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AERA 2011 Persistence and the Science Pipeline 3.15.11

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  • 7/31/2019 AERA 2011 Persistence and the Science Pipeline 3.15.11


    Persistence and the Science Pipeline: Women of Color and their Persistence in Science


    Robert Ceglie PhD, Mercer University,[email protected]

    Paper presented at the AERA Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, April 8-12, 2011.


    Underrepresentation of women and students of color continues to be of concern to science

    educators. Despite progress of increasing representation of women in science pipelines, women

    of color have not made the same strides. Despite being the fastest growing population of college

    students, women of color have made insufficient gains in college science degree attainment.

    Using a qualitative methodology, sixteen women of color who were majoring in a science field

    participated in three-part, in-depth interviews. The aim was to understand the factors that have

    supported the participants persistence in science majors during their college years. The most

    prominent themes that led to persistence included academic preparation for college science,

    faculty support, importance of high school and college science experiences, family support,

    science support programs, altruistic beliefs and the importance of religion.


    The preparation of students to enter science careers has been a growing concern by

    educators, researchers and policy makers. Despite decades devoted to improving science

    instruction, the results have not demonstrated appreciable results (Committee on Prospering in

    the Global Economy of the 21st Century, 2010; National Center for Education Statistics, 2011).

    The inadequate preparation of science students leads to an underprepared population of

    candidates to pursue science related careers. This has important implications for the welfare of

    the United States economy to advance science and technology as well as in the preparation of a

    literate society who can make informed decisions concerning public policy. This concern was

    highlighted in the highly publicized report,Rising Above the Gathering Storm which issued a

    series of recommendations to improve the state of science and math instruction (Committee on

    Prospering in the Global Economy of the 21st Century, 2007). One key recommendation was for

    educators to explore ways to enlarge the science pipeline of students who are prepared to enter

    college and graduate with degrees in science fields. Unfortunately, the recent update of this

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    report offers that our nations outlook has worsened and our overall public school system has

    shown little sign of improvement, particularly in mathematics and science (Committee on

    Prospering in the Global Economy of the 21st Century, 2010, p.4). These findings offer a bleak

    portrait of science education and poses important challenges to continue to engage in research to

    address these concerns.

    One important factor for enlarging the science pipeline is to address the demographic shifts

    in the United States which have altered the student population. The changing demographics in

    classrooms have forced teachers to reevaluate their teaching styles and to reconsider the learning

    styles of their students. Thus, teachers and educators need to continue to find ways to adapt

    curriculum and instruction to allow access and opportunities for success in science for the

    diverse population of students (Lee & Luykx, 2006). The diversification of classrooms poses a

    significant challenge to the historical roots of science as many scholars contend that science was

    written by and for White men (Barton & Yang, 2000; Harding, 1998; Gilbert & Calvert, 2003;

    Tobias, 1990). Although the mantra of science for all can be found in virtually all science

    reform documents, the achievement gaps and underrepresentation statistics demonstrate that

    science is still only being achieved by some.

    There is ample evidence of studies that have documented unequal access to science,

    especially for women and minority groups (Clewell & Campbell, 2002; Hubbard & Stage, 2009;

    Kim & Sax, 2009). Unfortunately, racism, sexism, and elitism continue to be problems which

    prevent or dissuade some groups of students from engagement in science and often position

    women and non-mainstream students as outsiders to the science community (Carlone, 2003;

    Eisenhart & Finkel, 1998; Hanson, 2006; Seymour & Hewitt, 1997). These inequalities appear to

    be a more critical factor for women of color, as gender and racial biases have led some science

    educators to suggest that minority women are at a double disadvantage because both factors

    appear to hinder their access to science (Clewell & Anderson, 1991; Cobb, 1993; Vining Brown,

    1994). Evidence is demonstrated by the lack of participation of these groups in science,

    technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) majors. The problem is exasperated for

    African American and Hispanic women who account for the most underrepresented groups. This

    fact is a pressing problem, as these two groups of women represent the two fastest growing

    minority populations in college (Baldwin, 2009; Hrabowski, 2003).

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    Despite progress to eliminate gender and racial inequities in science fields,

    underrepresentation of women and individuals of color continues to remain an important

    concern. Since colleges and universities are the final and perhaps most significant gatekeeper for

    science careers, attention to their efforts to provide access to a broad participation in science has

    been under scrutiny (Johnson, 2007; Stage & Hubbard, 2009). Statistical reports have

    documented that there continues to be an overrepresentation of White male students entering

    science, yet they are being outpaced by women of color in the college population (Lewis,

    Menzies, Njera, Page, 2009; NSF, 2009). This is problematic as it means that many students,

    most particularly women of color, continue to be underrepresented in science and related fields

    despite their increased presence in college programs (Hanson, Fuchs, Aisenbrey, & Kravets,

    2004; National Science Board, 2006; NSF, 2009). If minority women are to gain equitable access

    to science careers, then one avenue of research is learn from those students who are actively

    navigating science majors. In doing so, educators will be better able to understand the types of

    support or assistance will help to reverse these trends which seemingly push women of color out

    of science. In referring to the research on African American students in science fields, Bradford

    Lewis (2003) calls for a research agenda that will allow the field to gain a greater depth of

    understanding of the intricacies of underrepresentation (p. 369). The current study responds to

    Lewiss call by utilizing a qualitative approach which focuses on college students who are

    currently engaged in the struggle to continue to remain in science fields.

    Literature Review:

    The majority of the research examining science learning has been conducted through work

    with populations at the K-12 levels. This is important as it provides the foundation for gaps and

    discrepancies in learning which may carry into college level instruction. Early studies such as the

    one by Kahle and Lakes (1983) found that gender differences existed which favored boys

    participation in school science activities. In addition, they found that there was a science

    educational achievement discrepancy that favored boys at age 13 and 17. This results from this

    study prompted researchers to explore the reasons for these gender differences. Feminist scholars

    suggested that science and scientific inquiry have historically been male biased (Clewell &

    Anderson, 1991; Haraway, 1988; Harding, 2001) thus creating gender role stereotypes. The

    historical representation of science has traditionally been portrayed as White, male, and Western

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    (Lederman, 2003) and has consistently rejected women as equal participants in the community of

    science (Kahveci, Southerland, & Gilmer, 2007). In a commentary concerning the state of gender

    inequity in science, Muriel Lederman (2003) sums up many researchers views when she stated

    that the Norms of science instruction derive from the norms of science, and gender/equity is not

    a concern of science (p. 604). Further, she urges scientists and science educators to promote a

    science that is welcome to all types of people, regardless of gender, race, or ethnicity.

    The years following the Kahle and Lakes study led to an effort to understand and

    ameliorate gender bias in science. Toward that end, researchers suggested numerous potential

    explanations for gender disparities. These explanations include: decreased interest (Hanson &

    Johnson, 2000), lower grade school science achievement (Hazari, Tai, & Sadler, 2007; Kahle,

    2004), gender bias in testing (Davis, 1999), lower academic preparation (Miller, 2005), and test

    style differences (Hazel, Logan & Gallagher, 1997). The variety of explanations illustrates the

    number of complex factors which may dissuade female participation and completion in college

    science programs.

    A significant body of literature focused on high school as critical years for students because

    courses taken during these years often have a direct relationship to success in science majors

    (Astin & Astin, 1993; Crisp, Nora, & Taggert, 2009; Ethington & Wolfle, 1988). Recent surveys

    of high school females illustrate that they are less likely to take calculus and physics courses as

    compared to males (National Science Board, 2006). However, traditional trends have changed

    considerably during the past decade, with gendered patterns in course taking tendencies shifting.

