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Afrique applications Africa

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Afrique AfricaCom’s enterprising applications Network Superior semiconductors for superb connections Broadcasting Digital content and industry convergence Cybercriminalité L'augmentation de failles de sécurité Europe m15 - Kenya KSH300 - Nigeria N400 - South Africa R20 - UK £10 - USA $16.50 A diversified product portfolio for smart cities Africa www.communicationsafrica.com Issue 6 2015 Édition 6 2015 FEATURES: Internet Mobile Infrastructure REGULAR REPORTS: Bulletin - Agenda Solutions
Page 1: Afrique applications Africa


AfricaCom’senterprisingapplications Network

Superior semiconductors

for superb connections

BroadcastingDigital content and

industry convergence

CybercriminalitéL'augmentation de

failles de sécurité

Europe m15 - Kenya KSH300 - Nigeria N400 - South Africa R20 - UK £10 - USA $16.50

A diversified product portfolio for smart cities


Issue 6 2015Édition 6 2015

FEATURES: � Internet � Mobile � InfrastructureREGULAR REPORTS: � Bulletin - Agenda � Solutions

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AfricaCom’senterprisingapplications Network

Superior semiconductors

for superb connections

BroadcastingDigital content and

industry convergence

CybercriminalitéL'augmentation de

failles de sécurité

Europe m15 - Kenya KSH300 - Nigeria N400 - South Africa R20 - UK £10 - USA $16.50

A diversified product portfolio for smart cities


Issue 6 2015Édition 6 2015

FEATURES: � Internet � Mobile � InfrastructureREGULAR REPORTS: � Bulletin - Agenda � Solutions

A note from the EditorTHIS ISSUE ADDRESSES issues affectingnetwork power consumption and datamanagement, on pages 16 and 17. There isan appraisal on page 18 of the marketgrowth for increasingly sophisticatedpersonal communications devices. Pages20 and 22 carry a preview of AfricaCom,widely-regarded as the continent;’s keypan-African connectivity event. Pages 24and 26 reflect on a similarly significantbroadcasting event, IBC

Main Cover Image: ABSCover Inset: ShuttterstockContents Inset: Microsoft

Une note du rédacteur

CETTE ÉDITION DE Communications

Africa/Afrique représentel’entreprise mondial de la sécuriténumérique et des millionsd’enregistrements de données dansle monde. Il y a un article sur lesujet d’agences marketing d’Afriqueet des solutions marketing etd’activation aux clients locaux aussibien qu’internationaux. Aussi, il y aun rapport sur le le développementà l’international dl’un entreprise etde la technologie blockchain.

Bulletin 4

Events 8

Agenda 10

Solutions 29


Network 16A new semiconductor material made from black phosphorus, and a renewed commitment to technology for growth,innovation and transformation

Devices 18The personal communications revolution underway in Africa, driving new market growth for increasingly sophisticatedhandsets

AfricaCom 20The 2015 edition of the continent’s key tecnological showcase of equipment and software to connect communities

IBC 24Reports from this established European broadcasting event, which sees deepening convergence between transmission,reception, and communications technologies


Sécurité 19Gemalto publie les résultats de l’étude Breach Level Index du 1er semestre 2015 portant sur la sécurité numérique

Commerce 23Publicis Groupe fait un grand bond en Afrique du Sud avec l’acquisition d’un groupe intégré d’agences marketing

Investissement 28Orange Digital Ventures investit dans Chain, premier fournisseur mondial de solutions technologiques de blockchain


www.communicationsafrica.com Communications Africa Issue 6 2015 3

Managing Editor: Andrew Croft - [email protected]

Editorial and Design team: Bob Adams, Prashanth AP, Sindhuja Balaji, Hiriyti BairuAndrew Croft, Ranganath GS, Rhonita Patnaik, Prasad Shankarappa, Louise Waters and Ben Watts

Production: Priyanka Chakraborty, Nikitha Jain, Nathanielle Kumar,

Donatella Moranelli and Sophia Pinto Email: [email protected]

Publisher: Nick Fordham

Publishing Director: Pallavi Pandey

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Business Magazines

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Communications Africa Issue 6 20154


Worldreader and Opera Software reach five millionreaders with mobile devicesGLOBAL NONPROFIT ENTITY Worldreader, which aims to improveliteracy through digital books, has formed a partnership with OperaSoftware that has afforded access five million readers in Africa to25,000 free digital book titles, via their mobile phones; “For themillions of people in Africa who already use the Opera Mini browser,this makes reading on a mobile phone as easy as making a call,”said Richard Monday, VP Africa att Opera Software.

CTO reports on progress with key programmesTHE COMMMONWEALTH TELECOMMUNICATIONS Organisation (CTO)2014-15 annual report highlights key achievements in cybersecurity,e-inclusion and regulatory environments; presented at the annualmeeting of the CTO Council in Nairobi, Kenya, in September 2015, thereport features regional and bilateral programmes delivered by theCTO in its key strategic areas.

TETRA to make Cape Town saferMOTOROLA SOLUTIONS AND radio distributor Altech Alcom Matomohas completed an extension of the digital Terrestrial Trunked Radio(TETRA) communications network in the city of Cape Town, SouthAfrica; the city’s technology investment provides resilient andfeature-rich communications for public safety agencies and utilitiesto help protect its citizens and visitors.

“Investment in the TETRA system serves asan enabler for improved service delivery to

the citizens of the CMA” - Councillor XantheaLimberg, mayoral committee member for

corporate services, City of Cape Town

Cobham uses IBC as launchpad for flexible,software-defined transmitterRF SPECIALIST COMPANY Cobham Tactical Communications andSurveillance has launched the SOLO8 SDR, an ultra-small camera-back transmitter that for the first time takes the description‘software-defined’ into the RF world; unveiled for the first time at IBC2015, the new SOLO8 SDR is a COFDM digital video transceiver withan exceptionally high density of connectors, offerng ease of

integration, a small form factor, and ultra-low power consumption(between 5 to 10W) - coupled with an ability to perform multiplefunctions in a single unit - to reduce significantly the amount ofequipment needed to be carried into the field, and so to reduce theinventory typically needed to be carried by hire companies.

Actus offers clip creation and Change Tracker forimproved content management at IBC 2015A ONE-STOP SHOP content repurposing solution for mobile, Internet,OTT or any content platforms, presented at IBC 2015, Actus ClipFactory enhances the workflow of clips creation by addingautomation to the clips creation process, and the new Actus ChangeTracker solution, also shown at IBC, is used for comparing outgoingand off-air feeds and flagging significant differences according touser-defined rules; Actus Digital provides cost-effective web-basedbroadcast monitoring solutions for broadcasters, networks, cableand satellite operators, IPTV, media agencies, governments andcontent producer worldwide.

Avanti Communications and GRC agree multi-year,multi-region contract for public sector satelliteservicesSATELLITE CONNECTIVITY SPECIALIST Avanti Communications hassigned a multi-year contract with Global RadioData Communications(GRC) to deliver secure, resilient Ka-band satellite connectivity to avariety of government, defence and emergency service customers;Tony Talbot, technical sales manager at GRC, commented, “Havinginvested in the latest Ka-band technology to deliver high speed datacommunications services across EMEA, Avanti is the clear choice forsecure communications even in the most demanding locations.”

Globalstar's STX3 chipset selected by IdentecSolutions for advanced asset trackingSATELLITE MESSAGING AND emergency notification technologiesfirm Globalstar Europe Satellite Services has contracted withwireless communications specialist Identec Solutions to integrateGlobalstar’s STX3 chipset into a new highly-flexible and capableasset-tracking solution; Identec Solutions will add the iQ350LXGPS/SAT tag to its existing solution platform developed specificallyfor companies carrying out remote operations, both land-based andoffshore.

Nokia Networks unveils its programmable 5G multi-service architectureNOKIA NETWORKS HAS been developing a programmable 5Garchitecture that overcomes the rigidity of legacy networks,automatically and dynamically adapts radio access and core networkresources to meet the needs of different services, traffic variationsover time and location, and network topology, including transport;the quality of customer experiences will be substantially higher,while almost instant response and rock-solid connectivity promise totransform the business processes of industry sectors frommanufacturing to automotive and healthcare.

ContentWise and Babeleye bring personalisation tothe Middle East and AfricaDIGITAL TV CONTENT solution company ContentWise has partneredwith multi-lingual video content metadata platform providerBabeleye to bring personalised TV experiences to the Middle Eastand Africa; the partnership, which will see Babeleye’s metadataplatform integrated with both ContentWise solutions, will enableContentWise to deliver search, discovery and recommendations forlocal content, providing viewers with the very best TV experiencesacross screens.

City of Cape Town extends TETRA digital radio communications network withMotorola Solutions technology


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La solution de Wipro et VMware pour créer un espacede travail numériqueWIPRO, UNE SOCIÉTÉ de premier plan spécialisée dans les technologiesde l’information, le conseil et les services de processus d’affaires, alancé Wipro LiVE Workspace, exécutée à l'aide des solutions de mobilitécommerciale de VMware; cette solution permet aux entreprises d'êtreprêtes à capitaliser sur le numérique pour les utilisateurs finaux deprochaine génération, les aidant à créer un espace de travail souple,intelligent, collaboratif et mobile.

« Nous sommes heureux de présenter notrenouvelle offre LiVE Workspace, équipée des

solutions de mobilité d'entreprise de VMware.LiVE Workspace, qui est soutenue par l'hyper-automatisation, l'intelligence artificielle et latransformation numérique, aide les clients à

transformer leur espace de travail en uneexpérience qu'il est possible de déployern'importe où, n'importe quand et depuis

n'importe quel appareil »

- G K Prasanna, président et chef de la direction, global infrastructure services, Wipro Limited

Lancement réussi du satellite Eutelsat 8 West BLE SATELLITE EUTELSAT 8 West B, d'une masse de 5,8 tonnes, a été lancéavec succès par une fusée Ariane 5; Michel Azibert, Directeur généraldélégué et directeur commercial et du développement d’Eutelsat, a dit :« Avec le satellite Eutelsat 8 West B, nous écrivons un nouveau chapitredans l’histoire du principal pôle audiovisuel du Moyen-Orient etd'Afrique du Nord, exploité à partir des satellites d’Eutelsat et de Nilesat.

Une mesure importante en faveur de la ConférenceCMR-15JOHN GIUSTI, CHEF adjoint pour la réglementation chez GMSA s’estexprimé sur les résultats de la réunion finale de l’Union Africaine desTélécommunications (UAT) qui a eu lieu à Nairobi, précédant la

Conférence Mondiale desRadiocommunicat ions(CMR-15); il a dit: « Ils ontfait preuve en serapprochant et acceptantdes propositions unifiées,de leur support à assurer ladisponibilité d’une plusgrande couverture pourrépondre aux besoins deleurs citoyens en termes dehaut débit mobile. »

Yahoo LiveText - unenouvelle façon decommuniquerYAHOO! INC A lancé deYahoo LiveText, unenouvelle application de SMSvidéo en direct surtéléphones iPhone etAndroid; Yahoo LiveTextallie la commodité et lafacilité d'envoyer des SMS,avec l'immédiateté et lavivacité de la vidéo endirect, mais sans le son - desorte que vous pouvezl'utiliser dans n'importequel contexte.

Cérémonie de réception et de récompense deslauréats du Concours GénéralLA FONDATION SONATEL reçoit et récompense les lauréats du ConcoursGénéral 2015, après avoir accompagné la cérémonie officielle dedistribution des prix présidée par le Chef de l’Etat; la réception deslauréats a débuté par une rencontre au nouveau siège de Sonatel avecle Directeur Général, Président du Conseil de Fondation, MonsieurAlioune Ndiaye et a poursuivi dans les locaux de la Fondation Sonatel.

La performance de la technologie de Mellanox enmatière d’application et d’infrastructure cloudMELLANOX TECHNOLOGIES, GRAND fournisseur de solutionsd’interconnexion bout-en-bout haute performance, offre uneconnectivité cloud Ethernet de plus de 25, 50 et 100 Gits/s au stand deMellanox; les nouveaux débits de connectivité de données offrent uneévolutivité économique de la bande passante de réseau fournie auxserveurs et points de stockage pour les infrastructures cloud nouvellegénération, dont les charges devraient dépasser la capacité des liensEthernet de 10 ou 40 Gbits/s déployés à l’heure actuelle.

« Nous sommes fiers de conserver notre rôlede leader dans la technologie et d’être les

premiers à prendre en charge tous les débitsEthernet standards sur une seule carte »

- Kevin Deierling, vice-président marketing, Mellanox Technologies

Eutelsat 8 West B (Photo: Thales Alenia Space / imag[IN)


Yahoo LiveText est une nouvelle façon derester en contact

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8 www.communicationsafrica.com

THE REVOLUTIONARY ABS-3A satellite is now in full commercial use. The satellite startedservice on 31st August 2015 to serve the Americas, Africa, Europe and the Middle Eastregions.

Launched on 1st March 2015, the ABS-3A satellite built by Boeing has performed evenbetter than expected having arrived ahead of schedule. In-Orbit tests have beensuccessfully completed and the satellite became fully operational on 31st August 2015.

ABS-3A features 48 C and Ku-band active transponders (96 x 36 MHz equivalent) and isequipped with high performance beams to support the rapidly growing markets in theAmericas and Africa as well as the European and Middle East regions. ABS-3A providesexpansion capacity to reach markets servicing high-growth data, video, mobility andgovernment applications.

