UniversityofWashingtonMedical School, offered me a fellowship inendocrinology to join his group studying the new oralhypoglycemic agents that were just emerging in the wakeof the discovery of the hypoglycemic sulfonylureas, and Ieagerly accepted. This worked out so well that I stayed onfor an additional year and then continued my researchwhile doing a year ofmedical residency at theUniversity ofWashington Hospital, with the aid of Vija Rouda, a veryable technician in Williams’ laboratory.Early Work on Insulin Action—In the summer of 1957,

when I arrived in Williams’ laboratory, work was focused

on a new class of hypoglycemic agents, the biguanides,and Williams suggested that I look into their mechanismof action. Unlike the sulfonylureas, they did not require afunctioning pancreas to lower blood glucose, but insteadthey appeared to stimulate the glycolytic pathway, result-ing in increased glucose uptake but associated with abuildup of lactate in the blood of treated animals. Thissuggested a possible “Pasteur effect” on aerobic metabo-lism, and indeed, I was soon able to obtain evidence, us-ing an available Warburg apparatus in the laboratory, ofan inhibitory effect of phenformin (phenylethylbiguanide(PEBG)) on tissue respiration that we traced to mito-chondrial oxidative systems, most likely at the level ofcytochrome oxidase (5). This kind of action seemed tocorrelate with clinical findings of mild malaise, decreasedappetite, and weight loss among patients treated for lon-ger periods with PEBG in the clinic. Other work soon ap-peared supporting this concept, especially some findingsof Arne N. Wick and colleagues in San Diego with adi-pose tissue in vitro, showing that PEBG treatment, insharp contrast with insulin’s actions, led to inhibition ofthe citric acid cycle and lacked any stimulatory effect onfatty acid biosynthesis (6). Williams and I authored aneditorial on the biguanides for publication in the journalDiabetes warning clinicians and investigators that hypo-glycemia per se was not necessarily indicative of a physi-ological insulin-like action (7). Of course, it is now wellestablished that biguanides, such as the currently widelyused metformin, activate AMP kinase, but it is not yetclear whether this is a direct effect or might result fromsome degree of inhibition of mitochondrial electrontransport or oxidative phosphorylation.This work stimulated my interest in insulin action, as I

realized that essentially nothing was known at a molecu-lar level about how insulin worked. It seemed obviousthat we needed to know more about the biochemical ba-sis of insulin’s actions before trying to find substitutes forit. Of course, the effects of insulin in enhancing plasmamembrane transport of glucose in peripheral tissues,such as muscle, had been established by the early beauti-ful studies of C. R. Park and co-workers (8), and laterstudies established its powerful stimulation of lipogenesisin adipose tissue, but nothing was known about its tissuereceptors (the concept of specific hormone receptors didnot yet exist) or the intracellular signaling pathways thatmight convey its signals to various target proteins or en-zymes. Although insulin was known to directly act onmuscle and fat cells, it was an open question as towhether it had any direct effects on the liver. And so,over the next decade, my students and I endeavored to

FIGURE 3. Dr. Robert H. Williams, head of medicine and endocrinol-ogy at the University of Washington, in the 1960s.

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Page 5: Adventures with Insulin in the Islets of Langerhansfunctioning pancreas to lower blood glucose, but instead they appeared to stimulate the glycolytic pathway, result-ing in increased

find out more about insulin’s biochemical action(s) inthe liver. Our initial approach was to determine the timecourse of insulin’s effects on key liver substrates, such asglucose 6-phosphate and glycogen, as well as on protein,RNA, and DNA synthesis, using the alloxan-induced se-verely diabetic rat as a model. I began this work in Seattle inWilliams’ laboratory (9) and then continued it after return-ing to the University of Chicago in 1960, when I joined thebiochemistry faculty as an assistant professor.My faculty appointment at the University of Chicago

was a remarkably generous gift from friendly colleaguesat my medical alma mater who responded to my inqui-ries in the spring of 1960 about several postdoctoral pos-sibilities I was then considering. These included oppor-tunities to work with Albert Lehninger at The JohnsHopkins University, Konrad Bloch at Harvard Univer-sity, or Feodor Lynen in Munich. All three of these out-standing scientists had agreed to fellowship positions,but I had difficulties in deciding among such stellar labo-ratories. Earl A. Evans, Jr. was then chairman of the Uni-versity of Chicago biochemistry department, and he tele-phoned me within just a few days after I brought thematter up with my friend and student mentor Herbert S.Anker at Chicago. I was very surprised when Evans im-mediately offered me a position as assistant professor! Itwas an offer I could not refuse, essentially because Icould continue my insulin work, which was what I reallypreferred to do, and as Evans pointed out, the pay wouldbe higher!Of course I then had to inform all three of my pro-

jected postdoctoral mentors that I would not be accept-ing their offers. As it happened, four years later, in theautumn of 1964, I was traveling through Europe (my firsttime abroad) accompanied by my mother and one of hersisters who had previously visited Germany with her fa-ther some fifty years earlier, just before the outbreak ofWorld War I. While we were in Munich, I decided to paya visit to Professor Lynen and personally thank him forhaving considered me for a position in 1960. When I ar-rived at the Max Planck Institute for Cell Chemistry,which he then headed, I asked one of the students whereLynen’s office might be, and he replied with somethinglike “Ach, der hohe Adler!” (Oh, the high eagle!) “He isaround the corner in that direction!” A bit mystified bysuch veneration, I arrived at his office to find his very ex-cited secretary, who told me that he had just receivedword that morning from Stockholm that he had receivedthe Nobel Prize and that she could not reach him, as hewas away at a meeting. Just then, the phone rang, andshe spoke excitedly for a few minutes and then turned to

me and asked, “Do you know who is this fellow KonradBloch, who shares the Nobel Prize?” Professor Bloch (Fig.1) had been one of my teachers in medical school in theearly 1950s, so I informed her that he was an Americanscientist, now at Harvard University, who had also doneoutstanding work on cholesterol biosynthesis. She thenpassed this information on to a newspaper reporter.Having thus served as Konrad Bloch’s pro tempore pressagent, I left a brief congratulatory note for Lynen withher, and then my two companions and I continued ourEuropean explorations. A year or so later, I received akind note of thanks attached to an autographed copy ofLynen’s Nobel address.When I arrived back at Chicago from Seattle in Sep-

tember 1960, Evans provided me with a well equippedlaboratory in the basement of Abbott Hall that had beenused originally by Fred C. Koch, followed years later byFrank Putnam and his graduate students, including thelate Eugene Goldwasser of future erythropoietin fame,and more recently by another of my former mentors, Eu-gene P. Kennedy (Fig. 1), during his transition from theBen May Laboratory for Cancer Research (now The BenMay Department for Cancer Research) at the Universityof Chicago to become the chairman of the Harvard Med-ical School Department of Biochemistry. I had gainedquite a bit of practical laboratory knowhow from Geneduring a brief rotation I spent in his laboratory as athird-year medical-cum-graduate student, and to nowinherit his former laboratory was a remarkable privilege.Returning to Chicago also gave me an opportunity tolearn more about this beautiful city. Somewhat later inmy career, as I began to have the opportunity to visitmany of the great cities of the world, I began to appreci-ate Chicago’s breadth and depth of cultural merits muchmore than I had as a student!Our research over time provided much evidence of a

direct action of insulin on the livers of severely diabeticrats to rapidly stimulate dramatic increases in both gly-cogen content and RNA synthesis, followed by increasedprotein synthesis and, later, after 36–60 h of insulinstimulation, highly significant (�65%) increases in totalliver DNA (9). Later studies showed that this excessDNA content reflects hyperplasia but quickly revertsback to normal levels without histological signs of in-flammation or necrosis of cells with a half-time of �14days (10), indicating the existence of a much more rapidliver size-correcting process than normal hepatic DNAturnover. In retrospect, it is probably due to apoptosis,which at the time was thought to be mainly a develop-mental process. DNA had been measured in those exper-

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Page 6: Adventures with Insulin in the Islets of Langerhansfunctioning pancreas to lower blood glucose, but instead they appeared to stimulate the glycolytic pathway, result-ing in increased

iments merely to serve as a presumably stable correctionfactor for rapid changes in cell volume and liver weightbecause of the massive increases in hepatocellular glyco-gen and water content that occur within the first 12 h af-ter initiation of insulin treatment in such severely dia-betic animals. Many further studies in my laboratory andothers strongly indicated that insulin action in the livercontrols the rates of expression of many genes encodingenzymes regulating metabolic pathways, especially thosefor glycolysis and gluconeogenesis, as well as stimulatingmany anabolic processes and even leading to dramatictemporary increases in total liver cell numbers in the pe-riod from 24 to 72 h after starting treatment (11). The di-rect action of insulin on the liver has been definitively es-tablished by recent experiments of C. Ronald Kahn andco-workers (12) using liver-specific insulin receptorknock-out mice.Insulin Biosynthesis Beckons—I received tenure at Chi-

cago in 1965, although my work on the hepatic actions ofinsulin and glycogen synthase was incomplete. However,the truth was that methods to study the biosynthesis ofspecific messenger RNAs to directly assess the hypothe-sis that insulin altered gene readout were not yet avail-able (13). This was still well before the molecular biologi-cal revolution that enabled such studies, but then,serendipity intervened. In the spring of 1965, I had casu-ally mentioned, to one of the third-year medical stu-dents, my longstanding interest in insulin biosynthesisand asked him to alert me should he hear of any patientswith insulin-producing adenoma of the pancreas beingadmitted for surgery at the university hospital. Remark-ably, when such a case arrived on the wards in Octoberof that year, the student, Nicholas Vick, remembered myrequest and informed me of it! However, when I checkedwith the endocrinologist in charge, I was told that thepatient was to be operated on the very next morning! Iwas taken aback at the short lead time available to pre-pare a suitable experiment. Nonetheless, I could not re-sist giving it a try anyway. I had no preconceptions aboutthe outcome, but I firmly believed that studying a purebeta cell tumor would surely provide the optimum ap-proach to unraveling the problem of insulin biosynthesis,via either chain assembly or some sort of precursor. Suchtumors are very rare, so, at the very least, it might serveas a feasibility study, if nothing more. We very fortu-nately already had several tritium-labeled amino acids inthe laboratory, including [3H]leucine and [3H]phenylala-nine, which we were using in attempts to label hepaticglycogen synthetase. I noticed that these two amino ac-ids occupy very different positions within the insulin