    Recent statistics illustrate that females are now completing pre-calculus, trigonometry, chemistry

    and advanced biology at higher rates than males (National Science Board, 2006). This trend has

    not necessarily altered the imbalances at the collegiate levels, but these data dispel some of the

    myths that females are not taking enough science and math courses in high school.

    At the collegiate level, women constitute a disproportionately low proportion of science

    degree holders. Women have made tremendous gains in many science programs, most notably in

    biology and chemistry fields. However, women remain largely underrepresented in other STEM

    fields such as physics and engineering. In 2005, men earned the majority of bachelor degrees

    awarded by engineering (80%), computer sciences (78%), and physics (79%) programs (National

    Science Board, 2008). Thus, the progress for women in science has improved considerably;

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    however, there are still systematic barriers that seem to impede an equitable representation in all

    science fields.

    Confounding the concerns related to gender in science are the inequities based on race and

    ethnicity. These inequities are apparent in the National Assessment of Educational Progress

    (NAEP) data (National Center for Education Statistics, 2011). In terms of gender, the most

    recent results illustrate that males performed higher on the science assessments than females.

    When examining race and ethnicity, White students have consistently outperformed Black and

    Hispanic students for both males and females. The gap between White students and Black or

    Hispanic students continues to range between 26 and 35 points using the NAEP scaled scores.

    When comparing both gender and race, the data is more discouraging. Using the 2009 data, the

    gap between White males in12th

    grade (162) and Black females (123) demonstrates a 39 point

    gap. These findings at the pre-college level reveal that patterns of differential treatment for

    women and students of color in science likely begin prior to entry to college.

    One of the most important sources of lower achievement by students of color on

    standardized testing is because they are overrepresented in urban, low achieving, poverty

    stricken schools (Norman, Ault, Bentz, & Meskimen, 2001). As a result, students of color tend to

    take less stringent courses compared to their White peers and have historically been

    overrepresented in lower tracked science classes (Oakes, 1990). Opponents of tracking argue the

    surplus of evidence that tracking limits students educational pursuits. A consistent low track

    status leads to students graduating from high school without the prerequisite knowledge needed

    for quantitative science related fields. More importantly, as Singham (1998) highlights, remedial

    courses tend to promote low level thinking through rote memorization, which further hampers

    success in higher level science and math classes. In addition, research evidence supports the

    assertion that tracking practices are not based on student ability (Zuniga, Olson, & Winter,

    2005), and consequently, tracking is disproportionately effecting science students of color and

    subsequently leading to lower representation in science related fields (Gilbert & Yerrick, 2001;

    Oakes, 1990; Rascoe & Atwater, 2005).

    Okhee Lees work with diverse student populations suggests there are additional cultural

    differences that exist among students from differing racial or ethnic backgrounds. She advocates

    that researchers and educators must consider the growing body of literature (Lee, Deaktor, Hart,

    Cuevas, & Enders, 2005; Lee, 2003; Moje, Collazo, Carillo, & Marx, 2001; Rodriguez, &

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    Berryman, 2002) indicating that there is a mismatch between a students cultural knowledge and

    the science discourse commonly found in schools. Evidence of cultural incongruence implies

    that differences are related to attitudes, interest, and motivation in science. Educators have

    investigated how cultural congruity may be a salient factor for underrepresented groups and their

    participation in college science.

    In 1996, Gloria and Kurpius created a cultural congruity scale to examine college

    completion and persistence factors for Hispanic students. They found that positive cultural

    congruity was a strong predictor of academic persistence in college for Chicano/a students.

    Using this same instrument, studies have validated this finding with Hispanic students (Gloria,

    Castellanos, & Orozco, 2005) as well as with Hispanic students who are majoring in science

    fields (Cole & Espinoza, 2008). No studies have utilized this instrument with African American

    students; however, given the research referenced above, it is likely that these same cultural

    incongruities exist within this group of students.

    The inequities in science for students of color become most apparent when examining the

    numbers of these students graduating with science degrees at Unites States colleges and

    universities. According to the National Science Foundation report Women, Minorities and

    Persons with Disabilities Science and Engineering (2007), underrepresented minorities (defined

    as Blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans) only accounted for less than 16% of all science and

    engineering bachelor degrees awarded in 2004, yet this group of students accounts for 30% of

    college enrollment. These statistics indicate a pressing problem because of the projected growth

    of students of color entering college. Estimates suggest that by year 2050, the current minority

    groups will collectively represent a majority of the United States population (U.S. Census

    Report, 2008). The largest increases will occur in the Hispanic and African American

    populations, both which currently represent a small fraction of all science degrees awarded.

    The underrepresentation problem is compounded when examining data of the number of

    women of color who are attaining science degrees. Using the data from the Women, Minorities

    and Persons with Disabilities Science and Engineering (NSF, 2007, 2009) reports, it can be

    calculated that African American women only represented 5.4% of science degree recipients in

    2004. This discrepancy is even worse for Hispanic women who account for only 4.1% of science

    degree recipients. By comparing the degree recipient data with the college representation

    statistics it is found that African American women are 29.9% underrepresented in science degree

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    recipients and this number is 39.7% for Hispanic women. These findings illustrate that despite

    attempts to increase broader participation in science fields, African American and Hispanic

    women are still far from attaining equal participation in science.

    Theoretical Framework:

    Studies of the persistence of college students gained prominence in the 1970s with the goal

    of understanding the factors influencing students to complete college degrees. Much of the early

    research was conducted with White students, and later in the 1980s was replicated with students

    of color. In the early 1970s, William Spady (1971) investigated the different academic predictors

    that fostered assimilation into the collegiate environment and degree completion. His model

    utilized academic ability factors such as SAT scores, courses taken and high school grades, but

    also incorporated issues such as student relationships with peers and social integration.

    Modifications to this model come from Tinto (1993), who designed and revised a series of

    quantitative predictive models.Tinto suggested that background variables (e.g. family, peers) in

    students lives were much larger factors contributing to persistence than originally expected. His

    posited that these background variables influence social integration experiences differently,

    consequently leading to different outcomes. Tinto noted that the more frequently students are

    involved in shared experiences, both academically and socially, the more likely they will be

    motivated to learn.

    William Tierney (1997) challenged the notion that all students need to be assimilated into

    the current culture of the school in order to achieve success. He argued that students may not

    have cultural congruence with the college community because of their own unique cultural

    views. Cultural incongruence with college life would be exasperated when combined with

    reported cultural discrepancies with some students and science (Cole & Espinoza, 2008; Lee,

    2003; Moje, Collazo, Carillo, & Marx, 2001; Rodriguez, & Berryman, 2002).

    The evolution of persistence studies have continued to rely on quantitative measures but

    have shifted toward understanding factors which influence minority student retention. This is

    likely a response to the data which illustrates that students of color have consistently achieved

    lower graduation rates when compared to their White peers (Snyder & Dillow, 2010). Hurtado

    and Carters (1997) research established that minority students have a more difficult time

    adjusting and integrating into college life. This lack of adjustment often corresponded to the type

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    of racial climate found on the college campus. The climate, coupled with an absence of social

    and peer support for minority students appears to influence a students sense of belonging. A

    strong sense of belonging has been found to be prominent factor for students of color (Johnson et

    al., 2007) with a low measure being linked to departure from college for minority students (Cole

    & Espinoza, 2008). Nora, Barlow and Crisp (2005) contributed to the persistence literature by

    exploring additional factors that may have more bearing on students from lower income families

    as well as for first generation and minority students. Financial factors, family support and

    campus climate were given a more prominent place in their most recent study of persistence.