“ABS’ innovative design and procurement approach for satellites is designed to providethe best possible economics to our customers. ABS-3A and along with ABS-2A, launchingin early 2016, will deliver these exceptional economics on current next-generation satellites.Both ABS-3A and 2A will further strengthen and solidify our global expansion and offerflexible capacity to our growing fleet,” commented Tom Choi, CEO of ABS. “We look forwardto serving diverse markets using increasingly innovative and affordable solutions for manyof ABS’ current and future customers.”

“With a successful launch, testing and execution of orbit operations, we were able todeliver the first 702SP to ABS about one month earlier than planned,” said Mark Spiwak,president, Boeing Satellite Systems International. “The 702SP product line was designed tobring the latest technology into the hands of customers seeking adaptable and affordablesolutions. In addition, the 702SP’s patented dual-launch capability helps customers sharelaunch costs, which can significantly lower overall expenses for a satellite owner.”

NOVEMBER/NOVEMBRE2-3 TV Connect Middle East & North Africa Dubai, UAE mena.tvconnectevent.com

2-27 World Radiocommunication Conference Geneva, Switzerland www.itu.int

3-4 Location & Context World Palo Alto, USA locationandcontextevent.com

9-12 OTTTV World Summit London, UK ottworldsummit.com

10-12 MVNO Networking Congress London, UK mvnoevent.com

17-19 AfricaCom Cape Town, South Africa africa.comworldseries.com

17-19 LTE Africa Cape Town, South Africa africa.lteconference.com

17-19 TV Connect Africa Cape Town, South Africa africa.tvconnectevent.com

27-28 Broadcast, Film & Music Africa Nairobi, Kenya aitecafrica.com

30 Nov-1 Dec Gartner Data Centre, Infrastructure & Operations Management London, UK www.gartner.com

DECEMBER/DÉCEMBRE1-2 Messaging & SMS World London, UK www.capacityconferences.com

1-3 Gartner Application Architecture, Development & Integration Las Vegas, USA www.gartner.com

1-3 Gartner Data Centre, Infrastructure & Operations Management Las Vegas, USA www.gartner.com

7-8 e-AGE Casablanca, Morocco asrenorg.net

7-9 Gartner Identity & Access Management Las Vegas, USA www.gartner.com

7-10 IEEE SSCI Cape Town, South Africa ieee-ssci.org.za

15-16 AfriComm Cotonou, Benin africommconference.org

JANUARY/JANVIER23-25 MicroCom Durgapur, India www.ieee.org

FEBRUARY/FÉVRIER17-18 eCommerce Africa Cape Town, South Africa www.ecommerce-africa.com

22-25 Mobile World Congress Barcelona, Spain www.mobileworldcongress.com

Events/Événements 2015/16

The ABS-3A satellite hasentered commercial service

ABS-3A satellite enters commercial service

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HISTORICALLY, RETAILERS IN South Africa exploitedinformation and communication technologies (ICTs)to increase operational efficiencies in areas such assupply chain management, point-of-sale systems,and enterprise resource planning. Going forward,expenditure by retailers will shift to application-basedusage, including data analytics, social commerce,and omni-channel engagement, thus firmlyembedding ICT into multiple facets of the retail valuechain.

Analysis from Frost & Sullivan, published as ‘ICTSpend in South Africa: Retail Sector’, indicates thattotal ICT spend in the retail sector stood atUS$484.1mn in 2014 and estimates this to reachUS$572.6mn in 2019, at a compound annual growthrate (CAGR) of 3.4 per cent.

"The prevalence of cloud-based applications andmanaged services, as well as stronger focus on ICTfrom support units like marketing, are pushing up ICTspend in the South African retail sector," said Frost &Sullivan ICT programme manager Gareth Mellon."Factors like increased connectivity, the adoption ofmCommerce, and improved access to customerinformation contribute to the drive for more ICTapplications."

An ongoing challenge for retailers is the integrationof legacy systems with new applications.Furthermore, the continued need for systems

maintenance is cutting into ICT budgets and delayingthe adoption of new technologies. Broadermacroeconomic conditions, such as the slowdown inthe SA economy and lack of reliable power, alsodampen retailer investment in ICT.

Concerns surrounding the security of customerinformation also restrain implementation. Ascustomers demand personalised services,information becomes more critical. However, it is nolonger just about collecting information; ICT providersand retailers must also address the importantquestion of effectively managing and protecting thisdata.

"A comprehensive understanding of the retailvalue chain will assist ICT providers in identifying therole they can play," noted Mellon. "For example, theextension of the value chain to include personaldelivery to customers is a challenging prospect forretailers, but this is an area that ICT partners caneasily assist in."

While the pervasive influence of connectivity andconvergence can overwhelm retailers, articulating thevalue of new technologies - such as big data andvirtualisation - will help South African ICT providersopen the door to effective implementation.Eventually, ICT will move beyond the mere running ofretail operations to supporting the entire retailbusiness model.

Communications Africa Issue 6 2015



ACCORDING TO A new marketresearch report, ‘LogisticsMarket by Internet of Things(IoT) Technologies in FleetManagement, Warehouse andInventory Management, byConnectivity Technologies(Zigbee, Wi-Fi, Satellite), byDevices, Transportation Mode,Services - Global Forecast to2020’, published byMarketsandMarkets, the globalconnected logistics market isexpected to grow fromUS$5.05bn in 2015 toUS$20.46bn by 2020, at acompound annual growth rate(CAGR) of 32.3 per cent.The report is segmented by

systems and solutionscategorisations includinglogistics management systems,warehouse managementsystems, and security andmonitoring systems, and byhardware into gateways, RFID,and sensor nodes.

ISOCEL IS A major telecommunications and an internet service provider in Benin.Founded in 2008, the company has its own frequencies in the 2.3 and 3.5 GHzbands. Isocel conveys its international capacities via submarine cables from itsPoPs in London and Paris to the Network Operations Center in Cotonou wherecustomers are served through both Wireless Local Loop and fibre opticinfrastructure. The company offers broadband internet connection services forindividuals, SMEs and large companies.

Moreover, Isocel provides digital data transmission solutions, server hostingand customised solutions for large companies and international organisations.Isocel has established connections to major exchange points in Europe likeLondon Internet Exchange (LINX), Amsterdam Internet Exchange (AMS-IX) andNeutral Internet Exchange (NL-IX) to peer and exchange IP traffic. Peering withInternational Exchange Points allowed Isocel to route traffic to major CDNproviders and to other networks. This means that instead of passing all IP trafficto its IP transit, the traffic will now be directly routed through these IXesallowing faster response time and cost-effective Internet services to residentialand business subscribers. Joining these Internet Exchange Points has deliveredadvantages eg improved quality of service and lower latency to destinationhosts. And Isocel is an ACE Benin member, and managed the country’s submarinecable landing. Being indirectly a member of the ACE consortium has enabled thecompany to acquire large volumes of international capacities and reach othercountries such as Burkina Faso, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Niger, Nigeria and Senegal.At present, Isocel offers a One Stop Shop for Internet, IP/Ethernet Backhaul ortraditional backhaul services. Customers may now experience a single provider,single support, and single biller to their multi-country sites.

Isocel, leading in Benin, a trusted partner in Africa

MOBILE MONEY SERVICE provider WorldRemit and network operatorMTN Uganda have introduced money transfer services between Ugandaand neighbouring country Rwanda. This new mobile money service willallow customers in both countries to transact without having to changecurrencies. The service enables an MTN customer in Rwanda to sendmoney in Rwandese Francs to a recipient in Uganda who will receive it inUganda Shillings. The recipient has to be a customer of MTN Uganda toreceive the transfer.

"Technology is helping us eliminate national borders, enabling aunified digital and mobile financial services world. We are delighted tooffer a solution that further enhances this agenda," said Mr PhraseLubega, MTN Uganda's general manager in charge of financial services."We also trust that our customers will find it easy, fast and a moreconvenient means of transferring funds internationally."

By end-June 2015 MTN Uganda had recorded a 12.8 per cent increasein mobile money subscribers, from 7.3mn (at the end of 2014) to 8.2mn.

Mobile money is the ICT industry’s fastest-growing service offering,and is helping to vastly reduce the costs of sending money abroad. AlixMurphy, senior mobile analyst at WorldRemit, said, “Internationalremittances via mobile money are growing both in Africa and globally.There are now over 260 mobile money services worldwide with over 100million active users. The mobile money interoperability initiatives thatexist between telecoms operators remain intra-country or intra-continent, as most lack the underlying infrastructure for money transfersinternationally across continents. Money transfer services such asWorldRemit act as a hub to connect these disparate systems and enableseamless money transfers from abroad directly into mobile moneywallets at a fraction of the cost of the traditional money transfer industry.Today, over 60 per cent of WorldRemit’s international money transfers toUganda go to mobile wallet services, demonstrating the important rolemobile money plays for Ugandans living in the diaspora.”

Connecting logisticsICT spend escalates in South African retail sector

MTN moves money between Uganda and Rwanda


Isocel offers a One Stop Shop for Internet,IP/Ethernet Backhaul or traditional

backhaul services

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TELECOMMUNICATION OPERATOR MTN Uganda haslaunched the P8 smartphone from Huawei on theUgandan market and will be available in MTN outletsand service centers across the country at a cost of1,590,000 million shillings (about US$450) and isbundled with 50MB of data, daily for sixty days.

MTN CEO,Brian Gouldie said during the launch ofthe P8 in Kampala recently, "We are very delighted topartner with Huawei to unveil this year's bestsmartphone so far.Smartphones are definitely thefuture of this industry."

He added, "The Huawei P8 is built to offer aworld-class user experience, somethingwe as MTN emphasise ineverything we do because webelieve in making the customerthe champion. With our country-wide 4G network, this phone willdeliver that."

The managing director ofHuawei Uganda, Stanley Chynsaid one of the P8's competitiveadvantages is its ability toconnect more efficiently todifferent mobile networks,stressing that "the P8 has beendeveloped to hold and amplifyeven the weakest connection".

He added that the company’s mandate was todesign devices that inspire creativity and building onthe success of its predecessors, the P8 embodies aclassic yet inspiring design,class-leading technologyand ease of use that is bound to inspire its users.

Style and performanceCompany officials say the device’s outward appeallies in its sleek, classical design, which reflects itsusers' sense of style and appreciation of performance

and usability.It also combines elegance,

craftsmanship and durability.MTN Uganda says some of the

key features of the Huawei P8include an Octa Core processor 1.5GHz, a 5.2 inch touch screen,battery at 2600 mAh, and 16 GBROM plus 3 GB RAM.

Other features include a 13 megapixel MP rear camera plus 8 MPfront camera, a portable WiFihotspot that complies with WiFi

802.11 bgn and supports LongTerm Evolution (LTE) networksB5 and B7, and Bluetooth 4.1.

Geoffrey Muleme

Communications Africa Issue 6 2015



SATELLITE OPERATORSUBSIDIARY SES PlatformServices presented a liveshowcase of Liquid VoD, forvideo-on-demand services(VoD) via satellite, at IBC 2015.Liquid VoD is an innovative

way to distribute video contentover satellite, delivering a realVoD user experience.The solution addresses the

lack of broadband internetconnectivity in underservedareas and delivers content to anever-increasing number ofusers without incrementaldistribution cost.“There are still many areas in

the world without area-widebroadband supply, and in theseregions Liquid VoD would be aperfect solution for operators tolaunch VoD services to exploitthe growing demand for non-linear content,” said WilfriedUrner, CEO of SES PlatformServices.

NETWORK OPERATOR SMILE Telecomswhich owns and operates mobilewireless 4G LTE broadband networks inthe 800MHz band in Nigeria, Tanzaniaand Uganda, has raised US$365mn ofdebt and equity financing, to be usedto expand Smile’s existing 4G LTEmobile broadband networks andservices to enable it by the end of 2015to offer clear voice services andnational coverage comparable to thelargest 3G network in each of itscurrent countries of operation. Smilewill also launch its broadband networkin Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)early in 2016.

The funding is comprised ofUS$50mn of equity, raised from thecountry’s Public InvestmentCorporation on behalf of itsGovernment Employees Pension Fund(PIC), and a US$315mn multi-tranche,multi-jurisdictional debt facility led byAfrican Export-Import Bank withparticipation from the PIC, theDevelopment Bank of Southern Africa,Diamond Bank PLC, Ecobank Nigeria,the Industrial DevelopmentCorporation of South Africa Limitedand Standard Chartered Bank. Smile’sshareholders now comprise Al Nahla

Group, which is the majorityshareholder; Renven InvestmentHoldings, a pan-African investmentvehicler Verene, representing Smilesenior management and socialentrepreneurs from South Africa;Saudi company Telecom Investments;Capitalworks, an active alternativemanagement company, specialising ininvestment in the African mid-market;the PIC; and Smile employees.

Irene Charnley, Smile CEO, said,“Now that we are fully funded todeliver national coverage of unrivalledsuper-fast internet access and clearvoice services, our priority is to ensurethat our customers experience andbenefit from the power of high speedmobile broadband compared to thenarrowband services available todate.”

Dr Daniel Matjila, CEO of the PIC,said, “We are excited about ourinvestment in Smile Telecoms as itprovides us with an opportunity toaccelerate and realise our mandate toinvest in the rest of the Africancontinent. Telecommunications is oneof the key drivers for economic growthand its importance cannot be overemphasised.”

