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Agile Supply Chains

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  • 8/8/2019 Agile Supply Chains


    Agile Supply Chains -Reverse Supply chain. Agricultural Supply Chains.

    Supply Chain Management Approaches

    Agile Approaches or Adaptive methods

    Plan Driven Approaches Or Predictive methods

    Traditional Methods

    There are a number of approaches in Supply chain management activities which can be broadly

    classified as

    Plan Driven Approaches Or Predictive methods

    PERT Model (Program Evaluation and Review Technique)

    CPM Model (Critical Path Method)

    PRINCE Methodology

    Agile Approaches or Adaptive methods

    Scrum Model.

    Extreme Programming models.

    Crystal Clear,

    Lean Development,

    Feature Driven Development,

    Dynamic Systems Development Method

    Traditional Methods

    Waterfall Model

    Regardless of the methodology employed, careful consideration must be given to the overall

    project objectives, timeline, and cost, as well as the roles and responsibilities of all participants

    and stakeholders.

    Plan Driven Approaches:

    Effective management and technical support are required for the success of large-scale projects.PERT packaged programs provide scheduling capability. However, many tasks must still be

    performed by a human being, including activity plan generation, construction of activity

    networks, modification of a schedule produced by PERT program, and project monitoring. To

    support these tasks, we believe that the application of artificial intelligence techniques to this

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    area has great potential. Accordingly, we are developing an experimental project management

    expert system named EPM (Electronic Project Management).

    The main tasks that EPM supports are

    Activity plan generation,

    Activity scheduling,

    Project monitoring.

    Agile software development:

    Agile software development refers to a group ofsoftware development methodologies based on

    iterative development, where requirements and solutions evolve through collaboration betweenself-organizing cross-functional teams.

    Agile methods generally promote a disciplined project management process that encourages

    frequent inspection and adaptation, a leadership philosophy that encourages teamwork, self-organization and accountability, a set of engineering best practices intended to allow for rapiddelivery of high-quality software, and a business approach that aligns development with

    customer needs and company goals.

    Conceptual foundations of this framework are found in modern approaches to operationsmanagementand analysis, such as lean manufacturing,soft systems methodology,speech act

    theory (network of conversations approach), and Six Sigma.

    Agile Supply Chains :Objective:

    The objectives of agility may put higher emphasis on the flexibility and quick

    delivery to the customers. Therefore, the agile manufacturer needs to

    maintain a certain degree of buffer capacity to cope with the volatile demand

    and high variety of products.

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    Market Sensitive: Supply chain is capable of reading and responding to real demand.

    Virtual: Information-based supply chain, rather than inventory-based.

    Network based: EDI and internet enable partners in the supply chain to act upon the real


    Process Integration: Collaborative working between buyers and suppliers, joint product

    development, common systems and shared information.

    Seven steps to agility:

    Substitute information for inventory

    Work smarter, not harder (eliminate or reduce non-value adding activities)

    Partner with suppliers to reduce in-bound lead-times

    Seek to reduce complexity (not necessarily variety)

    Postpone final configuration/assembly of products

    Manage processes not just functions

    Utilize appropriate performance metrics, e.g. end-to-end pipeline

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    Concept of agility:

    Agricultural Supply Chains:

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    Reverse Logistics in scm

    The Increasing Necessity for Reverse LogisticsAbout Reverse Logistics

    "Forward Logistics" describes the conventional manufacturer-to-

    customer supply chain.

    "Reverse Logistics" is the process of returning goods from

    consumers back to suppliers.

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    Due to environmental regulations and consumer pressures to

    increase customer service, companies are focusing on Reverse SCM or

    reverse logistics. Reverse logistics can lead to improved relationships

    with supply chain partners, improved profits through reduced costs, andimproved efficiencies and higher recovery rates for returns .

    In An Examination of Reverse Logistics Practices, Rogers and

    Tibben-Lenbke define reverse logistics as:

    The process of planning, implementing, and controlling the

    efficient, cost effective flow of raw materials, in-process inventory,

    finished goods, and related information from the point of consumption to

    the point of origin for the purpose of recapturing or creating value or

    proper disposal .The concept of reverse logistics is very important in the European

    business environment and is slowly gaining importance to American

    businesses (3). In both regions, the cost of land filling and increased

    restrictions on what can be placed into a landfill are causing companies

    to invest in reverse logistics processes (1). In Europe for example,

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    environmental regulations require tire manufactures to recover and

    recycle one old tire for every tire produced (4). Manufacturers must have

    an efficient system to recover the tires to comply with this regulation.