    Sylvia Hurtado and colleagues (2007) built on prior work to create the most current college

    persistence model which incorporates minority students while also focusing on science fields.

    Using data from the Higher Education Research Institutes 2004 Cooperative Institutional

    Research Program, Freshman Survey, and the 2005Your First College Year Survey, they

    explored the key factors influencing a science students transition into college and persistence

    strategies. Their findings revealed many similarities to Tintos, Hurtado and Carters, and Nora,

    Barlow and Crisps models, and likewise suggested that numerous factors contribute to

    persistence. However, what is unique to Hurtados model is that it combines the most salient

    persistence factors found from science students with factors that may be unique to

    underrepresented groups. In addition, this work from Hurtado and her more recent studies have

    demonstrated an important combination of key factors allowing for an examination of individual,

    social, and structural factors which influence a students continuation in science programs of

    study (Hurtado, Eagan, Cabrera, Lin, Park & Lopez, 2008; Hurtado, Cabrera, Lin, Arellano &

    Espinosa, 2009). One weakness in this and previous persistence models is the reliance on

    quantitative measures taken from survey instruments. While quantitative models may be helpful

    to understand the key factors which lead to persistence, researchers also need to consider how

    unique individual factors and experiences may be important contributors at an individual scale.

    The theoretical lens used in this study employs a qualitative framework of science

    persistence based on the work by Hurtado and colleagues (2007). Since Hurtados persistence

    model has been designed to address students of color and has been utilized with populations of

    students majoring in science fields, it offers the most comprehensive framework to guide studies

    of persistence of women of color in science majors. Hurtados findings on persistence factors

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    (e.g., family background, social support, college environmental factors) guide the understanding

    of how the women were influenced to persist in their science majors.

    The research question which guided this study was: What factors of underrepresented women of

    color influence their persistence in science majors?


    Participant recruitment

    This study used a qualitative framework to understand what experiences and factors provide

    support for women of color who major in a science field. Sixteen undergraduate women of color

    who were currently or previously majoring in a science field were recruited to participate in the

    study. Participants were recruited from two cohorts of students engaged in academic activities at

    a large northeastern state university (State University). State University is a predominantly White

    institution and serves as the flagship university and main campus for the state. The first group of

    six participants was recruited during their participation in a summer science research program at

    State University. Students in this group only attended the summer program at State University

    and were otherwise enrolled in colleges in the southern part of the United States, most of which

    were small historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs). The aim of the summer

    program was to bring students of color to State University and create opportunities to engage in

    research projects with STEM faculty for sophomore, junior and senior students. The faculty

    directors of the summer program were approached to seek permission to speak to program

    participants during one of their seminars. After a short presentation of the research, contact

    information was provided for interested individuals. Six individuals provided contact

    information and agreed to participate in the study.

    A second group of participants were recruited from students who were enrolled full time at

    State University. State University had recently begun a small support program for

    underrepresented students enrolled in STEM majors. Contact was made with the director of thisprogram which resulted in opportunities to offer various workshops to program participants

    concerning science career options. It was through these interactions that potential participants

    were informed of the ongoing study. Ten individuals demonstrated interest and were

    subsequently recruited to participate. The final participant pool consisted of sixteen women who

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    were sophomores, juniors or seniors in college. Of the sixteen participants, seven indicated they

    were African American, seven as Latina, one as Haitian, and one as African.

    Data collection

    The primary source of data was collected through the use of a three-phase, in-depth

    interview protocol as described by Seidman (2006). All participants were individually

    interviewed twice using a semi-structured protocol which focused on their experiences with

    science. These interviews lasted between 60 to 120 minutes. The interviews were captured on a

    digital voice recorder and transcribed verbatim from this source. The first interview focused on

    high school experiences in science with an emphasis on family, social, school, and cultural

    factors that participants deemed important to them. This interview also elicited a family history

    of schooling and employment. The emphasis of the second interview was the participants

    science experiences while in college, including their aspirations after they completed their

    degree. Participants were asked to reflect on factors that have been influential to their persistence

    in a science major. Toward an effort to eliminate a presumption of support factors, students were

    asked broad questions related to support. These included a) What encouragement,

    discouragement, and/or support for science had you received prior to and during college, b) Who

    has this support come from, c) What encouragement, discouragement, or support have you

    received for your pursuit for a science major, d) What experiences have you encountered that

    have supported your pursuit in science, and e) What do you perceive as positive support for your

    persistence in science?

    In addition to individual interviews, participants engaged in one informal focus group which

    consisted of four to six students. The purpose of these was to provide an additional opportunity

    for the participants to discuss some of the themes that had emerged during the individual

    interviews. Since the participants are were women of color in science majors, individuals were

    asked to share any experiences with science that have been influential to their engagement in

    science majors. The unstructured format of the focus group provided an additional opportunity to

    gather information and to add to the trustworthiness of the data through triangulation.

    After completion of the interviews, participants were asked to choose a pseudonym for use

    in the transcripts. After transcription was completed, each participant was given a copy of the

    transcript to review. They were asked to comment, elaborate, clarify, or modify their transcript.

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    This also allowed for triangulation of the data. All additional comments from the students were

    added to their interview transcripts. The coding of the data was performed by using the various

    persistence factors presented in Hurtados (2007) framework to initially guide the coding and

    new codes were created when different factors emerged. Once coding was complete, the data

    was reviewed through repeated readings to identify the frequency, omission, and/or declaration

    of emergent themes (LeCompte, 2000). This was done through constant comparative analysis

    (Glaser & Strauss, 1967), where the data was compared with the themes as they began to


    In order to create a more complete academic portrait of each participant, students were asked

    to supply information pertaining to their high school and college course taking patterns. During

    the interviews, students were prompted for information concerning their high school background

    and courses taken. In addition, each participant was asked to provide a copy of their current

    college transcript. Using the transcripts, the college courses completed, and grade point averages

    for science and math were determined. These data allowed for contextual information pertaining

    to participants academic success and persistence in college. In addition, the academic data

    provided additional insights and support for triangulation of the interview data.


    All sixteen women in this study began their college careers intending to major in one of the

    natural science fields (biology, chemistry, and physics). Of the sixteen, fourteen of the women

    remained in a natural science major or in a related field at the time of this study. The two

    students who left the natural sciences began as biology majors, but switched to psychology. The

    goal of this section is to uncover the various factors the women offered for their persistence in

    pursuit of a science degree. Through this analysis, elements of support, deterrence, and barriers

    to success were uncovered, however, only the elements of support were the focus of this inquiry.

    Participants nominated many common themes which they believed corresponded with supportand persistence factors for their continuation in science majors. The most prominent themes

    included academic preparation for college science, faculty support, importance of high school

    and college science experiences, family support, science support programs, altruistic beliefs and

    the importance of religion.

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    Academic Preparation for College Science

    The focus of several interview questions was to determine how well the women felt they

    were prepared for college level science. Students were asked to share their experiences and

    discuss their achievements along with the difficulties they encountered during high school. The

    belief of most women in the study was that they felt adequately prepared for college science.

