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AGK BOOK .REVIEW. - Bowie State...On Wednesday Harch 23, 1966 at 1 :.00 P . N six students departed...

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••• Let her (T.cuth) and Falsehood' grapple; who ever knew Truth put to the worse in a free a:1d open encounter?" ·- Milton , Areopagitica Vol., - 2'. - NG,· 6 W~~l:Q·y_)~ev-ts --Sheet 0f the Bowie Press Club March 24 1 1966 .' lffi..J' INTER-IX)fu'ITTORY COUNCIL FORHE D (J The for ming c,f := n.ei -: organization, the Inter--Dor m itory Council of ,;Bowie s·tate College, was app roved and accepted on March 15, 196 6. The aims ~f this . organization are : 1. To promote bett er li<ring conditions for all dnrmitory residents. 2. Prc mo~ e standards that will be well r espe cted . 3. To e ncourage the attendence a nd p art : cipation of as many educational affairs as:pos siple on campus so that we migh~ brcaden our knowledge of the world .. 4o Sharing of the policies of ea ch dormitory for the impro,,~ment o:f al l. 5. Generally, this organization will dd all it can to impro,re our dormitory ~ -ffe morale and social standards so +.hat c a·mpus life can be remember ed by e,reryone who at tends the college . EDITORIAL A DU.IE-STORE EDUC ATION This month , f or perhaps the first time in a decade, the st~dents at Bowie haire not - be en apathetic to the issues surrounding them . Quite to the contrary , this month has witnessed th~ united strength of the stud~nt body against a_ dministra~i,re policies p roi ,en to be undemocratic , or li,ring .t:acil i\i es known to be : ·- .nadequate , ar9ha,ic and unsanitary. At no other time howe,rer, has student acti,rism been. so hea~rily c ritized by ~he adil)inistrati~n than it ~s now. Many administrators see~ to be more concerned with passing the buck to the students, or criticizing the Grie,rance Committee 1 s organization, than to paying a ttention to the real is sues at stake , As long as adm1.nistrators continue to follow this policy , students will be frustrated in their attempts to establish an;r type of student-administration coope ration, and students will fail to rece:i.,re the · edb.catiori they pay for. EASTERN STATES ASSOCI ATI ON PONFERENCE On Wednesday Harch 23, 1966 at 1 :. 00 P . N six student s departed from Bowie to attend the Eastern Stat es Ass ociation . Confe rence for Teacher Education. The •, r epresentati ,res are: Miss Harsha B rown-:Freshman, . Mr. Blondell Mason- Sophomore, Hr . Charles Butler-.Junior, 11iss Linda Veney- Senior , Hr. Joseph Austin-Stude nt Gov·ernrnent , Miss Lawon Hinton-,Miss Bowie . Miss A. Edw<!I'dS and . Miss A. 11. Elam . 0 are chaperons. 0 Hiss J . p. Elam is the faculty deleg.3:te. The. representati~res , will be staying at the H-:>tel New .Yorker.. They will return March 26. 1..966 .. ''
Page 1: AGK BOOK .REVIEW. - Bowie State...On Wednesday Harch 23, 1966 at 1 :.00 P . N six students departed from Bowie N six students departed from Bowie to attend the Eastern States Association

••• Let her (T.cuth) and Falsehood' grapple; who ever knew Truth put to the worse in a free a:1d open encounter?"

·- Milton , Areopagitica

Vol., -2'. -NG,· 6 W~~l:Q·y_)~ev-ts--Sheet 0f the Bowie Press Club March 24 1 1966 .'


The forming c,f := n.ei-: organization, the Inter--Dormitory Council of ,;Bowie

s·tate College, was approved and accepted on March 15, 1966. The aims ~f this .

organization are : 1 . To promote better li<ring conditions for all dnrmitory

residents. 2. Prcmo~ e standards that will be well r espected. 3. To encourage

the attendence and part : cipation of as many educational affairs as:possiple on

campus so that we migh~ brcaden our knowledge of the world ..

4o Sharing of the policies of each dormitory for the impro,,~ment o:f all .

5. Generally, this organization will dd all it can to impro,re our dormitory

~-ffe ~ morale and social standards so +.hat ca·mpus life can be remember ed by

e,reryone who at tends the college .


