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Affirmations one-chapter

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Affirmations – Words with Power One Free Chapter Copyright © Remez Sasson and Dorina Sasson Order the book from: www.successconsciousness.com/books/affirmations_words_power.htm Affirmations Words with Power By Dorina Sasson and Remez Sasson One Free Chapter Published by Remez Sasson www.SuccessConsciousness.com Order the full version from: www.successconsciousness.com/books/affirmations_words_power.htm
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Affirmations – Words with Power One Free Chapter

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Affirmations Words with Power By Dorina Sasson and Remez Sasson

One Free Chapter

Published by Remez Sasson www.SuccessConsciousness.com Order the full version from: www.successconsciousness.com/books/affirmations_words_power.htm

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Affirmations – Words with Power One Free Chapter

Copyright © Remez Sasson and Dorina Sasson Order the book from:


Copyright Copyright © 2005 by Remez Sasson and Dorina Sasson. Revised edition 2011 © Remez Sasson and Dorina Sasson Revised edition 2012 © Remez Sasson and Dorina Sasson Revised edition 2014 © Remez Sasson and Dorina Sasson All rights reserved worldwide. Copyright applies to all formats, including printed books, eBook formats such as html files, PDF, Kindle, ePub, lit, exe, and all other eBook and book formats. You may share, distribute or give away this free chapter, as a bonus or gift to your website’s visitor, customers, or the subscribers of your newsletter, provided no changes, additions, subtractions or modification are made to it, and no payment is charged for it. Published by Remez Sasson www.SuccessConsciousness.com This Free Chapter is not for Sale! Website: www.SuccessConsciousness.com Order “Affirmations - Words with Power” from: www.successconsciousness.com/books/affirmations_words_power.htm


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Chapter 1 - What Are Affirmations

Affirmations Are Positive Statements ‘Affirmations are small seeds that you plant in your mind. If you nurture them with faith, persistence, and positive feelings, they will grow and bear the fruits you want.’ Affirmations are positive statements about a certain condition, task or goal, which you want to accomplish. They are often-repeated, in order to trigger the mind to create or attract the condition, task or goal into your life. Repeating the same affirmation over and again, eventually, leads the mind to believe the repeated words, and to think and act accordingly. Affirmations help to replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts, by diverting the mind from thinking about what you don’t want, to thinking about what you really want. Furthermore, repeating affirmations helps you focus your mind on your goal or desire, enabling you to recognize opportunities and to take advantage of them. It might seem strange to you, but affirmations can also attract opportunities, situations and people into your life. You can use affirmations for getting a better job, a new car, a big TV screen or any other position or object. You can also use them to help you overcome anger, solve a problem, or lose weight. You can use affirmations for healing, improving relationships, and for finding love. You can also use them to create new, positive habits. They are useful for many purposes, as you will soon find.


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Examples of Affirmations 1. I am happy, content and satisfied with my life. 2. With every breath I take, I fill myself with happiness and health. 3. Each day, more and more money is filling my bank account. 4. I magnetize and attract to me plenty of money. 5. I am calm, relaxed, and confident during the interview. 6. I am very happy to start my new job today. 7. I have the time and means to travel abroad whenever I want. 8. I am sitting in my new car, holding the steering wheel and joyfully

driving it. To get results, you need to repeat the affirmations frequently, mentally or aloud, with belief, earnestness and attention. Gradually, your mind will accept the affirmations, and start affecting your actions and behavior accordingly, leading you to achieve what you are affirming. Affirmations resemble small drops of water that constantly fall on a rock. The drops are light and small. However, over a period of time they affect and change the shape of the rock in a very visible way. Affirmations affect the mind in the same way. Affirmations energize, inspire and motivate, and program the mind to seek ways, to turn the repeated words into reality, even if there are obstacles and difficulties. Affirmations influence your thoughts, actions, reactions and body language, and in some way, attract people, who might help you accomplish your goals.


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The Benefits of Affirmations Affirmations can be used in every area of life, to create improvement and a better and happier life. They are effective tools for developing new, positive habits, overcoming negative habits, and handling the various challenges of daily life. With the help of affirmations you can develop various skills, improve your concentration, increase your self-confidence, enjoy happiness, and strengthen motivation and inspiration. Affirmations are also useful for losing weight and shaping the body. Affirmations are useful tools for achieving success. They keep the mind focused on the goal, motivate, and keep the fire of ambition alive. • Affirmations inspire, motivate and encourage. • They fill the mind and the body with positive energies. • They boost your ambition. • They help you to get rid of undesirable and unhealthy habits. • With their help, you can replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts. • Affirmations can help heal the body.

