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Advertising photography

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Unit 57: Photography and Photographic Practice Research of other photographers work (P1, M1, D1) Photographer: Patrick Demarchelier Louis Vuitton 2010 L'Oreal 2008
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Unit 57: Photography and Photographic Practice

Research of other photographers work (P1, M1, D1)

Photographer: Patrick Demarchelier

Louis Vuitton 2010

L'Oreal 2008

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Dior 2011

Cartier 2009

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Harry Winston 2010

Louis Vuitton 2010

Theme or focus of images Patrick Demarchelier is a French fashion photographer who has shot a number of

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advertising campaigns throughout his career. The purpose of photography for advertising is to promote and sell a particular product, which I feel Patrick Demarchelier does effectively.

Image One - Louis Vuitton 2010

This image is a long shot with the main focus being the model and the products being promoted such as the bags and models shoes, this is emphasized due to the fact that the model and her luggage is sharp and clear, in contrast to the rest of the image which is slightly blurred. All elements within this image including the location in which this photograph was taken, the models sophisticated clothes, her pose and her large amount of luggage emphasize the wealthy target audience for this particular advertisement who will live busy lifestyles, as well as anchor the fact that the product being promoted is an expensive luxury brand. The blue sky suggests that this photograph was taken during the day in summer, also the shadows in the image suggest that natural lighting was used.

Image Two - L'Oreal 2008

This image is advertising L'Oreal hair dye, the foreground consists predominately of the model and like the previous photo the main focus of this image is the model, specifically her hair. However the model is looking away from the camera so that we get a clear view of the models hair due to the fact that it is advertising hair dye. Also like the previous image, the model is in focus whereas the background is blurred, also the models hair is sharp and in detail, again emphasizing the fact that it is promoting hair dye. Against the white background the model automatically catches the audiences eye, the use of white also has the connotation of goodness and purity and is often considered to be the colour of perfection, therefore creating the ideology that this product and brand is perfect. The fact that the model is looking out the window suggests that this image was taken outside and therefore implies that professional lighting equipment would have been used.

Image Three - Dior 2011

This image is advertising Dior Perfume, and features two images layered on top of each other during the editing process. The first image features a model, this image is taken indoors and Patrick chose to use direct mode of address by having the model looking directly into the camera, therefore automatically creating a personal feel for the audience. The models seductive facial expression, gold elegant clothing and the chosen location to shoot this particular image are all typical conventions of a perfume advertisement which promote perfumes by emphasize glamorous lifestyles. The large amount of gold present within the image has connotations of wealth therefore again anchoring the glamorous lifestyle, along with the bright lighting present behind the model which creates a sense of importance and fame, all of which encourages the viewer to buy the product by creating the idea that they too could live this lifestyle. The second image layered on top is of the perfume bottle itself which is sharp and clear.

Image Four - Cartier 2009

This image is advertising Cartier Jewellery, the image features jewellery layered over red boxes and a baby leopard against a red background. The clear image of the baby leopard automatically catches the audiences eye and evokes an emotion due to the fact we think it is cute, the use of the leopard also symbolises wealth,

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therefore anchoring the expensive jewellery being promoted. The red within the image creates a warm feeling and connotates passion, creating the idea that we will love the jewellery being promoted

Image Five - Harry Winston 2010

This image is promoting Harry Winston Jewellery, the foreground consists of a mid shot of a model. Binary opposition has been used by having a model in a black dress against a white background, this automatically makes the model stand out. Direct mode of address has been used by having the model look directly into the camera therefore creating a personal feeling for the audience. Patrick has specifically chosen to have the model holding her arms up to her face so that the main focus is the models jewellery, and to have her facial expression happy to create the idea that if you own this jewellery you to can be this happy.

Image Six - Louis Vuitton 2010

This image is advertising Louis Vuitton. The most noticeable thing about this image is the clear vibrant colours, the choice of having the model wear a vibrant yellow against the vibrant blues within the background not only automatically attracts our attention to the model who is holding the products being promoted in the photograph but also this choice of colours evokes a happy and up beat feeling. The image is taken outside and the fact that the model is stood in front of a pool against a stunning background anchors the expensive and luxury brand being promoted.


In terms of composition the photographer, due to the fact that all of these images feature a model, Patrick had the benefit of moving and manipulating the subjects, which I feel he has done effectively and as a result produced a number of images which look pleasing to the eye.

In "Image One - Louis Vuitton 2010"and "Image Six - Louis Vuitton" Patrick chose to take the photo from a low angle, this effectively gives the model within the photograph a sense of power and therefore encourages the viewers to buy the product due to the fact it creates the idea that if you buy products from the brand "Louis Vuitton" you too can be powerful.

In the "Image Two - L'Oreal - 2008" image Patrick has chosen to crop the photo so that it only shows the top half of the model, this is due to the fact that his intentions was to focus on and promote the models hair. Techniques used

A number of Patricks images such as "Image One - Louis Vuitton", "Image Three - Dior 2011" and "Image Two - L'Oreal 2008" features a shallow depth of field where the model and the product is sharp and in focus in contrast to the background which is blurred, this is because the product needs to be in focus in order to be promoted, unlike the background which isn't important, therefore

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Patrick would have used a fast shutter speed along with a small aperture setting.

Strengths & WeaknessesI really like Patricks work in the sense that he moves and manipulates his subjects in order to anchor the product being promoted and also due to the fact that he chooses his colours wisely depending on the products that are being sold. I also like the fact that all of his images create a sense of an expensive and luxury lifestyle.