    Some statisticsReverse logistics accounts for 3 percent to 4 percent of a companys

    total logistics costs. Companies can save 10 percent from their annual

    logistics bill by implementing an efficient reverse logistics system.

    Twenty percent of this amount is saved in labor costs and the remaining

    80 percent is saved in lowered freight costs and reduced pipeline

    inventory (5).

    Process to implement reverse logistics system

    Reverse logistics includes handling, storage, transportation, inspection,

    repair, repackaging, refunds, and customer service. Retrieving the

    product is the first step in the process. The quality and quantity of

    products retrieved must be coordinated with other distributors and

    customers. Then the product must be efficiently transported to a central

    location, where it is inspected and sorted. In this step, processes must be

    in place to determine what products can be saved, reworked,remanufactured, resold or disposed. Automated tracking and testing

    systems can be used for parts of the sorting process.

    Then, the appropriate products can be reconditioned. Design for

    disassembly (DFD) is a method of designing products, such as electrical

    devices, so they can be easily pulled apart, reconditioned, and reused (5).

    The products that are not reconditioned are recycled, resold for parts, or

    disposed. The final step is distribution and sales of the reconditioned

    products. Companies must create a market for the refurbished products,which can be sold to the general public at cost or at a discounted price,

    or sold to foreign markets.

    Companies with successful reverse logistics processes

    Bosch, an automotive and industrial technology company, builds sensors

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    into its power tools that indicate if the motor is worth reconditioning.

    The sensors reduce inspection and disposition costs, allowing the

    company to realize profits on the remanufactured power tools (4).

    General Motors (GM) simplified its process for returning automotiveparts by allowing parts to be returned to a single facility using GMs pre-

    printed shipping labels. This less costly process enhanced GMs

    relationships with its customers and supply chain partners (2).

    Volvo, a Swedish car manufacturer, anticipated the Swedish government

    passing a resolution holding auto manufactures accountable for disposal

    of vehicles. Volvo implemented a reverse logistics process of salvaging

    and dismantling cars. The company generated revenues by selling theused metal, plastics and car parts (2).

    Reverse logistics is a growing area of emphasis by many companies.

    Each company, regardless of industry, can implement a reverse logistics

    process that saves money or even generates new profits. A company can

    also recycle products or packaging to improve its environmentally

    friendly practices.

    Reverse logistics in Supply Chain Management

    Reverse logistics is "the process of planning, implementing, and

    controlling the efficient, cost effective flow of raw materials, in-process

    inventory, finished goods and related information from the point of

    consumption to the point of origin for the purpose of recapturing value

    or proper disposal. More precisely, reverse logistics is the process of

    moving goods from their typical final destination for the purpose of

    capturing value, or proper disposal. Remanufacturing and refurbishingactivities also may be included in the definition of reverse logistics."


    The evolution of reverse logistics for manufactured products is

    developing in direct proportion to the rapid advancements in technology

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    and the subsequent price erosion of products as new and improved

    products enter the supply chain at a faster pace. With such thin margins

    and so much competition, mismanagement of the supply chain can be


    Those organisations with the infrastructure to capture and compare

    the composite value of components with real time intelligent analysis

    and disposition based on changes in refurbishment cost, resale value,

    spare parts, repair and overall demand will not only become more

    profitable, but such flexibility and scalability will allow them to

    outmaneuver and eliminate the competition.

    Early days

    The early days of Reverse Logistics were measured by

    convenience and customer accommodations. The focus was on the front

    end of the return process, the ability for consumers to be able to return

    unwanted or defective merchandise. The ability to facilitate a consumer

    return was a courtesy that turned into a compelling competitive

    differentiator in retail.

    The companies that did not support consumer returns found

    themselves at a strategic disadvantage to those that did, and were

    eventually forced to adopt the same consumer conveniences or lose

    those customers to the competition.

    It did not take long for retail merchants to seek the same

    concessions from manufacturers and distribution channels. Stock

    rotation became a normal condition of business, and processes for

    returning defective merchandise became standard practice. Although thisis accepted as commonplace today, it has not always been this way.

    Even today there are cultural differences with regards to consumer

    returns, especially for product that is not defective and returned because

    of 'customer remorse'.