    The majority of the participants claimed they did very well in their high school science classes

    and enjoyed the courses they took. This is not surprising, as a lack of success in high school

    would have steered the women away from science prior to arrival at college . These experiences

    with science would have provided an important foundation which contributed to success in early

    college science coursework. The high school science experiences that participants nominated as

    important contributors to academic preparation included the number and level of science courses

    completed, involvement with science related extracurricular activities, and participation in

    service related activities.

    All the participants were able to explain some element of their high school experiences

    which contributed to an interest and preparation in science. Jenn, a participant who attended a

    typical urban high school, shared that she was fortunate enough to have taken a number of

    advanced science classes, including Advanced Placement courses. It was in classes like these

    where she was able to be surrounded by peers who were also interested in science careers. This

    provided a positive environment that allowed her to thrive academically. Of the pre-college

    experiences, the participation in Advanced Placement (AP) coursework was a common academic

    factor among participants. Of the sixteen participants, seven reported that they had taken an AP

    course in a math or science discipline.

    Penelope, who attended a private high school, discussed the positive influence of the

    Advanced Placement curriculum. I took AP and we had a really strong course, but it got me

    used to the teaching methods the Lincoln school really prepared me for college. There were no

    surprises when I came [to college]. For Penelope, the rigors that are associated with Advanced

    Placement work prepared her for the level of work expected in typical college courses. Several

    women attended high schools that maintained programs with State University which allowed

    certain high level courses to count toward college credit. Delia was one who benefited from this

    program and explained that it was a great benefit that some of her high school coursework

    converted to college credit at State University. Delia attended a suburban high school and

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    explained What happened was my AP biology class counted as State University credit as well.

    So I didnt end up taking the AP biology exam because I had the credit, because I was coming to

    State University. When she arrived at college freshman year, she had already accrued 33 credits

    because of her AP courses and the college credit program. Danora, who attended a rural public

    high school, described a similar situation where she was awarded a number of college credits

    upon entry at State University. She stated, They (her school) had an honors level and I always

    took honors classes. That helped me a lot because I came here with 24 credits already. For the

    women who were able to take rigorous courses during their high school years, their experiences

    provided them with the requisite background knowledge and expectations required to navigate

    through the early critical years in science majors. Specifically, those who took advanced and AP

    coursework recognized how the rigors of the curriculum helped prepare them for the high

    expectations needed for college science. In addition, those who received college credit during

    high school believed that this gave them a head start during their freshman year of college.

    The students who did not have access to Advanced Placement or higher level courses often

    reported a different perspective on their academic preparation. Carmens experiences with high

    school science and math coursework were not productive for her college preparation in science

    fields. She attended a large, inner city school with a minority population of over 90% and served

    students from low SES backgrounds. She shared,

    The biology when I took was horrible because it was biology for the bilingual cluster. It was

    given by a professor who didnt know biology. He wasnt a biology teacher. And it was only

    in a classroom, no lab experience. It was just the book and thats all. I have chemistry and

    physics on my transcript but I dont think it goes beyond whats in the transcript, because

    the classes were a joke, we didnt learn anything. We just did the basics.

    In Carmens situation, her language ability placed her in some lower level classes. Despite doing

    well in these classes, she reported that she learned very little. The picture she describes of her

    school and teachers does not portray a sense of academic rigor to prepare students for future

    success. In her case, she didnt originally gain access to a four year college, and took classes at a

    community college for two years in order to gain admission to State University. At the time of

    the interviews, she was in her fifth year of undergraduate schooling.

    Cleopatra, who attended the same school as Jenn, did not take any Advanced Placement

    classes and reported a different experience in her schooling. She explained that that she did well

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    in her courses but did not feel challenged. This influenced her experiences at college. She


    I came [to college] and I felt that I wasnt prepared. I felt like everybody was up here

    [pointing high] and I was down here somewhere [pointing low], kind of lost. I remember my

    freshman year [of college], my biology class, the first exam I got a 40. I read the whole book

    and I stayed up all night studying. In high school, I was a high honors student, so when I

    came here it was kind of shocking.

    Cleopatras experiences in high school seem to have more in common with what Carmen

    reported than what Jenn offered, despite attending the same high school. Since Cleopatra was

    placed in lower level classes and did not take any Advanced Placement or college credit eligible

    courses, she was unable to gain the academic preparation that may have been experienced by

    others. It is not unusual to hear college students talk about their difficult adjustment to college;

    however in the case of some students, it seems that the adjustment was primarily based on the

    level of content knowledge and rigor experienced during high school. Highlighting the previous

    examples, Jenn , Penelope, Delia and Danora took rigorous high school courses and had

    experienced a smooth and successful transition to college. However for Carmen and Cleopatra,

    they did not take the same level of rigorous high school coursework and this corresponded with

    more challenging transitions to the demands of college science. Evidence of their bumpy

    transition was apparent from their interviews, but also from an examination of their college

    transcripts. Their science grade point averages (Cleopatra 2.4, Carmen 1.8) illustrated that they

    encountered difficulties with their college coursework and in some cases, even repeating courses.

    The majority of participants provided details concerning extracurricular activities which

    supported their pursuits in science during their high school years. While extracurricular activities

    may not offer the academic rigor attained by coursework, the experiences with science would

    have enhanced and promoted interest and motivation. The three most referenced activities were

    participation in a) high school science clubs, b) high school science fairs, and c) science service

    related activities. Participants explained how these activities increased their interests and

    provided opportunities to engage with real life science. The level of academic advancement

    offered by these experiences varied, but membership was high for this group of participants.

    Participation in a science club may have given the students some added content knowledge, but

    more importantly, it would have likely contributed to increased self-confidence, interest, and

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    exposure to a wider range of science activities than would have been possible in the typical


    Science fairs and science clubs provide opportunities for students to expand their science

    knowledge beyond the day-to-day curriculum. One key attribute that students acknowledged was

    how these type activities helped them feel like they were a part of science. Jenn shared an

    experience with the science fair during eighth grade when she worked on a science fair project.

    We came in second in our category, in the entire city. That in itself was a huge

    accomplishment. I used to think science was only for a certain type of people. But here my

    best friend and I, who are African American girls, won second place to a Hispanic boy, in

    our category. That in itself was really good.

    The recognition that a woman of color could be successful in science was an important

    revelation to Jenn and she expressed pride in this. In addition, the experience of being successful

    in science at a district level offered her encouragement that she could continue to be successful in


    In some cases, participants also assumed leadership roles in extracurricular science

    programs. Renae explained that when she was in high school, there was no science club, so she

    took the initiative to start one with a faculty sponsor.

    I would put [information about the club] in the bulletin and newspaper and I would go

    around to each homeroom class. We did different fundraisers, different awareness in

    different months and we did one successful walk for cervical cancer. We went to an

    elementary school and we did little experiments, like vinegar and baking soda. The kids

    were like wow, science is cool!

    In this case, Renae was able to utilize her interest in science to develop leadership skills while

    promoting science within her school and into the broader community. In addition, her

    involvement in this science club would have given her recognition as someone who was being

    successful in science while also providing service to the community.

    Science related service experiences were prominent activities for many of the participants

    who began these activities during high school and continued them through college. Service

    activities allow students the opportunity to interact with people who work in potential future

    professions. Volunteering at a hospital or clinic would give access to professionals engaged with

    science. These experiences can lead to networking and more advanced opportunities to interact

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    with science.McLean was heavily involved with service activities at her high school and she

    strengthened her science interest with service for others. She described her experience in a CNA

    (certified nursing assistant) program where she volunteered at a nursing home.

