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Agreement – A Kingdom Principle

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  • 8/8/2019 Agreement A Kingdom Principle


    AgreementAgreement A KingdomA Kingdom

    PrinciplePrincipleDerrick DayDerrick Day

    Agape Dominion OutreachAgape Dominion Outreach

    2010 Derrick Day


  • 8/8/2019 Agreement A Kingdom Principle



    Agreement is an essential principle of theAgreement is an essential principle of the

    Kingdom. Without agreement, it isKingdom. Without agreement, it is

    impossible to unleash the power of God inimpossible to unleash the power of God inour lives.our lives.

    2010 Derrick Day


  • 8/8/2019 Agreement A Kingdom Principle


    Natural ExamplesNatural Examples

    A natural example: in order for us to haveA natural example: in order for us to havemobility, our legs must be in agreementmobility, our legs must be in agreementwith one another and they, too, must be inwith one another and they, too, must be in

    agreement with our brain.agreement with our brain.Another example, marriage: the greatestAnother example, marriage: the greatest

    indicator of a sick marriage is the absenceindicator of a sick marriage is the absence

    of agreement. Without agreement onof agreement. Without agreement oncommunication, fellowship, childcommunication, fellowship, child--rearing,rearing,and finances, a marriage is doomed!and finances, a marriage is doomed!

    2010 Derrick Day


  • 8/8/2019 Agreement A Kingdom Principle



    Agreement is the point of power in theAgreement is the point of power in the

    Kingdom of God. When we are inKingdom of God. When we are in

    agreement with God and fellow believersagreement with God and fellow believersand citizens, he reveals His plan, Hisand citizens, he reveals His plan, His

    purpose, and His promises.purpose, and His promises.

    2010 Derrick Day


  • 8/8/2019 Agreement A Kingdom Principle



    Holiness is agreeing with and acting uponHoliness is agreeing with and acting upon

    Gods Word!Gods Word!

    Righteousness is being in agreement withRighteousness is being in agreement withGods Will!Gods Will!

    Being in agreement with God is theBeing in agreement with God is the

    manifestation of obedience!manifestation of obedience!

    2010 Derrick Day


  • 8/8/2019 Agreement A Kingdom Principle


    Definitions of the nounDefinitions of the nounAgreementAgreement

    1.1. the act of agreeing or of coming to a mutualthe act of agreeing or of coming to a mutualarrangement.arrangement.

    The first act of agreement was the creation of manThe first act of agreement was the creation of man

    Genesis 1:26Genesis 1:26--2828

    From the time of the fall, God sought men whoFrom the time of the fall, God sought men who

    would agree with him.would agree with him.

    EnochEnoch Genesis 5:24Genesis 5:24


    Noah Genesis 6:8Genesis 6:8--99

    Abram (Abraham)Abram (Abraham) Genesis 12:1Genesis 12:1--77

    We must be in agreement within ourselvesWe must be in agreement within ourselves

    James 1:8James 1:8

    2010 Derrick Day


  • 8/8/2019 Agreement A Kingdom Principle


    DefinitionsDefinitions -- ContinuedContinued

    the state of being in accord.the state of being in accord. Jesus and His disciples (first the twelve and thenJesus and His disciples (first the twelve and then

    the seventy) were in accord when he sent themthe seventy) were in accord when he sent them

    Matthew 10:1, Luke 10:17Matthew 10:1, Luke 10:17

    The apostles were in one accord on the day ofThe apostles were in one accord on the day of


    Acts 2:1Acts 2:1

    God promised any petition requested by two inGod promised any petition requested by two inagreement would be grantedagreement would be granted

    Matthew 18:19Matthew 18:19--2020

    No progress without agreementNo progress without agreement

    Amos 3:3Amos 3:3 2010 Derrick Day(www.derrickday.com)

  • 8/8/2019 Agreement A Kingdom Principle


    DefinitionsDefinitions -- ContinuedContinued

    an arrangement that is accepted by allan arrangement that is accepted by all

    parties to a transaction.parties to a transaction.

    God accepted the sacrifice of Jesus on theGod accepted the sacrifice of Jesus on thecross to satisfy the sincross to satisfy the sin--debt of mandebt of man

    2010 Derrick Day


  • 8/8/2019 Agreement A Kingdom Principle


    DefinitionsDefinitions -- ContinuedContinued

    a contract or other document delineatinga contract or other document delineating

    such an arrangement.such an arrangement.