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    The next step

    As the cost of Reverse Logistics continued to increase, and as the

    methods of transportation became more sophisticated, manufacturers

    and distributors began to look for alternatives in transportation for

    savings. Planning and consolidating freight for return products wasidentified as a way to reduce expenses related to fuel and labor. This

    also led to detailed analysis of transportation options, like truck, air and

    railway. In Supply Chain Logistics business you are either the one

    driving the truck, the one pumping the gas, or the one paying the other


    The next step in the evolution of Reverse Logistics was the

    experimentation and cost comparison between multiple local hubs andsingle consolidated returns centers. The simple analysis for savings

    contrasted the costs of warehouse space and manpower to the amount of

    freight and transportation fees for handling the back end of the Supply

    Chain. Other factors also played a significant role in the financial

    analysis, including volume, material costs and inventory controls.

    As the costs of Reverse Logistics continued to rise, the importance

    of returning refurbished merchandise to market also became moresignificant. Organisations began to place financial significance on the

    devaluation of product for every day lost in transportation, handling,

    processing or warehousing.

    As technology and features improved, price and demand for aging

    product diminished, as did the ability to recoup costs from returns.

    Speed to return to market could be measured in resale value.


    In the next step of Reverse Logistics evolution, there was anawakening and realization that reverse logistics is only a portion of the

    entire back-end services solution. Consolidation meant more than merely

    consolidating returns, it meant consolidation of activities related to back-

    end support operations.

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    Manufacturers began to consolidate spare parts and materials in the

    same warehouse as the returned merchandise, discovering that it is less

    expensive to move parts and packing materials across an aisle than

    across state lines. Spare parts used to refurbish returns were placed in the

    same building.

    Taking this concept one step further, manufacturers began to

    consolidate depot warranty repair operations inside the same facility to

    maximize the utilization of parts, labor, warehouse and materials. This

    activity often required collaboration between previously diverse

    management and operational groups within large organizations. The

    collaborative effort reduced expenses for all participating departments

    and groups within the organizations.


    The next major step in the evolution of Reverse Logistics is

    collaboration with partners and external resources. It is a greater

    awakening and realization of integration with the entire Supply Chain by

    leveraging data exchange.

    It begins with an understanding of the value of the components thatcomprise a completed manufactured product, the Bill of Materials

    (BOM). The Bill of Materials is also used by manufacturers to forecast,

    procure and manage an inventory of spare parts that are used for repair.

    Frequently, the combined cost of the individual components exceeds the

    cost of the original retail product. Furthermore, due to price erosion, the

    cost to repair some products exceeds the cost of replacing the entire unit.

    Manufacturers must make quick financial decisions regarding the

    return on investment to refurbish returned products, repair or replacedefective warranty products, and the potential resale value for

    refurbished products returned to market. Manufacturers must also weigh

    the potential cost if inventory for procuring spare parts to support

    warranty, extended warranty and out of warranty regulations. To be truly

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    effective, manufacturers must make these decisions before the returned

    product enters the reverse logistics supply chain, not after it is in it.

    Manufacturers have the ability to gather data on activities that

    drive demand. Contributors to demand planning include failure rate orrate of repairs that require spare parts. At the very front end, potential

    return trends and potential repair trends can be identified by customer

    technical support or customer care phone calls. Quality analysis of

    returns and defective products can also be used to identify demands for

    spare parts planning.

    Resale value trends for refurbished products and seasonal sales

    cycles can be used to predict demand and resale value for refurbishedproducts, and if the product is cost effective to refurbish or repair. In

    some cases the parts can actually be sold for more greater margin than

    the whole product. At the very least, parts can be harvested from return

    products to mix and match repair of other defective return products,

    avoiding expensive spare parts procurement when applicable. All of

    these factors contribute to planning the demand for a refurbished product

    or the component parts.

    Once you know the demand and resale value for component parts

    and whole units, then it is only a matter of maintaining an intelligent

    planning engine that uses the input to analyze the Bill of Materials for

    returned products. Before the merchandise enters the Reverse Logistics

    Supply Chain, make an immediate and intelligent decision regarding the

    value and intended disposition of the whole unit or the component parts.

    In some cases the product will be scheduled for de-configuration to

    feed refurbishing activities or develop a spare parts inventory forwarranty repairs. In other cases, the units may be expedited for

    refurbishing and resale. Some products may be scheduled to be

    environmentally scrapped for materials. Product may even be de-

    configured at the retail location to support local customer demands and

    thereby avoid freight entirely.

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    Whatever the final result may be, the decision can be made before

    the product enters the Reverse Logistics Supply Chain cycle, as long as

    the intelligent engine is provided with continuously updated and

    accurate information. The new problem and the new solution is knowingwhat you sold, who wants to return it and what it is really worth, before

    you own it again.