Huawei’s P8 smartphone has beenlaunched in Uganda by MTN

Smile secures financing for 4G LTE expansion

CATALEYA HAS BEEN selected by Liberia Telecommunication Corporation(Libtelco) to deliver a turnkey solution for interconnection, billing, andsession and application management. The foundation for the solutionwill be Cataleya’s Orchid One session and application manager, whichwill be used to support Libtelco’s migration from legacy TDMinfrastructure to IP networking.

Phase 1 of the network modernisation will enable the delivery of bothdomestic and international VoIP services to local enterprises andgovernment and allow international calling from fixed line phones for thefirst time in Liberia. Phase 2 will support the delivery of unifiedcommunications as a service (UCaaS) to Liberia’s growing small andmedium businesses (SMBs).

“We are supporting the modernisation of Liberia’s communicationsinfrastructure with a complete solution that is accelerating the adoptionof IP services. Whether it is international VoIP calling or cloudcommunications, this is a major step forward for Liberia and will fast-track growth in local businesses, start-ups, and technological innovationin West Africa,” said Andreas Hipp, CEO at Cataleya.

Libtelco serves local consumers and business as well as Liberia’sdomestic mobile network operators (MNOs). Liberia has over 2.4 millionmobile subscribers and a mobile penetration rate of 78%, according toBuddecomm. Phase 1 of its network modernisation will be completedover the next 12 months.

“We transforming our network to deliver advanced communicationsservices and applications and shaping a new era in communicationssector in Liberia. We selected Cataleya because it offered us the fastestand most efficient way to modernise our network and deliver high-qualityIP services. It is critical that we invest in future-proof technologies likeOrchid One to guarantee the long-term success of the communicationsmarket in Liberia,” said Sebastian Muah, CEO and managing director atLibtelco.

SES VOD at IBC 2015MTN Uganda partners with Huawei, launches P8 smartphone

Libtelco opts for Cataleya for network modernisation


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LE LABORATOIRE PILEJE choisit la tabletteSurface Pro 3 de Microsoft pour optimiser lesprestations de sa force de vente et développerles usages du travail en mobilité de sessalariés.

Le laboratoire avait besoin d’un appareilmobile pour équiper sa force de vente quicommercialise ses produits et ses formationsauprès de médecins, de pharmaciens et deprofessionnels de santé. Son choix s’est portésur la Surface Pro 3 qui répond à ses critères depuissance, d’autonomie et de poids. Couplé àDirectAccess, l’appareil permet un accès 30 %plus rapide aux applications.

Créé en 1991 par une équipe de médecins, lelaboratoire PiLeJe est spécialiste de lamicronutrition et de la phytothérapie. Dans sestrois sites de production situés dans le Maineet Loire, il élabore et diffuse des complémentsalimentaires, des produits diététiques, et desaliments fonctionnels pour répondre à desbesoins spécifiques identifiés. Ces produitssont commercialisés en direct auprès desmédecins, de pharmaciens et deprofessionnels de santé qui les prescrivent àleurs patients.

Un outil simple à utiliser pour se concentrersur l’usagePour la centaine de commerciaux répartis surtous les sites, le besoin d’un appareil nomadeleur permettant de travailler en mobilité dansles meilleures conditions s’est imposé commeune priorité afin d’améliorer leurs prestationscommerciales. « Depuis 2012, nous cherchionsune tablette ou un PC Hybride qui permette ànos commerciaux de montrer le catalogue denos produits et de dispenser des formations ànos clients pharmaciens, médecins etprofessionnels de la santé dans de bonnesconditions. Nous souhaitions aussi équiper

nos salariés nomades qui se déplacent enpermanence sur nos différents sites. Pour cela,il nous fallait un appareil performant et facile àutiliser pour développer le travail en mobilité,qu’il s’agisse de réunions ou de prises de notes», explique Pierre Vandecasteele, Directeuradministratif et financier.

Une liste de critères est établie par le serviceInformatique pour orienter les recherches versle produit idoine. L’un des prérequis est quel’appareil soit simple d’utilisation. L’objectiffonctionnel du projet est de parvenir à effacerles contraintes de la technologie pour seconcentrer sur la valeur d’usage que lessalariés peuvent en retirer. « Nos commerciauxutilisent des applications très consommatricesde ressources. Pour répondre à leurs besoinsde puissance, nous souhaitions une machineavec un processeur Intel Core et 4 Go demémoire vive », détaille Alexandre Dodier,responsable de l’exploitation informatique.

Autres critères cruciaux décidés par lelaboratoire pour la sélection : la taille de l’écran(elle est fixée à 12 pouces pour optimiser lerendu des images des catalogues produits etdes formations, tout en assurant un excellentconfort visuel pour les clients) et le poids del’appareil (pour faciliter le transport et réduirela pénibilité, il ne devra pas dépasser un kilo).

La Surface Pro 3 supplante toutes sesconcurrentesLe service informatique est chargé de procéderà la sélection du produit idoine. Les tablettes etles PC hybrides les mieux notés du marché sontsystématiquement testés et passés au cribledes critères. « A l’issue de ces tests, la SurfacePro 3 était le seul appareil qui répondait à tousnos critères techniques et à la valeur d’usageque nous cherchions », précise AlexandreDodier.

Pour confirmer ce choix, décision est prisede distribuer quatre tablettes en interne. Afinde tester équitablement ses qualitéstechniques et ses bénéfices d’usage, deuxcatégories de testeurs sont retenues. D’un côté,le directeur général et le directeur administratifet financier. De l’autre, deux membres duservice informatique. « La validation de ladirection a été très rapide. Un mois après laprise en main, notre Directeur général nous aremis son ancien ordinateur portable en nousdisant qu’il souhaitait désormais garder laSurface Pro 3 comme unique appareil detravail. La réaction du Directeur administratif etfinancier a été similaire », se souvientAlexandre Dodier.

Un appareil adapté pour tous les usagesmétierLa réaction des membres du serviceinformatique est toute aussi positive. Coupléeà DirectAccess, la technologie permettantd’être connecté en permanence au réseau del’entreprise via Internet, la Surface Pro 3enregistre des performances d’accès 30 % plusrapide aux applications. Un gain qui profiteaussi aux salariés nomades qui se déplacenten permanence entre les trois sites duLaboratoire.

La rapidité de démarrage et d’exécution dela Surface Pro 3 répond à un enjeu de crédibilitéauprès des clients. Pour un commercial, rienn’est plus contre-productif qu’une machine àbout de souffle comme support d’uneprésentation de produits.

Autre valeur ajoutée : le design haut degamme de la Surface Pro 3 conforte l’imagemoderne du laboratoire et valorise sesméthodes de vente.

L’autonomie de la Surface Pro 3 est aussiplébiscitée : « nous avons constaté une grandeautonomie ce qui permet aux commerciauxd’enchainer sans contrainte toutes leurs tachesde la journée : les présentations de produits,les formations et les prises de commandes »,indique Alexandre Dodier. « Pour moi quivoyage en avion, son faible encombrement mepermet de travailler. Ce n’était pas possibleauparavant avec mon PC portable », ajoutePierre Vandecasteele.

Face à l’engouement massif constaté sur ceprojet, l’ensemble du parc de PC portables vaêtre progressivement remplacé par des SurfacePro 3.

La première phase de déploiement secompose de 172 appareils. Pour le serviceinformatique, ce choix permet un gain surl’exploitation en couplant l’appareil et lesapplicatifs Microsoft. « Tous les utilisateursl’ont reçue en même temps. C’est un moyenefficace pour susciter l’adhésion et la prise enmain », conclut Alexandre Dodier.

Communications Africa Issue 6 2015



Le laboratoire PiLeJe choisit la tablette Surface Pro 3pour optimiser les prestations de sa force de vente

Le laboratoire PiLeJe choisit Surface Pro 3


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A new semiconductor material made from black phosphorus may be a candidate toreplace silicon

Future communicationscomes with new computer chips


SILICON VALLEY IN the US State of California got its nicknamefrom the multitude of computer chip manufacturers thatsprung up in the surrounding area in the 1980s. Despite itsubiquity as a chip building material, silicon may be facing

some competition from a new version of an old substance.Researchers working at the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) Center forIntegrated Nanostructure Physics at Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU)in South Korea, led in part by director Young Hee Lee, have created ahigh performance transistor using black phosphorus (BP) which hasrevealed some fascinating results.

Transistors are made up of materials with semiconducting properties,which come in two varieties: n-type (excess electrons) and p-type(excess holes). With the BP crystal, researchers have discovered thatthey can change its thickness and/or the contact metals and that willdetermine if it is high performance n-type, p-type, or ambipolar (functionas both n- or p-type) material.

What does this mean? Silicon has to be extrinsically doped (inserting another element into itscrystal structure) to make it n-type or p-type in order for it to work in asemiconductor chip. The BP crystals can operate as both n-type and p-type or something in between, but don’t require extrinsic doping. Thismeans that instead of having to fabricate a silicon-arsenic crystalsandwiched between silicon-boron crystals, a transistor can have asingle, lightweight, pure black phosphorus logic chip - no dopingrequired. Additionally, changing the metals used to connect the chip tothe circuit has an influence on whether BP will be n- or p-type. Instead ofdoping to make an n- and p-type material, both n- and p-type BP can beput all together on one chip just by changing its thickness and thecontact metal used.

Why is this important? Technology manufacturers are in an arms race to make their deviceslighter, smaller and more efficient. By using BP that is only severalatomic layers thick, transistors can be made smaller and more energyefficient than what exists now. Silicon chips exist in all of our electronicdevices, and as manufacturers make devices smaller and more energyefficient, they begin to approach the threshold for just how smallcomponents can be. BP may provide a thinner, more efficient alternativeto silicon chips in electrical devices.

Another example is tiny autonomous data recording and transmittingdevices which will make up the Internet of Things (IoT). A major constraintfrom preventing IoT from taking off immediately is the inability to scaledown the component size and the lack of a long-term power solution. Two-dimensional layered materials (such as black phosphorus) are interestingin this aspect, since both the electrical and mechanical properties areoften enhanced compared to their bulk (three-dimensional) counterparts.

Is BP a good alternative to current semiconductor materials?It is a great material for transistors since it has a high carrier mobility(how quickly an electron can move through it). This gives BP the abilityto operate at lower voltages while also increasing performance, whichtranslates to greatly reduced power consumption. With aluminum as acontact, thicker BP flakes (13 nanometer) show ambipolar propertiessimilar to graphene while thin 3 nm flakes are unipolar n-type withswitching on/off ratios greater than 105. The thinner they can make thematerial, the better the switching performance. David J Perello ofSungkyunkwan University in Seoul explained, “The driving force in blackphosphorus is the carrier mobility. Everything centres around that. Thefact that the band gap changes with thickness also gives us flexibility incircuit design. As a researcher it gives me a lot of things to play with.”

Is it ready to compete with silicon?Unlike other industry standard semiconductor materials, there isn’t agood method for making pure BP on a large scale. Currently, thin layerscan be made only from scraping bulk crystalline BP samples, as no othermanufacturing method exists yet. Tackling the scaling problem isalready underway, with chemical vapor deposition (CVD) and other thinfilm growth techniques being investigated in labs across the world. Thelack of a monolayer fabrication technique isn’t necessarily a problemthough. SKKU research fellow David Perello explains, “We can probablyoperate with 3, 5, or 7 layers and that might actually be better in terms ofperformance.”

When asked if BP was ready to compete with silicon today, Perellosaid, “I don’t think it can compete with silicon at the moment, that’s adream everybody has. Silicon is cheap and plentiful and the best silicontransistors we can make have mobilities that are similar to what I wasable to make in these BP devices.”

This doesn’t mean that BP isn’t worth exploring further though.According to Perello, “The fact that it was so simple to make such anexcellent transistor without having access to state of the art commercialgrowth, fabrication and lithography facilities means that we could makeit significantly better. We expect the upper bound for carrier mobility inblack phosphorus to be much higher than silicon.”

At present, BP isn’t ready for commercial use and its potential has juststarted to be recognised. If it continues to perform in further tests, itshould be strong a contender as a chip material for future technology. �

Schematic of the "puckered honeycomb" crystal structure of blackphosphorus (Source: Vahid Tayari/McGill University)

“The driving force in black phosphorus isthe carrier mobility. Everything centres

around that.” - David J Perello

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Alcatel-Lucent has focuses the human impact of the network - on technology for growth,innovation and transformation

Creating a datarevolution in Africa

THE CONTINENT HAS variousconnectivity needs, crucial for itssocial and economic development.Increasing the availability of

ultrabroadband services is essential forAfrica’s future development. Becomingdigital is an important catalyst for change, fordevelopment and innovation. The continent’sinfrastructure will need greater capacity todeliver highquality ultrabroadbandconnectivity to support added value servicesfor end users in both urban and remoteareas. Alcatel-Lucent has deployed a numberof LTE networks in Africa.

What makes Africa very special is that thisregion is very rich in history, its diversity,different cultures and environments, manystrong developments in so many countries, allnot at the same speed, a lot of creativity andinnovation, but at the same time still plenty ofchallenges and local issues but with one strongasset who are full of energy: the people ofAfrica. And Africa’s success and prosperityrelies on its people. Alcatel-Lucent’s history inAfrica is also about people. Across the Africancontinent, Alcatel-Lucent has strong teamswith excellent local knowledge specialised in awide array of technologies for both fixed andmobile communications, including fixed andwireless ultrabroadband access, optics and IPtechnologies as well as services, includingdeployment services as well as professionaland managed services. Our experts on theground are working with the African ecosystemto introduce new technologies and solutionsthat will help in developing and creating socialand economic value.