This month , f or perhaps the first time in a decade, the st~dents at Bowie

haire not -been apathetic to the issues surrounding them. Quite to the contrary ,

this month has witnessed th~ united strength of the stud~nt body against

a_dministra~i,re policies proi,en to be undemocratic , or li,ring .t:acili\ies known

to be :·-.nadequate , ar9ha,ic and unsanitary. At no other time howe,rer, has student

acti,rism been. so hea~rily critized by ~he adil)inistrati~n than it ~s now. Many

administrators see~ t o be more concerned with passing the buck to the students,

or criticizing the Grie,rance Committee 1s organization, than to paying a ttention

to the real i s sues at stake ,

As long as adm1.nistrators continue to follow this policy , students will be

frustrated in their attempts to establish an;r type of student-administration

cooperation, and students will fail to rece:i.,re the· edb.catiori they pay for.


On Wednesday Harch 23, 1966 at 1 :.00 P . N six students departed from Bowie

to attend the Eastern States Association .Conference for Teacher Education. The •,

r epresentati,res are: Miss Harsha Brown-:Freshman, . Mr. Blondell Mason- Sophomore,

Hr . Charles Butler-.Junior, 11iss Linda Veney- Senior , Hr. Joseph Austin-Student

Gov·ernrnent , Miss Lawon Hinton-,Miss Bowie. Miss A. Edw<!I'dS and. Miss A. 11. Elam . 0 •

• a r e chaperons. 0 Hiss J .p. Elam is the faculty deleg.3:te. The. representati~res ,

will be staying at the H-:>tel New .Yorker.. They will return March 26. 1..966 .. ' '

Page 2: AGK BOOK .REVIEW. - Bowie State...On Wednesday Harch 23, 1966 at 1 :.00 P . N six students departed from Bowie N six students departed from Bowie to attend the Eastern States Association


'Ir'' .........


Franny and Zooey . by J • . D. Saltnger zo2··'pp~··'New·York : Little Brown· & co·. Ini . 1$.·75 ·

J D. Salinger , with his incomparable style , never f ails to superimpose

the comedian ' s ra~or- edge wit on the strangely tragic . Franny .and Zooey . ' ·~-possesses the same unrestrained form and outlandish poise of The Catcher in the

~ye . .. Franny and ZooeY._ Glass like Holden Caulfield , are the cr azily real , the

diseriented and confused replicas of modern youth • • ~. -l

The counterfeit world of. F.ranny is r ampaI).t with know:- it- all s and imposters : . ' :· • ~ ... i

who are dazzled by the raiment of knowledge. Franny , a confirmed Buddhist and ) .. . . cµltist , i..tnpulsi,rely l ea.res her Ivy Leaguish boyfriend on grounds that he is , . ., ~ . . . . '

insincere , shallo-:1 , and plainly egottst;ic~ Frannie is- afflicted with a mal ady -

pe~haps a malady common to us all , tpough_not so cryptically reystic - th~t turns . .... ···- .. . .

her against her .. ~imthentic peers .,,

-~oo:~y , the amateu_r act<:>r , is 1:,he hilar_iously coarse and ir:r_-e,rerent , · but

likable , member of the precocious Glass family. There is unabating d~votion

between Franny and Zooey that absol~res all disagr eement . Zooey communicates

with _his--·neuroti.c sister as if a common link-· in understanding existed among

the maladjusted .-

·what is the symbolical significance of "Seymour I s Fat Lady11 ? Why is e,rery­

one in the world , according to the Glasses , "Seymour' s Fat Lady 11 ? Listen to

·the wisdom of Zooey as ·ne consoles his sister on the telephone~ These and

other scintillating experiences ~e Franny and Zooey imperati,re for all college

stud.ents . I must forewarnt ·hcwe,rer , that Salinger is habit-forming .


March 25, 1966 , 8 :00 P U. 11cKeldin Gymna sium Double Feature ' (Color 11 That Touch of Nink 11 starring - Cary Grant , Doris Day .and Gig Young 11 lfa.rnie 11 - starring ·sean Connery , Tippi I-tedren and Diane Baker

An AlfrGd Hitchcock Thriller

Harch 26 , 1966 , 8 : 00 P 1'i. Blue Room Record hop

l-1arch 27 , 1966 NcKeldin Gymnasium Vespers 4 : 00 PH.

: I

The Saint Augustine ' s College Concert Choir and Vocal Ensemble in a musical rendition at 7 :00 P tr .

