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Agile Ppt IBM Scrum

Date post: 29-Nov-2014
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The premiere software and product delivery event. June 6–10 Orlando, Florida The world is flat(ter): software development and reducing barriers with Rational Team Concert Eyal Abukasis Director – East Region, ATSC [email protected] Pratik Bengali [email protected] Track #: RWI-2137A
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The premiere software and product delivery event. June 6–10 Orlando, Florida

The world is flat(ter): software development and reducing barriers with Rational Team Concert Eyal Abukasis Director – East Region, ATSC [email protected] Pratik Bengali [email protected] Track #: RWI-2137A

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Eyal Abukasis - Background

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 Historical retrospective  The 80’s: Teams, tools and…Waterfall   the 90’s: teams (more organized), tools (more integrated) and…Iterative development  The new world: teams (leaner), tools (integrated, transparent) and…Agile

 An Introduction to Agile and Scrum   Jazz and Rational Team Concert  Real Worlds Case Study and it’s results  Demo of our environment and solution

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Historical Retrospective – the 80’s…

  Pre-90’s: Remember when…  Few projects (mostly small)

  Mainframe, Unix platforms   Distributed started to gain support

 Small teams   People wearing multiple hats

 Few tools   No need for collaboration, visualization, tracking,

dashboards  Co-located  Little need for process

  Waterfall is KING!

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Requirements Analysis


Code and Unit Test

Subsystem Integration

System Test

•  Conceptually simple •  Logical order •  Disciplined •  Well defined milestones

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The world is getting flatter…

  Then… world started to get FLAT  World Wide Web  Workflow Software  Outsourcing  Off shoring  Supply chaining  In-sourcing

  No body wanted to be left out  Capital pouring into the markets  Funded projects with no limits  We began to get sloppy with our projects and code

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Historical Retrospective – the 90’s…

  The 90’s  Projects became larger (more code, multiple platforms, multiple interfaces)  Complexity increased (LoC, Requirements, models, testing)  Outsourcing became the new buzzword (distributed teams)

  NEED FOR COLLABORATION !!!  How do we track changing requirements, code, tests, metrics  How do we communicate  How do we share artifacts without tripping  Process? What for? What’s that?  How? How? How?

  Solution: Rational Suite  Multiple point products  Rational Unified Process (Iterative)  Some dashboards

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Analyst Architect Developer Tester

Project Manager

Deployment Manager

Rapidly construct, transform, integrate

and generate


Design, create,

and execute


Model, simulate,

assemble, and monitor

business processes

Visually model

applications and data

  Follow a common process   Track project status  Manage requirements

 Manage change and assets

 Manage quality

Provision, configure, tune

and troubleshoot applications

Meet The IBM Software Development Platform A complete, open, modular, and proven solution

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Iterative Processes

  Well-defined milestones

  Resolves risks early

  Can experiment to unearth requirements

  Measure progress via actual system development

  Provides for early partial deployment






. . . Req’s




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Progress (% Coded)

100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10


Late Design Breakage

5 25 30 35 40 45 50 15 10 20

Iterative Development

Final Test FinalTest

Integration Begins Release


Early Integration Results

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Problems Implementing RUP

 Too much information   2000+ pages

 Tailoring approach is subtractive not additive   Leads to high-ceremony heavyweight implementations

 Often implemented from an artifact perspective   Moves focus away from executable software to a document centric


 Sometimes too much emphasis on architectural risk vs. business risk   Architecture is important but so is delivering business value

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Then…the good times end. Back to the drawing board

  Wasn’t that enough? What are the challenges?

  Year 2000 – the bubble bursts environment as we know it was changing  Capital became scarce  Projects needed to prove fast ROI  To more with less  Are the current methods too heavy?  Should tools drive process or vise versa?

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Where Does Process Come From?

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Agile Principles drive the technical practices.

 Lightweight, minimalist, low-ceremony  Highly collaborative: People over process and

tools  Value-driven: Frequently provide value to end

users  Embrace Change: Adapt instead of Predict  Feedback: Promote extremely tight response loop  Build Quality In: Adopt a “stop the line” mentality

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Some key Agile Practices

 Iterative and incremental development  Two levels of planning  Frequent releases  Self-organizing teams  Just-in-time requirements specification  Concurrent testing (developer & system)  Continuous Integration  Refactoring  Unit testing & Test Driven Development (TDD)  Retrospectives

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Iterative and Incremental Development

 Iterative   Develop working software in time-boxes   Fix date, manage scope

 Incremental   Progressively evolve the system   Small chucks of working, tested software

 Adaptive versus Predictive   Respond to change by expecting it   Use frequent feedback to adjust plan

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Scrum Characteristics

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And the details of scrum…


  Product Backlog

  Product Owner

  Scrum Master

  The Team

  Daily Scrum


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  Enable team transparency of “who, what, when, why”

  Build team cohesion and presence   Automate hand-offs – so nothing

falls through the cracks

  Automate team workflow improving productivity

  Automate data collection eliminating administrative overhead

  Real time reporting and alerts reduces project risk

  Dynamic provisioning of projects and teams

  Real-time iteration planning and workload balancing

  Unify teams with tools choice

Dynamic integration of people, process and projects across the lifecycle

Collaborate in Context

Right-size Governance

Day One Productivity

  robust, extensible and scaleable

  globally distributed, fluid & dynamic

  community-based & open at Jazz.net

Jazz is a project and platform

for transforming how people

work together to deliver greater

value and performance from

their software investments.