    The CNA experience really helped. If you want to be in the medical field you have to be a

    people person. You have to love people, you have to have that passion to help others and I

    think that helped me. Just caring for others and serving them, actually feeling like I am

    making a difference.

    Her last thought demonstrates how she felt that this experience allowed her to feel closer to

    science while making a difference in the lives of others.

    Helen, whose goal is to become a veterinarian, spent one summer during high school

    working in an animal hospital. This was an important opportunity for her to learn more about a

    veterinarians work. She stated,

    I worked at an animal hospital during the summer. The feedback I got from the vet I got

    support from him, and he said I was a really great help. That was supportive...The summer

    before my senior year, hearing from somebody who is already established, he has his own

    practice and everything, and hearing him say that I did a good job and stuff like that.

    Clearly this experience provided a great deal of positive reinforcement for Helen and was a

    typical response from those who engaged in these types of service activities. Not only did these

    opportunities help increase an understanding of the science professions, but more importantly

    provided positive feedback that contributed to support the continued desire toward science

    careers. Since many of these programs were linked with their high schools, it illustrates that the

    students schools provided important out-of-class science opportunities which allowed students

    to become more fully engaged with science.

    Support from Faculty

    I had really great teachers, all my science. I can definitely say it was teachers. This is how

    teachers helped me, any time I was struggling, different ways of learning science Helen

    Helens opening quote illustrates a common theme concerning the students high school

    science teachers. For the majority of the women in this study, there was the belief that the

    support of the students high school science teachers served as an important reason for their

    interests in science. This theme was consistent across the participants as each one reported at

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    least one science teacher that provided motivation, support, or inspiration to pursue science as a

    career choice.

    McLean described having a number of high school teachers that pushed her toward science.

    She explained They just really encouraged me. I need someone to just tell me, I can do this.

    Sometimes I get discouraged and need someone to tell me you can do this, look at all of the

    potential that you have. In addition, McLean explained that her principal was also a very

    important person who provided support and guidance. McLean described the high school

    environment as like a family, providing a source for motivation to pursue science during high


    A few women described how some science teachers suggested science as a career path early

    in their high school careers. Participants explained that the teachers who encouraged them to

    pursue science were particularly influential and often gave them guidance and advice. Penelope

    explained that she had two science teachers that encouraged her purse science.

    My AP biology teacher, of course, was like, go into science. I remember my chemistry

    teacher, she came to talk to me and was like, you should definitely think of something with

    science because, she said the way I conducted labs and how I studied and I did well.

    The women who reported influential high school science teachers often discussed how they

    reinforced the notion that they were capable of being successful in potential science professions.

    Recognition by ones teachers would provide a boost in self-esteem and could catapult one into a

    future career in science.

    In contrast to the highly supportive nature provided by the high school science teachers,

    college science faculty were not universally described as supportive by the participants in this

    study. There was a wide variation about how college science faculty provided support for

    continuing in a science major. Marie believed the support imparted by faculty in her department

    was valuable. One advantage for Marie was that the physics department at State University was

    relatively small. In contrast to students in biology who regularly reported class sizes of over 200,

    Maries largest classes were only 30 students. Class size may be one key contributor to the

    perception that physics faculty were more helpful as there would be less competition for the

    teachers attention in class. She explained that they were supportive, The professors definitely

    .Professors, in terms of oh keep with the class. If youre struggling, they will always try to

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    help. They are really good about that. When I asked for an example she described what

    happened following a poor performance on a recent exam.

    I failed a quantum exam. The professor is really really good about that. He is letting me

    retake it. See, a very understanding professor (laughs). I did not even ask him. I said, I

    need to talk to you about this. He said, I know, I know you can do better on this.

    Marie articulates that not only was this professor supportive, but he also knew her. Since he

    knew who she was and understood her capabilities, this would offer confidence that there are

    faculty who are looking out for her best interests.

    At State University, several of the women spoke highly of their chemistry professors. Ivette

    explained that my chemistry professor is very supportive about help and assistance. He has very

    long office hours for many days. He is very good at helping. Jenn concurred and added, I did

    really well in [chemistry] and I loved the teacher, he was an awesome teacher. He was just an

    awesome person just one of the kindest people that you would meet. Their high praise for this

    teacher is significant because State University has two chemistry education faculty who are

    devoted to improving chemistry outcomes in the introductory level courses.

    In other cases, students described experiences when science faculty were unsupportive.

    Carmen described difficulty she had in meeting with science professors for help.

    When I go to the classes, its about the material. You have to learn it, and you have to come

    back next week and we just go over it and thats it. Some professors say that these are my

    office hours, but if you want to talk to me, make an appointment. Some professors just have

    them once a week and they say they are busy and have research and have graduate

    students. I think that limits their time. That also limits the time they spend for the undergrads

    and the students in their classes.

    The reality of attending a research intensive university is that often professors are busy with non-

    teaching duties. Carmen explained that she frequently looked for professors after classes and had

    trouble meeting with some of them because of their busy schedules. Many participants believed

    that the inaccessibility of professors also led to a less supportive environment in the classroom.

    In addition, it was common for participants to describe their science courses as extremely


    Danora described a similar concern when she articulated that I have not really got much

    support from teachers. I asked her if this was specific to science faculty and she shared:

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    Science teachers are really hard to get to know them, when you are in a lecture hall of 300. I

    get to know my TAs more than I know my professors. Right now in chemistry, if I have any

    questions, I go ask my chemistry TA. I have never gone to talk to my professor one on one.

    Delia described that she had particular difficulty creating relationships with her science faculty.

    In the natural sciences, I find it is hard, it is really hard to do that. I dont have an

    established rapport or relationships with my physics professor or my organic chemistry

    professor. It is just not there. And the classes are so huge. Its not really conducive to

    creating that type of relationship.

    Delia also confided that she believed that the pressure to succeed in the science classes created

    an unhealthy competition and she did not like what she described as the cutthroat competition

    in the classes. Many participants echoed this assertion and some explained that they considered

    leaving science because of the overly competitive nature. While faculty certainly contribute to

    the competitive atmosphere, the lack of faculty accessibility and support may be partially

    explained by the multiple responsibilities that science faculty face. Fighting for funding,

    demands of graduate students, and the pressure to publish may force them to put teaching as a

    lower priority. The examples also demonstrate that many of the participants were actively

    looking for opportunities to connect with their teachers, but were finding barriers to this

    occurring. In addition, the reports of very large introductory classes and the description of the

    competitive nature of these courses may inhibit the type of teacher support which participants

    experienced during high school. Not all college faculty were unsupportive, but it was clear that

    there was a significant difference between the supportive environment felt in high school

    compared to what many experienced in college. It is logical to assume that many potential

    scientists do not find this environment supportive and thus leave science for other majors where

    they find the environment more supportive. The two participants who left biology majors

    described how they felt that the faculty in psychology were more approachable and the

    environment was more supportive to their future careers.