Jfarch Jl ; 1966 Assembly 10 :00 A.H. Reports from the r epresentatives attendin~ the Eastern Stat es Assoeiation Gonference .

Tonf~ht ~at 7 :00 P H·. a r eprese·ritati~re from a cosmetic firm will gi,re a

demonstration and present free beauty samples ·to all who attend the Charm Sch~ol . ml- - _ , --- --.!"\. -. 1- ... '- .,., • ..L'I

Page 3: AGK BOOK .REVIEW. - Bowie State...On Wednesday Harch 23, 1966 at 1 :.00 P . N six students departed from Bowie N six students departed from Bowie to attend the Eastern States Association


Stu~0ntc ;~o h-~c mi~ced the previous pre s~mmcr sc~ool nc~cduling

meeting.'.> 1,D. l h " VC 2:n o:r,>port;uni ty to mco·L on ifr.rd1 30, 1966 , i il r-oom

l?.5 from 12- I .. Ll l si,uo.en-'vs il::. tore stcc: in -t2tin3 nccc.cc: cour :::ea dur-

ing the summer , r e urgct t,o c~t tcnc this mcet i ne; . "Tc e,r c schcdt~l ine thi s·

:::;ession ::,o tho sc stuc1 c1i ts nl 1::::J. i nc; t o <'.t-~cnc'. :;umr.1 er sc>,o o J. lii.l ~- h ::-:ve

some s-:-y 2,s to nccc~.ed aummcr s chool col:rsc of:2~ri nt:;G


Libr '-' ry on ~Ted.ncs-G:-.y , L::--,rch 30th. to fi ll out fo:;:-.ns for ,,,dmisc.ion into

te8,chcr c ::1.u c ::-,ti rul pro ~:rcms . It i::; im'IJ'e2r.Live 1 thr.t atucl ents r-,cort:-,in

their ~,d.1~1 i csion stc,tus sinc e stute•1ts -::l"o "'·.re o:i ·)ro··,<-ti on or other

,;rise in ~-c --.c,emic c~.iff icul ty ~r i l2. n ot 1)0 -:-clni ti.,cc: i 11"t,o tho p rograms .

HELP '.!JJT'.:·:;D

~edi ~ St~tictics, I n c ., ~ loc~l mrr~ot r csc~rch cornry~ny , of 0121

Geor goc'.: J.:v.c .,. 3 iJ.ve i- S-:?rin ~, , l.:c:,ryl8'nd nccc-:.s cummor clcric c.l h clD d.u r -

t ho p crio C:. from J u~o 13 - .:tigu ::;-'(:, 15 . :Jut,i cs inc ::. t!.G.C eC:i t i c 0 ncl t<rn­

le;ting r o..dio ~nc.:. TV cuc"'..ien.ce mor svrcrncrt, :r8corc.s . ITo ty,,il'l & ic r ea u ir -

eC: . • Lbil ity to rro r!: ~cccr··~o~y c-r.2. - flri:r f'lr r'ct-i~- is c src:;1tic.l .

Hours e,1'e from 3:30 ".,. m. - 5:0') J!l'· ·l'n., 1·011.c:.-7 t'1.rol'2:~ F rirl!'.y . ~H . 5O 1')er

hour •. Testinc , ri,,--, r .. ~-...... rocrui J.:,in ~ ~7il l t~.?.-:c :n:i.::-.cc du.rin ~ Snriu G v ~c-"',ti.on---

Lpril 7 , 3 , 9, -nc 11. Cell fo r t-JF=oin-'vm0r·~ i'z.rch ? -· - 31 , 1:ct1:c--::n 9:00

f;),Il'l t,nd l?. : 00 n boff·. l...sk' for ffrc . ~-feifr.c l o:r' l°:i.sc. D"t!rk:i.n --505-516:"l .

(:3xccr"")ts from ~\mcric 2.n Ls:-;oci:-i,tion of Uni~01 5ity P:ro :f-c 5so r s i:h:ll~ t.in }~

III . Stulcnt Lffr~r c

In st.uo.cnt ,.,_ff i r s, c or-'v in st -:1c.: re'.::: r.1t:r.t be r.1::-in t:-,i:..1c t i Z t:10

e c ~lemic froc&om o~ stufcntc • I '? °' 1 0 ~o · c ,rcscrveu .

