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Agile IT Project Management

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Agile IT Project Management An overview of Agile IT project management using Scrum philosophies. Supreeth Rajan Dec 2015 www.linkedin.com/in/supreethrajan
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Agile IT Project ManagementAn overview of Agile IT project management using Scrum philosophies.Supreeth RajanDec 2015


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Supreeth Rajan | www.linkedin.com/in/supreethrajan 05/02/20232

Referenceso Scrum Shortcuts – Without cutting cornerso User Stories Applied For Agile Software Development by Mike

Cohno The definitive guide to Scrum: The rules of the gameo Agile Project Management - Joint Advanced Student Schoolo Introduction to Scrum - Mountain Goat Software LLC.o Lean thinking: James P. Womack and Daniel T. Joneso The Goal: Eliyahu M. Goldratt, Jeff Coxo Machine that changed the world: James P. Womack, Daniel T.

Jones, Daniel Roos

If you find this material useful, please feel free to use it.The contents of this are basic Agile – Scrum methodology and can act as a basic reference material.Slide 31 contains my background and contact information.

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Supreeth Rajan | www.linkedin.com/in/supreethrajan 05/02/20233

Contents1. Basic Overview – Focus of Agile2. History – Tracing the path3. Introduction4. Agile Software Development – Key

Points5. Agile Project Management6. Agile Methods7. Scrum8. Waterfall vs. Agile Scrum - 19. Waterfall vs. Agile Scrum - 210. Different ways to drive development11. Agile Model Driven Development

(AMDD)12. Blocks within Agile Programming13. Sprint Cycle

14. Components of Scrumo Scrum Mastero The Scrum Teamo Product Owner

15. The Processo Sprint Planning Meetingo Spring Planning Meetingo Sprinto Daily Scrum and Questions to asko Daily Scrumo Sprint Review Meeting

16. Scrum Artifactso Backlogso Burn down Charts

17. Background and Contact Information (Slide 31)

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Supreeth Rajan | www.linkedin.com/in/supreethrajan 05/02/20234

Basic Overview – Focus of Agileo Agile is not a methodology by itself, it is a collection of

frameworks based on a philosophy.o Focus on current needs instead of possible future needs.o Unlock business value quicker – from two weeks to deliver a

functionality to 4/6 weeks to deliver a functionality.o Constant interaction between developers, testers and the

core users.o Changes are welcome, use of efficient methodologies to

provide structure to how these changes are best incorporated. These changes will disrupt any plans.

o Constant pace of delivery. o Few roles, team is self organizing.

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Supreeth Rajan | www.linkedin.com/in/supreethrajan 05/02/20235

History – Tracing the path

Toyota Production

System (TPS)

• Many companies adapted TPS to suit their manufacturing needs.

Modern Lean Manufacturin


• As TPS evolved, other branches sprouted.

Lean for service

• Health, Service industries adopted Lean to suit their industry needs.

Lean for software • Agile

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Supreeth Rajan | www.linkedin.com/in/supreethrajan 05/02/20236

Introductiono Classical methods of software development have many

disadvantages:- huge effort during the planning phase- poor requirements conversion in a rapid changing environment- treatment of staff as a factor of production

New methods: Agile Software Development

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Supreeth Rajan | www.linkedin.com/in/supreethrajan 05/02/20237

Agile Software Development – Key Pointso Individuals and interactions over processes and toolso Working software over comprehensive documentation o Customer collaboration over contract negotiationo Responding to change over following a plan

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Agile Project Management

Qualities:o Minimize risk short iterationso Real-time communication little written documentationo Indicated for unpredictable / rapidly changing


Note: Although very little documentation is suggested by Agile Scrum methodology, documentation is key for companies. Documentation can help in preparing for user scenarios, testing, bug fixes, and training.

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Agile Methodso Scrumo Extreme Programmingo Adaptive Software Development (ASD)o Dynamic System Development Method (DSDM)

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Scrumo Scrum is an agile, lightweight process for managing and

controlling software and product development in rapidly changing environments.

o Iterative, incremental process (iterative cycles include 2-3 weeks to deliver; and incremental process includes multiple iterations with each iteration delivering a new functionality)

o Team-based approacho Developing systems/ products with rapidly changing

requirementso Controls the chaos of conflicting interest and needso Improve communication and maximize cooperationo Protecting the team form disruptions and impedimentso A way to maximize productivity

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Waterfall vs. Agile Scrum - 1

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Waterfall vs. Agile Scrum - 2o Waterfall

o Requirement Analysis Design Code Integration Test Deploy

o Scrumo Vision Iteration 1 Iteration 2 Iteration n Continue

o Iteration contains the AMDD (in the next next slides)

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Different ways to drive developmento Test Design Driven (TDD) –

o Along with the functional design, user test scripts can assist in checking the code and if programming is meeting user expectations.

o Behavior Driven Development (BDD) – o Extension of TDD, use of test cases and its implementation.

