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Aerial Eye 5 - American Kitefliers Association eye 5...Marin Headlands by Cris Benton US$5.00 USA &...

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the aerial eye THE EYE CLOSES a quarterly publication of the aerial photography committee of the American Kitefliers Association volume 5 / number 2 / summer 1999 Battery Mendell, Marin Headlands by Cris Benton US$5.00 USA & CANADA US$6.50 overseas
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the aerial eye


a quarterly publication of the aerial photography committeeof the American Kitefliers Associationvolume 5 / number 2 / summer 1999

Battery Mendell,Marin Headlands

byCris Benton



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2 the aerial eye

american kitefliers association aerial photography committeeCraig Wilson, Chair Brooks Leffler, Editor

7210 Harvest Hill Road, Madison, WI 53717 PO Box 34, Pacific Grove, CA 93950(608) 831-6770 (408) 647-8363 Fax (408) 647-8483

[email protected] [email protected]

Wolfgang Bieck Steve EisenhauerAm Britzenberg 23 229 Lake Avenue

29549 Bad Bevensen, Cermany Pitman, NJ 08071(+49) 5821 24 43 (609) 589-2049

[email protected] [email protected]

closing the eyeby BROOKS LEFFLER

This is the last issue of the aerial eye.Eighteen issues after the first æ came offmy home printer in 1994, it’s over.

The bottom line is that all of us—commit-tee, editors, and contributors alike—seemto have run out of steam.

Without stories and pictures to publish,and nobody willing to devote time enoughto do the bulk of it single-handed, æ hasapparently outlived its usefulness, and it’stime to remove the tubes and wires and letthe patient die with dignity.

The coup de grace came last week in acertified letter from George Sandy, ownerof aerial eye, inc. (yes, even in lower case), a20-year-old plane-based photography ser-vice in Irvine, California, demanding thatwe cease and desist using his company’sname. While he doesn’t have a registeredtrademark or copyright, he had first dibs,and we’ll respect that.


the aerial eye opened in September of1994, to attempt to fill the void created bythe demise of KAPWA News. The Kite Aeri-al Photography Worldwide Association was

founded by Belgian Michel Dusariez andothers. For eight years, KAPWA News drewthe KAPers of the world together and gavethem a forum in which to share ideas.Printed in French and English and runningto 70 pages, it was a commendable effort.

STEVE EISENHAUER took the first directaction when KAPWA died. He wrote to theAKA board asking that they create a KiteAerial Photography committee for the pur-pose of publishing a newsletter; he offeredto serve as chairman.

I was executive director of AKA at thetime, soon to retire, and as a neophyteKAPWA subscriber, I was thinking along thesame lines, so Steve and I correspondedand we recruited a committee.

Finding other KAPers was complicated bythe reluctance of Michel to release theKAPWA mailing list, but Steve and I bothknew about CRAIG WILSON, who had beenawarded Le prix KAPWA d'Encouragementin 1992. Didn’t take much to convince Craigto join the committee.

ANNE ROCK was another KAPWA sub-scriber whom I knew through AKA. Anne

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summer 1999 3

about the cover


In the face of so many other kite relatedpublications and clubs struggling andseemingly going by the wayside, I hadhoped that we could keep this journalalive.

Not simply for the sake of the worldwideKAP community that we have brought to-gether, but also for the worldwide kitingcommunity that we are all a part of. But itis clear that the energy needed, for bothproduction and submissions, has dwindledto a point where the continuation of the æas a quarterly journal is out of the ques-tion.

So it is with deep regret that I agree withthe committee suggestion to pull togetherone final issue to officially close the bookon this great and proud chapter in the his-tory of kite aerial photography.

There will come a time (if it hasn’t al-ready come) when the name Brooks Lefflerwill be included with the names Eddy, Bat-ut, Wenz, Lawrence, and Dusariez in con-versations and documentations of thegreat contributors and outstanding practi-tioners of this art. Thank you, Brooks, foryour enduring efforts that have broughtthis great group together.

My involvement in the æ, and the friend-ships fostered within the KAP communityhave greatly enriched my life.

This final installment has some greatmaterial to present and it would appear tobe a healthy thriving journal. But often inkite flying we are lured and fooled by thewind.

After an hour of trying to keep a kite upin variable and light winds I have often giv-en up and rolled up the kite, realizing andaccepting that there is not sufficient windfor KAP. As I am putting the kite back in itsbag, invariably I think I feel a fresheningbreeze, and I am often tempted to give itone more try and get the kite back out.

But I have come to learn, through myyears of kite flying, that that little breezeafter one has given up trying to play withthe wind, is just the wind playing with you.For the minute you get that kite back outof the bag and tie on the line, the wind willsurely scuttle off and hide.

It has truly been a pleasure to be part ofthis. Stay safe, have fun, enjoy life, andnever quit playing with your toys.


Battery Mendell, Marin Headlandsby Charles C. Benton

From 1905 to 1943, Battery Mendell’s twocircular pits held guns designed to destroyenemy ships attempting passage throughthe Golden Gate into San Francisco Bay. Theguns were never fired in anger, and today,the battery is returning to the earth.

One almost always finds a breeze here,but on the day of this image the windswere low, grey skies threatened rain, andmy camera cradle required field repair. Inthe end though I shot a couple of rolls withpleasing results.

I am always taken with the richness ofaerial images taken under a brooding sky.

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4 the aerial eye

robben island adventureby CRAIG WILSON

Robben Island is a flat, sandy squaremile or so, stuck five miles off the coast ofCape Town, South Africa. The sea is coldand rough here as the waters of the Indianand the Atlantic Oceans combine with pre-vailing winds and currents originating inAntarctica. The view from the island of theCape and Table Mountain is spectacular,but that distance of five miles might aswell be 500 if you’re without a good boat.

This inaccessibility is why Robben Islandhas such a harsh history as a place of ban-ishment. Criminals, the mentally ill, lepers,and political leaders imprisoned here overthe centuries endured much hardship andsuffering.

This is where Nelson Mandela was im-prisoned from 1964-1982. Today the islandand prison is a historic landmark and mu-seum and is viewed with almost sacredstatus as a place symbolizing the triumphof the human spirit.

In December 1997 my wife Betsy and Iwere invited to a kite festival in Cape Town.Part of our job was to spend the week be-fore the festival photographing the localsites to create a photo exhibition. That ex-hibition would be on display during the

event and then the photographs would besold at auction to help raise money for thefestival beneficiary, Cape Mental Health.

The week turned into a great KAP adven-ture, flying and photographing near severalnational and historic monuments—fromthe top of Table Mountain, at beaches, atthe University, a vineyard, the harbor andwaterfront, and at the week’s climax, onRobben Island.


Our journey by ferry to Robben Islandbegan with some red tape and delays. Pay-ing customers had to board first and then,if there was room, the KAP team of Betsy,myself, and our guide and festival organiz-er, Rodger Duffett, would be allowed toboard.

Being that all our efforts were ultimatelyto benefit Cape Mental Health, we workedevery angle to get free or discounted faresto the sites on our list. We were finallyallowed to board just before the boat wasuntied, and then we hung on as the speedycraft charged through the waves for 15minutes to the dock at Robben Island.