molecule (Fig. 4A) and therefore seemed likely to be stra-tegically useful in characterizing any insulin-related bio-synthetic products that might be obtained. Accordingly,incubation media containing each of these labeled aminoacids were prepared, and I personally went to the operat-ing room in scrubs to persuade the surgeon and the sur-gical pathologist to share a bit of the tumor with me in asfresh a state as possible. A small tumor in the pancreaswas soon located, �1 cm in diameter, and I thankfullyreceived about half of it (�0.5 g) immediately after itsexcision. As all the ongoing work in my laboratory atthat time was exclusively devoted to insulin action, I car-ried out the tumor incubation myself as an exploratoryproject, and as there was no grant support for such aproject, I also performed the ensuing analyses in myspare time on weekends or in the evenings. A small por-tion of the tumor was also placed in cell culture with thehope that it might grow, but no growth occurred.The ultimate outcome of this simple exploratory ex-

periment greatly exceeded my wildest expectations, butprogress was slow in the beginning, as I was exploringwhat for me was scientific terra incognita. Two batchesof fresh tumor slices were incubated for 2.5 h, separatelywith each of the two available labeled amino acids, andthen frozen awaiting further analysis. After due consider-

FIGURE 4. A, structure of human insulin. Note the distribution of leucine(L) versus phenylalanine (F) within the A and B chains. Arrows indicatepotential tryptic cleavage sites. B, elution profile, from a 1 � 50-cm col-umn of Sephadex G-50 in 1 M acetic acid, of leucine-labeled acid/etha-nol-soluble protein from incubated slices of a human insulinoma (fromRef. 15). Note the lack of A275 (O. D. 275) under peak b as opposed to peakc (insulin).

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Page 7: Adventures with Insulin in the Islets of Langerhansfunctioning pancreas to lower blood glucose, but instead they appeared to stimulate the glycolytic pathway, result-ing in increased

ation of available literature, I chose an extraction methodbased on the widely used acid/ethanol procedure for in-sulin, coupled with the recently developed gel-filtrationmethod to resolve the extracted components by size (14).Both labeled extracts contained a fair amount of almostpure insulin and also a higher molecular mass compo-nent, which proved to be of great interest. The main la-beled components were designated a, b, and c, in orderof decreasing size (Fig. 4B). Component a appeared to bea mixture of high molecular mass proteins eluting in thevoid volume of the column, whereas components b and cranged in estimated size from 9 to 10 kDa for compo-nent b to �6 kDa for component c (identified as insulin).There were no peaks smaller than insulin in either ex-tract, i.e. no evidence for free insulin chains. Peak b wasof immediate interest because of its larger size and alsobecause it lacked much associated A275, indicating that itwas likely a protein of much higher specific activity thanpeak c, which represented mainly insulin stored in con-siderable amounts in the tumor. The three peaks, a, b,and c (labeled with either [3H]Leu or [3H]Phe); were alldried in vacuo; redissolved in dilute HCl; and stored forfuture use in countless studies probing their nature overthe next year or so, mostly by myself and later with occa-sional help from several undergraduate students.Using this material, we showed that component b was

reactive with insulin antisera; could be converted to aninsulin-like component by brief exposure to trypsin; andupon oxidative treatment to cleave disulfide bonds, didnot dissociate into insulin chains. Because we had usedphenylalanine to label one batch of slices, Philip Oyer, afirst-year medical student who had joined the laboratory,was able to demonstrate that component b had a freeN-terminal phenylalanine. Indeed, as predicted by theseand other findings, tumor peak b consisted of a single-chain polypeptide that began with the B chain, endedwith the A chain of insulin, and contained an additionalconnecting peptide sequence linking the chains together.Our first report on this work appeared in early 1967 (15).The role of peak b as a biosynthetic precursor of insulinwas convincingly demonstrated later in 1967 by pulse-chase labeling studies with isolated rat islets of Langer-hans.2 Once its precursor status was clearly established,

we named it proinsulin (16), adopting a name that hadbeen used by Su-Sun Wang and Frederick H. Carpenterin their earlier unsuccessful search for a “proinsulin” inbovine pancreas (17). Their inability to demonstrate pro-insulin in pancreatic extracts only indicated that it wasnormally present in relatively small amounts (comparedwith insulin), which could not be detected by the strictlychemical approach they had used.We were quite fascinated to observe in our earliest

pulse-chase studies in rat islets that labeled proinsulinaccumulated within the islets during an initial period of20–25 min before beginning to undergo conversion toinsulin (16), but once initiated, proteolytic conversionexhibited pseudo-first-order kinetics with a half-life of�30–60 min (18). What was even more remarkable wasthat the conversion process occurred entirely intracellu-larly, and the resultant labeled insulin was stored in themature granules of the beta cells and then secreted in re-sponse to glucose stimulation, beginning �90 min afterits biosynthesis. The cell biological implications of thistime course led to the development of models predictingthat newly synthesized proinsulin moved from the endo-plasmic reticulum (ER) to the Golgi region within 15–20min, a process requiring energy, and shortly thereafterwas packaged into secretory granules and then convertedto insulin (Fig. 5) (19). Our model was influenced, ofcourse, by the elegant studies of Jim Jamieson andGeorge Palade, who had delineated the intracellular pro-gression of newly labeled exocrine pancreatic zymogensinto nascent secretory granules (condensing vacuoles)via the Golgi apparatus (20). However, the pancreatic zy-mogens are not processed proteolytically within the cellbut are stored and secreted as zymogens. On the otherhand, our results clearly indicated that proinsulin con-version most likely was accomplished by specialized pro-teolytic enzymes within the newly formed secretorygranules (19). This important postulate was subsequentlysupported by much additional evidence and finally wasdefinitively demonstrated by Lelio Orci and co-workers,

2 We had tried a number of approaches to studying insulin biosynthesis,such as fetal or newborn rat pancreas, without any success. Justabout that time, an enzymatic method for isolating islets becameavailable. Still, we made many trials before being able to isolate evena few islets. Once we cleared that hurdle, we had inconsistent resultsin demonstrating proinsulin by gel filtration after labeling the islets.Soon I realized that, although we added unlabeled insulin as a carrierduring extraction to prevent losses, it did not effectively preventadsorption of the tiny amounts of labeled proinsulin to the glass

tubes in our fraction collectors. I discovered that large proinsulinpeaks could be eluted from the empty tubes with an ammonia/BSAwash. We then tried coating them before use with BSA dissolved in50% acetic acid, which was then baked dry in a glassware oven. Onlythen could we consistently obtain reproducible proinsulin peaks, asshown in Ref. 16. When we finally obtained such results, it was lateone evening, and I was alone in the laboratory, watching the countsappear in the scintillation counter from one of the first successfullabeling experiments. As beautiful symmetrical peaks of labeled pro-insulin began to emerge just as hoped, I heard myself exclaiming“wow” and “gee whiz.” Suddenly, I remembered that Gene Kennedyhad once remarked, “There are only two kinds of scientists: those whosay ‘gee whiz’ and those who say ‘so what’ when something new andexciting appears.” I am clearly one of the former!

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Page 8: Adventures with Insulin in the Islets of Langerhansfunctioning pancreas to lower blood glucose, but instead they appeared to stimulate the glycolytic pathway, result-ing in increased

who showed an abundance of immunoreactive proinsu-lin within immature secretory granules in the trans-Golgi network of beta cells using monoclonal antibodiesspecific for proinsulin developed by Ole Madsen while afellow in Chicago in the mid-1980s (21).Subsequent studies showed that small amounts of pro-

insulin and the connecting peptide derived from proin-sulin by intracellular cleavage, which we later designatedthe C-peptide, also were secreted along with insulin inresponse to glucose stimulation (22). Moreover, theC-peptide and insulin were secreted in equivalentamounts, suggesting that the C-peptide is retainedwithin the mature secretory granules along with insu-lin after the proteolytic cleavage of proinsulin withinthe maturing granules (Fig. 5).Proinsulin Circles the Globe: First Presentations, 1967—

In mid-1967, I embarked on an around-the-world tripbeginning in Aachen, Germany, in response to an invita-tion from Helmut Zahn, the organic chemist who hadput together one of the three pioneering groups that hadaccomplished the first complete chemical synthesis of in-sulin via chain combination in 1963. He had sent an em-issary (one of his students) to visit me in my laboratorywhile attending a peptide meeting in Chicago in April1967, and he extended the invitation. I agreed to go andtalk about the proinsulin work in Aachen just before at-

tending the International Diabetes Federation meetingsin Stockholm in mid-July of that year, at which time Iplanned to make the first public presentation on thetopic. To get to Aachen, I chose to arrive in Paris by airand spend a day or two there to get over the jet lag.While in Paris, I toured around and found the College deFrance. In front of it was a beautiful large statue ofClaude Bernard. As I stood there admiring it, a youngJapanese gentleman stepped up to me and asked if Iwould mind taking a photo of him standing by the sculp-ture. I obliged and then asked if he would mind returningthe favor with my camera (Fig. 6). I then surprised himby asking whether he might be on his way to Stockholm,and he replied that indeed he was. I told him that I hadguessed as much when he wanted to be photographedwith Claude Bernard and admitted that I was also goingto the same meeting. His name was Goto, he said, and hewas a diabetologist. I believe he later gained fame as thedeveloper of the Goto-Kakizaki rat, a widely used modelfor diabetes studies.