~ . ~rco~om from i x~itr " ry ~i~cri~ in"tion . Col leges ~n& univer si ties

.,, Jl c-:·: ... (:--,.n.t~ to ·--m>li c f --.ci:1_it1_·_~s i ·1 t'~0 l oc 2.l community. O,C Ce S S .t Or ", . - v,.__ . -

: . Fr cec:om o f i sr-oci -:~ion . ::n,uc.cnt::: bri·1s to


-~11.c :it

..., .,l . Co1·11"1·11ul-: J·.·u'··. 11°·10" -_,·r ::]".OU ,_. ,- ',o .ro.l.I~O':'" to n .. r·r;·rn i z c member~ 0 1. i:.i 10 ~.c'"f onnc .!. y -- - -.: u

Page 4: AGK BOOK .REVIEW. - Bowie State...On Wednesday Harch 23, 1966 at 1 :.00 P . N six students departed from Bowie N six students departed from Bowie to attend the Eastern States Association

one ;toin 2,ssoci0,tions to ·?remote t ~.0ir common i nterest .

l . i .. ffil b --,tion ~d th ~,1:.. cJd',1·c,mur <',l or g::1.1i z~.tion sho'.llC. not o f

i tself ;;-.ffect. reco gni tion of 8, stuc.cnt- orr,~niz:-tion .

?. . :-:::r.ch or ::..,niz~,tion sh:rnlc" ho :r'r0 :: to choose .. :i ts.· 01m c~nnm~

,:i thclr 2,~m solely hec:-ur.c of th8 .inabi li ty of ['., otu(lcnt org:-.niz:--,tion

to secero ~.n ~.cl.:viso1· . i'erabor::: o-Z the f--..cuJ.Jvy serve th<) c oller.;c c_om­

munity when tncy r,ccc:'.:it tb.c rcs·::1Cnsi~)ility to 2.d.visc ~nc. consult rd.th

t , c:t'_noulc~. "ot lF 'rc the rxthori-'.:,y to control .student orgc;nizp/e,i ons; s.rny ~ - L " -

the p.olicy o f such or ~r.u."!. i zr--, t ion s .

·~ , 3. Stuo.cnt ., -' 1- · • t on ·L org::-ni z c. ti 0,1 s m~.y be require ' e,o suoii1l. a curr ·:. 1.,

1 i st of O f:r:'i c 2 r s , but they chot:.J.c-:.. not b e rcq\."!. iro{:_ t o snbmi ·::, a membc.r­

shi u l is t :::·,s 2. con0. i ti on of i :.1s titution ::: . .l recognition .

( To be continued) next week

P rc::::i .. dcn t 7i ll i 2m Ecnry :i'CSPonc.~c c to the invi t~ tion to the

i.~en ' s Sen;:d;,c me8ti:n c; on ·:re!.:1.n eaC: :---.y , hl ~.rch 16 , 1963 2,t ten o I clock.

: .. 1 though the 1: cn ' s Sen.rte in-l:,cntod t '10 m00tinc fo:r cn c~~ginr; the

P r ·esidcnt in r., <1uostion cn :l. f·si'i:;rr~r :•:>0riot , ·nr . Henry monopoli zccl

i:fue hour meetine ~,y givin 0 t h e history of :Bo~1ic 3t:.o,Lc Coll0£,e r :--.nd

c:11 the tricls P.ncl tri b uL:·.tion s of' Jo,,ie in the nc-.s t .

i..ftor th0 history , ~,c lirf: c ver y short q1.:estion ?no. r...J.1.s~10r

Then Er . Cox, the :Jormitory Director Ql1.0. J:obert L ennon,

the lttcn I s Scn t-":tc I ' :::-c ::, i d.ont , :::-nd -D:r .. Henry ·t,ourod the· lmi lc:in c, to

f'.:'mili r:rizc Dr . !·Ic'J.ry 1·;iJv'..:. our l ivin5. CO:'.l.(;~_ti c-ns .

thr',t it t2,k.0s t:i.me , hut ho'.i lon e c"' .. oc~ it tdrn -'.:,o r<F>l· .ce :;. lia-ht

bul b in our 1_ i gh t l?O l 0 i n :rron t of Ifo lm cs H ~11?

'.i'hc Eon ' s

J ::,,mes Pony

Students are r eminded of the change in the Easter recess . The Easter recess

will begin April 7 , 1966 at 5:00 P M. and end April 12 , 1966 at 8:00 A. M.