At the entrance we had to wait 30 min-utes in the sun before having an audiencewith the manager. After another 30 min-utes of explaining what our intentionswere, and that this had already been dis-cussed and approved by her supervisorsome days earlier, we were finally told thatyes, we would be allowed to fly a kite andphotograph the area. However, we abso-lutely must be off the island on the 1:30ferry—in one hour and 15 minutes.

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summer 1999 5

Continued on page 6

My mind had al-ready been scan-ning the area for setup and target loca-tions. I had noticedthat the athleticfields, where prison-ers would haveplayed soccer yearsago, were plentylarge enough for setup but they werestill surrounded bytwo razor wire fenc-es 10 feet tall. But atthis point, the thingthat bothered memost was the com-plete and utter lack of wind.

Based on the five previous days of flying,I had expecting to be working in verystrong winds. Instead, the flag in front ofthe compound was absolutely still. It washot, and I was sure that the thermals com-ing off the soccer field surface were goingto be ugly.


As soon as I heard the manager say OK, Iwas off at nearly a run for the middle ofthe field to give my 18-foot delta a go. I washopeful that a long line launch might takethe kite up into some higher altitude windsnot present on the ground. In the back ofmy mind though I kept thinking about hav-ing 300 feet of line out, a sinking kite, andthe razor wire.

A half hour later, I had my delta up 600feet straight over my head riding thermalsand just barely able to lift itself.

Sometimes it just isn’t your day andnothing you do, no equipment you have, isgoing to make it work. But I really, reallywanted to come away from this place withsome photos. I felt that I may have been

the only person who had ever flown a kiteat this place. We had argued and pleadedto be allowed to do this, and it was such astrange and symbolic place to be flying akite, I wanted to make it work. But lifting acamera with just some intermittent ther-mal energy was courting disaster.

I began to think about all the men thathad been confined there. All the spirits thathad been broken there. All the freedomsand lives that had been lost there. My kiteflying above was in complete contrast tothat which had been routine for centuries.

I said a prayer. I asked those men, Iasked their spirits to grant me some wind,so that I might help speak to the worldthrough my photography about this placewhere they spent their lives. I made apromise that this would not be a selfishendeavor for me—a promise that it was forthem, as a tribute to their lives, that I want-ed to create some art. Art that would ulti-mately raise money for Cape MentalHealth, which serves many poor blacks inthe Townships near Cape Town.

Robben Island Prison: Nelson Mandela’s home from 1964 - 82

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6 the aerial eye

As I concluded my thoughts to thosemen my delta was circling behind me. Irushed to let out line to try to get back infront of my kite. I had to let out all the restof my 1000 feet of line and walk to the oth-er side of the prison before I had the kiteback on the downwind side of me.

At this point I am thinking that there isno way I am lifting a camera and I am won-dering seriously about getting the kiteback in the bag without encountering thefence. I started hauling in line.

After recovering about 300 feet it beganto get harder to pull in. Because I had givenup all hope of lifting a camera it took a fewseconds before I realized that it was notjust another thermal, this was real wind Iwas feeling. The flag was moving too! Ilooked at my watch. I had 35 minutes.

“Betsy!!!! Give me the camera. I am goingfor it. Where is my anchor? Man, this thingis pulling like a truck!”


Camera up. At almost a run I am moving,shooting, working the angles. Click-whirr…Click-whirr… Change film… back up, 25 min-utes left. Click-whirr… keep moving, awayfrom the prison now. What’s down thisroad?

“Betsy, grab the box, let’s go!”

How much time? 20 Minutes—just a cou-ple more shots. The wind is great—strong,steady. Click-whirr… Click-whirr. 18 minutes,gotta leave time to pack up…it’s going tobe close… a little higher… a few more min-utes… Click-whirr…

Oh wow! Look at this cemetery! Look atthe markers on the graves. They are soworn and faded from the wind and sunand sand that I can barely read the names.

This is where they died, in sight of land,but a very long way from freedom. This iswhere the spirits were kept and thesewere the men they belonged to.


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summer 1999 7

Ralf Beutnagel, Otto Böhnke, Ulrich Mon-sees, Harald Prinzler and I have decided toorganize Fesseldrachen Luftbildtage in BadBevensen: FLiBB 2000—Third InternationalKite Aerial Photography Days in Bad Bev-ensen, Germany. [Bad Bevensen is a quietbut picturesque spa about 80 km (50 miles)southeast of Hamburg, Germany.]

The tentative schedule will be:

MONDAY, JULY 31, 2000

Until 12:00 noon: arrival of participants.

Afternoon: show of KAP-equipment andsocial gathering.


KAP-technique in details(video, timers & more).

Discussion about KAP’s future:print, internet, KAP-net.

Workshop of a video-2.4 GHz-circular-antenna to enlarge video transmission upto 300%.


Excursion to Expo 2000:World Exhibition in Hannover.

Group 1: Late afternoon,drive to Detmold.

Group 2: Return to Bad Bevensen


Group 1: AM: Visit museum kite exhibit:Pictures for the Sky, near Detmold.

PM: visit Bergen-BelsenConcentration Camp Memorial

Return to Bad Bevensen,KAPing on the way.

Group 2: AM: Visit Volkswagen factoryin Wolfsburg

PM: visit medieval city of Braunschweig.

Return to Bad Bevensen,KAPing on the way.


All day: Weekend participants arrive.

KAP in practice: excursion to River Elbe.


Visit to Ropery Ehlers in Bad Bevensen.

KAP-Technique and KAP-Practice.


Room check-out.

Social gathering, Final KAP-Talks.

3:00 p.m. End of FLiBB 2000.

Except for Wednesday/Thursday trips,housing, most meals, and meetings will beat the Gustav Stresemann Institute, a con-ference center in Bad Bevensen.

Estimated Cost per person:

All 7 days: DM720,- (about US$400.00)

includes registration, food & lodging,local transportation, and admittance toExpo 2000 and Kite Exhibition.

Weekend Only (Fri - Sun): DM210,-(about $120.00)

Single room surcharge (per person):DM25.- ($14.00)

A complete schedule and registrationmaterials will be distributed to the currentæ mailing list at a later date. Meanwhile,for information contact Wolfgang Bieck atthe address on page 2. •æ

mark your calendars: FLiBB 2000!by WOLFGANG BIECK

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8 the aerial eye

“Stuff begets stuff,” at least for me.

In a few short years doing KAP, I havesomehow accumulated enough “KAP stuff”that storage and getting it all organized,protected, and transported to a photogra-phy site had become a significant problem.

Also I had to admit some aspects of KAP,especially retrieving hard-pulling kites, hadbecome a physical and time-consumingchore. So with enthusiasm, but absolutelyno regard for logic, I resolved my hard-pull-ing-kite problem... by creating even more“stuff.”

Thus the KAP Mobile.

This is based on a hand truck with 10-inch-diameter pneumatic ball-bearingwheels . When loaded, it carries all my KAP

paraphernalia in an easy-to-roll packagethat goes into the back of a pickup truck,van, or even aboard some water craft.

During actual use, I usually unpack onlyitems I need to fly and photograph in agiven wind situation, leaving all other un-used gear on the KAP Mobile.