FIGURE 5. Schematic representation of the beta cell secretory path-way showing the progression of newly synthesized proinsulin fromthe ER to insulin storage granules via the regulated arm (left). RER,rough endoplasmic reticulum.

FIGURE 6. The author paying homage to Claude Bernard in Paris inJuly 1967.

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Page 9: Adventures with Insulin in the Islets of Langerhansfunctioning pancreas to lower blood glucose, but instead they appeared to stimulate the glycolytic pathway, result-ing in increased

In Aachen, I was very cordially received by HelmutZahn and his large group of young chemists. AnotherAmerican also was visiting, Arnold Marglin from R.Bruce Merrifield’s laboratory at Rockefeller University,and we each presented a talk. Arnie had succeeded inmaking synthetic A and B chains by solid-phase methodsand combined them to reconstitute insulin. I presented apreview of the biosynthetic studies with islets, not yetpublished, that I intended to present in Stockholm.Clearly, Zahn had realized immediately the significanceof proinsulin after our first publication appeared in Feb-ruary, and he was among the first to welcome me to theinsulin fold, as a friend, rather than a threat. Both Arnieand I were very warmly received and, after our presenta-tions, were invited to a centuries-old and very pictur-esque pub in the main square of Charlemagne’s famouscity for beers and supper, followed by one of Helmut’s fa-mous (as I later learned) pub crawls, which lasted untilquite late in the night!From Aachen, I boarded a train to Copenhagen, where

I stopped to visit scientists at the Novo Company, theDanish insulin producer that had helped my work bysupplying insulin samples for isolation of proinsulin andother minor components. We had a wonderful meeting:they were very interested and enthusiastic about proin-sulin and also very willing to help in any way possible.During that meeting, I met Jørgen Schlichtkrull, the de-veloper of their Lente insulin preparations and who wasthen the director of research; Lisa Heding, who laterhelped to develop excellent immunoassays for measuringserum proinsulin; and many others with whom wecollaborated. They quickly agreed to gel-filter largeamounts of partially purified insulin lots and provide thehigher molecular mass component b-like material, whichbecame our main source for the purification of bovineproinsulin in Chicago, and I subsequently freely providedinformation on methods we developed for purification ofproinsulin and intermediate forms by column chroma-tography, which they adapted for industrial usage, result-ing in great improvements in the purity of their thera-peutic insulin, e.g. the development of highly purified“monocomponent” insulin.Shortly afterward, in Stockholm, I made the first pub-

lic presentation on proinsulin. It was well attended andwell received. If any in the audience had doubts aboutproinsulin beforehand, they must have been dispelled bythe pulse-chase studies with rat islets that I presentedand that were then just about to appear in Science (16).As I recall, there were few if any questions asked, butthen one person in the audience rose, walked to a micro-

phone, and quietly stated, “What we have just heard is aquantum leap!” That ended the session, to my great re-lief. Then, as I returned to my seat, a young man cameover and sat down. He smiled and held up his name tagto introduce himself. It said “Rene Humbel!” He thenwhispered to me, “Can we meet after this session?” Al-though I had not met Rene before, I knew that he hadpublished a paper in 1965 (35) that claimed to show thatthe A and B chains were made in parallel rather than inseries, rendering the single-chain concept unlikely.3 Inodded yes and then heard little of the next presentation,as I worried that Rene would soon tell me that he hadfound something terribly wrong with my findings. Whenwe finally got outside the hall and exchanged friendlygreetings, Rene said, “That is very nice work, but do youthink it is possible that your proinsulin might have twochains?” I immediately sensed his pain but could tell himonly that all our evidence indicated that it was indeed asingle chain. I felt badly for Rene, but, fortunately he didnot give up on insulin. He went on to spend the next fif-teen to twenty years extending his work with RudiFroesch in Zurich purifying and sequencing the peptidescomprising “nonsupressible insulin-like activity” (alsoknown as serum sulfation factor or somatomedin), whichcirculates in the blood. Rather ironically, perhaps, he wasthe first to show that these proteins are single-chain rela-tives of insulin (proinsulin, actually) that contain an inte-gral C domain that is in part necessary for their bindingto a receptor that is closely related to the insulin recep-tor, i.e. the two insulin-like growth factors, IGF-1 and

3 I well remember the night in late 1966 that I stopped by Ira Wool’soffice in Abbott Hall. (We both often worked late into the evenings). Ihad decided to divulge my new findings on insulin biosynthesis tomy knowledgeable elder colleague. When I told him about the out-come of the tumor study, he shocked me by saying, “Donald, don’tyou know that’s impossible!?” I was dumbfounded and asked himwhy he said that. He told me he had just attended a small meeting oninsulin at Brookhaven at which a young scientist from Rockefellernamed Rene Humbel had presented a very convincing report on thebiosynthesis of insulin, showing that the insulin chains were madeseparately and then combined. I was stunned by this news and askedwhere it was to be published. He said he thought it was to be in theProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States ofAmerica. The next morning, I rushed to the library and tried to find it.It apparently was not yet published, but, as I searched through recentcopies of the journal, I found an article by Givol et al. (34) that pre-sented strong arguments in favor of a single-chain precursor modelfor insulin biosynthesis. I decided that the algebraic sum of ourknowledge about insulin biosynthesis at that time was zero andresolved not to worry any more about the matter. My own data alonehad to be paramount. A month or so later, when I had prepared myfirst manuscript on proinsulin (15), Ira read it for me and made anumber of helpful suggestions; he especially urged me to state myconclusions more explicitly, that the data clearly demonstrated theexistence of a single polypeptide chain larger than insulin that beganwith the B chain, extended through a connecting segment of approx-imately 3 kDa, and terminated with the A chain. For this sage advice,I am eternally grateful to Ira.

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Page 10: Adventures with Insulin in the Islets of Langerhansfunctioning pancreas to lower blood glucose, but instead they appeared to stimulate the glycolytic pathway, result-ing in increased

IGF-2, which bind and strongly activate the IGF-1 recep-tor. This was, indeed, a major achievement that hadenormous implications for our understanding of the re-lationship of insulin to the regulation of both growth andmetabolism through gene duplication and diversificationin the evolution of vertebrates. What a wonderful scien-tific comeback!After Stockholm, I spent an interval of about 10 days

traveling on around the world, stopping off in Greece, Is-rael, Istanbul, Thailand, Hong Kong, and Kyoto as atourist to finally reach Tokyo, where I presented a sec-ond report on proinsulin in early August at the Interna-tional Congress of Biochemistry to a different but equallyinterested audience. I returned home via Honolulu andSan Francisco to a lot of work awaiting me in the lab!Race to Isolate and Sequence Proinsulin—The isolation,

characterization, and sequencing of proinsulin requiredrelatively large amounts of starting material and werepossible only with material provided by both the NovoCompany in Denmark and Eli Lilly Research Laborato-ries in Indianapolis. As our biosynthetic studies with iso-lated islets proceeded, we began to examine smallamounts (100–200 mg) of commercial insulin samplesfrom these generous sources and soon found that a smallbut significant amount of proinsulin-like material (com-ponent b) was present as a contaminant (0.5–2.0% of thetotal insulin) and could be separated by gel filtrationeven from insulin that had been recrystallized 10 times, aproduct of Novo for research that was essentially free ofglucagon, a common contaminant of the animal insulinpreparations of that era. The reason for this is that pro-insulin self-associates just like insulin to form hexamersin the presence of zinc, as first shown by Bruce Frank atLilly, and such mixed proinsulin/insulin hexamers can beefficiently incorporated at low levels into insulin crystals.To facilitate our structural studies on bovine proinsulin,colleagues at the Novo Research Laboratories in thesummer of 1967 began to carry out gel filtration of largeamounts of crystalline bovine insulin from their produc-tion lots, dried down the 1–2% of b component it con-tained, and sent it to us in gram amounts in Chicago,where it served as starting material for further purifica-tion (23). This “b component” fraction proved to consistof multiple components when examined by polyacryl-amide gel electrophoresis, a relatively new method I wasencouraged to try by Simon Pilkis, who at that time wasworking on his Ph.D. thesis on glucokinase with Profes-sor Mike Krahl in the nearby department of physiology.Simon became a great friend and always had a wonderfulsense of humor, despite his personal battle with juvenile-

onset diabetes, which unfortunately greatly shortened hisproductive life. Several years later, in 1973, Simon mar-ried Jo Borg, a fine technician who had been working forseveral years in my laboratory, and they moved shortlythereafter to Vanderbilt University, where Simon distin-guished himself scientifically through his path-breakingwork on fructose 2,6-bisphosphate, an important regula-tor of gluconeogenesis, and by the discovery and charac-terization of the unusual bifunctional enzyme that syn-thesizes and regulates its level in liver.The major protein constituents of the component

b-like fraction from commercial insulin preparationsturned out to be intact single-chain proinsulin, alongwith several intermediate cleavage products and �30%of an unrelated covalently linked insulin dimer, a trans-peptidation artifact generated by the strongly acidic (ac-id/ethanol) extraction procedures then used, which alsocaused the formation of small amounts of both ethylatedand desamidated products. We developed gradient-elu-tion ion-exchange chromatographic methods using urea-containing buffers to separate all of the above-mentionedcomponents (23). These procedures later were adaptedand modified at Novo for the large-scale production of“monocomponent insulin,” which proved to be muchless immunogenic than earlier less pure insulin formula-tions and was a generally superior product. This workwas overseen by Jørgen Schlichtkrull, who earlier haddeveloped the Lente insulin-zinc formulations thatprovided more prolonged action profiles. Jørgen alsoshowed that the higher molecular mass component, thea fraction from crystalline insulin, contained insulinbound to larger proteins, which enhanced its immunoge-nicity. Similar production improvements were also ad-opted rapidly at Eli Lilly and Company. Free C-peptidewas absent from commercial insulin preparations, butthe C-peptide could be purified from fresh animal pan-creas in amounts that were equimolar with insulin, aswould be expected if both insulin and the C-peptidewere retained together in the beta cells of the pancreasafter cleavage of proinsulin (24), as mentioned earlier.The sequence analysis of bovine proinsulin was carriedout in collaboration with Chris Nolan and Emanuel Mar-goliash at the Abbott Research Laboratories in NorthChicago, beginning in 1967. Emanuel Margoliash was re-nowned for his comparative sequence studies on cyto-chrome c from many species, and this seemed to bodewell for getting a proinsulin sequence quickly. However,well over 500 mg of the bovine prohormone purified inmy laboratory were expended in their efforts, and thetools that made short work of cytochrome c seemed to