A vision for AfricaSo what is next for Africa? Already 4G LTE andUltraBroadband networks have enabled apositive change – politically, economicallyand socially. Moving forward the goals areclear. “For me, Africa is at the heart oftomorrow," said Michel Combes, Alcatel-Lucent’s CEO. He also added, “Becomingdigital is an important catalyst for change. Thefocus of development will continue to bringconnectivity to users by working with local,regional and international partners to literallyhelp ‘connect’ the African people."

UltraBroadband is the most transformativetechnology since electricity, and one of themost promising assets for governmentsseeking to boost their economies and socialdevelopment in an open digital world. Itcreates opportunities for people to unleashtheir skills by enriching the way they innovate,do business and share knowledge.

Broadband for all is not only a nicemarketing moto but every network has itssuccess is

the reality. Alcatel-Lucent strongly believethat universal access for all will break networkbarriers to improve the end user mobilebroadband experience and that is the onlyeconomical way to meet the increasingdemand for mobile broadband. Industry andservice providers are changing and they needmore than a traditional technology vendor butan innovative partner who will accompanythem in the race of shaping the future – goingforward from breakthrough innovation toproven and excellent operational capabilitiesin order to meet network requirements. �

Daniel Jaeger, Alcatel-Lucent's vice-president forAfrica

UltraBroadband is the mosttransformative technology

since electricity, and one ofthe most promising assetsfor governments seeking toboost their economies and

social development

DEMANDS ON DATA centres continue to rise. Notonly do these facilities need to meet security,energy efficiency, business continuity andproductivity optimisation needs, but they alsohave to accommodate the unpredictable futureloads on the facilities. The dilemma that manydata centre owners and operators face withcatering for an anticipated increase in loads isthat it leads to stranded plants (i.e. wastedinfrastructure and underutilised equipment).Technology, as well as systems and servicesupgrades, leads to data centre owners investing

capital in equipment that is not needed for severalyears down the line and this low usage equipmentneeds to be maintained, adding to the expenses.

According to Pete Greaves, Aurecon’s expertiseleader for data & ICT facilities, “Besides the highcosts for the equipment that was purchased andmaintained, stranded plants are also oftencharacterised by equipment that runsinefficiently, which leads to wasted electricity,rising power costs and it also impacts a datacentre’s sustainability targets. Ten years ago, wewere designing data centres for an average

electrical load of 500 kilowatts per square metre.Increased technology, IT demands andsmartphones have caused this load to rise, so weare now designing for 1,200 kilowatts per squaremetre.”

A staged growth approach, argues Greaves, is amore economical approach to manage a datacentre’s current needs as well as plan and expandaccording to future needs. It offers numerousbenefits over full installs, including greatervisibility of capital expenditure needs, lower costsand less maintenance.

Managing today’s and tomorrow’s data centre loads

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There is a personal communications revolution underway in Africa, driving new marketgrowth for sophisticated devices

Making connections withincreasingly clever machines

DEVICES Smartphones

DESPITE THE PERCEPTION that Africais a feature phone continent, theadoption of smartphonetechnology over the past two years

has been extremely strong, according torecently published data from 51Degrees, aglobal device detection specialist that hasbeen tracking the devices that accesswebsites across the continent over the pasttwo years for global brands such as eBay,Unilever and Heineken.

The African continent has seen a dramaticdecrease in desktop browsing and a significantspike in mobile browsing in the last two yearsaccording to the latest research by devicedetection specialists, 51Degrees. This suggeststhat the traditional perception that Africa is acontinent still using recycled feature phones isinaccurate and will have significantimplications for mobile network operators’efforts to manage the growth of dataconsumption over the mobile networks.

Since the middle of 2013, the volume of webbrowsing coming from desktops and laptopshas dropped from 85 per cent to less than 60per cent whilst a quadrupling in browsingcoming from smartphones has taken placeover the same time period. If this trendcontinues, smartphone browsing will be largerthan non-mobile browsing by the end of 2015.Estimates as to the specific date when this willhappen around the world vary but mostanalysts believe it will take place in 2015,meaning that the African market is notsignificantly out of step with the rest of theworld. With every new generation of

smartphone consuming 40 per cent more data,year on year, network operators in Africa facethe same “data crunch” issues that operatorsacross the globe are experiencing as datademand grows rapidly.

Devices and data delivery51Degrees provides device detection servicesto websites. This enables the sites to quicklyand accurately identify which devices arebrowsing their website and deliver a better userexperience optimised for individual devices.Since 51Degrees captures almost 4 billion webbrowsing sessions per month, across morethan 1.5 million web servers globally, theaggregated data provides an accurateindication of web browsing activity in differentcountries and continents around the world.

Over the last 12 months, data from the tenmost populous countries in Africa has shown asignificant growth in smartphone usage, fromless than 25 per cent to almost 40 per cent ofall web browsing. Despite the often citedbenefits of web browsing on feature phone onthe African continent, the data demonstratesthat feature phone browsing is negligible (lessthan five per cent).

James Rosewell, CEO and founder of51Degrees believes that the vast improvement in

browser user experience that moving from afeature phone to a smart phone provides,explains this figure. “The smartphone market inAfrica is maturing at a faster pace than manycommentators expected. The availability ofsmartphones is transforming the browsingexperience from the big screen to the small. Theuser experience on a smartphone is so mucheasier and more familiar than on feature phones.”

Device diversity across smartphones issignificantly prevalent in the African continent.Less than one third of all browsing comes fromthe most popular five handsets in the region,whereas in the UK this figure is 75 per cent andin the US it is 78 per cent. Whilst the mostpopular devices in the top 10 most populouscountries in Africa are broadly similar to thosein the rest of the world (dominated by Appleand Samsung) there is a far longer tail ofsmartphones used in the African continentthan in many parts of the world.

One area where web browsing has heldsteady across the last two years is tabletbrowsing. This remains at less than 10 per centof all browsing recorded in Africa, suggestingthat the relatively high cost of early tablets haslimited adoption in the region. It will beinteresting to see if the growth in low cost tabletavailability will change this in the future. �

There has been a quadrupling in browsing on smartphones (Photo: Apple)

“The smartphone market inAfrica is maturing at afaster pace than many

commentators expected.The availability of

smartphones istransforming the browsing

experience from the bigscreen to the small." -

James Rosewell, CEO and founder, 51Degrees

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Gemalto publie les résultats de l’étude Breach Level Index du 1er semestre 2015portant sur la sécurité numérique

Les vols d’identité, les attaques soutenues


L’ENTREPRISE MONDIAL DE la sécuriténumérique, Gemalto publie ce jourles résultats de l’étude Breach LevelIndex pour le premier semestre 2015,

qui fait apparaître 888 failles de donnéessignalées au cours de cette période,compromettant ainsi 246 millionsd’enregistrements de données dans lemonde.

Gemalto est au cœur de l’évolution dumonde numérique. Il permet aux entrepriseset aux gouvernements du monde entierd’offrir des services numériques pratiques etde confiance à des milliards de personnes.

Selon l’étude de l’entreprise, aujourd'hui,les failles de sécurité ont augmenté de 10 %par rapport au premier semestre de l’annéeprécédente, alors que le nombred’enregistrements de données compromisdiminuait de 41 % au cours des six premiersmois.

Cette nette amélioration peut êtreattribuée à la diminution du nombre deméga-failles à très grande échelle ayanttouché le commerce de détail et ladistribution, comparativement à la mêmepériode de l’année écoulée.

Malgré la diminution du nombre dedonnées compromises, les failles les plusimportantes ont touché des volumesconsidérables d’informations personnelles.L’incident le plus important constaté aucours du premier semestre – niveau 10 surl’échelle de gravité du Breach Level Index –,a concerné un vol d’identité dont a étévictime l’assureur-santé Anthem Insuranceaux États-Unis, qui a impacté 78,8 millionsde fichiers, soit le tiers (32 %) de l’ensembledes fichiers de données volés au cours dupremier semestre.

Parmi les autres failles notablesrecensées au cours de la période d’analyse,

il faut citer une attaque touchant 21 millionsde fichiers de l’US Office of PersonnelManagement (9,7 sur l’échelle BLI) ; uneattaque touchant 50 millions de fichiers dela Direction générale de la population et desaffaires de la citoyenneté en Turquie (9,3 surl’échelle BLI) ; et une défaillance affectant20 millions de fichiers du site de rencontrerusse Top Face (9,2 sur l’échelle BLI). Les dixprincipales cyber-attaques ont représenté81,4 % de l’ensemble des fichierscompromis.

Incidents par sourceLe nombre d’attaques conduites àl’instigation ou avec la bénédiction d’un Étatou d’un service gouvernemental n’ontreprésenté que 2 % de l’ensemble desincidents enregistrés. Le nombre de fichiersaffectés par ces épisodes représentetoutefois 41 % de l’ensemble des fichierscompromis, en raison notamment del’attaque ayant ciblé Anthem Insurance etl’US Office of Personnel Management. Alorsqu’aucune des dix principales faillesenregistrées au premier semestre 2014n’était le résultat d’une action soutenue parun État, trois des principaux incidentsrecensés cette année ont été menés àl’instigation de services gouvernementaux –et notamment les deux premiers en termesde sévérité.

Les intrusions malveillantes menées àtitre individuel ont cependant été laprincipale cause des failles de donnéesenregistrées au premier semestre 2015,représentant 546 ou 62 % des attaquesinformatiques, contre 465 ou 58 % aupremier semestre de l’année écoulée. 116millions (soit 46 %) des fichiers affectésglobalement l’ont été en raison d’intrusionsmalveillantes, ce qui constitue un net recul

sur les 298 millions d’incidents (71,8 %)répertoriés en 2014.

Incidents par typeLe vol d’identité demeure, au premiersemestre, la principale cible descybercriminels, représentant 75 % de tousles fichiers affectés, et un peu plus de lamoitié (53 %) des failles de donnéesenregistrées. Cinq des dix principales failles,y compris les trois premières – toutes troisclassées au niveau « catastrophique » surl’échelle BLI –, ont porté sur des volsd’identité, contre sept sur dix au cours dupremier semestre 2014.

Incidents par secteurDe tous les domaines d’activité recensés, lessecteurs gouvernementaux et de la santé ontpayé le plus lourd tribut à lacybercriminalité, puisqu’ils représententenviron les deux tiers (31 % et 34 %respectivement) des fichiers de donnéescompromis.

La santé ne représente toutefois que 21 %des atteintes informatiques enregistréescette année, contre 29 % au cours dupremier semestre de l’année précédente. Lesecteur du commerce de détail et de ladistribution connaît une nette diminution dunombre de fichiers volés, représentantseulement 4 %, contre 38 % au cours de lamême période de l’année écoulée. En termesde localisation géographique, les États-Unissont le pays le plus touché, avec plus destrois quarts (76 %) des failles de donnéesenregistrées, et près de la moitié (49 %) del’ensemble des fichiers affectés par desattaques. La Turquie représente 26 % descompromissions de données, avecnotamment une attaque massive ciblant laDirection générale de la population et desaffaires de la citoyenneté, au cours delaquelle quelque 50 millions de fichiersnumériques ont été forcés dans le cadred’une intrusion malveillante.

Le niveau de chiffrement utilisé pourprotéger les données exposées – capable deréduire considérablement le nombre etl’impact des failles de données –, alégèrement augmenté et se situe à 4 % pourtoutes les attaques enregistrées, contre 1 %au cours du premier semestre 2014. �

Les failles de sécurité ont augmenté de 10 % par rapportau premier semestre de l’année précédente, alors que le

nombre d’enregistrements de données compromisdiminuait de 41 % au cours des six premiers mois ; cettenette amélioration peut être attribuée à la diminution du

nombre de méga-failles

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The 2015 edition of AfricaCom offers a significant tecnological showcase of equipmentand software to serve the continent’s connected communities

Innovation and applicationsacross African operations


TAKING PLACE IN South Africa’s CapeTown International Convention Centre(CTICC), 17-19 November the 2015edition of AfricaCom is the continent’s

largest communications conference andexhibition, attracting 10,000 delegates. Theconference programme covers the moststrategic issues affecting companies inAfrica’s digital market - services, efficiency,profitability, customer experience,partnerships, policy and more – and featuresseveral co-located events: VSAT Africa, TVConnect Africa, LTE Africa and Apps WorldAfrica.

Applications in AfricaAfrica is playing a significant role in mobile appdevelopment, and not only with applicationsaimed at improving the user’s social mediaexperience. Rather, Africa-centric apps areaimed at making a positively tangibleintervention in the daily lives of people on thecontinent.

Many areas in Africa are less advanced interms of telecommunications infrastructure ofthe so-called ‘established’ world. This shortfallhas inspired a rush to create and deploymobile applications to fill some of the crucialsocietal needs that people living in developedcountries take for granted.

M-Pesa - the mobile money app - is a goodexample. In Africa many people do not haveeasy access to a bank, M-Pesa allows users to

send and receive money via their cell phones.This means people do not have to travel forhours to get to a bank, and they do not have torisk carrying around cash.