Most commonly though, it carries sixkites, various kite tails, two transmitters,three camera cradles, two cameras, a 12/0Penn Senator electric fishing reel spooledwith 1,500 feet of 200 lb. test Spectra, a 12vgel-cell battery (to power the reel), as wellas a multitude of KAP accessories such asgloves, cap, sun glasses, sun screen, ane-mometer, note book, assorted films, cam-era lenses, filters, and even an occasionalpacked lunch and beverage!

the KAP mobileby JON TRAER, MD, Townsend, Georgia

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summer 1999 9

A platform or bed, made of 1/2" ply-wood, is attached to the top side of thehand truck’s frame. The two containerscarried on the bed are insulated fabric cool-ers, with zipper-closure tops and semi-rigidplastic liners.

As a bonus, the insulated coolers keepfilms and cameras from getting too hot inthe field, but were initially chosen becausethey are essentially water-tight and affordsignificant mechanical protection for theircontents.

The coolers are secured to the bed ofthe KAP Mobile with bungee cords. A 4"diameter thin-wall PVC tube, attached be-neath the platform, is used to store kitesthat have spars.

The electric fishing reel is mounted on aspecially designed reel seat, and will freelypivot 360 degrees, or can be locked in anypivot position. The reel seat is mounted ona short vertical pylon made of 1/2" galva-nized pipe secured to the KAP Mobile’s ply-wood platform with a 1/2" galvanized floorflange.

The battery is a 31 amp-hour gel-cell thatcan be recharged or used in any positionwithout risk of acid leakage. It is secured to

the platform with a nylon marine batterytie-down strap.

For use at “drive-to” sites, I frequentlyleave the KAP Mobile in the bed of my pick-up, using it as a captive platform to flyfrom. On other occasions I remove the KAPMobile from the pickup bed to move abouta site.

On most ground surfaces, largely be-cause of the KAP Mobile’s weight whenloaded, as well as its weight distribution,there is little tendency to roll or tip whenaverage kite-pull in exerted in any direc-tion.

Even with hard-pulling kites, I rarely useany anchors—I simply position the KAP Mo-bile’s handle so it’s pointing toward thekite, and this orientation makes it dig inand very resistant to rolling or tipping.

Also, when I’m moving about a site, Ifrequently start my photography up-wind,and let the wind “power-assist” my rollingof the KAP Mobile to the more down-windlocations; however, since the reel will pivot360 degrees, and with the hand truck’seasy-rolling ball bearing wheels, it is actual-

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10 the aerial eye

the ultra-slim cradleby ANDREA CASALBONI, Ravenna, Italy

One of the reasons for which I createnew cradles is the research of a more andmore compact and reliable system. Afterhaving realized more than ten cradles withdouble “U” structure I wanted to realize anew conception system.

The idea is not surely new; in fact myfriend Fausto Focaccia in1989 realized asystem with similar conception, but theinitial inexperience and the lack of informa-tion didn’t give great results.

After many years I have resumed theplans and I have come to the constructionof one universal cradle. It’s composed of 5elements that require only to be cut andassembled without bending parts.

The movements for this cradle are madeby two servos; for the shutter release I usean electrical circuit, but it can be replacedwith a normal servo. The pan servo is mod-ified for endless rotation. The suspensionsystem is one of many Picavet variations.













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All parts are madeof 2mm thick aluminum.

Dimensions in mm.

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12 the aerial eye

It all started with a discussion betweenChristophe Kieffer and me, two amateurphotographers, about aerial photographyand the costs of planes, helicopters andballoons.

Then I remembered a story about KiteAerial Photography in a French photograph-ic magazine (Chasseur d’Images, the bestin Europe). The article was quickly recov-ered and read, followed immediately bythe decision to try it out. As we could splitthe costs, it wouldn’t be a big financial risk.

The first problem was the fact that weknew absolutely nothing whatsoeverabout kites.

Fortunately, there was the Internet andthere we found a lot of information aboutKAP. The best resource, by far, was the mar-velous site of Charles C. Benton (http://www-archfp.ced.berkeley.edu/kap/).

Having digested all this, we decided toget a big rokkaku for our KAPing. There isonly one specialised kite shop in Luxem-bourg (Lassner Sports & Fun; thanks for thesupport!) and so we went there to checkwhat kite we could get.

The man behind the desk referred us toMarc Ansel, the president of Luxembourg’sBlue Sky kite club and an experienced kitebuilder, to make a rokkaku especially for usand our KAPing. The result is a beautifulkite (below).

While the kite was under construction,we started to think about the first rig. Stepby step, without bothering with blueprints,we built an aluminium rig with Picavet sus-pension. We had decided to start with acompletely remote-controlled rig and aMinolta 3xi SLR. The rig is shown in the pic-ture at the top of the next page, and the

a beginner’s storyby CARLO DIDIER, Lamadeleine, Luxembourg

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middle picture shows the modified trans-mitter.

The first KAP flight wouldn’t get the rigmore than half a meter above ground forlack of wind. A later try with strong butunsteady wind gave some usable photos,but one of the hook-ups slipped along theline resulting in both hook-ups sticking to-gether at the same place on the line andthe rig spinning freely around its verticalaxis.

The hook-ups were afterwards modified.The second outing (done by Christophe)showed good results and a perfectly func-tioning, but quite heavy, rig (2kg with thecamera).

That’s all our experience up to the end ofMay 1999. I intend to write more about ourexperiences, the technical details of thetransmitter modifications and the new(lighter) rig, which is under construction.For those who’d like to contact me: emailto [email protected].


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14 the aerial eye

Over the months, we've accumulated alot of miscellany: ideas sent in that weren'tquite presented as an article; unfinishedbusiness; simple designs; and brief editorialjudgments. Before we pull the plug, wethought we should share some of it withyou.


Among the most unusual systems we'veseen is Marc Guétré’s unique rig made outof a plastic essoreuse—a what?—a spin-dryer for lettuce! He reluctantly sent uspictures because we insisted. You'll haveto figure it out for yourself from the photos[right], but it works! [see Gallery, pp. 16-17.]


Christian Becot has been one of ourmost creative and scholarly contributors.One of his creations all of us could makeand use looks a bit like an intrauterine con-traceptive device [right]. It's not—it's a verysimple kite anchor, bent out of heavy stain-less steel wire. Unlike the illustration, Iprefer to figure-eight the loose end ratherthan the loaded line because it's easier torelease in emergencies.


Way back in Fall 1997, Steve Eisenhauerannounced the "First Annual aerial eyeSelf Portrait Contest." We received only afew submissions, but the clear winner wasCris Benton. As Cris has demonstrated hereand on his web site, his eye sees opportuni-ties many of us miss, and this very unusualimage captures one of them [right].

loose endsby BROOKS LEFFLER

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In January 1999, as a project for a Techni-cal Writing course, I conducted a survey ofKite Aerial Photographers. Seventeenquestions were asked to determine themethod(s) each respondent used to aimand compose their KAP pictures, and meth-ods that had been tried but were not usedanymore. I had a limited time frame so Isent the survey only by e-mail to the 139 æsubscribers that had e-mail addresses list-ed in the current annual directory. I had 32responses, 23% participation, which is typi-cal for a unsolicited survey.

Here’s a summary of the questions andthe responses:

Questions 1-3 asked if they used a R/Crig, a manual rig, or both. 25 had R/C rigs,seven had manual rigs, and another sevenhad both R/C and manual rigs. Of thosethat had both types of rigs five used theirR/C 90% or more of the time and two usedR/C 30% or less of the time.