Technical and Business points.

o Agile Model Driven Development (AMDD) – o A combination of TDD and BDD to an extent.o Use of iteration cycles to achieve increments of requirements

gathering, design, testing, deliver.

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Agile Model Driven Development (AMDD)

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Blocks within Agile Programming

To effectively implement a framework or philosophy, a few fundamental blocks has to be agreed upon.

o Continuous Integration – Serialized (Build-Test-Integrate, Build-Test-Integrate) OR Simultaneous Integration (Build-Test, Build-Test, Integrate).

o Simple Design – Meet current needs as future needs might change.

o Automated Deployments – Development-testing-production.o Refactoring – Changes in code as business software needs is

much better understood. Simplify code, that it can be reused.o Automation – Compiling of completed code to be automated.

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Sprint Cycle The below image depicts the high level working of a sprint cycle. The daily scrum meeting is the daily GEMBA meeting.

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Components of Scrum

o Scrum Roleso Scrum Mastero Product Ownero Scrum Team

o The Processo Scrum Artifacts

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Scrum Master

o Responsible for enacting scrum values and practices.o Main job is to remove impediments.o Actively rallies the team.o Does not task people but helps in facilitating.

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The Scrum Teamo Typically 5-10 peopleo Cross-functional (QA, Programmers, UI Designers, etc.)o Members should be full-timeo Team is self-organizingo Membership can change only between sprints

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Product Ownero Acts like one voice, represents the vision of the product.o Knows what needs to be build and in what sequence this

should be done,o Typically a product manager.

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The Processo Sprint Planning Meetingo Sprinto Daily Scrumo Sprint Review Meeting

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Sprint Planning Meetingo At the beginning of each Sprint, the Product Owner, the

Scrum Master and the Team get together to discuss the product backlog, and the sprint backlog.

o What and who is needed to accomplish the backlog is discussed.

o Technology and current business conditions.o What is the goal of the sprint, the decided scope and time

frame of the sprint.o How it would be gradually incremental compared to the last


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Spring Planning Meeting

Sprint Planning


Product Backlog

Team Capabilities

Business Conditions


Current Product

Sprint Backlog



um Team





Sprint Goal


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Sprinto A month-long iteration, during which is incremented a

product functionalityo NO outside influence can interference with the Scrum team

during the Sprinto Each Sprint begins with the Daily Scrum Meeting

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Daily Scrum and Questions to ask

Is a short (15 minutes long) meeting, which is held every day before the Team starts working


o What did you do since the last Scrum? o What are you doing until the next Scrum?o What is stopping you getting on with the work?

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Daily Scrumo Is NOT a problem solving sessiono Is NOT a way to collect information about WHO is behind the

scheduleo Is a meeting in which team members make commitments to

each other and to the Scrum Mastero Is a good way for a Scrum Master to track the progress of the


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Sprint Review Meetingo Is held at the end of each Sprinto Business functionality which was created during the Sprint is

demonstrated to the Product Ownero Informal, should not distract Team members of doing their


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Scrum Artifacts

o Product Backlogo Sprint Backlogo Burn down Charts

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Product Backlogo Only a forecast and is not exact.o These define the requirements, expressed as a prioritized list

of Backlog Items.o Is managed and owned by a Product Owner.

Sprint Backlogo A subset of Product Backlog Items, which define the work for

a Sprint.o Created by team members and has its own status.o Should be updated every day.o Team can add or subtract items from the list.

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Burn down Chartso Are used to represent “work done”.o 3 Types:

o Sprint Burn down Chart (Sprint Progress)o Release Burn down Chart (progress of release)o Product Burn down chart (Product Progress)

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Background | Contact Information

Supreeth Rajan http://www.linkedin.com/in/supreethrajan

M.S., PMP | Product Owner | Product and Project Management Business Process Management

6+ years of experience in Product Management, Project Management, Business Process Improvement, Lean, and Six-Sigma.

Act as a product owner, product manager, scrum master, project manager, and coach. Adapt the various tools to deliver the end product/project.

Certified Project Management Professional (PMI PMP)Certified in LeanCertified Green Belt in Lean Six SigmaMaster in Industrial EngineeringCertified SAP Business AssociateCertified in Quality Assurance