Another simple yet ingenious - and typically‘Afrocentric’ - application that directly improvespeople’s lives is called ICow. This app sendsrelevant, up-to-date information to subsistencedairy farmers who own only one or two cows.The information helps them to increase theirmilk yield, keep their livestock healthy and selltheir excess supply.

Due to the significance of the app industryto the continent, ‘Apps World Africa’ will onceagain be an important focus at the 2015AfricaCom Conference. Senior producer atApps World Katie Bilton said, “Our conferenceagenda is jammed packed with the latestcontent for developers, entrepreneurs andstart-ups to learn and expand their knowledge,including a free Android coding lab andbuilding an app in the quickest amount of timepossible using the smallest amounts of data,an important consideration across thecontinent.”

Issues around how to effectively monetiseapps, increase the return on investment (ROI)and strengthen business models, will be keydiscussion topics, said Bilton.

“Other topics will outline some of themistakes made by developers when optimisingtheir apps; how to provide security to preventhacking sensitive data; and how to customise

their approach for different platforms and howdevelopers and MNOs can work together.”

Panellists for these sessions include expertsin the industry such as: Su Kahumbu, founder,iCow; Ethel Cofie, founder, Women in TechAfrica; Andrew McHenry, co-chairperson,Mobile Monday Johannesburg; Alon Lits,Uber’s general manager in Sub-Saharan Africa;and Sebastien Crozier of Orange. The sessionswill take the form of round table and paneldiscussions.

They say the proof is in the pudding and in2015, Apps World Africa’s own networking appwill assist developers connect with like minds

It’s an Apps WorldApps World Africa 2015 reflects on theincredibly rich and diverse market that Africahas now become. The show develops year onyear to represent the impact that Cloud and IoTare now having on the developer community ofSouth Africa. Run in partnership with SiliconCape and with the longstanding support ofGoogle it is a premier showcase of developersin sub-Saharan Africa. And it is the only eventfeaturing case studies from leading Africandevelopers, telcos, OEMs, brands, app storesand social media platforms. Co-located withAfricaCom, which itself is focused on the futureof Africa’s digital economy, Apps World Africais regarded as the most influential meeting ofits kind in the region and an opportunity tomeet leading figures from the community. �

Communications Africa Issue 6 201520 www.communicationsafrica.com

PAN-AFRICAN FIBRE OPERATOR LiquidTelecom has become the first such companyto receive the MEF Carrier Ethernet 2.0 (CE2.0) services certification.

MEF is the global industry alliance anddefining body for Carrier Ethernet. Its missionis to accelerate the worldwide adoption ofCarrier-class Ethernet networks and services.It conducts a comprehensive testingprogramme for the services and products ofboth vendors and operators.

Over a period of four months, the MEF-approved test lab, Iometrix, extensively testedand independently verified Liquid Telecom’sE-Line service delivered over its fibre network

which currently spans 20,000km crossingborders from the tip of Uganda to Cape Town –and expanding at the rate of around 100km aweek.

The certification confirms that LiquidTelecom has built a high-quality, robust andresilient network that meets the industry’s topglobal standard for Carrier Ethernet. ForLiquid Telecom’s customers – wholesale, retailand enterprise - the certification confirms andguarantees SLAs, network transparency,latency and a host of other performanceindicators.

Ramzi Shalak, group chief of networks, atLiquid Telecom, said “This MEF CE 2.0

certification shows that the design, qualityand performance of our Carrier Ethernetservices are consistent globally, and conformto the highest and most up-to-date industrystandards. Liquid Telecom is now even betterpositioned to help enterprise and carriercustomers around the world to grow theirbusiness and expand into new markets inAfrica.”

Nan Chen, president of the MEF, said, “TheMEF congratulates Liquid Telecom for theoutstanding achievement of meeting thedemanding performance requirements of MEFCE 2.0 certification for the company’s E-LineService.”

Liquid Telecom gains MEF Carrier Ethernet 2.0 Certification

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QUALCOMM TECHNOLOGIES HAS reached a milestonefor its Qualcomm Snapdragon 410 and 210 processors.Within the first year of its commercial launch, theSnapdragon 410 processor, which brought 64-bitcomputing power and LTE connectivity to emergingregions, is now available in more than 550 mobiledevice designs. The Snapdragon 410 processor has alsoshipped more than 200 million units globally frommore than 60 OEMs. Additionally, the Snapdragon 210processor has been included in more than 200 designseither shipped or in the device pipeline. TheSnapdragon 210 processor is the first commercialprocessor for mobile in its class to deliver 4G LTEconnectivity to developing regions, while the 410 is thefirst commercial processor for mobile to provide 64-bitcomputing to the sub-US$150 pricing point. Both Snapdragon processors have been designed toprovide the most value to consumers in developingregions around the world.

Snapdragon processorsdrive demand foraffordable mobile devices

CISCO RECENTLY RELEASED the findings of a global study that indicates cloud is moving intoa second wave of adoption, with companies no longer focusing just on efficiency and reducedcosts, but rather looking to cloud as a platform to fuel innovation, growth and disruption. Thestudy finds that 53 per cent of companies expect cloud to drive increased revenue over thenext two years. Unfortunately, this will be challenging for many companies as only 1 percentof organizations have optimized cloud strategies in place while 32 percent have no cloudstrategy at all.

The Cisco-sponsored InfoBrief ‘Don’t Get Left Behind: The Business Benefits of AchievingGreater Cloud Adoption’ was developed by International Data Corporation (IDC) and is basedon primary market research conducted with executives responsible for IT decisions in 3,400organisations across 17 countries that are successfully implementing private, public andhybrid clouds in their IT environments.

Nick Earle, senior vice president, global cloud and managed services sales at Cisco, said,“As we talk with customers interested in moving to the second wave of cloud, they are farmore focused on private and hybrid cloud—Primarily because they realise that private andhybrid offer the security, performance, price, control and data protection organisations arelooking for during their expanded efforts. This observation, which drove our strategy to builda portfolio of private and hybrid infrastructure and as-a-service solutions, is reflected in thenew IDC study, which shows that 44 per cent of organisations are either currently using orhave plans to implement private cloud and 64 per cent of cloud adopters are consideringhybrid cloud.”

Cloud to continue to contribute to commerce

SATELLITE OPERATOR YAHSAT recentlycompleted a critical design review (CDR) ofits satellite Al Yah 3. The CDR is conductedduring the engineering and manufacturingdevelopment phase, and completion of thisindicates that all specifications andrequirements have been captured into theoverall final design of the satellite.

Masood M Sharif Mahmood, chiefexecutive officer at Yahsat, said, “Our thirdsatellite will fuel growth in our business, andsignificantly expand our coverage area to bea truly global company; all this is in directresponse to exceptional customer demand.”

Emirati engineer, Adnan Al Muhairi, Al Yah 3satellite project manager, said, “It has been atremendous learning experience for me beingbased at the manufacturing facility in the USA.Having the opportunity to work hands onthroughout this process, and to see how ourhard work is paying off with the successfulcompletion of this review just adds to myexcitement about the upcoming launch.”

Aite Group and Mahindra Comviva assess increased uptake of mPOSacross verticalsMOBILITY AND MOBILE financial solutions enterprise Mahindra Comviva has released a study in associationwith the Aite Group, an independent research and advisory firm, outlining the evolution of mobile point-of-sale (mPOS). The study discusses the development of mobile point-of-sale (mPOS) acceptance methods, fromtheir origins, as electronic payment services for small merchants to a channel used by larger enterprises toextend and enhance their customer service.The study is based on the analysis of interviews done with various leading organisations active in thepayments industry. This also includes primary research done by leading researchers across the globe tounderstand the evolution and demand patterns of mPOS acceptance methods across industries.The study indicates that cards will account for 273bn transactions at a combined value of some US$30tn by2018. However, as mPOS grows, new forms of payment will flourish, including NFC-enabled mobile devicesbringing greater flexibility to payment acceptance. The report draws attention to the next generation ofmobile based payment services benefiting from mPOS. NFC capability coupled with flexibility is a powerfulaspect of the next generation of mobile payment acceptance devices. Aite Group research indicates that from2015 to 2018, contactless mobile transactions have the potential to reach four to five per cent of retailpayments with growth in transaction volume accelerating after 2020.

SOFTWARE AND SERVICES specialist Lumatarecently launched a new product, ‘ExpressionTarget’, under its Expression suite of productsto unlock the advertising potential of telcocustomer data. With this self-service solution,advertisers can target a telco’s opted-insubscriber base for marketing initiatives suchas driving footfall, raising awareness andacquiring customers.

The solution aims to deliver personalised,secure and targeted advertising at the click ofa button for advertisers, while maintaining100 per cent privacy of all personallyidentifiable information (PII) aboutsubscribers. Targeting variables include age,gender, location, device types, usagebehaviour, purchasing power and lifestyle

preferences, making this a powerfulacquisition channel.

Expression Target opens a new revenuestream for a telco and positions the Telco as akey player in the mobile advertisingecosystem. With a decade of experience inmobile advertising, Lumata is uniquely placedto support a Telco in the journey of datamonetisation through advertising. AdhishKulkarni, CMO, Lumata, said, “It’s a win-win forboth Advertisers and Telcos who are seekingnew revenue streams in the face of stagnant ordeclining growth of traditional voice andmessaging products. Advertisers have a hugeopportunity to target opted-in Telco customerswhile allowing the Telco to maintain customeranonymity and data privacy.”

Lumata’s advertising solution helps telcos target customersYahsat moves closer to creatingnew connections across Braziland Africa

Al Yah 3 will drive business growth at Yahsat

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Publicis Groupe fait un grand bond en Afrique du Sud avec l’acquisition d’un groupeintégré d’agences marketing

Autour de l’arrivée de TCC,et des approches innovantes


PUBLICIS GROUPE A récemment acquis The Creative CounselGroup (TCC) le plus grand groupe intégré d’agencesmarketing d’Afrique du Sud, procurant des solutionsmarketing et d’activation aux clients locaux aussi bien

qu’internationaux.Fondé en 2001 par ses coprésidents actuels Ran Neu-Ner et Gil Oved,

The Creative Counsel Group s'appuie sur l’expertise de plus de 1500professionnels et travaille avec les plus grands clients nationaux etinternationaux tels qu’Unilever, Vodacom (Vodafone), Microsoft,Brandhouse et Tiger Brands.

Cette acquisition permet non seulement à Publicis Groupe d’accroîtresensiblement sa présence en Afrique du Sud ; elle le propulse loindevant la concurrence, que ce soit en termes d’ampleur ou deprofondeur de son offre de services sur ce marché et ce, sur toute lachaîne de valeur.

Des services globauxTCC offre des services globaux incluant création, stratégie et mise enœuvre de commercialisation et d’activation, organisation deconférences et d’événements de grande ampleur, analyses et stratégiesdu marché de la grande consommation, programmes de fidélisation,merchandising et marketing sur les points de vente.

Par ailleurs, l’apport de TCC vient précisément compléter et renforcerPublicis Worldwide sur ce marché en offrant à ses clients et à leursmarques plus d’expériences transformatrices grâce à des ressources enmarketing promotionnel et expérientiel à grande échelle, ressourcesessentielles à leur développement.

La structure et le savoir-faireTCC complète la structure et le savoir-faire de Publicis Africa Group,agence multi-door de Publicis Groupe en Afrique, établie dans 35 pays.TCC vient renforcer les disciplines traditionnelles et numériques quiaideront les marques des clients à atteindre leurs consommateurs, oùqu'ils se trouvent.

The Creative Counsel Group fera partie du réseau Publicis Worldwide,dirigé par Arthur Sadoun, CEO. Ran Neu-Ner et Gil Oved reporterontdirectement à Kevin Tromp, Président de Publicis Africa Group.

Arthur Sadoun, CEO de Publicis Worldwide, déclare : « Avec l’arrivéede TCC, nos clients auront accès aux approches les plus innovantespour promouvoir, intéresser et initier les marchés cibles à leursproduits et services. Cette transaction stratégique fait de Publicis

Worldwide le premier réseau créatif en Afrique, continent clé pournotre futur développement ».

Kevin Tromp ajoute : “La conjugaison de la taille de TCC, de sa trèsforte culture entrepreneuriale et de sa connaissance approfondie duconsommateur africain à tous les niveaux, est un excellent complémentà la sophistication de l’offre mondiale de Publicis, sa réelle orientationvers le numérique et sa compréhension des différences culturelles. Cetteunion donne naissance à la structure la plus puissante sur le continenten matière d’activation et de marketing expérientiel visant à faire vivreles marques d’une façon pertinente et culturellement appropriée pournos clients et leurs consommateurs.