Question 4 asked how many exposureswere taken of any one subject to makesure that they got a good picture. The aver-age was 8.3 exposures per subject.

Questions 5 & 6 asked if an assistantwas used or if they KAPed alone. 70% ofKAP is a solo experience, 45% never haveany help, and when help was available themajority seem to use their help holding thekite while they move about with the trans-mitter.

Questions 7 asked if visual aids attachedto the R/C rig were used to help aim thecamera. 25% do not use any visual aids.60% use the antenna boom as a visual aid.Three use a ball attached to the end of theboom, two mentioned using binoculars,

how KAPers KAPby DAVID HUNT, Gray, Tennessee

and one person had tried lights unsuccess-fully. One respondent who had a stereo rigthat was over one meter wide used differ-ent colored paints on each end of the rig.

Question 8 asked if the transmitter con-trols were calibrated to help aim the rig.60% use some calibration on the tilt con-trol and only one person mentioned havingtheir pan control calibrated.

Questions 9 through 14 related to theuse of video assist. Only five respondentshad used video assist at any time. Six re-sponded that they intend to use video as-sist in the near future. Four of those thathave video assist equipment use it lessthan 25% of the time; the fifth person usedit about 75% of the time. The four that usevideo assist less than 25% of the time saidthat the benefits of video were outweighedby the hassles of the extra equipment. Thecost for video assist ranged from US$300 toUS$600.

Question 15 asked if the “Range / Eleva-tion” method was used to determine therig’s distance down range. This is a meth-od first mentioned by Cris Benton, æ 3:4,p.21, and in more detail at his web site. Criswas the only respondent that used thismethod as he describes it.

Four other respondents use variations ofthis method. One respondent paces offdistances before the rig goes up. One re-spondent uses marks on the kite line. An-other uses a piece of clear plastic with thefield of view for the camera drawn on it.

A very interesting system is used byHans Wiebosch, which he calls his “Ouija-

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16 the aerial eye

[above] Boardwalk, Phillip Island by Tony Stanley

[below] Rockingham Council Offices by Al Long

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summer 1999 17

aerial gallery[outside, clockwise from right]

Parade Rest by Randy BollingerCastel del Monte by Claudio del GrecoMaze by Michel ClinckemailleFrance's First Pont-Canal, 1675

by Frank LouwersCampanile by Andrea CasalboniYarra River, Melbourne by Arthur Coombs

[below] Fort Bloque, France by Marc Guétré

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18 the aerial eye

At this year’s Fort Worden KitemakersConference in Port Townsend, Washington,we pulled off what must be a first in KAP:twenty budding KAPers built radio-controlrigs in four hours.

Ken Conrad of Great WindsKites in Seattle, who was onthe program committee, pro-vided the impetus; I createdenough kits to do the job andguided the troops throughthe ordeal. But getting there,for me, was more than half thefun, because to my knowledge,nobody has ever tried to do a one-size-fits-all R/C design, and a lot of trial and errorwent into the result.

To keep costs down and the design sim-ple enough for completion within a four-hour session, we settled on a 2-channel AMsystem, and restricted cameras to point-&-shoots with a maximum size of 5 x 3 x 2.5inches. We used the cheapest radio wecould get from Tower Hobbies, a Futaba2DR with AA batteries and two standardservos.

Several decisions came early: aluminumdouble-U design, wooden Picavet suspen-sion, and the option to choose betweenshutter/pan or shutter/tilt configurations.

I chose a standard double-U design be-cause it was adaptable to a wide range ofcamera sizes and shapes, and could beeasily prefabricated. A wooden Picavetwould be lightweight, simple, and inexpen-sive, using readily-available screw-eyes in-stead of hard-to-find eye-bolts. And while itwould have been much simpler to make allrigs with a shutter/tilt servo configuration,

Ken felt that most would want to use shut-ter/pan. (He was right: nobody chose shut-ter/tilt.)

Other basic assumptions fell bythe wayside. After ordering a

bunch of plastic gears fromAmerican Science and Sur-plus, I decided that it wouldbe quicker, less expensive,and (surprisingly) more fool-proof to modify the kit’s panservo for 360° rotation. Andit would allow much easier

and cheaper cradle prefabrica-tion and assembly.

The wooden Picavet emerged as arounded 3-inch square of 3/16" basswoodplywood, because I had no success tryingto mass-produce an X. No problem: as asquareit works just as well, and is still verylightweight.


The two basic problems designing a rigthat will fit a wide range of cameras arethe locations for the tripod screw hole andthe shutter button. No two cameras, evenfrom the same manufacturer, are alike.

I solved both problems by using whathas become my standard camera platform:a 4-inch piece of 1-1/2" x 1-1/2" x 1/16"thick aluminum angle, into which a 1/4-20tripod hole may be drilled anywhere, witha 4" high servo post of 1/2" x 1/2" alumi-num angle attached to the back.

Peter Bults commented in his article inæ 4.2 that the shutter servo mount wasthe most difficult to design, and he muchpreferred converting the camera to electric

the mass-KAP experimentby BROOKS LEFFLER

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shutter release. Well, the latter terrifiesme, and I’ve had less than great luck withbuilt-in electric shutters, so I’ve come upwith this shutter servo post instead, andI’ve used it successfully on most of the twodozen rigs I’ve built in the last two years.

The servo post may be rotated 90° and/or shortened, and with the judicious use ofnylon spacers under the servo mountingscrews and a plastic tube extension on theservo arm, it is possible to place the servofinger right over any top-mounted shutterbutton. So far, at least!

At our workshop, there were a couple ofcameras that had tripod holes placed toofar forward for the aluminum angle plat-form, but that may be corrected by addingan additional plate to increase the depth ofthe base, or by substituting 2" angle for thecamera platform.

My goal of making it possible to use aservo at either pan or tilt positions wassimply accomplished by providing a servo-sized flat aluminum filler plate to attach tothe upper inverted U in place of a tilt servo.

This configuration, of course, also makesit possible for the two-channel system tobe expanded easily to three channels.


In my opinion, the knottiest problem inbuilding an R/C rig is designing a foolprooffinal drive for panning the camera 360°.The theoretically simplest is to use a stan-dard servo with 1:4 step-up gearing, butthis brings with it two not-insignificantproblems: first, the pan action is way toofast; second, anchoring the gears to theservo and the pan axle is not always easilyaccomplished.

It is possible to get good gears for thisarrangement (from Small Parts Inc, for one)

[below] Rob Pratt in deep concentration

[above & below] radio rigs in the raw

[below] Fred Carey & Ken Conrad untangle

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before mods after mods

more slowly. Gear reduction of 4:1 or bet-ter yet 6:1 or 8:1 AND a modified servowould be ideal, but they were beyond thescope of this project.

which have flanges allowing the use of aset screw on the final drive axle. Butthey’re expensive, especially for mass pro-duction. Most gears don’t have such aflange, and I’ve had limited success withlocknuts or washers. Where possible, I’veused a pin through the gear and axle.

Also with gears, supporting the servoand final drive axle on the frame requires amore intricate frame design than is neces-sary without the gears. On this project,that meant design time and money, andclassroom assembly time.