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Page 11: Adventures with Insulin in the Islets of Langerhansfunctioning pancreas to lower blood glucose, but instead they appeared to stimulate the glycolytic pathway, result-ing in increased

falter when applied to proinsulin. Well before our se-quence analysis could be completed, Ronald Chance andhis colleagues at Lilly succeeded in isolating and se-quencing porcine proinsulin (25). Their analysis verifiedour proposed structural organization for human and bo-vine proinsulin and clearly revealed the paired basic resi-due sequences at the processing sites that soon becamerecognized as the hallmark sites for recognition andcleavage by the prohormone convertases (Fig. 7).Identification and Isolation of the Proinsulin C-peptide—

In mid-1967, a graduate student, Jeffrey Clark, joined thelaboratory and carried out an extensive series of bio-chemical and biosynthetic studies using isolated rat islets(22). He first prepared a good supply of rat insulin (ratsand mice both have two non-allelic insulin genes) from akilogram of rat pancreas, purified the two rat insulins,isolated and identified both proinsulins, and, in doing so,corrected the structure of rat insulin-2. In the course ofhis biosynthetic studies, he also identified a fast-movinglabeled band on PAGE, which he identified as the ratC-peptide by labeling it with various radioactive aminoacids. These studies revealed the absence of Phe and thepresence of both Leu and Pro, as expected (22). On thebasis of these findings, we then undertook isolation ofthe bovine C-peptide from pancreas via a purificationprocedure that began with modified acid/ethanol extrac-tion, followed by gel-exclusion chromatography (24). Ongel filtration in acetic acid, the C-peptide co-migrateswith insulin, which explains why, in earlier experimentswith the leucine-labeled human proinsulin fraction fromthe tumor studies, treatment with low amounts of tryp-sin resulted in an apparently seamless conversion of pro-insulin to insulin (15, 18). We then purified the bovineC-peptide from the insulin by paper electrophoresis in30% formic acid, which (after drying) gave a sharp bandwith ninhydrin staining but was negative to two otherprotein stains, Sakaguchi and Pauly, which recognize Arg

and His/Tyr, respectively (24). These amino acids do notoccur in the bovine C-peptide but are present in insulin.Having pure preparations of bovine pancreatic C-peptideavailable, we undertook its amino acid sequence deter-mination ourselves to demonstrate unequivocally that itwas identical to the connecting peptide segment of bo-vine proinsulin then still being sequenced by our collab-orators in North Chicago. This work was performedmainly by Philip Oyer and another graduate student, JimPeterson, while I was writing up a manuscript, but to ourgreat surprise, our C-peptide sequence differed slightlyfrom that region in bovine proinsulin. We checked ourdata, and Chris Nolan re-examined his and, in fact,found that he had misplaced an Ala residue in a chain ofseveral glycines, a difficult sequence to sort out (Fig. 7). Itwas fortunate that we had gone the extra mile of se-quencing in addition to simply peptide mapping the bo-vine C-peptide, as we could be confident that both se-quences were correct, and their identical structures alsostrongly supported the origin of the pancreatic C-peptidefrom proinsulin (24, 26). Biosynthetic studies carried outby Jeffrey Clark and Arthur H. Rubenstein, who hadjoined my laboratory group in 1968, demonstrated thatthe molar ratio of insulin to C-peptide both within rat is-lets and in the medium after secretion was very close tounity, confirming that the C-peptide and insulin are storedtogether (in the secretory granules) after conversion andthen co-secreted upon stimulation by glucose (27).To obtain the human C-peptide sequence, Sooja Cho

in our group collected pancreatic material from autop-sies in the hospital on a weekly basis for more than a yearand extracted it. It had usually undergone some autoly-sis, which lowered yields. However, Philip Oyer was ableto secure enough pure material to determine its se-quence, and we could thus predict the structure of hu-man proinsulin (28). Arthur H. Rubenstein spearheadedstudies showing the presence of secreted proinsulin inboth the blood and urine of human subjects (29). TheC-peptide radioimmunoassay was first devised in 1970 (30)to demonstrate its presence in human serum. Arthur andKenneth Polonsky then accomplished the ensuing feat oftranslational medicine by further developing, refining, andcalibrating the C-peptide assay, which is now widely uti-lized to measure endogenous insulin production under awide variety of conditions (31, 32).Emergence of a New Field—The discovery of proinsulin

seemed to come somewhat as a bombshell to the scien-tific community and was greeted both with excitementand enthusiasm by some and with great skepticism bymany others. Among the more enthusiastic were Chris-

FIGURE 7. Amino acid sequence of bovine proinsulin (81 residues),with arrows illustrating sites of potential tryptic hydrolysis. Basicresidues in boldface circles are removed on conversion to insulin, releas-ing insulin and C-peptide (modified from Ref. 26).

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Page 12: Adventures with Insulin in the Islets of Langerhansfunctioning pancreas to lower blood glucose, but instead they appeared to stimulate the glycolytic pathway, result-ing in increased

tian B. Anfinsen and co-workers, whose hypothesis thatprotein primary sequence is the major determinant ofprotein folding was supported by our single-chain pre-cursor findings (33). The need for such a precursor formactually had been posited by them in 1965 (34) but wasfollowed shortly later in the literature by evidence sup-porting the parallel synthesis of the insulin A and Bchains in islets from a teleost fish (35). Also, by 1964,peptide chemists, e.g. Panayotis Katsoyannis in NewYork, Helmut Zahn and co-workers in Aachen, and Chi-nese chemists in Shanghai, all had succeeded in the com-plete synthesis of insulin, with impressive yields rangingup to 50% or more (reviewed in Ref. 18). Their successseemed to support the view that a precursor was unnec-essary. However, the Anfinsen hypothesis was basicallycorrect, and Anfinsen later received the Nobel Prize inChemistry for his elegant work on the spontaneous re-folding of denatured ribonuclease, chymotrypsinogen,and other small proteins, sharing the 1972 award withStanford Moore and William Stein at Rockefeller Uni-versity, who had pioneered the field of protein analysisand invented the amino acid analyzer.In 1968, Ron Chance and I were invited to make pre-

sentations on our proinsulin studies at the annual Feder-ation of American Societies for Experimental Biologymeetings in a biochemical symposium on proteins. Ronhad just completed the sequence analysis of porcine proin-sulin (25), and I had completed a series of studies on the re-folding of bovine proinsulin, demonstrating its strong pro-pensity to refold spontaneously and correctly with goodyields in vitro. Both of our presentations were well receivedand created great interest. As I recall, the room was quitecrowded, and after our talks, there was a break. As the audi-ence exited the room, an elderly gentleman came over andcongratulated me on the proinsulin work. It was Vincent duVigneaud, and I was greatly honored by his kind words.Also, Chris Anfinsen very graciously communicated ourfindings on proinsulin refolding to the Proceedings of theNational Academy of Sciences (33).Many scientists were initially skeptical of our findings

because tumor material had been used in the originalstudy. Actually, human pancreatic insulinomas are usu-ally well differentiated and generally retain many normalbasic biochemical mechanisms but may exhibit poorlyregulated proteolytic processing or secretory behavior.Since our initial study, insulinoma cells have come to beextensively used in laboratories and, through the work ofDouglas Hanahan and co-workers, are now often in-duced experimentally in various species to provide an in-

valuable source of material for studies on the insulin-producing beta cell (36).Although the initial interpretation of our discovery that

proinsulin was required for the facile biosynthesis and as-sembly of insulin had much to recommend it, it proved tobe far too narrow a concept. In 1964, Howard Sachs hadproduced suggestive evidence for a precursor of vasopres-sin, but it proved difficult to isolate and identify (37). Mean-while, precursors for other bioactive peptides completelylacking the exacting assembly requirements of the insulinmolecule began to be identified in the early 1970s, includingproparathyroid hormone (John Potts and co-workers), pro-glucagon (Howard Tager), and promelanocyte-stimulat-ing hormone/ACTH/endorphin or proopiomelanocortin(POMC) (Elizabeth Eipper and Richard Mains) (38). In1967, Michel Chretien and C. H. Li had shown that �- and�-lipotropins, later shown to be fragments derived fromPOMC, contained �-promelanocyte-stimulating hormonebracketed by basic residues as in proinsulin (see discussionin Ref. 18, page 218). Most neuroendocrine peptides aresmall and devoid of secondary or tertiary structure. Theirlarger precursors presumably satisfy a proposed minimumsize requirement for their efficient synthesis by the ribo-somal mechanism of protein synthesis, about which morewas constantly being learned throughout this period. How-ever, another kind of proprotein was also discoveredaround 1970, exemplified by proalbumin, which had only asimple hexapeptide extension at its N terminus. A similarpropeptide was found a year or so later in proparathyroidhormone and still later in the N-terminal propeptides ofmany coagulation factor zymogens synthesized in the liver.All of these precursors shared the common feature ofclosely similar processing sites made up usually of pairedbasic amino acids such as Lys-Arg or Arg-Arg, suggestingthe existence of specialized proteolytic enzymes within thesecretory pathway in many cells. With the advent of molec-ular cloning in the late 1970s, the structural elucidation ofprecursor proteins rapidly increased with many interestingand exciting revelations of larger polyprotein precursorscontaining multiple copies of structurally or functionally re-lated biologically active peptides (38). In fact, proinsulin wasjust the tip of the iceberg, indicating the existence of an ex-tensive and widespread system of precursor-processingproteolytic enzymes in the secretory pathway of all eukary-otic cells, which eventually emerged as the kexin/subtilisin-like prohormone convertase family of proprotein-process-ing endoproteases with its associated exopeptidases andamidating components (39).We are also now well aware that the vast majority of