Ran Neu-Ner et Gil Oved, cofondateurs et coprésidents de TheCreative Counsel Group, ajoutent : « L’intérêt est aujourd’hui plus orientévers le consommateur que vers la marque. Nous voulons marquer lescœurs et les esprits très concrètement et de manière personnalisée, quece soit sur les points de vente, à travers l’utilisation du numérique ou partout autre moyen qui impacte la façon dont le consommateur agit oueffectue ses achats. Ce qui est stimulant, c'est que la publicité "nontraditionnelle" est en constante évolution et ultra-dynamique. Tous lesjours, nous nous demandons ce que nous allons réaliser de différent parrapport à la veille. Rejoindre Publicis Worldwide nous permet de porter àl'échelle mondiale notre offre et notre combinaison unique decompétences conceptuelles et opérationnelles. Publicis Worldwide estle champion de la fusion entre numérique, création, stratégie et réflexionavant-gardiste, et donc pour nous, c'est le Big Brother que nous avonstoujours rêvé d'avoir. » �

« Avec l’arrivée de TCC, nos clients aurontaccès aux approches les plus innovantespour promouvoir, intéresser et initier les

marchés cibles à leurs produits et services.Cette transaction stratégique fait de

Publicis Worldwide le premier réseau créatifen Afrique, continent clé pour notre futurdéveloppement » - Arthur Sadoun, CEO de

Publicis Worldwide

Communications Africa Issue 6 2015 23www.communicationsafrica.com

CONSCIENTE DU FORT potentiel de croissancede cette région ainsi que de la réelleappétence dans beaucoup de ces pays pourles biens culturels et les produits techniques,la Fnac amorce son développement en Afriquepar l’ouverture en décembre 2015 et février2016 de deux magasins en franchise à Abidjan.Dans cette perspective, elle pourra s’appuyer

sur la puissance et l’expertise du GroupeProsuma, acteur majeur de la distribution enCôte d’Ivoire.

Pour effectuer ses premiers pas sur cecontinent, l’enseigne a choisi de s’implanterdans un pays francophile à forte croissance.

Ces deux nouveaux magasins présenterontl’ensemble des produits et des services

proposés par la Fnac : livres, disques, DVD,gaming, billetterie, micro-informatique,téléphonie, objets connectés, son, photo, TV,jeux / jouets. Ces nouvelles ouverturesviennent renforcer la stratégie d’expansion dugroupe Fnac à l’international, laissant entrevoirde nouvelles opportunités pour l’enseigne dansune région à fort potentiel de développement.

La Fnac annonce l’ouverture de magasins en Afrique subsaharienne, à Abidjan en Côte d’Ivoire

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This year’s edition of a key European broadcasting event deepens convergence betweentransmission, reception, and communications technologists

Digital innovations at IBCintroduce new market drivers

IBC 2015

WITH A CLAIMED 55,128 visitors from more than 170countries, and 1,800 exhibiting companies, IBC2015 wasthe largest and best attended since the convention was firstheld in 1967. The exhibition and its parallel conference

were held mid-September at the RAI Centre, southern Amsterdam. With Amazon and Netflix already offering online television content at

4K horizontal resolution, a central theme of this year's exhibition andconference was the increasing focus on 4K production and processingcapabilities. Programme-makers are already showing serious interest in4K content origination because this potentially extends the commerciallife of the resultant programmes compared with shooting at lower videoresolution. Broadcasters, however, are being more circumspect in theirattitude to 4K given the need for higher transmission data rates orcounterproductive amounts of data compression. Channels which onlyrecently advanced from standard definition into high definition arenaturally being cautious about funding another round of upgrades. Theycan afford to be; the upconverters in many modern consumer 4Ktelevision displays are excellent.

Both the IBC2015 show floor and the conference presentationsreflected increasing interest in delivering improved dynamic range tomatch the increasing performance capabilities of consumer andprofessional television displays. Dolby Laboratories has been promotinghigh dynamic range video processing for several years. The questioninevitably arises of how to deliver that extended performance onaffordable consumer television displays. Two impressive jaw-droppersat the show were a pair of LED-backlit 4K LCD screens on the Samsungstand, both delivering the very high picture quality hitherto achievableonly with OLEDs. The Samsung LED screens were bright, the colourquality was excellent and the black areas showed no sign of backlightshow-through. This technology might prove a serious alternative to therelatively high price of OLED television receivers and monitors.

The relative merits of capital expenditure (capex) and operationalexpenditure (opex) were another key theme this year. The opex modelis obviously not new; I recollect one major broadcast software vendordiscussing the potential of supplying software on a per-project or per-hour leasing based back in the mid 1980s during a MontreuxTelevision Symposium.

PlayBox Technology announced CloudAir which streamlines workflowsto deliver television from the cloud. Available either on a standardlicensing or software-as-a-service basis, CloudAir is designed for start-upventures, established television channels and anyone who wants todeliver content, from a single event to a full-scale television channel. TataCommunications announced during IBC2015 that it had chosen CloudAirto support a new cloud-based broadcast playout service.

Vidcheck launched Vidcheck OnDemand for its Vidchecker andVidfixer media file analysers, giving the first ever full opex model forautomated quality control. This option allows customers to purchaseVidcheck QC Units to auto-check the amount of content they areprocessing: the number of QC Units used is directly related to contentduration. Users only need to buy what they need. The Vidchecker/Vidfixeruser interface shows the QC Unit meter and provides usage metrics. AGrid Cloud option combines multiple Vidchecker/Vidfixer nodes, allowingmany media files to be processed concurrently.

Eyeheight announced that its broadcast compliance plug-ins werenow being offered on a opex basis. Customers can select timed licencesfor one day, one week, one month, three months or six months.Eyeheight considers that the opex approach will be appreciated in caseswhere accounting is for a specific project. Large-scale users are expectedstill to prefer the capex funding model.

Remote camera control continues to attract serious investment, bothfor onsite studio and long-distance operation. Ikegami announced theHDL-57 compact high-definition camera, designed for use on remotelycontrolled pan/tilt heads in applications such as parliamentarytelevision or robotic studios. It can also be used wherever a fixed-position compact camera is required for intercutting with the output fromfull-size studio cameras. Camera head and controller are housed in asingle compact unit.

IDX introduced a multi-way compatible lithium-ion battery charger.The LC-2A is a dual channel unit with interchangeable interface platescompatible with 7.2/7.4 volt Canon, Panasonic, and Sony batteries. Itsimultaneously charges two batteries in any combination of compatiblemodels and operates from any 100-240V AC power source.

Leader demonstrated a new addition to its range of broadcast testinstruments. The LV 5480 is a multi-format waveform monitor capable ofdisplaying and evaluating signals from up to four 3G-SDI input channelssimultaneously. It can be upgraded quickly and easily to the full 4K featureset of the LV 5490, including 4K pattern generator, eye pattern and digitalaudio card. Capabilities include waveform, vector and picture monitoring,an event log, data dump and four-channel timing display. An SDI signalstatus facility looks for cyclic-redundancy-check errors and embedded-audio errors. Leader's CINELITE II toolset also comes as a standard feature,allowing easy assessment of relative exposure and overall luminance.

Custom Consoles introduced a new version of its EditOne desk,claimed to be highly cost-efficient. Developed for use in video editingsuites and broadcast graphics areas, this goes beyond the traditionalrectangular configuration by using sculpted MDF support panels ratherthan metal legs. The curved theme is carried through to the desktop anda raised monitor shelf. The entire EditOne range of furniture is designedfor flat-pack delivery. Also introduced was MediaPost, a free-standingmonitor display mount for situations where the company's establishedMediaWall would be too large.

Samsung’s HDR TV display at IBC2015

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IBC 2015

Hiltron Communications exhibited its latest-generation satellitecommunications controller, the ComSys-Core (HCS-Core). This isdesigned to form the central control element for satcom applicationssuch as easy switchover between downconverters, high-poweramplifiers, waveguides, MPEG digital video broadcast encoders andintegrated receiver/decoders. The HCS-Core can also be used to power,control and monitor optical-fibre transceivers and to monitor and controlantenna heating.

NTP Technology announced the Blue | Net AoIP and MADI audiorouting control system. Blue | Net was demonstrated as the core of astand-alone router control configuration for Dante compliant audio overIP with a router structure using an IP network as audio back bone as wellas a router configuration using Penta 720 as a 1Kx1K MADI Main router.Blue | Net incorporates NTPs QNX-based RCCoreV5 router controlsoftware. This provides database-driven control with full integration ofthe Dante routing API, running either on the NTP 635 redundantcontrollers or as a virtual application on a standard Windows server.

Live event broadcastingPhil Tudor, P.J.Brightwell and R.N.J. Wadge (BBC, UK) outlined futuremodels for live event broadcasting based on a transition to IP contentcreation and distribution:

"Profound change to the way media is produced, distributed andconsumed is upon us. For live events, this offers new opportunities toprovide audiences with richer and more compelling experiences. Next-generation technologies such as 4G broadcast, virtual reality andimmersive viewing and listening spaces will allow audiences to enjoy anevent as much as those at the venue (or possibly better than being there).Furthermore, consumers will have a more personalised relationship withthe production, receiving the content and data of interest to them, whilestill benefitting from a properly authored experience.

"The kinds of user experiences we have been researching fall intothree categories:• Dynamic, responsive and personal content. While linear, scheduled

programmes will continue, the content will exist in a form that is capableof being recapped and presented in a way that responds to the audiencemember, their time and context and the devices(s) they are using.

• Audience as explorers. It will be possible to capture a ‘ digital space ’and give audiences the ability to explore that environment. New ‘media playgrounds ’ emerge.

• Co-creators and collaborators. As production tools move into theinternet, it will be possible for everyone to access productionenvironments. Broadcasters can embrace this to widen our audience’sinvolvement in our content.

"To investigate the approach of the IP Studio project at scale, BBCResearch & Development demonstrated a live ultra-high definitionoutside broadcast made using end-to-end IP for the duration of the 2014Commonwealth Games in Glasgow. Live video and audio were deliveredfrom three games venues to a public exhibition at the Glasgow ScienceCentre and broadcast via the department ’ s trial of UHD distribution. Thisprovided a test of a live production distributed across three UK cities andsynchronised wherever it was needed for viewing and broadcastdistribution. This enabled facilities and staff to be located according tooperational need, and reduced the numbers required at eachcompetition venue. For example, the audio production and commentaryposition were located in London.

"Four UHD cameras operating at 3840 x 2160p50 were used to providecoverage of the games ’ opening ceremony, rhythmic and artisticgymnastics heats and finals, and boxing and netball finals. This wasseparate from the main HD programming provided by the hostbroadcaster, SVGTV.

"Extensive use was made of BBC Research & Development's softwareframework developed by the IP Studio project. Each camera wasconnected to a local IP Studio video capture node via a quad 3G HD-SDI

link. Each capture node was configured to provide two multicast RTPflows using H.264 I-frame only compression: a primary UHD flow at 800to 1,200 Mbit/s, and a downconverted HD proxy flow at 100 Mbit/s.Audio capture nodes produced uncompressed audio flows from the hostaudio feeds supplemented with additional local microphones.

8K transmission via satelliteY. Sugito and colleagues (NHK, Japan) provided an update onpreparations in progress for 8K broadcasting. H. Sakate (MitsubishiElectric Corporation, Japan) and colleagues then outlined anHEVC/H.265 codec designed to deliver 8K to the viewing public:

"Satellite-based 8K test broadcasting will begin in 2016 and 8Kbroadcasting is planned to begin by 2018. 8K broadcasting is expectedto become common in 2020, the year of the Olympic and ParalympicGames in Tokyo.

"A new video coding scheme, referred to as High Efficiency VideoCoding (HEVC)/H.265, was standardised in 2013. HEVC supports 8Kvideo formats and achieves approximately twice the compression levelof the existing Advanced Video Coding (AVC)/H.264 scheme. The cost ofHEVC encoding and decoding is reported to be more than twice that ofAVC. This makes realisation of real-time HEVC processing challenging.We have developed the world ’ s first 8K HEVC/H.265 real-time codec(encoder and decoder) system that complies with the domesticstandards. The system allows 22.2 ch audio coding and video/audiomultiplexing, with these functions integrated into the video encoder anddecoder. The system was tested in 2015 by transmission experimentsusing a broadcast satellite.

"To enable real-time processing, each video frame is spatially dividedinto 17 horizontal strips, and these strips are encoded in parallel. Theencoder consists of 17 encoding boards. Each encoding board processesa single strip, and adjacent boards share the motion information neededfor encoding. This method of partitioning was chosen based on factorssuch as the transmission capacity of shared motion informationbetween encoding boards, the pixel count for the 3G-SDI standard, andthe convenience of a wider horizontal motion search range.

Looking beyond SDI"The broadcast industry is facing fast-paced change away from dedicatedbroadcast technology towards software-driven systems running oncommercial off-the-shelf IT based servers and software-defined networkinfrastructure," commented Peter Thomsen, deputy managing director ofDanmon Group Systems. "This transition has reached the point where IPbased infrastructure looks likely to supplement SDI-based videoinfrastructure on an increasing scale. Looking beyond the next two tothree years, that transition could even become total.

"Likewise UHD has progressed from being a subject for discussioninto a basis for real business and is planned for inclusion in newtelevision infrastructures. UHD offers television producers the chance tooperate on a practically level playing field with digital cinematographersin terms of the quality they can deliver to their viewers. This opens upgreat prospects in outside broadcast coverage of sports and live-stagemusic events as well as high-budget drama.

"Workflow orchestration is becoming the key to the effectiveintroduction of these technologies. The next challenge will be the deploymentof API (application programming interface) integration to combinesystems from multiple vendors via an enterprise service bus or maybevia the FIMS (Framework for Interoperability of Media Services) project.

"The impact on the systems integration sector is that our offer isbecoming more oriented towards delivering experience and knowledge-based services than ever before. Success is about exploring the manyopportunities arising from the combining technology in original ways. Itis about best-practise and resources to transform ideas into reality in aspeedy and secure manner." �

David Kirk


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Reliable, fi ve-bar connectivity for service providers in emerging markets

With EpicNG, Intelsat’s next-generation, high-throughput, backhaul solution, delivering future connectivity in

Africa just got easier. Intelsat EpicNG is engineered for mobile operators that need to serve remote customers,

across any terrain, regardless of conditions. Best of all, EpicNG works with your existing infrastructure, making

it the most cost-effective and reliable solution for your network.