If we could come up with a simple wayto convert the servo which would allowdirect drive, with the Picavet attached di-rectly to the servo, that would be muchbetter.

Eye-flier Scott Kroeger had suggested tome several months ago a simpler, strongersolution than the conversion I described inæ 4.3, which required replacement of thefeedback potentiometer in the servo.

Scott suggested simply drilling out theinside of the servo’s main output gear so itwould not engage the internal pot, andthen drilling a through hole which wouldallow the insertion of a #4 machine screwthrough the output shaft from the inside ofthe gear. (See cross section above) ThePicavet attaches directly to that machinescrew.

So that’s what we did at Fort Worden.No soldering, just the removal of the inter-nal stops and careful drilling of two holes.Everybody did it without a problem. [To mysurprise, the custom fitting of the servopost was the most time-consuming part ofassembling this kit. Peter Bults was right.]

Servo conversion to 360 doesn’t solvethe speed problem completely, although itis possible to use the trim slider on thetransmitter instead of the joystick to pan


Continued from page 19

KAP SYSTEM FOR SALEThe Late Rodney Thomsen's Last

WOODEN WONDER2-channel 3-function r/c rig, ready to fly

with camera and shockproof case.see Aerial Eye 3.3, page 13contact Marvin Nauman

(253) 265-6800 or [email protected]

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board”. Basically this system involvesmarking the line to know how much linehas been let out, measuring the angle ofthe line using a simple protractor devicemade from cardboard, and knowing the tiltangle of your camera. These three mea-surements are used on a specially de-signed cardboard scale that help deter-mine the proper framing of the shot. Youcan see pictures of this system on his website. (http://users.capitolonline.nl/~nlco8227/kap.htm/)

Question 16 asked if a pulley system hadever been used to raise and lower the rigon the kite line. Five responded that theyhave attempted this method. Three said

that the system did not work well forthem, and two said that they found thesystem occasionally useful.

Question 17 asked if there were any oth-er rig aiming methods used that were notcovered by the previous questions. Onementioned using the video on the groundlooking up (AE 3:4 p.21). One used a plumbline for vertical shots up to 30 feet at anarcheological site. Two attempted to uselaser pointers but they proved to be to dimin daylight situations.

I appreciate all those who took the timeto respond to my survey. If any one hasmore specific questions that they wouldlike to ask e-mail me at: [email protected]

While on the subject of Cris, I'd like tosay something about his cover photo onthis issue.

I chose the cover picture for several rea-sons: our first issue had circles on the cov-er; this picture is appropriately somber intone and perhaps even looks like an eyeclosing; and most important, I thought weshould honor our most important support-er. Not only is Cris Benton the most talent-ed KAPer to take to the air since æ wasfounded, in my opinion, but his web sitehas piqued the interest of hundreds ofwould-be KAPers around the world, andhas brought more subscribers to us than allother sources put together. Thanks, Cris!


Last fall I built Ralf Beutnagel’s Doperokite [æ 1.3], and I want to recommend it asthe best light wind lifter I’ve tried. I builtthe standard-size kite, but used the Maxi-Dopero open keels [æ 3.3]. On its maidenflight, the kite flew at an 80° string angleand easily lifted my Monopost™ rig in so

little wind the flag on my flagpole was justbarely moving—probably 5 mph. Thanks,Ralf, for a great design!


At Kites on Ice in Madison, Wisconsin inFebruary, Craig Wilson said he was not asenthusiastic as I about nylon machinescrews [A Few of My Favorite Things, æ 3.4]because he had known them to break.Later in the day my rig hit the ice a bit toohard, and the only thing to break was myHoVer pivot, a 6-32 nylon machine screw.The cold probably contributed to the prob-lem, but be careful—don’t use nylon screwsin places where breakage could jeopardizeyour rig or drop something on someone.


In the four years we've been doing this,technology has provided us with severaltools that are changing the face of KAP.

Composite materials have been around,but not easily available, and rigs made


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The problems about how to activate thecamera from a distance are certainly theones which most torment the novices inkite aerial photography.

My prototype, one system which is effec-tive (tested in January 1998), is based on awashing machine timer. This is very simple(mechanical clockwork mechanism), light(some 30 grams), compact (2 X 5 cm, ap-proximately), and normally available.

This timer (right), has a dial-plate withone minute markings, total 15 minutes;and about the axis an arm is attached. Ablade is mounted in the point of the arm.

This control apparatus is connected withthe cradle (below). The arm is suspendedabove the line (fixed for one point); thetemporizer [timer] arm strikes the distend-ed trigger line; the blade cuts the line andthe spring pulls the arm against the cam-

era. The shutter shoots when the headhammer strikes it, and one photograph isrealized.

washing machine timer shooterby MAURÍCIO JOSÉ KACZMARECH, Ponta Grossa, Paraná, BRASIL

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The delay timer permits the arm to startwith a delay of one to 25 minutes. Thisduration rate allows more or less time forthe kite to ascend.

The mechanism is relatively easy to ad-just (observe the length line; the line instal-lation may require some patience). In thesystem shown, I utilized the washing ma-chine timer of the Sankyo Seiki Mfg. Co., Ltdof Japan. This shooting system is to be con-nected in one simple cradle, constructedwith plate and tubes of aluminum, andother easy available materials (below).

This system has some disadvantages,with the limitation of obtaining only oneshot for each flight, and there is no control-lable moment of when the picture is taken,which sometimes is simultaneous withmovement of the cradle and blurs the im-ages. However, the mechanism has severaladvantages, with its simplicity, low cost,lightness and ease of construction.

The washing machine timer shooter isprimitive compared with radio controlledsystems; however, it is interesting for theinexperienced KAP beginners. •æ


from them have been described in thesepages just twice [Rock, æ 1.1; Louwers, æ3.3 ]. I've just tried the fiberglass/Nomexlaminate that Steve Rock used. It holdsgreat promise: very stiff, strong, and light,and not too expensive. See Sources in thenew directory and give it a try.

Servos have gotten progressively smallerand lighter. FMA Direct and Cirrus [seeSources] both offer ball-bearing, 360°-con-vertible servos that are just .90" (23mm)long and weigh as little as .22 oz (6.2g)!

KAPers have been looking longingly atdigital cameras for several years now, butthe low-resolution affordable ones justdidn't provide enough picture quality towarrant using them for KAP.

The ±$500.00 “megapixel” cameraswhich hit the market last fall were an im-provement over the 640x480 cameras of ayear earlier. But just in the last twomonths, cameras have been introducedwith double the resolution of the megapix-el cameras, at competitive prices.

Now we're getting somewhere! Checkout the Nikon Coolpix 700, which seems tobe made to order for KAP. It offers resolu-tion of 1600x1200 pixels, weighs just 9.25oz (262g), and sells for less than $600.

A marriage of digital cameras and 2.4gHz video is to me the most intriguing pos-siblity, because the output of most digitalcameras may be transmitted to theground. That cumbersome tandem secondcamera and clumsy attempts at through-the-lens viewing are all old business!

Last week I bought the Nikon, and somevery expensive virtual-reality glasses withwhich to monitor it. I'm still not convincedthe whole process won't be so much morecomplicated that I'll go back to the oldblind way. We'll see!