secreted and membrane-bound proteins in both pro-

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Page 13: Adventures with Insulin in the Islets of Langerhansfunctioning pancreas to lower blood glucose, but instead they appeared to stimulate the glycolytic pathway, result-ing in increased

karyotic and eukaryotic cells have a more cryptic initialprecursor form, or preprotein, bearing a signal peptidethat is the initial translated product and that places newconstraints on the N-terminal sequence of prosecretoryproteins. Signal peptides are usually cotranslationallycleaved by signal peptidases during their translocationinto the ER lumen, as was first beautifully demonstratedby Gunther Blobel and Bernhard Dobberstein (40, 41).This additional layer of precursor processing has addedanother brilliant chapter to the cell biology of the secre-tory pathway. Space does not permit me to cover this as-pect of precursor processing in any detail except to saythat, when such an extension was first found in a nascentimmunoglobulin light chain and then in the in vitrotranslation product of parathyroid hormone mRNA inthe early 1970s, we were all very excited and quicklylooked into this possibility. My colleague Shu Jin Chan,then a graduate student in my laboratory, became one ofthe first to translate islet mRNA in cell-free systems andsucceeded in identifying and characterizing rat preproin-sulin (42). Shortly afterward, Dennis Shields, workingwith Blobel, identified several preproinsulins in teleostfishes (43). During the late 1970s, preproteins became amajor focus of research throughout the world, resultingin rapid progress in elucidating the cellular machineryunderlying the translocation and processing of prepro-teins in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes, an area that isalso actively thriving today.Some Research Diversions—Although after 1967 insulin

biosynthesis and processing were dominant themes inmy laboratory, they were by no means the only work go-ing on. We soon became interested in the evolution of in-sulin and the islets of Langerhans as work on proinsulinprogressed, and this interest was facilitated greatly by StureFalkmer, a Swedish pathologist/biologist who was activelyexploring this topic and who provided excellent opportuni-ties in the early 1970s to work with early vertebrates likehagfishes (an extant jawless vertebrate) at the Royal Swed-ish Marine Biology Station at Kristineberg on the westerncoast of Sweden, north of Gothenburg (Fig. 8). A bit later,Åke Lernmark joined my laboratory, from Umeå, Sweden,in 1974 and initiated studies on beta cell plasma membraneproteins, which led to his future discoveries of beta cell au-toimmunity and autoantigens in type 1 diabetes, a field thathe continues to explore vigorously today.We also retained an interest in insulin action, and in

1969, when a new medical student, Susan Terris, ap-peared on the scene, we discussed various possibilitiesand decided that it might be good if she learned to isolatehepatic cell plasma membranes to look for putative insu-

lin-binding sites or receptors, a field that then appearedripe for study. Susan worked all summer on the mem-brane isolation technique and helped with some otherexperiments before entering her first year of medicalstudies. She now had plasma membranes but not enoughtime to look for binding of insulin until she rejoined thelaboratory after completing the second year. In themeantime, of course, Pedro Cuatrecasas, Jesse Roth, andco-workers identified and characterized insulin-bindingsites in plasma membranes and made considerable pro-gress. When Susan returned to the laboratory in 1971,she was very disappointed at having been scooped andshed a few bitter tears in my office. Not quite knowingwhat to say, I tried to comfort her a bit by telling her thatit surely was not all over in that field. For example, I said,no one had studied the binding of insulin to intact livercells. Such preparations already were available in our lab-oratory; in fact, as Shu Jin Chan had developed a very ef-fective method for isolating intact hepatocytes before heshifted his thesis project from insulin action in the liverto the more pressing problem of characterizing prepro-insulin, as described above. I suggested that Susan shouldtry using such intact cell preparations to look at insulin

FIGURE 8. Research at the Kristineberg Marine Biology Station in 1971.Upper panel, view of the Gullmar Fjord from above the station’s wharf.Lower panel, Sture Falkmer (left) and Ingve Ostberg (right) isolating isletorgans from hagfish (Myxine glutinosa) for insulin studies. (I also helped!)

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Page 14: Adventures with Insulin in the Islets of Langerhansfunctioning pancreas to lower blood glucose, but instead they appeared to stimulate the glycolytic pathway, result-ing in increased

binding and look for any differences that might be of in-terest: I was convinced that there was much more to belearned about insulin binding, even though I was notsure what that might be!Susan went to work and soon ran into the problem of

insulin degradation, which had been an especially diffi-cult problem with isolated plasma membranes, wherecontaminating enzymes released during their prepara-tion tended to complicate binding studies if not con-trolled with inhibitors. There was no evidence that suchdegradation was connected in any way with insulin bind-ing. In contrast with that situation, however, she foundthat very clean hepatocyte preparations showed very lowlevels of contaminating proteases capable of degradinglabeled insulin in the medium, but when the cells wereincubated with insulin, it was rapidly degraded. She thenwent on to show that it was not the free insulin that wasbeing degraded but rather the receptor-bound hormone.This was certainly a very different behavior than ex-pected, but she soon amassed an impressive body of evi-dence that strongly indicated that the liver cells not onlypreferentially degraded the bound insulin but muchmore of it than could be accounted for by the estimatednumber of receptors on the surface at any one time. Inshort, it seemed that the receptors catalyzed the degra-dation in a way that led to its complete breakdown intofree iodotyrosine (44). Similar results were then obtainedusing perfused rat liver preparations (45). Over a several-year period, as Susan progressed in her work, we beganto realize that insulin receptors were being taken up,probably via endocytosis, and the receptor-bound insulinwas then degraded within the cells while the receptorswere rapidly returned to the plasma membrane to ac-tively repeat the uptake cycle. Susan had, in fact, discov-ered receptor-mediated uptake and intracellular degra-dation of receptor-bound insulin, a very importantmechanism in insulin turnover in vivo. Her findings werefurther corroborated by mechanistic studies carried outby Cecilia Hofmann, who followed her in the laboratory(46). What Susan and Cecilia found was, in fact, quiteanalogous to the findings of Michael Brown and JosephGoldstein with the seemingly unrelated system of LDLreceptor binding, uptake of LDL, and its degradation toimport cholesterol. Because hormone receptors were notyet known to exhibit such behavior, Susan was initiallyvery worried that veterans in the field would not believeher results, but that turned out to be a groundless fearbecause she had done her work so thoroughly that its va-lidity was never questioned when she first presented itpublicly in 1976.

One good discovery often leads to others! In the late1970s, Howard Tager and Arthur Rubenstein discoveredthe first patients with mild diabetes due to insulin genemutations. Several mutations at proinsulin cleavage sitescausing hyperproinsulinemia were already known, butthese new mutations were different, as they were locatedat specific sites within the insulin molecule (FB24S andFB25L), which explained their lower biological activity.One of the puzzling features of these patients was thevery high insulin levels they all shared in their blood,hence, the syndrome name of “hyperinsulinemic diabe-tes.” Kishio Nanjo at Wakayama Medical University soondiscovered a third insulin mutation of this type in severalJapanese families (VA3L) that lowered the biological po-tency by �1000-fold. Thus, when Tager and StevenShoelson used HPLC to separate the plasma insulincomponents, they were amazed to find that the levels ofthe mutant insulin were always manyfold higher than thenormal insulin level, as though the mutant insulins weresecreted in excessive amounts (47). This seemed unlikelybecause the patients were all heterozygous for the muta-tions and therefore should have been producing equalamounts of the mutant and normal hormones, but thenwe realized what must be happening: because mutant in-sulins do not bind well to the insulin receptor, theywould be poorly cleared from the blood and accumulatethere, a direct consequence of the receptor-mediatedpathway of insulin metabolism that Susan Terris had dis-covered! This supposition was subsequently confirmedto be the case by Howard Tager and colleagues.Interestingly, the much more recent discovery that

other mutations in the human insulin gene account for aconsiderable proportion of cases of permanent neonataldiabetes, in my colleague Graeme Bell’s laboratory (48),has led to the identification of many new point muta-tions in all four domains of the preproinsulin protein,underscoring the unique functional importance of boththe pre- and proregions of the precursor for the success-ful biosynthesis, translocation, folding, and processing ofproinsulin in the biosynthesis of insulin. Most of thesemutations impair primarily the folding and structural orga-nization of the proinsulin molecule, leading to increaseddegradation of misfolded material, associated with activa-tion of the unfolded protein response and increased ERstress, resulting eventually in beta cell death via apoptosis(49). This is currently an area of great interest because in-creased levels of beta cell ER stress also have been found tobe associated with the more common type 2 diabetes aswell, but for reasons that remain unclear.

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Page 15: Adventures with Insulin in the Islets of Langerhansfunctioning pancreas to lower blood glucose, but instead they appeared to stimulate the glycolytic pathway, result-ing in increased

Our fascination with the insulin receptor has contin-ued in more recent studies directed toward learningmore about how insulin binds to and activates the insu-lin receptor, an important problem that remains un-solved to this day. This work is being carried out by ShuJin Chan in Chicago collaboratively with Michael Law-rence and Colin Ward at the Walter and Eliza Hall Insti-tute in Parkville, Australia, and Michael Weiss and Jona-than Whittaker at Case Western Reserve University inCleveland (50) and is focused on the role of the C-termi-nal segment of the �-subunit in insulin binding, an unex-pected discovery made in the laboratory in 1994 byTakeshi Kurose, a postdoctoral fellow, using a novel pho-to-cross-linking approach (51).