Students ar e r equested t e turn in all registration forms still in your

possession to .the Registrar ' s 0ff ice . Students .. are asked to-.t • rn, Jin, •

their physic~l f •rms to complete second semest er r egistration .

Page 5: AGK BOOK .REVIEW. - Bowie State...On Wednesday Harch 23, 1966 at 1 :.00 P . N six students departed from Bowie N six students departed from Bowie to attend the Eastern States Association

. .,.



by Sandy Johnson

Mr ~; Pec1rmah , . c oach -of the track' t eam)announc·ed today that there will be

a· meet at Towson Stat~ College on March 29, 1966 a t 3:00 PM. The T~~

Triangle Meet will in"(rcl"(re the following schools: Towsnn B,-,wie .and Coppin.

The outstanding prospects are : J ames Alston - mile runner; William Beckwith -

100 yq. . dash; Craig Grey - 100 yd. dash ; J ohn Meekins - hurdle;.-Alfonso ·Powell -

pole ,rault 13 ft . ; Wendell Holloway - 440 yd.

Intramurals are open to wnmen students a t Bowie State College. If -;y ou

wish to joµi the basketball team, please sign your name under the proper

.• _;t; c-lass:i.fi.cation .

·. !-:" · ·.:--1.fhei',,gyni· is open to you whene,rer Y""U are free and there isn I t a class

._, s ·chedtlled. You may ·participate in the following acti,r.ities : Basketball-,

'Ar~hery ,'; Tennis , Badminton, and Snftball . Please .'.co:usult Miss Poston or

Mrs~ Vessels on the details fnr any of t11.e ~ctivi.ties .

Nr . Jordon stated that he r e ce i ,red a -statement fr.,m t he f1aryl anc1. Inter­

collegi ate Conference . It contained the following informati~n : Larry R~ss

·has been selected on the all-cenference team, Stanley Yeldell was sele~t ed

f &r the all- tournament team and Arnol d Ballard wcis. gi,ren honorable mention

f or all conference team.


w L Game Results

Freshmen 8 1 Soph--,meres 61 Juniors 4~ I

Commuters 5 2 Commuters 42 Fr e s'itnen 39 Sophonu:,r e s 3 4 Freshmen 76 Juninrs 27 Juni-t9rs 2 6 Sen1:·ors 0 5


Name Game FG FS Total Ave .

Chris Richmond 6 30 15 75 12.5 Al""'rin Hall 8 38 23 99 12. , Henry Anglin 9 41 23 105 11.6 Lyn Henley 9 33 31 97 1~ .-;v Stanley Chase 6 30 3 63 10.5

Any students interested in modern dance or creati""'re dance please contact

Miss Poston f~r further information . There is a need for students t o j oin the

dance group .

Page 6: AGK BOOK .REVIEW. - Bowie State...On Wednesday Harch 23, 1966 at 1 :.00 P . N six students departed from Bowie N six students departed from Bowie to attend the Eastern States Association

-~ '•


After a superb actiiri-t.y sponsored by the Mens Senate on Friday night ,

thie,rery occurred in the dormitory. The remaining refreshments were to be kept

-: to serve the Sai nt Augustine Choir fro!!l North Carolina which, the Men 1·s Senate

will sp11msor on Sundci.y, March 27; however, someone j ust could not wait that long

to eat cookies ~gain t.

Ten pounds of cookies and some potato chips were taken.

This letter is ~o acquaint the men of Holmes Hall with the ~eality of

ha"fjing profess,ionals am:)ng us. Al tl"w'ugh the witnes.ses and the eiridence was

substantial enough t ,-, point a finger at the gui],ty parties , we feel that when

you are hungry,- if t hat is the doubtful case you will do things normally

not. done. ~\


To- ·1et the guilty parti es know that they h2.d loopholes in their planning ,

here is what ha:Ypened~ As we transported the refreshments from an automobile

to a storage closet in M:::- Cox 1 s office, one of t he -11 fa,ithful11 misjudged the

office door and uent into the bathroom. A second member just happened to be 7• ,,.· ::. : : " '

outsidB the bathroom wind.ow , whe~ lo and behold, there came a box sailing out

the window. Rather than r i sk ha,/:i.ng the .. box fall on the gro~nd. and possibly

ruining its contents , it was caught and carri ed to the student 1s room)at least ,. . until it was safe ~o r~turn i t Unintentionally, of course, it slippea his

mind ~o r .eturn t li,e box,\'. Simul-taheO'Clsly: a third person left the scene of the

crime w~th four of the te11 pounds of missing coSkies in his car. More action


Men 1s Senate Wel don Johnson r


In the strife torn world t oday there is a crying need for greater unity.