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had established contacts with europeanKAPers by attending the 1993 KAPWA work-shop in Germany, and had already postedthe definitive primer on KAP on the Inter-net. She was signed up too, and togetherwe started rolling towards our first issue.The AKA Board agreed up front to fund thefirst two issues.


Starting off mailing 24 pages to a list of40 potential subscribers, nearly all AKAmembers in the U.S., æ grew quickly. Byissue 2.1, we were mailing 28 pages to 125paid subscribers (AKA members and non-members) in 16 countries, which rose to200 by the end of the second year.

The appearance of Cris Benton’s KAPweb site midway through our first year,with generous plugs for æ, has been re-sponsible for most of the dramatic growthin interest worldwide.

In the summer of 1995, Anne's friendWOLFGANG BIECK came to the U.S. to claimhis $300.00 first prize for the World KiteMuseum's Eddy Centennial KAP Competi-tion. Upon receiving it, he immediatelyturned it over to the KAP committee, to beused to advance public awareness of KAP.

We decided he should be on the com-mittee too, and that the money should beused to develop a traveling exhibit of aerialphotographs, which it has.

By summer 1997, we had to enlarge thejournal to 32 pages to accommodate thestories, photos, and letters of no less than20 contributors, with still more carried overto the next issue.

When we exceeded 200 subscribers, mycapacity to produce it all at home was se-verely strained, and we started using acommercial printer with issue 3.4.

Early last year, subscriber growthreached a plateau at about 250, but moreimportant, contributions of articles andpictures started to decline. Since our “Howto Build It” issue in spring 1998, it’s been adramatic slide downhill.

Seeing personal burnout coming, I adver-tised for a new editor in that issue, figuringnew blood would help. We had one (1)serious applicant, CHUCK HENDERSON.Chuck had the time and the requisite desk-top publishing skills, but was new to KAPand didn’t know the players. Craig Wilson,who knew the craft and the people butlacked the computer skills and had notime, agreed to work with Chuck as co-editor, beginning with 5.1.

A steep learning curve combined witheven fewer submissions, and it took sixmonths to put together that issue. In it,Craig said, “If we don’t get more input forthe next issue, we will conclude that theneed for this effort has waned and will dis-continue publication.” And so it was.Chuck “threw in the towel” on May 10.

So here we are.


Black & white copies of all back issueswill be available for a limited time so youcan fill out your collection. See page 26 fora complete index.

I still intend to put together a KAP bookfor AKA. It may be simply a compilation ofthe 18 issues of æ, or it may have new ma-terial. I would welcome hearing from youand seeing your latest pictures.

Elsewhere in this mailing you’ll find aform to request a refund of your subscrip-tion payment if you are due one.

It’s been wonderful fun, lots of work,very gratifying—and now, a great relief.Thanks, and Happy KAPing!


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The dull light we perceive from the groundrenders the landscape in a different fashionthan the directional light of a clear day. It isas though each surface’s luminance carriesthe mark of the amount of sky it can “see,”an altogether pleasing effect.

Incidentally, I returned to the MarinHeadlands a couple of weeks later to findsubstantially different conditions: blusterywinds on a crystal clear day. Still yearningfor camera time I sent the Sutton 16 aloftand then the Canon Rebel rig. The kite was

ly very easy to move in almost any direc-tion you choose.

Though the KAP Mobile has greatly sim-plified my most common (take-everything-with-you) style of KAP, there are some defi-nite negatives. It works well only on rela-tively smooth and firm surfaces. It is diffi-cult to roll through soft sand, over roughterrain, through heavy undergrowth, orover newly-plowed fields.

It is also heavy, weighing 94 lbs (42 kg)fully loaded; however, by using a simpleplywood ramp (more “stuff”) it is easy toload/unload as a complete unit into/from avan, pickup, and many boats.

It can be disassembled, but it would nev-er be classified as “carry-on” airline lug-gage.

Though I’ve found the 31 amp hour bat-tery more than adequate for an averageday’s KAP use, eventually a 12 V. batterycharger must be at your disposal.

As an additional negative point, a KAPMobile could be relatively expensive tobuild, when using all new components—but for those patient enough and willing to

check flea markets and yard sales, I feelone could be constructed for less than$250, especially if you can find a good usedelectric fishing reel and hand truck of ap-propriate size.

For me, despite the negatives, the easeand convenience of getting to a site, withall my “stuff” organized and protected, andthen getting in the air ready to take photo-graphs in less than 5 minutes, are worththe cost. Perhaps I most appreciate theKAP Mobile’s electric reel, especially at theend of a long day when its time to retrieveseveral hard-pulling kites supporting aheavy SLR rig at relatively high altitude.

While the KAP Mobile concept may notfit many KAP styles, it does fit mine almostperfectly. There are times, however, whenI plan to use my still-on-the-drawing-board“KAP Traveler.” This will consist of bare es-sentials only—simple non-sparred kite,point-and-shoot camera, 2-servo cradle,transmitter, and a manual reel—all to befitted into an ordinary attaché case thatwould be acceptable to airlines as carry-onluggage.

Unfortunately, the KAP Traveler will addto the still-growing list of my “KAP stuff!”


pulling like a mule and I soon resorted tomy rock climbing gear (straps, carabiners,and bivouac pulley) to manage the kite.

Measuring ground level wind velocitywith the Kestrel anemometer yielded anaverage speed of 31 mph with gusts to 46mph. This is, I believe, a personal record forhighest wind velocity with a camera aloft.As you might imagine the camera cradlewas anything but still. However the brightday allowed a shutter speed of 1/1,500 sec-ond and images were reasonably sharp.


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ACCESSORIES1.4 Basics for Beginners: My Gadget Bag (recommended accessories) Rock1.4 Braking Wind (vibration damper) Wilson1.4 Brooxes Hangup™ (Picavet line connector) Leffler1.4 Easy Aimer (aiming device) Amirault1.4 Gadgets, Gimmicks, & Trick Devices (KAP accessories) Eisenhauer1.4 Henry’s Handle (line anchor) Jebe2.2 Creepers & Ice Screws (winter helpers) Wilson3.4 Count Those Pictures—Cheap! (inexpensive exposure counter) Harbord3.4 Sumipis, Ekapas, and 1-2-3 (three accessories) Bults3.4 The Powerspool (electric line winder) Galley4.1 A Self-Centreing Drogue (tail design) Green4.1 Leveling Picavet’s Horizon (modifying the Picavet) Leffler4.2 L’Arc Stabilisateur (pendulum stablizer) Becot4.3 Two More Swingers (pendulum stabilization) Amirault/Nauman5.1 Electronic Additions (transmitter accessories) Louwers5.1 How High Is My Rig? (using an altimeter) Louwers5.2 The KAP Mobile (compact carryall) Traer

ADVENTURE3.3 Pyramid Dreams—Lost & Found (report on Egypt trip) Murooka4.1 Breda House—a KAP Tale (a KAP adventure) Harbord4.3 The Ultimate Rig (Simon’s fantasy) Harbord4.4 The Angel of the North (a KAP adventure) Harbord5.2 Robben Island Adventure (KAPing in South Africa) Wilson