Unraveling the Prohormone-processing Mechanism

Our earliest studies on proinsulin had demonstrated itsgreat sensitivity to trypsin, which was later explained byidentification of the paired basic residues (Arg-Arg andLys-Arg) that link the C-peptide to the insulin chains inproinsulin (25, 26). However, before this structural featurewas known, I had noticed that the presence of proinsulincould be detected easily in partially purified higher molec-ular mass “b component-like” fractions separated fromcommercial crystalline insulin preparations. During incu-bation of aliquots of this material with small amounts oftrypsin at pH �7.6, I carefully observed the tube contents.If proinsulin was abundant, the clear solution became veryturbid within the first minute or so of incubation and thenslowly cleared. I soon noticed that this phenomenon didnot happen when buffers in the range of pH 8.5 were used.When Ron Chance published his classic study on thestructure of porcine proinsulin in 1968, he reported thattrypsin treatment yielded desalanyl insulin, a biologicallyactive form of insulin that lacked the last amino acid of theB chain, alongwith the tripeptideAla-Arg-Arg (25). It thusseemed likely that the initial cleavage of proinsulin by tryp-sin was because of the rapid excision of the C-peptide bycleavage after the two pairs of basic residues, giving rise todiarginyl insulin, whichmight precipitate due to its higherpI (near 7.5), followed by its slower cleavage between Lys-B29 and Ala-B30 to release the tripeptide and restore thenormal pI of �5.3 to the desalanyl insulin product, whichwould then redissolve. Larger amounts of trypsin wererequired to cleave at Arg-B22 to release desoctapeptideinsulin and a larger heptapeptide (Fig. 7). However, thesefindings posed somewhat of a paradox becauseWang andCarpenter had reported in the literature that trypsincleaves insulin preferentially after Arg-B22 to produceonly desoctapeptide insulin and an octapeptide (B23–B30)

and that subsequent cleavage of this peptide at Lys-B29then generates the heptapeptide and free alanine, i.e. that itis impossible to generate desalanyl insulin from insulinusing trypsin (52)!A possible explanation for this paradox was that the

proximity of the Arg-Arg sequence upstream of Lys-B29in proinsulin might attract trypsin and thus enhance itssusceptibility to trypsin. To test this idea, I tried adding anexcess of carboxypeptidase B during the tryptic incubationto see if it might quickly remove the C-terminal basic res-idues as they were generated by trypsin and thus protectthe C-terminal alanine from removal by the modestamount of trypsin required to release the C-peptide. Thisapproach worked remarkably well! There was no longerany visible clouding during incubation.We then tried var-ious combinations of these two proteases and soon founda suitable ratio that quantitatively converted the proinsu-lin to intact insulin and C-peptide without generating anydetectable desalanyl insulin (53). This combination ofenzymes thus provided a model system for the in vivo sys-tem, as it produced the same natural products of process-ing that are normally found in vivo in greatest abundancein the pancreas: native insulin and intactC-peptide lackingany basic residues. In earlier in vitro studies with isolatedactively processing islet secretory granule preparations,we were also unable to find any evidence for the release ofbasic dipeptides from [3H]arginine-labeled proinsulinduring its conversion (54).All these observations provided us early on with a com-

pelling model for conversion of prohormones in vivo by acombination of trypsin-like and carboxypeptidase B-likeconverting enzymes. All we had to dowas find them!How-ever, to do this took almost twenty years and involved theefforts of a large number of talented investigators (asdescribed below). Despite the fact that Mother Nature usesher ownmore elaborate version of this simple enzyme com-bination to produce a huge variety of biologically active nat-ural products, the trypsin/carboxypeptidase B combinationhas proved to be highly useful as a simple, inexpensive, andconvenient (aswell as previously unpatented)method for theconversion of biosynthetic human proinsulin to insulin in acommercial process thathasbeenused formanyyears atLillyin the production of high-quality recombinant human insu-lin for diabetes therapy (55). As it turns out, the natural con-vertases, despite their precision and elegance, are not suffi-ciently active and stable under industrial conditions to beuseful thus far in biotechnology.Search for the Convertases—Although our earlier stud-

ies had demonstrated that isolated intact secretory gran-ules from islets were a major site of conversion of proin-

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Page 16: Adventures with Insulin in the Islets of Langerhansfunctioning pancreas to lower blood glucose, but instead they appeared to stimulate the glycolytic pathway, result-ing in increased

sulin to insulin in vivo, we were unable to recover anyactivity after lysis of the granules (54). We used a varietyof approaches, including synthetic substrates, variousproteinase inhibitors, and active site-labeling techniqueswithout any success. Even though our model system pre-dicted that a trypsin-related enzyme(s) might be involvedand despite the close developmental relationship of theislets with the pancreas, the putative enzymes provedelusive and possibly unstable. However, a glimmer ofhope arose in 1975 when Dr. Hartmut Zuhlke, a visitingscientist from a diabetes center in East Germany workingwith islet extracts, found evidence for the existence of anacidic carboxypeptidase B-like activity (56). Seeing ashow we believed that the processing reactions occurredin the mildly acidic environment within maturing secre-tory granules, this finding was encouraging. However,because of our preoccupation with the endoprotease ac-tivity (first things first!), we did not pursue it further. Afew years later, Lloyd Fricker at Johns Hopkins found asimilar activity in brain extracts and designated it car-boxypeptidase E (CPE). When cloned and sequenced, itturned out to be a homolog of carboxypeptidase B withan acidic pH optimum (57). A subsequent discovery byJurgen Naggert, Ed Leiter, and co-workers at The Jack-son Laboratory of a mouse with severe obesity and milddiabetes associated with CPE deficiency confirmed itsimportance for proinsulin processing (58). Our jointstudies of these mutant mice demonstrated elevated cir-culating proinsulin levels and accumulation of C-termi-nally extended diarginyl insulin in islets, clearly confirm-ing the role of CPE in proinsulin processing. Disruptionof normal neuropeptide processing also occurs in thebrains of CPE�/� mice and may account for the hy-perphagia and obesity associated with frank diabetes,which occurs more prominently in males (58). The ac-cumulation of high concentrations of C-terminally ex-tended conversion intermediates in the secretorygranules very likely also inhibits the converting endo-proteases (59).Where was the all-important endoprotease that had

become our holy grail? We were diverted from thesearch for a trypsin-related serine protease in the early1980s by some new findings in our laboratory thatseemed to implicate a cathepsin-like enzyme in this role(60). This proved to be a false lead and was soon setaside. However, more recent evidence indicates thatsome procathepsin B normally passes into immaturebeta cell secretory granules after their formation in vivobut is subsequently sorted into lysosomes, where it is ac-tivated (61). A possible role for cathepsin L in neuropep-

tide processing in the brain has been proposed recentlyby Vivian Hook and co-workers. One possibility mightbe that it plays a role in activating or stabilizing some ofthe proprotein convertases.Yeast Genetics to the Rescue!—Sometime in the mid-

1970s, Jeremy Thorner visited the University of Chicagoas a biochemistry job candidate (Fig. 9). At that time, hementioned to me that yeast produces some small bioac-tive peptides, such as �-mating factor, that were likelyprocessed from larger precursors similarly to prohor-mones. I encouraged him to look into the possibility thatyeast might provide a novel means to identify the en-zymes involved. A few years later, in May 1979, I re-ceived a letter from Jeremy, then at the University ofCalifornia at Berkeley, requesting some reprints and in-cluding some of his recent publications reporting pro-gress in this direction. Some five years later, in 1984, heinformed me that the search for a convertase had beensuccessful and that he and his co-workers had clonedseveral novel enzymes, including a calcium-dependentendoprotease, which they called Kex2p, that had highspecificity for paired basic residues, as well as a carboxy-peptidase and an amino dipeptidase that were all re-quired for conversion of pro-�-factor to its active form(62). David Julius’ beautiful work with Jeremy on theidentification and cloning of Kex2p (kexin), the yeast en-doprotease responsible for �-factor cleavage, provided atlong last the key to unlocking the mystery of the natureof the mammalian proprotein convertases. However, wewere not there yet! Kex2p at first exhibited some confus-

FIGURE 9. Jeremy Thorner, Ph.D., in the mid 1980s. This photographwas kindly provided by Thorner.

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Page 17: Adventures with Insulin in the Islets of Langerhansfunctioning pancreas to lower blood glucose, but instead they appeared to stimulate the glycolytic pathway, result-ing in increased

ing properties: it was inhibited by some thiol protease in-hibitors and did not seem to be related to trypsin. Thispuzzle soon was resolved by the discovery that it was ho-mologous to the subtilases, a structurally different familyof serine proteases (63).Enter the Mammalian Prohormone Convertase Family—