Envisioning a platform that can transform software delivery

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How Jazz is different from past approaches Dynamic integration of

People   Desktop/database integration Global integration   Function first Team first   Pre-determined tool function Dynamically extensible

  Rigid rules Creative collaboration   Manual tasks Process aware and transparent   Proprietary infrastructure Internet standards

  Lengthy project onboarding Day one productivity   Hindsight analysis Continuous steering   Status guesstimates Real-time insight

...across the software lifecycle



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An evolution of value in collaborative ALM bringing forward existing investments and delivering new innovative capabilities


Existing IBM Offerings

New IBM Offerings

Business Partner Offerings

Open Lifecycle Service Integrations


Best Practice Processes

Search and Query In context collaboration Team awareness Events notification

Security Dashboards

Existing IBM offerings Business Partner offerings Open source offerings

Server Integrations

Powered by


offering offering offering offering



Eclipse Web 2.0 Visual Studio

Client Integrations

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Jazz Value proposition

  Integrated collaboration improves team effectiveness

  Designed for organizationally distributed development

  Process integration for enhanced productivity, repeatability, and best practices

  Seamless integration across the software development lifecycle

  Traceability across the life cycle

  Non-intrusive visibility into project status and health information

  Lower Total Cost of Ownership

  Scalability: process and team and project size

  Extensible on the client and server

  A growing Eclipse-based community

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 Team advisor for defining / refining “rules” and enabling continuous improvement

 Process enactment and enforcement   In-context collaboration enables team members

to communicate in context of their work

 Single structure for project related artifacts  World-class team on-boarding / offboarding

including team membership, sub-teams and project inheritance

 Role-based operational control for flexible definition of process and capabilities

Jazz Team Server

  Integrated stream management

 Component level baselines

 Server-based sandboxes

  Identifies component in streams and available baselines

 ClearCase connector

SCM Work Items  Defects, enhancements

and conversations  View and share query results  Support for approvals and

discussions  Query editor interface  ClearQuest connector

 Work item and change set traceability

 Build definitions for team and private builds

  Local or remote build servers  Supports Ant and command

line tools   Integration with Build Forge


Iteration Planning   Integrated iteration planning and execution   Task estimation linked to key milestones   Out of the box agile process templates

Project Transparency   Customizable web based dashboards   Real time metrics and reports   Project milestone tracking and status

Rational Team Concert: A closer look

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Improve business agility and project success rates

Facilitates the principles of high-performance teams

Working Software

Individuals Interactions

Respond to Change

Customer Collaborative

  Transparency   Objective commonality   Project health checks   Context driven

  Process flexibility   Iterative plan-execution   Multiple releases   JIT code reviews

  Starting ad-hoc teams   Team awareness   Process awareness   Ad-hoc sharing

  Continuous integration   Manage team assets   Change driven   Integrated / traceable

IBM Rational Team Concert

transparent integrated presence wikis OPEN real-time reporting chat automated hand-offs Web 2.0 custom dashboards automated data gathering EXTENSIBILITY Eclipse plug-ins services architecture FREEDOM TO CREATE

Optimized for Agile processes inlucluding Scrum, The Eclipse Way, OpenUP, etc out of the box

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Advantages of RTC – Case Study “would likes”

  Web 2.0  Social networking drives team collaboration and productivity enabling today's distributed

teams to work in unison.

  Iteration planning and end to end visibility  Real time project progress via web browser  planning and estimation and metrics for each milestone were all linked end to end so

everyone new the projects progress in real time?

  Open rather than proprietary  Any platform  Leverage open source eco system  Support for client and server side plug-ins

  Support for legacy tools already in place

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Case Study - Healthcare

  Started with Agile discovery, pilot and mentoring

  Using myriad of legacy Rational tools (CC, CQ, RFT, RPT, RSA)

  Introduced RTC to support pilot effort (other teams evaluating other options)  Product backlog  Task board  Burn down charts  Integrated with CC, CVS, CQ, Bugzilla  Customized process to each team

  Solution and training rolled out on a per Role basis  Day in a life scenarios  Use language and terminology of the customer (increase comfort level)

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Where are they now…?

  Agile coaches in place to help with “The Agile way” and the tools to support

  Multiple teams have adopted Agile and RTC

  Teams are exploring RQM and RRC as a natural fit with RTC

  Management buy-in (visibility, reporting…)

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What’s next?

  Additional Jazz tools and integrations

  Additional 3rd party plug-ins

  Better integration and collaboration (increased transparency)

  Less overhead (increased productivity)

  Faster on-boarding processes

  Easier customization

  Better reporting

  Support for multiple processes

  Jazz based tools are the future (or at least the near future )…

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Daily iPod touch giveaway

  Complete your session surveys online each day at a conference kiosk or on your Innovate 2010 Portal!

  Each day that you complete all of that day’s session surveys, your name will be entered to win the daily IPOD touch!

  On Wednesday be sure to complete your full conference evaluation to receive your free conference t-shirt!


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© Copyright IBM Corporation 2010. All rights reserved. The information contained in these materials is provided for informational purposes only, and is provided AS IS without warranty of any kind, express or implied. IBM shall not be responsible for any damages arising out of the use of, or otherwise related to, these materials. Nothing contained in these materials is intended to, nor shall have the effect of, creating any warranties or representations from IBM or its suppliers or licensors, or altering the terms and conditions of the applicable license agreement governing the use of IBM software. References in these materials to IBM products, programs, or services do not imply that they will be available in all countries in which IBM operates. Product release dates and/or capabilities referenced in these materials may change at any time at IBM’s sole discretion based on market opportunities or other factors, and are not intended to be a commitment to future product or feature availability in any way. IBM, the IBM logo, Rational, the Rational logo, Telelogic, the Telelogic logo, and other IBM products and services are trademarks of the International Business Machines Corporation, in the United States, other countries or both. Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.