CAMERAS1.2 As Long As It’s Light, Use Any SLR (SLR discussion) McCuistion1.2 Basics for Beginners (KAP camera basics) Rock1.2 Cameras & Film…& Video (intro to cameras) Eisenhauer1.2 Cameras to Consider (camera reviews) Eisenhauer1.2 From Escort To Prego (cameras & film) Thomsen2.3 Heavenly Body (camera review) Wilson3.1 Your Next Camera Could Be an…Epson? (digital camera cradle) Cotton3.4 A Compact of Epic Proportions (three cameras compared) Leffler3.4 The Rebel X—Light & Very Strong (camera review) Eisenhauer4.1 Advent of the Digital Camera Age (applied use of digicams) Murooka4.2 Mju-Modification (electrifying Olympus shutter) Monsees5.1 Camera Conversion (adding an intervalometer) McCann

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CRADLES1.1 Aerial Camera Cradles (general intro) Eisenhauer1.1 Brooxes Better Brownie Box, Mk VI (lightweight r/c rig) Leffler1.1 David’s Ingenious Hole Saw (SLR cradle) McCuistion1.1 Hi-Tech & Light as a…Rock (composite cradles) Rock1.1 Keeping It Simple (simple cradles) Jebe1.1 Peter’s Flying Rubbermaid (simple r/c cradle) Berryman1.1 Randy’s Stealth Rig (simple non-r/c cradle) Bollinger1.1 Rodney’s Wooden Wonder (wooden r/c cradle) Thomsen1.1 Steve’s Double Drogue Cradle (dampened pendulum rig) Eisenhauer1.2 Hot Glue, Scrap Spruce, & Cardboard (disposable camera rig) Van␣ Zandt1.4 Picavet—Past & Present (cradle suspension systems) Beutnagel et al2.1 And He Shall Have Music… (music-box motors for KAP) Jebe2.1 Arthur’s Australian Autorotator (automatic r/c cradle) Coombs2.1 Hang Time (timer rig) Wilson2.1 Murooka’s “Camera Stations” (Japanese camera cradles) Murooka2.1 One Week in the Evolution of KAP (low budget cradles) Cotton2.1 Rigs from ’Round the Globe (four camera cradles) Various2.1 Steve’s Camcorder Rig (camcorder cradle) Eisenhauer2.1 Wolfgang’s HOVER-rig (4-channel cradle) Bieck2.2 Ralf’s Very Compact Hover-Rig (4-channel cradle) Beutnagel2.3 From Alviso to Easter Island (developing system & skill) Dvorak2.3 Windmill Camera Station (air-driven rig) Murooka2.4 The Eagle of Sitka (building a Picavet system) Wilson3.2 Multi-Frame Panorama-Pictures (automating multi-frame KAP) Prinzler3.3 DigiKAP from the Frozen North (building a digital rig) Davlin3.3 My Second Carbon Rig (design of a hi-tech cradle) Louwers3.3 Pulling Strings (shutter release by string) Becot3.3 R/C and the Manual Camera (manual advance by r/c) Marino3.3 Two New Rigs from Rodney (mechanical & gearbox rigs) Thomsen3.3 Two Tidy HoVers from Italy (diagrams of two rigs) Bonati3.4 Gluing Aluminum (epoxy on metal) van␣ Erkel3.4 Modified Servos & Plastic Boxes (rig design) Jebe3.4 Precise Stops for Servo Travel (limiting servo travel) Prinzler3.4 Swinging in the Wind (anti-thrust pendulum) Becot4.2 360 Easy Degrees (modifying the pan servo) Leffler4.2 Brooxes Basic Brownie Box (inexpensive beginner’s rig) Leffler4.2 The Aluminum Cradle (working with aluminum) Eisenhauer4.2 Your First R/C Rig (basics of r/c rig design) Bults4.3 Aluminum Elegance (a point-&-shoot cradle) Traer4.3 Monopost™ III (lightweight camera cradle) Leffler4.4 An Experience in Low-Tech KAP (simple timer rig) Foss4.4 Building a Rig for the Rebel (an elegant SLR cradle) Traer5.2 The Mass-KAP Experiment (radio rig workshop) Leffler

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5.2 The Ultra-Slim Cradle (unusual cradle design) Casalboni5.2 Washing Machine Timer Shooter (simple timer cradle) Kaczmarech

FILM1.2 Film for Aerial Photography (film overview) Eisenhauer1.2 Optical Delusion (film for KAP) Wilson

KAP1.1 Kites…Camera…Action (intro to KAP) Wilson5.2 A Beginner’s Story (complete KAP system) Didier

KITES1.3 Basics for Beginners: Kites (kites for KAP) Rock1.3 Fly-Fishing in the Sky (kites & line) Eisenhauer1.3 Kites, Line & Winders: Other Views (kites, line & winders) Various1.3 Play Techs…Lift & Separate (kites & line) Wilson1.3 The Dopero (light-wind lifter) Beutnagel1.3 The Progeny of Silas J. Conyne (Conyne & delta-Conyne kites) Leffler2.4 Craig Wilson’s Trusty 18-Footer (plans for large delta) Wilson2.4 Measuring Kite Characteristics (research on kite performance) Price2.4 Nakajima-san’s Double-Box Delta (plans for double d-C) Nakajima2.4 Rokkaku Tips & Techniques (building a rokkaku) Shannon2.4 The Autostable Kite Of S. Berthomé (kite design) Grepin3.3 Nylon 101: Making a Fuzzy Tail (a tail for FlowForm kites) Leffler3.3 The Maxi-Dopero (a larger light-wind lifter) Beutnagel4.2 The Flare Kite (moderate wind lifter) Coombs

LINE & WINDERS1.3 …and for my Rod & Reel (Stratospool winder review) Eisenhauer4.1 What’s My Line? (flying line considerations) Bults4.4 Line Lessons (observations on flying line) Eisenhauer

NEWS1.4 A Wonderful Windfall from Wolfgang (report on Bieck gift) Leffler2.1 First-Ever All-Picavet KAP Meeting (report on KAP meeting) Beutnagel2.1 Smithsonian Magic (report on KAP workshop) Eisenhauer2.3 Back to Berck (report on kite festival) Leffler2.4 Summer Sledding (report on kite festival) Wilson3.1 FLiBB’96: Picavet Über Alles (report on KAP meeting) Leffler3.1 FLiBB-Awards ’96 (report on awards) Bieck3.4 KAPing In Old Gaul (a KAP outing) Monsees3.4 Tailless Triumph at Verdun (report on Canadian festival) Wilson

3.4 æ—Then, Now, & Next Year (how æ is produced) Leffler

4.1 Easter Island to Albuquerque (a meeting with Thor Heyerdahl) Dvorak4.1 KAP Through Young Eyes (children’s perceptions of KAP) Spencer4.1 SFAP—The Symposium (report on Photo symposium) Bigras

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4.4 Lowland KAP (report on Dutch KAP meeting) van␣ Erkel5.2 How KAPers KAP (survey results) Hunt5.2 Mark Your Calendars—FLiBB 2000 (seminar announcement) Bieck5.2 Thanks To All (contributor list) Leffler

PAP1.2 Aerial Photography by Harvey Lloyd (Book Review) Eisenhauer1.4 Large Motorized Camera Rig (KAP-PAP comparison) Wilson