Building on this latter discovery, Steven Smeekens, whohad joined my laboratory in 1986 and spent two years infruitless attempts to use a mating-defective Kex2p nullyeast strain in complementation experiments withcDNAs from islets or human islet cell tumors, turned toPCR, exploiting likely conserved sequences near the cat-alytic residues to design suitable probes for mammalianhomologs of Kex2p. He announced his exciting newfindings to me on a memorable date, April 1, 1989! Heshowed me a cDNA sequence from a human insulinomathat clearly encoded a Kex2p-like protein, which hecalled PC2 (for protease candidate 2). Its predicted sizewas only �68 kDa. There were a few other problems, i.e.the catalytic oxyanion residue was Asp rather than Asn,as in all other known subtilisin-like proteases, and itlacked both a Ser/Thr-rich segment and a transmem-brane domain (64), which accounted for its muchsmaller size than Kex2p (�97.5 kDa). However, all thesedifferences could be rationalized as being adaptations toits localization within the more acidic secretory granules,where prohormones or proneuropeptides are processedproteolytically to their bioactive forms and then storedor secreted. Moreover, Steve also had found anothersimilar partial cDNA in the insulinoma library that dif-fered in sequence from PC2. In a short time, a full-lengthclone for this enzyme was obtained from a cDNA libraryderived from a pituitary corticotropic AtT20 cell line,and it was designated PC3 (now known as PC1/3). Itproved to be PC2’s companion convertase in the betacells, and it also lacked a transmembrane anchor (65).Nabil Seidah and Michel Chretien in Montreal quicklyreported similar discoveries using PCR in endocrine cellcDNA libraries, and then many other reports followed!Together, these two convertases have proved to be themajor prohormone convertase family members involvedin processing a large number of prohormones and neu-ropeptides and are highly expressed throughout the ver-tebrate neuroendocrine system (Fig. 10) (66). The pres-ence of two calcium-dependent processing enzymes inthe beta cells was first proposed by Howard Davidson,Chris Rhodes, and John Hutton in 1988 (67), and theseactivities were soon shown to be identical to PC2 andPC1/3. Also, workers at Chiron, in collaboration withRobert Fuller and Jeremy Thorner at Berkeley, published

a report in Science in 1989 (68) describing yet anotherputative mammalian convertase, PACE1 or furin, a pro-tein identified originally as a possible receptor tyrosinekinase by a group in The Netherlands. It was a closerhomolog of kexin than PC1/3 or PC2, as it had a trans-membrane domain and a Cys-rich domain in the N-ter-minal juxtamembrane region, where Kex2p has a Ser/Thr-rich domain (66). Furin has proved to be the mostubiquitous of the mammalian convertases, and unlikePC1/3 and PC2, it functions mainly in the constitutivearm of the secretory pathway, participating in the cleav-age of proteins, such as the insulin and IGF-1 receptorprecursors, viral glycoprotein precursors, blood-clottingfactor, serum albumin proproteins, and many others.Today, the total count of related subtilisin-like propro-tein convertases stands at 10: furin, PC1/3, PC2, PC4,PACE4, PC5/6A, PC5/6B, PC7, SKI1/S1P, and PCSK9(69).Convertase Knock-outs Prove Their Function—The

identification of the genes encoding the mammalian sub-tilisin-like calcium-dependent family of proprotein con-vertases finally enabled the fulfillment of our earlier pos-tulate that the only definitive proof of the role of anyproposed processing enzyme could be achieved throughthe deletion or mutation of its gene (70). This postulatewas first tested with both PC2 and PC4, a testis-specificconvertase, in 1997 when gene disruptions in mice pre-venting the formation of these two respective active en-zymes produced specific proteolytic processing defectsin each case that fit well with their known patterns of tis-sue-specific expression (39). Thus, PC2 nulls fail com-pletely to process proglucagon to glucagon in the pan-creatic islet alpha cells, as anticipated from previousstudies of Yves Rouille in our laboratory, and as a resulthave lower than normal blood glucose levels at all times.

FIGURE 10. Comparative structures of PC1/3 and PC2 with variousfeatures and domains indicated. Autoactivation occurs via dual cleav-ages of the prodomain at the polybasic sites illustrated. The conserved Pdomain has been shown by modeling and x-ray studies to be an eight-strand �-barrel. It appears to add stability to the catalytic domain and ispresent in all the convertases having multibasic residue specificity. SeeRef. 80 for details (reproduced with permission from Ref. 80).

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Page 18: Adventures with Insulin in the Islets of Langerhansfunctioning pancreas to lower blood glucose, but instead they appeared to stimulate the glycolytic pathway, result-ing in increased

They also show many other processing defects affectinginsulin and a major proportion of many other hormonesor CNS neuropeptides. Similarly, knock-out of the neu-roendocrine protein 7B2, which is required for the con-version of pro-PC2 to its active form, produces a closelysimilar phenotype to that of PC2 nulls when tested onthe same genetic background in mice (39, 72).On the other hand, mice null for PC1/3 displayed altera-

tions in a different subset of neuroendocrine peptides, re-flecting subtle differences in the tissue specificity of its ex-pression compared with that of PC2 within neuroendocrinetissues (73). In contrast, disruptions of the genes encodingfurin, PACE4, and PC5/6 (74), as well as PAM (75), the pep-tide-amidating monooxygenase that accomplishes theC-terminal amidation of many neuroendocrine peptides, allresult in developmental defects that prevent the normal de-velopment of the fetus, usually through defective activationof various growth factors required for specific developmen-tal processes. Therefore, targeted deletions have been un-dertaken for some of these genes, e.g. a targeted deletion offurin only in the pancreatic beta cells results in a prohor-mone-processing defect due to defective activation of thevacuolar ATPase that acidifies the maturing secretory gran-ules to create the proper conditions for processing byPC1/3 and PC2 of their complement of precursors, whichconsists mainly of proinsulin and proislet amyloid polypep-tide (pro-IAPP) (76).Because both PC1/3 and PC2 are required for efficient

conversion of proinsulin to insulin, the proinsulin-process-ing defects in PC1/3 versus PC2 nulls differ in characteristicways, reflecting their individual preferences for certain sitesand intermediate forms as substrates. Recent studies haveverified that PC2 prefers many substrates having the se-quence motif Lys-Arg within cleavage sites, whereas PC1/3tends to prefer those with Arg-Arg (77, 78). This preferenceis consistent with the current view that, in the islet betacells, PC1/3 cleaves proinsulin first at the B chain/C-peptide(Arg-Arg) cleavage site, followed by CPE to generate thedes-31,32-proinsulin intermediate, a preferred substrate forcleavage by PC2 at the C-peptide/A chain site (Lys-Arg)(Fig. 11) (79). Similarly, proglucagon, which contains threeglucagon-related peptides, e.g. glucagon, GLP-1 and GLP-2,each having differing biological actions, is processed in isletalpha cells so as to release only (or mainly) glucagon. This isdue to cleavage exclusively by PC2 acting at Lys-Arg sites.On the other hand, the same proglucagon molecule is pro-cessed differently in intestinal L cells by PC1/3, acting aloneto release only GLP-1 and GLP-2 via cleavage at sites con-taining only arginine (Arg-Arg or X-Arg). This differentialprocessing of multifunctional precursors is not unusual.

However, both PC2 and PC1/3 often cleave at both types ofbasic pairs, as well as others, such as Lys-Lys and Arg-Lys,which occur more rarely (80). Precursor conformationseems to be a major determinant, but little is known aboutthis for most peptide precursors.The discovery of IAPP (amylin) in 1986 by Per Wester-

mark introduced another minor secretor product of thebeta cell. IAPP is normally produced at levels well below 5%of those of insulin, mainly in the islet beta cells (81). HumanIAPP is especially fascinating due to its unique tendency toself-associate to form amyloid fibrils and to form deposits inthe islets of elderly persons but to a much greater extent inpatients with type 2 diabetes of many years duration. Itspossible role in the pathogenesis of diabetes remains unre-solved and is a topic of continued research and pharmaceu-tical exploration. The IAPP precursor (81) requires proteo-lytic processing at two sites, sharing the same cleavageenzymes, PC1/3, PC2, and CPE, with proinsulin, as shownrecently by Bruce Verchere and co-workers in Vancouver(82). However, PC2 is the more major endoprotease in-volved in processing pro-IAPP, in contrast with proinsulin,where PC1/3 is more important.As mentioned earlier, defects in the expression of CPE

can have far-reaching effects on neuroendocrine peptideprocessing, also affecting insulin biosynthesis and a broadspectrum of other peptides and (in mice) resulting in severeobesity (58). The absence of CPE or its companion homo-log, CPD, which appears to act primarily in the constitutivearm of the secretory pathway in concert with convertasessuch as furin, PACE4, and PC5/6B, allows the accumulationof intermediate peptides with C-terminal basic residue ex-tensions, such as diarginyl insulin and C-peptide-Lys-Arg,in the beta cell (58). Such extended peptides appear to bepotent inhibitors of the convertases, especially at the milli-molar concentrations that can easily occur in actively pro-cessing secretory granules in the absence of CPE (59). How-ever, because CPE is normally present in relative excess tothe PCs, reduced enzyme levels due to hemizygosity forCPE have no detectable effects on processing, whereashemizygosity for PC2 or especially PC1/3 is reflected in mi-nor processing defects, as manifested in partially impairedprocessing of proinsulin in beta cells (79). Like CPE defi-ciency, decreased PC1/3 activity also leads to obesity, pre-sumably mainly due to imbalances in the hypothalamicprocessing of orexic versus anorexic peptides involved inregulating feeding behavior in both man and experimentalanimals.Postlude—As time has passed, the dimensions of the

field of precursor processing have continually enlargedfar beyond the simple secretory pathway paradigm of

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Page 19: Adventures with Insulin in the Islets of Langerhansfunctioning pancreas to lower blood glucose, but instead they appeared to stimulate the glycolytic pathway, result-ing in increased

proinsulin and its role in insulin biosynthesis. It has beena great pleasure, perhaps like that of a parent (which I donot happen to be, other than as a surrogate parent to themany wonderful students, postdoctoral fellows, andyounger colleagues with whom I have been privileged towork), to observe its steady growth, development, and ex-pansion over the past forty-five years. Since 1992, there hasbeen a biennial Gordon Research Conference held everyother July entitled “Proprotein Processing, Trafficking andSecretion,” which has been well attended. Like manyother discoveries, e.g. protein phosphorylation, whichseemed at first to apply only to one particular special en-zyme system (glycogen breakdown4), precursor processing

as a cellular biosynthetic and regulatory mechanism partici-pates in the production of a great variety of proteins in-

4 In early 1960, when I was trying to find a postdoctoral position thatmight allow me to stay in Seattle, I spoke to several members of HansNeurath’s excellent biochemistry department at the University ofWashington. None of them, including Neurath himself, had any posi-

tions open. I especially recall my conversation with Edwin Krebsbecause, at that time, his laboratory was fully concentrated on themechanism of phosphorylase activation, whereas my work in thedepartment of medicine was on glycogen biosynthesis via the newLeloir pathway involving UDP-glucose and the possible effects ofinsulin on synthase activity in the liver. I told Ed what I had beendoing, and he said, in effect, “Sorry, but we are only working on gly-cogen breakdown!” Interestingly, in the early 1960s, Chris Nolan, wholater assisted us in sequencing bovine proinsulin around 1967–1969,was working on the structure of the phosphopeptides from glycogenphosphorylase with Krebs in Seattle (71). Of course, within about tenor fifteen years, Ed’s interest in insulin’s effects on protein phos-phorylation greatly increased, but despite occasional temptations, Iavoided ever reminding him of his parochial former view. We alwayshad a pleasant relationship, and Ed was certainly among the mostgracious colleagues I have known. I later enjoyed many pleasant vis-its with Neurath, Krebs, and Ed Fischer on trips to Seattle. In fact, Iskied with Hans and his wife, Suzi, along with several other proteinchemists on several occasions at meetings in western settings, whenthey were probably in their early 90s. Hans greatly enjoyed skiing!