    It's hard to believe that there are still companies that invest millions of dollarseach year in tools to forecast procurement and inventory management of spareparts, without accurately forecasting and managing the largest single source ofsurplus components that results from return merchandise. There are stillorganisations that struggle to achieve freight savings purely by negotiation orconsolidation, without a achieving a balanced approach to freight avoidance,localisation and intelligent de-configuration disposition.

    In the competitive landscape of rapidly evolving technology, mass production anderoding profit margins, managing the total cost of the supply chain and thecomposite value of the components is essential to cost reduction and financialsurvival. To ignore this aspect of reverse logistics can not only be costly, it canbe fatal for an organization.

    For Consumer Electronics and Computer products, the Reverse Logisticshandling requirements are further complicated by compliance and regulations likeRoHS, WEEE, controls on Lead based and Mercury materials, just to name afew. Recognising these component parts is absolutely essential to the propermanagement of the intelligent engine that directs the disposition of returnsimmediately upon notification that merchandise may enter the returns cycle.Proper management is not only financially rewarding, but in the case ofhazardous materials, it is the law.


    In service, to be competitive is to be the first to provide the services that wouldotherwise put you out of business. If you can do this, you will place yourcompetitors out of business, or at least have them working for you. Gathering thedata that pertains to customer call centers, extended warranty services, spareparts, resale value, parts procurement costs and impending returns oftenrequires extensive collaboration, integration and data exchange.

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    To be successful, it is often necessary to partner with multiple organisations andexperts to leverage best practices in a collaborative environment. The companiesthat collaborate, integrate and optimize data exchange will enjoy the competitiveadvantages of improved profit margins and precision management. Theorganizations that do not participate will be remembered as fabulous fossils.

    "The old ways are dead. And you need people around you who concur. Thatmeans hanging out more with the creative people, the freaks, the real visionaries,than you're already doing. Thinking more about what their needs are, andresponding accordingly. Avoid the dullards; avoid the folk who play it safe. Theycan't help you any more. Their stability model no longer offers that much stability.They are extinct, they are extinction." - Hugh Macleod

    Agri scm:SCM has emerged as recently as 1990s and has grown rapidly due to

    various internal and external factor in the agriculture sector.

    The main drive is to check the competitive behaviour in the agriculture

    production side which based on the consumer requirement which is ever

    changing ,affecting the agriculture business chain.

    Here from the agriculture sector - Farmers, Processors, Marketers and

    Distributors and finally the consumers are the major players in this



    1. Fair price for farmers and consumers

    2. Agriculture transforming to Agri business Status.

    3. Availability of different products from various agro climatic underone roof.


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    1. If there happens any breakage or little distubances in the chain the

    entire system collapsed.

    . Inspite the total process is aimed to cut the overall cost,the service has

    to be maintained. That is called as the Global Optimization.

    2. The inherent uncertainity in the Agribusiness.

    3. Continuous implementation of improvement and having proper

    vigilance on the whole system.

    feel that the first thing that is needed is broadening the concept of

    Commodity Exchange where almost every agri commodity can be

    traded. I have once had an opportunity to see the plans of a very big

    corporate house. I hope it sees the light of the day.

    Having said that I feel that the broad guideline of a e-market place

    should be in line with Tea Auction House where speculative trading is

    almost nil and every bidder has to take delivery, if he wins the bid,

    otherwise his membership is cancelled.

    The necessary infrastructure needed, in my opinion is:

    a) A Regulatory Authority like Tea/ Coffee Board

    b) Dedicated warehouses in all corners of the country to store items.

    c) Good Quality Control modules along with dedicated Inspecting


    c) Good Transport System to ship in and ship out the products without

    much damage

    d) Last but not the the least educated Growers and Traders

    Thanks for highlighting the points that are required for making the

    SCM ,a success.

    As Narmata have told,cold chain is a must for perishables and to meet

    out the odd requirements.

    Yes,SCM do need proper planning,implementation & efficient

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    controlling of the products for effective flow of storage goods,services

    and related information from the point of origin to the point of


    For this as you said,Agribusiness educated traders and growers arenecessary.

    Basically harnessing the technical know-how will work effectively.

    Agribusiness should to IT enabled too.

    Then the big corporate players like Reliance, ITC, Tata has to come

    forward taking up this project as not just a business opportunity but

    something more. You can refer to the e-choupal project of ITC which ismost probably the best example of a "Win-Win"game.