Di,risions and spec~al interest groups are breaking down t he foundations of

>· ,-,. ' ci,rilizati~n all oirer the world.

In the· D,-minican Republic we find strife among such groups as the 1Jrt ,

the right and the middle of the road interests. We also find in t hat country

feuding between local ~nterest and f oreign interests . I

There is strife between Pakistan and India. In Vietnam there is a struggle

betwEkn the communist s and anti-communists , the Catholics and the Buddhists . The

div;o..s'ioh and strife cost thousands of li,res and billions of dollars in our annual

spendingo This heartache, bloodshed and loss of economic r esources is found in

a world that is sick from disunityo

[nstitutions l~f :higher learning should be the place wher e peoplet\ l e:arn te ... ,\ ~\ It

come together to ha,re a meeting of minds, It is the pl ace where mankind should

look for intelligence. We shoul d set an ex~pl e by showing unity within our ranks

that will be a light that is shed on the dark places of the earth.

Page 7: AGK BOOK .REVIEW. - Bowie State...On Wednesday Harch 23, 1966 at 1 :.00 P . N six students departed from Bowie N six students departed from Bowie to attend the Eastern States Association



I n vie11 of the m2ny L.'1.cic.ent s o c curring in the p2.st on our cempu s ,

it c 2.n he pJ.::-,inly so-211 -::.:1~.t ~rn 1-.ck unit,y . This u~ity ic ihe re cponsi -

b ' l ·· t f l • f '1 -11 , l I n " "') C "" 1

p_' 0 ·v" 1 _ 1 ·y o a _~- o ~ us , .)o v 1 m on c,:J.C\ -:·or. en . I.. ·&,10 vo .. c:;:i. on 1:x.,-ou s c~o

res,oct themselves , they c,nnot CX"?cct, to be rosno~ci1: ::.c .

mon pr"'.ctice f or ~11y youne me,n to -,:,;nro-::-.ch ~. yovn[; l f'..c~y for c. ~.o cent )

convor·sc,t i on, bu t oc. 3o~·.-i 0 ' s c ~n-,us , tl1i s . ~ ! - ·~

h •

ic hi;thly i r1"9o ssi'Jlc . i..

l~,r c e ue r cent··ro o f tho fern ,· lo .. )_O ~ tl 2d,ion use 2,s rnuc h disr ecnecti'u:1 '-' , .• . V 1.· ·__,

l cngu c',f.C ( i f no t ri1ore

they mus·f fine'. scrnc mer-ns of osc -·.T)o • r.:'11 i3 oc-:::urs ;rb cn &nyono ( r.nd I

• mcf'n 2nyonc ) ,,, yo'C'.nC; o :r ol i:. m~r~, comas on c~m--;t~c vi-'vh [", c, r . Go c -n

~ • ~ - - • • • • - - .••• . , 4•

sit J.11. ... h..f s" Cc,r , · 2 J.,CJ: hi;; enci:10 ; _T-. lo,:r ; 1is hora ::-J,.1C. -?r~.c -ti s .s.lly G;rG.ry

• • young l ~dy in t~e f oroitory ~ill come convcrs;--.tion rri th

i s r-n imm2,turc z11C:: .. C:: .. i s-1~sriectful gctd:,~uc .. •

i " y d ,.,, c c n .... y· o i; rr'"'' 1 <'· c1 y WClJU ].d: - ...J.l ~ - - -- J - 1;..> - ..._ • •

s-c c~pcgo 2;~ , t:1cy c o:i-~in u e . .,, .)•

vO C::.o '' . ·0.rn::; ' '. ( . m, inly bcc~usc t~ci r o ~m men c"ton ' t -·

&s o the~.:-s .

m,, 11 .)•c -'1':1-:-r l.~ , ~. ~ · c::,-; ~. ,,.. · ,... '.'1 ·~ _..-::.. .L. ~ 1~ ":'\ ,.... ,.... i:• ;.. ; .. J .. .: .. G t1en , or- v-:i. 0 ,~. "'- 11 ., .. 1.C. 1 , J.. · . .,_n v, .• J .. 0 C•. l,c, · ... ::, vC,. ,.> eC · .U~..; vl'! l..!y