• Affirmations attract new ideas and new opportunities, and awaken the

motivation to act to take advantage of them. They drive the subconscious mind to come up with solutions, and supply the energy and strength to take action.

• Affirmations help you relax your body and mind.

• Affirmations trigger the universe and your subconscious mind to help you realize your desires and goals, and attract people, who can help you achieve them.


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Examples of an Affirmation Coming True Several years ago, we lived in a town located about two hours’ drive from the airport. Every time we returned from a vacation abroad, we had to wait a long time, until a taxi was available. Then, we had to wait until there were enough passengers to fill all the seats (It is a kind of a big taxi, with seats for ten passengers). This had always annoyed my wife, who was anxious to return home from the airport, as quickly as possible. One day, while my wife was abroad, she decided to use affirmations to change this situation. A few days before flying back home, she started repeating several times a day, the following affirmation: “A taxi is waiting for me at the airport, and is taking me immediately to my home.” While boarding the plane, and during the flight, she continued to repeat the same affirmation. When doubts rose in her mind, she pushed them aside, and continued repeating the affirmations. She kept repeating the affirmation with joy, calmness and certainty. Once in a while, she also said to herself: “There is always the last person who takes the last seat in the taxi. This time it is me.” She continued repeating the affirmation, while landing, passing through the passport checking and customs, and while taking her luggage. Usually, my wife calls me from the airport, to tell me that she arrived safely, but this time she decided not to waste any moment, and to go straight to the taxi station.


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Upon arriving at the station, she discovered that a taxi was waiting to take passengers to our town. The taxi driver came toward her, and said: “I have just one seat left. Hop in dear. We were waiting just for you.” The taxi driver put her luggage compartment and they drove away. Amazingly, everything happened the way she affirmed and anticipated. The words of her affirmation were amazingly accurate. There was a taxi waiting just for her to take her home, with just one vacant seat, and she didn’t have to wait for other passengers. This was a wonderful and uplifting experience for her, proving that affirmations work, sometimes in a seemingly miraculous way. You might say, “It’s just pure good luck." Yes, good luck does come often, to people who use affirmations. This happens because affirmations create opportunities, new circumstances, and right timings. Here is another example of using affirmations: My wife uses affirmations to help her find a parking space, and this works even in crowded and busy streets. She starts affirming that she is going to find a parking space, long before getting out of the house, and amazingly, it works. It seems, as if the affirmation synchronizes her arrival with the time someone drives away. Is also possible be that her subconscious mind leads her to take a certain route, drive at a certain speed, or to be more aware and alert, if someone leaves a parking space drives away.


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Why Affirmations Work Affirmations produce results according to natural laws, mental laws and cosmic laws. The Mental Laws: 1. Affirmations are thoughts in words, and thoughts are a form of energy

that can produce changes.

2. A repeated thought gains strength, and becomes powerful enough to make changes in accordance with your will.

One single thought, usually, does not produce results, but when it is frequently repeated, it gathers power. This is why you need to repeat an affirmation often. Repetitions make the affirmation gain power and become effective.

3. Affirmations influence the subconscious mind, in the same way as

commercials on TV and ads in newspapers. The first time you see or read them, they might not affect you, but if you watch or read them day after day, gradually, you will accept them, and might even buy the advertised product.

4. The act of affirming puts emphasis and gives importance to the subject of

the affirmation, and drives you to do something about it. 5. Thoughts pass from one mind to another. We broadcast our thoughts and

perceive other people’s thoughts. Sometimes, our thoughts affect other people, causing them to help us with our goals.

6. The subconscious mind obeys and executes the commands of the

conscious mind. What you think with your conscious mind passes to your subconscious mind, which in turn, strives to make the repeated thought come true.

7. Often-repeated words are ultimately accepted as true by the mind, and

this leads to anticipation, belief and action.