Only Intelsat, a company with 50 years of technical and operational expertise, a global fl eet of approximately

50 satellites, and the next-generation satellite platform, can promise you epic fl exibility and endless connectivity.

Meet with Intelsat during AfricaCom 2015 at Stand E6.

Epic Flexibility, Endless Connectivity


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Orange Digital Ventures investit dans Chain, premier fournisseur mondial de solutionstechnologiques de blockchain

Autour d’un nouveaumodèle numérique


AVEC SA PARTICIPATION aufinancement de Chain aux côtés deleaders du secteur de la finance, lefond corporate d’Orange entend

soutenir le développement à l’internationalde cette entreprise et étendre l’utilisation dela technologie blockchain à d’autresdomaines, comme l’internet des objets oules services télécoms.

Des entreprises numériquesOrange investit dans Chain aux côtés deplusieurs autres entreprises, notammentNASDAQ, Visa, Citi, Capital One et Fiserv. Leconsortium aura investi la somme totale de 30millions de dollars dans Chain.

Les nouveaux partenaires de Chainrejoindront également la société pour formerun groupe de travail sur la technologieblockchain, qui aura pour objectif d’explorerses applications sur les marchés adressés parle consortium et d’adopter une approchecollaborative dans le développement denouvelles solutions.

Orange, grâce à son équipe dans la SiliconValley a déjà travaillé et soutenu les systèmesde blockchain avec des start-ups, dont Chain,et d’autres grandes entreprises avec l’initiative« Orange’s Chainforce ».

Des transactions, de sécuritéLa blockchain est un nouveau modèle detransfert d’informations ou « d’actifs »numériques remplaçant les intermédiaires par

le biais de réseaux sécurisés, chiffrés etdécentralisés. Cette technologie permet auxdétenteurs d’actifs d’effectuer des transactionsinstantanément et en sécurité. Cettetechnologie peut faciliter l’émission et letransfert de types d’actifs très variés, commedes titres financiers, des cartes cadeaux, ducrédit mobile, des points de fidélité ou encoredes crédits d’énergie. Les transactions sontenregistrées automatiquement sur un registrepartagé par l’ensemble du réseau, améliorantla transparence du système pour lesémetteurs, les propriétaires et les régulateursde ces actifs. De plus, l’utilisation designatures cryptographiques réduit les risques,permet de se protéger de toute fraude et faitdes transferts effectués sur la blockchain unealternative crédible aux systèmes centralisésdisponibles aujourd’hui.

Chain collabore étroitement avec plusieursdes plus grandes institutions au monde pourconcevoir, déployer et exploiter des réseauxblockchain spécialement créés pour desmarchés et des actifs particuliers. Ces réseauxprivés, qui n’utilisent pas la monnaie bitcoinmais se basent sur le même protocole ouvert,sont interopérables entre eux ou avec d’autresnormes open source de blockchain.

« Nous croyons au potentiel de rupture de lablockchain. Devenir un partenaire clé et uninvestisseur de Chain nous permettrad’apprendre plus vite et de lancer des essaisautour de cette technologie, se réjouit PierreLouette, Directeur général adjoint d’Orange etprésident d’Orange Digital Ventures. Noussouhaitons intégrer les nombreuses utilisationsde ce système à notre palettes d’activités afind’améliorer nos services existants et d’enproposer de nouveaux à nos clients.»

Adam Ludwin, PDG de Chain a déclaré :«Nous sommes ravis de nous associer àOrange pour explorer les usages des réseauxblockchain dans le marché des télécoms. Nous

croyons que ces nouveaux réseaux permettrontde simplifier le transfert de données entre lesopérateurs et activer de nouveaux services quipermettront d'améliorer l'expérience desutilisateurs finaux ». �

Communications Africa Issue 6 201528 www.communicationsafrica.com

Chain Inc. travaille avec les principales institutions financières pour construire et déployer des réseauxblockchain qui permettent le transfert simple, programmable et en peer-to-peer d'actifs numériques. Laplateforme, qui est basée sur le protocole Bitcoin ouvert et interopérable, permet aux institutions decréer, d'émettre, stocker et transférer des actifs numériques sur des réseaux privés spécialementconçus pour un usage donné. La société, qui est tout à la fois un partenaire stratégique et uneplateforme technologique, offre une gamme de solutions, allant d’un environnement et des outils dedéveloppement pour un prototypage rapide à la sécurisation des nœuds du réseau pour les systèmeslancés en production. Chain est basée à San Francisco.

Orange Digital Ventures sélectionne et financede jeunes start-ups aux premières étapes deleur développement. Avec une enveloppe de 20millions d’euros pour sa première année, OrangeDigital Ventures investit par le biais departicipations minoritaires. L’objectif est definancer les start-ups travaillant sur lesnouvelles transformations de demain dansl’industrie du numérique et des télécoms, grâceà des technologies de rupture innovantes et àde nouveaux modèles économiques. OrangeDigital Ventures soutiendra toutparticulièrement les start-ups travaillant dansles domaines des nouvelles connectivités, ducloud et des données d’entreprises, del’internet des objets et des Fintech, touteszones géographiques confondues.

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PLAYBOX TECHNOLOGY’S NEW CloudAir virtual application isbeing used by Tata Communications to support its new cloudbroadcast playout service. The new broadcast playout service,originally announced at NAB 2015 as part of TataCommunications’ cloud-based media ecosystem platform, waslaunched in September 2015 and is accessible under full IP-based connectivity control to customers globally."We are very pleased to be co-operating with such a large-

scale service provider as Tata Communications," adds DonAsh, PlayBox Technology managing partner and director ofsales. "Television is a tremendously powerful communications

medium, hitherto held back by what were perceived to be highstart-up capital costs. Tata Communications’ cloud-basedbroadcast playout service model opens thedoor to a limitless number of televisionchannels dedicated to specific themes orsupporting business ventures of practicallyany scale.Today, over 24 per cent of the world’s

Internet routes travel over TataCommunications’ network and the companyis the only Tier-1 provider that is in the topfive by routes in five continents.PlayBox Technology is an international

communications and information-technology company serving the broadcastand corporate sectors in more than 120countries. It is dedicated to the research,design, development and provision of thebest products, systems, solutions andservices. With over 15,500 TV and brandingchannels powered by PlayBox Technology,the chances are you will have experiencedour broadcast solutions for yourself.Users cover a wide range of today’s

broadcast activities and include start-up TVchannels, webcasters, DVB (IP/ASI) TVchannels, interactive TV and music channels,film channels, remote TV channels anddisaster recovery channels as well assatellite, local, regional, national andinternational broadcasters.CloudAir from PlayBox Technology is a

universal television playout and streamingsystem designed for continuous unattendedoperation. Every clip in the playlist, exceptthe one which is currently playing, can betrimmed, edited or repositioned. Playlistorder can be changed on-the-fly usingcommands such as skip-to-next or jump.Changes are performed seamlessly withoutstopping current playout session. Liveproductions are facilitated by a Live Showclipboard which allows insertion and/orexecution of various events or live streams.CloudAir accepts MPEG1/2/H.264, HDV andDV streams from practically every knownproduction platform providing AVI, MPEG,WMV, Quick Time or MXF content. Files fromthird-party servers are natively supported.CloudAir also delivers on-air graphics whichcan be controlled interactively.

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PlayBox Technology'sCloudAir concept

Integrating IP for powerful playout


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Intracom Telecom’s diversified wirelessproduct portfolio addresses smart cities’and gated communities’ requirements!


INTRACOM TELECOM IS a globaltelecommunication systems & solutionsvendor operating for over 35 years in themarket. During its nearly four decades of

history, the company has successfullyparticipated in major ICT projects worldwideand has received awards and distinctions forits technologies and work environment.Intracom Telecom employs over 1,900 highly-skilled professionals and operates own R&Dand production facilities. Its subsidiariesspan across Europe, Russia & the CIS, theMiddle East & Africa, Asia and North America. Intracom Telecom brings today innovative

solutions to the demandingtelecommunications market. Its productsemploy the most advanced field-proventechnologies achieving and exceeding the levelof performance required by the modernapplications for wireless access and backhaul.Intracom Telecom has been active in the SouthAfrican market since 2010 and is the supplier ofchoice for one of the biggest ISPs in the country. Earlier this year, the Intracom Telecom

Group enhanced its presence in the Africancontinent with the establishment ofIntraTelecom SA in South Africa. The newsubsidiary is expected to boost the businesssignificantly in the region as well as in the sub-

Saharan African market targeting ISP’s andmobile operators. Intracom Telecom is themarket leader for the PMP-SON technologywhich has been selected by one of the biggestoperators in the continent for the next phase oftheir enterprise and mobile backhaulingrequirements. The Group’s wireless products & solutions

portfolio includes:

Point-to-MultiPoint (PtMP) MicrowaveSolutionsThe leading PtMP technology of WiBAS™delivers state-of-the-art IP connectivity indemanding backhaul of heterogeneousnetworks and in premium broadband andlegacy access networks, also enabling a widerange of profitable business plans that willprovide a key differentiator of operator success.

Small-cell Backhaul UnitsStreetNode™ is a truly groundbreaking seriesof auto-aligning Ethernet radio products withunique automation and “zero-touch”capabilities. Its design meets the multiplechallenges of small-cell backhaul, available foroperation at microwave and millimeter wavebands, and ideally supports installations ontostreet-level structures.

Millimeter Wave Transmission SystemsUltraLink™ realises the profound advantagesof E-Band transmission and fully satisfies therigorous service delivery requirements ofcurrent and future mobile broadbandapplications. The StreetNode™ V60-PTP ground-

breaking series of auto-aligning Ethernet V-Band radios meets the challenges of small-cellbackhaul, eliminating the licensing burden inmost countries and boosting the economicviability of the small-cell business model.

Software-defined RadiosWith software-defined operation, the OSDR all-outdoor microwave platform meets the needsof 4G/LTE lastmile backhaul, carrier-gradebroadband access, utilities or outside plantsand rural communication networks, whiledemonstrating perfect synergy withOmniBAS™, WiBAS™ and StreetNode™.

Next-generation Microwave ProductsThe OmniBAS™ line of products ideally fitstoday’s and tomorrow’s bandwidth-intensiveIP transmission applications, offering cost-effective high-capacity backhaul for mobilenetworks (3G+/LTE/LTE-A), while enabling anevolved and smooth migration of legacynetworks to an all-IP architecture.

All-in-one Network Management SystemThe uni|MS™ Unified Management Suitemakes networks more reliable and associateddaily tasks easier, facilitating the deployment,supervision and management of networks,while simultaneously hiding theidiosyncrasies associated with the managedelements.

Antenna SystemsA complete range of microwave, millimeterwave, satellite and special-purpose antennas,designed and manufactured in-house, whichsupport any demanding application requiringwireless links of the highest performance. �

Intracom Telecom is exhibiting at AfricaCom2015 at stand C1 in between halls 2 and 3.

More information at www.intracom-telecom.comIntracom Telecom brings innovative solutions to telecommunications market for smart cities

(Photo: Shutterstock)

Communications Africa Issue 6 201530 www.communicationsafrica.com

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ANRITSU CORPORATION HAS integrated channel fading simulation into itsleading 4G LTE-Advanced Signalling Tester, the MD8430A. The new digitalbaseband fading options convert the MD8430A into a full-featured fadingsimulator supporting industry standard 3GPP-defined fading profiles.

The MD8430A fading options can be combined with the MD8430A, cuttingthe need for investment in additional hardware to perform signalling testsunder realistic radio frequency (RF) conditions. This is the first LTE-Advancedsignalling solution with built-in fading supporting the 4x4 MIMO downlinkconfiguration.

The MD8430A is trusted by LTE and LTE-Advanced development engineers asthe leading signalling tester for simulating LTE networks in the lab. With thisrelease, the versatile MD8430A hardware platform continues to evolve,delivering Anritsu customers exceptional return on investment.

Tall structures, such as buildings and trees, reflect and scatter transmittedradio waves, meaning the receiver actually receives multiple original signalsarriving from ‘multipaths’ with different strengths, times, and directions. A keyfeature of LTE-Advanced is the Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) antennasystem that improves device performance by exploiting multipaths. To testsuch MIMO devices thoroughly, multipath fading effects must be appliedaccurately to every antenna in a reproducible manner.

Using internal digital baseband processing, the MD8430A applies multipatheffects during test execution, and the Rapid Test Designer (RTD) software

provides testers with an integrated environment for creating and runningfading simulation tests. Support for LTE-Advanced features, such as CarrierAggregation and MIMO, make the MD8430A the ideal solution in helping leadingchipset designers build the next generation of high-performance mobiledevices. In addition to testing devices over an RF connection, the MD8430Awith fading option also supports a slow-clock digital interface to verify designsin a simulation environment before starting expensive ASIC production.

SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENTspecialist Newtec, working with satelliteservices provider Intelsat, has achieved aworld-first for the amount of throughput in asingle transponder. The demonstration wasconducted at Intelsat’s Fuchsstadt teleport inGermany. Intelsat’s and Newtec’s engineersused the Newtec MDM6000 satellite modemwith Newtec’s all digital built-in BandwidthCancellation (BWC) technology to set therecord – which put 20Mbps into 2MHz.This exciting result is the latest in a line of

successes for Newtec, which has previouslybroken several speed barriers and has nowdemonstrated its industry-leading spectralefficiency. Maximizing bits per second per Hzhas always been a priority for Newtec and isbecoming increasingly important as satelliteoperators and service providers look tolaunch new services while also deliveringhigher performance and improvedeconomics for their customers.“This is an important achievement, as it

shows our ability to fully utilise thecapabilities of next generation satellitesusing Newtec technology that is availabletoday. With a spectral efficiency of more than10bps/Hz, one can, for example, handle a

bidirectional E1 in just 400kHz,” said DaveSuffys, product manager for IP modems atNewtec. “What it demonstrates is ourunparallelled efficiency at any rate, whetheron a low-speed voice or data connection orfor medium-speed backhaul links, all the wayup to ultra high-speed trunks. A gain of atleast 30 per cent in space capacity can beachieved for any bidirectional link.”“Intelsat is committed to delivering higher

performance, improved economics andsimpler access to our satellites. We will dothis through supporting innovation in-orbitas well as on the ground,” said MichaelDeMarco, senior vice president, operationsat Intelsat. “The demonstration with Newtecfurther advances our goals and it was great tosee the efficiencies generated by Newtec’stechnology first-hand and importantly, theoperational benefits that it will deliver to ourcustomers. We will leverage increasedefficiencies, such as this achievement byNewtec, to advance our entry into newapplications, expanding the addressablemarket for our satellite-based solutions.”The Newtec MDM6000 Satellite Modem

combines a number of innovative elementsto improve efficiencies currently available onthe market and lower the overall total cost ofownership (TCO). New modulation andForward Error Correction (FEC) codes up to256 APSK in the DVB-S2X standard, whileembedded technologies – including133Mbaud wideband support, Clean ChannelTechnology, intelligent Automatic UplinkPower Control (AUPC), FlexACM and Equalink

3 – bring the satellite link to full efficiency. Adding Newtec’s built-in BWC (allows

transmission of two carriers in an overlayfashion), as well as optional networkoptimization technologies, improves theperformance even more for any point-to-point application. Newtec’s CEO Serge Van Herck said,

“While Newtec has previously beenassociated with breaking speed records, thislatest achievement shows that we are alsocommitted to helping our customersminimize their OPEX by pushing the limits ofspectral efficiency.”The MDM6000 will be among products

exhibited by Newtec at IBC2015. Delegateswill be able to view the MDM6000 R3.1,which incorporates Newtec’s BWCtechnology with record-breaking spectralefficiencies. This makes the single modemperfectly suited for any application rangingfrom low speed E1 connections, over tomedium speed backhaul circuits and up tothe very high rate big trunks.

Newtec smashes effiiency record with MDM6000 satellite modem

Anritsu integrates channel fading simulation into 4G LTE-Advanced test equipment


Anritsu’s integrated fader for LTE-Advanced supports 4x4 MIMO and 8x2MIMO fading tests

The test demonstration atIntelsat’s teleport in

Fuchsstadt, Germany, saw20Mbps go into 2MHz

Increased throughput pertransponder yields higher

performance and significantoperational and cost

efficiencies for satelliteoperators and Their


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GLOBAL WHOLESALE CARRIER BICS recentlylaunched RouteFlex, an automated businesscontinuity and optimisation solution that has beendeveloped to address the need for enhancedconnectivity in Africa. The satellite solution enablesoperators to manage QoE and secure an optimaltraffic balance.

RouteFlex provides an intelligent and cost-efficient IP over satellite (IPoSAT) back-up solution,supported by a software defined network (SDN),which enables operators to handle high volumes ofIP data across satellite by applying end-to-enddifferential treatment to different types ofaggregated data flows during peaks or outages. Forexample, when primary infrastructure - land orsubmarine cables - is compromised or faces anoutage, BICS' satellite back-up solution prioritiseshigh value traffic, increasing bandwidth efficiencyby blocking less critical, high bandwidth servicessuch as online gaming and video streaming.

In non-critical situations, RouteFlex has theability to enhance coverage through dynamic

switching between fibre and satellite facilities. Thisensures the provision of high quality services whenthe network requires balancing. Optimisation canalso be performed across whole regions, with largeoperator groups able to move capacity between itsneighbouring markets.

As a value added service, RouteFlex securesservice continuity for telecom operators whilesimultaneously reducing costs. The service runs ontop of existing infrastructure, reduces planningefforts, operational and maintenance costs, andneeds no major additional investments.

The development of RouteFlex follows thelaunch of BICS' SatFlex and MultiFlex services lastyear, which guarantee end-to-end link quality andefficiency using BICS' Europe-based state-of-the-art teleport satellite and fibre infrastructure.Capacity is available from both stable and inclinedorbit satellites, offering data speeds of hundreds ofMbps in each direction.

Flexible satellite services perfectly complementBICS' range of capacity services for the region

including land fibre and submarine facilities. Byoffering the full connectivity suite, BICS can providefaster issue resolution during outages for all missioncritical international telecommunications services.

"RouteFlex will revolutionise the way operatorsare able to provide services to customers whenfaced with damaged land or submarine cables," saidEric Loos, senior product manager capacity and IPat BICS. "Previously, the provision of satellite back-up in these situations was limited in its scope andexpensive to administer, however, by offering theability to instantly prioritise traffic, operators areable to ensure continuity of service while keepingcosts to a minimum."

Clémentine Fournier, regional vice presidentAfrica at BICS, said, "BICS is committed todeveloping innovative solutions to nourish thegrowing demand for data connectivity in Africa. Theexpansion of the BICS satellite portfolio will furtherenhance operators' abilities to deliver outstandingservice levels for end users, further boosting thegrowth of this exciting market."

MOBILE WIRELESS TEST specialists Rohde &Schwarz demonstrated several key testsystems for the development and test of 5Gcomponents and systems at CTIA SuperMobility 2015. The next generation of mobilecommunications will push current designlimits with higher peak data rates of 10Gbps,massive IoT device connectivity, highernetwork capacity (10,000x current network),reduced latency (< 1ms) and overallimproved energy efficiency.The Rohde & Schwarz electronics group

offers innovative solutions in the followingbusiness fields: test and measurement,broadcast and media, secure

communications, cybersecurity,radiomonitoring and radiolocation. Foundedmore than 80 years ago, this independentcompany has an extensive sales and servicenetwork and is present in more than 70countries. At CTIA Super Mobility 2015, Rohde &

Schwarz demonstrated a wide variety of itsavailable 5G test solutions at Cthe event,including ultra-wideband signal analysis for5G component and device development usingthe R&S FSW Signal and Spectrum Analyzerand R&S RTO Digital Oscilloscope. When used

together, the R&S SMW Vector SignalGenerator and the R&S FSW Signal andSpectrum Analyzer enable researchers todesign and evaluate the many differentcandidates for 5G waveforms. For millimeterwave component test, the R&S ZVA VectorNetwork Analyzer seamlessly covers thefrequency ranges required for 5G. Based onthe industry leading R&S CMW500 WidebandRadio Communication Tester, the R&S CMW-PQA test system is used for testing MassiveMachine Type Communications, which is a keydevelopment area in 5G.

Rohde & Schwarz demonstrated a wide variety of its available 5G test solutions at CTIA 2015

Rohde & Schwarz showcases 5G test solutions at CTIA

BICS offers dynamic IPoSAT solution for superior coverage

5G is the next-generationmobile communicationssystem expected to be

commercially introduced in2020. With ultra widebandwidths and higher

frequencies, thedevelopment of 5G

chipsets, components anddevices will require a

unique mix of test andmeasurement equipment

unlike 3G and 4G LTE

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WINDOWS 10 EST disponible en mise à jourgratuite pour les utilisateurs de Windows 7 etWindows 8.1. Avec des innovations telles queCortana, Microsoft Edge ou Windows Hello,Windows 10 offre aux utilisateurs uneexpérience sur l’ensemble des écrans, plussimple, personnelle et sécurisée.Windows 10 offrira une expérience unique

du plus petit support avec l’Internet des objets,aux plus grands, qu’il s’agisse deSmartphones, tablettes, PC, Surface Hub ouHoloLens. Le nouveau Windows Store et le kitde développement pour Windows sontégalement disponibles dès aujourd’hui,ouvrant la voie à la création d’applicationsuniverselles et innovantes.Windows 10 sera proposé en mise à jour

gratuite pour les utilisateurs de PC et tablettesdisposant des dernières versions officielles deWindows 7 et 8.1.La mise à jour vers Windows 10 se fera

simplement, les utilisateurs ayant réservé leurcopie de Windows 10 seront notifiés à partird’aujourd’hui par vagues pour mettre à jourleur appareil.Windows 10, c’est la rencontre entre des

fonctionnalités familières (le retour du menuDémarrer par ex.) et des innovations telles que Cortana, une assistante digitale

personnelle, qui vous conseille, vous permetde trouver les bonnes informations au bonmoment et vous fait desrecommandations basées sur vospréférences

Microsoft Edge, le nouveau navigateur deMicrosoft, qui permet de rechercher, de lire,d’annoter et de partager du contenu webrapidement et simplementWindows Hello quivous reconnaîtet ouvre

votre session grâce à l’authentificationbiométrique de votre visage, iris ouempreinte digitale : vous êtes le mot de passeL’application Xbox quimarque l’arrivée de

l’expérience Xbox sur Windows 10Le mode Continuum pour les 2-en-1 qui permet de passerfacilement d’un mode PC (clavier

et souris) à un mode tablette

Les fonctionnalités Multitâches etl’affichage des tâches quigarantissent plusd’efficacitéLes applications nativement intégrées telles

que Photos, Maps ou encore Groove, lanouvelle application musique de MicrosoftLes nouvelles applications Office Mobile

pour Windows 10 optimisées pour le tactilefont leur arrivée dès aujourd’hui sur leWindows Store3. Windows 10 accueillera parailleurs prochainement Office 2016 optimisé

pour les grands écrans, les ordinateursportables et les 2-en-1 tels

que Surface. �

Windows 10 et des nouvelles applications universelles


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LE PC RESTE la première plateforme de jeu entermes de volume, de recettes et deperspectives de croissance1. Intel prend doncce segment très au sérieux. Un grand saloncomme le Gamescom est l'endroit idéal pourannoncer les processeurs de bureau àcoefficient débloqué Intel® Core i7-6700K etIntel® Core i5-6600K ainsi que le chipsetIntel® Z170. Ces produits posent les bases dela famille de processeurs Intel® Core 6èmegénération et des chipsets Intel® 100 Series,qui seront disponibles plus tard cette année.

Visant principalement le public des joueurset overclockeurs, la présentation de cesnouveaux produits est accompagnée d'unconcours de modding, qui va permettre demontrer toute la créativité dont les utilisateurssavent faire preuve avec leurs plateformes.

Avec le support de la mémoire DDR4 pour latoute première fois sur une plateforme grandpublic, le retour d'une plage de réglage de lafréquence plus étendue pour un réglage précisde la vitesse du CPU par les amateursd'overclocking, ainsi que 4 cœurs fonctionnantà 4,0 GHz, ce salon offre de nombreusesraisons de s'enthousiasmer.

Les partenaires d'Intel se mettent aussi au

diapason en présentant de nouveaux systèmesbasés sur la plateforme : Asrock, Asus, EVGA,Gigabyte et MSI avec des cartes-mères auxnombreuses fonctionnalités, spécialementconçues pour les passionnés, et des systèmescomplets incroyables de constructeurs commeAlienware, Acer, ALTERNATE, Asus, HP, SCAN,Tones, et bien d'autres encore.

D'autres technologies Intel vont égalementêtre présentées, comme la nouvelletechnologie Thunderbolt 3, ou les tous derniersSSD Intel® qui permettent de renforcer encoreun peu plus la performance. Intel a ainsidévoilé un modèle 800 Go de sa gamme Intel®SSD 750 à l’occasion du Gamescom. Etn'oublions pas la toute récente sortie de

Microsoft Windows* 10, dont la puissance etles fonctionnalités avec notamment l’arrivé del'API Microsoft DirectX* 12 et d’applicationsXBox* sur PC permettent de faire réellementchanter votre système.

Intel a en outre annoncé la sortie d'unprocesseur Intel Core « K » 6ème génération àcoefficient débloqué pour les notebooks, plustard dans l'année. Il s'agira du premier produit« K » débloqué pour les systèmes mobiles.Nous vous fournirons bientôt plusd'informations sur ces produits.

Les processeurs Intel Core i7-6700K et IntelCore i5-6600K sont disponibles dès maintenantvia les canaux commerciaux habituels, à desprix de 350 $ et 243 $ respectivement.

Intel dévoile de nouvelles plateformes PC

Company ........................................................ page


ACE Cable Consortium..........................................................15

Amos Spacecom ....................................................................9

Azercosmos ..........................................................................29

Comviva Technologies Ltd. ..................................................21

F G Wilson Engineering Ltd ....................................................7

Gazprom Space Systems, JSC ..............................................11

Intelsat ..................................................................................27

Intracom Middle East FZ-LLC................................................37

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Kirloskar Oil Engines Ltd. ....................................................38

MEASAT Satellite Systems Sdn Bhd....................................31

PCCW Global Ltd ....................................................................5

Singapore Telecommunications Limited ............................25

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