•· . . J

r',C CCD t r,nc:. soc i ~- Ii zc rn n.y of our o f :C-c c.r:mus nror;lcml. Thcv :--.re . - .., . ·' . .,

Thoy let t11cr.1 on·'vct thei r d2,...'l c cs not

. d r essoc1 D-'?T)H)l)i ::-.tcly J

9 wc r,r i :-1 : '"TIY hi:,c1 .. o:Z h ,.. t ( th-.t i s ,

their he -:-.c. s ::'.I'0 not coL' .. C[.C lik'9 . 3y doing -v.~.is,, t h ey f~il , o rob.Iizc

thr-.t thoy .... re 2,ic1in g ii.1 OUT G.Oi7Ilfcl l •

The old proverb , " ,~ l10l~sc clivi? .. ec .. c··m-:ot st :-na; 11 2.p")lics h e re.

Th-.t i s ~T~1y ,·,o sec 011.e o:f our fel l ow cl.::-,sn.1 r ... 00.'.:i .:;ctt/i;,1[i bec,t up by

outs i der~. ~.EC i·.·0 st ~:J.c.. -:,.1~olm'' lo:)Li!T::: • ·-,.c cveri :i:orn} c irc:l.-c::: 1 ro r , ... ~\o.bs

I f. iro our

- --. pr-,rt , sh:me bn.t fo~r i s our ~-.:u:;~·:cr . De on i·-:i. our :10,·r-t.s ,. t :: c r~ ct re-

It i :::; our ros"}on:::ibillty c-.s stl'.r- c .-:.,ts of Jo,:.:i.c 8t::.tc Coll oe;c tc

r oc,l izc th.,.t s::o r:iust live "'.Gon e f <' .. mily.

Page 8: AGK BOOK .REVIEW. - Bowie State...On Wednesday Harch 23, 1966 at 1 :.00 P . N six students departed from Bowie N six students departed from Bowie to attend the Eastern States Association

TJW goine to cl.o . ~sv-cntu~.lly it vill be un.s c,fe :for ~-.nyonc to ;-;--.-:J.!~ on

Cr.n thi s be :::d;on··, cd.? T-icn?

Ple ::-,sc . o •• o . ple ?.se help m~-:.lrn Bo ,;ic ,;h::·'G we voulcl like it to be ..

l.s I sec it~ -::c p r0 :::ontly 1 .:-.ck. unity.



Let all the forces of Bowie unite int~ one mighty mass . Let us cast aside

personal differences and unite for the common good . Let us all come together as a

derpocratic force and contribute to a cause which is just and right , We will be

~,rerne_<;i, .pY our dearest principles , our inalienable rights .

Mr . Ir,rin Cox Dormitory Director H~lmes Hall

INQUIRING REPORTER What measures d~ you feel should be taken against !ff- campus intruders who destr?y pr~perty and persrn·


( ' ..



(Seni.• r

Louis Edmonston - An effecti,re police force should be established and

the students should become unified against any ind~bridual on • r "ff t-

campus who may discredit cur school.

Roland Smith - There should be some type of limitation of 1ff- campus

persons f.Jr t.1e welfare .,f students on campus .

Connie Depew - I f eel that there should be some kind of protection #n /: \.

campus for the welfare of r esidential students . There should be more

security guards .

Ruth Lee - I f eel that there shoul d be some kind of laws regulating

.,c• utsider 1 s conduct on campus. The first time a person breaks a law,

he should net be allowed • n our campus. I feel that we definately

need more security on our campus .

Agnes Jackson - I think there should be more police protection~ I als..

think that anyone who is ~ot a friend of a student on campus should ~t

be allc-wed to attend actbrities on campus without authorization of the

Administrat :j.on •

. (Dcrm Directl"lr) Mrs. Sybria Johnson - Since I ha1re the jurisdiction mrer the Blue­

ror,m, I feel I ha,re the right to make this statement. Hy opinion is , i

that those persons causing trouble on campus should be gi ,,en the names

by those acquainted with them to the administration; and in turn , c• n-t_.

tacted by the administration and notified that this campus will be off

limits to them. In this ·way we would ha,re something to go on. If they

return to campus they should be prosecuted .