    College Science Experiences

    The majority of the students in this study had engaged in some type of out of class science

    experiences during their time at college. The most common experience reported were formal or

    informal research experiences with science faculty. Since six of the students attended the

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    summer science research program at State University, this finding was not unexpected; however,

    independent work with science faculty, medical personnel, or scientists had occurred for many of

    the women who had not participated in the summer program. The research experience during the

    summer program at State University appeared to be especially valuable for the women who

    attended Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). These students explained that

    they had very few research opportunities at their schools because their colleges did not have the

    faculty or the faculties to support student research. Thus, they described their attendance at the

    summer research program (SRP) as critical for them. Lana Cassidy, who attended a small HBCU

    explained, This experience [summer program] has been amazingI had never done any intense

    research until now and I really enjoy it. So I think this was beneficial to help steer me to what I

    want to do. This comment typifies how important the SRP was to those who had come from


    Renae, who also attended an HBCU, explained that she had no research opportunities at her

    college but recognized how critical these types of experiences were to her future participation in


    I know a lot of graduate schools, if you do not have research experience, than you basically

    dont have anything. They look at your application. Research experience, none, okay, so it is

    going to hurt, so I think yes it [research experience] is key.

    The other students attending HBCUs explained that their local colleges encouraged them to look

    for outside opportunities to attain research experience. Without this, the students would be at a

    disadvantage for graduate school admissions. More importantly, they would not have the same

    experiences as their peers who attended larger state universities. This would place them at a

    disadvantage for future participation in science, ultimately closing the pipeline to many science


    All the students who attended State University would potentially have opportunities to

    engage in science research through the programs offered at the school; however it would require

    their efforts to uncover these opportunities. The universal view was that these experiences were

    critical to their future careers in science fields. In addition, participants discussed how these

    experiences offered unique networking opportunities and were critical for future endeavors in

    science. Carmen explained I think connections are very useful. [I will] be able to have that

    experience for my resume and my personal statement. Other students recognized that without

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    these research opportunities they would be at a disadvantage. Most underclasswomen, regardless

    of institution, would not have had opportunities to work in research labs at this point during their

    college career. However, most of the sophomores in this study had already reported some type of

    science experience outside of their college campuses. A few of the women had volunteered at

    hospitals as a way to become more acquainted with the lives of doctors. Penelope was fortunate

    to have traveled to Ecuador during the last summer and volunteered in a dental clinic. She

    described the importance of her trip, I went to Ecuador, I went to the clinic and I saw a lot of

    poverty. I dont even know I cant put it into words. Just seeing so much, and thats why I

    want to go into the sciences.

    Ivette recently volunteered at a dental clinic and described her experience. I did a volunteer

    thing that was amazing. They have a bunch of volunteer dentists that come in and work on

    patients for absolutely free. Some people were waiting out there all night. Experiences such as

    ones reported by Penelope and Ivvette demonstrate the instances where first-hand science

    experiences allowed them to vision themselves in future profession, while at the same time

    making important networking connections in the science community. In addition, in both cases,

    the women explained how these experiences strengthened their commitments and both have

    indicated that they will continue volunteering in the coming years. Unfortunately, a few of the

    participants had not engaged in any substantial college science experiences outside of

    coursework. In two cases, the women mentioned that they were actively seeking out

    opportunities for the coming summer. It is unclear how much the lack of these opportunities

    would hinder the individuals persistence in science fields, but the women did understand that

    there is a premium placed on these types of opportunities for their success in future science


    Family Support

    The support offered by family has traditionally been an influential factor for completion of

    college degrees. Most persistence models, including Hurtados framework, suggest family is an

    important push or pull factor that can lend support for students completion of college degrees.

    The view is that students often rely on family for support, however in some cases, family

    responsibilities can interfere with school achievement. In this study, the overwhelming majority

    of students indicated that their major support for continuing in their science programs came from

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    their families. Since the range of family experiences varied across the women, there were several

    types of support that the students reported.

    General Family Support

    Ten participants in this study will become the first college graduate in their family. Many of

    these women explained that although their parents did not have the knowledge about higher

    education, they were very influential as they provided encouragement and support for them

    completing their college degrees. The common sentiment regarding family support is typified in

    Maries explanation that they support me to do it. They are like, whatever makes you happy.

    Families like Maries, had little experience with college, and even fewer families had any science

    experience, thus they often just wanted to see their daughter attain a college degree, regardless of

    field. In another example, Renae, also a first generation college student described her family


    I have a strong family background, they dont know anything about the sciences, but they

    know this is something that I want to do and they are there, and they are supportive. And if I

    get discouraged, theyre there to remind me why I started.

    This sentiment was also described by Lana Cassidy, also a first generation college student who

    explained that her mom and grandmother were major sources of motivation and support. We are

    really close and they are just so positive about my education. Just as far as them being

    supportive, that is what keeps me motivated, continues to push me. None of these three women

    had parents that pushed them toward science; rather the motivation and encouragement was more

    general in nature.

    A few women did have family members who had graduated from college and those

    members were able to provide added guidance and support to the women. In addition, a few

    women did have family members who were in science. These family members provided further

    guidance for these women. Delia, whose mother was an ICU nurse, garnered additional support

    about her studies because of her mothers experiences. Delia described experiences with her

    mother when she saw her in action as a nurse. Her description of having science as a constant in

    life was likely created because of her mothers background in science. Some participants were

    fortunate to have had siblings who were involved with science majors and science careers. The

    advantage of having a family member in science to turn to for advice and support would be a

    luxury for any student but particularly for one who is underrepresented in the science fields.

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    Penelope described an experience with her older brother, who graduated with a biological

    sciences degree. She stated,

    He went through it, he took the organic [chemistry] and everything, so he helps tooI see

    that he likes his job. I remember him coming home from college being so overwhelmed

    with so much work. But then, he really helps me and nags me to go into the sciences.

    Danoras older brother did not specifically study medicine, but he was working in a military

    career in the medical field. She explained that her parents often asked her why dont you go in

    to science field like her brother had done. Danora described how her brothers experiences

    motivated her to persist toward a science career. She noted I saw my brother. He was doing

    things medical oriented. He helped deliver babies, and I thought that was the coolest thing ever. I

    wanted to do something like that. For Delia, Penelope and Danora, these women had immediate

    family members to share in their struggles and be supportive because they knew the rigors of the

    major. In the case of Penelope and Danora, these womens brothers served as advisors to help

    them navigate and succeed in their science fields.

    Although the majority of the participants had aspirations to become a doctor, none of the

    students had family members that were doctors. Thus, it was interesting that so many of the

    students became motivated to enter the medical profession. A number of women described

    strong support for the goal of becoming a doctor. A small group of participants shared that there

    was strong familial support for entering medical careers because of the perceived status of being

    a doctor. Danora reported that her parents were strong supporters of her interest in science and

    also explained her perception of the reasons for this support. She shared some of her fathers

    remarks. He was like oh youre going to graduate, and youre going to be a doctor, and this is

    what youre going to do and I will buy your car. Danora was asked if she knew why he was

    focused on her becoming a doctor and she explained I dont know. I dont know if it was a

    dream of his to be a doctor, but I dont think so. But I think he just wants to say, This is my

    daughter, she is the doctor.

    Ivette expressed a similar sentiment when she stated that her parents are definitely a fan of

    the doctor. She also explained that her mother was very interested in how students of color were

    advancing in education. In general, Ivette believed that everyone wants their kids to be a

    doctor and this might be particularly the case for parents who have no other relatives who are in

    that profession. A few other students articulated that their families believed any career in science

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    was a great white-collar career and attaining this type of job would make their families proud.

    In addition, participants explained that the family support to pursue science careers was a major

    motivation to continue to persist in their majors.