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8. Affirmations motivate, inspire and encourage to take action. The Cosmic Laws: Our thoughts are part of the creative Cosmic Power, and are therefore, powered by its creative energy. When we repeat the same thought over and again for some time, we impress it on this Cosmic Power, which helps us turn it into reality. We are partners with this Cosmic Power, also called the Universal Mind, in creating the circumstances and situations of our lives. The Universal Mind perceives our thoughts and words, and turns them into our reality. You may or may not accept the theory of the Universal Mind. Nevertheless, it is difficult not to agree that there is some sort of great power in the Universe that is constantly creating and recreating this world. We take part in the creative process of the Universal Mind, because our thoughts and desires are part of it. 1. Words express thoughts and ideas and gain strength by repetitions. Their

frequent repetition, affects the creative power of the Universal Mind.

2. Everything exists in the omnipresent Universal Mind. You and your thoughts are an inseparable part of this mind. Whatever you think or say is within it and affects it.

3. Everything that exists is connected and interconnected with everything else on a cosmic level. Thoughts, actions and events are interconnected and affect one another.

4. When affirmations are repeated, they create vibrations, which attract

opportunities and the right people to help us.

5. Affirmations are like radio or TV broadcasts. We broadcast our thoughts and desires to the world. The Universal mind perceives them and helps us.


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6. We live within the Universal Mind, are part of it, and participate in its creative action. This is why our thoughts and words affect our lives and the circumstances and situations we go through.

7. Focusing your attention with belief and desire on an affirmation, you energize and charge it with power. This affects the Universal Mind, which in turn, affects your environment.

8. Our thoughts attract similar thoughts and ideas from the world

surrounding us. Repeating an affirmation opens a door in the mind, which lets similar thoughts and ideas pass through.

If we think negatively, we attract negative thoughts. If we adopt a positive attitude and think positively, we attract similar thoughts from the surrounding world, and therefore, become even more positive.


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About the Authors Remez Sasson Remez Sasson has been studying and practicing various techniques of self-improvement and spiritual growth from an early age. After many years of studying, practicing and gaining practical experience, he decided to share the knowledge and experience he has gained, through his websites, articles and books. Remez Sasson is the author of the books ‘Peace of Mind in Daily Life’, ‘Emotional Detachment for a Better Life’, ‘Strengthen Your Willpower and Self Discipline’, ‘Visualize and Achieve’, ‘How to Focus Your Mind’ and ‘Affirmations Words of Power’. Remez Sasson is the founder of the websites: www.SuccessConsciousness.com www.LookWithinYou.com For more information about Remez Sasson, visit: www.SuccessConsciousness.com/about.htm www.lookwithinyou.com/about/ For information about Remez Sasson's books, visit: www.successconsciousness.com/ebooks_and_books.htm Dorina Sasson Dorina Sasson has been studying self-improvement and personal growth techniques for many years. She has been trained in Louise L. Hay’s teacher training course, and is a certified teacher for “You can heal your life” study course, and “Love yourself, heal your life” workshop.


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Affirmations - Words with Power By Remez Sasson & Dorina Sasson Learn how to use the power of affirmations for improving your life and for creating success. Find guidance, instructions and techniques for using the

power of affirmations. www.successconsciousness.com/books/affirmations_words_power.htm

Visualize and Achieve By Remez Sasson Learn simple mental techniques, to help you improve your life and achieve success. Discover how to use visualization to turn dreams into reality.


How to Focus Your Mind By Remez Sasson Improve your concentration with simple mental exercises. Tips, advice and exercises for strengthening your concentration and focusing your mind.



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Copyright © Remez Sasson and Dorina Sasson Order the book from:


Peace of Mind in Daily Life By Remez Sasson Guidance and advice for enjoying peace of mind in the hustle and bustle of daily life. Learn how to calm down the constant, tiring chatter of the

mind, and experience the joy of living without worries, anxieties and restless thinking. www.successconsciousness.com/books/peace-of-mind-in-daily-life.htm

Strengthen Your Willpower and Self Discipline By Remez Sasson Strengthen your willpower and self-discipline with simple, effective exercises, which you can practice at any time or place.

Improve self-confidence, assertiveness, decisiveness and perseverance. www.successconsciousness.com/books/peace-of-mind-in-daily-life.htm

Emotional Detachment for a Better Life By Remez Sasson Learn how to stop taking everything too personally and becoming upset by what people say and do. Discover how to free yourself from too much attachment and

harmful emotional involvement. www.successconsciousness.com/books/emotional-detachment.html