FIGURE 11. Pathways of conversion of proinsulin to insulin and C-peptide in the beta cell. The pathway shown on the right is predominantnormally because PC1/3 acts somewhat earlier than PC2, forming a preferred intermediate for PC2 cleavage, the des-31,32-proinsulin intermediate.In the absence of PC1/3, only �10 –15% of the proinsulin is processed to insulin. The B chain/C-peptide junction is a better convertase substratebecause it is more accessible and has an upstream basic residue (lysine) at the P4 position (B29). The C-peptide/A chain site lacks a P4 basic residue.(See Refs. 79 and 84 for further discussion.)

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Page 20: Adventures with Insulin in the Islets of Langerhansfunctioning pancreas to lower blood glucose, but instead they appeared to stimulate the glycolytic pathway, result-ing in increased

volved in many diverse regulatory processes, well beyondinsulin and neuropeptides. One of the richest rewards a sci-entist can enjoy is to have this experience.Another very enjoyable aspect of our research activ-

ities over the years has been our efforts to explore theevolutionary origins, first of proinsulin, insulin, andC-peptide and then of the insulin gene family, withthe help of Sture Falkmer and his graduate studentStefan Emdin. Interestingly, our initial studies on hag-fish at the Kristineberg Marine Research Station re-quired the isolation of islet organs from �10,000 hag-fish to obtain enough of the insulin to sequence andcharacterize (Fig. 8, lower panel). Fortunately, Stefanwas able to crystallize it just before a visit in 1972from Dorothy Hodgkin to the University of Chicago,where she was to receive an honorary degree for herpost-Nobel Prize work focused on elucidating thestructure of porcine insulin in 1969. The beautiful bigtetragonal crystals of hagfish insulin that Stefan grew,in the absence of zinc, were all it took to convinceDorothy that the hagfish x-ray structure should bedone. This was carried out with her associates, Johnand Susan Cutfield, and their structure showed that,despite substitutions at �38% of positions, the overallstructure of hagfish insulin was closely similar to thatof the mammalian hormones. Later on, with the avail-ability of cloning technology, Shu Jin Chan was able todetermine the primary structure of hagfish preproin-sulin using just a few islet organs to make a cDNA li-brary. He was thus able to extend our evolutionarysearch to the insulin/IGF gene family, as well as theirreceptor molecules. This work is still in progress butalready has revealed the likelihood that the IGF sub-family is a vertebrate invention, first arising via geneduplication, probably after the protochordates, as ex-emplified by amphioxus, which appears to have a sin-gle insulin/IGF-like protein (termed insulin-like pro-tein) (83). The mainline insulin gene per se, however,is much more ancient and is present in recognizableform in most metazoans, although more work needsto be done in this area. Multiple insulin-like peptidesare present in Drosophila and other insects, as well asin nematodes. Likewise, the insulin-like receptor pro-tein is remarkably well conserved both in structureand in function, including metabolic regulation,growth, and control of longevity. However, moleculessimilar to IGFs and their receptors first appeared injawless vertebrates like the hagfishes, which have asingle IGF-like molecule and one typical IGF receptor,in addition to the insulin/insulin receptor system.

Then, in the teleosts and higher vertebrates, two IGFsare minimally present with a single (IGF-1-type) re-ceptor. Many of the teleosts are tetraploid, however,so these numbers may be doubled. Thus, the verte-brates have likely benefitted in evolution from the sep-aration of metabolic and growth regulatory functionsvia successive insulin gene duplications.The cloning of the convertases has provided another

gene family for evolutionary exploration that hasturned out to be highly conserved throughout themetazoans but does not appear to be present in plants,protozoans, or bacteria. PC2 appears to be the mosthighly conserved convertase of the family, especiallywith its unique aspartyl oxyanion residue, which wor-ried us so much when we first identified this enzyme.Its conservation perhaps is related also to its uniquerequirement for activation via interaction with neu-roendocrine protein 7B2, as shown so convincingly byIris Lindberg and her colleagues. Other convertasefamily members, e.g. PC1/3, PC5/6 and furin, also arevery well conserved, indicating the likelihood thatproteolytic processing of precursor proteins is an evo-lutionarily important mechanism for making and/oractivating biologically active peptides and creatinggreater diversity, as well as consolidating related bio-activities through the evolution of large multifunc-tional polyprotein precursors like POMC, progluca-gon, and many others. This topic thus presents fertileground for further exploration in contemplating theever-widening development of our incredibly rich nat-ural world. It is remarkable to consider how vastly ourknowledge in the area of regulatory bioscience has ex-panded within the last hundred years and how importantthis knowledge has become already for the survival and en-richment of human life.A final thought: I and others of my generation have

been especially fortunate to develop our careers in anera when resources were initially small, but there wasalways enough to get by as long as one was willing touse a little ingenuity and make the special reagentsthat he or she might need, and positions were so muchmore available in the tenure track system than is nowthe case. The steady erosion of opportunities foryoung investigators over the past thirty years greatlytroubles me. It is clearly imperative to make moreopenings available at the entry level so that individualsdo not have to wait for positions and resources whiletheir most creative years evaporate. Early placement ofpromising young investigators in responsible positionsmust become one of our highest priorities if we wish to

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Page 21: Adventures with Insulin in the Islets of Langerhansfunctioning pancreas to lower blood glucose, but instead they appeared to stimulate the glycolytic pathway, result-ing in increased

preserve the unparalleled scientific productivity that wehave achieved. This is one of the greatest challengeswe face today in science. Unfortunately, I have no easysolutions to propose, other than the observation that,clearly, we older scientists must reduce our consump-tion of resources to make room for the young toflourish.

Acknowledgments—I am indebted to many students, postdoctoral fel-lows, and younger collaborating colleagues who have contributed to thework from my laboratory discussed in this “Reflections” article. In par-ticular, I would like to mention Robert Roskoski, Judy King, Lee Younger,Dennis Cunningham, Philip Oyer, Jeffrey Clark, Wolfgang Kemmler,Hiroyuki Sando, Henrik Ege, Ole Hallund, Jørgen Schlichtkrull, LisaHeding, Jørgen Gliemann, Franco Melani, Arthur Rubenstein, Jo Borg,Simon Pilkis, Howard Tager, Ron Chance, Bruce Frank, James Peterson,Shu Jin Chan, Rosa Choy, Edward Schlenk, Sooja Cho Nehrlich, SusanTerris, Ray Carroll, Ole Madsen, Jens Hoiriis Nielsen, Sture Falkmer,Stefan Emdin, Åke Lernmark, Takahiro Kanatsuna, Cecilia Hofmann,Jon Marsh, Hisako Ohgawara, Christoph Patzelt, Dorothy Hodgkin,Guy and Eleanor Dodson, Simon Kwok, Masakazu Haneda, KevinDocherty, John Hutton, Chris Rhodes, Philippe Halban, DavidNielsen, Michael Welsh, Kishio Nanjo, Susumu Seino, Craig Black-stone, Steve Smeekens, Graeme Bell, Kenneth Polonsky, Erika Plisets-kaya, Steve Duguay, Cun Ming Duan, Motoshige Miyano, MasahiroNishi, Shinya Ohagi, Machi and Hiroto Furuta, Shinya Nagamatsu,Yasunao Yoshimasa, Jonathan Whittaker, Tadashi Hanabusa, YvesRouille, Jeremy Paul, Mohammad Pashmforoush, Isaiah Pitman IV,Satoe Nakagawa, Lelio Orci, Louis Philipson, Gregory Lipkind, SeanMartin, Tony Oliva, An Zhou, Gene Webb, Joe Bass, Xiaorong Zhu,Takeshi Kurose, Arunangsu Dey, Jie Wang, Margaret Milewski, JeffStein, Iris Lindberg, Gary Thomas, Lloyd Fricker, Jens Rehfeld, Perand Gunilla Westermark, Michael Weiss, Colin Ward, Michael Law-rence, and Soo Young Park. My early mentors were Herbert S. Anker,Ph.D. (deceased), Earl A. Evans, Jr., Ph.D. (deceased), Eugene P. Ken-nedy, Ph.D., and Robert H. Williams, M.D. (deceased). To them all, Iam greatly indebted. This article is dedicated to the memory of twospecial colleagues (both now deceased), Philip C. Hoffmann (pharma-cology) and Eugene Goldwasser (biochemistry), who were my steadfastfriends/advisers and luncheon companions for many years. Work inmy laboratory has been supported by National Institutes of HealthGrants DK13914 and DK20595 and by the Howard Hughes MedicalInstitute. My thanks to Steve Roess and Gladys Paz for assistance withthe production of this manuscript and figures.

Address correspondence to: [email protected].

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Page 24: Adventures with Insulin in the Islets of Langerhansfunctioning pancreas to lower blood glucose, but instead they appeared to stimulate the glycolytic pathway, result-ing in increased

Donald F. SteinerAdventures with Insulin in the Islets of Langerhans

doi: 10.1074/jbc.X111.244764 originally published online March 28, 20112011, 286:17399-17421.J. Biol. Chem. 

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