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Agdan, Daecell Joy R. (Storylines Plot)

Date post: 18-Aug-2015
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STORYLINES (PLOTS) Daecell Joy R. Agdan BSMT-2B, Humanities 13 July 5, 2015 Mr. Jaime Cabrera Centro Escolar University, Philippines I learn about literary plots, electronic research, and citing references by completing this activity. “Always do whatever you’re afraid to do.” See: Common Genres of Fiction here See: Homework Guide here

STORYLINES (PLOTS)Daecell Joy R. AgdanBSMT-2B, Humanities 13July 5, 2015 Mr. Jaime CabreraCentro Escolar University, Philippines

I learn about literary plots, electronic research,

and citing references by completing this activity.

“Always do

whatever you’re

afraid to do.”

See: Common Genres of Fiction hereSee: Homework Guide here


Plot is a narrative term defined as the events that make up a story, particularly: as they relate to one another in a pattern or in a sequence; as they relate to each other through cause and effect; how the reader views the story; or simply by coincidence. Authors are generally interested in how well this pattern of events accomplishes some artistic or emotional effect.


For me, Plot is a plan, mainstory, timetable or scheme dealing in any various arrangements of a play.

My example:It’s about three pigs that upon setting up to build a home, one made of hay, another made of twigs and the third one made of bricks. They are soon attacked by a wolf that wants to eat them. The wolf responds by blowing the house down of the two pigs because they only made up of hay and twigs. When the wolf comes to the third pig's house, which is made of brick, he fails to blow the house down. The wolf becomes infuriated by this and instead decides to climb into the pig's chimney to get inside. As the wolf jumps into the chimney, the last surviving pig opens up the lid of his cooking cauldron. The wolf falls into the cauldron and dies.









Rising action is a related series of incidents in a literary plot that build toward the point of greatest interest and preceding to the climax.


For me, Rising action is a series of events that build up and create tension and suspense. 

My example: After several accurate horoscopes, I am excited when my latest horoscopes read “A day of wonderful opportunities.” I am so far in having the worst day of my life.



Turning point is a time at which a decisive change in a situation or historical events occurs, especially one with beneficial results.


For me, Turning point is a point at which a significant change occurs and a decision must be made.

My example: In a rush, I get my sweater stuck in my locker and completely ruins the whole backside. Unable to walk outside, I am waiting for my friend to bring a jacket.



Climax of a narrative work is its point of highest tension or drama or when the action starts in which the solution is given.


For me, Climax is the intense part of an experience or a series of events. The emotional buildup is working towards the climax.

My example: Still waiting, I crashed into a door in front of

my crush Mark. Mark suffers a concussion



After the excitement of the climax, the story may not yet be complete and there can still be unresolved and outstanding tensions that are waiting for closure. These are largely resolved in the falling action stage, as the last few issues are mopped up.


For me, The falling action occurs right after the climax. It is what happens after the main problem of the story has been solved.

My example: After a day like that, I got mad and convinced

myself that the horoscopes are fake.



Resolution is the act of resolving or determining upon an action, course of  action, method, procedure, etc.


For me, Resolution is the act of analyzing, determining and solving of a problem. It depends on the author on how he/she will end the story. It may be a positive or a negative ending.

My example: Mark called to check up on me. We carried a

conversation almost an hour and then give me the second thoughts about trashing my horoscope.


PLOT ELEMENTS: Brain PracticeDaecell Joy R. AgdanBSMT-2B, Humanities 13July 5, 2015Mr. Jaime CabreraCentro Escolar University, Philippines

I personalize my learning about the parts of literary

plot by completing this three-part activity.

Related Stuff


I’ve learned that each and every day, we create our own story. We even didn’t notice that the things we always experience have its own meaning and has a story behind. Through this, I got more knowledge about the plot and its elements. It serves as a guide that may help me to know and understand the flow of the story I’ve used to watch.

Through this exercise, it reminds me the plays I’ve already watched. You can’t find the true meaning of their story, if you doesn’t know the elements behind it . Your emotions and your point of view in the performance depends on how you understand the play. It is also connected in our daily life because we need to be more practical in every situations we encountered. We should know the consequences of it and solve it with enough knowledge.


I can used it in order for me to know how to manage and handle a certain situation. This activity will serve as a guide on how I can analyze a situation. Especially on how I can deal with it and seek things just to resolve or cope up the problem.


Note: Tests may include ideas from this source and this source.

Works Cited https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plot_(narrative) https://ph.search.yahoo.com/search?

p=plot+diagram&fr=yfp-t-712 http://docs.exdat.com/docs/index-6750.html?page=7 http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/rising+action https://dictionary.search.yahoo.com/


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Climax_(narrative) http://changingminds.org/disciplines/storytelling/plots/

five_stage/falling_action.htm http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/resolution


SEVEN POINTS1. Delete the instructions. When you submit

your work, only your answers should be seen.

2. Keep it short: this one slide only3. Short definition: Use direct quotes inside

quotation marks.4. Source: Use APA format5. Hyperlink: Embed like this

Available online 12-12-2015.

6. In my own words: Paraphrase succinctly7. Example: From your own experience