    It is important to note that the Latina students reported a much higher parental interest in

    their daughters pursuit of careers in medicine. Only one of the African American women

    reported a parent who described interest in their children becoming a doctor, yet this was a

    common finding in the Latina women. Based on these reports, it appears that there is a

    racial/cultural difference on the importance of entering the medical profession. With the

    examples of Latina women being advised to pursue medical careers from their families, it is

    possible that Hispanic families place a higher importance on the status of medical professions.

    Not all the participants described supportive family environments for their pursuit of science

    careers. Charlotte described a lack of support from her family. She added

    I have no family supporting my decision to be a doctor. As long as I got into college, that is

    good enough. Compared to my roommate, we had the same major, but her aunt is a doctor.

    So she has that family background that is her motivation and there is that much support

    for her, compared to me who didnt have that much support.

    Charlottes father died prior to her entry into college and she was primarily raised by her mother.

    In addition, she did not have older siblings to rely on for support and her move to American from

    Africa fractured some of her extended family. This case illustrates the need for someone - a

    teacher, advisor, mentor - to reach out to students, such as Charlotte, to provide the necessary

    support. Possibly, if Charlotte had this assistance, she would have continued to pursue a biology

    degree instead of switching to the social sciences.

    Dorothy also described a lack of parental support and likewise switched out of biology to a

    social science major. She explained that the lack of understanding about the rigor of science

    majors hampered her parents ability to support her. She shared,

    They dont know what research is, so its hard to go in that field because my family in not

    really familiar with it. I try to explain it to my mom, but she still doesnt understand. So

    that can be discouraging too, that there are not a lot of people, role models or people to

    look up to.

    The lack of family support for pursuit of degrees in science may not determine ones persistence,

    but it appears to be influential. Both Charlotte and Dorothy decided not to pursue medical school

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    and both switched out of their biology major. Absence of family support appears to have

    influenced their decision, although additional factors most likely contributed to the two students

    choice to depart from their original science pursuits. Several other students in the study did not

    describe explicit family support for the pursuit of science, and yet they continued on. It is clear

    that parents did not need to have knowledge of science careers to offer guidance, but those who

    stressed sciences importance were able to provide more support.

    Maternal Support

    The participants discussed the influence of the maternal parent with a much higher

    frequency than the paternal parent. Since all of the students in this study were women, the role of

    the mother may be something that is natural; however, the frequency with which the women

    discussed their maternal parent was distinct. Some women described how they could turn to their

    mothers for understanding. Jayne described how her mother would provide words of

    encouragement. She stated with my mom, I can sit there and cry. She will say you can do it,

    so thats why I think my mom is my biggest support system. Likewise, Dorothy explained that

    her mother was an important person she could always rely upon. My mom was always there for

    me if I needed anything. With school work, she was just always there for me. Anytime I had

    different accomplishments, she would tell me how proud she was. So that was very helpful.

    Charlottes mother was integral because after her fathers passing, she had nobody else to

    turn to. Her mother also recognized that education was critical to her daughters success.

    Charlotte offered the following description of her mothers support:

    She is a really hard-working, but she never had this opportunity. She always made us see

    what life would be like if you dont do well in school. That was the motivation for me, to

    just do better. She would tell us what is out there, if you dont get an education. I have a lot

    of family that dropped out of school, if I dont do well in school youll end up like them.

    Both Dorothy and Charlotte had mothers that supported them, but also pushed them to attain the

    type of education that their family had not been able to achieve.

    The possibility for a brighter future resulting from academic success was common when the

    women talked about their mothers. Some participants explained that their mothers had not been

    able to attain their own goals when they were younger. Cleopatra explained that her mother had

    made sacrifices to care for her as a child. She though she wanted to be a nurse. She made a

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    sacrifice to stay home because she knew a nurses shift She has just been there for me

    throughout this whole journey. She calls me every day trying to encourage me. Penelope

    shared that her family had come from such poverty in Honduras and the stories that her mother

    shared motivated her to do her best to take advantage of the opportunities that her mother didnt


    All of the women above described how they relied on their mothers for support and

    motivation to continue to persist in college and their science majors. It is unclear why the women

    did not readily mention paternal support as the interview questions did not target one parent over

    the other. However, it does illustrate a distinction in the way the students viewed their familial

    support. Since the maternal parent was a more important to support persistence, it is important to

    recognize how this dynamic may be more critical for women pursuing science careers.

    Science Support Programs at College

    The majority of the participants were involved with some type of support program designed

    to help support students of color persist in science programs. None of the programs described in

    this study were large scale efforts. Instead, these programs provided support by hiring dedicated

    advisors, offering special courses, providing tutors, and creating supportive peer environments.

    Students discussed these programs as influential factors that have helped them navigate through

    science. The program at State University, Project A, provided an advisor and tutors devoted

    solely to the participants. The advisor and availability of tutors were frequently mentioned by

    students as contributing to their persistence in science.

    The primary advisor for Project A students was Clair. Clair would help the students pick

    courses, advise them on academic issues, coordinate support activities, and provide tutors. For

    several of the women, Clair served as a mother figure. Ivette explained that Clair was integral

    in her picking the right mix of classes. Clair was great last semester. She would literally advise

    you as to the small details. The classes. When to take what. The small details. Cleopatra

    explained that the most beneficial factor was having someone who could help keep track of all

    the deadlines and opportunities for internships and research experiences. In addition to being

    their advisor, Clair also created opportunities for the women to bond with each other. As

    underrepresented students at a predominantly White campus, providing situations where the

    women could support each other was critical to the success of the program. Toward that end, a

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    mentoring program was started which coupled the incoming students with those currently in the

    program. These peer relationships proved to be an important factor in creating small

    communities of practice of women who were working toward science degrees. The majority of

    participants discussed how important it was to have other women of color as a source of support.

    These relationships were unlikely to have occurred naturally as the students reported that most of

    their introductory classes were in excess of 250 students in a large lecture hall. The hope of the

    mentoring program would be to build a support system amongst the students where they could

    turn to each other for help and guidance; thus, creating small communities where the students

    support each other by sharing their collective experiences.

    Along with having a dedicated advisor, the availability of tutors was mentioned by most of

    the students in Project A. Although State University does provide tutoring services, tutors are

    more difficult to find for many of the science courses. Jenn described the importance of tutors,

    Project A is encouragement because they supply tutors. That in itself is a huge encouragement,

    look we are going to help you outProject A is helping to break the barrier of, the academic

    barrier by providing tutors. In addition to tutors, Project A offered special classes (that

    emphasized various issues concerning science careers). Penelope spoke about the positive nature

    of both of these:

    Project A. That has helped me a lot because I love the class, the INTD [interdisciplinary]

    class. I am in a room with other kids that are in the same position the Project A program,

    and everybody in that program as well. Youre not alone, even if you are struggling,

    working away, they let you know you are not alone. It is comforting. They provide tutors as

    well. That is definitely support right there.

    The efforts of the Project A staff to reach out to this population of students appears to be

    working. In the four years of the program, only a few students have completely left science

    related majors. In addition, the staff has recruited more students into this program. Project A is

    only able to provide a small book stipend to its students, yet the resources this program offers is

    invaluable to the students.