    The books of the Bible are divided into twoT

    he books of the Bible are divided into twomajor sections: Testamentsmajor sections: Testaments

    God understood mans inherent distrust,God understood mans inherent distrust,

    therefore He put all His promises in writingtherefore He put all His promises in writing

    2010 Derrick Day


  • 8/8/2019 Agreement A Kingdom Principle


    DefinitionsDefinitions ContinuedContinued

    unanimity of opinion; harmony in feeling:unanimity of opinion; harmony in feeling:

    agreementamong the members of theagreementamong the members of the

    faculty.faculty. God gave Apostles, Prophets, Pastors, Evangelists,God gave Apostles, Prophets, Pastors, Evangelists,

    and Teachers to bring about unityand Teachers to bring about unity

    Ephesians 4:11Ephesians 4:11--1313

    Unity (agreement) is important, because without it,Unity (agreement) is important, because without it,

    God will continue to see us as spiritual babies andGod will continue to see us as spiritual babies and

    delay our full inheritance!delay our full inheritance!

    Galatians 4:1Galatians 4:1--22

    2010 Derrick Day


  • 8/8/2019 Agreement A Kingdom Principle


    ChurchChurch The Bride of ChristThe Bride of Christ

    Jesus said He is coming for a churchJesus said He is coming for a church

    (ecclesia, or legislative body, not a(ecclesia, or legislative body, not a

    museum of the saints) without spot,museum of the saints) without spot,

    wrinkle or blemish (Ephesians 5:27).wrinkle or blemish (Ephesians 5:27).

    Instead, we have a legislative body moreInstead, we have a legislative body more

    dysfunctional than the U.S. congress!dysfunctional than the U.S. congress!

    2010 Derrick Day


  • 8/8/2019 Agreement A Kingdom Principle



    We have the spot ofWe have the spot of doctrinedoctrine..

    We cant agree on the TrinityWe cant agree on the Trinity

    We cant agree on the SabbathWe cant agree on the Sabbath We cant agree on musicWe cant agree on music

    2010 Derrick Day


  • 8/8/2019 Agreement A Kingdom Principle



    We have the wrinkle ofWe have the wrinkle of denominationdenomination..

    We cant agree on worshipWe cant agree on worship

    We cant agree on dressWe cant agree on dress We cant agree on fellowshipWe cant agree on fellowship

    2010 Derrick Day


  • 8/8/2019 Agreement A Kingdom Principle



    We have the blemish ofWe have the blemish of racism, sexism,racism, sexism,

    and cultureand culture--ismism

    Sunday morning at 11:00 is the mostSunday morning at 11:00 is the mostsegregated time in Americasegregated time in America

    2010 Derrick Day


  • 8/8/2019 Agreement A Kingdom Principle


    The BridegroomThe Bridegroom

    What would a bridegroom say if heWhat would a bridegroom say if heapproached the altar of marriage andapproached the altar of marriage andfound his bride filthy and disheveled? Iffound his bride filthy and disheveled? If

    this is unsatisfactory for an earthly groom,this is unsatisfactory for an earthly groom,how much more so will it be for the King ofhow much more so will it be for the King ofKings?Kings?

    SoSo--called prophets keep looking up hopingcalled prophets keep looking up hopingfor Jesus to crack the sky! Jesus isntfor Jesus to crack the sky! Jesus isntcoming until our divine assignment iscoming until our divine assignment iscomplete!complete!

    2010 Derrick Day


  • 8/8/2019 Agreement A Kingdom Principle


    Washing & IroningWashing & Ironing

    Before Jesus comes we have someBefore Jesus comes we have somewashing and ironing to do. We need towashing and ironing to do. We need towash with the Word (Ephesians 5:26) andwash with the Word (Ephesians 5:26) and

    have some iron to sharpen iron (Proverbshave some iron to sharpen iron (Proverbs27:17)!27:17)!

    We, as the regents of and heirs to theWe, as the regents of and heirs to the

    Kingdom of God have much work to do!Kingdom of God have much work to do!We have some housekeeping to do beforeWe have some housekeeping to do beforeour Saviors return!our Saviors return!

    2010 Derrick Day