R/C2.1 Extending Battery Life (transmitter modifications) Bollinger3.1 Contact, or No Contact (basic soldering technique) Bults3.1 Customize Your KAP Transmitter (repackaged Futaba) Bults3.1 The “How” of Radio Control (basic r/c theory) van␣ Erkel3.1 Three Ways to Spin the Rig (servo mods for 360° rotation) Leffler3.1 Trigger Your Shutter Electrically (electronic shutter release) Benton3.1 Two Channels—Many Functions (unique r/c design) Becot3.1 Walkie-Talkie Pushie-Clickie (simple r/c) Bigras3.2 Getting the Picture: Batteries (step-up converter) van␣ Erkel4.4 90 Degrees & Beyond (servo modification) Kroeger4.4 Brooxes Better KAP Controller Mk II (repackaged transmitter) Leffler4.4 Peter’s Simple Servo Tester (a simple test device) van␣ Erkel4.4 The Computerised Transmitter (using the top-level r/c gear) Louwers4.4 WB’s OC-KAP-Transmitter (repackaged transmitter) Bieck

SAFETY2.2 Federal Regulations for Kites (FAA rules) FAA2.4 Sweat The Details (recovering from a goof) Eisenhauer2.4 Watt Happened! (kite rescue) Burgener4.3 Kites vs. Aircraft (kite/aircraft protocols) Benton4.3 Towards Safer KAPing (tips for safer flying) Benton

STEREO3.4 Stereo Kiteflying (twin-camera KAP) Schenken4.1 Stereo KAP—and the Beat Goes On (twin-camera rig design) Leffler4.3 Accurate StereoKAP (formulas & principles for stereo) Becot

TECHNIQUE1.4 Sports Technique (shooting sports activities) Eisenhauer2.2 Familiar Subjects—Novel View (KAP subjects) Benton2.2 In Search of Diagonal Historicals (KAP subjects) Green2.2 Kiteography (photogrammetry) Warner2.2 Perspective: Vertical vs. Oblique (shooting angles) McCuistion2.2 Photographing Natural Textures (using KAP in Virtual Reality) Latham2.2 Rise To The Occasion (planning and subject selection) Wilson2.2 Same Place, Different Image (photo sequences) Eisenhauer

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2.2 Sedimentary Soils & Low-Flying Birds (KAP subjects) Bieck2.2 So What Are You Shooting Up There? (using maps in KAP) Eisenhauer2.2 The Challenge of Another Perspective (KAP technique) Haugrund2.2 Use Cheap Gear & Take Lots of Chances (KAP in unusual places) Jebe2.3 Back Packer, Hip-Shooting on the Hop (single-handed KAPing) Green2.3 Becot’s Best (equipment & practice) Becot2.3 Boundary Layers & Bluff Bodies (flying near buildings) Benton2.3 Exposure & Filters (meters & filters) Eisenhauer2.3 Henry Does It In a Canoe (KAPing afloat) Jebe2.3 How To KAP without Wind (launching by running) Nakajima2.3 Kiteology • Kiteologist • Kiteography (three new words) Bieck2.3 Rookie Technique (tips for beginners) Pebly2.3 Technique…Technique…Technique (developing KAP style) Eisenhauer2.4 Kites & Flight (flying delta-Conynes) Eisenhauer2.4 Kites In Trees—An On-Line Serial (story of a rescue) Jebe2.4 Training Deltas (flying stacks of deltas) Bults3.2 Fossil Forests of the Far North (KAP in geology research) Bigras3.2 Kiteflying in the Freezer (studying penguins with KAP) Carlson3.2 Northeast to Cathay (KAP in archaeology) Bults3.2 The Walls of KAP (conquering your limitations) Eisenhauer3.3 Easter Island Revisited (KAP in archaeology) Dvorak3.3 The Penguin Papers (Antarctic research with KAP) Carlson3.4 A Few of My Favorite Things (tools & materials) Leffler3.4 Tips from Randy (KAP technique) Bollinger4.1 A Terse Treatise on Trains (flying multiple kites) Eisenhauer4.1 It’s Not Just a Crop Shoot (mental discipline in KAP) Wilson4.1 On Line, Tails, & Trains (personal KAP practices) Jebe4.4 A KAP Alternative (resorting to TAP) Jebe4.4 Free Wind & Freelancing (tips on selling your pictures) Bollinger5.1 Early Light (learning KAP) Lucas5.1 KAP in Poland (KAP in geological research) Aber5.1 Knots for KAPers (eight useful knots) Leffler5.1 Oops! (learning from mistakes) Pebly

VIDEO1.2 Using Aerial Micro-Video (video uses in KAP) Bollinger3.1 Aerial Video: Get The Picture Legally (video aiming for KAP) Joiner3.1 Using Video (video aiming) Green3.2 Is VICORI Victory? (video heads-up display) Bieck3.2 Tune In, Turn On, Take Off (video system design) Joiner4.2 The TRAM-Station (compact rig with video) Beutnagel

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summer 1999 31

James Aber

Richard Amirault

Christian Becot

Tom Bennett

Charles C. (Cris0 Benton

Peter Berryman

Ralf Beutnagel

Wolfgang Bieck

Carl Bigras

Randy Bollinger

Alberto Bonati

Paul Breddels

Henk Breedland

Rainer Breuer

Peter Bults

Tom Burgener

Jean-Edouard Cantinieaux

Ivan Cardelli

Fred Carey

John Carlson

Andrea Casalboni

Michael Clinckemaille

Adele Coombs

Arthur Coombs

Larry Cotton

Doug Davlin

Larry Day

JoAnn & Louis J. Deisinger

Claudio del Greco

Carlo Didier

Don Dvorak

Steve Eisenhauer

Peter Essick

Terry Foss

Norbert Gabriel

Fred & Earl Galley

Vince Goodnough

Claudio Del Greco

Rob Green

Georges Grepin

Marc Guétré

Carl Hanson

Simon Harbord

Michael Haugrund

Chuck Henderson

David Hunt

Henry Jebe

Al Johnson

Stephen Joiner

Chuck Jones

Mauricio José Kaczmarech

Axel Kostros

Andy Kraushaar

Scott Kroeger

Roy Latham

Dennis Lazar

Brooks Leffler

Gretchen Leffler

Gene Lewandowski

Al Long

Frank Louwers

Warren Lucas

Bernhard Malle

Phil Marino

Wendy Martin

Pierre Mazieres

H. Scott McCann

David McCuistion

Ulrich Monsees

Patrick Morin

Katsutaka Murooka

Masami Nakajima

Marvin Nauman

Kevin O’Leary

Bob Pebly

Bob Price

Harald Prinzler

Kit Richards

Anne Rock

Phil Salisbury

David Schenken

Kevin Shannon

Christoper Spencer

Tony Stanley

Richard Synergy

Glen Thomas

Rodney Thomsen

Jon W. Traer, MD

Peter van␣ Erkel

David Van␣ Zandt

Leo van␣ Zandvoort

José Wallois

William S. Warner

Eddie Webb

Craig Wilson

Woody Woodrich

Those listed below have made the aerial eye possiblethrough their contribution of articles and/or photographs.



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32 the aerial eye

[above] Castle at Sekiyado by Masami Nakajima

[below] Lüneburger Heath—Homeland of FLiBB 2000 by Wolfgang Bieck