    There were six participants in this study who had no involvement with Project A. One of the

    students described a similar support program at her home institution. Jayne explained that her

    college provided support through a program called HBCUUP, which is a NSF funded program

    dedicated to helping students at HBCUs persist in science majors. Jayne explained

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    I think HBCUUP is the best program for science majors at my school. They make sure you

    try to get your name out there. They get tickets to conferences all through the country. We

    have tutors and they have programs where you can network. They want you to be successful.

    They really care about you.

    Based on Jaynes description of the program, HBCU-UP seemed to provide many of the same

    supports that Project A had implemented.

    The women who did not have specific programs to support them at their colleges spoke

    more frequently about the importance of their peers and faculty as sources for support. In

    addition, four of the five students who were not involved with a specific support program

    attended minority serving institutions. These schools are often much smaller and stress the

    importance of community and teacher support. Jayne backed this up when she stated, I think

    our school with smaller classes, they can be able to help with people who are having a problem,

    and the people who want to be helped too. Thus, the students most likely turned to faculty

    members and their peers for support and assistance at their colleges.

    The students who participated in one of the science support programs nominated these

    programs as integral to their persistence in their science majors. The notion that there were

    dedicated people who were looking out for their interests appeared to be a key factor. While the

    participants nominated the importance of family support, it is possible that programs such as

    Project A create a climate that mirrors some of the key factors found within the family. Thus,

    these programs offered academic and moral support, guidance and motivation to continue in the

    science pipeline.

    Altruistism in Science Careers

    Altruistic beliefs have been traditionally linked to student interest in science fields. This was

    true concerning the participants in this study as altruism was a commonly referenced factor for

    initial interest in science as well as a motivating factor to persist toward science careers.

    Penelope believed that it was important for her to help those who were less fortunate than her.

    She explained that even as she was struggling in science courses, I feel that it will be all worth

    it. Helping other people is what I want to do. You cant live in a world and not be empathetic to

    other people.Penelopes view suggests that it is vital to give back to the communities which are

    most in need.

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    Delia expressed a similar view of how she can help others in need when asked why she

    continued to persist in science.

    I see so many problems. A lot of suffering, a lot of pain, a lot of injustice. And I think to

    myself, if I can get out there, if I can make it, maybe some of the work that I do will

    influence others to contribute to the solution

    She shared that her ultimate goal was to become a doctor and open a clinic in the inner city in

    order to help underserved populations.

    A few of the participants described a family link that fostered the altruistic beliefs. For

    example, Danora described the influence her mothers illness played on her decision to pursue

    medical school, but her goals extended beyond her mother. She explained that she wanted to

    have a clinic to help Hispanics. This aspiration was similar to what Delia described and

    demonstrates that for at least a segment of the participants, the ultimate goal was related to the

    personal experiences that occurred within their families which may have cultivated altruistic

    beliefs. In a similar way, Carmen used her personal family experiences as motivation. Carmen

    spent much of her life living in poverty in Columbia and she described a desire to return home

    and contribute to the community. Although she did not cite opening a clinic, her desire was to do

    something related to medicine to provide for the community. She believed that it was important

    to her to provide and assist others in need.

    During the interview with McLean, she revealed that she maintained a desire to work with

    Doctors without Borders. As a woman who grew up in a single parent family and encountered

    many obstacles completing her degree, she was undeterred. Finances, difficult classes, and

    uncooperative faculty did not hinder her desire to complete her degree in nutritional sciences and

    she felt the need to give back to, what I have got here. She added that I want it to be a place

    where (pause), underprivileged are served. People who do not have the finances to get adequate

    service. Along with her clear desire to help others, she also feels a need to give back to others

    who are less fortunate, a theme echoed by many other participants.

    Collectively, the women demonstrated the common sentiment that science was an avenue

    for helping people. The women articulated that their primary goal is to be able help, and to give

    back to others in need. The women came from strong families who sacrificed a great deal. In

    addition, participants explained that they were raised by their families to be appreciative for all

    they have in their lives, and to realize they are fortunate to have what they have been given.

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    Thus, giving to those in need was a constant in their lives. Regardless of the final goals, the

    women did not regard science as a way to attain prestige, make money, or advance their careers.

    Instead, the women viewed science and medicine as the mechanism to improve society and those

    who are most in need of medical attention. Therefore, their persistence to continue in science is

    more deeply seated in their social responsibilities to those most in need.

    The Influence of Religion

    The influence of religion as a contributing factor is absent from most persistence

    frameworks, including the one offered by Hurtado. However, in this study, six of the sixteen

    women described religion as a central factor in their lives and thus their academic pursuits.

    Religion was not referenced in the interview protocol, but the frequency of it being nominated as

    a support factor required an examination of its role. During the interviews it was learned that two

    of the students had family members who were pastors: Jenns father and Ivettes grandparents.

    Having family members who are actively involved in the daily operations of a church would

    likely be a constant reminder of the role of religion in ones life. Neither women articulated any

    pressure to be religious; instead they welcomed the support that religion brought to their lives.

    Jenn described her religious nature, I am very very religious, God does everything for a reason

    and me coming here and me being a pre-dental student has a lot to do with the fact that I came to

    State University. The influence of her religious beliefs became apparent when she discussed her

    ability to get in to dental school. I am hoping and praying, I honestly feel like, I really truly feel

    like, with God on my side with Christ, I can do it. I really feel like and believe through Christ

    and prayer I can make it. These beliefs appear to be quite strong and provide a sense of purpose,

    while also providing a source that Jenn can count on for strength and support.

    Ivvette shared that her parents were from Puerto Rico and religion was an important part of

    her life as she was heavily involved with the Pentecostal Church. She first mentioned religion

    when she described a three-year bible study program she hoped to someday attend. It was during

    this conversation when she disclosed how religion is my biggest support. Ivvette explained that

    religion has become a major source of support, especially during her time in college. Its

    definitely my support now, through education. It is what I rely on the most. The relevance of

    religion for Ivvette seemed to take on more importance during her transition and challenges in

    college. She described how religion offered support to help her manage the day-to-day social and

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    academic issues that often come with the college experience. If anything is on my mind. If I

    pray about it I feel like it is resolved ... I really think that has got me through a lot of stuff. I

    trust in God for a lot of my issues. In her description, religion was central to her daily life, and

    also gives a sense that there is someone or something she can to turn to when times are difficult.

    When Ivvette described the challenges she encountered in her science studies, the value of

    religion was evident.

    The discussion of the importance of religion was articulated by McLean. Initially when

    asked to describe her identity she revealed, I would say my identity is just being a Christian

    woman. Not saying Christian Black woman, but just being a Christian woman who is just

    devoted to a higher being, devoted to God, and just sees that as the purpose. This statement

    illustrates the influence that religion had on her sense of self and how religion has influenced her

    purpose in life. McLean was one of the few women to described specific examples of the support

    provided by religious beliefs. When asked for an example, McLean shared a story where she felt

    God was actively acting on her behalf. She had been attempting to save money to take a service

    trip to African to volunteer in high need areas, but was having difficulty financing the trip until

    she met a person who donated money to assist her. McLean believed that the meeting of the

    person was a direct result of an intervention with God. She explained that as long as I keep

    believing in God and just putting my faith and trust in him. He keeps taking care of me. This

    belief was clearly connected to the type of support that she needed to maintain her academic

    standing. McLean, like others, did not articulate a specific connection to science and religious

    belief, rather the support attained from religion aided all aspects of participants lives.

    Two participants suggested that the influence of religion was often stronger in those with

    African American and Hispanic backgrounds. Penelope believed that religion was very important

    in many Hispanic
